#idk who to call about this but this stinks of bullshit
andromeda3116 · 11 months
i know that the "adulting sucks" thing has been overdone to the point of obnoxious, but seriously
adulting fucking sucks
#running the numbers on my budget and calculating how much i can afford per month on things#bc i will likely need a new car soon and i need to figure out what kind of budget i have for it and what my options are#and i get a bill from a doctor's visit in fucking november for almost $150 after insurance payout and my copay and like.#hey i was told on my insurance shit that i would only have a $50 copay! and i had met my deductible!#it legitimately looks like they waited until it rolled over to charge my insurance specifically so i would no longer have met it#like the visit was in november. why did you wait until mid-april to payout?#my insurance rolled over at the beginning of april. huh. what a fucking coincidence.#idk who to call about this but this stinks of bullshit#i should not be owing that money. period. and there is absolutely no excuse for sending me the bill for it eight months later.#and i need to clean my apartment. and i need to feed myself at some point.#and i need to cancel att and set up the comcast internet that's recently been folded into rent as an amenity#i have already gone through and canceled all the subscriptions i don't use#so check that box off#and like. i don't want a roommate and i really am not looking for a relationship with anyone.#but doing all this shit on my own and having to pay every bill on my own and having to do all the cooking and cleaning on my own is just.#exhausting#i am so so tired#and i'm looking at things and i intend to go through online school for a communications degree which will be reimbursed through my job#and there may be a lead position opening up soon which everyone seems to be pushing me towards which would be a title change#and significant raise at the cost of added stress#and i feel like butter spread over too much bread#i need to work anti-burnout measures into my schedule and budget now to get the structure i'll need#but i am already so tired#but i need the raise and i need the degree to gtfo of this career
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jamie-tartts · 1 year
interesting POV that you think carrie bradshaw is toxic. coming from a carrie stan, care to elaborate? genuinely curious - no hate. and can I ask who your favorite lady is then from satc?
hi! sorry for the late response, I know you sent this in a few days ago when I made that post.
I hope not to offend you by any means lmao, but I feel like she’s toxic (or at least not as great as others make her out to be) because she always finds a way to make things about herself? she inserts her own problems into other peoples dilemmas not in a sympathetic “I know how you feel because I experienced this, etc. etc.” but more of like a “well this happened to me and this was much worse” and then takes over the situation. idk this is just my personal takeaway.
I also think she thinks of herself as a non-judgemental person, but I disagree. I think she’s very judgemental and if any of her friends think differently she puts up a bit of a stink. if there’s any sort or argument or discourse or disagreement, carrie decides when she’s “done” with it and/or the conversation. she’ll cut people off mid sentence, she’ll distance herself for long periods of time instead of dealing with it. and, of course in some situations it’s understandable but I find myself wanting to just shake her being like “JUST CALL [whoever it may be] AND MAKE UP ALREADY YOU’RE AN ADULT!” her friends are very supportive of her and are always there for her, and while I agree carrie is also there for them too - she often pulls the “well I was there for you during this time, so you need to come with me to this.” i just don’t like that. I feel like she often wants support and advice from her friends, and if she doesn’t like it, she’ll make a stink about that too - but then when her friends need her advice about something, her advice (again in my opinion) is total bullshit and kind of aloof.
and when it comes to Big.. I have so many other thoughts on that that I won’t get into in this ask, but to sum that situation up: she doesn’t learn or listen. and I know the common consensus surrounding her relationship with him was “oh, but it’s love.” and sure maybe it was - but it wasn’t healthy. it was destructive and detrimental and she never learned. I think she was naive because she always went back to him. maybe it’s love but you can recognize when something is not good for you and she was never able to fully accept that with him and she continuously got hurt by him time and time again. he put her through so much and treated her so poorly and she went back each time. in and just like that at the funeral (spoiler alert!) that blonde friend from the past made a cameo in the episode and said to the woman sitting beside her, something along the lines of, “am I the only one who remembers what a prick he was to her?” to quote the iconic LC line from the hills, she needed to “forgive him, and forget him.” for good.
as for your other question, my favourite lady is samantha. she’s unhinged, unbothered and unapologetically herself. she doesn’t judge, does what she wants when she wants but is so smart. she’s a loyal friend who was always there for all of her friends, she never hesitated to tell them straight up or to tell the truth. she never kept a secret and she never hid any part of herself or her life from her friends. she always included them, always invited them with her, and always made sure her friends were okay. she was a great friend and a trustworthy, loyal person. one of my favourite female characters of all time.
thank you so much for your message :)
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north-peach · 2 years
I Had An Idea and Now We Have To Learn To Write Screen Play Because Netflix Needs This - an essay by me & my other half
(warning for like, violent and gore and death and stuff. Low key R rated? idk don't @me)
So, just think about this cop.
A good cop.
Winds up launching this investigation into this bad news kinda person. Ends up on a special task force that does a lotta walking the line. Gets their target, but then everyone kinda splits. Goes their own seperate ways. Maybe something bad happened.
Teammate got shot, someone got real sick, something happened.
And cop is left right back where he started from. All the paperwork, the politics, the pettiness, the corruption and a rising crime rate that the brass aren't doing anything about.
More and more people slip through the cracks. The wronged never see their justice and those who wronged them, walk free.
Drug dealers selling spiked product to teens. Streets once safe, now people rarely venture out unless in large groups. Crime rates skyrocket.
He can't just...do nothing.
He's got means, motive and opportunity.
No more, he says, whispers, shout and scream. No more, enough is enough.
He calls in a few favors from his friends, the ones who always joked about the stick up his ass, about his rules and regulations, about his procedures-
They were right.
He dons his old armor, although with a new paint job and loads his magazine.
Time to do things how they used to.
He goes to the parts of the city cops never go. The parts that everyone in his precinct is literally forbidden to go.
(Bahati Evens is probably the oldest detective on the force and it's entirely likely she's the only straight cop there judging by how often she gets saddled with desk duty- never given any cases but the most minor. He honestly loves her no bullshit attitude and will murder for her.)
It takes hours. Days. Weeks. Months. He's lost track of time. But also, a base has been established, flow of money, water, food, and a hard won reputation as a thing to fear. He's a bloody mess, sweating, stinking, filthy and his mouth tastes like something died in it.
But he did it.
The streets are safer, people are starting to walk taller, kids are tentatively playing on the old playground. Several food stands have opened up and one of the bagel places is staffed solely by females who aren't afraid to throw rowdy customers bodily out the door.
He's doing good.
Inside his head, a cacophony of screaming thoughts collide and the crazed grin that stretches over his face would be called exuberant joy were it not for the gore splattered over it giving him a terrifying look more suited to a slasher movies villain.
At this point, he will, of course, stop and realize assault is probably up.
He'll mull over this revelation, before continuing that line of thought.
Eh, murder…..yeah that's kinda down??? There's……less civilian casualties…
That's about when one of the gangs still standing bursts into his base, backed by his former co-workers.
Well, it was bound to happen eventually.
It takes....not as long as he thought? More playing chicken, hide and go seek, tag and beer pong, only more permanent and all of a sudden he realizes he hasn't seen a single cop uniform in....
First, he takes a nap. A well earned nap. After the shower. And the food. And the laundry.
~Three Days Later~
When he finally gets up and downs four prescription ibuprofen and like two Tylenol, throws on some soft, well worn comfy clothes over his now dubbed 'vigilante uniform', he ambles on down to the police station.
He doesn't know who survived the whole Incident, but if that's a problem, he'll take care of it.
The only problem, when he walks into the police station is that while most of the blood stains have been cleaned off the floor, there's a teenage, scrubbing desperately at one spot, looking like he's on the verge of crying?
The moment he looks up and they make awkward eye contact is...
The scrub brush gets dropped, as the teen lurches to his feet, finger pointed in accusation even as he yells-
"It was you! You bastard!"
"They all deserved it!" He doesn't give the- janitor?- kid room to talk, pointing his own finger twice as aggressively back. "They took bribes, arrested and framed the innocent and let the guilty walk! They deserved it!"
"Screw you! I know that, but why did you have to kill all of them! I'm one person!"
He.....blinks. What. Vigilante not computing. What?
The kid looks like he's trying really hard not to cry.
"I just graduated and i moved here to look after my grandma and I was hoping to work my way up! Learn things! Job experience! I don't know how to do this!"
He stares blankly.
"High school?"
A head full of beautiful braided locks pokes itself out from the chief of police's office and he almost draws his gun for a second before he recognizes those white teeth against black skin and he ends up smiling.
"Detective Evans! How are you liking the new promotion!"
"Chief of police now, police being newly graduated Chris Franks, who is now police detective, corporal, sergeant, lieutenant, captain and deputy chief."
Bahati levels a deeply unimpressed look at the abysmal attempts to scrub the bloodstains out of the wood.
"And janitor."
"Ah," says the vigilante responsible for...everything.
Franks looks even more accusing. Also like he's 18. Which is...kinda...hard to brush him off when he looks like a literal child.
Abruptly, with the full intention of going out and finding at least a janitor, and a couple of people to work administrative jobs- mostly for Police Chief Evans because she deserves all the help- Franks makes a deeply disgusted noise and lunges for dry floor to hurl himself out the door after the city's most feared vigilante.
The one that rumors say he's mostly like an inmate escaped from the nearest asylum after burning it to the ground. The one all the rumors agree that is completely crazy and is probably super human because he does things that seem to be impossible.
("Someone call in the national guard, he's literally a one man army!"
"Can't, the mayor's in on it to and there's something like an unspoken agreement that he pretends to be on the straight and narrow and Vengeance won't brutally murder his way through the local government too."
"Ah. Right. Being a crminal is just unhealthy these days."
"Good thing we're just normal civilians."
"Right? Haha.")
Bodily throwing himself against the vigilante manages to move him til his back almost hits the wall and Chris is aware that he looks young so he uses it to him advantage.
"I need help!"
He honestly can't keep the desperation out of his voice, because he really, really does need help.
Vengeance jerks with the force of it and turns his gaze to him, the intensity of those blue, blue eyes shooting up drastically.
"I can't do this on my own! Boss can't do this on her own! We have no people to answer 911 calls! We can't patrol, we can't help with problems, be the minor or major! I'm in over my head and please, we need help!"
Vengeance says...nothing, just stares at him in disbelief.
"Are you asking me to come back to my old job after I- ?"
"No! Yes! I don't care, I need help!"
~The Next Day~
"I left this job to go murder people, if you think I would murder you to leave this job again, you are sadly mistaken."
"Walk me through how to file this evidence report one more time so I can send this up the chain to get an innocent man out of jail."
"You literally just turn it in to the evidence locker! All you have to do is fill this and this out and hand it to the sergeant!"
"The one you killed whose hands you painted red before sticking them in a rat trap?"
"I killed the real murderer in that case you're struggling with. You're welcome."
"Department standard is to enter all the physical items on this line, any organic-"
One of the local baristas drops in to present those (still alive) working the early shifts, with coffee and pastries, stops dead when he sees that infamous vigilante, commonly referred to as Vengeance, sitting in a chair, leg propped up in a cast, with the rim of a hat glued to his helmet head armor thing.
He's pointing to a piece of paper, going through each line and what information needs to be put where.
Miles blinks.
The actual detective (he thinks?) is staring at a pile of paper and nodding seriously, as he is visibly taking mental notes. And actual notes. On a separate piece of paper.
Miles makes a noise.
Vengeance doesn't both to turn around, simply holds out a hand.
Miles automatically walks the last couple of steps forward and Vengeance is drinking his coffee. Vengeance is letting out an appreciative hummm and turning back to the paper.
The officer looks up and says, eyes dead and black as the coffee.
"This is the consultant. You can call him Mr. Vigil."
That's a vigilante. That's THE vigilante. Vengeance. He murdered so many people. It was awesome. It was terrible. He's.......doing paperwork. He's SHOWING YOU how to DO THE PAPERWORK.
"Hey kid."
The smooth and smokey voice of the new chief of police, that almost everyone's been talking about reaches his ears, but before he can do much, the bag of pastries is no longer in his hands and all he can see is the mass of braided locks disappearing into the police chief's office.
"Have a good one, keep up the good work!"
See, the thing is Miles says this to Chief Evans, toe Detective Franks.
But it's Vengeance who says-
"Thanks! You too!"
Miles goes home.
(-and pulls up tumblr)
At the end of the day, Chief Evans emerges from her office, looking entirely professional and like she's got everything under control- which is debatable but not surprising.
B- the vigilante has successfully taught the Rookie on how to operate an evidence locker properly.
"Congratulations, Franks. You get another promotion."
The rookie's jubilant expression immediately crashes into abject despair.
Bahati can feel that mood and she respects it.
Needs must though.
B- the unidentified vigilante stands to his feet, yanking the cast off his leg, before absently reaching up to yank off the hat brim that he glued to his helmet/head protection thing.
"Good job, rookie. I'll see you later. Chief. Good night."
When the sounds of his footsteps fades, Franks turns to her, face void of expression.
"I quit."
"I'll give you a raise."
"How much?"
"I'll pay you for every job you're currently doing.
"Chief," Franks says quietly in tones of resigned distress, "I'm doing all of them."
"Not mine and not whatever job you conned Vengeance into."
She nods firmly, straightening from her slouch against the door frame.
"I figure you're juggling about a dozen different positions so that's what I'll pay you for."
"...is that legal?"
"I'm in charge of this shitshow, everyone else who could do anything about this is ignoring it. What I say goes and I say you get paid for what you do. Do you have any objections?"
Bahati nods one more time, reaching over to lay a steady hand against his shoulders.
"It'll be worth it. Give it time. You're young."
"Steel. The FBI is sending you down to Police Chief Evens of the 701st Police Precinct to get the lay of the land. Considering your background in Special Forces, your time as an MP and your record, it was determined you were the perfect choice to go."
The Army does things one way, the civilian police does things another. I'm literally going to do nothing other then step on toes, Steel thinks to himself with resigned apathy.
Still, maybe he could squeeze in some down time. There's a lot of rumors coming outta that place, but one thing they have in common is that the city got cleaned up a bit and is safer.
Murder rates are as high- if not higher- then ever though so Steel kinda doubts it.
Walking into the 701st precinct after feeling like he just got lost in the woods, Steel takes a moment to eavesdrop on the only two people he can see- both sitting at the head of at least three desks shoved together, piled with papers. One, obviously the rookie considering that baby face. The other appears to be an officer on medical leave, judging by the eye patch and the cast he's sporting on his leg.
He takes a step closer- ah there's the chief of police, in the back corner, filing paperwork while...reading a book? Bit odd, but okay.
He doesn't see anyone else, which is strange, this being a weekday and a place of this size should have at least a dozen or more people...and yet?
That's when he tunes into the conversation.
"....as this guy innocent? Honestly, the evidence in this file is pretty solid."
"No, pull up that form. Yes, the release-this-person-from-jail-because-he's-innocent-and-get-ready-to-pay-repreations template and start filling it in so we can see how much closer we are to bankrupting the city."
"But how do you know?"
"Old case. Knew who the real killer was. Found her recently, and it was pretty easy to know because she kept trophies which the other detective- may he rest in pieces- never found because his suspect was innocent."
"What did you do-"
"Blow torch to the eye until-"
"What? She had this sick fascination with watching and fire and eyes so blow torch to the eyes until-"
The rookie makes a noise like a dying whale and Steel....Steel does not know how to process.
"Burning eye ball smells like bone dust, weirdly enough. But with more...burning? It's a weird smell."
The part of him that did awful nasty things in the name of following orders and was borderline suicidal- laughs. Because hey, that's funny and poetic justice at it's finest.
The other part of him that tries so hard to be a normal person...honestly doesn't know how to process this.
A small huff of amusement ends up escape him anyways.
The wounded office's head swives around and- Steel narrows his eyes, take several steps forward, rolling his shoulders back and pulling his spine up.
"FBI Agent Steel," he introduces himself, composed and steady.
He doesn't offer his hand and the only one who gets to their feet is Chief Evans.
Who immediately says, flatly, without any emotion in her voice.
"I told your superior you weren't necessary."
"My therapist says the opposite, Chief."
Evans doesn't blink. The intense gaze burning a hole in his forehead like a sniper's rifle doesn't abate either.
The rookie, on the other hand, shoots to his feet and levels a finger at him.
"Would you like a job?"
The other guys swings his head over to stare almost disgustedly at his partner, but he pays him no mind and....Steel is a little concerned about undisguised level of extreme emotions on the guy's face.
"We pay more then you earn now, we have great benefits and we're a close knit team that needs the extra hands."
