#exo vampire story
eruden-writes · 1 month
Room & Board - Part 22 (Vampire x Reader x Werewolf)
paranormal fantasy vampire x human eventual triad (x werewolf)
Anonymous asked:
For the prompt submissions a vampire that feels guilty after feeding/attacking someone so they leave obscenely valuable ancient artifacts as payment/an apology?
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"Tabaeus, you were created to be a repository for memories. That was your whole poin—" Lachlan's attempts to justify his actions come to a halt. He violently coughs as Tabaeus slams their free hand through his back. Bones crack before you hear – more than see – the sound of tissue and flesh tearing. Tabaeus's hand jerks back, withdrawing a pulsing organ from Lachlan.
Standing, the beastly form shucks away from your vampire, leaving their nude human like form. With a kick, they force Lachlan onto his back and pin them down with a foot. The other vampire's attention flickers to his own heart in the Memory Keeper's hand. Lachlan's chest heaves as his eyes dart from Tabaeus's face to their hand, then wildly around to the other vampires present.
His eyes are begging for someone, anyone, to step in. No one moves an inch.
When Lachlan's eyes return to Tabaeus, tears actively stream down his cheeks. He shakes his head wildly as your vampire considers him, their head tilted like a cat observing a mouse under their paw. Tabaeus flexes their hand around the heart and Lachlan jerks.
It's only now that you realize a darkness is creeping over the organ, much like how the shadows moved around Tabaeus and how rust crept along metal at their touch.
Tabaeus squeezes the heart again and Lachlan cries out, gasping open-mouthed. There's only a split second when you catch your vampire's eyes narrowing, as if debating mercy. Across the distance, they glance your way. You meet their eyes and all you can think of is how leaving Lachlan alive would mean always looking over your shoulder. Not just for Tabaeus or you, but for Ewan, Jemma, Bjarka, and Liuvia.
With a small movement, you shake your head and Tabaeus nods. Their gaze swings back down to Lachlan, who saw how your vampire sought your gaze. Lachlan's gaze is vicious on you and, though he is subdued, your stomach reflexively curdles with fear.
That seems to be all the confirmation Tabaeus needs. Their hand tightens around Lachlan's heart, crushing the organ with the easy flex. Rotten flesh and viscera and blood explodes in Tabaeus's palm as Lachlan gives an otherworldly shriek, convulsing savagely. Darkness creeps over Lachlan as he caves in on himself, withering. The weight of Tabaeus's foot is enough to shatter the husk into dust.
Stillness and quiet falls, different than the pressure and silence of earlier.
It's only when Tabaeus moves, tilting their head up from the pile of ash toward the others present, that a ripple runs through the other vampires. They slowly spin, catching every vampire in their gaze.
"Know that the most powerful among you was no match for me," Tabaeus's words loudly ring out, echoing off the ceiling. "If any of you wretched little pissants bother myself or those I call mine, I will end this whole coven. Now, begone!"
Strange sucking and popping sounds fill the air as hundreds of vampires escape Tabaeus's presence. All manner of vampires in new forms – bats, rats, and swarms of insects – flee. Others melt into shadows. Still others simply turn and run, their footfalls fading quickly into the distance.
Until the last sounds of the exodus die away, Tabaeus does not move. The dark black-purple fades from their limbs, the glowing of their eyes subsiding. With a vague surprise, you realize they're uninjured. All the bites and bruises you walked in on are now gone, leaving behind mostly unmarred skin, save for the autopsy scars.
They glare off into the distance, not turning toward you. You almost wonder if they're trying to ignore you, to forget you're even present.
"Tabaeus?" You take a step closer, shaking off Ewan's protective grasp while feeling Jemma's gaze on your back. Tabaeus jerks at the sound of your voice, their muscles tensing as you edge closer toward them. Just as your hand reaches out, brushes against their bare arm, they wheel toward you and grab your wrist.
"It was dangerous for you to come!" A steeliness glints in their red eyes, mingling between anger and worry. Their gaze flicks to Ewan and Jemma, their lip curling with rage. "It was dangerous for you all!"
Despite the heat of exhaustion pounding at the back of your eyes, you bite back and motion toward the pile of cushions, "If we hadn't, you'd still be chained up and used!"
"That is beside the point," they snap, but their gaze flickers to their previous sitting area. Something tenses in their body. The hard gleam in their eyes softens as their gaze flicks back to you. Their shoulders sag, their grasp on your wrist loosening a little. "Utterly beyond the point."
You stare up at Tabaeus, a flurry of feelings flitting through your head. Relief to finally see them again, frustration at their reaction, glad to finally have them – and not their listless other self – standing before you.
Before you can think of what to say, Jemma steps forward. Her hands fall to your shoulder and Tabaeus's arm, making you and the vampire startle. "Can we get moving, before those bloodsuckers decide to come back and try to gang up on us?"
Tabaeus's eyes narrow on her imperiously as they step away from her touch, though they still hold your wrist. "I am sure I can take them all."
"Yeah, well I don't want to test it," Jemma hisses back, her lips puckering with disagreement as her eyes flick to the still shadowy pipes and crevices overhead. Not waiting for you, she turns sharply and begins to leave the room. Over the flap of her bag, Liuvia and Bjarka watch you with big round eyes.
Tabaeus finally releases you, turning and muttering something about needing something to wear.
After securing one of the tapestries like a floor-length cloak around Tabaeus – saving both their modesty from public eye and their skin from the sun – your group retraces through the underbelly of the mall. All of you trudge on quietly, the way lit by Jemma's magic.
The eerie silence settles through the space, each of you mentally gnawing on your own thoughts, though the silence doesn't feel as dangerous as before. Just empty, which is unnerving in a different way. The only sounds are from your group's footfalls and the shift of the makeshift cloak Tabaeus wears.
"Why didn't you do all that sooner?" Ewan poses the question as soon as you step free of the basement stairs. He has shifted back to his human form, though a full short beard lingers on his jaw. In the light of Jemma's magic flame, you realize his clothes are more than a little bedraggled and torn, probably due to both the transformation and the fight. Catching your eyes, Ewan flashes you an awkward smile.
Tabaeus gives a hum, indicating they've heard Ewan's question though they continue forward. The image of them, back straight and draped in a cloak, oddly reminds you of an image from a book from your childhood. A prim matron, nose in the air, with her charges following at brisk pace at her heels.
Like the image in your head, you, Ewan, and Jemma follow after Tabaeus. The curious weight in the air making it apparent everyone was waiting for the vampire to elaborate.
"I was designated a Memory Keeper early into my turning," they finally begin, slowly picking their words like a novice plucking at lute strings. Their red eyes turn downward, toward their still bare feet, as their eyebrows furrow. "For a long time, there were many other vampires older than myself, more powerful than myself. I was handed down and inherited by others and each decade, there were more and more memories to retain and less Keepers for them."
When Tabaeus glances toward you, they realize Ewan and Jemma stare, along with Liuva and Bjarka from the witch's satchel. Their pace slows, registering the sudden attention as their shoulders rise awkwardly and the vampire weakly finishes, "I suspect the method for creation of a Memory Keeper was lost at some point."
"If there even was one to begin with," you retort just as your foot hits the ground floor, sunlight streaming in from the skylights in the ceiling. The words are out of you before you can think about it, but you focus on Tabaeus, judging their reaction. They don't flinch or cringe, but a new tiredness creases their eyes. If there was nothing special about being a Memory Keeper, then they were kept and used for no good reason. Others could have helped retain a coven's memories, instead of the duty falling squarely on their shoulders.
The other vampires just wanted to use Tabaeus rather than sacrifice any of themselves. That thought sends a brief rage through your body, but it dies down quickly beneath a dampening blanket of tiredness. Those other vampires don't matter now. With Tabaeus's show of power, you doubt any of the coven that bore witness would bother them again. Of course, perhaps that was optimistic on your part.
"Yes, if there was even a process to begin with." Tabaeus echoes your sentiment as their arm withdraws from their makeshift cloak to pinch at the bridge of their own nose. They sidestep the shafts of light that litter the floor, sticking to the shadows at the edges. "With greater numbers of vampires and fewer Memory Keepers, it perhaps caused me to... lose sight of myself."
From the other side of Tabaeus, walking blatantly through the rectangles of light, Ewan frowns. "I still don't understand why you didn't demolish them all sooner."
"To know what one is capable of, one must know oneself." Tabaeus sighs and scrubs a hand down their face. You can tell they're struggling to put words to their experiences and logic, though they seem to be keeping pace with the conversation. "Being near constantly in a fugue state and without an older vampire able or willing to guide me, I did not know what powers I grew into. Quite honestly, everything I did down there was instinct."
"You still seemed to be pretty out of it when we came, though. Until, well..." With a motion of your hand, you indicate your neck. Tabaeus pauses, causing everyone else to stop as well. With the sun streaming in, it feels less urgent to leave the mall behind. Something creases at the vampire's expression as they stare at your neck, again searching for the words they want to say.
