#euphoria is my favourite song tho
ddonggeun · 1 month
"fuck a rap battle. he should die so all these women can live with a purpose" and "to any woman that be playing his music, know that youre playing your sister" remain my favourite lines of this history chapter
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laikahh · 1 year
what's ur favourite song by them mine is currently We Are All Accelerated Readers because it is so fun to sing but then again all of them are fun to sing i like switching between Gareth and Aleks' voice it gives me gender euphoria
i am a romance is boring-pilled romance-is-boringcel so
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titan-god-helios · 10 months
pt1 of oddly specific things that give me gender affirmation/euphoria (that may not be that odd but i didn’t expect them so shut up <3 /lh):
wallets !!!! a good stereotypically masculine wallet that’s small and leather and still has lots and lots of usability and looks like something a dad would use makes me feel so masculine !! love it
any type of trouser or bottoms with more than two pockets
windbreaker jackets - they make me go “FUCK YEEAAHH im such a boy a man a male tm yessir” and idk why they just do tho, even the fem ones to an extent
plantssss i love plants and they make me feel like a little gardner boy just yessss
energy drinks for some reason ???? they make the internal man dialogue of “IM A MANNN” go haywire so much
hairbands on my wrist and an excess of those wooden beaded bracelets or even stone beaded jewellery
cross earrings but just bc they look cool (i’m an atheist so yuh, i still love people who have religion too, y’all are awesome <3)
doing the thing with your hair where you take hair from one side and flip it on the other with one hand and its kind of like running your hand through your hair but with long hair…. esp of my other hand is on my hip and i scrunch my face ?!?!?!??!? so boyish i feel so good
dancing like an absolute idiot. i dont know why but every time i just do a little jig for myself by myself my gender is just like “yessssss you’re a boy frfr slay king”
watches !! big chunky analogue watches
following on from the last point, clocks too
mushroomsssss they make the more nonbinary side of me jump for joy cause like “yes ofc im a fucking forest goblin dude i love mushrooms im just a goblin guy leave me alone and let me love the shrooms”
sketching in public. it just doessss
camoflague clothing !! i mean this was probably obvious but when i came out to myself and i wore camo cargo pants (with loads of pockets mind you) i just freaked out in joy i felt so manly that day it was glorious
singing !! singing my favourite songs as low as i can go with it still sounding good
just being as stubborn as possible but in a non problematic (for the most part) way. like if you give me the option to make things easier and more convenient or not i’ll choose the harder option. idk it just makes me feel manly (is this toxic masculinity ?? i dont know but i try to remind myself that this only applies to non mental stuff so i don’t end up self-harming againnnn)
being unnecessarily overdressed
not brushing my hair till its perfectly untangled and just letting it be a bit wild - this came with me figuring out that my hair type is waywayway wavier/curlier than i thought my whole life and learning to take care of it the best i can whilst i have like zero products for waves/curls on hand and as a bonus i felt more masc !!
looking at the stretch marks underneath my boobs in the mirror. i have a large-ish chest i think (DD cup), plus i’m a lil chubby, so i have loads of stretch marks around my chest, and the ones underneath look like top surgery scars, so if i’m having a particularly rough day with my chest dysphoria i’ll look at em and feel a bit better
using my stim toys and accommodations with friends and by myself for my autism and adhd - being capable of taking care of myself finally makes me feel really confident and as a result quite masc as well
stimming by flipping my beaded bracelets between my fingers - this is specific to greek and possibly other cultures similar to greece but it’s typical for a lot of greek men to flip long-ish beaded loops (?? they’re not jewellery and specifically made for this but idk what they’re called so) between their fingers in a similar fashion, and it’s a thing that my dad does a lot when bored. whether neurodivergent or neurotypical it’s a very common thing for men and so doing it makes me not only feel good stimming but also feel manly as fuck ! it feels even better now that my mum saw me doing it once and said “what are you a man ??” and being closeted i had to say “idc im just flipping a bracelet why does it have to be gendered” BUT INSIDE I WAS SO HAPPY
playing card games - when i was younger and even now my dad and grandpa would let me sit in on their card games late at night when we visited them in greece and now when i play card games i always feel so calm and comforted and quietly masculine
drinkingggg now hear me out yes im a minor but i’m also half greek so as a result whenever my parents drink im allowed a bit too (under supervision ofc). anyway that out the way, i have a pretty fucking high alcohol tolerance and considering the fact that it comes from my dad (being asian, my mum’s tolerance is dogshit) plus the stereotypical “men can drink more” stuff i feel SO MANLYYYY when i can quite literally drink more than my dad and feel okay whilst he’s starting to be tipsy (just to clarify though, the stereotype is bullshit and should NOT be perpetuated as much as it is, at least with intent. you guys with low alcohol tolerances are just as manly !! maybe you’re even more manly than those with high tolerance !! and women with high tolerances, you’re still very fem and very cool and valid as a woman and those who aren’t binary or aligning you are valid as your gender or as no gender no matter what tolerance you have <33)
caring about myself more. and i don’t mean in a “i’m gonna have a nice fucking bath and be happy about it” way i mean in a “i’m going to feed myself well, drink lots of water, get good exercise and be respectful to myself at the very least” way. and also in the bath way. baths are nice
collecting shit !! idk dude but having a collection of dumb shit just makes me feel so masc and good cause i swear to the stars nearly every dude i’ve met and stepped into the house of has a collection of SOMETHING whether it’s games, books, rocks, crystals, cookbooks and recipies or art supplies or whatever makes them happy. like legit fucking anything and i like collecting stuff too so its a bonus !!
just being nice. just being a nice dude makes me feel so manly
being silly and myself and doing dumb shit and being unapologetic about it (im still working on being able to do this since i struggle a lot but when i can it feels so good !!)
being stupidly loyal to something equally stupid /pos. like yes i have had this stuffed animal since the dawn of time no i will never get rid of her. she’s a genderfuck lesbian rainbow tiger from buildabear workshop who goes by the name of Roxy i will never get rid of her >:(. and so what my ring is so rusty it makes my skin green every three days ?? i clean it and take it off when it gets out of control back off bitch its mine. why are you so concerned about my shoes ????? fuck you i like them how they are (falling apart and dishevelled, the sole is halfway off already and it hasn’t been even remotely okay since three years ago) and they still fit and work so i’ll wear them until i literally cannot anymore. its so fun and it’s such a “just some guy” activity AND it makes my autism goblin feel safe and good too so its great would reccommend
just talking about stuff i like and that makes me feel good but not to anybody in particular. maybe in my notes, maybe on tumblr (like right now !! i’m doing this one right now !!) maybe on my personal dm to myself. it just makes me feel like a boy i love it PLUS i dont actually have to stress about humans on the other end of it so i feel way more confident and comfortable and as a result even MORE manly !!