Injured but weirdly pinging his danger radar opens his mouth as if to disagree only to close it thoughtfully, eyes sliding back to stare Steel directly in the face. He looks down, looks up, notices....the similarities between them and nods slowly.
"We also have a more...flexible approach to our operations then most police precincts."
Chief Evans speaks up from in front of him, less hostile, almost easy going now that one of her officers has randomly offered him a job.
A part of himself that did nasty, nasty things without hesitation, rears it's ugly head and Steel reminds himself that he's in his 40s now.
He can't really expect-
"We have the best severance package policy around, too."
instantly, his attention is captured by Blow Torch guy.
The way he said that.
A challenging smirk curls his lips.
"Just bring your desire for truth and justice to the table and we'll be good. If you decide to forget them, well...that's when the policy kicks in."
This is....
It's crazy. It's reckless. He should arrest the man, the vigilante. He's...procedure requires...
"I get to incorporate military procedures."
Oh shit, Steel's opened his mouth now. The temptation of a challenge, of something different then his job- his former job he was rapidly losing interest in.
Honestly....judging by the not-officer's uniform...
His battle buddies always did say he had issues.
Vengeance's mouth curved into a real smile.
Steel drops his resignation that very evening. Leaves a number for consultive work if they absolutely need him and moves six hours away.
Halfway there, the trailer of all his stuff visible in his rearview mirror, Steel gets a text on his phone. Nothing but an address.
Three hours later, when he pulls up, he finds a house. A decent sized one in what looks like a sketchy part of town. But it's set a ways back from the road and it's got some land to it.
The infamous vigilante, Vengeance is sitting on the front porch, no longer wearing a cast or an eyepatch.
Steel decides he's not going to touch that with a 10ft pole for the sheer comedic value it offers him.
A file is thrown at him, just as soon as he's in range for Vengeance to toss it to him.
Quickly opening it and flicking through the paper....he discovers his salary is increased from his previous job and apparently the house comes free.
He raises a judgmental eyebrow in the vigilante's direction, only to get a shit-eating grin in response.
"When questioned on their decision to forcibly keep minors away from their parents or legal guardians, a local gang told me I wouldn't do anything about it and they did as they pleased."
A decidedly darker twist to his features made him look slightly like a demon, but Steel found his own features settling into hard lines.
Vengeance smiles wide.
"I told them they were welcome to test their assumptions at their earliest convivence."
"Such a shame," Steel drawls, eyes crinkling. "You know what they say about assumptions."
Vengeance laughs and stands to his feet, reaching out to clamp his hand around Steel's shoulder.
"You'll fit in nicely around here, Sarge," he murmurs something almost soft smoothing over the sharp angles of his face.
Something like companionship. Two people who understand something in one another.
Steel huffs a laugh.
"Help me unload, then show me around?"
They go on a raid.
Well...mostly cleaning out a ground of weird science-y types who are strongly invested in both the local drug running gangs and that one gang-adjacent group that is composed solely of teenagers.
Unexpectedly, they get a whole goldmine of anonymous information almost every step of the way. From helped texts, to pictures, videos, even contracts.
Steel even gets to arrest one of the scientists after he and Vengeance have swept their fancy hotel suit, with what looks like a whole lab dominating all but the sleeping places.
Franks, the rookie, seems delighted with the events as even though he's not bad at finding information, apparently whoever is on the other end of the emails, the texts and flood of evidence is better.
Vengeance ends up equally excited by the end of the Easter Hunt, once Chief Evans manages to pin down a location purely through logic, deductive reasoning, common sense and the virtue of being a resident of this city almost all her life.
(And a childhood spent on the streets, but that's neither here nor there.)
Vengeance goes high and Steel goes low and the anonymous hacker they find it not quite what they expect to find.
"She's 12," Franks says blankly, staring at the girl with dark hair, dark eyes, pale, pale skin and ratty jeans, dwarfed by a blanket and holding a cup of tea suspiciously in her hands.
"I'm 18, asshole," she snaps back.
Literally snaps, Her teeth click and everything.
"I'm 22 and they still think I'm 18," Chris says blankly.
"You are a child, this is a baby. There's a different, just not much of one."
"Screw you, Mr Vigil, sir," Detective Chris Franks says automatically. "How old are you? And what's your name?"
Seconds later, when the tiny terror who is absolutely not 18, smiles (in a terrifying manner) Franks will admit to regretting asking that question.
"Subject Zero. Call me Zed."
"Canadian?" Steel murmurs in the background, sharing a look with Vengeance.
Bahati, on the other hand, dumps a full duffle bag and the girl's feet.
"Do you want a job, Zed?"
The rookie makes a noise of deep despair.
The sound Mr. Vigil makes is more considering then anything else and Chris despairs.
Subject Zero is really good at electronics, like really really good. She's also a master of talking and talking and never saying anything at all.
Chris is low-key in awe.
Less so when she states calling him baby bro.
He's older then her.
She doesn't seem to care about his logic, nor the facts of life.
Eventually, when she falls quiet, Chris goes back to his paperwork, waiting for his mentor to come and and-
Wait a minute.
Has Subject Zero- is Zed doing what he think she's doing?
"Oh," Chris breaths in sheer, breathtaking awe. "He's going to kill you."
The quick, blink and you miss it flash of fear makes him actually blink, but before he can say something to reassure her, Vengeance pops up from literally no where.
Or rather then pop up, more like he jumps down from where ever up above he was hiding.
Now they're both staring at Zed's computer screen as she sits lazily in the office chair. Save of the tenseness of her body, he'd almost believe her unconcerned.
"Virgil Lantes. 32 years old. Ex-Military, records classified. Senior Detective at the 701st Precinct, address 666 Nunya Rd..."
A short silence followed because the hardened features of.....Virgil's face softend.
"Awww, is this what it feel like to bring your kid to work? They make up a brilliant identify for you to use?"
Virgil smiles toothily at Zed, eyes crinkling up in happiness.
"I've gotta go tag my ID man, I'm going to print this out."
In the next second, Vengeance is gone and both Zed and Chris as left blinking.
Steel, groggy and clutching an extra large coffee cup shuffles into the room as the speed of a zombie, and once he takes a seat at his desk, lays his head down with a world weary sign.
"You okay, Sarge?"
"I'm too old for this shit."
(...ring...ring...ring...ri- click!
"Hey buddy, what's up! You'll never believe it! Leader's back! She's back from the dead! From Hell! From the Pearly Gates! We've got- well, not all the gang back together, and I doubt we will, but we're at least visiting, to say hi. I know we all left, after...after. We're still a team and Leader's going through therapy to get back on her feet so road trip. See ya soon!)
When the group of some dozen people storm into the police station, only to be greeted by their old buddy literally hauling a body away, leaving a trail of blood behind, to a very young looking man's groaning dismay, a...literal child's disgust and an older looking ex-military kinda guy's apathy....
Well, they're kinda speechless.
When the cop-turned-secret-agent-soldier-turned-cop-turned-vengeful-lethal-vigilante turns and sees his old team, he immediately drops the corpse and, with arms wide open, throw himself at them.
Regardless of the situation they walked in on, of course, they're accepting hugs.
Somehow some of the story comes out, as it does. Accomplishments must be mentioned, especially since their old and dearly beloved leader is here.
"I'm so glad to see you, no lie bro," someone begins, in something like confusion. "What happened to the old you though?"
A snort, and a laugh, before someone else pipes up.
"You remember when I asked you what you were going to do with that stick up your ass? Yeah, the answer was not pull it out to beat people to death with it. I mean if it works for you, good on you. But that wasn't the answer."
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toxiic-wastee · 3 years
hey buddy, I’ve got a request
how does the duwang gang (+Hazamada and Mikitaka and maybe even Yukako 😳😳) react to reader sending dumb shit at 3 AM? like memes or what happened in their dream. modern AU kinda because of textin and all, also gender neutral preferred.
sorry if you’re working on something else, thank you buddyyyyyy 🐎🐎🐎
IM WORKING ON DIFFERENT 7 SMUT REQUESTS BUT THIS IS BETTER. THIS IS FAR MORE IMPORTANT IT IS 3:12 PM AND IM IN THE SHOWER WHILE WRITING THIS ON A TUESDAY SO LETS SEE HOW FAST I CAN WRITE THIS WOOOOOO. Idk who you count as the Duwang but Ik who I count so. Can be read as romantic or platonic (except for Koichi it’s romantic for him)
-you remind him of Okuyasu tbh, the memes, the stupid ass dreams, the rants and you being sleepy and dumb.
-it’s so funny to him though.
-Tomoko took away his video game console for 2 weeks because she caught him talking to you at 4am.
-you told him about what happened in your dream and he mentally face Palmed, he gave you a resting bitch face picture once and you saw his hair all messy and you laughed at him so much. (Even going as far to threaten to leak the photo)
-there’s probably a group chat if you and Josuke and Okuyasu and Josuke just has to put up with your guys’ bullshit lmao.
-what makes you think he isn’t doing the exact same thing to you??
-you guys get no fucking sleep I swear. you both constantly text, and the fact you're just as weird as him makes him so happy, youre his 1st best bud, mans dont even care about Josuke anymore.
-he wakes up early so he can go to your house and walk to school together so instead of texting you abt his dream he can yell it at you.
-he probably sends you old vines.
-Ayana found him asleep with his phone buzzing due to you spamming him at 3am.
-he isn’t awake very late, he goes to sleep early. So when you first start spamming him he adjusts his sleep schedule to be able to text you. He probably gets caught talking to you a couple times by Mrs. Hirose, she’s so nice and sweet though. she gives him a warning and invites you over to spend the night and makes you guys food. But Ayana eavesdrops and reports to her mother about your guys’ conversations..
-he genuinely thinks the stuff you send him is funny and he giggles silently at all the stupid shit you send him.
Rohan Kishibabe
-he is so fucking pissed.
-“Y/N why would you interrupt me for your childish stories?”
-he probably blocks you :/ (he unblocks you later tho,, only to block you again the next night, it’s an endless cycle.)
-After a while he enjoys your goofy stories about your dreams, he may smile at your memes sometimes but never to go as far to actually laugh.
-you guys probably call often, Rohan is good at multitasking and can call while drawing his manga.
-as long as you don’t tell anybody your calling him during work hours he doesn’t care. (He doesn’t want the gang calling him while he’s at work, ur the exception)
-if he is up late and texts you it’s probably him giving you a list of shampoo, soaps and cleaning products because he says you stink.
Yukako Yamagashi
-As seen in most of Yukakos episodes she doesn’t enjoy people goofing off a lot, she’s strict and focused. Which is so beautiful I love her-
-She doesn’t mind you going off task and not sleeping though. Mainly because you spend the time texting her. She adores you and the stuff you find funny. She isn’t one for memes but I can see her liking memes after you spam them.
-whenever you tell Yukako about your dreams she always laughs and chuckles, she sends back long detailed paragraphs in response but if she’s too tired she send small paragraphs with poor grammar.
-She probably sends you pictures of herself at night, mainly her getting ready for bed with a smile, to remind you to “Go to sleep, we have a long day ahead of us! ❤️”
-he’s the type to send cursed images, you can expect horrifying shit to look at, I kinda feel like he would send pictures of dead animals with the words “Pablo dead” over them?? If this stuff freaks you out it’s gonna be a fictional animal, probably from a manga he likes.
-he tells you about his dreams too, he usually has nightmares but telling you helps him laugh it off.
-sometimes Surface steals Toshikazu’s phone and texts you, and if he does it means Hazamada is asleep. Toshikazu will take a picture of the sleeping Hazamada and send it to you saying “bitch fell asleep at 9pm.”
-he doesn’t have a phone, you’d probably have to buy him one. Or he’ll steal one. Either works 🤪
-he is amused by your ranting, he finds it very enjoyable.
-he doesn’t understand many of your memes but he always laughs.
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chiechie97 · 3 years
hi!! could I request a jealous james fic? Idk why its one of my fav tropes!! Literally obsessed with your writing and can't wait to see where you take this :))
Ask and you shall RECEIVE Anon, find this on A03 too 😍
Chapter: Jealousy Looks Good on You
“I heard a funny rumour.” A deep voice said, breaking her concentration from the paperwork she was sorting.
“Oh did you now?” Lily asked, leaning back in her desk chair to look at the owner of said voice.
James had clearly just come from the training room, hair plastered to his forehead with sweat, and his usual Auror robes replaced with workout gear that displayed his toned physique far too nicely.
“Yeah, Fenwick said he was taking you out for drinks tonight.”
“And that’s a rumour is it?” Lily asked, her brow cocked in question.
“Of course, you wouldn’t go out with Fenwick.” James insisted, leaning against her desk, arms crossed angrily over his chest.
“And who says I wouldn’t go out with Benjy?”
“Anyone who knows you!” He countered, shooting her an exasperated look.
Lily just shook her head, turning back to the confiscation reports she had to finish before she did indeed go out for drinks with Benjy Fenwick.
“James, I have to finish these reports, would you mind if we had this conversation after you showered? You kind of stink.”
He ignored her, pulling up a chair so he was sat right beside her.
“Are you really going out with Fenwick tonight?”
“Yes, I am.”
Lily nearly coughed out a laugh at that one. Why? Well, that was a simple question with a rather complicated answer.
But instead, she just shrugged, “He’s cute, he asked, I said yes.”
“Seems like a bullshit reason Evans.”
Lily did laugh this time, “how on earth is that a bullshit reason Potter?”
He shrugged, “cause he’s not your type.”
“And who is my type?”
Potter just shrugged again, though his expression was now tightly guarded, “Not Fenwick, I know that much.”
Lily couldn’t help the eye roll, discussing her dating life with James was just creating a knot in the pit of her stomach. And his little performance was just making her feel even worse.
“I don’t want to have this conversation with you” Lily huffed, dotting an i on her paper a bit too aggressively. “Now go shower, you really do smell.”
“We’re not done this conversation.” James insisted, though he stood up from his spot beside her.
Waiting until he had moved off to the auror locker rooms, Lily angrily kicked the bin underneath her desk.
Why was he so fucking confusing?
Their entire Hogwarts career James had chased after her. And Lily, who was so wrapped up in her school work and aspirations had only ever seen him as an annoying nuisance. But then they were co-heads, and he matured so much. He was no longer pulling pranks (that she could prove), he cared about becoming an Auror, about making a difference.
By the time graduation rolled around she suddenly found herself unable to tear her gaze away from his jawline, or the way his smirk seemed to crinkle his hazel eyes.
But by the time Lily had come to her senses, James had moved on, and she was just getting started.
He’d started dating Tabitha Cornwall when they began Auror training, and every smile, kiss, hand hold, between the two had been like a punch to the gut.
Even still, Lily remained friends with James, she wasn’t about to stop being friends with a bloke because he didn’t like her back. Though she was able to find excuses to not attend any function Tabitha would also be at.
Lily had the fact able to specialize early to thank for her ability to get out of events. Her genius in potion making meant she got to move away from the other trainee’s and into the magical forensic department. Less time around James and Tabitha meant she didn’t find out they had broken up until a month after the fact.
She would be lying if she hadn’t felt a surge of hope, every wink he threw her way made her heart soar.
But after Tabitha came Marcy, then Georgia, then a beautiful blonde named Clara that made Lily feel like she could never compare.
But even Clara didn’t last, and a long string of girlfriends and dates made Lily believe she really didn’t have a chance anymore.
So she threw herself into her work. Spending hours in the potions lab, and even more hours sampling and collecting data. Liky was so sucked up in her work that it took Marlene pointing it out for her to realize it had been two years since she’d been on a date.
So when Benjy had asked her out for drinks at a fancy new muggle bar in Kensington yesterday afternoon she thought why not. He was cute, funny, dedicated to his work. He really was just her type.
Shaking thoughts of James from her head she went back to her reports. She was going to have fun tonight, and she wasn’t going to let his strange performance stop her from enjoying herself.
By the time 5 O’clock rolled around, she had nearly forgotten about James’s odd protest about her date with Benjy.
Fixing her makeup in the ladies' toilet, Lily nearly jumped when a loud knock sounded on the door.
“Who’s in there?” A male voice asked, muffled by the thick wood of the door.
“Err Lily Evans?” She called back,
“Anyone else?”
A quick glance around the room told her she was alone,
The door opened and James stepped in, locking the door behind him.
“James what are you doing? This is the ladies' toilets!” Lily hissed, looking around again as if someone might catch him.
“Don’t go out with Fenwick tonight.” He said, ignoring her.
“Why not.” She asked, setting down the pan of blusher she’d been applying to the apples of her cheeks.
“Because it’s not a good idea.”
“Is Benjy secretly a Death Eater? Because if he is you might want to report that to someone else.”
