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Ash on IG Story
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lashton-is-my-drug · 2 years
Ashton’s posts to his ig story.
July 29, 2022
A link to another teaser post for his new candle company, the old farmer’s almanac for 2022, and a page titled “KNOW YOUR LIMITS”.
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What are you up to sir? 🧐
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hopefuloverfury · 8 months
What song/genre of music do you think of when you imagine the bachelor/ettes? If there was a specific artist or band for Sam, who do you think they'd be?
Oooh—I actually have thought about this! I have a playlist just for when I'm writing blurbs about the stardew valley characters, and no I don't care if any of these are predictable because I think they're accurate lmfao.
2014 Five Seconds of Summer, Shawn Mendes, and Why Don't We. His general vibe is young, reckless love. If there's a specific song in mind, I think of him as a mix between 5sos' End Up Here, She Looks So Perfect, If I Can't Have You by Shawn, and Why Don't We's Fallin' (Adrenaline)
I think he's a mix between 5sos' Voodoo Doll, Troye Sivan's Strawberries and Cigarettes, Taylor Swift's Style, and the last 90-ish seconds of Sleep Token's The Summoning. Also Conan Gray's Overdrive. He's still young and reckless, but he's a little more subdued and all over the place.
One Directions' Steal My Girl, Shawn Mendes' Wonder, and Harry Styles' Watermelon Sugar. Even though they're pretty heavy with gendered language, I have no issue imagining Alex with varying farmers while listening to these songs.
His love definitely swerves more toward obsession and worship, so anything by Hozier, no question about it. But also Can't Take My Eyes Off You by Frank Valli is heavy Elliott energy.
Everybody Wants You by Johnny Orlando, Someone To You by BANNERS, DogBird by Madds Buckley, and Lauv's I Like Me Better. Like Seb, Shane's pretty all over the place as well. Also he makes me cry ahaha. hm.
Harvey gave me a little bit of trouble when I first started writing. I had to think about him quite a bit to land on a genre/song for him. Anyway, Ophelia by The Lumineers, Ready Now by dodie, and The Way You Look Tonight by Michael Bublé are all Harvey coded. END ME
In My Mind by Lyn Lapid, Bubble Gum by Clairo, and Space Girl by Frances Forever. I imagine her as a pretty inexperienced and romantically repressed character (I wonder why Demetrius) so all of these songs have a certain level of melancholy about them, which is very Maru for me.
She by dodie, Conan Gray's Heather, and Lonely by Noah Cyrus. Repressed, just like Maru, but for different reasons. Never had the opportunity to really live her life, you know? Lots of insecurities and feelings of inadequacy my poor babie nO but I usually only listen to those when I'm feeling a little down. You can trust that I don't always write angst for her, and when I don't, it's loooots of early Taylor Swift.
Sabrina Carpenter. That's it. lmao no i'm kidding Diamonds Are Forever, Nonsense, Looking At Me, and Girlfriend by Bea Miller. I love me a mean, confident lesbian, but she does soften up the more you get to know her, and I always listen to Isabel LaRosa's I'm Yours when I want to go that route with her. I also think of her when I listen to Dress by Charlotte Sands.
Very punchy, "powerful woman" type songs. Namely UPSAHL's People I Don't Like, Beautiful is Boring by BONES UK, and American Horror Show by SNOW WIFE. She has opinions and she's going to let you know what she thinks—but make no mistake, she is a loyal and good person to her core. She's just got an attitude sometimes.
Cosmic Love by Florence + The Machines, Light My Love by Greta Van Fleet, and Constellations by The Oh Hellos. She's got a certain whimsy about her, but she's still a very grounded individual. She and Elliott have a similar vibe to each other, but where he's the smell of salty sea spray and plum juice dripping from your fingers, she's frayed picnic blankets and the smell of grass after it rains.
Now this might be controversial, but Señorita by Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello is always gonna make me think of her. I'm Born To Run by American Authors, Enchanted by Taylor Swift (her version, obviously), are also both some of the easiest songs for me to think about her. She definitely believes in soulmates and fate, and probably makes jewelry or sews while thinking about you.
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wandaszn · 2 years
Long Way Home
Hi everyone! This is my first delve into writing so I hope you can bear a bit of novice and mediocrity! This is just a small (read: it was small but I got carried away lol) shot based on this incredibly cute video of Lizzie. Just a few tweaks, such as the song being changed to Long Way Home by 5SOS and it being a Wanda x Reader instead. Also we're gonna pretend that Westview never happened and WandaVision doesn't exist *mwah*
Please leave any feedback at all I'd really appreciate it! Hope you enjoy!
Nobody has permission to repost this on any platforms. Please don't be a dick.
Summary: On the way home from a quick grocery trip, Y/N turns left instead of right.
Warnings: Just a fluffy little one-shot. Slight(!) angst. Mentions of intimate moments but nothing major.
Here's the song in case you haven't heard it!
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While it's tradition for shotgun to have control over the music, Wanda was obsessed with your playlist curating skills. You had made her countless playlists for day-to-day activities whether it be cooking, cleaning, working out or showering. Her absolute favorite, however, had to be the one for car rides as it had a mixture of both your favorite tunes. After countless trips together, you had learned the order by heart so you knew exactly what song was next. An idea sparked in your head as the light changed and you quickly switched your turn signal, deciding that an impromptu adventure couldn't hurt after a quick grocery trip.
"Y/NN, where are we going?" asked Wanda, curious as to why you missed your turn.
You say nothing, turning the volume up slightly and drumming against the steering wheel as the song's intro fills the car. You glance at her quickly, a small mischievous smile directed at her as you sing along. "We're taking the long way hoooome!"
She furrows her brows while donning a sweet smile and shakes her head affectionately, leaning her head against her palm, arm propped on the center console and watching your mini-concert, as the sun sets behind you.
Remember all the memories
The fireflies and make believes
Memories of your first date fill Wanda's mind vividly, as if she were reliving it all over again. After running into eachother, literally, at the local farmer's market, it seemed like you could not stop meeting. You know when you see someone but pay no extra attention to their detail, but when you meet them, they're upgraded from background extra to recurring character? The mall, the gym, the park and now, your favorite coffee shop. It felt as if the universe kept pulling you towards the witch. Your yearning only grew stronger as time passed and you found courage to sit across from her at the table while you waited for your order.
She was startled at first and wondered why this kind stranger kept popping up into her life, though she wasn't complaining. You started an easy conversation, joking about fate bringing you both together constantly with no follow-up. While Wanda was hesitant, there's an easy-going air around you that helped the tension in her shoulders dissipate the more you talked to her. The clock behind Wanda told you it was getting dangerously close to you being late to work and you cleared your throat trying to muster up some courage. Taking a leap, you expressed your interest in seeing her again, which made her cheeks flush the cutest pink. Hesitantly, she agreed and gave you her number to set it up.
It took 3 weeks worth of texts, phone calls and canceled plans before your schedules had opened up for a date night. A cool Friday night found the both of you laying on a blanket sharing stories and getting to know each other better. The calm breeze and the ambience of the park allowed the conversation to take a more somber turn as Wanda opened up to you. She had never confided in anyone so quickly before you and felt incredibly vulnerable revealing her past.
She'd revealed her upbringing, her life until she became an avenger and the loss of her brother. Wanda had always been afraid of how people would react to her powers and how she'd previously used them. To her surprise, you didn't recoil like she expected, instead opting to grab her hand and give it a reassuring squeeze. "You're not your past, Wands. People are allowed to grow and change. I would never judge you for how you coped." She was only able to give you a watery smile in return, subtly dabbing at her misty eyes.
