#finally got my friends schedules all lines up so I know when I can/can't text them so that's been super fun too!!
trenchcoatsbi · 5 months
Racer IS my guy fr!!! He's my silly idiot who can't say the word 'oyster' ans I love him so so so much!!!!
I'm hoping and praying that one day I'll at least meet a Racer. If nothing else then I want somebody simluar to my friend to torment /silly
like all my other friends I wouldn't torment. besides maybe Hels. but he was basically my nephew so- However the shared love laungagw of the newsises was a) violence and b) physical contact. I need to make a friend I can just drop by for the sole reason of starting shit. Please its good for my health-
Uh anyways. I will not be over Racer for a while :D
Hope you're doing good Phil! I'll probably send in another ask at some point, just to share a project i'm planning in Minecraft, but until then I wanna hear how you're doing :D - Voidling Anon
haha yeah I get that! My mumbo lives walking distance from me (or uh they live walkin distance from my house they're further away rn cause we go to different colleges) and I did not do it often, but being able to just go over and text them like "hey bro let me into your house rn" so i could go be annoying was so nice sajkfhl rahggh i almost miss them now (no one tell my friends but like god i love them so much...)
anyway i've been chilling? not chilling but I've been getting into some other media because i've decided I don't want to just be the mcyt guy in my friend group. Unfortunately in doing that I've somehow ended up being the vtuber guy & the one crying about video characters every other day (IN MY DEFENSE IN STARS AND TIME IS SO GOOD THAT I CAN'T HELP IT) but ehhh they'll get used to my new rants eventually.
uhhh most of what I do now is just like school work, hanging out with my roommate. and trying to work up the courage to make friends with my second roommate. She's cool and we like vibe but she's like really cool and responsible and I'm honestly just slacking in comparison to her so I just try and stay outta her way haha... So yeah it's mostly just like hanging around the dorm room or going on walks for me! I've also been watching anime with the roommate i'm buddy-buddy with already! wasn't much into anime or manga before but all my friends are slowly dragging me into it with them finally lmao
Other than that uhmmm I've been working on art for my art blog again recently! kinda lost motivation to do that when I was mainly doing requests, but we're so back babey! I posted there for the first time in like a month so that's nice :]! I'm trying to figure out what I'm doin over there cause tbh uhhh idk I'm just between a lot of things rn and I don't know if I want to keep the blog like it's been or if I wanna change things up.
idk I'm just goin with the flow for now but i do have work to do too yknow? i've bumbled my way into being the serious business guy (geez im so many guys... i wear so many hats) in most friend/social groups I'm in so even though I'm a massive goober who's usually goofing around I'm the one who deals with serious stuff and uh I can't take a break from that ever sooo... it's like vibing with a side of having to but on my business man pants every now and then to keep things functional haha
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nolita-fairytale · 11 months
burn your life down | chef luca x fem!reader | chapter six
summary: you go to luca's place for the first time and talk about what you might want to be.
warnings: fluff, eventual smut, eventual angst not use of y/n, conversations about divorce, slow burn, baby, second person pov, swearing, danish inaccuracies, very little connection to the world of the bear.
word count: 3.8k
listen to: the playlist is finally ready, though no promises that i won't add to it down the line! you can listen here.
a/n: i have a busy week ahead of me so i wanted to get this chapter out as soon as possible because leaving you guys with a kiss and no resolution is just cruel. that and i just can't get them out of my head. i promise that chapter two of 'don't want to walk alone' is coming. let me know if you'd like to be added or removed from the taglist!
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part five | masterlist | part seven
Luca doesn’t work nights – not on Saturdays, anyway – his hours are boringly predictable, starting at five AM for his daily pastry prep, while the rest of the kitchen – the ones that work on the line at least, take his dishes all the way to the finish line. 
He feels lucky, as he makes his way home from your restaurant, that he doesn’t have to do the late night thing anymore. Most of his colleagues get off of work around two, maybe three AM, before the restaurant closes from Sunday to Tuesday, and he doesn’t miss that schedule one bit. 
He’s also feeling pretty lucky because he hadn’t expected his conversation with you to go the way it had. Luca thought he’d come to your restaurant in an attempt to mend things, to reassure you that you could be friends and that the two of you could take a few steps back. Really, he thought that it may be easier that way –  perhaps the most realistic expectations for him to have considering it didn’t seem like you were ready. 
But then you kissed him. 
And he really, really hadn’t expected that.  
It’s not that he doubted your feelings for him – he can’t imagine that you’d spend all of this time with him, make such an effort to keep in contact so frequently if you weren’t feeling the same way – but Luca felt like the message was loud and clear the night of the ballet when you’d rejected his ask to keep the night going. He couldn’t hold it against you. You had only been divorced for just under two years, but it didn’t take the sting out of it – not even a little bit. So Luca had come to the restaurant this evening, sure that your answer would be no again: that you weren’t ready, that you just needed to be friends – something he’s willing to, something he wants to be able to give to you.
Luca had agonized over it all yesterday, and most of today, really. He knew that you’d panicked on Thursday, and he was eager to reassure you that you had nothing to worry about when it came to him; he didn’t want you to have anything to worry about it when it came to him. So he pushes the thought to the back of his mind, that one day, maybe a friendship with you won’t be enough, but he figures at best, that it was a problem for a future version of him. 
But the kiss changed things – or at least he hopes it does. He knows he can’t force it, but god, does he want you to be ready. As Luca enjoys his walk home from your restaurant – one that’s quickly becoming a well-known neighborhood spot – he heads in the direction of his Norrebro flat, deciding that he’ll just embrace the joy for now; embrace the fact that you kissed him because it’s not like he can predict what happens next. 
He replays the moment over and over in his mind: the way that you kissed him when words failed you, the feeling of your lips on his, the way his heart fluttered as he moved in closer towards you so that he could kiss you back. 
Before he gets home, he’s got a text from you, confirming that it’s alright that you come over later and he’s quick to reply yes, sending his address along with a ‘just text me when you’re on your way.’ Luca spends a little time tidying up his place in anticipation of your arrival. He makes a quick dinner – something simple, easy, a childhood comfort bowl of aglio e olio – before putting something old and familiar on the telly for background noise. 
By the time he’s managed to settle in for the evening, it’s a few hours later, and a ping echoes through his Copenhagen flat, alerting him that he has a message. Luca glances over at his phone to see that it’s a message from you, letting him know that you’re on your way.
His heart skips a beat. Luca takes a breath, before setting his book to the side, and makes his way to the kitchen so that he can put on the kettle. 
It only takes a few moments after knocking on his door that Luca answers, all smiles and nervous energy as you stand in his doorway, with a similar nervous energy. 
“Hi,” he greets you softly. 
“Hi,” you smile back at him, unable to keep your heart from melting. 
It’s now or never, sister, you think to yourself as words of encouragement. 
The soft golden light of his living room lamps bring a warmth to his already welcoming-persona, as you step inside. You’re not sure whether you should kiss him or not, the question hanging over both of your heads in a tenuous way, so instead, you let him pull you into his arms for a long hug. 
“I’m glad you came,” he begins, his lips moving against your hair. 
“Think I’d chicken out?” you chuckle in response, with your teasing question as you pull away from your hug. 
He laughs, locking his front door as he says back, “I… think that’s a trick question.”
“Fair enough,” you concede, because you’re not going to make him answer it anyways. 
The kettle he seems to have put on whistles, signaling that it’s ready, as Luca hurries towards his kitchen area in the open-concept space. You take this as a chance to look around his living area before you get to talking. 
“So this is your place,” you observe, speaking loudly enough that he can still hear you. 
“Uh, yeah,” he calls back to you as he fiddles with the knobs to his gas stove, cutting the heat. 
You hear him ask you how the restaurant was, how the night went, and you reply, exchanging small talk as you take in the scene. He’s got one of those places where everything has its place, everything has a home, yet it’s warm. Your eyes glaze over the grey couch that maybe seats three, that sits across from a simple, yet stylish coffee table. His bookshelf is bursting at the seams with cookbooks, copies of classic literature you grew up reading in school, and a photo of him and a woman that you can only assume is his mother. 
“Tea?” Luca asks you with a raised eyebrow. 
“Please,” you answer as you watch Luca moving around his kitchen. 
You take a seat towards the center of his couch, picking up one of his coffee table books so that you can flip through it. You run your fingers over the spine, making a note in your head that he seems to have a thing for trainers, examining Luca’s copy of Nike: Better Is Temporary that’s been thoughtfully placed on his coffee table. 
“How do you take it?” he continues, eyeing you carefully as you flip through his coffee table book. 
As you look up, your eyes easily find his, and there’s something in the way he looks at you, a coquettish glimmer that matches his crooked smile so well that it hurts, and it makes you glad that you’ve already made up your mind about what you want to happen after tonight. 
“Just a little honey,” you reply, watching as he drops a sugar cube in his own mug, adding a splash of milk. 
He hums along with the lo-fi hip hop playlist that plays softly in the background as he finishes up with both cups of tea, so comfortable in his own space – so comfortable around you. Holding tightly onto both mugs, Luca makes his way over to you placing your mug down on the coffee table in front of you. 
He smirks, glad that you’ve chosen to sit more towards the center of the couch and not at the opposite end, taking this as a good sign. You exchange a few more words back and forth, more of the ‘how are you’ and ‘how was your day’ and ‘what’ve you been up to’s’ as you drink your tea. 
Really, you’re just biding your time, dancing around the thing that you came here to talk about as you make small talk instead that seems to die out before it’s really had a chance to get anywhere. 
You and Luca settle into a pregnant silence once again, before you open your mouth to speak, mustering up the courage to be the first one to bring it up. 
“So,” you start, and all of a sudden you feel like a blushing schoolgirl with a silly crush all over again. 
“So,” Luca repeats, raising his mug to his lips before taking a sip. 
“You kissed me.”
You giggle, rolling your eyes playfully, as you reach for your mug like it’s there for emotional support. 
“I kissed you, yeah,” you echo, unable to hide the way the corners of your lips turn up into a smile in response to your admission. “Did you… like… that I kissed you?”
“Oh, yeah. No, it was great,” Luca rallies, enthusiastic yet somewhat clumsy. 
“Yeah, that’s… great,” you reply, less than gracefully as well. “Why is this… so hard?”
“I don’t know, love,” he empathizes, his eyes soft as he embraces the awkwardness with open arms. 
The two of you exchange a look – one of ‘what the hell are we doing’ – and a quiet laugh acknowledging that you both feel quite silly. Your heart swells, and the fact that you feel joy instead of panic is a greenlight as you decide that you might as well speed through it before it has a chance to change. 
“Luca, I-,” you begin, giving yourself time to get the words you want to say out. “I meant what I said earlier – that I really like you – and I do. It’s just….” You pause, shifting your body so that you’re facing him as you confess:
“I sort of… haven’t really dated anyone… not since the divorce.”
“No one?”
You shake your head. 
“I just… I haven’t been ready. Haven’t met anyone that I was really all that interested in either until, well till you,” you explain, hoping that it doesn’t feel like you’ve just raised the stakes with your admission. 
“So does that mean… are you telling me… that you are – open to this, I mean?” he asks, hesitantly, because he really doesn’t want to get his hopes up. 
“Yes. I-, I want to be. I think… I won’t know if I don’t try, you know?” you answer honestly, desperately wanting to make it clear that your hesitancy has nothing to do with him, as you muster up the courage to declare with conviction:
“And I want to try. With you.”
Before Luca can get a word in, it’s almost as if your words get away from you. It’s funny, really, that earlier you didn’t have the words to express what you wanted to say, and now it seems like you have too many. 
“And I would understand if you decided that taking a chance on a ‘maybe’ didn’t work for you because…” you trail off, succumbing to the nervous rambling in your head as the words seem to tumble out of your mouth. 
“Because you deserve a sure ‘yes’ and I-, I think I’m still discovering what that looks like for me. I mean, this is uncharted territory. And like… what if I don’t know how to do this? What if I’ve entirely forgotten how to date? What if I’m bad at it?” 
Luca sets his now half-full mug down on the coffee table before shifting his body so that he’s now a few inches closer to you. 
“Then we’ll both be bad at it… at least for a little bit, until we find our footing, that is…” Luca assures you, placing his hands over yours as he moves one more inch closer to you. 
And then he says this next part with so much confidence that you’re halfway to believing it yourself. 
“...because, I think this might be something we could be really good at.”
“Yeah?” you ask, your voice caught in your throat as you find yourself completely overwhelmed by this man’s kindness, his patience, and his compassion. 
“Yeah,” he nods in response, the corners of his lips turning up into a smile. 
You pull your hands away, just for a moment, so that you can return your mug to the coffee table as well, scooting a little closer to him this time. 
“So… would this mean… that we’re seeing each other?” you ask, contemplating the weight of the words that make up your question. You watch him carefully, searching his face for a reaction as he nods slowly. 
“Yeah, I’d like to start. Seeing you, that is,” he answers, his hands reaching for yours once again. 
Taken aback by his answer – and that it could really be this simple – you nod, trying your best to process as you mutter:
“Okay, yeah. I think-. Okay.” 
“Are you panicking right now?” he asks you softly, a more playful tone in his voice as you chuckle, closing your eyes for a moment. 
“Yeahhhh, a little,” you confess on an exhale, only feeling a little silly. 
“It’s okay,” he says, giving your hands a gentle squeeze. As you open your eyes, you immediately catch his, and you swear you could get lost in how deep and blue they are. You’re sitting impossibly close to him, and it’s taking all of your self-restraint not to thoughtlessly dive in – your head and your heart at a standstill, unable to declare a clear winner. 
“The thing is…” Luca trails off as his eyes flicker from yours to your lips, leaning in. “I don’t think a lot has to change. We already spend so much of our time together.” 
You lean in towards him too, wanting nothing more than for your lips to be on his again. 
“And we can take it slow.” 
“I’m good with slow,” you whisper, leaning in a little closer. 
“I just need you to talk to me, alright? If you start freaking out again,” Luca requests, and you know it’s a perfectly reasonable ask. 
“I will,” you agree with a slight nod of your head. You sink your teeth into your bottom lip, before continuing with your very important question of: 
“But not too slow?” 
Luca chuckles, and he can feel your breath against his lips as you speak, glad you’re thinking the exact same thing. 
“We’ll go at whatever pace feels right,” he declares, bringing a hand up to cup your face, dangerously close to you now as the two of you engage in a game of chicken. 
Luca could care less about who does what first, and he’s more than willing to light the match if that’s what it takes. His hand feels hot against your jaw and you can feel the anticipation between the two of you. 
“Can I kiss you now?” he practically growls, under his breath.
“Please,” you reply, before crashing your lips into his. 
This kiss is different than before – than earlier today outside of your restaurant. It’s no longer a first. And you no longer have curious onlookers, passersby on the street, or nosy best friends who can’t help eavesdropping to worry about. It only takes you a moment to react as you lean into him, deepening the kiss. Luca’s hands are warm against your body, cupping your face, while the other moves to your back, pressing you closer to him – something you’re more than happy to comply with. 
The kiss starts out slow, tentative, as Luca kisses you deeply, more than eager to pick up where you left off earlier, but this time with the confidence of knowing that time is on your side. Luca breathes you in as he sucks on your top lip, before pressing his tongue against the seam of your lips. Your hands slide over his shoulders, snaking one of your hands up and behind the back of his head as you savor the way he tastes like chamomile and mint. 
You’re reminded of how fun this is supposed to be – getting to know someone new, making out like horny teenagers, dating – as your tongue tangles with Luca’s, chasing his lips like your life depends on it. It’s as if all of your worries, all of your doom what-ifs disappear for a moment, when you allow yourself to relax and enjoy what’s happening. 
You said it earlier: you’ll only know if you try, and Luca – and the way you feel about him – really, really makes you want to try. 
You whimper as he pulls away, only to be pleasantly surprised as he begins nipping at your jawline, behind your ear, ghosting his lips across the bare skin of your neck. You feel him smile against your skin as he presses a kiss to the hollow of your throat, earning something between a gasp and a laugh from you. You forget how to breathe for a moment with that way he’s kissing you, but when Luca returns his lips to yours, it’s as if he’s realized that it’d be all too easy to get carried away like a runaway train. 
He places a slow, gentle kiss to your lips that takes up a full beat, then moves to the tip of your nose, leaving a gentler, more playful kiss there that earns a giggle from your lips. Finally, he presses the softest kiss against your forehead – one that seems to say: 
I care about you. 
