#evan if the wilds are takeing over ...
couldneverhurtusnow · 4 months
[chemistry] it's not a word that actors [use]. but you must endeavor a little bit to try and fall in love, in whatever that capacity is. and andrew is a very easy person to fall in love with. he's kind, generous, talented. we shot the film at the perfect junction in our friendship where there was a lot we didn't know about each other, but there was mutual admiration and respect. and a similar sense of humor. (...) yeah, it felt fizzy when we were acting. especially with that first scene at the door -- it's so well-written. you feel like you're dancing through the scene, you can go in loads of different ways, and if i went one way, andrew would go another. if that's what chemistry is, i was aware it was happening.
-- paul on chemistry and whether ‘they (andrew & paul) knew instantly that their onscreen relationship was working’ in all of us strangers, screendaily.com (1/31/24)
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orbitfalls · 5 months
Regulus likes to write with his headphones on, noise cancellation on, no music. when he does listen to music, it's with a really crusty old pair of wired headphones (i'm projecting) because the stores don't sell wired ones anymore and he refuses to buy airpods.
Pandora listens to the last thing you would've ever expected upon looking at her, some sort of aggressive instrumental hiphop, Phonk Walker or something like that. She always manages to hum along anyway.
Barty listens to crappy pop music with zero shame, blasted on his massive ass sticker-covered soundbox whenever they're cleaning the dorm. The more you complain the worse it gets. (also, number one britney spears fan). got into måneskin before eurovision and never misses an excuse to rub it in dorcas' face.
Evan listens to classical music, volume high enough for it to be outright absurd. he knows too much about the artist and WILL infodump morbid stories about them when it's least expected. will get into the wildest shit, running from the police with ridiculously loud classical playing in his headphones and barty grinning and panting next to him (they're sharing the music, barty has Zero clue what they're listening to but he shamelessly pretends he does)
Dorcas is a pop/softrock girlie and gives the Best music recs. she will FIGHT for that music control on a roadtrip (and win, she's the only one who can get a hold of barty lol). she likes tina turner and some whitney houston and fleetwood mac. discovered måneskin via eurovision and is so unbothered by barty teasing her for it. her fav album is il ballo della vita.
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(RLLY sillay that this blog that started it all is at the bottom if my blogs . of course)
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bbbuckaroo · 17 days
Can I just make sure everyone noticed that Buck was getting an OVERNIGHT BAG, specifically a toiletry bag, ready in the locker room and solely by seeing that Bobby knew he was going to see Tommy? Not a date that he was getting gussied up for with the plan to return to his own place - an overnight. So he’d still have plenty of time to go to Tommy’s after talking to Eddie and not have not cancel which I’ve seen theorized. They’ll just make up for lost time in the morning 😏
I’m feeling a drabble coming from this. Oh damn, here we go.
By the time Buck got to Tommy’s it was pushing eleven. The text to Tommy about stopping by Eddie’s to drop something off and check-in wasn’t questioned, Tommy telling him to take his time and that he wasn’t going anywhere.
Wasn’t going anywhere. Those words resonated deep in Buck’s being, especially because, despite everything still being new, Buck believed him.
He opened the back door quietly with the key Tommy kept under the creepy gnome (“no one’s going to mess with him Evan.”), toeing off his shoes. The light over the oven had been left on, just enough to see the post-it on the orange countertop.
Pasta in the fridge for you, 45 seconds on high. ♡ T
Buck smiled, following the instructions to thoroughly enjoy the amazing bolognese which he’d thank Tommy for with breakfast in the morning. He was prepared for Tommy to tell him it wasn’t necessary and then he would shush a kiss and a, “well you’re getting it anyway.”
He quietly washed the container in the sink, placing it up on the drying rack before picking his bag back up and tip-toeing down the hallway. Making sure to shut the door before turning on the light, he pulled his toothbrush out, leaving his other toiletries by the shower. He used Tommy’s toothpaste, hesitating as to where to put his toothbrush. He put it back in his bag, for now.
Buck tugged on some shorts and a t-shirt, folding his other clothes up and carrying them down the rest of the hall. Tommy’s door was open a crack, enough to hear the white noise playing. Tommy told him early on that he couldn’t and never had slept in silence and Buck had no objections.
He placed his clothes on the dresser, sneaking around the bed to see an extra charger plugged in already. After he connected his phone he turned his attention to the large body-shaped lump on the other side. Not wanting to be like that chick from Paranormal Activity, he slipped into bed. Tommy was turned away from him, his broad shoulders rising and falling in sleep. Despite being disappointed in missing him awake that night, neither had to be up early. The thought had Buck doubting if he’d even be able to sleep with how much he was looking forward to it.
He didn’t want to disturb his boyfriend, his chest bursting with warmth at the word, he wondered if it ever wouldn’t. He hoped it didn’t. He slid his six foot plus frame under the covers as gracefully as he could but he quickly realized he shouldn’t have bothered. The moment his weight settled into the bed, there was a wave of dark, wild hair and miles of muscle washing over him.
Tommy’s arm went tight around his waist, his face finding the small of Buck’s neck like it had never left. Tommy’s nose bumped under his jaw, “hey you.” His voice was low and raspy, sending another kind of warmth through his body at the sound.
Buck replied quietly, “didn’t mean to wake you.”
Tommy shook his head, “wanted to when you got here.” He didn’t ask what time it was or pry for details, solely asking, “everything okay?”
Buck’s arm went around his shoulders, rubbing gently at Tommy’s back, “as it can be. Eddie’s, well …”
“Don’t have to tell me anything, s’between you two.” The consideration and trust Tommy had had Buck pressing a kiss to his forehead. Tommy hummed happily, fingers slipping just under the hem of Buck’s shirt but not venturing further. A couple quiet moments passed before Buck spoke.
“Bobby saw my bag and asked if I was coming to see you.” Tommy smiled against his neck.
“Nothing gets by that man does it?!”
Buck laughed, “nope.” He paused, fingers wandering into Tommy’s still damp hair. “Told me that you were good people. And that you were good for me.”
Tommy’s head rose, sleepy eyes meeting Buck’s as he replied, “he might have missed something there.”
Buck’s brows furrowed, Tommy leaning in to bump their noses together, “we’re good for each other.”
Buck beamed, happily returning the gentle kiss Tommy gifted him. It didn’t go past that, Tommy sneaking in one more before tucking himself back into him.
“Goodnight Evan.”
“Night Tommy.”
The morning brought more kisses, these a bit more leading than the ones the night before but still slow, sweet, waking Buck up from the inside out as their bodies reacquainted themselves eagerly. They did have time to make up for after all. Later, after Tommy brushed his damp hair back and kissed him again he told Buck he’d meet him in the kitchen when he was ready.
Buck’s parting words were, watching his brick house of a man slip out the door, “don’t you dare cook breakfast for me Kinard.”
An amused laugh, “no promises.” Buck rose soon there after, stretching with the delicious popping of his joints. He tugged on the clothes he had mysteriously lost upon waking, padding into the bathroom. Imagine his surprise when he found his toothbrush had moved.
Right next to Tommy’s.
Of note, I know that the firefighters bring a big backpack/duffel for their shifts but I wasn’t specific enough in saying that I think what Bobby noticed most was a toiletry bag (I tried to confirm it was what Buck had in his hands but couldn’t). Assuming they keep their toiletries there, as we’ve seen in multiple episodes, I’m guessing this is what Bobby noticed and said, hmm? Otherwise he wouldn’t have said anything. Or it’s just showbiz 😝
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chxrryhansen · 4 months
౨ৎ˚₊✩‧₊ Cherry’s Cevans One Shot Rec List
here you will find all of my favourite chris evans + characters fanfiction recommendations, i have many more to add and will continue to update this list. Please don’t forget to reblog these amazing writers fics as they deserve so much love!💘💘
Walk On The Wild Side - @hansensgirl
you just wanted to go for a stroll down the road—but he wants you to take a walk on the wild side. (Dark!Chris Evans)
You Better Not Pout, Better Not Cry - @hansensgirl
they know if you’ve been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake. (Dark!Multi character) - i would add every single one of her fics to this list if i could💘
Sinful Devotion - @evansbby
Lloyd promises to let you go, but he demands a depraved repayment. (In other words, Lloyd pops your cherry)- my favourite writer in the whole universe💘
Smothered With Bliss - @whereireid
Is it hard being married to the most influential man in America? You most certainly think it is. — Steve Rogers: Captain America, the heart of his nation, the soul of his country. After returning home from a particularly bad day at work, Steve finally snaps, deciding you need re-educating on how to be the perfect housewife.
The Night - @misshoneybee
Working as the Barber family's nanny is a piece of cake, but what happens when the dad you've been tip-toeing around all year comes home late one night to find you asleep in his bed, wearing his favorite sweater?
Little Miss Red - @anika-ann
Ransom’s looking for a good time tonight, when you walk through the door, he knows he’ll get it. And you? Oh you’ll get it too. He's going to make sure of it.
Unholy Errand - @buckets-and-trees
You're caught in the crosshairs when a hit goes out for your boss. (Dark!Lloyd Hansen + Dark! God The Bounty Hunter + Ransom Drysdale)
What A Shirt Can Tell - @justalonelyslytherin
5+2 times Colin asked 'Is that my shirt?' plus the one time he got asked it. Aka a look through the journey of Colin and his girl, each in which his shirts play an important role.
Start Again - @wkemeup
A chemical spill, uncontrollable desires rushed to the surface, an unbridled need, and the consequences in the aftermath (Steve Rogers)
Daddy’s Little Pet - @sinner-as-saint
You and Steve are the epitome of ‘opposites attract’. He is the American hero, a super soldier who is known for his bravery, and righteousness and for being the one leading the Avengers. You, on the other hand, are a well-known fashion designer in the city. Creator and owner of your own brand, and elite boutique. At first glance, it doesn’t seem like you and Steve would be compatible. But you surprisingly are. And behind closed doors, in secrecy – you two are each other’s solace, each other’s definition of home. He’s your strong, loving and caring man. And you, his lovely, little pet whom he adores more than life itself.
Good Girls And Skype Calls - @youre-deadangel
chris gives you a treat for behaving.
Afternoon Delight - @christowhore
you're steve's live-in housekeeper and find your boss and his friends having a bbq on a heatwave stricken afternoon. they invite you to join them and show you all the pleasurable ways to cool down from the sun. (SoftDark!Steve Rogers + Sam Wilson + Bucky Barnes)
Got You - @hispeculiartreasure
The two of you had grown close over the last year; first as teammates, then as friends. You had been distant at the start, just as he had. Slowly, agonizingly - blood, sweat, and tears were definitely involved - walls were dismantled. A current of trust ran between you, one which caught Steve by surprise. As dense as he could be about matters of the heart, suspicions of his blossoming romantic feelings being mutual had proven true with a simple kiss. (Sex Pollen, Steve Rogers)
Golden Boy - @bucksfucks
you’ve always called steve the golden boy, but he snaps one night and decides to show you he’s anything but. (Roommate!Steve Rogers)
It Must Be That Old Evil Spirit - @vonalyn
There’s something unsettling about his demeanor but you can’t quite put your finger on it. As if there’s something hiding beneath the surface just waiting to pry its way out of the tight shirt across his broad frame and tear your throat out. Maybe it’s your general unease around others when you’re traveling alone, or maybe it’s just him.  (Jack-O-Lantern!Ari Levinson)
Stupid Kitty - @onsunnyside
Your father wrongfully entrusted Lloyd to care for you—it’s too bad he’ll never get you back. (Lloyd Hansen x Cat-Hybrid!Reader)
Manners- Or Lack Of Them - @rogerswifesblog
Ransom wants you, the sweet girl at the bar…but you’re not what he expected you to be. (Sub!Ransom Drysdale + Mommy!Reader)
Shadow Boxer - @mypoisonedvine
you’re stuck in the same destructive cycle with ransom, but maybe you don’t want to get out of it. (Angst + Smut, Ransom Drysdale)
It’s Not A Challenge - @gagmebucky
His jaw ticks. “It’s not a challenge, doll,” he bites out. “It’s a warning. If I tried to get inside you, I’d split you in half in the process.” His eyes flicker down, and your nipples are pebbles against the thin, easily-rippable fabric—you’re testing him, and he’s failing. “Goddamn it,” he hisses underneath his breath. “That - that shouldn’t turn you on.” Bristling, he drops his hand and pedals backward—he’s on his last thread, and it’s his sole chance to make a clear-headed decision. (Boxer!Steve Rogers)
Pretty Princess - @frostironfudge
Andy Barber gets jealous when he presumes you shared a room with one of his associates.
Over And Over - @frostironfudge
Ari Levinson is a possessive man, he'll punish you till you apologise.
Such A Good Boy - @lilacevans
You and Ari attend a business meeting, and at the beginning the other boss you're meeting with just assumes that Ari is the one in charge; however, that's not the case. While you look dainty, angelic, like you couldn't even hurt a fly, you're the one who runs the family and will not hesitate to fuck up anyone who stands in your way. (Puppy!Ari Levinson) - one of my favourite fics EVER.💘
Breathe - @buckyownsmylife
The one where the new co-star is obsessed with the idea of making Chris hers, but he makes sure to show her you’re the only one for him.
Justified - @dbnightingale24
Ransom has always been the center of your world you’ve always been the center of his. However, when he can’t change his ways and you’re tired of the heartbreak, is it really so bad if you think it’s best to walk away? Ransom thinks so. - one of the sweetest most talented writers i have ever met💘
My, My, My - @1800jjbarnes
Stevie couldn't help it. Every time he saw you, he felt himself grow heavy in his slacks. You were everything he needed. And he needed you now.
All The Time - @geminixevans-stan
He is one of the most powerful men on earth but there’s more worse than him (Dark!Lloyd Hansen + Dark!Nick Fowler)
Snack - @katherineswritingsblog
he just wants his snack- which is you.
