radicalgraff · 6 months
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"Frontex (EU Border Agency) Kills"
Stencil spotted in Warsaw, Poland
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feckcops · 10 months
The migrant shipwreck near Greece is a horrible tragedy – but it wasn’t an accident
“The Greek coast guard’s conflicting account states that the vessel was first spotted by Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, at midday on Tuesday, June 13. It claims that once it achieved contact, those on board repeatedly stated that ‘the boat was not in danger, they wanted no help other than food and water, and that they wished to continue on to Italy.’ The coast guard states that at 1:40 a.m., the boat ceased moving, and at 2:04 a.m., a coast guard floating vessel reported that the trawler had capsized.
“International legal experts have noted that even if those on board the trawler said they did not want to be rescued, the coast guard had the obligation to independently evaluate if it was seaworthy and intervene if it was not. Photos of the trawler show that it was clearly overpacked, those on board did not appear to be wearing life vests, and the vessel was not flying any flag …
“These tragedies are no accident, but a product of political choices. Over the past decade, the EU has reduced access to asylum and made arriving on the continent ever more difficult — increasing policing and surveillance along its borders, erecting and expanding walls, and illegally pushing back thousands of people …
“There are years of evidence that Greece and Frontex regularly engage in and cooperate on illegal pushbacks — pushing migrants back over the border despite their right to seek asylum. In recent years, these pushbacks have been stepped up, both on the country’s northern land border and at sea. Those caught on the northern border are usually beaten, robbed of their phones and all their valuables, often stripped naked, and put in boats on the river Évros. People who arrive on Greek islands are usually gathered up, put on rubber boats, and abandoned at sea. Boats intercepted in the Aegean Sea are often damaged or have their engines removed, or else the Hellenic Coast Guard will simply tow them back to Turkish waters.”
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odinsblog · 10 months
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While EU officials express their grief over the deadliest shipwreck in recent years, Solomon's analysis exposes the EU hypocrisy: Out of 800 million euros allocated to Greece for border management, only 600,000 euros (0,07%) are for search and rescue. (source)
Authorities practically watched them drown and nothing was done until it was too late
The Greek coastguard claimed it didn’t intervene when a boat carrying asylum seekers and refugees capsized because those on board refused help, leaving as many as 750 people to drown. Activists say Greece delayed aid as those on board pleaded for help for 15+ hours.
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mapsontheweb · 2 years
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Latest on EU-Russian borders:
🔹66 000 Russian citizens have entered the EU over the past week, a 30% increase in comparison to the preceding week
🔹Most of the Russian citizens are entering the EU through Finnish and Estonian border crossing points
More details >>
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fromgreecetoanarchy · 10 months
Small video from the protest in Piraeus, Greece that takes place now towards the headquarters of the greek Coast Guard and Frontex for the crime near Pylos island where hundreds of migrants drowned in a shipwreck
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elladastinkardiamou · 10 months
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This week's newsletter from AthensLive is out:
Pylos shipwreck: Greece & Frontex play cat and mouse, over 500 deaths
Another young man was killed by the Greek police in a car chase 
Misgendered even after death
International media haven’t given up on investigating the Pylos shipwreck. Every new revelation tips the scale against the Greek authorities - no one believes their version of the story anymore.
A policeman shot a 20-year-old Syrian man during a car chase. Sounds familiar? This is because it’s the latest in a spate of similar incidents in Greece, reviving the debate around police violence in the country.
Greek police and media misgendered a trans woman who was found brutally killed in her flat. Organizations and lawmakers have spoken up so that Anna Ivanka, the late drag queen who often hosted homeless trans people in her apartment, could find some justice after her death.   
It cannot be recommended strongly enough to read and share this week's updates on the events and developments in Greece here:
For anyone with a wish or need to follow and to gain an insight into recent events in Greece and to read and support independent and investigative journalism in English, the weekly newsletter from AthensLive should be a core element in the reading flow.