"When I was with you, you allowed me to re-establish who I am to myself. Gave me the space to explore what it means to be me. When I fed on you, your memories and mine locked together to remind me of it all," Tabaeus begins, soft and slow. They lock their gaze with yours and you already know what they're thinking, what they're remembering. Those moments you two shared, from that first night they stalked you to the very last night when they left. Reaching out, Tabaeus presses their cold fingers to the shadowy side of your neck and it's only then you realize you stand half in shade, half in sunlight.
Still, Tabaeus doesn't break their gaze from yours. You think something akin to wonderment or reverence flashes behind their red eyes, making heat rise to your face. Their lips curl hesitantly into a gentle smile, worsening the warmth inside you as they take your hand in both of their own. "I owe my whole being to you, amata."
Words are lost on your tongue as heat intensifies within you. A flush crawls over your cheeks, painfully aware that Ewan, Jemma, and the imps are watching. Your eyes fall to Tabaeus's chest, where your hand his clasped against their chest. In an attempt to say something to fill the silence, your lips part, but slowly close again as Tabaeus's thumb skirts your knuckles, losing whatever thought you had.
It's Ewan who finds something to say with a kind of fondness teasing at the corner of his lips. "Corny ass."
Tabaeus's head snaps up to look at Ewan, though they don't move their hand from cupping yours. Their nose wrinkles as they hiss, "That as it may be, Fido–"
The grin on Ewan's lips twitches a tiny bit wider as he interjects, "Oh good. Still got anti-lycan sentiments, I see."
The vampire ignores him as they continue onward, tugging you along by your wrist. Ewan follows like a pup at your heels.
"–it is the truth. Amata and, to a far lesser extent, you," Tabaeus's lips twist into a scowl as they glance at Ewan, "allowed me to reinstate who I am to myself. Which I suppose I should thank you – both of you – for."
"Aw, it's nice to be appreciated," Ewan croons and you shoot him a tight-lipped look. You can't blame him for being an ass. It seems impossible to ask either Ewan or Tabaeus to treat each other civilly, at least perpetually. There's a brightness to Ewan's eyes that softens your pointed look at him. Relief flicks in his eyes, his body language relaxed for the first time since Tabaeus left.
Unaware of your realization, Ewan leans closer to Tabaeus, a smirk spread wide enough across his lips that his pointed teeth flash in the sun. "Bet I'm the only werewolf in history that has a vampire's appreciation."
Tabaeus shoots Ewan another withering look, but – like before – it has little heat. In fact, you believe they're more embarrassed than genuinely aggravated with Ewan. Regardless, the vampire shakes their head, still not pausing, before motioning to Jemma. "What I do not understand is why they are here?"
At that, Jemma snorts and rolls her eyes. "I helped find you. So, a thanks for me is in order too."
"But who are yo–" Tabaeus begins to ask as they turn toward her, before Jemma gathers up her hair in a ponytail and magics up her uniform's cap. As she plops the hat on her head, feeding the ponytail through the hat, the vampire's eyes widen in recognition. A delighted edge overtaking the previous aggravation in their words, "Oh! The iced cream purveyor! I thought I scented mana on you, but I thought it was, perhaps, the food."
"And I thought vampires couldn't eat food," Jemma returns as her hands fall to her sides again. This time, it's she who leads the movement back through the mall. The exit is in sight now. Through the large windows, you see the sun has crested the midpoint and is on its way down. A pang of hunger shoots through your stomach and you vaguely wonder if it's safe to visit the diner one last time before leaving.
Tabaeus still leads you forward, though their attention is on Jemma. "We can. Well, I can. And I do a great many things vampires reportedly cannot."
Once more, Jemma pauses. She eyes Tabaeus, an intrigued glint in her eye as she takes inventory of the vampire. "Interesting."
"Is it?" Tabaeus stops, their grip flexing on your wrist. For some reason, they seem nervous under Jemma's discerning gaze. Adjusting the hold, you slide your palm properly into Tabaeus's own.
"Considering the oldest vampires I know of are about 1000 years old and even they didn't eat non-blood meals, yes." Jemma hums briefly and you glance at her, unable to fully read the considering expression on the witch's face. You imagine you see old tomes and aged text flipping through the rolodex of her mind. "Is Tabaeus your given name?"
"I believe so," they answer, their brow furrowed. "Why?"
You can see where this is heading. Jemma's thought mirrors one you've had multiple times: how old is Tabaeus? However, unlike you, Jemma has experience and access to finding out more information about vampires. Or seems to, at least.
"When we get back, I'll delve into some research." Jemma turns away, pushing through the exit doors. "You may be far older than any vampire in recorded history."
"Excuse me?" To that, Tabaeus's eyelids fluttered rapidly, the thought apparently difficult to digest. Gently, you guide them out of the way of the shafts of sun that fan out on the floor from Jemma opening the door.
"One existential problem at a time, please, Jemma," you call after the witch as she briskly walks through the threshold. She doesn't seem to notice, her mind a million miles away in some archive.
Not one to pass up an opportunity, Ewan chuckles as he passes Tabaeus. As he does, he jostles the vampire with a shoulder bump. "Bet you wish you were a young pup now, you old bat."
Tabaeus answers with a hissing lunge toward Ewan, but the werewolf merely cackles as he dances into the sunlight. Instinctively, Tabaeus freezes at the light, before remembering their cloak. Your wrist forgotten; they pursue after a laughing Ewan to deliver retribution as the werewolf ducks laughingly in the car.
Inwardly, you stifle a sigh, realizing the road trip back home is going to be far more chaotic than the prior sober journey. With a backward glance into the quiet mall, however, you know any amount of friendly chaos is better than what lurked under your feet.
A loud curse comes from the car where Ewan and Tabaeus tussle. As you turn to look, you find Jemma glaring through the rearview mirror at the two, her lips twisted in reprimand as she speaks. A smile teases at your lips as you cross the threshold of the mall, leaving behind the lingering shadows.
It's time to head home.
x x x x x
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hazyhwa · 2 years
. tag dump
#¡ — 「 filed under : favourite stories / bts 」#¡ — 「 filed under : favourite stories / exo 」#¡ — 「 filed under : favourite stories / skz 」#¡ — 「 filed under : favourite stories / atz 」#¡ — 「 filed under : favourite stories / svt 」#¡ — 「 filed under : favourite stories / txt 」#¡ — 「 filed under : favourite stories / vixx 」#¡ — 「 filed under : favourite stories / nct 」#¡ — 「 filed under : favourite stories / p1h 」#¡ — 「 filed under : favourite stories / onf 」#¡ — 「 filed under : favourite stories / got7 」#¡ — 「 filed under : favourite tropes / fluff 」#¡ — 「 filed under : favourite tropes / angst 」#¡ — 「 filed under : favourite tropes / smut 」#¡ — 「 filed under : favourite tropes / soulmate 」#¡ — 「 filed under : favourite tropes / vampire 」#¡ — 「 filed under : favourite tropes / werewolf 」#¡ — 「 filed under : favourite tropes / yandere 」#¡ — 「 filed under : favourite tropes / royalty 」#¡ — 「 filed under : favourite tropes / pirate 」#¡ — 「 filed under : favourite tropes / joseon 」#¡ — 「 filed under : favourite tropes / badboy 」#¡ — 「 filed under : favourite tropes / magic 」#¡ — 「 filed under : favourite tropes / alien 」#¡ — 「 filed under : favourite tropes / fae 」#¡ — 「 filed under : favourite tropes / enemies to lovers 」#¡ — 「 filed under : favourite tropes / friends to lovers 」#¡ — 「 filed under : favourite tropes / hybrid 」#¡ — 「 filed under : favourite stories / enha 」#¡ — 「 filed under : favourite stories / tbz 」
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velvet-vox · 2 months
Why Doll perfectly exemplifies all of the strengths and flaws of Murder Drones as a series.
From the amount of posts present on my blog about the specific individual, it is rather obvious to assume that Doll Yurikova (I'm still convinced the fandom made up this surname) is my favourite character from Murder Drones and you wouldn't be wrong.
She just simply tickles my needy scratch for weird, cool complex villainess characters.
However, eventually I also realised that she more than any other character embodies everything that makes murder drones a great show and everything that detracts the show from being genuinely amazing.
Let's start off with the good, anything I say applies to the both of them:
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Doll/Murder drones are generally cool, unconventionally attractive, have great potential (this point will be elaborated upon) and are very complex in both the themes that they bring to the table and the philosophical standpoints discussed.
Coolness factor is mostly subjective, but I am sure any Murder drones fan will tell you that the sci-fi/horror/mystery/romance/comedy show about sentient cannibalistic robots who fight against eldritch atrocities with Portal 2-esque music is an absolute blast conceptually and visually. In the same way the russian robo vampire who was previously a cheerleader before deciding to commit cannibalism to avenge her dead parents has swarms of fans simping for her.
Unconventionally attractive is determined by unconventional people, said people also have rewatched the show seventeen different times.
