#everyone looks so good and then john ; o ; lol
alnifena · 2 months
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Happy 413! :33
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audisive · 2 months
♪ BROOKLYN BABY. (💌) – previous part
౨ৎ simon 'ghost' riley | reader
synopsis: the 141 believes the scot now.
tags: fluff, romance, soft!simon, you're basically their mom atp lol, bickering, there's a bet between gaz n soap, gaz secretly wants you shh, ooc characters, not proofread, price being the gentleman he is, he's seriously just watching everything unfold
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       It's not always that Ghost is willing to let the 141 stay at his house for their traditions – which is just drinking beer and watching sports, really. In fact, he's always said something about his place being empty, so they always settled on someone else's. They stop asking after a year, and in turn, he stops having reasons.
It's not until Soap pops the question again when everyone else's houses are unavailable for a variety of reasons, his being that he left his faucet on and now his shitty apartment is flooded. You can only imagine the suspicion and shock when Ghost agrees (or, rather, simply grunts).
The drive is long, nothing short of 5 hours, and Soap spends the better half of it bickering with either Gaz or Ghost. He falls asleep by the next half, and when he awakes, he gawks at the lovely looking house before their car. There's two stories to it, a balcony, a front porch, and there's no doubt that there's a backyard.
Contrary to popular belief, no, it is not all black or plain at all. It's all equally surprising to them. The Brit isn't the type to care about the appearance and state of a house, usually. They do envision him in a mostly empty apartment with only a bed and a bathroom, though.
There's a delicate touch to where a rough man lives; the smell is almost heavenly when they enter the house. It's homely, the scent of newly washed sheets and lingering smell of food; there's a cat perched on the living room table that Ghost scratches the head of lovingly in a way that's so casual and natural. It's like they're at the gates of–
"Simon!" Heaven's bells ring in their ears, luring them into the doorway of the living room, and the sound of feet padding against the cold floor. There comes a soft-looking thing running into Ghost's arms, completely engulfing you.
You only notice the three familiar faces of your boyfriend's team members – though you know he considers them family if anything – when you pull away. An angel clad in only a cami top, shorts, and Simon's hand around your waist, you turn to look at the group with a surprised look on your pretty – Soap thinks that God, you're so pretty – face. "Oh, hi," you smile sweetly, obviously awkward at the silence and the staring.
"It's been a while," Ever the gentleman, the gruff voice is the first to speak up with your name uttered, the only who's actually met you – John Price. Soap is too enamored with the way you hold yourself and the fact that, holy fuck, even your name's pretty. Gaz raises a brow at the captain's greeting.
You smile once more – a genuine one now. "Nice to see you again, John."
"'S rude to stare, Johnny." Simon speaks out, a smirk under the mask. "Please excuse him, miss," Gaz adds, this beautiful man, and offers a charming smile.
"You must be Gaz," you hold your hand out, "it's a pleasure to finally meet you."
"Pleasure's all mine," Kyle forgets that a hand could be this soft and gentle, "and please, call me Kyle." He barely stops himself from turning your hand in his to kiss the back of it like one should to a lady so fair; his lieutenant has good taste in women, he'll give him that. And when you're out of the area, Soap is sure to rub it in Gaz's face. I told ye so! LT wis hidin' somethin' from us. A pretty something, that is. You don't miss the way he slips a twenty-dollar bill into the Scottish man's hand.
"Glad tae meet ye," Soap finally says, winking. "Understand why he wis hidin' a bonnie lass like ye from us." There's a mischievous glint in his eye, almost naturally so.
"A'm hurt, LT, but whit can I do? After all, we're just a couple o' brutes, arenae we?"
Simon watches in amusement, "you'll live." Soap is quick to move to your side as you lead the small group of hulking men through your shared home after that.
Simon is visibly more relaxed with you around. He's comfortable, that much is a given, with the way he's taking up most of the thankfully large couch with his manspreading. So is the 141. They're pampered like spoiled children (or pets, really) through the whole day.
Instead of just beer and faucet water, they're offered a variety of drinks in the kitchen that's enough to be considered a private bar. Instead of an empty belly unhealthily stuffed with beer and a mix of mediocre takeout, they're met with warm homecooked meals. They lose track of time quickly; the night falls by the time they've tired themselves out, and they've had not one, but two meals thanks to you.
(They're sure to commend your cooking skills and think of how lucky this tall brute of a man is blessed with a woman so soft and pliant and wonderful and– while Price is the one to be the most grateful, Soap compliments you the most. "A can practically taste the love." You laugh in turn.)
Gaz is the first to speak after a meal so lovely, they could simply just sleep on the floor comfortably and wake to the same smell of home. "It's a bit late, love, we should probably go."
"Thank you for having us," Price smiles down at you kindly.
"Ye've been lovely, bonnie." He wants to stay some more.
"Wait," you stop them, looking up at Simon for further approval. He's already looking at you with a reassuring brush of his thumb on the side of your hip and a nod. You turn your eyes back at them. "It's already late, you three should stay the night. We have enough room for everyone."
There comes, "we don't wanna intrude," then, "we can take care of ourselves, it's alright."
"Please, I insist." Your smile brightens, "I'll even cook breakfast before you leave."
The mohawk moves with a sigh, "now tha's just no' fair, lass. How are we gonna say no tae that?" You giggle. Only then do they find themselves tucked away in the guest room, and boy, you were right when you said it could fit them all if not more.
On the way to the bathroom in the late hours of the night, Soap catches a glimpse of light through the crack of your bedroom door to see his oh-so strong lieutenant, vulnerable in your arms. There's something natural about the way you cradle the large man and kiss his hair like it's part of your DNA, like you're programmed to do that 'cause Soap thinks you're simply unreal.
He's proud of his lieutenant, this lucky bastard. He turns another blind eye once more, but he's paid in full with another fulfilling meal by the morning.
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pleasantlyinsincere · 3 months
Hi, I was wondering if you know what music John was a fan of in the late 70’s? I’m aware of him being excited about the B52’s, and I’m assuming he liked David Bowie and Elton John’s music in part because they were his friends in addition to obviously being talented. And I think I read once that Julian turned him onto Queen but tbh that may be me misremembering a fanfic lol I just wonder if there’s anything out there that describes what John’s music tastes was in those days or whether he preferred to stick with his favorite classics; early rock and roll, girl groups ect. Like what did he think about the punk scene in NY?? Or the close harmonies a la Fleetwood Mac that dominated the charts? Just things I think about haha.
Hi, thanks for the question. I know that I skipped through a book called John Lennon: 1980 playlist by Tim English before, that may be a good source for you. Here's some random info, that I remembered where to look up. I think Julian introducing John to Queen comes from the SPIN magazine interview in '75:
[Julian] likes Barry White and he likes Gilbert O’ Sullivan. He likes Queen, though I haven’t heard them yet. He turns me on to music. I call him and he says, “Have you heard Queen?” and I say “No, what is it?” I’ve heard of them. I’ve seen the guy … the one who looks like Hitler playing a piano … Sparks? I’ve seen Sparks on American TV. So I call him and say, “Have you seen Sparks? Hitler on the piano?” and he says, “No. They are alright. But have you seen Queen?” and I say “What’s Queen?” and then he tells me. His age group is hipper to music … at 11 I was aware of music, but not too much.
But then there is also an anecdote, I think by Tony Barrow, that John didn't want to sign Queen to Apple years earlier? However that may be a lie, or John just didn't remember.
Yoko gifted John a jukebox for his birthday in '78 and apparently John filled it with the old music he liked. Elliott Mintz says there was quite some Bing Crosby. And I remember John also putting some new song by Dolly Parton in there.
"Yoko gave him this old-fashioned jukebox and John stocked it with Bing Crosby records. People kind of expected him to have rock 'n' roll records in there, but it was almost totally Crosby stuff. There were 3 songs which John played over and over. I still remember them. They were Crosby with a jazz quartet from the 50's, I think. He would banter and talk in the songs and John thought that was just the end. The songs were Whispering, I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter and Dream a Little Dream of Me. Yeah, those were the songs, I can still see John listening to them." - Elliott Mintz
“The one modern song I remember him listening to was ‘The Tide Is High’ by Blondie, which he played constantly. When I hear that song, I see my father, unshaven, his hair pulled back into a ponytail, dancing to and fro in a worn-out pair of denim shorts, with me at his feet, trying my best to coordinate tiny limbs.” - Sean Lennon
One night we were playing at Max's (Kansas City) in New York City, and I was waiting for everyone to leave the club so I could go back in and pick up my gear. We were sitting in the van waiting and John Lennon and Ian Hunter from Mott the Hoople came staggering out and looked over. John Lennon saw it was me and stuck his head in the window. He was kind of drunk and stuck his face right against mine and went 'yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah' because he recognized it (Devo's song Uncontrollable Urge) as being an updating of She Loves You. That was one of my most exciting moments ever. - Mark Mothersbaugh on John coming to a DEVO gig in '77
PB: John, what is your opinion of the newer waves? Lennon: I love all this punky stuff. It's pure. I'm not, however, crazy about the people that destroy themselves. Playboy interview, 1980
I like pop records. I like Olivia Newton-John singing "Magic" and Donna Summer whatever the hell she'll be singing. I like ELO singing "All over the World". I can dissect it and criticize it with any critic in the business...But without any thought I enjoy it! That's the kind of music I like to hear. - John
John Lennon raced into Yoko Ono’s home office in the mammoth old Dakota building with a copy of Donna Summer’s new single, “The Wanderer.” “Listen!” he shouted to us as he put the 45 on the record player. “She’s doing Elvis!” I didn’t know what he was talking about at first. The arrangement felt more like rock than the singer’s usual electro-disco approach, but the opening vocal sure sounded like Donna Summer to me. Midway through the song, however, her voice shifted into the playful, hiccuping style Elvis had used on so many of his early recordings. “See! See!” John shouted, pointing at the speakers. The record was John’s way of saying hello again after five years. [...] It was just weeks before his death in December of 1980, and his playing the Summer record was an endearing greeting -- and one that was typical of John. Of the hundreds of musicians I’ve met, John was among the most down-to-earth. Corn Flakes with John Lennon (And Other Tales From a Rock ‘n’ Roll Life) by Robert Hilburn
"I'm aware of ... Madness. "Don't do that. Do this." (As on the spoken word intro to "One Step Beyond".) I think that is the most original thing actually because it's so peculiar. ... Out of all that mob I think that was one of the most original sounds. Very good drumming, very good bass and all of that." Andy Peebles interview
And things I don't have quotes for right now: I remember Bob Gruen had given John some video compilation of punk bands, that John enjoyed watching. In one of the last interviews John said Hungry Heart by Bruce Springsteen was a great song. There are the albums John asked Fred Seaman to buy on his shopping lists. Some are printed in The John Lennon Letters (Though I'm not sure that means he liked them, but at least was interested in.) Lot's of Bob Dylan talk in the diaries and parodies. Many anecdotes about reggae bands. In the Double Fantasy studio recording John references quite some songs and artists, when he tells the musicians what they are aiming for in the songs.
