#fire up the night
sunwarmed-ash · 10 months
🔥Sinful Sunday🔥
Fire up the night
Ship: Hank x Gavin x Nines x Connor
Fandom/Status: Detroit become human, one shot-completed
Tags: Foursome, bottom gavin, gangbang, workplace sex, voyerism/exhisbitionism, multiple orgasms, unsafe sex, Hank and Gavin have been together forever but def play with and are casually dating Connor and Nines, Daddy kink, sir kink, public sex
Nines leads them into the interrogation room, one of the only places in the entire building that’s soundproof and now Gavin is convinced Nines took him here to kill him. His apology is already hot on his lips, and as soon as the door closes behind them, it’s spilling out of Gavin’s mouth. 
“Nines, listen, I’m sorry-”
But Nines is cutting him off, stepping into his space and boxing Gavin in against the wall in two preconstructed steps. His synthetic hand is slapping over Gavin’s mouth and halts his apology. Gavin’s entire body flashes hot. 
“Touch me like that again without permission and I’ll suggest to Connor Hank should cage you as punishment.”
Gavin’s body flooded with equal parts relief and arousal. He didn't piss Nines off. Not really. Gavin really didn't expect the android to get a one up on him like this, but in the short span of time he’s known the android, he also knew Nines was a kinky son of a bitch. Didn’t bother Gavin. It benefited him plenty. 
As soon as Nines’ hand falls from his lips, so do all of Gavin’s hesitations. 
“Yes sir.”  
Nines smirked and his LED flashed yellow. Gavin’s heart pounded in anticipation of what was coming next. 
“Would you be interested in an audience?” 
Gavin groaned as fire licked down his spine and settled nicely in his guts. 
“Who- who are we talkin’ about?”
“Connor and Lt. Anderson have just joined us on the other side of the glass.”
“Phck,” Gavin panted, eyes searching but only seeing himself and Nines in the two way mirror. 
“Y-Yeah. I want them to stay,” Gavin nodded and Nines chuckled. Gavin can count on one hand the number of times Nines has laughed, at his expense, amused or otherwise. 
“Course you do, you little slut.”
Gavin whined. No reason to keep the sounds back now, but Nines silenced them once more with his lips. 
Nines kisses hard, and with teeth. He takes what he wants, and doesn't waste time asking. He’s everything Gavin aches for when he needs to get the phck out of his head and into the present. He’s fortunate, Hell he's phcking lucky he has not 1 but 3 boyfriends who actually take into consideration what he likes in bed. 
Gavin’s then quickly shoved onto his front and his hands are behind his back in the same blinding fast manervour he’s seen Nines use on arrestees too many times and Gavin is back in the present. It makes his cock ache, to be handled like this, and Nines phcking knows it. 
“Don’t hold anything back,” Nines instructs and its physically painful to try and disrespect a command that hot.
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mildlysedat3d · 5 months
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La canzone più giusta al momento ✨🔥
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frenchfries02 · 4 months
(16) Re-lighting the sparks that would either destroy me or fix me
This day I had a chill time with my best friend. Since Jr./Sr. highschool to college now. Let's call her, Quinn. Our friendship is pretty solid, she probably know everything about me except for this. I know she'd understand. We do stuffs like this. We talked about a lot of things and most of it made me reminisce about our times in the first college I got into.
As you know, or as you not know lmao.
I'm a college student, who is a sleep deprived- frustrated artist- a writer and a random hooman who rants about almost everything in life and what happens to my life.
I experienced grief. And I fvking always, almost rant about it here. I know I do not have a lot of audience yet, I also don't mind if there are just some or a lot. What matters to me is that there would be someone somewhere who I can relate with, or relate with me.
Grief. Messed up a whole fvking lots in my system.
There was a phase on my life that I have forgotten that we all die.
Because in that phase I was very focus on studying at school and becoming successful.
