#eric martin sucks
p4nishers · 6 months
just saw this https://collider.com/loki-season-2-sylki-romance-eric-martin-comments/ and well.. it was fun while it lasted. i guess i just don’t understand straight people (like wth eric martin??) because if whatever syl//ki had going on this season is supposed to be romance then..
im sorry this is bad and we should be worried but i've been laughing at this part for a while now
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like. even when discussing them as a romance they cant overlook the fact that they're LITERALLY THE SAME PERSON and it's just so funny to me every time
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larvae-pietatis · 2 years
MAG154, tears in my eyes
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sananaryon · 4 months
Magnus Archives dudes ranked by how much I, an aroace lesbian, would want to fuck them
Jonathan Sims - 7/10
Fairly middle of the road academic, would be the worst to make breakfast for the day after, but gets point for being a mess.
Martin Blackwood - 1/10
It's good for others but the teddybear vibes dont do it for me, i'm sorry
Tim Stoker - 9/10
He seems fun and I think he'd understand that this is no strings attached, we'd have a good time.
Elias Bouchard - 6/10
Evil old men are fuckable, but loses points for being the worst.
Gerard Keay - 3/10
I wouldn't fuck Gerard, I'd make him good food and let him stay at my place for as long as he needs.
Jurgen Leitner - 5/10
Look. He gets a worse rap than he deserves. That said he loses points for probably talking too much during sex.
Michael Crew - 7/10
I like his powers and he seems like a fun guy to fuck, plus scars are hot but seeing them also involves seeing a semi-buff dude shirtless which is like my biggest turnoff.
Michael Distortion - 6/10
I am a monsterfucker but i don't like his voice.
Peter Lukas - 3/10
Bear DILF is a great vibe but i feel like he'd wanna do it in Lonely and i'm cold at the moment so that sounds awful.
Oliver Banks - 3/10
He'd be an 10 if he hadn't said anything to trigger my thanatophobia halfway through. He'd make good breakfast after though.
Adelard Decker - 7/10
Saved more people than Gertrude, I'd fuck him just for that.
Eric Delano - 9/10
Michael Shelley (pre-Distortion) - 3/10
Another one that just doesn't do it for me, but he's cute enough.
Mikaele Salesa - 10/10
He has sugar daddy vibes, I'd fuck him for a new ps5 and he'd pay my bills.
Breekon & Hope - 10/10
Worse ways to spend a weekend than being spitroasted by buff delivery men with sexy voices.
John Amherst - 1/10
He has every std
Maxwell Rayner - 2/10
I mean, he's hot enough but next to Manuela everyone is a 1. This is the one time i let my lesbianism influence my judgement
Jordan Kennedy - 6/10
The ants are a turnoff but I respect a working man
Jared Hopworth - 10/10
Tom Haan - 4/10
Cannibalism is hotter when women do it, I lied about not letting my lesbianism decide.
Robert Montauk - 8/10
Dilf AND serial killer? My panties are already wet
Trevor Herbert - 4/10
Points for being the same as Robert but he was mean to Daisy so fuck him in a non sexy way
Simon Fairchild - 4/10
His optimism just gets to the point of annoying, dude shut up about what a lovely day it is while im sucking you off!
Edwin Burroughs - 7/10
I wouldn't need possession to corrupt him
Raymond Fielding - 5/10
Middle of the road, I wouldn't say no but i wouldn't initiate.
Robert Smirke - 10/10
This is 100% because i study architecture and fucking Robert Smirke would give bragging rights forever.
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One More First Kiss
There were a lot of instances, really, that could be considered their "first kiss."
For @jonmartinweek day 1 - First Kiss / Season 1
This is actually going to be a 7-chapter fic, with one chapter posted per day for every day of Jonmartin week! (except that jm week is actually 9 days this week, but oh well) Chapter one is a fluffy season 1 scene featuring a holiday party, a little too much to drink, and two contenders for the title of Jon & Martin's first kiss. Check it out on AO3 here, or read below:
The Institute’s yearly holiday party was miserable. 
The Institute’s yearly holiday party was always miserable, of course, but this year’s was worse than most, because this year – in addition to the lights being too bright and his dress-code-mandated tacky Christmas sweater being too itchy and the music being too loud and too festive and too repetitive (Jon swore to God, if he heard “Silver Bells” one more time, he wouldn’t be accountable for his actions) – the only coworkers he could stand were nowhere to be found.
It was their fault he’d even shown up in the first place. Tim had been pestering him for ages about his alleged inability to have fun, and Jon wanted to prove to him that he was at least occasionally capable of going to parties. His plan had been to arrive a little more than fashionably late, have one glass of mulled wine and a nibble of whatever looked good from the cheese plate while listening to Tim tell stories from his latest holiday and Sasha report what her dubiously-ethical snooping on their coworkers’ computers had revealed, and then slip out before he ever had to make small talk with strangers.
He’d already failed on that front. Unable to find Tim or Sasha, he’d somehow found himself dragged into conversation with Heather from HR and a man from payroll whose name he hadn’t caught. They were sharing the latest gossip about someone named Hannah and someone else named Jeremy, and while Jon was fairly certain he didn’t know either of those people, the possibility that he’d met both of them multiple times kept him from asking who they were. To prevent that or any other form of rudeness, he’d stuck mostly to nodding along while the other two spoke, and as such was less than fully engaged in the conversation.
When there was finally a lull in the small talk, Jon excused himself and went to search for the others.
A quick scan of the room produced no sign of Tim or Sasha. They were not by the drinks table, not on the dance floor, not in any of the little groups of chit-chatters that Jon could see. Half to get away from the migraine-inducing light and noise and half to avoid being sucked into any more small talk, Jon stepped into the hallway. He took a few steps towards the break room, thinking a glass of water and maybe a brief lie-down on the couch might help his headache, when he heard, from behind the closed breakroom door, the unmistakable sound of Tim Stoker whooping in delight.
Jon opened the door, and nine sets of eyes turned to him at once. Tim, Sasha, and Martin were sat on the break room floor with three of their old friends from Research whose names Jon knew – namely Amanda, Eric, and Salim – and three people from the library whose names he did not. They were all arranged in a circle, a bottle of wine at the center.
Tim’s face lit up. “Hey, you made it!” he said with a grin, waving Jon into the room. 
“Spin the bottle?” Jon muttered acidly as he closed the door behind him. “Really?”
“It’s a party!”
“A work party!” Jon countered. The sheer unprofessionalism on display was staggering.