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bisexualiteaa · 1 month
So I’m really enjoying all the ideas and asks I’ve been getting so far! I’ve been having a lot of fun writing them for my fellow ghoul simps so if anyone has requests for our lovely cowboy ghoul, I would love to fulfill them the best that I can! 🥰
I write:
Smut: this is my main specialty ngl, I write it with or w/o plot but mostly for fem/gender neutral readers. I don’t kink shame by any means, but I personally don’t write anything for water sports or anything dealing with bodily excrement, the only fluids I write are blood, spit and cum (lol that’s funny to say, never thought I’d put that in a sentence but here we are!) I don’t usually do full Non-Con unless it is for background of the character, I am open to Dub-con, otherwise I’m open to pretty much everything else! I absolutely DO NOT write anything dealing with minors, everyone in my smut is 18+ and I will not sway on that.
Fluff: mostly domestic fluff but I’m down to broaden my horizons and do something different!
Angst: I got trauma y’all, I’m down to write for just about anything lol. Love a good, deep story and a nice sob now and again.
I write only for the ghoul right now because he is the only one I feel I have the best judge of character on for the show, and to be fully honest, is my main huperfixation at the moment. 💀 But I absolutely love our man John Hancock from Fallout 4 too, so I’m down to write for him!
I am rather new to Fallout lore as a whole, whether it’s the games or the TV series and everything else in between so please be patient and gentle with me if I do not have a full understanding of something or if I picture things incorrectly I am open to constructive criticism to make my works better! That being said, I try my best to be well versed in the characters/things I write about! So if I am not already familiar with something, I will learn! I just ask for some patience. ❤️
That being said, I look forward to all the ideas you lovely people have in mind! Hopefully I can do all your asks justice! ❤️
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everythingbutresolved · 11 months
I got half a sunstroke today and I'm a sadly moping at home so I thought of keeping myself entertained:
The Day Father Pruitt Took Up Running ✝️
The early morning sun stretched its golden fingers across Crockett Island, casting a warm glow over the quaint, sleepy village and awakening its inhabitants to another day of secrets and whispers. Father John Pruitt, the Catholic priest with the air of mystery about him, was out and about, strutting along the beach like a man with a secret to keep.
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Oh, my dear, DEAR friend!
I miss you SO much since you went home. Did you have to leave me so soon? It's only July and there's another full, excruciating, hot and BORING month before school starts again. How dare you leaving your best friend alone! Shame on you! 
Yes yes I got my books, thanks for them, and remember you promised to send me more when you get home, or...I won't tell you the big news.
...ok you got me, I'm gotta spill the tea 'cause I can't keep this to myself any longer! Remember that mysterious Catholic priest you liked so much, Father Pruitt, here on ol' Crockett? You kept saying no way he's a real priest he's too good looking...Well, you won't believe what's been going down lately. Ok, I'll try to describe it the best I can. Close your eyes (well not really, silly) and imagine: 
In the hazy light of the dawn, the island's secrets whispers softly as the ocean waves kiss the shore...LOL I know you hate cheesy romance stuff, I'll cut it short. 
Well, he is a tall drink of water, that John Pruitt remember? With a shock of raven-black curls that tumbles down his broad shoulders like a river of midnight. His honey eyes hold a glint of mischief that makes the ladies swoon and the men raise an envious brow....
ok ok I'll stop it. 
And today, he was doing something unexpected – he was jogging! 
Now, let me tell you, that man could make a burlap sack look good, but this morning, he was sporting these green lycra shorts that hugged every inch of his...toned derriere (!) like a second skin.
He'd clearly been hitting the gym or doing some secret ninja training because those muscles were cut like a goddamn Greek statue. The ladies and gents alike were getting an eyeful, and they couldn't help but blush like school kids caught peeking through a keyhole. I think I saw mom getting an eyeful when he passed by our house - she fumbled with her keys a little too long l, while I was enjoying the show from my bedroom window.
But he wasn't just flaunting his legs, no sir. Father Pruitt had decided to ditch the shirt too, revealing a chiseled chest that looked like it could bench-press a bull. And wouldn't you know it, he'd tied that shirt around his head like some kind of bandana-wearing Casanova. It was like he'd gone from holy man to beach heartthrob in the blink of an eye. As he passed by the shop, the ocean breeze carried a hint of salt, mingling with the intoxicating scent of his masculine cologne, leaving a trail of enchantment in its wake. 
His skin, kissed by the sun and glistening with a sheen of sweat, invited the gentle caress of the ocean's breeze. A small, silver crucifix dangled at his neck, an alluring contrast against the expanse of his smooth, tanned skin.
I just re-read everything and...I need a pause. Brb shortly.
Back with some ice tea.
Well now, and that wasn't even the best part. Oh, no! He had this brand new contraption strapped to his hip – a walkman! You would think is was impossible, right? A priest! Well, he had one, and he was jamming out to God knows what, but you could see the rhythm of the music in the way he moved. It was like he was dancing to a beat only he could hear, and it was damn hypnotic. 
The rest of the day wa a MESS. The whole island was buzzing with rumors and gossip, like a bunch of hens in a henhouse. Everyone was wondering what had gotten into Father Pruitt. Some said he was possessed by the spirit of an ancient warrior, others thought he'd joined some kind of secret cult. But truth be told, no one really knew the man's secrets, and he wasn't about to open the sack to us.
As for me, I couldn't stop watching the show. There was something magnetic about the way he moved, like a predator on the prowl, and I found myself drawn in like a moth to a flame. But as much as I wanted to get closer, I couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation. 
Let me tell you: there is a darkness lurking beneath that charming exterior, and I wasn't sure I wanted to delve into that murky territory.
So here I am, torn between desire and caution, watching from the sidelines as Father Pruitt struts his stuff on the beach like a man with the devil in his pocket. I reckon I'll keep my distance for now and let the island gossips do their thing, but who knows what the future holds? One thing's for sure – Crockett Island ain't never been the same since our enigmatic priest took up jogging.
P S. (Remember those books!)
2. Babe, thanks SO MUCH for the books, I think I'll start with the French one, looks juicy ❤️
Well, let me tell you, the enigma of Father Pruitt only deepens with every passing day. It seems that behind those honey eyes and that mesmerizing charm lies a man wrestling with secrets and desires that even the island can't decipher. The walkman he carries? Its melodies secreted in his ears, only adds to the mystery. What does he listen to as he runs, I wonder? Perhaps music that matches the pounding of his heart, the rhythm of his desire, or perhaps even the yearnings of his own hidden soul and...and...
See, I'm turning into a goddamn romance chick already. Shush me. But now, the gossip: 
You see, for the past (few) year(s?), Father Pruitt has been caught in the clutches of an unrequited (we think) love. Nobody knows who this mysterious "someone special" is, but the island is rife with rumors. Some say it's a long-lost love from his past, while others whisper that it might be an otherworldly muse that has captured his heart. Whatever the case may be, it's clear that this unrequited affection has left him moping and maybe indulging a bit too much in that... holy wine.
But while his heart may be heavy, his sermons are nothing short of divine. The whole island treats him like their "special" person, all brawn and no brains - you know we've never been really *churchy* here beside one or two devoted families - but they can't deny the wisdom that flows from his lips. He may be easy on the eyes, but he's got a soul that's as deep as the ocean, and the island can't help but keep an eye on him.
Beverly Keane, the woman who handles everything for him, from keeping the church clean to managing his appointments and finances, thinks she's got him wrapped around her finger. She's a piece of...well you get me. And truth be told, she wouldn't mind getting a little more than she bargained for from the handsome priest. After all, he's a snack, and who could resist a taste? Duh...
But there's more to Father Pruitt than meets the eye (and that's a LOT!). He may be a bit slow on the uptake when it comes to romantic advances (well, priest), but he's fiercely devoted to two things: God and his secret love. And let me tell you, it's a secret that's locked away tight. 
He likes flowers, did I tell you that? He picks some every goddamn day and brings them to his cabin - you know, the little house behind the church - and with the emergence of his morning jogs, a new facet of Father Pruitt has come to light. Not only is his our prohibited heartthrob (eheh), but he's also taken up carpentry like a man possessed. After his invigorating run, he spends the rest of the day fixing things around the church. From patching up the rooftop with the help of some local boys (Julius and Earl mostly) to mowing the yard shirtless when no one's watching (sure man), he's become a man of action, a handyman who can make even the toughest task look like a breeze.
The island may see him as a bit of an oddity, a priest who spends more time outside fixing things than he does inside praying. But let me tell you, there's a profound beauty in the way he connects with the world around him. He may be a man of God, but he's also a man of the earth, working with his hands and pouring his heart into every task. 
I think they want to put him on Crockett's brochure and promote it as a local attraction on the mainland. 
