#except for a few characters like pearl and spinel
Hello and welcome to my shifting blog.
How I was introduced to Shifting: The first time I heard about shifting realities was in 2020 on Tiktok... yep the time where everyone wanted to shift to sleep date draco in Harry Potter + with bunch of misinformation.
I tried shifting to my Hogwarts DR, MHA DR and other DR.
Then I took a break for a year, and now I started trying to shift again since Summer 2022.
Mha was the DR I was the closest to at that time. I listened to subliminales and tried to shift almost every day (do not recommend; its better to take breaks now and then). At some time I started to hear voices from my DR, and my hand was getting warm (I scripted that I had an "Avatar Quirk" So I could control all the elements including fire)
Now I have 2 DRs I´m focusing on right now(I´ll probably add a few more in the future):
My Steven Universe DR:
I am the adoptive sister of Steven. The Crystal Gems found me in an alley as a baby and took me in. I was raised by Garnet, Amethyst, Spinel and Pearl. Yep, in this DR Rose Quartz/Pink Diamond took Spinel with her. My (future) SO would be Lapis Lazuli. This will be probably be the DR I´ll eventually permashift. Why? To heal my inner child. Being raised by my comfort characters especially by Garnet and Pearl would make me happy. + I scripted a lot of cool stuff in it.
My One Piece DR:
I grew up with ASL. I am the adoptive sister of Luffy. I am a part of the Strawhat Crew. My Devil fruit is called the "Oni-Oni" Fruit. My (future) SO will be Nico Robin. I see everyone (except Robin) in my crew as a sibling, and I treat them such for example when I see Zoro asleep on the ship when it´s cold I´d put a blanket on him, I check on Nami when she´s in her cabin/room drawing her Map + make sure she drinks/eats/sleeps, make sure the stinky boys shower. (I´ll probably going to write about this one more since I´m currently trying to shift there.)
(I also plan on re-writing my old MHA script)
My shifting tips:
try to focus on the montane things; for example I think about washing dishes with Sanji, drawing with Usopp and Luffy (later with Chopper once he joins the crew), training with Zoro, meditating while trying to ignore the troublemakers
try thinking of a conversation topic you´ll have with some members; for example as I was thinking about me helping Sanji with the dishes we were talking about my complicated relationship with food, then I had a conversation with Nami about me being insecure about me getting anxious and overwhelmed in crowed places/public ( I can definitely imagine Nami scolding me for that)
yesterday as I was trying to shift I told myself "I don´t really care if I shift or not; if I shift cool I´m going to spend time with my Crew, If I don´t okay then I´m going to continue adding stuff to my DR, and I can always try tomorrow" -> Since I didn´t shift yesterday, I wasn´t as frustrated as usually. I was more like "oh, I didn´t shift...okay time to add some stuff I forgot to add" (It´s probably a good thing I haven´t shifted yesterday since I forgot to script that the devil fruits of the enemies don´t work on me (like Boa Hancocks ability to turn people into stone) and I changed Robins age from 28 to 25.
Also, any hate/mean/discouraging comments from Anti-shifters will be removed. If you don´t believe in shifting that´s fine you can believe(or not believe) in whatever you want. I just don´t want your opinion to demotivate me and other shifters.
Have a fun and successful shifting night.
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prenvii-moved · 3 years
i don't want to watch su AT ALL i just wanna see pearl i hate thi
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dimonds456 · 3 years
*sees your tags about being salty about suf spinel*
Okay, but I'm warning you, you asked for it.
Dimonds456 Presents: How They Did My Baby Dirty: An SUTM and SUF Analysis on Steven and Spinel (Told by a Progressively More and More Angry Narrator)
THE CONTEXT: There was a post talking about how you think a character will fix everything, but then they wind up making it works. My tags were "#*looks at suf spinel* #I am still salty about that like the bitch I am fghdjskgfa"
Grab some water, guys.
Let's start by talking about Steven for a moment. In the original show, when we were following him as a 12-14-year-old, we watched as he built up trauma and then learned how to hide it expertly well, to the point that most of the audience didn't even realize he was struggling.
You can actually pinpoint the seconds he makes those decisions, too. The best example is in "The Test," when he's storming up to the gems. He's pissed. His fists are clenched, he's got that anime eye shadow overlay on his face, he's frowning, all that. the Crystal Gems are clapping for him and lying to his face, and he KNOWS they are because he overheard them talking about how it was "impossible for him to fail" that test (- Garnet).
And yet... he also overheard them saying that they're just trying their best. They don't know what he needs. They never really have. No one is sure. So, Steven realizes that by picking a fight, he would just be making it worse for them because they would know they messed up, and nothing gets solved, and everyone gets more depressed and Amethyst and Pearl go back to fighting each other and- well, you get the picture. He doesn't have a full understanding of what's going on, so his kid brain went "so I can either be angry at them and cause problems, or I can tell them I did a good job to make them happy."
"I can lie to make them happy."
He storms down there angry, still mulling this decision over. He drops to the floor, frowning and pissed, and says "I can't believe you guys." He is so close to yelling at them, and yet, when he looks up at them...
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"That was so... INSANE!"
You never would have been able to tell. It was right there. That moment. And then he never stops. For the ENTIRE REST of the series, he NEVER STOPS. He puts the Crystal Gems above himself every time. Think Rose's Scabbard, The Message, The Return/Jailbreak. The Cluster. Peridot. Dealing with Jasper. The zoo arc (ESPECIALLY the zoo arc). Aquamarine. Then pretty much the entirety of Season 5.
(NOTE: I went back and rewatched that scene for the screenshot. There is a blink-and-you'll-miss-it lip tremble in there too! D,: )
He lives for the people around him, and not for himself. Almost never for himself.
Put a pin in that.
Now, let's look at his maturity. People thought that was just him being mature, right? That he grew up. No. That was not it at all. He was learning from his own behaviors as well as the people around him, and building up this idea that he had to "fight to be everything that everyone wants [him] to be when [he's] grown" (- Steven, the extended intro).
Yes, he matured, but not because of that. He started making various decisions to benefit the group that oftentimes he wasn't fully comfortable with, but something he believed would be better for everyone.
Put a pin in that.
Then, later in Future, we see it all manifest. He is selfless to a fault, to the point that he can't think of himself in a positive light in the sense that he's good. We see it a couple of times, but especially in "Prickly Pair," when he vents to Cactus Steven about everything that happened. He feels useless, which is taking a toll on his mental health.
"Why do I need to be needed?" He needs to be needed because that's everything he was as a kid. His entire IDENTITY rests on his ability to help other people, no matter what happens to him. He literally sacrificed himself for them countless times (the big one of course being the Aquamarine incident), and now as a teenager, his whole sense of self is wrapped up in this need to get up and do something to make the world better.
And when he can't make the world better, his world falls apart.
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Put a pin in that.
Now, let's talk about Spinel, the moment we've all been waiting for.
Spinel, as a gem, was made specifically to be a friend. That is her niche, and her purpose. Her reason for existing. At first, she and Pink Diamond got along very well, as shown in the flashbacks right before Drift Away plays (I headcanon she has illusion powers and was literally projecting her trauma, but that's a completely different post).
She and Pink vibed together for who knows how long, until one day, Pink started to not like being around Spinel anymore, finding her annoying and childish. We don't know what really caused the switch, just that it did happen (but of course, I have headcanons for that, too). Spinel never realized until it was FAR too late.
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Steven actually describes his younger self as annoying at one point during the Diamond Days arc, when he decides to throw the ball, so I'm legally allowed to make this comparison.
Steven and Spinel were the SAME. They were both young and dumb, and something that at least a few people found annoying. People put up with their BS though, since they cared about them. But, while Steven realized this and matured because of it (or bottled up his emotions, to each their own), Spinel never did. She never matured. She was never given a chance.
In the movie, we saw her as a child, and watched as she played with Pink and never tried to be or do anything else, to the point that Pink Diamond thought to realize she might be struggling (and maybe Spinel didn't, either!).
She lives for the people around him, and not for herself. Almost never for herself.
And when she can't be friends with this one person, her world falls apart.
Sound familiar? It should. I literally pulled from things I said earlier lol.
Spinel and Steven are mirror reflections of each other. Reset!Spinel is 14-year-old Steven, completely devoting her entire self to one idea. Steven's was helping others no matter what, Spinel's was serving Pink no matter what. Spinel is like a combination of 14 and 12-year-old Steven in this sense, honestly. Goofy, without a care in the world, except one thing: the people around her. She would do anything for Pink, just as Steven would do anything for his family.
Now, Pink Diamond left Spinel. We all know this story. She left Spins there in the garden for 6,000 years because she grew more mature and started a rebellion, effectively forgetting about this one gem she kinda stopped caring about standing there.
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Personally, I don't think Pink had any malicious or even intentional intent in that, but this ain't about her. This is about how Spinel continued to sacrifice herself for Pink, even when Pink didn't need her to anymore. She wanted to please Pink 24/7, all day every day, to the point she self-sacrificed and stood perfectly still for her for millenia.
Now, back to Steven. The gems don't need him anymore in Future, right? They've all grown up and matured and headed off towards their own futures, effectively stranding him alone in terms of self-identity and self-worth. But he stays there, ready to assist at the drop of a hat, or- in Future's case- the call of a phone.
Episode 6 anyone? The one everyone says shouldn't be in Future? That it should have been cut to allow more focus on Steven himself? The fusion episode? YEAH. THAT. He is running himself RAGGED to try and help others, to give himself a purpose. He is self-sacrificing. (He's a professional, don't worry. /j)
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Steven metaphorically planted his feet down and decided that he was going to devote himself to the people around him.
Spinel's feet were literally tied down soon after she made that very same decision.
Okay, enough with the backstory. Time for the salt.
In Future, Steven is at his lowest low. He is running to the Diamonds for help, to see if there is SOMETHING they can do to help him. And we first see Spinel.
Spinel has been through the ringer on a lot of the same mental problems Steven himself is facing. She self-isolated, watched as everyone grew up and left her, and then began to lash out because of it. She understands what he's going through. We even see her concerned as Steven starts to tell her why he's there.
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Spinel takes him from Diamond to Diamond, until he's running out of White's room in a blind panic. Spinel is able to catch up with him, and Steven realizes the same. SHE GETS IT. He turns around and says "Hey, you used to have vengeful thoughts!"
Spinel replies "Ohhhhh yeah, but I don't have 'em anymore."
"How did you make them stop?"
She then goes on to sing Change to him, effectively cutting that conversation short.
On paper, that sounds very in-character for her. She's goofy! And that is what worked for her! But the problem is that they had to dumb her down in order to make that character decision work. In the movie, she was shown to be observant and able to put two and two together, even if she often jumps to conclusions (see her being the one to figure out that the gems needed to remember their "pieces," as she remembers the Garden, her re-realizing what Pink did, and her meltdown later when she reactivates the injector).
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Spinel is smart. It should have been in character for her to realize that Steven was panicking just as she had been, and needed to be talked to gently. But no. Instead, she starts belting out Change, which given Steven's situation, would not work for him.
At the very least, she would have started doing little tricks or started trying to get him to join a game, which would have taken his mind off of it (to her anyways, that wouldn't have worked either), which then could have prompted further discussion.
Then, once they finally start talking, Spinel could have been able to share some legitimate advise. She was hurt and lashed out. What worked for her was opening up to others and letting them in, learning to trust again (which Steven also has problems with- he can't trust that the Gems won't break down the second he turns his back. Trust does NOT equal love, there is no doubt he loves them to no end), and allowing other people in.
That is what Steven needed, too. He needed to let his guard down and just talk to someone. Sure, Spinel was not going to be a fix-all, but she could have at least offered some insight on what to do.
She UNDERSTANDS him. They are a reflection of each other.
But instead of offering help, Spinel made it worse. She was dumbed down to allow the rest of Future to happen, to make Steven feel even worse. Because- and here's the kicker- because the one person who MIGHT understand him doesn't, that means there's no hope for him.
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At least, that's how he sees it. And so, the denial- and "Everything's Fine"- begins.
Here's the thing, though; they DIDN'T NEED to make that decision. If the Crew wanted to have Spinel not understand Steven, then draw the line of her being a Gem from Era 1, used to the Diamonds shattering people.
Steven has killed Jasper and revived her at this point, so maybe Spinel offers that at least he's trying to get better, just like the other Diamonds! See, they're doing so great now! And then that makes him feel worse since he IS trying to do better, but is only failing, while the Diamonds- who were MADE to be nasty dictators- are doing better than him.
The Diamonds shattered a lot of people, and they're doing better than Steven, who has only shattered one person, and not even on purpose. How horrible is that?
Then boom. THERE'S your angst, with a much smarter, more helpful Spinel.
Look, I knew going in that Spinel wasn't going to be able to help. The finale had to happen somehow, and we hadn't seen Wormy Boi yet. I have always been a storng believer of the corrupted Steven theory, so I knew it was bound to happen. But I was hoping that Spinel would at least try. But she really didn't. She just brushed him off, offering really loose advise that didn't even fit his situation and thinking that would be enough.
No. It's not.
I can see where the Crew was coming from. I still love that episode, and I love seeing Spins in it (until that exact moment). This is probably the only thing in SU that genuinely gets me mad. Or, well, maybe not mad, but definitely annoyed and- you guessed it- salty.
