#felix is spiderman
saturno-astronaut · 3 months
obviously Felix is spiderman.
And Oliver is his weird, obsessive, maniatic fan.
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hyperfixating24-7 · 8 months
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The prompts 4 this was so hard theirs so many ships I wanted to do but couldn’t lol😭😭
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collisvng · 3 months
stray kids hot spider-verse update:
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i'm losing my mind over here dude.
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stvolanis · 5 months
oh my god my inbox is so dry PLEASE REQUEST SOMETHING, ANYTHINGGGG😭
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Spiderdemon AU 1
First of all, I'd like to thank my friend @midnightfire830 and the people in the discord Inky Mystery for helping me come up with some fun ideas and bits for this AU. It's because of your enjoyment and encouragement that this AU is now on tumblr. So thank you guys, very much. :)
Now, for those of you on tumblr, I'd like to share this AU. It was inspired by the spiderverse movie and seeing all the different versions of spiderpeople. So I hope all of you enjoy what you're about to read!
In this AU, all the Inky Mystery characters are human, it takes place during a modern time period, and Bendy’s spiderman. Or, Spider DEMON.
When Bendy’s in his pre-teens, he and Boris are taken in by Felix who originally fostered them, and then adopted them.
Things are okay for the first couple of years. Bendy starts getting used to being a regular kid and having fun instead of worrying about taking care of himself and Boris. Even Felix's mentor Wilson is a nice grandfather figure to him and Boris.
But then when he's 15, he gets sick. Badly sick.
Doctors say chances aren't good. Felix is clearly trying his hardest to stay strong for Bendy and Boris, but Bendy can tell it's getting hard on him, not to mention how Boris is too scared to leave his side when Bendy’s forced to stay at the hospital when he gets worse. 
When his health takes a turn for the very worst, late one night at the hospital, Bendy wakes up, and sees Wilson standing by his bedside, holding his hand, and smiling gently saying everything is going to be okay.
Too tired, Bendy goes back to sleep as Wilson pulls a jar out of his pocket.
Next morning, for the first time in a while, he feels okay enough to eat breakfast, sit up, and play card/board games with Boris. The Doctors are stunned by how his health practically improved overnight.
They're so shocked they don't pay much attention to the spider bite on his hand.
With all the good that happened though, there is a downside. 
Wilson goes missing after Bendy’s health improves.
Because Wilson’s why Bendy got better. 
He was working with people who were doing experiments on spiders that could benefit the human race, buuuuut he also heard rumors about it being to make humans into deadly super soldiers or something. 
Either way, with Bendy on his deathbed, Wilson took a gamble, stole a spider, and used it to save his life.
Unfortunately, he had to go on the run after that, because he stole from VERY dangerous people.
It was to keep everyone he cares for safe though.
After Wilson’s gone, Bendy and Boris are home alone as Felix is out. Bendy is probably still on bedrest since he recently got out of the hospital. 
Boris is off doing his own thing in his room, when he hears Bendy yelling and things breaking. 
He runs to make sure he's okay, and freezes at the doorway when he finds Bendy standing on the ceiling. 
Boris: .... How are you doing that???
Bendy: I don't know!! Help me down before Felix gets home!!
He gets down, and they clean everything before Felix gets home.
Safe to say they're both freaked out and plan to test out what else Bendy can do once they get the chance.
So the two brothers slip out of their house and find an old empty building to conduct their experiments. Boris taking notes as Bendy does his thing. (Sorta like that scene in SHAZAM)
-They learned that Bendy can walk on walls.
-Can sense danger.
-Has super strength.
-Can move way faster.
You know, the basics for any spiderman. But what's unique for Bendy.
-He can see in the dark.
-He, at first, has limited shapeshifting abilities.
-And his abilities get stronger when he gets angrier.
Also debating if he should have some kind of power where he can blend into the dark/shadows or something. Still working on that.
Bendy and Boris debate on what to do with all of this going on with Bendy. It was probably Boris' idea for him to become a superhero, and Bendy most likely said NO at first. 
He JUST got out of the hospital. He's not doing something crazy like saving the day when he has to study for a test for school. 