I'm not saying I was the one who suggested it. 
So, my dear friend, the mystery of Father Pruitt continues to deepen with every day that passes. Love, desire, and devotion swirl around him like a tempest, and the island can't help but be drawn into the storm. But one thing's for sure – whether he's jogging along the beach or mending the church's rooftop, Father Pruitt has become more than just a priest; he's become a force of nature, and I'm truly happy to witness this miracle. 
Hamfam, it's too hot to think, do it for me
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Ayyy honeymoon :D!!
Ooh vlog style :o
Ope o.o
Uhhh xd nah something sus is going on lol
Um o.o
Nope y'all nahh xd
Nah creepy masks a i n ' t i t .
Aww ay hey guys :D love them :)
Ooh backup 👀👀
We love getting to see some of the others as well :DD
Uh oh guys this is not good o.o
YOO they're actually gonna come yess :DD
Y'all cannot just have one normal thing can you xD
Poor babies 😭 they goin through it as always xd
At least it wasn't some terrible big scheme on their wedding itself lol
Just random stuff and a small bad thing xD
Okay, that's the last of my promo thoughts, now it's time for the. . .
Not quite as fancy as my 911 or tgd ones lol, more like the normal ones, just with the end of a liveblog as well :).
I made a post about this before coming back to this one, but happy 100th episode all!! Lowkey forgot this was the 100th anniversary lol. But it makes so much sense and it was a GREAT 100th episode :D.
I love that everyone had their little moment (at least): James with the music, Wesley with Oscar, Luna with her college classes, etc :). And just Randy, Chastity, Oscar, and Henry BEING there lol. Though to clarify Oscar was not at the wedding xD. But seriously, I really loved all the cameos and little character moments this episode :)).
Also CHENFORD AAAHHHH!!! Their MOMENTS this episode y'all I was losing it xD. I do kinda wish it hadn't been that Tim isn't supporting her despite thinking he is, though? Because the vibes last episode were just really on Tim's side, I guess, and now they're just tossing him into "bad guy" a bit. But, I think it'll work out in the end. I'm also glad Chastity brought up that Lucy could also be scared! I think that's a real possibility :). Anyway, they were ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE and whether it was the first time in universe or not, WHOOO FIRST I LOVE YOU!! And it was so cute :'D. Also the dance 😭😭😭❤️ stop I'm not okay :').
BAILEY AND JOHN ARE MARRIED!!! WHOOOOOO :'DDDD!!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🎊🎉🥂🎂🥂🥰❤️❤️🥰. I'm so happy for them :'DD
They might not be my favorite couple on the show but I still love them and this has been a long time coming. I'm also glad that despite all the issues they still had the wedding and everything was okay and beautiful 🥰🥰. Thank goodness they actually had it and we saw it lol (looking at you Wopez - still mad at the writers for that). Also I'm SO EXCITED for the next episode with their honeymoon :D.
I felt so bad for Celina and Aaron this episode 😭. Aaron because poor boy is going through it and misreading signals/situations xd, and Celina because she's trying to be there for him and do what's best and she as also, you know, kidnapped and beat up xD. But, I think they'll make it through it :).
Really though Aaron you need to talk to your therapist 😭. It's dangerous going out when you know you're not healing :(. Hope he learns it soon D':.
I loved all the togetherness moments this episode!! The bachelor and bachelorette parties (y'all I can't articulate it beyond loving individual characters and them all hanging out but oUAGH chomping on it)/last minute preparations xD were SO GOOD!! And the wedding, especially the dancing :'D. AUOGH, I love them <333. And of course the final mission at the end - they slay together :DD. Also, I'm glad Celina's okay :')).
Don't even get me started on the Wopez/Wesley angst. Y'all I'm about to have so many thoughts about them moving forward (even more than usual/always xD). Like! AUGH! OSCAR!! SITTING ACROSS FROM HIM!! DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG I'VE WAITED FOR THIS
Where's the panic attack Rookie <33
Where's the panic attack writers 🥰🥰 where is it :))
I'm kidding xD kind of lol. But seriously, the angst thoughts are turning (the wheels are turning) :DD. And don't forget about Angela either lol
Anyway! Everybody slayed this episode and I REALLY enjoyed it :D. I'm SOO excited for the next one :)). Also, again (mentioned it in the liveblog or just before), I don't know that I've ever gotten to watch it live before, so this was the perfect episode to get to do it :D.
Loved the episode!!!
Happy 100th Episode guys 🥂🥰🥰. I love this show and you all so much :DD.
See you next time!!
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sometimesrosy · 1 year
The 100 rewatch 2023 ep 1.07 Live Blog
Contents Under Pressure.
The clarke/raven/finn love triangle is so soapy. blech.
Oh. Storm is here. Raven is trying to reach the Ark Station. But through a hurricane so that's hard. Clarke is being so supportive and reassuring. (that's a real relationship. Princess Mechanic forever.)
Kane is listing Abby's crimes. All punishable by death. Kane is trying to ignore the radio signals. The council voted to save Abby. Kane is bitchy saying those flashes AREN'T evidence of the kids' survival and Abby gets kicked off the council.
THAT is a signal from Raven Reyes. OH it's station wide. LOL. Everyone in the Ark hears Raven saying The 100 are alive. Ha ha. The signal is coming from earth. Kane looks gutted.
Ah it's ClLARKE on the radio. Abby's voice cracks. Ope she just lets dropped the fact that they aren't alone and Finn got stabbed by a grounder. oops. Jaha asks about Wells. No sorry. Wells is dead. :(
Bitch. You sent him down there. Don't get all pissy Jaha.
Abby is breaking up. THERES A HURRICANE BABY. A huge one. Does that cover the entire south east? Monty's moonshine is used as treatment. Monty and Jasper and Bellamy are out in the storm. No they're back. They are dragging Lincoln. "Intel."
"This is not who we are," Clarke says.
"It is now," Bellamy says. And he's right actually. But it's not really a good thing.
Clarke the medic. Abby guiding her. That's nice. Oop. Tying Lincoln up. And here's Miller. Is this the first time we seeMiller?
Octavia is defnding Lincoln. He hit Lincoln for Finn and Jasper and John and Roma. Who are dead. Yes O he speaks English and Bellamy things he'll understand.
Jaha is morose an looking at memories of Wells. Again. You sent them down there. I have never liked Jaha since he said the kids were disposable. Sorry.
Oh what was that lady's name. Diana. Thanks Jaha. She's divisive. Her people are the workers. She used to be the Chancellor. My people. Your people. Sigh. "you've activated project exodus. congratulations. you will forever be remembered as the man who brought us back to the ground."
Well. No actually. He won't. There's no one to remember him for bringing the ark home. Because they are all dead and/or sucked up into a sparkly purple alien.
I missed all Diana's maneuvering because I was thinking about how pointless it all turned out to be. Stupid season 7.
Yeah yeah. Finn will die if she moves the knife a millimeter in the wrong direction.
Oh. he wakes up as she tries to take the knife out. Yipes. I bet the grounders were not as careful taking the spear out of Jasper's chest. Wait what happened? They all got knocked off their asses but the knife is out of his chest. And he's not dead yet. But he's giving Clarke the lovey dovey eyes right in front of Raven and that is just icky.
Bell trying to get Linocln to talk. Miller finds his antidotes. "Who knows with these people." Listen. Bellamy could EASILY have been Pike. I will forever declare that Clarke's influence kept him from being like that.
Finds Lincoln's journal with a drawing of O and hatchmarks of the 100 live and dead.
Abby wants to talk with Clarke. Clarke doesn't want to talke to her. She goes up to talk to Bellamy. Tells his goon to "get the hell out of my way." "If he didn't hate us before, he does now."
Relax princess. You know the narrative never puts the weight on that term that the fandom did.
Bellamy thinks they're fighting a way and Clarke things they're not soldiers. Bellamy thinks they can't win if they don't fight. Because Lincoln is intimidating.
Finn is seizing but i gotta say I don't care. The stakes mean nothing because we know he's fine in the end. Except for being an awful person who ends up murderous. So like. That does not draw me into the narrative in retrospect.
Kane walking through the people and having all of them being angry at him does, however, have narrative and character resonance. Surprisingly. Wow. Watching Kane alter his character before our eyes. Jaha is finally doing the right thing and telling the Ark the truth. General assembly. Oh wait. This is section 17 where everyone died. Kane came to the culling site to wallow in his guilt. "If I had waited a day, two days, they'd still be alive."
He knows it was him. He was so sure. He swore an oath to protect them and instead he killed them. (ACAB)
"Pull yourself together Kane, and then get your ass to the mess hall." Okay I don't hate Jaha ALL the time. He's like a midrange fav character for me. I suppose I like him better than Jasper (sorry Jasper fans.) If I look at it that way. L was a midrange fave, too. There are lots of characters I hated more.
Clarke has figured out that the knife was poisoned. They say he doesn't understand her but he does. She's trying to force him. Now she's begging. B is going to torture him to get the antidote. O wants to say this is not who we are. Ironic considering who she became. I do not like the character development of O through the whole series. Honestly. She mostly got worse. Seeing her now and she was way better in s1 even being a bratty kid.
Now they're hitting him. No. We do not like torture. Bellay. You do not like hitting him. Clarke begging again. But he won't so B has to hit him again. Aww. B touches Clarke's shoulder to get her out of the way.
This ep is pretty good honeslty.
Jaha telling the truth. He lied about the 100. Earth is survivable. The Ark is dying. He says the culling gifted the rest of them the time they need to go to the earth. But the people still think he's lying to cover up the culling. The dude says all those people died for nothing. But he literally just said that they gave them time to find a way to get to the ground. The dude is like you don't know how we feel.
Jaha offers the open seat to Diana Sydney. What? No election? Bad idea. She's a scum bucket.