Sensing her need to change the topic, you begin rambling about the latest episode of your favorite show. Wanda hadn't heard of the show or anything about it, confessing she'd always preferred her box set of old sitcoms to keep her entertained. When you put your hand to your chest and groaned, she sat up, face creased in concern.
She immediately grasped your face in her hands, "What's wrong? Are you okay?", her voiced laced with worry. "I can't believe you've never watched it! That's the best show ever made!" A small slap on your chest let you know she did not appreciate your little drama act at all. She rolled her eyes and looked up at the clear sky, zoning out a little as she reminisced.
"When I was little, my father created the Maximoff family TV night and I always picked The Dick van Dyke Show. It's my comfort show, you know? On the hard days I just curl up on the couch and watch few episodes and I feel alot better. It reminds me of my family." she shyly admitted. By this time you'd sat up and were gazing at her softly. Reaching to tuck her raven hair behind her ear, your hand traces down to cup her jaw.
"I understand how you feel completely. How about we make a deal?" you look at her with hopeful eyes. She quirks her brow, tilting her head slightly, leaning more into your warm palm. "How about we have a TV night for our next date? We watch some episodes of my show, some episodes of your show and get to see just what keeps us both so hooked, huh?" you smile and she mirrors it.
"Planning for a second date in the middle of the first? Someone's confident..." she smirks. You reach your free hand to the other side of her face as you lean in closer. "I just know what I want," you whisper as you caress her rose-tinted cheeks. "What else do you want?" her question almost sounds like a dare as her eyes flicker to your lips as you lick them.
"I wanna kiss you but I think I should hold out till that second date happens," you joke while slowly pulling away. She grabs the front of your shirt before you move too far, pulling you back in and kissing you softly. Your lips move lazily as you both melt into the embrace. When you part, you rest your forehead against hers.
"Keep kissing me like that and I'll start planning the fifth date," you joke quietly. She giggles and pulls you forward once more. The scattered fireflies provided a calming aura as the night winded down.
"I wanna get lost and drive forever with you!" you sing enthusiastically, glancing at your girlfriend while holding your invisible microphone. Her affectionate gaze filling your chest with warmth that spurs on your performance. The buildings slowly start to disappear as you drive further into the desert area of your town. Pink, purple and orange paint the sky and you slow down slightly, trying to prolong this moment with your love.
Now we're stuck in the middle of nowhere
Yeah you know we took our time to get there
Wanda's eyes glaze over once more as the lyrics transport her back to a more difficult time in your relationship. A few months after making it official, a slight panic had overcome her. The morning after a night of intimacy, you had slept over at the Avenger's compound and woken earlier than Wanda. So naturally, you decided to make her breakfast. She had returned from a mission that had drained her both mentally and physically and you wanted to take care of her.
The feel of cold sheets roused her from her slumber and she sat up, looking around the room for any sign of you. There was a faintly delicious smell that had an almost magnetic pull because before her brain had even fully awoken, she was following her nose. When she walked into kitchen, her breath hitched. The view of you standing at the stove, spatula in hand, vigilantly watching the eggs in the pan. As you moved around the scrambled eggs making sure it cooked evenly, you lightly hummed a tune.
This all felt overwhelmingly domestic to Wanda. Before you, she had never had someone this close in her life that wasn't family. It felt wrong having such a peaceful presence in a building that could be attacked at any moment. The sun peeked through the kitchen window, shining perfectly onto the side of your face while you were oblivious to her stare. As pleasant as the scene before her was, she felt nothing but dread. She didn't deserve such serenity and happiness. Regardless of her redemption arc, after all the horror she had caused she was overcome with guilt at being shown this affection and kindness. The way you had welcomed her into your life so openly, even after knowing her past and the dangers of her job, made her feel so loved and she didn't deserve it.
"What are you doing?" she asked harshly, voice coming out slight hoarse from lack of use. Or considering events from last night, overuse. You jump slightly, not expecting any noise to cut into the calm silence. Turning your head, you smile. "Hey, goodmorning sleeping beauty. I'm making a good old fashion eggs and bacon." You strike a silly pose with the utensil, trying to get a laugh out of her. "Alot of this stuff is brand spanking new. I know Stark is loaded but sheesh do you guys never cook?" you lightly jested.
At her hardened expression, you slowly lowered the spatula. "You okay? I hope I'm not overstepping I just thought we could use some fuel after last night." You wiggle your eyebrows playfully, hoping this attempt could atleast garner a smile. Your expression falls as she remains unmoved and you quickly turn off the stove and walk closer to her. You reach for her hand but she quickly moves it and folds her arms instead.
The hurt on your face is subtle but she notices it and feels a little bad but her insecurities are louder so she takes a step back. "I think you should leave." She forces out. You blink in surprise. "What? I'm sorry for touching your stuff, I thought you'd be okay with it. I made extra for the team too," you tried, rubbing your neck nervously you plead to her with your eyes. "I said leave! I don't want you here anymore!" she voice boomed around the silent kitchen. The only other sound being the eggs softly sizzling in the pan.
At her tone you flinched back, eyes widening in shock. She felt the fear rolling off you in waves, your head swimming with your own insecurities. She had been waiting on the day you came to your senses and saw her for who she really was deep down. A monster. A ticking time bomb. A biological weapon. Normally you would go to her and try to calm her down, but the way she had closed in on herself and the tiny bit of red flecks you could see in her irises, you knew this would not be on of those times. Sighing softly, you take one last look at her before you head to her room to collect your things. Trying not to upset her any further, you moved quickly, peeking into the kitchen once more just to ensure you'd turned off the stove and you headed to the elevator.
Meanwhile Wanda was crying and trying to convince herself that she had done what was best for the both of you. Her romantic track record was anything but solid. Having lost every single person that was important to her, she hadn't quite overcome the voice in her head saying she wasn't worthy of love or anything resembling it.
After two weeks of no contact, the redhead ignoring your attempts to talk to her and not running into eachother like you used to, you took matters into your own hands. It hadn't taken you long to realize what Wanda might have been thinking, recalling the many times you gladly reassured her that she is more than deserving of happiness. It broke your heart to know the woman you had been falling in love with was suffering this turmoil alone.
You called Natasha, the Russian assassin had become one of your closest friends after Wanda introduced you to the rest of the team. She revealed that whilst they hadn't been called on any missions, the witch was holed up in her room, only coming out to eat and attend meetings. This had only solidified your suspicions and you knew you had to fight for her. Even if Wanda herself was the biggest obstacle. You showed up at the compound, determined to win back your beloved, access easily granted thanks to your quick closeness to the team. Three shy but precise knocks echoed through Wanda's quarters.
"FRIDAY, who is it?" she asked tiredly. "It is Y/N, Ms. Maximoff." the omnipresent voice replied. It was as if Wanda had had the wind knocked out of her. She immediately went to stand in front of the door but it remained closed. You knocked again, softer this time, as if you knew she was right there. "Wands, baby? Can you open up please? I need you." you asked desperately. Your thoughts floated under the crack of the door, yelling your desire to be with her and your guilt for leaving in the first place. Her hand came to rest on the handle, gripping it tightly. "Come on angel, I miss you. Please let me in." came your pleading whisper. That was all it took for the door to slowly open, tear-filled emerald eyes staring into you.