I have an unfinished fic where I kinda delve into Spinel's head for that episode called "A New Start". If you really want my thoughts on where Spinel's head was at, there's a bit in there that really explains it. In the fic, Steven decides to rejuvenate himself and brings Spinel along with him, and that's all the context you need for this.
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I cannot explain that moment in the climax of the episode, though. Maybe she thought it would make him feel better, or that maybe he really did just need to open his eyes and see the error of his ways (which doesn't make sense, he KNOWS what he did). Maybe she thought that being silly would help somehow.
But you'd think she'd learn from her time with Pink as she grew more annoyed with her, but apparently not. Or maybe she would realize for a second that being loud and annoying was bad. Or maybe she doesn't learn.
Either way, it- and she- was dumb. And they did my baby dirty.
*drops mic and walks away*
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loveaurapearl · 4 years
Steven’s Breakdown Analysis
First and foremost, I got to say that I love the ending of Steven Universe Future. It felt so right and so perfect. Yes, it is annoying that we still don’t know anything about the chest. Yes, it does stink a little that we don’t have a resolution on what’s going on with Bluebird Azurite, Mean Lapis, where Cactus Steven, watermelon Stevens and now the Steven Shrubs are, and yes, it is a little silly that Steven doesn’t have any marks after becoming a monster, but honestly, I’m still fine with the finale. It was great, it was moving, we know Steven has a therapist now, and it was just sweet. Sure, I had a few grips on Homeworld Bound, but that was the only episode that I had this feeling, all the other episodes were great. However, as I rewatched the finale, something caught my eye.
Before Steven corrupted into Wormy boi/Godzilla, (I have no idea what were are going to call him other than corrupted Steven.) I was thinking about what Steven said in his breakdown. Here’s the part of his breakdown that I need you guys to know. “I can fix anything. I can just keep messing up and fixing things forever and you’ll never know or think about it.” Steven said. Garnet calls out Steven’s name.
“*Deep Sigh* How messed up is that…? That I’ve gotten away with this for so long…? You have NO idea how bad I am. Y-You think that I’m sooo great and I’m so mature and I always know what to do… but that’s not true! I haven’t learned a thing from my problems. They’ve all just made me worse! You think of me as some Angel, but I’m not that kid anymore! I’m a fraud… *quietly sobs*… I’m a fraud... I’M… I’M A MONSTER!”
 This hit hard and was very emotional... but a weird thought kept going through my head. The way he was talking, about being an angel and being put up on a pedestal. About how he keeps messing up and fixing things. It didn’t sound like Steven the character despite him using his voice... Yes, this does sound weird. Let me explain. While Steven always thought he had been the better person and to not hurt people, this still didn’t sound right for Steven to say. I mean, you could still see this as Steven talking about himself, but I still don’t get that feeling. Yeah, Steven has gone through a lot of ‘imposter syndrome’ throughout his life, but even then, I still felt like this speech wasn’t exactly Steven. Steven was never put up on a pedestal by the crystal gems. He didn’t feel like people were calling him an angel. That he was so mature and always knew what to do. Hell, Pool Hoping was about Garnet not expecting Steven to become so mature and wise, so this notion was never something that Steven had felt all his life. So, it was weird hearing him say all of this. Sure, Steven has put himself on a pedestal, especially after helping the universe, but this speech doesn’t feel like it was Steven doing this to himself. Then I thought back to Steven’s life and more specifically Rose Quartz/Pink Diamond’s life.
 Pink Diamond was raised to be something great. To be better, to know better. She was a Diamond after all, and Diamonds were supposed to be perfect. However, Pink was very flawed. She had a temper, she was childish, she left Spinel behind to try and be more ‘mature’, and she hurt Volleyball in a fit of rage because she was denied a colony from White. Pink wasn’t exactly Diamond material. We still don’t know why Pink came out this way, so we can only speculate that now. When Pink became Rose Quartz, she thought she was free. She thought she could escape and find herself. Then she realized that what her family was doing was wrong and tried her best to stop it. She started a war to end it, but Even after becoming Rose Quartz, Pink still had to be the mature one, the healer, the perfect image of herself. This was made because she created the war and tried to convince people to help save the earth and stop the Diamond Authority. However, this doesn’t excuse the fact that, during the war, Pink/Rose couldn’t be confident in themselves except for Pearl. And even then, Pink didn’t want Pearl to know about her violent temper and her immaturity, so she tried her best to great and powerful. She hid secrets because she didn’t want to admit the ugly side of herself. She hid away Bismuth because she was afraid of her and her ideology. She hid Lion away from Pearl and never told anyone about him. She hid away the fact that she was a diamond because she hated being one. So, her hating herself isn’t that loose of an idea.
 Now, Rose was happier as Rose Quartz than when she was Pink Diamond, but even then, Rose still wasn’t happy inside. She could never tell the other crystal gems about her identity, she couldn’t trust people because of her upbringing, and she couldn’t heal the people she hurt. She still didn’t like herself, but due to her work and the fact that she had humans to distract her, this self-hatred came in shorter bursts. That is until Greg pointed out how she didn’t respect him, it made her realize that she was still Pink Diamond inside. Rose began to engulf herself in the human ways to try and better herself. To be the perfect being her followers saw her as. But it was never enough, and so, after some time, she made Steven. Steven was raised to be as good as Rose Quartz during his life. He always felt like he had to be as good and pure as her. He believed that he could never measure up to her. But then everyone realized that real her wasn’t like that, the real she was just like Steven, a scared, confused little girl who didn’t know what to do and hanged onto other people.
 “I can just keep messing up and fixing things forever and you’ll never know or think about it.” This was the exact quote that made me think something was off. Steven has never made a ‘mistake’ that he had to fix. Sure, he messed with the Sea Spire, but he couldn’t fix that. And other than that, Steven hasn’t done anything bad. The only one is Jasper, and that was recent. Plus, it doesn’t explain why Steven said he could mess up and nobody will know. When has Steven ever make a mistake and ‘get away with it’ other than with shattering Jasper? Never is what I’m saying. He has hidden his feelings, but that’s not making a mistake and hiding it from everyone. However, these things do make sense if you see this speech as Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz saying these things about herself, it makes a lot of sense. Rose was depicted as a saint, an angel, and a healer in the original series. She had to be the ‘bigger gem’ and to help people out. She also made a lot of mistakes. She hurt Volleyball, she hurt Spinel by leaving her behind, she hurt everyone by causing the gem war and faking her shattering. However, even after her faked shattering, she couldn’t escape the person she was. But then Steven was born and fixed everything. He ‘fixed’ spinel, he fixed the earth, he fixed the diamonds and changed homeworld, and his relationships with the Crystal gems, especially Bismuth. Pink/Rose hid many secrets and made many mistakes. Only ‘recently’ (in gem time) did most of her secrets and mistakes come out. Steven was there to fix all of Pink’s mistakes. However, he couldn’t fix himself or his mother whom he saw as a fraud. “I’m not a real person,” Rose said this to Greg.
 “But, but Pink’s gone, right? Pink Steven even yelled to White Diamond that she was gone. There’s no way Pink is still alive. So… so what’s going on?” You may ask. I thought so too... but then, why did Steven say those things? Why is there a video showing that Pink isn’t gone? (Link by the way: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaLRGg6UJQw ) Why do we still have no idea on the chest? How come Steven is the only gem to not have corruption scars? Like not even one. I think the crewiverse is still hiding something about Pink Diamond and Steven’s identity with her.
 After all, we don’t know why the trailer called Steven pink? We don’t know why it mentioned Steven remembering the Strawberry battlefield when that had nothing to do with the ending. We don’t have a complete resolution on Steven and his feelings about his mother. We haven’t seen Steven fully healed. We know he’s healing now but we still don’t have all the pieces. We know that has a therapist and has moved on. But not all our questions were answered.
 So… here’s a theory, what if… Steven, complete Steven, is Pink Diamond? Like, the flawed version of herself that she didn’t like. The real her. The version of her that wasn’t build-up by the diamonds or the crystal gems. Let’s start with how Everything’s Fine started. After Steven talks to Connie, he sees himself in the tv reflection and begins denying the horrible thoughts and actions he did. He denies he’s a Diamond like he did in Homeworld Bound. He keeps proclaiming that he’s Steven Universe and that he doesn’t hurt people. He doesn’t want to be a Diamond. After all, they’re the bad guys. Steven isn’t a bad guy. He isn’t Pink or Rose, so he shouldn’t be acting this way. The part that interested me was the fact that he kept saying he’s Steven Universe. At first, you think it’s just denial that he hurt people and had thoughts about hurting people, but then the break down happens and this made me rethink Steven’s claims. I think Steven or in this case, Pink Diamond is denying that she is still Pink Diamond inside. She can’t be back, Pink and Rose were bad people. Steven is a good person. He doesn’t hurt people like how she used to do. He’s the one who makes everything better. However, once the intervention happened, Pink/Steven realized that they haven’t changed and gotten worse.
 When Steven talks about how ‘great’ he was, it looks at Pearl. But Pearl never thought about Steven like this. She did, however, thought Rose was great and powerful. Pearl loved Rose for being sweet and caring. She loved the version of Rose that was a healer and didn’t do anything wrong. But that was only one side of Pink. Volleyball was the one who knew the other side of her. The side of Pink that Pink didn’t like anymore. When he was talking about maturity, it shot to Amethyst, not only as a show that Steven is jealous of Amethyst’s maturity, but also, back when Rose was around, Amethyst saw Rose as the most mature gem, with Garnet second in command. Rose was a mother symbol to Amethyst, so she had to build up the image that she was always mature. Then it cuts to Connie when Steven talks about how he always knows what to do. This was the most interesting. Connie was the one who got Steven to think that he had a magical destiny. She was the one who thought Rose was this magical, all-knowing creature who had planned a destiny for Steven. I mean, with Lion and the armory, it’s not that hard for her to jump to the conclusion and she was just a young kid who read a lot of stories about destinies so seeing these signs, it’s no wonder she thought Steven had a destiny. However, Rose never wanted Steven to have a destiny. She just wanted Steven to be Steven. She wanted a normal human life like Greg, and she wanted to be apart of the human world. Then when Steven said he only has gotten worse; it cuts to Greg. Greg was the one who made Rose realize in We Need to Talk, that Rose hadn’t changed. That she didn’t respect humans, and that he was the reason Rose began to want to have Steven so she could change. Then it cuts to Garnet when Steven talks about how he’s an angel. This represents back during the war that Garnet saw Rose as an angel. A pure being who told Garnet to be herself and don’t question anything. Garnet saw Rose as the perfect leader. However, that’s not true at all. In “We’re only falling apart”, we learned that Rose depended on the other Crystal Gems to help lead the rebellion because she didn’t how to exactly lead on her own.
 Then, there’s the final line. “I haven’t learned a thing from MY problems.” Which doesn’t make sense if Steven was truly himself and not Rose/Pink? If he wasn’t her, then why did he say that? What problems didn’t he learn from? The only way this line makes sense is the fact that Pink felt she never changed from being a diamond. That she thought she had changed and become a better person when really, she hadn’t changed at all. Steven says, “they’ve just made me worse.” This is the fact that Steven shattered Jasper and thought about shattering White Diamond horrified him. He had done something, not even his mother did… (Maybe, we don’t know exactly how Pink Pearl was hurt. Some people have said that Pink Pearl was shattered, but we don’t know.) Pink/Rose was against Shattering, no matter what. It’s the reason she bubbled Bismuth away. So, knowing she betrayed her word to everyone, especially herself, would horrify her. She was now like the other diamonds, but now they’ve healed. They recovered, but Pink hadn’t.
Also, let’s look at Homeworld Bound, mostly the scene of Steven running away from the Diamonds and losing one of his slippers. Besides allowing the Diamonds a chance to follow Steven back to Beach City, the slipper is a reference to Cinderella. When Cinderella lost her slipper, she was reverting into her true self. I think the same thing happened to Steven, or should I say, Pink Diamond. Of course, no magic turned Pink into Steven and there wasn’t a magic fairy godmother who gave Rose her wish. But Pink did become Steven Universe, she embraced this new identity, forgetting about her life as both Rose Quartz and Pink Diamond. She was given a whole new world, a new relationship with Greg and the crystal gems. She was given a new lease on life and learned to better herself as Steven. But she couldn’t escape herself. White was right about her, about Pink’s flaws and how Pink’s light was in Steven. However, White was wrong about him. White thought Steven’s human body wasn’t Pink. After all, Pink’s not human, she’s a gem. However, the human side of Steven is Pink as well. The human side was Pink’s memories, her personality, her ‘humanity’. Pink Steven was her powers, her anger, her code. But removing the gem wouldn’t bring Pink back, because Pink was already there as Steven. The group just never realized this. Not even Steven.
 That is until Steven loses his slipper in Homeworld Bound. There, the magic of just being Steven was gone. Steven/Pink was slowly realizing the truth, but because they’re desperate and hate being Pink Diamond, they deny to their heart content that they were JUST Steven Universe. They do all the things old Steven used to do. They went to Little Homeworld to try and pick up the broken pieces, to try and keep the effects of the ‘spell’ up. To try and make nobody realize that Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz was back. And it did work since all the characters except for Pink/Steven never realize that Pink was back, and they assumed that Steven was just having a meltdown. However, just because the characters don’t realize Pink is back doesn’t mean they don’t realize that something is wrong with Steven, so they have the intervention. They try and get the truth out of Steven, and this is where Steven spills the beans about Shattering Jasper and thinking about shattering White Diamond. Once that pin was dropped, the magic was gone. Pink/Rose/Steven had fully returned, and the mask was off. They finally vent about being put up on a pedestal. They vent about having to be perfect and how they made mistakes. They’re scared, angry, and full of doubt and despair. They realize that they were back to Pink Diamond, but even worse since they shattered Jasper. Then, they corrupt. They lose control of themselves and turn into Godzilla Steven/Pink Diamond. They become a monster. Thankfully, Steven recovers and turns back to normal. He begins to learn to love himself and moved out of Beach City. Steven… Pink Diamond is going to find themselves.