The first course I took was Psychology but after finishing 1 semester on it I shifted to Multimedia Arts (because on the ongoing 2nd semester which was the time I shifted course. I was already strucked by reality there.. which is when I experienced grief.), all the memories I had there was a lot to handle atleast for me and my being. Most of it are bad stuffs and some of it was fun times.
What bothers me the most is the bad stuffs. I had an urge to quit that course (psychology).
And I did.
After contemplating about it for a lot of times. It affected my family, relative, friends, romantic relationships, and people I know.
Quinn and I talked about it. I was a person who isn't that open or vocal when it comes to asking help or experiencing something heavy, cus I feel like I can do it on my own and she has a lot on her plate than mine.
By this day, I kinda cleared a lot of stuffs to her because we haven't really have a lot of times to talk about things. I haven't also really have the courage back then to actually tell them what I feel. In those times when they asked me what's wrong I just cried and cried. Also we tend to not expose ourselves very much in social media. We chat from time to time, but we have this vibe that we know we are also busy with our own lives and we respected each other on that aspect.
My perspectives, my feelings, what was I thinking in those phase.. the stories in our lives. This day I was able to strongly and bravely tell about everything I wanted to say to her and clear things up with her.
It made me realize that, even though I attempted suicide. The journey I've been through was mesmerizing to reminisce and sooooo weird for me to look back at haha. To the same point that it also makes me scared. I think I will always be someone that has wounds and bruises that won't be healed.
Never better, rarely fine but always corrupted.
This day is really something, it motivated and disrupted me in both same ways. Which made me feel the urge to be creative and try to still re-light the sparks that I lost.. which I'm still looking for again. Watching Miller's Girl movie also affected me in some ways.
I would always think that life is short because of everything.
I would always hope also that mine would be shorter tomorrow.
But I also hope now, that I can re-light and put back to it's place, the things that I have lost in me.
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FNAF Movie William judges Vanessa's friends..
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kloofspeaks · 8 months
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Josh Hutcherson as Mike Schmidt | Five Nights At Freddy’s 2023, dir. Emma Tammi
Part Two
Part Three
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cinnamon-flame · 5 months
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Starting off the new year with I think the most background heavy piece I've ever made! I think Rainwings and Nightwings would celebrate their traditional holidays together after the events of The brightest night. So this drawing is meant to show their cultures kind of blending together during a very joyful time. I remember talking about this concept with someone on tumblr a year ago but when I went back through my posts I couldn't for the life of me find it - so if your reading this, I remember you and this drawing stems from that conversation so thank you!
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 168
So. Apparently halfas are like phoenixes or something, which Danny would’ve really liked to know. 
See, usually with ghosts if they’re forced to retreat to their cores they reform as was, but apparently, since they’re still partially living, schrodinger's people and all that, halfas have to regrow their body from scratch. At least that’s what he’s understanding from Frostbite. 
But how come he has to deal with it? It’s Dan’s fault for trying to pull such a stunt! Oh, it’s either him or Vlad? Well fuck, he might have calmed down and is going to therapy in both the living realm and the Zone, but he’s waaay not equipped to raise a child except for like, monetarily wise. 
Well dammit, how long will this core incubation thing last, he has his new job in… let him check which offer he accepted again… He has his new job in Coast City that he needs to finish packing for and then all the rest of the stuff to do. 
What do you mean it’ll take months?! He doesn’t have months?! Urgh, fine. At least being a mortician isn’t that exciting, nor dangerous. Just hand him Dan’s core and he’ll figure things out for the living side of things. He’s sure Tucker and Sam wouldn’t be against helping, if only to try and claim favorite aunt or uncle spots. 
