#fam: assumes no romance
they fucking missed an opportunity to have 13 come out as gay by the tardis didnt they
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Me in Dragon Age fandom: All my fandom knowledge gathered in tv show/movies fandoms is useless here. But maybe that's just Dragon Age thing?
Me after joining Mass Effect fandom: It was not just a Dragon Age thing.
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evilwizardcrab · 9 months
hey just got to 14.11 and. uh.
look guys ima be real- before getting that deep into worm I kinda assumed the fandoms annoyance at wildbow surrounding ships to be like. a generic queer fandom thing with an author writing ok hetronormative romance and doubling down again any other fam interpretation. but. um
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hopeymchope · 10 months
The Legend of Zelda and shipping
I can't understand people who are like "I only ship Link in every game with one single character ever." What the hell... HOW?!
This seems to be most most common with people who ship Zelda/Link or "Zelink" — always wanting every Zelda to be with Link, because they're the main characters, though the phenomenon does exist with Malink and some other ships as well. And that’s not to hate on Zelink and Malink, because I love them! SPECIFIC INCARNATIONS of them, I mean.
Because there are a bare minimum of EIGHT different incarnations of Link, and you can’t tell me you think every single dude named Link has chemistry with/should have romance with every single girl named Zelda. Like EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.? I just can't with that. It's unfathomable, IMO.
I mean, OKAY, let me back that up: I get that people find it romantic to think that these are like... some kind of soulmates who always find each other through every reincarnation ala Hawkman and Hawkgirl or something, but it's not like they even display the same personality traits or share memories or something in each version of themselves. They just... act like totally different people quite regularly. Because by all accounts, they are.
Furthermore... shit - if we assume the incarnations are all descendants of one another and the same descendancy lines keep hooking up with the same partner lines, at what point do we wind up becoming dangerously incestuous with this repeated pairing? Because that shit seems INEVITABLE in such a case…?
NAH, my fam — I believe each Link and each Zelda are their own person, with their own traits. Their only unifying truth is that every person Link will ALWAYS look best in a green tunic and matching green, pointy flop-hat. (Sorry; I don't make the rules. Facts is facts.)
With that in mind, these are my sundry ships for various Links. And I apologize in advance for the fact that they're all boringly het. :P
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Skyward Sword — Zelink, absolutely. Childhood Friend Romance always gets me right in the heart. I love these two together. The casual playfulness and fondness they display. The lengths they'll go to in order to see each other/protect each other. And although Zelda loses some of her distinct personality when she learns she's a reincarnation of Hylia, she gets her groove back near the end, so it's all good.
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Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask/SC2 — Malink with a bullet. The singing farmgirl and the boy without a fairy, two people who felt alone in the world and find each other. The nicknames! "Don't be long, fairy boy." The fact that you can declare your romantic intentions for Malon while you're still a fucking KID! The Gossip Stone that tells you how much Malon pines to be saved from her daily life by a hero on a horse! It's SO GOOD.
Wind Waker/Phantom Hourglass — I'm only mentioning this era because this Link is an ACTUAL CHILD. He's like, what? EIGHT? Maybe ten, if we're feeling generous? So I just want to say: Yeah... I just can't bring myself to ship this literal child with anybody. It ain't RIGHT.
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Link's Awakening — Marink. If you weren't feeling these two by the time their sunset beach conversation wrapped up, I don't know what to even say to you. This was probably my first serious ship from playing the TLoZ games. Plus this ship is a good reason why the original black-and-white Game Boy version's secret ending is actually the best version of that bonus scene.
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Twilight Princess — Ilink. Is there even any other contender worth mentioning? The writing and direction of the cut scenes makes it pretty clear that Link and Ilia are sweet on each other. You barely even meet Zelda in this game, and the only other option would probably be, well... Midna? You know - your partner imp that spends most of the game trash-talking you for her personal lulz and repeatedly slamming her body weight down HARD onto your spine? Mm, I’ll pass.
Breath of the Wild/Age of Calamity/TotK — Miphlink/Miphalink, no items, FINAL DESTINATION. Their story makes my heart just ACHE. The flashback to Mipha healing him up... Mipha's diary (OMFG that diary)... the Zora armor and its descriptions... holy SHIT, fam. And even if that story DIDN'T melt me into a complete puddle, Zelda put herself out of consideration by stealing my fucking house. I don’t understand why she pulled that, but given her privileged upbringing, I doubt she understands the value/expense of home ownership. So maybe she thought this was like yoinking a french fry. :P
Haven't Played — The only major entry I haven't played yet is "Spirit Tracks" on the DS. So I can't speak to that incarnation at this point. But the two things I can say is A) The Zelda/Link relationship sure appears cute? but B) This is also the same style of Link seen in Wind Waker, so I won't be surprised if she's supposed to be a LITERAL CHILD again (and therefore not a shippable character for me).
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tmnt-tychou · 1 year
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Back in the halcyon days of the 2003 series, I had this plot bunny that was meant to happen after the main plot of my 03 fic “In the Genes.” Where Usagi is getting married to Mariko (she is a character from the Usagi Yojimbo comics) and is inviting all the turtle fam to the wedding. He wanted them to come a couple weeks early before the wedding and spend some time in his world as his guests.
However, the Purple Dragons were on the move and the boys couldn’t risk being out of town for that long. So Leonardo was the only one going and the rest would show up at the day of the wedding. Mona Lisa, who by then had the least interaction with Leonardo, volunteered to go with him so she could get to know him better.
Once there, pretty much everyone they met assumed Mona Lisa and Leonardo were a couple. And Mona decided to be a big tease and was jokingly calling him her boyfriend, ect because it was annoying him. And of course, there would be villains and adventure and fight scenes and all that good stuff.