ice cream on cones. i will not elaborate
travelling and exploring !! like legit anywhere. as long as i’m moving from one place to another and exploring the world i feel so happy and right and also masculine it’s great i love travelling so much. on holidays i enjoy the act of travelling even more than the holiday itself tbh
(to clarify i identify as male but a bit fucked in the gender - if you want a label i still identify as nonbinary but male aligningg <3)
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greypetrel · 1 year
Hello! 💙 10,12,15 and 33? (if you want to and feel comfortable sharing, obviously) ✨
Hello there! 💜
Yeah, not entering much into details in public and outing myself as "Boring queer" but...
(also don't know how much this will be new for you but oh well you know where to find me xD)
10. Something that gives you gender euphoria (whether you’re cis or trans):
Boringly cis, here… Not very girly or gender euphoric, but. Dressing up and putting up a good outfit, colours matching. SWIRLY SKIRTS, particularly if they have pockets. (I own one skirt I LOVE, it's big and swirly and it has pockets, I'm considering a petticoat to make it poofy and going full '50s new look style. It gives me lots of casual Cinderella vibes and oh man. IT HAS POCKETS. BIG ONES THAT FIT A CELLPHONE.)
12. Name some queer artists/bands or songs you like most:
*after the necessary "I haven't ever listened to music once in my life no thoughts head empty" moment*
QUEEN. I have one Freddie Mercury in every space I inhabit. I have two in my bedroom, one is hanging in my studio right in front of my desk. Queen had been a big and important part of my teen years. I am not a person who cries at movies/music, but put on The Show Must Go On or press play on Bohemian Rhapsody (the movie; i know it has flaws and it's dramatised but still) and watch me crumble. My favourite song of them tho… I can't choose one. Fat Bottomed Girl? But shit, Innuendo is just… A mindblown. I always clean my house with I Want to Break Free blasting on because I'm a basic bitch and that's mandatory.
David Bowie came into my life later but in stride, he's equally important, he's been the one celebrity death I felt like a blow (still can't listen to his last album without crying). Rebel Rebel is a favourite of mine but out of personal affection, the soundtrack of Labyrinth is the closest to my heart (that whole movie).
Janis Joplin. And with her my big favourite is Me and Bobby McGee (Freedom is just another word for nothin' left to lose 🎶*sings*)
I just discovered that Florence Welch is apparently bi too, so FLORENCE + THE MACHINE. The list of favourites is long but… Which Witch? Queen of Peace? Free? Morning Elvis? Can't choose, ARGH.
… I have the music taste of an old man, yes. Also I have the bad tendency in not getting much informations over artists if I'm not EXTREMELY hyperfixated, and it's a little since the last time I was hyperfixated with a band. It may be that other artists I regularly listen to are queer but I don't know. Again, I discovered Florence is queer writing this answer, oops.
15. How has your identity changed over time?
I had not many close contacts with the community until university, so I just assumed I was straight and never really thought about it much. Being demi ultimately didn't help me put two and two together any sooner, and without the proper terms and words… It was all very misty. So:
Straight > … People shipping me with a friend who is a girl don't bother me. Maybe… > No no, straight. Uh-uh. Just an ally. > Maybe bi-romantic, yeah, that maybe fits if I'm not having impostor syndrome, I won't tell anyone tho, I'm not sure. > "Hi friend of a friend who's very evidently flirting with me, WHY. You don't even know me. You have everything I should like but… WHY. This is overreacting, I'm sure you're getting something wrong it's too soon. Nobody is that much into someone else so soon in real life, this is fake and you're mocking me, right?" > … let me check the ace spectrum… > Demisexual. > Bi-romantic I said? No no Bisexual, definitely, still with a foot in the ace spectrum but oh shit why the girls I befriended and developed crushes on are all straight WHY.
(in all this I know that there are many people I know IRL that realised before I did. Hi, hello, I hope it was amusing to watch. x°D)
33. What about your LGBT identity do you feel proud of/ want to recognize/celebrate?
For my mental health, but also for the one of many other people: Being a valid queer person even if unable to go to Pride (they're a huge trigger for me, I'll start panicking before walking), or out with everyone or with relationship to prove it.
And the bisexual inability to sit down straight and composed without our joints falling off. That's a superpower we should be proud of. u_u
Jokes aside, I think there's some poetry in saying "I like people for being people, gender is secondary", and as much biphobia there is around… It's a good message to give.
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delphiis · 1 year
✨My opinion on the ESC songs this year ✨
(before rehearsals and stuff)
Albania: I've seen many people ranking it low but I actually like it. By far not my fav but it's still good imo.
Armenia: I really like this one, added it to my playlist. And her live vocals are good, so that's nice.
Australia: Not my cup of tea tbh.
Austria: This song absolutely slaps, I love it. One of my favs this year
Azerbaijan: Also not my cup of tea but I still think it's a good song.
Belgium: At first, I wasn't a big fan but after listening to it from time to time I like it better.
Croatia: This one I really love. It's peak ESC. I wouldn't listen to it in my free time, but for esc it's perfect.
Cyprus: I kinda forget about that song most of the time. I mean it's good and stuff, but easy to forget, for me at least haha.
Czechia: Also one of my favs this year! Been listening to it since they won national selection. Sadly their staging and live vocals weren't that good at the pre parties but I'm hoping they'll improve.
Denmark: Not a fan of this style of song to be honest.
Estonia: It's a good song but not something I would listen to after ESC.
Finland: That is my favourite this year! I love this song so much and Käärijä is also such a sweetheart. It's crazy, it's party.
France: Probably an unpopular opinion but I liked their entry last year more. Song still slays.
Georgia: The lyrics don't really make sense but she can sing live, so that's a plus!
Germany: What can I say? I don't have to be ashamed of our song this year. Finally. I really hope they'll do good with the televote to show the old boring German boomers they were the right decision.