"Y/N?" came her small voice. Without another word you pushed through the door and embraced her. Her smaller frame wracked with sobs and collapsed against you as strong arms tightly wrapped around her. "I-I'm so sorry..." she repeated between her cries. You did nothing but hold her till her crying subsided. After she calmed down you closed the door and lead her to her couch. Sitting closely, hands clasped together, you maintain strong eye contact as you choose your next words carefully. It's easy to see Wanda is nervous, if the way she played with your fingers was anything to go by.
"You don't get to do that." You say sternly. Before she starts apologizing again, you continue, "You don't get to make me fall in love with you and then decide to avoid me for weeks." Her eyes widened at your admission, which made you roll your eyes. "Now you have the audacity to be shocked? Woman you crashed into my life - literally - and I have yet to successfully imagine living without you. I love you so much and I'm so sorry that my feelings for you weren't louder than those thoughts in your head." Tears fell from your eyes as you tried to convey just how sincere your words were.
"Hell, read my mind if that'll truly convince you but please, baby, never push me away like that again. It physically hurt me to be away from you for so long." Your grip on her hands tightened slightly as you practically begged her. The pure pain and love she saw shining in your eyes made her crumble and she, in turn, grabbed your face and kissed you with all the love she had been harboring since you were apart. Pulling away, with neither of you ready to open your eyes she whispered, "I will never hurt you as long as I live. I love you so much, Y/N."
As a stop sign came into view, Wanda barely had time to notice you turning to her as you stole a chaste kiss while the bridge of the song began.
"Kissing at the stop signs, darling!" you laughed at her stunned face as you pulled off, continuing your impromptu adventure. Before she could properly register what had just happened, the car came to another stop as you parked at a lookout point of the city. By this time, the sun had already set and being a ways away from all the light pollution, the stars were bright and beautiful. The chorus repeated once more as the song ended, the two of you just sat enjoying eachother's company.
"What made you bring us up here?" She wondered quietly, playing with the fingers of your hand in her lap. Your head lolled to the side, away from your previous view of the stars, to look at something much brighter and prettier than any star in the galaxy. "Just thought we could use a little break from our regular routine. Felt like it was getting a bit robotic, don't you?" Came your reply with a shrug.
"Only three years in and you're getting bored with me, huh?" She teased but you could see the thinly veiled insecurity in her words. You raise her hand and kiss her knuckles in reassurance. "As if, you're stuck with me forever in this universe and the next so strap in." As her eyes lit up, you cut her off before she could open her mouth. "NOT what I meant!" Instantly bursting her bubble, you smiled and she pouted and huffed," You're no fun."
"Like you'd know what to do anyway, pillow princess." You jested, holding your breath to see her reaction. Just as you hoped, red eyes snapped towards you, "Excuse me? Pillow princess? Oh you're gonna wish you never said that. Turn this car around and take me home." It was a rare occasion, Wanda being on top, but when it happened she utilized her work persona as the Scarlet Witch after realizing the effect it had on you and your body. Her authoritative voice filled the car as you hadn't yet moved from staring at her. "Now, Y/N."
After snapping out of your daze you made a hasty (and probably illegal) u-turn. It had been a great idea at first but seeing how far you had driven and how long it'd take for you to be home wrapped up in be with your girlfriend, you cursed your original adventure. Fuck it. Speed limit be damned. They wouldn't give an Avenger a ticket.
So there you have it guys! Truth be told I started this back in June and lost and found the inspiration to finish it so many times. Please forgive any mistakes, I've been trying to get this outta my drafts for weeks lmao. I wrote this in the way I know I'd wanna read it so I really hope you enjoy it. Any feedback is welcome whether it be good, bad or even just a like I'd really appreciate it! I have a few other ideas and I hope it won't take me 3 months to finish the next thing lmao. Much love!
sn: how fucking cute is lizzie in that vid
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edge-oftheworld · 4 months
my absolute dream song for 5sos to cover is I am australian by the seekers. maybe because it’s one of the most beautiful songs ever and and such a motivator for decolonisation but I’ve never heard a version of it I’m truly happy with. so imagine 5sos do cover it. and we get to decide who sings each verse (I just really want an excuse to do a poll okay, maybe polls about covers are my brand).
here are the verses for reference:
I came from the Dreamtime, from the dusty red soil plains… (not included in the poll, I’ve already assigned it to calum)
I came upon a prison ship, bound down by iron chains… (luke/ash/mike)
I’m a daughter of a digger… (ash/mike/luke/skip)
I’m a teller of stories, I’m a singer of songs… (mike/ash/luke)
I’m the hot wind from the desert… (ash/all take turns with the lines)
full lyrics under the cut after the poll
I came from the Dreamtime From the dusty red soil plains I am the ancient heart The keeper of the flame I stood upon the rocky shore I watched the tall ships come For forty thousand years I've been the first Australian
I came upon the prison ship Bound down by iron chains I fought the land Endured the lash And waited for the rains I'm a settler I'm a farmer's wife On a dry and barren run A convict then a free man I became Australian
I'm a daughter of a digger Who sought the mother lode The girl became a woman On the long and dusty road I'm a child of the Depression I saw the good times come I'm a bushy, I'm a battler I am Australian
We are one But we are many And from all the lands on earth we come We'll share a dream And sing with one voice I am, you are, we are Australian
I'm a teller of stories I'm a singer of songs I am Albert Namatjira And I paint the ghostly gums I'm Clancy on his horse I'm Ned Kelly on the run I'm the one who waltzed Matilda I am Australian
I'm the hot wind from the desert I'm the black soil of the plain I'm the mountains and the valleys I'm the drought and flooding rains I am the rock I am the sky The rivers when they run The spirit of this great land I am Australian
We are one But we are many And from all the lands on earth we come We'll share a dream And sing with one voice I am, you are, we are Australian
We are one But we are many And from all the lands on earth we come We'll share a dream And sing with one voice I am, you are We are Australian
I am, you are We are Australian
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gloss-glass-ash · 5 years
Request: no
Summary: the farmer!ashton Au that nobody asked for 
Tags: @cal-pal-cuddles 
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Sunday's were spent at Ashton's after the various services let out. His friends and brothers with their kids would roll up the drive, stirring up dust from the dirt road. The dogs would yip with excitement alerting him of his visitors. He'd turn off the stove top and step outside with a dish rag in his hands.
The kids would happily shout at him, crawling and climbing all around him. They'd tell him about Sunday school and regular school, Luna Hemmings would proudly show off her latest lost tooth while Charlie Clifford acted too cool for the whole ordeal. Eventually, everyone made their way inside and settled in for an early dinner.
Ashton loved Sunday's. On Sunday's he had company more than just his animals and the nosy old bat of a neighbor. He wasn't alone on Sunday's.
"I'm thinking of renting the apartment over the garage." He didn't really know why he said that. He figured it was the only interesting thing he could respond with to the "what's been up with you this week?"
"Yeah?" Calum leaned the chair back, rubbing his stomach through his shirt. "What if I move back in?"
"Cal, I love you, but I ain't cleaning your shit up again."
So, he left that alone and published his want ad in the newspaper. He didn't anticipate getting a response so soon, especially not from a teacher. Ashton arranged to meet with the applicant on Saturday after the farmer's market for coffee at the only coffee shop in town.
Ashton settled into a booth by the window, removed his cap, and unzipped his jacket. He ordered a cup of tea and waited. Teachers, by nature, were punctual and Y/N was no different. She arrived promptly dressed like a Pinterest board with a folder in hand and bag on her shoulder. Ashton threw up a hand.
"Mr. Irwin?" Polite, perhaps southern. Ashton smiled and nodded.
"Miss Y/L/N?" He teased showing his teeth. "Came prepared I see."