The story had meant for Leo and Mona to only end up as better friends, but by the time I was done plotting out the story, I was thinking there was no way this wasn’t a romance. But I had always preferred 03 Mona with either Raph or Donnie. That was what had been planned with the whole big fic before it. So then I thought maybe it would be it’s own thing. And I think this idea was where I first started developing my love for the LeMona pairing.
However, just like Linkin Park, in the end, it doesn’t even matter. I never wrote the story. I just have some old art to remind me it was once an idea.
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dangermousie · 2 years
Do you like your men to have private armies but prefer access to antibiotics? Come right on in...
Watching the delicious trashiness of Maid’s Revenge has inspired me to make a listing of my favorite (and not so favorite) warlord and warlord adjacent cdramas. If like me, you like your male leads with polished boots and a side of murder, come right in. From most to least fave.
Siege in Fog
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My most favorite on this list, this is visually gorgeous and emotionally visceral. Plus, it’s not just ONE warlord, it’s a whole family of them! It follows a deeply dysfunctional marriage between a beautiful woman and a warlord’s second son, where they fight and angst and love and fight some more, all the while bullets are flying and bodies are piling up. If you like incredible visuals, insane chemistry, dysfunction by the bucket and not one, not two, but THREE hot warlords, come right in. It’s based on a Fei Wo Si Cun novel so I assume you know you need a lot of tissues.
To sum up:
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Too Late to Say I Love You
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Another FWSC adaptation! This is an older drama, done long before cdrama’s recent unwelcome slide into wholesomeness, which means epic makeouts but also a warlord that revels in murder (at one point he takes out all his potential rivals, including his loved sister’s entire fam.) The OTP is dysfunctional - they hate, then they love, then they break up but he can’t let go - and the chemistry is beyond insane, with Wallace Chung and Li Xiao Ran melting my computer. Also, for once, a happy ending!
Winter Begonia
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Probably the only genuine masterpiece on the list (tho I love FWSC dysfunction best for purely personal reasons), this is a MM story (though being cdrama it’s not explicit, though quite clear) and Huang Xiaoming as a trader with a private army and Yin Zheng as an opera singer with whom he forms a bond are both!!! I highly recommend it.
City of Streamer
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Should be called “City of Steamer” because those make-outs and chemistry are epic! Timmy Xu is a son of a shady businessmen (with a small army of gun happy goons) who falls hopelessly in love with an older governess (Jing Tian) who is out for revenge on his family. She starts out using him and ends up using him in a different sense, if you know what I mean! The plot derails a bit by the end but it’s still a great watch.
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Maid’s Revenge
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I am watching it right now. At only 10 minutes per ep, it skips plot and gives us the melo and chemistry we (and I mean I) crave and a guy whose muscles should be in a museum.
The Lady and the Liar
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Hawick Lau is the ML and we all know this means “hot bastard.” He’s a crime lord with a goon squad falling for a lost heiress who loses her memory so he lies she’s his fiancee and deliciousness ensues. MMMMM
Arsenal Military Academy
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Xu Kai is warlord jr but this is here mainly because of his awesome brother the businessman with murder squad. The drama is so-so (patriotism overtakes the amazing chemistry between Bai Lu and Xu Kai) but might be worth a peek.
Cruel Romance
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(Can you say no to this face?)
Joey Chen has never worked in anything for me and this is no exception, but Huang Xiao Ming is dashing as hell as a sexy gangster.
Love In The Flames of War
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The heroine is terrible (I kept rooting for her to get accidentally shrapnelled) but Shawn Dou is sexy as hell as a warlord. (In the novel he was apparently a rapey headcase; they made him lovely in the drama without making his wife saner which is...a choice.) I’d say worth it on FF for hotness and whippings.
The Mystic Nine
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I tried. I tried to watch this drama three times. I could not. But William Chan as a warlord in a three-piece suit and cape is mega mega fine!
I suffer so you won’t have to:
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Fall In Love
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The worst drama on this list, insulting to intelligence of anyone above pre-school level, 90% of the cast, including the leading lady, incapable of acting, a plot that makes a picture book seem complex and fashion disasters galore. However, Chen Xing Xu, playing the smirky warlord, carries this mess harder than Atlas and deserves to be in another, better drama altogether. Oh, what wouldn’t I give for him as a proper FWSC warlord!
Honorable Mention:  Forward Forever - haven’t watched that one but keep meaning to.
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thevillainsfangirl · 8 months
Reading about Life & Death: Twilight Reimagined a few minutes ago pissed me off because:
It seems there is no Alec, Jane, Garrett, Benjamin, Tia, or gender-swapped variations of them. (Idk how far the story goes, but since the Denalis are there, I assume at least to BD pt. 1.) Hell, she could've kept them the same, like some characters are! We could've had Kirill & Garrett, but Stephenie Meyer would never do that because she's a homophobe! (More on that later.)
Aro, Marcus, and Caius are all still men. Why couldn't we have gotten an ultra-powerful and evil female-led coven? 😩
Stephenie really is a homophobic cabbage because: Charlie is still a man, but Sue is also now a man (Saul), while Billy is now a woman (Bonnie). So, instead of a romance between Charlie & Saul (Sue), there is now a romance between Charlie & Bonnie (Billy). (Fam, I made a whole post about this shit on my other blog.)
My point is: This book was supposed to show that things would be the same if it were gender-swapped, only for her to not gender-swap every character and also change things. I feel like this could've been a really fun and/or interesting take, but as usual, it just fell flat.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Hey. How are you?
Well this is not really an ask but I just wanted to share something. If we're talking about jkk Or tkk then let's for once forget about romance and just focus on friendship.