“No, it’s not that.” James huffed, leaning against the door, arms crossed and brows knit together in a frustrated expression.
“Then what is it. Why shouldn't I go out with him tonight.” Lily implored, eyes searching his face, “Tell me right now. Why should I not go out with him?”
James shook his head, eyes fixed on the floor.
“James.” She said taking a step towards him, her voice softer than before, “Why should I not go?”
He still didn't look up, but he finally spoke. “I don’t want you to go.”
“What?” She asked, more in shock than wanting him to repeat himself.
“I said I don’t want you to go.”
She was now standing in front of him, he’d showered since they last spoke, the smell of his body wash was tickling her nose.
“Why don’t want me to go?”
This time he did lookup. “You know why.”
She barely had time to react when two strong hands cupped her face, bringing his mouth to hers.
Lily wasn’t one of those romantics who described first kisses like fireworks.
But it felt as if her whole body was filled with popping candy, her lips burning where his tongue traced. His hands dragged up her sides, pulling her tightly to his body before settling. One hand on her waist holding her snuggly against him, the other cupping the back of her head.
“Wait,” she gasped, breaking their kiss, “You were jealous!”
He rolled his eyes, “clearly Evans.”
She stood up on her tiptoes, eager to continue, but this time it was his turn to pull away.
“Are you still going out with Fenwick tonight?” He asked, hazel eyes searching her own with a pained expression.
“I think I’ll tell Benjy I need to take a raincheck.”
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darrowsrising · 3 years
Hi friend!
I was just wondering what you think about Sevro’s decision to leave Darrow on Mercury in Dark Age? Do you think that his loyalty to Darrow has evolved from what it used to be and he has prioritized his family over ending the war, or do you think that it was actually more of a strategic move than PB was letting on?
Hello! Thank you for the ask!
@hyena-frog has cut to the chase and I think she is right when she said Pierce Brown just put Darrow and Sevro in a situation where they both make different choices. They are not good or bad, right or wrong for their choices, it's just who they are as characters.
I will go several steps foward and tell you that Sevro and Victra's journeys in Dark Age were also consequences of their choices - they chose to be divisive and ignore any call to caution, patience or anything actually helpful. The fact that they went after the children is one thing, what they did from that choice on was foolish, aggravating and fucking unhelpful.
Before anyone jumps for my throat, Darrow's journey in Dark Age is also a consequence of his choices - from wanting to end the war in one strike to trusting the wrong people and most especially destroying the Docks of Ganymede. Same with Virginia.
There is of course a matter of impredictibility - who the fuck knew the Hydra's head extend so far? But every member of the main 4 went through very unfair and miserable times, in part because their actions brought them in a vulnerable position that the enemies exploited.
What Sevro and Victra did was to isolate from Darrow and Virginia, the rift causing way more lee way for the enemies to strike. Dancer's stunts with the Vox Populi were bad enough, the discord there was way too much and it cost Mercury and the Free Legions. Sefi is way more understandable in why she rifted away from the Republic, although using Pax and Electra was a bitch move, but I appreciated she told Darrow in his face that she is not going with him. But Sevro and Victra's plans to shut out Virginia and negociate Mars with Sefi were so fucking stupid, what were they trying idk.
Look, the kids are important and they need their parents. No one is denying that, but no one is a bad parent for trying to protect the Republic AND get the kids. Sevro and Victra wasted valuable cards to get fucking nothing. Sevro was supposed to destroy the Syndicate one Duke/Duchess at the time and Victra was supposed to negociate ships and info with Sefi until she got the kids back.
Does this stink of bullshit to you yet? No? Let's dig deeper.
If Virginia was in on everything that happened, they would have had the kids faster. Everyone tried to hide from her, Sefi included, as though she was the adult that will punish them for doing a nasty, but she was more than open to the terms.
Sevro took the Nessus and the hostages to get back to Luna...just to get revenge one sucker at the time. Thats it! All that big speech about his kids having a da', just for da' to be busy trying to topple a terrorist organisation one by ine and losing Howlers in the process. You know what bothered me the most? The fact that his plan is fucking stupid. One at the time? Has he learnt fucking nothing, one at the time won't cut it, ask Darrow.
Victra refused to accept any call to patience and caution, she was the first to cause the rift, because Virginia would not do things her way and she was the one who thought Virginia would not agree with giving Sefi what she wants. All of her presumptions left her alone, not even at her estate on Mars where she would have been better protected.
Sevro and the Howlers would have been way more useful on Mercury, where they were actually needed, instead of fucking around on Luna.
That being said - yes, Sevro did evolve from terrorist warlord. He cannot stand having to live his father's life. That talk he had with his girls must have been one hell of a talk, but yes, Sevro simply cannot follow Darrow anymore, because he is sick of war. It's a foolish thing, though, because he cannot escape war, as he is living it - see Dark Age. It's just that he felt caught in a vicious circle following Darrow, he couldn't even cut himself loose, Darrow had to cut him off.
The entire thing delved into Sevro and Victra as characters, they aren't bad at all, it's just that they can make mistakes when they are stubborn.
Truth is, Sevro can and deserves to be happy and at peace. But his approach in Dark Age was not good at all, for himself or for his kids. Victra as well. And it's painful to see it too.
The enemies created discord, but if they all were united, the damage wouldn't have been as huge. But by the time they all needed each other, they were all caught up in their own hell, there was no one to turn to. But there were so many playfields, so little unity...
Now that there is unity, I hope the revenge will be sweet.
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tsukkis7th-hoesblog · 4 years
Warning :not alot of smut but is heavily implied. But also kinds cute
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-This is gonna be a how tsukki reacts to you finally showing how was in charge.
Today was a long day for the both us . Tsukki and i were with the volleyball team the whole day . Although he says he wasn't too tired he promised to stay the night at your place . I had to put the only few times my parents were out of town to use .
He was tired so he was more quiet that usual , but it didnt really phase me cause I couldn't speak much either. Since we spent the whole day together we weren't able to share funny and stupid stories . As we reached my house he dumped his bag at the door step and took his shoes off , as he did so, I froze . And then I realized how normal both us were acting as if we have done this so many times , it feels so homely to be with him . Tsukki notices this . "What? , if u think I stink then u better smell yourself " .
"How dare u tsukki I am your girlfriend it wouldn't kill u to be nice to me !!" I screamed at him as I tried to smell myself to see if he was joking or not . He smirked while taking his jacket off and went to the kitchen. That smart ass !
I tell him I'm going to take a shower and then make my way to stairs but before that a hand stops me .
"Ur not gonna ask me to join ?" Tsukki says as he pulls my hand to his chest , so our faces are inches apart . And for a few seconds we just stare into each others eyes while our faces were heating up
He then takes his thumb and rubs it on the middle of my lower lip , sending shivers through my body . "Tsukki n-no-not today I'm too tired plus I dont think u have in you either " I say as trying to release my self from his grip .
"Hmm ur right , I'm gonna make a sandwich u want one ? "He said finally letting u go .
"Yea but I want extra lettuce in mine " I say with a fake smile and turn around to walk up .
But before i do that i felt a medium sized slap on my ass. I freeze for a second ,still my back facing him . "I will put whatever I want on it , if u want to eat it u can , I'm not going to force you " usually I would just scream at him but today I was feeling a bit more ambitious.
"Tsukki if ur going to stop me every 5 seconds and not let me take a shower then I'm gonna have to take my clothes of right here , is that what u want ? "
I hear him stammer ,I usually dont have confidence to speak to anyone like that but after spending the whole day scolding the boys somthing came over me , he tries to say something but I cut him of before that .
So still with my back facing him I bend down and let my skirt slip down my legs . Followed by me removing my shirt and throwing it behind me . From the sound of tsukki's tskk , it fell on his face . And I kept stripping until I was in my bra and panties .
I look back to see him tripping on a step but his eyes were still on me . I quickly walk into my bedroom and make my way to the bathroom . And just as I enter my bathroom i turn back to see tsukki right behind me .
"Oh I didnt know u were still here , I thought u went to make your sandwich? " I say putting my hand on the door frame .
He looked like he was having trouble with his words . He knew from before that I was one of the few people who dont put up with his bullshit but never like this . But I just had to try one more thing before I loose my confidence . I moved closer to him , our lips almost touching until I quickly go and whisper something in his ear ."tsukki if u want something, u have to tell me . I dont know what that filthy head of yours is thinking " I started nibbling on his ear before feeling a strain in his pants as he puts both his hand on the sides of the door frame .
I gave his tent (his penis , idk a nice to say that )a small squeeze and slowly moved my hand from his shoulders downwards . Pressing my hands against his toned chest to his abdomen and I slowly began lowering myself to be on my knees. And during this whole time my eyes were deep inside tsukki's ,both of us hungry for more . And just as he moved his hand to my hair i got up and turned around then shut the door in his face.
He stood there with wide eyes and his mouth open. He was about to scream at me to open the door but he heard the water running . He hit the door and muttered under his breathe " god this girl drives me crazy , " he bit his lip and began to leave the room but stopped as he heard you call his name .
"Tsukki dont forget the extra lettuce " I screamed knowing that he was still there . Now he knew it was too much . So he gently said "ok I will"
Leaving u a little surprised but soon forgotten as the hot water hit your back .
But little did u know what once u come downstairs he was gonna fuck u so hard , tired or not he shows who is the real one making the demands it . So no surprise he made u cum on top of the kitchen counter multiple time just by using his tongue alone. And by then the sandwiches were long forgotten.
This was my first one, how did I do ?
@k-a-r-o-1221 @kotaro-kun @keiji-n @kozumebabie @karasunoparkinglot @karasunosimp @kagehina @kagehinaass @tsukishimaenthusiast @tsukiyma @tsukki--daisuki @tsukkishimakeis @tsukkishimagay @tsukkishimaa @daichi-stan @daisu-qt @haikyuu-texts @haikyuustuff
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rankdisasster · 5 years
rich boy boredom
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Steve Harrington x fem reader
“Could you do a billy or Steve imagine? It’s my 21st today and I feel really homesick and alone (I’m on the other side of the country at uni) and idk I feel like I can’t talk to my housemates so I’m projecting onto fictional characters” requested by anonymous.
word count: 1,922
warning(s): swearing, shoplifting, vandalism (up to no good basically)
a/n: happy late birthday lovely ! birthdays can be a bummer for me too tbh :/ and yes projecting onto characters is valid♥️
Steve got a free ride up to some fancy ass university across the country, room and board payed for by absent parents, got everything he could ever really want or need. And it was great. He’ll tell you that to your face, maybe even sprinkle some “I’m so grateful for this opportunity” bullshit into his speech, too. But what he won’t tell you is that being a spoiled child can get fucking dull. God forbid he ever voice these feelings out loud in fear of looking like another useless wealthy white guy that has the audacity to complain about something when he could have everything he could ever want and then some. But it got lonely and dangerously boring. And when Steve was bored whenever his folks weren’t around, he always got the itch to fuck something up just to feel anything other than the tasteless boredom.
Since the boy lost his title in high school and now embraced his new dorky guy status (wearing sweaters, even needing glasses for fuck’s sake) girls have either ignored him or friend zoned him. And yeah, having friends that are only chicks is great and all, but now everybody just thinks he’s a gay rich brat that shouldn’t complain about not picking up a date when he could afford a yacht if he simply felt like it. At least everyone who gave him the stink eye had parents at home that payed attention and cared for their well being.
The only girl (or just person in general) in any of his classes that didn’t treat him that way or roll their eyes if he tried to ask a question in class was Y/N. She was smart, he could tell that by peeking at her test scores whenever they got their exams handed back to correct. Pretty, too. Same innocence as his high school heartbreaker Nancy has. Steve isn’t sure if that’s his subconscious type he’s into or if it’s just coincidences. He’d make a move on her if she wasn’t so quiet all the time, he even contemplated if she were deaf or mute or something. The only words he ever heard her speak were ‘here’ for role call at the start of class. Her shy nature was a little intimidating, he didn’t know what she thought about him or anybody else at all. She was sorta mysterious like that, but damn if he didn’t try at least giving her a heads up that she could talk to him if she wanted.
Now was his chance, he’s had at least a hundred chances so far because they’ve shared this class for months now, but still. Steve has to really hype himself up and mentally give a pep talk about what he was gonna say, how he was gonna say it. Y/N was wearing her regular cozy sweater, baggy jeans and ruffled hair as usual. She looked cute everyday, but today he couldn’t help but think she was extra cute. Steve saw her sit down in her usual spot, taking out her notes and book from her bag and patiently waiting for the professor to start.
“Uh, your name’s Y/N right?” Steve asks. Fucking great start, jackass. Of course he knows her name already. She whips her head around in surprise that somebody actually acknowledged her presence and nodded, still unsure of what to say back to the boy. “I’m Steve. If you didn’t already like, know that or whatever. Sorry. But maybe when class is done, do you wanna hang out and do something? Go somewhere? If you’re not busy,” he finally gets out, begging the heavens that he doesn’t sound too creepy and scare her off from him for good. She still stares at him blankly then snaps out of whatever trance she had been in, and talks. He didn’t ever hear what her voice sounded like before.
“I know your name’s Steve.” she replies.
That’s it? That’s all you have to say?
“Yeah. That’s me. So about that—“
“Sure. I’ll go with you. Could use some excitement today especially,” she shrugs then turns around as the professor enters and walks to the front, announcing to the class what they’re gonna be doing today.
“What’s today?” he whispers, but gets rudely interrupted by the professor’s request for the class to quiet down and gives his lecture.
Class was annoying as fuck as per usual, but staring at the back of Y/N’s head was the only thing he really liked. Steve wouldn’t dare say that out loud, but it was true. Finally the professor dismissed all of the students to leave, and Steve was quick to pack up his shit and hang out with the girl. Y/N took her time as opposed to Steve, and he went up to her seat to ask what she wanted to do, where she wanted to go.
“Surprise me,” she answers with a smile. The boy returns it and offers to carry her bag for her, not taking no for an answer.
“Okay. I will, let’s do it,” he pumps his fist in the air and briefly regrets showing enthusiasm but it’s okay because she gives him a laugh, and he likes the sound of it. He likes it a lot, honestly.
Back to Steve’s boredom and stupidity, the combination often leads him into trouble. But Y/N was along for the ride, seeming happy that someone was actually spending time with her. She kept telling him about how afraid she was that today specifically would be another stale, boring day. Whenever the boy asked what today meant, but she shrugged it off and changed the subject to something else. She wanted to talk about him, but he was begging to know more about her. She talked about she feels invisible most days, how nobody really recognizes her existence but Steve sees her. He knows she exists, and he likes that she’s here spending time with him.
“Wanna do something stupid?” Steve asks, eyeing the drugstore that was across the street and how no one seemed to be working there tonight.
“How stupid are we going for, exactly?” She laughs. There’s that laughter again. Steve relishes in the feeling of his heartbeat getting quicker, and grabs her hand to cross the road.
“Like, really fucking stupid, honestly.” He answers as he tells her to keep her head down, both of them staying low as Steve conducts a plan. “What do you want right now? Anything. Could be anything, go crazy.” She looks at him and still has no idea what he’s talking about.
“Um, I don’t know. A redbull I guess?” She answers. Steve smirks at her.
“One redbull coming up. Anything else? C’mon, you could do better than that Y/N,” he playfully pushes her shoulder, encouraging her to speak up about what else.
“Okay, okay! Fine, Steve. Jesus. I really want a cake, too,” she says.
“Cake and redbull. Gotcha, stay out here and wait for my signal,” he whispers, patting her back and entering the store without another word. Y/N doesn’t even know what “signal” he’s talking about. Moments later, Steve emerges from the store in a panic, screaming “RUN” at Y/N with spray paint, her redbull, and a cake stuffed in his coat.
“What the fuck, Steve!” She races after the boy and they don’t stop until they’re in behind a secluded building with brick walls surrounding them. Steve is out of breath, and Y/N is catching hers still before she snorts a giggle and holds onto Steve and her stomach, hurting from laughing so hard. The adrenaline they’re both high on is fueling their energy, making them incapable of stopping their fun. Steve carelessly throws the plastic lid off of the cake and remembers that he never grabbed forks for them.
Y/N takes the redbull and cracks it open, chugging some then handing it over to Steve, who takes it and gulps some too.
“You should see the way your hair bounces up and down when you run,” she giggles at him then runs her fingers through it, making Steve blush but not move, not wanting her to stop. Y/N gestures to the spray cans he also stole. “What’re these for?”
“Oh, you’ve never heard of these? It’s like paint, but you spray it, and —“
“No, dumbass! Why’d you take those too? They weren’t on the list,” you interject.