"There's a reference from my last land lord, my resume and schedule, and two bank statements." Y/N settled into the booth, ordered a chai, and folded her hands on the table.
Ashton glanced over the papers with pseudo intelligence. He didn't know shit about what all that stuff meant; his roommate interest was entirely about someone to use the apartment on the farm and maybe offer human interaction on day's other than Sunday's.
"Why are you leaving your old lease? Those are swanky apartments downtown."  Ashton took a sip of his tea, deciding being nosy was his best bet.
There was a blush of embarrassment to her cheeks. "You can look at my bank statements teachers we don't get paid shi-nothing, we don't get paid anything."
He remembers Liz mentioning stuff before about teachers having to protest for pay and pensions. At the time, he didn't care. Today, sitting before this gentle creature soft with curves and gentle eyes, he decided he did care...a lot.
The two got on nicely so he agreed for her to come visit the following Monday evening and move in the next weekend. Monday evening arrived quickly which left Ashton little time to fix any repairs in the apartment while tending to the farm.
Calum left a lot of his shit there that Ashton placed in a box to give him later. He moved the bed frame toward the window and added some plants,interior designers be damned. Y/N arrived in a hatchback, hair falling from a ponytail. She held a coffee mug in her hand.
"Rough day?" Ashton led her up the stairs to the apartment, his hand hovering over her back close enough for protection without being invasive.
Y/N laughed a joyful sound. "Shakespeare for Seniors was today." Sometimes she was so in the education bubble that she forgot there were people who didn't live and breathe school. Ashton's confusion was apparent as he opened the door. "The language arts and social studies departments team up to study Shakespeare and perform for residents of local nursing homes."
"Woah that's so" good, adorable, amazing, "awesome." Ashton entered the apartment. "It's got a living room, bedroom, full bath, basically an open floor plan." He settled onto the bench by the front door, letting her look around. "I'll do maintenance. Heating and air is pretty stable. However, if we get a winter like last years, you'll have to come in the farmhouse it'll be too cold."
"Can I repaint? And can my car go in the garage below?"
She signed papers right away, paying him first months rent with the promise of last months soon. Ashton waved a hand dismissively and assured her he'd help move her in. Slowly throughout the week he would move her belongings over in his old pickup and trailer.
Y/N was all settled by Saturday night, just in time to snuggle up in bed and watch SNL. She was exhausted from her work week and all the stress of moving. Perhaps she should have considered farm life a bit more, but the idea of not sleeping in on Sunday's hadn't crossed her mind.
A rooster crowed at sunrise, perched on top of the fence just outside her window. Dogs barked consistently. Ashton whistled quite loudly as he went about his daily chores. Y/N managed to lay in until 8. Dressing, she headed out to the barn barn where Ashton was happily feeding his pigs.
"Morning sunshine, I didn't wake you did I?" The worry in his eyes was so sincere she couldn't say yes.
"No, I'm used to getting up early." She peeked behind Ashton to the pig pen. "Not to judge or be ungrateful, but you don't, you know" she slid her thumb across her throat.
"I sell them. I eat bacon. I don't eat my own pigs though, wouldn't feel right."
"They're awfully cute."
Without hesitation, Ashton scooped up a squealing piglet and passed it to her. "You get attached then I can't sell her. Do with that what you will."
Poppy got a little red ribbon tied around her neck by that afternoon. Ashton was quite pleased that the little piglet was staying because it meant Y/N was staying. He waved her in from the barn to his back porch. "My family is stopping by for dinner, you're welcome to join us unless you're busy."
Y/N was not, in fact busy. She had finished posting grades, she was caught up on laundry, and she was painfully single. "Are you sure?"
The sunlight hit his smile in the way only movies could, in the way that made him look like James Dean or maybe even Harry Styles. "I wouldn't have offered if I didn't mean it, honey." A certain smugness tightened in his chest at the way her eyes widened at his quip. "They'll be over soon."
It had been several years-10 maybe- since she'd been to Sunday dinner but she reasoned her teacher wardrobe would suffice. She searched what food she had brought to move in with, grabbed a bottle of wine, and headed to the farm house. Better to show up with a cheap bottle of wine from CVS than empty handed.
Ashton had changed into sinfully tight black jeans with a crisp white shirt that made him glow. "You wash up nice." Y/N teased handing him the wine. "Not exactly Sunday dinner material but it's something."
Without paused, Ashton took her under his arm and into his chest. A musky yet clean scent filled her senses as he gave her a quick squeeze. "You're the one who needs the housewarming gift, my dear."
Calum arrived before Y/N could worry about making a fool of herself. Ashton kept his arm secured around her while ushering her to the kitchen with Calum. The rest trickled in until they were settled around a table that didn't set level with floor and chairs that creaked.
"Mrs. Y/L/N, why are you living with Uncle Ash?" Charlie Clifford asked, fondly setting next to his favorite teacher. "I mean, I'm not complaining if it gets me an A , but I have a responsibility to report the facts."
"Charlie, you were the school news reported one day and almost got suspended, leave your teacher alone." Y/N quite liked Michael and Crystal. She liked his entire family for that matter. It had been a long time since she sat at a table and felt she belonged there.
"It's okay, Charlie. I'm not living with your Uncle. I'm renting the apartment over the garage."
"And domesticating my pigs." Ashton teased before taking her hand and Cal's to bless dinner and wow she was fond.
During the week, they adopted a routine that switched dinner from each of their places. Wednesdays were interesting, as Y/N watched from her bedroom window while Ashton did yoga with his goats ("I'm telling you they make it better"). Friday's were a little odd, watching Y/N assault his blender making cocktails while watching cable news ("I've had a long week and our country's going to hell in a hand basket I deserve this").
Somewhere between Sunday dinners and Charlie's play or maybe it was after Luna's dance recital, Ashton wasn't sure. Regardless, at some point he forgot what life was like without her. That was scary in the beautiful way. He wanted more than what they had. So, he changed into his best flannel shirt and slicked his hair back. He cut flowers from his rose garden and put a little glitter on.
Marching right up the stairs to her apartment, he knocked upon entering. Poppy squealed from her pet bed zooming right for his legs. Y/N had taken off her heels by the door and was in the process of starting dinner when he touched her shoulder.
"I'd sure like to take you out tonight" Ashton paused, hazel eyes filled with affection, "and maybe kiss you. I'll walk you home after." He winked with a sparkly smile.
True to his word, Ashton took her out, asked and then kissed her, and walked her home the morning after. Things changed for the best. It wouldn't be long before Ashton would move her stuff in into the house with the intention of forever.
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softforcal · 5 years
-okay so @astroashtonio and @24kcalum decided to make farmer ashton a thing in this post and uh... turns out i’m oddly here for it, so here’s a mini hc of things i associate with fucking farmer boi ash
-Calloused hands skimming across your skin at the end of the day
-forcing him to take a shower because he’s probably got dirty and shit on him cuz he’s a dirty, messy boy. Showering together a lot because the water is a bit wonky on the farm
-An old bedframe that squeaks with every thrust but he thinks it’s charming
-Waking up to sunlight in his curls
-Family friends coming over with their kids and Ashton shows them everything, carrying one on his shoulders and being very careful that they don’t get hurt but still have a good time
-Laying in bed that night talking about having kids and raising them on the farm and Ashton joking that he needs free labour
- him cooking breakfast and the two of you eating it outside on the bench chair on the porch, wrapped in blankets together
-Having a makeshift bed in the back of an old pick up truck for nights in the summer where you both want to fall asleep in a tangle of limbs looking up at the stars.