But you know, the universe has other ideas.
Sure enough, when he's out on a cold weather day, his face covered to keep it safe from the icy wind, he stops inside a small store to get a snack.
Only for the store to be in the middle of being robbed. Bendy sees kids in the store hiding in the corner, trembling and scared.
So, he gets the scum's attention, uses his phone to take a picture of the robber, and cussing RUNS when the guy gives chase.
When Bendy gets cornered in an alley, he tries warning the robber to back the cuss off. All that achieved was Bendy getting picked up off his feet with a knife pointed at his throat.
Bendy’s eyes then turn red, a tail appears behind him, his gloves rip as his nails turn into claws, his teeth become fangs, and his jacket hoodie rips as horns come out.
The robber SCREAMS.
Police later find the robber, tied up with some old rope or cords or whatever Bendy found in the alley, and Bendy long gone.
Bendy later pulls Boris aside, and tells him that if they're going to do this vigilante thing, he's going to need something to wear.
Boris: ... You want to wear a super suit?
Bendy: *shows him the holes in his hood and gloves* I'm up for hearing your ideas if you have something better in mind.
Boris: Super suit it is!
His spiderman super suit, as a nod to the fic and the game, Bendy's suit would be a faded paper yellow color, looking like black ink was spilled over him, along with the classic spiderweb pattern of course.
He'd also wear goggles, wanting to protect his eyes and keep his night vision from bothering him when he's somewhere bright during battles.
His shape-shifted tail and horns would also be visible, and he and Boris design webs for Bendy to swing on that are black in color.
the media eventually dubbing Bendy, the Spiderdemon.
Now Bendy at first usually sticks with small stuff. stopping robbers, saving people in accidents, basically helping those in need. He doesn't want to do anything crazy considering he's in HIGHSCHOOL.
Boris also becomes his "guy in a chair", since this takes place in a modern time period. Bendy refuses to let him come with when he does dangerous stuff, so Boris builds things that can help Bendy, and uses his crazy impressive computer skills to hack security cameras and stuff to watch Bendy's back and keep him updated through a built-in communication device in Bendy's suit.
He dubs himself "Cyber-Wolf" and uses a cartoony wolf icon to cover his identity when hacking things.
When Bendy graduates highschool and is about to start college though, when out in town, he finds someone he didn't expect to see.
Wilson, looking rough, and exhausted.
The two of them hug, Bendy asking him where the CUSS he's been all these years, and Wilson promising to explain over a meal.
They stop at a diner, and Wilson explains that he had to leave to keep him, Felix, and Boris safe because of a choice he made. How he stole a spider experiment to save Bendy's life, and now the people he stole from are after him because they know he stole it but don't know WHY.
He came back, because he wanted to warn Bendy. the people he took the spider from have been watching Spiderdemon, and they WANT him. What Bendy's doing is noble, but at the same time he's at an incredible risk.
With great power comes great responsibility after all.
Shocked that Wilson is why he has his powers and he knows he's spiderdemon, Bendy would try insisting he'll be fine, that he can protect himself, and protect Wilson if he comes home.
Wilson would be hesitant, but before he can answer Bendy's phone rings. Seeing that Felix is calling him, Bendy promises he'll be right back and tells Wilson not to move because the diner has crappy cell service. Bendy moves to where he can still see Wilson, as he tries telling Felix he found him and where they are, but the MINUTE Bendy looks away then back at the table they were at, Wilson's gone. Only a note is left with "I'm sorry" on it.
Bendy quickly pays for the food, and goes looking for Wilson, hoping he didn't get far.
But then he hears car tires screeching, and then people screaming, someone yelling to call 9-1-1.
Heart dropping, Bendy rushes to the scene. horrified when he sees that Wilson ran into traffic, and got hit.
Wilson's death leaves an impact on Bendy. How someone who cared so much about him gave up everything to save his life, lost his own in the end.
The "great power comes great responsibility" sticks with him and he takes it to heart. After Wilson's funeral, Bendy tells Boris he needs to use the powers he got for bigger things than just stopping petty crooks. Wilson ran from dangerous powerful people, and he couldn't protect him.