 Okay, so if this theory is true, then why did Pink Steven said that Pink Diamond was gone in Change Your Mind? Well, it’s because they weren’t wrong. The old version of Pink Diamond was gone as far as Steven was a concern. Pink Steven/Pink Diamond hated being Pink Diamond, of being Rose Quartz. They were never as happy as those identities. They wanted nothing to do with their past identities. They were tired of everyone wanting the old versions of Pink Diamond to come back, so Pink yelled that she was gone. She assumed that since she was now Steven, she wasn’t Pink Diamond anymore. She thought she was free. But by the time of Steven’s Breakdown, she realized that she wasn’t free from herself and that she was still Pink Diamond inside. She’s just been denying it because she didn’t WANT to be Pink Diamond. That’s why Pink Steven yelled, “SHE’S GONE!!!!”.
 So, then what Steven is? Steven is Pink Diamond, but in the form, she always wanted to be. During the Diamond Days arch, it was at first depicted as an allegory of someone who had become trans and was dealing with a toxic family that didn’t accept that the person was trans. But we decided that it was more than that since we thought Steven wasn’t Pink Diamond. However, with this info, I think we’re thinking of black and white. Pink Diamond never went away. She changed her form into something she liked, and his name is Steven Universe. Pink Diamond is trans and she transitioned into the male identity of Steven Universe. Pink Diamond as Steven found himself. She was never comfortable being a diamond, and even when she became Rose Quartz, she was never herself because of the war and the fact that she technically stole the identity of the other Rose Quartzes. But Steven. Steven can be himself. There aren’t any Stevens that Pink is stealing the identity of. They realize that they can learn to love and be loved. They learned how to make real connections with people and how to help people with their problems. But now, they’ve grown. They realized that they aren’t perfect, that they don’t have to be perfect, and everyone will love them even if they aren’t perfect. They realized that it’s okay that to be ugly, that it’s okay to feel awful sometimes, and that this ugly side of themselves will always exist. They began to learn to accept the fact that they are still a Diamond despite the gender-flipped. They’re beginning to learn to accept that the Diamonds have changed, and the world is changing around them. Steven accepted that he’s Steven and Pink Diamond and that he’s allowed to love himself. Steven will learn to love like the People around himself and learn how to be human.
 Anyway, maybe I’m right, maybe I’m wrong. But these have been my thoughts about Steven’s Breakdown. Maybe we’ll never know the answers to the questions I asked. Maybe Steven isn’t Pink Diamond and I’m just blowing smoke into a room. Maybe fanfic could answer them? I don’t know. But hope you like my little post.
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tomahachi12 · 4 years
Can I have a basic run down of all if the characters you have? I've found your tumblr relatively recently and I haven't been able to find much about any of them, except Diamond.
Everyone loves Diamond for some reason, and I keep getting more and more asks for her xD 
this might be a long post
You can find more about them by searching my tags
Spade Club Diamond Orange Rook Chunni Luna
or for the others a have tagged
Howlite Angelite Iris 
let’s start at the beginning;
This whole thing started with Spade and Club.
Spade, Club and Diamond are all Spinel’s “older sisters”. Diamond being the oldest and the first spinel to ever exist (in their AU). Diamond belonged to White Diamond. 
Spade and Club emerged together. Spade just a few minutes before Club. They belonged to Yellow and Blue Diamond.
Orange lives on Homeworld, playing music with Lilac Pearl, Olive Peridot and @crystallime ‘s Green Spinel. Orange used to belong to a Zircon that would ignore her. After Era 3 was established, her Zircon abandoned her. She later found her way to the newly built Homeworld Music Hall, and was taken in by Lilac.
Rook’s story is too gdamn complicated lol Before, she lived on one of Yellow Diamond’s colonies with her Agate, Iris. During this time, she was like any other spinel. Just a happy, goofy little thing that only wanted to make her agate happy. Iris loved her, like she was her own child. Then the war for Earth happened. Rook was taken and sent to the Gem Cutters, Howlite and Angelite, to be repurposed to fight in the war. This process gave Rook more fighting skill and durability, but also removed her ability to express any emotion. She also has the most girlfriends out of all my spinels and I think that is fukin hilarious
Chunni belongs to Brown Diamond. She acts as a bodyguard for Brown Diamond’s pearl. She’s small, she’s annoying, and she’ll kick your ass.
Luna is the newest to join us. She belonged to a war damaged Aragonite who defected from Homeworld and joined the Crystal Gems to fight for Earth. She mostly acted as a support or her allies. She assisted her Aragonite on the battlefield, brought weapons to others, or collected poofed gems to bring them back to be healed. She was caught up in the Diamond’s attack and became corrupted. She spent her time sleeping, or wondering Earth as a corrupted sheep until she was found and healed by Steven.
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monkey-network · 4 years
The Fiasco Finale of Future [2/2]
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Wanna see part 1? Here You Go. Otherwise, enjoy the show.
Here we are in the future. I’ll make this short cuz I don’t have that much negative things to say. Here’s the good and bad of Steven Universe 2′s final episode, The Future.
What’s Bad:
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A throwaway line. All the pleas and memes about Steven going to therapy, and the best we get is a fucking throwaway line about it? I’m sorry, Sugar, but fuck off. I wasn’t okay when Endgame did off screen development, this isn’t an exception. The episode could’ve been centered around Steven actually talking to his therapist about what happens in the episode. Zoom that shit or something, have the two talk instead of pulling this one line back patting crap. Meaningfulness of your message is very surface level, but I guess you did something. Thought that counts, I guess, end me, we had to make the minimal time count saying goodbye as long we did. Which leads to...
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His powers are gone in this episode? We see him be emotional when the gems aren’t being receptive towards his hints, so why don’t we see him kinda regress a little with the pink glow at all? Did the Penis Powerhouse truly mellow him out? What was the point of the super saiyan form if it isn’t something that stuck with him for even just slight inconveniences? You give Steven this power but it leaves no scar or impact on him after that monster ordeal, almost as if the previous episode was just a bad mood after stubbing the toe and not the breaking point of multiple days or months of stress and accumulated trauma. It was “just a meltdown”. *sigh* I feel like saying a slur right about now.
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Lastly, you know it’s pretty sad when Adventure Time acknowledges its minor characters in a montage better than this. Spinel? The Diamonds? Lars? Sadie? Bluebird? That curly haired Lapis? Pink Pearl? The cacti and watermelon Stevens? Fucking... Andy? Eh, they didn’t matter as much as the others getting their goodbyes. Not even Jasper, a character they basically shunted to the side after she was resurrected. Guess the Cluster will be okay too. Don’t even get a goodbye with the Centipeedle, the first corrupted gem Steven got through to. We don’t know what they’ll do with their lives. It’s hilarious how much time felt wasted thanks to this episode barely having time; the clash with the cock monster felt better paced. For a show about tying up loose ends, the show just rolls with keeping most of them loose. I’m not that concerned with having loose ends in your show, but some of the conclusions we get with characters and plot points, even if they’re minor, are visibly underwhelming. 
What’s good:
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As much as I bitched, I can’t be mad this finale. For what it’s worth, after everything that happened, this was a fine ending where everyone just gets to be emotional and it doesn’t feel like a tearjerker. The moment where Steven finally speaks up and the Crystal Gems break down themselves is both heartwarming and hilarious. Credit where it’s due, it’s a nice scene. It’s weird that Steven’s going cross country while having nothing to his name, but I say it makes sense that he would leave Beach City for a while after staying there for most of his cursed life. This mostly feels like a season finale than a series finale and yet I’m generally just relieved it is over.
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I think the last sentence describes my feelings toward Future overall. I’m hardly attached to this anymore and I honestly hope that future cartoons don’t take too much influence from SU overall. And if they do to a degree, well that’ll notably be a sign to avoid 'em. While I’m glad that this show existed, for better and for worse, I hardly ever want to think about this show again after I post this. It isn’t the worst thing imaginable, it’s just that literally thinking about this show for any more than a few seconds rots the mood and mind. I mean, shit, look at SU crit blogs, you think they’re living the good life tearing this show apart down to the molecule for days on end? Fuck no. They’re generally getting by thanks to the power of fanfiction; god bless their souls. Fact is, to me, that SU isn’t fun to talk about anymore. Not even the pron is worth it. I’ll sing my praise for something about it eventually after enough time, I’m not that cynical towards it, but for the most part I’m gonna move on like Steven; I said my peace and thinking more on it is just exhausting. I’ll at least hope Rebecca can make a good adult cartoon or a show that doesn’t polarize its fanbase to such a degree that this did cuz just saying, I feel we need to stop appealing to these emasculate Tumblrites that pretend they’re not easily hostile pricks and believe liking media is a personality. 
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But with that said, forever farewell Steven Universe, the most impactful anime I’ve seen in ages.
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hezuart · 5 years
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Hi!! Thanks for being so understanding and polite about all this, that’s really nice of you, I appreciate it!
And I’d be happy to answer your questions! I’ve actually received a couple questions similar to these, but never answered them in the same place. 
1. Why did you give Spinel a catastrophic event that never happened in canon? 
Technically, it’s actually a parallel to canon. 
I’ll follow this up with a question of my own. Why was Spinel placed on a floating garden in space and not Homeworld? There was a warp pad, so technically she could leave any time, but from the context, it seemed like that was her “home.” Every time Pink Diamond left, Spinel would stop her instead of just... going with her. As if she knew she wasn’t supposed to leave. 
Steven has had so many experiences with each gem that parallel an experience his mother had. (Remember the song Familiar?) 
The key factor to this headcanon of mine... is what happened at the NEW HOMEWORLD TOWN. Spinel, albeit innocently, DESTROYED the place and nearly SHATTERED Ruby. 
I think we can infer Pink Diamond has been in this situation that Steven was in, where she had to watch her friend, that she was responsible for, destroy the property of a gem colony. And of course, the Diamonds would get mad. After they took away her original Pearl, they most definitely would have taken away Spinel. So staying in the garden was actually the only thing really protecting her. 
Anyway, the catastrophic event is actually canon, but I merely switched it to be a parallel. 
2. Why did Pink say Spinel couldn’t “Grow up”? 
You are correct in saying Spinel is a gem made for friendship and entertainment, but it’s a positive-toxic form of it. And Again, I’m paralleling with what Steven had to deal with. 
Spinel erased the memories of his friends and then erased her own. Steven now spends nearly the entire movie trying to get his friends back so he could get their help to save the planet. Everything he is trying to fix is Spinel’s fault. And what is she doing? 
She’s trying to distract Steven. STOP him from being sad. 
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He is clearly upset, rushing around trying to fix the mess she caused, and she doesn’t even care. She thinks it’s all another game! We should just laugh and have fun, right? That’s something called toxic-positivity. Where your friend is trying to cheer you up instead of actually helping the situation, they just make it worse. “Why are you sad? You shouldn’t be. Everything will be fine!” When it’s not. Steven had to babysit Spinel the entire movie while he cleaned up her mess. 
When Spinel talked about Pink finally getting her new colony, Spinel was so excited. But she said... “It’s a new place to play.” After having her Pearl taken away, Pink knew she needed to grow up and grow up fast if she wanted to keep her colony. 
But Pink KNEW Spinel was a gem made for entertainment. If she told Spinel to her face that they couldn’t be friends anymore, SPinel would think she was just joking, since that’s all they do, right? It’s all just good fun! Or..... she would eventually take it seriously and react just as badly as she did in the movie. 
What did it take for Spinel to grow up? She waited thousands of years for Pink, wondering when she’d return, only to realize she’s gone. “She spent the rest of her days on this nowhere planet with a bunch of nobodies.” Spinel still loves Pink. A part of her always will. 
Something to be noted here, however. Spinel acts like an innocent child who doesn’t know anything. So how the hELL did she get her hands on a GIANT poison death machine, and an ancient reset-weapon? How did she KNOW about these?! She knew right where to find them too, she got them just hours after seeing Steven’s message. Despite this terrifying revelation of just how dangerous of a gem Spinel can be.... “Let’s play another game, this time I get to win!” 
This “innocent” gem is ready to kill an entire planet out of her jealous anger for Pink abandoning her for them. (It’s almost reminiscent of a Yandere character) 
Even her new form, her “grown-up self”? The way she takes out her anger .....putting innocent lives on the line.... even after all this time, that is still considered childish. Injustical revenge. 
Had Pink brought Spinel with her to her colony, she would have played instead of work. If the Diamonds caught wind of this back then.... they would have taken her away too. Just think.... the Spinel they gush over so dearly today.... could have been another broken ghost of a puppet.... to serve White Diamond’s every whim. 
Because Spinel couldn’t grow up...
she wouldn’t allow Pink to “grow up” either. 