-going in to town for cute date nights
-having a favourite coffee shop and if you’re ever feeling down he’ll show up with coffee from it, even though he had to drive all the way into town to get it for you
-the farm’s hot water heater being kinda shit so in the winter Ashton will heat up water for you with the kettle and get a bath ready for you like that even though it takes FOREVER
-his strong working shoulders
-winters being super cold and not wanting him to leave the bed in the mornings
-he’s really good with animals
-your farm would be pretty secluded so its mostly just the two of you
-farmer boy Ash is soft and the least kinky of any of my Ash AU’s... but... this boy knows how to tie a rope if you know what im saying fam
-heading into town together to go grocery shopping and you sit in the cart while he pushes you around the store and you tell him what to grab
-lots of sweet kisses
-he has an old truck that’s kinda worn down but you both love it because your first time probably happened on the bench seat of the truck. or maybe your first kiss. i dunno. would farmer ash really do you dirty and fuck you for the first time in a truck?i mean, maybe fam. depends how much you want it
-yeah he just gives you everything you could ever want
-a big, four clawed bathtub that you both fit into
-totally having bubble baths
-giving this boy a massage after a long day
-stealing his cowboy hats sometimes because it’s funny
-(so i said this would be mini. also this started as a joke. i guess i lied twice. stopping now before i get ahead of myself because what the fuck is this trash.)
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chaatmasala · 3 years
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lvke-hemmings · 5 years
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I’m screaming what is this
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abbyandersonbicep · 4 years
Ghost of you
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Warnings: Death, canon endgame
a/n this is my first time writing angst i hope you all enjoy it, this is inspired by various songs especially ghost of you by 5sos
@imnotasuperhero @natasha-danvers
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“I want you to stay at your apartment”  Natasha told you, you wanted to protest but you knew she was right, neither of you knew what would happen and she just wanted you to be safe.
You nodded “Please be safe tomorrow“ you mumbled into her shoulder holding her close, feeling your cat Liho roam around the both of you.
“Looks like I`m not the only one who`s doesn`t want you to go” you smiled at her, trying to hide the tears forming in your eye, which didn`t go unnoticed by your girlfriend.
“Baby look at me” she said, softly lifting your chin up, so you were looking into her eyes, gently wiping away the few stray tears running down your cheeks
“There you go”,she smiled softly when your eyes found hers
“i want you to know, what ever happens tomorrow, that i will always love you, no matter what” she whispered pressing a small kiss to your temple, causing you to close your eyes, taking a deep breath collecting yourself.
You knew Natasha was even more scared than you were, but she wanted to put on a strong face for you, hoping that her own words are true, that everything would be fine.
That night neither of you slept much, taking turns to pretend being asleep, so the other wouldn`d worry, holding eachother trough the whole night, never letting go.
The next morning went by in a bliss, being awoken by soft kisses pressed to your cheeks and temple, only causing you to snuggle further into the redhead, hugging her impossibly closer to you.
“We have to get up Малы́шка” she told you in an almost inaudiable voice, as if she didn`t want to say those few words, wanting to stay in bed with you for the rest of your lives, not needing to be worried about anything but the two of you.
“Don`t wanna” you mumbled sleepy into her chest, feeling her chuckle lighly at your antics
“We have to baby”
“I know” you sighed lifting your head, locking eyes with her taking in all of her features, leaning in to press your lips against her soft ones. Now it was for her to pull you closer, purring all of her emotions in the kiss, pulling away to catch a breath never opening her eyes, gently resting her forehead against yours.
Slowly opening your eyes whispering a small “I love you” towards her, which she returned, her eyes finding yours.
You honestly can`t even remember much more of that morning, except for soft hugs and touches and a few small kisses being left over eachohers faces and necks.
“No, she can`t be, she promised that it would all be okay...” you sobbed, your knees giving in, Clint catcing you seconds before you hit the ground, hugging you close whispering a few faint “sorry”`s to you, while pulling you up, only to be greeted by Wanda, who looked at you sympatheticaly, taking you fom Clint`s arms into hers. Holding you until your sobbs died down.
Clint offered you and Wanda to stay at his Farm for as long as you two needed, knowing that you weren`t really capable taking care of yourself right now and Wanda having no where else to go.
Most nights you just stared at the ceiling, hoping that it was all just a dream and that you would wake up any momemt in Natasha`s arms, who would kiss you an hold you close until the next morning where you would make breakfast together and cuddle on your couch.
Every morning you would wake up with dried tears blurring your vision, reminding you of your girlfriend.
The Bartons treated you like you and Wanda were family, including you in Movie nights and Trips to the small farmers market a few miles away.
The Barton kids even made a little memorial for their Auntie Nat, with a few drawings and other handcrafted items.
You often found yourself just sitting there for hours, letting your thoughts run wild.
One especially bright night you found yourself unable to sleep once again, with out thinking about it too much you made your way down the stairs, instantly moving outside of the house to the small porch, laying down in the gras, letting the cold air of the night fill your lungs.
Once again you let your mind wander off, thinking how Nat would`ve loved this moment, being free from any stress and bad guys, just the two of you.
“She would`ve loved this” you heard a small voice, making you sit up and whip your head around, just for them to meet Wanda.
“Sorry, your thoughts were loud” she said looking down
“It`s okay” you sent her a small smile patting the grass next to you, inviting her to sit next to you.
After a few moments of silence Wanda began to talk
“I´m sorry Y/N i really am”
“She talked about you, you know, shw always told me how proud she was of you” you suddenly interupted her
“She did?”
“Yeah, she always told me how you were eager to learn more fight moves and how you would always make food for her, Sam and Steve while you were on the run, i mean you guys were her family after all” you told the brunette beside you, feeling a few tears gather in your eyes.
“Did you ever talk about it? Having a family i mean” the girl next to you asked carefully looking at your face fo any sign of discomfort.
“Yeah we talked about it, Nat always told me someday she wanted to leave everything behind, get married and start over, maybe even adopt a child or two, living the life she deserved”
Wanda stayed silent after that, both of you taking comfort in eachothers presence, finally having spoken about what was going on in your mind.
After a couple minutes of silence you spoke up again
“Does it get better?”
“It will...eventualy”
A/N i hope you all liked it!! feel free to give any feedback :)
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kindahoping4forever · 5 years
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It's these everyday normal candids that will truly be the end of me
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lashton-is-my-drug · 2 years
Ashton’s posts to his ig story.
July 29, 2022
A link to another teaser post for his new candle company, the old farmer’s almanac for 2022, and a page titled “KNOW YOUR LIMITS”.
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What are you up to sir? 🧐
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clumsyclifford · 3 years
yayayy good mood!! 12, 25, 28, 54, 63, 92! I'm using up all the music ones sue me
hgfdlghkgj adorable i love you so much
12. name of your favorite playlist? bro my favorite playlist changes so much. like right now i've been listening a lot to the state champs of what? (which is my complete works of sc playlist) or state champs but it's just bangers playlists because...duh. but in general i default to the LISTEN TO MEEEEEE playlist because it's always the songs i'm currently into. oh also lately i've been listening to men ain't shit.
25. first song you remember hearing? oh dude i have NO idea. okay i'm just gonna go by my oldest memory even though i can't really tell which memories are older than other memories but. basket case by green day. which is a weird one bc i DEFINITELY was not like "raised" on green day, my parents don't listen to green day, they listen to israeli music and billy joel and stuff but for some reason we had that one song on our itunes and i feel like i remember arguing with my older sister about it because i was so sure the song was called "paranoid" because they say that in the chorus of the song and she was saying it was called basket case but i was like how can that be the title if they never say it in the song!!!!! so there's my answer.
