#everyone should be able to see themselves in the reader insert
i-drop-level-one-loot · 5 months
Me: I sincerely hope my existence as an AFAB person doesn't influence my gender neutral characters too much for other sexed peoples with other orientations to enjoy..
A large majority of reblog comments: I love this Male Reader :)
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flightlessangelwings · 7 months
Being inclusive with your reader insert fic is a kindness. It tells people of color (poc) that you are considering someone who does not look like you in your fic. It shows love and dedication to our craft. It tells poc that they belong here too and they can see themselves in your story.
Poc aren’t look for activism in fic, we know fandom isn’t that serious, but we should be able to have that same level of escapism when we turn to fic and fandom. We belong here too. This space is for everyone, not just one group of people.
Just to give a few examples of how simple it can be: say “skin warmed” instead of blushed, say “cradled your head” instead of running fingers through hair, say “angles yourself to kiss” instead of standing on tiptoes, use italics to indicate Spanish to take out a throwaway line of “you didn’t understand Spanish” things like that. Small changes that do not impact the fic at all but make a world of difference in inclusivity!
And for anything you can’t/don’t want to change, simply add warning in the beginning. Things like hair descriptors, anything reader might wear, some backstory for reader (especially involving family or where the story is set), readers job, things like that. A lot of times just having that heads up before the fic makes a world of difference!
And one example of kindness we as writers always worked to change: until recently (just a couple years ago) it wasn’t common to label the gender of the reader. But those who aren’t female asked writers to label it so they know which to read and which to avoid, and now it’s common to label the gender/pronouns of the reader. So it is possible! It just takes effort! And I’m a writer myself so I know it can be done!
We can pretend to be a bartender or a bounty hunter or an actress or anything else. But we shouldn’t have to imagine we’re a white one.
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honey-tongued-devil · 8 months
Sinners' tango
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It wasn't just meant to be a small collection of Papa x Sister of Sin!Reader, but also to have a little interpretation key. So, as usual, I invite you to comment/like to show your support!
I really like the idea that the Ministry of Ghosts is a matriarchal pyramid, where even though Papa seems like the most important figure, Sister Imperator is the one who holds the reins of everything. Furthermore, I like that this isn't seen as a threat to anyone's masculinity within the clergy.
This series had a bit of this in mind. The woman isn't shown to allow more or less everyone to insert/identify themselves, yet her presence is so strong that even without ever seeing her face, you should be able to perceive her as the dominant figure in the composition. Sometimes she simply doesn't bother to look at those who are looking at the images, as if leaving the dirty work to someone else, other times she plays with her men, who allow themselves to be moved docilely.
There's also a certain sensuality, the idea of intimacy between the sister and the pope, and the various popes looking into the camera is like an awareness of their position. It's a submissive, almost devoted but still proud. Except for Copia, but not because he's not devoted to her, but because he, more than anyone, couldn't take his eyes off her.
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tiyoin · 2 months
i'm curious about yuu 👀 and their friendship before twisted wonderland. does he genuinely have feelings for the reader or is he just playing with the people that likes them?
oh it’s definitely both BXJAHAHDJ
yuu just wants to watch the world burn, but they’re also forcing reader into a ‘tough love situation’
yuu really wants to see reader succeed!! while they don’t mind reader’s hovering since they’re besties for now they do want them to spread their wings.
but here’s the thing. in this ‘series’ yuu is more… controlling, then the canonical yuu. mainly because of the ‘introvert extrovert’ roles they’re categorized into when they’re in public.
while reader is more out going with the right people, yuu is… yuu, effortless charm and that hidden script reader wants so. badly.
also yuu has a crush on reader 🤭 that’s just how the cookie crumbles ya know 🤭 it’s always been there in their old world, but now that they’re in this world yuu can have them all for themselves… in a romantically sense anyways.
but here’s the thing, when reader starts to spread her wings and make connections, they’re not going to always be around yuu anymore. opting to strengthen maybe 1 or 2 friendships they’re able to get and spend time helping those friendships flourish.
it goes from 100 to 45 real quick for yuu and it’s head-spinning for them. and you know what. yuu doesn’t like the mug on that guy. he’s getting a little too close to you, so you gotta be careful okay!
did you hear that ‘[insert character] has a really weird / toxic trait you don’t vibe with at all and yuu knows that and purposefully tells you???’ oh, yuu just heard it from the grape vine… let’s get food now!!
yuu is a devious little shit in this 😈
because if you have $100, are you gonna show the world? OFC NOT!! you’ll keep it to yourself and spend it how you want. but there will also be signs…
so yuu is basically lowkey hoarding reader, but also letting them grow enough that it helps reader… but they’re also lowkey stunting that growth to keep reader.
OH MY GOD IMAGINE YUU SMIRKING AT [insert guy that clearly like them] when reader allows yuu to physically guide them through the hallways. giving them a ‘wish this was you, huh’ face
reader quite literally SHADOWING yuu in social situations while the other characters are gripping the table in anger thinking: that should be me
reader allowing yuu’s leg and shoulder to touch theirs as they’re sitting down. and yet… when the boy(s?) try to do it reader jerks away like they have the plague 😔
reader whispering something into yuu’s ear which causes them to burst out into howling laughter, everyone urging reader to say it out loud or for yuu to share. but then y’all both give each other, the look, then you speak (!!) ‘can’t, it’s a super secret☺️’
…brotha what🧍🏻
yuu’s honest reaction to the chaos they’re spreading:
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yuu is going to be very devious in this series
run reader!! run!!