Back to the torture. Pain is not going to make Lincoln tell the antidote. Sorry Clarke. B is not hapy. Oh no. I forgot he shoved that thing through his hand. Yikes. He tries to get Clarke to leave. Ugh. Bad. That's bad. Ugh.
Oh i forgot about this. Raven without any compunctions. Shocks him with live wires. He screams for the first time.
Oh wow. Is this necessary???
Raven crying because "He's all I have!!" O slices herself with the knife. "HE won't let me die."
B is dying. Not literally. Emotionally. HIS SISTER.
But fucking Lincoln tells her which bottle is the antidote. She won't let B touch her.
This shit is FUCKED UP. Wow.
Finn has been given the antidote. Now Clarke is crying over Finn. "I can't do this without you." UGGGGGGGHHH. I'm gonna throw up.
Oh is the hurrican passing already? Nah. That doesn't happen that quickly. It was like three hours tops and probably less.
Ugh. Clarke is being a total bitch with Aabby. "Dad's dead because of you. You turned him in. I know it. WElls told me everything before he.... He let me believe he did it so I'd hate him instead of you."
"That was never supposed to happen. Jaha was supposed to talk him out of it."
She was used to preferential treatment because Jaha had a crush on her. But he didn't offer that preferrential treatment to her husband. I'm going with season 1. And season 1 had Jaha with a thing for Abby. Even if they didn't go anywhere with it. Maybe Jaha gave it up when Wells died. But that is a narrative motivation in season 1.
Clarke takes the spike out of LIncoln's hand and tries to treat him but he won't let her. God he's stubborn. And he lets Octavia do it. Sorry Lincoln you're being creepy with the teenager. You are NOT a teenager. This is a kid man.
And O is being spiteful because O does that best. But she's so sweet to lincoln about him saving her life. and fair he did. but he was willing to sacrifice ALL of the other kids. Now he speaks english does he?
I was not expecting to not like Lincoln. This is weird. Stop looking at her like that. Ew it's creepy. I was caught up in the narrative before which makes this a romeo and juliet story. But they were both kids and LINCOLN is and has always been an adult. wtf.
UGh now finn is looking at Clarke like she's the love of his life. And CLARKE says "She needs you finn."And she wakes up Raven and says he's asking for her. Which he isn't.
Must I say it again. Dump the limp hair biscuit and hook up with Raven. PRINCESS MECHANIC RULES.
Bellamy and Clarke. Who we are and who we need to be to survive are two very different things.
I DO NOT LIKE THIS FAMOUS BELLAMY QUOTE> IT's just the ends justify the means and I DO NOT AGREE.
"It's not being in charge, is it?"
Ugh Diana Sydney swearing in. HOw many eps before she betrays everyone?
OH THE BAD NEWS. We're going to the ground. NOT ALL OF US. 2237 people on the ark. Room for 700 in the dropships. They're on the titanic and there aren't enough lifeboats.
All right. That was a jam packed episode. And I have to say I liked it a lot. It didn't have any big resolutions. I suppose the knife came out of Finn. But it was a lot of character development.
Kane has his complete personality switch and goes back to his childhood spiritual center.
Abby learns that Clarke knows she told on her dad.
Jaha finds out Wells is dead and begins to slowly lose it.
O defends Lincoln and sacrifices herself to save him and Finn trusting Lincoln and the Romeon and Juliet thing starts.
Bellamy pushes himself to be this emotionless torturer because he thinks it's who he needs to be.
Clarke essentially gives up Finn in favore of Raven. Poor judgement. She should give up fin FOR Raven and both of them should dump him and sneak off to the bunker together. I am not apologizing. Bellarke isn't ready yet. They should be future ex girlfriends.
Miller takes over as Bellamy's lieutenant.
Diana Sydney, one of my least favorite characters, despite my kind of being on her side with the class issues on the ark, shows up and is giving power without any sort of vote at all.
The exodus is set up. Oh i can't wait til they get to the ground.
LOTS of character development. Lot of action.
Man if I could write this instead of them, things would be different. Wells would survive. Raven and Clarke would hook up and support each other for a while. When that broke up, amicably, Bellamy and Wells would be waiting in the wings. Yes. Raven and Wells. She never had a guy worthy of her and he never had a chance to be who he could have been. I would have LOVED to hear them argue. It would be enemies to lovers, because he was Jaha's son and a pompous ass and she was a cocky bastard who has no respect. AWESOME.
sigh. well anyway.
What did y'all think of the ep? I'm not editing this post. We die like teenagers in the apocalypses.
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virtualbunny · 2 years
Hello! I hope you're doing well 💝
Could you do the squad with a s/o who has a dog with them? Like a sniffer dog but different. And preferably a pit bull because they are the cutest things ever. Thanks!
Heyy I hope you're doing well too 🫶🥰 (also I couldn't come up with a better title lol)
Miller's squad: you have a dog with you
John Miller: I feel like he enjoys having the dog with him, you and the rest and he loves how you and the dog share such a strong bond. Also thinks it's very helpful that the dog is so intelligent like sniffing etc.
Mike Horvath: Would be confused how in the hell your dog could've survived this long but tbh is not against it at all, likes to have it around but won't really interact with it since he'll think it would be to distacting.
Daniel Jackson: absolutely loves your dog, would mostly only interact with it if he has the time. Loves to see you cuddle with it because he just thinks it's adorable. Will ask you to borrow it since he thinks ts would help him track down germans and whatever.
Richard Reiben: adores the dog, won't show it though. Secretly plays with it when everyones asleep. Uses it as a "tool" to get closer to you, like "oh me and y/n can go look for tracks with the dog" etc.
Irwin Wade: also adores the dog and will play and what not with it everytime he gets the chance. Likes to cuddle with you and it when you know... you're not fighting a war? anyways, loves loves loves it. A real animal guy even though I think he's more of a cat person.
Stanley Mellish: tbh, he doesn't really pay attention to it. Sure, he thinks it's cure and a great usability but won't really pay that much you know attention. May pet it from time to time.
Timothy Upham: since it's a pitbull and everyone know the pitbull is "dangerous" and "scary" but that's just simply not true so as the good partner you are you teach him to not be afraid of him.
Adrian Caparzo: A huge dog lover so it's quite obvious that he'll love it, play with it, cuddle with it and the list goes on.
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watchingspnagain · 2 years
Rewatching All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 2
Welcome to “Damned DeanDean, Undead Stringbean, and Sad Poppa Bobby: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
 Up today, s2,e22: All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 2
 Dean breaks down at the thought of life without Sam and can’t handle the idea that he failed at his one job: to protect his little brother. He makes a deal with a crossroads demon to bring Sam back to life. The price? Dean will go to Hell in one year. Sam comes back to life, as promised, and seems fine, but he’s sus. As is Bobby. Of course they both sort what it is Dean did right quick (cause they aren’t DUMB), and they each separately and in their own ways try to convey to Dean that he’s worth so much more than he thinks he is. Meanwhile, demon stuff. Azazel uses Jake to open a gate to hell. The boys manage to kill Azazel, but hundreds of demons are let loose before they can get the gate shut again. John also escapes, pats Dean on the shoulder, nods at Sam, and ascends to Heaven. Swell.
  Below is a log of our real-time reactions as we watched. Remember that there may be spoilers for any part of SPN’s 15-season run here. Note also that the nature of our conversation is adult and thus it may contain adult language and themes.
 [and we begin:]
 NOW we get the song
 Jensen is SO GOOD in this episode
 the look he gives Bobby MY GOD
 "you don't think I've given enough?" Oh HON
 omg the SHOVE
the way they are looking at each other
 the poor baby
 "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Please just go" I CANNOT
 Bobby’s poor heart, too
 one son dead and the other hurting so much
 those are HIS BOYS
 I can’t help but like Jake even if he did gank my Stringbean
 “I just wanted you to be a kid”
 "Dad didn't even have to tell me. it was always my responsibility" GAAAAH
 “I had one job. and I screwed it up”
 "I had one job and I screwed it up" AND THE CRACKING VOICE I CANNOT
(Fuuuuuuuck 327)
 "what am I supposed to do"
 the chin waivering
 (lol. that one)
 (I never remember)
 roaring baby mrrrrrrffffff
 oh Dean honey no
 and thus starts the vicious circle
 omg the sexual harassment vibe
 do NOT call his soul tarnished
 look, lady, if you think he's a turn off GET OUT OF LINE
 Ooof that “Sammy?"
 and that HUG
 Are important things happening here? bc I am very distracted by dean and his henley and his scruff and his freckles
and Sammy’s puppy eyes
 and he’s HURTING
 OMG Bobby's face
 oh Bobby
 And the look he gives Dean. like "oh we are SO talking about this later"
 yeah Dean he has SOME BOOKS IN THE TRUCK
You are gonna GET IT, DEAN
 Papa Bobby is PISSED
 god Dean trying to joke and it's not working
 oh Dean. OH DEAN
 yes, Bobby he is that screwed in the head
please hug him
 poor Bobby
just think how much he must hate John right now
 "you can't tell him. you take a shot at me or whatever you gotta do, but please don't tell him"
 omg the way Dean hugs her
 nope, Dean, the other Samuel Colt
 it's a radioshack. a radioshack is inside
 who directed this ep? why all of a sudden we are up everyone's nose?
 "is that so?"
 “be all you can be"
 I don’t like him, but he’s witty
 no no, Jake, the end of the world is S5
 shoulda shot him, Jake-o
 mrrrggg wee Dean Winchester behind a tombstone with a gun
 the way Dean can't look Sam in the eyes
 ope, cat’s out of the hellbag
 why didn’t he just make them all put their guns down with his mind?
 I was just wondering that myself
 or have them all shoot themselves
 maybe there's a limit to his power?