He’s left you completely and entirely breathless as you begin to blink your eyes open, reluctantly coming back down to Earth as you exhale a:
“Big woah,” Luca echoes in agreement, as the two of you exchange a laugh again.
“In the name of ‘slow, but not too slow,’ I think this means I should probably go home tonight,” you say reluctantly. 
“I figured as much,” Luca replies, respectfully. 
“But… I’ll call you. Tomorrow. Maybe… we can have a coffee?” you propose, hopefully. 
“I’d really like that,” he agrees. 
You get up off the couch, as Luca offers to take your mug to the kitchen. You make sure you have all of your things on your way to his front door, before you stop, turning to him. 
“Thank you. For being so… understanding, so patient with me,” you say, because it really does mean a lot to you. 
“You make it easy, love. Get home safe,” he replies, kissing you one last time. 
Like you promised, you call Luca first thing in the morning, unsure if he’s going to be up already. You assume so, considering he’s at work most mornings at 5 AM, but you figure it’s something you’ll learn about each other now that you’re seeing each other. 
Holy shit. 
You’re dating again. 
And this time, as it all hits you, you find yourself more excited than nervous about the idea of dating again. Of course, it’s not like you’ve eradicated every fear, every thought, every what-if you have about starting something new with someone new, but the fact that that someone new seems to be the source of your excitement. 
You don’t spend long on the phone – just an exchange of good mornings, of how’d you sleeps, of you’re on my minds – as the two of you make a plan. 
A proper, yet casual date. 
A coffee date, you suggest, just like you had last night. 
Slow, but not too slow. 
It seems a little silly, considering you’ve been on a date before, but you remind yourself that in the end that date went horribly awry, and that although you’ve been to coffee with Luca before, this time, it really is a date. 
You decide to meet up at a coffee shop in the City Centre, something about pistachio croissants and getting there before they sell out, and before you know it, he’s waiting for you outside of your place, ready to lead the way. 
As you approach the cafe that Luca’s gone on and on about all morning, you spot a certain familiar three people sitting at a table outside, enjoying their morning coffees. You watch as Jesper goes on, animatedly explaining, perhaps this week’s spiciest sexcapade to both Mathilde and her husband, on the edge of their seats. 
Jesper, though mid-story, is the first to notice you and Luca’s presence, waving an arm to grab your attention as soon as he sees you. 
“Hej! Great timing. We were just talking about the two you,” Jesper calls out, as both you and Luca approach the cafe table. 
“Well, well. Where are you two coming from?” Mathilde asks, a smug smirk on her face plastered to her face. “Looks like you two figured things out.”
“Mathilde!” you exclaim as her husband lets out a hearty laugh, shaking his head incredulously at his wife. 
“My wife is a little bit cheeky – and alotta bit mischievous. You’ll have to excuse her from time to time,” the man says, extending a hand out towards Luca. “I’m Emil.”
“Luca. It’s nice to meet you,” Luca answers, as Mathilde shoots you a ‘you better call and tell me everything later’ look, as the boys exchange pleasantries.
Choosing to ignore her previous statement, you turn your attention to Jesper as you ask: “What’s going on?”
“Oh just having a little morning coffee, catching up on Jesper’s wild, single life… He’s trying to rope me and Emil into something this coming Saturday and I know that Emil’s planning on dragging me there whether I like it or not,” Mathilde jokes, playfully nudging her husband. 
“Jesper got put on the list for this club opening next weekend. We were just talking about who might like to join,” Emil explains simply. 
“That so?” you ask with a raise of an eyebrow in Mathilde’s direction. It’s a ‘how do I know that we are about to get dragged along with you’ kind of look, and Mathilde simply shrugs in return. 
“Jesper’s always getting invited to these kinds of things, so we tag along when we can keep up,” Mathilde explains, this time directing her explanation to the newest addition to the group, Luca. 
“Which is rare,” Jesper teases, earning a snort and an eye roll from his twin sister. Jesper turns his attention back to you and Luca with words of encouragement. “No, it’s perfect timing that we were just talking about you and then, here you are! A sign from the gods. You must come – the both of you!”
“I don’t usually work Saturday nights so,” Luca begins, glancing over in your direction to feel you out on Jesper’s request.
“I… could be up for it, yeah,” you answer, hesitantly as you send a small nod in response. 
“Great, it’s settled then. I’ll have them put you both on the list,” Jesper smiles an accomplished smile. 
You’re not sure what you’re getting into (and you’re sure that you’ll have to catch Luca up on Jesper’s wild adventures later), but right now, you think that maybe, you're entering a chapter of ‘yes.’
a/n: are we doing okay?! did we love the makeout!? are we ready for smut?!? yes, yes, and yes?!
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sydsaint · 10 months
My fav goofballs 🖤
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Summary: Jay's cousin joins AEW and catches the attention of Juice, Colten, and Austin.
The airport is oddly quiet for the middle of the day when you step off the plane. There are a few people around but not nearly as many as you're used to seeing as a frequent flyer.
After you've collected your things from the baggage claim you head out and scan the area for your cousin who's supposed to be picking you up. "Where is he?" You pull your phone out to see if you missed a text from Jay.
"Y/N! Over here!" Someone shouts your name while you're looking at your phone.
You look up from your phone just in time to see Juice coming at you full speed. There are two younger guys behind him looking slightly confused. "Juice?" You hold your hands out in front of you as Robinson comes toward you.
"You happy to see me?" Juice reaches your side and engulfs you in a hug.
"Always." You cough with a small smile as Juice crushes you against his chest. "But where is Jay at?" You can't help but notice that your cousin is missing.
Juice releases you from his death grip and returns you to your feet. "He had a last-minute meeting that he couldn't miss." He explains. "So he sent me and the boys. This is Austin and Colten Gunn."
You turn away from Juice and greet your cousin's new friends. "Billy Gunns kids, right?" You ask them. "It's nice to meet you guys."
"Pleasures all mine." Colten steps up first and offers you his hand. "Juice was saying that you were pretty, but I gotta say." He chuckles. "Words aren't doing you any justice."
"Awe." You giggle. "You must be Colten. Jay warned me that you were the flirty one." You shake his hand.
Austin steps in, not about to be overshadowed by his brother. "He's the flirty one, but I'm the handsome one." He insists and goes to shake your hand as well.
"Good to know." You shake his hand with another laugh.
Juice cuts back in and slings an arm over your shoulder. "Alright. You two are going to have to get in line. I've been working at Y/N for years now."
You roll your eyes and drop Juice's arm from your shoulder. "Well, I am single now." You announce. "So who knows? One of you might get a shot this time." You tease the group.
Juice perks up at the news. "Really?" He asks you. "When did you and Riley stop seeing one another?" He asks you.
"A few months ago." You shrug. "We just kind of drifted apart. Then Jay got me this new job in the States." You explain. "I'm pretty sure Riley is already seeing someone new."
Juice picks up your luggage for you and everyone heads out to the car. Austin and Colten post up on either side of you and start a casual conversation while Juice is walking ahead of you and playing luggage handler.
"So, do you two like hanging out with Juice and Jay so far?" You ask the brothers.
"It's been fun," Austin answers first. "Juice took a bit of time to get used to." He adds with a joking laugh.
You match his laugh and agree. "I've known Juice for almost a decade and I'm still not fully used to him."
"So he's really just like that?" Colten replies.
"Mhm." You nod.
As if on cue, Juice reaches the car and hurries to pull the passenger side door open for you. "Your chariot awaits, my lady." He bows with a goofy grin.
"Thank you, Juice." You giggle and slip into the car.
The car ride is filled with more flirty banter. Jay is waiting for you when you finally reach the hotel. He watches you exit Juice's car after Austin opened the door for you. The trio swarms around you like eager bees to a flower as you all cross the parking lot.
"You look like you're having fun." Jay quips when you reach him.
"This is the best group you've ever been a part of." You laugh. "I can't wait to see what kind of shit we can get into."
Jay rolls his eyes playfully and gives you a small hug. "I've got you a match scheduled for tonight if you're up for it." He informs you. "Though I made sure to let the boss know that it wasn't guaranteed so no pressure." He adds.
"Great! You know me, Jay. I'm always up for a good fight" You welcome the challenge.
Everyone heads up to the hotel to hang out for a while before it's time for the show. Juice offers to lug your suitcase up for you and you let him again.
"So Juice is your bellhop now?" Jay questions you on the elevator ride up to the room.
"He doesn't mind." You reply. "Right, Juice?" You turn to Robinson with a smile.
Juice beams with that signature goofy smile of his. "Of course not!" He assures you and Jay. "The lady should never have to heave her bag alone when there's someone else to do it for her." He insists.
"See?" You poke Jay on the arm.
"Whatever," Jay mumbles to himself.
Colten and Austin part ways with the group until the show so you, Jay, and Juice head for the hotel room. Juice sets your luggage down for you next to the bed in your room and you thank him.
"Thanks, Juice." You smile and sit down.
Juice nods and sits down next to you. "So, tell me more about how Riley broke your heart. And more importantly, how your old boy Juice can help heal it." He teases you.
"You and Riley broke up?" Jay cuts in from the other side of the room.
"Yeah, a few months ago." You nod.
You hear Jay mumble something under his breath before he turns back to you. "Great. So that means Juice isn't the only one that I've gotta worry about being all over you now." He complains.
"Hey! That's my job!" Juice perks up. "If anyone wants Y/N, they'll have to go through me."
"Yeah!" You laugh. "That's what I've got Juice for!" You laugh and hug him from the side. "And it looks like Austin and Colten now as well." You add.
Later in the night, everyone is backstage for Dynamite so you can have your first match in the company. You've already changed into your ring gear and are just waiting for your cue to head out. Austin and Colten are on either side of you, and Juice is standing right behind you.
"Okay! Let's go out there and kick some ass!" You adjust your top right as your music hits.
You walk down the ramp with Juice, Austin, and Colten accompanying you to the ring. You kick ass in the ring against Ana Jay and pick up the win. The bell rings and the boys all swarm you in the ring. Austin and Colten both hoist you onto their shoulders between them and Juice takes up the free space under you.
You laugh and relish in the ideas of all the fun you know that you're about to have in these next few months.
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phoenix-nerd · 11 months
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So a little bit of a vent, I know I don't post on here often but I didn't know where else to put it. Now from here forward, I'm going to leave a trigger warning for the rest of this text: Disease, Near Death, Starvation, Bleeding, general hospital stuff, health-related issues, talk of death, mortality, etc.
For context, I've been struggling with my health for the past couple of years. I never really brought it up to anyone and I tried avoiding it to the best of my ability. I had no energy and was tired almost all the time. My stomach was in constant pain and I could never figure out why. That was up until a few months ago when I experienced my first flare-up. I started bleeding internally and I couldn't stomach anything. I couldn't eat and I didn't eat for a total of 34 days. I lost around 38 pounds in just a few weeks, I lost my ability to walk more than three feet without collapsing, I was vomiting and excreting blood, I developed a Bartholin's cyst, and so many more symptoms. I couldn't even ride in the car without being in constant pain from the movement. It got to the point that I could feel my body dying. I went to E.R. over 8 times, each time they were never helpful and asked invading questions relating to my past traumas. I even got turned away at the door of the main hospital I was a patient for. It wasn't until the last visit that I was finally hospitalized and sent to a hospital in a different city. They ran several tests on me and for my first week there I was essentially comatose. During my whole stay, I was hooked up to I.V.s and had to get a PICC line put in my arm. I had to get put under and had some very invasive operations done on me which I am not comfortable enough to disclose to anyone. After they disclosed to me that I have Crohn's disease. That's why I didn't have the energy to talk or hang out with anyone, that's why it hurt to eat and hurt to not, that's why certain foods and spices upset my body more than others. They also told me that during a flare-up, I get open sores all over the inside of my digestive system. From my mouth to the end, and because I wasn't hospitalized sooner, one of these sores tore open to another organ. I'm actually going to schedule surgery soon and terrified of it and want it to be over already. They also told me that Crohns has no cure. I relearned how to walk, I had to learn how to stomach solid food again, and I had to regain some weight. I was hospitalized for a little over half a month. I now also have to go in every month to get an I.V. infusion so this hopefully never happens again but it's never certain as flare-ups can be completely random. Crohns is also a disease that can worsen over time so I can't help but worry it'll happen or that my body may reject my treatment. I also discovered that I'm 10x more likely at risk to develop cancer and a mutation of the BRCA gene runs in my family, so while nothing confirmed as that'll all be in the future, it's still a worry for me that I might develop ovarian cancer as my life goes on. All in all, I'm terrified of the future and scared of dying. I don't want to be alone when this happens but I don't want to hurt people if I leave too soon. I know the reality of that might be slimmer in reality than in my head, but I can't help but worry. It also doesn't help that lately my hair's been falling out. I've been distant with people for so long because I wanted them to leave me thinking I was a bad friend than ever forcing them to face the trauma of losing a friend early. I know that one day I will pay the toll to the river Styx (if my family can even remember I'm pagan and to pay my way) and drink from the river Lethe, but I'm scared of Thanatos collecting my soul before I could fully live the life I want. I know I likely won't die of this disease, however, I can't but worry and feel like my world is crashing around me. If you've gotten this far, thank you. I needed to get this out of my system. This will be my first and last post like this. So the rest of my page will be filled with whatever fandom I'm into or whatever fanfic I'm reading. So yeah, more memes instead of depressing stuff like this lmao. 
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lea-heartscxiv · 1 year
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SK8 ~Golden Week: Showing Spain. El Bar de Tapas~ - (May 1st in Spain)
Ainosuke as promised day they celebrated his birthday (Sunday in Spain, during afternoon where in Japan it was May 1st) is showing a bit of Spain to everyone in Golden Week, and this was day 1.
You can read it below cut line or on our Blogger where you can see extras of Day 1. (From me and @van-yangyin)
Blogger: English | Español
You can read below cut line ↓
Everything written at the end with this * symbol, is text in Spanish.
Monday, May 1st in Spain. Ainosuke got up, got dressed "well", combed his hair and got ready to make a video call he had scheduled with his "beloved" aunts, although in reality only one of them was the one who had the lead.
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**Video call with her aunts**
Ainosuke: Good afternoon, my beloved aunts.
Ichiko (Aunt A): Good morning Ainosuke-san. We've been late because they didn't know how to put this up. Are you making good contacts? 
Ainosuke: The most important thing is that we are talking now. And of course, I'm making good contacts. 
Ichiko (Aunt A): Remember to come back as soon as Golden Week is over. No, better a day earlier, because of time difference.
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Ainosuke: Of course, I'll do my best to get there sooner. 
Ichiko (Aunt A): Well, I hope that "I'll do my best" will be sooner. Also, remember not to dirty our family name, let alone abroad.
Ainosuke: Don't worry, it's something I always keep in mind. But even if I wanted to, it's hard to dirty here. 
Ichiko (Aunt A): Ainosuke-san, yes they can. There are people who know you there too. 
Ainosuke: In that case, you have nothing to worry about. I won't. - «Bitch, I know very well that you've sent someone to find out what I do, since with Tadashi you can't. What you don't know is that he has lost us.» - thinking.
Ichiko (Aunt A): Good. Because being with people who don't bring you anything is unnecessary.
Ainosuke: All people love Japan as much as we do. Excuse me, I'll say goodbye now. I hope my beloved aunts have a good night, see you again tomorrow.
Ichiko (Aunt A): Remember, Ainosuke-san, don't dirty the family name overseas. See you tomorrow.
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**End of video call with her aunts**
Once the video call was over, he tousled his hair.
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And then took off the top of his suit.
Ainosuke: One day less to bear your obligations.
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And put on his everyday clothes.
Ainosuke: Now time to go skateboarding.
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When mid-morning came, someone rang the doorbell of Shindo's vacation home and an elderly woman appeared in front of the door.
Older woman: Good morning! Nice to finally meet you, my granddaughter has told me a lot about you. I am Carmen. Pilar told me you were coming this week on vacation to Spain.*
Ainosuke: Nice to meet you, Carmen. It is an honor for me to meet such a beautiful woman like you.*
Carmen: When Pilar told me that you were a very handsome and kind person she wasn't wrong. I came to invite you to spend the noon in my bar, I know that today is the worker's day, but we have prepared a special place for you and your friends, although if you don't mind you may find many more people because we have gathered all the family.*
Ainosuke: Thank you. If you give address to my secretary, we'll be glad to come.*
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Carmen: So young and you already have a secretary?*
Tadashi: Excuse me.*
Carmen wrote the address to Tadashi and said goodbye to all of them. Thanks to Carla, most of them could understand what she said, as Carla translated it out loud. So once she left, they all continued with what they were doing until it was close to noon when they got ready to leave.