“Oh, don’t be like that,” Tim said, patting the little scrap of empty space between himself and Martin. “Come on, we’ve got room for another player.”
Hm. Jon had come here to prove a point, but now he found the goalposts being moved without his input. Suddenly it wasn’t enough to simply attend the party – he was sure that showing up and not letting his hair down would be worse than not showing up at all, as far as Tim was concerned. And Jon had never been very good at backing down from a challenge – not even a challenge that his opponent hadn’t been aware they’d issued – so, against his better judgment, he took a seat in the circle. Tim shifted to give him more room, while Martin sat right where he was and stared at Jon like he’d just grown a second head.
“It’s your spin, Lee,” one member of the Library contingent said to another, and with that Jon was mercifully no longer the center of attention.
Thankfully, with a circle that large, the odds of it landing on Jon more than a few times weren’t particularly high, and for once, luck seemed to be on Jon’s side. He shared a quick, chaste peck with Amanda from research, and a significantly less-chaste kiss with Tim that was, little as Jon was likely to admit it, not un- enjoyable, and aside from that, he was mostly free to sit back and watch.
There seemed to be some sort of drama brewing within the Library crowd. Two of them – Lee and Yewonde – kept landing on each other, and it quickly became apparent that there was some sort of history there. The first kiss was an awkward, close-lipped affair that was over in the blink of an eye, and they both quite clearly avoided eye contact after it was over. The second and third were a little less brief but no less awkward, but by the fourth (fourth! Jon did not envy them their luck that evening) they’d each had enough to drink to abandon propriety and engage in an activity that could only be described as sucking face.
Jon knew Martin used to work in the library with them, so he leaned over and asked, “Are they…?” He whispered the question as quietly as he could, though he doubted they would notice if he didn’t. They seemed pretty thoroughly otherwise engaged.
“They both insist they aren’t,” Martin answered at the same volume. “But everyone’s pretty sure they hooked up last year’s holiday party. Yewonde’s boyfriend definitely thinks they did, but they’re kinda on-again-off-again, and I’m pretty sure they’re broken up right now.”
Jon was grateful for the context, but before he could express his thanks, Lee had peeled themself off of their colleague and was spinning the bottle again. 
It landed on Martin. It was safe to say that Lee approached this kiss with less enthusiasm than they had the last one, but less enthusiasm was not the same as no enthusiasm. Lee drunkenly misjudged the angle and left a clumsy, wet kiss to the bridge of Martin’s nose, and Martin received it with a good-natured grin. 
Jon was glad he still seemed to have a good relationship with his old coworkers. He sometimes struck Jon as a little isolated down in the Archives, the odd one out in a group who had otherwise all known each other for years. It was nice seeing him relax like this, among friends.
“Alright, my spin,” he announced, though everyone in the room had long caught on to the game’s rules.
The bottle swung in a wide, complete arc, then another, then one more before finally coming to a stop with the cap pointed squarely at Jon. Jon’s heart sank.
It wasn’t that Jon hated Martin. No one could be blamed for thinking that he did, given how he acted, but he didn’t. It was just that, well, it took Jon time to get comfortable with new people. He’d been quite looking forward to running a department that contained only himself, Tim, and Sasha – two people he had known long enough that they’d long made it out of the ‘acquaintances’ category and were well into the range of ‘friends’ – and when he’d learned that a stranger had been thrust into their midst without Jon’s input, Jon had handled it… poorly. He’d softened a bit on Martin in recent months, coming to view him less as an unwelcome intruder, but that didn’t mean he wanted to kiss him.
Martin was the worst-case-scenario in this game – not enough of a friend for the interaction to be comfortable, not enough of a stranger for the interaction to be meaningless. Jon would have to kiss Martin, and then he would have to come into work with him on Monday, and then again the next day, and the next, and that thought froze Jon in place.
Jon’s thoughts must have been written all over his face, because Martin’s face fell. The easygoing smile vanished in an instant, and he cringed.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” Martin muttered softly, but Lee interjected.
“Yes he does!” They were slurring their words, just a bit. “It’s spin the bottle! The whole game falls apart if you just ignore–”
“Alright, alright!” Martin cut them off, shoulders creeping up to his rapidly reddening ears.
“Come on, Jon!” Tim chimed in, slapping Jon roughly on the back. “He doesn’t bite!”
And Jon knew he didn’t, but now everyone was looking at him, and making a fuss, and he couldn’t move under the scrutiny of so many eyes.
Martin leaned over and planted a quick kiss to his cheek. He had to stoop quite a bit to bring himself level with Jon’s cheek, and his hot breath stirred the loose strands of hair beside Jon’s jaw. 
Martin’s lips were warm and dry and a bit rough. Jon wasn’t sure why that mattered more than the feel of Tim’s or Amanda’s lips had, but it did. 
It must have been the surprise. That’s all.
“That counts, right?” Martin asked, and the group all conceded that it did.
Jon very much wanted to sit in quiet contemplation of the memory of Martin’s lips against his cheek for a while, but unfortunately it was his spin next.
It landed on Tim, and Tim raised a single eyebrow enticingly. Jon thought about invoking his newly-established right to kiss on the cheek instead of lips, but he thought doing that again so soon might cause Lee to accuse him of destroying the integrity of the game again, so he sighed and kissed him.
Tim was a good kisser – Jon had known that for a while – but somehow it was Martin that he couldn’t get out of his head.
The game went on. Tim landed on Eric, Eric landed on Lee, Lee landed on the woman from the library whose name Jon had forgotten, she landed on Salim, Salim landed on Martin, Martin landed on Sasha. 
Jon could still smell Martin. That was hardly surprising – they were sitting right next to each other – but when Martin had leaned over, the smell had completely overwhelmed Jon’s senses, and now he lost himself trying to place the scent. It was vaguely citrusy. Not lemon, though. Bergamot, perhaps?
Sasha spun, and the bottle came to rest in front of Jon. She planted a sloppy kiss to the corner of his mouth (the library group weren’t the only ones who’d been getting a bit clumsy the more they drank) with a loud, “Mwah!”
Jon’s spin next. He couldn’t exactly say he was surprised at where it landed.
Martin visibly sagged. “I-It’s sort of between me and Sasha…”
“No, it isn’t!”
“Shut up, Lee!”
It really wasn’t.
Jon took a breath, steeled his nerves. Grabbed Martin by the shoulders, pulled him close, and pressed their lips together.
For a moment Martin went rigid against him, lips stiff and inflexible as wood, but still as warm and chapped as he’d remembered. Then he melted, turning soft and pliable beneath Jon’s touch, sighing softly against his still-closed mouth.
