#everyone is tired of bill
teecupangel · 2 years
Just a random late-evening thought: Haytham Kenway popping up like genie from the bottle somewhere during ACIII. And ends up strongarming himelf into control of our merry little group of Assassins. That's a Grandmater of Templars vs Grandmaster of Assassins standoff of epic proportions and Rebecca, Shawn and Desmond have front row seats for it. That and the view of Desmond being near visibly torn between finding what Haytham does hot and living Connor's mortification
Rebecca records everything from different angles using strategically placed hidden cameras ("Pending title: Worst Dads Standoff" "I can think of a lot more people who are worse than them." "Well, if you find any of them, they're welcome to join too, Shaun.")
There's no popcorn but the entertainment is top notch and they raided Shaun's secret chocolate stash to complement their already sugary sodas.
(While Haytham and William are arguing)
Desmond: Is it weird that I'm starting to think Haytham is hot?
Shaun: It's possible you find him hot because he's arguing with Bill and the sight of your father getting angry and losing control makes you happy which, in turn, makes you associate that happiness with Haytham Kenway.
Desmond: Huh.
Rebecca: Or you just wanna fuck him 'cause you know Bill would definitely not like that.
Desmond: (points at Rebecca) She's got a point there.
Shaun: (incoherent offended spluttering) thatswhatijustsaid!
Desmond: I feel like I'm betraying Connor.
Rebecca: Eh. It's like you wanting to fuck your best friend's dad. You feel guilty of wanting to fuck your best friend's dad.
Desmond: True. That would be awkward.
Rebecca: But one blowjob should be allowed.
Desmond: Absolutely. Connor will forgive one blowjob.
Shaun: Desmond, I'm begging you, if you're going to give a Templar Grandmaster a blowjob, please do it far away from all of us.
Rebecca: But still somewhere I have a camera installed.
Shaun: (glaring at Rebecca)
Rebecca: What? The main point of the blowjob is to annoy Bill. Visual and auditory confirmation also has the plus of traumatizing him.
Desmond: It's cute you guys think I'll be the one sucking dick.
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biweeklyjoltiks · 1 year
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My health is not well & im struggling with money. Im disabled & unemployed, so art is my only income for food, bills, rent, etc.
If you like the art here, then consider supporting me thru my Ko-fi. https://ko-fi.com/rickyblade
Commissions are also open if you’d art in return, the info is here. https://wbchris.wixsite.com/commissions
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thisismeracing · 6 months
Since when did we start charging money on patreon for fanfics 😭😭😭😭 is this for real😭
hi, love. I haven't seen that many people doing the Patreon thing when it comes to fanfic, but it's pretty common for people who draw for example to set up a Patreon. I believe that everyone who does, just like myself, needs the money. I wouldn't be doing it if i didn't need to. I figured the Patreon setup was the best idea since it's not really that common for people to tip writers, we've been struggling with getting reblogs and comments, so you can imagine.
Right now, I'm applying and doing tests to get an internship, which still won't be enough because I'm also trying to apply for a master's. So, yeah, I'm really thankful for everyone who tipped me on ko-fi and subscribed to my Patreon, last month my savings were over, and the Patreon money was what helped me pay for some medical stuff I needed (Idk if you saw the whole mick schumacher's sick club, but yeah — huge thank you for everyone who subscribed/donated btw).
We often see fic writers as little robots who don't eat, drink, or sleep. We request stuff, and expect an instant reply, and when we get the content we don't even go back to the page to tell the writer our thoughts. We don't reblog, nor leave comments, but still, we expect them to keep writing and keep sharing everything as if it didn't take hours, sometimes days to come up with a 1k piece polished to what we think readers will like best. I hope I don't sound rude, I'm just trying to make a point because I'm tired of seeing writers deactivating, tired of seeing my friends getting writer's block and then people still demanding things.
On top of that, I'm still posting a lot here, from smau to blubs and long fic requests (and I won't even talk about how some pieces aren't even getting a hundred notes, which always makes me wonder if I'm doing something wrong, if my writing is bad, or if there's anything that I could do to make the reader's experience more enjoyable), and it takes a lot of time, it's even harder to balance the two profiles now, but still, I keep sharing some of my work for free. so please, please, don't make me feel bad about needing money. thanks ❤️.
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skumhuu · 8 months
U good?