If you want the best overview of the events and developments in Greece right now, this is the place to go. Not the mainstream Greek news, but independent journalism with sharp analysis and links to interesting and important topics from a variety of sources.
Become a member and get the newsletter in your inbox every week here: http://bit.ly/2GkVuYt
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aktionfsa-blog-blog · 11 months
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"Asylkompromiss" verhöhnt UN-Flüchtlingskonvention
Mehr Haft ist keine Lösung
Da diskutieren einige Bundesländer ob sie grundrechtswidrig die Präventivhaft für Jede/n von 2 auf 7 oder 14 Tage verlängern. Gleichzeitig sind sich die EU Staaten "einig" - eigentlich ist es nur die Niederlage des Rechts gegenüber den rechten Regierungen in Polen, Ungarn, Italien, ... - dass sie die Dauer der Grenz­ver­fah­ren von bis­lang "nur" vier Wochen auf bis zu 12 Wochen verdreifachen.
Weiterhin wird allen "offensichtlich Unberechtigten" der Rechtsweg eines Asylverfahrens von vornherein genommen. Pro Asyl protestiert gegen diesen weiteren Abbau des Asylrechts genau 30 Jahre nach dessen formaler Abschaffung durch die damalige CDU Regierung unter Kanzler Kohl und beschreibt die Zustände an den Grenzen sehr realistisch:
„Wenn Menschenrechte verschwinden"
Es war ein langer Weg, die Menschenrechte international zu verankern. Marie Juchacz, Mahatma Ghandi, Eleanor Roosevelt, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela sind nur einige, die dafür gekämpft haben: Die Menschenrechte gelten für alle, das muss auch künftig so bleiben!
Diese Errungenschaft verspielt die Europäische Union heute. Indem sie unter dem Druck rechtspopulistischer Regierungen die Menschenrechte Schutzsuchender zunehmend außer Acht lässt. Indem sie bei Verbrechen gegen sie wegschaut. Indem sie das Unrecht sogar finanziert und legalisiert. Flüchtlinge werden an den Rändern der EU gedemütigt, geschlagen und gefoltert und immer wieder auch dem Tod überlassen.
Ein Beispiel: Im Oktober 2020 überqueren fünf Flüchtlinge die bosnisch-kroatische Grenze. Die kroatische Polizei nimmt sie fest und übergibt vier von ihnen an maskierte Personen, die sie grausam misshandeln. „Ich sollte mich bis auf die Unterwäsche ausziehen ... Zwei haben meine Arme festgehalten, zwei meine Beine. Vier andere haben auf mich eingeschlagen" - so berichtet einer der Betroffenen. Fast nackt und teils schwer verletzt werden die Flüchtlinge zurück auf die bosnische Seite verschleppt.
Den Schutzsuchenden gelingt später die Weiterflucht. Mit unserer Hilfe durchlaufen sie nun in Deutschland ihr Asylverfahren. Gleichzeitig geht PRO ASYL zusammen mit Partnerorganisationen gegen das Unrecht vor, das sie im EU-Mitgliedsstaat Kroatien erlitten haben: Im Dezember 2020 erstattet unser Partner in Kroatien, das Centre for Peace Studies (CPS), Strafanzeige, unter anderem wegen Folter, Misshandlung, Vergewaltigung, und Raub. Bis heute hat die kroatische Staatsanwaltschaft nicht reagiert. Ab Juli 2021 gehen wir zusammen mit dem CPS den Fall erneut an. Inzwischen liegen uns auch Schilderungen anderer Flüchtlinge über ähnliche Gewalttaten vor.
Im November 2021 verurteilt der Europäische Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte Kroatien erstmals wegen eines illegalen Pushbacks mit Todesfolge. Opfer war ein sechsjähriges Mädchen. Im April 2023 erheben die Geflüchteten beim kroatischen Verfassungsgericht Beschwerde wegen mangelnder Ermittlungen. Sie werden unterstützt von einem Netzwerk europäischer Menschenrechtsorganisationen, auch von PRO ASYL.