Greece: Even more forgettable than Cyprus for me.
Iceland: She should have stuck with the Icelandic version imo. Would have liked that a lot more.
Ireland: Boring, I'm sorry.
Isreal: I don't really get the hype? There is so much going on, idk.
Italy: I'm a sucker for the Italian language and the Italian entries the last few years so I'm a fan.
Latvia: A really good song. I hope they'll do well.
Lithuania: No, not a fan, although I like the ending.
Malta: I don't know what to think of it. Sometimes I like it, sometimes I absolutely can't stand it haha.
Moldova: I love Pasha and I love this song. Moldova absolutely delivered and I hope he does well.
Netherlands: You can hear the influence Duncan had on it. It's okay.
Norway: I liked Jone a lot more but I think Alessandra was the best pick for Norway to get high in the rankings. The song is very catchy. Personally I've heard the song too much on TikTok already.
Poland: No.
Portugal: At first, I didn't really care for it but with each listen I like it more.
Romania: Now that's a really unpopular opinion but I absolutely love this song. Theodor has an amazing voice for a 18 year old. Pls listen to his ESC medley, it's so good. I agree that the staging is bad but I heard he'll change it for the Semi, so I'm hoping people will see his potential.
San Marino: It's kinda catchy idk haha.
Serbia: The lyrics are very relatable lol. I'm not the biggest fan tho, still hope he does good, I love these kind of entries.
Slovenia: This one is sooo good. I was very sad when Slovenia didn't qualify last year for the final, so I'm hoping they'll do this year.
Spain: From what I've seen people either hate or love it, no in between. I love it.
Sweden: Sorry to all the Loreen stans but I have a problem with her: I don't understand what she's singing. It got better with Tattoo since Euphoria, but it's still so muffled to me .
Switzerland: Nah, don't like it.
Ukraine: I really like this one, especially the revamp with the Ukrainian parts in it.
UK: Too generic for me. But it did get stuck in my head so it did it's job haha.
Very excited for the upcoming weeks and how my view on some of the songs will change 👀
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(livebloggy) thoughts about the studio versions of eurovision 2023 songs on spotify (don't judge me). also if i say something has "energy" or "vibes" it is almost always neutral/positive.
aijā: the instrumental fooled me into thinking this would be far more upbeat and Quirky. then the melody came in and it's slower than my personal liking. uh, sir are you okay? i do like the strong pulse with subdivisions, i hope that's right terms. i like the ending "please don't wake up" (ig that's the bridge) and the stripped down ending (i do mean ending this time) in latvian.
dance (our own party): i liked it until the verse lyrics came on. AND I LOVE THE INSTRUMENTALS THOSE ARE REALLY BOPPING. the chorus is neat!!!! the verse seems like dichotomy. but not in the best way. idk. i'm really enjoying like the whole song aside from verse 1. apart from that section it's great! also i acknowledge that when i write in this post format my bitchiness and criticism grows three sizes so yk
who the hell is edgar?: is it cringy? MAYBE but it's fun OH THE CHANT DAMN. like the music, even though it's upbeat and electro, suits the vibe of possession and horror. even without the chant (though that was sick). which the last song was missing in the first verse. look. early favourite tbh. thanks austria! (the 'who the hell is edgar?' at the end took me out tho ngl)
breaking my heart: it's not bad. it's cute! it reminds me of something i would do warmups to in dance class!! (not a bad thing at all). the texture drop and tight harmonies is done really well. if you described this to me i'd probably expect to hate it but i'm vibing!
so far when i looked up which country each entry was from i wasn't super surprised. idk what that says but i'm saying it.
tattoo: i know this is loreen. thing is i didn't get the hype for euphoria so we'll see. it reminds me of something? oh it's kinda got greatest showman vibes in the chorus. not really in the verse but. also the pre-chorus does remind me a little of church music (like hillsong music). instrumental reminds me of the slow part of love is blind (lithuania 2012). i think people will probably really like this, i think it's mid.
because of you: i have listened to this one before, admittedly. just dance energy. again reminds me of warmups when i did dance as an extracurricular. the lyrics aren't for me, but if they're inspired by a real person, then that's cute for them!!! i just hope they don't make the staging really basic tbh
heart of steel: i like how it's going hard on the minor key. some villain energy. which i respect and endorse wholeheartedly. like it's chill, but evil, and i think that's what we all need to embody a little bit. also reminds me of 'don't get sad, get even' in vigilante shit. idk where i was expecting to come from, but this is very cool, ukraine!!
carpe diem: i like how it starts a lot, less how it builds. OOOO GUITAR OOOOO. i am a child, but that's besides the point.
d.g.t (on and off): i can't really describe it?? it's very rocking for such a slow song, i love the snapping and the rhythm. the high parts, less so, but it really depends on how it's performed. 6/8 my beloved. my beloved. mmmmmmm dynamic interest mmmmmmm. i am not one to wish different from the high notes but uh, not my fave part of the song rn (then again i generally prefer songs sung lower)
ai coração: OOOO THE PIANO RUN LIKE IN SHREK 2. it's so danceable but non in a generic edm way oh i am in love i love her voice ohohohohoh. thank you portugal this shall be in my top.
power: GIRL WHERE WAS THE INTRO. uh very hillsong. idk what to tell you it just gives strong christian music vibes at the start. the electro undertones minimises it but still. STILL. not even just the music the metaphors too.
stay: it's too slow for my liking. it's not bad, it's just. that sort of song. parts of this are familiar, from other eurovision songs. the chorus gives very 'we are the world! world peace!' energy. not my favourite, but if you like it, i'm happy for you!!
eaea: i have listened to this before!!! i think it's neat!!! the vibes are immaculate!!! thank you spain!!! (don't love it as much as slomo but that was the top of my spotify wrapped so yk)
samo mi se spava: it's giving the 2005 dcom minutemen. no i will not elaborate.
blood and glitter: is this... rap rock?? contrast?? it's giving some form of campiness ig?? I LOVE IT. THE VARIETY. GERMANY?? damn nice work germany!!
we are one: it's a little to 'simple happiness' for my taste? but at least it's happy and uplifting!!! i don't love it but i respect it!! it does however remind me of the australian Classic 'for we are one but we are many, and from all the lands on earth we coMe'. i sang that song for like 4 years before knowing the lyrics. like damn i was really rather no thoughts head empty when i was 5. yeah ireland i'm not shocked.
