#exams get the creative juices flowing
youknowitslove · 7 months
me when i’m trying to revise for my exams but i’ve also just come up with the perfect, fully planned out plot for a swanqueen fic based on cowboy like me that i need to write RIGHT NOW:
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quibbs126 · 1 year
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So I’ve been wanting to make this character ever since I saw @ennywashere Choco Cream Cookie and thought “Dark Choco having a dad arc would honestly be really interesting for his character”, so I decided to take my own stab at it and made Hazelnut Cookie, Dark Choco’s recently adopted daughter
I made her hazelnut because I heard hazelnuts go well with chocolate. But also because I remembered Nutella, and hearing back all those years to when I first saw those ads that they were made with hazelnuts, and I remembered it tasting a lot like chocolate, so I thought hazelnuts could be a chocolate substitute. Granted that wasn’t really true, it seems Nutella is made from both hazelnuts and chocolate, but after finding out hazelnuts and chocolate work well together, I decided to just stick with Hazelnut
Also side note, I was double checking whether or not there was already a Hazelnut Cookie, and while there wasn’t, I did find some ocs and one of them was supposed to be a love interest for Dark Choco. If the name has the same reasoning as here, that’s very clever, that
So I’ve been flip flopping about her age while making her. Originally, she was just going to be like a baby—my notes said she was no older than 2–but then later on, I realized that made Hazelnut less of a character and more like just a living prop, as she would have no real character. So I decided to age her up a bit, but she was still supposed to be very young, my top limit being “younger than Custard III”. When designing her here, I think I stayed closer to that upper limit, but I hadn’t really thought about how old she is, because I also want her to be a really little kid, that was kind of the point of her. It’s only now as of writing this that I think I’ve come up with a definitive age range for her, that being ~4 ish. I’m not entirely sure she looks that age here, as I feel like she looks too old, but if I draw her in the future, I’ll keep that in mind
Speaking of her design, I’m not too sure I’m happy with it. I wanted to design her after a hazelnut, since that’s what she’s made of, but did I go too far? And I’m not sure about her hair. Again, I was trying to design it like a hazelnut, specifically the inner cream colored part, but I couldn’t get it to look right. I think my current 2 is probably the one I’m most satisfied with (it’s actually my 3rd, but I didn’t have room for all 3, so I deleted my original 2nd in place of it. I dunno, maybe I’ll work on it. Should I lose the hood? I put it there to reference the shell of a hazelnut, but I’m not sure about it
So anyways, talking about her, so basically her story is that Dark Choco finds her in the forest one day all alone and scared (I haven’t actually worked out why or how she was there. It’s kind of a holdover from when she was a baby, where that didn’t need much explanation. A possible idea I had is that she was just baked in the Witch’s Oven and escaped, ending up there in the forest). After helping her out (maybe she was being attacked by beasts), he tries to help her find someone she knows who would be looking for her, like a family member or something. When he finds out she doesn’t really have anyone, he decides he can’t just leave her all alone out here and decides to take her with him, at least until they can find somewhere good for her to stay; they aren’t father and daughter yet. During their travels, Dark Choco starts teaching her things about the world she doesn’t understand yet, helping her with whatever’s confusing, and just generally being a caring figure towards her, as he can’t help but become emotionally attached to the little girl. And Hazelnut becomes very attached to Dark Choco. One day, when they’re passing through a town, they see a kid and their dad, and Hazelnut later asks Dark Choco what exactly a dad is. He gives what explanation he can: someone who takes care of you and protects you, teaches you about the world and how to live in it, someone who’s always there for you and loves you no matter what (during this explanation I feel like he might reflect on his own father and what his father was trying to do for him or what might have gone wrong, as he does explain to Hazelnut that not every dad is like this, but it’s what they’re supposed to do). After his explanation, Hazelnut thinks on it, and asks if she can call Dark Choco “dad” (or some form of that), since he basically already does all of that for her. He’s shocked by the question, but he says yes, she can call him that if she wants, and so then they (unofficially) become father and daughter
I’m not sure Hazelnut would be a “playable” character, in this hypothetical scenario where she or an adjacent character is somehow canon, but if she was, I’d probably put her in the Healing class, since from what I’ve been able to gather, hazelnuts have quite a few health benefits, and I wanted to incorporate that in some way
I think that’s all about Hazelnut, I hope you like her!
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locallixie · 1 year
Hi if your request is open, can I request a top!sub! bang chan x dom!bot!male reader were the bang chan fails his art class yet his art teacher (reader) gave him a chance to pass his exam by inviting bang chan to paint him naked which lead to reader riding his student's cock.
extra credit — bang chan
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> summary . art is the one subject he hated the most, and it shows through his falling grades. luckily the teacher was nice enough to let him do extra credit to pass.
> genre . smut, lowkey pwp, art teacher!reader, student!bang chan, sub-top!bang chan, dom-bot!reader, masc!reader.
> warnings . unprotected sex, blowjob, strong language, semi-public sex, cum eating.
(wc) > 2.1k
(taglist) > @jihanlovic
(sunny’s note) ✩ here’s my opinions on art through a bang chan smut, i don’t like modern art.
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Art is subjective, and sometimes, it could even be absolutely senseless. There was no strict mold or form that art had, it was made to be a creativity exercise for the people participating. Yet, how did his own artistry failed him this badly? He was fairly good at every other subject, even chemistry! He was excellent at music, where his creative juice flowed the most. But how come it wasn’t the same for this god-forsaken subject?
“Chan, I need to talk to you after class.” You told right after handing him back his final exam’s piece.
He cussed under his breath, poorly scored with being below fifty percent which instantly meant that he failed. There was no way in hell he could explain this to his parents, this one subject really fucked him over. What did he signed up for art in the first place, it wasn't mandatory to have an additional elective?—Music was his original choice. Chan could not let one bad final grade to fuck up his reports completely, a mindset of a perfectionist. Definitely could not make any more mistakes during his senior year, he was nearing his graduation soon in about two or three months of school left.
Minho looked over, noticing the other's distressful state. "Bad score? Show me, what did that geezer give you?"
Chan sighed, silently sliding his final piece to Minho's space of the desk they shared together. "Minho, watch your mouth, what is with you and [Y/N]?"
Expressing disgust as he gazed at the bold red numbers on Chan's final piece, "I don't like [Y/N], he's such a bitch." Minho wasn't entirely sure why he hated you, more like conflicted as you were nice yet overly strict at points, that made him despised the bipolar behaviour of yours and you all together.
You were young, early-twenties it seemed, you have only been teaching for about two years which meant you were fairly new. Your students mainly comprised of juniors and seniors, but you had other freshmen and sophomores when operating after school club. In charge of standard level IB art, you weren't a big deal.
The bell rang loudly, signifying the end of fifth period. Chan stayed behind, waiting for everyone to leave the classroom so he could get this conversation over with. Minho wished him 'goodluck', before he was about to come face-to-face with the devil.
"Bang Chan, I think you're fully aware of why we are having this talk, right?" You leaned on your desk, resting your head on your hand as you focused your gaze upon him.
Without sugar-coating anything, "You're failing my class." You told sternly. "You know this is IB level art, correct? It's also your senior year, you can't turn back now."
Chan let out a dragged breath, "I...I'm not satisfied with this grade."
You simply nodded, a bit of deviousness in your tone of voice. "I figured, are you asking me for a second chance?"
He was crazy for going through with this, an IB diploma? He remembered now, he signed up for art was because of his goal of diversifying his profile for future academic opportunities. If his first and prioritized major didn't work out, he had multiple back-up plans with such a powerful diploma. But now here hopeless with his IB diploma jeopardized, all that hard work down the drain in less than a minute.
"Is there something I could do for extra credits? [Y/N], please." Everyone called you by your first name, despite being in the higher position of a teacher. In repay for letting your students get comfortable and dropping almost all formality, you would break them down even harder than the shape they used to be. If they failed with the same comfortability, you wouldn't come save them, too bad!
But Chan, Chan in particular piqued your interests. You caught on with the looks he gave you during class, he glanced and shyly waved when you two would passed by in the hallway. He had many potentials, you liked his ideas and perspective, however he lacked experiences and techniques.
"You come to my class after school, you'll do a gouache painting for me. How does that sound?" You suggested, even though you knew beforehand that he was going to accept nonetheless.
“When should I drop by?”
“Thursday, and I expect you to arrive on time.” Chan was usually late when class took place during sixth period—which is the last period of the day. Only late to your class, you heard from your colleague who taught global politics during sixth period that Chan has always been on-time except for some rare excused absences. Odd was it? As if he didn’t want to see you, or he dreaded attending your class almost. Students these days, gosh!
This week has been hectic, final projects from multiple different classes, a mock exam coming up soon on next Tuesday, and now he has to worry about fixing his damned grades. One more bad day and he was going to actually lose his mind. Prom was coming up as well, and if all of this wasn't resolve by next week, he might not be able to attend.
Thursday rolled around, after all the classes during the day, he came over to the art room on the south corridor—where your classroom was located. Chan was supposed to be tutoring Jisung on calculus today at the library, but now he has to reschedule with the younger. If he could get this stupid final piece over with, he might be able to make it to the tutoring session.
You were in the midst of setting up when he barged in, "Oh great, we'll get started right away! Just take a seat, I'll go get you a new spatula."
After placing a brand new spatula on the small stool in front of Chan, next to the five tubes of gouache paint, you went to lock the door. There were barely anyone at school at this hour, but just as an extra precaution.
"Well, your assigment is simple really. You'll do a painting with a nude model in roughly two hours time." You explained.
"So when is the model coming in?"
"They're already here, you'll be painting me." You smiled at the bewildered look on his face, his ears slowly getting redder by the second. So, this was really happening? Unbuttoning each and every button on your loosely-fitted shirt. A little bit of skin, then your entire shoulders, and then your bare torso on display before his eyes. Off with your dress pants, the rest being discarded along with it, until the cool air was your only article of clothing worn on yourself.
You sat on a couch in front of his station—one that was moved around often for other figure drawing excercises that you had for your students. Leaning back down at the cushion, you chose a pose that you would be comfortable in for the next few hours. Though the pose itself was quite normal, nothing too crazy. But the gaze you had on him made it all the more suggestive, almost like a sex invitation.
"Your time starts..." You glanced at the hanged clock above the blackboard, "Now."
Chan got into work right away, squeezing out paint from the small tubes onto the palette. Chan was a bit embarrassed to look at you, his teacher who he had been with for a whole year, was now naked from head to toes and sitting there with this look in his eyes. To come completely clean, he did thought about your naked body under the clothes you wore during your lectures from time to time, he was a bit surprised to be able to see the real thing.