The bar is also a restaurant and is called Bar-Restaurante Casa Carmen.
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Tadashi: This is it, Ainosuke-sama.
Ainosuke: Perfect, a tapas* bar.
(*) tapas says it in Japanese
Reki: Ta-pa-su?
Ainosuke: Yes.
Reki: What's that?
Langa searched the internet for タパス and the search turned up this.
Langa: Food that looks very tasty. Look Reki.
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Reki: But why is it so small?
Langa: So you can eat more?
Ainosuke: It's to whet your appetite, though Langa-kun, I think you don't need it.
Everyone was entering the place.
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Sure enough, Kojiro hit it off with the owners and offered to help them get a new experience while Ainosuke was given a table. Although all this was spoken in a mixture of Italian and Spanish with one of the workers as mediator.
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Finally with a table chosen, everyone went upstairs to sit down for some tapas. So they started to choose from the whole menu.
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While waiting for the food Ainosuke stares at Langa, while Langa is thinking about the food.
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Meanwhile Kaoru looks with an angry face... At whom?
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And Kojiro is writing to his friends from Italy, Nicola and Franco about the Spanish experience, as they are currently sharing the same schedule.
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At last the food arrived, or well, the tapas. And Reki keeps thinking why spend so much money on something that won't fill your stomach.
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Ainosuke: It's not the first time I've eaten tapas, there are many more varieties. It also depends on where you go in Spain. In this area for example sometimes it can be accompanied by....
Tadashi: Bread with tomato and oil, but the tomato is uncrushed, rubbed on the bread. It's something typical that you can find in the Mediterranean area.
Ainosuke: Indeed, it will be something we will try. But now taste what you have brought, my servants. [to know why he says "my servants" go here]
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After finishing his meal, Langa thinks it's little more than a starter...
Langa: Is that all?
Ainosuke: Yes, Langa-kun. Was that not enough? Now that we've worked up an appetite, we'll go home for lunch. Tomorrow I'll show you another gastronomic wonder. 
Langa: Gastronomy ✨✨✨
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Ainosuke before leaving with everyone, went to congratulate the chef for the tapas they brought him and talk to José, Carmen's husband, about other matters. They said their goodbyes and went home to eat lunch Kojiro had previously prepared. Tomorrow Ainosuke would show them something new about the country.
~End of Day 1 of Golden Week~
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vikings-til-valhalla · 5 months
Hey, another random follower here I can't help with the situation at hand, it's horrible and taxing and i really hope things will be okay, besides possibly giving you some affirmation, however valuable a strangers affirmation can be. You're doing literally everything you can to help your loved ones and they're lucky to have you close. You've called the police for your friend and you've learned about your sister, your mom is safe (as far as I understand). I know those days or weeks where you can't shower and take care of yourself and THEN you get shit piled on you on top of that, and you're hella damn strong to keep going as you are. You can find a new job tomorrow, or the day after, when everything (hopefully) has calmed down just a bit. Is there a way to maybe have your sister stay at your place a bit? Helping with your mother might do good for both of you, giving her a bit of distraction and yourself a moment to rest. (and you would know she's alright) I'm wishing you best of luck, calling the police is scary and shit, but the right call in a situation like this. Saved one of my friends lives, too. Things have likely happened by now, and I don't know the outcome, but I hope he's alright. Things will be fine again. Somehow, they have to be. Can you drink a glass of water, please? (I don't mean this in a condescending way, just in case you haven't been drinking much today bc of everything that happened) You got your cat to take care of, and Elder Scrolls 6 has been announced (whenever we will get new news on it) There's always more things to look forwards to, no matter how horrible the situation. If you need someone to talk to, rant to, tell someone about your favorite Skyrim build and how broken it is or something of the like, feel free to write me whenever. Lots of love
Thank you, friend. Thank you more than what I can put into words right now.
Today is no better than yesterday. In fact, it's worse. I'm being forced to care for others at a time when I can't even care for myself. Everyone in my house is leaving to care for themselves, or isn't responding because they're too busy with themselves, and won't help me out at all. Every single second I spend not caring for someone else is time I'm spending being selfish and doing things wrong. My father, the shitass fuck he is who abuses me, he accused me of ignoring my mom in favor of my friend whose life was on the line. Mom has others who can help, they can come home and care for her, she isn't going to die. My friend though?? I'm not sure if he's even alive right now. And when I went to take a shower, I was needed to care for mom because I had to get mom some supplies, and sis was probably high again and couldn't do it herself. When I got back I tried to shower again, and sis said she was going out for an hour so I couldn't. THEN!!!! I got another text from sis!!!! She had to go to an appointment and guess who was left to watch mom???!!!! Mom finally said to take a shower, so I did. I've got pants on. I don't have anything else to wear because I have no chance or energy to do laundry today. My brothers are not answering anyone as they never pick up their phones for the house, but rather just for friends. I'm so stretched thin and all I can do is hold out hope that therapy does something for me tomorrow when I have my scheduled appointment. And, that I can pay for the appointment at all for that matter. A friend came back to town and said I can stay with her if I need, but I know that, if I do, my father will spam me with angry and guilting phone calls and texts, then sis will as well because they're one in the same, until I come home. And if sis finds out I was fired because of her, she'll lose it. If father finds out, he'll cut off all my outside contact on all my devices and I'll be helpless with no way to get help, until I land another job. And I'll never stop hearing him tell me it's my fault I lost my job, even though it isn't. I'm tired... So tired... But nobody will let me sleep. Not even for a few minutes. And if they do allow me by some chance, then somebody else is suddenly in danger and I have to stay up to help them. When it's not one it's the other, when it's not this it's that. There is no winning. And I am just tired of it. Life isn't about winning, it's about compromise and finding a balance. But the scales are tipped to one side entirely and leaving me hanging with no possible way to rebalance them.
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violetren · 11 months
Aether Chapter 26
My "I'm gonna be annoyed at Sierra" senses are tingling.
At least Maggie got a cute peck on the cheek from Varsha first.
I have a mighty need for Maggie to give Chance the nod to get Eurion to punch Stupidhead.
Fucking revenge... I was right. I am annoyed at Sierra.
At this point I could probably write a fucking essay on why it's not just reasonable but healthy and better in just about every fucking way that Maggie chose Varsha over Sierra. It's probably get to like paragraph 8 before it even touched on the fact that Sierra is in a highly unstable trauma induced transitory period of her life and should not be trying to date anyone. Fucking hell. I think at this point I'm closer to thinking of her the way Maggie would think of Garrett (not wanting to be too mean because she's someone Maggie loves, and therefore giving her more credit that she's fucking due).
"She lets me be selfish" is a very interesting way of "she reminds me I have choices and encourages me to do what will be right for me and doesn't try to push me into making decisions that would suit her" but you know what basically everyone who ever puts on a supersuit and means it has this kind of thinking when it comes to letting themselves be happy so I can't even pretend to be surprised, or exasperated over it.
I live in desperate hope that Maggie will be the straw that breaks the camels back and gets Ashley to just fucking talk to Hannah already.
I kinda wonder if Maggie actually needed the heads up about Chance's pronouns. I mean... I guess a big part of Digilife is being someone else, but Chance could put their pronouns there or let slip to Maggie as they got closer online. Idk. Still nice of Ashley to give the heads up even though they're technically already friends since this is kind of a paradigm shit for them.
I'm gonna blame this on playing Synth Riders with some suprise custom songs earlier this evening, but probable hologram Change was just spotted talking to Fractal and a little gremlin voice went "oh Hatsune Miku style" followed by another thought slipping in like a wizened elder gremlin smacking the other with a stick to go "Like the Voyager EMH you heathen." Wild experience since both are pretty well valid comparisons but the important part is actually CHANCE CAN VISUALLY MANIFEST INDEPENDENTLY OF NAOMI AND TALK WITHOUT EVERYONE FEELING LIKE THEY ARE ON A PHONE CALL!
I love this for them.
It is of great comfort to me that Jia Li is consistently a flirty shit stirrer and genuinely hilarious that Eurion stands there grumping over the fact that Jia Li gets away with it when she doesn't.
There is so much good banter (and general dialogue and a decent bit of description) here that is doing a fantastic job of drawing relationship lines, (re)establishing character personalities, and showing how these people fit in a space that I cannot possibly gush over all of it and get to bed in time to be up for work in the morning. But I did want to say it was all awesome and I was delighted to finally see Maggie meet not just Chance, but Naomi, Anika, Jia Li, and Emilia. And she even managed to be so distracted as to not immediately have a gay meltdown over Emilia! Good on her!
Maggie is about to have a VERY full schedule, but she's going to have EXCELLENT company. Also the potential variety of "hot for teacher" jokes that I might get to make (if in world characters don't make them first) as she trains with Varsha is great.
It's very secondary to wanting to see Maggie become a competent ass kicker and kiss Varsha some more, but I think it would be cool af to see Hannah stop by for some of these training sessions and just be cool with Chance and Naomi (both much more open and out about their trans/nontraditional gender status) and just blow that "what if she isn't accepting" fear of Ashley's right out of the water in text.
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wid0wing4dummies · 1 year
hello old friend.
Boy has it been a wild ride since my last time I've written. A lot has happened in the last year. Some good, some bad and some confusing.
I mentioned Tanner in my last post that I wrote so I guess I'll start there. Looking back on that particular moment - I can say that I was self destructive. I went out for Halloween by myself to drink my sorrows away. I was sad, lonely, alone, and with the lingering feeling of not wanting to get my sad on anyone. I should have used that energy and put it into something else, but you live and learn right? I walked right into him after he ghosted me a few months before. I can say now that I was looking for affection and love in the wrong place because he definitely didn't deserve me. But I can honestly say that we reconnected and it felt like no time had passed as we walked arm in arm down the street. I met him again in the bar and he said he's be back. The spoiler alert is that he didn't come back and I proceeded to get drunker by the bar. I then texted him around 3am and said I had had enough whiskey and I was going home. He then offered to walk me to my car which resulted in my one and only one night stand in my life. It felt good to feel something besides pain and sadness and He definitely stroked my ego that night but it was probably a blessing in disguise. As we walked I talked about my upcoming job interview and that I needed my hair cut. I wanted a week after our rendezvous and scheduled a appointment for him to cut my hair. When I showed up to my appointment he looked like he had seen a ghost and told me that my appointment never got scheduled. He then proceeded to ignore me via text the rest of the night. I made my peace with the moment and took it as a learned lesson and never contacted him again. I have random run ins with him through the magic of social media, my phone tends to send me push notifications for info that I don't particular care for. But there definitely is a nail in that coffin.
I finally went back to work and I've gotten two promotions in the same year. It's so flattering and the money is definitely worth all of the bs I put up with on the daily. But I can't help but feel like I'm falling into the corporate America trap. I was poorly trained for the 3rd time. But I do enjoy what I do on the daily, especially when I understand how the system works. I am struggling with school. I have such a deep wish to be finished with my degree but it seems the closer I get, the further it is pulled from me. I'm trying not to get discouraged but I can't help but feel like I'm not moving forward fast enough.
My toxic trait is swiping on dating apps. I can openly admit that to myself. It isn't the communication that is a green light for me but the dopamine I feel knowing that someone finds me attractive. (Becoming widowed definitely puts a strain on your self esteem.) On a lonely night, I found myself swiping on Tinder and ran across a gorgeous man with the most beautiful striking eyes. Brad, 38 (1) - Married, Geeky, Poly, Soft Dom. Our conversation was and is as easy as breathing. We talked throughout the night and into the mornings, most - if not every day. He introduced me to a Polyamorous lifestyle. I poured over books trying to get an understanding of this type of relationship. The more I read, the more I liked the concept. I am able to explore my sexuality, work through my fears of being someone's one and only, and have the feelings of companionship. He is smart, funny, doting, loving, and an amazing friend and lover. I never feel like I can't have any type of conversation with him and I feel respected, cared for and listened to. He honestly has taught me that I am so worthy of being loved and taken care of - Whether it be emotionally, mentally, or sexually. It's mind blowing to think that It's almost been a year and I'm looking forward to the next one.
Somewhere along the lines - I felt incomplete. Brad makes me immensely happy. But in the back of my mind, I know that he can only partly be mine. He has a wife and a son to share his time with. And as expected, I am lower down on the totem pole. He makes a huge effort to never make me feel that way, but it is the reality. Through my self reflection I realized that I think the dynamic that would make me the happiest is to have a nesting parter alongside my partner. Someone who understands the lifestyle but would have more time for me (For lack of a better way of explaining this.) Being a wife was a very large part of my self identity and for the right person, I would consider marriage again.
So Back to the dating scene I went with the approval of my beloved and a came across Steven, 37. (2) I joked over dinner with Brad at one of our favorite restaurants that if I could clone him, I would marry his clone. Well I think the universe heard me because I feel the exact way about Steven with a twist. He is also nerdy, a avid traveler, outspoken, sweet, and respectful. They both give me the warmest feeling inside but Steven is a little more scary for me. (For lack of a better way of describing it.) He is a very recent divorcee who is in the same predicament as I am: We both have a married partner. And the more time we spend together, the more smitten I feel. And it is happening fast considering that we have only known each other since August. We spend evenings together cuddling talking about everything and anything and it feels like he is filling a void that I haven't felt in a while. Hopefully things continue this way because my heart could not feel more full. I do struggle with guilt some days, but for the most part everything still feels great. And as long as I continue to feel great, I'll keep moving forward.
I'm exhausted but I needed a mental mind dump. I'll try to write again soon.
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heyyyharry · 3 years
(inspired by happier by Olivia Rodrigo)
Word count: 2.4k
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I'm selfish, I know, I can't let you go So find someone great, but don't find no one better I hope you're happy, but don't be happier
Part 1: Drivers License
Part 2: Deja Vu
A/N: I edited the original lyrics to match the POV :)
Harry had come up with a thousand scenarios of how this day would play out. Actually, he’d been thinking of this day since the moment he’d received the news. He didn’t dare to hope that she’d say yes to coming back for a sequel. He’d been sure that they would write her character off, give a lame excuse for how his love interest could not make a return and make his character forget about her completely to move on with a new girl in town. It would have been great if it was that easy in real life. Once someone was written off the script, they were gone for good. Real-life relationships were not that simple. Goodbye didn’t mean ‘never see you again’. You would still share the same friend circle and social bubbles, and it was worse when you two worked in the same industry. Harry didn’t know how he’d lasted a year without running into her, not since the Grammys.
“Didn’t you two date?”
“No.” Harry shook his head, but his eyes stayed glued on Y/N from across the room. She wasn’t looking his way, too busy saying hello to everyone else. “No,” he repeated, more to himself than to his co-star. “We didn’t.”
“But she wrote an entire album about you,” said the other twin. What was her name again? Lulu?
“Luna!” cried her sister, Lex. “You can’t ask him that!”
“No, it’s okay,” Harry said with a tight smile, slightly annoyed by the blonde twins, but he didn’t want to seem like an ass on the first day of filming. “And I don’t know if it was for me. You should ask Y/N.”
“Ask me what?”
Harry flinched when he looked up and saw Y/N padding towards them. She hugged the twins, who seemed way too excited. Harry guessed they were Y/N’s fans. They gave off crazy fangirl vibes, probably just pretending not to know the drama to interrogate him. He couldn’t blame them for assuming he was the villain and definitely could not blame Y/N for portraying him as one. It was more important that he knew who he was and how much he had changed since his last relationship. Maybe they could finally be friends.
“Were they bothering you?” Y/N asked him once the twins had left.
Harry nodded. “They’re your friends?”
“Oh, I met them last year on tour. I’m surprised you don’t know them. They were on Disney.”
“I don’t watch Disney,” Harry admitted with a smile. “Well, not today’s Disney.”
“Understandable.” Y/N nodded and bit her lip. She seemed guarded with her straight back and hands hidden behind her. She eyed him up and down, quite subtle yet noticeable. “How have you been?”
“Pretty good,” he said, nodding slowly. “You?”
“Yeah, but mostly tired because of tour.”
“You’re done?”
“Yup, last night was the last show.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow. “Nice?”
Harry blinked. “Did I say something wrong?”
“No.” Y/N giggled. “You still sound very...you.”
“Well, shouldn’t I?”
“Yeah, you should. But it’s been a year so…I mean, you haven’t changed much.”