cha cha cha: giving uno energy?? very high energy!! actually add this to a get psyched mix bc this slapsssssss. wooooooooo
mama šč: hey i don't get it i think it's doing A Lot!! but i'm really keen to the staging, and it's bopping
tell me more: it's very sweet and cute. like if it's this sort of slow song it can manipulate me. even if there's non-mischa bachinski rap (seeeee, rtc mutuals, i can slip the references in there!!!)
bridges: reminds me of a matter of time from 2018?? it feels very soft and a little angsty but not in the way i like?? the lyrics, while so valid, aren't what i wanna listen to to live my best life yk?
break a broken heart: ooooo i love the rhythm of this one!! dare i say believer vibes? also the disney channel movie zombies? i know this sounds bad but i'm genuinely thoroughly enjoying it!!! vibes king
what they say: it's sad deep in a way that doesn't particularly mesh with me, unfortunately. although 'i got too much on my plate' eyo same man
evidemment: feels very epic and very french. OH A DANCE BEAT OH. we're vibing now perry the platypus!
solo: it's very upbeat beach vibes. look i just really like it. it's so slay girlboss, you know???
i wrote a song: hmmmmm at least someone's taking alexander rybak's advice!!! not my personal cup of tea musically (not much melodic interest and too staccato for me) or lyrically (since i'm translating catullus, i'm not in the mood for scorned lovers who decide to write verses about how they're getting their revenge. but i don't dislike this artist!! i do hate catullus)
soarele si luna: PASHA PARFENI!!!!! i'm really enjoying this one!!!! (not as much as his 2012 entry, but i had 11 years to fall in love with that one, it'll take time, and they're very different)
due vite: not my thing, and that's okay!!
watergun: it's not my kind of ballad, i hope this person is okay!!
duje: i love the strong pulse with the native language and the violin runs and how it says hyped!!!
my sister's crown: women supporting women. i'm not the biggest fan of the english lyrics or the melody in the verse BUT THE CHORUS SLAPS like majorly so. i don't love the soft ethereal it gets in the english chorus but when it changes languages i do. i think this is a hint that i don't love music in english as much
promise: my country :) i've listened to this one already. i find it rather repetitive in the verses (particularly the first one), the music is fine!! certainly not my least favourite of our entries!!! i really like the music in "cross my heart til the sun turns red in the sunrise" (possibly aided by the brevity of it) and also when they absolutely fucking rock out in the instrumental
burning daylight: i personally don't love it, it reminds me of like 2013 indie stuff. also, to be nitpicky, there's one specific lyric that is the sorta thing that i know pisses me off so. yeah. didn't Help.
queen of kings: yeah this one was an early favourite of mine i've already listened to it. it just musically gives me dark fantasy vibes and energises me, you know?? very disappointed the studio version doesn't include the italian and latin chanting, but it's still like a great song to run to (i don't run). i was a little concerned about if she'd be able to pull of the vocals live (based only on the studio version) but when i watched her melodi grand prix version she fucking slayed
unicorn: i love the epic intro, it was kinda too much of a drop for me when the singer came in. pre-chorus feels a bit basic (***for my tastes) or is it the chorus idk but it reminds me of the circus climax of madagascar 3. the phenonamal part is a bop, and i really do like the ending part!!! the first half just wasn't my taste as much (aside from that beginning instrumentation)
if it's not on spotify, i wasn't bothered to listen to it (but ofc i will eventually!!). honestly this feels like a pretty good year (to meeeee) but not the highest quality ballads/slow songs (i know there's a difference, but for the sake of eurovision, no there's not)
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starkey · 2 years
Tagged by @artemisinfurs! thank u!!
Favourite colour: controversially, in spite of my entirely blue living room and completely black wardrobe, I don't think I really have a Favourite Colour? I like jewel toned red/green/blue, gold/silver and black tho
Currently reading: Just finished I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy last night (yikes), currently reading Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before by Dr Julie Smith, and about to start reading Robert Fagles' translation of The Iliad <3
Last song: I've been obsessed with The Tumbler by Robert Hallow and the Holy Men all month
Last series: Stranger Things season 4 (my beloved), I'm gonna watch the new neil gaiman thing soon tho.
Last movie: Ehhh it might genuinely still be Everything Everywhere All At Once, haha, I'm so shite at watching TV :')
Sweet/spicy/savoury: Savoury every time
Currently working on: Aw my life has been so productive recently! I'm at day 21 of my duolingo streak, been cooking dinner most nights and batch cooking soup (a big deal for me, the queen of pesto pasta). I've been going to gym three times a week, and working through the couch25k challenge and a wee beginners weights routine. Been walking to work most days and keeping up my 10k steps streak. I've been going to writing workshops to motivate me to write my new original fiction urban fantasy thing, and I'm about to start a short story class, snowboarding lessons, and fiddle lessons! I'm working towards an exam in January, meditating daily, and trying to journal at least once every few days. And I've been working at making more pals outside my immediate circle of besties and being a bit more sociable, cause I like hanging out and vibing and whatnot. The euphoria of the work life balance is real, friends
I tag anyone who wants to play! 🥰
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ch1maeras · 6 months
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tag nine people you'd like to get to know better .