Watchful Eyes - @espinosaurusrexex
When your best friend gets you a new job, cleaning the apartment of the most successful man in New York City, you don't hesitate to accept. The pay is more than good, and the man himself is better than any eye candy you have ever seen. Unbeknownst to you, you've caught his attention just as much. Steve can't keep his mind off you, so much so, that he drives everyone around him insane with his grumpiness when you aren't around. It seems like he has to take matters into his own hands when he realizes, you're too shy to take things further yourself. (CEO!Steve Rogers)
Cherry On Top - @dcllbows
you’ve found your favorite way to help your daddy with his grownup work. (Ddlg, Daddy!Andy Barber)
Voracious - @arilevinsons
The first time he set eyes on you; you were his sudden infatuation. (DarkProfessor!Ari Levinson)
Best Friend’s Dad - @imyourbratzdoll
you've been pining over your best friend's dad and decide to take your chance, knowing he's out and your best friend is asleep, you be a little bit naughty and touch yourself on his bed, not knowing he's coming home early.
The Breeding Ground - @fl0werfae
To others, Ari’s house was a breeding ground for him and his omega, but to him it was just fulfilling her purpose of carrying his pups. (Alpha!Ari Levinson)
My Sweet Pea - @mavsstar
Mr. Levinson lives right next door to you, the sweet, innocent college girl. Little do you know that you're Mr. Levinson's favorite neighbor. He's there every chance you need the slightest of help, maybe a little too much. (Trailer Park Au)
Like A Movie Scene In The Sweetest Dream - @worksby-d
Johnny’s always been on your “no” list, but you've finally agreed to work with him. (Pornstar!Johnny Storm)
Easy As Pie - @navybrat817
You bake pies for Andy, but you're still his favorite treat.
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queerbuckleys · 1 month
CAN I GO WHERE YOU GO? 920 words | bucktommy | 7x06 coda a/n: look it me! i wrote something :P just a soft little thing that i couldn't stop thinking about <3 idek how long it has been since i published something episode related lol so be kind and gentle if you please<3 title is kinda just what fit best lol, enjoy!
Buck twirls his niece around as music plays quietly over a speaker, barely loud enough to hear over the quiet chatter. He swings her up and deposits her next to her newly-wed parents, and they look perfect. Buck remembers the reception of her first wedding, his cheeks didn’t hurt from smiling then, they do now, and by the looks of it so do Maddie’s. 
“You might want to–” she points toward the chair in the corner that holds his beast of a boyfriend, a bottled water coming dangerously close to slipping from his exhaustion-induced slack grip. 
“I should get him home, the adrenaline has worn off. I love you both so much, and you,” he ruffles Jee’s hair and leans in for a group hug, placing a kiss in his sister's hair. If he thinks too hard about everything he might cry, so he leaves unsaid and squeezes her tight hoping she understands. 
He takes the water bottle from Tommy’s hands and stands between his legs, gently cupping his cheek, “Hey, you are exhausted, let’s get you home. I’ll drive you.” 
And Tommy looks up at him through his eyelashes– how had Buck not noticed those before now? 
“You don’t have to– you should stay here. I’m sure Maddie–” 
“What she wants is for me to get you home safely, and visiting hours are almost over anyway.”
He can see Tommy trying to come up with a rebuttal, his mouth opening and closing as he tries to say something and then gives up.
Buck grabs Tommy’s turnout coat from the back of the chair, folding it over his arm and taking Tommy’s hand in his. 
“Congratulations again you two,” Tommy says as enthusiastically as he can before they turn toward the door.
Buck is awkwardly sitting at a table in the common area of Harbor. It feels weird to be in another station without his reason for being there within sight. Tommy had assured him that it was okay for him to sit, and if anyone gave him trouble to tell them that he was there with him. 
“Buckley! What are you doing here?” a familiar voice nearly makes him jump out of his seat. 
“Lu-Lucy! Hi.” 
She stands behind the chair across from him, leaning on her elbows on the top of the chair. And she actually waits for him to answer. 
“I-I’m waiting for Tommy. Had to swing by to drop off his turnouts and get his bag.”
Her brow crinkles a little and she cocks her head, “his shift ended hours ago?” 
“He uhhh, he came to Maddie and Chimney’s wedding. He’s pretty exhausted so I’m driving him home.” 
“He went to a wedding after that fire? In his turnouts?”
“It was at the hospital, wild story really. And I asked him to be there, so he was.” he blushes a little as he watches her do a little math. 
“Donato! Are you bullying Evan?” Buck can hear the smile on Tommy’s lips as he feels his hand land on his shoulder. He looks up at his boyfriend, and Tommy leans down, giving him a light kiss on his cheek. He looks a little brighter after rinsing off in the station showers and changing back into his Henley. 
“I was wondering why you had table privileges,” she smiles. “So, Chim finally got hitched huh, tell him and Maddie congrats for me.”
“Will do,” Buck smiles at her, and she walks away toward what he assumes is the snack cabinet. “Let’s get out of here and you into bed huh?” 
“You read my mind.” 
There’s a stillness in the car as they sit in Tommy’s driveway. 
“Evan, come inside. You’ve had a long stressful day too.” 
It’s like Tommy is inside his head, he doesn’t want to be alone tonight, not when he didn’t have to be. 
“And if the texts you sent me last night are any indication, you also did it all while hungover which I’m sure wasn’t all that pleasant. And, besides, you still owe me at least one dance.” 
“You are practically falling asleep sitting up and you want to dance?” 
“It’s what I was promised.” 
TOmmy reaches over the console between them, turning Buck’s face toward him, leans in and kisses him in earnest. Not quite as intense as their greeting earlier and not as gentle as their first. “Just come inside please,” he says just above a whisper against his lips. 
Buck takes in Tommy’s little house, it’s cozy with some of its years showing. 
“You can move past the entryway Evan. Just take your shoes off.” 
“Oh,” he replies softly, barely having noticed that he was slightly frozen. He toes off his shoes.
“C’mere,” Tommy holds out his hand, a song that Buck doesn’t know the name of softly drifting from the speakers. He lands in his boyfriend’s arms and it feels like it’s exactly where he is supposed to be. One hand on his neck, the other clasped together in Tommy’s, his other hand resting on his waist. It’s mostly quiet as they sway in the middle of the small living room. 
“You know, I never really got the whole hot firefighter thing until I saw you walk through those doors?” 
“You really are adorable.” Tommy smiles.
“Thank you for today. It means a lot that you did really try your damndest and succeeded.” He says earnestly. 
“Of course. It was important to you.” 
And Buck can’t help but kiss him for that, and he does, because he can. 
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nobody7102 · 9 months
Not What He's Made For
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Spoilers for Season 6, Episode 11
Pairing: Evan "Buck" Buckley x Reader
Warnings: Angst, mentions of pregnancy and lost pregnancy
A/N: First fic in a while, it had to be for my baby Buck. This was inspired by Billie
Main Master-List
Standing at the window watching as everyone gathers in his room. Buck swallows hard, seeing himself laying in the hospital bed hooked up to the ventilator, his jaw clenches with anger, an anger that no matter how hard he tries, he can't wake himself up.
Its as if the universe is playing some sick joke on him. He already talked to Daniel and the alternate version of Bobby, what more does the universe want him to learn?
Banging against the glass window “I’M HERE!” He yells over and over as the crew of the 118 slowly file out of the room. Leaving just three.
Maddie, Bobby, and Y/N,
He watches as they sit and make small talk, sometimes discussing things that the doctors and nurses have told them about Buck’s current status. After about an hour a nurse stops in to have Maddie look over some paperwork as his closest next of kin, being that their parents are still hours away from arriving at the hospital. Leaving just Bobby and Y/N.
If there ever where someone who hid their troubles well, it was Y/N.
Always seeming fine and calm in tense or hard situations as her fears screamed inside of her.
When Y/N joined the LAFD most of her previous houses would say thats what made Y/N such a good firefighter, but if you asked Y/N she would always say it was her fear that runs her life. 
And when Y/N joined the 118, Bobby was the only captain who could read through her facade. 
After a call where Y/N had to crawl through a collapsed building a year after she joined the 118, Bobby found her having an anxiety attack in her hospital room after the 118 had visited her after she was found in the rubble. Other time Bobby had learned to tell when Y/N was too in her head about anything.
And when Buck and Y/N had started to turn their situationship into an actual relationship Bobby helped Y/N learn how to navigate her fears when it came to seeing a fellow first responder, and he taught Buck how to help Y/N navigate her anxieties.
And slowly over time, Buck and Y/N became each other’s persons. They had been though so much together, from being almost drowned by a tusnami, being shot at, crawling out of a sinkhole, to fighting wild fires down in Texas, and now this.
A lightning strike. Something so beautiful yet as much as Y/N would normally have admired their beauty, right now she loathed the beauty of plasma.
The one shift she took off and now Buck’s life hangs in the balance.
Placing a hand on Y/N’s shoulder, Y/N turns her head away from Bobby to quickly wipe away her tears. “Comon Y/N… what’s going though your head?” Bobby prys gently.
Letting out a sigh Y/N shakes her head, finally turning to face Bobby. “Did Buck tell you we had a fight-” she correcters herself “or rather that we’ve been fighting…” 
Bobby shrugs slightly “He mention you two were bickering but he didn’t say over what” he takes a seat next to Y/N.
“...The fights… the bickering, whatever you wanna call it… its part of the reason why I asked for this shift off…” 
Bobby nodded his head as he listened “I get it, come back with a clear approach to everything after giving each other some space… what have you been fighting about if you don’t mind me asking”
“...Buck….. Buck thinks I don’t wanna be with him anyone…. That I’m getting tired of him, and I kept trying to tell him… show him that it isn’t the case” Y/N glances over to Buck.
“Okay… then what’s the other reason you asked for this shift off?” Bobby raised his brow. 
Blowing out a breath, Y/N shakes her head.
“If you let it sit, it’s gonna fester into something more. We both know that” Bobby sits back in the chair and crosses his arms, waiting for Y/N to talk.
She knows he’s right, if she avoids talking its just gonna sit in the back of her mind and eventually come back to bite her in the ass later. 
“...If I tell you this… no one else can know, you have to swear to me Bobby. No one… not Athena or Maddie or Eddie or Buck, no one.” She turns to Bobby.
“Y/N, if its serius enough you know Buck-”
“Bobby.” Y/N pleads “He can’t know” 
Bobby lets out a sigh, stuck between a rock and a hard place, he eventually nods his head “It stays between us, I promise” 
Slowly nodding her head, Y/N takes a deep breath and looks back at Buck one last time before she turns back to Bobby.
“... Buck and I have been fighting because he thinks I’m pulling away from him… this has been going on for the past week and a half” Y/N glances down to the floor as she continues “and I mean maybe I was a little bit like three days ago but it’s not for the reason’s Buck thinks” 
Starting to pick at the loose threads of her hoodie, Y/N shakes her head and blows out a breath before glancing to the doorway of Buck’s hospital room, making sure no one other than Bobby is around to hear her before she speaks.
“... a little over two weeks ago… I found out I was pregnant” Y/N sees the shock on Bobby’s face and cuts him off before he has the chance to speak “I was gonna tell you, I swear… but anytime we were on shift it was slow, we didnt end up doing anything super dangerous… and I wanted to tell Buck before I told anyone else”
Bobby’s gaze softens as he sees Y/N close her eyes and lean back in the chair as she takes a breath before continues. “If…. If I was pulling away, it’s because I was trying to figure out how to tell Buck” He sees how Y/N keeps her eyes to the floor as she talks, a tear starts to roll down her cheek before she brings her hand up to wipe it away. “Becuase its Buck. We all know he’d make a great dad, and a great dad deserves to be told in a great way… because Buck is worth taking extra steps to plan for so I ordered this little onesie and all these balloons and a cake to surprise him… and I know he would have loved it” Bobby can hear the passion in her voice before Y/N goes quiet for a moment to compose herself before she clears her thought.
“But then… four days ago I went to the ER because I was having some cramps and light spotting… I asked my doctor about and she said it was normal” Y/N shakes her head “But I could tell… something wasn’t-” Y/N stops herself, taking a moment before she swallows hard. “And… that’s when I learned that I lost the pregnancy…” She shrugs as she tries to maintain was little composer she has left.
“They don’t know what happened… in the ER they told me that things like this just happen sometimes…” Y/N’s voice tightnes she brings her hand up to cover her face for a moment as she tries to take a few deep breaths.
“So… for the last few days… yeah I was pulling away because I had all this stuff planned and I had to figure out what to do with it now because-” her voice breaks “It was all for nothing” her shoulders shake as Bobby wraps his arms around Y/N, letting her cry on his shoulder as he glances between her and Buck with pity and sadness in his eyes. 
“Y/N” He starts once she’s a bit more calmed down “This isn’t something you can hide from Buck”
Y/N just continues to shake her head “I can’t Bobby, I’ve tried-” 
“No I mean it” Y/N cuts him off her voice wavers a little bit “I have tried to tell him at every opportunity but i can’t… everytime i try i choke everytime.”
Pulling away from Bobby, Y/N sniffles and wipes her eyes before she glances to Buck “...I think it’d just make it worse, make it hurt more if I told him…” Y/N mumbles “he’s not made for sadness Bobby… Buck thrives on the happiness and joy… love and happiness and passion run his life… something like this?” she just stares at Buck laying in the hospital bed and the tears start to roll down her cheeks once more “it’s not was he’s made for…”
Staring at Y/N and Bobby, Buck bangs his fist against the glass one last time before he stops banging, his hand growing sore as he rests his head against the glass, his tears matching Y/N’s as all he can do it watch…
Hoping that this isn’t his forever.