It was definitely bergamot that Jon was smelling.
When Jon pulled away, Martin’s eyes were closed and his cheeks were pink, freckles disappearing against the rising color. His lips were still slightly parted, as though waiting for Jon to lean back in for another kiss. Jon took in the sight for just a moment before he cleared his throat.
“I think I might head home,” he told the group. “I have to get up early tomorrow.” That was a blatant lie, but Jon needed an excuse that wasn’t I’ve seen what happens when you land on the same person too many times, and I’d rather not end up snogging with Martin as aggressively as the two of you did.
“I was actually thinking of calling it a night, too,” Martin said. “My hips are killing me; I’m too old to sit on the floor this long.” He stood up, and as though to prove his point, his knees cracked audibly.
“You can’t leave, it’s your turn!” Tim protested.
Martin leaned down and gave the bottle a final spin. It landed on Sasha, and he stooped to give her a hurried kiss on the cheek.
“Bye, Sash.”
“Bye, Martin! See you Monday!”
Tim looked up and tilted his cheek to Martin in clear invitation. “One more for the road, Marto?”
“Fine,” Martin laughed, and complied.
Jon couldn’t quite meet Martin’s eye as they made their way out of the building together. He supposed he could have found some excuse to peel off, maybe say goodbye to Elias or Heather from HR – hell, even make one more stop at the drinks table – anything to avoid the coworker he’d just kissed. Instead, they wound their way through the party shoulder-to-shoulder, and the silence was more comfortable than it had any right to be.
Neither of them spoke until they’d stepped through the front doors. They lingered on the steps of the institute. The December air was dark and brisk and sobering, and Jon took a deep, full breath of it.
“I’m glad you came tonight,” Martin said. “I, uh. I didn’t think you would.”
“Yes, well, Tim’s reports of my reclusiveness are overblown, I can assure you. I do actually leave my office on occasion.”
Martin laughed. “Yeah, well, I’m glad.” He blinked, then huffed another, softer laugh. “I-I guess I said that already, b-but–”
“I’m glad, too,” Jon said.
Martin smiled. His lips were growing pinker by the second, in the chill night air. For a second, it seemed that he was leaning toward Jon, and Jon found himself leaning in as well.
“Well,” Martin said, and the moment, if there had been one, was broken. “G’night, Jon.”
“Good night, Martin.”
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canirove · 2 months
In The Name of Love | Chapter 30
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"And on our last day in Ibiza… we meet Pedri! He was super nice, asking us if we liked the photos after we took them and if we wanted to repeat them. Such a sweetheart… And he was with his girlfriend. She also was super nice and the one who took the group photo. She asked us to say Pepi instead of cheese and that's why we are laughing. She made the photo look perfect and one of my favourites from this trip. After that we saw them again outside a bar and you should have seen the way Pedri was looking at her and her smile. So cute! They are couple goals. See, just good comments. And we are couple goals, Val" Pedri says after reading the caption one of the girls we met yesterday wrote on Instagram. 
We've been in Ibiza for a week already, and so far everything has been going smoothly and I've kept my promise of enjoying my holidays and my boyfriend. We've gone out for dates or walks just the two of us, to the beach with Ferran and Eric, to some parties… And when people have stopped him or the boys to take a photo, everyone has been lovely both offline and online. 
"Yeah, sure" I snort.
"We are. Aren't we, Eric?"
"Val and I. Aren't we couple goals?"
"What you are is extra cheesy lately. What's gotten into you?" he says.
"Jealous?" Pedri smirks.
"The only thing I'm jealous of is the shirt you wore the other day for dinner. Can I borrow it tonight?"
"Why? Are you meeting with someone?"
"We are going to Ushuaia, remember?" Eric says.
"Are you meeting with someone there?"
"Can I borrow the shirt or not?"
"Don't change the topic, Eric. You are the only one who is single, you know? I have Val, Ferran has his ginger girl, Gavi is seeing someone new too…"
"Pedri, shut up" I say.
"Just shut up, those comments aren't funny. They actually are very annoying and can be very hurtful, I know it from experience. And yes, you can borrow his shirt. It's on our room's closet."
"Thank you, Val" Eric smiles.
"I was a prick, wasn't I?" Pedri says when we are alone again.
"Yes, you were."
"I'm sorry."
"You should be apologizing to Eric, not me."
"I will, I promise. And since he talked about tonight… Are you ready to sing your lungs out like the last time?"
"Is Martin going to dedicate me another song?" I ask.
"Maybe" he shrugs. "Or maybe he'll ask you to go on stage with him."
"Ouch!" he complains. "I was just joking, there is no need to hit me like that."
"Your jokes suck today, you deserve it."
"And you deserve this."
"Pedri!" I laugh when he starts tickling me.
"You asked for it when you hit me, Val."
"Pedri, stop. Please!"
"Saying that won't help you."
"Pedri… Pedri!" I laugh again when he pushes me on the sofa until I'm laying on my back, he on top of me. "Stop!"
"You really hurt me. I think it is gonna bruise."
"Aww, poor Pepi…" 
"Don't tease me, Val."
"Or what, uh? More tickling?"
"Maybe" he says, slowly moving his hands under my t-shirt. "I may not touch you for the rest of our holidays here in Ibiza."
"Ha! You'll be all over me tonight."
"No, I won't."
"Yes, you will, Pedro. You'll see."
"I won't" he repeats, leaning forward until our noses are touching.
"Yes, you…"
"Val, do you… oh, c'mon" Eric says, rolling his eyes. "If you want to have sex go to your room, you aren't alone!"
"We weren't going to do anything. In fact, we won't do anything for the rest of the trip" Pedri says.
"Yeah, sure" Eric snorts. "You will be all over Val tonight, you can't help yourself."
"See?" I say.
"I won't" he insists.
"Ok, then. 24 hours. If you don't manage to go that long without making out with Val or touching her in a sexual way, I'm keeping your shirt."
"And if I manage to do it? What do I get in return?"
"You won't, Pedri" Eric laughs. "But if that's the case, we'll think of something. Deal?" he says, offering him his hand.
"Deal" he says, shaking it. 
"Val… Stop doing that."
"Doing what?" I ask.
"I'm just dancing."
"And killing me. Can't you feel it?"
"I actually can, yes" I laugh.
"Then please stop" Pedri says, kissing my neck.
"You are the one who has to stop, we are somewhere public."