Painting in the essential shapes as a quick base before he went in with the details a little later. His hands were shaking, his heart was bouncing around his chest like a mad man, he kept turning to his painting then at you and then again. He couldn't keep his eyes off you to save his life, and his pants felt a bit tight too! All he could think about was your bare self on display. Each inch of your skin, each strands of hair that fell on your face, each pinky shade of your cock.
"What's the matter? You look on edge." Asking with half legitimate concerns.
His Adam's apple moved up and down for a split second as he gulped down his saliva. God, he was having a massive boner, and he could not have you know about it. Using his mixing palette as a shield of sort, hopefully covering the tent that formed on his pants away from your knowledge.
"Is it me?" You smirked, your intentions clear on your inviting lips.
"Well...um..." He couldn't think of anything to say, the entire atmosphere between you two were all sexual tension. He wanted to fuck you, but it wasn't like he could say it out and proud.
You put on your robe, lazily drapping it over your nude body. Each step reaching towards him, he couldn't help but wanting to drop everything and take you then and there. You stood just inches away from him, grazing your fingers over his broad shoulders as if you were feeling expensive fur at the store.
Admiring his unfinished piece, "Wow, you're making quite the improvement." You commented.
The shading and the colours were all carefully made decisions, the brush strokes made things looked smoother and more polished in the earlier state. In a way, an artist's painting was their own perspective on the world surrounding them. With that philosophy, that was how Chan saw you through his own eyes. And damn was it also filled with his inner desires.
"You know," You began, "I like your pieces, they all have such a distinct personal touch." Keeping eye contacts, you held his hand and slowly guiding it down your bare chest under the silk robe. Holding up his chin slightly, you placed your lips on his. Out of the blue, yet, you both were expecting this to happen. As if manifested throughout time, every single time he thought about wanting to get freaky with you contributed to this moment.
Young people were bold, Chan was not an exception. He was quick to shove his tongue in your mouth, pump lips crying out for yours. Almost feeling like you were close to passing out with how aggressive he was, you had to pull away for air.
You brought him over to the couch, pushing him down as you got on your knees before him. Undoing his pants, immediately placing your wet and hot mouth over his throbbing cock. Chan's breath hitched, his rough hand grabbing your hair as he squirmed and twitched in his place.
"Oh my God, [Y/N], keep sucking me like that, you're amazing." Chan breathed heavily, hips slightly jerking up. Tongue flicking over his sensitive tip, sending shivers all over his body. Technically screaming for you with his little whimpers, breathy moans turning you on.
Your mouth felt full as he emptied his load, a few drops even leaked out the corners of your mouth. You swallowed the entirety down your throat like the dirty whore that you were for your student, an action that brazen made his face blushed like an after party.
Before he could unbutton his uniform shirt, you were already disrobed and stradling him. Your lips were back to kissing him, at the same time, you were lining up his cock for the next event. Steadily sitting yourself down on top of him, his hard cock stabbing slowly into you, your fleshy and warm walls wrapping over.
Chan placed his hands on your hips, securing you in place. The next minute, and you were bouncing, grinding on him as if none of this was wrong. His head tilting back, the fucked expression on his face was pleasing to the eyes. "Yeah, baby. Feels good to be inside of me, right? You wish you could just fuck me everyday."
Half-lidded eyes, hair sticking to his forehead, way too lost to reply. "If you're this fucking great, I guess I have to let you pass." You complimented, gripping a handful of his brown locks, slaming your lower body down on him. He came so much that you felt it dripping out onto the couch—that meant you would have to get it clean up, what a difficult story it would be to tell the cleaners.
After cleaning up the brushes and paint, you were officially finished for the day. You placed Chan's piece on the drying racks, you would never be able to look at this painting without being reminded of what went down today. Though, now you knew how vast his skills were.
You held his tie, flattening his shirt with your hand. "I'll see you in class next Monday, don't be late~"
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lilac-gold · 1 month
Hi there, Hero fans! Around this time last year, I began planning for a little event called Hero Week 2023: a week of prompts dedicated to (as the name might suggest) our one and only Hero :)
The lovely @charismabee & I each posted our own one-shot collection for the event on AO3 around this time last year. It remained mostly a private event as I wasn't very active on Tumblr at the time. However, we had a lot of fun with it, and I've been wondering if any of you would like to join in this time!
Whether you would like to participate directly, to engage with creators' contributions, or even just to push a button, here is where I ask...
Either way, Red & I will likely repeat the event & publish our writing on AO3– this is to see whether I should spread the news about it here or not. Unlike last year, the event will take place in around mid-July to avoid exam season.
I'd like to point out that any contributions are welcome: writing, art, edits, etc. Anything you feel fits the prompt and would enjoy making! :D
I have a list of prompts pre-made that I will release here later on if people in the fandom want to get involved! There is, of course, no obligation to make something for each prompt; if one or more in particular take your fancy, it would be wonderful to see what you come up with for those alone! I hope that this will be an opportunity to show Hero some appreciation & get the creative juices flowing again <3
Thank you! I look forward to seeing your thoughts :]
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j2lx · 2 years
My Little Snack (Ryomen Sukuna x Reader Drabble)
Warnings: Sukuna has his own body but isn't in his true form, affectionate nibbling, nothing much really it's just fluffy and sweet
A/n: I'm sorry I've been gone for so long =( I've had exams and stuff for the past few weeks, but it's over now and I promise I'll post every week again! And ik I said I wanted to post hcs again, but I'm still kind of tired and no creative juices are flowing so here take this in the meantime =P
Ship: Ryomen Sukuna x Gender Neutral!Reader
@vanillabloo, this one's for you! Sorry it took so long to write =")
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Sukuna loves you so very much. So much that he can't help but find you so darn adorable, too much for his heart to handle at times. And he definitely wants to nibble you sometimes. To him, that's something affectionate and it might sound weird but that's how it is for him.
Sukuna is gentle with you. He would never cause harm to you or hurt you. And his nibbles are just like that. Gentle, sweet and soft, no harshness or threats behind any of his actions. And soon enough you get used to it, letting him indulge in nibbling your ears, cheeks and basically every part of your body.
Every morning, when your alarm goes off, you start to get up slowly, not really wanting to leave your bed. Afterall, your boyfriend was warm and cuddly and the whole atmosphere was just so… comfortable. Sukuna, having woken up because of your alarm, decides to make you wake up in his own way. Afterall, the way you're all curled up in the blanket makes you look like a little burrito!
He starts by pushing your hair off your ears and nibbling gently on them, his hands moving to stroke your back. Then he moves onto your cheeks, lightly nibbling and kissing them before moving downwards and downwards. Before he can reach the certain region you don't want him to reach, you get up and nibble on his cheeks, smiling gently as you do.
And who would Sukuna be if he didn't allow you to return the favour? He lets you nibble and kiss his cheeks, his hands running through your hair and his lips placed on the top of your head. When you finally pull away from him, he brings your face close to his once more, pressing his lips onto yours in a sweet "good morning" kiss.
And at night, just before the both of you sleep, he nibbles you again, this time closer to the sides of your lips. You often tell him not to tease you and just kiss you, but being a tease is what your boyfriend specialises in doing. He nibbles you affectionately, conveying just how much he really loves you. It's not always easy for him to show or tell you how much you mean to him, so these nibbles are the way Sukuna shows you his love for you.
You're so used to it at this point that his nibbles can help lull you to sleep. Just the feeling of his lips nibbling you gently somehow just managed to coax you to sleep and it calms the both of you down a lot.
Yes, it's not a conventional way of showing affection, but your relationship with Sukuna was anything but that to begin with. And these small nibbles are just the way he chooses to show his love.
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Sorry this isn't really long =") But yes I think Sukuna has a very different way of showing affection and honestly, I think that's what makes him… cute (yes I admitted it bye). Hope you enjoyed reading!
© @j2lx, 2022
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megvmins · 1 month
hi, can you write more about windbreaker? i felt like i’ve read everything windbreaker-related here 😭
ello, I sure can! I just need to get the creative juices flowing, haven't had much time yet due to exam season and stopping the webtoon for a bit.
but I'm gonna go dig through my drafts and see if past me had some ideas going!
thank you for asking, I'll try to bring some more windbreaker content to you! 🫶
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allieisacrybaby · 1 year
I will be honest this may or may not happen. If I can’t get it out by Saturday I’ll just post it whenever I have the time. Thank y’all for being so patient with me I feel so bad for being on a little break from making moodboards i’ve just been so slumped with studying for final exams and finalizing projects and papers for this semester that making moodboards has not been a priority. I hope y’all understand🫶🏻 Give me like 3 weeks and the creative juices will start flowing again and I’ll be back to creating!! LOVE LOVE LOVE YALL!!❤️❤️❤️
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myaekingheart · 1 year
1. Ichiraku! 2. The Uchiha Compound 3. The Academy! 4. Free Space 👀
1. Ichiraku Ramen 🍜
• Teuchi was constantly on-call during Kushina's pregnancy because she was known to wake Minato up in the middle of the night desperate for a bowl of tonkatsu ramen.
• Teuchi and Ayame live in a very small apartment right above the ramen shop.
• When Jiraiya would get writer's block, he would go to Ichiraku for a bowl of ramen to help get the creative juices flowing.
• Iruka spent so much time at Ichiraku both eith Naruto and to help fill the void while he was gone with Jiraiya, that he and Ayame grew rather close and eventually ended up in a relationship together. They go on to get married and have a son, Hiyamugi, named after a Japanese noodle dish.
2. The Uchiha Compound 🔥
• The Uchiha compound was built in Konoha's District 4, an omen for the clan's downfall.
• All the buildings in the compound are built to be especially fire resistant and durable thanks to the high concentration of fire jutsu among the Uchiha.
• The Uchiha compound was one of the less damaged portions of the village when Pain attacked.
• The compound remained exactly the same as it was when Itachi murdered everyone; no one bothered to clean the place up after the fact nor did they care enough. Sasuke consequently had nightmares for six weeks afterward.
• Seeing as most police officers in the village were Uchiha, following the massacre, they had to conduct a large recruitment project for new officers. Many of Konoha's citizens did not want to touch the police station after what had happened, feeling uncomfortable and like it was a bad omen. Ultimately, many tokubetsu jonin were heavily encouraged to join the police force.
3. The Academy 🏫
• The academy has four grades: freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior. Seniors are usually 11-12 years old, juniors 10-11, sophomores 9-10, and freshman 8-9.
• Young prospective ninja can take the entrance exam as young as 3 years old, though it is heavily discouraged except for in times of war and in extraordinary circumstances ie prodigies like Kakashi.