Ye! I’m v busy with irl rn 😂 thank u for asking 💖
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andromeda3116 · 11 months
i know that the "adulting sucks" thing has been overdone to the point of obnoxious, but seriously
adulting fucking sucks
#running the numbers on my budget and calculating how much i can afford per month on things#bc i will likely need a new car soon and i need to figure out what kind of budget i have for it and what my options are#and i get a bill from a doctor's visit in fucking november for almost $150 after insurance payout and my copay and like.#hey i was told on my insurance shit that i would only have a $50 copay! and i had met my deductible!#it legitimately looks like they waited until it rolled over to charge my insurance specifically so i would no longer have met it#like the visit was in november. why did you wait until mid-april to payout?#my insurance rolled over at the beginning of april. huh. what a fucking coincidence.#idk who to call about this but this stinks of bullshit#i should not be owing that money. period. and there is absolutely no excuse for sending me the bill for it eight months later.#and i need to clean my apartment. and i need to feed myself at some point.#and i need to cancel att and set up the comcast internet that's recently been folded into rent as an amenity#i have already gone through and canceled all the subscriptions i don't use#so check that box off#and like. i don't want a roommate and i really am not looking for a relationship with anyone.#but doing all this shit on my own and having to pay every bill on my own and having to do all the cooking and cleaning on my own is just.#exhausting#i am so so tired#and i'm looking at things and i intend to go through online school for a communications degree which will be reimbursed through my job#and there may be a lead position opening up soon which everyone seems to be pushing me towards which would be a title change#and significant raise at the cost of added stress#and i feel like butter spread over too much bread#i need to work anti-burnout measures into my schedule and budget now to get the structure i'll need#but i am already so tired#but i need the raise and i need the degree to gtfo of this career
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queenlizbean · 2 months
Having rich friends warps your perception of what’s normal so bad.
Like all my high school friends have bought houses and have savings and I’m still renting and have less than $1,000 in savings and I feel like a failure? And yet that’s the norm for people my age to be struggling because we’re in a cost of living crisis AND a housing crisis.
Like I know most of my friends had their parents pay all or part of their deposits which is why they’ve been able to get this far because I know damn well none of my friends are earning over $120,000 a year which is apparently the minimum amount you need to earn to buy a house in my state.
And then I talk to my poor friends and they’re all in the same situation as me. Like in their late 20’s early 30’s and nowhere near buying property or getting out of renting. Most of my poor friends have had to move back home because rentals are so hard to come by.
It just bothers me that the rich friends think they did it all themselves when they had so much outside help. Like you were able to live at home and study rent free until you could buy a house, and even then your parents paid the deposit and your dad put himself on the lease so you’d still get your first home buyers grant for your “forever house” because this is just a “starter house”. Those things just don’t exist for poor people please stop acting like I’m irresponsible with money because I spent my pay cheque on rent and food and occasionally do something nice for myself.
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cator99 · 1 year
The Owl House anon, I just sent my ask because you sound like someone who watched Steven Universe, back in the day. I thought you might be watching TOH then
another one of those "damn the hate mail game on this website is insane" moments
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mearcatsreturns · 1 year
rant incoming
I’m in my mid-late 30′s. I look at least a decade younger. I have one post-grad degree and will be finishing up another in a few weeks. I have over a decade of work experience, too. One of my “pay the bills while I finish grad school” jobs is at a wine room, and I know my stuff reasonably well. We sell some beers and spirits (mostly local craft brewery/distillery stuff), which I don’t know quite as well, but I can put a good showing. 
today, we got one of ~those~ customers who came in, put his grubby hands all over the freshly cleaned glass coolers, then couldn’t tell me what he liked about German beers (which we don’t have, but again, I can tell most people what they’ll like if they can tell me whether they like about the hoppiness/bitterness/maltiness), assumed my friend/manager Brandon was the owner in spite of the many “woman-owned business” stickers, then called me sweetheart. We don’t live in the South, where that would be tolerable, if still not my favorite. It’s infantilizing and patronizing. 
this is just a couple weeks after the local artist painting our patio seating (who is also the SO of one of the bartenders next door, where I used to work), came in, saw me at my computer--Sundays are usually slower and I do homework/writing. She then said kind of snidely, “it’s great that you kids these days have phones and computers to keep you occupied during slow shifts, I just had to read a book.” I lifted the book next to me, and she then said, “oh, it’s great kids are still reading.” I told her that I am, in fact, the age I am. She got flustered and tried to play it off like a compliment that I look younger, but UGH. like ma’am, I am probably 5 years younger than you. 
I NEED people to stop assuming ages/experience levels/interests by looking at a person
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savage-rhi · 8 months
I'm very much a, "fuck yeah and fuck you, I don't need validation! I'm me, cunts!" kinda fella, but sometimes I could use support.