IMO I believe that jk and tae are good friends but they are not really best friends. Meanwhile jkk are close and we all know that both jm and jk are very private, so just because they don't share it on SM doesn't mean they're not close. There were a lot of instances where if we wouldn't have got a picture then we would never know that it even happened.
Now what I wanted to share :
Okay so I have two college friends. And I have one best friend who isn't in the same college. So I am with my two college friends almost during the whole college time obviously, I hangout with them a lot too. But my best friend has been busy for the past few months but that's coz she's preparing for an entrance exam. Now I only hangout with my college friends and me and my best friend rarely hangout these days( we still talk obv)
But even though I hangout with those two friends, I still wouldn't say that they're my best friends. Everyone in our college thinks we're bsf but I know that we're not. It just doesn't feel like that, like I don't actually feel the connection with them but I still hangout with them because it's cool we don't have to be best of friends with everyone yk.
While my bsf, though we rarely hang out these days but whenever we meet it's like nothing has changed. We vibe perfectly well together. It's like she understands the real me and I understand her and the distance has done nothing to ruin our friendship. We don't meet regularly these days but when we do, it's just like old times.
And that's what I'm trying to say, let's keep the romantic ships aside for now. But we all have seen that jm and jk are very emotionally connected to each other and these types of bonds doesn't fade away that easily unless they had a huge fight which we can clearly see is not the case.
I'm not saying tkk are not close, they are. But imo their relationship is different from jkk. Like it's not even a comparison. Tkk are like those buddy friendships where they hangout, play games and all. But jkk has that deep emotional type of friendship where they can have those heart to hearts and a deeper conversation.
I think the reason why jikookers are insecure about tkk is not because they actually see something in them both but because of the way the whole fandom overhypes literally the smallest thing that tkk do. Tae and jk both have done much more things with other members but nobody even bat an eye but the moment tkk even stands next to each other everyone goes psycho like what's even the big deal?
Anyways everyone is entitled to their own opinion but I just wanted to share mine.
Btw love your blog. <333
Let's for once forget about romance and just focus on friendship.
Lets keep romantic ships aside for now.
Ngl anon... thats gonna be hard for me
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Forgive me anon but I wanna use your ask to say something then I'll go back to your ask. If you're new u will notice when I talk about Jikook, it sounds like their relationship has been confirmed. I, believe Jikook is real. They are a couple. They kiss, they fuck, they do everything under the sun that couples do. I, believe this to be fact. I, will not be using words like if Jikook are real when I talk about them. I, will not be saying things like; assuming Jikook are a couple bla bla bla. Nah, fam. I, believe they are a couple and have been a couple for a long long time. I, do not have a 1% doubt left for just incase. In my eyes Jikook are together 110%. No, ifs, no maybes, no buts. In future if they come out dating other people, I will read that as them having broken up (God forbid) not that they've never been together. I'm sorry but any other alternatives don't make sense to me. Not when they do shit like this. Alright? We together? Good ☺☺☺
Back to anon. I agree with every single thing that you said. 1000%
-Just because we don't see it, doesn't mean it ain't happening. Facts.
- Tkk are definitely not closer than Jkk. True.
-Jkk didn't see each other as often as they used to when Jimin was working on his album. But when they reunited it's like they were never apart. True
-Tkk is overrated. Agreed.
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Thanks for sharing Anon. I'm glad u like it here 😘
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daedelweiss · 1 year
🏠☠️💛💏 for pieces of home!!
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the AU wasn't specified in the 2nd ask so i'm just gonna assume it's PoH!
🏠 at first, the Lair looked like your regular old sewers, kind of a similar vibe to the '83 or '03 lairs except donnie and splinter fortified all entrances and exits just in case. around the time donnie was 11, he asked everyone to help renovate their Lair to the point where it barely looks like the original. he displays a lot of his architectural interest in the style.
i've yet sketch out a look for it but it's very high tech, very sterile, and it has hints of purple everywhere.
💉 aside from the main cast? yes. mostly villains/civilians.
☠️ yes.
💛 no :,D maybe? it's undecided yet but i like the dynamic of the 5 siblings too much to add another member in. my mind might change tho.
💏 yes. all of the fam thought he died during mutation night.
😍 yes! mostly of raph and his partner simon (male version of mona) and april and casey (very minor for them, though). there is more emphasis on raph's relationship with simon than april and casey's as raph kept his secret for a long time, whereas april and casey had their romance developed for a good bit. (PoH casey april's classmate btw! she's a she :D)
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New episode got me thinking about the books and made me realize I never shared my thoughts about the rest of them; I finished the series while I was on my hiatus which is why I didn't make posts about them. Usually, I would make an individual post for each book but I'm just gonna cover them all here with my rating and a quick summary of my thoughts/feelings.
If you have not read the books there will be spoilers ahead from Merrick all the way to Blood Communion.
1 ⭐️
How are you going to write a book where one your main characters, one of your most important characters, a character that is part of your foundation is depressed and attempts to commit suicide because he is still grieving the loss of his daughter a major event in your own series and have it all from the pov of a different character that has no connection to that situation (meaning the events from iwtv) or the child, and have the focus be on this and another character and their relationship?
Louis looking at Anne like Am i a joke to you?
Here's what's funny, I don't hate this book as much as i despise TOTBT but I have to rank it lower because at least that piece of garbage gave me something. In totbt we get some exploration of Lestat being haunted by Claudia and his thoughts and feelings on this and towards his daughter. In Merrick we don't get any exploration of Louis's inner thoughts and feelings, we don't get to see what led him to this point after so many years, we don't get to see his and Lestat's conversation afterward, we don't get to see his emotions when it comes to Claudia- this could have been great if Anne hadn't decided for some reason to hate louis cause I can only assume Anne wrote this during her Louis hating era.
The potential was there, the execution was not.