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bwabys-scenarios · 4 months
hii i really don’t mean this in a bad way! but i saw one of your posts taking about how you mostly write for chubby readers, and i really admire that. keep writing!
buutt, i just have a (not very) little question. one thing about me is that i really do not understand why people write for specially one type of person? like, i absolutely love the inclusivity and i love all your works, but why can’t everyone just write.. for y/n?? if that makes sense.
like, not describing the reader’s body, skin tone, or anything else like that. i’m not trying to tell you what to do or anything, but it’s just something i have been curious about for ages! and i’ve been too scared to ask on the notes because i don’t want anyone to think i’m being mean ( ´ ▽ ` )
basically, what i’m trying to ask is; is it bad that i would prefer if writers wrote for nobody in particular?
because i think that it’s so much easier, that way everybody can be happy without leaving one type of person out?
also, i understand if it’s for one type of oneshot/ story, though. like such as reader getting bullied, harassed, or whatever because of the trait you chose to write about.
and i also completely understand if you write for a specific type of person because that’s what you’re like, and i think that’s great!! i love when writers write y/n as themselves, because honestly me too. but for the people comfortable with that, do you think they should write as i suggested?
like, writing a y/n that’s just.. y/n. not described fully so you can imagine whatever you want for them.
i love your works, and really want you to keep writing!
so please tell me your thoughts on what i said! i am trying to learn how to understand people better, but if you want to ignore that’s totally fine! thank you for reading, i hope you have a wonderful day. <3
note: im sorry if this is a lot and confusing. i kinda just dumped everything i was thinking because i’ve never brought this up with anyone and got a bit nervous to ask this. sorry!
short answer: I write chubby readers because chubby readers deserve to see stories where their bodies are mentioned, celebrated, and loved. Writing for a completely neutral reader is not something I’m interested in, because I would not be able to relate to that at all.
Long answer: Fat people, like me, are often taken out of the experience of reading a reader insert fanfiction because the reader is described as thin WITHOUT any warning saying the fic would describe the body type. You can write your the reader to look however you look, but not tagging it/warning about it can surprise readers and put them off, especially when it happens so often for chubby readers. So I’m not against a reader being skinny, it would just be nice to have a warning or tag.
But anyways, making the reader completely neutral works sometimes, but a lot of the time people write/read chubby reader inserts to see their SPECIFIC body type loved and celebrated because often times it is not in regular reader inserts. People seek out chubby!reader inserts to see a reader being loved that has their body type, they aren’t looking for neutrality. They want a character that has the same struggles, insecurities, and life experiences that they can relate to. A chubby!reader accomplishes that.
I hope this answers your question! It’s okay to be curious and ask questions nicely, so don’t feel nervous :)
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endlessthxxghts · 26 days
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Dear readers, writers, and simply friends alike,
Below are some thoughts I’ve been cooking up since I started writing/posting. I believe it to be the holy grail of my blog — what I stand for, and essentially the morals of what my writing is built off of. I wanted to have this here and ingrained into my blog/navigation for purposes of making my positionality known from the start, so people know what kind of open and inclusive space they are entering when being on my blog and interacting with me.
back to navigation ->
As someone who is on the curvier side, physically disabled, Asian, and queer, I strive to make every story I write as neutral as possible in order to give everyone the chance at being able to experience seeing themselves in written word. I know what it’s like to be underrepresented (if any representation at all), and if I have any control over it, I don’t want another human to have to experience it either — so at the very least, I don’t want anyone to experience that on my blog.
At the same time, these stories are as much for me as it is for you. With that being said, I’m also going to dabble into certain physical descriptors. Why, some may ask? Well, that’s simple. Representation. (I do want to note that my creative representation cannot go beyond the marginalized groups I am a part of — I do not, cannot, and should not create on behalf of experiences I do not have. I also want to note that creative writing and advocating are not the same! I will always advocate for every human in every sense of wrongdoing, justice, etc.).
It’s one thing to be able to fit into the neutral “one-size-fits-all” window, but it’s another thing to actively see someone like you within a work of art (whether it be a literal painting or a book or a film).
These creations are often associated with idyllics and the notion of “perfect,” but because there’s been a lack of diverse representation early on in these creations, society decided that anything not fitting under the skinny, white/eurocentric, able-bodied, cis-heterosexual normative was wrong. And I’m here to tell you that it’s simply not true. And with my words and my creations, I will show you how that’s not true. 
Additionally, because of society’s standards that were forcibly instilled into us, we sometimes forget the capability of humans. Often we see characters (and especially within the PPCU and even Joel) carry his counterpart (whether it be an OC or a reader-insert). Now, there’s nothing wrong with that. There’s nothing wrong with whatever you write as long as it’s original, you give credit where needed, and you give content warnings/tags accordingly. However, whenever the idea of “carrying” comes around, often the automatic assumption is that the person being carried is smaller or of a more “fit” body. And that’s entirely okay! For my stories, though, I want to clarify. This is not the case unless I specify. 
To my thicker body individuals, you are seen and you are capable and worthy of all the freak nasty shit my brain shares with the internet world. As someone who relies on other humans to carry me — you don’t have to be skinny or petite or “fit” in order for this to happen. You simply need a person who is capable, and in my stories, with any PPCU character I write, they will always be capable.
To my people with disabilities, you are seen and you are capable and worthy of all the freak nasty shit my brain shares with the internet world. I know I don’t have disabled!reader-inserts yet (this statement is subject to change! I’ve got some stuff cooking🩶), I hope you can understand — this is something that is especially close to my heart, and disability is also something that is the most subjective human experience any of us will face. I will try my best to represent this lifestyle in the way that I know best, and I hope somehow, someway, there’s details in there that we can all relate to and see ourselves in.
I love you. All of you. No matter what you look like, or what lifestyle the universe has given you. You are human, and with me, you are seen. I can promise you that.
My ask box is always open, and if there are any questions or things you’d like to address with me — I’m always open for the conversation, and I’m always open for more ways to grow personally and mentally. I’m also always open if you ever just need another human to talk to or even to listen. I’m here.
If any of these beliefs and morals don’t sit right with you, then this isn’t the blog for you, and I hope we can simply scroll along. And I also hope you can find a blog that aligns with what you’re looking for.