“Right,” he said lowly, his eyes falling to his feet. Harry supposed he should say something else, perhaps bringing up another random topic to discuss, but all he could think about was what had happened between them. Things had been messy, hadn’t they? How could they go back to before that? Before her first song about him. Before he’d chosen someone else over her.
Or he could talk about her new relationship. She’d been in a happy relationship for almost six months, right? No wait, hadn’t they broke up two weeks ago? He wasn’t sure because he hadn’t been catching up. If they’d broken up, he’d sound like an ass to even mention her ex’s name. He should just stay quiet.
“I’ll see you later?” she said, gesturing at her stylist who was waiting by the door.
Harry could ask her right now -- the reason she’d agreed to film the sequel to their first movie together. He’d heard from a very reliable source that she’d specifically asked her agent to decline any project that he was in. So did this mean they were good? That she didn’t hate him anymore? He could have gathered his courage and got the answer right then…
“Yeah, see you.”
...but he didn’t.
And so she gave him a smile and a little wave, then happily returned to her stylist.
“See you tomorrow, Y/N!”
“See you, Annie!” Y/N said as she put the rest of her things into her tote bag. Her new driver had got her schedule mixed up, and so she had to wait here for another half an hour. She was in no rush. It had been a light first day, and she’d had a fun time getting to know the new cast members and catching up with old friends.
She sat on the sofa in the lobby, legs crossed, texting her best friend about her day. She’d purposely left out the short off-screen conversation with Harry, and her best friend didn’t even bother to ask. In their world, he didn’t exist, and his name was censored in every conversation like a curse word that was even worse than ‘cunt’. Nevertheless, she didn’t hate him anymore. She was doing just fine on her own, being busy with her career, and she’d been in a happy relationship after her fall out with him.
She and the guy, a model, had broken up two weeks ago due to long distance and some differences that they could not change. They had ended on good terms and decided to stay friends. They said you could only stay friends with your ex when you still had feelings for each other, or you had never loved each other that much in the first place. For her, it was probably the latter. Her previous relationship had been more platonic than romantic, apparently. So she had nothing but the best to say about him.
As she was going through her camera roll, just reminiscing about the past, she heard footsteps approaching and looked up to find Harry. He offered a smile and gestured to the spot beside her on the sofa. “May I sit here? My ride is late.”
“Yeah, sure.” She hurriedly scooted over.
“Good job today,” he said. “You were great.”
“Thanks, so were you.” She smiled, and they both looked away at the same time. This was so awkward. She hated small talk. She’d never had to have small talk with Harry. Conversations with him used to be so easy and natural and silly. Whatever this was, it wasn’t them.
“Can we just be normal?”
At first, Y/N thought she’d been the one who’d said it, so when she realised it’d been Harry, she was speechless.
He swallowed and sat a bit straighter, still not looking at her. “I don’t want us to be weird and awkward.”
“Okay,” she said.
He cleared his throat. “Wanna try again?”
“Yeah, sure.”
“Okay, not to sound like an ass but when Joey kept forgetting his lines, I was so pissed off, I could throw a chair at the wall.”
“Right?!” exclaimed Y/N, feeling free to have finally broken out of her shell. “Like, he doesn’t even have many lines. I know he’s new but damn...you can’t get far if you don’t learn your goddamn lines.”
Harry shook with laughter. “Oh God, we sound like dicks, don’t we?”
“Maybe.” Y/N laughed, covering her mouth. “But you know what? We can’t be nice in this industry. It’s impossible.”
“Shhh, if someone heard this, we would be into big trouble.”
“Oh please, I’ve had worse articles written about me than ‘Y/N speaks facts about her lazy co-star’.”
Harry tossed his head back and cackled. “The worst one I’ve got this week was ‘Harry Styles hates therapists.’”
“What?!” Y/N gasped. “No way! That’s so stupid!”
“Right?” Harry rolled his eyes. “I could get all my therapists to speak up for me but I’m kinda immune to bullshit now.”
“Therapists? Like plural?”
“Yeah, one in every city.”
Y/N rubbed her hands onto her legs. “Rough year?”
Harry’s eyes rolled to the back of his head as he leaned back. “You have no idea.” Then he swept his hair out of his eyes, sucked in a breath, and finally looked at her. “I wish I could have talked to you, though.”
She bit her tongue, knowing what she was about to say next would disappoint her best friend so much, but she had to. “So do I.”
Harry looked taken aback before his lips curled into a smile. “It’s silly, isn’t it? I haven’t talked to you in a year, and I feel like I know everything that’s happened to you except that I don’t.”
What he’d just said might make no sense for most people, but Y/N knew exactly what he meant. She nodded and wetted her lip. “You only know as much as everyone else does.”
“Yeah, I got updates on you from the news and our friends.”
“Same.” Y/N smiled back. “I hate how they write articles about your new haircut but not mine.”
“I like your new hair colour.”
“Thanks. I like your new car.”
Then they both burst out laughing. It was fun and also a little bit strange that Y/N didn’t feel the same anxiety talking to him as she used to. It must be because they had grown and were now meeting again as better people.
“Damn, my ride's here,” Y/N said as she read the text from her driver. “I gotta go now.”
“Oh, okay.” Harry stood up and followed Y/N to the entrance. “Hey, just wondering--”
“Am I...am I still blocked?” He looked a bit flustered as she tilted her head and squinted her eyes. “On your phone. Because I remember you having my number blocked--”
“I unblocked you on your birthday.”
“Oh, really?”
“Yeah.” Y/N shrugged. “I should’ve sent you a happy birthday text but...I didn’t want your girlfriend to get the wrong ideas.”
“My ex.”
“Yeah, I know.”
They smiled at each other one last time before saying goodbye. Y/N knew it was silly, but she was hoping he would go after her.
A notification popped up when she was in the car. She was almost home, and it was from Harry’s number. He’d sent her a link with a message that said, “Hope you like it :)”.
Curious, she tapped on it and was directed to an audio file titled ‘Track 5’. The upload date was last year. About two weeks after their short conversation at the Grammys.
Hurriedly, she fumbled inside her bag for her iPods and put it on before she pressed play.
“Hey, Jeff, I couldn’t sleep so I wrote this song. Listen and let me know if it should go on the album.”
Then came the piano intro. It sounded good, so Y/N wondered how it hadn’t ended up on his last album.
But when he started to sing...
We ended a while ago Your friends are mine, you know, I know You've moved on, found someone new One more guy who brings out the better in you
And I thought my heart was detached From all the sunlight of our past But he’s so nice, he’s so funny Does he mean you forgot about me?
Oh, I hope you're happy But not like how you were with me I'm selfish, I know, I can't let you go So find someone great, but don't find no one better I hope you're happy, but don't be happier
And does he tell you you’re the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen? An eternal love bullshit he might not even mean Remember when you were with me I meant it when you heard it first from me
And now I'm pickin' him apart Like cuttin' him down will make you miss my wretched heart But he’s charming, he looks kind He probably gives you butterflies
I hope you're happy But not like how you were with me I'm selfish, I know, I can't let you go So find someone great, but don't find no one better
I hope you're happy I wish you all the best, really Say you love him, baby Just not like you loved me And think of me fondly when your hands are on him I hope you're happy, but don't be happier
The song was for her. He’d written it when her new relationship had gone public. Y/N sat there, staring blankly ahead until the honking of a car tore open her inner peace, and reality came crashing back in. The driver dropped her off at her house. Instead of going inside, she stood on her front steps and replayed the song one more time. When it ended, she decided to text him: Why didn’t this make it to the album?
She didn’t know where he was now, but it showed ‘typing’ in less than a second, as if he’d been waiting in their chat since he’d sent that link.
You would’ve hated me, Y/N.
True, she replied. Still, I would’ve loved the song lowkey. And added, I love it btw.
He took so long to type that it was driving her crazy. She flopped down on the concrete stair with her phone clutched in her hands, her heart thundering against her ribcage. Anxiety popped like a balloon when his message appeared: Were you happier?
She reread it again and again.
I wasn’t either, he responded. I kept getting deja vu.
Ha, nice reference.
That song is my guilty pleasure. Love listening to you roasting me on loop.
That last message made Y/N bury her face into her palm and giggle like a fool. She thought for a second and wrote: I could come roast you in person now if that’s what you prefer. I think we’ve never had a proper roasting.
Can we meet, Y/N? Or are you busy now?
No, not busy.
Great, I’ll pick you up.
Just tell me where, she responded with a smile on her face. I got my drivers license now :)
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taetaesbaebaepsae · 3 years
What You're Looking For (myg)
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Summary: Yoongi's definitely falling in love with you, but he's hesitant to tell you because as an idol, he can't give you what you're looking for.
Warnings: public sex, some possessive behavior, vaginal fingering, little bit of degradation
Word Count: 3633
A/n: A Yoongi commission, hope you enjoy!
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Being an idol isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Sure, the money is nice, he doesn’t have to worry about bus fare or how he’s going to eat each week. He can write songs anytime he wants to, has use of all this impressive equipment that his pre-debut self would have lost his mind over. The fame, on the other hand, is something that Yoongi struggles with.
He can’t exactly leave his apartment and go to the store for ramen and beer anymore. He can’t exactly walk to the bus station and go down to the park, feed the birds like he used to. He also can’t take anyone out on a date, which pre-debut Yoongi would have never dreamed of doing, anyway.
But now he’s on the wrong side of his 20’s and actually dating is something he wants to do and can’t, not just because of his fame but also because of contracts. It isn’t as if their manager had sat them down and said absolutely no dating, but it’s certainly implied. Their schedules are tight enough that there’s only a few hours of free time per week, and that’s not on accident, Yoongi knows.
Pre-debut Yoongi had been so focused on music, so focused on making it that now, once he’s made it, he longs for something more simple. Writing lyrics on bar napkins while chatting up a girl, for one. Taking someone out on a dinner date to that diner he likes by his apartment. He imagines that he might take her hand while they walk there, swing it back and forth, make her smile.
He does, in fact, meet you while he’s scribbling song lyrics on a bar napkin, but instead of taking you out on a date, he has to sneak you back to his apartment in a black car, pulling his cap over his face. You know who he is, he knows that much by the blush on your cheeks, but you keep insisting you don’t know much about kpop and he believes you.
Yoongi blames the soju for how he kisses you in the elevator, aggressively, backing you up against the door, but you lean into him, make this little sound into his mouth and the next thing he knows he’s waking up with your bare arm across his waist and he’s panicking because he’s got practice in less than an hour.
“Fuck,” he curses softly when he extricates himself, because you look so pretty and peaceful and he’s got to wake you up and usher you out like some kind of dirty little secret and it makes his heart clench in his chest.
He calls your name, softly, and when you stretch he can see that tattoo on your stomach, the one he'd traced with his fingers last night, and then his tongue.
Yoongi knows he's blushing, can feel the heat in his face, so he turns his face away.
"Um," he starts, and then he hears the sheets shuffle.
"Oh! Sorry, I should go." Your voice sounds husky from sleep and Yoongi almost reaches out to grab your wrist as you pick up your dress from the floor.
He doesn't, and you go with an awkward peck on his cheekbone that he swears he can feel on his skin for days.
Things go on like that, for the weeks he's on break and after, through texts and Facetime calls, for months. It's always rushed and sexy and he always has to go before he wants to, and he hates it.
He finds that the girl he'd thought about taking on dates and holding hands with seems to now have your face, after a while. All his fantasies, sexual and otherwise, start to involve your smile.
Pre-debut Yoongi only fantasized about music, about standing on a stage belting out his truths, cutting pieces of himself to bleed onto paper so that someone would see him, finally, so that someone would know him.
Pre-debut Yoongi would have scoffed at him for wanting only one person to know him, one person to see him.
Pre-debut Yoongi would have called him an idiot, for falling in love.
You never imagined yourself in a situationship with an internationally famous rapper, despite the fact that you weren't overly familiar with his work when you'd met.
You certainly can't call it dating, since it culminates in having a few drinks and hooking up at his apartment or, during one particularly hazy night, in the backseat of a hired Escalade.
He's often out of the country, and on occasion he'll call you in the middle of the day, which is the middle of the night for him, ask you how you are, and eventually, what you're wearing.
You're trying not to look too far into it, not read into how soft his voice sounds when you Facetime and he tells you how beautiful you look, not think there might be something more in the way he wraps you in his arms after sex, plants soft kisses on the back of your neck.
It's fun, it's casual, and there's no reason to need more.
There are other guys that you've had similar situations with, and this is no different.
Maybe it's Yoongi's face that floats in front of your eyes when you're just about to fall asleep, but he doesn't have to know that.
You find yourself stopping yourself from texting him first, and you tell yourself it’s because he’s so busy but you know it’s because you feel too much.
You know his schedule, he emails it to you once a month, and while that seems like a good sign it isn’t as if after months of hooking up, you’ve ever had a conversation about where your relationship stands.
So, one Friday night, you know he’s in town and you know he’s free and when he doesn’t text or call, it feels like bees are buzzing under your skin.
Instead of staring at your phone in an effort to will it to ring, you call a friend and plan a girl’s night out. That’s what you need, anyway, a night where you can drink with your friends and flirt with men you’ll never see again.
You don’t need Yoongi’s low mumble in your ear, making you feel like you’re the only woman in the world.
Yoongi tells himself he doesn’t spend every moment of his free time with you, but he definitely does spend the majority of it at least thinking about you. The way your skin feels under his hands, the slow tilt of your crooked smile. The way sometimes you snort when you laugh too hard and you’re not even ashamed about it.
He babbles all of this out to Jimin and the younger just raises an eyebrow at him.
“Hyung, you have a girlfriend?”
Yoongi feels his face flushing. “N-no. She’s not my girlfriend.”
“Hm. Okay, hyung.” Jimin says dryly, and Yoongi shoves him playfully with the heel of his hand.
“You going out tonight?” Yoongi asks, suddenly, and immediately regrets it when Jimin’s eyes light up.
“Are you gonna come with me this time?” Jimin bounces on the couch excitedly and Yoongi groans.
So that’s how, between the need to stop sitting at home and daydreaming about you and Yoongi’s inability to say no to Park Jimin’s pout, Yoongi ends up at a club.
A loud club. A crowded club.
He orders a whiskey at the bar, people shouldering up against him to order as well and God why did he do this, anyway?
Jimin disappears somewhere within half an hour and he’s stuck looking around the bar for him awkwardly.
Yoongi recognizes you by the line of your jaw, and it’s a rush, the pleasure that shoots through him, the butterflies in his stomach, better than the glass of whiskey he’s been sipping.
You don’t see him, and he wonders if he should go up behind you, plant a kiss on your shoulder, but in the end he doesn’t wade through the sea of people, just watches you sway to the beat, talking and laughing with your friends. It’s interesting, seeing you out and about like this, somewhere he doesn’t have to hide you, and longing spears through him because as much as he hates clubs, he’d like to take you to one, see the way your body moves to the music, how your eyes light up when you laugh.
As he’s watching, entranced, a man puts his hand on your hip, stands from the bar, and Yoongi’s hands grasp the bar hard enough to whiten his knuckles. He’d never considered himself a jealous person, had never been so in past relationships, but there’s this little ball of something vile in his stomach and it isn’t just the whiskey.
He knocks the rest of his drink back, orders another, tries to focus on the bartender but he can see you in his peripheral vision and when you move he turns his head to follow you as the man leads you out onto the dance floor.
It occurs to him that he’d never had a conversation with you about exclusivity. He hasn’t seen anyone else since he’d met you, but he’d been gone more than he’d been with you and maybe you were seeing someone else. Maybe it was this guy, with his hand on your hip so familiar.
Yoongi doesn’t feel angry, exactly, but there’s a rock in his gut and his throat seems to have closed to a pinhole when he takes a gulp of his new drink, watching you dance.
You sway your hips slow, as if moving to a beat in your head instead of the music, and Yoongi would smile if he felt physically able to do so, watching the man behind you with both hands on your hips now, fingers splayed out.
Yoongi has this awful image, wonders if you’d let him put his hands on your hips like that somewhere more private, and he finishes his second drink too quickly, slams it down on the bar. The bartender blinks at him and Yoongi mutters out an apology, orders another.
Three drinks were his usual limit in crowded places like this, throughout the night, and now that he’s downed them within a couple of hours, things are a bit fuzzy around the edges. He tells himself he should stay seated, wait for the alcohol to hit his system, but he’s up and walking toward you on the dance floor before he can talk himself into staying on the bar stool. He’s only unsteady for a moment, a lifetime of enjoying alcohol has given him a good tolerance that he’s grateful for tonight.
