amiratalks · 22 days
TEXTING: NOAH Amira: Oh, bloody hell. Amira: I don't think that you getting soft porn from a popstar makes you a charity case, btw. I think it's nice that you like her as a person and think she's cute and fun, even if you won't fully admit it. Amira: I also think it's good that even if it's just mindless sex, you have something/someone fun in your life to keep you distracted Amira: Because it's good to just have fun and be reckless sometimes? Amira: Okay, I'm done explaining myself to help you justify thinking with your dick while I was trying to have a nice conversation with my good friend Noah, you heathen.
TEXTING: AMIRA Noah: yeah but it made me sound all charity casey Noah: thank you for your sincere apology
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amiratalks · 22 days
TEXTING: NOAH Amira: You need your head checked fr. Amira: Is sex with a hot girl NOT nice? Amira: Sorry not sorry for making your dick soft.
TEXTING: AMIRA Noah: the words 'you deserve something nice' effectively killed my hard on regarding this situation jsyk x
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amiratalks · 22 days
TEXTING: NOAH Amira: Breaking News: Woman in her 20s consensually flirts with man in his 20s and also consensually shares explicit content, of some variety, with the aforementioned man? Amira: Lovely. Good to know. Amira: You're disgusting. Amira: Glad you and Poppy are having fun though, love. You deserve something nice. x
Noah: lets just say i saw a lot more of poppy martin than i bargained for Noah: heard? lets say heard Noah: girls kinda filthy
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amiratalks · 22 days
@.knifewife: @killianford Keep sweet talking me, and I'll give you a free spin on the Ferris Wheel so we can make out like giddy teens. :)
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Taking the subway to work isn’t so bad when the company’s good. :) @killianford
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amiratalks · 22 days
Amira: Literally, no. But do go on.
Noah: are you ready to be scandalised, amira pace?
Noah: well y’know i thought it was like, a little commercialised pop band
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amiratalks · 22 days
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↳INSTAGRAM: @.knifewife uploaded a photo:
Taking the subway to work isn’t so bad when the company’s good. :) @killianford
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amiratalks · 22 days
TEXTING: NOAH Amira: ...Do I want to know? Amira: The curious side of me wants to know. The pure part of me wants to protect myself and stay naive forever. Amira: Well, she's a global superstar, so I would hope so. Amira: Nice to see you're taking their music more seriously now, though!
Noah: i’m not sweet at all, i’m repulsive
Noah: i should tell you what i did the other day
Noah: i will day, the girl knows her music
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amiratalks · 22 days
TEXTING: NOAH Amira: You're disgusting. Amira: With a hint of cute. I know you're a lot sweeter than you let on, Calloway. Amira: Admit it, you do like her a little bit more than as just a sexual object. Amira: Sorry, babe. :)
Noah: honestly? mostly in a sexual way
Noah: like sometimes i’ll think oh poppy would like this
Noah: but mostly i think about fucking her
Noah: salt in the fucking wound, pacey! ouch!
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amiratalks · 22 days
TEXTING: NOAH Amira: Cute. :) Do you think about Poppy often? In a non, overly sexual way, that is. Amira: Too rich? Amira: God, you really are a fucking pillock sometimes Amira: Dumb? I'm sorry, and why praytell are you looking for a couch to crash on again?
TEXTING: AMIRA Noah: i don't think so. Noah: alright, alright. so i'm thinking about poppy. Noah: if i'm being honest Noah: she's too... Noah: rich? Noah: different worlds. Noah: that's so dumb and on brand for you.
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amiratalks · 22 days
TEXTING: NOAH Amira: I know, love. I just meant... Do you think you could ever feel that for someone ever? Amira: I never asked about Poppy. That's on you, babe. ;) Amira: You think you're not enough for her? Amira: I dunno. Panic?
TEXTING: AMIRA Noah: i don't wanna date flynn, pacey. god's honest. he's got his girl Noah: i don't think it's for me anyway Noah: not with a girl like poppy Noah: damn. Noah: so what're you gonna do?
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amiratalks · 22 days
TEXTING: NOAH Amira: You think you'd ever be interested in dating for real? I mean, somebody other than Flynn. Amira: Of course I know. I've known for a long time. I was just scared, I guess? Amira: I think so, yeah. Amira: We're a bit of a mess?
TEXTING: AMIRA Noah: too many sweethearts in her life. she needs a dickhead Noah: yeah? Noah: i mean, i knew that. i just didn't know you knew that. Noah: he loves you too. you know that, though.
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amiratalks · 22 days
TEXTING: NOAH Amira: You are literally such an arse, I cannot imagine why sweet Poppy Martin is so taken by you. Amira: Yeah, I suppose it is. Amira: And I do, I think. Amira: Love him?
TEXTING: AMIRA Noah: i'm so proud of you. tears in my eyes. for real. Noah: yeah, but it's your love story
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amiratalks · 22 days
TEXTING: NOAH Amira: Let the record state that I am NOT proud, but it did bring me a sick sense of joy to deliver that news to you. Amira: No, you clown. Amira: I was drugged up, about half the weight I am now, and covered in cuts and bruises and - most likely - my own vomit when he first found me, so. Amira: Not exactly your average love story.
TEXTING: AMIRA Noah: AMIRA YOU DOG Noah: ok consider me SCANDALISED Noah: you lured him away with your devastatingly sexy accent and incredible vagina???
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amiratalks · 22 days
TEXTING: NOAH Amira: Killian was - *is* - married. Amira: When we met, he was married. I lived with him. Amira: And his wife.
TEXTING: AMIRA Noah: oh, i dunno, it takes a lot to scandalise me... try your best?
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amiratalks · 22 days
TEXTING: NOAH Amira: Oh, I don't know about that Amira: Noah Calloway, would you like to be... scandalised?
TEXTING: AMIRA Noah: well yeah Noah: learning... right Noah: i think maybe you and killer might be poster boy and girl for healthy relationships Noah: well, right after flynn and blondie
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amiratalks · 22 days
TEXTING: NOAH Amira: You're an idiot Amira: Yeah, I guess. Amira: I do want to, but there are days where I don't. There are days when the idea of anybody being within 3 feet of me makes my skin crawl and my stomach turn, so. I dunno. Amira: He does. More than anything. It's hard for him too, so we're just... learning?
TEXTING: AMIRA Noah: i hate to say it but watching you kick flynn was pretty funny in hindsight Noah: i get it though Noah: just because it's difficult doesn't mean you dont wanna though, right? Noah: and killian? he gets it?
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amiratalks · 22 days
TEXTING: NOAH Amira: You know no such thing! Amira: It's not like that with us. Amira: I'm not eager to just... jump in. Amira: Remember when we first met and I hated to be touched? Like the first time Flynn hugged me and I kicked him in the shins? Amira: But now I love taking naps with you? Amira: Stuff like that is hard for me. Amira: It's stupid
TEXTING: NOAH Noah: why not? i know you wanna
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