• Children can also enter preschool as young as age 3, though the most common age group is 7-8 years old. The preschool is in a building attached to the main academy and requires no entrance exam. It teaches students the basics like letters, numbers, shapes, reading, and basic math.
• Typical academics are taught in academy classes, as well, but usually through a ninja-colored lens. World and local history, chakra natures and elemental science, necessary botany and zoology, geometry to calculate the trajectory of attacks, etc. are all common aspects of the curriculum.
• Pre-war, most children who did not pursue the ninja path had to be wealthy enough to rely on private tutors for education. If they could not afford a private tutor, they often had to learn through real-world experiences helping with their parents businesses. Therefore their "curriculum" was much more real-world based such as financial math.
• Postwar, a public school for civilian children was founded and placed next to the ninja academy.
• Most teachers have a second job or take missions alongside their teaching for extra money. Teaching oftentimes does not pay the bills.
• The academy has two stories, four basic classrooms, a small library, a front office with a records room and clinic, teacher's lounge, and a small lunch room. Postwar, they add a cafeteria for children who cannot bring their lunches.
• The school courtyard has a training ground for physical education, one of the four main tenets of academy curriculum.
• The four main tenets of the academy curriculum are physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Physical curriculum revolves around the student's physical capabilities (agility, speed, stamina, mastery of ninjutsu and taijutsu, etc). Mental curriculum revolves around the student's intelligence (understanding of the material, battle tactics and formation, mastery of genjutsu, etc.) Emotional curriculum revolves around the student's emotional maturity and control (remaining calm and clear-minded in stressful situations, handling heavy topics such as death and injury, resisting psychological manipulation, etc). Lastly, spiritual curriculum revolves around a student's understanding of and relationship with their own chakra network and chakra nature (being attuned with the elements, meditation, etc.) All four of these tenets work in tandem to build the foundation of a successful and skilled shinobi.
4. Free Space: Unohana Antiques Shop 🏺
• The Unohana Antiques Shop was founded by twins Komori and Rojin Unohana. It is equal parts thrift store, pawn shop, and museum for the unwanted mysteries of old Konoha.
• The shop's establishment was inspired by Komori Unohana's penchant for collecting odds and ends, namely mismatched souvenirs from the many ninja missions of her youth.
• The antiques shop is one of many small businesses in the village, especially those founded by Konoha's oldest and finest. Other businesses in the same league are the Kawakubo Kimono Shop, Kaminoki Book Store, the dango shop, Fumeiyo Fortunes, and Kenshin Smithing.
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road2nf · 1 year
I don’t now recall what video had been uploaded, but as it ended, everything suddenly clicked into place, and I began writing furiously.
The idea that I could list all they ways the Vlogbrothers have improved my life is honestly laughable. They’re educators, creators, lovers of knowledge; and I fully believe that a majority of the educational side of YouTube, what with your CPGGrey’s and your MinutePhysics’ and your BrainScoop’s, were either inspired or directly influenced by their work.
But probably the best way in which John and Hank have influenced my life in a positive way is by funding my education.
Coming from a relatively middle class family, the transition from high school to college came with a very large and terrifying question: how the hell am I supposed to pay for this?! I’m stuck on my own financially, so I knew I would have to fill out an incredible amount of scholarships to even attempt to make ends meet.
I don’t know if you’ve ever filled out a college scholarship, but the vast majority are pretty crap. You fill in several pages of info about yourself, and then usually have to write an essay about a chosen topic. However, this comes with a problem.
Each scholarship committee wants to be unique.
They want to make sure you can’t just reuse a prewritten essay.
Each one must come from the heart.
On the surface this is a good idea, but when it forces you to write three essays a week on top of school...you get the idea of how high puff levels were getting.
Anyway, one Wednesday night, I was going through a stack of scholarships due the following day. I had been busy all week, with exams and tech week for the musical I was in, and I was at the point of calling it quits. The last essay in the stack asked the usual information, and then, the dreaded essay: ‘Write about a person or persons who have been a major influence in your life’. So naturally, to get the creative juices flowing, I got on YouTube and watched the latest Vlogbrothers video.
I don’t now recall what video had been uploaded, but as it ended, everything suddenly clicked into place, and I began writing furiously.
I wrote about the past, of brotherhood 2.0. I wrote about charity, water.org and Kiva.
I wrote about award winning novels and Wizard rock and SciShow and Crash Course, and how these two wonderful brothers had created something so wonderful in the world without ever planning on it.
And when I was done, I sent it in, hoping that my influence had shown through.
And it did.
Thanks to that essay, half of my freshman tuition was paid for.
Sure, I could accredit something to myself, and I should. But my high GPA and ACT score and writing ability...all of those were directly influenced by John and Hank’s presence in my life. And I think that’s a testament to just how much the Green Brothers can affect someone’s life. I’ve never met either of them, and I doubt I ever will. But I owe them more than I could ever repay. And that’s pretty neat.
- Nick (thatoneguywithoutamustache.tumblr)
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xoxokala · 2 years
Glow up Challenge 😍
Get up early 😍 (4AM) 🕰💖
Benefits of getting up early :
1. No phone calls and limited notifications. It's the best hour to get your creative juices flowing
2. 4:00 AM in the morning is the hour for the winners. 80% of the millionaires are up at that hour.
3. It separates you from the 99% of people who are just after survival.
4. You get enough time to prepare your breakfast, take a shower and deal with yourself before the world.
So my new morning routine 😍💖🤞🏾
• Get up at 4am 🤎
• Put my phone away
- Body : Yoga , Meditation , HIIT , Pilates 🤎
• Focus on a 4 hours deep work
- Mind : Reading , Listen To Podcast , Study For Exam, journal 🤎
• Finish all my tasks by 9am 🌸
Then do what feels comfortable the rest of the day.☺️
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ontowanderlust · 1 year
Hi! How are you? Hope you are doing great! It's me Cecilia. There were so many different bots that were subscribing, and it began to annoy me, so here we are. It's still me, law major student, who likes one particular 2d man and sometimes overthinks things & questions some of her life choices.
Oi, I almost forgot what I wanted to say, I did get the credit, so now I have enough points to pass exam! Yay🥳
PS. Sorry for bothering, just thought that it not bad to tell you, that I changed blog, so you won't get surprised (idk who in this world would pretend to be me, but still)
How are you such the sweetest thing? 🥹 May I please keep you in my pocket forever??? You?? Just?? Singlehandedly?? Made?? My?? Day?? 😌✊🏻
I am doing as well as I can be. I have been accepted in the job that I wanted for months now and while it’s quite heavy in terms of workload, I have been adjusting swell enough. I really just need enough experience for me to go work somewhere else lmao.
It’s quite draining, ngl. So I haven’t really had the time to let creative juice flow out of me until recently- it’s still a bit tricky to find inspo in terms of writing or creating something cause all I really want to do is to just lie down and stare into the void lmao. (Well. Welcome to the workforce, ig?)
Life update: I’ll be attending my first ever concert- a korean pop group that I’ve been in too deep lately. 🥹🥹 let’s all hope my claustrophobia won’t act up in the middle of the concert cause I’ve got no one with. Heh.
I am super duper grateful for you! Thank you so so much for checking up on me, you precious hooman! And I am ecstatic to hear that you got the credit! Yay! I hope law school treats you well (funny story, there’s an au that my friend just dropped and the ml’s a law student. 😅🤭 it’s written in filo tho soooo hehhe)
I am also happy to hear from you! Thank you for letting me know about your new blog!
- always always rooting for you, dearie! 😘😘
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
I had a significant exam so I was away from the internet for a few weeks and when I came back there were so many things to see.
First I missed all the updates of J-Hope's "Jack in the box" and still have a few songs to listen to. Then saw that Yoongi was with PSY on stage and had a heart attack. Man looked soo hot. Then the rest of the member's updates, vlogs, Hobi's in IU Palette, and then with Zico. Then Lollapalooza !!! Then soo many fanfic updates. I was completely bombarded with these but then came the updates I missed from the other YouTube channels and webtoons I have subscribed to. I still don't know if that's all that I missed.
Anyway, I finally read anytime and loved it. There was so much information and realizing everything that the brother, Jimin, Yoongi.... did was heart-touching. Smut was😏. The threats scared me too!!! But still, things are just getting better and better. I really love your writing.
oh love! how did it go? i'm glad you took the time to focus on it instead of potentially getting distracted. that takes so much discipline.
JITB: fantastic, extraordinary yoongi joining psy on stage: the world went WILD vlogs: keeping us comforted :')) hobi with iu: SO CUTEEEE hobi with zico: haven't watched all the way myself bc i was getting ready for chicago but from what i saw, he was glowing lolla: DHFDHFDJ A MAGICAL EXPERIENCE FOR US ALL fanfic updates: goooood luck bc it seems like a ton of authors are getting their creative juices flowing! at least you have a lot to look forward to reading :D
as far as your anytime commentary, i'm happy you enjoyed! there was a bunch of information and i even had to cut it short to leave the rest for 3tan9! glad you liked the spice and yoongi on the phone ssdhlsdh. thank you so much for coming by again and i hope you're resting well now! you definitely deserve it.
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launchmycareerblog · 2 years
Smart Ways To Induce Creativity
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We all have a creative streak within us; we just have to hone it. Although, it is true that at some point in our lives we all feel stuck in a creative rut but with the right techniques we can easily overcome such a situation, achieving all our career goals. No matter which career pathway we choose, facing a mental block and lack of creativity before an exam, interview, promotion, or starting a project is extremely daunting. However, with the help of experienced career counsellors and implementing a few simple steps you can boost your creativity and unleash the best in you.
You can use 5 simple steps to break the hurdle and unleash your inner creativity. Firstly, try and include more hobbies in your routine, anything that makes you feel good. It doesn’t have to be anything complicated just something that makes you feel relaxed and gets your creative juices flowing. Secondly, try creating a vision board that represents your dreams and goals. Glancing through the vision board on not-so-good days will help you feel inspired and stay creative. Thirdly, surround yourself with creative people who allow you to stay open and positive towards life. Fourthly, maintain a career journal with all the milestones. It helps in creativity as it allows you to express your thoughts and ideas and also relaxes the mind. Lastly, break the monotony as it is natural to run out of creativity doing the same work daily. Therefore, it is important to take breaks, unwind and reset your body and mind.
These steps can make a huge change in your life and work. To steer yourself on a successful path you can also get in touch with LaunchMyCareer. Our experienced counsellors can help boost your creativity to lead a life that brings out the best in you.