28. five songs to describe you? would you believe i have a playlist for this! here we go:
naive by andy grammer - this is literally me in a song. "call me naive, but i believe we're gonna be okay" ??????? get out of my head
i spend too much time in my room by the band camino - get out of my head part 2
lover/loner by nightly - "part of me wishes i was someone else while the other part's always narcissistic as hell" :) "part of me depressed while the other side's happy, fear of missing out but i hate going to parties" :)))))
turning out by ajr - it's not about the story specifically (obviously i've never been in love) but the chorus...and the vibes...half of ajr's discography is highly relatable in a painful way tho so jot that down
prom dress by mxmtoon - this is kinda cheating but this song literally describes my experience like i, too, was sitting here crying in my prom dress my senior year lmao so i feel like i can say it
54. what did you learn from your first job? mmmm what WAS my first job? technically i worked at a farmer's market and uhhh. what DID i learn. good question. how to use a till? i guess? also i memorized the prices for a bunch of different produce. maybe that. idk i learned a lot more from my second job (the summer camp one i still have lmao) but you didn't ask about my second job!
63. five songs that would play in your club? MY CLUB? what a question......
soulmate by lizzo. also rumors by lizzo. i'm putting both lizzo songs in one here because otherwise i will just list her entire discography
see through by the band camino because i like to sing the chorus really fast it's fun
english love affair by 5sos, certified Fucking Banger
not to be basic but either good 4 u or brutal by olivia rodrigo <3
this is a really hard question it's like a six hundred-way tie. i'm gonna end it with...weightless by all time low. another slightly basic answer but imagine how much fun that would be
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights? depends what i need the light for!!! but in general, overhead lights. though i do prefer fluorescent/bluish white to incandescent/yellow. for selfie reasons.
weird asks that say a lot
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talkfastromance4 · 4 years
Luke&Lily Masterlist
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*collage made by @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt​ !!
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental
A series of blurbs of Luke and single mom!reader and her daughter!
Til there was You-- origin of Luke and reader’s relationship (read first then everything below is in order!)
First Meeting
Meeting Petunia
Lily gets caught feeding piggy
A lullaby for Lily
Luke babysits Lily for the first time
Lily calls him ‘Lu’ for the first time
Lily’s first 5sos concert
Lily has an accident first night at Luke’s
Dad’s & Donuts--special
Lily’s album
Beside You~one shot
Meeting Michael and Ashton
Ghost of Me~one shot
Lily’s crush on Calum
Lily goes live
Mama’s Day
Meeting the Hemmings in AUS
Lily meets some fans
Easter Special
2 dads 1 Lily(before Posy)
Take All of Me~longer fic presenting Posy!
Wake-up Call~Posy
The Lucky One~Father’s Day Special
Fireworks~ 4th of July Special
Luke’s Playlist
Morning cuddles
Lily feeds Po
Sunny days
Posy’s Book~Posy’s first year
Halloween snippet
Christmas Special
Valentine’s Day Special
misguided miscommunication
Magical Memories&Misfortunes
A weekend away--oneshot
sparks and surprises--4th of July Special (II)
fun day with uncles--the girls spend the day with Uncle Cashton
two days--prelude to Luke’s album release
rockstar--the girls watch Luke perform
Happy Halloween! part 2
farmer’s market
glitter angels prelude to 10 year anniversary
Just what I always Wanted~ Christmas Special (II)
A NYE Wedding
Complete Mess
Oliver&Uncle Michael 
Double the Joy feat. Crystal & Michael
Oliver’s first birthday!
Missing Miss Posy Mae
20 Days
Luke’s Birthday
blanket forts&thunderstorms blurb
Lily’s Halloween Birthday
Hardships, happiness, Hemmings—a magazine article
Nothin’ but love for you—anniversaries, Valentine’s Day and announcements oh my!
A Roaring 2 Year old—Oliver turns 2!
Ashton & Posy Adventure
Posy turns 6!
Discussion posts of Luke & Lily: extras here🌸
Discussion posts of sweet little Posy: extras here🌺
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wastelandcth · 3 years
3, 7, 15, and 25 for the author asks my love 💕💕 (hoodhoran)
3) what order do you write in? front of book to back? chronological? favorite scenes first? something else?
It depends on the idea! Sometimes I'll start writing from the beginning and go from there! I think that's how I wrote In the Meadows! But other times, I'll get an idea for how a story should end and I start there and work my way towards the beginning again! Or sometimes it just starts with a piece of dialogue and I expand off of that!
7) when asked, are you embarrassed or enthusiastic to tell people that you write?
The only people in my life outside of tumblr who know I write fanfic are my friend (who lives in Germany) and my sister! I wasn't embarrassed to tell them at all! I was actually looking for feedback on Nation of Two and Better Love when I told them!
15) why did you start writing?
The first piece of fanfic I ever wrote was for Percy Jackson and it was because I wanted to ship two different characters. I must've been like 9 or 10? I can't really remember but I do remember loving how I could create little universes with these characters that I knew and loved so much! I guess that's why I've kept writing after all these years!
25) copy/paste a few sentences or a short paragraph that you’re particularly proud of
Here's a part of that 5sos x star wars piece I was talking about earlier!
Luke himself had been named after the infamous Skywalker, whose own existence had brought destruction and celebration to the galaxy long before Luke had ever taken his first steps, and knew that he had been destined for more in life than just to be a simple moisture farmer.
author asks!
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tuanhood · 4 years
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pairing: mark tuan x reader x calum hood (i guess?) 
genre: angst
word count: 3.8k
summary: you have some news for your best friend mark.
a/n: this is a part two (but not a direct sequel) to a lil series of you/mark realizing you have feelings when it’s a bit too late. alSO ? lol i just used the name calum and i was like okay let’s just do a good ol’ calum hood moment so here is the got7/5sos crossover you were all waiting for. enjoy!
part one
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The room you were in was so loud that you could barely hear Mark on the phone. He mentioned how he was going to be late and wouldn’t be able to arrive at your parent’s anniversary party until later, because of a photo shoot. You immediately felt the urge to panic at his late arrival. This was not apart of the plan. He was supposed to be coming for the first half of the party and then leaving later because he had an early morning schedule with the boys.
Apparently, it looked like it was going to be the other way around. You had specifically planned it a certain way for a reason, and it looked like the thing you were trying to keep a secret was no longer going to be one. 
“Honey is everything alright?” Your mother asked. 
All you could do was nod and tell her things were fine, you didn’t want to ruin your parents’ party by bringing in any unwanted drama. 
“Is Mark not coming?” 
“He’s coming, just going to be late…” You told her and her face immediately broke out into a grin. 
“Oh good I was starting to get worried.” 
Your parents - especially your mother - loved your best friend. They would often tease you about when you were getting married; you would just laugh along because honestly the thought of getting married to Mark was funny. It was something you had thought about once when you first met him because let’s face it... He’s absolutely perfect, and what girl wouldn’t want that? You just couldn’t see him ever really feeling the same, not to mention with his schedule it was hectic enough being his best friend, you couldn’t imagine wife. You two had made one of those typical “if we’re both single by 30 we’ll get married” deals with one another, the two of you had seen it in a movie, but you didn’t think it would ever come true. 
Suddenly a few years had gone by and 30 wasn’t as far as it once seemed, and you definitely didn’t feel ready to get married. 
“And Calum?” Your stomach churned, “he’ll probably be here around the same time as Mark.” Calum Hood was the secret you had been hiding from Mark for months. 