Your eyes widen when you see him, a ghost of a smile playing along your lips.
“Can I cut in?” Yoongi asks, and it seems like a stupid, formal thing to say at a club that was blasting hip hop, but it makes you smile wider.
Yoongi doesn’t even look at the man, doesn’t hear his mumbled response, just replaces his hands on your hip with his own.
“That your boyfriend?” He knows he sounds like a petulant child but you laugh and it lessens the tightness in his throat.
“Mm, no. I don’t have a boyfriend.” You answer, coyly, wrapping your arms around his neck and swaying to the music.
“That so?” Yoongi leans down, presses his mouth to your collarbone. He wants to suck a mark there but he resists. “Do you want one?” He mumbles it against your skin and you make a sound in the back of your throat.
He can’t hear your response, can’t touch you like he wants so he takes your hand and you follow him without a word.
When he pushes the door to the men’s room you tug on his arm, though.
He looks back at you and you scrunch your nose and pull him into the women's bathroom instead.
"There's an etiquette to hooking up at a club, Yoongi."
He laughs and finally that knot in his stomach loosens. "Yeah?"
"Yeah. The women's room is cleaner."
You beckon him into a stall, locking the door before backing him against it, kissing him hard, nipping at his bottom lip.
He moans into your mouth, it's been weeks since he'd been able to kiss you, touch you, and he's enjoying it until a flash of memory of that other guy's hands on your hips, fingers splayed, pops into his mind.
He calls your name, softly, and you pull away to look at him, this little pout on your mouth that he has to resist kissing.
"Are you seeing anyone else?"
You'd been fiddling with the buttons on his shirt but you freeze at his question.
"Not really," you reply, and the air feels thin suddenly and Yoongi trails the fingers of his right hand along your spine.
“That’s not really an answer,” Yoongi retorts, and his ears feel hot.
You only smirk, unbutton part of his shirt so that you can slide your hand inside to feel his skin.
“You jealous, Yoongi?”
He scoffs, and then his breath hitches when you place your palm on his bare chest. He pulls you closer by your waist and you lean into him.
“You’re jealous,” you say confidently, moving your hands to unbutton his slacks, and Yoongi’s mouth goes dry.
“I am,” he admits, feeling flushed all over.
“Why’s that? Territorial?”
Yoongi thinks it’s unfair of you to be asking things like this when he’s tipsy and horny, half hard from your kisses and your hands on his skin, but he puffs out his cheeks and lets out a breath through his nostrils and answers anyway.
“No,” he manages, it’s a croak because you’ve slipped your hand into his slacks and underwear, pressing your palm against his cock.
“Hmm. Well in that case, I got asked out tonight, think I should give him a call?”
“No,” he says again, empathically, taking your wrists and moving his body to pin you against the side of the stall instead of allowing you to pin him.
Your breath catches, your eyes dark with lust when you look at him.
“Why not?”
You want him to say it, Yoongi knows you well enough for that, has spent months learning all about who you are, he knows that much, but it’s hard to spit it out, especially like this, in a club bathroom stall with music booming overhead, muffled slightly by the bathroom walls.
Instead, he kisses you, hard, moves his hips against yours, shows you how hard you’ve made him and you whine into his mouth, clutch at the hair at the nape of his neck.
“Want you,” he murmurs, and it isn’t an answer but it’s closer than silence and it’s as close as he can get right now.
“I know you want me,” you breathe, something exasperated in your tone.
Yoongi doesn’t have a condom, had no plans on coming out to meet anyone, and bemoans as much to you.
When you rummage around in your purse and pull one out, smirking, then he is mad, even though he’s not sure he has any right to be upset.
“So you came out to get laid tonight?” His voice is calmer than he’d expected with how his heart is pounding.
You shrug. “So what if I did?”
“You’re lucky I was here,” Yoongi says darkly, and your smirk only widens.
You don’t move a muscle, just tilt your chin up at him. “Why is that?”
Yoongi bunches your dress around your hips, roughly pushes your thong aside so that he can cup your pussy. He slides two fingers inside when you spread your thighs, moaning loudly.
He doesn’t respond to your question, kissing along the side of your throat and nipping at your earlobe instead.
“You’re lucky,” he murmurs, “because no one can fuck you like I do.”
You shiver, goosebumps breaking out on your skin, and he kisses your throat again, sucking and biting there to make a mark. You’re loud, rocking your hips against his hand.
“I bet everyone can hear you moaning like a whore for me,” he whispers into the shell of your ear.
“Yoongi,” you rasp, trembling.
He can’t deny it’s a rush, the way you’re shaking, desperate for him, all but begging him to fuck you. He always feels so out of control with you, the way you make him feel, the longing in the pit of his stomach, the way he’d follow you to hell if you’d asked him. He knows how easily you could break him, and he’s afraid of it but he keeps chasing you anyway. It’s nice to see that he can have some manner of control over you, too.
“Please,” you plead, and he pulls away from your throat, wonders about the logistics of fucking in a bathroom stall. It certainly wasn’t his normal scene, but he figures it out, wrapping your legs around his waist, lifting your ass to press you against the wall. Applying the condom is the awkward part but you’re panting, clutching at his shirt, kissing along his neck and he manages.
Your hands move between you, guiding his cock into you and he groans so low in his throat that it almost hurts.
“Always so wet for me,” he says into your ear, and you buck your hips, almost unseating yourself until he rights you with his hands on your hips.
“Fuck,” you curse almost mournfully and he can’t help but chuckle as he starts to roll his hips up into you, the angle making him spear into you deeper than he ever had before. All of your hookups had been quick but none against the wall. Yoongi thinks he likes it, loves the way you look with your dress bunched up, your tits heaving against his chest, makeup sweating off.
“Look at you,” he groans. “You’re so desperate for it, aren’t you?”
“Yes,” you agree in a short breath. “Yes, yes, please make me come, Yoongi.”
Your dirty talk makes his balls draw up and he thinks it might be over before you do but that’s okay, he’s good with his hands and his fingers.
Then you tug on his hair, your teeth gritted. “Harder,” you demand, and Yoongi’s eyes widen.
It’s quick after that, he’s fucking you hard and fast against the door, your ass sliding up and down with a squeaking sound.
He’s close and he lets his mouth run away with him, your cunt clenching around him.
“I want you to be mine,” he gasps. “Not just your body.”
“Yoongi, I’m coming, I’m coming, don’t stop,” you whine, and he isn’t sure you’re listening. Part of him hopes you aren’t, because if you don’t feel the same way he doesn’t want to know, at least not yet.
And then, just as he spills inside you, it comes bursting out of him like a dam has crumbled.
“Y/n, I’m falling in love with you.”
You kiss him, then, taking his face in your hands, your tongue sliding against his and he keeps rolling his hips into yours as you pulse around him.
It’s thirty seconds before he starts to come down, and a full minute before the horror of what he’s said starts to descend upon him.
Lowering you to the ground is more awkward than it should be since he has to pull out of you first, but you giggle when he puts you down on the floor, stumbling a little on shaky legs.
After you each adjust your clothes, you open your mouth to speak. “Yoongi-”
“Don’t,” he pleads. “Please don’t say anything.”
You frown, little wrinkles appearing between your eyes. He wants to kiss them.
“Jagiya, please,” he all but begs, and he’s never called you a pet name but it slips out and he wants to disappear through the floor.
“Yoongi.” You say, fiercely. “Stop it.”
Yoongi groans, covering his face with his hands.
“I want to be yours, too.”
He peeks at you from between his fingers, his face flushed.
“You do?”
“I do.” You’re smiling, widely, and he’s not sure he’s ever seen you smile like that. It makes his heart soar.
“What about that guy?” He knows he’s pouting so he doesn’t fully uncover his face.
You laugh. “What guy? He just asked me to dance.”
Yoongi drops his hands from his face. “You...you made me think…”
You shrug. “Well, I didn’t know what you wanted from me. I had no idea you had feelings for me.”
“I’m in love with you,” Yoongi says incredulously. “I’m crazy about you. I’ve been crazy about you forever.”
“You didn’t tell me that!” You insist.
Yoongi laughs, loud and open, his heart feeling lighter, but it’s a short reprieve. His face falls.
“I’m just...I’m gone so often. I can’t give you what you want, what you’re looking for-”
You silence him by kissing him, just a peck on the lips. “Yoongi, you’re what I’ve been looking for my whole life.”
That rush is back, the fluttering in his chest and his stomach that he’s come to associate with you.
“Yeah?” It’s stupid, but it’s the only thing he can think of to say, looking down into your eyes and he’s sure he’s got the goofiest grin on his face.
But you grin back and it makes him feel better.
He still doesn’t get as much time with you as he likes and sometimes he still worries that you might meet someone else while he’s away, but you call him every night that you can, facetime him, and he keeps the butterflies, keeps the rush that reminds him of you, even when he’s busy making music or onstage.
You're always happy to reassure him that you've found what you're looking for, and you don't need anything more.
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anonquack · 3 years
| 3am Calls |
Alex Quackity x Reader, Oneshot!
Word Count: 1700
Warnings: None! Just some fluff.
Summary: Unable to fall asleep, you reach out to a friend in order to help ease you into peaceful slumber.
The seconds are passing quickly, 1am turns to 2am, and it doesn't take long for 3am to hit. Stirring around in bed doesn't make the restlessness stop, the little sheeps jumping around your head fall and get back up, attempting once again to lure you to sleep, but it doesn't work. You find yourself staring up at your ceiling, hands resting on your stomach. There is a stinging in your eyes that lets you know you are indeed tired, yet when your eyes finally close, they can't seem to stay that way. These restless nights had been going on for a while, yet you didn't want to be a bother and reach out to any of your friends. Who knew if they were either sleeping or had better things to do. You wouldn't be finding out any time soon. But.. perhaps tonight it wouldn't hurt to reach out. You felt lonely just staring up at your ceiling, and your own thoughts were eating up at you, making the restlessness feel even worse.
You reach out for your phone, turning it on and immediately being blinded by the bright light. Once your eyes became accustomed to the light, you opened messages and took a glance at all the people you had sent some to. A certain someone definitely caught your eye, but you really weren't sure if he'd be up, considering some days he'd wake up super early. He was a busy man, and fitting into his schedule could be a bit difficult. After some thought and the skin of your bottom lip slowly being bitten off, there was a single message sent.
It was too late to consider his possible sleeping state or the embarrassment that might overtake you in the morning when you get a text with something along the lines of "i was asleep. sorry". You run a hand down your face, deciding to accept your fate and that your luck ran out. Perhaps you'd go back to counting sheep.
alex ((:
The notification casted a bright light on your face, but this time it was welcome. Your finger quickly clicked on it, taking you to the message app.
did i wake you up by any chance?
alex ((:
i was editing a video, dw
why are you up?
"i don't know." you said out loud as you read the message. "i really don't know.." a small frown appeared on your lips as you texted back:
can't sleep
alex ((: ahh, is that where i come in?
y/n perhaps.. if you don't mind ofc
alex ((: call me
The message caught you by surprise. Of course you had talked to him on the phone before, but never this late. Never without it being planned beforehand. Never this sudden. Not because you couldn't sleep. Millions of thoughts rushed through your head as you stared at the message. call me. How could one possibly say no to that?
You cleared your throat before pressing on his contact and clicking on the call button. Soon enough, the sound of ringing could be heard, and you held your breath. Of course, he would answer, but you couldn't help the nervous feeling of talking to him this late, and just.. randomly.
Your breath hitched slightly at the sudden halt of the ringing, and the smooth sound of his voice. It didn't sound like it usually did. His voice wasn't full of energy, like it is when he's screaming at his screen or joking around with friends. It was calm, and sounded like he was a bit tired. Who could blame him? He was up editing at 3 in the morning. And here you were, making him talk on the phone rather than encouraging he get some sleep.
"Hi.." you said as a small smile formed on your lips at the thought of how hardworking this man was. "How's the editing going?"
"Mm.. it's going pretty well. I'll probably upload it by tomorrow. I'm planning on just working on it for a bit more before heading to bed." He stated, to which you let out a small hum, "That's good. It's important that you get your rest."
Now it was his turn to let out a small hum of approval. "What's keeping you up?" He asked. You closed your eyes, letting his voice ring and echo inside your head, letting the calmness his voice carried take over you, making you feel calm as well. "To be honest, I don't know. Whenever I close my eyes I just can't seem to doze off."
"Well, do you wanna keep me company while I finish editing? We can talk about random stuff until I bore you enough for you to knock out."
His words made you let out a small chuckle, shaking your head before realizing he couldn't see you. "You could never bore me." You admitted, thinking about his previous words for a few seconds. "That sounds good, actually. If you don't mind.."
"I offered it, didn't I?"
You hum in response. "True.. its settled then."
He let out a small chuckle in response, and the sound alone made you smile. You took a moment to really think about what was happening. You'd keep each other company until either he finished or his soft voice lulled you to sleep, and you'd talk about random stuff. It was a sweet deal.
As you lay in bed, you could hear the clicking sounds his keyboard made when he typed or when he'd move his mouse around while editing the clips. During small moments of peaceful silence, you could hear his steady breathing or light humming.
You'd asked how his day was and listened as he talked about how busy he'd been lately, some of the stuff he had planned for the upcoming month, and how his hard work would let him relax for a few days.. soon. Just hearing how hard he was working and how genuinely excited he sounded about everything he talked about made a warm feeling appear on your chest.
You gave small comments here and there, asking if he could expand on certain projects that caught your attention, as well as asking how he was keeping up with school work. He gladly answered all your questions, but always made sure to ask, "What about you?"
You hadn't noticed that it was mostly him talking, besides your occasional comment. You were just happy to listen to him speak so passionately about everything he did, and to be completely honest, the calm tone in his voice was also making you feel sleepy.
But you'd never deny that it made you feel so.. included. Yes, this was a 1 on 1 call but he always managed to make you feel like your inputs mattered just as much as everyone else's. It was one of his qualities that you adored wholeheartedly.
It could be during a stream, a group call, or even group chat. He always made sure that everybody felt included. He was just that sweet.
So even if you were now half asleep, you always made sure to respond and also tell him how your day went and what you had been up to. It was nice just being able to talk about simple things like that with him so late.
"I think I'm gonna stop editing for tonight. Just have a few things left but fuck, my eyes are killing me." He finally stated after a questionable discussion.
"As you should. You work too hard.. give your eyes a well deserved rest." You said, slightly rubbing at your eyes. The faint sound of shuffling and a few clicks could be heard, presumably him turning off his PC and heading to his bed.
A few more shuffling sounds could be heard before he spoke again. "I know. Thank you, Y/N. You always remind me how important it is that I take care of myself." The smile was evident in his voice, and he sounded way closer than before.
"Of course.. that's what I'm here for."
"I'll remind you too. Don't worry."
"Thank you, Alex." Small pause. "Are you gonna head to bed now?" You looked at how long the call had been going for and realized it had been well over an hour, making your eyes widen slightly.
"I could. Orrrr I could keep talking to you."
"You could.. but you should also head to bed and-"
"I'm already in bed. Got my blankets covering me and everything. Tucked in."
"Did you tuck yourself in? I should do it for you next time." You joked, before realizing you might have overstepped some boundaries. You froze as the call remained silent for a bit.
"Maybe you should– But you're not really down."
Your body relaxed as you realized his response had the same joking tone as yours did, and that it was okay to joke around about this stuff. You let out a small scoff.
"I'm not down? I will gladly go tuck you in. Just send your location and I'll be there in 5 minutes."
His voice had gotten raspy, quieter, and even more soothing if even possible. Each of his responses seemed to calm you more and more with each passing second.
"Well I'm already tucked in so you missed out on that opportunity." He boldly stated.
"We could tuck each other in next time." You said with a smile on your lips, and that earned a small chuckle from him. "Maybe." He hummed in response.
You felt so elated at that moment. You'd had a wonderful conversation with Alex, and he'd managed to make you feel more relaxed. At that moment, you found your eyelids fluttering shut, and at last they didn't force themselves open again.
Alex had been trying to get comfy himself while you were falling asleep. When he realized the silence had gone on for too long, he listened closely for any sound coming from you, and was only met with steady breaths.
"Y/N..?" He asked, quietly this time. Nothing. He let out a small hum, a small smile on his lips at the realization that you had fallen asleep. "Goodnight, Y/N."
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nctzanne · 3 years
Your Last Name
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♡ doctor!mark x fem!Reader.♡ smut, fluff if you use glasses
WARNINGS!: use of alcohol and drugs, explicit content, not sex but mentions of it.