Blood and Gold
3 ⭐️
I'm just gonna say it, I don't like Marius. I don't hate him. But I don't like him.
Marius is the type of man who if he met a woman with a PhD he would mansplain her own field to her. He can't handle not being "the smartest" or "the wisest".
I've said it before I don't like Marius and Armand's romantic relationship and this book kinda solidified some opinions I had regarding it but I'm not gonna get into that- as I am writing this, however, I am just now realizing that even though this book is like 5 chapters too long (seriously there was no need for this book to have so many pages) I never got Marius reasoning for turning Armand's kids Beni and Sybelle which was the thing that pissed me off the most about him in TVA....the one thing I actually wanted his POV on....
Anyway, I did like reading this book more than I thought I would even though as I said I did find it too long and I'm not particularly a fan of the character. That being said, and this might come as a surprise, but-
Fam, how we feeling about Marius x Pandora??? Because I like them together a surprising amount which is funny because I don't think he's good enough for her but at the same time I am a sucker for devotion and pinning and longing and this man was hardcore pinning and longing like everything came back to her every single time and their reunion was the highlight for me (well that and Bianca leaving him because that line delivery? 🔥). so if anyone reading this feels the same way and likes them together let me know, am I alone in this boat or not?
Blackwood Farm
4.5/5 ⭐️
I loved this book. There were times when I forgot that I was reading a Vampire Chronicles book because it didn't feel like the series I don't know if that makes sense and I feel like that should take points away from it but I got so sucked into this story. The mystery of Goblin was easy to figure out but the rest of the Blackwood family history, and the other mysteries, and the atmosphere it really drew me in and got me hooked. Very enjoyable read. Really liked the character of Quinn too.
Blood Canticle
2.5 ⭐️
RIP Anne Rice you would have loved booktok and insta romance 😂
I don't know if by this point I had just read so much of this series that I had gotten used to Anne's writing...or if the writing in this is really more simplistic. Cause the writing felt off, it felt more simplistic than the rest of the books in the series and Lestat speaking modern was weird- I was not a fan of the writing style in this one.
I won't go into Rowen and Lestat's relationship, but I will say what that girl needed was orgasms and therapy, not a vampire lover. But it was really lovely Lestat's final point about having learned from her and it showed maturity and growth on his part to let her go.
Prince Lestat
4.5 ⭐️
Is my rating partially influenced by Lestat and Louis saying "I love you""my heart is yours" to each other and the book ending with Louis deciding that he will be joining Lestat? yes, and it's going to stay that way
It's also partially influenced by the fact that after what felt like a million years Louis was finally being acknowledged as being important to the story again. I greatly enjoyed this book not just because of the shippy moments but because I love Lestat and I feel like in this book we see him display maturity and growth and he's learned from the shit he's done in the past and I'm just so proud of the man he's become I love him so much he's my baby 🥰
also, i have a love for my favorite characters having to become leaders for their people i don't know how to explain it but yeah
Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis
3.5 ⭐️
I am here for the Loustat, and the Loustat only.
I didn't particularly care for the whole alien thing, it's kinda dumb. I would have been good leaving Amel as just a spirit but it is what it is. What I did really enjoy about this book- like the main things that I enjoyed were the things that had to do with the court, seeing Lestat deal with the responsibilities of being a Prince, the Loustat moments that we got were top tier including my favorite quote/moment ever which is when Louis accepts to join Lestat at the Court and tells him:
"He leaned close to me, and he put his hand on my arm. “ ‘Wither thou goest, I will go, and where thou lodgest, I will lodge; thy people shall be my people’; and because I have no other god and never will, you shall be my god.”"
I need the show to give me this.
Blood Communion
5 ⭐️
The stress that I felt when Gabrielle got taken I was ready to burn it all down if she had died. I felt all the character's emotions to the point where I even felt bad about Marius being taken because he's so important to Lestat and Armand and their grief over losing him and the others was so palpable. And the sense of danger could also be felt.
It makes my heart so happy that Lestat got his happy ending and everything he wanted. just thinking about it makes me so emotional to think about the man he has become leading his people with his family and friends and loved ones by his side, and accepting himself, and learning from his mistakes- I'm so proud of him like I genuinely feel pride when I think of him and how far he's come 😭💕
It was a great way to end the series. There are some pet peeves but they don't matter, I loved it. You know when you finish a book that's so good that you have to sit in silence and reflect for a minute? this is one of those books for me.
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idk-my-aesthetic · 10 months
Spy x fam 76 spoilers!
There was so much incredible about this arc, and I want to talk about more of it, but I want to start with Nightfall
I’ll say it again I wasn’t a huge nightfall fan before this arc. I lowkey thought it’d be cute for her to develop a bit of a crush on Yor in a comedic way but besides that didn’t think too much of her
This freaking arc tho??? Oh my g-d???
1) this is just a general statement about the series as a whole but sxf truely is like. Both a love story and a spy thriller. You can’t take away the themes about love (both romantic and platonic) and family without completely compromising the story. It’s just one of the best stories I’ve ever seen with the way the creator weaves in drama and action and the SYMBOLISM. The PARALLELS. Im losing my fucking mind so-
1.1) listen. Listen. I know it sounds like I’m saying nonsense but I cannot express how IMPRESSIVE the story telling here is. Doing this so well is HARD. There’s a reason so many action movies have garbage tacked on romance plots. It takes a lot of different skills to make a good action drama vs a romantic or emotional drama. And this series just does such a good job at having an engaging world, stakes that feel genuinely scary and grounded, and characters that manage to both work as narrative tools while still feeling like real actual multidimensional people.
And that ability to have such incredibly multidimensional characters that still push the narrative is what brings me to Nightfall
2) this was the first time (at least in my opinion) nightfall became more of her own person and not just a token romantic rival to progress Loid and Yors romance. She’s starting to feel more like a real person.