“Ohhhh, right. So like, we could draw or write whatever we want here,” Steve answers simply, taking the can of green paint and spraying your name on the brick wall in front. When he’s finished, he grabs a handful of the cake and shoves it in his mouth and moans at the creamy, sugary fluffiness.
“That is some good shit right there,” he points to the vanilla frosting covered dessert with his messy hand before going to spray more designs on the wall.
“You’re crazy, man.”
“Yeah. No I’m really not, I think I’m just bored. Tired of getting everything I want handed to me. It doesn’t feel like I earned any of it,” his tone switches to something a bit more sad, dropping the can of spray and taking another bite before offering you some cake.
“Eh, sure. What the hell, right?” You shrug, taking the giant bite he fed to you and not caring that some bits of cake land on your sweater. Steve apologizes but you wave it off, it’s just a stupid sweater.
“I’ve had a lot of fun tonight,” Steve murmurs, scooting closer to you before you get up and ignore his protests of wanting you to sit back down with him. You take the red spray paint and start marking up the wall, decorating it with hearts and stars. “Y’know, you never told me what today is,” he gazes up at you before shoveling more cake into his palm and feeding it to you. You eat all of it up then laugh but it doesn’t sound like it’s out of a joke, but something else.
“Today’s my twenty-first birthday,” Y/N answered before going back to the task of vandalizing the brick.
“Shit. Happy birthday, Y/N,” Steve smiles when he stands up, watching you in a daze like he’s never seen anyone look more beautiful than you do right now, cake on your shirt and chin be damned. “Should’ve stolen a six pack of beer too while I was at it.”
“My family forgot. Nobody in class even cared either,” you stared down at the ground in embarrassment, knowing that this rich boy from Indiana couldn’t possibly understand what with his money and his popularity. Steve tilts your chin up with his clean fingers then leans in, capturing your lips in a chaste kiss before pulling back.
“I’m still twenty, my birthday’s not till next September. You’re pretty lucky I like older women,” Steve whispers and before you can laugh at that he’s going in for a better one, kissing the hell out of your soft lips and cupping your cheek. Even with the cake all over his fingers, you’ve never felt this seen before, like anybody really noticed you like Steve did in this moment, on this day.
“You should be thankful I like younger men, too. And what’s the deal with the stealing? Pretty sure you can afford an energy drink, some spray paint and a cake,” you say, petting his hair again and making him purr at the stimulating feeling.
“I just got bored.”
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omgokiguess · 4 years
wow guys i just got out of rehab today
first of all. it was so terrible except for some of the people there. but also a couple of the people there really sucked too.
the staff was TERRIBLE. they were literally so mean and power hungry. i was friends with basically every patient (except for the few shitty ones) and was really nice to them.... like i took in this innocent 20yo girl who started calling me her big sister and i helped this 21yo girl so much with her anxiety..... like i took care of everyone that i could and i stuck up for everyone that the staff treated like shit. and the staff was so fucking rude to me. the whole staff said so many times “we have no problem giving you extra phone time/computer time to take care of things like work, aftercare, legal problems, financial problems, etc” but literally every single time i asked to call work or call my lawyer or anything i got a no. it literally took me two full weeks to get things straightened out with exelon and i literally got let go from anthro because they would just not let me get on the phone so that’s cool. i never once was able to speak to my lawyer or my pre-trial officer. neat. also i got in a pretty heated fight with this one bitch employee who told me i was disrespectful because i asked her superior to open the laundry room for me because i had my period and needed new underwear out of the dryer. we were like screaming at each other and she ended up being sent home for four days. two guys actually ended up leaving randomly and left all their shit including their phones and wallets. that’s how bad the staff was.
the doctor was really good and knowledgeable and helpful and i really liked him. he was really chill. but i do have to say he really was pushing meds on not just me but everyone. i didn’t get on any meds though, and honestly one of the nurses congratulated me for not getting on meds when i left. i thought it was fucked up that i was the only person not on meds. we’re just alcoholics.... there’s no way we’re all fucking psychotic or something. nobody was on less than 2 meds besides me and i would say the average number of different meds was about 4 for somebody my age.
the staff just really frustrated me. it’s rehab so obviously there are a lot of rules for the sake of having rules and i honestly did not have a problem with the rules even though a lot of them were very silly. like you would not find me complaining about the unhealthy food, the fact that they said the gym would be open certain hours but was actually never open because they were “understaffed,” that our bathrooms were locked from 7:30am - 9:30pm and 25 people had to share two toilets, that there were essentially no covid-19 precautions, that somebody checked where i was every 15 minutes, that smoking a pack of cigarettes a day is okay but the juul is not, that i had to get the actual doctor to approve me using contact solution or allergy medication, or any other stupid thing they enforced. i literally only complained about the fact that i couldn’t talk to my employer(s), couldn’t talk to my lawyer, couldn’t talk to my pre-trial officer, couldn’t figure out my aftercare, couldn’t call my therapist, and that the staff spoke to me like i was either an idiot, a delinquent, or like i was a bitch.
i did put up one little stink though. this bitch that worked there, if we were in our rooms, when she checked on us she didn’t knock she just fucking opened up the door, so i decided to just chill in my room and read in the nude one day cause i knew she would just open the door without knocking... and wouldn’t it be fun for her to have to deal with the sight of my entire bush..... so i went for it lmao. she told the entire staff that she walked in on me LOL and the “director of operations” (this woman is truly a dumb cunt) asked my roommate, who was a 45 year old MD from lake forest, if she wanted to switch roommates (???) and dr. nancy my hero was like “um no i actually lucked out with erin and also diana should learn to knock.”
anyway, nancy and brittany my two fave people, left on the same day which really sucked but whatever. then sam left which also whatever... i loved her too. and then..... oh god i hate to admit this so much.... but then michael came in. he made it in 3-ish days before i left.
i literally have NO IDEA why this would be, but okay the protocol is before you go to rehab you go through alcohol detox in the hospital, so i was an inpatient in the hospital for 5 days. i slept through most of that because they put me on valium for those 5 days so that I wouldn’t experience the hells of alcohol withdrawal. i’m glad i was asleep for most of it though because there was nothing at all to do, they had like 3 different crossword puzzles and no TV but as it turns out..... i wasn’t in the alcohol detox section of the hospital.... for some reason they put me in the psychotic wing..... there were only 6 patients total in that wing and i was the only person living in reality. one woman escaped the hospital because she thought her husband was telling her to leave, and the other 4 men were handcuffed to their beds. i was the only person in there with any sense of reality, and i had gotten there in the middle of the night so i was unaware of other wings in the hospital. on my last night there, they moved me to “2 north” aka the normal alcohol detox wing, which probably had 100 people in it. so in the morning we all had breakfast together and i was like WHAT THE HELL..... I COULD HAVE MADE FRIENDS HERE.... and that’s when i met michael. i knew him for like a full 90 minutes total in inpatient but we were literally instant best friends. we met because some old men were telling me jokes trying to get me to laugh and he was sitting nearby and he was like “so how old are you like 35?” and i was like “you’ve got to be kidding me fuck you....” and he was like “yeah lol i’m kidding” and i was like playing back, like “so how old are you like 45?” cause he looked about 30 and he was like “yes” and i was like okay bullshit so he showed me his hospital band and it said 45..... and i was like okay this is ridiculous. anyway he had been to the rehab i was going to before so he told me about it and he gave me a note for sam and i just thought he was really cool. he was getting ECT treatments which is “a treatment most commonly used in patients with severe major depression or bipolar disorder that have not responded to other treatments. ECT involves a brief electrical stimulation of the brain while the patient is under anesthesia.” aka it’s literally where they put those diodes on your brain and shock you. he got 16 treatments. i thought he might end up back in rehab with me. but he spent like 2 full months in inpatient which is super abnormal, almost everyone is there for exactly 5 days like me. anyways
so michael shows up right before i leave and the big question is WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME...... i spent like 3 days with him nonstop and we can probably all see where this is going but.... this dumbass of course falls for him....???? there were some cuties in rehab and i had NO INTEREST in any of them but idk michael is just kind of.... the personality i’ve been looking for.
couple problems. 1. i have a boyfriend. 2. michael is 5′6″ .... (???) .... 3. i cannot get his fucking stupid smile out of my head and i’m hoping i was just sexually deprived for weeks and this is just a dumb thing BUT
idk my boyfriend like made all these promises of things he was going to do for me while i was in rehab and he kind of didn’t follow through on any of them. i really basically only told him and my sister that i’m going to rehab and my sister lives in boston and so i kind of assumed he would do the things he promised he would do, which clearly was stupid on my part. i can’t rely on him. i should have learned that by now... if i want something done i have to do it myself. i didn’t even ask very much of him. he basically promised four things. 1. he would take care of my guinea pigs. 2. he would check on my car to be sure it doesn’t get impounded 3. he would clean my room before i get back and 4. he would bring me the stuff i need (contact lenses to fucking see, hairbrush, tampons, other necessities) since they wouldn’t let me leave hospital care between detox and rehab. the only one of those he did was take care of my guinea pigs, which is essentially nothing because he goes to whole foods every day and his MAID cleaned their cage.
and idk, we were allowed 10 minutes of combined computer and phone time a day (which is literally nothing), and i always called him and ignored the computer because i thought he would want to hear from me and i would want to hear from him too, but at least 30% of the time i left phone time upset and crying. i mean i was turning my whole entire life around and it took him 13 days just to check to see that my car wasn’t impounded, and he had the audacity to complain that he was overwhelmed with all the stuff he had to deal with on my behalf even though it was literally just feeding my guinea pigs and then he had his own work shit. i suspect he’s taking more adderall than he should again. but i can’t even complain. his dad found the lawyer that may end up saving my life. 
and anyway. he never ended up cleaning my room (he wasn’t even gonna clean it himself, he was going to hire someone to clean it and he couldn’t even do that even though he promised. i don’t need it i just kind of thought he was gonna keep his promise), and it took him 5 days to bring me the stuff i need. i kept in one pair of dailies for 5 days (i wore my last pair over from detox) and went blind for 2 days. my rehab was only 20 minutes from his house, a straight shot on the never-crowded 294. i left him with all of my debit cards and pins too, and bank logins so that he wouldn’t have to pay for anything i needed. 
and idk then when i talked to him, whenever i complained about rehab he would just kind of be like “this is why you should have gone to PSI” which is where he went to rehab for marijuana.... which costs and arm and a leg because his dad will pay for anything for him and he doesn’t understand that i’m paying for this myself. and i didn’t want some cushy rehab. i mean yeah i didn’t want the staff to be such a load of cunts but i didn’t want his cushy frilly rehab experience. i would have really liked my program if there had just been better people working there. and he wanted to talk about my sobriety so much and like.... i don’t want to talk about it with him. idk in his head i think he thinks i’m taking his exact same journey and like i’m NOT. like it’s not even the same drug. he acts like he totally understands and it’s like... yes there is a lot he understands but there’s a lot that’s different and there’s no way ANY two patients ever went through the exact same thing, ESPECIALLY when it’s different drugs!!!!
and i’ve been with him since about 1p today (he was late to pick me up, it was supposed to be noon, which he promised he wouldn’t be late, and him being late was also something i brought up a lot in rehab because it caused me so much stress..... i just KNEW he was gonna be late and it caused me a lot of anxiety and i told him this so much and he was still late) (and anyway the point here is).... i’ve been with him since 1 and he just keeps saying weird stuff about alcohol. which is EXACTLY why i didn’t want anybody to know i was going to rehab. like after eating hospital food for weeks i wanted to go to a nice restaurant and most nice restaurants serve alcohol.... which is FINE like i was not gonna drink.... but he kept saying things like “we probably shouldn’t go to a pub” or “lake forest food and wine hmm better not go there” and it’s like..... i’m fucking HUNGRY i purposely didn’t eat the hospital food because i wanted to eat good food and it took us till 2:30pm to get somewhere because he felt the need to beat around the alcohol bush.... and every time alcohol came up in conversation (which just HAPPENS because that is how life is....) he’d be like oh sorry shouldn’t mention that and it’s like I CAN HANDLE IT..... i literally finally said to him “wow I’m so glad I didn’t tell anyone i went to rehab because if everybody talked to me the way you’re talking to me that would make me want to drink”
and also right before i went to rehab i told him i was afraid i wasn’t going to like him anymore if i was sober. and boy was i right. and adding michael in did not fucking help. i told myself i would never like somebody fucking shorter than me but i can’t fucking help it. i’ve never liked people for their looks anyway and his personality is just fucking perfect. i can’t get his voice and his smile out of my head. and i trust him to be sober. i really do. this was his first relapse in five years, and he only spent one month drinking before getting help. and i think we could be sober together. 
idk maybe i was just so sex deprived that i was just horny or something. i don’t know.
i start online intensive outpatient tomorrow at noon. this week i have it wednesday thursday and friday but it’s gonna be different every week and somebody is going to at least speak with me every day. i’m doing it through derek’s practice and i told him to make sure i have a lot of homework.
i’m not sure how or when i’m going to get back to work. i don’t even really care though. i can always get another job. and after talking to my sister and working through some therapy at rehab, i almost think it’s best to move anyway. i think it would really help me to get away from my parents.
idk. my life is just so in limbo right now. i can stay on FMLA leave for 3 months and on my upcoming court date, that will mark one month. i think it might be wise to use the whole three months. it also might not be wise though because i need things to do. maybe if i could just get back to anthro.....
anthro terminated me in the weirdest way and i think my lawyer can get my job at anthro back for me with a simple letter. that might be the best thing for me right now. 
not to mention.... i haven’t been back to my apartment yet but.... the gold coast has been destroyed. i don’t know what i’m going back to at this point. this is really sad sad sad to say but i don’t think i will be living downtown chicago anymore, once i find some other solution or once this lease expires, i’m leaving. maybe i’ll stay in chicagoland but probably not. if i do stay in chicagoland i’m gonna be living in the suburbs. but i think it only makes sense to get out of here. i think it makes sense to go to the southeast. florida or atlanta or north carolina or virginia. california is always on the mind too but to move there i think i need to be really really confident in my sobriety.  
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anissapierce · 5 years
do you have any recs for media with older gay characters?
I would've been able to finish this sooner if Tumblr asks could b drafted. I typed this huge thing up when i got this on like Friday I think ? But then I lost half bc half didn't copy bc I didn't notice a paragraph break
Ok so The Cool Kids:which got canceled after a season, but Leslie Jordan's character, an actual 60+ (white) gay actor, had a four episode romantic arc with another 60+ character ? Its like a basic network comedy joke wise but the romantic arc and Leslie's character was .... Good. Here's a clip i poster : https://anissapierce.tumblr.com/post/183387758622/this-moment-in-the-cool-kids-was-cute-but-fox
The show Cucumber which oof ok I think Is a good show but I disagree fundamentally with the ending, I don't want to spoil if you don't want but the way it treats one oglf the black characters is rlly eh... Also the main guy ? Kind of a total creep n there's this very weird storyline tht borders on pedophilia n incest.... Just bad vibes. Like the main character from wht I remember is criticized for the bullshit but mmmmm. The shows about two bottoms whove been together for decades either have never had sex or just Rarely have and how they deal w breaking up essentially? There's a bunch of gay bi lesbian n one trans actor (two black main characters, one side black character, the bottoms in question are in an interracial relationship ) bc it's a Russel T Davies show. Pretty nsfw
Ok so I never finished this I think I got to the end of s1 but it's not Heinous: the webseries Old Dogs New Tricks, bout a group of (white) older gay guys in Hollywood. Its like ....not Rlly great but it's final season is coming out soon ? But it started in 2012 and uhhh it has the stink and shine of 2012 the writing is kinda bad .... The acting takes a bit to get used if ur not used to watching shoestring indie gay movies. One of them is faking a terrible British accent. There's like one or two recurring black characters according to IMDb. There's probs some sexual harassment issues considering wht I rmbr from a certain character who's uh ... Forward.nsfw.
Cloudburst is a very cute movie about an older pair of lesbians one of them isn't out to her daughter and she gets tricked into being sent to a retirement home. Her wife, I forgot if they call each other tht in the movie but for the ease of talking abt it, breaks her out. The rest is very Bonnie and Clyde but w no cops and they pick up this young adult dude. Semi nsfw you see a full on dick n there's discussions of sex n sex toys but there's not rlly s full on sex scene iirc.