You didn’t mean for it to happen at all, but it just... somehow did. When you first started dating Calum you knew it would probably be a given - no your first instinct - to introduce him to your best friend, but you ended up skipping Mark and introduced him to everyone else. For fuck’s sake you had already introduced him to Jackson when you ran into him at a grocery store.
“Uh... so y/n, who’s this?” Jackson had asked with a bewildered face, looking Calum up and down as if trying to place him in yours and Mark’s life. After all the general public’s assumption would be that anyone that you would be caught out at the grocery store with while wearing sweatpants, an oversized hoodie and having generally messy hair at 10pm at night, has to know your best friend. Right? 
“Well this is...” You trailed off, unsure of what to say. Damn, you had thought to yourself, you were going to have to get better at this introducing Calum thing, especially if you couldn’t even do it to Jackson.
“Wait... No way, you’re Jackson? As in Jackson Wang? Dude you’re 88rising collabs have been on every single one of my Spotify playlists. So good... really.”
In any other circumstance you would find Calum’s shameless fanboying - especially for a guy you had grown close to - cute, but your mind had still been calculating with what exactly to say to Jackson. 
Jackson smiled sheepishly, “thank you so much, that means a lot... And you are...?” Jackson put his hand out towards Calum, clearing figuring that he wouldn’t get a straight answer from you. 
Calum took his hand, “I’m Calum, y/n’s boyfriend.” With widening eyes, Jackson had continued to shake your boyfriend’s hand, keeping his mouth shut. 
Later that night, Jackson had sent you roughly fifty messages equating to what the fuck y/n? You had assured to Jackson that you would come clean to Mark and tell him the truth. In fact, it only took Jackson a promise of as many HotPot rounds as he wanted on you, to keep his mouth shut - as long as you told Mark soon. However, soon kept getting delayed and delayed.
And in all honesty, in the months since the encounter you didn’t have to lie all that much, a lot of the time Mark would be gone on tour and you didn’t need to make excuses as to why you couldn’t hang. It just came so naturally. You felt as though you couldn’t let Calum and Mark meet, and there were a couple reasons as to why. First off Mark’s opinion was vastly important to you and you were having fun with Calum, you didn’t want Mark overtly pointing out the obvious things wrong with your relationship. Also, Calum and Mark were very different from each other. Them together in the same room was sure to be a disaster and your past with the two of them was evidence of that. 
Calum and Mark actually... did know each other. All three of you had gone to high school together, and Sophomore year you never heard the end of how much Mark hated “that Calum guy” in his Biology class. At the time that was something you definitely took with a heavy heart because your best friend didn’t usually blatantly hate people. So of course you also festered your own hate for this Calum guy too, it was only right. That was until a couple of months ago when you had run into him at a local farmers market. You both had vague recollections of who the other was, mostly him knowing you from being Mark’s friend and for the brief period of time that you had been involved in your school’s activism club. 
“Didn’t you run through every class protesting the use of standardized testing as graduation requirements?” He had asked. You just blushed at his remembrance and nodded. 
“I can’t believe out of all the places in the world we’re meeting again at a farmer’s market in Seoul. How freaking random.” He had quipped, “you move out here for Tuan?” 
A question that you found yourself being asked quite a bit, you immediately shook your head, “ah no. I had a job opportunity out here and my parents moved out here as well.” 
Calum smiled, “well lucky me then.” 
Your interaction with him was sweet, and he had teased you a bit which you kind of liked. You couldn’t help it but at the time it slightly reminded you of how Mark acted with you before he got so busy, the nostalgia edging you further in the conversation. After exchanging phone numbers, you both texted for a while until he finally asked you out, and the rest was history. You had promised yourself you would tell Mark sooner or later, it just never came up until now. There was no way you could avoid it, Mark and Calum were going to interact tonight and you would have to introduce Calum as your boyfriend. The boyfriend you didn’t tell Mark about for months... 
You couldn’t focus on talking to guests; you just kept looking at the door waiting for one of them to show up. There was no way you could concentrate. As you talked to one of your many relatives you felt two hands cover your eyes and the classic, “guess who?” he said. Instead of answering - in an effort to avoid an awkward situation - you simply turned around to see Calum. Smiling, you gave him a kiss. 
“How late am I?” He asked. 
“You’re on time. Right when I told you to be here,” he put his arm around you, “do I get another kiss for promptness?” You giggled, “why of course.” After kissing him again, you felt your eyes floating towards the door once again, something Calum noticed immediately.
“What’s going on babe?” You and Calum had never really talked about Mark, except for first encounter, but deep down you could tell that he had the same sort of dislike towards your best friend as he had for him. 
“So, I’m sorry for kind of just dropping this on you, but Mark’s going to be here soon and I kind of never told him about us,” you said quickly out of nervousness, but also out of a hope that he wouldn’t hear you.
He furrowed his eyebrows, “what do you mean you never told him?” 
Just as you were about to answer him, out of the corner of your eye you saw your best friend walk in, wearing his classic, overpriced Balenciaga t-shirt and Off White sneakers - his high end street style standing out amongst everyone else at the party. It was clear he came here in a rush with his hair slightly wet, most likely from washing out all that gel he always complained about them using in photo shoots. 
“Wait here for a minute.” You didn’t wait for Calum’s response as you walked off, squeezing through people to get to Mark at the doorway. As soon as he caught sight of you, you felt his arms being wrapped around you. 
“Hello,” you murmured into his shoulder, the warm feeling you had in the pit of your stomach not going unnoticed. He let go of you and smiled, “hi.” 
You found it hard to look into his eyes, you had been keeping a part of your life away from him for the last couple of months and you felt as though you didn’t deserve to stare into those warm eyes. Mark cocked his head to the side and looked at you deeply, he was your best friend he could tell something was off with you. Why did you think you’d be able to hide this? 
He placed a hand on your shoulder, “what’s going on?” 
No matter how you presented the situation to Mark he would be caught off guard and horribly upset with you. Mark was one of the sweetest, warmest and most giving people you knew, but he also had a bit of temper. He easily held grudges against people. Sure, maybe to your face he would tell you everything was fine, but he would still sit on that thing you did wrong or whatever you did to upset him and wouldn’t hesitate to bring it up again in the future. Having Mark Tuan being mad at you was one of the worst feelings in the world and after all this time you had somehow managed to escape that feeling. But at this point you had no one to blame but yourself for this.
You looked at Mark’s eyes searching for something in your eyes and that’s when you managed to finally start your explanation. “Mark… You know I love you very much.” 
Mark looked down, blushing a bit, “I know that.” 
“And I would never want to do anything to hurt you,” he frowned a bit but nodded as a sign for you to continue. 
“Well Calum is here…” Mark twisted his face together in confusion, trying to search the back of his brain for who this Calum person was. 
“Who?” he asked. 
“Calum. You know Calum. Hood.” 
“You mean from high school?” 
You nodded once and he continued to question you, “what’s he doing here? Why is he at your parents’ anniversary party? In fact, what is he even doing in Seoul?” 
You averted your eyes away from him when you answered, mumbling most of your words, “he’s kind of my boyfriend… And has been for a couple of months.”
Although your speech was almost inaudible, he was able to catch your words, his eyes widened, “kind of? A couple of months?” Before you were able to say anything and really explain yourself, you’re interrupted by none other than Calum. 
He grabbed ahold of your hand and looked at Mark without a care in the world, “what’s going on man?” Judging by Mark’s stance you could tell he was closed off and didn’t want to talk to Calum, but he gave you an unreadable look and sighed, “not much man. Just trying to have a conversation with my best friend.” 