I mean, NOW there is, but
 dang, Sammy
that’s probably fine
 ooooof the look on Dean's face and then Sammy wiping the blood off
 YEP. definitely fine
 if it’s a devil’s trap, how exactly are the demons breaking through it?
 ooof DEAN
 sheer numbers? I dunno
 his poor pretty little head
 maybe devil’s traps only work one way? and this one was to keep ’em out and away from the gate?
 oh maybe
 (their use of "ever" in "better deal than your dad ever got" makes me NUTS. it implies either John made several deals OR that John's deal was a LONG time ago. NEITHER IS TRUE)
 ooof, yeah
 grumbles in copy editor
 if Yellow Eyes were smart he wouldn’t have kept that gun loaded...
 you know how much I love this show, but there’s a lot of loosey goosey writing going on here
 oh yeah there is
 a shoulder touch and some tears don't make the last 23 years okay JOHN
 yeah, JOHN
he's at Target, Sammy
 I need someone to clean up Dean's forehead
 he’s got the hurt puppy going ON
 "don't get mad at me. don't you do that." I CAN'T. Dean you're killing me. that's not fair, baby
 “there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you”
 oh my boys
 no one cares about you Ellen
go home
 too soon?
 "we've got work to do"
 “we got work to do"
 I still CANNOT BELIEVE that (among other things) they did not take the opportunity to call back that line in the finale somehow
 don’t they?
I thought they did
 it was definitely in the last few eps, right?
 do they? maybe like in the middle of the ep they do?
but I wanted like a reverse. "our work is done" or something. or "we have shit to do" and they close the trunk and they're at the beach or something
 [after the episode had ended] 
 so, given that Dean actually did go to hell, I guess his deal is fulfilled and Cas pulling him out didn't count as wiggling out of it? cause while Dean was making his deal I had a truly AWFUL AU idea of Cas pulling him out and Sammy goes back to being dead because Dean didn't fulfill the deal
YOU had the idea, LOR
but it’s okay because your precious DEAN is OKAY i guess
 whistles. looks around innocently
 (I can just hear Cas chiming in with “well, Sam IS an abomination…”)
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bbbrianjones · 2 years
stone roses!!!! <- wants to talk about john
oh how did you know that john was my favourite?? is it kinda obvious??
anyway MY BABY!! can u believe i used to be ian girl?? lol what a time to be alive! i can't even remember what/why i was suddenly attracted to john but it might have something to do when i had a literal spirit connection with me one time, and all he did was smile at me <33 true love baby!!
i love john for so many reasons. and i do believe most of it is because he is very much the cutest guy i have ever seen!! the amount of times i have come so close to cutting my hair in the vain attempt to look like him is honestly so embarrassing. but his eyes!!! Oh my god his eyes are beautiful, they are so big and so blue !! also his nose too !! i do have a thing for noses but his really did start a trend i don’t know why !!!! there are some pictures where i just see him and go ‘yeh i’m planning the wedding as we speak’ because he’s just THAT GORGEOUS!!!!! it’s almost ridiculous just how in love I am with him. I swear my head is just constantly filled with thoughts about how nice it would be just… be with him!! now we’re getting into some real sappy shit right here but to hold hands…. touch his hair... stare deep into his eyes until one of us looks away and laughs.... oh my lord. pls!!! also love how much of an annoying little shit he could be. i th ink about that iconic interview and how the ladies trying to get deep and philosophical answers from them and asks ‘well if you’re the best band in the world, why aren’t you number one?’ and john goes “.....well the record isn’t out yet” FUCKING D E S T O R Y  H E R JOHN!!! also that time he said that the royal family were a bunch of cattle farmers… sweetheart 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞 on to something else - the second coming. this album does get unfairly marked in music, sure it isn’t as good as their masterpiece first album but it still holds up as an album on its own. it is also very much a “john and the rest” album, because john did pretty much EVERY song on this album and fuck it im gonna defend him a bit. it’s very easy to say that he became a bit of a tyrant during this period, but really he was just being a girlboss in his own little girlboss world. ian didn’t care, reni didn’t care, and mani kinda just went along with it. john was pretty much the only one writing songs at the time, which is why it’s very much an album reminiscent of what he would do with the seahorses. he wanted input from everyone but they wouldn’t give anything or just dismiss it however because no one else had anything better, they had to deal with john and his songs. really honestly if this band had literally just TALKED it would have fixed everything but they were all getting pulled in every direction so it was very hard for them. you can’t help but feel bad for everyone given the circumstances. one last thing, his art!!! i know he gets a bit embarrassed about the art he’s done with the stone roses but he’s just being a baby!!! “antiquated” my ass u silly duckling!!!! his artwork perfectly matches with the vibe of the song, and just helps the stone roses become the kinda cult band they are today… seeing all these people around with a stone roses shirt just makes me so happy it’s what i, a stone roses fan, deserves. 
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alycosworld · 1 year
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I posted 139 times in 2022
That's 38 more posts than 2021!
79 posts created (57%)
60 posts reblogged (43%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 109 of my posts in 2022
Only 22% of my posts had no tags
#aly.rants - 69 posts
#dc's legends of tomorrow - 29 posts
#legends of tomorrow - 28 posts
#john constantine - 12 posts
#matt ryan - 11 posts
#sara lance - 7 posts
#in space with markiplier - 7 posts
#markiplier - 7 posts
#ava sharpe - 6 posts
#the clone dilemma - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 110 characters
#watch it pick back up again for a fleeting moment and then i'll leave you all stranded with absolutely nothing
My Top Posts in 2022:
bethic twinstinct doesn't feel like an episode. it feels like i had a very shameful and strange dream and now im awake and do not know how to go about my day without thinking about it or letting it affect me.
151 notes - Posted September 19, 2022
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See the full post
157 notes - Posted March 3, 2022
i saw yr post abt the request thing so im gonna request^^
how abt venti with a s/o that i introverted and hates alcohol??? im not a big fan of alcohol and drunk ppl really scare me lol so id like to see how that would work out! i also have a social battery and when i do run out of that social battery and get really irritable and frustrated so how would he deal with that? take yr time and get rest <3
🧸/💮 anon~
(did u know iphone added new heart emojis0.0)
Venti with an Introverted S/O
A/N: in the process of momentarily reviving the blog as I said earlier, so here's the first post to mark that.
also, if you understand/like the phoenix wright reference then ily &lt;3
thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!
okay so, he's not gonna stop drinking for you. dude's an alcoholic, through and through.
and, he doesn't want to leave you alone because he loves you and he likes having you with him.
but...he realises that you don't like the atmosphere of the rowdier bars he frequents, or even the nice bars late into the night.
people shouting and making unnecessary comments, loud, horribly-sung music, all the drunkards crowding together and closing in around you.
it's terrifying and Venti's used to it, but you aren't and he understands.
you can stand him being drunk alone, because he's just dumb, funny and flirty - which, honestly, isn't much different from regular Venti.
so, what exactly does he do to help you out?
solution one: drink at home, sing his own songs, and recreate the atmosphere of a bar with just you. He doesn't care much for the patrons either - they're fun to be with, but he much prefers you.
solution two: take you two a calmer bar like Angel's Share (usually while Diluc's around so he can keep everyone in check) and defend you like Phoenix Wright.
as for your social battery, Venti just knows when you're running low. No matter what he had planned, no matter who else wants to see either of you, as soon as you get a little bit irritated, he's ushering you home.
he can't cook anything fancy, but he lives off bar food and he'll pick up something or haphazardly make something for you. Sure, it isn't elegant or well presented, but it fills you up, calms you down, helps you relax and tastes pretty damn good.
he'll cuddle with you, sing you an impromptu tune, tell you a good story, or just let you sleep while he takes care of everything else. If you need to get away from people, Venti will know and he'll handle it perfectly.
he'll stop whatever he's doing and immediately remove you from a social situation with some vague excuse:
"Well, I-- oh! Look at the time! Y'know, I think my darling lover and I should get going right about now, huh? Buh-bye, now!"
and he'll let you do whatever you want straight after, whether it be flee the scene like a villain or collapse on the street from tiredness.
"Oh? Have you had enough for today, my love? I agree, let's get you home and I'll take care of the rest."
"Don't worry about them, dove. All that's important is that we get out of here. No matter the situation, I'll handle it. You just rest. I love you."
161 notes - Posted April 14, 2022
guys mark confirmed that yancy, as lore, has magical tattoos that change according to the universes changing around him. omg. y'all.
189 notes - Posted May 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
John Constantine X Reader
NEW A/N: so! It's finally here, the finished version of "TITLE" that I accidentally posted all that time ago (and decided to leave up for the memories). I've left in all the old stuff, no changes to the original text, I just added to it so it's a complete story. I've even left in the old A/N for nostalgia ykwim. aNYWAYS, HAVE FUN!
OLD A/N: 100 followers is coming up but I have nothing for y'all so take the product of my latest obsession: john mf constantine - resident demonologist, exorcist, master of the dark arts, accomplished warlock and outrageously attractive brit. I love him, you love him, so let's give our soulless boy a round of applause! thanks for reading, please enjoy &lt;3
warnings: a lil spicy, slight choking??, talk of sex, inexperienced reader, reader is called pretty, love, sweetheart (idk if these are considered gendered words but I dont think they are??), gender-neutral reader
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(takes place in s4, Séance and Sensibility with the old Zari (Tomaz))
Kamadeva, now locked in the brig of the Waverider, poured some of the glittery ashes of his vial into his hand, blowing them through the air vents and to reach all the other rooms and Legends aboard in the night.
"Now, what are you doing, dreaming about me, love?" John asked. His trench coat had been removed and his sleeves had been rolled up to his elbows as he sat on the edge of your bed.
"The fugitive must've done something. It's fine, y'know, can't two friends hang out in a dream?" You chuckled nervously, sitting on a beanbag on the ground, crossing your legs and trying to act perfectly normal, although you knew that Kamadeva's magic wasn't for friends and John had special abilities when it came to dreams - he knew you were dreaming then and when you woke up, he'd know you'd been dreaming about him.
"Friends...that's not how I'd describe you and me. The way you act around me...it's not typical for friends, is it, sweetheart?" John asked with an undeniably attractive grin on his face.