𝑆𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦: I just want you to give it a try and read it AAAH
𝑅𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡?: no, an idea i've had since i started stanning NCT
𝐴𝑛𝑛𝑒'𝑠 𝑡𝘩𝑜𝑢𝑔𝘩𝑡𝑠 & 𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠: As i said above, this is an idea I've had for sOOOOOO many months, so I really wanted it to make it happen. It was on my drafts for a long time. Thank you so so much if you take the time to read this.
You noticed when your mind woke up suddenly, but without opening your eyes, slowly bringing you back to reality. You tasted your own mouth dry as a bone, with a metalic flavor on it, typical scenario when we talk about hangovers. The headache that invaded you so suddenly made you grab your forehead, almost if you brain was going to explode right there. The smell of fermentation on the room -or wherever you were- made you nauseous, so you stayed still to avoid vomiting everything you consumed the night before. A light breathing woke you up from your trance and inner speech, you could even feel the warmth of it on your shoulder. That's when you realize you were not alone, totally opposite of that, you were cornered by arms twice your size, avoiding you to move on the super duper comfortable position you were in. You still didn't want to open your eyes to notice who the lucky guy was, but you could smell the hints of tequila on his breath. When that hit your nose, you turned around abruptly by instinct, trying to avoid the smell. You opened my eyes a little, just to be able to locate yourself in space-time.
A room hotel, there's where you were. White walls reflected the light that came from outside of the giant windows, making you cover your eyes with the hand that wasn't under the grip of this unknown guy. Once your eyes get used to the light, you remembered that you were at Bora-Bora for vacations with your best friend. You can hear the eagles screaming way too loud for your irritable state, but just noticing where you were made you feel more calmed. "At least I'm here and they didn't kidnap me" You thought, finally grabbing the courage to turn around and see who exactly was the guy that had a night of passion with you.
"Sure, shit"
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-Wait, repeat it to me, who did you meet? -You asked incredulously, looking at how your friend Rosé was overflowing with emotion and nervousness.
-Do you know this famous band?- She told you a name that you couldn't identify, you automatically shake your head-Anyways, while I was waiting for you on the beach I met with Jaehyun, the bass player, we talked a little and he invited us for a few drinks with his friends!- She talked so fast that you had a hard time processing all the information that was given to you.
-And that's it, a random guy talks to you and you say yes?. He could be a serial killer-
-Ah c'moooon, he's a superstar, it will be funn!!!-
So, a not so official date with guys from a band. Sure, excellent idea.
-Okay, are they handsome at least?- You asked with disinterest
-You can't imagine, y/n, so prepare yourself as well as possible, they will fall for you- she approached the small bridge that united your cabins in the middle of the sea, while she blowed you a flirtatious kiss.
You just laughed and walked towards the windows, admiring the sea. You were literally in paradise, your bedrooms floated above the ocean, the white sand was not so far from where you were staying in, and the horizon was clearer than ever. How lucky you were to have a friend who helped you get over your breakups with a very casual trip to Bora Bora at the Four Seasons hotel. Loneliness invaded you for a second and you decided to get ready for the long-awaited meeting that you would have with her friends.
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A white beach dress with pink heels and your tan is enough, with the right makeup obviously. It was already 7 pm and your nervous friend looked at her cell phone while texting with someone
-Is it him?- You ask, trying to peek behind her shoulder to see if you could figure out what they're talking about.
-Yes, he is telling me he's here at the bar but he doesn't see us-
-Of course, we are sitting, let me raise my hand- and so you did it.
-Here!!!!- Your friend screams in excitement when she sees 3 tall figures approaching to you. They seemed to walk on a slow pace, almost like the came out of a movie. And yes, your heart almost stopped for a good 10 seconds. Three guys, my gosh, models? What were they again?. God definitely had preferences for some human beings.
The fact that they aere so handsome and well… structured made you blush. Jaehyun, Johnny and ...
-Mark, nice to meet you- the youngest of the 3 of them greeted me, with a dazzling smile that makes his dimples appear. You bit your lip and studied his entire face so that you would never forget him again. -y/n, nice to meet you too-
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Nothing more and nothing less than Mark Lee himself. His makeup was completely smeared, traces of mascara under his closed eyes. His forehead and nose were reflecting the daylight a bit. It was a hot morning (or evening), and having you next to his body was obviously going to make him sweat. His open, broken lips gave off that smell of alcohol that made you sick. But despite of everything, your sight softened after a couple of seconds. He was sleeping so peacefully, and he was clinging to you like his life depended on it, so you couldn't help but smile.
-Mark... wake up- you whispered softly while you tried to get up.
-Hmmmh, what time is it?- his morning voice made my stomach tingle a bit, your sight never leaving his figure while he starts waking up.
He squinted while he sit up in bed slowly, ruffling his own hair. It was obvious that he was in the same blank state you were a few minutes ago, and you could tell by how he confusingly looked around at the room, until his eyes reached at you. His face expression softened, giving you a shy smile.
-Do you need some clothes?- he asked, blushing when he studied your naked torso with lazy eyes. You realized that you both were entirely naked, and you rushed to cover your breasts with your arms, just to earn a pure laugh from him, that made your head resonate in pain.
-We fucked, y/n, no need to hide- Mark put all his weight on his left elbow, getting closer to you while tilting his face flirtatiously. That made you cheeks go red as ever.
-Yes, but I don't remember anything so your point is automatically invalid- His body hovered yours so fast that you couldn't even process what was happening, until he pecked your lips.
-I remember everything, so I will refresh your memory-
You burst out laughing while he deposited soft pecks all over your face. The situation was so sweet, but it didn't make you feel uncomfortable at all. He interrumpted his love actions and looked at you hungrily.
-Mark, I barely can keep myself awake, i feel like I'm going to puke...-You warned him, reading his intentions.
-Okay okay- he looked down defeated- At least, can we cuddle a bit more? I promise I can make the hangover feel better- He tangled his legs and arms to your body, resting his face on your collarbones.
╚═══════ ≪ °❈° ≫ ═══════╝
Everything on that evening was talking about the mortality of a crab. Basics like where you were from, what do you do for a living and relationship status open the conversation.
Your attention was drawn to Mark when he started to introduce himself. As a Medicine student, he decided with his 2 best friends that were part of a band to go on a trip to relax due to the busy schedules that consumes their time. The three live together on a small apartment in Korea, where the rent is expensive so they can make it more affordable.
Bora-bora was the destination of their choice. It seems that the band called NCT 127 draw lot of attention from crazy fans who followed them EVERYWHERE, so an expensive place like so would be easier to have a time for them on their own.
Mark spoke always adding "like" between his words, he liked to lay back when he was sipping on his piña colada, but got closer to the table when you talked about your experience as a journalist.
He tried so hard to show interest on a topic he had no idea about, that his questions were kinda clueless, but it was obvious that it was his way to not cut the attraction and chat between you and him. It was a sexual tension you could feel by kilometers, every gaze you had was followed by a shy smile, and you felt tingles on your body everytime you had a bit of interaction.
-Do you guys do shots?- Rosé interrumpted the conversation, scanning the boys reaction.
-I mean, that's why we are here- Johnny combed his hair backwards, already feeling heated by the 2 gin tonics he drank in 15 minutes. I couldn't deny, him on a tight black shirt looked hot as fuck, I could notice how Rosé was drooling for him- Excuse me, maa'am- he raised his hand, calling the waitress- 3 rounds of shots please!-
-Man, we had 2 yesterday and you almost puked on the sea, go easyyyy- you could notice the tipsy state from Jaehyun as well. His eyes were almost closed on a thin line and his dorky smile betrayed him. Mark laughed out loud, first time in the night you heard him like that, with his cheeks tinted red. He took a big sip of his piña colada, looking at you directly at the eyes. Actually, you didnt noticed till that moment, but your legs started to feel a bit numb. Quite usual for you when the alcohol gets up on your head.
-I'm in!- you answer to Johnny's idea. Once the blue shots arrive, you quickly grab one.
-Cheers for this night to be special- he screams with a deep voice, and the other 2 guys howl as response while you burst out laughing.
When you decided that the amount of alcohol on your body was enough, you took a chance to go to the beach to sing and dance to the DJ placed randomly in there.
You felt bliss, the EDM music was filling your senses, but you tried to keep your eyes full opened so you could remember the beautiful but blurry view of the sunset.
Together with your new group of friends were a mess. Jumping, screaming, raising your hands like you could touch the sky, everything seemed possible at that moment. Even dancing and getting laid with Mark.
The music had nothing to do with your plan, but you got dangerously close to him, resting your arms on his shoulders. You could see that he chuckled, tilting his head back so he could see you fully. Both of you were drunk as hell, you thought you were killing it with the flirting skills, but probably you just looked like two fools trying not to fall for the obvious drunken state you were.
-Do you wanna kiss me?- you screamed while "Jenny" sounded on the speakers. What kind of question is that?
-Sure I do- his canadian accent made you bite your lip while smiling- Can I?- his voice tried to mimic yours, but you didnt answered, it wasnt necessary.
Your lips collided as you got close at the same time, and Mark wasted no time to open his mouth and let his tongue in your wet cavity. You moaned so loud, because you knew no one could hear it but him. A fierce fight between both of your tongues started, every graze of them would make yourself wetter and wetter. He squeezed your waist and tried to keep you closer to him if it was possible, in his drunk mind he was scared you could run away from him.
Nothing about the context was romantic at all. You both physically liked eachother and just wanted to make out. No love at first sight, no kiss with fireworks behind, just pure desire.
Adrenaline rushed your body when his hands cupped your ass, that was only covered by the thin dress you decided to wear. Nobody near you could care less about what you two were doing it, but for you, everyone was looking at the show you and Mark were offering, and that obviously turned you on.
You bit Mark's lower lip, sucked on it, while opening your eyes to look directly at him. Eyes closed, he was enjoying how you toyed his lips. The hard grip on your skin, and a bulge poking your stomach made you feel powerful, you were loving the effect you caused on him.
Suddenly, an arm made you break your kiss with Mark. You lose your balance so you hug the guy that was pulling you backwards. Johnny.
-Hey, pornstars, we have some nice shit here- he pointed his hand with his eyes. You could see a tiny bag with a white dust inside. You come to your senses and look around at the crowd to try find Rosé, but it was obvious she already was under the influence. She was on Jaehyun's shoulders, enjoying the music. You sigh, chuckling at the sight of her losing her mind.
-Its my first time though- you commented while you look at Johnny spreading the dust on top of his phone screen with one hand using a credit card. You could notice he was an expert at it, you peek to see Mark right by your side looking at the manouvers as hypnotized as you. Probably it was his first time too.
You both snorted the little substance, and it sucked at first. It was so uncomfortable, but it took minutes for you to get used to that weird sensation on your nose.
You didnt even noticed when everything started to amplify. You could feel the summer breeze making its way around you, the taste of Mark's saliva still on your tongue was strong, the colorful tins of the sky while it was dusking looked so enhanced.
A hand grabbed yours, taking you out of your trance, and almost felt like an orgasm. So warm and so soft, made you wanna scream. You turned to see a fucked out Mark, studying your face with dilated pupils, he was almost as horny as you by only grabbing hands.
He caressed yours with his thumb, and it felt like he was fucking you, your body shivered at it. Mark was enjoying it too, so he brought your fingers closer to his mouth and inserted the index one inside, and started to suck on it. You moaned and felt how your pussy clenched at nothing, the saliva coating your finger felt like caramel, if you could explain the feeling.
-Mark if you keep doing that i'm gonna cum- you told him with a warning tone, he was so inmersed on sucking your finger that he jumped when you talked. He was aroused by the situation too.
He smiled with your finger still inside of his mouth, took it out, holded you by your wrist and started to run towards...
╚═══════ ≪ °❈° ≫ ═══════╝
-And we ended up here- Mark sumed up the night while you were laying on his chest, caressing it with the tip on your fingers. His, on the other hand, were playing with the locks of your hair.
-Yeah, i remember now, such a night- and then you snapped- Wait... where the fuck is...-
-Yeah, she was having a threesome with the boys. Dont worry, she was having a good time-Mark answered with a playful tone. Of course, that sounds like a very Rosé thing to do. You let out a breathy laugh.
-We could have joined...- you suggested, looking up at him. He took a few seconds to answer, while his eyes moved from one corner to the other of the ceiling, like he was evaluating that scenario.
-Yeah, and sharing? No thanks- he bit his lip and he looked at you with a greedy smile- I felt so lucky to have you screaming my name over and over-
You hit his shoulder with your fist playfully, and he took that as an answer to keep silent and just enjoy the company of the other.
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2 days went by, you get used to hang out with the boys. All kinds of crazy stuff you could imagine, you were doing it with them, and it felt like heaven. Mark couldnt keep his hands to himself and everytime he had the opportunity, he would make you cum on his fingers or mouth. And the same goes for you, too. Thanks to him, you noticed how good you are at giving blowjobs inside public restrooms.
But nothing lasts forever, sadly, and the last day of your summer vacation arrived. Rosé and you were ready to go back to Seoul, while they would be staying a little bit longer. It hurted, you got used to Mark's attention, and either him or you wanted to ask for eachothers contact. Not because of lack of interest, but because both of you thought that the other saw it as an adventure. You didn't even knew his last name.
His lips devours yours before you could get in the car that was waiting for you on the street -I wont forget you, thanks for this amazing 3 days- he smiled, a tint of sadness on his eyes. You caressed his cheek, pecking his nose, trying to hurry as much as you coulf so you wouldnt start to feel emotional.
He looked at you clueless -What?-
-My last name is y/l/n- you smiled and without waiting for an answer, you close the door of the car.
╚═══════ ≪ °❈° ≫ ═══════╝
-Hey, hey, it's okay- typical of Rosé being so overdramatic. Sure, your finger almost got cut in half while you were trying to cook some carbonara, but it wasnt a big deal, something a few stitches couldn't fix. The only thing that kept your finger from gushing blood out was a piece of toilet paper.
-Please! My friend needs a doctor!!!!- She screamed at the top of her lungs inside the hospital.
-What happened?- a nurse hurried, worried eyes scanning you both.
-She is losing her finger!!!!- Rosé felt she was going to faint.
-Jesus, Rosé, calm down-
The nurse takes a quick look at your finger- Yeah it doesn't look that good, please follow me. You are lucky we don't have that many patients on New Years Eve-
You are guided to a tiny room full of medical stuff, probably where you are going to get your finger sticked together. It hurted as fuck, but you were trying to keep focused on something other than the pain. You looked at the desk with the computer on, and on a hidden corner you noticed a picture of 3 friends, on a place that seemed too familiar to you. Actually, the friends also seemed like an old ones you had... maybe in university? You can't quite remember.
The door opened up while you were trying to dig into your memories , and you looked at the door startled.
-So, Mrs y/n...- that voice, that motherfucking voice. A year has passed. But how the fuck you were supposed to forget it?. You felt your ears buzzing, face heating and heartbeat racing. You were losing your breath and suddenly the pain of your finger got worst and worst.
He didn't turn to look at you, just got inside by looking at his phone, and once he was sit in front of you, his facial expression dropped.
There were the both of you, looking at eachother like dumb teenagers, like your finger wasnt bleeding out, almost like you were backat that bar in Bora-bora again.
-I... uh... yeah, my finger- you stutter, pointing at it. Mark shakes his head, coming back at his professional senses.
Before the medical procedure he performed, he bandaged your finger, and wrote some medicine you had to take for the pain to go away.
-It should be okay on a few weeks, nothing to worry about- he smiled at you, trying to comfort you. You felt your heart drop when he grabbed the healthy of both of your hands and caressed your palm with his thumb, everything felt like a flashback. You looked at him with clueless eyes.
-I... uh... I should come back in a few weeks then- you stuttered, pressing your lips into a thin line while looking at him directly on his eyes. He nods.
You frowned -Huh?-
-My last name is Lee-
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qianoir · 3 years
IT3D 1 - Hua Mulan
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: college students!WayV x Chinese fem!reader
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: non-idol au, college au
𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: 18+ (Do not interact if you are under 18)
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: heavy cursing (censored), mentions of sex, nudity, love octogon, foreign humor, overbearing parents
♡ 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.3k
𝐓𝐚𝐠 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭: @eggbutnotyolk @d1nne @fanficbitchwhowriteskpop @staysstrays
Preview < 1 < 2 < 3
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"I've only been in New York City for 15 hours, Xuejiao. And it's huge! I don't know these streets you're telling me!" You shout, ignoring the side-eyes from the passerby city slickers that give New York it’s bad stereotype.