Kroatien wird trotz vieler Berichte über schwere Menschenrechtsverletzungen 2023 auch mit Unterstützung Deutschlands in den europäischen Schengen-Raum aufgenommen. Damit werden Kroatiens Verstöße gegen die Menschenrechte buchstäblich belohnt.
Wir sagen: So darf es in Europa nicht weitergehen. Wir alle sind betroffen, denn die Menschenrechte gelten für alle! Das absolute Verbot, Schutzsuchende an den Grenzen unter Gewaltanwendung abzuwehren, ist eines dieser wertvollen Rechte -ebenso wie der Anspruch auf ein faires und rechtsstaatliches Asylverfahren.
Auf der Webseite von Pro Asyl gibt es die Möglichkeit gegen solche Menschenrechtsverletzungen und den aktuellen "Asylkompromiss"  mit einer Petiiton zu protestieren.
Mehr dazu bei https://www.proasyl.de/news/ausverkauf-der-menschenrechte-deutschland-stimmt-fuer-aushebelung-des-fluechtlingsschutzes/ und Petition unterschreiben https://aktion.proasyl.de/newpact/
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3uy Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8427-20230612-asylkompromiss-verhoehnt-un-fluechtlingskonvention.htm
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Casualmente, proprio in questo tragico momento dopo il #naufragio di #Crotone, abbiamo scritto al #ComandoGenerale per sottoporre all'attenzione della gerarchia una possibile #soluzione per ovviare a una criticità riguardante il personale del comparto #aeronavale circa l'impiego nell'ambito del dispositivo #Frontex. Analizzare il #problema e proporre #accomodamenti, è questa la cifra del #sindacato serio che in maniera proattiva e sinergica si confronta con la controparte per arrivare all'intesa. 👮🧑‍✈️ Sempre dalla parte dei colleghi 🇮🇹🇪🇺 #SIMGuardiadiFinanza https://www.simguardiadifinanza.it/2023/03/04/impiego-personale-a-supporto-staff-i-c-c-l-c-c-e-liaison-officer-a-bordo-degli-assetti-navali-esteri-criticita-e-suggerimenti/ (presso Italia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpYZNBAtZft/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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skaphander · 2 years
Systematic Cover-Up by EU Border Police: Revealed: The OLAF report on Frontex
Frontex sucks!
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hummussexual · 2 years
How The EU Created The World's Deadliest Border
We hear a lot about the horrific border policy of the US, but very rarely does anyone mention Europe. Believe it or not, the deadliest border In the world isn't shared with the US...but the EU. What's going on here? How is Frontex, the EU border security organization, responsible for tens of thousands of preventable deaths?
Citations and Further Reading: https://abolishfrontex.org/frontex/ https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/20... https://socialistworker.org/2016/04/2... 
Biden likes walls https://www.cbsnews.com/news/immigrat... 
Frontex director resigns https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5obde... https://www.politico.eu/article/eu-bo... https://www.theguardian.com/world/202... 
Deaths in the Mediterranean https://news.un.org/en/story/2017/11/... https://reliefweb.int/report/world/re...   https://www.theguardian.com/global-de... https://www.statista.com/statistics/1... 
Pushbacks https://www.theguardian.com/global-de... https://www.josoor.net/post/frontex-p... https://refugee-rights.eu/pushbacksev... 
Frontex hides pushbacks https://www.politico.eu/article/europ... https://www.infomigrants.net/en/post/... 
Non-refoulement https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-ref... 
Frontex brief https://frontex.europa.eu/assets/Publ...
New border walls in Europe https://www.tni.org/en/publication/bu... 
Frontex budget https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/20... https://www.statewatch.org/publicatio... 
Drones https://www.statewatch.org/analyses/2... https://www.theguardian.com/world/201... 
Pullbacks https://reliefweb.int/report/world/ho... 
“Concentration camp-like conditions” https://fragdenstaat.de/blog/2018/lib...  Coast guard firing at migrants https://theintercept.com/2016/08/22/c... 