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favourite colour(s) : lime green , aqua , black
favourite flavour(s) : sour candies ( only a little sour tho ) , idk pizza
favourite genre(s) : comedy
favourite music : noah kahan
favourite movie(s) : the martian , a christmas story , probably more but i can't think of them
favourite series : teen wolf , euphoria , bob's burgers , walker
last song : young blood by noah kahan
last series : finished series , euphoria again
last movie : the phantom of the opera
currently reading : still that fuckin acotar book idk why this one specifically is taking me so long i finished most of the books in the series in like a couple days
currently watching : walker , the brain rot is real thank you @cordelliism
currently working on : fixing my sleep schedule alskdjf;alkfjf
tagged by : @tornblackedgcs tagging : i think most of the people i would tag already have been but if you haven't then YOU
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coffee-styles · 2 years
QUICK CHAT: Hello my beans, I’ll be gone for the 24th until probably the 3rd of Janurary for Christmas time and New Years due to driving around and packing for vacation. Sorry, I’ll have to leave for a bit, ill try to keep in touch. But anyways, onto this personality question post, I wanted to say thank you to @liberty-barnes for answering me asap for a little question I had her do since she’s much more important than the dumbass who was a chicken and didn’t answer first *cough* Sammy *cough*. So, thx to her, and yeah! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
About me🦋
Birthdate ➪ September 27th Pronouns ➪ she/ her Ethnicity ➪ Mexican & Ecuadorian Gender identity ➪ woman Sexual orientation ➪ bisexual Personality ➪ the mentally unstable bitch with ptsd and anxietyyy Zodiac ➪ Libra Favourite colour ➪ light blue, vintage brown, light purple and black Where I live ➪ Florida🌴☀🤟🏻 ( the question for @liberty-barnes  ....welp...this is about to get personal and embarrassing )
daddy kink | slapping kink | choking kink | hair pulling kink | sugar daddy kink | spitting kink | RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGSSSS | role play
CELEBRITY CRUSHES🔥 (uuu spicy -Harry Styles)
Harry Styles | Louis Tomlinson | Sebastian Stan | Chris Evans | Aaron Taylor-Johnson | Matthew Gray Gubler | Johnny Depp (oh my god, im so weirdddd) | Charlie Gillespie | Owen Joyner | Scarlett Johansson | Florence Pugh | Ariana Grande | Hailee Steinfeld | Millie Bobby Brown | Nailea Devora |
Health Problems✌🏼
anxiety | ptsd | little bit of asthma | mental breakdowns daily | suicidal thoughts | insecure ass self | social anxiety (im and introvert most of the time) |
Happier Than Ever by Billie Eilish | Jealousy, Jealousy by Olivia Rodrigo | Happier by Olivia Rodrigo | She by Harry Styles | Kiwi by Harry Styles | Sunflower Vol. 6 by Harry Styles | Miss You by Louis Tomlinson | Wake Up by Madison Reyes | abcdefu by GAYLE | KESI by Camilo & Shawn Mendes | Botella Tras Botella by Christian Nodal & GERA MX | Sobrio by Maluma |
Indie | Vintage/Retro | Dark Academia | Euphoria | Elegant | Music |
Describing my perfect day🌻 (imagining this...sadly)
brown baggy/oversized zip-up jacket | scary book | coffee | Criminal Minds | rainy day | big view of outside (im imagining this somewhere in New York) | cuddle buddy (if it ain’t Hazza or Tommo, i don’t want it) | painting | polaroid's | music | comfy blanket | 
Pet Peeves🙄
fake friendships | manipulative people | good liars *cough* Louis *cough* 18 months *cough* | taking forever on texting back | “im too busy” answers, like bitch, IM more important | talking shit about me behind my back | talking shit about my besties | jealousy (hehe, even tho im mostly jealous) |
@liberty-barnes (no bitch is more important than my child✋🏼🙄)
@randomlyblue (she too supportive and kind❤)
@hermionestyles (FOOK everything else for today, you do this or 18 months will haunt you😃)
@chrisappointedbutnotchanprised (i literally thought of you when I was writing my aesthetics and idk whyyy😆)
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mintchochipkookie · 2 years
T for the 5 favorite songs ask :)
I scrolled through my Main, Bollywood, ABBA, Kpop, and BTS playlists for this and turns out I don’t have a whole lotta ‘T’ songs???? Twild. I thought I’d give one from each playlist but oh well:
Turn Off The Lights by Panic! At The Disco
P!ATD has been one of my favourite bands for well over a decade and Vices and Virtues is one of my favourite albums of theirs too. It’s been a hot minute since I listened to it, but I know I love pretty much every song on here. Unfortunately. This song is a deleted bonus track on some ver specific versions of the album so it’s not on Spotify or anywhere online officially. 🙃 I could’ve gone for The Ballad of Mona Lisa or This Is Gospel, but for some reason, I just really like this song. It’s fun to sing too. Anyway brb, gonna go make a Panic! playlist real quick.
The Visitors by ABBA
I have a soft spot for ABBA, and they make me very nostalgic. Again, been a while since I had a proper ABBA jam sesh, but that’s a little bit intentional, precisely because they make me very nostalgic. I like a lot of the songs on this album too, but the title track just ✨hits different✨. It kinda sounds like…space? Idk how to explain it, it just slaps.
Tonight Is The Night by McFly
I had a phase for a few short months around 2014(ish) where I was really obsessed with them? Lol idk, anyway, they went on hiatus soon after, and then early last year I realised that they were back with a new album. I like a couple of the songs on it, this is one of them. It touches on the mental health struggles of Tom Fletcher and the band as a whole, and I’m pretty sure I heard that they went to group therapy during hiatus because they were having issues but didn’t want to disband and I truly just love that.
Tokyo Love Hotel by Rina Sawayama
Okay I don’t know if this is a favourite per se because I literally just heard this song today after a work friend recommended it, but listen, I wanted to have more than just BTS on here. It is a very pretty song tho, the music kinda sounds like stars? Sorry, I have a habit of describing sounds as abstract feelings I get when I look at celestial bodies and the elements.
Bonus Break: Tamma Tamma
I wanted a Hindi song on here okay 🙁 I just couldn’t find one I really liked that started with ‘T’. This song is a banger tho and is a reprise of a song from the 90s called “Tamma Tamma Loge” (which is also a very popular, iconic song in Bollywood pop culture). I also really like the movie it’s from - Badrinath Ki Dulhaniya.
And finally… (: (: (:
Three Songs by BTS (because I already kicked The Truth Untold, Tomorrow, and Jin’s Tonight off this list, I’m not removing more)
In honour of me getting the Love Yourself: Tear album an hour ago, it’s only right that I include this. I know it’s called “Outro: Tear” on this one, but it’s just “Tear” on Love Yourself: Answer, so it works shush. I already really liked this song, but then I found out that Yoongi wrote it at the time that they were seriously considering disbanding and he cried when he took it to them. Which means that the loss of love that the song talks about, refers to the members and that just…makes me shed a tear, if you will.
In honour of me getting the BE album yesterday, it’s only right that I include this. Also, in honour of them performing this at soundcheck last month, it’s only right that I include this. Also, in honour of me really fucking loving this song, it’s only right that I include this.