"I can't, you look fucking hot tonight. Why did you have to wear this dress? And with your hair up?"
"I know it is one of your favourites" I smile.
"It is. God knows it is" he says as the hand he has on my leg moves up a bit more.
"What?" he says against my skin, making me feel goosebumps down my spine.
"Behave yourself."
"I can't."
"Well, you must. Because I'm here to enjoy the full show, not just half of it."
"And I want to enjoy all of you" he says, the arm around my waist tightening.
"Once it ends we can go home if that's what you want. But now you have to behave."
"Urgh" he groans, resting his forehead on my shoulder. "You are the worst, Val. And you've made me lose one of my favourite shirts."
"Oh, poor Pepi" I tease him.
"Pedri!" I yelp when he bites my shoulder.
"You deserve it" he says in my ear. "Gonna go get myself a drink."
"Yeah, go cool down" I laugh.
"I'll be watching you, tho."
"Like a creep?"
"Like the boyfriend who is taking notes of all the things he's gonna do to his girlfriend once she stops torturing him with her dancing and they are home alone."
"Sure" I laugh again. But like has happened it the past, it sounds like a nervous laugh, because he is looking at me in that way that tells me that he isn't joking. 
"Enjoy the rest of the show. Then it'll be my turn to enjoy you" he smirks before walking away, leaving me trying to compose myself and focus on the music and not on what will be happening when it ends.
"Got to meet these cracks last night in Ushuaia. Top lads! And thank you to Pedri's girlfriend for taking the photo of all of us together. She is hot as hell, no wonder my boy couldn't keep his hands to himself. Told you you looked hot as hell, Val. He's added three fire emojis. Three!" Pedri says after reading another Instagram post, this one from a guy we met last night and who took a photo with him, Eric and Ferran. 
"It was just a dress."
"But it is the dress."
"And speaking of clothes… How are you  feeling about Eric owning your favourite shirt? Still gutted?"
"Yeah. But mainly because I loved seeing you wearing it."
"We can always buy another one."
"Nah, it's ok. You actually look better like this. Naked."
"Pedri…" I say as he moves to be on top of me and starts kissing my neck.
"I can't keep my hands to myself, Val. I couldn't last night, and I can't right now. You are three fire emojis hot."
"You have loved that, haven't you?" I laugh.
"I have" he says against my skin, the feeling making me gasp. "But there is something that I love a lot more."
"Enlighten me."
"You" he smiles before kissing me.
"I can't even recognize myself."
"Yeah, we both look so weird… But I guess that happens when they take the photos from so far away" Pedri shrugs.
Because the paparazzis had finally caught us. 
It had been on our last day in Ibiza, when we had gone out on a boat with Ferran, Eric and Gavi, who had joined us for a few days.
"How do you think they found us?" I ask, still looking at the magazine in my hands. 
"Ibiza isn't that big and they know many footballers go there for their holidays. They just have to wait around the most exclusive and touristic places, and sooner or later someone will show up."
"Told you you guys are too predictable. It's like you all share the same brain cell" I tease him.
"We are predictable, yes" he chuckles. "Are you ok, tho? About the photos."
"I mean… It isn't ideal, but yeah."
"Good" Pedri smiles. "Should we buy the magazine?"
"We can keep it and share it one day with our grandchildren, telling them: look, this is the first time we were in a magazine." 
"Ok" I chuckle. 
"And we can do the sudoku and the crossword together on the plane."
"Good idea. So much thinking with your dick instead of your brain isn't good. I don't want you to turn into a Jack Grealish."
"Rude" he says, sticking out his tongue. "But I will never turn into someone like that because, unlike him, I know what an encyclopedia is and I have actually used it. And the paper version, something many people my age can't say."
"Oh, impressive" I laugh.
"Also, have you seen my legs?"
"Your thigh is as big as his calf, yes" I laugh again. 
"Exactly. So I will never be like him."
"Good" I smile. "Shall we pay for this, then?"
"Let's go. But we'll need to buy some pens too, one for each. Red and blue?" Pedri says with a teasing smile.
"Fine" I sigh. 
"You are the best, Val" he says, kissing my cheek and making me giggle like an idiot. 
"Pedri, can you please slow down?"
"You are gonna end up with a horrible stomach ache if you keep eating that fast. Or worse, you may choke."
"I won't choke. Relax, Val" he says. 
"I'm not so sure of that…"
"I won't. But ugh, I just can't help myself. I haven't eaten this in so long, and it is so freaking good" he says, giving his food another huge bite. 
"You are such a kid" I laugh.
"Yef yu lof me."
"Yet you love me."
"Sadly I do, yes."
"Please tell me you aren't choking."
"Worse" he says, cleaning his face and getting up.
"Pedri, where are you going?"
"To have a word with that guy."
"What?" I say, turning to look at the person he is walking towards. "You gotta be kidding me." 
A paparazzi. How did he find us in Tenerife? Did someone tip him off?
"What did you tell him?" I ask Pedri when he comes back to the table.
"That he can take all the photos he wants now, but that he better not follow us back home or I will be calling the police."
"Will they be able to do something, tho?"
"I don't know. But it seemed to scare him enough."
"Hey, Pedri. Are you ok?" I ask, reaching for his hand.
"Yeah, yeah. It's just that… This is my home, you know. Where I get to be just me, where I, we, should be safe. Having them here, following us around, feels…"
"Yeah" he sighs. "I mean, it always does but… yeah. And now I've lost my appetite."
"Why don't we ask them to put all this for a take away and go back home?" I say, giving his hand a little squeeze.
"That sounds great. I could do with some cuddles right now…" he says, trying not to smile.
"Let's do it, then. We can cuddle and then go for a walk around town, maybe watch the sunset on the beach and have dinner there."
"So romantic, Val" he chuckles.
"I have my moments" I smile. "Shall we?"
"C'mon" he smiles back.
The next day our photos are all over the internet and printed in many magazines. And this time, you are able to properly see our faces.
"Is it too bad?" I ask Marina.
"I mean… There are more people talking about it than when the others came out. Most talk about Pedri's funny faces while he ate and the way your were looking and smiling at each other, that you looked really cute."
"But now that your face is more visible there are more comments just about you."
"I see… Has anyone put two and two together and realized I'm Ferran's supposed girlfriend?" 
"Not yet, they are too busy looking for you on Instagram. But the moment someone does…" Marina says, biting her lip.
"It'll be the Hunger Games" I sigh.
"I don't know what that means, but yeah."
"You don't… what?" I laugh. 
"Sorry" she shrugs.