3. How did Pink remember Spinel if she was supposed to be completely reset? 
I’ll be honest, I took some liberties here for Pink’s memory. But this is how I’d explain it: 
Pearl's layers can hear and see everything that happens from the outside, the lowest level Pearl could even interact with the top layer. The layered versions act as a subconscious and the fact that they could take things means they are still very much alive.  (Lapis too was trapped in a mirror, but she could still hear and see and interact with Steven) 
Pink is hearing and seeing everything Steven is doing in the movie. She doesn't really recognize most of these people at the beginning. But slowly she starts to gain some memory back, kinda like Amethyst did. (The reason Steven’s gem is glowing, the reason he can’t control his powers, the reason he looks like he’s slowly dying the more he tries to use it, is because Pink is now in control. She was trying to reform this entire time.) 
Each crystal gem had parts that made up their being. Garnet’s final piece was true love, Pearl’s was independence, Steven’s was change.  
While in Steven, Pink had gained one part of her memory back after seeing her colony and the gems living there. She remembered Spinel, she remembered her Pearl, and maybe even Garnet. Pink’s second piece of who she was, was becoming a leader. Finally gaining her right to power. 
This is why she could recognize Spinel and her colony. 
Pink’s final piece was growing up, which was becoming a mother. Only when she held her dying son in her arms did everything come back to her, allowing her to reform into Rose Quartz. 
4. Why do you support Pink Diamond’s bad decision making? 
Because had she taken different routes, things wouldn’t have been any different. 
As explained before, if she brought Spinel with her to Earth, Spinel could have been taken from her, or Spinel could have ruined the entire rebellion operation. 
if she let Bismuth shatter gems, Pink Diamond could have actually been shattered, Steven would never exist, and every single gem would become corrupted on Earth until it’s inevitable doom at the hands of the cluster. 
If she told the crystal gems who she was right off the bat, they would have treated her differently. Which isn’t what she wanted. Some of the gems, like Bismuth, could have abandoned her cause knowing she was behind it all, the rebellion may never have happened, and Earth would become a colony. 
Had she left the Rose Quartz on Earth, her fellow diamonds could have ordered a mass shattering genocide instead of bubbling them away in the Zoo. 
She did everything she could as Pink Diamond. 
But no matter how diplomatic and reasonable she tried to be, the Diamonds wouldn’t listen to her. Which forced her to become a Rose Quartz. 
Pink / Rose could have tried many things. Some of her decisions appear like they were for the worse. But everything came around in the end. The corrupted gems are back to normal. Spinel gains a new and better family. Pearl becomes independent. The Rose Quartz can now go free. Amethyst grows up. Garnet decides to love herself on her own. Bismuth is freed and abandons the idea of shattering. The cluster is now harmonized. The colonies freed, the Diamonds reign over, off-colors are now free to live without fear. Steven is alive and surrounded by more family than he can deal with. 
Everything has turned out in the best way possible despite Pink Diamond’s actions. 
Actually, Everything has turned out in the best way possible THANKS to Pink’s actions. 
She healed and hurt many people. But in the end, they all came together, they all became better from her actions. 
(Of course, we still have one season left with Jasper and a few other characters, so more revelations will have yet to be revealed, but I have no doubt things will end smoothly regardless.) 
The fate Pink Diamond left behind came to be... as perfect as ever.
(It’s like Lelouch from Code Geass. He let the world’s hate be focused on him, so they could forget their racism towards each other and join forces to topple him. His sacrifice changed the world, and no one would know of it, except for him.) 
You have every right to hate her, or think she’s manipulative, or that she doesn’t deserve happiness or closure. 
But Steven Universe as we know it... 
All the characters we have come to love, the places we wish were real... 
All of that, may not even exist to this day... 
Had it not been for Pink Diamond’s actions. 
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dukeofriven · 4 years
Steven Universe Future had two challenges it had to overcome: First was that it had to prove that with twenty episodes it could tell a more complete and meaningful resolution than Change Your Mind managed in a single thirty-second shot: in other words, it had to demonstrate that it could more meaningfully summate and resolve the narrative tension of the work than the shot of Steven embracing himself, and understanding himself to be himself. The second challenge was that it had to outperform Steven Universe: The Movie in showing ‘what happens after The End.’
And it failed. That that... nothing was what all this was leading to is flabbergasting. I have often been frequently discomforted by Steven Universe Future: I said more than once that this show, episode after episode, seemed to have narrowed-in on my adult trauma and separated it into component parts. Being so distorted by rage you feel like you’re flying to pieces? Feel that down in my soul. SUF was building to something  - some people thought it was a narrative truth, some final revelation about Pink Diamond, but it was always more likely an emotional truth: whatever it was it was big and heavy and was going to hit like a meteorite. And then it... didn’t? There is something to be said for subverting expectations: the devil’s advovate wants to point to The Holy Grail as a film that builds to an ending that gets the rug pulled out of it at the last second. But that kind of irony isn’t really Steven Universe’s mode of story. The show has often handled ‘big battle segues into talking things out’ very well (see, again, Change Your Mind). The fact that the resolution to Steven’s problems would be found in talking and not fighting was never in question. What was in question was what kind of conversation would it be. And the answer was ‘everyone stands around and restates their primary character flaw from, like, season 2.’ okay, they don’t stand, they hug, but it’s where Steven Universe Future just falls over and dies with a sad little wet fart of a dying balloon. I mean the tension was already gone: there’s no sense of menace from KAijuSteven, there’s not really any thematic reason to go with a giant kaiju except it’s maybe the one anime trope the show hasn’t hit yet. It’s not a visually interesting kaiju: it’s kind of awful, honestly, and for a show that’s so great about changing bodies that still retain some semblance of original personalities, it doesn’t much seem like Steven. It’s a fight of mediocrity: the fight between Alexandrite and Malachite had more oomph, and I always forget that happened.
But forget the fight: bad fight choreography can be forgiven if the show nails the emotional tone. But what is this... this nothing! Why is Steven Universe Future regressing to character beats from years ago? BAM BAM BAM we had emotional punches over and over: Jasper, the White Diamond screaming scene, Steven losing it in the hospital - what’s it going to take to bring our boy home and help him heal? Warmed-over season 1 scripts, I guess. Connie’s argument that everyone always leans on Steven and he never leans on them in return is... completely divorced from the text of the show: the entire first seasons were about Steven learning to step out from the gems shadows, and even in later seasons where he has largely become the Leader Of The Crystal Gems the interplay of ‘we all rely on one another’ remained strong. I... I.... Ugh. I think what rankles is that the solution to Steven’s problem i just a big group hug feels like... kind of a ‘oh fuck off’ moment. It’s a catharsis of emotional release that doesn’t genuinely seem grounded in any of the experiences Steven has just gone through: Steven cries all the time. Steven feels all the time. And Steven gets plenty of physical affection. The show seems to be playing the reversal card: Steven has helped so many villains hug it out and get in touch with their emotional sides, now it is used on him. But
But it worked on villains because they were touched starved. It works on them because they’ve been denied love, because they’re lonely. There’s sort of a theme going on earlier in SUF that part of Steven’s problem is that he’s afraid everyone’s moved on without him and that’s he’s stuck in old paradigms not knowing how to feel. But everyone hugging him, telling him its okay to feel is... it’s still an old paradigm! We’ve done ‘Steven gets angry’ before. A few times! WE”VE BEEN HERE ALREADY.
And a big group hug is - it’s not the fucking solution to the problem. Steven hasn’t had a problem with being emotionally closed - he was weeping over Jasper two episodes ago, and screaming out a lot of anguish through White an episode before that
Fuck, what am I even trying to say here? I think it’s this: what makes Change Your mind work so well is that it’s quiet. The real climax of the narrative arc isn’t the big fight with White’s SHip, it’s the almost-silence of Steven crawling across the floor, hugging himself, and laughing. It’s small and self-contained. The resolution to SU the Movie isn’t the fight on top of the drill, it’s the aftermath, the quiet little conversation with Steven and Spinel that finally gets through to her. The resolution to this is a massive, shouting group hug full of big loud emotional tears and it... makes the monster go away. It’s big and loud and noisy and it sucks.
This sucks. It’s a shockingly mediocre nothing that neither rises to the emotional complexity it raised in early episodes nor manages to subvert expectation by playing down to the truly intimate: it drags in an ensemble it’s spend the previous 17 episode not really doing anything with. God, I could talk about taht for ages - quick, what, if anything, was accomplished with spending a full eleven minutes giving a shit about Bluebird Azurite? SUF is horribly unfoccused, with the lighter ‘here’s some things that happened in the future’ ‘fan-service’ episodes being entirely unrelated to the the ‘Steven struggles to deal with anger’ plotline of the later episodes. The best moment in it is an off-handed comment by Steven that he’s talking toa therapist now. For fuck sake, that needs to be the fucking finale right there. The actual emotional catharsis the ‘defusing the kaiju’ needed wasn’t other people telling Steven how they care about them - in fact, that just plays right back into Connie’s point about making it about themselves. It’s that Steven needs the opportunity to talk about his problems and be heard - WITHOUT ANYONE IMMEDIATELY TRYING TO RESOLVE THE PROBLEM. No Greg giving a speech. No Garnet dropping some wisdom. No 15-point Pearl plan or Amethyst scheme. It neede deveryone on that bitch to sit down, shut the hell up, and just let Steven talk until he had talked himself out, and at no point offer any solutions. Those come later. First, important, desperate, is just to let him talk his shit out without anyone jumping on the issue. But it just get relegated to a throw-away line. God this was dull. More than anything it was just dull: it pulled every punch, and it blew all it’s surprises and twits on episode 1-17, I guess, because every moment lands exactly as you expect. It spent seventeen episodes acting like it had something really important to say about anger and an uncertain future and not knowing your place And then it got up to the mic and had nothing new to say. A show that triggered me this many times over the previous 17 episodes should have something fucking meaningful to say at the end of it, for pity’s sake. What a waste.
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justfor2am · 5 years
steven universe the movie au but it’s sanders sides
I’m calling it the Thomas Universe AU! 
(creative, I know)
okay but hear me out
anyone who is human irl is still human in this au...this would take place in FL where Thomas lives, and this goes with the assumption that the sides are real and his friends + family know/can see them. patton + deceit appear unconventionally, and i know it wouldn’t make sense for the canon sanders sides universe rules, but i’ve already disregarded most of those so...
also, i know it wouldn’t work EXACTLY like the movie obvs and some stuff would have to be left out (like the diamonds....sorry babes) 
also also I’m sticking a cut in here because i just realized this is gonna be a long one
Steven/Pink Diamond: Thomas (I’ll explain the PD later)
Garnet: Roman + Remus except it’s the opposite of a love story; learning to love themselves “unfused” as individual creativities (no remrom here please)
Amethyst: Virgil (i considered him as Pearl and you could make a case either way, but song-wise this works slightly better)
Pearl/Pink Diamond: Logan (see above, you could also make a case for him as Amethyst, and I’ll explain the PD later)
Bismuth: JayisJo (because i love them)
Lapis: Joan
Peridot: Talyn
Spinel: Patton + Deceit Fusion (yes, i know i know. i’ll explain)
Thomas is his best self, healthy, happy and surrounded with friends + family. They’re in the middle of fixing up their new office (Little Homeworld), and home (Thomas’s Apartment) is stable. The sides are all getting along, even as insufferable as Remus can be.
In this universe, Patton + Deceit were never thought to be “real” like the other sides. Whereas Thomas would film using his actual sides, he and Joan “invented” Patton and Deceit for the series’ storyline. They were, accidentally, repressed to the back of Thomas’ mind, and finally through their feelings of abandonment, come forth as one fused side called “Ethos”.
Ethos plants a bug in Thomas’ mind that would repress all of his sides back into his mind. He wouldn’t be void of personality, but it would hurt, and ran the risk of contaminating his friends. Since his friends don’t have sides, it would drain their personalities instead, and it’s a race to get Ethos to stop the bug.
Title Character Backstories
Steven Universe is self-explanatory enough, title character yada yada. Thomas also being Pink Diamond is meant as a younger Thomas, more so as a symbol of immaturity and also because I didn’t want to use Thomas’ actual mom because that literally wouldn’t have worked. 
(For Logan, see Songs: Drift Away)
“Garnet” would have been the result of the great Creativity Split. Roman and Remus, once expected to stick together as one side, have learned (sort of) to co-exist with each other. In this universe, Thomas has accepted Remus (after a lot of wor) and the two creativities are more brotherly. 
“Amethyst” would have been a reflection of Virgil’s time with the “dark” sides. Young and impressionable, him learning to accept love from the “light” sides and be himself despite the fighting between the two halves.
“Pearl” is a call-back to Logan’s quickly shifting from “Teacher Guy” on Vine to “Logic” in Sanders Sides. He felt his only purpose was to help Thomas; any emotions he felt were meant to be disregarded.
“Spinel” as a Patton + Deceit fusion still has her original stretchy powers, because with Deceit’s constant usage of shapeshifting and Patton’s joking manner, it just makes sense. They have Deceit’s Director!Patton Disguise, with four arms and two eyes, one blue and almost constantly tearing up, the other Deceit’s snake eye. There’s a monocle on the blue eyes, and small patches of snake skin. They also have a top hat, because snazzy.
alternatively: pick whichever fusion of them that @fangirltothefullest​ drew because that’s kinda the best way to visual them. 
