#eu migration
head-post · 4 months
Migration to shape European policy in 2024
In 2023, migration had a huge impact on shaping public opinion. It is likely to be at the top of the EU agenda again in the new year, Deutsche Welle reports.
The number of asylum applications in EU countries has risen significantly over the past two years. In 2022, there were just under 1 million, but the European Union’s Asylum Agency predicts that this mark could be the highest since 2015, a year that saw a particularly large number of people coming to Europe and former German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s slogan: “We can do this!”
The EU border agency Frontex reports that more than 350,000 people seeking protection entered the EU illegally in the first 11 months of 2023.
However, according to the EU Commission, irregular migration accounts for only a small part of all migration to the 27 member states. By comparison, in 2022, almost 3.5 million people migrated to the EU as refugees with asylum status or, for example, for the purpose of education or work, according to Deutsche Welle.
Analysts suggest that in 2024, many people will continue to make dangerous and sometimes deadly journeys to Europe in search of asylum. Catherine Woollard, director of the European Council for Refugees and Exiles, told DW that record numbers of people are currently fleeing around the world. A small proportion of them will seek protection in the EU.
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munaeem · 7 months
Why has the European union failed to develop a plan to bring the migrant influx under control ?
The European Union’s Struggle with Managing Migrant Arrivals The European Union (EU) has faced significant challenges in effectively managing the influx of migrant arrivals. In recent years, the continent has experienced a dramatic increase in the number of migrants seeking refuge, reminiscent of the crises witnessed in 2011 and 2015. Despite these recurring challenges, the EU has struggled to…
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mapsontheweb · 4 months
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Illegal migration routes to the EU.
by dalmatian.mapper
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eaglesnick · 1 year
Food For Thought
Only a few weeks ago we were reading headlines like these:
“Why are UK supermarkets facing fresh food shortages?”  (Guardian: 22/02/23)
“Tesco has followed Aldi, Asda and Morrisons in introducing customer limits on certain fresh fruit and vegetables as shelves are stripped bare at supermarkets across the UK.”  (Mirror: 22/02/23)
And more recently we have this
”Supermarket shelves face more fruit and veg shortages"  (Retail Gazette: 02/05/23)
What is our government doing to help alleviate this problem? Absolutely nothing!  Rishi Sunak is always telling us that our priorities are his priorities but his government has ABANDONED the horticultural sector of our economy, and with it the guaranteed supply of fruit, vegetables and salad.
Last June the government promised to come up with a strategy to help British fruit and vegetable growers with "sky-high" input costs and labour shortages, which were pricing home growers out of the market. This week, the government went back on its word leading to the “Farmers Weekly" leading with this headline:
“Ditching of English horticulture strategy ‘beggars belief’ (Farmers Weekly: 03/05/23)
What this means for the hard-pressed British consumer, as home grown fruit and vegetable production falls, is higher prices and the increased likelihood of fruit and vegetable shortages as we become more reliant upon overseas suppliers.
Common sense tells us that food security should be one of the top priorities of any government, yet Sunak’s government is so intent on controlling migrants that they wont allow enough seasonal workers into Britain to harvest our fruit and vegetable crops. Nor will they adequately compensate for the additional costs in energy, preferring instead to give tax breaks to their wealthy friends. Consequently, many growers are simply giving up their businesses, thereby making the UK more reliant upon foreign imports.
We saw what happened when rising energy costs and bad weather affected the production of European fruit, vegetables and salad products during the winter months. Unlike Sunak’s government, European governments put their citizens first, so when there were shortages over the winter, supplies stayed in the EU prompting headlines like this:
“Europeans mock UK shoppers with photos of supermarket shelves full of fresh fruit and veg." (Mirror: 22/02/23)
Not only can we expect more headlines like that if we don’t secure our own home-grown food supplies but we can can also expect the food-price inflation to continue to rise.
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lilithism1848 · 8 months
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dr-drea · 5 months
are they fucking kidding rn?
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judasvibe · 3 months
the genre of youtube videos that's just french people telling all their buddies how much money they can earn in switzerland by moving here is insufferably high
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Schüsse auf Flüchtling(e) nach Europa
Auch ohne Schießbefehl ...
Unter den Augen von FRONTEX
Dies alles geschieht mit Wissen der europäischen Grenzschutzagentur FRONTEX - über die wir bereits 2013 eine Dokumentation gedreht haben. Monitor zeigt die Wagen von FRONTEX auf dem Gelände einer Polizeistation, wo auch Flüchtlinge ohne Nahrung und ohne Toiletten gefangen gehalten werden. Ihr Recht einen Asylantrag zu stellen wird ihnen verwehrt. Sie werden in der Regel nach einigen Tage wieder illegal in die Türkei abgeschoben.
Pro Asyl schreibt dazu: Ohne Flüchtlingsschutz? Nicht mit uns!
187 Kilometer, 49.000 Tonnen Stahl, messerscharfer Stacheldraht - auch der neue Zaun an der EU-Außengrenze zwischen Polen und Belarus steht. Schutzsuchenden sendet er die Botschaft: Achtung! Niemand sollte versuchen, diese Grenze zu überwinden! Auch während der Weihnachtszeit sitzen verzweifelte Flüchtlinge vor dieser und den vielen anderen hochgerüsteten EU-Grenzen in Elend, Hunger und Kälte fest.
Manche von Ihnen hatten es bereits in die EU geschafft. Sie hofften, nun endlich in Sicherheit zu sein. Aber sie wurden - häufig unter Anwendung schwerer Gewalt - wieder auf die andere Seite der Grenze verschleppt. Das Stellen eines Asylantrags wurde ihnen verwehrt, ihre Bitte um Schutz missachtet. Ihre Menschenrechte wurden brutal verletzt. Das Unrecht an den europäischen Außengrenzen gegenüber Schutzsuchenden muss ein Ende haben.