He won't allow that to happen again to an innocent person if he can prevent it.
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yourlegofigure · 11 months
woah first art post?? first art post!!
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whats up gamers i arted and wanna share for once 🤯⁉️
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ok see ya
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yuttikkele · 4 months
harry osborn but he has an evil cousin that looks eerily like him and hates his dad and oh op that’s adrien agreste and felix fathom
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emocheremuha · 1 year
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"Thank God Felix is not a girl, otherwise I would have just died" says my girlfriend.
If I was drawing sona for her, she would be Deadpool...
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motzui · 11 months
Working hard.. working hard so I can please you @howdoesagrapewrites @tasteofgummies
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Normal lineart and soft lineart on the pretty one. Sorry it’s kinda funky, it’s 6:16 and it’s a little past my bedtime 💔
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d4ndylionn · 10 months
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Moreno Black Cat??? MA, WHERE’S YOUR CREDIT CARD???
Give it up for Felix Hardy, aka the Black Cat of Earth-1219, a famous model and vigilante, known for his big and successful heists and quick escapes.
But deep down inside, he’s just REALLY really down bad for Paz, every time he sees her fight and get real riled up, he’s just like, “I’m sat.”
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shmunter · 2 years
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@melodyofthevoid ‘s royal kids but ‘Spidey-fied’
angst below bc :)))
(implied character death, its an illusion but yeaaah)
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saturno-astronaut · 2 months
"There you go Oliver." Oliver was perplexed, Orbweaver, THE Orbweaver, his hero, was here and saved him, and he knew his name and now he's helping him.
"You're Orbweaver..." he said breathlessly as the masked hero adjusted his glasses.
"I think so" He replied between giggles.
"You know my name..." Orbweaver adjusted his hair.
"it says it on your badge mate"
"But I'm a nobody..."
"don't say that! You're a somebody, you understand? You're my eyes and ears down here, you're necessary." After that he walked away to go against the villain, and Oliver understood for the first time in his life how it felt being in love.
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huli-jinx · 11 months
Name: Phantom Fang
The usual Spider Powers (ie spider-sense, superstrength)
Shadow Manipulation: Just as it says
These are the name and powers I think Felix would have if he had a Spidersona.
Name: Noir Weaver
The usual Spider Powers (ie spider-sense, superstrength)
All feline attributes; ie claws, night vision, feline grace
Cataclysm: Just like in the show except it drains him significantly, so he only confines it to one or two uses per fight
Shadow Stealth: Utilizes the shadows to move around
Bad Luck Aura
These are the name and powers I think Adren would have if he had a Spidersona.
Name: Electro Web
The usual Spider Powers (ie spider-sense, superstrength)
Shell-ter: A turtle shell-looking force field
Echolocation: Uses soundwaves to find his way around and/or people
These are the name and powers I think Nino would have if he had a Spidersona.
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My favorite fun fact from Hadestown is Patrick Page's wife is named Paige, so her her married name is Paige Page. He also played Green Goblin in the cursed Spiderman musical that tried to kill everyone in the cast and crew.
they don’t know i saw spiderman turn off the dark live on broadway dot jpg
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littldolli · 1 year
wait is atsv out???
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Spiderdemon AU 4
Sorry this took so long guys! My laptop crapped out on me and made doing my hobbies a bit more difficult.
Now that my laptop is working again, BACK TO THE AU!!!
Part 4!!!!
Cuphead and Mugman talk to their boss and make it look like they're trying to get close to Spiderdemon so they can learn more about him and gain his trust. That way they're not risking their necks too much, and can help Bendy save the day without making his life harder by getting in the way of his hero work.
This works for a while. Nothing bad happens right away, Red Diamond and Blue Spade help Spiderdemon save lives, and make sure they're not going to fail college because they stayed up all night fighting crime instead of studying.
And although they're paused, Cuphead doesn't like hearing Pete talk smack about Spiderdemon on the news.
Bendy: .... *glares at Cuphead through his mask, knowing very well Cuphead's smiling behind his* Who's idea was it to throw Pete's car at Wolf? Yours or Venoms?