Tagging: @beachbabey @t-nd-rfoot
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buckttommy · 1 month
and if i said i was thinking about bucktommy body worship what then.
i just. we know tommy worships the hell out of buck's body. gets him naked and then takes his sloooow, sweet time mapping out every inch of him. but god. god. buck gets that man naked in his sheets and commits his life for the next hour to learning every molecule that makes tommy kinard who he is. he starts with his face (his favorite part of him, actually). and kisses his forehead, his nose, his eyelids, his cheeks, his mouth, that cleft in his chin he goes so crazy for and then kisses a little lower. kisses the bolt of his jaw on both sides and kisses his way across his neck like a necklace. kisses lower still—clavicle, shoulders, arms, pectorals, nipples. now, i have a headcanon that tommy has sensitive nipples, because why not, so this is the point where his cock goes from kinda interested to pretty damn eager.
and he gets his hand in buck's hair to try to tug him up to his mouth (and buck goes, happily!) but then he goes right back to kissing and licking his way down tommy's body. abdomen, dips his tongue in his navel cos he likes the noise his boyfriend makes when he does and goes lower. hips, left thigh, right thigh. tommy is breathing heavily, chest heaving, his dick hard and leaking onto his stomach. despite what people might think when they look at him, tommy is not above begging. and so he begs for buck to do something ("evan, evan, come on, baby, please") and buck gets his mouth on him. kisses the head of his cock, kisses his way down the shaft to his balls, just feeling him, tasting him. and it's so much but it's not enough and tommy feels like he's going crazy. because then buck keeps going. moves his mouth from his cock altogether and goes back to worshipping his body —his old-man knees tommy always complains about, down to his shins, his ankles, his feet.
and like. tommy has never been this turned on in his life, which is saying a lot. so buck climbs back up his body and kisses him again. tells him to turn over (which he does) and then goes right back to it. and the pressure against his cock feels so good, feels amazing actually, after having been turned on and teased for what's gotta be almost an hour at this point. so tommy's giving these little thrusts into the mattress as buck kisses his way down his spine, bites at his hips, sucks hickeys into the swell of his ass cheeks. and tommy's like, near tears because it feels good, right, but it's also just... overwhelming. he's never been studied like this before. no one's ever cared to be this tender with him. he's had some good boyfriends, but.. no one's evan buckley, tbh, and at some point buck realizes that tommy is overwhelmed because he stops and raises his head and climbs up his body again and lays beside him and is like "hey" and tommy's like "hi" and there are tears staining the pillow but he's not sobbing, they're just falling. and buck is like "i love you" and tommy is like "yeah" because he loves him too and is really just too overwhelmed to give more than one-word answers or nods and buck smiles a little because he knows it.
and then he gets him to roll over onto his back because he wants to see his face when he... i was going to say when he fucks him, but this is just straight up making love at this point. they are making love and it's beautiful and intense the way neither of them can run from each other's eyes, the way neither of them want to, and tommy comes so hard it honestly shocks him a little because they've had good sex before —like. really good sex —but this was something entirely different. this was being cherished on what feels like a molecular level and that's kind of wild to him. anyway. buck comes almost immediately after him and flops down beside him and kisses him softly while their cocks soften, and no other words are spoken because no other words are needed and. yeah. yeah. bucktommy body worship
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buddie-buddie · 2 months
you'll find that you were never not mine
5.1k - explicit - buck x tommy - read on ao3
In his thirty two trips around the sun, Buck has done plenty of things he’s proud of. He’s run headfirst into burning buildings. He’s saved lives. He’s reunited with his sister and survived being crushed by a ladder truck and been named the legal guardian of the coolest kid in the world. 
He’s felt pride before. But never like this. 
This is different. It’s intoxicating and addicting and everything Buck never realized he could have. Everything Buck never realized he deserved. Not until now. 
Not until Tommy. 
The swell of pride behind his ribs, the warmth flooding his chest and beating through his body, it isn’t foreign, not entirely. But he’s never felt it all quite like this. It’s never consumed him like this. It’s never been so heady, so dizzying, so absolutely electrifying. He wants to bottle it up and carry it around in his pocket and take hits from it when no one is looking.
It’s a high he’d gladly spend the rest of his life chasing, if he could only be so lucky. 
Never before has he felt so alive, so proud and worthy and good. There’s a deep, intoxicating pleasure to it, tiny bursts of ecstasy skittering across his skin and dancing up his spine as he looks down at Tommy. 
Tommy, who’s lying beneath him, with his eyes sparkling and a wild, sated grin stretching across his face. His chest heaves as he catches his breath, his heart hammering beneath kiss-bitten, come-covered skin. He has one hand still fisted in the sheets, the other splayed across Buck’s chest. 
“C’mere,” Tommy says, voice rough and heavy. He sounds absolutely destroyed. And that alone sends sparks flying across Buck’s skin, electricity crackling behind his chest as he realizes it was because of him. He did that. 
The pride flares in his chest as he lets Tommy pull him in for a filthy, open-mouthed kiss. 
“S’that good?” Buck mumbles against Tommy’s mouth. 
Tommy pulls back, just enough to give Buck a look of absolute bewilderment. “Was that good?” he echoes, eyes wide. “I haven’t come that hard in–– I don’t even know. I–Yeah,” he says, huffing out an incredulous laugh. “Yeah, Evan. It was good.”
Buck’s breath catches in his throat, pride swelling in his chest as Tommy’s praise sets him ablaze. As does the way he calls him Evan. A name Buck usually hated now makes warmth bloom behind his ribs when it falls from Tommy’s lips. 
Buck can always hear the smile behind it, can feel the fondness as it settles over him, grounding him in a way that still feels just as exciting as the very first time.  
Buck just…. well, he never corrected him. He’s usually pretty quick to ask people to call him Buck, but for some reason he never did when it came to Tommy. Buck used to think that his nickname was reserved for the people who know him, but then along came Tommy with his sparkly eyes and his adorable nose scrunches and his kind heart and his fingers beneath Buck’s chin and well– Buck is starting to think maybe Tommy knows him better than he thinks. 
It was only a month ago that Tommy had kissed him and his world exploded. Everything was suddenly a little bit brighter, a little bit warmer. Nothing had changed, per se, and yet everything was better. So much better. 
It reminds Buck of that part in the Wizard of Oz when Dorothy steps into technicolor. When the sepia tones disappear and there’s nothing but bright, beautiful color. It’s not that Buck’s life before this was bad. It was just… sepia toned. And now that he’s had a taste of technicolor, he can’t believe he ever lived without it. 
He’d be lying if he said part of him doesn’t mourn the fact that it took him three decades to get here. But now that he’s arrived? Well, he’s making up for lost time. 
Tommy pulls Buck back in for another kiss, this one softer and sweeter than the one before it. And yet, it still sends the same zip of pleasure up Buck’s spine, the same rush of desire thrumming beneath his skin. 
Initially, Buck thought that the night Tommy kissed him for the first time was the moment when all the pieces clicked into place. But he was quick to realize that wasn’t the case at all. It wasn’t all the pieces that night, not really. More like it was the edges of the puzzle, the corner pieces that guide the rest of the journey. It was the moment when you press the edges together and have a real perimeter, and for the first time, it all feels possible. It was the realization that something will come of all the jumbled up pieces scattered in front of you. Something real. Something beautiful. 
And the more time he spends with Tommy, the more the pieces fall into place. 
A few days after their coffee date, Tommy had taken him for a flying lesson– the first of many, he had promised. The flying was fun, not to mention how hot it was having a front-row seat to watch Tommy in his element, this time with permission to stare. But the best part of the day was when they left the airstrip and Tommy reached down and took Buck’s hand in his. 
They walked to Tommy’s car hand in hand, and Buck didn’t miss the way his mind quieted the second Tommy’s fingers intertwined with his own. Being with Tommy settled something deep inside of Buck, it eased his mind and quieted the noise he hadn’t realized had once been so loud– not until Tommy smiled at him and suddenly, everything wasn’t so loud anymore. Everything wasn’t so hard anymore.  
Buck likes being with Tommy. He likes the weight of Tommy’s hand in his and the brush of his stubble against his chin. He likes the feel of Tommy’s lips on his and the way his skin sparks each time they touch. He likes being on the receiving end of raised eyebrows and nose scrunches and a quiet, fond, “Evan.” He likes it all. 
Never before has Buck been in a relationship where he’s felt so good and settled and safe. Which isn’t to say he felt unsafe with any of his exes. It’s just…. it’s different with Tommy. Buck feels safe to explore, safe to not know things, safe to not be the guy with the answers all the time. Safe to figure out who he is, what he wants, what he likes. Safe to just be.
He feels safe with Tommy. Proud, too. God, he’s so fucking proud to be with Tommy. 
He still has hard days— occupational hazard, and all. But even when his days are hard, they’re still good. Any day with Tommy is good. 
Today, though? Today is the best of them all. 
Today, Buck has Tommy in his bed. Laid out beneath him like a fucking god, looking like he’s been cut from marble and sent from the heavens just for Buck. He’s perfect, so perfect, with his kiss-swollen lips and lust-blown eyes and bruises starting to bloom beneath the trail of dark hair leading down his chest. 
Buck swears he’s dreaming. It would make it the longest, most vivid dream he’s ever had, but it’s the only explanation. There’s no way a human being can feel this good– there’s just no fucking way. He must have the flu– or maybe that nasty virus Eddie had mentioned was going around Christopher’s class– and his temperature’s climbed so high that he’s started hallucinating. There’s just no way this is real life. 
It’s not like Buck is a stranger to sex. Kind of the opposite, actually. He’s had his fair share of it, all of which was blown clear out of the water the first time Tommy got his hands on him. It’s not that it was necessarily bad with any of his exes. Sex with Tommy is just… better. Much like everything else with Tommy is revealing itself to be. 
At first, Buck thought it was the newness of it all. Like there was a honeymoon phase of sorts, something that would vanish the next time he found himself lucky enough to be in bed with Tommy. He wondered if it would pop suddenly like a balloon that’s floated too high, or if it would slowly ebb away like the tide from the shore, gone before he realized it was. Or maybe it would melt like the wings of Icarus from flying too close to the bright, dazzling radiance that is Tommy Kinard, and he’d come crashing down, cushioned only by the memories of what they once had. 
Except it didn’t. It didn’t pop, didn’t ebb. It hasn’t melted, or vanished, or even dimmed for so much as a fleeting moment. It’s been a month since the first time they got their hands on each other, and it’s still just as electric, just as intoxicating. 
In fact, it’s only gotten better. 
Granted, the first time was a rush of hungry kisses and frantic grinding and come-stained jeans against the door of Buck’s loft. So really, it was only up from there. 
The second time, Tommy got his mouth on Buck and Buck swore he was next in line to meet Jesus. There was the time that Tommy had jerked them off together, both of them in one hand, as if that wasn’t the single hottest thing Buck had ever experienced. And the time Tommy blew him in the shower and then stood up and stripped his own cock until he came on Buck’s abs with a shout. And then there was today. Today happened to be the first time Buck got Tommy off all by himself, and it was… transformative. 
Buck has never, in all his life, known pride quite like he has today. 
Earlier, they had stumbled into Buck’s loft after dinner at his favorite place around the corner, barely through the door before they were on each other, swapping heavy, frenzied kisses.
“Upstairs,” Buck had breathed, punctuating his request with a kiss. “Please.”
“So polite,” Tommy hummed, and Buck could feel his lips stretching into a grin beneath his. He followed Buck up the stairs, their fingers laced together the entire time. Buck dropped backwards onto the mattress, fisting his hands in the lapels of Tommy’s jacket and pulling him down with him. 
They made out for a while, grinding and rutting against each other fully clothed like teenagers, rather than two thirty-something men with all the time and space and freedom to take each other apart properly. 
Tommy pulled away just long enough to tug off his jacket and toss it on the floor behind him. Buck whined at the momentary loss of touch, chasing after it with an arch of his back that had Tommy swearing beneath his breath before diving back in and kissing Buck again. 
“You need to use your words, baby,” Tommy said between kisses, his voice low and breathy in a way that had heat zipping up Buck’s spine. Tommy’s mouth trailed a line of hot kisses across Buck’s jaw and down his neck, nosing at his pulse point and relishing in the way doing so made Buck’s breath catch in his throat. The pet name lit him up, made him feel warm and sparkly all over, like live wires were crackling beneath his skin and setting him on fire in the very best way. 
It was exhilarating and absolutely intoxicating, and Buck wanted to live the rest of his life feeling this happy, this floaty, this good. 
“Please,” Buck’s voice was hoarse, thick with lust and desire as he pushed the word out past the arousal climbing up his throat and threatening to consume him. 
Tommy’s warm breath ghosted across the shell of Buck’s ear as he all but purred, “That’s it. Tell me what you want.” 
“I–” Buck froze for a minute, suddenly unable to form words. He didn’t know where to begin. 
He wanted it all, whatever Tommy would give him. Whatever he could be so lucky to have before this beautiful, delicate bubble popped and the magic disappeared and sepia tones began to bleed into technicolor and the jig was up. Because really, it all felt just a little too good to be true. 
“A-Anything. Whatever you want.”
Tommy made a tsk sound under his breath, but there was no malice behind it, no shame. Instead, just warmth and patience and a fond, familiar sparkle in his blue eyes that made Buck’s chest ache. “Evan,” he had said, his thumb ghosting over Buck’s birthmark before coming to bracket his temple. It was a gesture so simple yet so intimate, it nearly split Buck in two. “What do you want?”
Buck stopped for a beat, letting Tommy’s words settle over him. He felt the fondness behind them all the way in his bones, and something about that made him feel whole, made him feel seen. The words were out before Buck could stop them. “I want to be good for you.”
“You are,” Tommy assured him without so much as a second’s hesitation. He stole another kiss. “You’re perfect.”
Buck’s instinct was to duck away from the praise that settled over him like a balm, soothing the rapidly-fraying edges of his sanity and warming him from the inside out. But Tommy didn’t let him. His fingers hooked beneath Buck’s chin, tilting it back up until their eyes met and Tommy said, “None of that.” His voice was so warm, so gentle and fond and soft, it made Buck’s chest ache. “You can have what you want,” Tommy told him. “Just gotta ask for it.”