• Instead of a scythe-style Rejuvenator, Ethos have a collapsible staff that can be split in two, each half with a long, thin blade inside. Swiping the sides with a blade does the same as a Rejuvenator + plants the “bug” in them. For Thomas, it only plants the bug.
• Roman uses his sword, and his shield to launch Remus in the air for attacks. Remus sticks with his morning star. Neither have future vision.
• Virgil doesn’t have a weapon, his “power” would be speed and darn good punches. He still has his “tempest tongue” ability, when his anxiety is extremely high.
• Logan has a shortbow, but is not above straight up wacking people with it.
Let Us Adore You:
Since I don’t have a Diamond equivalent, this song only really matters during its reprise.
Happily Ever After:
Moves the plot from Thomas’ house to “Little Homeworld”. Logan is being taught the bass by Jamal at his house (Logan is summoned by Thomas to the office later). Thomas drives to the office and talks to Roman and Remus, who’re play-fighting and writing scripts. 
He walks into a room to be stopped by Virgil, because he was about to step into a can of paint. (This is one of the unfinished rooms). Joan, Tayln and Jay are there too, helping out. By the end of the song, Thomas is standing outside with all of his sides, enjoying the sunshine and being happy.
Other Friends:
Ohhhh boy. Ethos monologues at them for a bit, perched up on a lamppost. Logan recognizes them (this will be important later). They’re clearly unstable, and the sides get ready to fight. 
Ethos uses their instability to their advantage, fusing and unfusing quickly around them to avoid getting hit. Ethos also uses their rubber powers to throw Logan into the air and letting him fall, trapping Virgil in a tree, and knocking Remus’ and Roman’s heads together. He finishes it off by scaring Thomas and pushing him into the ground, jumping back on the lamppost.
They all regroup, in pain, and after Thomas’ obvious lack of recognization, Ethos is only more unstable, yelling. He pulls out the staff and poofs the sides. Thomas manages to poof Ethos as well, but not without getting hit first.
We have this nice intermission where we see all of the sides “reset” and Logan narrates as his episode 1 self. Here we see Remus and Roman fuse automatically, without showing their individual forms. They pose still and quietly, without their individual quirks. Virgil forms as his Pre-AA self, bitter but also quiet, looking very nervous and trying to blend in.
Ethos reforms, but not fused. Deceit and Patton are both happy and friendly, acting like a Spinel-duo. Patton specializes in jokes + puns while Deceit does more physical humor. Deceit’s outfit is white instead, and he has no hat. Patton’s outfit is is original cardigan one. Patton and Deceit also finish each others sentences.
Thomas beings to notice the bug affecting himself, stinging him occasionally.
Who We Are:
Thomas is moping around while Jay, Joan and Talyn try to help figure out a solution. They set on the plan to make them all remember who they are.
Isn’t it Love?:
Remus and Roman accidentally unfuse, and they both feel a breath of fresh air. Neither of them have a proper “form”, and they take the song to pick out who they want to be. While they’re both much happier apart now, they still don’t know themselves.
No Matter What:
One of my favourite songs from this movie, and the key reason why Virgil would work better as Amethyst. Thomas takes Virgil back through his memories, showing him the music he used to like, how to sew, and they retake the sorting quiz together and talk about it.
Thomas puts on a few Halloween movies and Virgil starts to come back. He goes to stand in his corner by the stairs, and Thomas runs up to his room and gives him the ‘famILY’ card. With that, Virgil comes back.
I don’t have as much to say here, but for funny purposes Logan “belongs” to Jamahl.
Independent Together:
A Thomas/Jamahl duet, they don’t “literally” fuse, but they’re still singing together. Logan remembers who he is and duets with Virgil. It’s a sweet moment.
Drift Away:
Ohhhh boy (part 2). Deceit and Patton are singing over each other here. The “Garden” is Thomas’ mind, and Logan/a younger, immature Thomas are Pink Diamond. Inadvertently, as Thomas was maturing, he wanted to put silly, childish things behind him. Logan, acting as his Logic, realized that meant Ethos, and went to “put them away”.
He told them Thomas was growing up, and that he would come back to them soon. But Thomas was young when this happened, and he soon forgot about them. Deceit is the one to pose the question: “Is this how it works, am I doing this right?” Patton is unwilling to ask such things, not wanting to doubt Thomas.
They stay there, mostly silent together. They see Thomas grow up, but never the other sides after Logan, because they don’t know the two are stuck back there. Patton keeps making excuses for Thomas, that he’s not ready yet, that he’ll be back soon.
The tipping point is when Deceit’s “character” is introduced. Patton was more than happy to excuse his own “character” into the Sanders Sides Series, but Deceit wasn’t. Upon seeing himself, and hearing Thomas and Joan talk as if Patton and Deceit weren’t really there, broke him.
Deceit called Patton out for excusing Thomas’ behavior, and grief breaks over him. With Deceit’s anger and Patton’s sadness, the two fuse into Ethos. Deceit wants revenge, Patton wants answers. While Deceit is the stronger of the two in the fusion, Patton does have his moments of fronting.
Thomas talks to Ethos, offering him a place in the Mindpalace again, and apologizing. Ethos takes him up on the offer, Patton clearly fronting. He turns off the bug in the sides and in Thomas.
True Kinda Love:
Remus and Roman finally come to themselves, play-fighting again before working together to protect Thomas + co. from Ethos. Ethos reactivates the bugs to work faster, and runs away from Thomas’s office to his home. Joan and Tayln offer to look after the sides while Thomas goes to find Ethos, who’s perched on top of his house, curled up. 
(work with me here,) Thomas goes up the fire escape to the roof, (pretend his roof is flat would y’all?) to face off. 
Ethos is ready to fight. Thomas is not. He actively avoids hitting/getting hit by Ethos, moving the fight back to the ground and darting between the park near his house, letting Ethos punch the trees instead. He talks to Ethos, who’s starting to come undone. After getting punched into a tree, Patton pulls himself out of the fusion and goes to help him.
Deceit sees him do this, and after a moment of self-frustration, refuses with Patton to turn off the bug before unfusing again. Thomas takes them back to the office to check up on the other sides, who are now doing just fine.
Let Us Adore You (Reprise):
Finally, this song comes in handy! Instead of the Diamonds singing to Spinel, the sides offer Patton and Deceit a place back in the Mindscape with them, while Thomas says that if they need some time alone, he understands.
The sides all apologize, especially Logan for leaving them alone for so long.
Patton all but jumps at the idea of having a real home, and is thrilled to have a place. Patton sings first, “Today, right here, right now, I'll love again. I've already found someone.”
He starts walking toward them, but stops. Deceit has his arms crossed, and is standing farther back. Patton offers him a hand, and Deceit finally takes a step forward. He’s more hesitant, mostly because like ten minutes ago he was trying to kill all of them. But he misses playing with Thomas, even if as a side his purpose has corrupted with time.
“Yes, I know that you're not her and I was her's. You know what it meant to love her, and you remind me so much of her.” A group hug ensues, and Deceit and Patton are both holding on tight to Thomas. A few tears are shed, and the healing has started.
Thomas is continuing to work with all of his sides to make sure Patton and Deceit are adjusting well. The office is eventually finished, Patton and Deceit even get to play themselves in the series. All is well, and Thomas is looking forward to the future and what it brings.
And yeah, that’s all folks! Feel free to do whatever for this, I might write some things for it too. But if y’all do stuff with this, please tag me, I’d love to see whatever y’all make! :-)
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redsrandomrants · 4 years
Let Me Tell You Why Pink Diamond abandoned Spinel
Welcome to another instalment of me explaining things to a toxic fandom that hates a good character for no reason. Last time I went over why Pink Diamond isn’t the horrible person the fandom is trying to make her out to be, and in this one in light of the movie and Steven Universe Future which just came out and further annoyed me, I’ll continue to clearly point out the obvious. For this post, we’ll look at the timeline of events that led to Spinel being given to Pink, backed up, as always, with evidence from the show. Let’s begin. 
In sort of flash back dream sequences, we see how Pink and Pink Pearl used to goof off when the other diamonds weren’t around. We see them having fun, Pink juggling, then pretend to be serious when Yellow comes in to check on them (Together Alone). This indicates that the two were very close, made even more clear when, in a later flashback, it’s revealed that Pink begged Blue to save some organics from a new colony, which Blue let her do, and then the little caterpillar things got loose and started chasing the Pearls. This resulted in a heavy punishment for Pink, being locked in the tower again, and being scolded about how childish she is. 
Blue: Pink... White is very unhappy with you. If this keeps up, she's going to take away your Pearl.
Pink: I know. I’m sorry...
---  Change Your Mind
Because Pink Pearl being taken away is seen as such a punishment, it further cements that the two were close. The next thing that happens in this timeline though, is Pink breaking Pink Pearl.
Pink Pearl: It's a funny story, really. Once, Pink got tired of asking Yellow and Blue for her own colony, so she went straight to White. Of course, White told her she wasn't fit to run one, and, well, that set her off.
Pearl: "Set her off?" What are you talking about?
Pink Pearl: You remember how she was with her destructive powers, throwing tantrums left and right. She had a scream that could crack the walls. She didn't mean to hurt me. I just happened to be standing too close to her that time and-
Pearl: Destructive powers? Pink didn't have destructive powers; she was a healer! She didn't throw tantrums; she kept her feelings secret.
Pink Pearl: The Pink I knew couldn't keep a secret to save her gem.
 ---  Volleyball
As we see in the episode, what instantly follows is Steven losing control of his powers (which are the same as Pink’s) and throwing a tantrum of his own. He too never meant to hurt the Pearls, but he could have if they were standing closer. That’s exactly what happened to Pink; it’s not like she flexed her powers to show off and got a gem shattered, oh wait, that was Steven again. But Steven gets a pass and hugs, even though he purposefully killed a gem (something Pink never did)? Sure, fandom. Sure. 
But back to the Pearls, what should be taken away from this conversation is that Pink finally had a tantrum so severe, she hurt someone she loved. As a consequence, White took her Pearl away, brainwashed her and took complete control of her. And from then on, Pink never had these fits, never again, as her new Pearl never once saw her do that. Her new Pearl was custom made for Pink, and as such I assume the other diamonds tried to make her be what they considered to be a good influence – proper, well-mannered, responsible. But that just meant that Pink couldn't connect to this new Pearl the same way, and they didn’t form a bond until much later when they went to Earth. 
Pearl: I was given to Pink Diamond just a few thousand years before she was given the Earth. I was supposed to make her happy, I just… never could.
And because of that, Pink grew ever more miserable. Not only was her best friend taken away, but she had to see her all the time controlled like a robot by White, powerless to help her. And so the diamonds built her a playhouse, a garden on a far off colony, and gave her a playmate in the form of Spinel.
Spinel: On Homeworld, Pink was so lonely and sad, but not here! Here, we would play for hours. Every day was so much fun.
----  Steven Universe: The Movie
But as we can see in the flashback, especially when Spinel juggles, Pink still doesn’t seem happy. Spinel is just a replacement for her Pink Pearl, and she knows this. It’s that turtle your parents buy you after your dog dies. It’s a brand new toy to distract you from the fact that your best friend moved away. And so, when she finally gets a colony, she leaves without Spinel. 
Spinel wasn’t her friend, not really. It wasn’t a relationship that grew organically, it was forced by the diamonds who kind of figured that if they shoved two pink gems together they’d be besties in no time. But that wasn’t how it worked out. Pink and Spinel were never friends, not really, the only reason Spinel is so obsessed with Pink is because that’s her purpose -- she’s made to be a friend, except that’s not how friendship works. On top of that, Pink is obviously embarrassed by how Spinel acts when the other Diamonds call; she’s already having such a hard time trying to convince them she’s mature enough for a colony. So, when she finally gets one, she leaves Spinel in the garden. It’s the same thing you say to your dog so it doesn’t follow you out the door when you leave for work --  “Stay.” You assume the dog will wander off after a minute, not that it would stay there all day. And when you leave for work, you don’t take the dog with you. 
Pink: ♫ "Here in the garden, let's play a game,
I'll show you how it's done;
Here in the garden, stand very still" ♫
(Pink kneels down to Spinel and boops her nose, instructing her to stand very still.)
Spinel:♫ "This'll be so much fun!"
And then she smiled, that's what I'm after,
The smile in her eyes, the sound of her laughter
Happy to listen, happy to play,
Happily watching her dri-i-ift away ♫
 ----  Steven Universe: The Movie
Yes, Pink left Spinel, but she didn’t know that she’d never come back to the garden at the time, and she didn’t know Spinel would literally not move for thousands of years. Notice that Pink didn’t give the instruction to not move until told otherwise, it’s unreasonable in the extreme to assume that she intended for this to happen. I think it’s reasonable to assume that she thought Spinel would eventually go back to Homeworld to seek her out if nothing else.
Also let’s face it -- Spinel is annoying. You see this throughout the movie, with her trying to inject herself into Steven’s actual meaningful relationships, and in Future when she tries to sing at him. I’m annoyed as a viewer when Steven is trying to get the gems to remember him and she keeps trying to butt in. Steven is annoyed at her, the entire time, and the funniest part is there at the end where she tells him that he only befriended her so she wouldn’t try to destroy his planet. Um yeah, right on the money, Spinel. For a gem who’s role is supposed to be being a friend, she really has no idea how the concept works at all. You can’t force friendship to happen. You can’t become friends with someone that’s trying to hurt you and everyone you love over the course of a song. These things take time. What Steven gave her was pity, not friendship, and then he shipped her off to live with the diamonds so he wouldn’t have to deal with her or spend time actually forming a connection with her. Because she’s annoying and also crazy. 