Auch PRO ASYL recherchiert und dokumentiert vor Ort. Und wir geben den betroffenen Menschen eine Stimme.
Mehr dazu bei https://www.ardmediathek.de/video/monitor/verbotene-orte-europas-duestere-fluechtlingspolitik/das-erste/Y3JpZDovL3dkci5kZS9CZWl0cmFnLTk1YTQ5ZjZmLTcyNWItNDA5My04MDk3LTg4OGFlYWViMWNiOA und https://www.proasyl.de
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3rg Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8236-20221209-schuesse-auf-fluechtlinge-nach-europa.htm
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elipsi · 2 years
it's so weird to me how the books i read to learn a bit more and become a productive member of society are like. textbook of college level courses for people i know who study political science
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head-post · 5 months
New EU pact on migration and asylum puts children at risk
The agreement reached on 20 December between Europe’s national governments and the European Parliament could undermine children’s fair access to asylum across the continent, Ekklesia reports.
The agreement, known as the EU Migration and Asylum Pact, will also systematise the detention of children of all ages at EU borders, lead to egregious violations of children’s rights, endanger children on the move and further divide migrant families. Willy Bergogné, Save the Children Europe’s Director and EU representative, said:
 “The European leaders involved in these negotiations claim that the new Pact is a historic agreement on EU migration policy that will establish clear, fair and faster border procedures. This result is deemed crucial to reducing the influx of asylum seekers towards Europe. In fact, the agreement reached today is historically bad. It is evident that for the majority of legislators, the priority was to close borders, not protect people, including families and children escaping violence, conflict, hunger and death while seeking protection in Europe.”
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munaeem · 8 months
Understanding the Challenges of Migration and Refugee Influx in Europe
Migration and the arrival of refugees in Europe pose complex challenges for both the individuals seeking safety and the European Union (EU) as a whole. In this blog post, we will explore how migrants and refugees enter Europe, why the EU cannot simply block their routes, and the implications of providing financial support to countries like Turkey and Tunisia. How do migrants and refugees enter…
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mapsontheweb · 8 months
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Number of EU citizens living in another EU countries.
Highest: Romania 3.1 Million • Lowest: Malta 4.1 Thousand
by Maps_interlude
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yellow-yarrow · 2 years
neoliberal countries going "we respect the choice of italians, we will work civilly with the new government" these people are so spineless
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deadassdiaspore · 2 years
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In 1999, Nigerian asylum seeker Marcus Omofuma killed when Austrian police officers suffocated him with tape on the plane that deported him from Austria.
In 1998, Nigerian asylum seeker Semira Adamu killed in cold blood by Belgian police officers suffocated her with a pillow on the plane that expulsed her from Belgium.
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K.DIALLO @nyesu_wassi
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kevintryan · 12 days
The Entangled Triangle: Demographics, Politics, and the European Economy
The Entangled Triangle: Demographics, Politics, and the European Economy. What does its interplay mean for Europe's future?
What does its interplay mean for Europe’s future? Kevin Thomas Ryan Europe faces a significant challenge: the old continent’s population is aging and shrinking. Europe has one of the oldest populations globally, with low birth rates and a high average life expectancy. This trend is expected to continue.  This demographic shift has far-reaching consequences for both the political landscape and…
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thoughtlessarse · 1 month
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The Asylum and Migration Pact adopted by the European Parliament on Wednesday (10 April) will “weaken the right to asylum” and enshrine in law an ailing approach to migration policy, Eve Geddie, head of Amnesty International’s Brussels office, told Euractiv in an interview. The pact, a set of nine interdependent files, is the outcome of almost 10 years of debates and negotiations at the EU level. In effect, it revamps the bloc’s migration policy, streamlines asylum-granting procedures, reinforces border security, and establishes a new ‘solidarity’ mechanism among member states. Wednesday’s vote was preceded by a last-minute wind of panic the pact would fall through, and party leaders were rallying troops until the last moment so numbers would add up. Its long-awaited adoption was marked by total silence in the plenary. At the end of such a long legislative road, MEPs tend to clap and hug each other, but there was none of that this time around. Despite the official tweets celebrating the outcome, the final agreement was to no one’s liking. Socialists wanted a more human-led approach, while the centre-right looked for more restrictive measures. Both groups eventually voted in favour – bar a few rebels – alongside the centrist Renew Europe group. This was driven by the argument that the EU had better act now than wait for a more right-leaning Parliament after June’s elections, where a surge in right-wing votes is expected. Countries opting out of asylum obligations It’s no good for NGOs either: “Ultimately, it’s going to weaken the right to asylum,” Amnesty International’s Geddie told Euractiv. The pact was the opportunity to take a more human-centred approach to EU migration policy, she said, “but what we have instead is a set of policies which are really going to increase people’s suffering at every step of their [migration] journey”. She was most concerned about some of the pact’s key measures, including a new ‘solidarity’ mechanism – whose architecture would enable frontline EU countries experiencing ‘migration pressures’ to require the relocation of migrants to other EU members. Failing that, these other EU countries will be bound to provide first-arrival countries with extra cash, material assistance such as surveillance tools, and personnel. “This means member states can opt out of their obligation to uphold asylum,” Geddie said. -She was just as critical of a new ‘filtering’ mechanism, via which asylum-seekers would be kept in detention centres on EU borders for a maximum of seven days while their asylum claims are being assessed – a time during which they would legally not be deemed to be on EU territory.
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