Cuphead: *indeed smiling behind his mask as Venom laughs* Hey! It got him to stop rampaging through the streets didn't it?
Bendy: You're dodging the question Red Diamond!
Eventually, at one point, The group's luck runs out.
All the details aren't perfect yet, but I was thinking Sarah eventually gets contacted so she can try capturing Spiderdemon.
And since her villain name is Nightmare, and all the stuff she put Bendy through in Inky Mystery, you can imagine Spiderdemon isn't going to have a good time fighting her.
Bendy is put through HELL. Trying his best to fight off whatever she throws at him. Giving everything he's got.
Yet it still wasn't enough.
Cuphead and Mugman then are summoned to assist Dice in something later. Cuphead's already on edge since he and Mugman were looking for Bendy because Boris told him he lost contact with Bendy. Now he was forced to stop looking because Dice needed them for a job.
They're both at first confused when they see a "little girl" with Dice, but then get the chills when they realize she's the legendary Nightmare. Dice telling them she finally achieved what they took too long to do themselves.
Cuphead's stomach drops when they enter a room, seeing Spiderdemon restrained in heavy duty restraints, hurt, clearly exhausted, but thankfully with his mask still on.
Dice taunts Spiderdemon, claiming he was more trouble then he was worth, but at least his boss would be pleased to know who gave all of them a hard time.
Dice then yanks off Spiderdemon's mask.
And jumps back when Spiderdemon shapeshifts his face into his, Spider Demon, face. multiple eyes, black fur, horns, and fangs showing as Spiderdemon hisses at Dice.
Dice, annoyed by that little surprise, tells Spiderdemon he can't hold that look forever. He orders Cuphead and Mugman to guard the room, and works on getting Spiderdemon niiiiiice and tired.
Cuphead clearly hesitates. Before Dice can notice Spiderdemon snaps. "Yeah! Get out you cussing traitors. Like I wanna see those ugly masks right now anyways."
They can clearly tell Bendy's trying to tell them to go, not wanting them to have to watch what Dice is going to do.
So they leave the room and guard outside. Mugman glancing at Cuphead nervously, who's clenched fists would be trembling as they hear Bendy yelling and cussing out Dice as he's torturing him to tire him out. Venom inside Cuphead's head would be growling and snarling in rage.
Dice eventually has to leave, and lets some random minion schmuck take over for him.
When Dice is gone, Cuphead can't cussing take it anymore.
Venom yells at Cup to let him at the cusser as Cuphead bursts into the room and grabs the scum in a choke hold before he can hurt Spiderdemon worse.
Cuphead: Fine, but if you have this cusser Venom, Dice is ALL, MINE.
Venom: ... FINE. You deal with this one. Only because I want to make Dice suffer.
Cuphead does, and when that scum is out of comission, he quickly goes to help Mugman break Spiderdemon out of his restraints, and quickly throws his jacket over Bendy's head. "I gotcha, you can rest now. We'll get you out of here."
Very tired and very hurt, Bendy stops holding his shape shifted form and goes limp in Cuphead's arms once he's free from his restraints.
Cuphead and Mugman's first priority would be getting Bendy the hell out of there. They move quick and as fast as they can. especially when alarms start going off. The alarms hurt Venom and Cuphead, which means Mugman has to carry Bendy as they escape, but both of them are toughening through it, knowing they need to get out of there NOW. 
But then they notice movement as they're almost out, they see Dice, and they see the gun pointed right at them.
Cuphead barely shoves Mugman out of the way, sparing him and Bendy from getting hurt.
Mugman screams and Bendy watches in horror as Cuphead collapses. Dice then aims his gun at them.
He shapeshifts into his big spider demon form and goes cussing WILD! taking whatever he can get his claws on and throwing it at Dice and the people coming after them. When it's safe, Bendy grabs Cuphead and Mugman and gets the hell out of there.
Now at this point, Alice would be free from working for dangerous people thanks to Bendy (though she still has big mechanical wings stuck to her back) and be his go-to medic.
So imagine her alarm when Bendy in his big Spider Demon form charges into her house like a spooked wild animal, Mugman on his back, and unconscious Cuphead in his arms, bleeding a LOT.