Look, I get that she looks like a pink Mickey Mouse, and I get that people project their own friendless childhoods onto her, but come on now. Be honest with yourselves. No one would take this possessive fake friend they never asked for that keeps embarrassing them to work. No one. And if you think you would, you’re lying to yourself to mentally make a point. 
Even if Pink did wonder about Spinel, her path to the garden was no longer accessible after she became Rose Quartz. She probably assumed, as any reasonable person would, that Spinel went to Homeworld to look for her when she didn't come back, and is probably living a nice life there. 
I ask you, how was she supposed to know Spinel is literally insane and wouldn’t move for millennia? 
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the-gay-in-the-way · 4 years
Hello Again
I’m back once more to drop off some random AU ideas and maybe even a fic chapter or two.
Don’t get too hopeful tho cus I can’t be trusted and I also have a lot on my plate now so I’m not always gonna have enough headspace to spare for fanfic.
I’ve recently binged the entirety of Steven Universe, movie and current Future episodes included, and I’ve got some ideas now.
And if I don’t write those ideas down and share them then I may very well explode.
So, we begin with this new AU I came up with.
It’s very similar to the original SU base plot: same world, same pink diamond/rose story, same diamonds on homeworld.
But we input the sides where some of the originals once were.
And we have them take the base gem roles as well.
Thomas is Steven.
Patton is Pearl.
Roman(Ruby) and Logan(Sapphire) are Garnet.
Virgil is Amethyst.
The exceptions to the original structure are these lads tho.
Remus is an Emerald who originally tries to get rid of the gems on orders from Yellow Diamond, but he switches over to their side because he comes to love Thomas and just how crazy his planet can be.
Deceit is a corrupted Pyrite/Fool’s Gold whom Thomas befriends, much like the situation with Steven and Centipeetle.
So that’s the baseline character stuff that you really need to know.
But there’s some specific stuff that I’ve thought about which I include after the cut because it does spoil a very large chunk of the special later on story stuff that would be in the fic if I ever write it.
It might not get a fic so I recommend reading this, but it’s up to you.
Right, so, I have included a fifth Diamond.
Also, White Diamond was shattered long before the entire situation with Earth ever happened.
Yeah, weird thing to change but it’s important to the new plot.
Speaking of that new plot.
With White Diamond out of the picture, things get a bit weird when it comes to the main storyline.
Thomas ends up just straight up meeting Blue Diamond while she’s visiting Earth.
Virgil, being the protective boi that he is, will immediately come to his rescue before Blue can do much more than just threaten Thomas and make him cry.
Virgil, like Lapis, has been thru so much shiz over his lifetime that he doesn’t really get effected by Blue’s powers as much and is able to fend her off and send her away.
It messes him up a bit tho.
He doesn’t understand why but he felt some very sudden feelings when he faced Blue Diamond.
Grief, Anger, Jealousy, and Affection.
It was very confusing.
But then Remus appears, sent by Yellow Diamond, and things get very busy so he’s not able to think about it much.
It’s a few random incidents that lead to Virgil realizing some things and suddenly regaining a bunch of lost memories.
He then attempts to run away from the Gems.
They catch him, of course.
And he tells them he can’t be one of them because of what he actually is.
He’s the very thing they’ve been fighting against.
He’s a Diamond.
After dropping this huge reveal, he manages to escape again.
Thomas manages to find him.
He asks Virgil to explain everything to him.
That he can’t help or understand if he doesn’t know what’s going on.
And he wants to help and understand him because they’re family and he loves him, regardless of what he is or who he was.
So Virgil leads him to a secret warp pad that he remembers without being able to recall how he knew of it in the first place.
They use it and end up in a garden in space, one that’s pretty similar to the one Spinel gets left on in the movie.
And Virgil’s story isn’t much different.
He tells Thomas about being created by White Diamond.
A brand new Diamond, meant to accompany the rest and assist in expanding the empire with them.
But he wasn’t perfect.
He was off-color.
A Purple Diamond with an imperfect cut.
A natural chip where there was meant to be a pointed edge.
He was flawed and imperfect.
And that made him unfit to be a Diamond.
But he’d been expensive to create.
And White felt slightly conflicted about destroying one of her own kind, even if they were flawed.
So she kept him hidden.
Created an entirely isolated garden for him to live in.
And visited him frequently to see how he was doing.
At first, at least.
Over time, the visits were less about making sure he was still there and more about wanting to spend time with the little Diamond.
(Side note: Virgil is big for a Quartz, like Jasper is, but since that’s the same size of his natural form he’s also quite small for a Diamond. Even smaller than Pink.)
White starts to think that she was, maybe, wrong about her feelings toward perfection.
Because Purple Diamond is still quite capable as a Diamond.
Even if he’s a bit small and chipped.
And she decides to bring him back home and introduce him to the others.
To see how they feel about him.
And to, maybe, just have him be a bit closer to her on a more regular basis.
But she needs to prepare some things first.
So she tells him to stay in the garden.
That they were going to play a game.
He had to stay exactly where he was and wait for her to come back.
When she returned, she’d give him a special prize for succeeding.
And, trusting her completely, he agreed to the game.
And stood there as he watched her drift away.
After that, he waited.
And waited.
And waited.
Until he received the message.
White Diamond had been shattered.
And in her place was a brand new Pink one.
A smaller Diamond, like him.
Taking a place among the Diamonds, whom he’d only ever heard about from White.
Like she belonged there.
Even while he hadn’t.
The betrayal felt immense, and almost overpowered the grief he felt about White being shattered.
It left his form cracked and altered.
And, when Pink Diamond suddenly arrived, he’d been a step away from using the warp himself for the very first time in his life.
But she stopped him and met him with a smile.
She told him that she’d found out about him from some of the files White had saved in her personal systems.
That she’d wanted to help him return home, since White had refused to let him in before.
And, wanting so desperately to believe her kind words, he’d followed her.
And she brought him to Earth.
The planet White had intended to give her once she was ready to start colonizing.
Pink brought Purple to this planet she was just starting to work on, and Rejuvenated him.
She took away his memories and forcefully altered his programming.
Then she left him in a hole she made within one of the kindergartens.
By the time he awakened, a slow process after having been altered so heavily, Pink had become Rose.
And Rose had come to realize a few things about herself.
Because Virgil didn’t know what exactly had led to him being left behind.
He only knew that White had eventually been shattered during those hundreds of years he’d been left alone.
But Rose had known the truth.
Because she’d been the cause of it.
After White left Purple, she’d gone about preparing things for his eventual arrival.
The others had noticed and had been excited about meeting a new Diamond that White was obviously creating.
She didn’t correct them, figuring that she could leave them to their excitement for the time being.
But, right when she was about to go and retrieve Purple, Pink was born.
And that suddenly took up a lot of her time.
A few hundred years passed with White doing her best to prioritize Pink’s growth.
She didn’t visit Purple again because she wanted to keep her promise of giving him a good prize for waiting for her.
So she needed to get everything prepared for him first.
By the time she completed that and was once again ready to retrieve Purple, Pink realized the truth.
There was another Diamond.
A small one like her.
One that White obviously adored.
One who’d been the only reason her own rooms had even been created.
A newer Diamond.
Who would be adored by the others.
Just as she was.
But then, where would she be?
Abandoned by those she cared about.
All because of this other Diamond who wasn’t even as perfect as she was.
Pink couldn’t stand it.
In a fearful and jealous rage, she attacked White.
And White, for the first time in a very long time, poofed.
She lost her form and her gem fell to the ground at Pink’s feet.
And Pink, upon realizing what she’d done, decided that it would be better if White never came back.
So she bubbled her and hid the bubble in a part of Homeworld she knew nobody would find.
And used some of the materials that had been used to create herself and Purple in the Diamond Kindergarten to create fake shards of Diamond.
And then, she showed the others.
She told them that another Diamond had been born.
A defective Purple one who immediately lashed out at White and shattered her.
Pink had managed to come in and shatter the Purple one right after, she was even able to show them those shards too.
And they believed her.
But they wouldn’t if Purple came back.
So she went and got rid of him.
Going so far as to rejuvenate and alter him so that he would never be able to even come close to the other Diamonds.
And then, she’d spent her time on Earth.
And she’d learned a lot.
And realized how horrible she’d been to someone who should’ve been a sibling to her.
It made it worse when he suddenly appeared out of the hole she put him in, confused and hollow and thinking he was just another quartz soldier.
So she took him in.
Accepted him into what was left of the Crystal Gems, hoping that this would at least partially make up for what she’d done to him.
And then things had followed their course and now Purple Diamond was Amethyst and Amethyst was Virgil.
And Virgil, after thousands of years, was finally remembering what he had been.
But now how he’d ended up elsewhere.
He couldn’t remember anything past receiving the message of White’s shattering.
Only what had happened before.
And that’s all I’m gonna give you guys, for now.
It really got into my head, this entire AU idea.
I seriously was gonna just exhaust myself with thinking about it if I didn’t write some of it out.
So I feel better now.
Hope ya’ll enjoyed this little AU idea ramble.
Might do something with it, might not.
But it was fun to think about.
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This is a Steven Universe Alternative Universe (AU). It tells the entire story of Steven Universe, episode by episode through fanfiction and illustrations. This is a story you can follow even if you have never watched Steven Universe (and if that is the case, you can skip this introduction and proceed directly to the story to avoid any spoilers). If you are indifferent to spoilers, you can keep reading below.
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In this AU the initial change to the premise of the show is very simple: When the Diamonds blasted the Earth to end the rebellion, Rose Quartz did not succeed in saving any of her rebel-comrades behind her shield. It all happened too fast, none were within reach, she was the single sole gem survivor on the surface of the planet. As far as she knew, she was the only uncorrupted gem on Earth for thousands of years, until Amethyst emerged. Once Rose found Amethyst in the Kindergarten, they were the only two uncorrupted gems on Earth for hundreds of years. Along came Greg Universe and, well, when a Rose and a Greg love each other very much… they make a Steven.
That was the original idea that wouldn’t let me go, and I wanted to see if it could be done and how much would need to be changed and how much the story would change. But as I worked on it, I realised that I could change whatever I wanted, so I changed all the parts of canon that I had “fridge logic” problems with. The result is a Steven AUniverse story exactly the same as the show, except completely different.
Now I know there are a million different AUs out there, so I want to provide some indications that you can use to decide whether this is your kind of thing, in the form of questions:
What is this AU like?
-The tone of this story attempts to match the show as closely as possible. There is no grimdark or gore or disturbed or anything like that. It is lighthearted with gravity and important themes, just like the show. There are “filler episodes” with townies and there are “plot heavy episodes” and they are mostly in the same order as they are in the show.
How’s it differ from the show?
-The most important aspect is that it’s more political than the show. (What does that even mean?) But the first thing you’ll notice when you read is that in practice I have had to change lots of details: some episodes needed to be revamped completely (because in canon they were about Garnet or Pearl), some plot-important things I changed just because I had “fridge logic” issue with the canon, etc. So in the end it’s very different, a different story told with some of the same characters and structure.
I imagine that doesn’t help very much to know things were changed if you don’t know what sort of things that includes. So below are some specific questions where the answers are slightly more spoilery, and if you want none spoiler with left beef, then please stop reading here and skip to the first episode.
 - - -
Will Pearl and Garnet appear in the story?
-Pearl and Garnet got corrupted by the Diamond blast along with all the other Crystal Gems bar Rose Quartz. So if they appear in the story, they will be corrupted monsters like everyone else. You might recognise them, you might not.
Is Amethyst still the same person?
-Amethyst’s character in the show is very much dependent on being the “youngest” or “worst” Crystal Gem in comparison to Pearl, Garnet and Rose. In this story Amethyst grew up looking up to Rose and having her pretty much all to herself except for Rose’s human love affairs (which Amethyst didn’t mind as she wasn’t in love with Rose herself), and so when Rose disappeared Amethyst felt like she had to take Rose’s place and fill those shoes. So in this story Amethyst is somewhat more responsible while still having her flaws, and her character arc has a different shape.
Was Rose still Pink Diamond?
-I hate to include this here because it’s incredibly spoilery, but I realise these characters are very important and dear to many people, so I will answer honestly: yes and no. I know that’s a total nonanswer, but if the Diamonds are really important to you as characters, this might not be the AU for you, for there will be some… let’s say “character assassination” here.
Was Rose still a bad person?
-Rose has the same flaws in this story as she does in canon. Whether having flaws makes her a bad person or a relatable character depends on each reader.
Will Peridot/Lapis/Jasper/Bismuth/townies/Diamonds/off colors/etc appear in the story?
-Yes, everyone is present and accounted for – though there will be some changes.
Will Spinel appear in the story?
-No, this AU only covers the story we see during the show Steven Universe, not the movie or the epilogue series. And I’m sorry to say but Spinel’s character doesn’t exist in this universe, the Homeworld in this story is not the kind that would create a ”best friend” gem.  Spinels would have some totally different role in this universe.
What about fusions?
Obviously most of the canon fusions include Pearl and/or Garnet, so they are naturally out of the question. But don’t worry. There will be many other Crystal Gems, so there will definitely be fusions besides Smoky Quartz and Stevonnie. The only possible canon fusion, who could happen in this story but won’t, is Malachite.