Now, regarding the great potential, although I've also elaborated the previous points, this is one that will carry over when discussing the negatives of both the character and the show, but as for positive, you can just feel that Murder Drones is so much different from anything else you have ever watched, it truly gives me haunted Ghibli vibes in the way the story plays out. It could really be amazing. As for Doll, every time I watch her in the show up to her death I just get really sad thinking about what could have been if she had a redemption arc or just a better life in general.
Murder drones has abuse as his main theme and how it circulates into destructive chains and Doll is definitely one of the more interesting examples of said theme, being part of the abused and mauled drone designation that became an abuser herself. I say one of the more interesting examples because her story is fleshed out better than someone else's, say Tessa or Alice.
And now for the negatives, we need to bring out the big elephant in the room:
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The show is only 8 episodes long and they are writing the season one finale in the same way you would write a series finale since making Murder drones costs Glitch a crap ton of money when they could just lower the animation quality and allow the story more time to breathe (mind you this is also Liam Vickers fault). I just hate the 8 episodes 20 minute long formula, it has, in my opinion, destroyed modern show telling and I honestly can't bear it any longer.
Besides that, 8 episodes of 20 minutes means that Doll's arc has to be paced quickly in order to get all the other characters (particularly the main ones) and elements to shine and that unfortunately leads to the fact that both Doll and Murder drones lack the one thing that separates Doll from being a human being and Murder Drones from being an amazing show, and that thing is (drum rolls) the tissue.
To explain, they have the (exo)skeleton, the organs, the mandibles and all the things that would make a piece of fiction feel truly human, but without the connective tissue, the skin, they both end up just short of those standards and as a result I can't confidently say that they are truly evocative individuals. Tissue of course is a metaphor for quote on quote "filler" in regards to the show and "villain at rest" moments in regards to Doll and her arc. And let's talk about the ending of said arc because of its possibility of paralleling the conclusion of the show;
You can say a lot of things about Doll's death but one thing that's impossible to deny is the impact of her death in your mind, everything about its execution is just so brutal that it leaves you a lasting feeling in your body; in a similar manner, the show could end with an absolute gut punch that remains impressed in your mind for months to come.
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hyunpic · 8 months
list of songs hyunjin has played on his lives/recommended:
note: im probably missing some & i couldn’t put links to all of them cause apparently tumblr has a link limit 🤨
lauv: julia, lonely eyes, invisible things, paris in the rain, never not, im so tired, the story never ends, i like me better
offonff: photograph, cigarette (ft. miso & tablo), dance, bath
beyoncé: crazy in love (remix)
billie eilish: i love you, &burn, idontwannabeyouanymore, ocean eyes, before i go, tv
honne: day1, la la la that’s how it goes
christina perri: a thousand years
shawn mendes: mercy, treat you better, in my blood
dvwn: phobia
dpr live: jam & butterfly
jehwi: dear moon
leehi: rose
bts: dna, waste it on me, make it right
colde: where love begins, string (ft. sunwoojunga), the museum, wa-r-r, your dog loves you (ft. crush), control me, a song nobody knows, im in love
got7: miracle, hard carry
justin bieber: lonely
josef salvat: call on me
taemin: criminal
night off: sleep
sam kim: make up (ft. crush), like a fool, sunny days summer nights
niki: lowkey
iu: the visitor, lullaby, knees, love poem, give you my heart, my sea
cha ni: starlight
sia: snowman
akmu: happening
sunwoojunga: run with me
the black skirts: everything
korea cracker: ocean (ft. hoyeon kim)
cosmic boy: can i love?
penomeco: no.5 (ft. crush)
yerin baek: blooming memories, limit
10cm: so…., however
day6: i’ll try, love me or leave me, when you love someone, you were beautiful, congratulations, zombie, days gone by, afraid
dean: d (half moon), instagram, what 2 do, bonnie & clyde
exo: first snow, the eve, love shot
sam fischer: this city
jukjae: do you want to walk with me?, lullaby
ph-1: nerdy love (ft. yerin baek), as i told you
baekhyun: love again, un village
amine: blackjack
young k: come as you are, guard you
flume: say it (ft. tove lo)
twice: dance the night away, fancy
ariana grande: thank u, next
hajin: we all lie
about: it has to be you
caroline says: winter is cold
h.e.r: u, wait for it
bol4: to my youth
monday kiz: winter is as i wished
paul kim: the road, additional
sweden laundry: the winter
jung seung hwan: in that winter
chungha: gotta go
zion.t: no make up, snow
airman: gloomy star, i’ll be your spring (ft. j_ust)
motte: dont run away
seventeen: a-teen, super
khalid: location
lukas graham: 7 years
imagine dragons: believer
bo kyung kim: dont think you are alone
jung ilhoon: spoiler (ft. babylon)
davichi: falling in love, 이 사랑
coldplay: everglow, viva la vida
lyn: my destiny
jus2: focus on me, long black, senses (jpn version)
crush: beautiful, you and i
ed sheeran: lego house, perfect, photograph, beautiful people
croosh: why
20 years of age: x
tori kelly: paper hearts
seulgi: always
luna: do you love me? (ft. george)
wisue: someone’s shining
epik high: eternal sunshine
jp saxe: if the world was ending
seori: fairy tale
bruno mars: marry you
the weeknd: earned it, die for you
jung seunghwan: its raining, an ordinary day, dear
sam tinnesz: play with fire
post malone: motley crew
jihyo: stardust love song
kim feel: your voice
sung sikyung: solar system, heejae
younha: stardust
wonpil: a journey
taeyeon: invu, some nights, toddler, drawing our moments
nct dream: boom
ha hyunsang: 3108
huhgak: memory of your scent
se so neon: nan chun, a long dream, midnight train, stranger
umi: remember me
tvxq!: mirotic
johnny balik: honey
red velvet: psycho
new jeans: hype boy
christian kuria: losing you
cigarettes after sex: k.
dpr ian: nerves, no blueberries, 1 shot
samm henshaw: broke
woodz: drowning
kelly clarkson: underneath the tree
kimmuseum: to you who cant sleep
taylor swift: betty
lana del rey: young and beautiful
harry styles: watermelon sugar, she
pink sweat$: honesty
masego: tadow
olivia rodrigo: vampire
troye sivan: youth, for him
kai: mmmh
2pm: my house
oasis - wonderwall
oasis - hey now
mac miller - that’s on me
mac miller - everybody
nothing but thieves - amsterdam
bren joy - sweet
back number - i love you
puma blue - already falling
mac ayres - roses
mac ayres - next to you
bruno major - old soul
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aphroditelovesu · 7 months
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⤷✿.。Since you voted yes to commissions, so here we are. I was a little unsure about the price, so I researched and tried to make it as fair as possible. I hope you agree with this! ❤️
Also, this is completely optional! If you don't want to, you don't have to request a commission! All the other requests works the same way!! ⤷♡.+ n a v i g a t i o n.
⤷♡.+ Status: OPEN.
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What I would write
I write for any gender, both character and Reader/OC, be it female, male, neutral transsexual. Any.
Yandere!Character x Reader, Yandere!Reader x Yandere!Character, Yandere!OC x Reader and Yandere!OC X OC.
Dark!Au, Gore, Disorders, Smut/NSFW, explicit language, soft!yandere, alternative AU, Horror, Age gap (depends on how much).
Romantic, platonic and general Yanderes, as well as more specific themes; example: yandere x depressive!reader.
Stockholm syndrome.
Pregnancy, childbirth and death in childbirth.
Non-Con, Dub-Con, BDSM.
Fluff; non-yandere.
Monsterfucking, specific kinks.
What I DON'T write
Any kind of NSFW content with children, anything with children will just be platonic.
I don't write NSFW with characters that have a childish appearance or personality, just platonic.
I don't usually write ships because I consider it something personal, but I can do it if someone wants to.
Age play, scap.
Minor x Adult (only platonic).
Prices (in $ and R$)
2,00 $/R$ 2,00 for 500 words;
6,00 $/R$ 6,00 for 1000 words;
12,00 $/R$ 12,00 for 2000 words;
NSFW content adds an additional charge of $3,00/R$3,00.
Imagines, Scenarios, Reactions, Oneshots, Prompts
3,00 $/R$ 4,00 for 500 words;
10,00 $/R$ 13,00 for 1000 words;
18,00 $/R$ 18,00 for 2000 words;
20,00 $/R$ 20,00 for 3000 words.
NSFW content adds an additional charge of $5,00/R$6,00.
My list of current fandoms, but I can always add more:
Attack on Titan, Amensia, Death Note, Demon Slayer, Diabolik Lovers, Fruits Basket, Haikyuu!!, Hakuoki, Hunter x Hunter, Jujutsu Kaisen, Kamigami no Asobi, Naruto, Mirai Nikki, One Piece, Blood of Zeus.
Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, A Song of Ice and Fire, Pegasus and The Flame of Olympus (series), IT., A Court of Thorns and Roses (ACOTAR), The Bridgertons, Twilight, The Lord of the Rings, The Cruel Prince: The Folk of the Air, The Bridgertons, Twilight.