"Ok, remind me to make you watch the movies when I'm back in Barcelona. And read the books too." 
"Oh, am I gonna be part of your movie/book club? I'm sure Pedri is as clueless as I am."
"He probably is, yes" I chuckle.
"What am I now?" he says, sitting down next to me. "Hello, Marina."
"Hi" she smiles over the phone. "And you are clueless about the Hunger Games."
"Oh, I know what that is, I've watched the movies."
"Really?" both Marina and I say at the same time.
"Why so surprised?" he laughs.
"Well… you know" I shrug. "Anyway, I'm still making you watch them, Marina."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah… I have to go. I'll keep you updated about everything going on online, ok?"
"Thank you" I smile.
"Enjoy what is left of your holidays!" 
"You too" Pedri says before I hang up. "Is it too bad? Online, I mean."
"Not yet. Hopefully the preseason and you looking hot and sweaty will make them forget about me."
"Hot and sweaty, uh?" he says, putting his arm around my waist and pulling me closer to him. "Do you want to end like that too?"
"Why not? Marina told us to enjoy what is left of our holidays, and I can't think of a better way to do it."
"Pedri!" I giggle when he kisses my neck.
"I love you, Val" he says while leaving kisses all over my jaw, the hand that isn't on my waist moving up my thigh.
"I love you too" I reply, my brain starting to disconnect, letting me just feel and forget about everything going on outside. The crazy fans, the paparazzis, the hate…
Right now, it is just me and Pedri.
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buggiemuses · 3 months
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                     ▬▬𝐓𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒
                     ❨ 𝟏 ❩ south park
                     ❨ 𝟐 ❩ supernatural
                     ❨ 𝟑 ❩ twilight
                     ❨ 𝟒 ❩ steven universe
                     ❨ 𝟓 ❩ marvel
                     ❨ 𝟔 ❩ american horror story
                     ❨ 𝟕 ❩ miscellaneous
                    𝑺𝑶𝑼𝑻𝑯 𝑷𝑨𝑹𝑲
alexandra cartman
allison mertz
annie bartlett
annie knitts
asian girl no.1
bebe stevens
billy miller
bradley ( cartman sucks )
bradley biggle
carol mccormick
clyde donovan
count ravyncrowe
craig tucker
crystal white
damien thorn
dolly o’connell
emily marx
eric cartman
estella havisham
filmore anderson
firkle smith
flora larsen
gil t
girl with brown coat
heidi turner
henrietta biggle
ike broflovski
jenny harrison
jenny simons
jimmy valmer
josh myers
karen mccormick
kelly ann barlow
kenny mccormick
kevin mccormick
kyle broflovski
laura tucker
lexus martin
liane cartman
marjorine stotch
mark cotswolds
mike makowski
millie larsen
nichole daniels
pete thelman
pip pirrup
rebecca cotswolds
red mcarthur
romper stomper
sally bands
sarah collins
sarah peterson
scott tenorman
sharon marsh
shelley marsh
sixth grade leader
stan marsh
tammy warner
thad jarvis
tolkien black
tricia tucker
tweek tweak
unnamed goth
unnamed kinder vamp
unnamed runaway girl
wendy testaburger
dean winchester
sam winchester
john winchester
rowena macleod
jo harvelle
claire novak
charlie bradbury
kevin tran
alice cullen
bella swan
carlisle cullen
jasper hale
rosalie hale
esme cullen
charlie swan
                    𝑺𝑻𝑬𝑽𝑬𝑵 𝑼𝑵𝑰𝑽𝑬𝑹𝑺𝑬
blue pearl
blue diamond
connie maheswaran
lapis lazuli
lars barriga
pink diamond
pink pearl
sadie miller
skinny jasper
steven universe
michelle jones
peter parker
miles morales
thor odinson
wanda maximoff
loki laufeyson
                    𝑨𝑴𝑬𝑹𝑰𝑪𝑨𝑵 𝑯𝑶𝑹𝑹𝑶𝑹 𝑺𝑻𝑶𝑹𝒀
violet harmon
tate langdon
zoe benson
kyle spencer
madison montgomery
misty day
brooke thompson
montana duke
tiffany ray-valentine ( childs play / chucky franchise )
harley quinn ( dc )
rosemarie hathaway ( vampire academy movie )
stu macher ( scream )
scott pilgrim ( scott pilgrim )
ramona flowers ( scott pilgrim )
robin buckley ( stranger things )
more tba . . .
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Where did those quotes in the art piece of yours you reblogged about Charles V being ugly and stupid actually come from?
I'm really curious about which academics said that
YAY im being recognised as a reliable source to come to for these things!!!11!
Moving on okurrrrr i //did// say academics in like massive inverted commas so 🤡🤡🤡 regular history book writers is more like but doesn't quite have a ring to it. Anyway here are your Sauces™ because i may throw words around but I don't make shit up!! *Taps head*
"A perfect twit, a cruel victim of spoiling and aristocratic inbreeding" - Eric Metaxas, Martin Luther
"He couldn't help being ugly", "Villainously ugly" - John Julius Norwich 🔫 WHAT'S GOOD CUNT!!!?!?!????!*, Four Princes
"Not quite put together.... Ungainly and frail-looking" - James Reston Jr, Defenders of the Faith
"Thin, sickly-looking and somewhat ugly" - Henry Kamen ((aka the only bitch on this list i respect)), Spain 1469-1714: A Society of Conflict
*((if you all KNEW how much i hate JJN. it's Unreal. Had semen scumbag Montefiore from soviet history's good review on the very back of this book too they can suck each others and rot together imo.))
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Have a sketch i never posted with it! And yes he was a skrunkly lad wasn't he!! If I can't *quite* say I love him then I can at least say I feel a deep sympathy really every time someone unironically dunks on what was otherwise an uncomfortable teenager. It just feels mean, ye know what i mean?
And then a deep fascination with his arc from that sopping wet rat to whatever the hell god complex delulu bullshit he became when he got older. Thoroughly insufferable. I'm obsessed.
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kristenswig · 3 months
Best Adapted Screenplay
The Zone of Interest - Jonathan Glazer, based on the novel by Martin Amis
Subject - Lilac tree by the Commandant guard barracks. The SS members who pick from the lilac tree in an almost incomprehensible and radical manner so that the tree bleeds will be punished.  I expect the SS members, if they want to take some, to do it in a modest form and cut them off the tree sensitively.  In the interest of our whole community, I hope you understand those flowers are to decorate our entire camp, now and in the future, and I expect SS members to be fully aware of this measure.