"Don't call me that." You said, unable to stop heat from rising to your cheeks as John tilted his head to the side.
"And why not? I do it all the time. Or is it suddenly becoming less...friendly?" John asked before you felt your body stand up and walk to him. You definitely wanted to be near to him but, unaware of how much John would know about this dream when you woke up, you had to try and resist having fun. You came to stand just in front of him but he pulled you closer still, holding you by the waist as he guided you to straddle his lap.
"John..." You started, feeling your heart race as John leaned in towards you, pressing a kiss from your jaw to your neck to your collarbone and then pulling away to look at your flushed face as you gasped and breathed heavily, chest heaving up and down for John to marvel at.
"Pretty..." He mumbled with a dazed smile on his face.
"What?" You asked, not believing his words despite the whole situation being a fantasy.
"I said, pretty. Prettiest "friend" I've ever had the pleasure of knowing." John said, making you smile and look away from him. John seemed to realise the effect of his words and how you partially didn't believe them.
"I mean it, love," John said, snaking a hand behind your head to cradle the back of your neck, but when he watched you shudder and flinch slightly as his hand touched the skin, he grinned wickedly.
"Oh?" He asked, testing his theory of sensitivity by ghosting his fingers along your neck again and watching as you fell apart.
"John, I--" You managed meekly, but he only chuckled deeply before coiling one hand around your neck and tightening his grip ever so slightly as the other palm rested on your thigh.
"And how do you enjoy that, love?" He asked, watching your breath hitch but noticing your blatant satisfaction. John squeezed a little harder before letting go completely and smiling charmingly at you before leaning in and pulling your head down gently so your lips could meet his.
Unfortunately, just before the kiss you had dreamed about would occur so vividly in your mind, you woke up, panting heavily and in desperate need of a cool down.
You walked into the kitchen where the girls were, in just your pajamas, hair a mess and heart racing.
"The fugitive get to you too?" Sara asked, a smile on her face as Charlie beamed brightly.
"Yeah." You nodded as Sara handed you a glass of cold water.
"Well, personally, I really enjoyed my night. Blowing David Bowie's mind." Charlie grinned as Sara chuckled and Zari rolled her eyes with a smile.
"Who'd you get a leg over, Z? Wait, lemme guess, Nate? No, Kamadeva?" Zari stayed silent but raised her eyebrows making you and Sara look at her incredulously.
"Both?" You and she asked.
See the full post
331 notes - Posted February 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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lilacofficial · 7 months
Episode 12
-Oh. The Title
-Where have I seen the actor that plays Elias' Mom? I'll have to look it up.
-ANYWAYS here we go.
-The4 only thumbnmail photos I saw was Josh in the shower and him and his dad
-They didn't keep that in the episode
-Do you even live their bro
-Oh I guess yes
-Is he an influencer
-Um. I feel like you need to get down from that high
-Destiny? Like the name of the next episode
-S I N
-How do you KNOW that you don't have coke
-Jibber jabber and skidadle
-Poor Wolf
-Okay Josh. A man with a plan although I feel like he's still not going to be thinking straight givin his current life situation
-Oh it's dude.
I was about to say does he get like that with everyone with purple hair but yeah she's waering the same thing.
-Her dialect
-Oh yeah!
-Uh oh?
-Hoppin John?!
-VR moment
-He developed a game?!
-Josh man you've got to stop. This is not your life. I take back what I said about the streamer thing.
-Man they sure love those smothies
-J O O S H
-Why did they repeat that?!
-He's dying in video games again
-What? Oh yeah that's not his name here
-Poor Wolf
-She's tucking him back in?!
-WHAT?! I mean I get that she was a nanny for like years but dang. I was ot expecting all of that
-S I N
-Damn bro. Withdrawl hallcutinations going crazy.
-Aw the man in the spoon
-That was scary
-Not even cocaine
-Oh my god Poor Wolf
-Pickles? Oh nevermind.
-This is so sad
-Lol okay
-It's Brittnay from Good Mythical Evening!
-Is that Destiny? Oh god. TYhat is totally Destiny.
-In his defense last time he grazed boob it went bad. VERY BAD.
-He makes a good point
-Ooh he did it
-Another good point
-Wolf said plot armour
-Time travel is fucked up
-He's got a point
-Damn Tiger
-I thought it was more mean then nice
-Okay buddy.
-Is everything better? Your girlfriend is a sex doll
-Oh no.
-God this is so sad
-Why is the shower already on?
-Not me covering my screen. Is that what a dick looks like. Gross. No offense.
-And he is dead.
-A plan?
-God time travel sucks
-My fucking head hurts
-Aw it's the sound clips!
-Aw Wolf. He's back.
-No pickles?! Too much flavor maybe?
-I thought he was going to o7
-I'm so worried
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britishchick09 · 1 year
rapsittie street kids livewatch
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welcome to the last livewatch of 2022! ...and probably the worst since we’re watching the infamous ‘rapsittie street kids’! i’ve seen countless reviews on this special, but i’ve never seen the full thing. today is its 20th anniversary, so why not watch it now? it’ll be bad, it’ll be cringe and it’ll be a whole lot of fun! ;D
the instruments at the beginning are really good! :D
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...too bad the visuals aren’t :/
why does the bus sound like a clock?
ooh it’s rap time! B)
ricky: “but if you’ll kindly find the time to deliver gifts 7, 8 and 9 from my list!” rip gifts 1-6 :/
i’ve heard the beginning of the rap so many times that the part after sounds so weird! :o
aw he only has 3 coins rip :/
that could buy a book at st. vincent de paul’s! ;)
a car just slides out of frame lol :D
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has he walked like that this whole time? :o
the voices in the music sound a bit creepy...
omg he kicks a basketball and it just  f l o a t s  lol! ;D
aww his mom died :(
she gave him a bear before she died... AND NOW HE’S GIVING IT TO A GIRL WHO DOESN’T EVEN LIKE HIM NOOOO :(
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the bear just  f l o a t s
blue haired kid: “another day, another ‘d’ at rapsittie elementary...” says the teenager! :o
nicole got a dino bonk! :o
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ricky is talented! :D
the adults in the back tho...
he just throws ornaments on the tree like he’s in the charlie brown christmas special! :o
ok wow he’s just gonna rap and rhyme this whole special isn’t he :/
blue teen: “duuuude! that was soooo coooolll...” and that was so not cooollll... ;)
i’m pausing this to upload my new video and i guess this came out on november 25th not december 14th! the anniversary passed, but we’re in the middle of rapsittie season so i’m still watching it!
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it’s all christmas and then  S U A R S
smithy: *sees the bear on the floor* ‘what’s that?” ricky: “that’s for nicole honey, i know she’s into money!” that bear is priceless tho! :o
smithy thinks liking nicole is gross lol! ;D
the teacher is fed up with everyone!
knockoff nelson: “hey ricky! let me know any time you want to fall down again! i’ll be sure to shove you in the right direction!” BUURRNNN!!!!! :D
ricky is the only kid to be bummed about recess ever!
teacher: “i said after recess BECAUSE I NEED A RECESS!” ricky: “oooohhhkayyy....” lol! ;D
ricky: “you won’t catch me.... hesitating!” lol! :D
the teacher needs a vacation...
oof this song is cringy! :o
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when you wanna be the charlie brown christmas special...
omg nicole and glasses girl are doubling down laughing at that! :o
nicole: “watch what i can do!” ricky: “i’ll watch you nicole!” nicole: “not you, ricky!”
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he’s the only one watching her tho...
also why is he wearing a short sleeved shirt IN THE SNOW???
ricky: “and i thought it couldn’t get any colder out here...” oof :/
omg knockoff nelson stole smithy’s sandwich! :o
and it just slides down smithy’s scarf...
the shot zooms out to the teacher and kids with presents but it looks slow mo?
lenee: “oh that looks really cool!” nicole: “here.” *drops it right onto her feet* lol!
nicole’s gift is the best because she bought it from the mall! ;)
turns out it’s not but it sounds so much like him! :o
nancy cartwright, jodi benson, mark hamill and page o’hara are in this so there’s plenty of talent here already! ;)
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he walks away slowly... (just like me seeing this!)
kids: “merry christmas!” blue kid: “principal dude B)” lol!
the kids ignore the teacher lol ;)
nicole thinks she’s sooooo perfect because she gets things at the mall?
oh no it’s the bear! :o
ricky called her stupid yas you get her! ;D
why are lenee’s arms twitching?
lenee: “we go to this really big store and it starts with a ‘w’!” omg wallymart...? ;)
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it’s the floating candle!! :o
aww ricky has a santa letter! :D
grandma: “rdfgdjfdfjgh sendin’ letters!” lol!
it just... floats away from his armpit?
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nicole is insulting lenee AND HAVING A SEIZURE OMG :o
nicole’s mom: “has my princess been a good girl?” nicole: “i’ve been a good girl all year long!” YOU BISH! >:(
nicole: “♫ look at me! ♫“ no thanks!
the snowflake is traveling to lenee’s house!