Endless love,
L <3
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vermillioncrown · 11 months
an actual AU snippet: a number of different selves
bc @rozaceous and i keep teehee-ing about 'folie a deux' and aaaaall the au's we have for our dc-siocs
money where the mouth is: bonus snippet + concept for followers
(it'll prob just be like my longer mdzs au's with one written part and the rest is just back and forth)
impetus: roz and i saw a shitpost where someone laughed at "bruce wayne x reader divorce" and said "he's already going through it and people are really inserting themselves in the narrative just to divorce him lmao"
which we then joked "damn we'd be set. he could have whatever mistress he wants as long as we could have financial support and leave us alone. we'll play his trophy wife"
and then we both realized that there would be things we couldn't let go if we ever caught wind of it. like it would drive us insane to abide by it. and thus...a version of our si's w bruce (yeah you heard me, both of us)
so here's a thing, bonus only for tumblr🙂
“I put you two in that meeting to clear up any hard feelings,” Lucius stares dead-on at his screen. He tries very hard not to pinch the bridge of his nose—composure needs to be maintained. “It can’t have gone that poorly.”
“Time is a finite resource for us lowly mortals and I’m not getting that hour back,” Vivienne grits out. “A fucking PA—where does he get off on his high horse? I hope he explodes.”
“—know how many people work here, Lucius? Let alone just my division? And you’re wasting everyone’s time with each dead-on-arrival concept that gets shuffled into our portfolio and then ‘mysteriously’ yanked when it’s just good enough to Frankenstein into whatever high school science project that’s hiding in some Gotham sewer tunnel.” Her tirade is caustic and not hidden behind the typical red lipstick smiles. “Morale is dipping. There’s only so much you can pay to keep mouths shut and stop turnover.”
Vivienne makes very good points—the fact she has the acumen even three years ago was why WanyeTech moved to fund her PhD and fast-tracked her as a technical director upon entering the workforce. She caught on very quickly—too quickly—that there were private uses of certain advanced concepts within R&D, and she cared. Fortunately for WayneTech, her diligence meant increase in efficiency for the company; they’ve won several bids that have extended their reach into two new industries.
(Fortunately, WayneTech is privately held and not subject to public shareholder scrutiny.)
Unfortunately for the Batman, it meant additional roadblocks for his tools and supplies. It was by God’s grace, or something, that Vivienne didn’t decide to either blackmail them or whistle-blow. What she argued for was more oversight and appropriate man-hours and billing for certain projects that went towards a ‘private use case.’ The willingness to help (out of logistical fury) took a load off Lucius’s shoulders, but it put two new headaches in his skull: one next to each ear every time Vivienne or Bruce complained about each other peripherally.
“Does His Dark Grace think he’s not subject to g-forces?”
“Lucius. I asked for four different configurations. It should be able to fit.”
“Love his idealism—of course we have the manufacturing tolerances of an ant colony!”
“This is over-redundant and unnecessary. It gets in the way of visibility. I need a design change by two weeks.”
...and so on, so forth. So Lucius decided to cut himself out as the middleman and make the two talk to each other. A direct stakeholder meeting to capture requirements and fulfill proposals, so to speak in company terms. As both Bruce’s long-standing friend and Vivienne’s superior for her tenure at the company, he’s in the unique position to see the similarities in their personalities and (perhaps foolishly) believed they would get along after candid discussion.
And somehow, it all went to hell in a hand basket. That’s probably on Lucius for forgetting that adults were equally susceptible to playground scrapping as his six-year-old son. Thankfully, there’s less physical dirt involved or impromptu weapons, even if Vivienne looks ready to rip her stiletto heels off to use as a real stiletto.
“Vi, what do you need me to give?” Lucius straightens and prepares to negotiate. The greatest vulnerability of adding good talent is having more people in the know. Loose ends. It’d be a blow to lose Vivienne, but as long as she doesn’t talk—
“He’s lucky he’s a net good,” she snarls, now pacing in front of his desk. “He’s fucking lucky city statistics are on his side.”
She stops mid-rant. “What.”
“Are you terminating our agreement?”
Vivienne takes a few calming breaths before rearranging her stance into something more office-appropriate rather than riled up before taking part in an illicit cage match. “No, Chief Fox. I am not,” she answers with a placid smile, tone light and even.
“Then, what would make your life easier?” Lucius does understand that she’s doing them a huge favor at an equally huge cost from herself. There’s a lot of duties that are more effort and well-beyond what someone her pay grade should need to touch; the delicate situation requires her to be equal parts every role for end-to-end conceptual design to manufacturing.
When Lucius scouted Vivienne Yang from her undergrad in Gotham University, it was by chance—there were technical managers scouting and giving PR for various capstone projects, and he decided to tag along. There, as he was browsing various posters, is where he found her. The work done by her team wasn’t novel (just par for the course with undergraduate engineers), but it was the polish that caught his eye. A methodical approach to answering the prompts given by the capstone courses, justified scope, and structured analysis and design choices that made her team’s final concept (proposed electric car design) stand out. Their value proposition considered necessary support infrastructure and manufacturing as part of their considerations.
He called them ‘her team’ because it was clear that, despite being barely 5’6” with pointed choice of footwear and surrounded by young men over a head taller with the typical engineers’ mannerisms to boot, she called the shots. Oh, of course, her teammates contributed to the questions he asked (”Andy,” young-Vivienne barked, and Team Member Andy jumped in to answer about the drivetrain sizing), but she was the systems integrator.
This was the type of skill that took years to build—usually, years of practical experience on the job—and she had it as intuition. And when Lucius corrected certain assumptions on their design, she didn't take it personally but was instead able to promptly speculate how that would shift their design point.
Thus, he put out an immediate sponsorship for her to grab an advanced degree (or two), school of her choice, research topic to be approved by whatever technical manager in WayneTech that acted as her liaison, and would jump into a stable job with a salary and employee benefits other grad students could only dream of.