Trivia 轉 : Seesaw
Turns out I’m going with all Yoongi songs because apparently, Telepathy was also one of his rejected songs. Seesaw is one of my early BTS faves, and this song, Euphoria, and Blood Sweat & Tears are heavily responsible for turning me into the simp that I am today.
Give me a letter and I’ll tell you my 5 favourite songs starting with that letter
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cyberlexi · 2 years
♡ཻ ˳ ◌ ⑇Get to know me⑈ ♡ཻ ˳ ◌ ♡ཻ
Hi, so I thought that it would be a fun idea to do some kind of 'get to know me' tag so I thought that I would answer few questions I found on Google lol xd. I hope that people that follow me here would get a better sense of what kind of person I am so hopefully it will be easier to get know each other c:
♡ What is your name?
♡ How old are you?
♡ Are you on time or always late?
♡Are you on time or always late?
I'm always earlier 💀
♡ Are you ticklish?
Not really, but it mostly depends on the moment
♡Coffee or tea?
♡Do you forgive easily?
f no xd
♡ Do you have any piercings or tattoos?
Nope, not even ears piercing.
♡ Do you have pets?
Yes, I have a cat.
♡ Do you prefer dogs or cats?
I love all of the animals and would gratefuly pet every animal I came across.
♡ Do you smoke?
No, I don't.
♡ Have you had braces?
I stil have braces 💀
♡ How are you feeling right now?
Okay, could be better tho.
♡ How tall are you?
175 cm
♡ If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
Somewhere far away from Russia and Eastern Europe.
♡ What city were you born in?
Kraków, Poland
♡ What did you want to be when you were younger?
A beautician or nail tech.
♡ What is one food that you refuse to eat?
Brussels sprouts
♡ What movie have you watched repeatedly?
American Beauty, Twilight, Prince of Egypt (way to many time lol)
♡ What’s the last song you’ve listened to?
FKA Twigs - oh my love
♡ What’s your Chinese sign?
♡ What’s your current obsession?
Sims and coquette tag
♡ What’s your favourite book?
idk but I really liked Name of rose by Umberto Eco and Pride and prejudice by Jane Austen.
♡ What’s your favourite colour?
pastel lilac, pink, white and black
♡ What’s your favourite dessert?
carrot cake
♡ What’s your favourite drink?
coffee or chai masal
♡ What’s your favourite food?
something with spinach
♡ What’s your favourite foreign food?
curry, samosa, tteokbokki, basically indian and korean cusine because it's spicy.
♡ What’s your favourite gadget?
noise canceling headphones
♡ What’s your favourite hobby?
playing games (sims, animal crossing and more), journaling, reading books
♡ What’s your favourite movie?
idk if it's favourite but I really like American Beauty, Emma, Annihilation, Arrival
♡ What’s your favourite season?
Spring and Autumn
♡ What’s your favourite series?
Gilmore Girls, Gossip Girl, Euphoria, Breaking Bad, but overall I don't watch a lot of series so idk...
♡ What’s your favourite snack?
spicy chips (chilli and lime lays) :p
♡ What’s your favourite sport to watch?
ski jumping because that is the only sport that Poland is good at so I don't get frustrated
♡ What’s your favourite thing to have for breakfast?
greek jogurt with banana, kiwi and peach
♡ What’s your longest relationship so far?
4 years and still going <3
♡ What’s your sun, moon and rising sign?
capricorn, aries, virgo
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duck-era-lexi · 2 years
Get To Know Me - 2022
tagged (kinda) by @castawavy​ bc they tagged everyone :)
favourite colour: i always say all colors but i really like blue. i just do. all shades of blue
currently reading: AVOS#5! river of fire. it’s right next to me and i’m gonna read after going on tumblr for a little bit
currently watching: euphoria but very slowly because i don’t actually have hbo max. idk im not a watching person. also my friend and i are trying to watch all of the despicable me movies 
last song I listened to: fall in love with a girl - cavetown, beabadoobee 
sweet/savory/spicy: savory def. i pretend i like sweet stuff but i actually hate it. it’s good at first but then i just hate the aftertaste. still gonna eat it tho
Currently Working On:
reading all the wc books! also, some friend drama. 
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lostnfinding · 3 years
hi! i thought id do a little intro to me and my blog
please take a moment to read if you can :)
about me:
im astro/solstice/winter! you can call me sol if you want to. im nonbinary/genderfluid and currently use they/xe/it pronouns (tho im okay with any other neo pronouns, these are the ones i preffer). im pan oriented aroace. im 15, which means im a minor and you should treat me like one. also heres a list of labels i go by
i am extremely s*x averse and anything slightly s*xual makes me very uncomfortable at best. if you make any s*xual comment towards me you will be blocked.
i have ehlers danlos syndrome and pots, and mental illnesses, one of them possibly being DID/OSDD. im the host of a system, and from time to time youll see my headmates around.
i like history, musicals, cinema, music, books and animations. my favourite musical is watt, my favourite series are the owl house and shera, my favourite books are sick kids in love and aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe. my current favourite bands are sleeping at last and waterparks, and my favourite singers are dodie and cavetown.
i have a very song related memory and thinking, i associate things, memories, feelings and people with songs, so if we chatted for a bit ill probably end up associating you with a song. if you wanna know what it is just send me an ask!
im pagan, brazilian, white and im fluent in portuguese (native language) and english (second language)
i have a discord server! join if you want to, id love to have you there! but please be patient if all channels dont automatically show up, i have to verify you in order for that to happen.
my profile picture is a picrew that can be found here! amazing picrew, really recomend it, gave me a lot of gender euphoria. also it has cute animals so thats a plus, and pride flags! i always love pride flags in picrews
(i tend to ramble. a lot. sorry about that.)