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ROs as taylor swift songs? 🍑🍆🍒
i am going to ignore those emojis, bonnie. also i'm using one song from all her studio albums because i'm extra like that.
ronan bennett: today was a fairytale // back to december // message in a bottle // you are in love // king of my heart // paper rings (‘london boy’ works too tbh) // seven // long story short
célia dupont: love story // enchanted // nothing new (‘i knew you were trouble’ too tho 🤌🏻) // this love // call it what you want // lover // illicit affairs // ivy
s bakkoush: fearless // long live // starlight // wildest dreams (also, ‘style’ 👀) // don't blame me // miss americana and the heartbreak prince // august // gold rush
i tachibana: the way i loved you // haunted // the last time // out of the woods // dancing with our hands tied (help, ‘delicate’ fits them well too 😭) // cruel summer // exile // happiness
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starrynite7114 · 3 years
always you (angel reyes)
A/N: Good morning everyone! I know I haven’t posted in a while, and you all know why. Thank you all again for being very understanding, it was a rough couple of weeks, and I’m trying to push through the best I can. This story was supposed to be a one shot for a prompt request I received some time ago, but I’m glad I’m able to finally fulfill it. I wrote out most of it already so it should be posted every 2-3 days. I’m also finishing up Roommates this week, at least trying to! 
Hope you all have been having a good week thus far! Hopefully it is also warming up! Exams have been killing me, but my last one is later today, so yay!
The new Mayans trailer looked amazing! Definitely getting the creative juices flowing, even for EZ. 
Anyways, thank you all again, you are all the utter best!
Special shoutout: To @blackmissfrizzle​, you fucking crazy, violent person, my second brain. Because of you, I got a Tiktok guy on here. But thank you for listening to my crazy ideas about this story, a story that was supposed to be a one-shot turned into a series cause of all of those videos, love you though. And to @angelreyesgirl​ you’re the one who helped me figure out as to why certain things happen in the story, thank you, I just, I love you, you already know this, no more sappiness from me today, maybe. Also, happy birthday!
Groupchat for updates! Please join since the tags could be a bit iffy at times!
If you would like to be added to the tag list, please let me know! My tag list is a little messy, but please let me know if you want to be added!
Word count: 8657
Warnings: Mentions of stalker behavior, angst, smut
169: “ What a pretty sight. ”
187: “ Already? Do I really have that much of an effect on you? ”
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You sighed, the knocks on the door following the call you just received from Coco made you want to pull your hair out. This has been ongoing since you two broke up two years ago. It was routine at this point and you were slightly getting tired of it. He chose to let you go and here you were opening your door so Angel could spend the night after a drunken stupor. 
“Sorry again hermana, you know I try to bring his big ass home, but you know how stubborn he is.” Coco assisted Angel inside your apartment with Gilly helping him out. 
They assisted Angel down to your couch, he was barely conscious. He had this obnoxious smile on his face as he settled on your couch.
“Where’s my girl?” Angel called out as he grabbed a pillow, resting his head. 
Gilly looked up at you and you shook your head. “She’s asleep bro, just go sleep.”
“Okay, I’ll go to her.” Angel attempted to stand up, but Gilly held him down.
“Hey, remember, you don’t like bothering her when she’s asleep.” Gilly reminded Angel.
“You’re right, I just want to tell her I love her.” Angel laid back down, his eyes closing.
Before long, Angel’s soft snores indicated to you all he was asleep. Coco looked at you as you looked at Angel, confused as always as to why he had to come to you whenever he was drunk. They’ve tried asking him, both Coco and Gilly, and whenever you saw him in the morning, you just gave him coffee and chose not to talk to him. He tried to make small talk with you, but you didn’t entertain it.
Angel chose to break up with you two years ago, your year and a half relationship down the drain. You didn’t fight him when he ended your relationship. You accepted it and attempted to move on. 
Problem was, Angel didn’t let you go. His presence was still felt even though you didn’t see him. Then three months after your breakup, the drunken visits came. At times, he would talk to you when he would come drunk, but you chose to ignore it and just took care of him.
You wanted to turn him away, but you love Angel. It was hard not to do so. Whenever you would think you had the courage to turn him away, you would let him back in your bed just so you could hold him. It was unfair to you, you wanted to move on, yet, when you had the chance to hold him, you never passed it up. You were addicted and you would break the habit eventually, but Angel was just, well, he was Angel. 
“Y/N, we can take him home if you want.” Coco hated doing this to you. He was there from the beginning and he didn’t want to keep dragging you back in Angel’s life. He knew how hard you were trying to move on, but it seemed like Angel held on.
“No, it’s okay Coco, just let him sleep.” You pushed your glasses up the bridge of your nose, sighing as you draped a throw blanket over Angel. 
“We can stay if you want.” Gilly offered. Much like Coco, he felt for you. You were a sweet girl, always nice to the boys and never made a fuss when Angel chose to break dates to hang out with them. For him, you were the ideal girl, you were reasonable, beautiful, and a hell of a cook. When Angel broke up with you, they planned to keep in touch, bug you every once in a while for dinner. But then they realized, Angel had no plans of letting you go either. 
You chuckled and shook your head. “It’s fine, I’m sure you guys want a break from this guy.”
“We do, we really do.” Gilly agreed. “But we want to be here for you too, why did we bring him here man?”
“You gonna try to argue with Angel? He’s fucking unreasonable when he’s sober, it’s another thing when Don Quixote over here is drunk.” Coco shook his head. “If you need anything, just call me.”
“Call us.”
You nodded your head. You gave the two Mayans a hug before closing the door behind them. When you turned back, you gasped when you found Angel standing.
“Let’s go sleep?” His eyes were opening and closing and he was slightly swaying. You took one of his arms and led him to your room.
This was how it always ended. Regardless if you put Angel in your guest bedroom or the couch, he always ended in your bed. 
You assisted him on your bed, going back to close your door. Angel took off his clothes, leaving him in just his boxers. “I love you.”
Your heart clenched hearing him say that. He always told you he loves you. Without a fail, he always did, when he was visiting you intoxicated. Yet, you never felt it, especially with the way things ended. And he never said it when you were together. You did, and that’s when things went downhill for you two. Holding on to the doorknob, you tried to stop the tears from coming. Angel was watching you, waiting for you to come join him on your bed. He just wanted to hold you. 
“You coming?”
You nodded your head and went to your side of the bed as Angel scooted up to his. Moving the blanket, you two settled under the blanket and Angel pulled you flush against him. He caressed your face, before leaving a kiss on your forehead.
Looking up at him, he was looking down at you, he was caressing your face again.
“What a pretty sight.” He sighed.
Your head rested on his chest and you eventually heard his breathing even out. You’re not sure how much more you could take of this. 
You had to move on.
It was time.
The next morning, you hoped it’s one of the days that Angel left while you were asleep. And he did, which you were thankful for. It was always awkward when Angel was still here when you woke up. Rolling over to the side, you sat up, slipping your glasses back on. Yawning, you checked your phone and had a few messages from Coco and Gilly, one from EZ.
Choosing to reply later, you placed your phone back on your dresser and stood up. Stretching as you let out a yawn, you walked out of your room and froze when you heard movement in your kitchen. Rushing back in your room to get the bat you had for protection, you made your way back towards the kitchen, peaking in and found Angel. You contemplated pretending to go back to sleep, but Angel’s voice stopped you.
“Don’t even think about pretending to go back to sleep, I made you breakfast and you have work in an hour and a half.” Angel called out.
You sighed. Placing your bat at its spot in your room, you go to the kitchen and found Angel making a plate. He handed you the plate and you murmured a thank you. Sitting at the dining table, you made sure to sit on the other side since the two chairs beside you were full of presents you have yet to wrap for Christmas. You still had time, but your dining table was basically full.
Angel smirked when he saw where you were situated. You acted as if he wasn’t with you for four years. He placed his plate down at the other end of the table. Moving your stuff to your coffee table, you opened your mouth to protest, but Angel already placed the presents down.
“You don’t have to move them, there’s plenty of room.” You protested.
“Away from you, yes. But I want to sit next to you.” Angel moved his plate and sat beside you. He shot you a smile before picking up his fork. “Come on, eat up.”
“Angel, this really isn’t necessary. I can just grab something on my way to work.” You didn’t like spending time with Angel, especially in this way since it still struck a chord with you. The familiarity of it was a painful memory of what was let go two years ago. 
“It would be rude for you to not eat after I made your favorite.” Angel knew you couldn’t resist a good omelette filled with spinach, bacon, sausage and cheese. “Please, let me do this for you, you did me a solid, again.”
Picking up your fork, you began eating. Letting the silence enveloped between you two. This was better. You didn’t want to talk to Angel. You didn’t want any thank you’s or apologies, you just wanted him to go so you could pretend that the other didn’t exist again.
Angel watched as you ate, keeping your eyes on your food. He hated how he did this to you, how you couldn’t even look at him. Every time he became highly intoxicated, Angel refused to go anywhere but your place, since it’s when he needed you most. Angel hardly drank himself to a stupor, but when he did, he was mostly troubled and was trying to forget the issues that were weighing heavily on him. Even though it’s been two years, you were one of those issues. He saw you around town often and it hurt him whenever he did. You were so close yet so far away. He knew that Coco and Gilly hang out with you every once in a while. Every day, it was a struggle for him to not see you, talk to you, hold you and be with you. 
So he came up with this ridiculous plan after you accepted him into your home one night after he got drunk. 
Whenever missing you became too unbearable, he got wasted and refused to go anywhere but your place. He was always aware enough to know he would be brought to you. And once he was with you, you would take care of him. He felt somewhat bad, but he didn’t know how else to approach you.
“Are you busy tonight?” Angel broke the silence between you two.
“What?” You had to make sure you heard him correctly. Looking over at Angel, he was waiting for you to reply. “I have a dinner thing.” A lie, and you were almost sure Angel could see right through it, but you didn’t want to think that. You could pull this off.
“A dinner thing?” Angel raised an eyebrow, amused by your choice of words. “Sounds like a fake thing.”
“Doesn’t matter to me if you believe me or not, I have plans.” You had finished your food. Picking up your plate, you placed it in the sink and turned to face Angel who was still sitting down. “Don’t worry about the dishes, I can do them. Also, I’m not really sure why you always decide to keep coming to my place when you get drunk, but I would really appreciate it if you didn’t come here anymore.” Your best friend, Marie had advised you to create boundaries, to tell Angel that you no longer want him coming over whenever he was intoxicated. 
That it was time for you both to stay away from one another like you intended to do so when he broke up with you.
“Querida.” Angel stood up, but you shook your head, holding your hand up.
“You wanted to break up, we’re done Angel. As much as I want to be there for you, I can’t keep doing this and hurting myself. You chose to let me go, so go.” You left the kitchen and entered your room, locking the door. 
Angel watched as you walked away, telling himself to run after you, but he couldn’t. He’ll let you walk away for now, but after you put such a decisive end to this whole thing, he couldn’t just let go. It may be selfish, but living without you for the past two years further opened his eyes.