Landing something as prestigious as Director of Advanced Concepts, slated for Chief Technology Officer by her 30s, in a Fortune 500 company? Barring the fact that the work was based in Gotham, crime capital of the United States, it would be something like pure fantasy to any aspiring engineer.
She took the sponsorship offer, and Lucius learns over the years that she financially supports her family living out-of-state and genuinely enjoys the various industries that intersect within WayneTech’s R&D. She likes a job well done, is practical and professional (if not overly enthused) when defense-related bids come across their table, and disdains many of the big research or tech conglomerates that make the news for various crimes or “waste of brain cells and human effort.”
Her morals aren’t obvious, but Vivienne’s choice to support Lucius’s efforts to protect Bruce in his uphill crusade is her character vouching for the Batman, even if she dislikes the actual man behind the mask and his design requirements. That she considers it still of worth is something that Lucius needs to compensate her for.
Lord knows had Bruce actually gone through with that projectile design, he’d have already lost an eye. If Vivienne says his proposed ‘Batplane’ design will vibrate into smithereens, he’s inclined to trust her on that.
“I’m going to start calling him an idiot and vetoing stupid requirements,” Vivienne declares, one eyebrow raised like she’s daring him to object.
“You mean you haven’t been doing that already?”
“Lucius, I have been nothing but polite to him. You have the CCs,” she refutes, looking at him incredulously.
He’s not sure by whose standards her scathing emails can be considered ‘polite’, but of course she can be worse. He needs to smooth this out, redo the first meeting ASAP. His hairline can’t take more of this.
“Fine, alright. Just—let’s try to set up another discussion. I’ll attend this time.”
Vivienne actually snorts. “Guess I’m never beating the PA allegations.” She looks down at her watch. “Fuck. Should have just written you an angry email. How am I going to make it five blocks in ten minutes?” She mutters and just as suddenly as she invaded his office, she strides out with a distracted, “Okay thanks, I’ll continue this later.”
He’d rather she not, but it seems she’s sticking around the Wayne Enterprises HQ building to call into her upcoming meeting; he hears her requesting a fresh notepad, a hot cup of coffee, and a private conference room and everyone outside honors those requests immediately.
That’ll give Lucius about two hours to process Vivienne’s rant, track down Bruce for his side of the story, and figure out how to smooth things out. It shouldn’t be unreasonable.
His phone call to Bruce shatters his expectations.
“You called Director Yang my what?”
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lucy-moderatz · 29 days
aceness and re-learning to read romance
this is long. just warning you.
For a good portion of this year, I thought I’d started to hate romance novels. They’ve never exactly been the focus of my reading, but since I’ve started reading regularly again, they’ve always been a feature. For the most part, I’ve enjoyed them. There are always duds, of course, but more and more over the last few months I just…haven’t been able to take them. 
Tropes I used to like suddenly annoyed me. Writers I once really enjoyed flopped time and time again. Was it them? Was it me? I severely downsized my romance collection. There were some hits, for sure. But they were fewer and farther between. I started to have much better luck when I focused primarily on queer romances, where I saw far more success. But that left me with another question. Why?
We should all be reading queer stories. Sci-fi, fantasy, non-fiction, horror, every genre, every month, every year. That goes without saying. My sudden fixation of queer romances could have just been a desire to see stories told in a different way, from a different point of view, old tropes reimagined. But what about my queerness: my aceness. Did that have something to do with it?
My aceness goes like this: I do not want to have sex. I probably never have. I probably never will. That’s the base from which I operate. However, that doesn’t mean I don’t want to read about sex. That doesn’t mean I don’t love reading about sex. I do. I love a well-constructed, hot, dirty love scene between any two consenting adults who want to be there. That’s fun. Sex is fun, as long as it’s not happening to me. 
However, a thought recently occurred to me that I haven’t been able to let go of: have I begun to gravitate away from, full disclosure, mostly heterosexual romances because they make me feel like sex is happening to me?
I know a common criticism that gets lobbed at the romance genre and romance readers by joyless morons is that it’s all wish-fulfillment and self-insert. That women imagine themselves in the place of the heroine and get off vicariously through that. That’s certainly not always true. And if it is true, so what? I read sci-fi novels to live vicariously through people who get to fly around in space. I read cozy fantasy to feel like I’m in a magical world where everything is safe and comfortable. Self-insert is a valid way to read, but since we apparently need to be policing women’s desires all the time, it’s something women have to defend themselves against all the time.
But this isn’t about how capital “W” women read. This is about how this lower case “w” woman reads, and how I come to a piece of work as an asexual/aromantic. I realize I may have been coming to the piece as if I am the woman in the piece. I’m now forced to be her. Which is difficult because more often than not, she wants to be there and I don’t. I don’t relate to her because I can’t relate to her. I wouldn’t give the male love interest a second chance because I don’t feel her feelings and I don’t know how. Therefore I get frustrated when she does because what’s the point? Living happily ever after? I’m happy now.
You see where this is a problem.
I am not the person in the book. But somehow, I have been reading romances, and I feel it is particular to romance, as if I am. With queer romances, particularly ones where there are no female love interests (and those are, for the most part, the ones I inevitably picked) there’s a built-in defense against that. Against the uncomfortable feeling of being unable to separate myself from the female protagonist, from her choices feeling like mine, and her desires being completely antithetical to mine. I find myself liking those books a much higher rate more because I feel inherently set apart in a way I suppose I no longer feel in most heterosexual romances. It's just a book again.
I don’t think we’re taught to read this way. Maybe subliminally, I don’t know. I know not everyone reads this way. I know that “this has nothing to do with me, these people are not real, let’s see all of the fun things they do” is the way, probably, most people come to a book. I just never realized, when it came to romance, maybe I wasn’t one of them. Maybe I didn’t know to have that barrier up. Maybe I didn’t know it would end up bothering me so much.