Are there OCs in the story?
Mostly no. Of course fusions we haven’t seen on screen in the show will be OCs, as well as the component gems of fusions we haven’t seen unfuse in the show, and a few corrupted gems we haven’t seen uncorrupted versions of on the show. Some characters (mainly the Diamonds) are also reimagined and changed so much that they could be considered totally different characters. But there are no gem or human characters that are completely outside of the show’s canon.
Could you give some examples of details that you changed in the story because of “fridge logic”?
-Example 1. In the episode “Frybo” Pearl says that Rose Quartz would put gem shards in (I assume human??) clothes to make them fight for her. But from the way gems talk about shattering and shards (they consider it horrifying etc), it sounds preposterous that the Crystal Gems would have done that. It also isn’t something that Amethyst would know, since she wasn’t around for the war. So the gem shards that make Frybo move are out of the question and that episode’s plot is revamped while keeping the central point (Peedee’s relationship with his dad) intact.
-Example 2. The Rubies getting sucked out the door of the Moon Base is so unscientific it hurts my brain. Space is a vacuum, not a vacuum cleaner; space does not suck. When you open a door into space all the air rushes out really quickly, and then everything is calm (I still don’t understand why the Moon Base would be pressurised in the first place if gems don’t need air?) Also it is established that gems adjust to gravity (Amethyst can’t float-jump on the Moon like Steven can) so the idea that all the Rubies flew off the Moon’s surface so easily is ridiculous. So that part is all totally changed.
-Those are two small examples that changed episode plots significantly. I have some really big fridge logic problems with some of the important parts in the world building in canon, so there are some really big overarching changes. For hardcore fans who know the show well, spotting changes and trying to figure out why there is a change there might make for a fun way to engage with the text. It is also something the readers can engage me, the writer, about. :) I’m very friendly and like to chat with new interesting people from anywhere in the world.
Have you changed anyone’s identity in the story?
-Not intentionally, nothing that has been stated in canon. I’m not super well-versed in the Steven Universe fandom, so it’s hard to say about fanon. I am vaguely aware that there are some very popular interpretations of various characters among the fandom, and I cannot guarantee that the same interpretation can be made based on this story, since I don’t fully understand what specific details those interpretations are based on. Therefore I may have changed a detail that was important to a particular interpretation. But it doesn’t mean I am against that interpretation or that I don’t think that interpretation is valid. So for example, if your interpretation of aromantic and asexual Peridot relies on Peridot never fusing with anyone, then I’m sorry, but I need fusions and I haven’t got that many gems: Peridot will be fusing. But it doesn’t mean that I think aroace Peridot is not valid.
What about ships?
-I don’t ship (it’s just, my brain doesn’t work like that), so there are no ships in particular in this story. But I am also not against shipping. So while there might be some changes to relationships between characters as demanded by the story (for example, I can’t afford to drop Lapis in the ocean for half a season to explore the Malachite dynamic, this story needs more gems earlier than canon does), I’m not intentionally sinking any ships in this story.
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moonlightstars16 · 4 years
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Chapter 1 ~ Not A Diamond
***WARNING: This Chapter contains themes that might be a trigger. Please read at your own caution. Also I love Spinel, and this I do not ship Spinel and Steven I DO NOT HATE the ship. Or OTHERS that do. I also LOVE Spinel’s character, so for this AU I decided to change it up because I think she’s perfect for it. Thank you and enjoy the rest of this story.***
"Here my Diamond" Pearl said placing a freshly clean cloak on the bed. "as requested."
"Pearl, you can call me Steven. No Diamond is around to hear you." a familiar voice, now older and deeper, spoke out. The half human/gem hybrid stood up from his chair and turned from the fireplace towards his second in command Pearl, his Pearl since childhood. Rolled his eyes at the diamond salute she was making. "Besides you know how much I dislike that title anyway." Steven groaned while walking towards the balcony of his own palace. Given to him by the Diamonds although to him it was always going to feel like a prison.
"Of course my Di- Steven" Pearl spoke correcting herself. Though they knew each other for twenty years, Pearl was hesitant to address him now as anything other than a Diamond. She knew what happened to Steven since they all were taken from Earth. It changed him in more ways than one. Pearl still had no idea how to feel about it overall.
"How is everything coming along with the human zoo?" Steven asked casually adjusting his black gloves while he gazed down at what appeared to be a garden. It was his mother's garden brought down from space to HomeWorld. Despising it's very existence since he arrived here. So he had commanded for a human zoo to be made and overtake the garden. All except one part Steven decided to keep for sentimental reasons. A sort of reminder of all the pain and suffering she inflicted upon him. Leaving him to make up for her mistakes.
"All is going according to your plan. They have better resources and.... your father has finally accepted his position." Pearl stated though hesitantly so.
Steven chuckled lightly and smirked. "So the old man finally caved? Well it's about time." He sighed and turned around towards his bed. Lifting his cloak around his shoulders before clasping it together. His black suit matched well to the permanently blood stained cloak. He didn't mind at all, in fact preferring this over just plain black. Glancing at the cracked mirror, he reached up and adjusted the ties on his silver mask. Which also had a bloody tear stain under the right eye. It only covered up exactly half his face and served as a reminder of why he had it in the first place.
"The banquet will begin soon, shall we not be going now?" Pearl asked though the urgency wasn't there. Steven loved to be fashionably late and it surprised her why she continued to even ask such a question. Curiosity was the only thing that seemed to satisfy it.
"I won't be rushed by the likes of them." He spoke with a firm tone and a deadly look in his black and pink diamond eyes.
"Of course, but-"
"But what Pearl?!" Steven interrupted with more anger in his tone. His complexion turning a bright pinkish red. She had seen this all before only the red part must be thanks to his human half. Shaking her head she tried to remain calm.
"Nothing Steven, forget I said anything." He took in a deep breathe and soon the glow diminished from him. Stepping closer he placed a hand on her shoulder.
"My apologies Pearl" Steven sighed before giving a half smile. "I can't imagine going through this without you. You've helped keep me sane all this time." The smile (though half heatedly was better than nothing) that kept the memory of his innocence warmed her heart. They hugged for a brief moment, then began to walk towards the room which held the warp pad. However before they could a pink lion with sharp (and now bloody) fangs entered the room. Steven smirked kneeling down as Pearl's eyes widened slightly.
"Oh Steven, not again. Why must it come down to this?" Pearl asked as he laughed with such ecstasy and darkness in his voice.
"How will they learn to obey if they don't listen?"
The Diamonds banquet was held once every year since Steven was in there lives. To celebrate their "victory" over the war. Though they still refer to him as Pink. Not because he was, oh no that they understood. But for the sheer pleasure it made them feel to see him in misery. It was there way of punishing him for taking away their precious Pink Diamond. Even the banquet name mocked him. It was more or less a formal meeting to discuss progress on the colonies and such other Diamond accomplishments. No matter how boring it was, Steven had to listen. Last time he tried skipping... He reached up and touched his mask for a moment before regaining composure from the memory.
Once Steven and Pearl arrived, they were ushered towards the throne room immediately. Though it was odd to see only White's Pearl and not her on the throne. Or so it looked to be so. Steven and Pearl know full well she was only tormenting them from her mind control tricks. However it wasn't just them they did it too. For White this was just apart of a normal routine.
"Pink! Oh we are so thrilled to have you join us this evening!" Blue exclaimed excitedly while maintaining her demeanor.
"Nice to see we can pull you away from your work, Pink." Yellow said adding emphasis to the word Pink, knowing how much he hated it.
"Blue, Yellow" he paused while looking up at the white pearl "How could I ever miss such an important and quite droll of an event?" His voice sarcastic and projecting while sitting on the throne that once belonged to his...mother. "I heard this year you've made quite amazing progress on the third era colonies correct?" Not that he cared, he just wanted to get it over with.
"Amazing is an understatement" Yellow mumbled before being interrupted by a more than thrilled Blue.
"Oh Pink we have exciting news! Earth will be useful after all!" Everything in the room suddenly came to a standstill. Even time itself seemed to slow down as Steven processed what Blue had just spoke. From those words he knew something was going to happen and it involved him in some way.
"What?" was the only thing he could say. His heart started to pound hard beneath his chest.
"Yes! You were right Pink! Earth's resources are very unique, so much so it's the perfect place to build our geo-weapon! Now 'The Cluster' is still a working title but the point is you were right Pink! Earth is useful to us! What a way to celebrate the new era!" Blue continued to ramble on about the specifics of how the cluster worked and what the geo-weapon could be used for. Steven remained silent.
He didn't care for the planet. In fact he just wanted it gone. However a small part of him still wanted the planet to exist. However that wasn't going to happen. 'Just another event to lock away and forget' he thought. Blue continued to ramble until Yellow interrupted.
"Anyways, besides congratulating you on your victory Pink, we also want you to oversee the whole project."
"And why would I want to do that?" Steven asked ready to brush off everything.
"Because you are a Diamond whether you like it or not Steven." That voice... his name spoken.... it made him paralyzed in place, and he hated it. "Though you're not her, you caused her to die and to make up for it you must take her place." Silence fell eerily for a moment before she continued "Disobedience means punishment."
After returning from the banquet, Steven stormed up to his room. Ripping off his cloak, jacket and vest before sitting down in his chair. Taking a few sips of alcohol and breathing to calm him down from the events. After an hour or so he was a bit more relaxed though his head slightly throbbing. He was beyond out of it. So much so he didn't realize a certain heart upside down shaped gem had entered the room. Rubbing his tense shoulders.
"Spinel, not now" He growled though it was kinda pathetic, thanks to the alcohol.
"Shh Steven, please, let me help you." Spinel spoke before placing a kiss on his head. He was familiar with the concept of human intercourse and apparently so was she. It wasn't the first time she seduced him(beginning four years ago), however he rejected her every single time.
"You're better than this Spinel" again he hated the way alcohol affected him.
"And you're better than this" she spoke taking the drink away from him. "Look I found a love for this and since you're my best friend, I only want this with you." Her hands touched his shirt, unbuttoning it slowly and gently caressing his bare chest. Although careful to avoid his gem. The whole idea of what she was doing, made him roll his eyes.
"I'm not her Spinel. She was your best friend, not me." His voice was starting to regain control and was now filled with bitterness. "Besides it's not best friends who do this. Not unless they say they love each other and consently agree to it. Spinel You're hurting, I understand, bit this isn't-"
"I'm not!" She yelled before grasping both sides of his face and almost knocking off his mask. "Steven I've studied this and the more I learn the more I want this. And I only want this with you! Please!" Steven gripped her hands in his taking them off his face. He humored this long enough.
"No Spinel, end of discussion."
"I said no!!!" Glowing pinkish red again he had stood up so forcefully that Spinel dropped and rolled slightly onto the floor. Tears spilling down her cheeks as she looked up at him. Her spiked pony tails dragging down. The look she gave made him regain control, the glow once again diminished and he knelt down offering his hand. She instantly swatted away his help and ran out of the room, still crying. Steven sighed and sat down on the chair once more, rubbing his forehead. She always did this sort of thing and he always knew why.
Spinel was just another victim, just like he was. Only she was isolated alone for three years on a barren planet and another three years trapped in the human zoo. But with only with those who began to loose their minds since they had began to collect there. By the time she was able to come back, Spinel was an entirely different person. Marks across her gem was only a symbol of what happened to her.
Spinel wasn't the only one who suffered.
All of this made him think of is own torture he endured. Flashes of White Diamond's long black fingernails picking apart his gem, him being reunited with that part of himself and her discovery of blood. Which only occurred to her when the human zoo even began. So she basked in the information.
"Where is Pink?! What have you done with her?! I demand you tell me!!!" Her voice almost cracked the walls of her throne room. The gem part of Steven looked at her and shouted so loud it did crack the walls.
"SHE....IS....GONE!!!!!!!!" Once he was finished, gem Steven walked towards the almost lifeless human Steven. Looking at one another they smiled and gripped hands before a bright light consumed everything. When it dimmed, revealing his true self both sides coming together as one.
The victory only lasted a moment before White in her rage knocked him back against the wall and watched as he slowly sank down. Steven found himself laying against the floor, when he came back from his unconscious state. Slowly bringing himself on his knees, a single drop of blood dripped from his head. A slight concussion must've occurred when he fell.
"Oh So you can bleed." She laughed wickedly. Holding him up at his feet with his arms pinned. The sharp tip of her fingernail just above his forehead.
"This will be fun"
Steven screamed out in pain as White continued to laugh maliciously. Dragging her finger along the right side of his face. Leaving a scar that also went over his eye. Blood dripped everywhere.
Steven brought a shaking hand up to his mask and gritted his teeth, breathing in sharply and eyes shut tight. Until he felt a familiar hand touch his shoulder.
"Steven, are you alright?" Pearl asked bringing him out of his memory into the present. Rubbing the side that wasn't covered he shook his head. Not wanting to talk about it right in this moment, it was just a painful memory to once again bury deep in his mind.
"What is it, Pearl?"
"Shall I make arrangements for your travels Steven?" she asked moving on to the next topic as quickly as possible for him. Seeing how in distressed he was.
"Yes, I just want this over with as soon as possible." He spoke before getting up and going to his bed. The next few days were going to be rough.
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zip-toonz · 4 years
Here's a slight oldie by now, anything about your black diamond court?