He wanted to be with you and just you. 
It’s always been you.
A month without any incident with Angel. You're glad he has finally decided to leave you alone. Coco had texted you a few times expressing that he was proud of you about putting your foot down with Angel. EZ has been frequenting the library more as of late, and he’s either had Marie with him, his girlfriend, or he came by himself. 
A new year and new decade ushered in a new era for you.
You caught EZ coming in, a smile appearing on your face.
“We got that book you’ve been waiting for, I saved you the copy since it was the only copy we got.” You grabbed the book and handed it over to him.
“Thanks Y/N.” He looked around. “Um, did Coco come? Or any other Mayan?”
“No,” you gave him a confused look. “You’re the only Mayan that comes during business hours. The others usually come when the library is closed waiting for me to make sure I made it home safely when I was still dating Angel.” 
EZ opened his mouth to apologize but you held your hand up.
“Ezekiel, I’m not fragile, it’s fine to mention your brother.” You laughed lightheartedly to lighten the mood. You knew EZ tried his best not to mention his older brother. “So you and Marie are getting serious?”
“Something like that,” the sheepish smile on Ezekiel’s face made you want to pinch his cheeks. “Just put a good word for me.”
“A good word? My best friend hates hanging out at the library with me, yet, she comes here to what? Watch you read?” You loved teasing Ezekiel. You were glad when he got out of prison, the way everything turned out for him, it was awful but you were grateful he was getting another chance at life. “You should at least take her out on a date.”
“Look, don’t judge me, I just got out of prison.”
“It’s been two years.”
“Alright, fine, Marie is just intimidating. One day she seems impressed with me, the next she’s not into it.”
“I think you’re reading too much into the situation. You two have been talking for four months now and you still haven’t asked her out. Marie is simple, start with the movies.” You suggested. 
“That’s fucking lame though.”
“Okay Netflix.”
“How about the fair? You and Angel can be like our chaperone.” EZ was trying to help Angel, soften you up some, but you were pretty good at blocking EZ’s charm. 
You looked at EZ for a moment, a small laugh escaping your lips. “Nice try.”
EZ smiled and took the book to his usual corner at the library. You knew your best friend would be bursting through the door in the next thirty minutes. Marie and EZ have been playing the flirting game for the last year and have been officially talking for the last four months. It was cute and you were happy that Marie found EZ and vice versa.
You got on the computer, trying to organize the library website like you promised your boss that you would do. The door opened and you expected the usual coffee Marie brought you.
“I feel like I should start requesting for a pastry since you two use my library as your hangout spot.” You teased. “I’m glad you’re here, coffee will help me through the rest of my shift.”
“I didn’t bring coffee querida, but I can run and get you some.”
You froze. That wasn’t Marie’s voice. Looking up, you found Angel with his staple kutte on his back along with a navy blue button up. His body has changed over the last two years, his muscles were more prominent. You weren’t blind, you could appreciate Angel taking care of his body.
“Can I help you?” The professional tone killed Angel, but he was determined to break through that.
“Came to check out a book, maybe you can help me?” Angel leaned against the countertop of the kiosk desk. His scent hit you and it made you want to smack him. How dare this man? You wanted to move on, and you’ve been doing so well. 
“I didn’t know you could read.”
“You know that’s a lie, I used to read to you while I fucked you.”
“Angel.” You hissed out his name, not wanting to yell.
Angel chuckled at your reaction. “Is it not true?”
“Listen, loitering is not allowed here.”
“That’s literally what everyone does around here.” Angel looked over at EZ and he shot his baby brother a smirk. “Well, I was looking for Stanford, I’ll be seeing you.”
You chose not to reply, saying ‘yeah right’ in your head. Marie walked in coffee and a box of Krispy Kreme in hand. The sigh of relief you let out was definitely noticed by her and her eyes immediately roamed the library to see if your creepy admirer was around, but instead she found EZ and Angel.
“Never pegged Angel as a library type of guy.” She placed your drink on the countertop. 
“He actually loves poetry, he really likes the European writers, British novels mostly Pride and Prejudice, Frankenstein, Jane Eyre, Shakespeare.” You mouthed off Angel’s interest which never surprised Marie. When you love someone, you made it a mission to know that person, so you would know their ins and outs. You become invested in any relationship you forge since you rarely make friends as it was. It wasn’t about quantity, it was all about quality for you. A hard lesson you learned over the years. “He’s a big fan of Scarlet Letter and Invisible Man. But he really likes poetry from all generations, when we were still together, I got him a few poetry books from a few authors he liked.” You paused, realizing the tangent you went on. It wasn’t uncommon whenever you spoke about Angel. 
Marie enjoyed it because she got to learn about her old obnoxious neighbor that never deserved her best friend. You met Angel through Marie and in some ways, she regretted letting it happen, but when she saw how happy you were, how could she be so opposed? Even with knowing Angel’s history, she had faith. But then Angel decided that the single life was more of a life for him, something you never knew about. You never wanted to know about it and she didn’t push you.
“It’s okay, I love your tangents, even if they’re about that asshat.” Marie rolled her eyes. “So, have you given any thought of going on a date with Tyler?”
“You mean your co-worker you always refer to as a man slut?” 
“Bitch, we’re trying to get the pussy wet, not a serious relationship.” 
“That’s a no.” 
You and Marie jumped, not expecting to hear Angel’s voice.
“Where did you even come from?”
“You setting her up?” Angel ignored Marie’s question. He was going to bug you for the name of that author you always raved about when you two were together, but he became intrigued when he caught the tail end of your tangent about his interests. It was endearing for him to hear that you still knew so much about him, but his mood soured when he heard Marie trying to set you up. “Tyler, the douche that always gets drunk out of his mind at the clubhouse?”
“Again, just trying to get her dry spell to end.”
“I volunteer.” Angel smirked.
“Not interested.” You replied as you turned to face Angel. “We talked about this, please, just respect my wishes. I don’t even know why you’re here.”
“Hate to break it to you querida, the library is public property, unless I’m disrupting the peace, I have every right to be here as much as you do.” Angel placed his chin on his hand, smiling sweetly at you. 
You grabbed the coffee and the box of donuts. “I’m going to take my break.” 
Your co-worker, Sienna took over the kiosk desk, Marie making her way over to Marie. She knew you needed some alone time. As she passed Angel, she patted his back.
“Give her space, don’t push it.” 
Angel wasted enough time. He knew you. It’s not that you didn’t want to be around him, you were just protecting your heart. He gave you five minutes before he followed after you, finding the trunk of your Toyota RAV4 opened. Walking over to you, he opened his mouth to speak, you beat him to it.
“Eugene, please, I’m on my break, I would appreciate it if you didn’t follow me.” Your day was starting to become shit since seeing Angel helped you realize that you weren’t over him. It’s been two years but due to his drunken escapades, it was hard for you to move on. 
“Who the fuck is Eugene?”
“No one.” You didn’t want to tell Angel about Eugene. It’s not like he would care, but you haven’t exactly told Angel about how your kindness to Eugene went from endearing to him becoming obsessive. “Can I help you?”
“I was going to take a smoke break then I saw your trunk open.” Angel shrugged, taking note of the name Eugene so he could ask Marie later. “Can I join you?”
“No, I’m done.” You closed the box of donut, picking up your drink as you stood up. 
“Come on, throw me a bone here. Can you give me a chance to explain?”
“Explain what exactly? Why you broke up with me? Why you kept me in your back pocket by being your go to house when you're drunk?”
“You gonna let me explain or are you gonna continue interrupting me?”
“I don’t care what you do, just please stay away from me. You’ve made your stance very clear two years ago. I don’t care why you came to me while you’re drunk, but it doesn’t matter. Don’t come to my job, don’t come to my apartment, just please stay away from me.”
“You don’t mean that.” Angel frowned. He didn’t expect things to go like this. Maybe he was an asshole or an idiot, but he expected you to welcome him with open arms.
“I do, I want to move on, build new relationships and be happy. I didn’t break your heart, I didn’t hurt you, if you don’t love me that’s fine. If you feel bad for what happened, you’re good, you’re forgiven.” You pressed the button that automatically closed your car. “I’m suffocating right? I’m too nice right? Then leave me alone.”
“You really just gonna walk away?”
You were about to answer Angel when you heard a familiar voice call out your name. Looking to where you heard the voice, you saw Jay, your ex-boyfriend. Angel cussed under his breath when he saw him. Jay was a sore subject for Angel. You two rarely spoke about Jay and it was mostly due to the fact that Angel never brought him up. When you did bring up Jay, it was a rare occurrence. It’s not that Angel didn’t care about your ex-boyfriend, in fact, he cared too much. Too many times he’s heard people spoke about how epic you and Jay were together. The perfect couple that would have stayed together if you decided to go with Jay to Germany. 
“Jay?” You hopped out of your trunk and was in disbelief. Jay, from what you knew, was still in Berlin, and wouldn’t be back for another three years. You kept in touch with him since you had a quite amicable break-up.
You two had dated for eight years before you two eventually parted ways. High school sweethearts, intended to last forever, but forever wasn’t a thing. You two broke up amicably and remained friends. It was hard not to be friends with a person you spent eight years of your life with. 
It was your ex-boyfriend. 
He couldn’t forget his name, he knew everything about the fucking guy. The first love, the one you would always love, that was the cliche, right? He remembered that he briefly met Jay before he left for Berlin once again. He was bringing you home after a catch up dinner with other friends and he saw just how your smile shone brightly around him. Jay was looking down at you, returning your smile as you animatedly spoke to him about something. You turned to face Angel and what he missed was how your smile changed, it was that smile specifically for your Angel. You had made your way towards him, wrapping your arms around him. Jay first met Angel then and much to your surprise, Jay took a liking to Angel, especially since he was a big fan of his Harley. Angel didn’t show much interest towards Jay, but you knew it bugged your then boyfriend how close you were to Jay.
Angel was not friends with any of his exes, but he also wasn’t with them for a long amount of time. If anything, you were his longest relationship. And seeing you react the way you did with Jay, he regretted it further that he let you go.
“Eugene is still coming here? You told me you handled that.” Jay was annoyed, you told him that you handled your too friendly library consumer. Jay stood at 6’4, 210 pounds, the Marines shaped him well. 
You looked at Angel and Jay did as well. 
“If you’re going to bother her when you’re drunk, you should at least get rid of her stalker.” Jay didn’t have a problem with Angel, but he knew Angel had a problem with him. He could see it when they first met. He couldn’t blame him, he rarely knew of exes that were friends, but Jay couldn’t exactly let you go. 
You two grew up together, you knew him best.