Buck’s breath stuttered, his heart hammering against his chest. “I wanna get you off,” he said, barely recognizing the heady rasp in his voice. “Want to take care of you. Make you feel as good as you make me feel.”
Tommy’s eyes were wild as he bit back a groan, as he closed the distance between their lips and kissed Buck for all he’s worth. Without breaking the kiss, he sat back, pulling Buck with him. He tapped Buck’s thigh, humming in appreciation as Buck got the memo and slung a knee over Tommy’s thighs. He settled in Tommy’s lap with a slow, experimental roll of his hips that had both of them seeing stars and struggling to catch their breath. 
Buck loved this, he fucking loved it, being manhandled like this. Tommy’s hands are big and strong and Buck’s never felt better than when they’re on him. He loved that Tommy could take him, that he can hold him and move him however he pleases. It sent a rush of heat dancing across his skin, lust and desire pooling in his belly.
“You’re so good,” Tommy told him, and the words danced up Buck’s spine, heat licking at his skin as he felt a flush creep up his neck. “The best boy.” 
Holy fuck. Tommy knew exactly what he needed to hear, exactly what to say to drive Buck past the point of crazy and all the way to borderline hysteria. Buck whined against Tommy’s lips, rocking his hips as his fingers dug into Tommy’s waist. 
Tommy’s fingers pushed up beneath the hem of Buck’s shirt, splaying out across the warm skin of his lower back. Buck arched his back in a silent invitation, one Tommy accepted instantly, tugging Buck’s shirt over his head and tossing it onto the floor before doing the same to his own. He dropped back against the pillows, looking up at Buck with a happy, hungry grin. Tommy’s hands settled on Buck’s hips just as Buck rolled them again, grinding down on Tommy’s lap before dropping down to his forearms, bracketed on either side of Tommy’s head as he kissed him again. 
“Fuck,” Tommy panted into Buck’s mouth. He rocked up against Buck, his grip on him tightening as his eyes raked over him with a look that could only be described as insatiable. “Look at you.” Tommy’s voice was low, thick with arousal and something that sounded a lot like awe. 
Buck blushed, heat rushing up his neck and burning in his cheeks as he dipped his chin, dropping his gaze with a shy smile. “Hey,” Tommy said gently. It was just one word, but it was unmistakably fond, so much so that it left Buck swallowing past a lump in his throat and pushing down a rush of emotion. Tommy’s fingers were beneath Buck’s chin again, tipping it up gently until their eyes met. “No hiding,” Tommy whispered.
Buck found himself relaxing almost instantly, shyness fading away as he held Tommy’s gaze. Buck’s mind instantly quieted as he stared up at bright, piercing blue that was somehow still soft and kind, gentle in a way that made Buck feel warm and safe. Tommy’s eyes are flanked in tiny, nearly invisible tan lines, courtesy of the way his skin crinkles when he smiles. The lines are barely visible, but Buck already knows them by heart. He’s kissed them and traced them and seen them when he closes his own eyes, in those heavy, floaty moments right before he falls asleep. 
He sees Tommy’s eyes in his dreams, and in the ones when he’s awake, too. He loves the way they sparkle, the mischievous glint behind them that only Buck seems to earn. He could lose himself in them, could drown in the warm, wild, cerulean seas that set his heart on fire and his mind at ease. What a way to go.
Tommy smiled, leaned in and kissed him. It grew heavy quickly, breaking only when Tommy pulled back to draw in a shaky breath. “How d’you want me?”
Jesus Christ. 
Buck’s throat ran dry, clicking as he swallowed and let Tommy’s words hang in the air between them. He placed a hand on Tommy’s broad chest, his fingers splaying out across the smooth skin shrouded in a smattering of dark hair. Tommy’s eyes flitted between Buck’s eyes and his hand, a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth, his eyebrows raising as Buck pushed him back until his head hit the pillows. 
“Just like this,” Buck said. He took a deep breath, shaky on the exhale as he looked down at Tommy laid out beneath him, drinking in every inch of him, melting into every point of contact where their skin met. Eagerness and a sudden, unwelcome flare of uncertainty burned in his gut, a killer combination that had Buck’s head swimming and his breath catching as he swallowed nervously. “Tell me if I— if it’s not—”
“I will,” Tommy assured him, his hands skating up and down Buck’s flank reassuringly. “Won’t need to, though, cause you’ve got this.” He tipped his chin up, meeting Buck in a kiss that was slow and gentle and instantly chased away the waves of self-doubt rising in Buck’s throat. 
Buck nodded, brushing his thumb over the apple of Tommy’s cheek before trailing his fingers down, his touch ghosting over the heat of his neck and the soft, dark hair on his chest. He got to work on Tommy’s belt, despite the way his hands were trembling with some combination of anticipation and restraint. 
Tommy noticed, because of course he did. It’s what he does. He notices things. Because he’s so tuned into everything Buck does, every breath he takes. His hands left the spot where they’d settled on Buck’s shoulders in favor of covering Buck’s own, curling his fingers around Buck’s. 
Buck opened his mouth to apologize, but Tommy must’ve picked up on that too, because he was leaning forward and kissing him again before Buck had the chance to get the word out. Buck– though, really, it was the self-doubt monster inside him rearing its ugly head– half expected Tommy to nudge Buck’s hands out of the way and unbutton his pants himself. But he didn’t. He just let their fingers sit tangled together as he kissed Buck for a minute, slow and steady and everything Buck hadn’t realized he needed until it was happening. He didn’t rush him, didn’t brush him off, didn't make him feel anything other than good and safe and perfectly capable. 
He doesn't think he’ll ever get over it– how Tommy’s so in tune with him, how he’s able to read Buck so well. Not only does he know what it is Buck needs, but he gives it to him any time he can. Buck’s never felt seen like this before in a romantic relationship, and it’s all so much, so good, but so much. He didn’t know what to do with it other than sigh into Tommy’s kiss and pray he'd never wake up from the dream that his life has become. 
They kissed and they kissed and they kissed, and finally, Buck started moving his hands again, this time with a certainty and a deftness that wasn’t there before. He got Tommy’s jeans unbuttoned, and then he was murmuring “Up,” against his lips, urging Tommy to lift his hips enough that Buck could pull the fabric down. 
Tommy did as he was told, and Buck tossed his jeans and briefs to the floor before stealing another hungry kiss. He trailed a line of hot kisses along Tommy’s jaw, down his neck, across his chest. He had his hands on Tommy’s hips, holding him down as he licked at his nipples and Tommy all but writhed beneath him. “Evan,” he gasped, wild and desperate in a way that had Buck fucking floating. 
He sucked and nipped and kissed his way down Tommy’s chest, leaving small marks and bruises that started blooming as he made his way down, down, down. And then he was face to face with Tommy’s dick– his beautiful dick, flushed red and glistening with precome that had beaded on the tip and was starting to drip down the underside. 
The heady rush of pride and delight that came with the realization that Tommy was wet for him nearly knocked Buck over. God knows Buck himself had soaked through his fair share of boxers in the past few weeks thanks to Tommy, but having a front-row seat to the role reversal was almost too much for Buck to handle. 
He pressed a hot, wet kiss to the tip, his tongue dragging over the slit. Really, he was helpless to do anything else, having given himself over entirely to the lust simmering his veins and thrumming beneath his skin, chasing after the heady rush that came as the salty, musky, irresistible taste of Tommy exploded on his tongue and lit him up until he felt like he was high on it. 
Tommy let out a broken moan, and it was everything. Buck could gladly spend the rest of his life in this bed, coaxing that sound out of him over and over and over again. He wrapped his fingers around Tommy’s cock, relishing in the way Tommy’s breath stuttered and his eyes grew heavy. He gave an experimental stroke, focusing on twisting his wrist in the way he knew feels good when he does it to himself. He was rewarded with a punched-out sound that lay somewhere between a gasp and a groan, and then another as he did it again. 
Tommy was leaking steadily now, and Buck gathered more precome and used it to slick him up. “Oh, fuck,” Tommy panted. His voice was raspy and breathless, and it did nothing but spur Buck on even more. “Just like that, yeah, just like that.”
“Yeah?” Buck hummed, confidence building with each passing second, with each delicious sound that fell from Tommy’s lips. “You like that?” Buck asked, pleasantly surprised to hear the rasp in his own voice. He didn’t sound quite as fucked-out as Tommy did– not yet, at least– but his breath was starting to come a little more ragged, his heart starting to hammer a little harder in his chest. 
Tommy nodded, teeth digging into his bottom lip as he dropped his head back against the pillows. “Yes, yes," he practically chanted, the word punched out of him as Buck doubled down, wrapping his free hand around the base, twisting it opposite his other hand and earning himself a filthy, drawn-out moan. 
Buck’s own dick strained against his jeans, harder than he thought he'd ever been as he watched Tommy fall apart beneath his hands. His hands. He was the one doing this to him, making him feel this good. That alone was enough to have Buck teetering on the edge, his skin hot and his mind hazy.
He dipped his chin down again, pressing another kiss to the head, before running his tongue down the underside as his fingers trailed down to Tommy’s balls. 
Tommy jerked beneath him, his back arching and his hands fisting in the sheets so hard it was a miracle they didn't tear. 
“Good?” Buck asked, pulling back just enough that Tommy could hear him, but not enough that the vibrations from his voice didn't send a jolt up Tommy’s spine. 
Tommy’s toes curled and his breath stuttered as he nodded. “Good, yes, good,” he promised, his breath ragged. “Please,” he begged. For what, Buck wasn’t entirely sure. But he’d be damned if he stopped before he figured it out. “Please, baby.” 
Buck loved it, couldn’t get enough of the way Tommy– one of the calmest, coolest people he had the privilege of knowing– lost his composure like this, how he started to babble and beg, his words slurring together as he gave himself over to the ecstasy rushing through his veins and started to come undone. 
Buck kept one hand on Tommy’s cock, long languid strokes that were just shy of enough to get him off, but still enough to have him moaning and whining a litany of broken sounds beneath him. Buck took his other hand back, drinking in the strangled gasp that fell from Tommy’s lips as he watched Buck stick two of his fingers in his own mouth, licking and sucking at them as his eyes locked with Tommy’s. 
There was fire burning in Tommy’s eyes, an insatiable hunger as he watched Buck, completely transfixed. 
Buck released his fingers with a wet, filthy sound and wasted no time before slipping them between Tommy’s ass cheeks, grinning at the way Tommy absolutely whined. One of Tommy’s hands flew to Buck's shoulder in an attempt to anchor himself, the other staying where it was, twisted up in the sheets. Buck shifted his weight, keeping Tommy’s thighs locked between his knees so he didn’t arch off the bed. 
It was something Buck never could have done with any of the women he’s ever slept with— he was always very conscious of his own strength, too worried about being too much, too strong, too powerful. But not with Tommy. Tommy’s big and strong, broad and muscular just like Buck is. They’re evenly matched— even if Tommy’s hands are bigger than Buck’s, something that still makes heat pool in Buck’s belly when he thinks about it. Tommy can hold his own, can handle himself. What’s even more, Tommy can handle Buck, too.  
So Buck kept Tommy’s thighs in a vice grip, and Tommy’s breath hitched and his cock jumped in Buck’s hand, and Buck had to breathe through the wave of pure, unadulterated pride that swelled in his chest and broke over his skin. He felt like a glow stick, cracked open and glowing from the inside out for anyone to see. 
He teased Tommy’s rim with the pads of his fingers, drinking in the tiny punched-out moans and broken gasps that were falling from Tommy’s lips as he did. And then he dropped a kiss to Tommy’s jaw and pushed one finger in, enveloped by warm, slick heat up to the second knuckle. Tommy cursed, spilling over Buck’s fingers and onto his chest as his orgasm rushed over him. 
Buck was mesmerized, completely transfixed with the way Tommy’s back arched, the way his lips fell open on a silent sob, his fingers digging into Buck’s skin hard enough Buck found himself hoping they would leave bruises. Tommy’s beautiful always, but especially like that– coming undone beneath Buck’s hands, skin flushed as he rode out his orgasm with ragged breaths and tiny, uncontrollable jerks of his hips. 
Tommy blinked slowly, his smile syrupy sweet as he came back to himself and saw Buck leaning over him. He reached up and cupped Buck through his pants, grinding his palm against the bulge where his cock was straining against the front seam of the denim. 
“Good boy, let go,” Tommy practically purred, the words shooting straight through him. Buck felt like he was on fire, absolutely glowing as the praise washed over him and his orgasm built. He was helpless to stop the whine that fell from his lips, though he was so far past the point of holding back with Tommy, he didn’t even try. He still had a finger in Tommy’s ass, and when Tommy clenched around him, Buck’s vision whited out as he came with a strangled cry.
It took a minute for Buck’s brain to come back online, for him to relax into the sweet kisses Tommy was peppering across his jaw and his cheeks and his neck, to ease his finger out and take a deep, sated breath. 
“Hi,” Buck slurred after a beat, his voice heavy in a post-orgasm haze.
Tommy grinned, tugging him back in as lazy kisses turned hungry, then lazy again. Buck pulled back to catch his breath, warmth exploding behind his chest as he sat back and took in the sight of Tommy before him. And a few minutes later, when he asked, with just a hint of trepidation creeping into the edges of his voice, if it had been good, he was instantly settled by Tommy's immediate and genuine assurance.
And now, as Buck lays on Tommy’s chest, he doesn’t feel the tackiness of the come cooling between them. He doesn’t feel the wet spot in his own pants, or the faint burn in his wrist. He just feels happy. And good. And proud. 
And when, a little while later, Tommy will mumble “C’mon,” and ease Buck up to guide him to the shower, Buck will go easily, without hesitation. He’ll go anywhere Tommy asks him to, would follow Tommy anywhere he wants to go. Maybe that's how it was always destined to be. Or maybe not. But it's where they are now.
They're together, and nothing has ever made Buck feel quite as proud as that. 