#today i fucked up by reactivating my fb account which i haven't done in 2 yrs just to check on some folks id been sending good thought to#place is depressing everyone is miserable and everything feels fake and my mind is like#LOL this is why we left bitch byeeee#so i deactivated again went to work and idc what anyone says there are folks like me that can and do feel the energy and emotions coming of#people and it can fucking suck especially when so many are disregulated so i got a sensory overload and boss was nice enough to let me take#a bunch of breaks today and even scream in her office cause She Gets It (TM)#the weather is rainy and cold i'm getting so many fibro flares idk how i'm moving anymore#ive missed so many days of work already and it's not even fully winter yet i still have my job and im thankful i have an understanding team#but that doesnt pay the bills im still trying to find a way to pay for that doctor appointment coming up#graduate courses began for college and i think i'm gonna be okay but damn did they throw too much info all at once at me and that made#my adhd brain go WELL SHIT#ive been feeling incredibly lonely and not wanted in so many spaces that im struggling to even communicate with the few that i know do#love me for me and nothing else im trying so so so hard to keep being there for people and to keep loving#people that need it cause i don't ever want another human being to ever feel as miserable and unwanted as i have felt#but im also tired because i feel like thats all anyone ever sees me as just this being that can take their woes away and make them feel#amazing and i love that i can do that and listen to so many traumatic stories and help folks process that trauma my boss and many throughou#life have told me i have a gift for healing people and a vibe to me thats different than most and it feels good being around me but today i#just felt like people keep taking and taking and taking and i dont expect anything back thats not who i am id rather give than receive#but damn it i just wish someone could just give me the biggest hug in the world dont even have to say a thing just hold me and be present#and hold space for me to just feel weightless id cherish that more than anything in the world right now#on a positive note...#my dinosaur vo stuff got traction im getting a new cosplay put together i havent done that in 4 years i got to pet a wild deer i made#a coworker laugh so hard his juice went out his nose and my boss peed a little#im slowly taming another wild flock of turkeys and i got a bag of my favorite takis the guacamole flavor#i got a lot to be thankful for and i acknowledge it#but damn it im tired#thank you for coming to my Ted Talk rant and rave#if you made it this far: you're an incredible human being and i love you#please go treat yo self to something nice and know i love you for you
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batbluud · 9 months

man, i really just. absolutely loathe living through this era of everything i once cherished growing up degrading into corporate sludge. websites i once adored using are either gone or had to go so corporate to survive they are barely even a facsimile of what i once loved. no more flash games. no more forums. no more fun. every website has to look like tiktok even though i and many others fucking loathe that app. no more customizing your page with html, no more blingee, no more making silly amvs, everything has a copyright bot on it, youtube poops i used to love watching have been erased from existence cus of said aforementioned bot, we're in the post-sopa era where they won and all the absolutely insane religious fascists in the govt are trying to censor any and everything that they don't agree with on the internet, ban this, ban that, "protect the children"...i hate this place. i can't do it no more brother HH. i want to live through a sludge era. i want to do whatever the fuck i please without some puritan fuck breathing down my neck. what is the point in wasting air if you can't do anything with it?? Like Actually What Is The Point of living if you're not allowed to, well, live. christ alive.
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cowboybuckleys · 1 year
Couple of us threw in some money together to buy my dad a wheelchair cos he needs it now, not whenever Medicare decides he can have one. Even if they did approve it today we wouldn’t be able to get anything until Monday at the earliest. Better than nothing for now, better than than him rolling around on his desk chair.
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I got a job in my field but I had to turn it down because they simply weren't offering enough money. It's beyond insulting to be offered minimum wage when I have a master's degree and relevant work experience.
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bumblydumbly · 1 year
maybe im an actual fucking freak but guess who’s been ugly crying for and hour bc of the dw s10 finale 🎉🎉🎉
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jrueships · 2 years
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what the rest of the bills gc have to bear witness to whenever diggs and allen are both active (which they always are)
#allen tries being a serious leader for once and send an important annoucement for the bills to hear#and diggs icon just. appears. always right below his#josh starts typing and diggs starts typing .2 seconds after#diggs making sure to go lightspeed on the keys so his message gets sent before allens next one:#'omg we're typing at the same time it's like we're holding hands through the phone 🥰🥰'#allen trying to send out more information and getting sidetracked: this is mandatory so please momg we ARE :D!!#hearting each others messages#josh hearts someone elses message and diggs IMMEDIATELY starts hating on that person#*josh hearts a photo of isaiahs sister's new baby*#diggs: 😐.....#diggs: it's kinda ugly but ok 😑.#the bills have a separate gc with everyone in it but diggs and josh#mckenzie and gabe came up with it bcs theyre tired of live slug reacting all the damn time#diggs and allen: WOOO we won a GAAAME 🥳🥳🤯 🥳 🎉 🪅 🎊!!#rest of the bills including their fandom: YEAAAA#diggs and allen: * immediately start having s*x*#rest of bills excluding their fandom: okay 😐.#and they also have a separate SEPARATE gc with everyone in it but diggs and allen and mckenzie and gabe#bcs mckenzie and gabe just bully each other in their own gc#wherever a bill turns... there are Gay People#diggs/allen#they would be the cringe kid couple who are always h*rny in the hallway#or making out profusely standing at an amusement park line when theres a whole gap in front of them#and everyone is waiting for them to move#ud think only allen would be cringe and diggs would be the cool one but it's like they get together and#their cringe cells just. Connect#the science remains unknown !!#(they have s*x)
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breadstickposting · 1 year
bnha would be so much better if they just like. showed them doing normal school things.
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