“Excuse me? Who the fuck do you think you are?” You saw how quickly Angel’s face turned sour and you knew you could have a fight in your hands.
“Aright, let’s not do anything crazy.” You got in between them, with you facing Angel. “We’re done.”
You locked your car before making your way inside the library once again, dragging Jay with you, and leaving Angel to his own devices. The broken look on your face, he wanted to take that away, especially since he caused it. He loves you, he really did, he was just an idiot. 
The fact that Jay was seemingly back in town, Angel had to make a move. 
And you should know better, Angel was anything but a quitter.
Angel walked in the library and found you talking to one of your co-workers. He saw her nudge you and your eyes met. Quickly you looked away, shushing your co-worker. Angel took his usual spot opening the book he had borrowed earlier in the week. You weren’t surprised Angel burned through books, people counted him out due to his affiliates, but you knew better than to judge a book by its cover.
Jay hasn’t been back since he saw him two weeks prior. Angel frequented the library and never saw a sign of him. 
“You look beautiful Y/N.” Eugene, a regular at the library, complimented you. What started off as you being kind, feeling bad for a man who appeared to be a loner, was starting to make you feel uneasy. For the last three years, he progressively became bolder and you could tell that he was getting to the point where aggressive behavior was going to come out. Regardless of how nice you were, you always made sure he knew that you two were friends.
“Thank you Eugene.” You faked this small smile on your lips, but you didn’t want to provoke him. Sienna stayed beside you, she was more straightforward and had no problem telling Eugene to fuck off.
“Have you thought of my invitation for dinner tonight? My mother would love to meet you? I speak about you often with her.” The uneasiness at the pit of your stomach was unexplainable and Angel noticed the change on your face.
Sienna looked at you, her eyes slightly widening. She’s had enough of Eugene. It was small talk at first, but as of late, the man was beginning to be more bold. Starting with grabbing a drink or coffee, it evolved to having dinner at his place. You never entertained the idea and always let him down, but he wasn’t understanding.
“I’m sorry Eugene, I don’t think it’s a good idea.” 
“Why not?” You saw how his face slightly scrunched up, his voice slightly raising. A few of the library patrons looked over before going back to their book. “Stop being such a tease and just go to my place.”
Both you and Sienna were appalled by his suggestion. You never teased him. 
“Excuse me? I’ve never done such a thing.”
“Oh please, with the skirts and dresses you wear, how do you expect anyone to not be teased by your clothing. Mother is right, you’re a slut, but no mind, I can repent you.”
Angel heard enough. You saw him from the corner of your eye. 
“Call security, I’ll handle Angel.” You walked out of the kiosk and intercepted Angel. 
“Let go of me, he’s not going to get away speaking to you like that.” The restrained tone in Angel’s voice made you nervous for Eugene. 
“Please, Angel.” The way you whispered his name with a plea, it made Angel sigh deeply, his tongue darting out to wet his lips as he looked up at the ceiling. 
“Make sure he’s gone when we get back.” He instructed Sienna. You led him to the restricted area of the library which was situated at the back. Older books or original versions of books were kept here, with only employees having access and at times guests who were accompanied by employees. 
When you two were all the way at the back of the restricted area, you leaned against one of the bookshelves as Angel paced back and forth in front of you.
“How long has he been harassing you?” Angel questioned, continuing his pace.
“How. Long.” He let out through gritted teeth. There was no argument. He let you take him away, you owed him this.
 You didn’t want to tell Angel, it didn’t matter anyway. All you knew was that you had to take care of this, he was making your anxiety spike up. “Three years.” 
“Three years?!” Angel’s voice echoed throughout the library. 
“Angel.” You hissed, keeping your voice low.
“Are you fucking kidding me? And you never told me?” Angel didn’t heed your warning. He was livid. How could you not tell him, especially while you two were together?
“Eugene is harmless.” He shot you a look and you sighed. “He was harmless.” You amended your statement. “Angel, please, it’s okay.”
“No the fuck is not, the way he spoke to you?” Angel felt his temper rise again. Fuck security, he would beat the idea in to Eugene that he was to never breathe the same air as you again. “Wait, Jay knew? And you didn’t tell me?”
You cussed under your breath. You accidentally told Jay about Eugene. He was FaceTiming you when Eugene came in after hours. You were able to shoo him away since Jay was on the phone. You never even thought of telling Angel, you didn’t want Angel to make a big deal out of it and you honestly thought you were reading too much into it. 
“I,” you sighed. “It wasn’t on purpose. Jay was FaceTiming me when Eugene walked in after hours.” 
“Did you have him pretend to be your boyfriend?” Angel knew he was being unreasonable, but it irked him that your ex-boyfriend knew about your stalker and he didn’t. He was the one who was in Santo Padre. He was the one who could deal with it. 
“No, Angel, it was years ago.”
“My fucking point exactly, it’s been years and you never told me. I was your boyfriend then, not him. How could you not tell me?”
“I don’t know, it was harmless, I didn’t want to make a big deal out of nothing.”
“Out of nothing?” Angel exclaimed, shaking his head at your ridiculousness. “We’re gonna fucking talk after this, this should have never been an issue.”
Before he could leave, you blocked his way.
You shook your head. 
“Don’t act like I can’t just lift you out of the way.” 
You weren’t exactly the lightest, and hardly looked like any of Angel’s previous girlfriends. You had meat on your bones and some people may poke fun at your weight, but Angel always made you feel like a queen. He loved your curves, kissed and worshipped every part of your body. Well until he broke up with you.
“Angel, please, just stay with me.” You wrapped your arms around him and he wrapped his arms around you.
“No, he’ll never learn his lesson unless,” 
You cut Angel off by bringing his lips down to yours. Whenever Angel became irritated or upset, small touches or kisses from you would always calm his anger. You took a chance knowing Angel doesn’t exactly want you anymore, so you’re not sure what this would do for the situation, but you had to try. Angel immediately responded to your kiss, his hands cupping your face. One of his hands slid down to your neck, slightly moving you so you were against the bookshelves. His hand moved down, brushing against your breast causing you to moan. Angel’s tongue slipped in, deepening your kiss. He pressed you against the shelf, pulling away and pressing his forehead against yours. The anger that had overtook his body was gone, and was now replaced for a burning desire for you.
“You still taste so good.” Angel kissed you again, your back arching so your front was pressed against his front. One of his hands was sliding under your skirt, causing you to pull away.
“No Angel.” You shook your head, moving away from him to fix yourself. 
Angel groaned, his dick was hard and he was at a library with no means of relieving it. He thought of anything that could help his erection to go away, his third grade teacher who was horrific to him did the trick. Turning to face you, he found you looking around before you took his hand and led him further down the restricted area of the Santo Padre library. It was an old library, built by the Spaniards when they were doing their missions along California. Bringing him to the last row where you knew there was an entrance to the inventory the library had for the restricted section. You knew no one ever went in there till closing. You didn’t want Angel to do anything to you, but you could definitely help alleviate some of his anger. 
“Querida, where the fuck are we?” Angel looked around and the shelves were against the walls, a few shelves were in the middle of the room, otherwise, there were books everywhere. You led him to a desk that Sienna used to organize the unlabeled books. You pushed Angel down onto the office chair. He watched as you sunk to your knees, your eyes focused on unbuckling his belt and unbuttoning his jeans. “Hey, you don’t have to do this.”
“I know, but I want to.” You lifted your eyes to meet his and the softness in his eyes was such a stark contrast from earlier where they were dark, anger obviously apparent. Now, it was adoration and lust that clouded his iris. You tugged on his jeans, which Angel assisted you with, lifting himself up so you could pull down his jeans and boxers. Smirking, you wrapped your hand around his semi-hard cock, using some of his pre-cum to help your hand glide down with ease. Angel groaned, leaning his head back. It was his weakness, watching your beautiful lips around his cock, trying to take in as much of his cock, he was a goner whenever you did that. The way your eyes would water, your cheeks hallowed, your mouth full of him, the image alone could make him cum. But he always held back, letting himself enjoy you. 
“Fuck, look at you mi sol,” he watched as you spat down on his cock, holding his thick member with one hand. Placing a kiss on the tip of his cock, you looked up at Angel as you opened your mouth to take him in. Just as he taught you, you took Angel until you could not take any of him anymore, moving your head back up, his cock sheath with your saliva. You took him in your mouth once more, Angel gathering your hair in one hand. He loved your eyes on him. Those hooded eyes under those thick black rimmed glasses of yours. You move your mouth up and down his cock, hollowing your cheeks and swallowing around him whenever his tip reaches your gag reflex. You let go of him with a pop, your hand replacing your mouth. “That’s right baby, take your dick and let me fuck that pretty mouth of yours.” Angel tried not to lose himself with you, but any part of you that was connected always felt so good for him. He didn’t know what it was but everything he did with you was a hundred times more intense when compared to others.
Placing two hands on his cock, you had your mouth on the tip of his cock, running your tongue over and over again over Angel’s sensitive cock. He moaned out your name, gripping your hair tighter. You were licking his cock like it was a tootsie roll lollipop and you were trying to get to the center. You moved so that your tongue was moving up and down his shaft, getting to the top and engulfing his tip with your mouth. Angel groaned, throwing his head back, licking his lips as you continued to bob your head up and down. His hand assisted you, the tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat, swallowing around it.
“Holy fuck princesa, keep going I’m about to cum.” Angel moaned. “You want me to cum in your mouth baby? You gonna swallow daddy’s cum?”
You chose not to answer and continued your ministrations. Just as you felt Angel’s cock pulsing in your mouth, you pulled away, placing a kiss on his cock. Angel slammed his hand on the desk, grabbing your hair. 
“You really want to play with daddy?” His face was so close to you, your hand still around his cock. You tightened your hold, moving your hand up and down causing Angel to close his eyes. He moaned out your name, further dampening your panties. “Put your mouth back on my cock so I can fuck that pretty little mouth of yours.” 
You followed Angel’s instructions, taking him back in your mouth. Angel began to thrust up in your mouth, tears forming in your eyes as he moved in and out of your mouth. Your hands rested on Angel’s thighs, your nails digging into his skin. He chanted your name before he came in your mouth, holding your head against him. You swallowed some of his cum, keeping some of it in your mouth. He let go of your hair, saying how much of a good girl you were for swallowing daddy’s cum. His cock was still semi-erect and you smirked, dropping some of his cum on his cock, making Angel groan as he felt himself hardened again at the sight of you using his cum as lubrication, moving your hand up and down once again. 
“God, my dirty little librarian.” Angel always fantasized doing numerous things with you in the library. You weren’t opposed to it, but Angel hardly came to pick you up from your work. And now, Angel regretted that.
You placed a sweet little kiss at the tip of his cock before you stood up. 