“Oh, sorry about that. Just thought I would come and find my girlfriend.” You rolled your eyes at the situation. You knew that they didn’t like each other, and the first meeting wouldn’t be the easy, but judging by the way it started it was only going to get worse. There was no denying that when you were dealing with Mark’s temper and Calum’s teasing personality.
“Why don’t we get a drink? Mark, do you want a drink?” You said in an attempt to avert the attention away from Calum’s emphasis on the word “girlfriend” as a clear way to annoy Mark. Mark smiled at you and glared at Calum, “I would love one, thanks y/n.” 
As you walked to the table for refreshments you couldn’t help but completely regret the way you decided to handle this because obviously it was the wrong one. You knew it was the wrong way the entire time... why didn’t you just tell Mark? Be honest with him? Maybe this is what you deserved. 
Pouring Mark a drink you handed it to him, which he took with a smile and a wink, Calum looking at the both of you with a bitter stare. You could see your mother watching the three of you from the other side of the room. As you turned to make eye contact with her, she abruptly turns around and darted straight to the kitchen in an effort to make it clear she was not watching... when she in fact was. This was definitely where you wanted this to happen, at a family party in front of a bunch of your parents and relatives you talked to twice a year.
As soon as you gave Calum a drink, you’re all left standing in an uncomfortable amount of silence. Except for the glares Mark and Calum exchanged, otherwise those were louder than words. Calum was the one who broke the silence surprising enough, “so y/n mentioned you have an early schedule. I guess that means you won’t be able to stay very long. That sucks.” 
His tone bothered you, not liking the way your boyfriend was speaking to your best friend. 
“Actually, I can be here as long as I want.” Mark said, clearly wanting to stand his ground. You give him a confused glance; the boy was already only getting four hours of asleep on a normal night.
“That’s really cool man must be hard doing what you do. Traveling all the time, never getting to see your family and friends. Don’t worry though, I’ve been keeping y/n company while you’ve been away and busy.” Calum placed an arm around your waist and you suddenly felt strangely uncomfortable in his grasp.
Mark grit his teeth and took another sip of his drink, almost aggressively, “thanks. You know, as long as she’s not in the hands of a complete douchebag.” 
You had an urge to excuse yourself, to be anywhere else but there, but you knew leaving them alone together would only make the situation worse than it already was. If these were the things they were saying while you were present, what would they say if you were gone? You took a large gulp of the alcohol in your cup and decided that it was probably better to do this intoxicated than sober. 
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Somehow, you had managed to make it to the end of your parents’ party. 
You had told your mother and father to head to sleep and you would clean up the living room before you left to go home. Luckily you had Mark to help, who had so kindly volunteered to stay behind. Calum unfortunately had to leave, partly because of work the next day and partly because cleaning wasn’t “his thing.” 
You and Mark had worked in silence for most of pickup duty and you took this as a signal that he was mad at you. Every time you would both go to pick up the same item or meet eyes, he would passively ignore you. Was this what Mark Tuan being mad at you felt like? Were you finally experiencing it? 
He had every right to be mad at you, mad that you hadn’t told him anything about Calum. You just decided to drop it on him all at once and made the whole night terrible. You didn’t even get to spend any time with your best friend, it was just uncomfortable. 
You hadn’t heard a peep from Mark since he volunteered to help, that when he spoke, you’re caught off-guard, “I seriously can’t believe you’re dating him.”
You looked up from the black garbage bag you threw empty paper plates into, “he’s actually really cool when you get to know him.” 
Mark snorted and pulled out the broom from the hall closet, “I don’t want to get to know him.” 
The whole night had gotten you worked up, you understood that both boys had something against the other, but why couldn’t they just put it all aside for you? Or if anything put it aside for just one night? You felt done with the whole thing that you throw down the garbage bag down out of frustration, “ugh, Mark why can’t you just give him a chance? You already had an opinion of him from so long ago and you’re sticking to it… But things change, and he’s my boyfriend now so…” 
“He was a dick then, and he’s still a dick now. He hasn’t changed at all.”
“Mark-” You began, but he was quick to cut you off. 
“Do you want to know the real reason I don’t like him?” You looked away from him, but he continued, “When we were in school together, he would always ask me if I was friends with that ‘hot babe in the activism club’ and make these stupid, gross comments about you.” 
You felt your heart fall a bit, thinking about Calum saying things like that about you, but you shook your head, it was a long time ago. You looked into Mark’s eyes again, “so? He’s different now. I like him.” 
“What about our deal?” Mark asked. 
“What deal?” 
He sighed as if extremely disappointed in you, “our get married at 30 deal.” 
“Oh, Mark come on, you know that was just something we said one time.” You picked up the garbage bag again and continued throwing trash from the party inside. Mark still hadn’t moved, “what do you mean something we just said?” 
“I mean it’s not going to happen. Thirty isn’t that far away, neither of us are ready for marriage, we’re best friends, you’re an idol now for God’s sake and I have Calum!” 
Mark went over to your side of the room and caught your wrist, “can you please stop cleaning up for one minute and just look at me?” 
Surprised at Mark’s behavior, you stopped, “I’m looking at you...” you said looking into his eyes. 
He goes silent and continues to stare at you, almost as if searching for your answer to a question he hasn’t asked yet. That’s when you felt it. That same warm feeling in the pit of stomach that tells you that you’re right where you’re supposed to be. Mark opened his mouth, but he’s interrupted with the chime of your phone. You broke eye contact with him to pull your phone out of your pocket and glanced back up at him. “Sorry... I- It’s Calum. We always message each other to let the other know they made it home safe. I-I should probably call him.” 
He doesn’t say anything again, and you turned to go but he doesn’t let go of the grasp on your hand, “what if I say that I don’t wan-” once again Mark’s cut off by a phone pinging, this time his own. He sighed.
Mark dropped your hand and looked at his own phone, snorting bitterly. “Great... call time for tomorrow got moved up.” 
You looked down, “you should probably get going then. Thanks for helping me clean up.” 
“I guess we both have things to do, don’t we?” 
The remorse in his voice caught you off guard. You kept hearing it play over and over in your head as he gathered his things. It drowned out his “see you,”and it wouldn’t leave your mind until an hour later when Mark was long gone and already safely in his downtown apartment getting read for his minimal hours of sleep. 
He just left?
You had told him to of course, so you couldn’t understand as to why you were left with a bitter feeling. Was there something else you had wanted him to do? Wanted him to say? 
What about our deal? he had asked you. 
You had Calum now and he had... he had his career. His career that had become his whole life and suffocated your friendship. His career that kept getting in between the two of you and perhaps that feeling that was always looming between the two of you. That possibility that was always there and asking for a chance to be something, but you both never let it. Mark never let it. His schedules and countless working hours never let it. 
In your life there had always been a space. A space you had always wanted Mark to fill, heck that your mother had even always wanted him to fill, but you were getting tired of waiting. Calum had now come along and filled that space, but something felt... off. 
You paused and hovered your thumb over Mark’s name in your contact list. 
Exiting the screen, you tapped on Calum’s earlier message and finally write out a response. 
[You]: Glad you made it home safely babe! And yeah, I think tonight went as well as... expected. Don’t worry about Mark, he’s just being a protective best friend! Love you!! see you tomorrow xx.
You know why you were so afraid to tell Mark about Calum. It wasn’t because of their previous history or how much they hated each other. It was because it meant that it was all real, and the role in your life that had been calling Mark for years had been taken.
Let’s try.
That’s all you wanted from Mark. That’s all you needed him to say.
But it was just too late. 
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