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evanchantingpeters · 2 months
How I met Evan Peters (Fanfic - Part 1)
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Pairings ─ Evan Peters x Y/N (fem reader)
Genre ─ Smut/fluff, Romance
Summary ─ Y/N is fresh in East Hollywood, LA. After a major life overhaul, she’s ready to dive into a new chapter. So, when she hits the town for a night out with friends, she unexpectedly crosses paths with none other than actor Evan Peters. Y/N tries to keep her cool and act all nonchalant, but damn, Evan’s interest throws her for a loop. Their first meeting? Total tension and flirtation, hinting at an evening full of surprises.
Disclaimer ─ In Part 1 of the series, the main characters are introduced, setting the stage for the encounter of Evan and Y/N to unfold and the sexual energy between them to build up. Things get super steamy and smutty in Part 2.
Warnings (for Part 2) ─ Obscene language, semi-public, dry humping, oral (both receiving), fingering, overstimulation, handjob, nudes, handjob, nipple teasing, spanking, vaginal sex, rough sex, extra smutty—you guys know the drill :)
Word count ─ 3.8K
18+ > If you’re a minor, do NOT read!
@evanchantingpeters — All rights reserved. Please do not modify, translate, or plagiarise my content.
You step out of the shower, steam stirring around you as you wrap your hair turban-style in a towel. The anticipation of a proper night-out since you made the bold move to quit your job in Europe and pursue another life in the US tingles in your veins. It feels like forever since you’ve let loose, and tonight promises to be nothing short of epic.
Plopping down onto your bed, you grab your go-to jar of coconut body butter from the dresser. You squeeze a generous dollop onto your palm and rub your hands together. The creamy texture blends in as you work it onto your skin, leaving it smooth and oh-so-soft.
As you immerse yourself in your ritual, you hear the familiar buzz of a FaceTime call. Glancing over at your bedside table, you see “Ad💗,” your friend’s name (Adria for full) glowing on the screen. You pick up your phone, still coated in moisturiser, and her face pops up. A look of desperation is written all over her features.
“Hey, girl! What’s up?” you chirp, propping the phone on your desk to finish off your pampering session.
She lets out a dramatic groan. “Send help,” she whines, her voice tinged with panic. “I’m having a meltdown over here. I swear, I got nothing to wear.”
You can’t help but giggle at her faux-crisis. “First-world problems, brain rot,” you tease, sneaking a peek at the heap of clothes behind her. “I see you’ve got quite a selection to pick from.”
Adria pouts, swatting playfully at the camera. “Nah, these don’t count. I need everyone to be ‘she ate and left no crumbs.’ What’re going for tonight? I need some inspo!”
You chuckle sympathetically, holding the phone aloft as you pivot to show her your fit for tonight laid out on your bed. “I’m going for less is more—my thrifted mini satin dress and racing black leather jacket with my military boots and white tube socks for a touch of sass.”
She gives you a strained smile as she takes in your outfit. “Ahh, you pull off that casual vibe effortlessly, babe.”
You flip the camera back to you, shrugging nonchalantly, “I’m casual and proud!”
Adria rolls her eyes with a teasing glint. “Okay, but what about makeup? You gotta glam it up… you know the LA sparkle! That’s how we do it in East Hollywood, at least!”
You scoff, shaking your head. “Nah, I’m feeling the au naturel look. You know I suck with makeup big time—I’d probably end up looking like Pennywise.”
Rather than rehashing your “Why makeup should be banned” manifesto, you choose to dig further into the evening’s plans. “So, who else’s joining us tonight, Ad?”
She rattles off a list of names, both female and male—some known, others unknown—and you nod along. “Gotcha. I’ll be ready by 10.”
“Perf. I’ll swing by to pick you up then. Buckle up for a wild night, biyyyatch!” she exclaims, wiggling her brows at you.
You let out a choked laugh as you observe her grimacing. “Alrighty, catch you soon!”
Once you hang up, you slip into your outfit and let your hair fall loose, fluffing it up for a bit of volume. No need for fancy blowouts tonight—you’re all about that breezy, air-dried look.
With a spritz of perfume and a final check in the mirror, you grab your essentials and head out into the dazzling city lights.
As you strut into the club with your gang, the uplifting beats hit you like a wave of energy. The nostalgic tunes of early 2000’s R&B thump in your chest, urging you to groove with every step. You all weave through the sea of nightclubbers, the party mode building up inside you like a pressure cooker ready to explode.
“Let’s hit the bar!” Tommy, one of the guys and Adria’s boyfriend, shouts over Missy Elliot. You all nod in agreement, eager to keep the high spirits flowing with some booze.
You slither through more partygoers who dance erratically, all while juggling their drinks. Some move smoothly to the rhythm, while others simply jiggle around out of tune.
Neon lights flash and strobe, casting an electric glow over the bartender as he polishes a row of whiskey glasses with cool confidence. A cheeky smile plays on his lips as you hop onto an empty stool before him.
“What can I get you started?” he roars over the music, his voice cutting through the din.
“Coronas all around,” you holler, matching his tone with equal fervour. You hand him a wad of cash chipped in by everyone.
“Coming right up.” With a flick of his wrist, he expertly pops the cap off the bottle, sliding them your way with a wink.
“Thanks,” you mouth, shooting him a grin before heading back to your friends with a tray.
You take a long, satisfying gulp, the crisp taste of beer quenching your thirst. With your beverage in hand, you pace to the dance floor, your friends in tow only metres away.
Your hips swing in harmony with the melody, and your feet glide effortlessly across the ground. Heads turn and whispers follow your path. Some even reach out, uttering unintelligible words, or brush against your shoulder as you pass by.
Ignoring the distractions, you grab Adria and Jasmine, dragging them into the heart of the dance floor while the rest of the group forms a circle around you. The music engulfs you, momentarily sweeping away the grim memories of your pre-relocation life.
With each song that blares through the speakers, your body twists and twirls with fluid grace, each move perfectly timed to the tempo of the music. In that moment, you feel more alive, more liberated than ever before.
As time trickles by, the music continues to pump and the lights swirl around you. You notice Joseph, the lone blond dude in the squad, inching closer and closer to you as the night stretches on. 
“Heyo, Y/N! How’s it going?” he greets you with a tap on the shoulder, his voice rumbling near your ear.
“Hey! All good now. How’s you?” you retort with a tight-lipped smile, bringing your Corona to your lips for another sip.
“Now that I’m chatting with you, much better!” he quips back, a hint of mischief in his tone. “How are you liking the States?”
Just as you’re about to respond, joyous screams erupt from Adria and a couple of other girls from your group, catching your attention. Before you can fully process what’s happening, Adria dashes toward you and jumps into your arms, nearly knocking you off balance.
“Girl! Are you on Molly or something? What’s going on?” you mock, smoothing out your dress on the cleavage before you start flashing whoever’s at close vicinity.
“Omg, you won’t believe it!” Adria squeaks, frantically clapping her hands.
You raise an eyebrow, intrigued. “Try me.”
“Ahh, my fangirling is through the roof right now! Evan Peters is here,” she cries out, bouncing up and down, squeezing your hand tightly.
You furrow your eyebrows in confusion. “Who?” 
“Evan Peters, Y/N! The hottie from American Horror Story… Kai Anderson, Cult? Kit Walker, Asylum? Seriously, don’t these ring any bells? Umm… Dahmer? Come on—you’ve watched that series!” she insists, her voice pitch rising as she tries to jog your memory.
A flicker of recognition crosses your face as your friend’s description sinks in. “Oh, right, Evan Peters,” you concede with a faint smile. “I remember now…And?”
Adria’s eyes widen, her mouth falling open in disbelief. “And?? He’s in the same space as us, breathing the same oxygen, Y/N!”
You shake your head, trying to inject a dose of reality into her Hollywood-induced haze. “Okay, but let’s be real here. He’s a mega star, so totally out of league. I mean, we’ve got about as much chance with him as a blue whale does with climbing Mount Everest,” you quip and fold your arms, narrowing your eyes at her. “And you’ve got a boyfriend, in case you forgot.”
Adria’s enthusiasm deflates slightly as she’s reminded of Tommy. “It’s not the same,” she protests sheepishly, fiddling with her bracelet. “You know how celebrity crushes work. How can I not crave Evan when he’s graced the world with his Tate Langdon role?” 
You can’t help but laugh at her delirium. “Ugh, Adria, it’s giving obsession and borderline restraining order from Peters if you keep this up. Let’s just focus on having a blast tonight and drop the celebrity fantasies, okay?”
A couple of hours melt away, and the energy of the dance floor begins to wane. Most of your friends retreat to a nearby table to freshen up. But not you. With two others by your side, you’re on a mission to keep the party alive, letting the music guide your body with a fierce determination.
Mid-twirl, though, your eyes snag on something unexpected—a figure lingering at the fringes of the dance floor, his attractive gaze burning into you like a laser beam, sending a bolt of lightning down your back. It takes a moment for you to register who it is, but when you do, your heart kicks into overdrive.
Evan Peters.
You try to play it cool, biting down on the inside of your cheek to stifle the grin that’s itching to break free. You try to pass it off as just a coincidence, a trick of the light or a delulu figment of your imagination, but when you steal another glance in his direction, you find his eyes still trained on you. This time around, he offers a timid smile.
Your throat feels like it’s swallowed a golf ball as you sense his eyes fixed on you. Desperate to shake off the sudden self-consciousness, you rummage through your tiny shoulder bag for your phone. Your fingers jitter as you feign interest in your screen, scrolling aimlessly through your main menu or typing out gibberish in your notes app.
But even as you try to stay composed, his stare weighs on you like a ton of bricks. Are you tripping? Feeling more awkward and exposed than ever (you don’t have Evan Peters laying eyes on you every day), you motion to your friends that you’re heading to the restroom. Anything to escape the spotlight, even if it’s only for a sec.
This time, you bulldoze through the crowd, head low, with the toilets being your last glimmer of hope for salvation. Or so you think. Just as you’re about to slip away, a warm, soft hand gently closes around your wrist, halting you in your tracks.
Every muscle in your body tenses as you slowly turn to confront the person obstructing your way. And there he is, Evan Peters in the flesh, standing before you with an enigmatic grin playing at the corners of his lips.
Your heart leaps into your throat when you face him, every nerve in your body suddenly on high alert. Your mind races a mile a minute—Is this real life? Did you manifest this? Is Evan Peters actually in front of you?
Fuck, Adria’s right. He’s hot as hell, you ruminate, feeling your breath clutching in your throat.
Before you can even gather your thoughts, he greets you with a seductive rasp. “Hey.” His eyes seal with yours in a way that makes your knees turn into jelly.
I just saw you and heard you in person, Evan! Scrap everything I said to Adria. Forget the restraining order. Just slap the handcuffs on me, and do whatever you want... Erhm, I mean, take me into custody cause staring at you should definitely be illegal.
You freeze, unable to tear your eyes away from his handsome dark brown (almost black) eyes and silky tousled curls. A feeble “Hi” is all you manage, your voice barely above a whisper as a nervous flutter stomps onto your stomach.
“Having a good time?” he checks in, his smile widening by the second.
“The asphyxiation I feel right now must be a sure sign that I’m enjoying myself, right?” you reply, fanning your hand in front of your face for dramatic effect.
His throaty laughter bubbles up from deep within him, the sound instantly cranking up your heartbeat. It’s genuine and infectious, like he’s letting down his guard and inviting you into his world, flashing those perfect teeth like they’re on a billboard.
“If you’re suffocating from excitement, then you must be doing something right. But don’t worry, I’ll keep an eye out on you. If you turn purple, I’ll dial 911,” he teases, gently lifting your chin with his index finger and giving you a full inspection with feigned seriousness. “Nope, we’re good. So far, all I see is beauty, no signs of death.”
You can feel your cheeks heating up with embarrassment, so you instinctively lower your head, hoping to hide your rose-tinted face. 
You battle to keep it together, but the fact that his hand hasn’t budged from your wrist since your eyes met screams, ‘fainting spell incoming.’ As if that’s enough, his thumb traces soft circles on your skin, sending goosebumps up your arm. “You make me cringe, do it again,” you joke, and you both share a laugh.
“Alright, let’s see what card I should pull next. Here it comes, drumroll—on behalf of everyone in here, I testify to your: ‘I got some serious moves and conquered the dance floor, but I need a breather now.’” he rambles and raises his free hand in mock ovation, his grin laced with mischief.
You chuckle, a surge of confidence brewing within you. “Well, it takes the greatest of them all to verify this. A lifetime of dancing lessons didn’t go down the drain, I guess. I appreciate your testament, sir, and the panel’s verdict,” you coo, bowing theatrically.
Once again, his laughter fills the space between you, warm and hearty.
After a few minutes of silence and a staring contest that makes it agonising for you to breathe, you finally utter, “I said this would be my night, and, apparently, I meant that,” discreetly eyeing him from head to toe, semi-drooling.
“Yeah? Any highlights of the night?” he inquires, his tone dripping with curiosity, and you can’t resist playing along after letting your thoughts slip out loud.
“Nothing yet. But I’m counting on your highlighter to illuminate my way,” you spill out, playfully tilting your head to the side. A sly grin spreads across your lips as you throw the bait, hoping he’ll keep up with your pun game.
His “strike” is immediate as he edges closer to you. “Believe it or not, I’ve got one on me that can change your night from the inside out,” he shoots back, his smile growing, clearly on the same innuendo-laden wavelength as you. You’re a match made in flirtatious banter heaven, true that.
“I need some inside work, that’s for sure. Glad you’re volunteering,” you reply, feeling a rush of heat flood through you at his words. Then, you quickly transition, turning his wrist stroking into a handshake as you introduce yourself.
He hums, gently taking your hand in his, his smile stretching wide enough to reveal his adorable dimples that only add to his charm. “Evan.”