Genshin Impact, Detroit Become Human, Mystic Messenger, Time Princess Dress Up (TP: characters), Yandere Simulator, My Candy Love (Amour Sucré), Arkyos Angel, A Plague Tale.
BTS, BLACKPINK, GOT7, EXO, BIGBANG, TWICE, AESPA, Stray Kids, ITZY, Hyuna and Dawn, Red Velvet, NCT, Monsta X, Taemin, Dreamcatcher, LE SSERAFIM, (G)I-DLE.
Series/TV Show
Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon, The Originals, The Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf, Supernatural, Outer Banks, Friends, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Euphoria, Reign, Bridgerton, The Flash, Supergirl, Outlander, American Horror Story, Wednesday, Riverdale, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, The Sandman, Lucifer, Winx Club, Ragnarok, The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, Invisible City (Cidade Invisível), Shadow and Bone, Adventure Time, The Witcher, Rebelde MX (RBD), Heartstopper, Hannibal, Criminal Minds, The Last Kingdom.
Disney Universe, Marvel Universe, DC Universe, Maze Runner, Halloween, Friday the 13th, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Transformers, How to Train Your Dragon, Miraculous, Ever After High, Monster High, Barbie Universe, Christmas Movies, Maze Runner, Avatar, Twilight, Star Wars.
My Demon, Bussiness Proposal, Doom At Your Service, Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha, Crash Landing on You, My Name, Mr Queen, King the Land.
Greek, Egyptian, Norse Mythology and Brazilian Folklore.
Historical Characters
Alexander the Great, Cleopatra, Caesar Augustus, Julius Caesar and etc...
Additional Information
I accept payment via PayPal and Pic Pay only (PayPal = Ko-Fi)
Payment must be made before I start and I will always send you updates if you ask me.
I write in English and Portuguese.
I have a deadline of 5 to 10 days to complete your commission, however, if something unforeseen happens and it ends up being delayed, I will inform you.
If I write more than what was asked, obviously there will be no additions.
If you are interested, DM me with details and feel free to ask me anything.
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queertwilight · 9 months
Under threat from my sister @awkwardlysarah I have been forced to return to this hellsite in the middle of a delirious long day to post what she has informed me is the best idea she has ever had. please share and show her some love so that she thinks i’m a cool older sister and not just a tired grad student with a nostalgic affection for this series. Seriously she’s really excited about this post and I love her so make her happy or else :) Without further ado:
The Cullens as Different K-Pop Fans
Disclaimer: this is all my @awkwardlysarah head canons not my sister’s @queertwilight. I decided to combine my love for K-pop with my sister’s love for twilight. My qualifications are that I’ve been listening to K-pop for 6 years, so I kinda know a lot. Also no hate to any of the artists mentioned, you can have your own opinions and I’ll have mine. Silly little post enjoy!
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-exclusively listens to K-drama OST’s
-mainly for the instrumental and piano
-listens to the Best KDRAMA OST: of all time playlist and ranks them by instrumental
-secretly does watch K-dramas but claims its to help “appreciate” the music, has cried to almost every drama he’s seen
-Does not understand the appeal of K-Pop groups, prefers what he believes to be the classics
-Though, Alice once showed him RM’s album Mono and is now his biggest fan
-“No, you don’t understand guys if I met Namjoon we would get along perfectly. We could go on a museum date together and talk about life.”
-Loves RM’s newest release Indigo and locked himself in his room to reflect on the lyrics in the album.
-He too, mourns the loss (of what would have been) his 20’s
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-she is such a baddie with her K-pop taste
-mainly a 2nd gen girl group stan, but dips her toes in 4th gen (mainly AESPA) because Emmett showed her a couple groups
-also loves soloists-mainly IU and BIBI and DPR
-BIGGEST 2NE1 and 4minute stan there is (prays on YG and Cube’s downfall)
-if the songs are about being bad bitches then Rosalie is listening to them
-she can low key body any rap by CL
-has her more mellow moments when listening to Girl’s Generation and IU
-overall supports her girlies
-will fight trolls online that try to discredit any of the girls’ careers (
-has made multiple accounts deactivate because she proved them so wrong they could not show their faces online again
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-when Emmett discovered K-pop it was like opening up a portal that could no longer be closed
-he had casually stanned 3rd gen groups (since Alice listened to them)
-but then he found LOONA and other girl groups
-Rosalie low key curses this day btw
-became the biggest Orbit and Chuu stan
-“Emmett we have to go save Bella, she’s in danger.”
“Idk, maybe if she stanned LOONA this wouldn’t have happened.”
-is a photo card collector (Rosalie put a stop to this after he spent 3K on a Chuu broadcast photo card and getting scammed trying to buy other pcs)
-when I tell you he was so devastated that Chuu was kicked out of LOONA
-he didn’t have the strength to go hunting for DAYS
-helped boycott BlockBerry Creative #freeLOONA
-he does also dabble in boy groups; mainly Enhypen because he thinks they are actual vampires. (No one tell him it is just a concept it would break his heart, he streamed Bite Me for days because he felt SO seen).
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-she knows everything about every group (obvi) and knows which groups are unproblematic
-runs an undercover KPOPpredictions twitter account where all her visions go
-Loves groups mainly for lore/storyline purposes
-like TXT, BTS, ENHYPEN, ATEEZ, EXO, etc. she LOVES a good storyline
-does theories on her main stan blogs about what she believes the MVs mean for the overall story
-always has people commenting on her theories about how right she is.
-is also a K-pop dance/lifestlye influencer
-give her 10 minutes and she WILL know the entire dance-will upload and edit it almost instantly
-has been featured in KCON dream stages and has been able to dance alongside some of her fav groups
-love planning her outfits for concerts and giving people inspiration on her social media platforms
“You need help coming up with vampire themed outfits for Enhypen’s upcoming concert, say no more I’ve got just the looks for you!”
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-some of y’all may be a bit mad about this one…
-he’s the problematic K-pop stan
-like his playlist is CONTROVERSIAL
-liked sticker when it first released (believed the flute is what tied it together)
-low key a Jay Park stan on main
-…and a super junior apologist
(what did you expect he literally was a confederate solider)
-If a group has a cowboy concept he will be all over it tho, “takes me back to my roots.”
-will start shit online because he knows in the end he can control their emotions
-loves those unpopular k-pop opinion videos
-Alice does try to get him away from the problematic side of K-pop and it does kinda work, but like quitting human blood it takes him some time
-not a big stan, he’s kinda in it for the drama and to be an instigator
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kjmcotton · 8 months
✧*ૂ༄Halloween advent calendar🎃
An anthology made of nine Exo short stories to celebrate the spookiest day of the year🦇
23.10 I.Jongin-statue
24.10 II.Baekhyun-cupid*
25.10 III.Minseok-basilyscus
26.10 IV.Jongdae-ghost
27.10 V.Sehun-demon
28.10 VI.Junmyeon-grim reaper*
29.10 VII.Kyungsoo-clown
30.10 VIII.Yixing-vampire
31.10 IX.Chanyeol-ghostface
*Please notice:if there will be any change while the work is in progress I’ll let you know by updating this post,so be sure to check
*Baekhyun has been changed from werewolf to cupid
*Junmyeon has been changed from pirate to grim reaper
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bteezxyewriter12 · 2 years
Still Here/ 5
Pairing- Hongjoong x Named Reader
Word count- 2k
Includes- n/a
Tag List- @umbralhelwolf
@fairygirl18 @jo-hwaberry @mingtina
@jaxxmine @yeosayang
@tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa @yeosxxx @seokwoosmole @jjongsbebe
@meowmeowminnie @woo-stars
@borntowalkaway @usagionthered @a-teez-4-exo @kjqueen05 @jejeyeppeo
@soibean1922 @san-realblkwife
Series Masterlist
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Hongjoong POV
Opening her apartment door, she steps in and turns the light on, with me following
I can't believe I'm actually here
I can't believe she's actually mine
My girlfriend
Holy shit
"So uh, this is basically it", she says gesturing to her studio apartment
There's a small couch and coffee table, both facing a flat screen tv, her bed in the corner of the room, a small kitchen
"No bathroom?", I joke
"Haha, it's back there", she says pointing to a door at the back of the apartment
"It's nice. I like it", I say, looking around at all the things she has on display
I catch sight of a big bookshelf by her bed
I love reading
I can't wait to look at her books
"You don't have to lie, I know it's small"
My hand goes in to hers as I say, "I'm not lying jagi. I do like it a lot. I promise"
"Thanks", she says, smiling softly, "So uh you can sit wherever. There's not many places. Just my couch or bed"
"Where ever you want jagi"
She shrugs then plops down on her bed
Ok then
I swallow, forcing myself to not be nervous as I sit next to her
"So....", she says
"You want to know about me", I finish
"Well yeah. I never thought vampires were real. But you're real. It's kinda hard to wrap my head around"
"Yeah. It's a long story with some parts not very uh...good"
I look down, wondering how I'm going to explain about Kye-geum
Her hand touched my cheek softly, lifting my face
"Baby, please remember that whatever you say will not make me run from you. I love you", she tells me, "Please don't lie ok?"