All of Us Strangers - Andrew Haigh, based on the novel Strangers by Taichi Yamada
You are queer right? Yeah. That’s good. Well–gay.  I can’t get used to calling myself queer.  It was always such an insult. It’s probably why we hate gay so much now.  Gay meant lame and shit.  Those trainers are gay.  That haircut’s gay.  This sofa is gay.  Your school bag’s gay.  Queer does feel polite somehow though.  Like all the dick sucking’s been taken out. 
Killers of the Flower Moon - Eric Roth and Martin Scorsese, based on the book Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI by David Grann
It doesn’t do to talk to this man.  Evil surrounds my heart.  Many times I cry and this evil around my heart comes out of my eyes, and I say it is gone, this evil, but again it comes.  I close my heart and keep what is good there, but hate comes.  My heart is cold and I say I ought to kill these white men who killed my family.
Priscilla - Sofia Coppola, based on the memoir Elvis and Me by Priscilla Presley and Sandra Harmon
I think these clothes are too sophisticated for me. Honey what’s sophisticated?  You could go around in a feather and it’ll be sophisticated.  I like you in blue.  Blue’s your color.  Prints take away from your looks. I like this one. No, solids suit you better, and I hate brown, it reminds me of the army.  Black hair and more eye makeup will make your eyes stand out more.
Reality - Tina Satter and James Paul Dallas, based on the play Is This a Room by Tina Satter
So you’re positive you never printed anything out that was outside your work role? I’m trying to think um.. because..there’s uh NSA Pulse and from time to time I do print out articles from that and use as scratch paper.  That sounds really dumb uh now that I’m thinking about it the things that I did were really dumb uh but then I always threw it out in the burn bin. Okay.  What kind of articles from Pulse do you pull out. [barking] Uhm, usually reference material about, like, _______________________ uh, just making sure like so many references that I keep having to re-look up so that’s probably fraud waste and abuse right there. We’re not worried about fraud waste and abuse.  Okay.  No.   I use a lot of papers, but nothing outside of Iranian stuff or anything other than that, and never outside of the building. Okay. Reality.  What if I said I had the information that you did print out stuff that was outside of that scope? I mean, I would…I would try to remember.   Okay…what if I said that you printed out information related to, uh, reports on ______________________. Reality?  We obviously know a lot more than what we’re telling you at this point.
Theater Camp - Noah Galvin, Molly Gordon, Nick Lieberman, and Ben Platt, based on their short film
You were a nurse in World War II.  You fell in love with one of your fellow nurses and you were the first lesbian nurse couple that ever lived!  Let that inform your singing.  You were President William Howard Taft. You are the oldest soul in this room.  This is your last life. 
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wowlooknothing · 2 years
Hey so I have had a lot of ideas for TMA fics and I don't write fics,, like ever,, so if anyone wants some inspiration far a kinda crazy fic, here's most of my list:
• Au were martin really was a ghost
• Jonah killed Martin after Jon promised to not look in his head and when they go to fight Elias/Jonah it's revealed (that one's pretty wild and probably wouldn't work but I like it)
• Be more chill au -Jonah Magnus is the squip, Elias is Jeremy, Michael is Michael, Rich is either James wright or Maxwell Rayner
• Heathers au Jonah is JD Elias is Vanessa
• Dear Even Hansen au Elias is Connor
• What Joshua gilespie does in the eyepocolypse
• In 1997, Elias brings brownies into the archives. The last person he offers the brownies to is James Wright who considers the offer before informing Elias that the brownies are, in fact, filled to the fuckin brim with pot. Chaos ensues as the majority of the archives crew is now high from the pot brownies (Based on Gray's Anatomy Season 14 episode 20)
• Time travel aus-
• Ep 200 -> 1996: office Twink from artifact storage is 20 years older and Knows shit and also has new eyes (why is he here? That's for you to decide)
• Ep 200-> 1996: crazy rat man from tunnels is freaking out and Knows shit (Marto might also be there)
• 1996-> 2016: office Twink from artifact storage fucked with a thing and shit happens now it's 2016??? And there's also another him that's also Jonah Magnus who was also James wright??? Wild.
• Tattoo shop au: Flower shop- Mike, Tim, Sasha, Martin Tattoo shop- Gerry, Jon, Agnus? (Witchy shit shop- Oliver, Jane, Jude?)
• Ok so in like ep192 or whenever they see jonalias they just like,,, successfully pull him down and give him Eliass eyes back and it also might end the eyepocolypse but I'm not sure
• Au where Eric Delano lives and he and adelard dekker raise Gerry bc fuck mary
• 2016 the og crew is just havin a baller time but then what the fuck the world just ended? Turns out the web did the ritual before Jonah could pull it off that sucks well what the fuck then what do we do? Or it was just like,, a meteor or something? Full on you me and the apocalypse style
• Not!Jon
• Desolation!Tim
• A series of letters between Jonah and all the other boys (or Anabelle and all the other boys) in an 1800s au
• TAZ (the adventure zone) TMA AU:John=Jon Merle=Martin, Julia= Basira, Magnus=Daisy (kinda), Lup=Sasha (litch= not Sasha?), Taako=Tim, Lucretia= Gertrude, Davenport= Elias I guess, Krav= Oliver (duhzville), Barold= Micheal (litch= the distortion), Garfield the deals warlock= Mikaele Salesa
• TMA TAZ AU- Martin and others are a part of the IPRE and they meet Jon the Hunger/archivist.
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clowndensation · 1 year
tmags data
okay so one thing i've learned from making pie charts is that compiling data sucks if you don't have a great sorting system for that data. egad.
anyways let's look at some data <3:
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so what we can learn from this is that i like tma. i think it's very very very exceptionally good, and by far the vast majority of episodes land perfectly or near perfectly for me.
i was a little surprised to see each season average go up consecutively when i first saw it, but thinking about it, that does track. i have and likely always will be a fan of knowing characters intimately, and the more i get of them, the more attached i grow. it helps, i think, that tma's first 4 seasons have excellent payoff, and every revelation you reach only helps mount your excitement for the next step forward in the plot.
and also i go a little insane in season 4 because elias is having such a good time. sue me.
that said, if i were to rank them without any objective number attached, i'd probably go season 2 > season 4 > season 1 > season 3. much like the extremely negligible distinction between my average score for these seasons, the amount separating my favorite from my least favorite is almost nothing at all. i just love jon when he's paranoid and unhappy.