I told my Dad I was asexual because I was reading a book and two characters were having a conversation and suddenly, or at least suddenly it seemed to me, one character began thinking they were sexually attracted to the person they were talking to. In the middle of the conversation. I was just…annoyed. Baffled and annoyed. Because here we were again. This was not a romance book. This was a mermaid and a human talking about some heavy stuff and then there it was. I felt slammed into. By this feeling I don’t get, this thought I’ve never had, that every single person seemed to have but me. I’d been thinking about asexuality, reading about it, talking with friends, asking myself, “Is this me? Is that why I don’t feel these things? Should I tell him? What will he think? I can’t not tell him. I can’t not tell someone. He loves me. He’ll understand.”
He did, by the way. They all did. I was lucky.
So. I haven’t had long to test this theory. I just finished my first heterosexual romance in a long time, and though there were very few sex scenes, I went into it with the thought, “This has nothing to do with me. Let’s have some fun.” And I did. I can’t promise they’ll all be like that. I don’t know if it matters if they are. They’re just books. But I wanted to reflect on this part of myself, this journey into what being ace means for me, how being more aware of it and accepting it as part of my identity, part of how I intrinsically think and approach the world, may change, may expand, how I approach everything.
I’ll never stop reading queer romance. It’s not a shield, I’d never treat it that way. I just hope that I’ll now be able to approach all romance the way I have always approached queer romance, as it’s own piece of art to be judged and evaluated on its own merits, as a story about people completely separate from me who happen to want relationships and like sex and will live happily ever after.
After all, I’m already happy now.
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queenimmadolla · 11 months
How do you feel/what do you do about poc that are in the sunken place? I’ve seen poc admit they can’t imagine a poc as reader and only imagine white people, then defend white washing in all fandom mediums(fics, art, headers etc). It annoys the fuck out of me, esp since white creators use those poc to hide behind. Like ok if you’re cool with the white supremacy in your head good for you, but it doesn’t work for me and I want to imagine reader as pic and flr people to work towards and create a more welcoming environment for everyone.
The sunken place, that made me laugh out loud!!! But you’re right, they never fail to show up when a white person is doing their best to make sure a reader is white. But let’s talk about it, cause I been DYING to give my piece.
I can always hear them coming, the loud ass tuba that makes up their Uncle Ruckus theme song starts playing right before they post their “I can excuse racism” ass reply so they can shove their head up white writers’ asses.
The most common statement I see is something like “tbh I just ignore those words, they barely even register to me now, and sometimes I don’t even wanna imagine myself so it doesn’t bother me” like congrats on admitting that the white coding has been SO common of a practice that you’ve adapted to purposely imaging a white person in your place because the white writers you worship made it difficult for you to ever imagine yourself or at least an oc with the same shade of skin as you in a READER insert.
and if they don’t wanna imagine themselves in the reader tag but feel inclined to speak up about people who do being upset? GET THE FUCK OUTTA THE READER TAG! This doesn’t involve you then, bitch. Go read some OC fanfiction, and take your house slave mindset with you. They’re not better than us by agreeing with details that do encourage and up hold white supremacy (we’re not calling you members of the kkk, we’re saying if you want to imply Reader is white, you’re implying we should because my black ass does not have straight blonde hair, blue eyes and cream colored skin)
‘Oh, but vivi it’s not that deep, I just like to write certain─’ with disrespect, shut the fuck up. if you’re white, you do not encounter these racist people on here the way we do because they’re most likely your friends and followers while they’re OUR antagonists.
You do not get to decide whether you only wanting white people to be able to see themselves in Reader (an insert meant to let literally ANYONE see themselves in the place of) is racist or not—just like business owners who refuse to allow POC to shop/dine/sit in their establishments don’t get to say they’re not racist.
ANYWAYS, if they’re a POC and they excuse this shit, here’s a perfect character for them to insert themselves in the place of:
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agentmarcuspike · 4 months
When descriptions of size, body type, and race are used.
yeah, what about that? that’s when it should be tagged as an original character? i don’t think everyone agrees on this is the problem. and if that’s the case then most smut shouldn’t be tagged with “reader” because it’s pretty darn hard to write porn without describing a body. these things could be mentioned in the content warnings, for sure, but it doesn’t seem fair or right that to use the “reader” tag there can be no descriptors. it’s called reader insert because when you use “you” you’re automatically writing from the reader’s pov, not because absolutely everyone should be able to see themselves in it? but again, diversity and inclusion IS something we should strive for, i just don’t understand why we’re making that conversation be about which words we use to DESCRIBE what we’ve written here in this little corner of the internet when it’s so much bigger than that
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serafae · 6 months
𝐁 𝐄 𝐅 𝐎 𝐑 𝐄 𝐘 𝐎 𝐔 𝐅 𝐎 𝐋 𝐋 𝐎 𝐖 —
• this blog contains nsfw content intended for mature audiences only. do not read or interact if you are a minor and/or do not have your age somewhere on your blog. for my own safety, ageless blogs and anyone under the age of eighteen will be blocked.
• i mostly write for myself, so my works tend to feature a female reader. that being said, any requests i receive will be written with gender neutral language. the appearance of my reader inserts are never described in an attempt to be as inclusive as possible. everyone should be able to enjoy and see themselves in fanfiction!
• please be sure to read the entirety of this post if you are interested in sending a request. i will cover fandoms, what i do and don't write, and any requirements for sending a request.
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𝐅 𝐀 𝐍 𝐃 𝐎 𝐌 𝐒 𝐈 𝐖 𝐑 𝐈 𝐓 𝐄 𝐅 𝐎 𝐑 —
• harry potter: bill weasley, draco malfoy, luna lovegood, neville longbottom, remus lupin, ron weasley, sirius black.
• the hunger games: finnick odair, haymitch abernathy, johanna mason, peeta mellark.
• john wick: caine, john wick.
• marvel cinematic universe: bucky barnes, kate bishop, loki laufeyson, peter parker, steve rogers, vision, wanda maximoff, yelena belova.
