#fandom guide
robobrainrot · 1 year
If you're new to the TF Fandom, here are the universal constants that exist on tumblr. Fandom fanatics feel free to add any I missed;
We use the tag #Maccadam for tf content. Its the bar/old oil house from lore. Knowing that means you're cool. If its Sexy Narsty Robolewds, use the tag #Valveplug. If its Brutal Narsty Blood Time, use the tag #Robogore.
Anyone and everyone can be babygirl
Especially the old men
Megatron Monday, Wheeljack Wednesday, Thundercracker Thursday
The never ending fight about what color TFP Ratchet is
Deep fried Transformers. I don't mean pixely and over saturated. I mean people keep battering and frying their toys. I cannot explain this
The take over of other fandoms posts. Transformers can and will be applied to everything. Anything and everything can and will be related back to Transformers
Mr. John Hasbro (vague and unspecific)
Be kind to the OC Creators and Self-shippers. Cringe is dead and if you don't like their vibes, just DNI. It's Tumblr. You're on their turf now.
Transformers for Trans Rights. We love the Queers here 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
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asexualcloud · 7 months
hello traveler! welcome to saiki k tumblr! were a great fandom! lets get started on the basics:
blogs. overtime, you will find around 15-20 saiki k blogs (number subject to change). theres lots of content, but the fandom is still small enough to have these blogs! thats why its so great! its big and small at the same time!
ships. everything (except propshipping) goes. you ship saiteru? cool! you ship aisai? great! you ship anything with akechi? awesome! multishipper? wonderful! you dont do shipping at all? amazing! everything (except propshipping) is welcome!
tags. i still have no idea if #saikik or #tdlosk is better. so thats up to you.
homophobes. homophobes, transphobes, bigots, etc arent welcome here. 90% of the saiki k (tumblr) fandom is queer.
spoilers. remember to mark spoilers! (in every fandom!)
reawakened. "the disastrous life of saiki k reawakened" is the name of a netflix original show. its basically an extension of the original show. i someone mentions "reawakened" theyre most likely talking about the show with the long name that im not typing
saiki k. is this something youve never heard of? The Disastrous Life of Saiki K/ 斉木楠雄のΨ難/ Saiki Kusuo no Sai-nan is a manga and anime series by Shūichi Asō. you can find the manga in a lot of places. the anime is on netflix! (theres also a live action movie but whatever)
have fun!
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jorenilee · 7 months
warrior cat designs based on those fuckass ultimate guide color palettes
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Swatch diagrams made by @/Sunnyfall , please look at them because what was happening behind the curtains that lead to cinderheart being blonde and ivypool brown
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trickengf · 1 month
For anyone who makes Gravity Falls fanart, having this is absolutely AMAZING!
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paperlignes · 10 months
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donelywell · 1 month
Nine-Tailed Travel Guide through the Multiverse Event!
Finally- it's here! You're free to enter any time if you wish, free of charge! Just upload your submission using the tag made for this event and you're golden! All you need is an au already to join in if you want!
This is the first event I ever put together, so there will certainly be a lot of rough edges with this, but I'm trying my best.
If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments and I'll try to answer them to the best of my abilities. :D
The Event Duration is between May 1st- August 1st 2024.
Click the read more button if you're interested in the event so you know the rules and guidelines!
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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Happy Valentine's Day! (and this blog's first post anniversary!)
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murder-obsessed · 9 months
i am officially claiming my spot as an agggtm fan before the show comes out. thank you that is all.
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regulusrules · 2 months
Guide for: What Tags to Add to Your Fic
Do you guys have the same problem of how when you're about to post a fic and reach to the tags section you're like .. what r werds 🫠
It's also why some works don't get any visibility even though we're blessed by god almighty for no algorithm in ao3
And I kid you not, I found some of the best goddamn fics out there by sheer coincidence because they weren't tagged right and they remain overlooked because of this fact
So here's a small classified guide for you!
This post is solely based on observation, the ao3 tag search, and my own personal system for tagging! I am not, by any means or sorts, an ao3 fandom moderator, but someone who's read nearly 30 thousand of the fics out there and struggles to read the rest
General tags for any fic
For fic forms: Art - Fanart - Digital Art - Drabble - Short - Complete - One shot - 5+1 Things - Poetry - Podfic - Songfic - Text Fic - Prompt Fic - Case Fic - Ficlet - RPF
For plot: Fix-it - Pre-Canon - Canon Era - Post-Canon - Canon Compliant - Not Canon Compliant - Everybody Lives/Nobody dies - Everybody dies/Nobody lives - Alternate Universe: Modern / Canon Divergence / Historical / College / Fantasy / Soulmates / Royalty / Powers / No Powers / Roommates - Kid Fic - Sickfic - Future Fic - Reincarnation - Time Travel - Plot What Plot (PWP) - Epilogue What Epilogue (EWE) - Slow Build - Missing Scene - Flashbacks - Crossover - ANY triggering topic you are writing about (eg: death, rape, violence, suicide, etc)
For vibes: Hurt/Comfort - Comfort - Hurt No Comfort - Humour - Fluff - Domestic Fluff - Fluff and Angst - Angst - Light Angst - Heavy Angst - Angst with a Happy Ending - No Happy Ending - Happy Ending - Whump - Crack - Cute - Humour - Dark - Sweet
For relationships: Slow burn - Romance - First Kiss - No/Mild/Explicit Sexual Content - Specific kinks (eg: Praise Kink) - Smut - No Smut - Feels - Getting Together - First Time - Pre-Relationship - Developing Relationship - Established Relationship - Mutual Pining - Pining - Friends to Lovers - Enemies to Lovers - Friends With Benefits - Love Confessions - Unrequited Love - True Love - Forbidden Love - Falling in Love
For characters: POV (insert character name) - Pining (character) - Hurt (character) - Jealous (character) - Worried (character) - Protective (character) - Dark (character) - BAMF (character) - Possessive (character) - Caring (character) - Top/Bottom (character) - Good/Evil (character) - Oblivious (character) - Manipulative (character) - Soft (character) - (character) lives - (character) dies
For tropes: Christmas - Sharing a bed - Weddings - Jealousy - Misunderstandings - Secret Relationship - First Meetings - Scars - Aftercare - Arranged Marriage - Kidnapping - Blood - Blood and Injury - Injury - Magic - Panic Attacks - Amnesia - Bathing/Washing - Soul-Identifying Marks - Touch-Starved
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holomars-turtles · 1 year
So it seems there are a lot of misunderstanding when it comes to turtle noises in the tmnt fandom so I thought I’d give an easy and helpful guide for artists and writers!