One of the things about her that absolutely jumps out to me is her similarities to Yor. Her willingness to self sacrifice for the people she loves, her sheer power, and most importantly the way she views love
Yor and Fiona both view love as a strength. At the moment Twilight views it as a weakness. He also assumes that’s how the others around him view his attachments, as a form of weakness. Including Nightfall, he assumes she’s going to think him weak and she’s too flustered to correct him
I think there’s two possibilities with what will happen with Nightfall and Twilight.
A) Nightfall is going to help Twilight realize it’s okay to be in love with Yor and to love Anya (because I do think he will begin to view her as a weakness as well). It’s probably going to break her heart but we can already see how much she’s willing to sacrifice for him
(In an ideal world she’d go through a lot of character development, fall in love with Yor as well and then they’d be a throuple, but I am realistic enough to understand that’ll probably never happen and go write my own fic or smthn lol)
B) nightfall becomes a representation of the parts of himself that Loid will eventually sacrifice/turn away from in favor of his family. This is honestly what I was expecting to happen before this arc, especially cus it would be easy to do a mirroring thing with Yor and Yuri. (For the record I don’t think it would be a thing of like fully rejecting their old lives for either Loid or Yor but I also can only predict so much lol).
3) I really really hope nightfall continues to evolve. Yuri as well. As much as it is important to have rival or threat characters like them in this type of stories I feel like their characters have so much potential. But at the same time that’s one of the huge struggles with writing! It’s incredibly difficult to balance the narrative role of a character while still making them feel real. I think they’ve done and incredible job so far and I am curious where they’re going to go with it
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mysteriawrites · 10 months
Matchup requests forda gooooo (Niji en pls uwu)
So first i'll describe myself ig-
I am a very empathetic person, always putting others before me :) I am the type of person to befriend all types of people too! I like to chexk up on my friends and fam a lot, I tend to just pop in and ask how they are hehe
My form of love language, both platonic and romantic, is physical touch, quality time and words of affirmation <3
My friends say I am VERY expressive, though im the type to try to hide my feelings a lot, especially when irs negative, i tend to just push that back to not kill the mood or to please people- However, according to my friends, they can already tell by just looking at me ;3;
As for my hobbies and passions. I am an artist! I can sit all day and draw if i want to! I also live writing stories and coming up wit a lot of character lore for my many ocs :D
Well thats all from me :) cant wait to see what you got!
Hello thank you for the request! Had to think on this one for a bit (you had two really great guys fighting over you) but I hath decided. DRUMROLL PLEASE!!!
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The man of sex-/j
I think you and Ike would be good together. You two have a lot in common. You’re both emotional and empathetic people. You look out for others while still pursuing your passions.
You and Ike met when you went to a book signing of his. He was your favorite author every book he wrote was better than the last. When you found out he was doing book signings at your local library as part of a charity event you couldn’t pass up the chance. So you gather as much money as your could and your favorite book from him and went off on your journey.
The line was super long, so long it made you squirm even more in anticipation and nervousness. Finally it was your turn, and he was every bit and beautiful as he was in his pictures if not more. He smiled at you as you handed him your book.
Much to your pleasure (and the displeasure of the people behind you) you and Ike hit it off. You two were talking about the book he was signing for you and what you enjoyed about as well as what was going through his mind that inspired him to write it. Unfortunately your time was cut short as his manager told him they had to keep it moving. So you said your goodbyes and assumed that was that.
Except it wasn’t, because a few hours later when you went to your favorite cafe for lunch you saw him again. He was on lunch break from the signing and almost took your order by mistake. When you two made eye contact again Ike’s eyes lit up like a chrismas tree. Despite being in a hurry and his shy nature he wanted to continue your conversation, so he gave you his number.
Since that day you two have had very avid discussions about all sorts of topics: favorite books, favorite hobbies, hopes, dreams, and eventually romance. He confessed that despite writing all about love he had yet to experience much of it himself and wished he could experience the fantasies he’s only dreamed about.
As he ranted off about the romantic and gentlemanly things he would do with his partner, you couldn’t help but with that you could be the person in those fantasies with him. That’s when it hit you: you were in love with the sweet novelist Ike Eveland.
You couldn’t get your mind off him after that. You so desperately wanted to be his lover, but you were too shy, too nervous to confess to him. You tried to ignore your feelings hoping they would go away, but they only got stronger.
One day you got a knock on the door. You open the door to be greeted with the man of (sex) the hour himself holding what looked to be a gift basket filled with flowers, your favorite snacks and candies, your favorite movies, and a few books.
You asked what it all was for and he responds that he noticed how you had been a bit down lately and he wanted to try and cheer you up. That was the last straw you couldn’t contain it anymore.
You jumped up, hugged him, and told him how much you loved him only for your eyes to widen as you realized what you said. You look up nervously at the novelist only to see him stunned, eyes wide, and a bright red blush on his face. After a moment of awkward silence he regains his composure and asks if you really ment what you said.
You respond and his face breaks out into a small smile. He admits that he had feelings for you too, since day one in fact, and he had been too shy to tell you. The his eyes light up with realization and he says he’ll be right back. He returns with what he says is a special book he wants you to read.
You open the book to the booked marked page and there in red letters and cursive writing it says “will you be mine? ❤️” of course you say yes.
And the rest is history. You two became a couple and you couldn’t be happier. Since you also like to write you help him with his novels from time to time. Your dates usually consist of just cuddling and reading together or karaoke nights. Sometimes you two will have a contest on who can be the most romantic and think of different romantic scenarios together, different kinds of dates and presents, and what your future could hold.
In short you guys are really cute.