“I know,” you admit, unable to contain your broad smile. “But just an FYI, I haven’t binged-read your fanfics or analysed our astrology charts to see if we’re soulmates. I’ve gone as far as watching Dahmer. Stellar performance, by the way,” you blurt out, still shaking his hand.
He rolls his lips into his mouth to suppress another giggle. “Okay, chill. No need to prove you’re not a psycho. Wanna grab a drink to cool off?”
“No need to ask,” you fire back with equal enthusiasm, both of you grinning like kids in a candy store. Without hesitation, you just follow his lead, diving headfirst into the moment with a reckless abandon, thinking, ‘I’m all in, no matter what crazy idea you’ve got up your sleeve, baby boy.’
He cups your hand in his, his palm firm and reassuring, as he guides you through the throngs of people toward a quieter bar setup located upstairs in the club. The touch makes your head spin, feeling the familiar sensation of heat pooling between your thighs, leaving your undies all moist. You’ve felt sparks like this before, but never quite so intensely, and certainly not so quickly with anyone else.
As you trail behind him, you can’t help but lightly graze the back of his hand, mapping the pathways of his veins with your fingertips. You love a baby face paired with strong arms—he’s exactly your kind of man.
“Maybe it’s better…” he begins once you reach the bar, but the music swells out of the blue, drowning out the remainder of his sentence.
You involuntarily scrunch up your nose and squint, struggling to concentrate and hear him over the blasting tunes. “Come again, sorry?”
Before you can react, he draws closer to you. His breath is warm and tickly against your ear, causing a tremor through your entire body. Not to mention his voice: husky and velvety, making your cunt pulsate for him already.
Damn, things are moving at lightning speed, and you’re struggling to keep pace.
As Evan gets nearer, you catch a subtle yet alluring whiff of cinnamon and cologne. But, actually, it’s the natural scent exuding from his body that has a chokehold over you. Those pheromones he unleashes are like full-blown intoxication, making you lightheaded, your pulse thudding.
You lean in to mimic his gesture and whisper to his ear, but you’re pleasantly surprised when he gently clasps your hand, signalling for you to hold on. As he removes his earplugs, he explains, “Sorry I’ve got very sensitive ears.”
You chuckle, a wicked spark in your eye as you lift a tuft of hair to reveal your own ear protectors. “Great minds think alike,” you cheer.
“No, you didn’t,” he exclaims, eyes widened as you burst out laughing in sync.
As your laughter subsides, Evan’s expression shifts. His eyes bore into yours with a smouldering intensity as if he’s on the verge of revealing a long-held secret or daring to make a move.
But before you can form coherent thoughts or pluck up the courage to speak, Evan blinks fast, breaking the spell. “Shall we get those drinks at last? What’d you like?”
You clear your throat, trying to snap out of your nasty thoughts with Evan being the main character. “I’m down for another Corona, thanks.”
He flashes a quick two-finger salute to the bartender before turning back to you, his lips curving up in a cute, crooked smile. “So, who are you here with tonight?”
“Just some friends,” you confess, your voice trailing off as he raises his bottle to clink it against yours in a toast. His eyes remain glued on yours as he takes a sip, his defined jawline and slender neck at full display begging for your kisses. The intensity of his gaze makes your legs all wobbly. “A-and yourself?” you stammer, breaking eye contact to nervously trace a circular pattern on the rim of the bottle glass with your fingers.
“Same, I came to visit friends during my break. I’m flying back to Vancouver in ten days to carry on filming Tron.”
Your grip tightens around the cool glass of your drink as Evan drops the bombshell. You feel the liquid catch in your throat as you choke, a sudden surge of panic hitting your chest. You cough, the sound harsh and uncontrolled, your body reacting instinctively to the news.
“Canada?” you manage to croak out between coughs, your voice hoarse. You struggle to swallow past the lump, your throat raw and constricted. Your chest heaves as you fight to regain control.
“Y/N, are you okay?” he asks with a sense of urgency, his forehead creased with deep lines of worry. Leaning in, his eyes search yours for any sign of distress. His hand reaches out to steady you, giving you comforting back rubs.
You nod weakly, your eyes watering from the effort of suppressing another coughing fit.
“Let me fetch some water for you,” he offers, his voice soft and soothing. He sprints to the bar, returning seconds later with a glass of water and a concerned frown etched on his forehead.
“Thanks,” you mumble, accepting the glass with a trembling hand, keeping the bottle of beer in your other hand. The cool water soothes your parched throat, and you feel a sense of relief wash over you as Evan tenderly ruffles your hair and massages your scalp to calm you down. Hint: his hands on you work wonders.
“I’m okay,” you assure him, looking up to meet his gaze again, your heart hammering. Everything else fades away, leaving only the reassuring presence of Evan before you.
You can practically sense the sexual tension between you. His stare flickers between your lips and eyes, his own mouth slightly parted. It’s like a silent invitation that hangs between you like a charged wire ready to ignite, daring you to take a plunge and smother his face with kisses. And then suck his dick so hard that his stomach caves in like a Caprisun.
It doesn’t matter that you’ve just met; he has you at hello and you’d spread your legs for this man without a second thought…
You gulp as you realise he’s almost inches away from you. You shudder when his fresh breath—an irresistible blend of mint and alcohol—wafts into my mouth, blowing stray strands of hair off your face. “You’re leaving in ten days?” you sigh, puckering your lips and giving him a puppy-eyed look.
“Yes, but I’m still here,” he whispers, his eyes fixed on your lips as he leans into your stool. With a single knee, he slowly splits your legs and slides in between them.
“You’re here now. Wanna be at my place next?” you suggest, and he stares back at your eyes with a crooked smirk, his lips curled mischievously.
Without warning, his lips brushed against yours, throwing your arousal off the chart. The torturously slow pace that his lips slide along yours makes your sex leap, pop, and drip. Soft moans escape your bodies as he grabs your ass to pull you in, squeezing it along the way as his chest cushions firmly against your breasts.
He smiles against your lips as you tangle your fingers in his hair and part your mouth, giving him the green light to roughen the kiss. His hard rock boner already presses against your wet centre when his tongue invades your mouth with primitive force, swirling and twirling with yours in a passionate dance.
“How long to get to yours?” he grunts out of breath, wincing from the uncomfortable angle his stiff cock has now taken in his trousers.
“It’s roughly a ten-minute ride, give or take,” you pant, adjusting the hem of your dress.
“Off we go.”
@evanchantingpeters — All rights reserved. Please do not modify, translate, or plagiarise my content.
272 notes · View notes
spidermans-l-o-v-e-r · 8 months
Twice bitten
Why is my dream to be a housewife? I’m handy okay I have a wild amount of skills I swear I’d be an amazing housewife
Pairing: Buck x Eddie x reader
Word count: ….s’all in da notes app. But I did it okay 🥹🥹🥹 I wrote a longer one it’s a miracle
Notes: I didn’t realize how desperate I was for these two until I tried finding fics for them. Whoever writes them I love you, thank you. Ps, I don’t edit shit I’m sorry
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⭐️Day 16: Double Penetration⭐️
It was normal on certain days of the week for Buck to rush home, the guys teased him for it but he just laughed it off claiming he was excited to just pass out after the long day they’d had.
It was normal for Eddie to crash at Bucks place on certain days.
Why no one noticed these days coincided with each other neither man was sure, but they sure as hell weren’t going to point it out.
Everyone knew you were Bucks longtime girlfriend, you’d met after the neighbors in your apartment burnt down their own home and half of yours. There was nowhere to go that night as you sat in the back of an ambulance, an oxygen mask over your face. Buck approached you first after the fire was out, he had been watching you for a little bit and you hadn’t moved in the last 45 minutes. He looked around, uneasy at first because he knew this was stupid. But you just looked so helpless… and your house had literally just burnt down.
“I uh- I promise I’m not a serial killer” Buck joked as he approached you, you looked at him- your eyes red-rimmed and puffy.
“Okay? Cool?” Your voice was a bit hoarse from the smoke, and Buck inwardly cursed himself. That was weird as hell
“I just- you- you don’t have anywhere to go and okay I know this is weird and my boss would kill me for this… but I have a bed! And oh my god that’s not what I mean I swear it’s just-“
“Are you asking me to stay at your place?” You look up at him and his heart breaks all over again for you.
“Yeah I am” he sighs quietly “I have an overnight shift tonight and won’t be home. So, I can take you there. I’ll just say I need to change or something, just. Consider it? Please?” He handed you a piece of paper with his number on it and the rest was history. Buck could remember the night Bobby had found out he’d done that for you, he was on dish duty for two months after that.
Four months after the fire, you still hadn’t found a place to live. It was weird at first, Buck gave up almost everything for your own comfort, often crashing on a coworkers couch. But one night he came home, and you’d made dinner for him as a surprise. The moment he walked through the door you knew something was off, he let his bag fall to the floor as he kicked off his shoes and went straight to his bed, crashing on it and putting a pillow over his head.
“Buck?” You asked softly, but he continued to ignore you. You sat at the edge of the bed and lifted the pillow a bit.
“Evan?” You whispered, and he reached out, pulling you down with him and nuzzling his face in your neck.
That was the night you and Buck had gotten together.
Two months after that, Eddie showed up at the apartment to drop something off and found you there, he knew Buck was seeing someone but he didn’t know it was you he was seeing. The conversation was light and awkward but very flirty and you found yourself comfortable around him immediately. He came around more often for “just hanging out” purposes but Buck knew there was an ulterior motive.
“Do you like my girlfriend?”
Buck cornered Eddie behind the fire truck one day as they were taking a breather, getting drinks from a corner store.
“I’m sorry, what??” Eddie wiped his mouth as he nearly spit his drink out, he coughed a couple times and looked up at him “Do I like who?!”
Buck crossed his arms over his chest “My girlfriend. Y/N? Do you like her?”
Eddie’s cheeks reddened as he tried to hide it behind the bottle. He shook his head as he took another sip. “ I mean- I- she’s cool yeah I like her she’s a nice girl!”
“You know that’s not what I’m asking you” Buck rolled his eyes.
Eddie sighed as he leaned against the truck, he looked down at his hands for a moment “Yeah” he said softly “Yeah I like her”
“So just tell her”
That night Eddie came over to Bucks house and asked you to be his girlfriend too. Buck had been suspicious for a little while before he started asking you questions and the truth came out. You did like Buck… but you just happened to also like Eddie. The immense guilt you’d been feeling went away very quickly when Buck laid back on his bed, his hands behind his head
“Yeah he’s kinda hot isn’t he”
you both laughed as you laid your head on his chest and just talked about Eddie, like two school girls with a secret crush. That was also the night Buck and Eddie decided it wasn’t necessarily a bad thing if they both found each other attractive.
This brought all three of you to today. Buck got home first, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing you like he hadn’t seen you in months, he was stuck at work and then crashing at Eddie’s place for the last six days in a row.
“I missed you so much pretty girl” he breathed against your neck as he kissed it, inhaling your sweet perfume.
“I missed you too babe” you laughed as he pushed you against the counter and lifted you onto it.
“My gorgeous sweet toy” He whispers. His hands slide up your side and go to take off your shirt when the door starts to unlock. Eddie walks in, looking equally as exhausted. He slowly puts his keys into his pocket as he raises an eyebrow.
“Am I interrupting something?” He asks as he sets his bag down by Bucks, and leans against the closed door
“Not if you wanted to join us.” Bucks eyes sparkle as he smiles widely. Your mouth drops as Eddie shakes his head chuckling. He removes his jacket and sets it on the hook.
“You sure she’s ready for that?” He walks over and gently turns your head to him, giving you a dizzying kiss. Buck and Eddie had been toying with the idea of talking to you about sleeping with the both of them together. It had just been taking turns or one of them watching the other with you, never all three of you at once.
“Yeah I think she might be” He starts kissing your neck again, easing your shirt over your head.
“R-ready for what?” You ask as Eddie keeps kissing you. You feel Bucks hands slide between your thighs as he leaves kisses down your neck.
“We were wondering, if you’d be up for having us both.” Eddie asks as he pulls away for a minute, smirking at the dazed look in your eyes.
“You can definitely say no and if you say yes you can absolutely use your safe word.” Buck says as he pulls away as well.
“What do you mean by ‘having you both?’” You ask as Eddie picks you up and takes you over to Bucks bed. Buck pulls off shirt as he follows and as soon as Eddie sets you down he eases you onto your back, pulling off your bra and sucking your nipple into his mouth. His hand comes up and massages your other breast as he moans softly.
“We both want to be inside you, Y/N” Eddie says as he pulls off his shirt and starts kissing you, he picks you up and puts you on top of Buck, Buck goes to your other nipple, biting and sucking at it. You moan as you tangle your fingers in Bucks hair, pulling his face up to make out with him. You lightly grind against him and Eddie smirks as he watches your body. He pulls your shorts down and leans forward, giving your cotton panties a sweet kiss.
“What do you think Y/N?” Buck asks between kisses. You reach down and unbutton his pants and Eddie helps pull them off.
“We won’t be upset if you say no, you have full control baby.” Eddie reassures you as he starts to rubs your clit through your underwear. Your hips stutter as you grind against his hand and Bucks cock through his boxers.
“Y-yeah I want to try it.” You pant as Eddie pulls your panties to the side and easily slips his fingers in your soaked cunt.
“Fuck I’m into you” Buck laughs breathlessly as you agree to it. Eddie pulls off his pants and grabs your hips, pulling you a bit closer to him. He pulls his fingers out and you whine, angling your hips towards him.
“Shhhh mi vida it’s okay” He starts to grind his cock against your ass, pushing you against Buck. Buck groans loudly as he starts to grind back. Your gasps and moans come sharper from the pressure of both of them.
Eddie finally pulls off your panties, and your legs start shaking a bit. He chuckles and helps Buck pull off his boxers.
“You ready for this pretty girl?” Buck asks as he wraps his arms around you, kissing you softly. Eddie reaches over to the bedside table and pulls out a small bottle of lube and puts some in his hand, stroking his cock and then rubbing it between your ass. This wasn’t the first time you’d done anal but it sure was the first time with the two of them. He reaches down and lifts your hips a little grabbing Bucks cock and coating it too.