"You're going down 96th Street right? I told you to keep going down. It's a long a.ss street. You'll find the campus eventually- look for the dome!"
The connection breaks as Xuejiao finishes the call, "I gotta go now, I’m trying to get in my astrology professor’s pants after class!" The line goes silent and you huff, opening up GPS to lead you down the forsaken 96th Street. Distracted with directions, some guy crashes into you with his bike.
"What the hell!? Watch where you're going!" You yell picking up your fallen bag- which scattered all of my weeaboo s.hit.
"Maybe if you didn't stand in the middle of the street, you wouldn't have wrecked my bike! You're lucky you didn't get killed by a real car!" You looked up at the ignorant voice and found a young, orange-haired Asian boy. Maybe Chinese, like me?
"I wrecked your bike!? You're really unbelievable.." You placed everything back into the bag and took out your wallet. "Look, I don't have time for this. I'm sorry for damaging your tricycle, or whatever- here." You threw a fully punched Xing Fu Tang loyalty card at the kid’s dumbfounded face and walked off.
It's 9:57 AM, your o-chem class starts at 10 and you still can't find the campus. Why did my parents even make me leave Hong Kong? Because of the government, the pollution? Both countries are f.ucked. I choke there and I choke here.
Finally, I'm here.
You ran to the STEM building and up the stairs to land in a spacious lab room. You hurried to an empty seat near the top row. 9:59 AM.. Thank goodness.
In the midst of the lesson, the door opened to reveal the same clumsy jerk you had encountered a few minutes ago. He rushed to an empty seat, you going unnoticed by him.
Your first 50 minutes of college went by pretty quick. Nothing more than a syllabus review and a small question/answer session.
"I know it is the first day, but you are all in big kid school now, so I am assigning a semester project you will work on for all of this first term with a partner." Each array of your peers groaned at this announcement.
"You will use your knowledge from high school chemistry or an equivalent to complete it." The professor continued, "I will choose your partners and you are both expected to be responsible with it all semester."
"Remember your partner's name so that when I'm done, you can come down to get each other's contact information."
"Man Wol and Ji An.. Ha Jin and Hae Soo.."
The professor continued to call out names as you were caught up in texting Xuejiao about the kid who crashed into you earlier this morning being in your class, only half listening until you heard your name being called.
“Y/N and Yangyang.." Did I miss a racist joke or something? What the hell is a Yang Yang?
You kept texting Xuejiao, deciding to deal with it after class.
"I know it's a lot to take in on the first day, but on the bright side, you don't have to do the project," Some idiots celebrated, "but know that I will judge you harshly on it and I will be teaching at an Ivy League while you get kicked out of an Ivy League, never achieving your dreams." He fakes a sad face and the same idiots fuss.
"Now come meet your partners and have a good rest of your first day!" Your first professor dismissed the first class.
You put your phone in your pocket and stumbled to the bottom of the classroom, calling out for "Yangyang," the name feeling awkward as it rolled off your tongue.
"That's me." You spun around and were met with the trike guy from earlier.
"IT'S YOU!" You exclaimed in unison with him, the space between you two silencing for a second, before you spoke again.
"Oh my God I can't believe I got such a d!ck as a partner." You rolled your eyes with crossed arms.
"Hey! It takes two to d!ck!" Yangyang argues back. You stared at the fellow Asian boy in disgust and dismay.
"What the f.uck!?"
Both of you suddenly broke down laughing, your huddled classmates peeking at you with judgemental stares.
Yangyang calmed down and talked more comfortably with you, "Thanks for the boba by the way. I drank it deliciously.. before I dropped it because I crashed again."
"That's what you get for being a pr!ck to me." You scoffed.
"Oh baby that wasn't being a pr!ck. That was simply getting you warmed up to want me." He tapped your chin to bop your head back while giving a creepy stare.
"You're a f.ucking crazy person."
"Like it or not, Mulan, you're stuck with me for an entire semester." He stuck his tongue out at you.
"Mulan?" You questioned.
"Yeah. You're a Chinese b!tch, right?" You glared at him, but had to nod ‘yes’ anyway.
"Cool. I'm Taiwanese.. I need to get to the other side of campus so give me your number so we can work out the details on the project. You wanna meet up at the library tonight?" You agreed and gave him your number.
"Great. See you tonight, Mulan." He winked and jumped out of the room.
Shaking your head at the ironic situation, you walked to the next class with a little over 10 minutes to spare, so you stopped for coffee at the Starbucks on campus.
The shop was pretty small and there weren't a lot of people inside. As you were about to enter, another Asian boy held the door open. "Thank you." You smiled, bowing your head in gratitude.
"Anything for a girl with such a charming smile. Can I buy you a coffee?" He asked.
"No, that's ok!" You replied, not wanting to inconvenience this guy- and besides, he might just be trying to get in my pants.
"Please I insist! Get anything you want!" You decided to take his offer because in the end, it’s free coffee. He was also pretty charming himself, and seemingly harmless.
"Could I get an iced Americano, please?" You ordered. "I'll have the same." The boy told the barista.
You both stood to the side of the bar, talking while the identical drinks were being made. "Thank you for paying, you really didn't have to." "No no it's really fine. I wanted to.. I'm Dejun Xiao by the way, I think I'm in your chemistry class. What's your name?"
"I'm Y/N." "Oh are you Chinese!?" You nodded. "I'm Chinese as well. Are you from China?" "I'm from Hong Kong." "That's so cool! I'm from Guangdong." "Oh nice, nice.." The drinks were handed to you and you walked out together, strolling into the center of the campus.
"What class do you have next?" Dejun asked, sipping at his coffee. You took out a crumpled paper to examine the schedule printed on it. "I have biochem next." "Oh we have the same class!" Dejun announced. "That's crazy! Are you premed?" You asked him. "No, I'm studying forensic science. I want to be a homicide detective.”
Wow this guy is impressive. "Wow, that's awesome.. I want to be a heart surgeon.”
“That’s so cool!” "Thank you." You laughed at his energy. The two of you walked in the direction of your next shared class, conversing and giggling with each other along the way.
You reached your next classroom and found empty seats next to one another. “You can call me Xiaojun, by the way. I think it’s cooler than Dejun.”
“If you have to say your name is cool, then it’s not cool.” Another Asian man walked up to your row.
"Hey man! You're in here, too?" Xiaojun asked. "Yeah! It was a lucky draw." Xiaojun then motioned over to you, "This is Y/N. She's my new.. friend?" He smiled at you, looking for confirmation. Returning his smile, "Yes I am. Nice to meet you." The other male shook your hand and introduced himself. "Nice to meet you, too. I'm Kun."
"She's from China, like us!" Kun was surprised. "Really? Why did you come to America?" "My parents made me." You shrugged. "Wow mine did, too." Kun chuckled and sat down in the row of you and Xiaojun.
I left China, but China came to me. Maybe this year is destined to be good..
To be continued…
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moonlitberrry · 3 years
not so popular
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➀ ᴀ/ɴ: based from what wonho wore last halloween i'll be following in pursuit of this school themed au where he's a football player and you're his best friend off the same year and i won't disclose that you're a nerd in this but be whoever you want. kinda christmas theme actually
➁ ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: football player! lee hoseok/wonho x reader
➂ ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: fluff, school au
➃ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: none
once the football team opened vacant spots for new comers that's where wonho popped in
he trained a whole lot for this to join the football team and that include:
working out and staying fit
he plays as their new tight end offensive line
you wouldn't worry much about his well-being since he never skips meals or anything just like a couple of people who would prefer protein bars and drinks instead of other food
he uses that but also eats
he healthy boy
always attends practices and would never skip a single one unless there's an emergency
have grown popular in the football team quickly after one game
he was really nervous in playing in their first game like,
he can't focus and kept jumping like a lil bunny all around, trying to convince himself
"i can do this, i can do this."
"of course you can, hoseok!"
he felt so relieved that you’re always there with him. you’ve always been there with him ever since childhood
the both of you are friends since grade school and have always hanged out in each other’s homes. whenever wonho’s parents were out he always stay in around yours
as usual some people and a few of your friends thought that the both of you were a couple because of how close you are with him
you refused 
you weren’t in a denial but you just saw him as one of your family members, like a brother and everyone respected that
no one from your classes ever decided to push you about your relationship with wonho and you were glad they stopped because it gets annoying when they do
so, you’re comforting wonho and his anxiousness over playing in the field
at first you’re not allowed inside the locker room of the football players until a few of wonho’s teammates, the captain, let you in
you almost resulted to kicking one of them until they let you in but decided against detention than anything else
wonho would flip and ask you how you end up there
once you were by wonho’s side you comforted him and pat his back, telling him you’ll be cheering him on 
he keeps asking questions regarding his worries
“what if i mess up?”
“this is my first game, omg omg. this is my first!”
“oh hoseok, you won’t mess up. you’ve been practicing this all week. kill that game!”
because of your encouragements, it made him more pumped up into playing on the field
his teammates found it impossible to bring his mood up, but somehow you’re able to cheer him up for every crisis he receives
from that day on, wonho’s teammates allow you inside the locker room every time wonho becomes nervous 
ever since wonho’s first game his popularity grew
he became busy over the following years that the both of you hardly even talked to each other
you proposed on talking every night but he’s always tired after practice or hanging out with the guys
he promises to hang out with you, which resulted to movie nights every month 
the both of you scheduled on every friday night of the week but wonho kept canceling your plans with him
he’s very guilty about it
he wants to spend time with you everyday like before, but the both of you grew busy over your academics and school curricular activities 
expect random texts from your boi
to: [ your caller I.D ]
from: hoho
hey! have a great day, don't forget to eat your breakfast. i got you a pancake bunny :D see you then!
when you got downstairs you found oddly shaped pancakes but it cutely formed into a bunny
with whip cream as the tail
because he's whipped for you, get it? :'D ahAHa i need to stop laughing at my own jokes
a cute lil bunny just like him
you never cared how different it looked like, it honestly looks unique and cute making you snap a photo of it and save it for keep sakes
almost everyday whenever he had the time he would always leave little small texts to you which you happily see at any given time of the day
and you text him back the same kind of affection and his heart goes CRAZY
you don't know that yet because the both of you hardly see each other but when he looks at you he has heart eyes
that whipped that you aren't aware of but anyway
you wish you could see him in person somehow
i mean, you do see him in school but he's usually busy with practice so you weren't sure
he also found a new group of friends recently that are not much of your status level
they all seem nice but you're not exactly sure on how to talk to wonho's new friends
somehow you find his name being off and across the campus of how a lot of people thought he was cool and how much a couple of them had a crush on him too
you aren't lying, you also find wonho that way
except for the crush
there is no way you would be crushing on your best friend, that would be awkward to handle
but you did
and you didn't know how to handle it
but one night
you get to hang out with him again after so long and it made the both of you relieved
thanking it all to your holidays break! (happy holidays! :D)
wonho made you pick out the movie for the both of you to watch while he chose the food
ever since then
he NEVER changed
well except for the fact of being really obvious of how much he likes you
would sometimes consult a couple of his friends on how to talk to you about it
and or ask you out
i mean he has asked someone out before and you were aware of it until he broke up with them around some year ago
so yes, boi is nervous
what else didn't change from him?
oh yeah, ramen
expect two bowls of ramen that he prepared for the both of you to have
"i. really. love. ramen. owki?"
"aww, more than you love me? ;("
"... but i do love you."
you laughed it off and decided to eat but he was serious though
it made you stop and stare at him like,
wait wait wait
you love who?
"i love you, (y/n)... i really do."
ok so you actually thought he liked someone else and not you
he has a bunch of admirers recently that you can't count how much because THEY'RE A LOT
and wonho is hot so
oh wow look im rhyming
you can't blame them for it but i guess you stole his bunny heart already
for a very long time really
"i actually thought you liked someone else."
"you might think that way but you never failed to cross my mind ever since we were busy. i like talking to you and ever since we were separated like that it made me miss you a whole lot, you know?"
and here you are, gradually melting
honestly, the both of you don't know what to do next but one of you should speak
"i'm so thankful to have this time with you again. so, will you spend it now with your best friend?"
"oh hoseok, not best friend."
"iM nOt yOur fRienD aNymOre??? D:"
"no, but my boyfriend, silly"
this made you laugh at how cute he is
"well in that case ;)"
of course, made the move to kiss you first right on your break with him
had the need to initiate it right when the both of you confessed
"time to watch some sweet holidays flicks to start the day with my favorite person"
"oh, absolutely"
that's not your last kiss though
kisses you a lot lot ever since then
also made a make shift headband where a mistletoe hung
only wears it when the both of you are alone and he can have his sweet time of kissing you,,, under the mistletoe
he just wants your affection, owki?
he just wants all of your loveeee
but wow though, your friends cheering you both for finally getting into a relationship
they thought it was so obvious
that the both of you would like each other at some point
and you guys did ♡
so this is not over guys, i got a little more info as football player wonho aight?
you always come to his games of course and he always asks for a kiss before a game starts
its to boost up his energy and you're just,
"don't you have a lot energy already?"
he won't stop whining about it
honestly just wants your kisses and your love
and so it became a habit of you kissing him before a game starts
when he looses you give extra affection
when he wins he will take you out somewhere or just host up a lazy date at your place
he always ask for a hug or a kiss every after practice
"babe, i'm home! now how about a-."
"i'll give you a kiss after you shower-."
always sweaty after practice, the sweat of hard work
you only give him a peck on the cheek after he's done with practice but no cuddle until he showers
you would always help him catch up whenever he misses a class or two because of practices where a big game is on
boy lacks a bit of sleep so yes
always remind him to pack extra food and water just in case
sometimes you would do it because he forgets
am i done now? yes yes i am finally done.
« back to hoho masterlist
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bumbershots · 3 years
Author’s note: Hello! We have finally reached the awaited date between Harry and Alma. I was really excited for this chapter, hopefully you will enjoy it as much as I did, forgive me in advance for any mistakes, my beta reader (my boyfriend) was unavailable, so this is a good time to say that if anyone out there has the time and willingness to beta read any future chapters send me an ask or message to let me know. Enjoy! (:
Story masterlist ** Word count: 2.6K **
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Harry wakes up feeling excited, nervous and hungry. He takes care of the latter, decides to make some blueberry pancakes, turns out he can't eat more than two and a cup of coffee. Not that the pancakes weren't great, in fact they were fantastic, he even decides to brag about them on an Instagram story that is published for his close friends only. Nick quickly replies to it with a laughing emoji.
You should take a Tupperware full of them to your date ;)
The reason behind his excitement and nerves make his heart race, he decides to type in a polite 'fuck off' to his mate before heading to the shower. Under the warm spray of water he tries to sort out his thoughts. Harry doesn’t want to think about his upcoming trip to California. 
It was necessary for the album or so he thought last week, after going through a box with the very few memories he kept from his ex. He wasn’t in a right state of mind then, he feels pathetic. The only reason why he wanted to spend time in Los Angeles was because everything there —from the pavement to the sky— was tainted by her. 
Why would he want to go back to that place where the constant reminder of his pain was literally living in the same neighbourhood? Because it would provide him the cathartic release he was looking for. That’s the line he used after Sarah and Mitch tried to dissuade him from flying across the Atlantic and Harry was so proud of himself when it worked. 
That very same day, he got the first text from Alma, it was the address like she promised. ‘In case one of your talents isn’t stumbling upon my work place ;)’ the second text read and Harry had to endure Sarah’s questionnaire about the girl that made him blush with a mere wink emoji. Not that he minded talking about her, he could go on all day.
He usually preferred a shower before breakfast, usually even work out before then but well, hunger clouded his judgement earlier today. Even with that taken care of that dread still niggled him away. Just slightly. So, he decided to pick up his guitar for a moment and strummed. There was no real intention to play seriously, or to write anything down on the journal by his desk. It was more of something he enjoys too much not to do it, a way to keep his hands and mind busy, faffing around with chords. With a bit of luck he might come up with a song, a tune which just worked, that just... clicked.
Contrary to what people might believe, genius didn't strike him here and then. Not like when he'd come up with Sign of the times or Two ghosts. But finding a neat little pattern of chords a good thirty minutes later makes him smile, it's something he can work with. It needs a little polishing from Mitch and company, sure, but it has a good rhythm. He scribbled down some notes on his journal and sent the audio to his fellow musician.