#dcxdp#dpxdc#prompts#Coast City is where Hal Jordan lives hilarious enough#I just chose a random city but honestly a green lantern city is hilariously on brand for where Danny would choose to move#He’s just a cheerful space core dude who is glaring down several ghosts & helping others move on while he’s working#He’s also slightly uncanny valley to people outside of Amity & doesn’t realize it#He runs into a reporter Wes at some point & okay the fact he looks like the lady doing math meme when seeing Dan?#Utterly hilarious#Danny holding a newborn with matching slightly pointy ears and claws :)#Wes who is *pretty sure* Danny is cis but is second guessing everything now:#Danny is going to do his best to avoid any hero BS#He’s trying to do his JOB#Who cares if he brings his baby to work he needs to eat and he isn’t going to hire a babysitter#Bby Jordan tried to set the house on fire during his last tantrum do you THINK anyone else can deal with him? That’s what he thought now ou#Ellie visits as well & straight up melts out of the wall sometimes like a horror movie#She has weaponized her goo powers and is also excited to show her dad her new gravity ones#Space Core Danny + Fire Core Vlad = Sun Core Dan#Ellie has a Moon core (something something phases of the moon & travelling across the night sky)#Danny is encountering so many rogues and heroes and just doesn’t acknowledge it because he has a literal BABY who can destroy the entire JL#He’s very tired and would like a nap now
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paper-lilypie · 1 year
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merry christmas
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trobeds · 1 year
i know the hunger games isnt about romance i know it isnt a love story but. theres just something so beautiful in the way peeta is the personification of what it means to heal and he /is/ the dandelion and the bread and the hope that things can be better even if they wont be fixed. even if the nightmares dont stop he will still hold her. wake her up and tell her shes alive. shes safe. and when its over and done and theres no more saving or protecting or trying their absolute hardest to die if it means keeping the other alive, the horrors dont stop. but katniss will still find that comfort in peetas arms.
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sunwarmed-ash · 10 months
😈Sinful Sunday Post😈
Sinful Sunday is up early! Enjoy some poly Hankconvin900!!! 😍😍😍
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petitesmafia · 8 months
hc i just think Dazai once swapped all the regular chairs in the pm meeting rooms to tall ones so when the execs met, Dazai watched in amusement as Chuuya struggled to sit (he had to do a little hop to get on and off the seat) and laughed at Chuuya's feet dangling bc he couldn't touch the floor
ofc Chuuya could've asked for a new chair BUT he's never one to hold up or interrupt a meeting for his own personal issue so he just deals with it...tho the second he locks eyes with Dazai and sees his (fake) innocent smile Chuuya just Knows it was him (he immediately starts plotting his own revenge)
Chuuya, looking a bit uncomfortable: Dazai, sweetly: Chuuya? is smth wrong? is the chair too...tall for you? all the execs turning to look at Chuuya: Chuuya, gritting his teeth: not at all. Dazai: just wanted to make sure <3
Dazai, trying not to laugh: oops! Chuuya would you mind picking up my pen next to your seat. i accidentally dropped it Dazai: if it's not too difficult of a trip getting down from your chair, ofc Chuuya: 💢💢💢 it's fine. i got it.
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otiksimr · 9 months
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A bunch of Whiteouts
Design credits: Top row (left to right): @magicpancil @seawing-vibes @wuzhere75 Bottom row (left to right): @fertbutt @ravioliet @jackalthesandwing
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kaeyachi · 4 months
Kaeya had always been an efficient and hard-working individual (he had to be to support Diluc in the background as his brother rose thru the ranks after all).
He has so much free time because he completes all his work way ahead of schedule. And if he still has enough time, he adds more to the workload in secret.
And once all of that was done and over with, he makes time for everyone. He has to. He feels as if every moment has to be given to someone else.
No one knows how he does it. No one has to know.
Every mission has a dozen strategies in line, and every battle plan is made with efficiency in mind. His perfect record will not be tarnished. He can't risk it (even if it baffles others that he would willingly activate a ruin guard just to prevent a failed mission. Jean disagrees with his methods, but Kaeya can say that the results say otherwise)
He needs to be quick.
And so he comes and goes like the wind.
Kaeya values time because he knew every second counted. He can't just stand there as if he were frozen. Time could run out in an instant.
Kaeya had only been late once his entire life.
He'd rather he never be late ever again.