“Stay here, I’ll get you some paper towels.” He grabbed your hand, pulling you towards him.
“Let me make you feel good.” Angel smirked when he saw your breast just calling to him. You balanced yourself on the arm rest of the arm chair. Your dress was sinful since it was this black cami dress that you usually wore a cardigan with. He knew without that cardigan, all those fuckers that pretend to go to the library for books would be staring straight at your ample breast. And even though you were wearing leggings under, the imagination was running wild. “Where the fuck is your cardigan?” He hated how your breasts were just out in the open, even though your dress did cover your cleavage well, Angel had fucked you too many times in this dress, pulling the top down, watching as your breast bounced up and down as he fucked you.
“No, it’s okay, I just wanted to make you feel good.” In reality, you were ashamed you let this happen. For two years, you did nothing with Angel besides cuddling and now you not only kissed him but you gave him a blowjob. The only reason you did it was because seeing how protective he became over you, it made your heart melt. “I left it on my chair.” You bit back a moan as Angel grabbed your breast.
“What did daddy say about this dress?” He pushed one of your straps down, licking his lips as his eyes focused on your beautiful skin, calling him to mark it. 
“Angel,” you whimpered as he pulled a part of your dress down, your naked breast immediately greeting him. 
“Where the fuck is your bra?”
“It has a built in one.” 
Angel wrapped his hand around your throat, making you look at him. He growled, squeezing your breast, taking your nipples in between his fingers.
“I’m gonna ask you one more fucking time, what did daddy say about this dress.”
“Not to wear it unless you’re with me.” You gave in and you couldn’t even be angry. Angel was doing a number on you. But you had to snap out of it, pleasuring him was one thing, but you didn’t want to go back there with Angel. “But we’re no longer together.” You moved away, fixing yourself. You were so wet, but you couldn’t give in to Angel.
“I can change that.”
“I’ll meet you at the kiosk desk.”
When Angel eventually joined you at the kiosk desk, you were surprised when he sat right beside you. Sienna threw you a smirk before finishing a few things around the library since you were set to close in forty-five minutes. Eugene was escorted off of the property, but you knew he would be back. You should really be more stern with Eugene, but at the same time you knew he found solace in the library since it was his time away from his mother. 
You were organizing a few things at your desk, trying your best to avoid Angel and making yourself look busy. His eyes were on you, you could feel them. 
“We’re closing soon, you should go.” Boundaries, you shouted that in your head. Boundaries. You had to set up boundaries or you would be in this endless loop with Angel. There was no future between you two, there was no point of prolonging the inevitable.
“I’ll wait just in case he’s waiting for you outside.” Angel’s voice was strained. You knew he was upset about your comment earlier.
“He won’t be, this isn’t some crime drama.” You tried to lighten the mood, but that seemed to upset Angel further. “I’ll be safe, I promise.”
He leaned in, so only you could hear his words. “Stop it, I’m not leaving you, I’m going to make sure you’re fucking safe. You chose to hide this from me for years and now that I’m in the know, you’re not going to be a fucking statistic.” He took the cardigan that was resting on your chair, and placed it over you. “Wear your fucking cardigan. You think just because we’re not together you’re no longer mine?” Angel chuckled. “You’ll always be mine, you can fight it all you want, but you shouldn’t fight the inevitable.”
“I’m not yours, there’s no fighting anything. We’re not together and it’ll remain that way.” You moved away from him, focusing your eyes on the computer in front of you once more.
The library was finally closed and as Angel promised, he remained by your side. You stood up gathering your things and you saw Sienna making her way towards the door.
“Hey! Are we still meeting at that new Thai place?” 
Sienna was about to confirm your plans when Angel shook his head behind you. She refrained from smiling and shook her head.
“Sorry babe, my man just texted me. He’s having some technical difficulties at home. Rain check?” 
“Sure.” You smiled and waved her goodbye. You could feel Angel behind you, his heat was just radiating. “Hey, so, I have to do inventory. You can sweep the parking lot to see if he’s there, but otherwise, we’re good. Thanks again for standing up for me.” You didn’t want to face Angel, you were nervous about what you would see. Resisting Angel was difficult and you just had so much willpower left. You never felt your dry spell, it never bothered you, until today. Now you really had to get laid.
You felt Angel box you in, his front against your back. You felt his hot breath against your skin. “Are the cameras on?”
“Huh?” Being in such close proximity to Angel, you wanted to close your eyes, bask in the feeling, but you have to set up boundaries. 
“Are the cameras on?” Angel repeated his question.
“No, Sienna turns them off, only the outside cameras are on.” 
“Good.” Angel placed his hand on your breast, grabbing it through your dress. Placing your hand on top of his, you incidentally intertwined your hands, with your hand on top of his as his other hand slid down your dress starting from your chest down to your abdomen and under your dress, pulling down your leggings. You felt him smile against your ear when he felt just how dampen your panties were. “You’re so wet, is this all for daddy?” 
You whimpered when you felt Angel press against your clothed pearl. He squeezed your breast making you let out another whimper. “I didn’t hear an answer.”
“Yes daddy.” Your other hand grabbed Angel’s before he could move your underwear to the side. “Angel, let’s not do this.” Your mind screamed boundaries while your heart said fuck it. 
“Why baby, you let someone else touch my pussy?” Angel swatted your hand, slipping his fingers under your panties. “I’m gonna make you feel so good, stretch out this pussy.”
Your phone began to ring and you immediately grabbed it. It was Jay, your ex-boyfriend. Angel saw the name and growled out your name. 
“If you answer, I’m gonna make sure to make you come while he’s talking to you.” Jay was a sore spot for Angel. He was your high school sweetheart. The one that supposedly got away. Fuck that, Angel refused to acknowledge that. Jay was a part of your past, one he never wanted to address since he made him feel even more insecure about your relationship. 
Angel ran a finger up and down your slit, slipping it past your entrance shallowly, moving his finger tip in and out. It was just enough for you to feel him, but not enough.
You let your phone ring, focused on the sensations or lack thereof that Angel was providing.
“You want my finger all the way, so you can feel my rings against that pussy?”
You nodded your head, loving the feel of Angel’s hand against yours. His hands were always so fucking big, it made yours feel small.
“Naw, I know you got a voice,” he kissed your ear, nipping at it. “Fucking use it.”
“Yes, please daddy.” You begged.
Angel chuckled lowly and slipped his finger further in, adding a second finger. “Tight as always, no one touched you baby?” His thumb landed on your throbbing pearl, tapping it.
“No daddy, just me.” You didn’t want to disclose with Angel that Marie’s words were true about your dry spell. You felt him add a third finger and you threw your head back, your head landing on Angel’s shoulder. 
Angel wrapped a hand on your throat, chastely kissing your cheek. He kept his lips on your cheek, his breath against your skin further turning you on. 
“Did you use that toy I got you?” He questioned. He was rubbing his clothes erection against your back, the friction was amazing, but you knew it would be so much better when it was his bare skin against yours.
“Yes daddy, I did.” You were clenching Angel’s fingers, his fingers tightening around your throat. 
Just as Angel was about to unzip his jeans to slide on home, the door opened. You tried to move away from Angel, but all he did was fix your dress and kept you pressed against him. Jay looked at you, the swollen lips, the disheveled state and the smug look on Angel’s face gave it away. 
“Was I interrupting?” Jay questioned, walking further inside the library.
You and Angel answered at the same time. He looked down at you, but you kept your eyes on Jay.
“You said you wouldn’t be back till next week.” You really wished Jay didn’t come, but at the same time you were glad he came. You were going to cave to Angel and that was the last thing you wanted to do.
“I decided to surprise you.” Jay leaned against the kiosk desk once he arrived, smirking. “You could have continued Reyes, I don’t mind watching.” The smugness on Jay’s face irritated Angel. 
You sighed and pushed Angel out of the kiosk desk. “Go home Angel.”
“I’m not leaving you with this guy.” Angel stood his ground. Jay wasn’t your man, and he never would be again. 
“She’s safe with me, go back to your little club, fix bikes, fuck bitches, and sell drugs.” Jay knew what the Mayans were, he’s had his fair share of run ins with them over the years. He was friends with Neron, a gym buddy of his you could say and he served time with Johnny in the Marines. 
“Jay!” You hissed.
Angel just smirked and shook his head. Jay wasn’t worth it, not yet at least.
“I’ll see you later querida.” He brushed past Jay. It took every fiber in his body to not knock him out.
There was a time and place.
His main goal right now was to get you back. You two had plenty to talk about and Angel planned on discussing things with you. He wasn’t going to let Jay weasel his way back in, especially since he may never let you go again.
Angel understood he fucked up.
He made a hasty decision.
But, it was a new year.
It’s 2020. 
A brand new decade. 
Your past grievances could be left behind in 2019.
Valentine’s Day was around the corner and he was determined to spend it with you.
Angel was more determined to win you back. That kiss, he knew he wasn’t the only one who felt that undeniable spark between you two. And the sexual encounters you two just had, it left Angel wanting more, as he always had.
But he had to take care of Eugene and then Jay.
tagged list: @justahopelessssromantic : @carlaangel86 : @woahitslucyylu : @encounterthepast : @enamoured-x : @anangelwhodidntfall : @briana-mishell24 : @bribri-82 : @chibsytelford : @agirllovespancakes  : @twistnet : @everyhowlmarksthedead : @trulysuccubus : @jadert15 : @sammskellington : @cind-in-real-life :  @onmyspookysblock : @sadeyesgf : @thickemadame : @summertimesadnesswithadashofsass : @gemini0410 : @elcococruz : @samcrobae : @sesamepancakes : @iambabyharry : @blackmissfrizzle : @mrs-losa : @1-800-imagines : @phoenixhalliwell : @lady-pswrld : @dazzledamazon  : @getyourcrayoncas : @fvckthisbxtchup : @lukealvxz : @scuzmunkie : @lilac-tea-time : @danie1432 : @cocotheclown : @soaronmywings : @my-rosegold-soul : @buttercup812 : @un-poetryy : @angelreyesgirl : @sheeshgivemeabreak : @vicmackeybullshxt : @bigcreatorwombatdreamer : @khyharah : @strawberrywritings : @cherry-icetea : @fuzzy-jellyfish : @losolvidad0s : @brownsugarcoffy : @courtrae89 : @prdsdjarin : @blessedboo : @marvelmaree : @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat : @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead : @thesandbeneathmytoes : @dark-twisted-and-mechanical-mind : @maddie-georges : @pearlkitten33  : @incorrect-mcdanno : @that-chick212 : @imanerdychubbyqueen : @60shannon : @deeandbobbymcgee : @marquelapage : @justlikebreathing : @mindless-x-dreaming : @thesewordsareallihavetogive : @wiccanmetallicrose : @appropriate-writers-name : @likedovesinthewnd : @admirehermind : @krysiewithak : @helli4nthus : @robbosvgdens : @scuzmunkie : @proudlittlewitchbitch : @lilacyennefer : @witchyhours​
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argylemnwrites · 3 years
Sunday Morning
Pairing: Drake Walker x MC (Riley Liu)
Book: The Royal Romance (It Couldn’t Wait Another Moment universe, about seven years after Why Are We Still Waiting?)