"I won't jagi. I'll never lie to you, I swear", I promise
She nods, "So how old are you?"
"25", I ask
"Ok how long have you been 25?"
"A long time", I answer
"Numbers Joongie"
"Two thousand sixty five years"
"So you're two thousand sixty five years old?"
I nod
"Hold shit! You're an old man!"
I laugh, "Yeah"
"A very hot old man"
"Thanks", I answer, feeling a little shy
"So are you like the vampires from the movies and tv shows?"
I snort, "No"
"Continue", she says, looking interested
"I'm an old world vampire"
"Old world?"
I nod, "Old world vampires are different from new world vampires. First off old world vampires are ancient and come from Europe and Asia. New world vampires are a species of vampires from the Americas and were created in the 1500s. New world vampires are like evil monsters because they lose their souls, making them morally exempt. They like to kill when they feed. Their whole faces change when they have their "vampire face" on. The sun affects them, they're easier to kill. Wooden stakes, holy water and crosses work on them. And they turn to dust when killed"
"And that stuff doesn't do anything to you?"
I shake my head
"Ok let's go one by one", she says
"Sure jagi"
"The sun?"
"Does nothing. I can walk in the sun no problem"
"Huh. Immortality?"
"Crosses and holy water?"
"Does nothing. But belladonna and nightshade act like holy water does for the new world vampires. It burns us badly, like acid. It can take skin completely off and it takes awhile to heal from it"
"Jesus, have you-"
I nod, "I've been around for a long time jagi and yeah I've had that stuff thrown at me. It hurts and is mostly used to incapacitate old world vampires so they can be killed. We're a lot harder to kill"
"So, you're durable?"
"Very. Instant healing. Heightened senses. Super strength, super speed, agility. The older the vampire the stronger they are"
She eyes my arms asking, "You're old Joongie. That means you're one of the strongest vampires?"
I nod, "Yeah"
"I knew you were strong", she says, "When I touched your arms, your chest, I knew you were strong"
"I am jagi but I would never hurt you"
Her eyes move to mine, "I know Joongie"
She presses her lips to mine in a soft kiss, making me sigh happily
When the kiss ends, she continues the conversation
"Wooden stakes do nothing?"
I shake my head, "No. Silver hurts us. Silver stake to the heart kills us. Beheading kills us. Setting us on fire kills us. And we don't turn to dust. That's an easy clean up. When we're killed our body desiccates. We have to be buried or burned"
"Damn", she says
"Don't worry baby, we're extremely hard to kill. No one has ever come close to killing me"
She nods, "Ok baby because I don't know what I'd do if you died"
I touch her hair softly, looking at her lovingly, "I'm not going to die jagi. Don't worry ok?"
She nods, "Is there anything else I should know about your uh abilities?"
I swallow hard, hoping she doesn't think what I say next I've done to her
"Old world vampires can do mind compulsion"
"Which is?"
"Making humans do whatever we want them to. It's kind of like hypnosis. We can make humans forget things, making them do things we want them to do, sometimes against their will"
She looks at me uncomfortably, "And how do you do that?"
"Our eyes. When we want to compel someone we look in their eyes. I'm told our eyes dilate a lot when we're compelling someone and the people fall under the compulsion that way"
"I've never done that to you jagi. I swear. And I never would"
She smiles, "I know Joongie. Don't worry, I know"
I breathe out in relief
Thank god she knows
"You said something about a soul?"
"Uh yeah, old world vampires keep them. Any old world vampire that's evil is because they were evil people or they turned off their humanity. Most of us are the same as we were before we were turned. For new world vampires, the vampiric demon takes over and it's not the same person. It has the memories of the person, it looks like the person but it's not truly them. And since the demon takes over they're mostly evil and violent."
"Oh god. Those things are out there?"
"Yeah baby but mostly in the Americas. Most vampires here are old world"
She nods then looks at me, "When you say turn of your humanity.."
"It's basically like turning off your feelings. It allows an old world vampire to...be evil. To have no conscience so killing isn't a problem. Most of the time it can happen when the vampire turning their humanity off has great loss and wants to escape that feeling. It's almost impossible to get a vampire who turned their humanity to turn it back on"
"Because you have to get them to care about something to turn it back on and when it's off they don't care about anything"
"Have you-"
"No I haven't. Even when there was loss in my life I never even considered it. I didn't want to be a monster"
"You can never be a monster Joongie. Never", she says softly, holding my hand
I'm so glad she doesn't think I'm a monster
Most people's would think that just because I'm a vampire
"There's one more thing you should know about old world vampires"
"Tell me"
"Some become rippers. The bloodlust is too much and out of control for them. They're called ripper's because when they feed they tear the human apart. It's not their fault unless they're actively not trying to control their blood lust. If they embrace it. I'm not a ripper, I've never been one. Seonghwa has though"
"Hwa? He seems so chill"
"Yeah he was when we was first turned. He massacred villages and cities for the first three hundered years of his life"
Her eyes are wide, her mouth dropped, "What made him stop?"
"He met me. I helped him. I showed him how to feed without killing. And any time he slipped up, I helped him. He's been good for a few hundred years. And S/w/n is there to help him now"
She nods, "Ah ok. And S/w/n is a vampire too?"
"Yeah. She's actually one of the strongest vampires out there"
"She's that old?"
I shake my head, "She's around five hundred years or so but she was a vampire slayer before she was turned and when she was turned, her vampire strength added to her slayer strength"
"Uh ok. What's a vampire slayer?"
I spend a few minutes explaining what a slayer is, what they do, their abilities and Seonghwa's and S/w/n history
"Holy crap that's an amazing love story", she says when I finish
"Yeah. He's lucky she didn't kill him on sight"
"Really lucky", she agrees, "So how about the other guys?"
"Well Wooyoung is a vampire but W/w/n is still a human."
"Ahh so I'm not the only human"
"No jagi you're not", I answer, then continue, "Jongho's wife is actually the first vampire ever created so she's the oldest and the only one to rival S/w/n in strength"
"The first? Oh wow"
I nod, "Yeah. San's wife is a vampire and she was a doppelganger"
I take a minute to explain to her what a doppleganger is
"Yeosang's wife is a werewolf vampire hybrid, Mingi's is a vampire. Yunho's isn't a vampire. She's a powerful witch who was his guard in his time. Her life force is connected to his so she lives as long as he does"
"Damn Joongie. Did you guys meet before ATEEZ?"
I nod, explaining how we all met and giving her cliff notes of everyone's history and their ages
"Jesus Christ, you all have so much history together. It's kinda cool how you all met them decided to become a kpop group"
"Yeah well we all liked singing, dancing, rapping once that became popular. We had so many other careers throughout the centuries but nothing like kpop. We hid before but not anymore"
"Well you guys are amazing"
"Thanks jagi"
She nods and silence falls between us
"Uh Joongie, how....", she trails off
"How did I become a vampire?", I ask
I know that she's curious
I told her about the other guys but not me
I know my history is the one she cares about the most
"Uh yeah"
I don't want to spend the whole night talking about me though
"I can tell you but I also want to know about you"
I don't know much about her life, just that she lives in this apartment alone and she has no family here
"Me? My life isn't as exciting as yours. It's boring"
I shake my head, "Not to me jagi. I love you and I want to know everything about you"
Her face turns a cute shade of red
I kiss her cheek, laughing, "So cute"
She turns even more red, "Fine. But after you tell me about you"
"Just one thing before you tell me"
"Are you really dead?"
"Yeah jagi. Vampires are dead. I have no heart beat. I don't need to breathe. My skin is cold. I don't eat food. I can but it does nothing for me. I eat just for the taste of the food"
"You drink blood?"
I nod
"Blood bags. We get them from the hospitals and blood banks. And if none are available from humans. But I compel them not to feel pain and I only take what I need. I don't kill people when I feed. I never have"
"But you killed people before?"
I nod, "I have"
She doesn't say anything to that, just asking me another question, "But you do breathe", she says, "You said you don't but I've heard you sigh, I've seen your chest move"
"It's my body's involuntarily response. It's always breathed so I've let it keep working that way, but I don't need to. I also do it to blend in with people. It'd be weird if I was standing next to a human and they noticed I'm not breathing"
"Huh. I didn't think about that. You're right"
I nod
We need to blend in especially since we're idols and ATINY pay attention to everything
We don't need any rumors or anything
"So tell me about you Joongie. How did you become a vampire?"
"Well I was born in 32 b.c....."