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This took me a bit to figure out it was a tie between Ike and Hex, but gut said Ike so I went with him. It was also kind awkward because they’re both my oshies and writing for your oshi can be quite awkward lol. Anyway sorry about how late this is hope you enjoy.
Runners Up: Hex Haywire
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grandmaster-anne · 1 year
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Vogue Australia | Published 22 October 2022
For more than a century, British Vogue has enjoyed the rarest of relationships with the Royal Family. Barely 10 years younger than Vogue itself, the late Queen Elizabeth II, one of the most photographed women in the world, is certainly the most steadfast face to be found in the pages of the magazine. Of Her Majesty herself, its historic archive contains boxes of prints and drawers full of transparencies and illustrations of ceremonial portraits, official souvenirs and private moments. There are press snapshots, candid pictures at home and on holiday. Most are pristine, some are suffering the vagaries of age, all are remarkable. Many made it to the page, but many more have remained unseen.
Princess Elizabeth first appeared in Vogue in 1927, just a year old, at her mother's knee. Ever since, Vogue has measured out its life in tune with hers: the magazine has seen four monarchs, crowned and uncrowned; three coronations; the funerals of two reigning Kings; one abdication; one royal investiture; many royal marriages; and a jewel box of jubilees - silver, ruby, gold, diamond, sapphire and platinum. Until her passing, no one under 70 years of age could recall another reign.
Indeed, it's hard to imagine another female sovereign, not least because the next three generations of heirs presumptive are male. It is quite possible we may never see a woman monarch again. But as the twists and turns of the Queen's own history have shown us, anything can happen.
At her birth on April 21, 1926, Princess Elizabeth's uncle, David, the Prince of Wales and future Edward VIII, was still a single man and it was assumed that when he married, his heirs would propel her into the further reaches of the line of succession. But with his abdication in 1936, to marry double-divorcee Wallis Simpson, the line twitched and Princess Elizabeth - then third in line to the throne - found herself heir to an illprepared if dutiful king: Edward's brother, her father, George VI.
And it was now, in the lead up to the World War II when the Princess was a teenager, that Vogue began to play a key role in burnishing the image of the monarchy, depicting it as a unifying force for good, marrying the virtues of majesty and duty with familial devotion, faith and simplicity. Great interest was taken in Princess Elizabeth's education - "How best shall a little girl be prepared to occupy the most exalted position in the world?" asked Vogue - and in what she wore, having set a trend early on for yellow-coloured playwear. Vogue would be enchanted by Elizabeth's "gentle smile, delicate complexion and long, sensitive fingers", which belied the fact "that she can handle a light 16-bore gun".
Putting it all into practice was entrusted to Vogue's star imagemaker Cecil Beaton. Few could have done more of a service to the monarchy at such a crucial moment. It would be no exaggeration to claim that his first royal photographs, of Queen Elizabeth, Elizabeth's mother, taken in 1939 during the last summer before the war, changed the public's perception of the House of Windsor. This was a fairytale Queen, the very image of what monarchy should be for a modern era: glittering and remote but possessing what Evelyn Waugh, in Vogue, would call an "accessible and human" face. The little Princesses, Elizabeth and Margaret Rose, ranged next in line for Beaton. "Who of us is so without romance as not to respond to the appeal of a young Princess?" asked Vogue.
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LILIBET The Duchess of York & Princess Elizabeth (1928) by Marcus Adams
The ‘Little Princesses' were much photographed for Vogue and often by Marcus Adams. They quickly became mini-celebrities across the world, with Princess Elizabeth appearing on the cover of Time magazine in 1929, aged three. Adams had a long royal career; his final sitting was with the Princess Royal in 1956. His semi-formal portraits did much to bring the Royal Family closer to the people.
Beaton's romanticisation of the Royal Family paused with the coming war. Now he endeavoured to portray the King, his wife and daughters as citizens - Buckingham Palace was famously bombed - sharing in the restrictions imposed by the ration book and clothing coupon. For one Beaton sitting, in the spirit of 'make do and mend', the Princess Elizabeth wore a dress recycled from one of her mother's pre-war evening gowns.
Several years later, at Christmas 1947, Vogue wished the newly wedded 21-year-old Princess Elizabeth and her husband, Philip Mountbatten, good luck in their lives together. What Vogue and the royal couple did not realise, of course, is that, by February 1952, Princess Elizabeth would become Queen Elizabeth II. Her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, was now destined to walk several paces behind his wife and his outspoken nature guaranteed views and opinions that would be hard to ignore.
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FAMILY FRONT Princess Elizabeth & Princess Margaret (1945) by Cecil Beaton
On the Ministers' Staircase, Buckingham Palace, in recycled gowns. In the post-war years, hopes for a brighter future were enshrined in the youthful Princesses, the heir presumptive Elizabeth approaching her 20th birthday. They had endured the war with dignity and a sense of duty, earning the warmth of the British public. “Lilibet is my pride," said their father, the King, “Margaret is my joy."
The splendour and pageantry of 1953's coronation afforded fresh opportunities to bind the Crown to the full magnificence of history. The newly anointed monarch was the 'harbinger of spring' and, with Beaton, Vogue had a ringside seat. He had been appointed official photographer and from Westminster Abbey gave Vogue an exclusive first-hand account of the day, the new Queen appearing to glow with, as Peter Quennell further described it, "the strangely transfiguring radiance that encircles those who occupy a throne".
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LOYAL SUBJECT Princess Elizabeth in uniform (1942) by Cecil Beaton
The Princess began the war as a patrol leader in the Girl Guides and ended it as a junior commander in the Auxiliary Territorial Service, having trained as a mechanic. On her 16th birthday, succeeding her godfather the Duke of Connaught, she was appointed colonel-in-chief of the Grenadier Guards, whose distinctive exploding-grenade cap badge she wore with evident pride.