• star wars: ahsoka tano, anakin skywalker, bo-katan kryze, cal kestis, cassian andor, din djarin, fennec shand, finn, obi-wan kenobi, poe dameron, rey.
• stranger things: eddie munson, jim hopper, robin buckley, steve harrington.
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𝐖 𝐇 𝐀 𝐓 𝐈 𝐖 𝐈 𝐋 𝐋 𝐖 𝐑 𝐈 𝐓 𝐄 —
• headcanons & drabbles: i will write headcanons for up to three characters per request and drabbles for a single character. everyone defines a drabble differently, so for me it's a short fic of somewhere between 400-700 words.
• reader inserts: i only write reader insert/character relationships. as stated previously, in an effort to be as inclusive as possible they will be written as gender neutral and as plus size and poc friendly.
• pairings: i will happily write a request that pairs the reader up with both male and female characters. i am also open to writing poly pairings, though only for certain characters (ex. wanda/reader/vision).
• genres: angst, fluff, and smut.
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𝐖 𝐇 𝐀 𝐓 𝐈 𝐖 𝐎 𝐍 ' 𝐓 𝐖 𝐑 𝐈 𝐓 𝐄 —
• canon/canon: i do not write ship fics. i just don't enjoy it!
• some reader inserts: at this time i do not write male, trans, or asexual reader inserts as i don't feel confident in my ability to do so.
• blacklisted topics: these include abo, abortion/miscarriages, age play/regression, abuse (mental/physical/sexual), bdsm, bestiality, dub-con/non-con, eating disorders, incest, pedophilia, self-harm, suicide, yandere, and any fetishes involving bodily fluids/excretions.
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hotchs-big-hands · 8 months
Can I just say that I love and appreciate that you write with plus sized girlies in mind. I am not plus sized myself but I also definitely do not look like the coquette pinterest girlies that most writers choose pictures of to go along with their works. A lot of them establish a certain uh.. body standard that so many of us don’t fit into so you’re doing something super important! Thank you <3
Awhhh gosh you're extremely sweet 🥺🥺🥺💖💖💖💖💖 thank you so so much for these lovely words!! Everyone should be able to feel represented and see themselves in fics whenever they are looking at reader inserts, so if I can provide some content for ppl like me to picture themselves in fics then that makes me happy 🥰🥰🥰 thank you for reading and enjoying!!!
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blnk338 · 10 months
Could you share the issue regarding the inclusivity poll please? The one you said was resolved? Just so it helps other writers. I think it's important to share such information<3 or maybe do some notes us other writers should be aware of?
I didn't vote because I am not a poc but since we're on the topic of reader insert: the one thing I felt a bit uncomfortable with was "your mom's name" when reaper was visiting her mom. I personally don't have an issue imagining myself as an oc persona such as a ripped reaper but my mom is so nice and that part bugged me. For example, I feel like parents' names shouldn't be inserted or mentioned at all. OR give them a random name at the beginning as a starter disclaimer. Just a personal thought. Everything else is very much well thought through. Kudos as always 😉
so the issue that was brought up from the poll was solved here, but i have so far not gotten a response for the "not good" answer. i suppose it could have been a misclick or perhaps someone just wanted to see the answers and didn't read the title first, but if there was an issue (or issues) that caused them to genuinely pick that answer, i'd love to be able to fix it!
some general notes when it comes to writing a race-neutral mc:
don't describe showers (or really, certain morning/night routines); it's important because a lot of people don't wash their hair every day. whether it be for preference, for hair type, or for how they wear their hair, it can be alienating to detail every shower as "washing your hair."
this mistake was actually corrected in the tagged post-- but be aware of how some skin scars! it had slipped my mind that not all scarring ends up pinkish-- it'll just be a dimmer version of the person's skin tone.
don't use major descriptors for hair. "billowing in the wind," "[your ponytail] pulled at your scalp," "curling around the face." all of these can be linked to a certain hair type, usually.
when describing skin, use vague terms. for example "the light from the shades dappled across your skin," instead of "the light sheened off your pale skin."
"your cheeks grew pink," "your face went red," can't always be applied to people with darker skin tones. but yk what can? growing physically warm, sweating, getting goosebumps, or feeling rushes of adrenaline! if you're gonna write something fluffy, make sure everyone gets included.
sometimes eyebags aren't easily seen, either. a lack of melanin means the purple under the lids sticks out more, but eyebags are also sometimes visible with creases, puffiness under the eyes, or a slight droop.
don't go into major detail with facial features. when describing reaper's facial scarring, i keep it general and try not to describe how lips look, whether freckles are cut up from the scarring, etc.
also, when i talk about reaper's mask, i don't talk much about her nose. obviously, larger noses might stick out more from the base of the mask, but plenty of people have flattened noses, so that wouldn't really work. instead, i used a general description (not verbatim) "fits perfectly to your nose."
bonnets and durags! people wear them all the time! in the house, out of the house, but for sleeping, too! mention them as an option for your readers to better immerse them.
really try to remember, especially as a white person, that most fanfics (intended or not) use white people as a default. there're probably a lot of people who will enjoy your fic more if they can see themselves in place of the mc. if you don't sit back, reread your chapter and think "yeah, i could picture anyone in this position" (unless the fic is specified to be black!reader x character or something of the variation), you might want to change it up.
thank you for the comment on reaper's moms name! i sort of can't change that much considering how far we are into the series, but I've removed the times where specifically "your mom/mother's name" (or a variation) was mentioned. (let me know if i missed anything).
sorry about dissing your mom, I'm sure she's lovely :) (/gen)
i also partially didn't add any details on reaper's mom's name because i didn't want to allude to any specifics on reaper's background
thank you so much for the support!
as a small disclaimer... i'm really grateful to get this kind of feedback, from my readers of color and not, it's great to hear how I'm doing because i want to make a fun fic for you guys! if the change is something quick and easy (like this and the tagged message), i don't mind it!