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entamewitchlulu · 2 months
new ask game
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i made a list of all the major projects i have made significant notes/writing/materials about. send me a title and i'll tell you what it's about/something interesting about it
transcript of the list under the cut
Original Stuff
Unicorn Anthology Our Chosen Curses High Witchery The Girl at the Edge of the World Chaotic Symmetry Emblems and Heralds Dreamkeeper Not Where We're Going The Library of Uncountable Mysteries White Fire, Copper Earth Wisp Unicorn Field Guide The Youth
d i s p e r s i o n Record of the Yokai's Bride Yu-Gi-Oh! RED: Duel Spectrum Something Eternal The Seven Mysteries of [ ] High School Year of the OTP A Mermaid's Heart Arc of Magic City Gods Destiny Factor Dragon x Slayer Dragonriders AU Duskshipping Faerie AU Lancer Yoko AU Arc V Magical Girls AU Arc V Pokemon AU Puppets and Pendulums Retainers Seasons of Raydiance Swaying Mists The Taste of Spring Vampire AU Ocean Kings Sweet Melodies The Final Reaper's Game of Nanami Chiaki whatever souls are made of Katarina Swap Every Thorn has a Rose The World in the Space Between Us the blue moon is beautiful tonight City's Heart Shards of Red Merlin Rewrite Byleth Backstory Maiami Queens Arc V Manga Rewrite Arc V Infinite Essence of Hope King's Soul Forgotten Bonds Universal Constant Invisible Girls My Heart, a Star Not a Place But a Feeling On the Path to Eternity Katacule Next Gen The Other Side of the Coin The True Meaning of Power The Revolution Where Only I Am Missing Earth Heart Tokyo Mew Mew A Votre Gout Tokyo Mew Mew Next Gen Khonsu's Box Yu-Gi-Oh! N Overlap When Aker Walks Again Yu-Gi-Oh! EXO Yu-Gi-Oh! ROM Flower's Blooming Our Stars
Pokemon Glitter and Gleam Liminal Library Lost Mines of Phandelver Lunaria Magical Girl TTRPG Paladins of the Heart Untitled RPGMaker Horror Game Westwend RPG What Lies Within (the RPG) Yu-Gi-Oh! TTRPG Sibruil Homebrew Setting Accidental Harem Protagonist Such Sweet Sorrows
Nuzlockes (for comics or stories??)
Alpha Sapphire LeafGreen Pearl / Platinum Ruby Silver X
Muse N'Things
Fanfiction I'm Not Sure I'm Still Jazzed About Writing
Pendulumshipping Bandit/Prince AU Crystal Sonatas Demon of the Apocalypse Pendulumshipping Fae/Bard AU The Rose Witch Tatsuya's Ribbon When Wishes Wither The Revolution Where Only I Am Missing Heart in the Cards Jigsaw of the Heart
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catboy-jaebeom · 11 months
getting to know people ♥ ( tagged by @meant-to-be-a-hero <3 )
Last Song: EXO's Don't Fight The Feeling, but I have One Of The Girls from the The Idol soundtrack stuck in my head right now
Currently Watching: skjfdsfkl so many things but, most recently it's The Idol, Ted Lasso and Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938.
Currently Reading: my pile of books I bought and have partially started reading is reaching up to the top of my desktop but; 'Sorry, Bro', 'His Majesty's Royal Coven' and 'Iron Widow' among others.
Current Obsession: ouff. uh. Lacuna, time loop stories, vampires ( still ), and I'm really looking forward to the Barbie movie?
@darkowlsworld @klutenpetter @twigsnbones (no pressure tho; also, any mutual who wants to do it ♥)
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eruden-writes · 1 year
If you're not sure which of these is which, here's some links!
💗Room & Board
💗Desperation's Summit
💗Slow Burn
💗Gluttony's Hunger
💗Stowaway and Captain Cranky
💗(Your) Dark Reveries
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mybiasisexo · 6 months
i know life is a constant and being a writer isn’t always easy. but if you had the time and freedom to write, what type of concept or story would you write? i’m not necessarily asking what you’d write in the future, just kind of wondering if you had any ideas for a writing but couldn’t commit to it at this point in time.
I love this question holy! And I have soooo many ideas! Both fan fiction wise and regular
I literally have like 6 exo projects just sitting neglected. I have a myeon the little mermaid, I have 2 kai stories one where he’s your best friend and a fuckboy and another where he’s a descendant of a god and you’re tasked to protect him in a middle of a war. For bbh I have that pretend dating series I’ve hesitantly started writing as well as a vampire fic (that’s on my unfinished work) and a ksoo one where you’re in a band and he’s a nerdy dude that gets hired to be your keyboardist omggg I’ve been sitting on that idea for years 😭. And so many others
For non exo related, I’ve always liked superhero stories and have always wanted to write something in that vein. Idk like I’ve always had this idea but it’s like right out of my reach if that makes any sense 😭. I love supernatural things as well and would love to write something dark and sexy kinda like true blood!!!
But yeah that’s all I got 😂. I wish I could just write fr 😫
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blood--king · 1 year
◢ Gᴏʟᴅ ғᴀɴɢs
"𝑨𝒏 𝒂𝒄𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒐𝒓𝒚, 𝒕𝒚𝒑𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍 𝒐𝒇 𝒉𝒊𝒈𝒉 𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒌. 𝑰𝒕𝒔 𝒔𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝒎𝒆𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒉𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒆𝒓 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒑𝒂𝒕𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝒉𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚"
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𝑻𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔:
1. Exo-Lore.
2. Macro-Lore.
3. Micro-Lore.
4. Chronical.
𝟏. 𝑬𝒙𝒐-𝑳𝒐𝒓𝒆
First at all, Hell is a secondary character of our book: After Five, which is being published on Wattpad (only available on Spanish at the moment). In that book, you will see an hole new universe based on certain cultures and imagination. You all are invited to pick an eye in our book, because it actually is our biggest project.
𝟐. 𝑴𝒂𝒄𝒓𝒐-𝑳𝒐𝒓𝒆.
The universe presented in the book is called Nix, it is governed by a broad hierarchy of gods going in the following order from lowest to highest: God, Titan, Hyper God and Primordial God. The Primordials are those creators of the universe and those who make possible all the fantastic things that happen in it. Some of the examples of these wonders is that all the planets of said universe share the same Sun and Moon, although these stars would not be conceived in the same way that we conceive them in our world.
The Nix has very different rules than ours, for example: Life does not age, a creature is capable of living without aging for eternity; it is possible to beget children from people of the same sex; all living creatures except plants and microorganisms have a human level of intelligence or higher.
The planets of the Nix are organized in Galaxies, which are arranged in Galactic Systems. The Nix has three known Galactic Systems, they are called: Keres, Eris and Nemesis; together making a total of 26 galaxies.
In the vast universe that is the Nix there is an immense variety of creatures (all documented and detailed in a Bestiary in the future) most of these are raffled by all galaxies but some creatures are endemic to some galaxy or system. That's when we come across vampires, if we analyze it these are very different from vampires of other fandoms, but let's not get into biological technicalities (at least not yet).
What matters to us is that Hell is the main god of all vampires in the universe.
𝟑. 𝑴𝒊𝒄𝒓𝒐-𝑳𝒐𝒓𝒆
Hell is the king of the Kingdom of Blood, formerly known as the Empire of Blood. He belongs to the founding family of vampires, in fact, he is the grandson of the first vampire.
The vampire empire arose as a military force dedicated to spreading vampirism and extinguishing the natural enemies of this species, the Lycans (which ones we could compare with werewolves).
The second king of this empire dedicated himself rather to bringing wealth and prosperity to his people in the most warlike and monstrous ways possible.
It is true that Hell was king at his young age of 15 years but only of a medium kingdom of vampires belonging to planet Earth, this planet is related to a myth in the universal culture of Nix, however each species has its version of said story .
Hell's uncle, the previous king, placed several kingdoms under the same empire on Earth and Hell as king of one of them. Many years later, due to an unidentified catastrophe, this king dies and it is in Hell that he has the duty to assume the mandate over the entire empire. Hell then decided to be slightly more pacifist, reducing the wars as much as he could until a devastating event occurred on the planet.
Although, another species of great power, the angels, took control claiming to be the saviors of humanity and were willing to eradicate the "pests of nature". Hell and his kingdom were one of these "plagues" and instead of a war Hell preferred to reduce his borders in such a way that the angels would not consider him a greater threat. Some time later, this angelic government falls, although his influence is still in force, and that is when we find the current Hell, who makes every effort to compensate with prosperity for all those years of isolation that his people had to live.
Point out that the Bloodborne surname is one that is feared and respected throughout the Nix and even in dimensions such as Hellrealm (1) . Hell is not a king to underestimate, the fact that he is less warlike than the previous kings does not make him any less, after all he has the title of God by blood right, and he has not hesitated for a second when he had no choice but to go to the war.
𝟒. 𝑪𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍.
Chronical is a dimension where space and time are together and at the same time separate. It is a place where all the possibilities, moments in time and variants of people share the same infinite space. Putting it into an image I could describe it as walking through Paris and seeing the Statue of Liberty in the distance on top of a sand dune. Twisted, right? Well, in this dimension it is possible, the impossible ceases to be a barrier and becomes the link that connects everything.
This is a place where such amazing things happen, such as the fact that a character is aware that they are part of a book, and that they can have tea with its author while they chat calmly.