“I-I’m ready” you’re a bit nervous, Eddie rubs your back lovingly.
“Remember you can stop us if you need to but we know you can take it.” Eddie lines Buck up first and he pushes into you easily, your eyes roll back in your head as you moan together, Buck can’t help the way he pumps into you immediately. Eddie chuckles and holds his hips
“You’re both so eager”
He teases your tight hole with his cock a bit and you gulp, you angle your hips a bit and bury your head in Bucks neck. He chuckles and reaches his hands down, spreading your cheeks open for Eddie.
Eddie taps your hole again and pushes in slowly. Your body jerks a bit as he fills you, he pours a bit more lube on his cock and pushes in more. You hold onto Bucks body tightly as they both fill you, your cunt squeezes tightly around Buck and he groans, fighting to keep his hips down for you. Eddie throws his head back as he moans loudly, his grip on your hips tighter and bruising.
“Fuck that’s good, fuck” he leans forward with his head on your back as he waits for you to adjust. Your body is trembling as you lay between the two of them, filled to the brim and trying to adjust to being completely filled.
“Oh my god” your voice is high pitched as Bucks hips snap and he finally loses it, thrusting into you and holding onto Eddie’s arms above you. Eddie groans as he starts thrusting too and you feel like you’re being torn apart in the best way possible. They take turns thrusting in and out of you as you cling to Buck, gasping and crying out their names.
“Ah ah fuck Y/N shit you’re so tight” Bucks mouth covers your moans as he kisses you, it’s messy with the way they’re both pumping in and out of you but it feels good. Eddie wraps his hand around your hair and tugs it back gently, pulling you up to him and starts kissing your neck, his hands slide up your sides and cup your tits as they bounce in his hands, he reaches down and starts rubbing your clit.
“Fuck you better cum pretty girl, make a mess in Bucks lap.”
You lay your head on his shoulder, whimpering and whining as Buck grabs your hips now slamming you down on them. You scream their names, babbling incoherently as you cum all over their cocks. Bucks mouth drops in awe as he watches you squirting all over them both. Your body jerks as Buck holds you down on their cocks, they both hold onto you tightly as they come together inside you. Bucks hips stutter as he pushes his cum deep inside you. Eddie pushes his cock in to the hilt and squeezes your tits, pushing every last drop inside you. He pulls out and lets you fall forward into Bucks chest, his cum drips down your pussy and over Bucks balls.
“Fucking hell man” Eddie laughs as he pants, he turns to Buck and grabs his face, kissing him softly. “You both did amazing. Especially you mi amour” he reaches for you and Buck pulls out, handing you over. Your body is shocked and exhausted as you cuddle between the two of them.
“Promise me we’ll do that again when I can feel my body again?” You ask sleepy and both Buck and Eddie chuckle as they kiss your cheeks.
“Yeah we promise we can do that again.”
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juiles · 3 months
Horror Movie Queen
Requested: yes
Summary: a teen reader whos done a bunch of horror movies is filming a scene where she has to scream, freaks everyone out in the cast. Italics is the filmed scene.
Tags: really just fluff except one mention of torture and hitting
Masterlist here.
Request form here.
Taglist here:
A/N: Its short but its something new. i think im getting back to writing again so thats exciting!!
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Y/n sat staring at the star studded cast in front of her at the reading table. Scarlett Johansson, Robert Downey Jr., Tom Holland, Elizabeth Olsen. It was wild all the people she had spent her whole life looking up to, and here she was, about to film a whole Marvel movie with them.
This was new territory for her too. A whole new genre of movie, different from the horror movies she was known for. The rest of the cast didn’t watch her movies so they didn’t know how she worked.
“Y/n? You okay?” Chris Evans asked waving his hand around in front of her face. “You zoned out there.” He added softly to the teen who flushed slightly and nodded looking down at her hands. “Have you done enough reading now? Are you ready to get into costume and makeup?”
Y/n paused for a moment picking at her fingers before she looked up and nodded. “Yeah. Ill go get ready. I’ll see you guys tomorrow?” She took a quick glance around at everyone who shot her small nods before she disappeared. When she finally came to set, fully ready for her scene, her manager waved her over.
“Okay… lets get this over with guys.” She said, her manager chuckling at the bored look on the teenagers face that was currently covered in bruises and blood, her clothes hanging off of the girls frail body, a gash across her face where a scar usually sat on her characters face.
She was filming her background scene, how her character, Maddison, got where she was, fighting with the Avengers. The torture and pain the character had gone through obvious with the way she was dressed. “Alright you, are you ready to scream?” Thomas asked the girl with a grimace, knowing what he had to pretend to do to the girl. She nodded and stepped on to the set, a cold damp cell that had red splatter all over one wall, showing what she was supposed to have gone through. Thomas stepped forward, the director getting ready for filming, unknown to the teen, the rest of her cast mates stepped in to the studio, hiding in the shadows.
Scarlett elbowed a nervous looking Lizzie who motioned to the makeup on the girls face, the blonde shook her head slightly motioning to be quiet with a finger to her lips. Evans eyes widened as he studied the gash on the girls face. They all knew it was makeup, but as they had grown protective of the young girl, it scared them all. The all focused in on the girl when the director called action.
--Filming scene--
Maddison, a 13 year old girl who had been kidnapped by Baron Strucker at the age of 5, sat huddled against the bloody wall, her whole body shaking as she slowly lifted her head, a giant gash across her face, towards the man standing in front of her. The man merely raised his hand that held a ragged, rusty dagger and slashed down at the girl, her face getting slashed.
The girl let out a blood curdling scream, a scream so loud it even made Strucker take a step back out of shock. The man then turned on his heel and slammed the cell door closed whispering to the girl. “No one will ever want someone as disgusting as you.”
--Scene over--
The director called cut and y/n stood up and with a lack of emotion on her face and grabbed her water bottle. She had barely gotten a sip of it when she was collided with, a pair of arms wrapping around her, gripping her tightly. The teen squeaked as she tried to move the blonde hair to see the horrified look of all her adult castmates standing around her. She patted the back of what she assumed to be Scarlett with a look of confusion running across her face.
“What was that?” Mark asked as he nervously twisted his hands. “How did you bring that up? That was so real…”
“What do you mean?” Y/n asked as Scarlett finally pulled back. “I’m confused?”
“It was very convincing sounding darling.” The actress said, one hand not leaving the teens arm. “Are you okay?”
“Oh. I’m fine?” She responded. “I did- have you guys never seen any of my movies?”
RDJ looked at the girl sheepishly. “Your movies are intense kid… theyre a little scary for most of us.” The teen barked out a laugh shaking her head.
“My whole career I’ve only done horror movies, that scream just is what it is at this point. Nothing behind it, just 5 years of perfecting it.” She said with a small shrug and a small smirk on her face.
“Jesus kid, you gave us a heart attack as a whole.” Hemsworth chuckled as he ruffled the girls hair making the teen roll her eyes with a small smile as she was called back to the set.
Taglist: @mythixmagic @boredandneedfanfics @natashamaximoff-69 @asiangmrchk13
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fear-is-truth · 24 days
could you write the evans with a reader who does sh and how fast they would find out? i love your work 🫶
── THE EVANs ‧ h e a d c a n o n s ೃ࿐
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ft. tate ‧ kai ‧ kyle ‧ kit ‧ jimmy ‧ james ‧ austin
⟣ WARNINGS ‧ mentions of sh | gn! reader
he walked in on you when you accidentally left the bathroom door unlocked
he’d be very understanding, because he used to do it himself too
if you break down in tears, he’ll hold you tightly against his chest, staying with you as long as you need him to
he’ll make you promise him not to do it again, and throw away your razor(s)
if he notices a few fresh marks, he won’t say anything because he knows the difficulty of going cold turkey
but he’ll check regularly to make sure that the wounds heal and things don’t spiral out of control
tries to find out who is responsible for making you want to hurt yourself
like if you’re being bullied at school, then he’s counting down the days til Halloween
already plotting their murder
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⟢ cult leader .ᐟ 𝐊𝐀𝐈 𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍.
Kai is super observant. he figures it out pretty quickly; the way you wear long sleeves despite the heat and your reluctance to undress in front of him
it doesn’t matter if you try to hide it from him, because you can’t. he’d get it out of you through pinky power
eerily calm about the situation. asks questions like “how much blood did you lose?”, “tell me about the time it hurt most.” while tracing your scars with his thumb (creep behaviour)
but he’s low-key angry at you for harming yourself. reminds him of the time when his sister used to sh too
you and Winter are the only two people he genuinely cares about. but of course, Kai won’t let you know that
he’s a motivational speaker; great at making you feel better about yourself
encourages you to hurt other people instead of yourself
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Kit is a passionate lover, he loves to kiss you all over
so when you try to guide him away from certain parts of your body, he starts to have suspicions
he’ll gently bring up the subject, promising that he won’t get mad or judge you
even though he’s already guessed it, he feels heartbroken when you admitted
tries to understand why you’d hurt yourself
always trying to be a better partner for you
he’ll kiss your scars and reassure that you are, and always will be beautiful in his eyes
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⟢ frat boy .ᐟ 𝐊𝐘𝐋𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑.
notices subtle changes in your behavior over several weeks, has some suspicions but gave you the benefit of the doubt
consumed by guilt for not noticing earlier
but he quickly pushed those emotions aside to focus on providing care
tries to look calm and succeeds. but he’s internally freaking out
looks up information and remembers what triggers you and how to avoid it
super protective of you
great shoulder to cry on
leaves sticky notes with sweet messages on it for you every day, in case you need a reminder how loved you are
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boy literally walked in on you changing and saw your scars, which you had kept a good job of hiding until then
his initial reaction is shock, anger
considers going on a wild drinking binge
ultimately decides against it because you need him and he has to stay strong for the both of you
he’ll gladly deliver vigilante justice to those who’ve wronged you (he’s a Florida man through and through)
he doesn’t really know what to say, but he’ll be damned if he doesn’t try his best
he’s a very good listener, too
distracts you by whisking you away on a joyride on his motorbike
takes you to the diner for ice cream sundae
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it takes a while for James to discover, as he’s respectful about your privacy
he’d be aghast. horrified. furious at himself for not finding out earlier
it’s the first time that he doesn’t find pleasure at the sight of blood. because it’s you, his dearest, not some random person
he’s not very good at dealing with these type of situations but he tries
showers you with lavish gifts and gives you extra attention
offers you a real person to cut should you ever feel the urge to cut yourself again
he’ll tell the other ghosts to keep an eye on you just in case
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he finds out fairly quickly because he can detect the lingering smell of blood, even after you’ve washed up
surprisingly calm about the situation, because he understands the struggle of a “tortured artist”
he’ll convince you to take the black pill, if you haven’t already
encourages you to do what you’re good at
it’ll boost your self confidence 1000x
and he’ll let you go crazy with his black card
takes you on vacation, since it’s obvious that Provincetown isn’t helping your mental health— the whole town is depressive
embrace the hedonistic lifestyle with him— you’ll feel so much better
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thanks for reading! reblogs, comments, likes, requests are deeply adored xx
TAGLIST— @acidbrainstorm @evanpetersmybf @alittlesil @kaiandersonsdevotedwife @ellaaaaa44 @newwavesylviaplath @warrenlipkaswife @slvt4jamesmarch @kaismanwich @maddaline @evpeters87 @lacucarachapisser @howtobesasha @lissasharp @feefymo @mariposa-nova @nickrhodeslittledarling @bluerthanvelvet444 @r8ttenapples @nahoyasboyfriend @kai-slut @lak3cityqui3tpills @coentinim @doll3tt33 @taintandviolent @babygorewhore @joshlmbrt @violet1737 @sukirosiac @slutforgarlogan @90sbr1descake @am3ricanh0rrorwh0re @k31sley @violet-harmon2011 @luuuuucyscorner @starry-eyed-wild-child @viscerati @colinzabelswife @cultw3b @babydollxxblood
 fear-is-truth 2024 — all rights reserved. do not modify, repost, translate, or plagiarise my content.
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lexisecretaccx · 3 months
High School Sweethearts pt.3 -Chris Sturniolo
PT1, PT2, PT4, PT5, PT6, PT7, PT8, PT9, PT10, (rest of the parts on my Masterlist)
(Fem reader x Chris sturniolo, slight angst, Tw: Evan💀, not sure what else.)
A/n: thought I’d TW Evan bc he’s an asshole😂, you will know that even more as the story progresses:( also sorry if my parts are pretty short, let me know if y’all would be happy with longer parts! But 2 parts in a day is wilding lol.
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“What.. why?” I laugh awkwardly and envy crosses over his face. “It doesn’t matter y/n.” He turns down a corridor and I follow. “I don’t understand why you’re being like this?” I say timidly, I don’t know what I had done to make him act like this, we literally became friends yesterday.
He stops in his tracks to face me. I smile softly but it slips when I notice the angry glare in his eyes, “don’t act like you weren’t all over my brother in there!” He spoke with a bitterness in his voice, my face shifts to that of shock due to the accusation, “What? I went to study and he was in there so I sat with him,” Chris scoffs and leans against the wall, “I wanted to know if he was okay after falling over, is that a crime now?” I snap.
The problem with me is when I get angry I cry or get upset. Or if I’m getting shouted at, it’s due to past experiences. “Okay then,” he pushes himself off the wall and looks down at me “so his arm being around you is just in a nice way, you two laughing is you ‘checking up on him’ is it?” He hisses and leans down to my level.
“He was pointing at my page because he told me the answer and we were laughing because it was the wrong answer,” I speak in a brittle voice, “I don’t know why I have to explain myself to you we aren’t dating.” I take a deep breath in to try and keep myself from crying, “I don’t like him like that chris.” I whisper as my eyes well with tears before walking away.