anti blm, anti vax/anti mask, transmed/transcum, terfs, are/support p*dophiles/whatever theyre calling themselves today, lgbtqia+ phobic, anti mogai, anti neopronouns, pro life, exclusionist, climate change denier, prejudist agaisnt any religion, pro ana/ed, anti-anti, xenophobic, over 18 (unless i interact first), make content of/is/says anything on my triggers list (but the christian thing, i dont mind if youre christian just dont talk shit about other religions)
tag system:
posts that are okay to reblog unless stated otherwise in the tags: #astro rambles, #astros covers, #astros art, #theo writes
posts that you have to check the tags before rebloging: #astro rants
posts that are not okay to reblog unless stated otherwise in the tags: #*stress ball gets more stressed*, #astro vents
extra tags: #astro being soft n gay (usually my interactions with my qpp), #cute lil reptiles, #cute lil animals
extra info: i tag triggers "[trigger] tw"; my mutuals get their own tags based on their personality/inside jokes, if you want one, tell me; ask me to tag triggers if i forget to
my triggers:
(general tag is "geckos dni" or "dragon system don't look")
the phrases "you're faking it", "its all in your head", "its just anxiety", "you just have to have faith", "faith heals" and variations; someone being told they dont have an illness they do have; christianity/catholicism (especially saying theyre the "only right religion" or that they are persecuted); parent figts and divorce; money problems; any kind of abuse; nsfw and s#x; mentions of fathers/parents (specially if they are being bad parents); the song "every breath you take" by the police; the movie "the truman show"; conspiracy theories/mandela effect; bone marrow transplants; calling me (astro) a pet name when i dont let you, altho somethings/nicknames are okay; bitmojis; food/ed/weight/calories stuff; breaking promises, loud noises/yelling; being watched; having people we dont know/trust invading our space/privacy; "adults doing bad things"; repetitive pings; passive agressivness; maroon 5 songs from before 2016 (all but she will be loved and payphone); the words papai/papa/pai/variants; glasses with a half frame and strings holding it up; any mentions including jokes about dictatorships, specially taking peoples rights and people going missing; the A.I.5 and similar stuff; the military abusing power; elections being interrupted/blocked; nightmares/fantasy dreams (meeting fairies, flying, etc); being called s*xy or anything of sorts.
side blogs:
@maybeatiger - fandom blog
@theos-writing - writing blog
@our-welkin-world - system blog
@solsgalaxy - thoughts/aesthetic blog
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simptasia · 3 years
Top 5 Cats the Musical moments AND Top 5 Cats the Musical Movie moments? 😂
oh bless you!!
tho i have to say i’m not nearly as familiar with cats as a stage musical as i am the movie. i’ve seen bits and pieces of the 98 version (i’ve seen misto’s, skimble’s and griz’s songs fully. and parts of the other songs, enough to know what they sound like. and like i watched somebody else watch the 98 version, which gave me the Gist but it’s not the same, obviously). meanwhile i’ve seen the 2019 version 3 times (been on painkillers every single time! not on purpose just amazing timing) AND i’ve watched all of the scenes over and over and analysed it to bits..... so mayhaps i’m a tad underqualified here
so i can give a top 5 for 2019 cats but i don’t feel secure in doing the same for the 98 version. BUT i will say this: all of misto’s song is amazing and “presto” hits harder than any drug. misto’s presto is deservedly iconic
okie this is gonna be hard for me. 98 the problem is i don’t have enough cuz i haven’t seen it properly. 2019 the problem is theres just too many
also i’d like to preface this by saying im at a point where i genuinely adore this movie (aware of the problems, certainly) and i can’t regard it as a bad movie anymore. last time i watched it, i was having the time of my fucking life
so the first half is misto’s song is cute and awkward (and its meant to be, i will defend this song, damn it. tho laurie cannot hold a note, aw honey...) but the second half? when the triumph kicks in? that is golden! golden i tells you! during which i am experiencing genuine euphoria. it’s all good, the whole song is good for me and i love misto so much. but like a moment during this that REALLY gets me tho is when old deut has come back and it cuts to misto looking so overjoyed and the music kicks the fuck in into triumph mode and that is the bit that makes me cry. like a laugh cry. it’s so good, so good. that shit is PEAK
i can’t pick a favourite part of skimbleshank’s song and nobody should. the entire thing is great and it pretty much plays continiously in my head. i dunno if 5 minutes counts as A Moment but fuck it all. he’s a cat that. cannot. be. ignored
griz’s song, memory, is of course amazing. i don’t even need to say that. but also like her “TOUCH ME” is so powerful it’s like all of my organs were being pulled towards the screen at once. thats the best way i can describe it. fuck me that hits like a motherfucker
okay i’ve made it abundantly clear that my love of robbie fairchild’s performance in this has evolved into uh, worshipful. love me a theatre bitch. chaotically sincere and sincerely chaotic. but i can’t just say “every moment with munkustrap” because thats so much of the movie! king!!! this movie rests upon this lovely stripy shoulders! and picking like BEST? for him?? impossible. but i will mention two scenes: the passionate and loving performance given during “old dueteromony”. the singing is beautiful and the aaaacting is lush. that bit when munku nuzzles old deut is A++++. mwah. and the other scene being his background acting during the ad-dressing of cats. the one where he’s emoting so fucking much in the background. and he’s doing that the whole movie actually but its more obvious there. i’ve been to that scene a lot and lemme tell you whatever frame you get of munku in that scene is fucking gold. special mention goes to what he does when old duet mentions the caviar. also i cannot stress enough that robbie does not blink!!! he’s a mad lad!!!!