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this is a nice colored sky! :)
aww i feel so bad for lenee :(
her mom doesn’t nod... she bows!
mom: “come on, it’s christmas! cheer up!” that didn’t sound very cheery of you...
oh no nicole is reading the letter! :o
she feels bad... :/
grandma: “dgdfgjjgsogisigsdfhsfdf christmaaaaas!” lol! ;D
nicole, smithy and lenee are in an abandoned building!!!! :o
smithy: “i can so blackmail you guys!” wtf lol?
they looked everywhere but alas! :/
omg dogs are chasing them!!! :o
bully: “look at the babies scared of little doggies!” i’d like to see you get at them! ;)
smithy threw his sandwich at the bullies... and they had their own chase! :D
yay they found the bear! :D
lenee: “let’s climb on that tree and jump over the wall.” nicole: “a lady does not climb trees!” smithy: “now is not the time to be a girl!” lol!
this animation is so awkward tho??
they made it! :D
aww nicole is giving ricky his bear! :)
nicole: “but doesn’t that mean a lot to you?” ricky: “yes. and so does................. friendship.” that pause tho! ;D
ooh lenee’s fam!
lenee sees santa! :D
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cloud santaaaa!!!! :D
omg lenee song! :o
dad: “nicole has my good looks... and your spending habits!” lol! ;D
omg nicole’s grandma wanted a videobox... which is what ricky asked for! :o
ew nicole’s parents winked and it was weird :(
aww nicole gave her gift to ricky! :)
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and lenee’s sister got... that...
ricky, grandma, nicole and smithy are visiting! :D
nicole apologized! :)
grandma: “dhdhhdfgfjfghg christmaaaaas!” iconic!!! :D
dad: “SHUT THAT DOOR!” the perfect way to end a christmas special! ;D
that was rapsittie street kids! it was just as bad as all the reviews say, but i still had fun watching it! visually, it’s the worst christmas special, but it still has good moments unlike other baddies (looking at you ‘the christmas tree’!) the plot was nice and so was the acting... mostly! i’m glad i got to finally see this special after hearing about it for so long! happy 20th anniversary, rapsittie street kids! :D
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
So Jerry should have said that and up in Maine can you beat him up and they wanted our son to say he's nuts and he did to put him into the mental hospital and to put Arnie in and Dee warned him and Max said he's doing what he had me call him nuts cuz I don't think I've ever beaten anyone and he did it on purpose that got really mad I said you're a f****** dead man came by Trump's yelling how am I supposed to do this that goes back you don't use the boy and leaves and I went ahead anyways so he's the one who did the 75 thing I saw it in the movie and I saw you later with the scar he's going oh no and he wants to do it he wants to threaten me all the time and threatening what he did to you because I'm glad you got it out I do thank you you hurt mom needs to pay such a jerk that guy is such an animal sad to tear up and I said wow that guy's bad it's not McDonald's it's probably Burger King so he went to town figure out who he was heard Jonathan Moulton will he trace the lineage and he found a bunch they found that guy who said oh you're the pain in the ass and he might be Lincoln I'm sorry Washington too so he walked up to him the other day and said hey Lincoln and he smashed him he knows what was that for that's where and they said that's what for being n lover. It says who told you and he arrested him tons of people saw it wondering why I did that I think Tommy f shot him afterwards and had him do it cuz he probably shot him before in order to have him do it.
Michael's infuriated he said you're this piece of s*** doing all this stuff he wants he thought it was BG another threatening him to do it turns out to be you my own son with some asinine plan of being in hell with them well I'm not for it and you're a loser this is hell you broke off from everyone it makes you weaker and he knows it too so he fired him said you're out get your s*** out of my house and stay the hell away from me I'll fire you every time you come near me
And mac daddy said all that and Tommy f said I'm not out you're out and he's out and he heard our son say what are you saying you little b**** you're going to be out shortly I haven't everyone attack you cuz you're a big mouth Mac started laughing, nobody's mouth real loud it made a funny noise and kept saying look I'm John remillard you're both dumb as hell and doing stupid s*** he started laughing too and said I can't help it everybody got dumb because of that stupid a****** yeah ghwb you dumb f****** crap to hit him John remillard come zooming around the corner dressed up as George Bush Senior so they said is that him I don't know his own son says I wouldn't know he's very confusing so John remillard detected something he said he's detecting something my son said watch out he's a quick draw so they started making fun of him and didn't have a gun and he kept saying it pull it out John you're him also he turns around red in the face cuz I can't stand you people you're disgusting you make fun of us all day long for us trying to grab you and harm you now he's doing it he says that's cuz we know what we're doing to you fool so John's going off to be dirty Harry hahaha he's going to try and threaten our son over and over everyone's going to shoot him
Thor Freya
Haha lol set some up for venom the movie and venom 2 and your son is chomping at the bit and wants to kill him bad this is I think it goes in order and I do manage to grab him but you do manage to get them too with me or at least we managed to get him because of it looks pretty good so must be your mother egotarian. Yeah I think so who do I get to beat him up no one how about you so having this fight and you're abomination you're saying you're not fit to rule you're not fit to have this power and I started thinking for some reason in the middle of a fight which is odd and usually she's the one doing that I'm like wait a minute yes I am..... So we had a good laugh we're on to the next fight we haven't had that one yet lol. We're not physically here okay I'm using your bodies in their possessed they're blaming you for the crimes of fixing stuff Savage opress States what the hell's going on here
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hollybell51 · 2 years
Chapter Five
What’s said and done
Our Treasure - Jim Hawkins x fem!Reader
Chapter Four, masterpost
Word count:  2055
Summary: you regret some things you said and say some things you regret. 
Notes: sorry for the wait lol, this is my desperate attempt to raise the stakes and add some of that lovely angst we all live for. This is also where I show you all just how terrible I am at writing action, and how limited my vocabulary is... I’m truly sorry. 
The next morning, you were woken early by John shaking your shoulder and holding out a piece of toast. You pushed your hair out of your face, sitting up and opening your mouth to ask what was going on.
“Shh!” he held a finger up to his lips, glancing around. “Come on.”
You shuffled over to where your boots were jumbled in a heap with your jacket where you’d flung them the night before, pulling both garments on and taking John’s proffered piece of toast. You quickly did a check of the kitchen – where you slept most nights, then followed the cook up onto the main deck, then below again to the stores.
Some of our crew were already there. You swung up onto one of the rafters, letting your legs dangle over the edge and the crumbs from your toast rain down on anyone unfortunate enough to stand beneath you.
“All I’m saying is that we’re sick of all this waiting!” The aptly named Bird Brain Mary’s voice cut harshly through the low murmurs of everyone else, and you frowned. You could never fathom why you always had to get stuck with the most annoying life forms roaming the galaxy. It was like you were a magnet for them or something. 
“Ve are vanting to move!” Meldown backed her up, his thick accent making the words sound all the more fervent. 
“We don’t move ‘til we got the treasure in ‘hand!” John reprimanded. You took another bite of toast, smiling innocently down at Hands, who glowered at the crumbs on his arm. You didn’t understand why John wanted you there – he could have handled it easily by himself.
“I say we kill ‘em all now…” Scroop hissed, scuttling to the front of the crowd.
“I say what we do!” John almost shouted, grabbing Scroop by the neck. “Disobey my orders again like that stunt you pulled with Mr Arrow and my cabin girl, and so help me you’ll be joinin’ ‘im!” He tossed the Mantavor roughly against a barrel in the corner.
“Strong talk,” he hissed, getting to his feet. “But I know otherwise.”
“You got something you wanna add?” you called from your perch, swinging your legs back and forwards.
“Ah…” he sighed, withdrawing a purp from the barrel, “it’s that boy. Methinks you have a soft spot for him.” He looked between you and John, a wicked gleam in his eyes. “The both of you.”
You felt your stomach sink, but tried as hard as you could to keep up the appearance of nonchalance. You took another bite of toast, crunching on the crust loudly. The crew were muttering in agreement with Scroop, which wasn’t good. Could he have seen you and Jim last night?
“Now mark me the lot o’ ya!” John growled, “I care about one thing, and one thing only! Flint’s trove! Ya think I’d risk it all for the sake o’ some nose-wiping little welp?”
“Yeah,” you added, “he’s nothing to me. Just a way to get that treasure.” God, you were glad Jim wasn’t there right now.
“What was it now?” Scroop said, putting on a fakely sentimental face. He grinned, then said in a crude imitation of your voice: “you saved my life, Jim.” He turned to John, then continued: “you’ve got the makins of greatness in ya—”
“Shut your yap!” the cook snapped. “I cosied up to that kid to keep ‘im off our scent. But I ain’t gone soft.”
You were stopped from defending yourself by the shout of “land ho!” from the deck above, and the uproar that followed. You jumped down from the rafters, rushing with everyone up to see the planet. The sight of it chased Scroop’s words and the guilty pit in your stomach from your thoughts. It was beautiful, just the way you remembered it from the book you had as a child. The two criss-crossing rings of luminescent green and greyish rocks stood out against the smokiness of the surrounding space, chucks of black rock floating at random around you.
“Jim!” you shouted, running down to where most of the crew slept in search of him. It was empty but for a few scattered belongings, so you ran back up the stairs and onto the deck. He wasn’t there either, so you checked the kitchen. Maybe he’d gone to find you.
Nobody was in the kitchen, but you grabbed a few knives and shoved them at random into your belt anyway. It never hurt to be prepared. You rushed back up the stairs, pulling your shirt down to cover the blades as you went.
“Lass,” John grabbed your arm, and you stopped in your tracks. “Have you seen me glass anywhere?”
“No,” you said quickly. “Where’s Jim?”
“I ‘aven’t seen ‘im this mornin’,” the cook frowned, then shrugged. “Maybe I left it down below.” He set off towards the storage, and, seeing nothing better to do, you followed. You glanced around for a second at the top of the stairs, then turned back and walked straight into John’s back.
“Shit,” you cursed, rubbing your face and stumbling backwards. “Can you—”
“Jimbo,” John said in surprise, and you poked your head around his large figure. Jim was indeed standing on the step below you, a mixture of shock, fear and anger flitting across his face.
“What are you…?” you started, but John shushed you.
“Playing games, are we?” he asked softly, descending into the storage area, forcing Jim before him.
“Yeah,” the boy muttered, “yeah we’re playing games.” He glared at John, then at you. Oh shit.
“Ah, I see.” The cook must have come to the same conclusion as you. “Well I was never much good at games.” Behind his back, his cybernetic arm was clicking into the gun function, and he was using his other hand to flick the safety off. “Always hated to lose.”
You moved your hand to your hip, slipping your fingers under your shirt until they came into contact with the cool handle of a knife. It was a small one, but it would do in a pinch. You just hoped it didn’t come to that.