“Wait..” he sighs and I turn around, a single tear falling from my eye. “I’m sorry.” He pinched the bridge of his nose, “it’s just, I can’t help but get angry because my ex girlfriend cheated on me and,” he walks over to me “I know we aren’t dating but..” Footsteps echoed from behind us and we both turn to see Nick, Nate, Evan and the other boy who I don’t know.
My stomach drops as I lock eyes with Evan. “No fucking way.” He spoke before trying to walk closer to me, I step back and he stops in his tracks, “still as frigid as usual I take it.” He laughs and looks around for his friend’s reactions but they don’t do anything, instead they are focused on me and Chris.
“What’s going on here?” Nate motions between me and Chris, “wait you dated my boy Evan right?” Nate asks, his attention fully on me as I nod softly. “Step back.” Chris mutters to Evan, who was getting a bit too close. Evan raises his palms and he smirks at me.
“You tryna get with Evans girl?” The other boy who I don’t know the name of spoke. “No we’re just friends.” Chris fake smiles before it falters, “then why the fuck does she look sad?” Evan spoke in a concerned tone, which of course wasn’t real.
“Can you not get into other people’s business.. for once?” I say, Evan tilts his head to me and opens his mouth slightly as his eyes narrow, he goes to say something before.. “Leave it.” Nick spoke in a tough voice to Evan and Evan just scoffs and walks away.
I can’t help but feel a sense of victory even though I didn’t say much. The other boy follows Evan so it’s just me, Chris, Nick and Nate. “So.. what’s going on here.” Nate repeats himself. “She was studying in the library and I went in there and saw her and now we’re out here, that’s all.” Chris looks back at me and smiles before returning his gaze to the boys.
“Sure whatever, where’s Matt?” Nick asks, looking at me this time. “I saw him in the library so probably still in there.” I shrug. “Okay, nice to meet you.” Nick smiles at me and walks to the library. “We have like half hour till school starts, we should go back outside.” Nate speaks to Chris, completely ignoring my presence.
“I’d rather not, you can go meet Evan again I think I’m gonna help y/n.” Chris replied “help her with what?” Nate looks to me and back at Chris. “It’s a personal thing for her.” Chris lies. “Sure okay.” Nate rolls his eyes before heading down the hallway the same way Evan went.
“I’m sorry about them, and Evan.” Chris turns to me and runs his hand through his hair. “And I’m sorry for earlier and overreacting, and making you cry and speaking to you in that way. I know we aren’t dating but I shouldn’t have reacted like that, even if you and Matt were..” I interrupted him by placing a finger over his lips, leaning up and kissing him on the cheek softly.
“Woah.” He looks at me for a moment before saying, “so there’s definitely nothing going on with you and Matt then or?” I roll my eyes and laugh. “No of course not.” He lets out a sigh of relief, “what about us?” He asks hopefully, “we barely know eachother Chris,” I move a strand of hair out of my face “maybe take me on a date or something and see what happens.” I smirk up at him.
His eyes widen and he smiles back, “really?” He whispers as a group of people walk past. I nod and look at the clock. “I’m gonna head to my next class but I’ll see you somewhere.”
“Maybe in detention again.” Chris teased. I roll my eyes and laugh before I walk away, and I feel Chris’ eyes following me. I turn down a less crowded corridor.
“Hey..” I hear someone speak from next to me, I flinch and turn to my side as my face turns cold.
A/n: Bro Chris is a drama queen. I don’t know if this is any good but thanku to the people supporting this series! That’s the only reason I’m continuing with this🫶 also Chris is a cutie patootie, he’s been thru some breakups y’all don’t hate him😭
Taglist: @blahbel668 @mattsleftnipple03 @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @hysteria-things @sturniologurl4l2008 @jakevwebber @braindead4l @mattybearnard @st7rnioioss @junnniiieee07 @cind2224 @annelouise321 (I’m so sorry both of y’all idk why it won’t let me tag u☹️) @sturniolosmind
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intoanotherworld23 · 1 year
Stairs Are Better Anyway
Pairing: Reader x Chris Evans
Warnings: NSFW 18+ ONLY DNI, this whole thing is pure smut and sex, there’s filthy language, unprotected sex, sex on stairs
Summary: Chris was always a fan of taking the stairs especially with you on it
Hearts, reblogs, and comments are greatly encouraged and appreciated! I love to hear back from everyone on my works!! If you wish to be added to my Chris Evans tag list please do not hesitate to ask I would be more than happy to add more people! Thank you guys so much and enjoy! XOXO
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"You just don't know when to stop do you?" Chris grumbled as you laid across the stairs knees bent with your legs spread enticing him even more.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." Acting completely innocent in this current situation.
"Oh sweetheart you never learn do you?" Watching as Chris crawled up the stairs until he was hovering above you lips pressed against yours. "Teasing me like that at the party."
His hands were all over you as you wrapped yours around his neck. Gripping onto him when you felt him push his body tightly against you. Feeling how hard he was for you and wiggling your hips just to push him a little bit further.
Chris growling into your mouth as you grinned knowing you got him. Not wasting any time in lifting up the bottom of your dress revealing your laced panties that already had a wet spot forming. Helping Chris unbuckle his pants and push them down his legs to the edge of his ankles.
"This what you wanted?" Mumbling against your lips. "To be fucked like the good little whore that you are."
"Yes." Your panties being pulled to the side a cold breeze hitting your core a shiver running up your spine.
"Tell me how badly you need it Y/N?" He teased as he rubbed the tip of his cock up and down your now soaked folds. "I want to hear those pretty lips beg for me."
"Chris I need you badly it hurts." Biting your bottom lip as he watched you with hungry eyes. "I want you inside me so badly."
"I don't know sweetheart I'm not believing you." Sighing loudly in frustration as he played his own game with you.
"God Chris please fuck me so hard on these stairs that I can't walk for a week." Pleading up at him as you tried moving your hips hoping you could slip him inside of you.
"That's my good girl."Leaning forward pressing his entire cock inside of you a gasp slipping past your lips. "Holy fuck you are so wet baby."
Lifting his hips back up only to slam down into you. Whimpers and grunts filling the air as he quickly picked up his pace and found a steady rhythm. His head remained pressed into your neck as he nibbled on your skin. His arms enclosed around your head to feel even more close to you.
Moaning loudly into his ear every time he sharply thrusted into your body. Your back pressing into the edge of the stairs, but you pushed through the discomfort, and focused on Chris. Moving your arms so they wrapped around his back. Putting some slight pressure on his lower back to feel more of his movements.
"That's it baby your doing so good for me." Words of praise echoed in your ear when you whined and whimpered for him. "Look at you stuffed full of my cock."
Chris leaned himself up only to watch as his cock would disappear inside of you. Drenched in your arousal making this squishing sound that had him really to start howling like some wild animal. He loved to watch as you would take him so deeply, and was always amazed you took him well every time.
"You want harder baby?" He teased his thrusts becoming slow and sensual. "Does my girl want me to fuck her harder?"
"Please Chris fuck me harder." Gritting through your teeth the frustration you felt never receding.
Rocking himself into your whole body to the point you were afraid you two would break the stairs. Feeling as he unleashed all his energy and power into you both of you in a state of euphoria. Seems like you weren't the only one who needed this either.
"God you look so good getting fucked on the stairs like this." Your left hand gripping the railing of the stairs.
Cheeks felt like they were on fire like someone was sticking a hot poker in front of your face. A drop of sweat descending down Chris's face and onto your chest. Rolling down your chest and in between your breasts. It felt cool for a brief second but then soon evaporated from the heat.
"Just like that." Crying out as your legs wrapped around him like a vine.
"This is all you needed didn't you baby?" His tone mocking as he looked at the pleasure on your face.
The new angle had your toes curling so hard you were afraid they would sprain. You were getting so close you could feel it in the pit of your stomach. Chris didn't once slow down as he pounding into you so deeply he could see a bulge in your stomach.
"That's my good girl so good for me." Pressing his forehead against yours feeling you squeeze around him.
"Oh god Chris I'm gonna cum." Your legs were starting to tremble as your release was vastly approaching.
"Cum hard for me sweetheart." That was the final click in your brain covering him in your arousal.
"Oh fuck baby I'm right there." Groaning with a strained voice as he panted heavily above you his cock twitching violently inside you pumping you full of his warm seed.
Leaning his head back down on your heaving chest as both of you tried to catch your breath. Your legs shaking from your intense orgasm as Chris laid slump on top of your body. Leaving tender kisses on your chest as he helped you come down from your high.
"That's why I love taking the stairs." He joked making you both burst into a fit of laughter.
Tag list for Chris Evans: @denisemarieangelina @kimberlydyan @patzammit @tinawritesstuff @princess-evans-addict @cevanstan29 @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @inmoix @evansgirl7 @nina-sj @chris-butt @a-moment-captured @suchababie @colinbridgertonisbebe @d3vil-is-my-sugg4rd4ddy @sesamepancakes @justjulie1105 @r2gers @sweetllamaparadise @coldmuffinpartycloud @foxchild-v @evansphnx12 @breezykpop @sunwardsss @nathalienightmare @franfineashell @snowy992 @chrisgirl4 @rainbowkisses31 @mrspeacem1nusone @mayisdelanoche @fantastickoya @seaweedthewhale @eliluv1626 @ccmarvelxx @chelricki96 @justile @maceymae2704 @ysmmsy @cheerup-loki @nostxlgia18 @nicolarobertson89 @evansxchalamet @freerose11 @ace-of-spaids2 @gitasor @december16-1991 @allthingschrisevans @melissad1974 @starry-night-20 @maryann8913 @gh0stgurl @vaseoftulips @danireal17 @seattlexgirl @noplacelikehome77 @evansgal @sherlockzss @deandreamernp @chrisevans-4ever @rookiemartin @lowkeysebby @compulsiveshit @janaev4ns @justreadingficsdontmindme @elrw24 @ccrobbs @fangirl125reader @iminluvwthme @alexxavicry @ttomholland1996 @loumaaria-blog @ilybbg @rogersbarber
Tag list for everything: @iam-laiya @rosie-posie08 @madzleigh01 @alwaysclassyeagle @mytbel0st @shanimallina87 @marvelstarker-mha98 @powellssugarbaby @lora21
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nicoline1998enilocin · 2 months
In sickness and in health
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PAIRING || Husband!Chris Evans x Wife!Fem!Reader
WORDCOUNT || ~ 675 words
SUMMARY || You're sick and only want to be cuddled up on the couch with your two favorite boys.
RATING || General (G)
TAGS || RPF. Established Relationship. Sick fic.
A/N || This little drabble is written after I got a request from the sweet @cevansbaby-dove! I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling well, but I hope this bomb of fluff will cheer you up a little bit! This is not proofread - any and all mistakes are my own. 💙
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Banners: @nicoline1998enilocin || Divider: @rookthornesartistry || Photo: Source
Main Masterlist || Chris Evans Masterlist
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"Chriiis," you whine out your husband's name as you lie in bed, nestled deep under the comforter's warmth. Your body temperature has been higher than usual due to the flu you have been struck by a day or two ago, and you're still trembling despite the warmth.
"Comin', Beautiful!" he responds from the kitchen, and it doesn't take long for him to walk into the bedroom with a bowl of the chicken soup Lisa has brought for you to feel better. You can hear the nails on Dodger's little feet paddling behind him, making you chuckle.
"I brought you some soup to help you feel better. I know you don't want to eat right now, but you must, okay?" Chris tells you, and you groan softly, not wanting to leave the comfort of your blanket burrito for anything.
"When it's all gone, I'll let you cuddle with us on the couch as we watch The Lion King," he says with a raised eyebrow, quickly catching your attention. He watches your face intently as you mull it over for a few seconds, ultimately deciding you will do as he asks. After all, you will never say no to cuddles with your two boys.
With a groan, you sit up with your back against the headboard, and the comforter pulls up to your chest as you get comfortable. Chris leans in to feel your forehead for a moment, his hand feeling cool against your hot and clammy skin.
"Hmm, it's almost time for your medicine, too. Hopefully, that'll also bring your fever down a bit," he says, and you look at him through half-lidded eyes, tiredness having settled in your bones.
"Alright, open up," Chris says, and you do, letting him feed you the soup because you're still feeling too weak to do it yourself. With lots of praise and encouragement from your husband, you eat all the soup, and you'll feel much better by the end.
"How're you feeling, Beautiful?" Chris asks as he measures your temperature again.
"Better, thank you," you whisper as he kisses your cheek. He cares for you, and the butterflies in your stomach go wild as you feel very fortunate.
"I'm sorry you had to call out of your meetings today; I know they were important," you tell him, not meeting his gaze this time.
"That's okay. I've vowed to be here for you in sickness and health, and nothing will keep me from fulfilling that promise to you, Beautiful," he tells you, his gaze locked on yours as he uses his index finger to lift your chin.
He leans forward to capture your lips in a featherlight kiss. A smile tugs at the corners of your mouth as he pulls away, and a healthy flush covers your cheeks.
"You're cute when you blush, Mrs. Evans," Chris says teasingly, which increases the warmth on your cheeks even further while your smile broadens at the same time.
"I believe I was promised cuddles and a Disney Movie," you tell Chris, and he lets out a burst of laughter.
"Alright, Beautiful. I need to set it up real quick, and then Dodger and I will be back to pick you up for the movie, alright?" he asks, and you nod. True to his words, he's back in less than five minutes and helps you up from your side of the bed.
"That's it, Beautiful. You're doing so well for us," Chris says as he helps you down the stairs. When you're in the living room, you see the couch set up with a few blankets, some pillows, and a steaming cup of tea on the coffee table.
Dodger has already found his place on the couch, and you nestle into the couch next to him, followed by your husband. The Lion King plays on the TV as Chris absentmindedly traces figures on your upper arm and Dodger's head on your legs.
Being sick is never fun, but Chris always knows how to make it at least a bit more fun, and for that, you're very thankful.
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