↠ Chronical is a space in which there is no need for context and therefore is ideal for some interactions.
◢ 𝑰𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒄𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒂𝒏𝒚 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 (🕐)
【Ask】 It would make possible questions such as the character's opinion regarding its own author, or that said character has proof of what happens in the different AU's in which he is involved.
【Interaction】 In case you choose a Chronical interaction you can specify a place, a situation or that the characters are aware of something specific, the limit is your imagination.
↠ Of course, it is not possible to impose emotions or attitudes, only information or environment.
◢ We remind you, that when it doesn't take place in Chronical, it means that you are under Nix's rules, therefore you will actually meet the king in his kingdom.
↠ Footer:
(1) Here I must make a clarification: the Nix has its own language but when transferred to the eyes of the reader, it happens to have the language of it, this is because I am aware of the meaning of the name Hell in English, however it does not have that connotation in its original context, so that there is no confusion I have decided to name Hellrealm what we know as Hell, you know, demons, evil souls, those things.
◢【Change of clothes】
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kakujis · 1 year
that's a nice format, it'll be easier for me to reply too since i won't get things mix up lol.
touchstarved -
if i remember correctly, mhin is summed up as the cursed outsider for their official title so kuras had pulled off an amazing feat to get mhin on his side.
i think that's unlikely regarding the angel theory because it wouldn't explain why no one want to talk about the senobium but anything can happen in a game lol. damn, the demo was a good strategy for them. that's true, even the studio was shocked how the game was completely funded in 4 hours.
well, the studio could have compromised with a different/horror sprite of him but only leander got that special treatment lmao. it could be vice versa, that's the mc leaves mhin instead after they reveal an emotional side like that would still be traumatic, imagine distrusting everyone for your whole life and as soon as they open up to someone, that person is like i don't want your emotional baggage, goodbye.
i agreed, mhin doesn't seem to enjoy violence so they would likely only use it as a last resort. those type of yandere like leander are the most deadliest and when they snap, they are terrifying as hell. but leander would only likely have a breakdown ep if the reader try to break up with him etc because leander know what's he doing lol.
reading your ais's blushing confession just reminded me of a certain line from that falling in love song in (disney) hercules lmao, i think it's something like, girl you got it bad, you're in love. that's true and i highly doubt ais would snap and if he does, i highly doubt he would be as bad as leander.
what did you think of the tr manga? i did and i was like why at the ending. who's your favourite character? mhin must be a favourite character among the studio lol. don't most ppl buy wigs for cosplay? that must have been a dream come true for you! er, i feel like the studio know that ais will be a game changer for them hence why they put a special focus on him.
it sound like sen was on the deathbed but someone turned her into a vampire (?) because her predicament fit the supernatural being. well, we will definitely get more kickstarters update and they will probably release the game opening in 2024.
i don't think leander have that within him lol. but i feel like he may be selective about what information he share with the mc and run circles around her.
other media:
damn, you must have been a hardcore fan lol. i did a kpop matchup blog for a short time. surely, your exo blog must be a side blog (?) tbh, the last time i dived into exo was the 2010s so i can't remember LMAO. why did you like that trio?
i only recognise some of these groups but i remember that the fans dislike sm a lot for ghosting f(x) throughout their whole career. i can't remember seventeen debut, was it adore you? but i've heard that the studio needed to get rid of one member because he was way too young so that one might had gotten forced out. isn't it bts 10th anniversay this year?
i needed to look up onewe and it's the first time i've seen a rock band. to be fair, kpop merch is pretty pricey and it does become a pain to storage. that would be one emotional event then lol. sunmi ring a bell but i forgot everything about her.
i guess that was a major hole in tr where the author never went back to show how past takemichi was behaving/actually like once present takemichi changed the future timelines. it would added more lore to the story and explain how certain timelines came to be.
i agreed with that but since her story was link more towards draken rather than mikey, it seem like she got the same treatment as him because i always found it's weird how draken literally got pushed to aside within almost every future timeline. it's like the author was draken who?
it's like draken got the shit end of everything LMAO and i'm sure baji wouldn't had gotten that treatment if he didn't died. i think the biggest disappointment of the female characters that they were only linked to one arc due to a male character connection so they all got discarded when it was over.
i'm sure yuzuha would gladly return your love and affection! but even then, it's like senji just got a magical powerup, it wasn't realistic compare to the way that yuzuha fought.
really? but i've heard a lot of female readers complains about how the author treat the female characters regarding everything and i know a lot of them dislikes how he dealt with midnight.
did you ever find out the ending for the witch house then? wasn't it gary and mc vs mary in ib? it's been a long time lol, the nintendo switch release added more story. i would recommend watching castlevania on netflix then.
tbh, tv shows are long man like who have the time to sit down for 45 minutes for one episode. i dk how ppl watch kdrama and stuffs like that when each episode is like a movie. do you mean the villain uohana ? soz, i know nothing about leach.
yes, i did and i really like seeing him because the diversity of his design. i'm assuming he must be your profile photo too? honestly, baji's popularity is something considering he died so early on in the manga/show, imagine if he live towards the very end! but did you find it strange when baji stabbed himself to save kazutora's ass. i remember watching it going like baji what are you doing?
will you be whipping up any fic starring izana then? sorry but i don't fangirl like this so i apologise if my reactions/replies are a bit dead LMAO. i think there was a lot of clues/hints in tr but die down once izana's arc was over.
well, i feel like a lot of characters from tr like pah got brushed aside since the fandom didn't find them good looking esp in the bonten's gang, like look at the fanart/fics. what did you think of them? i was so disappointed that they appear for only like one panel?
like what was that LMAO. i still can't believe that the author bothered revamping the whole gang too just for one appearance but some fans think the author got forced by the publisher/editor to change the direction of his story.
it's true that tora redeemed himself but chifuyu definitely played a huge role in that and he is super forgiving considering kazutora did that to baji. kazutora's relationship with baji was yandere like but chifuyu was just baji's biggest fan lmao. do you agree? i think taiju's one should get special focus because he did reformed mostly by himself but the inspiration came from takemichi.
why? does it end on a cliff hanger? i like nagia because he reminds me of a irl friend, they are both wholesome characters and kunigami is a very nice guy. er, if you don't like reading, the game is not for you but the best part are the trials, the sequel is the best one, the ending of dr3 ruin everything.
do you think the final arc will run into 2024? because that would be really nice since it's the 20th anniversary next year. well, the silver lining is that you don't need to worry about spoilers lol. there must be a lot going on in that poster then.
no but i've heard of it via youtube. but don't stardew and animal crossing the same like playing it is meant to be relaxing and calming for the gamer? do you know about tsuki? Who did you choose as your starter pokemon? to be fair, there's a lot of missed references in that film if you haven't played most of the mario games.
i think that i'm starting to get your ideal type based on your favourite characters lol. it's nice that they ring you on your birthday too. what was that event about? mammon is super popular in the fandom but for yan stuffs, it seem to be lucifer or satan. that's the power of facebook for you!
no, i just played the voltage games. damn, those games just give away the genre by just reading their titles lmao. i dk who they are, sorry! when is it coming out? me too, that's one of the reason why i like izana in tr but i feel the pain when fans whitewash him -_-
life stuffs:
it is a bit tricky to navigate life while being sensitive but i used to be like that so i know your efforts will eventually make a breakthrough, just don't give up.
i have conflicted emotions towards MM because i was there from day one with that studio where i played their games beforehand that were 100x times better and i got annoyed that the studio basically just gave up creating other games and just kept adding onto MM because of their success.
have you play their two other games? dandelion wishes brought to you was their debut and the second game is link to the first one. no worries but i hope you have windows otherwise you can't play cinderella ;-;
hang in there! will you get a reading week soon? (uni's terminology is pretty different where i live so soz for any confusion) that's so nice so it's like your writing bring a reader onto cloud nine. you must really like writing fanfics then because i'm always like er towards writing it.
that's understandable, everyone works at their own pace and it's better to put the best quality out there if the author is super concerns about getting notes etc. do you tend just to write oneshots?
you can reply to the comments on ao3 too which is pretty sweet! but the best feeling in the world is getting a user subscription. let me know when your ao3 profile is ready so i can support it. thanks, i will read it when i can.
i've been to one but it mainly just stalls so it's not very time-consuming but i think most ppl just goes for the cosplaying event. you should do it! the merchandise tends to be outsourced from japan so you can't get it anywhere on the internet or anime stores.
tbh, driving does seem daunting but it is a lot quicker than public transport and congrats! i think the the nerves will fade away the more that you drive. i tried learning twice but second time was when the virus came out so that went down the drain.
it actually is but if the photo/image is blurry, the app ask you to renew it but i just went ok with some of mine and they still look fine but again it was anime/manga.
yikes, that sound like a nightmare and i hope it doesn't take too long for your tastebuds to come back. sometimes, it'll be like that but considering it's all of them, the dentist really should have given you a warning beforehand.