Brother to Brother: stars Anthony Mackie as a gay l8 teen/early 20 sth who befriends gay Harlem renaissance writer Bruce Nugent, if you haven't looked up his poetry it's def worth a look, and how their friendship unfolds. Bruce isn't the main character but he's got a lot of screentime lines etc, a lot of it spent recounting his time in the Harlem renaissance thru flashbacks. Its kinda implied that him and Ant Mack character maybe had a thing but idk it didn't feel overt to me last time I watched? Its like kinda nsfw bc of talk if sex n a couple of cut short sex scenes.
Before You Know it is a documentary about gay men retirees or soon to be retirees, all white, and from wht I remember it was really interesting. One of them runs a drag bar the other is searching for a retirement community that'll accept him.
Tab Hunter Official: An interest documentary about a closeted movie star from the 50s and 60s and why he basically disappeared from the public eye. He isn't alive to talk in the doc but a lot of older LGBT folks n scholars are there. I think it's worth a watch bc it has a lot of older ppl talking abt the past n wht it was like for them as LGBT folks
Our Sordid Lives/A Very Sordid Wedding: This one might be very ymmv humor wise.The movie focuses on a young gay man coming back home to the South w his black boyfriend and the trials n tribulations his family n town are already going thru. Leslie Jordan plays an old drag queen locked away in a mental institution basically for conversition therapy. The character rides that very Angel Rent line where ur unsure if he's just a gay guy drag queen or the character is trans or both ? A warning for attempts at sexual harassment or violence kind of played for laughs from wht I rmbr ? The head of the mental institution keeps making passes at and harassing Leslie Jordan and I haven't seen the movie in ages but I think it's at least a little played for laughs at her expense ?The sequel has Leslie Jordans charcter out of the instruction and trying to kickstart his Queen career? Alec Mapa has a small role in the second one? The second film is Abt the dude from the first coming back to his hometown to get married to his boyfriend from the first movie now fiance ? There's a serial killer on the loose whose a nectofiliac n the way they choose to reveal him as bisexual is hmmmm some of the humor surrounding attraction to black men iirc is very hmm.. but like I remeber enjoying the movies ?
Doom Patrol: imo this counts. Larry Trainor had been alive for 90+ years but his body had changed much since he was 30 bc the radiation n burns etc have kept him perserved. He's played and voiced by younger men but later in the season u spend a whole episode with an older gay man played by an older man. Also Alec Mapa was in an episode and keeps showing up throughout to be a news gag basically ?
Bingo love- Very cute graphic novel about two older black women who were seperated from being together n their burgeoning relationship when they were teens n find each other way later in life. Id suggesting the deluxe edition bc the extra stories are all so good? The art is good the writing is and the other has a sequel tht focuses on a similar plot of two older men of color finding each after in life after a relationship while in the armed forces? And also a sequel based on the main characters of bingo love.
Axe and Crown- a podcast that's under the name Alba Salix because it's kind of a subpodcast of AS ... Its a comedy fantasy podcast starring a troll running a tavern,his pesky young human landlord who just got the tavern passed down to him from his dad(I think) and his neice. Said troll is nursing a breakup from his boyfriend who also uses to be the tavern cook. The voice actor is I'd say older than middle age n the troll character sits at an age range tht I'd def say is old.
O human star- So a robot engineer suddenly wakes many years in the future to find out he's an Android, someone uploaded his brain into this robot. He finds out that his former lover and work partner actually created another version of him thats an Android too,but this one was almost like a clone of him tht got raised as a child n grows and learns as one. (The partner did this on accident basically not for creepy reasons.) Also this clone version of him ? Is a now a teenager pretty much Andis a trans girl ? Both of the main characters are squarely wht I'd describe as older. Also the now cyborg/Android is bisexual but there's been a big moment in recent comics tht he's undergoing an examination of his sexuality n gender ? I don't want to go into more detail bc uhhh I feel like the reveal is very good ? The cast is pretty diverse but all three main characters r white.
Linoleum knife- ok so this is a nonfiction movie reviewing podcast. The hosts are two white men in their sixties who are married (to each other as they like to tack on sometimes bc apparently ppl don't think tht otherwise) . Idk I think it's just a sweet podcast ? They're both professional movie critics but sometimes their podcast just gets into squabbling Abt ironing ? Its cool tht they're both big old leftists and they're bears and talk a lot abt wht was cooked tht day ?
K so I watched Grandma and can confirm tht it's rlly good ! Also Anon I have another rec, this cute twenty minute short film Curmudgeons, Danny devito and David Margulies play two old men firmly in love. Its very sweet n worth a watch. https://vimeo.com/159449591/description
Also omg i can't believe I forgot the Exorcist Tv Show. Ben Daniels plays bisexual and has a very sweet kiss with someone around his own age. The show is very gay season 1 had a main character lesbian n s2 did too. Ben Daniels plays a priest who's an expert in exorcisms but has a very Constantine backstory ? His costar is Alfonso Herrera also a bit of sceptic to exorcisms but enlists Daniels characters help anyway ? Like holy God it's so amazing and it's messaging is so good ? You want yearning? Gay tragedy ? Gay love ? Love conquers all ? Found Family? Bc The Exorcist (fox) is tht bitch
@corvidaedream recommended Grandma, a Lily Tomlin movie where she's a lesbian whos dealing w the loss of her wife, she's an asshole and i love her. I watched it and loved it so much ! The push if the movie is that Lily's characters granddaughter needs money to pay for her aborition. And so Lily goes to all these different people to try to get the money fast before the granddaughters appointment at 5 pm. (The cast is really great some highlights : Laverne Cox as a rockabilly tattoo artist,john Cho as a very christian (Jesus fish necklace n all) coffee shop manager,Judy Greer as a recent ex of Lily's character. I can offer up triggers fyi I just feel like this post is too long already
Grace and Frankie has two older gay guys but I've only seen like ....half an episode
And yeah that's all tht I've seen? You're gonna have to brave the wilds of like pride dot com rec lists
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ts-2020-olympics · 4 years
EPISODE 1 - “My Legs Were Not Qwoperating” - Kathy (Part 2)
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no. jk here.
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So, it’s morning. I look around at our camp, and see everyone is at work. Karen is painting their flag and using safety scissors to cut out Monty’s head, Kevin is chanting to himself in the corner, Stoner’s been asleep so we buried him in the sand up to his neck and then sculpted a sand castle around him. Tommy is just trying to make eye contact with anyone he can and so I’m...avoiding that. I’d say we are solid but that’s probably not the truth, and so that kind of stinks. I’m hoping the newbies really fuck up, and I know that’s harsh but...that’s showbiz, babe!! Speaking of newbies I still haven’t talked to a few of them.  Emma like zoomed away the first day and I’ve given up on talking to her. Hope she goes first. That’s all I got for now, going to eat breakfast I will continue this rant later.
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my truth is that i haven’t played an org game in so long i forgot i was playing and then remembered an hour ago and tried to do this wack qwop game hsksksj! my legs were not qwoperating 
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I see there's an arena going on! I might go there first if the rest of the team is okay with it - gives me a chance to scope things out and get a feel for the area. I'm excited!
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WE WON THE FUCKING CHALLEEEENGE AAAAA NOT ONLY DID WE WIN BUT WE KILLT IT WE SCORED 12 AND EVERYONE ELSE GOT LIKE 8 AND 5 OHMYGOOOD IM NOT GONNA BE FIRST OUT YALL IM SHAKING I CANT BELIEVE GSJDKDVDSNDBWSKHSD okAy okay so thank god bc my tribe has like no drama so our vote would’ve been really difficult and that gives me more time to think about my possible advantage and the possible bonds here. 
so while I am safe I still have to game a little bit and talk to the people I’ve been talking with who are going to tribal like Sammy and Jordan, funny enough who are on the same tribe.... maybe I can get them to protect each other..... hm
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Well we lost because of technicalities, I choose to blame that. This tribe is apparently extremely quiet to each other, so the fact that I messaged everyone hello this morning, nearly 48 hours after the start, I am SOMEHOW one of the best social players here. Challenges are generally my strength, we got last in QWOP, so backup is social game in a social ORG. I can be in some danger here, but I think I have a TRusuT sclusTER to keep myself here. As is necessary. I don't care who goes, I have a preference, but I don't really want to set a goal right now. Flexibility is key.
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I'm literally PISSED. I'm fuming right now, like wtf? OK so I haven't confessed anything yet because my tribe has been SO quiet. I've honestly talked a lot more to some of the people from ONE WORLD than I have from some of the people from my own tribe... and I'm not crazy okay? It's NOT my fault. I put in effort with these people... But some of these people are just DRY! Drier than the Sahara Desert! Drier than my chappy ass lips! They can't hold a conversation, and that's obnoxious. I'm not going to respond to you if your message has literally nothing in it worth responding to, that's why most of my messages will either have a follow-up question, or something actually of substance to comment on/reply to... YOU SHOULD DO THE SAME SO WE CAN ACTUALLY SPEAK AND MAINTAIN A CONSISTENT DIALOGUE!!!!!!! But NOOOOOOO, my tribe decides to not speak... MOVING ON! The only people I've had good conversations with really are Juls and Em, and lo and behold, Em does lit rally nothing in this challenge, which sucks because I'm afraid that may put a target on her back. But I'm not sure, I definitely will vote with her and I think Juls will too. I'll move onto that later but I wanna talk about why I'm fucking LIVID RIGHT NOW. I literally made SO many suggestions on how we could tweak who does what in this challenge, or what we do on certain parts. Now I'm going to admit a TINY bit of fault here, in that I didn't say my suggestions on the tribe flag. There are some things I think we could've done to make it better, but I love Juls, and everyone had already told her it was great, so I didn't wanna make her feel that I didn't like it or was over criticizing. So I didn't say anything. That was my bad. BUT EVERYTHING ELSE, LUV? I said We should guess lower than 610... Now granted my even 600 guess still would've been too low to win, BUT AT LEAST IT WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN OVERBOARD! HMPPHH!!!!! Or maybe we could've compromised on 605 if people hadnt IGNORED ME!!!! IDK!??!?!?! Further than that, I asked for different tweaking on the chant and nobody gave any suggestions. I'm not saying we would've won or anything had I taken the lead or that I was doing everything the right way,  obviously I wasn't since my chant got 3rd, but what I'm saying is once it became obvious the challenge was going to be about group participation and suggestion, our tribe needed to unify. Everyone in the tribe needed to have a clearer vision and talk to eachother and actually put in the EFFORT that this stuff requires. Which I'm admitting my own error, in not doing that with the flag. But our tribe was just so quiet and silent before now, which sent me down a paranoid spiral, that I was super fucking worried about my place in the tribe or where things were heading. Now I realize I'm in a good position on the tribe for sure, it's just that our tribe is STRUGGLING. ON THE (Mr.) BRIGHTSIDE!!! We lost by a tiebreaker guess, and only by 4 points.... and I'm pretty close with Juls, and it seems like a target will probably fall pretty easily onto Billy. He had the worst QWOP score, described himself as arrogant in his own intro, and just seems.. critical of others. He gives off a strange vibe. If it's not him, I'm pretty sure it'd end up being Jacob or Em. I feel that me and Juls are safe which is all that I can hope for on a tribe this freaking tiny, I instantly connected with Juls over our love of anime, the fact her name is the same as Euphoria Jules, and other stuff. As far as One World goes, I honestly keep forgetting it exists. I haven't reached out to too many of the others but have talked back to those who talk to me and it's been generally decent. I get along well with other Jacob, the not pie one. Caeleb I already know from before this and so I feel like we'd def work together, and I get good vibes from a lot of these people like Eve, Nicole, Ben, etc. Honestly I'm just so frustrated right now because things have been quiet and nervous and I'm PARANOID, and my tribe was so close to winning but fucked it up over minor things we could've tweaked had we just tried a little harder and communicated a little more. ugh, this SUCKS. now my first legacy in Tumblr Survivor is a mediocre chant (i honestly really like it and i put a LOT OF THOUGHT INTO IT OKAY....) and a trip to tribal council *Sobs* Here's hoping things take a positive turn from here...? It could always be the Bronze before my Gold! ~Hamfisted olympics metaphor~
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Love my tribe a lot! However, i still feel on the outside somewhat tho.... Idk this is a lot for me I just hope we win until a swap or whatever its called ahh
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Alright, Darcy back here with yet another confessional!   Here is a little update since I last posted confessional, mainly the biggest difference is now I have an ally formed with Ben.   At least, I made a deal with Ben yesterday proposing just the generic looking after one another ordeal, then going to give it some time and maybe question Beck about forming an alliance, since I've been connecting with her even more past bit, but don't want to go too fast and end up asking half my tribe right away to work with me, as I don't want to be seen as playing hard out the gate and make myself a target.   Meanwhile, I decided to give the Olympic Village searching a shot, but alas was no luck in the cafeteria cabinets, so will just have to try my luck again in the future rounds.   Thinking of searching either the South or North end of Village next round, but we shall see.   Anyways, I'm glad my tribe won Immunity, so don't have to go to tribal this round, and this Olympic Arena twist sounds great, essentially one person from each tribe goes to the Arena, I believe for the immune tribes just 1 person is selected to go to the Arena, and for the losing tribes, the two voted out go to arena, where the winner of the voted out people come back in the game, and loser is out of the game for good.   Think I read that all right, but maybe won't hurt to give it another read to double check.   For now though, I shall go, so will see you all with my next confessional.
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Fuck having to go to tribal first. I don’t like having to send someone home when I don’t even really know who I’m playing with yet. 
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Seems like Billy pulling the "I don't want to make any moves" to me was surprisingly bullshit. Who would've thunk. I think everyone is fine with voting out Billy here, I didn't really want to initially, but yeah, uh no. I could be in danger, but if everyone is honest here, I should be fine. Fingers crossed. "I'm either going to be first boot or win" - Pia Miranda
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So, the first tribal is in a bit and we were almost sent there but managed to pull through in the tiebreaker! I hope that opens some of my tribemates eyes (lets be real, just Stoner who hasn’t been doing much of anything!) Being in One World but none of the newbies talking to me is still wild to me, half of them still haven’t even accepted my contact request. Yet they’re plenty active in the chat, so what gives? Anyway, I hope it’s just that they are intimidated by the very fact that I am beauty, and grace, and Miss United States. I hope we can win the next round, hopefully first or second place so we don’t have a close call again. We are trying to get Chris to go to the Arena so he can get us that 20% but he hasn’t answered so...what gives? On the alliance front I’m good with Kevin and Karen tribewise , the bigger picture is Kevin, Jacob and Sammy want to align and then we will have a bigger alliance that includes Beck, Juls and Eve. Eventually I might wanna break off and align with Jules and Eve, but having bigger targets around is essential. Anyway that’s all I got for now. I should start making video confessionals AS THINGS ARE HAPPENING. Ya know? Anyway toodles for now see ya next round. OH, and I’m hoping Jules and Jacob are safe this tribal :( love them and hope we can work together going forward. 
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Hiiii, arena results are about to come in so I'm just gonna drop a quickie confessional before that happens. I don't honestly remember how much I talked about the strategy and gameplay that was going on, so I'll give you a quick rebriefing of that. I'm really close with Juls. Em I like, but I want more out of her. Jacob is quiet, but inoffensive. Billy, I actually like him, but there are certain things about him that just.. Rub me (and others) a strange way and that's why we voted him out because certain things he did just didn't quite gel with the rest of the team. If he does return from the arena though, it's possibly I may vouch for him over Jacob because Jacob... HE JUST NEEDS TO TALK!!! But idk. One world still SUCKS and is dragging me through the MUD because nobody wants to do cross-tribe talking me included but that gets me paranoid as FUCK, luv. About the live tribal, it was fun! My camera angle was awkward and I was soo nervous though, but I think I was still able to hold it together relatively well, act normal, and give semi-decent answers. Will definitely be improving my live tribal performance for next time so I can be a bad ass bitch on call, it's GOING to happen... dskfdsf. I love Emma on call/video sooooo much, But on text she's kind of dry. Maybe I need to ask her if I can call her sometime, but I haven't done a call for a game like this in a looong time. I'm a bit nervous about that. But yeah. I'm looking forward to the game... The first tribal just makes everything real, and you realize, oh shit, we're playing Survivor. And I forgot how thrilling it was to play in a live, video environment like that, it just grips you and it feels so much more intense than when wiki results are just posted in chat and you don't have to deal with physically seeing the person you're voting out, talking to them with your actual voice, etc. All that stuff just makes the experience that much more realistic and it's so intense and fun. I'm ready to get this game on (Btw fuck the arena twist)
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hey guys im really loving this game so far... keep up the good work!
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i didn’t appreciate the attitude billy gave me whenever i tried to help the team out but! i’m willing to get over it because he is a nice guy. i feel fairly comfortable with my team and i’m just hoping we can avoid another tribal! 