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cyancherub · 2 years
cassy! i have a question regarding an ask you received a few days ago. i couldn't find it but they asked about your self ships and you said that you don't have too many and it got me thinking....... what's the difference between self-shipping and writing and/or reading self-insert fics? maybe this is a dumb question hdgsgs but when i read/write self-insert fics i always imagine myself in those situations?? isn't it like self-shipping?
like i'm aware not everyone write with themselves in mind, after all it can (and should) be an exercise in imagination..but what's the main purpose in self-insert if you're not shipping yourself with those characters? ??
hi june!!! <3 TO BE HONEST i am not SUPER familiar with the self shipping scene so i hope my answer makes sense LKSFDLK .. i think, personally, i don't consider the reader insert fics that i write to be self-shipping just because i always give my readers personalities and backstories so i view them as more of an OC as i'm writing if that makes sense?? but i see what you are saying completely!! bc the point of reading self-insert is to ...insert yourself! so yes i think a lot of people read with the mindset that they're in the story (as they should)!! but even when i'm reading self-insert fic i still don't view it as myself for some reason? BUT yes i think that if you read and view it as yourself then that's self-shipping !!! what i meant when i said i don't tend to self ship is that. i don't really think about how i would be in relationships with my favs when i think about them but rather im thinking about them with some hypothetical..faceless other... AOSDLK.. and i dont tend to talk on here about cassie x aki or something like that for example bc i just dont tend to think about it much, strangely enough!!
to address your second ask (which is an interesting question that i actually haven't really considered until now LOL), even if i'm not actively shipping myself with characters when writing reader insert, i still love writing it because i love the characters i'm writing, and reader insert gives me more of an opportunity to focus on one particular character as opposed to writing ship fic, for example. i also like participating in the x reader community and writing readers with nonspecific physical features so even if they have a fleshed out personality, when i share my work hopefully people can find something relatable in them or picture themselves in it? (even if i don't??! DKFLKL this is so funny bc i've never thought of it this way.) i suppose for me writing reader insert is all about 1) the writing itself + the opportunity that x reader presents for character exploration without having to delve very deep into an OC or other character and 2) being able to share my work so that some people might be able to engage with it and relate to it in some way.
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miscelunaaa · 2 years
hey em !
i am still new to writing reader insert fics. i like to keep descriptions as neutral as possible. the only thing i describe are the clothes, which are not of a particular shape (because every body shape is beautiful and no one should feel ashamed). can you give me tips on how to write while making sure the readers see them in the fic?
First off, I want to preface everything I’m about to say with this: I’m just one person with a lot of opinions mostly fueled by caffeine and hot air. I’m not an expert, I just care a lot and think about this probably too much. I’m a fat white woman with a lot of feelings, and I’m still learning a lot about how to create inclusive environments. This is a process that will never end, and that’s important to recognize from the start. There’s always more to educate oneself on.
With that in mind, here are my thoughts.
I think the first thing to realize is that not everyone is going to be able to see themselves in any given fic. This could be for any number of reasons, from a character not meshing with their own personality to something like not enjoying the relationship depicted, etc. When we write reader insert characters, I want to caution against creating characters that have no depth of personality. Your OCs or Y/Ns or Readers, whatever you want to call them, should still be characters. They have their own thoughts and emotions, they have a history in the world you create, and you’re rendering that into a second person narrative. With that in mind, there’s an extent to which some characters will just not vibe with an actual reader’s personality or life story. That happens! It just is what it is.
For this same reason, it’s going to be really hard to please everyone when we write any physical description, simply because everyone is different beyond just body size, skin color, etc. For example, I often talk about an OC’s soft textured flesh, but I don’t often talk about an OC having soft skin. This is because I’ve got a medical condition called psoriasis and I don’t have super soft skin a lot of the time because of it. Sometimes when I’m reading a fic, I’ll be put off by a description of smooth or soft skin because, well, that’s not how my own lived experience has been. That’s not the writer’s fault!! I’m not saying that we should stop describing skin at all. I AM saying that there’s an extent to which we will never be able to please anyone when we try to make accommodations.
That said, there are obvious things we should accommodate when we write what we call “Neutral Reader Insert Characters.” The big ones are skin color, hair texture, and body size. Frankly, these are all pretty easy. To start, I just don’t mention hair at all if I can avoid it. Nothing about styles or anything, nothing about color or softness, etc. Just leave it out 🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s not a big deal to do that. When it comes to skin color, I think the most obvious one is talking about what happens to a characters when they’re embarrassed. Making the switch to saying a character’s face heats, rather than flushes red, is a really easy change. It’s small details like that that make a huge difference. Staying away from descriptions of a character being rosy or pale also matter. There are so many other ways to describe heated or high emotions; embracing that can make you more creative, effective, and inclusive with your depictions. It's a worthwhile thing to work on.
Body size is kind of my baby, so it’s the one I’ve got a little more to say about. Remaining vague about outfits, like you’ve mentioned, is a good place to start! Avoiding comparisons of size to other characters is also important, as with the anon who wrote in earlier about being insert characters being tiny. Perhaps most important is keeping in mind that there are physical limitations to what can happen larger or taller bodies. A fat person is not likely to be tossed around or picked up in smut scenes or otherwise, and a tall person is not going to necessarily look up into the eyes of another character. A larger person is not going to be able to borrow clothes from another character unless they’re also large. Namjoon or Jin could wear extra large tees that they’ll swim in, but if I put the shirt on, it’s going to be tight across my belly and probably look really fucking weird, and I’m a size 18 or so for most dresses. There are people bigger than me in the world, just as there are people who are smaller. Even the idea of having lacy underthings can take someone out of a fic, tbh, because they are simply not an option for so many bodies.