okay moving on! reranking my top 10 favorite episodes based off all this:
new vs old
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and what can be learned from this is that after relistening to the series, i've decided i really like statements that touch on history. this also isn't surprising, i'm pretty sure in one of my episode reviews i mentioned that there's something very engaging about the older statements - there's a willingness and sincerity in belief that's lacking in modern statements, by nature of how modern man has established a norm of intellectualism and rationale that promotes cool detachment and ironic engagement with the world. i think we should go back to fearing god's wrath tbh.
also since i'm already ranking things, my ranking of the main cast (again, only through s4. we aren't bring s5 into this):
jon > elias > melanie > daisy > basira > martin > sasha > georgie > tim
and top 10 favorite statement givers:
mary keay > oliver banks > agnes montague (in absentia) > jared hopworth > michael shelley > hezekiah wakely > manuela dominguez > peter lukas > adelard dekker > eric delano
and that's all the data i have! what a very excellent 4 season show, literally no notes, it is completely perfect as is <3
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anythingspicy · 2 years
Eric martin was so mf hot
okay hey, I have an important question why isn't there any Eric Martin smut? Have ya'll seen him back in the days? I mean rn he kinda looks like Kris Jenner but back then.. he could scream at me and I would cream back. No but seriously tf, he was literally Eddie Munson but a fucking softie. I mean so is Eddie but you know.. I don't know what I'm talking about I just want some smut about my husband.
I would write it myself but like I suck at it.
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[There is a hope that new directors wont be focused on Dylvie that much since she is not their self insert like it was in Kate Herron case] with Eric "Sylvie is the best character" Martin at the helm writing the script? C'mon anon, be realistic.
Hey if some people want to keep the faith, let them. It's their prerogative. We all deal with these things differently and some people will rather stay hopeful than think it all sucks. At the end of the day the only ones to blame for the (lack of) quality in the series are the ones creating the show, not the audience. (I know you're not blaming anybody, I'm just using your ask to mention this)
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Yeah I'm not watching season 2 of loki.
Eric Martin is writing all the 6 new episodes. I hate this.
That son of a bitch is pro Sylki 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤢🤢🤢 he's fucking weird! And he loves sylvie more than anything else.
I can't believe that they didn't hire a lgbt writer or director... That's why this series suck!!!
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uncharismatic-fauna · 2 years
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The Atlantic Mudskipper: A Fish Out of Water
Found only along the west African Cost, the Atlantic Mudskipper (Periophthalmus barbarus) is an incredibly unique species of fish. What makes it so special is that, unlike most other fish, the mudskipper can survive on land. It has several adaptations to make it semi-terrestrial. A layer of mucus over the surface of the body allows it to retain moisture, and when on land it can close its gill chambers and breathe through its skin. The eyes are set high on the head and can move independently 360 degrees, giving the Atlantic mudskipper a wide range of vision. Lastly, the pectoral fins that allow it to crawl, climb, and even skip on land, aided by a pair of pelvic fins.
P. Barbarus’ special adaptations allow it to occupy uncommon habitats within its range. It prefers semi-salty brackish water, especially at the mouths of rivers and in mudflats, although they are able to tolerate a range of temperatures and salinity. They can also be found in mangrove forests and lagoons, where they can climb up onto the roots of trees. Along the coast, individuals are most often visible at low tide when they climb up on the shore to feed. In these regions the Atlantic mudskipper digs burrows in which they can hide during high tide. To blend in, they are usually tan to dark brown with dark mottling along the back and bright blue spots on the cheeks.
During the day, the Atlantic mudskipper spends most of its time feeding and defending its territory. They are carnivorous fish, preying on crustaceans, insects, and small fish. The mouth of P. barbarbus is specially shaped so that it covers its prey with water, then sucks the water back up with its accompanying meal. When threatened by terrestrial predators such as shore birds, the Atlantic mudskipper lives up to its name and will ‘skip’ away. These fish also use their mouths in fights, which are quite common. Individuals typically guard of about 1m around their burrow. Males are especially territorial, and will fiercely guard burrows and mates from competitors. Despite their ferocity, Atlantic mudskippers are not very large; most only grow to be 14-16cm long.
Mating occurs year round, although peak times are between February and May. Males engage in territorial displays, after which females will select a male and enter his burrow to lay eggs. Clutches can easily number in the thousands, although few survive to adulthood. The male guards the burrow and, after a brief incubation period, floods it to induce hatching. Larvae drift for 1-2 months before metamorphosing into a juvenile stage, at which time they begin to return to land. Individuals reach sexual maturity at about 10.2-10.8 cm in length, roughly 1 year after hatching, and can live up to 5 years in the wild.
Conservation status: The IUCN rates the Atlantic mudskipper as Least Concern, although populations are declining. Their primary threats are from over-fishing and by-catch, pollution, and urban development. Some areas within their region have instituted sustainable fishing practices and established protected reserves as part of conservation efforts for this species.
Eva Mártensson
Eric Verhagen
Pedro Martins (via iNaturalist)
Rogerio Ferriera
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lokiondisneyplus · 3 years
Yes, Loki series director Kate Herron knows about your fan theory about the show, the analysis you posted to social media. No, she won’t tell you what she thinks about it, or whether you were right.
“I follow all the conversations on Twitter,” Herron told Polygon in an interview shortly after Loki’s season 1 finale. “I don’t always weigh in on them, because I made the show, so they don’t want me weighing in like, ‘Actually, guys…’ I think that’s the whole point of art — it should be up for debate and discussion.”
[Ed. note: Spoilers ahead for season 1 of Loki.]
Loki has been a hit for streaming service Disney Plus — episode 6 of the show, the final installment for this season, was reportedly watched by more households than any of the platform’s MCU finales to date. The series has been a popular source of fan conjecture and argument, with one particularly big rolling conversation focusing on whether the budding romantic relationship between trickster Asgardian Loki (Tom Hiddleston) and his alternate-universe counterpart Sylvie (Sophia Di Martino) is a form of incest.
Herron is willing to speak up about that one. “My interpretation of it is that they’re both Lokis, but they aren’t the same person,” she says. “I don’t see them as being like brother and sister. They have completely different backgrounds […] and I think that’s really important to her character. They sort of have the same role in terms of the universe and destiny, but they won’t make the same decisions.”
Herron says thematically, Loki falling for Sylvie is an exploration of “self-love,” but only in the sense that it’s Loki learning to understand his own motives and integrity. “[The show is] looking at the self and asking ‘What makes us us?’” Herron says. “I mean, look at all the Lokis across the show, they’re all completely different. I think there’s something beautiful about his romantic relationship with Sylvie, but they’re not interchangeable.”