In the years leading up to 1977's Silver Jubilee, there was an increasing awareness on the part of the monarch to be more in tune with values shared with the majority of her people, a new democratic age in which 'happily ever after' would not always form the conclusion to fairytale marriages. A ceremonial figurehead, the Queen was also a wife and mother, daughter and sister, and, to begin with, far against her better judgement, snatches of shared family life allowed her to be more accessible.
Norman Parkinson was the first Vogue photographer to present readers with such informal and intimate glimpses. Similarly, both Lord Snowdon's and Lord Lichfield's proximity to the throne - the former married to the Queen's sister; the latter her first cousin once removed - allowed for a more personal take on family events, unfettered by protocol. Happily for Vogue, Snowdon - then plain Antony Armstrong Jones - had been under contract as a photographer since 1956.
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TYING THE WINDSOR KNOT Princess Elizabeth & the Duke of Edinburgh (1947)
The couple married on November 20, during another winter of rationing and austerity. Here, the newlyweds are pictured returning from Westminster Abbey, she wearing the diamond fringe tiara lent by Queen Mary, he created a Duke the day before. Vogue’s coverage, which included a delicately illustrated souvenir cover, was in tune with the times, emphasising love and romance over pomp and ceremony.
As the world changed, both her own and the one beyond, Queen Elizabeth II would stand unwaveringly by her earliest commitments to public service. "When I was 21,1 pledged my life for the service of our people and I asked for God's help to make good that vow," she said in 1977. "Although that vow was made in my salad days when I was green in judgement, I do not regret nor retract one word of it."
And the Silver Jubilee, for which Vogue published a special souvenir supplement, provided an ideal opportunity for closer engagement with the people - should, of course, they wish it. Britain's economy was in poor shape and the national mood might not have been appreciative. However, the celebrations were rapturous. Now that royal 'walkabouts' had become part of the Queen's routine, more people than ever had the chance to see their monarch face to face. Walter Bagehot's caution to Queen Victoria, "We must not let in daylight upon magic," would be countered by her great-great-granddaughter's insistence that, "I must be seen to be believed."
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MOTHER SUPERIOR Princess Elizabeth & Prince Charles (1948) by Cecil Beaton
Vogue’s first photograph of Prince Charles, taken just before Christmas 1948 when he was barely a month old, was also the first royal photograph to be reproduced in colour in the magazine. Accompanying this historic moment, the magazine commissioned an uplifting essay from historian Arthur Bryant, who saw in the heir presumptive (and the heir to the heir) the “steadying and unifying influence of the unchanging throne”.
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HEIR OF CONVICTION Princess Elizabeth & Prince Charles (1950) by Cecil Beaton
In the grounds of Clarence House, the young Prince proffers a leaf, an early indication, perhaps, of passions for horticulture, architecture and environmentalism to come. Almost exactly 60 years later, he was opening up those same gardens for a 12-day sustainability festival.
However, it's true to say that Vogue's coverage of the Queen since the Silver Jubilee has faltered a little. Perhaps understandably, its gaze shifted to the younger royals - most prominently the Queen's daughter-in-law, Diana, Princess of Wales, of whom there would be acres of coverage and four Vogue covers. Vogue's new dynamic was drawn from a string of reliable fashion photographers. Clothes were called in, stylists and hair and make-up artists engaged. The results, as polished as any fashion shoot, radiated glamour. There would always be room for displays of pomp and ceremony, but by making themselves more available and behaving more open-mindedly, more emotionally expressive even, these younger figures appeared more in tune with the fin de siècle. Take the Duchess of Cambridge's relaxed cover shoot in rural Norfolk, which marked Vogue's centenary issue in 2016 and nodded towards the future generation of the Royal Family.
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GLORIANA REDUX Queen Elizabeth II (1953)
Ascending the throne at 25, the same age as Elizabeth I, the new Queen took over her father's position as head of the Commonwealth of Nations, promoting the tenets of the Commonwealth Charter. A second Elizabethan era had begun.
But the magazine has steadfastly observed the monarch's milestones. And how many there have been. At Christmas 2017, for the first issue under Edward Enninful, novelist Zadie Smith wrote a trenchant and absorbing essay for Vogue, 'Mrs Windsor', which further stitched her to the fabric of our lives. "There is no precedent for such a monarch in either our history books or our fairytales," she wrote. "The reign of Elizabeth II has been marked not by grandeur and imperiousness - as it was with the first Elizabeth - but by a quality of intense familiarity, the by-product of the unprecedented replication of her image …"
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COUNTRY PURSUITS The Queen & Princess Anne (1959) by Studio Lisa
By the lake at Frogmore House, Windsor, the Queen and her nine-year-old daughter, Anne, dressed for equestrian pursuits. Lessons were clearly learnt early: in 1976, on her horse Goodwill, Princess Anne was a member of Britain's three-day eventing team at the Montreal Olympic Games.
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PRIVATE LIFE The Queen at Windsor Great Park (1985) by Tim Graham
Asked as a child what she would like one day to be, the future Queen reportedly confided: “A lady living in the country with a lot of horses and dogs." Her off-duty uniform would frequently embrace Hermes headscarves, tweed skirts and stout shoes, which, when her schedule allowed it, she would wear to Windsor Great Park, her sanctuary.
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SOVEREIGN Queen Elizabeth II (1968) by Cecil Beaton
For its Silver Jubilee coverage in 1977, Vogue chose from Beaton's austere ‘Admiral's Boat Cloak' series. Beaton recalled the day: “Nothing went right. Each way she turned was worse than the last." Until a coup de foudre: “She turned to the left and the head tilted, and this was the clue to the whole sitting - the tilt." This would be the last time Beaton photographed the Queen.