Now, this is going to be annoying of me, but confronting these issues is more of a matter of mindset, I think. You have to allow yourself to set the scene in a different way, without relying on detailed descriptions of what’s happening to the Reader with regards to their appearance. Focusing on how they’re feeling in what they’re wearing for example, or what emotions they’re experiencing as they go through the world you’ve built, the emotions they feel about the people they’re interacting with, etc. Deemphasizing the physical and moving into the emotional … like idk that’s really the best advice I’ve got. In all honesty, I think it forces us to write better characters, and that’s absolutely not a bad thing.
All of that said, it helps to read a lot of fics and PAY ATTENTION while reading. You’ll start picking up on exclusive language if you’re willing to keep an eye out for it. Now, this isn’t license to start going and picking on people for not writing inclusively. Far from it! Don’t do that!! Not when you’re trying to learn how to be a better writer, and really, like you don’t need to be the person to bring someone else down. Talking to someone about being inclusive is something that should happen before posting. It happens with beta-reading, it happens with drafting a story, it happens with self-education before a writer even puts fingers to a keyboard. It’s a process, and it takes practice.
As I said at the beginning, this process is unlikely to ever be finished. I think frequently about the disabled folks that read fics, and wonder how I might start to accommodate them as well, for example. The reality is that not everyone will be able to sink into a fic, and that’s just how it is. That’s why we should encourage more people to write when they feel the urge, so that some part of their life may be represented to others, so that we can all learn from each other. I think that’s very valuable. I really want to, but I will never be able to accommodate the great expanse of human experience when I write reader insert fics. And maybe that’s hyperbolic or foolhardy to say, but I think that’s why writing from one’s experience is so important. Sharing a part of yourself like that is a gift, and fics are a perfect medium for that. They don’t ask to be considered high art or something worthy of deep analysis, even if they’d hold up to it. They just ask for a bit of your time.
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Now, okay, I’ve written a lot and there’s still so much more I could talk about. I’ve said nothing about what issues there are with the depiction of the members of BTS and the actual world building at play when we write, both of which can also pull readers out of fics. I’m going to link a few things that’ll hopefully help with this, below but I’ve got a few lingering thoughts I want to mention before I wrap this up:
Do your due diligence when it comes to your setting. A member is not going to refer to himself as Min Yoongi if he’s in the United States. It’s going to be Yoongi Min. Fraternities don’t exist outside of the US, and city transit looks radically different in different parts of the world as well. Things like that can really show whether or not you actually did any basic research about what you’re writing and they make a difference. Really, that’s all what that comes down to; we have to actually make sure we educate ourselves and keep an open mind so that we’re always learning.
Maybe that’s optimistic of me, or naive; I’d rather be ready to learn and sit with shit as needed than be stuck and stagnant. Is it such a bad thing for a white writer to work to be inclusive? Some people make it seem that way, and I don’t fucking get it.
Anyway …
@vyduan has a phenomenal essay about white washing in BTS fanfics. I’ve linked the excerpt on her blog but if you’re reading this, please click through and read the whole thing on her blog. It’s fucking important. Full stop.
@btssavedmylifeblr has a list she’d compiled of writing advice asks she’s answered and they’re all amazing. She’s where I first started learning about being more inclusive with regards to writing reader inserts, so I’d definitely give her blog a look.
There may come a time where I’ve got more resources on this topic but right now it’s all a bit sparse. Reader insert fics are still niche, all things considered, even if they’re a not insignificant part of the fan fiction in this fandom. At some point, I’ll be sure to put together a better resource sheet for new writers, because, well, someone has to. I have no problem with that being me.
Thank you so much for asking this question, Mills. I appreciate your patience, I know this is a little bit long and sprawling. I hope to have something clearer and more concise at some point in the future!!
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posted: 6.18.2022
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versadies · 2 years
Staying on anon to say this, but I hope that you haven't been super down because a lot of people keep sending negative reactions towards Jeanluc (not sure if I should censor but.. yeah). Tbh, I feel like it's a perfectly nice plot twist, and yeah, some might argue that they just weren't expecting a character x character ship in their self-insert fic, but it's.. it's not their story, is it?
Maybe there are those who have had horrible pasts with the ship itself, and I'm sorry to hear about that, but I dunno if that should allow you to tell the author to practically change the story 'cuz you felt uncomfortable. (Please correct me if I'm wrong, but Versadies isn't obligated to change anything and it's just.. impolite, in my opinion, to be telling them that you're dropping the series AFTER they updated, especially when they've worked hard to produce a chapter. They've already stressed on their storyline, they don't need to stress over how to bring back their audience, y'know?).
I definitely wasn't expecting Diluc to be engaged, but I think it's a pretty good touch in your story. Even though I'm not a big fan of the ship itself, I am personally open to a lot of ships, which is why it's easier for me to accept and like the original chapter. Again, if I've been rude or anything of the sort, I'm sorry for my words.
I hope you're taking some rest! People really should sometimes keep things to themselves and I had a hunch this might've been demotivating.
don’t worry, you didn’t sound rude ! as much as i keep convincing myself what happened was alright, i have to admit that the messages did make me demotivated esp since it’s right after i posted a chapter after not being able to update it for so many weeks. nevertheless, i wont stop those people from expressing what they felt — everyone’s validated to their feelings. it’s true that i’m not obliged to change anything, but i know it’s something i have to do from how many people have expressed their disinterest, so i did this on my own accord and not because of the peer pressure (however, i won’t deny that i did feel stressed and drained esp now that i have to make two storylines from now on).
i’ve already accepted that i wont be able to have the same audience from now on in the series as much as it saddens me. of course, jeanluc isn’t the only reason why people dropped it, some people told me it’s because of the letdown and disappointment that they won’t end up with diluc — which is completely understandable since some people are here to see diluc x reader, not jean x diluc.
im happy you liked the plot twist, i felt better after seeing you and other people reaching out to me about how they didn’t mind the chapter. ill try my best to have lots of rest if i could as well as write chapter 14, ty for expressing your thoughts comrade <333
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