Directing the final kiss between the two characters was a complicated process because it had to communicate something about each of them over the course of just a few seconds. Herron says the primary goal was creating a safe, comfortable environment for Hiddleston and Di Martino, and after that, she had to think about how to bring across Loki and Sylvie’s conflicting goals in that moment.
“It’s an interesting one, right?” she says. “Emotionally, from Sylvie’s perspective, I think it’s a goodbye. But it’s still a buildup of all these feelings. They’ve both grown through each other over the last few episodes. It was important to me that it didn’t feel like a trick, like she was deceiving him. She is obviously doing that, on one hand, but I don’t feel the kiss is any less genuine. I think she’s in a bad place, but her feelings are true.”
Herron says directing Hiddleston in the scene mostly came down to discussing the speech Loki gives Sylvie before the kiss. “That was really important, showing this new place for Loki,” Herron says. “In the first episode, he’s like, ‘I want the throne, I want to rule,’ and by episode 6, he isn’t focused on that selfish want. He just wants her to be okay.”
Loki writer and producer Eric Martin recently tweeted that he wished the show had been able to focus more time on two of its secondary characters, Owen Wilson’s Time Variance Authority agent Mobius M. Mobius, and Gugu Mbatha-Raw’s Ravonna Renslayer. “I wanted to explore her more deeply and really see their relationship,” he says, “But covid got in the way and we just didn’t have time.”
Asked if Loki and Sylvie’s relationship suffered from similar necessary edits, Herron says it’s true that the show’s creators and audience still don’t know everything Sylvie went through to make her so different from the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s original version of Loki. “We’ve seen her as a child, but she’s lived for thousands and thousands of years, in apocalypses on the run,” she says. “I think there’s so much more to delve into with Sylvie […] You’re filling in the blanks. You see [her on the planet] Lamentis, and it’s horrific. And you’re like, “Well, what kind of person would she be, growing up in apocalypses? What kind of personality would that give her?”
Herron says Sylvie’s backstory actually reminds her of the 1995 movie Jumanji, where a young boy is sucked into a magical board game in 1969, and emerges 26 years later as a full-grown man, played by with typical manic energy by Robin Williams. “It’s such a weird reference, but…” she says. “He’s a little boy when he ends up captive in that game, and when he comes out, it’s obviously been a life experience. With Sylvie, it’s similar. She was a child when she had to go on the run, so she’s had a very difficult life. I would love to see more of it. As Eric said, she’s a rich character, there’s so much to be explored.”
Herron says, though, that during her time on the show, material about Sylvie was added rather than cut — specifically, those scenes of her as a child, being kidnapped by the TVA. “This was before my time, but I know in the writers’ room, there were lots of avenues exploring Sylvie on the run and what her life was like,” Herron says. “I wouldn’t want to speak more to those, because I wasn’t there when they were being discussed. But something wasn’t in there that was important to me — I felt we should see her [history] in the TVA. Me and the team were talking about how it made complete sense, because episode 4 is all about twisting the idea that the TVA might be good on its head. And so that’s something that came in later, once I joined, was seeing her as a child. I think we needed to see that, not to understand her completely, but to get an idea of her motivations, why she’s so angry at this place.”
Talking more broadly about the series finale, Herron says the last few episodes weren’t as heavily referential as the first episodes, which she intended as “a love letter to sci-fi.” While early images like the TVA’s interrogation rooms had specific visual references from past science fiction, episode 6’s locations were drawn more from collaborations with the crew.
“The idea of the physical timeline being circular, our storyboard artists came up with that,” Herron says. “I had in the scripts, ‘We move through space to the end of time,” and then me and [storyboard artist Darrin Denlinger] discussed how we could play with the idea of time, while also adding MCU nods. He was like, ‘What if the timeline is circular?’ I think that’s such a striking image, like the Citadel at the End of Time is the needle on a record player. I just thought that was such a cool image, but it wasn’t necessarily taken from anything.”
Episode 6 focuses heavily on the mysterious figure He Who Remains and his citadel, a space she says was largely conceived by production designer Kasra Farahani. “I remember he brought in the art of the Citadel, and I thought it was beautiful,” Herron says. “He said, ‘The Citadel has been carved from an actual meteorite,’ which I thought was such an inspired idea. And He Who Remains’ office is the only finished portion of it.”
She says there are only a few direct homages in episode 6, including the zoom shot through space, which directly referenced a similar sequence in Robert Zemeckis’ 1997 film Contact.
“And then I have my Teletubbies reference for episode 5,” Herron says. “I wanted the Void to feel like an overgrown garden, like a kind of forgotten place. And I realized I’d pitched it as the British countryside. I remember trying to explain it to ILM, who did the visual effects, and saying, ‘Oh, you know, it’s like the Teletubbies. It’s just rolling hills, but they go on forever.’ That actually was quite a helpful reference in the end, which is funny.”
Asked for her favorite set memory from shooting the season, Herron says it comes down to Tom Hiddleston starting a mania for physical exertion before takes. “Sometimes he runs around set to get himself in the right mindset before he performs,” she says. “He does pushups. You know, you’re going into an action scene, you want to look like you’ve just been running. And it became infectious across all the cast. We’ve got so much footage of — I think Jack [Veal] ended up doing it, who plays Kid Loki. I’ve got [shots of] him and Sophia doing pushups and squats, just to get ready. It was so funny watching that echo across all the cast. I think all of them ended up doing those exercises with him at some point. It was so funny.”
“That might be my favorite set story, but it’s honestly, not a sweet one,” she adds. “I would say my favorite thing is his enthusiasm. He’s a very kind empathetic person. We were filming this in quite tough circumstances, a lot of people were far from home and isolating, and he brought this warmth and energy and joy to the set every day. And I think that made everyone feel very safe and very bonded. I’m forever grateful to him for doing that.”
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insanityclause · 2 years
Yay!!! So happy we got directors! Also considering that Moon Knight seems to be the next MCU's darling for season awards, it means that Feige is very satisfied with their work on Moon Knight, and probably they want to go strong during awards season for Loki S2!! Also the antis who will surely complain about "ugh! Two cishet white dudes!", honestly can cry me a river! We had a female queer director and they made her experience hell. So that's what they deserve. Very happy for Eric Martin, too!
Says in the article they were impressed with their work on MK, and immediately started looking for something else for them.
And yeah, the antis can suck it. They’re the noisy minority.
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