“Hm,” Jim grunted, “me too!” He rushed forwards, slashing at John’s cybernetic leg on the way past. He shoved you out of the way, but you grabbed his arm.
“Stop, Jim!” you shouted over the hissing of John’s leg and the cyborg’s shouts. “Let me explain!”
“Let me go!” he growled, elbowing you in the ribs and tearing free. You cursed violently, then glanced back at John. He seemed to be ok, so you rushed after Jim. Only you couldn’t see where he’d gone.
“Where is he?” you hissed, taking out a knife and holding it by your side.
“Captain’s quarters,” John panted, nodding to where you could just see the bolt mechanism sliding into place. You raced towards the door, slamming against it as John let out a piercing whistle, alerting the crew to make their move.
“Jim open up!” you yelled, jamming the pointed end of your knife into the door latch and jimmying it around. There was no answer, but you kept shouting and knocking anyway. A gunshot went off inside, then there was the sound of breaking glass.
“Someone help me get the door!” you yelled over your shoulder, then stood back. Several members of the crew pointed their guns at the bolt, letting loose laser beams.
“No need to take all day about it!” John shouted, pushing his way to the front and fitting a blaster to the end of his robotic arm. He raised it, powered it up, then blasted straight through the door. You hoped nobody was inside.
You ran through the smoke and debris, almost falling into a human-sized hole in the floor. You jumped down, racing through the mechanics of the ship towards the longboat bay.
“Follow her!” you heard John yell behind you, then more heavy footfalls and shouts as the crew obeyed.
In front of you, you could see Captain Amelia’s back as she sprinted along a corridor, darting through a doorway. You cursed as she slammed it shut, skidding to a stop.
“Blast the door!” you yelled, then grabbed a gun for yourself and aimed it at the lock. It fizzed brightly in the dimness, joined by the beams from the others’ own guns as you worked away at the door. It finally fell away, and you poured through into the longboat bay.
The hatch was open, and three figures were silhouetted against the bright light outside, all with guns.
“Morph, no!” Jim’s voice yelled, then someone – presumably Jim – leapt over the side of the longboat and onto the catwalk.
You jumped across the other walkways, sprinting towards him among the sounds of blaster fire, Captain Amelia’s choice insults and the yells of the crew. There was a huge bang, and you looked up to see that someone had shot out one of the generators above. It crashed down, taking some of the crew with it out the hatch and smashing through walkways.
The hatch was closing slowly, so you guessed someone must have found the switch for it. You jumped across another walkway, then ran along it to where another one intersects. A few more jumps and you would be on the same one as Jim.
“Morph, come here!” he was shouting, jumping around and trying to catch the little creature. If you could make the jump to the longboat next to him… You measure the distance with your eyes, biting your lip. It was a long way, but you thought you could make it.
Taking a deep breath, you took a few steps backwards, then ran forwards and leaped off the walkway, sailing through the air for a few seconds before you slammed into the side of the longboat. You grabbed onto the railing, hauling yourself into it and rolling across the decking.
“Morphy, come here!” John called, and you poked your head up to see the little creature floating between the two of them, a large golden sphere in his mouth. The map.
“Morph, bring it here!” Jim called, holding out his hands.
“Morphy!” John countered, whistling to him.
The two of them continued calling to Morph, obviously confusing the poor thing. He looked between them, then dove into a pile of rope. Both rushed towards it, but John’s leg was still broken and Jim was much lighter on his feet. He grabbed the sphere, turning and rushing back along the walkway to where you were still in the boat.
You felt the knife in your hand, its weight and balance as you raised it up, taking aim at the running figure. You drew back to throw, swinging the blade between your fingers, judging the angles and Jim’s running speed, where he’s going. At the last second, you released the knife, holding your breath as it spun end over end towards Jim. It hit right where you meant it to, when you meant it to, stabbing through his sleeve and into the wood of the ship’s side.
He turned, shock and hurt written clear as day on his face as he pulled the knife free, tossing it to the deck. You took a step backwards, your hands pressed over your mouth and your breath coming in short gasps. You held Jim’s gaze across the walkway, feeling like you might be sick.
“Now!” Amelia yelled, and the awful moment was shattered. Jim turned away, jumping down into the other longboat as Dr Doppler and the Captain shot out the cables on the roof, their boat falling out into the space below.
You heard John get up and you heard his string of curses as he headed for the main deck, and you heard the whining of a laser cannon firing up, you heard the crackling of the shot speeding past. You saw the explosion down below, but you didn’t feel anything. Well, apart from the urge to vomit.
The look on Jim’s face when you threw the knife, when it hit him… You dropped to your knees, your arms and torso resting on the railing of the longboat and leaned over, retching. You kept heaving until all of last night’s dinner and that morning’s breakfast were deposited out of the ship, then collapsed.
Chapter Six
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levithestripper · 3 years
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Oooo, this is a good one!! I always love getting requests from you! 
✩ Requests are open!! Read the rules first! Gender neutral reader! ✩
✩ Masterlist! ✩
✩ Taglist: @mallr4ts​​ @reddeadrevolutionn​​ @thedoodlenoodle-wa​
✩ If you want to be added to a taglist, fill this out! ✩
✩ Warnings: None! ✩
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The VDL Gang Finds Out You Like Them (Gender Neutral Reader!)☀️✨
Arthur will blush so hard, he looks like the lit end of a cigarette. When you finally gathered up all the courage you had and told him your feelings, he thought it was a prank or a joke Sean had put you up to. No, some one as beautiful as you are could never find an old (in his mind), grumpy gunslinger like him attractive and desirable. He asks you to give him some time to give you an answer, which obviously you agree to. A day or two later, Arthur comes up to you while you’re pouring yourself a cup of coffee, taking your free hand and nodding, his face still pretty red. 
“You sure ya’ want an old, grumpy man like me, darlin’?”
Bill is a lot like Arthur in this aspect. He blushes so hard, his beard makes him look like a reverse strawberry. 
“N-Nah, you must got the wrong guy, partner. Javier and Sean ain’t o’er here.” 
Since Bill is always picked on and made fun of by the others in camp, he grew to believe that he undesirable by others. So when he heard you confess to him, he thought it was a joke just like Arthur did. But then you moved to sit on his lap, Bill’s thoughts on the credibility of your confession changing. You placed your arms around his shoulders, kissing his cheek and snuggling into him when you felt his hands hold onto your waist. 
When you confess to Charles, he takes your hands into his, rubbing his thumbs over your knuckles. He thinks to himself for a minute, then he looked up at you with a small smile. Charles gently tugged you close to his chest, pressing a kiss to your forehead. 
“You beat me, little Dove. I was planning on telling you.”
Dutch get’s really cocky when you admit your feelings to him. He pretends that he knew all along that you liked him, but he didn’t. He’s just spewing bull crap again, so don’t believe it lol. Dutch didn’t seem to care all that much when you confessed. Just don’t expect his infatuation with you to last very long.
“Alright, sweetheart! Bring a few blankets to my tent tonight!”
Telling Javier was surprisingly very easy. When you walked up to him, he perked up, seemingly excited to see you. 
“Ah! Mi amor! It’s nice to see you!” He said with a big, goofy smile, standing up to meet you halfway. He held your hands and laced your fingers together, holding them close to his body. “Where have ya’ been all day?”
You giggle softly, face heating up. Asking him out on a date was the easiest part, surprisingly enough. Keeping Javier from running around camp and telling everyone in a five mile radius is the hard part. You did let him tell Charles, though. 
Mi hermosa novia/novio is what Javier calls you now. You didn’t know what it meant at first, but when he told you it means ‘his beautiful boyfriend/girlfriend’, you just kinda melted into the grass.
John almost passes out when you tell him about your affections for him. He can barely wrap his head around that someone as beautiful as you are could possibly be attracted to a scared up looser like he thought he was. Hell, Abigail barely put up with him for the time that they were together, so why would you want to be with him? It takes him a minute or two (more like a couple of days) to be fully convinced that you’re telling him the truth. 
“So, you really want an idiot like me, huh?”
When you tell Josiah, it was the easier than anyone else because somehow, he already knew about your affections. Given that he’s in everyone else’s business, why wouldn’t he be in yours?
“Why, of course I knew about it, dear! I have eyes and ears everywhere, you know!”
Kieran turns red just like Bill did. He barely can reply to you without stuttering and stumbling over all of his words. Whatever you do, don’t kiss his cheek right after because you WILL kill him. And you can’t date a dead man, now can you?
“O-O-Oh, darl-darlin’, are yo-you sure? Y-You sure you’re s-s-sweet on me? You-You ain’t got the-the wrong guy’re nothin’?”
Lenny is pretty easy to confess to, given how laid back he is normally. He almost kisses you right on the spot as an answer, but then restrains himself because that’s not very ‘gentlemanly’ of him. Good lord give this man a hug and a kiss he’s too sweet for his own good.
Micah, on the other hand, is even more cocky than Dutch is, if that’s possible. He is so fucking smug about it I swear to god. He’ll rub it in your face about how you have a crush on him, it’s so annoying but in a way you find it cute. 
“Aww, looky here, the camp sweetheart has a crush on big bad Micah Bell. What’cha gonna do about it, darlin’? You gonna do somethin’ ‘bout it? Gonna try an’ tame me?”
When confessing to Sean, he’s all smirks and teasing. His accent even gets a bit thicker due to his excitement. 
“Ohh, I knew my good ol’ MacGuire charm would work on one of ya’! Come ‘ere, let me love on ya’, sweetheart!”
He then proceeds to pull you in close to his chest, smothering you in kisses all over your face and neck. Sean even sneaks a kiss onto your lips, making you blush as red as his hair. If you let him, Sean will brag about you to everyone else in camp that’ll listen to him. 
Soon, his ‘Ya’ know, my Da once told me-” to “Ya’ know, my darlin’ did the cutest ting the ot’er day-” 
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