i love all of jellicle songs for jellicle cats, great song, proper bop. and i dunno if this is my fave part but i think it deserves to be on here, i like when we get to the slow verse where its all like religious and stuff, they’re reaching up towards the everlasting cat as they sing and i think its beautiful. then these lyrics happen (and munku is guiding victoria thru these lyrics, which is nice) “feline, fearless, faithful to others that do...” and the macavity says “what”. and then suddenly the song goes back to really fast paced again. i dunno, i just love the way that part hits. i dunno if it should go in the top five, there are other moments i love more, a lot of them didn’t feel Big Enough. so they’re going in honorable mentions
i wanna give honorable mentions to
misto’s “romantical cats!” with his heart paws
“how will they be chosen?” “by singing the song of themselves, of course” i love that line because it perfectly expresses that this movie will express it’s concept entirely sincerely without a hint of irony. and i like that
every time misto and victoria nuzzle. oh and that heavy breathing held gaze tension moment they have after the bit with the dog [bleps]
misto and munku dosed on catnip cuz i’m a horny fuck, okay
munku and victoria’s lovely dance followed by misto suddenly yelling his own name and juggling. yeah that about sums it up
“macavityyyyyy [whoosh]”
the little chin hold munku gives misto. i’ve seen robbie do that in other things and it’s always towards a love interest. interesting
the jellicle ball. in general. but especially misto and victoria dancing together and munku and skimble dancing together. and all is right with the world
i really like beautiful ghosts (musically and character wise. the scene itself isn’t very interesting to look at but oh well) and i especially like “all that i wanted, was to be wanted”. like for me that informs a lot of victoria’s character. that stuck with me, i like it
munku’s tear during memory
“you... are the jellicle choice” and griz’s reaction. felt that
“up, up, up to the heavyside layer!” (with the bonus that misto is lighting the candles in time with the music, and thats satisfying as heck)
jennyanydots’ eye rolly joke during tugger’s song is worth it because of munkustrap’s reaction to it. his “oh you’re so bad!” laugh followed by looks that say “oh no, i shouldn’t laugh at that, i’m supposed to be sensible. hehe”. you can tell they’re good friends, it’s endearing
i can’t pick a specific part of mungo and rumple’s song but i love victoria going into silly mode, and also just mungo and rumple’s Vibes, ya know. extra special mention to victoria and rumple’s obvious chemistry
fuck it, any time misto is a klutzy endearing (not so) little baby. OH WAIT i wanna point out how fucking proud of himself he is when he sings about his family repeatedly calling him in. that is the epitome of a cat, amazing
there’s more, there’s always more, but that’s currently... enough
i’m very into this movie, can you tell. like i’ll dunk on it, but i love it
it’s my special interest and i’m here to have a good time, babey
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interview tag!
rules: answer questions and tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better!
thanks @shineesltm for tagging me, i don’t often do ask games these days because I get too lazy (although i love to be tagged in them LOLOL) but i was in the mood tonight!
I won’t tag 20 blogs lol but @hobitonins @abunnycotton @jaanwoo can have a tag if they wanna look/play! and anyone else that wants to lol
name / nickname: leila. My dad sometimes calls me leily and i have a few friends who call me lei-lei (not a preferred nickname but they’re my friends so i let them lolol) but overall no nickname
pronouns: she/her
star sign: cancer sun/aries moon/libra rising
height: 5'4
time: 12:48pm
when is your birthday: july 1
nationality: canadian
favorite band/groups: nct, monsta x, bee tee ess, exo, ace, nuest, twice, red velvet, block b, the boyz, ateez, victon, stray kids, oneus, onewe, day6, mcnd, dkb, idk i’m probably forgetting some lolol but in general yeah
favorite solo artists: yoongi LOL, wonho, woodz, han seungwoo, taemin, kang daniel
song stuck in your head: answer by ateez which is weird because i don’t actually super care for that particular ateez song
last movie you watched: i think it was Howl’s Moving Castle
last show you binged: i never binge shows. i intend to slowly watch the latest posted season of ru paul but i shan’t be binging it
when you created your blog: i could look it up but honestly i don’t recall. long time tho.
last thing you googled: seungwoo...........omg me all the time....
other blogs: just this one. my past ones are now out of commission
why i chose my url: ummmmm mcnd’s iconiQUE hit song of 2021, woodangtang? extremely iconic of them
how many people are you following: 187
how many followers do you have: 376
average hours of sleep: mmm like 4.5 on work days, probably 6-11 variably on days off
lucky number: 8, because it’s round and even
instruments: NONE lol
what i am currently wearing: matching pajama t-shirt and shorts, black cardigan
dream job: children’s program coordinator at a big museum
dream trip: idk man i don’t think lots about travelling...maybe like a month to visit australia, china, korea? travelling gets legit super hard when you have severe food allergies and don’t speak the language and don’t have control over what you’re consuming, so I just don’t bother dreaming about travelling
favorite food:
1. rice
2. cake
3. whipped cream
4. nutella with butter toast
5. doritos
6. maynards sour mango candies
7. candy in general
8. fruit cream filled chocolates
9. carrots
10. chocolate in general
favorite song: i don’t have a favourite song because songs are so like, changing, lol, but rn idk why but euphoria by mr. jk himself is making me very emotional. not my favourite song tho.
top three fictional universes you’d like to live in: hmmm honestly i’m not sure? probably the bloody jack series universe, downton abbey universe, and i don’t know a third? Mad Men maybe?
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befehlvonganzunten · 3 years
Answer 30 questions and tag some people you’d like to get to know better!
Tagged by @i-lovethatforme
Name: Kristina.
Gender: Female.
Star Sign: Sagittarius.
Height: 5’8″
Time: 19:58
Birthday: 19th December.
Favourite Bands: Foals, The 1975 and Florence + the Machine.
Favourite Solo Artists: Hozier and Stevie Wonder.
Song Stuck In My Head: Lo Vas A Olvidar by Billie Eilish & ROSALÍA.
Last Movie: Dope by Rick Famuyiwa.
Last Show: Euphoria (the Special Episodes).
When Did I Create This Blog: I have no idea :D
What Do I Post: Mostly reblogs (pop-culture, fandom, memes, political shit) and chapter links for my WIP.
Last Thing I Googled: "harrison ford ryan gosling facepunch"
Other Blogs: Nope.
Do I Get Asks: Very rarely but that's okay :)
Why I Chose This URL: I was scrolling through my playlists and then I stumbled upon this Deichkind song that used to be super popular in my class back when I was in high school. (In case you've never heard of Deichkind before: they're basically Kraftwerk on crack, so consider yourselves warned.) Musicwise, they're really NOT my cup of tea but their lyrics are kinda hilarious. Anyways, "Befehl von ganz unten" literally translates into "order from the lowest ranks" and for some reason I find that incredibly funny. End of rant.
Following: A lot.
Followers: A few.
Average Hours Of Sleep: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Lucky Number: 5 I guess.
Instruments: Piano.
What I’m Wearing: Purple hoodie, black leggings and the thickest pair of socks you can imagine.
Dream Job: Archivist.
Dream Trip: Dublin.
Favourite Food: Sushi.
Nationality: German.
Favourite Song: Changes literally every day. Today it's Love on the Brain by Rihanna.
Last Book I Read: The Best Book in the World by Peter Stjernström.
Top Three Fictional Universes I’d Like To Live In: I have absolutely no clue.
Tagging: @over-the-sun, @iovewords and @tvfanatic97-2 (only if you want to, tho.)
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