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IN EXCELSIS Queen Elizabeth II (2017) by Peter Blake
Peter Blake, one of Britain's greatest living painters, made for Vogue this lighthearted portrait of the long-serving and oldest-living monarch. Blake's well-known fascination with American popular culture has always been balanced by an enthusiasm for British tradition and motifs drawn from the nation's heritage. He has made several studies of the Queen, including a portrait to celebrate her 90th birthday.
About the 1st portrait:
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hopetorun · 7 months
It's me again, and I'm becoming increasingly invested in this Quinn-as-Anne AU as well 😂
yes, Quinn's fam 100% thinks he's wonderful and has a ton to offer, but it's one of those situations where there are multiple family members in mini crises and when Quinn keeps insisting that he's totally fine, no need to worry about him, they don't have the bandwidth to question it too hard. Especially when he's very much an oldest sibling who's always been pretty together, always taken on a little bit extra responsibility, and he's subdued at baseline so it's hard to tell that he's pining. (And it's not like he's gonna say that he's been pining for his teenage crush for EIGHT YEARS, whose heart he broke, even, that's humiliating and wouldn't do anything for him anyway!)
Yes, them not being friends is sad, but it is a sacrifice that must be made in the name of pining. (also v much into the idea that Quinn breaks things off because he's trying to protect his siblings.)
meanwhile in much more lighthearted land, Leon is tempted, Leon is daydreaming, Leon is contriving ways to talk to Matthew and run into Matthew and when Matthew is visiting his mean and judgy aunt, show up on the same paths Matthew tells him he takes for morning strolls (and not notice that matthew is perturbed by this.) and he continues to imagine touching the curls as he sabotages Matthews' friend's relationship with Connor and composes what is sure to be a memorable marriage proposal. (I am also amused by the idea of this very differently toned romance happening in parallel to Quinn's angsty Persuasion or perhaps beforehand, so Matthew and Leon can fall into a Admiral and Mrs Croft role.)
okay sorry it took me so long to answer this i was dealing with the horrors (a job) but yes i think this is perfect. quinn probably never even told anyone that brady proposed! he just said no and brady went off to do impressive boat things for 5-8 business years and no one really thought anything of it. they assumed everything's peachy with brady and quinn and it very much is not.
cackling at matthew and leon as admiral and mrs croft tbqh. inspired.
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skiplo-wave · 2 years
Watched the Wednesday series
It’s good yet flawed
At first sending Wednesday to school of other outcasts like her was questionable but it was probably best way have Wednesday engage with people that have better chance understanding her than say normie highschool. So just send her to monster high- I mean nevermore lol
More I watched it remained me of Daira. Both are pretty similar with the deadpan, cynical mindset ( that’s plus btw) Like both open up but still being themselves if that makes sense.
The mystery part was decent. At all people wasn’t expecting that person lol. So good I guess(?)
Wednesday having visions is cool
Thing stole the show
Now for the flaws
The romance triangle of Tyler, Davier, and Wednesday is meh. Putting aside my aro ace headcanon it just was a no. Like the boys being mad Wednesday lead them on or assuming her wanting to meet them is some second date. Like Wednesday Addams. My brother in Christ what point you think she want that???
Anyway Endid trying find love made more sense given the context but that could be reaching if it’s queer closet message
Bianca was interesting but the plot with her mom came out of nowhere and didn’t lead anywhere imo. Expect for Bianca development, yey(?)
CGI monster battle, in the dark.
Overall it’s decent. Well there be seaosn 2, who knows Netflix be Netflix like see more of Addams fam and different setting
Also it says Tim burton but I never got that vibe. Maybe he had his name put in give series more attention
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booasaur · 2 years
I am cautiously excited for next week’s FAM. Did you see the most recent episode yet? Thought of this blog after seeing it. It doesn’t seem like many people watch the show, which is sad because it has some really great moments and cool concepts, and I look forward to it every week! But also a good amount of less great moments… (s2 Danny plot, among others).
I did watch it! I was first alerted by an anon about something positive happening but I absolutely didn't expect what we got! I think I assumed that Pam would return but in a more coincidental way, just randomly reappearing, not the show EXPLICITLY bringing up what happened at the end of s2, that Pam left because of wanting to help Ellen, not Elise, and that Larry knew. They even had Ellen be like, you can't make that decision for me! They musta been reading my blog. :P
Except I was still mad and screaming at my screen because the way Larry was framing it, he was acting like he and Pam knew this is what Ellen wanted so badly when she'd never indicated that! We've gone over this a million times by now, but it wouldn't have been no career at all... STILL. Ellen being like, hmm, and then taking a plane and her full motorcade to Pam's house and the "hi" moment? They got me with the romance.
Really curious to see what happens now, considering we've brought up Sally Ride before, and her famous long-time relationship with Tam O'Shaughnessy until she died, and it was for 27 years. Still plenty of time for Ellen and Pam to make that. :P
Danny, lol.
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And another anon:
Help I am so tired of the Stevens' children storylines.
You know, I actually get Jimmy's story more than Danny's, or at least its purpose. They're using it to discuss conspiracy theories like the ones proliferating even now, how easily people get radicalized. I don't love it in general, and I don't love specifically that this is what Tracy's kids are up to, how dismal and grim, her and Gordo dying to save people and thinking their kids would be looked after and then this is what happened, but at least the aim of it. Danny??? It's just as a plot catalyst for dumb action stuff, nothing more.
Maybe...it's because they need some antagonists and it can't keep on being the Russians forever? It has to be someone else driving these scenarios? But why the Stevens kids... And like, they have Dev, they have Republicans, they have space. They had options, this is ridiculous.
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