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Hello! I can not believe I'm back for a 6th time on Tumblr Survivor this is so crazy! Especially for an Olympic season because I vowed to myself that I would never do a season again that was more than 20 people after being in Japan. Now that I'm back I'm ready to play, I haven't really came into this season with a strategy but if I did it would have changed because this is a One World season and now with the arena twist I'm sweating. One World makes the season super social (probably one of my least favorite twists) it's very easy for this season to let pre-mades and majorities take over just like that and let underdogs like me in this season to get taken out especially taken out early. So I have been social not only with me but a few people on different tribes but not too much. I don't want to seem like I'm playing too hard but I wanna build relationships before swaps happen so that people choose to ally with me (A WINNER) over a newbie or a returnee who hasn't won because I already have a big target on my back. With how the tribe divisions are it gives the newbies the biggest advantage with 15 newbies compared to 5 winners and 5 non-winner returnees, which isn't bad in a Fan vs. Favorite season because the ratio is even with returnees and newbies. However, now that I'm in the minority and also labeled a WINNER, I have to do damage control to lower my target but most importantly integrate with other people which is hard because I'm not the best social player and I know that's my weakness but I still have to attempt. In terms of my own tribe I'm closest to Kevin, when I talk to him we have a good conversation I probably already irritate him but I think out of everyone I can put my trust in him the most compared to everyone else. I think having one good ally is how I want to approach this season due to the arena twist I don't want to come across as running the tribe especially the winners tribe incase we do go to tribal because if I vote in the majority and that person stays they are immune and will be mad and spill the beans about the tribe, and I want that person to be the least mad at me so the focus is not on me. So having overall good vibes and 1 strong connection is a good strategy for the long term game. It might put me at risk for being voted out in the short term but I want to play the long-term game. Preferably if it is up to me I'd want Nicole to be the next closest to Kevin and myself without myself having to make an official deal with Nicole so I'm not seen as the ringleader. Kevin says he wants Stoner to be the first one voted out on our tribe but honestly I rather it be Karen. Stoner has the reputation keeps his target bigger than the rest and I think Karen has the better chance of flipping on the winners and succeeding than Stoner does. So my target is Karen if we do lose. I also believe that there may be an alliance with Nicole, Kevin, and Karen which I hope is not an actual alliance because that's bad news for me. I hope we don't go to tribal because I don't wanna go to a tribal with only 5 people. Wish me luck!
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Whew it has been one round and i've fucked up so much its not even funny. its a little funny. anyways i start this game on a tribe of 5, i allign with connor who ive never played a game with and find some similar common ground, and with jacob who seems chill. we lose the first challenge sucks and all hell breaks loose, long story short fuck sammy. I'm trying to work my way back in caeleb and jacobs good graces. its gonna be a rocky road, but its one i've driven before
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ohrosalinds · 5 years
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katherine mcnamara. genderfluid. they/them.  /  rosalind cox just pulled up blasting fly by hilary duff — that song is so them! you know, for a twenty-four year old singer & actor, i’ve heard they’re really -capricious, but that they make up for it by being so +gregarious. if i had to choose three things to describe them, i’d probably say plaid shirts open with a white shirt underneath, thrift shop knick knacks, the smell of cinnamon, and childhood stardom. here’s to hoping they don’t cause too much trouble! ( vc: hilary duff, bridgit mendler & ana golja )
rosalind’s basically the same as they were the last time i played them, but i’ve edited a couple of things.  so here’s their new intro u know the drill like this to plot w them.  
rosalind’s 24, their birthday just passed at the beginning of the month.  
rosalind was born to laurel whittmore-cox on august fifth during a summer rainstorm.  rosalind’s father died months before their birth and they still to this day do not know much about him.  but they never minded.  their mom, and their maternal grandfather gus were more than enough.  
rosalind was “discovered” at the age of two.  they were at their mother’s office ( laurel’s a producer for movies & tv shows ) and it started a career for the redheaded baby.  mostly print ads for a while, a couple of tv shows and movies but nothing big.  that is until rosalind was nine years old and was cast as the titular role in disney’s lizzie mcguire.  and they dyed their hair blonde for the role. 
honestly, it was a dream.  rosalind’s mother was an executive producer and rosalind really loved playing lizzie.  it was her favorite thing.  she was excited to go to work every day.  her friends were great.  she loved her tv family.  and it was fun playing a role that really felt at home, as she was going through similar things as lizzie at the time of the show.  since rosalind was in middle school at the time when lizzie was airing.  
when rosalind was eleven years old ( and four months, not that that’s a needed detail ) they were going through this period of discovery.  figuring out who she wanted to be, as lizzie’s final season was filming.  they had just found music as an outlet and were working on writing and coming up with their own things, hoping to release something after lizzie ended.  
during this time rosalind read something and was watching a lot of television and something struck the blonde.  following research and time of discovery, rosalind found out about the term genderfluid.  and after reading about it and learning more.  it was like a lightbulb moment and they were like “this is it.  that’s me.”  and they decided to start using they/them pronouns because it felt right. 
rosalind told their family over dinner one night and while both laurel and gus were confused, they adjusted well.  it took laurel until rosalind was seventeen years old to finally not use “she/her” accidentally.  
but rosalind had this whole show riding on their shoulders and they just knew that this coming out was not going to be good.  people would talk and things would not end well for them, it could ruin the end of the series.  it was going to be a scandal, because it went against what the producers and execs wanted for their show’s star.  and, of course, lizzie was one of the number one shows on children’s programming right then too.  while everything was going on, still working on the final season, the problem was also that rosalind didn’t want to not use their pronouns because it’s who they are.  
so rosalind came out to the cast and the crew, to people whom they considered family.  it was a slow thing, not a big announcement, and people were mostly accepting.  by the end of the series filming, most of the people they worked with every day had adjusted to using the proper pronouns most of the time.   
rosalind thought they were finally free of the station and the pushy execs who only wanted their agenda pushed forward, other than working still with their record label for this music they had been creating.  but, as luck would have it, the producers and executives had gotten together to bring about a feature film for the show.  
and rosalind couldn’t say no, lizzie was still very much a part of who they were.  and getting to work with the people again ( even so soon after saying goodbye ) it was something they wanted to do.  
so after the small “break”, almost thirteen year old rosalind went off to italy to film this movie.  ( fact: they turned 13 while filming in italy ).
and while they were there with the cast and crew and people who loved and supported them, someone back home leaked their gender pronouns and caused a big stink.  
executives flew in when they were almost finished with filming and it was a big to do.  rosalind was scheduled to go on a tour after the film finished filming since their album was almost completed.  but the executives were nervous about what everything would be.  it was a lot of meetings and rosalind had to deal with the pressure of filming the movie and worrying about their own future and if the film they, and everyone else, worked so hard on would be released.  
the company did what they do best and decided that after the movie, rosalind should go on tour for their music right away.  so rosalind was rushed to a local studio to finish the final touches of the album, which was released before the film had finished.  
despite the immense pressure, rosalind was happy.  they were doing what they loved, writing music, acting, and singing.  
of course, going on a big tour meant rules and guidelines from the corporation.  a lot of them restricting what rosalind could say and talk about in interviews, which they had done before, but never to this same degree. now rosalind was completely restricted.  in fact, they had to read from a script and they had a personal handler from the company with them at all times. 
it didn’t help that they were touring for music on top of doing press for the lizzie film.  
it should have been the time of their life.  it really should have, but alas.  it was a time where rosalind was sleeping less and less every night and working on finding themself in the little spare time they had.  
it was building up a lot, taking a toll on the young teen.  
rosalind’s biggest personal problem with the press was that everyone who interviewed them was using she/her pronouns and completely ignoring the fact they’d even stated a preference for using they/them.  
it led to them having a bit of a …. MELTDOWN during an interview when they were asked a pretty terrible question.
footage went viral on tmz and mtv of rosalind pulling off their microphone in the middle of an interview, irate and yelling at who people later found out was their disney appointed handler,  “i’m sick of using the wrong pronouns for this bullshit! it’s not fair!”
the footage can still be found on multiple websites, and people tend to talk about it a lot still.  
the next thing they knew, the second half of the tour was cancelled, “creative differences” had been cited.  however, rosalind was still under contract with the record label, and even though they were basically blacklisted from working for quite some time, rosalind had to work on new music for a company that didn’t want them.  
rosalind released a second album soon after the end of the tour.  once their duties in the contract were finished and all obligations filled--rosalind left the company and went to “normal life”.  
the teen -- a redhead now, the blonde hair finally gone ( people called it shedding the disney baggage ) -- left los angeles to live with their grandpa gus outside of boston.  they maintained a job working at gus’ thrift/antique shop the little things.  and did their best to maintain a regular teenage existence.  which is hard when you spent your childhood on film.  
for a while, rosalind did a youtube channel in their later high school years.  sometimes they still post, but it’s sporadic if anything.  they used to do a lot of q&a videos.  they would often talk about working on music and talking about their gender identity and sexuality ( they’re pansexual ).  they wanted to have a voice for themselves, and doing something like that was the best way to do that. 
with everything, rosalind kept from saying anything outwardly bad about their old parent company.  people never understood why--when it was clear that they had been terribly unhappy and troubled at the old company.  
recently, rosalind has opened up about it.  they experienced a lot of wrongdoings from the company in their childhood, given the company’s outright display of their gender identity and how it didn’t fit with the image.  but rosalind still wished nothing but the best for the people whom they’d worked with.  there was nothing that the cast & crew had done wrong to them.  the people with whom they spent so many hours of their formative years were nothing but excellent and kind and hardworking people.  
they’re a people person, loving to be around other people.  but they’re also always a bit nervous about big crowds.  idk what it is.  one on one they’re amazing and chatty, but crowds make them nervous?  but stage stuff is wonderful? they can definitely hold themselves in a crowd or captivate a room.  
they’ve done a handful of made for television movies in the recent years.  recently they’ve released new music after a long period of nothing.  they did an extended play belong and a full length album then & now.  ( rosalind’s early music is canon hilary duff ie metamorphasis and hilary, which for rp purposes is called rosalind )  
rosalind is currently labelless.  they haven’t been with a parent label since everything at their old one blew up.  
they have a fear of being controlled by any company if they were to work for a specific label again, so they haven’t cared to look for one.  
maybe they’ll tour again in the future?? who knows.  
rosalind was recently cast to play DAPHNE BLAKE in an upcoming live action scooby doo television series.  
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avengers: infinity war
so i finally watched spiderman: infinity war avengers: infinity war yesterday with the inimitably awesome aakanksha ( @franklyineedcoffee). it was great! very cgi and very Epic.
like. mcu movies were never terribly remarkable to me, but then they got Spiderman involved (and made him great!) and the ensuing trifecta of extremely enjoyable films (homecoming, ragnarok and black panther) finally made a fangirl out of me. which basically primed me perfectly to enjoy the shit out of infinity war. 
a few thoughts! a second reminder for SPOILERS because i discuss about basically everything.
1. the film did a great job juggling so many characters and so many plot threads? of course some parts were under-served (the whole wakanda stretch was a bit meh to me), but at no point was i just waiting for the film to get back to the Interesting Bit. almost all of it was equally engaging.
2. i’d heard a lot about thanos going into this film but what i wasn’t expecting was to be reminded of two villains that the mcu had done really, really well recently: adrian toomes/the vulture from homecoming, and erik killmonger from black panther. thanos isn’t nearly as compelling as either of them and certainly doesn’t deserve a fraction of the sympathy we can reasonably afford to either toomes/killmonger, but the kind of sad, single-minded conviction that he used to justify murdering trillions of people? yeah, that was all-too-familiar. far from the cackling, evil villain trope, both toomes and killmonger were shaped and scarred by unforgiving circumstances; you didn’t approve of the stuff they did but their pathos was palpable. thanos plays this part of the villain arc very well--he doesn’t visibly delight in death and destruction, but does it because he is burdened with it. and isn’t that how it usually goes in the real world? the worst people in the world never believe in their own evil--just their own status as a Special Person Who Knows Something Better Than Everyone Else. a special destiny, a special responsibility with all that power. sometimes the line between superhero and villain is so, so thin.
2.5. because looking at it objectively, his motivation was some malthusian bullshit, yeah? and in a way recalls some of the most harrowing repercussions of bullshit science from the early twentieth century. so if i read one more thinkpiece about ‘errrrr guys maybe thanos had a point’ i’m going to lose it. both the writing and performance for thanos was fantastic--he practically dripped with gravitas, even under all the layers of cgi and chaotic fight scenes--but let’s not confuse that with actual sense/decency, yeah?
3. the groupings were great--so great that i could’ve readily watched an entire film based on any one of them. my favourite had to be thor with rocket/groot. i would’ve never guessed it, but it turned out to be the most poignant dynamic of them all. that little conversation that rocket had with thor was a little oasis in the middle of a terribly chaotic movie and neatly tied in and mirrored the incredible character development both the characters had undergone in their last movies--GotG vol 2 and ragnarok. this scene for me was an example of the ultimate reward of getting a film like infinity war--a moment of truly resonant emotional connection between two wildly differing characters and genres.
3.5. and, btw, the genres! can we talk about that a bit? it was a really cool mix of generic superhero stuff with sci-fi, a touch of horror, magic, swords-and-sorcery, opposites-meet comedy, a bit of romance, and just good old-fashioned family drama. 
3.75. and speaking of drama, the whole arc with gamora was gutting and inspired more tears from me than the much-talked-about snap. the sheer range of emotions she went through right before and after she realised that thanos was going to kill her and why! zoe saldana is fucking amazing.
4. aagh i just wished we had more time but all of the groups played really well off each other: i enjoyed iron man and company in particular because duh, spiderman, and watching three gigantic egos clash in the form of tony stark, dr strange, and peter quill was entertaining as all hell. and i know tumblr fandom in particular likes to give tony a hard time but i was impressed not just by his quick thinking, his surely-impossible technology, and his raw physical strength, but also his ability to lead, well, any team. he had spiderman covered (summoning the iron spider suit! appointing him an avenger! collaborative flying of an alien spaceship!), had dr strange figured out pretty quickly, and tried his best to steady peter quill. 
4.5. the group on wakanda wasn’t nearly as compelling, but much of their screen time was filled with fighting cannon fodder and that’s literally the least interesting part of any mcu movie, so. i guess i was also annoyed by rhodey basically throwing away the principled position he took in civil war--the narrative had to essentially make the regulatory body a one-dimensional super-villain. and, like. whatever. the avengers have to reform, etc. but it still stinks. i kind of dozed through the parts of civil war that didn’t involve spiderman but some of the issues that it raised were compelling. but then those issues were just used as an excuse to get a slugfest between iron man and captain america and now somehow an agreement signed by 150+ countries is all about oh no! will steve and tony ever make up?? like, fuck that shit. 
4.85. i didn’t expect to be as moved as i was by vision and wanda, though. unlike the nat/bruce thing that also kind of came out of the blue in ultron, these two were weirdly compelling. (although wanda’s missing accent is bothering me.)
5. there was so much cgi in this movie! some of it was truly breathtaking but more often than not it felt suffocating. i feel like tony stark and co. were especially ill-served: the deep blues of the doughnut spaceship and the flashy, dusty oranges on titan just made it more difficult to see the characters and, idk. i’m not a fan of the effect. 
5.5. everything involving thor was great, tho. couldn’t possibly match the climactic bridge scene in ragnarok in terms of pure Epicness but came close several times. 
6. mmm, what else? i really liked that this film undercut a lot of the truly dramatic scenes with humour--it just lent a dreadful sense of finality to the scenes that left us with death rather than a punchline.
6.5. another note: i realise that thor continually calling rocket and groot ‘rabbit and tree’ was supposed to be funny, but why would he do that? the ‘captain’ has a name. and he speaks groot’s language! why would he call him something as reductive as ‘tree’? (unless groot’s actual name is tree) it’s just a little niggling thing but it’s starting to bother me a lot now.
6.55. but i do find it a little endearing that prideful, extremely sensitive rocket never once bothered to correct thor.