Oh gosh I still love them so very much but I keep avoiding them cause I wanna redesign them (should probably do that now that im comfortable making large multi character ref sheets)
Black diamond was originally a war court. All gems made and emerged for that court are stronger that their other court counterparts with few exceptions like early inky pearl, blackys original form and Mercury's predarkmagic craze
Black was at some point exactly the way she was made to be. Violent and cruel with seemingly little remorse. That turned out not to be the case as she pitied her court and the endless violence in it. Occasionally shell reach her limit and snap often unintentionally hurting others in the process. Shes very apologetic afterwards.
Inky pearl is very mature in the sense of her humor and behavior. Shes a pearl and has her pearl moments she likes to keep things organised and tidy but that wont stop her from flirting or swearing on a whim despite how quiet she usually is. Shes weaponized her ribbon wand for hobby fighting.
Blacky was a terrible spinel. Very nervous and clumsy. Easily manipulated and taken advantage of for her lack of self worth and desperation to be cared about. Of course shes overcome this. Shes much stronger and confident. She enjoys fighting for fun and recreation. Helps her destress. Part of her reformation are scars and bruises from the past. She kept them as a reminder of who she was and how far shes come since then.
Black amethyst is rather relaxed and blacky's first friend outside of her diamond. She large and incharge and use to train the newbies before turning her job into a hobby. Shes the reason blacky got into fighting.
Black Star Sapphire while the calmest of the group initially is far from helpless. Being able to read minds makes it hard to be cunning as she knows everything your thinking. And like sapphire has ice manipulation she can manipulate the earth and get the literal and metaphorical high ground.
Play, organized, and hobby fighting is a very popular activity within the court. Black is aware and condones it so long as it stays reasonable
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toxicfucksaround · 5 years
Big ass art dumb, scroll through at own risk
Hello guys! It has been absouletly forever since the last time I posted anything here, I’m sorry. I kinda forgot I had a tumblr for awhile. But I’m back, with a whole new, much, much better artstyle compared to before.
So, in honor of this, I decided to start posting again, starting with an unbearably long art dump going from oldest to newest art on this computer so, scroll at you’re own risk.
Here is my first attempt at Pixel art in awhile, my girl Zoey when she was younger and being bullied or something.
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Next is art of Marina and Mark, her awful ex, brought to you by the song Show and Tell by Melanie Martinez.
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Next is my flower bab Mono, a skeleton who became the unwilling host of a parasitic like flower, which loooves sunflower seeds for some reason. The flower doesn’t hurt Mono, rather it protects him, as without a host, the flower will die.
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Now meet Adelaide and Juniper, Mono’s moms. One is a stay at home mom that grows fruits and vegetables in their large backyard, and the other one is a flower scientist who studies all sorts of strange and gorgeous flowers, as well as experiments with them.
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Meet Green Pearl, half of a permi-fusion based off a really pretty gem I saw, the Watermelon Tourmaline.
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Meet Star Ruby, the other half of my Permi-fusion.
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Next up is the fusion itself, Watermelon Tourmaline.
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After that comes an OC I made named Matthew. He was made after I listened to Honey I’m Home too much and decided to make a character who’s a sweet christian trans boy who’s dad beats him because said dad is an asshole and an alcoholic.
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Next two is a Hazbin Hotel OC before and after she died, who in life was a cannibalistic serial killer and in death became even worse. She’s not actually a vampire, I just remember reading somewhere that butterflies drink the blood of dead things and I thought it was cool.
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Next up is Marina dressed in three outfits heavily inspired by the GHOST songs in this order; Apetite of a People Pleaser, Honey I’m Home, and Happy Days.
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Next is a Blue Spinel OC I made, simply because the idea of entertainment gems is too fantastic to not make twenty versions of, come on. Besides, Spinel’s are great. This is my Blue Spinel, who’s gem is on her back like lapis. Her entertainment is mostly singing as well as a few smooth jokes.
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After Blue Spinel is Liliac Spinel, one I plan to redesign in the future,I wanted to give her a more clowny apperance, and she acts a lot like the Spinel we got to know in the movie before Pink abandoned her, except that she can actually read social clues and knows when to calm down and give people a bit of space,
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Next is my Blue Moonstone, and don’t worry I just recently redesigned her so, she looks better.
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Next is criminal Marina and criminal Zoey, who I won’t get into right now but maybe I will later.
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Next is Moth Zoey and Snake Marina, part of a mate au that I won’t get into right now but I will at a later time.
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Next is my little Sally Face OC Tabitha, known affectionatly by her dad as Tabi Cat. Tabitha is... definetly one of my weirder OCs, as she’s obsessed with demons and ghosts, and actually isn’t scared of seeing demons or ghosts around the apartments. However, she is unbelievably angry at all the poor, innocent deaths that take place thanks to the cult, expressing her outrage often. She exists in two different timelines, one where she dies to the cult, and the other where she lives and through it and backs up Sal in court, effectively keeping him out of jail.
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Next is a fursona I made. I’m not a furry, I just thought it would be fun to draw, although there is nothing wrong with furries anyways but whatever, here’s Mouse! Inky.
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Here is the Moonstone redesign I promised. Now, when it comes to Moonstones in Steven Universe, we really don’t know anything about them. But I like to think that they are rather high up gems, by more of a theory then anything. See, you know the Moon Goddess statue that was supposed to save the Lunar Sea Spire? I like to think that the “Moon Goddess’s” are really just Moonstones, who are rather rare to come by but extremely valuable gems. Bismuth revealed that Spires are made for important gems to think in, and I believe that this particular spire was made for moonstones or other oceanic gems. As a ‘goddess’ like gem, she is calm, quiet, and wise, but very compassionate for others. My Blue Moonstone fled from homeworld during the rebellion, after hearing of a better place for gem kind, as well as their plan to protect the humans that occupied earth. Her Black and Gold Pearl, who belongs to my friend Luna, joined her. By the time they finally escaped to earth, the gem corruption had already taken place, and they were safe from it.
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Next up is the Fell/Edgy version of Zoey, who is honestly one of my favorite versions of Zoey I’ve ever made.
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This is Kelly, Marina’s youngest sibling and honestly the most mature out of the four. She’s 18, and rather sweet, does most of the cleaning and cooking at home because her siblings are all lazy shits, and she has a very good sense of judgement when it comes to people. However, she is very frail and spends a lot of time indoors to stay safe. She’s Asexual and straight, but supports her siblings even when they make her wanna gouge her own eyes out.
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This is Aurora, the second youngest. She’s twenty one and currently working as at retail, having quit her stripper job the year before. She’s really into fashion, and wants to design her own line one day, for now she’s just making clothes for her siblings.
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And Jonah, honestly I have mixed feelings about him. He’s a huge piece of shit, and I kinda hate him but I also love that he’s a dick, I don’t know why. He’s Marina’s twin brother, and the oldest of the four, and is just, very overprotective and mean to everyone.
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This is Baby Doll, a Hazbin OC of mine that’s one of my favorites, personally. In the 1950s she was trapped and manipulated as the perfect housewife, bending over backwards to do everything her husband ever wanted. But about 5 months after she gave birth to his baby, he killed it while he was drunk, making it seem like it was an accident. Baby Doll was heartbroken, and blamed herself for the death, and was pushed over the edge when she returned from grocery shopping to find her husband cheating on her with a younger woman. She snapped, killing her husband and his mistress, before realizing what she did and killing herself.
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Time to meet Coco, and boy he he one of my favorite Hazbin OCs. In life he was addicted to cocaine, and when offered a nice supply of it for sleeping with a drug dealer, who was he to refuse? So he totally slept with her, and the two made it a regular thing, getting closer to each other and falling in love. The got engaged, and that’s when things went to shit. The Drug dealer got into a drug war, and during said attacks, Coco was killed horribly. His fiance, distraught, gave up her life of crime and worked towards becoming a better persona, and later died, going to heaven since she had repented and become better. Coco himself had went to jail, and never got to see his fiance again.
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queenofthefaces · 5 years
For character headcanons, Steven from SU?
1) sexuality hc: you know I’ve never really thought abt steven’s sexual/romantic identity, and I think it’s jus bc in terms of SU I focus a lot more on other characters with shipping, prob bc Steven and Connie is a ship I support and it’s essentially already canon, and I prefer shipping scenarios where I can explore a non-canon ship falling in love? I have very few ships where they’re already canon, even fewer where I engage in fan content w the ship if it’s canon :0
But with Steven, I think....well, maybe he’d be pan? I imagine Steven as someone who never really needed to think about his attraction, it just *was* and he just let it be/let it happen, so he wouldn’t necessarily label it hyper specifically if he labeled it at all. He’s attracted to he ends up being attracted to and doesn’t really think abt it. (Which is why I go w pan, bc for me at least a way to interpret pansexuality is jus like. Who are u attracted to? ¯\_(ツ)_/ whoever I’m attracted to)
2) otp: connverse!! The way those two are handled in the show is really wonderful ;;o;; I love how they’re close friends first, and the romantic stuff doesn’t feel like it stresses them out bc it’s smth they’re exploring together. Instead of having the pressure and fear of a crush on a friend, it’s this mutual, slowly blooming relationship of two ppl who care abt each other a lot and just want to be together in whatever way works for them
I can’t super see other ships w Steven, mostly bc his dynamic w other gems doesn’t really feel like they’re equals? Like I think I’ve seen Steven be shipped w peridot and spinel, and it feels like they’re unequal bc Steven was the one kind of....”fixing” them or he had the emotional upperhand, but with Connie they were both equals the entire time bc of how their relationship was founded (when they were both younger and just as lost/confused as each other)
(Plus I prefer those characters w other ppl lol)
And I also don’t think the show has enough development with Steven and someone like Peedee for me to think it’s believable as a ship, I just don’t know enough about peedee or his friendship with Steven, and considering how much I know abt Steven it again feels uneven—it feels odd to me for someone so uninvolved in steven’s journey to be the person I’d ship him with?
Though I can see the potential for an interesting ship in both cases, I just think connverse is the stronger contender bc of how well they were set up and developed :0
3) brotp: the relationship between Steven and amethyst developed really wonderfully and shows how much Steven has grown up ;;o;; in early seasons it felt like Steven was a little kid w a rambunctious sister who’s about a decade or two older than him—they goofed around but it wasn’t really a serious relationship between equals
And then as Steven grew older and developed further his relationship with all the gems matured—but his relationship with amethyst was recontextualized so that they’re both the underdogs together , and I love the concept that as Steven grew and learned to use his powers, he still looked to amethyst for guidance and support, which makes her feel important bc they can both support each other
Their friendship just means a lot to me ;;o;; 💕💕💕
4) notp: uh idk prob shipping Steven with garnet or pearl. With amethyst or some of the other gems (like the aforementioned spinel and peri) I can see someone having a dynamic of adult Steven + the gem and it being fine. It’s not my ship and I don’t really like shipping Steven with the gems but I can see it. But him with garnet or pearl feels really squicky to me, mostly bc those two felt much more parental in their relationship (esp with garnet) but also bc of their hangoups over home world/rose just would make a romantic relationship feel too messy for me. I personally hc garnet as aromantic, and I prefer pearl w amethyst bc I love a potential development between them where ame was someone pearl never idol worshipped and they could grow as equals
(Can u tell I love ships where the characters are equals/on the same level in terms of emotions or power? Yeah)
5) first hc I think of: hm, again this one is kinda tough bc I don’t really engage in su the same way I do other fandoms and I think it’s jus bc of how story driven it is? So, hm. It’s hard to come up with a hc that isn’t me speculating on smth that I want to come up in the future episodes or that’s already accepted canon; and I think a big reason is bc Steven has a specific identify related character arc that’s ongoing rn, if we didn’t have su future I could prob have an easier time w this but yanno
Anyways I think one hc I have is the idea that Stevens like, never been to a traditional schooling system, and he was mostly taught by Greg and Pearl. I like to imagine he wouldn’t ever really need a formal education and wouldn’t ever get one, but maybe in the future he’d get his GED online bc of legal stuff esp w his relationship to Connie (marriage, buying a home, children etc) like it would jus make things easier but I don’t think it’s necessary
Or hc that there’s weird parts of his biology he’s jus never thought of? Like he doesn’t particularly need to brush his teeth bc he���s never had a cavity and can’t actually get cavities? Or his wounds healing too quickly, esp internal injuries—like Steven who’s had internal bleeding that just goes away in five minutes w/o him noticing. And on that regard, Steven having a literally inhuman pain tolerance
6) one way I relate to this character: I don’t think I’ve really related to Steven on a personal level, except for maybe the idea of “the loved ones you looked up to aren’t perfect and your relationship with them can shift bc of that” HAJSKDKFLG
7) thing that gives me secondhand embarrassment abt him: uhhhh....,I don’t know. I don’t think I’ve really gotten secondhand embarrassment from Steven since early early seasons where he was really young and naive and a little dumb. Now I’m just.....wincing in sympathy for him bc he desperately needs to talk to someone. Boy needs therapy BADLY
8) cinnamon roll or problematic fave: he’s a PURE CINNAMON ROLL. As in, he’s definitely got flaws, of course, but I think in interacting w him it’s more along the lines of “he’s a good person with a lot of issues and flaws to work through eventually”
I think I take this question as like, how do I prefer to portray him? And how tough am I on him w characterization and stuff.
(Send me a character and I’ll fill out one of these hc questionnaires)
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