Word Count: ~1750
Rating: PG-13 (language)
Summary: “I’ve had this dream of mine since I was like 21… about Sunday morning. Waking up Sunday mornings early, my wife is there. She’s asleep. And then you can hear these little feet coming up the stairs… She’s like, ‘Daddy, I’m hungry.’”
“‘Okay, alright.’ I go down to the kitchen; I take her. And you know she wants the one thing Momma says you can’t have. She wants cookies for breakfast… I’m trying to be... “Daddy’s girl,” you know, all that type of stuff. So I sneak her a little cookie and we go play, and that’s it. We chill, and then eventually Momma wakes up, she comes down, and she plays with us.
“And, you know, for me, it’s just quality time. It’s just quality time with family. I don’t need anything more than that. I don’t want anything more than that in life. When I see you... I see Sunday morning.” ~ Riley Christian
Author’s Note: Breaking my hiatus just a little bit early. This is definitely an unplanned one shot, set long after WAWSW?. I was getting caught up on some TV now that my exam is (thankfully) behind me, and I watched the Bachelor in Paradise finale, because I clearly have no taste. The quote above came from one of the contestants, Riley, as he told Maurissa, the woman he proposed to later that episode, how he felt about her. It was one of the most touching moments I’ve ever seen on a reality dating show and it actually made me feel genuine emotion - at least enough to get the creative juice flowing. So congrats to Maurissa and Riley, a couple I think has an actual shot at lasting in the real world! And don’t mind me as I use this reality TV moment as fanfic inspiration, hahaha!
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The sun was just peeking between the slats of the blinds as Drake blinked, slowly transitioning from asleep to awake. He rolled over, checking the time on his phone that was charging on the nightstand. 6:14. Well, Riley wouldn’t be up for a while. He let out a sigh, rolling to his other side and taking her in, passed out on her stomach. Her hair was getting longer, back like it was before Jackie was born, and it fanned out over the pillow, a sea of black, her face barely visible. He’d never understood how she could breathe through that thick mass, but she’d always claimed that it was less bothersome than him trying to keep it off her face, so he just let it be.
He knew he probably wasn’t going to fall back asleep, but there was something just so damn nice about being able to take a lazy morning, lounging in bed with his wife. Sundays were just like that. Riley sometimes had to work either Friday or Saturday night, but that was rare on Sundays. Sundays were usually just the three of them, bumming around. Sometimes, they’d head to Prospect Park, or they’d go out for lunch, but other times they literally didn’t leave their unit. It was always relaxing and just enjoyable.
Drake shifted slightly, moving to grab his book off his nightstand when he heard a floorboard creaking through the bedroom wall. He paused, and sure enough, the squeak of the hinges of Jackie’s door followed just a few moments later. He kept quiet, trying to determine if he was going to need to get out of bed and intercept whatever mischief she would undoubtedly get into if she was left unwatched. During the day, she could usually be trusted to play quietly by herself, but she’d recently decided she would make herself breakfast in the mornings. It had usually just meant some spills and sticky messes in the kitchen, but last Sunday was Mother’s Day, and Jackie had attempted to make pancakes for Riley as a surprise. It was a sweet thought, but the end result had been spending the entire morning in urgent care. Drake supposed it was a blessing she shattered the mixing bowl early in her effort. Getting some glass shards removed from her foot and a handful of stitches in her palm and sole was probably better than if she’d gotten as far as turning on the stove and burned her hands. But after that, she was officially banned from cooking without one of them in the kitchen. Drake was just curious to see whether or not she followed the new rule.
A couple of seconds later, Drake was able to let out a sigh of relief as their bedroom door swung open. Jackie made a beeline around the bed to Drake’s side, knowing exactly who would be up at this hour. He was impressed how quiet she kept, not making nearly any noise until she stood right next to his nightstand.
“Daddy,” she hissed out in a whisper, “I’m hungry. And you and Mommy said I’m not allowed to make breakfast alone anymore and-”
Drake nodded, sitting up and swinging his legs over the side of the bed. “Yeah, that’s right. Thanks for getting me.”
He stretched slightly, watching his daughter bounce on her bare feet that stuck out from the bottom of her shooting star pyjamas as she tried to patiently wait for him to fully get out of bed. As soon as he pushed himself to standing, she bounded out the door, around the corner and into the galley kitchen. Jackie did, at least, wait for him to join her before she pulled out her step stool.
“Alright, Jackie. What are we making?”
“Can we make pancakes?”
Drake raised an eyebrow. He wasn’t exactly surprised, because pancakes were her favorite, but part of him had thought she might be a little less sold on them after her experiences last weekend. But in a lot of ways, she was just like Riley, and her boldness and fearlessness was only one example. “Sure thing, kiddo.”
So they got to work, washing their hands, pulling out the ingredients and supplies. Eventually, Drake cracked the eggs into the bowl before placing it in front of Jackie, letting her stir everything together.
“Maybe we should add some chocolate chips?”
Drake glanced over at his daughter, her dark eyes wide as she held the spoon over the bowl. “Jackie, you know you aren’t supposed to have chocolate for breakfast.” They’d been trying to teach Jackie about healthy foods versus treat foods, and adding a definite treat food to breakfast was not exactly sticking with that effort. Plus, Drake knew she was figuring out that she just had to give him that look, and he was likely to cave. Again, not great behavior to enforce.
But it was just hard to tell her “no” when she kept looking at him like that. All the shit that Riley gave him about Jackie having him wrapped around her little finger was definitely true. She was his kid, though, and he just struggled to be tough with her, particularly over something so minor. Especially when she’d been good and listened to them and had come to grab him before she went into the kitchen. So, he stepped over to her other side, opened the pantry cupboard, and pulled out the container of chocolate chips, tossing a few handfuls of them into the bowl. The smile Jackie gave him was more than worth it.
As Drake cooked the pancakes, Jackie set the table. Drake did stop her from pulling out the whipped cream from the fridge; he wasn’t that much of a softie. But soon, they were sitting down to eat, a large stack of chocolate chip pancakes between them. 
“Can we go to the park today?” Jackie asked between bites, reaching up to brush her hair back.
Drake nodded. “I think that can be arranged.”
“And can we get ice cream there?”
“What, the chocolate chips not sweet enough for you?”
“Dad-dy, it’s not the same. Ice cream will be later.”
“No way, kiddo. You are only talking me into one treat today. Hit up Mommy for the next one.”
“Hit me up for what?” Riley’s voice caused him to twist around in his chair, taking her in as she entered the dining space, wrapping her robe around her as she shuffled over to the table.
“Mommy, can we get ice cream at the park later?”
Riley pushed her glasses up her nose as she sat down at her spot, grabbing the plate with the pancakes that Drake passed her. “Are those chocolate chips I spy in the pancakes?”
“Daddy added them.”
“Is that so?” Riley spun to face Drake, a smirk playing across her face.
“It’s probably more fair to call it a joint effort,” he said with a little shrug.
“Marshmallow,” she mouthed at him before turning back towards Jackie. “Well, since Daddy already got you one treat, I think Mommy should get to get you one too, right?”
Jackie frowned, trying to work through Riley’s statement. “Does that mean we’re getting ice cream?” she finally asked, a hopeful look in her eyes.
“It means we’re getting ice cream,” Riley said, shaking her head, “but only if you help clean up breakfast and put away all your toys where they belong.”
Jackie was out of her seat in a flash, dashing into the living room to start cleaning up her toys before her good luck ran out.
“God, she’s going to have so many cavities,” Riley said before taking her first bite.
“Sorry, she gave me that look, and she’d been so good. You know, she came to get me before she went in the kitchen, and I wanted to reinforce that, and-.”
Riley leaned over the table and kissed him, effectively cutting him off. “You are so soft,” she said as she pulled back, tracing her fingers across his cheek.
“Hey, I drew the line at the whipped cream she tried to place on the table!”
Riley chuckled as Jackie walked back past the table into her room, a pile of stuffed animals loaded in her arms. “Oh, my mistake, you clearly are such a hard ass with her.”
“You don’t have a leg to stand on, Liu. You caved just as quickly with her ice cream ask,” Drake said, raising an eyebrow.
Riley smirked before taking another bite. “I am not gonna let you be the favorite parent here just because you get up early and can spoil her first. We’re gonna have to come up with a better strategy, though, because she’s definitely realizing she can play us against each other.”
“It only works because you are so competitive.”
“Me? Who was the one who got mad over losing Candyland last night?”
Drake let out a sigh. “That game is garbage and you know it, Liu.”
She laughed again as Jackie passed back through on her way to collect more toys. “You are only saying that because you lo-oo-ooo-st,” she responded in a sing-song voice.
“Bullshit,” said Drake, quiet enough that his voice wouldn’t carry over to Jackie’s ears. “It’s completely random and it takes way too long and if you had got sent back to the start when you were three squares away from winning, you’d be just as-”
Riley cut him off with another kiss. “Like I said, I am not the competitive one here.”
All Drake could do was roll his eyes. He knew he had a competitive streak, but Riley’s was definitely worse. It was just his luck that he had such a recent example that she could toss out there. “Yeah, yeah. You just keep that sentiment in mind next game night. You want some coffee?”
Riley nodded. “Don’t do all the dishes while you’re in there. She needs to help.”
“I know. I’ll just start things soaking.” Drake couldn’t help but smile as he watched Jackie dart through again, this time carrying her crayons and some coloring books. She was cleaning up her stuff readily, which meant that the ice cream at least motivated some good behavior. She was a good kid, and she was clearly willing to work for a little extra treat. That had to count for something.
Besides, it was a Sunday. And if any day deserved chocolate chip pancakes and ice cream, it was Sunday.
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Perma: @mom2000aggie @octobereighth @kingliam2019 @lovingchoices14
TRR/TRH: @iplaydrake @princessleac1 @twinkleallnight @gkittylove99 @ladyangel70 @marshmallowsandfire @axwalker @sirbeepsalot @iaminlovewithtrr @forallthatitsworth @marshmallowsaremyfavorite @hedgehogs-dilemmas
Drake x MC: @petiteboheme @mskaneko
ICWAM: @sunnyxdazed @thequeenofpixels​
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