7. ultimately the Epicness that made this movie possible is also one of the things that repeatedly threatens to bring it down. i just don’t want this film to fall down the rabbit hole that SPN finds itself in--expand its scope exponentially and find itself unable to remotely do it the justice that it deserves. what do you do with a character who could kill half the universe with a snap of his fingers? what do you do with characters who, in their individual movies, have expressed powers and resources that are seriously large-scale?
we see the film sputter in this respect a couple of times: i never understood why thanos didn’t just use the reality stone to, say, turn tony’s tech into cheesecake or something. out of respect at the man’s sheer tenacity? idk. and loki going out by trying to stab thanos was weird to me. was he deliberately sacrificing himself? is there something else going on? doesn’t he have much better weapons in his arsenal? at least he was aiming for the head
and the consequences of the final snap where more than half of the heroes disintegrated in front of their friends’ eyes should’ve felt more devastating, but the neatness of the old avengers being spared so that they could save (avenge if you will) their next generation in a final hurrah in the next movie seemed way too obvious. that’s not to say it wasn’t impactful. watching peter parker disintegrate in tony’s arms, fighting till the very last minute to stay he was so scared oh god he just wanted to stay and for mr stark to make it all right was gutting, no matter how much i’d prepared myself for it. i may have whimpered. 
8. i’m sure i have a lot more to say but it’s getting late and i’m tired, so. another post in the near future maybe.
but before i go, how could i not talk about spiderman?? i screamed my throat raw at the first sight of peter parker, and although he doesn’t actually get all that much screen time he made every second count. the awe-inspiring appearance of the iron spider. “have you ever seen that old movie, aliens?” the sheer range of emotions that passed his face when tony stark officially made him an avenger. flying spaceships along with tony. fun with magic portals! almost getting the gauntlet off because he is Just That Strong. saving mantis and drax. and clinging to life till the very last second even as the edges of his body were starting to wisp away. this boy. god. how mcu hit the perfect formula to represent my all-time favourite superhero on screen is a mystery, but i’m so so glad it happened. 
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Ep. 17 - “Everyone here are messy hoes” - Steffen
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Honestly why the FUCK are people so far up Jordan's ass. Like even sam g before she was blindsided by the devil himself was like "I think I'm just going to vote out Andrew so that I'll stay on his good side" Like what. I am....Omg. Sara is not winning this game bc she literally hasn't done shit but whatever Jordan tells her. David is fake for making me feel like shit last round when I didn't tell him about a plan that we executed 4 minutes AFTER votes were due. Andrew is my ride or die in this game. Andrew. Wow. I don't know what to do with drew. He was drunk for all the decisions made tonight so anything he said, I really don't know if he will mean those things in the morning. I trust steffen and I guess I have to from now on. Us 3 and maybe drew against Jordan's army. I mean I would rather get voted out than work with (basically for) Jordan so that's fine with me.
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This last vote??? Was HELL for me! Of course I knew Sam was going from the start, but as much as I wanted to save her, all of my options were bad. This wasn't like the double tribal vote where I had all the information to flip the vote off of Steffen and onto Ash. The discussion started with David Robb and Jordan, and by the time the target was chosen, there were already five votes on Sam in a nine-vote tribal. The only way to save her was with my idol, which I'm sorry, is mine. It would have also exposed everything. I could have either gotten Jordan's idol or Jordan himself out of the game, but that sacrifices my power position and puts me at the mercy of the Sams, Andrew, and Steffen, who very well may have and may still want to work with me, but would have seen me as the biggest threat once Jordan was gone. Once again in an org, I'm left with the disgusting position of using him as my meat shield and getting the stink of that alliance all over me to the point where no one wants to talk to me because they're afraid it'll get back to Jordan. If only they knew how little I've been telling him the entire time, maybe I could get a little more out of them. Sam knew but she's gone now because I didn't save her, and that sucks, but it's just another person I have to avenge to get through the game. So very obviously, Jordan is winning immunity this round. A trivia competition based on Pacific Islands was fucking made for him, I'd be shocked, horrified, and a little concerned if someone were able to beat him other than Billy, or Monty himself. Jordan's plan is to send Sara to exile, have me use my idol, and then vote the two of us and David on someone, and if they vote for me, I'm safe, and if they vote for David, we force the revote because both of us are immune and David is safe a la Spencer Bledsoe's "Tasha's not going" moment. It's a cute plan. Puts all the ducks in a row. Just one little thing I'd like to bring up. When the FUCK did MY idol become something for YOU to strategize with? This is not some communal shit, like a grab bag of power. I didn't see my vote getting doubled with either of your pearls. I haven't seen any idols played on anyone other than yourself. This is not some "What's mine is mine but what's yours is OURS" bullshit. So what I would LIKE to do would be to team up with Steffen, Andrew, and Sam B for the vote and get David Robb out. I have a power move for it in mind that's gonna take a lot to pull off because there are a lot of moving pieces. I would like to work with all three of them for this vote but I need to make sure they don't get it in their heads to 3-2-1 me out. I'm already opening up conversation with Sam and Andrew before anything else happens with the immunity comp, and Steffen and I have talked semi-regularly, so ideally they'll include me in their plans to target David, instead of me coming to them. I think I'll leak the entire plan to them, tell them everything Jordan wants, ESPECIALLY the part about me playing my idol, so it doesn't even get into their heads that I'm on the menu as a voting option. Then on the revote, if it goes down the way I hope it will, I flip and vote out David. Because I'm not playing for 4th on Jordan's team, and I'm not playing to be the first person Steffen's team targets if Jordan wins another immunity after this. And I'm sure as FUCK not playing to have my possessions be communal property. There will have to be a long conversation with Jordan about all this after the fact, about how everything can still work, me him and Sara to the end, we still have two idols, we can work with this, I'm sorry I just felt like I was being left completely out of the loop on this last vote, the target happened in PMs with David, the decision to play both pearls happened without me, and unnecessarily, I felt like I wasn't being heard and I wasn't going to be replaced. Which is highkey true, like that has been a genuine fear the last day and a half or so, but it's secondary to the main stance. No one. No one. Decides how my idol is being played except me. Thanks. From Jordan's perspective, this can still work, we still have our three players with two idols between us, David had to go eventually, why not tonight. From Steffen's perspective, I took out someone on Jordan's team and there's a chance for a light at the end of the tunnel now, in some way. My juggling act is going to implode on me sooner rather than later and I'm going to have to pick up the pieces. But hopefully that time is not tonight.
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So basically last vote, Sam B didnt do what i  wanted and that caused me to go with the devil Jordan Pines, but thats okay, im going to try and vote out Andrew tonight but literally things are so topsy turby anyone can go its all up to the survivor gods
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I don't know who I can trust in this game. But I know for sure it is not Jordan Pines. Therefore I can't trust anyone associated with him either. That includes David and Drew. Both of them are claiming that the other one is closer to Jordan when it all honesty, I think that is such a tight trio, there is nothing I could do to stop it. I'm just so tired of Jordan controlling this game. With his fucking idols and powers and omg do not even get me started on this immunity challenge. Trivia with someone who was on 5/7 of the seasons being quizzed. That's the most rigged thing I have ever heard in my entire life. Especially this late in the game AND with the answers not being found on the wikia. I'm so pissed about it. I will probably be going home tonight. I would rather go home through staying true to myself, than to flip on one of my allies to stay on Jordan's good side. I learned from the Sam g blindside: being on his good side doesnt mean shit. If he gets to the end, there is no way I am voting for him. And whoever does vote for him, 100% cancelled. He is just. Ugh I don't want to be mean so I'll move on. So I am voting for David  tonight along with andrew and hopefully steffen. I think itll tie and then on the revote go to rocks, which is scary. But if its me that Jordan's side is voting for, I should be safe. That would make it rocks between andrew and steffen, which would be so hard to watch. But I don't think I have any other options. I got into an argument with Drew just a few minutes ago so if he votes for me, I would get that. I just would rather stand up for myself and play my own game, than to let jordan fucking pines control me. And to everyone wanting to work with him (for him): Fuck you.
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idk why the whole fucking world and their dogs wanna work with Jordan
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It was supposed to be me tonight. Idk it still might be. But I brought up the idea of breaking up Sam B and Steffen. And I guess Jordan wants that. Sam B says to not give Jordan what he wants. And I'm not. I'm doing what I want. I want that duo split. I want to advance without fucking up game relationships. I'm sorry Sam. I love you so much. But this is my game.
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Dear Diary, Everyone here are messy hoes, Im over it and them and Jordan can go make out with the abominable snowman for all I care. Like first I have to hear Jordan is threatening Sam B, Sam G was voted out, and now Jordan wins immunity, saves sara and now everything has gone to crap, Drew can’t be trusted worth beans and David is a messy bitch and Jordan well, indifferent towards him at this point, so now Im on call with a crying Sam and I could give 2 shits about anyone left in this game, Im on fits end for who I vote for cause literally this group of people are disgusting except Sam B and Andrew, Also shout out to Sam G, a true hunt
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cielospeaks · 6 years
gremlinshipping for another meme bc gosh dangit im thirsty
- How do they fall asleep? Wake up? Any daily rituals?
moz either is super peaceful in his sleep or moves absolutely everywhere. and sleeps in a hammock at least sometimes (during s2), so i think its safe to say even if were on opposite sides of the room by the morning hed have moved over to cuddle/fart or something (probably both). id say hair brushing is probably a daily ritual for both of us, weve both got enough that needs to be looked after, maybe brush each others hair? thats cute af
- How’s their team work? Do they share well?
hmmmmmmmm idk? i bet wed do some rad af violin duets >:3 but were probably decent ish at it? i feel like in a lot of ways our personalities balance each other, hes more impulsive and worries about things less, i tend to try and consider all the options and am more neutral personality wise
- Are they open about their relationship? How do they feel about public displays of affection?
moz is very open about it, hes the type to loudly announce to everyone (even ppl hes flirting w) that im dating him, much to my flusteredness. as far as pda he totally does, tho its less intimate kissing and body touching and more like sneaking up from behind, shouting “nya” and tackling me or just doing weird cat things in public to mess w me/flirt. plot twist i love it and smile and laugh whenever he does it
- First impression of each other? Was it love at first sight?
idk what moz’s thoughts would be, i like to think hed at least not hate my company? my first thoughts are “wait, thats mozart? hes... well hes kinda cute i guess.....” but thats mostly me being tsun tsun, as ive said before everyone in this dang show is exactly my type
- Nicknames? Pet names? Any in-jokes?
idk i call him motes usually, sometimes wolfie, and occasionally his full ass name when i need to scold him? sweetheart is kinda my catch all pet name? but ill also call him (affectionately) fart gremlin, piss goblin, ect. he calls me “lil tiger” and it just gets me so flustered. i mean as far as in jokes definitely tigers in general
- Any tasks that are always left to one person?
idk? he kinda stinks at cooking, at least cooking sweets so id probably do that myself, tho id let him help if he insists on doing so. id probably help him w things he is reluctant to do but try and urge him to actually do it rather than getting out of it
- What annoys them the most about their partner? Would they change it if they could?
honestly? i dont really think at least i have anything that annoys me about him? like i wish hed be more sensitive to others’ feelings but im not going to “change” him, just remind him when i can sorta thing, and try to talk through the situation
- What do the like best about their partner?
gosh.... where do i even start? hes cute af, gorgeous physically, has the cutest long eyelashes, his hair is beautiful, hes stylish but also a fashion disaster, his eye and hair color are so pretty together, hes got a really sweet and fun personality, so down to earth and no bullshit, i love his crude sense of humor- gosh im just rambling. i think my favorite thing is his confidence tho? it makes me feel like i can do anything
- Do they discuss big issues? Religion? Marriage? Children? Death?
idk i dont really think those would be big issues, the biggest issue would probably be the emotional and mental states of both of us. hes already lived through all of those things, and i dont have strong feelings about them soooo
- Who drives? Cooks? Does the handiwork? Cleans? Pays the bills? Handles the public?
neither of us drive, i dont and he cant be trusted to |D i feel like hed be decent at handiwork when it concerns him, im kinda good at figuring out how to make things work but not really for the long term, moz is kinda good at cleaning when hes having fun w it, i wouldnt mind doing it w him, itd be fun. lol bills are definitely me ^^; and he handles public better but i want to get better at it so i get him to help me w it
- Do they celebrate holidays? Anniversaries?
probably ^^; i feel like wed be really silly and celebrate a “kinkiversarry” when i first confessed to liking the tiger cage thing lol. of course birthdays are a big thing too, wed probably have a fun time celebrating holidays together too
- Is there a wedding? What was the proposal like? Any kind of honeymoon?
gosh..... gremlinshipping wedding would be an event(tm) the whole thing would be wild from start to finish. i feel like the only way i could see a gremlinshipping wedding going down if its the most comedy disaster thing ever, its totally staged for some kinda ridiculous complicated reason, moz proposes with a plastic minions ring from an arcade prize, even tho its a fake wedding we both get too into it and call out our teams like a sporting event, mari is the flower girl and has an awesome time too, someone probably hires the priest to dress up like a jojo character (pucci?) im screaming
- What do they do for fun? Do they have a favorite activity or do they like to switch things up?
probably just spending time together. moz could be interested in like anything tbh and im more than happy to join him in it. if its my call usually walking around in a public place, or if im more worn out staying home and cuddling while reading or watching tv or something
- Anything they both dread?
probably what will happen in the far future... my headcanon is that the loids dont age, so while the humans around them grow up theyre still the same physical age as when they were created, and they get really frustrated over it. but thats just a headcanon
- How adventurous are they?
moz is very adventurous due to his kinda yolo nature, and it inspires me to be the same. tho im a little more likely to be like “aaaaaaa moz... i dont think we should parkour from this....” and hes like “wha? noooo of course its ok! watch!” and hecking does it but then slips right at the end of it, cue me rushing over w a first aid kit
- Do they keep secrets? Lie? Cheat?
oh gosh all of season 1 my self insert did..... tho moz probably is pretty understanding, hes still a little sad and feels a little betrayed but hes rational enough to understand the reasons, and eventually things get back to being steady, this time more honestly
- What would make them break up? Would it be permanent?
probably to protect each other? idk how permanent it would be, probably not bc im very thirsty and he wouldnt want to lose loved ones again
- What are their dates like? How long do/did they date? Do they ever feel the need to take a break from each other?
i guess sometimes? usually due to my self inserts work in the start of season 2, but by the mari ep were back on track! dates are rlly nice, usually nothing too outlandish but us spending time in each others company and enjoying each other being there
- What do they fight about? What are their arguments like? How do they make up?
fights idk.... possibly about worrying about each others’ bad habits? arguments are probably a little sparse bc were both stubborn, and end w one of us just leaving and sitting outside (or in the living room during the winter, schuu just looks over like so done =~= “....you two just make up already”) and then when we do its lots of gentle hugs, and understanding compromises. still in the living room. schuu is just like “hello? roomless guy trying to sleep here. cant you move your makeouts somewhere else?” i want my bestie to sass me and my gremlin bf)
- What does their home look like? Their room
well idk we live in otowakan, so in separate rooms obvs lol. my self insert has a room in otowakan that i actually pay for bc whyyyyynot, idk otowakan and moz’s room are basically like in canon- the mansion itself is loud and a little messy but its a very nice home filled with very wonderful people. my room id say is first floor probably? has a nice view of the garden, and inside its probably kinda like my room irl? i have a bed tho (maybe? by season 2?) and also a spare futon, probably a few bookshelves of manga and music books, ukulele and violin, probably i hold onto some of moz’s things in season 2
- Do they share any interests or hobbies?
well obviously music lol. and mozart tbh. im like “i love mozart!” moz is like “same here, of course.” we both like shitty jokes too. i feel like a lot of our likes would rub off on each other, id like going exploring the town w moz, and hed try to draw after seeing me do it (hed probably just do a shitty picture of boobs)
- Does their work ever interfere with the relationship?
haha kinda? im the sort of person who also uses work as an excuse to avoid my feelings ^^; but i try not to let it, if cho can get moz to figure out skype or phones he probably would call me a lot
- How do they hug? Kiss? Tease? Flirt? Comfort?
hugs are very tight and sometimes we pick each other up and twirl around like a hecking movie. kissing would be very nice. moz would probably have really teasing passionate kisses, but also very gentle. moz is more flirty, his goal is to get me as flustered as possible w as many dirty jokes and bad pick up lines as possible. comfort is something, i try my best w moz and he does w me, hes really empathetic which is very nice, so when its clear somethings off he does his best to comfort, sometimes messing w me to try and break the ice
- Any doubts about the relationship?
gosh yes... im always second guessing like “im nowhere near as good as the people in his life before.... i dont deserve him...” but i feel like if i confront him w that hed reply that the people he cared about before are so important and irreplaceable, but that doesnt mean he doesnt like me now
- How much time do they spend together? Do they share their feelings, or hold things in?
id say usually share feelings, most all the time, hes the sort of person who can convey them and i would want to do the same. gosh as much time as i can spend w him pls.