Frontex maps https://thecorrespondent.com/664/how-... Biometric/AI use and discrimination https://www.statewatch.org/publicatio... https://www.statewatch.org/news/2022/... Failed reforms https://www.theguardian.com/global-de... https://www.statewatch.org/analyses/2... Institutional EU support for Frontex https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frontex CNN clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ja1pW...
Capitalism and Borders https://www.leftvoice.org/borders-and... https://socialistworker.org/2018/11/2... https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/politicsandpo...
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altinovaguncel · 2 years
Milli Savunma Bakanı Akar: Hudutların korunması milli bir meseledir
Milli Savunma Bakanı Akar: Hudutların korunması milli bir meseledir
Milli Savunma Bakanı Akar, “Hudutların korunması milli bir meseledir. Mehmetçik hudutlarda kendisine sağlanan imkanları en etkin şekilde kullanıyor, yapılması gerekenleri başarılı şekilde yapıyor.” dedi. Milli Savunma Bakanı Hulusi Akar, beraberinde Genelkurmay Başkanı Orgeneral Yaşar Güler ve Deniz Kuvvetleri Komutanı Oramiral Adnan Özbal ile Akdeniz Bölge Komutanlığına geldi. Komutanlığa…
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a2imediagroupe · 18 days
Méditerranée : des garde-côtes libyens ouvrent le feu en direction de l'équipage du Mare Jonio
Jeudi dernier, des garde-côtes libyens ont ouvert le feu en direction de l’un des canots de sauvetage du navire humanitaire Mare Jonio. L’équipage était en train de secourir une embarcation de migrants lorsque les Libyens sont intervenus provoquant un mouvement de panique. Le Mare Jonio a finalement pu porter secours à 56 personnes qui ont été débarquées en Sicile vendredi. “Arrêtez de tirer,…
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intraspecificviolence · 2 months
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ulibeudgen · 2 months
Von Biedermännern und Brandstiftern
Ein Gastbeitrag von Stefan Eilitz Am 28.02.2024 fand die norddeutsche Regionalkonferenz der CDU zur Beratung über ein neues Grundsatzprogramm in … Von Biedermännern und Brandstiftern Eine Stellungnahme aus der Piratenpartei Region Hannover … beispielhaft …
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elladastinkardiamou · 10 months
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This week's newsletter from AthensLive is out: The world is looking at Greece’s deadly migration policies.  
*    Contradictions. Too many contradictions *    “Bad BBC, good Coast Guard” *     Two shipwrecks, two completely different approaches
- are the main headlines to be found inside this highly informative weekly must-read from and about Greece. The world ‘celebrated’ World Refugee Day on the 20th of June, haunted by the ghosts of those who died in one of the deadliest shipwrecks in the Mediterranean, off the coast of Greece, on 14 June 2023, under to-be-investigated conditions. Doubt is increasingly cast on the Greek Coast Guard and how it handled the matter without this shaking responsibility off the EU regarding their migration policy. Following international reports citing evidence that the Greek Coast Guard did not react in the indicated way, Greek mainstream media embarked on a crusade to support the Greek authorities' side. Greek officials even abandoned the country’s jurisdiction rights to shake off Greece’s responsibility. This tragic shipwreck that happened days before the Titanic sub accident (Opens in a new window) proves that not all lives matter equally.  
It cannot be recommended strongly enough to read and share this week's updates on the events and developments in Greece here:
For anyone with a wish or need to follow and to gain an insight into recent events in Greece and to read and support independent and investigative journalism in English, the weekly newsletter from AthensLive should be a core element in the reading flow.
If you want the best overview of the events and developments in Greece right now, this is the place to go. Not the mainstream Greek news, but independent journalism with sharp analysis and links to interesting and important topics from a variety of sources.
Become a member and get the newsletter in your inbox every week here:
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conatic · 2 months
Le Monde – Après le naufrage d’un navire avec 650 migrants à bord en Méditerranée, l’agence Frontex n’avait pas diffusé de signal de détresse pour hâter les secours
Source: lemonde.fr
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