It took one day of being of being imperfect for everything to fall apart. On that tragic day...had he gotten there on time... then maybe...
" Come on, let's get moving, traveler. We're not frozen in place after all. " Kaeya teasingly says. He stiffles a giggle at the traveler's exhasperated sigh.
"Yeah yeah, we've heard enough of you calling us a slacker. Can't you be a bit more patient?" Paimon whines at him.
Kaeya snorts, but acquiesces, hiding the shaking of his hands at the thought of being idle.
He imagines hearing a clock ticking.
Kaeya knows that that is his own problem. He tries his hardest to relax as he waits for the traveler to finish whatever they're making on the alchemy table because, seriously, it is supposed to be a relaxing day. There's nothing major going on, and his schedule is once again empty as intended. What's the hurry?
Kaeya taps his foot on the ground as he waits. He wishes he could take his own damn advice when he tells others to relax.
#kaeyachi randoms#kaeya#kaeya alberich#this is actually shorter than it originally was can yall believe?#kaeya with anxiety truther there i said it#kaeya cant stand being IDLE#get it? get it?#you see that is a play of words in reference to when he is stood idle on our screens. he is one of the more verbally impatient characters#and we also see it reflected on his actions both in fighting and at work. he has a speed boost bonus and if he isnt teleporting he is#actually moving so fast that he seems like it. this is what i also concluded that results him in large amounts of free time that only amber#seemed to be hardpressed about. the people of mondstadt find him reliable and approachable despite the lax attitude and frequent nights at#angels share. we also had lore tidbits before of kaeya straight up saying he finished all his work and jean saying that he also did the#backlogged ones. It is actually insane that we hear him relaxing frequently and i bet its not because of the lack of horses COZ LOOK AT HOW#BUSY THE OTHER CAPTAINS ARE. Also id like to think that he is a toned down noelle and that is why jean told him to watch over her training#give us noelle and kaeya interactions pls i kinda need it tbh#to all those that reached this far into the notes i actually have more to say so get ready#if it wasnt clear the only day he was late was when crepus died. everything fell apart for him that day so i can see some obsessive need to#just keep running around and doing things as efficient as possible. I also think that he found the knights slow and inefficient in several#occasions and he is willing to put them in the line of fire just to get their hearts pumping with adrenaline (and fear lol). idk kaeya is#just so anxiety-coded. impatience-core. Mr. dont waste my time type of guy. and also wow look i found a way to make his idles become angst#silly me ehe#oh youre still here? how about i tell you that kaeya-efficiency-alberich probably knows where everyone is at any time of the day?#can we honestly please give him more free time i need more of him tbh#fun reminder that bro is working around 3-4 jobs casually lmao#i also just realized that the notes is a whole nother post on its own#AND THE ACTUAL FUNNY PART IS I CAN STILL ELABORATE MORE ON THIS LMAO#wait let me add this one tiny idea too but he thinks time is so valuable. bro lost 2 dads and lost time with his bro + he significantly#lessened his time at dawn winery for quite some time. i can see why he is extroverted now.
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forgettingcrowbin · 1 year
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Bit of a Wings of Fire fan ngl
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deuynndoodles · 6 months
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[id: two hannukah themed sketches featuring the main trio from danny phantom.
in the first, the camera is outside a window, looking into a cozy living room with the fireplace roaring. several menorahs lay on the windowsill. closer to the viewer, tucker holds a shamash and waves his hand erratically; sam laughs at him. an arrow declares that he's "on fire". further down the windowsill, danny floats in phantom form, lighting his menorah with ectoplasmic fire.
in the second, sam and danny sit on the floor, playing dreidel. tucker sits in a chair, watching them, eating a sufganiyah. there's a large pile of gelt in the pot, while sam and danny only have a couple pieces. a plate of sufganiyot and latkes sits next to danny. sam grins, ג (gimel) announcing her as the winner. danny looks at her, deadpan. end id]
happy hannukah!
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