- How do their friends feel about their relationship? Their families?
welp my best friend is also in other universes (the same? idk?) in a ship w him, same w ana, id say in universes where gremlinshipping is a thing both of them are supportive, wonderful lovely friends. the rest of the loids id think would be pretty supportive, or at least not oppose? im pretty sure my mom ships me w moz lol ;w;
- Do they have kids? Grow old together? Split up?
we have a giant minions plush that we call our child does that count
- What are their vacations like?
vacations kinda depend... im extra enough to try and get us tickets on a shinkansen or even out of the country (wed probably have to do like a private thing w arkhe bc i think itd be hard to have a passport for him), but even a local vacation is really fun.
- How do the handle disasters or emergencies? Minor injuries? Sickness?
gosh sick fics......... my dude. id say were both a bit of a mess w sickness/injury/emergency, very protective of each other too
- Could they manage a long distance relationship?
idk possibly? were both needy enough wed show up at each others’ places w a rose in our teeth like “bae i needed to see u”
- Do they finish each other’s sentences? Pick up any phrases or habits from each other? Know when the other is hiding something?
lmao we would but not with what actually finishes it. like its just silly shit. i picked up the habit of wearing bracelets from him bc they remind me of him. i feel like id be very bad at hiding things to him
- Do they ever get into trouble? Is it serious, or are they just mischievous?
gosh thats like the whole..... not super sfw side of our relationship, moz getting in trouble and acting all coy about it. its mostly all mischievous
- What kind of presents do they get each other? Do they only do it on special occasions?
i feel like id get moz a lot of small presents bc they reminded me of him, or matching stuff for the two of us. moz gets me things, but he usually makes someone else pay for it, so i tell him he doesnt have to
- Do they have any pets?
we probably would have our hands full looking after hasshie and whatever other animals of otowakan there are. but moz likes bugs and cats, and both of us like ducks and chickens (i like to think schuu likes ducks too)
- Do they bring out the best in each other, or the worst? Do they have a fatal flaw?
id say the best? moz is able to get me to relax and be proud of my accomplishments and im able to get him to utilize his empathy more, and try to break unhealthy habits that he had before
- What’s their greatest strength as a couple? Their weakness?
- How much would they be willing to sacrifice for the other? Any lines they refuse to cross?
- What are they like in the bedroom? Any kinks/fetishes/turn-ons? Anything they won’t do?
yoo sit down bc im about to get detailed w this. im rlly cinnamon roll on the streets but dom af in the sheets, and nowhere moreso than w this lovely boy. he lets me do all my fantasy stuff to him but at the same time im very gentle? at least i make sure hes ok w everything and that hes enjoying himself too, and after were done im sure to give him the care he deserves
- Who initiated the relationship? Who kissed who first?  When did they realize they were in love?
i guess my hugging moz in that one fic kinda started the feelings both of us have? idk when we would start the actual relationship? moz would kiss me first for sure, i probably realized i loved moz sometime around maybe at the latest ep 12-15ish? i actually think itd be cute if i saw him playing violin in the session of genius and thats when i was like “...shit i want to date this pink nightmare” but considering that theres a dirty fic taking place after ep 17 id say probably before then? maybe moz in the excitement of ep 12 when he gets back to otowakan heckin proposes dating to me, and in the heat of the moment i agree?
- Any special memories? Do they have a special place they like to go to?
- Are they party-goers? What are they like when they’re drunk? Does it happen often?
i feel like im a very happy/gushy/warm drunk but ive only ever been buzzed, and i think thats as far as id go, moz has a ton of different stages of drunkenness id imagine, its not super often but it does happen and i like to stay sober so i can consciously experience drunkzart
- Do they let each other get away with things that would normally bother them?
gosh yes....
- Do they talk often? What about?
- Are the comfortable with each other? Anything they have to have their privacy for?
- Any special dreams or goals they have as a couple? Any heartbreaks? Regrets?
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surveystodestressme · 6 years
5000 Question Survey Pt. 29
2701. What does ‘equal’ mean?
everyone is treated the same with the same rights, etc.
2702. Do you believe in the phrase 'all men are created equal’?
in theory
What about woman?
well i wish they were but they aren’t
2703. Have all persons been specifically 'created’?
uh huh
2704. Are all persons exactly equal?
they aren’t
2705. Or do they just have equal rights (in theory)?
they should be
2706. Does art reflect society or does society reflect art?
a little bit of both i think but mostly society reflects art
2707. Are you living under a little black rain cloud or a ray of sunshine?
right now a little more of a rain cloud but i’m working on it
2708. What do you wonder about?
how my life is going to end up in the next year or so
2709. What is better..being single and free or being in love and responsible to another person?
being in love and responsible.
2710. What vitamins do you take?
2711. In checkers..red or black?
2712. Is The Crow a great movie?
i don’t think i have seen it
2713. Do you wear all black frequently?
not really
2714. Do you ever call yourself a poet, artist, or musician?
Has your writing been published, your art been hung in a gallery or your band been signed?
i’ve had one of my art pieces hung in a gallery before
Does it matter?
nahhh, not to me at least
2715. When insects get into your house, do you kill them or catch them and take them outside or leave them alone and let them live with you?
depends on the insect.  if it is a stink bug or a ladybug i will kill it on the spot.  but if it’s something else that i can easily catch then i will let it outside
2716. Name at least one person who’s birthday is in:
Jan.- chandlyre
Feb.- rebecca
Mar.- idk
Apr.- kelci, katie
May- cayenne, denise, dashae, nic
June- megan
July- jackson
Aug.- jher
Sept- my mother, mariann
Oct- brenda, rick
Nov- corben, andy
Dec- my father
2717. Which would you consider to be a worse criminal:
a pedophile or a necrophile?
What if it was between a pedophile, a necrophile and a murderer?
2718. Do we start to die the day we are born or start to live the day we die?
i mean, both honestly
2719. Have you ever called your mom or dad a four letter word?
uhhhh, shit? lol probably
2720. Do you believe america should go to war with iraq?
2721. Agree or disagree? (Bold is agree)
“There is too much concern in courts for the rights of criminals.”
“Abortion should be legal.”
“The death penalty should be abolished.”
“Marijuana should be legalized.”
“It is important to have laws prohibiting homosexual relationships.”
“The federal government should do more to control the sale of handguns.”
“Racial discrimination is no longer a major problem in America.”
“Wealthy people should pay a larger share of taxes than they do now.”
“Colleges should prohibit racist/sexist speech on campus.”
“Same-sex couples should have the right to legal marital status.”
“Affirmative action in college admissions should be abolished.”
“The activities of married women are best confined to the home and family.”
“People should not obey laws which violate their personal values.”
“Federal military spending should be increased.”
“Realistically, an individual can do little to bring about changes in our society.”
Why did you agree or disagree to that last statement?
i disagree because it can take one person to make changed in society they just have to be very adamant about it
2722. Let’s say that after you die you become a spirit and you join all the other spirits. Not all of them have lived. You are talking to some who have never lived about how you HAVE lived. One of the spirits who has never lived says they think they will travel to earth in a human body soon and live. They ask you what three things on Earth should I be sure not to miss? You say…
1. making great friends
2. being as happy as possible
3. travel the world
2723. What kind of ass is the sexiest (flat, round, tight, hard, meaty, juicy, small, big, stacked, packed, petite, barely there, curvy, muscular, etc.)?
all asses are sexy
2724. Is there something beautiful and special about everyone?
i think so
If yes is there something beautiful and special about Hitler?
probably before he was a huge dick
How about Bin Laden?
not all evil people start out awful.  like i said he could’ve been an alright person before
2725. Have you ever moshed?
If yes to what bands?
If no then would you ever?
probably not lol i’m sure i’d get my ass knocked over or punched in the face or something
2726. Do you like sushi?
heck yeah
2727. What mood are you in?
pretty bored and tired.
What does your mood depend on?
what i’m doing, how the day has gone, etc.
What depends on your mood?
2728. wHAT IS faith?
believing in someone/something.
what is common sense?
knowing how simple things work
Do you have either or both of them?
2729. Is perfection or imperfection more beautiful?
both are in their own way
2730. Would you think a person doing the following things has a healthy or unhealthy level of insanity?
gives the finger while driving? i mean.. i do that lol so idk
tells their life story to people they just met? i mean i don’t think that’s unhealthy, maybe they just like to talk about themselves
walks up to people and tried to convert them to a religion? unhealthy
says blah? why would that make you insane????
2731. Do you think this is a great line of poetry:
“Journey with me into the mind of a maniac. Doomed to be a killer since I came out the nut sac”
Why or why not?
2732. Do you think that song lyrics are poems with music?
i guess that’s a way to think of it
2733. In cases of rape which do you think is more of a crime:
a stranger rapes a girl
a girl’s boyfriend rapes her?
they are the same level of terrible.
2734. Did you know that in the USA it is considered to be LESS of a crime if a rapist knows the victim (because it is 'less of a crime’ the rapist gets a less severe punishment)?
Do you agree or disagree and why?
i completely disagree.  i feel like it should be MORE of a crime because the victim (usually) trusts the person and doesn’t expect them to do that to them.  it’s bullshit.  rape is fucking rape.  no matter who rapes who.  man rapes woman or woman rapes man.  whether they be strangers, lovers, friends, family members, etc.  RAPE IS RAPE AND IT IS A HUGE FUCKING CRIME NO MATTER WHO THE RAPIST IS TO THE VICTIM.
2735. In the USA a few weeks ago a guy had beaten up and raped his girlfriend, for which he got 70 days of community service. He had been found guilty, got a year and a half of jail, BUT can you guess why his sentence was reduced to mere community service?
He had a steady job. That’s right. He was found less guilty, because he had a long-term steady job.
How does this make you feel?
that’s fucking bullshit and makes me really fucking mad.  i swear the justice system is so fucked.
2736. Does the character limit of notes or entries annoy you more?
the undertaker
2738. Have you ever been trapped in an elevator?
2739. What is more important, tact or honesty?
it depends
2740. Do you have a mentor? Who?
2741. If you like guys:
would you rather have a 'bad’ guy (motorcycles, smokes, drinks, etc) or a 'good’ guy (family, domesticated, nice guy)? i want a mix of both.
Would you rather have a virgin or a more experienced guy? i wouldn’t care either way honestly.
If you like girls:
Would you rather have a virgin or a more experienced girl? ^^^^^
would you rather have a 'bad’ girl (motorcycles, smokes, drinks, etc) or a 'good’ girl (family, domesticated, nice girl)? ^^^
2742. Do you feel nervous in crowds?
usually, yeah
2743. Did you write a real entry today?
What about?
Was it your best writing?  -
2744. If you were making a 'best of’ entry about your BEST entries ever what would be your top 5 best entries?
2745. Do you like to play the lottery?
i’ve bought lottery tickets but never played in the actual lottery
2746. Guess what?
2747. Why did you choose to live one more day?
i’m doing okay
2748. What is the most beautiful myth you have ever read/heard?
2749. Have you ever been stood up?
2750. Finish the following sentences any way you want.
It’s always darkest before.. the sun comes up?
Never underestimate the power of.. women?
Don’t bite the hand that.. feeds you
A miss is as good as a..the person who possesses it?
If you lie down with dogs, you.. get fleas
Love all, trust.. no one
The pen is mightier than.. the pencil
An idle mind is.. ?
Where there is smoke, there’s.. fire
Happy is the bride who.. ?
Two is company, three’s.. a crowd
None are so blind as.. mice?
You get out of something what you.. put in
When the blind lead the blind.. ?
Laugh and the whole world laughs with you. Cry and.. the whole world cries with you...?
2751. What’s the most interesting assignment you ever had in school?
i got to do a research paper on a subject that was actually very interesting and important to me
2752. What’s the most interesting thing you ever had to do for work?
nothing about my job is interesting lol
2753. Do you feel:
unable to evoke change?
like one person can’t change the world?
like one life and one person’s suffering doesn’t mean very much?
If you answered yes to any of those can you describe why in detail?
kind of
2754. Do you feel like you could contribute as much to society as ____ has?
Albert Einstein:
Abe Lincoln:
Franz Kafka:
Jesus Christ:
2755. Are you aware that your brain is the same size as Albert Einstein’s brain?
Do you realize that you have the same number of hours in a day as Abraham Lincoln?
Did you know that Franz Kafka wrote all of his amazing literature during his lunch breaks at work?
sounds nice
Did you know that we are all made of matter and that you are made of the Same Thing that Jesus was made of?
uh huh
Do you still believe that you couldn’t contribute as much to society as they did?
If yes than WHY?
2756. Is your mind in the gutter?
2757. What do you have to complain about?
lots of things
2758. Do you remember rock n’ roll radio?
2759. Is there such a thing as a food that you burn more calories from digesting than you actually absorb from it?
i doubt it
2760. Hey, if you’ve gotten this far than you and me go way back. We’ve been hanging out for a while now and I gotta know..do you like me?
you’re alright, i guess
2761. What are you doing, Dave?
who the fuck is dave
2762. As far as love goes do you feel it is better to become complete before looking for someone or find someone who completes you?
i think it’s a good thing to be complete before you meet someone because it should not be someone else’s job to complete you.
2763. What attracts you about the opposite sex (or same sex, or both sexes)?
they way they act, their personality, humor
2764. Do you need people or do you not need anyone?
a bit of both.
2765. Is selfishness always bad?
sometimes it’s okay to be selfiesh
Is selflessness always good?
not always
2766. Do you feel like your life is being controlled by a power structure?
2767. Can you name three things in society that send the message that being completely yourself and that looking inside yourself and contemplating what’s within is a good thing?
not at the moment
2768. Can you name three things in society that send the message that materialism and the accumulation of stuff is a good thing?
2769. What is more important, a picture or its frame?
the picture.
What is more important, spirituality or religion?
2770. How many definitions can you come up with for the word 'fuck’?
quite a few
2771. Is it less offensive when a black person says Nigger than when a white person says it?
well, i’m not black so i don’t feel like i can really have an opinion on that
Why or why not?
2772. Do you rationalize often?
i guess.
2773. Do you believe that america is an imperialist nation?
2774. Would you agree that:
hot topic is the new abercrombie?
pink is the new black:
you are the new you? sure
2775. Do you have more internet or real life friends?
real life friends.
2776. What IS the feeding of 5000?
2777. What’s an easy way to make money?
2778. What’s your favorite slang word and what does it mean?
2779. Are you uncomfortable?
2780. Is anything definite besides death and taxes?
lots of things
2781. Would you rather live fast and die young or live slow and die old?
live slow die old lol.
2782. Can you name 4 people who have committed crimes against humanity?
How do you think they live with themselves?
2783. If you could imagine, pure fantasy, any God you could concieve, how would you want God to be?
perfect, all loving
2784. do you think the smashing pumpkins have a strong christian theme?
i doubt it
2785. Do you think this survey has a strong christian theme?
just religious in general not necessarily christain
2786. Fill in the blank for yourself"
Give me ____ or give me death!
2787. Have you ever heard of the USA patriotism act?
Apparently they have passed laws making torture legal.
Also the FBI can sneak and peek into ANYONE’S home. They don’t have to ask or even tell you they were there. This is already the law. So, whaddaya think?
we’re fucked basically
2788. The people in power step all over the average citizen, trying to secure all the power and money for themselves and leave us with no rights and under their control. They have the audacity to do this because they know that we will not lift a finger to stop them. Are they right?
2789. The Free State Project is a plan in which 20,000 or more liberty-oriented people will move to a single state of the U.S. to secure there a free society. They will accomplish this by first reforming state law, opting out of federal mandates, and finally negotiating directly with the federal government for appropriate political autonomy. They want to be a community of freedom-loving individuals and families, and want to create a shining example of liberty for the rest of the nation and the world. What’s your opinion? Could this work? Why or why not?
2790. Have you ever seen the Neverending Stroy?
Remember when Bastian has to prove his worth by looking in that mirror where you see yourself the way you really are with no pretenses, rationalizations or mental lying?
Could you stand yourself if you looked into that mirror?
2791. What is soilent green?
2792. What are you proud that you have never done?
killed someone
2793. What things are hopeless?
murderers and papists and criminals in general
2794. What Are People For?
good question
2795. What book do you feel could change someone’s life?
idk, everyone has different tastes.
2796. Didja ever want to just walk up to the Bush administration and ask them, 'What the fuck?’
2797. How do you take your coffeee?
sugar and milk
2798. Have you ever played:
paintball? yep
lazer tag? yes.
which is better? laser tag,definitely
2799. In what ways are you lucky?
just everything i’ve had in my life so far.
2800. If Jesse Jackson wants reparations to be given to black people because he thinks that black people don’t have equal opportunities in this country than why does he drive a Jaguar?
idk dude.
0 notes