Common turtle noises:
Turtles hiss when they’re nervous, stressed, or approached by someone or something they do not feel safe with yet. This is an involuntary response. It’s also the most common noise turtles make!
Hissing paired with heavy breathing is usually a sign that the turtle is in an aggressive mood. When a turtle hisses aggressively, it’ll sometimes come out as a grunt.
Turtles chirp or click for a variety of reasons ranging from discomfort to expressing happiness! Other examples are hunger, stress, boredom, etc.
Grunting can mean a couple of things as well depending on the circumstance. Turtles grunt, squeak, and sigh when they’re happy! This happens when they’re eating or playing.
Churring is a high pitched trilling noise that many animals do, not just turtles! Actually, it’s not really common for turtles to churr to express happiness—as said above, happiness is usually expressed with squeaks, chirps, sighs, and more.
Turtles make a wide variety of different sounds to communicate to eachother!!! These are just the most common ones.
Turtles vocalizations are very quiet, not many noises can be heard by the humans naked ear. Though it’s common for turtles to communicate vocally to one another, they tend to communicate though physical means more often (such as nose touching as a form of introduction or expression of curiosity!)
I Hope this is helpful for y’all!!! Enjoy!!!
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yunoyuuu · 3 months
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Rule #1
People actually want that fanfic so I better get to writing…
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larphis · 10 months
As an adhd person I just want to say that I love every autistic person on this website.
You guys are literally the best fandom archivers out there. I’m so serious.
If you are new in just about any fandom search for the one autistic person whose special interest your newfound fandom is and it’ll be like you just met god at a nightclub.
You guys are too powerful and I thank you for your service from the bottom of my heart.
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nabwastaken · 2 months
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druvjelly · 30 days
Please do not reveal! If you do want to reveal make sure to cut it through and put several spoiler warnings!
Also reblog for a bigger audience
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Emi’s BG3 Fic Writing Guide for First Time Writers in 3 Acts
The Baldur’s Gate 3 fandom is blessed with an abundance of incredible fanwork and it’s a joy to observe how many different ideas and voices further enrich this fandom every single day. But creating content for something you love and sharing it with such a huge fan base can be pretty scary, especially when you’ve never done it before! That shouldn’t stop anyone from trying, though. There’s always plenty of space for your ideas and creations, and your voice deserves to be heard.
Disclaimer This is a Fic Writing Guide, though I’ll have to disappoint you right away: I won’t tell you how to write. I can’t, since—in my opinion—there is no “right way” to write, and even if there were, I wouldn’t know it. Luckily, everybody writes in their own unique way—and isn’t that so amazing? Writing is a deeply personal experience that comes with lots of trial and error; only you can find out what works for you! All I can do is offer you a very basic rundown of writing tips and approaches that worked (or didn’t work!) for me over the years, so take the following content with a grain of salt. I’m not a professional writer. All opinions are my own, as are any fic examples. 
And now:
Happy happy writing—you can do this!
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ACT 1: Getting Started
Fanfiction for Writers & Working with Source Material (+ Research)
Writing Set Up: Where to Write Your Draft
The Idea: Coming Up With and Developing Your Idea (with examples)
Finding Inspiration
ACT 2: Writing Your Draft
The First Draft: Just Write.
Art or Garbage?
Writing Dialogue (with examples)
How to Deal with Self-Doubt
Writing in a Second or Third Language
ACT 3: Publishing Your Fic 
Editing and Formatting
Polishing your Post 
How to Tag 
Words for the Road
As you can see, there’s an individual post for each topic and as much as I would love to know whether this guide was in any way helpful to you or not, I would appreciate it even more if you all engaged in (constructive) writing discourse/exchange of ideas/ and generally uplifting behavior with each other. Feel free to use the comment section underneath each post to connect with other BG3 fans and writers(-to-be)!
If you have any questions or if there’s anything you would like me to add to this guide, feel free to let me know!
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chiron giving us a masterclass in gaslighting with his little cryptic “atleast i know you think you didn’t 🧐” like yes yes go on, give percy more trust issues, only these will be entirely related to trusting his ownself coz that’s obviously what the kid needs rn 😭
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