Maybe he will find the words in one of the old notebooks that are somewhere in the other room, perhaps on the ones that are still on his unpacked suitcase from Japan. Silently he also hoped to find the lyrics around London. He had lived in the capital for a few years now, but he had been different then. Now he likes to think that he's a man, no longer the teenager from the boy band or the shiny new solo artist. He has new perspectives, sights, smells in this new home of his. New ideas.
Harry gazes out his bedroom window; the view is not great –mostly of the other houses in the complex. His mind focused on the cloudy sky, confused because he swore it was sunny just a few minutes ago, can bet on his life that he woke up to dazzling sunshine rays of a warm yellow colour peeking through that same window. He puts his guitar away on the bed with care and makes a beeline to his wardrobe. He needs to figure out what to wear, pronto.
Skipping her afternoon kip was not something Alma did, it was a rare occurrence which meant one thing: something special was happening.
Walking down Oxford Street, trying to decide where to get some lunch without a care in the world, that was until the calmness faded, when her schedule for the day hit her.
She had a date with Harry. A date, with Harry Styles. It was weird to go by his full name in her head, she couldn't bring herself to call or think about him as The Harry Styles.
Maybe she'd settle to call him Harry the tube guy.
The clock on her phone showed that it was no longer single figure hours, she needed to get some food now or starve until her shift was over, and then he would have to watch her feast at whatever place he chose. Alma groaned, thought how ridiculous it was to worry about him watching her eat. Harry was a grown man; of course he knows that women eat too, right?
Walking into the nearest Sainsbury's she decided to take a deep breath. He's just some guy, she concluded after paying for her chicken baguette. Nothing to stress about.
Harry showered again, while belting out some classic pop tunes. Namely Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears, something that in the past he'd swear blind you'd misheard and it was actually The Rolling Stones or Pink Floyd. But he'd come to terms that he liked what he liked.
Towel clad in the bedroom, trying to shirk off hypothermia, he was quick to put on some pants and jeans, before throwing on some simple white tee proclaiming some fading band name. He uses a dry clean towel from the closet and attempts to dry his hair, as he styles his flopped mop the thought of a haircut crosses his mind. It was getting a bit long.
One last look at the clock and he is ready to leave. "You'll be fine. Trust me." He quietly speaks to himself before closing the last few buttons of his green parka and fixing the newsboy cap on his head.
When he walks out of Colindale tube station, a little earlier than half past five, he sees the bakery from her instructions just below the large modern building Alma was kind enough to describe. She was right; the bakery is right across the street, he waits for the green man to light up to cross, shoving his hands in his pockets. The huge front windows of the establishment allow Harry to see her behind the till, feeling the heat rise to his cheeks. She looks better than she did three weeks ago. He hesitates about going in for a few minutes, but feels it ought to be better than to lurk on the street.
Alma can feel his presence the moment he sets foot into the shop, her eyes are drawn to him and a content close lipped smile is the best greeting he could ask from her. The only customer in the place can feel the shift in the atmosphere when they lock eyes. So, picking up her bag full of baked goods, she steps out and leaves them alone.
"Sorry if I'm too early." He begins while she takes off her apron and hangs it in the back wall.
"You're right on time," Alma says after checking her watch, "I'm off Carlos, see you tomorrow!" She hollers to the employee that is taking a non-allowed nap in the back. Harry holds the door open for her and follows out of the warm store. "Shall we take the tube?" At his affirmative response, she then takes out her Oyster card and leads the way.
The café was not somewhere Alma expected Harry to go, the little shop with soothing music and simple stools full of the scent of organic coffee brewing is dazzling and unique. A bit like him, she thinks. She liked it. It reminded her of the places she used to frequent when she had recently moved into the city.
Harry orders a black coffee at the counter before asking Alma what she'd like.
"A cappuccino, and remember I'm paying for our food," she hands him a tenner that he reluctantly takes from her.
"Absolutely," he iterates the order to the woman behind the counter and adds two salted caramel cupcakes handing over the cash. "If you get a seat, I'll bring it over."
Alma thanks him before scampering across the room to sit at the back two seat table tucked in the corner. It was right beside the large back window, dimly lit. Before she sat, she removed her signature burgundy coat and Harry couldn't help his eyes being drawn to certain aspects of his companion. Nice arse, he remarked with a raise of his brows before the woman behind the counter tells him for the third time that his order is ready, a look of disdain as she probably caught his gaze. Giving her a sheepish smile to appease her, he manages to balance the two plates and mugs in his hands and walk over to the table.
"They asked if you wanted whipped cream or foam and I settled for foam, hope that's not a problem." He plonks himself on the seat across from her, removing his parka in a clumsy manner before hanging it in the back of the chair.
"No problem, I actually despise–
"Whipped cream, yeah, I kind of remembered what you told me about that birthday party of yours," the green eyed lad finishes for her and scratches the back of his neck. "You know with that dare..."
Her eyes flickered down to the cupcakes laid out before them and she started picking the caramel out of one, hoping to hide the nerves his words caused.
"Right enough, yeah... I can't believe you remembered that or that I told you about it." She chuckled nervously at the anecdote she chose to share with him, it was a bit inappropriate due to the amount of vomit around it, literally. But he shrugged with a charming smile. No big deal. "Nice place," she noted.
"I know it's a bit of a strange choice. It doesn't strike me as, you know, the kind of place you put so much effort into for a first date..." Harry stops talking and now his eyes meet the cupcake in front of him. "Bollocks I must have sounded so daft, I'm sorry." Lucky for him, she doesn't laugh, instead she reaches out to stroke his hand and give it a gentle squeeze.
"Nothing to be sorry about, I can be quite daft so..."
"I doubt that Miss suave." He gets a laugh out of her then, one that is almost a snort and earns a few glances from other customers.
"I’m far from it! Honestly, I once accidentally stepped on dog shit and didn't notice until my date couldn't bear the stink anymore and checked my shoe, in a very fancy restaurant. Terrible story. Trust me, I can be daft." Alma held up her hands and the musician giggled at her.
"Promise you won't laugh?" he raised an eyebrow at her, pleading. She promised. "Well, I kind of always wanted to have a first date here. It's always one of the first places I visit when I'm back in London, the food is amazing, and service is excellent. Came here completely hung-over after my twenty-first birthday party. I guess it has a lot of good memories." Pinked cheeks gave away Harry's embarrassment, he wanted to relax and for her to be more comfortable around him.
With a sincere smile Alma placed her hand over his resting on the table. "I think that is very sweet." This reply was not what he had expected; she leant in and beckoned him closer. "For your information Harry, this is exactly a great place for a first date." Up close he swore the darkness of her eyes were about to swallow him whole and spit him out to an alternate universe. He swallowed hard and took a sip of his coffee to distract himself a bit. Perhaps caffeine was not a good choice on a day where his heart was speeding so frequently.
"Did you have a good day today at work?" he asks with a familiarity that Alma can get used to.
"Yeah, had a bit of free time to plan my next video blog. It's been ages since I uploaded one." She bashfully admits. "This cupcake was delicious, a great flavour choice." And just like that they fall into easy conversation until their cups are drained. The place is almost empty around quarter to eight and they both know it's almost closing time –the death glances from the employees behind the counter gave it away. They put on their garments again before leaving.
Harry makes his way to the door expecting Alma to follow. Instead she first gathered up their mugs and plates, to place them neatly on the counter and thanked the three workers behind it with a genuine smile. Harry looked surprised; she didn't quite have to do that. She noticed.
"Just being polite," she stated the obvious, before walking under his arm that held open the door. He chose not to comment and fought back a smile.
They stood outside, not really sure of what to do next. Usually he would suggest going back to his place. It was near, but he watched her yawn discreetly and he suddenly remembered that she had a real job, well actually jobs in plural. He broke the silence.
"It was nice to see you again Alma." He meant it and she smiled as she toyed with the buttons of her coat. British summer weather was hardly cold, but today it seemed to be punishingly windy. Harry near gave a shiver, but instead took a deep breath before speaking again. It was now or never. "It'd be quite great, if I could... I'd like to see you again. Please." He shifted on one foot, nearly drowned in the silence that followed.
"I'd quite love to see you again," Harry gave a slight gulp, very slight and got out strength from the words she spoke to take a big risk, the first of today.
He stepped closer and cradled her face in his hands before leaning down and kissing her cheek. It wasn't the full on kiss he wanted to give her. But it is something he'd been dying to do since he first saw her today, something he hoped would make clear how attracted he was to her. Harry smelled like coffee and caramel. God this man's lips are prettier up close, she thought right before he straightened up.
She stayed close to him before speaking again. A low murmur so that the passing London traffic wouldn't steal her words from him.
"This was an amazing date."
Alma walked with him the long distance of one mile to the tube station, their hands brushing against each other. He was desperate to just hold hers, kiss her soft knuckles and ask about the lightning-shaped scar on her little finger. But decided against it, he knew that West Hampstead was not a common area for paparazzi, but he didn't want to risk her. Especially after the splendid afternoon they just shared.
They said their farewells.
"I'll call you," he said again. She warned that he better, before entering the station, he took great delight in watching her walk away from him, his gaze falling once more to her bum now covered by the coat. Harry spun on his heel and walked the short distance to his home.
Surely London could help him find the lyrics for that tune, this city definitely had something.
Let me know if you like the story! *** Join the taglist!
TAG LIST: @laurxn-robinson​ @mellamolayla​ 
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deliverydefresas · 3 years
another aeroplane, another sunny place
AKA, the final bonus part of shape of you that wasn't posted here, but on wp. very much inspired by michael bublé's song 'home' back in 2017 that i finally finished writing a while ago. technically it can be read as a standalone os since that's how it was originally written as, but it also makes sense in the sofy universe. (just like another os i will post sometime next week that i *also* posted on wp but not on here)
ANYWAYS feel free to ignore if you've read it already, since i'm mostly just posting it here in case i need to reference it later!
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may be surrounded by a million people i still feel alone, i just wanna go home
oh, i miss you, you know
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He'd been on the road for eight months now.
He was grateful of all the success the Rollerband was getting; a worldwide sold-out tour, thousands of records sold, a renewed signing contract for another three years. He knew he was lucky, and he couldn't deny it.
Career-wise, he was happy, living his rock-star dream. His personal life was a whole different thing.
They say distance makes the heart grow fonder. And it was true, honestly. If he thought he loved his girlfriend before, he knew for sure now that he was ten thousand kilometers away. However, what they don't tell you, it's how hard it can get when such a distance is formed. He hadn't talked to Ámbar, like really talked, in two months.
Their relationship had gotten to an only-texting communication, with hello's and goodnight's texts received every day. The phone calls had reduced to once a week, if that.
It hadn't started that way, though. The first three months consisted of daily three-hours-long video calls, with the occasional visit if uni and her schedule allowed her, then they passed to a one-hour daily cellphone call... now they were lucky they even remembered to put 'i love you' at the end of their texts.
He didn't like it, not one bit. He knew where they were leading; he'd seen it first with Jim and Nico years ago (which was a reason he tried not to date anyone seriously), and then a few months later with Delfi and Pedro. Simón didn't want that for Ámbar and himself.
He checked the time; almost midnight where he was, so it'd only be around 7 PM in Buenos Aires. Her uni classes ended at three, so either she was at the J&R or doing homework.
Deciding he didn't have anything to lose, he pressed 'call' on his phone. Five rings later, she picked up, her beaming face appearing on his screen. Gosh, how he'd missed her.
"Aló, Simón?!" Her voice sounded a little breathy, but overall excited. He had to smile when he heard her. "How are you? I miss you," she sighed wistfully on the other side of the line. The hand she wasn't using to hold the phone went to her hair, twirling a lock away from her face.
"I miss you too," Simón answered, a small smile gracing his lips, "I'm coming home soon, only a couple of weeks more, little gem."
"It feels like too long, but at least it's sooner than eight months," she mumbled, sighing again, "how's Spain? Didn't you have a show tonight?"
"Spain's great, full of life," he remembered the crowd, screaming and singing along, "the show ended an hour ago. I'm feeling a little homesick, I guess," he admitted, "I wish I was there with you."
"Don't," she reprimanded him, shaking her head a little, "you'll be here soon, enjoy tour life while you can."
"That's the thing... I'm not enjoying it anymore." Ámbar went still at this. If it weren't for the tenue sound of music she was listening on her side and that he could hear through the phone, he'd have thought it's freezed on him; when he realized that wasn't the case, he continued. "It's been too long. I miss our bed, I miss waking up next to you, hugging you, kissing you... I miss our dog and I miss our friends. This life... it feels so empty, little gem." He wasn't ashamed to say he was close to tears. He loved touring, giving concerts in different parts of the world, meeting fans all over the globe... those were heavy pros. Simón just wished he'd have more time for his family.
"Don't think like that, Simón, please." She begged him, the little tremble in her voice gave away her emotions, her face had barely moved. Simón knew it was more for his sake than for hers. "I miss you too, so much it hurts sometimes. But this is your dream, love, this is what you've worked so hard for; don't let homesickness stop you from finding joy in what you love the most."
"I'll try, I promise I will. I just... I don't know..."
"I get it, I'm the same sometimes. But you must understand; we're not them, Simón." Her voice turned softer, understanding, and soothing. He loved that about her, that she seemed to know what to say and how to say it without a prompt given. "Do you know why they didn't work out? It's not because they loved each other less, or because the distance was too much. It was the pressure of feeling that if they weren't near each other, if they didn't talk to the other 24/7, their bond would break. It was too much, and it ended up leaving them strained."
"Is this your way of telling me you don't want to talk to me anymore?" he joked, his smile growing as she rolled her eyes.
"You're an idiot." She deadpanned, changing her position on the bed to recline her back on their bedrest. "Seriously, though, do you get what I'm saying?"
"Yes, love. I know I shouldn't care too much about how much we talk as it does not define our relationship but what can I say? I miss you." She grinned at him.
"I miss you, too. I'm always a call away," she promised him, but then she frowned, "unless I'm at class, then sorry, you'll have to talk to my voicemail."
He laughed, "I see how it is, a boring class is way more important than funny me. How's everything over there? How's my princess?"
"Always." She winked at him. "Everything's fine. I had lunch with my mom today, she made mushroom lasagna, I told her already that mushrooms taste like nothing, but she swears they're flavorful; I might go visit my dad tomorrow as well; he's been bugging me about having dinner with him and his family," he absentmindedly scrunched his nose at the mention of the fungi, he hated them, "Toppy is here, I can put you on speaker so you can talk to her, if you want. I can't promise she'll answer, though, she's been giving me an attitude lately."
"An attitude? You're rubbing on her, aren't you? When I get home, I'll come back to two Ámbar's instead of one." He teased her, earning a huff from his girl. "Let me talk to her, I bet she doesn't even recognize my voice anymore."
"You've always been her favorite, she will." She replied softly, and then it was quiet for a couple of seconds, while she took off the earphones' plug from her phone. "Okay, you're on speaker now. Toppy, babe, come greet daddy." Simón waited until he heard a 'thud' – followed by Ámbar adjusting her phone's camera so he could see both his girl and their pet- to speak again.
"Toppy?" Not a sound.
Before he could get sad he got no response, Ámbar spoke. "She's smelling my phone, talk again." She sounded amused, so Simón complied, cheerier this time.
"How's my favorite puppet doing? I heard you're giving mommy a bit of trouble. What happened to my good girl?" He wasn't done with his first question when the barking started, his pup's little whines sounded almost as if she was reprimanding his absence.
"She's missed you." His girlfriend exclaimed over the barking, chuckling at the way Toppy's tail swat rapidly.
"I miss her too." He sighed again, "I miss you both a lot."
"Just a few more weeks." She reminded him, her smile and tone wistful as she tried to contain the pup's wriggling body. He had to smile at that.
"Just a few more weeks." He echoed, the underlying promise loud to their ears. "I love you."
"I love you too." She paused for a second, before speaking again, "now please go to sleep, you look like you died a week ago." Simón laughed at that, but he knew better than to fight her when she was trying to take care of him.
"I'll call you tomorrow, alright?"
His words were met with a grin. "Not if I text you first. I love you so much, Simón."
"I love you more, little gem. Take care, okay? I'll see you as soon as I can." She sent him a kiss through the phone, before disconnecting the call. He stared at the screen for a couple of minutes, before the 'low battery' notification popped up and he had to charge it. The call left him feeling much better, so he decided to go to bed already.
Just a few more weeks ran like a mantra trough his mind, soothing his fears and anxiety. Just a few more weeks and I'll be home.
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