#hdhfh pain
prenvii-moved · 3 years
i don't want to watch su AT ALL i just wanna see pearl i hate thi
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hwajin · 3 years
Tw; period
Does that need a trigger warning? Idk probably
Anyways I'm basically dying here fjdjfj
My period gets worse everytime and I take pills against it but it won't work ahhh
When it started I was actually doing just fine with it, but ever since it only got worse
At first I couldn't sleep anymore because of the pain not as of right now I can barely move because I feel so weak and exhausted and I have breathing problems. Not because I have Covid or something, I swear, I don't. Literally just because of my period
This shit is literally completely knocking me out and I just want cuddles and maybe someone to hold me and stroke my back or side so I can rest or even fall asleep hdhfh
I will hug my plush now and imagine it's Chan
Anyways, end of the rant, how are you doing Kathy? I guess pretty stressed? :/
Ahh give me a moment, I will send you some gifs in the next asks <3
- 🐈
ahh no bb, i hope you'll get better soon, cramps and all that suck so much oml, for me it's equally as bad everytime so i know how you feel :( imma hug and smooch your pain away tho, and i can stroke your back as well bb :( and yeah stressed is the only state i'm in lately lmao, but it's okie heh
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