heyoo, did u see the new stretch goals?! i want the plushie and love letters goal so bad agghh. personally, i can def see mhin leaving leaving mc but not vice versa? but ig we'd have to get there first! i think the thing about the senobium is that they're kind of like the top authority there, probably house a ton of different types of entities. idt it completely disregards my theory, just that it may not be the whole reasoning!
i was looking at the character sheets again and was thinking about the shadows behind them and how it seems to be an indication into their "dark" side or personalities, buut i do wonder if some of them are their "true" forms like kuras and vere. it is funny to see leander with nothing really changed LOL. also yeah! i like the idea of leander snapping though, i know he hates being ignored... i wanna be able to ignore him in game hehe.
ahh i love that soong! THATS ME LOL i'm soo down bad for him!! i loves him <333. he's soo handsome and mysterious and the penchant for violence really gets my gears goin! i agree! i think ais snapping is less desperate and more calculated, like okay, you wanna play around with me, i'll show you what happens then. type of thing!
yes they do! i think it'd be fun to style a wig or just to see what it looks like! i think so too! i also think he's the best poster boy for the game itself. i think leander would be a great candidate for the main focus as well tho! that's interesting! i really think he does have it in him, but it may be my bias for violence showing lool. i def do think he is a bit gaslighty and manipulative as well!
i wanna know what they mean by warden! warden for what? the senobium? elyon? someone else powerful? i can't wait for sen's story!! and yeah i think they have to throw us some crumbs to keep us excited!
other media:
LMAO nahh it's not a sideblog, i just convert this one into something new when i get hyperfixated on something. i have a couple of sideblogs, but i haven't touched them in a while cus i genuinely forget about them. and really? that's so interesting! i've never heard of a kpop matchup blog! what type of matchups did you do? i'm actually in the process of deleting a ton of my old posts, especially ones with more personal info that i used to do on here lool. i'm not entirely sure why i chose that trio LOL, i think i really liked lay's personality and chanyeol + sehun's looks. but yesyes i was a major hardcore fan of them!
yes! i was one of those f(x) fans. sulli was and honestly, still is, my ultimate bias even though she's passed now. so i hated the treatment of her the most and sung her praises whenever i could! i'm hoping one day they'll reprint her "love myself" photobook, cus i've only seen it being resold one single time and it went for 800 dollars. and yes adore you was the debut! omg yes it is! i can't believe it's been 10 years daaang. they've come so far. <3
sunmi was in wonder girls if you know them! they've all gone their separate ways but sunmi still has a really active solo career, you should give her stuff a listen! and yeah! onewe, day6, and the rose are all really similar bands that i like!
my favorite tr character is baji/kakucho!! i can't choose between the two of them LOL. i wanna change my url sometime to something that's a mix of the two but for now this'll do! i liked the ending but i'm a sap for happy endings and the fact that baji lives i cried LMAOO, BUT i will say there's a lot of holes in it that i hope get cleared up when we get the exhibit in november. wbu? who do you like (:
from what i remember, it's because draken always ended up in a situation where he couldn't be as involved (jail) or he wasn't a delinquent anymore (bonten timeline). i think wakui did that to push the takemichi + mikey relationship to further the whole "takemichi would never give up on mikey" thing. i've been reading the spin-off and the power level of baji is so funny to me, like yall really had to get him to kill himself cus no one else could jknsdkanfsknfsdk. OKAY THEN LOL. i know the reasonings behind it, it's just funny! honestly, i wasn't surprised to see baji's popularity! he's such a well written character imo and he's so dreamy!! i guess in his mind it was the only way to get kazutora and mikey to snap out of it?? LOL.
nah no worries!! i just fangirl really hard heheh, yes i do have some izana stuff in my wips! i'm excited to finish them and post it! i agree like pah and peh were kinda shoved to the side, i feel like we barely know anything about nahoya and souya :p. i loveee bonten, i wish we could get a spin off based off of them! tbf, mochi doesn't get like any love i've noticed and i think its because we barely know anything about him also ksjffjdn. i feel like wakui threw a ton of characters at us and didnt give us adequate screentime with them. i think he was rushed as well, i read an interview on twitter and he said he barely had any time with his family, maybe one day out of the week. so i definitely think he was rushed!
oh absolutely! chifuyu is an angel and a saint <3. hmm, i think kazutora's relationship was more like 'we're partners in crime, you can't escape me' maybe not so much yandere. but absolutely, chifuyu is baji's #1 fan LOL. personally tho, i like the friendship between takemichi and chifuyu more!
as for the girls, yeah.. i think only emma and hina really showed up again in unfortunately. oh i agree that yuzuha can't really fight on senju's level, but i think it's just missed opportunity by wakui to not make her stronger. also senju trained under wakasa and benkei if i remember correctly, that's why she's strong like that!
oh i'm so mad about midnight LMFAO, so i totes get that. i think that the women in bnha could be fleshed out way better. i think uraraka especially could do with more screentime.
yes it was gary and mc vs mary in ib! i loved mary though, i felt so bad for her ): and nahh i've got no clue on the ending for the witch house LOL. yes stardew and animal crossing are both super chill games! tbh i forget about animal crossing a lot especially cus i hate time coded games. i'm not sure what tsuki is! for my starter i chose fuecoco, such a silly lil pokemon!
ahh no unohana is a bleach captain! it's alright, bleach is a longg story and kinda convoluted at times. also same LOL, i can barely get myself to watch anime eps lool. i used to watch kdramas but i'd pause frequently to do other things cus i'd get antsy. my favorite dramas were reply 1994 and scarlet heart ryeo: moon lovers, ahhh
ah for blue lock, something happens that i just really really dislike, but i think it's integral to the story! i'm gonna try and pick up the manga sometime soon. ahh nagi seems to be a fan favorite! he's my brother's favorite too ^^. which final arc are you talking about? bleach? if so, i think the second half is coming in july. i'm not sure how long this arc will take since it's super duper long + kubo gave us a snippet of a possible new arc!
LOL really? i've never been able to find a good correlation between my faves honestly :p. yeye, but i tihnk all the boys are great yan candidates! personally, i think i can see it the most with levi out of all of them. i think nightbringer is coming out soon, maybe even this month?
omg i had no clue about MM! i played it a ton when it first came out, i liked yoosung a ton! but that's so sad :/, i think thats the same thing that happened w solmare and obey me! they stopped working on other games because the obey me! success was huge. i have not played the other games!
life stuffs:
thank you! it's deffo a growing process :). it takes me a lot of reflection and positive/realistic talk with myself to get over things, but it's much better than me seeking out validation from others! i do have a spring break soon actually! one more week and i have a whole week off!
yeah! i actually thrive off nice comments like that on my fics, but i've been trying to let it not get me down if i don't get many reblogs or likes hehe. i like writing fanfic! if not i just sit with my daydreams all day which is very very unproductive! do you not like writing it? O:
yes i usually write oneshots! i think this yan kakucho thing is only a mini series cus i love the idea of bonten!yan!kakucho LOL. or short little blurbs that get mushed together with other characters! also omg of course i'll let you know!! tysm TuT <3!
also ahhh i see i see. damn i wanna go now!! i actually wanna see if anyone's gonna be outsourcing the new tokrev perfumes, i reaally want the ran one LMAO. im gonna try to see if i can, i usually love going to flea markets and buying from local vendors! and aaah, i see are you gonna try to drive again? thank you btw! i still can't believe i can even drive LOL, i used to break out in hives from the stress :p.
but yes so, i'll be at the dentist next month to ask what my options are! eughhdsfnksdf, i'm feelin' like it would be prime time to get braces too so we'll see~
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s1mpa1 · 11 months
Things about me, and things I can’t shut up about!
Favorite color : Blue
Favorite Number : 2
Zodiac Sign : Taurus
Likes : Music of any kind, as long as it sounds good to my ears
AOT / Death Note / Naruto / Fruits Basket / Sailor Moon / Clannad / Bungo Stray Dogs / Hetalia / Black Butler / Yona of Dawn / Haikyu!! / Yuri On Ice / and more!
BTS / GOT7 / EXO / SEVENTEEN / ATEEZ / ONEUS / MONSTA X / ASTRO / NCT 127 / Super Junior / NewJeans / TWICE / SF9 / Pentagon / SHINEE / and more!
Bump of Chicken / Uverworld / the GazettE / My first story / Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas / Flow / Radwimps / ONE OK ROCK / Asian Kung-Fu Generation / SPYAIR / BLUE ENCOUNT / The Oral Cigarettes / and more!
Otome Games
Destined to Love / Mystic Messenger / OBEY ME / Ikemen Vampire / WANNABE Challenge / Midnight Cinderella / Twisted Wonderland ( I know it’s not Otome but I’ll add it here) / and more!
I write like once every millennia. I’ll post about that some other time! ´・ᴗ・`
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an-annyeoing-writer · 7 months
I have a lot of inspiration recently, but I need to make some priorities as to what to focus on, haha
Link to my masterlist in case you need a reminder 💖
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