Alice gets to work, quickly.
As she's busy, Mugman calls Boris for help because Bendy's surprisingly still in his big demon form and acting like an agitated cornered animal. He won't listen to a word he's saying and isn't calming down.
Boris, feeling like he kinda doesn't have a lot of options now, goes to Felix, coming clean about EVERYTHING.
Felix takes Boris and quickly rushes to Alice's. When they see Bendy it's clearly, very alarming, for Felix to see Bendy like this. But he acts fast, and calms Bendy down enough where he can turn back to normal. Assuring him he's safe now, and things will be okay.
When back to his human form, Felix quickly does first aid on Bendy, and when he's patched up he lays him down on Alice's couch.
It helps that Felix knew Bendy's spiderdemon before he was told the truth, but it is still alarming that Boris had to come clean because Bendy's hurt.
Felix then turns to Mugman, giving him a very firm look. "What, happened."
For now, Mugman tells Felix what happened, and they all patiently wait for Bendy to wake up and for Alice to be done working.
When Bendy's awake and is told Cuphead's going to be okay, Alice saving his life right on time, he, Boris and Felix have a serious talk. They all agree no more hero secrets, Felix offers to help whenever they need him, and if they ever try hiding something like this from him ever again and they come home half dead their butts are GROUNDED FOR A YEAR
Cuphead eventually wakes up, seeing Bendy sitting next to his bed, and petting Venom who, though tired and weak, brought his head out to keep Bendy company as they waited for him. He'd try sitting up but Venom would make him stay laying down.
Venom: Stay down. The pretty woman that looks like an angel doesn't need blood all over her bed because you reopened your wounds before I could properly heal you.
Cuphead: Cuss you I want to kiss my boyfriend!
Bendy: *blushes* ... I thought our relationship was paused.
Cuphead: yeah well I'm un-cussing-pausing!! You got tortured, I got shot! I think we both cussing need this!!
Bendy stares, before busting out laughing (as well as groaning from how laughing kinda hurts atm), then brushes Cuphead's hair out of the way and gives him a kiss they both need.
After that, things are as okay as they can be.
Cuphead and Mugman are forced to drop out of college. too dangerous for them to go out as civilians anymore. They now have to hide and look over their shoulders because they ticked off the Devil BIG TIME. So Bendy and Cuphead can't be seen together as civilians.
Red Diamond and Blue Spade though help out Spiderdemon as often as they can to stop the Devil in whatever he has planned.
Though now that they're back on good dating terms, Bendy kinda spoils Venom.
Like when he and Cuphead are chilling in each other's arms watching a movie, Venom's head would come out so he can rest on Bendy's lap and Bendy gives him head scratches while slipping him some popcorn.
Cuphead: ... Should I be worried about you liking him more than me?
Venom: *sticks his tongue out at Cuphead*
Bendy: *laughs* Aaaaw, does the tough former assassin need head scratches too?
Bendy also helps Cuphead keep Venom under control when he's getting hangry.
Spiderdemon: VENOM!
Venom: WHAT?!
Spiderdemon: We talked about this! Put the stupid cusser down! All he did was steal someone's groceries from their unattended shopping cart!
Venom: I'm, HUNGRY!
Spiderdemon: And I told you we'd get bacon tater tots after patrol! Besides, this scumbag smells like he hasn't bathed in days. You really want to eat THAT or something more appealing?
Venom: .... FINE. *throws the guy he was about to eat into the closest dumpster*
Spiderdemon: *shakes his head and pats Venom's back* Good Venom. Let's go before the cops show up and complain about how much that guy's going to stink up their car.
Oh, and we also need a spiderman kiss in this au.
Bendy gets tangled in his own webs, and Cuphead laughs at him as he helps him get untangled. 
But he pauses, smirks, tugs their masks out of the way, and steals a kiss.
Bendy: … Proud of yourself? Cuphead: Yes, yes I am.
And that wraps up what I currently came up with for the spiderdemon AU. I hope you all enjoyed! Feel free to ask questions if you have any. :)
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