#favorite board games
aroundtable · 5 months
Oggi finalmente rispondiamo alla domanda " A che Gioco Stiamo Giocando" con Coffee Rush, il boardgame di cui la settimana scorsa abbiamo scoperto insieme i CLAMOROSI componenti! Come mi avevano annunciato gli amici di Hirtemis, e ribadito anche dai vostri commenti, Coffee Rush è un ottimo gioco da tavolo in cui dovremmo gestire un bar, preparando ogni sorta di bevanda per accontentare i nostri clienti.
Coffee Rush vanta un sistema di gioco immediato, che permette a chiunque di giocare senza problemi e grazie a un paio di idee di game design risulta soddisfacente anche per i giocatori più esperti, due aspetti che rendono questo boardgame un vero gioiellino!
Coffee Rush è un gioco da tavolo per 2/4 giocatori, consigliato dagli 8 anni in su, per la durata di 30 minuti, edito da @AsmodeeItalia.
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twisted-deal · 2 months
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They're bound to run out of good board games at soMe point
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rawliverandgoronspice · 6 months
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Oh my fucking god??? I *knew* there was something fishy with no writers/quest designers being credited. Also: outsourcing is not an excuse not to credit the gamedevs doing hard and deserving work.
This is genuinely contemptful towards everyone involved, gamedevs and players alike.
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mashkara45 · 11 months
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uncleardyn · 2 months
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perkele! what a mess!
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scoobydoowhatareyou · 1 month
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Just found something I would absolutely kill for
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canisalbus · 10 months
EQUESTRIAN VASCO and here I thought I couldn't love your ocs anymore 😩 as an equestrian it is so nice when you find someone who also has equestrian ocs!!
It is literally so hard to find equestrian ocs outside of the immediate equine art community and its a nice breath of fresh air! <3
Yeah! He's an outdoorsy type and wealthy enough to keep horses, I reckon he's been riding since very young age and usually gets along with animals well. On top of that, his hobbies include falconry, hunting and fencing.
Please temper your expectations though, I know very little about horses, how they work and what you do with them ´v`' There's a good chance I might get things backwards despite my best efforts.
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dare-to-dm · 3 months
One thing people need to understand about me is that I am always role-playing. Even and especially when I'm playing board games where that's not the point. So to me, games where the mechanics have literally nothing to do with the framing device are kind of absurd.
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asfodeltide · 9 months
do you paint traditionally? i think your art style would look beautiful in oils. theres some pieces of yours i look at and think: one day i will see this artist in a museum! not that that wouldnt happen with your digital art too.
First of all this is incredibly sweet and made my put my hands on my face. Thank you!
And I do paint traditionally! I haven't for a few months now that I've moved away and I no longer have the time nor the space to (I'm not studying art :P) but I've posted some of my traditional work :]
Here are more that I've never posted, though
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awkwardpossum0 · 10 months
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beneathsilverstars · 2 days
isabeau would love. the card game dominion
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aroundtable · 5 months
Questa settimana scopriamo assieme i fenomenali componenti di Coffee Rush, gioco da tavolo molto interessante, che mi sono letteralmente fiondato ad acquistare al dayone, due giorni fa, dagli amici di Hirtemis!
Coffee Rush, è un boardgame in cui dovremo simulare la gestione di un Caffè alla moda, che offre ai propri clienti ottimi prodotti in un ambiente chic e social. Un gioco frenetico che non sono ancora riuscito a provare ma che oggi cominciamo a scoprire in questo unboxing a cominciare dai clamorosi componenti che si celano nella sua scatola!
Sotto il coperchio di Coffee Rush, troviamo dei componenti meravigliosi: plance solide con ottime grafiche ma soprattutto una seire di piccole riproduzioni di chicchi di caffè, tavolette di cioccolata, blocchetti di caramello, foglie di te, gocce di latte, cubetti di ghiaccio, ma anche goccioline d’acqua e sbuffi di vapore, tutti ingredienti da mettere nelle bellissime tazzine per ricreare l'offerta dei migliori bar del mondo! In questo unboxing scopriremo tutti questi componenti che impreziosiscono un boardgame, che comunque mantiene un costo contenuto.
Questo primo sguardo vi farà salire l’acquolina in bocca in attesa che giochi a Coffee Rush per poi portarvi un "A Che Gioco Stiamo Giocando"!
Coffee Rush è un boardgame da 2 a 4 giocatori, consigliato dagli 8 anni in su, per la durata di mezzoretta, edito in Italia da @AsmodeeItalia
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dear-mrs-otome · 10 months
Friendly daily reminder to live and let love, and don't tag your hate.
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colorfullyminded · 15 days
Here's your excuse to rant about pinescone
Okay-- Okay, this is so ahhh. It's silly but listen!
I was playing Horrified with my family, and I love board games-- so i can totally imagine Dipper and Wirt being into board games-- and Dipper is always pulling out this gameTrying to be all charming and cute and like "Wirttttt- let's play this one" And Wirt usually doesn't mind, but just Dipper being so into this game even though he's probably actually met some of these in real life monsters himself. Though sometimes Wirt fights him on which game to play-- and it's not like in a "No, I'm tired of playing this game Dipper, I wanna play something else" The reason he fights Dipper over this game is because he wants to play this version (the original version)
Because horror movie monsters and book related monsters are Wirt's bread and butter so these two are arguing over which version to play until the next game comes out
And both of them just kind of look at each other like >.> <.< It's the best of both worlds! ....though they do still argue over which version to play sometimes, though if they can't compromise-- Greek Monsters usually is the happy medium and it's a coop game so they're working together and trying different strats, and when they win they get all dorky, and sappy, and mushy (Board games surpisingly bring out a lot of passion)
Anyway, I needed to ramble a little because I have all three games XD
And it's very fun, and this feels so much like Dipper and Wirt's cup of tea and I love the concept of them playing board games together cause you know they do DDMD. Lately, when I've been playing games, I start imagining how Dipper or Wirt would exist in the world-- or what character would they play as-- what weapons/style/class would they pick. Im playing Elden Ring right now with the though of making two separate files that would be based on Wirt and Dipper. Like I just love these two nerds playing games together-- board games or video games. They each have their own favorite genres that the other doesn't like-- but they also do have a lot of similar taste; and sometimes they'll play something their partner really likes because they love their boyfriend and want to make each other happy! They love each other so much! I'm so fucking feral for this goddamn crossover ship--why?! XD
((...That doesn't mean they can't be little shits though.
Lol, imagining Dipper not putting out for Wirt after because they didn't play the one Horrified he wanted to instead, like the little petty bitch he is Wirt: But we won, we always celebrate after a win Dipper: Yeah I know-- I just--- I don't know. I would have felt more excited if we had been stopping Bigfoot-- Wirt is, of course, not going to let his brat get away with this. ))
Anyway, I just-- valentine's day made me want to write more ideas of them playing games together, but I don't know how fun it would be to write characters playing this board/video game in a fic. So to the headcanon pile they go. If I could draw, it probably be easier to draw little sketches of them in the world of the game/their character designs. There are so many dumb little things I think about on a daily with these two.
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mashkara45 · 7 months
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gauntletqueen · 8 months
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It's SPOOKTOBER! We're kicking it off by starting TWO games about being stuck in a scary mansion and watching ONE miniseries about being lost in a scary forest! And Sonic is there! He's got some loose ends to tie up before we focus on the Spooks entirely :3
(twitch link)
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