#enid sinclair dialogue
mgcldydrms · 1 year
a promise with enid
“I might kill my ex.”
“Not the best idea.”, Enid stated, taking a peak over your shoulder to see who you were looking at, instantly rolling her eyes once she noticed it was that certain person you wanted to see dead. 
“Why not? He cheated … more than once. It is what he deserves.”, you commented, a wicked grin on your lips as you kept looking at your ex-boyfriend and the girl he cheated with. 
Enid grabbed your hand, pulling you away from the wall you were hiding behind. 
“You sound like Wednesday. I think the two of you spend way too much time together. I don’t like that.”
You shook your head amused. The two of you made your way up to your rooms, secretly still planning how to get your revenge on the boy who not only broke your heart but humiliated you as well. 
“y/n.”, Enid said, snapping you out of your daydream once you stood in front of your door.
You looked at her, a sheepish smile on your lips. You wiggled your eyebrows before both of you entered your room which luckily was only occupied by you at the minute, seeing as though your former roommate didn’t return for the year.
“You scare me.”
“It was just a joke. I wouldn’t be able to kill someone even if I wanted to. I might let Wednesday do it though. Ouch.”
You felt your friend hit your arm, your eyes wide open as you looked at her. You quickly put your hands on her arms, stopping her from slapping you one more time, a gentle smile gracing your lips.
“I’m messing with you, Enid. Nothing will happen to him, I guess.”
You couldn’t help but giggle lightly, nodding your head as you engulfed your best friend in a hug, reassuring her that you wouldn’t do anything stupid.
“Good. I need you to stay at Nevermore for a little while longer.”, she whispered into your hair. 
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so I woke up today and chose violence
what if, during one of their many misadventures, wednesday and enid land themselves in a dire situation
like, wednesday and enid are hanging off a cliff just by a gnarled root desperately clutched in the Addams' hand
wednesday is trying with all her might to pull a severely injured enid and herself up, but her battle-worn body is too exhausted to do anything other than strain painfully. enid can sense her waning strength and says—
"let me go,"
"what?" the tired girl questioned with furrowed brows, unbelieving of the asinine request she just heard.
"wednesday, let me go." enid repeated firmly
shaking her head as much as she could, wednesday glared at the cliff's edge, so close but taunting in its distance. "cease your foolish requests, sinclair. I will not be entertaining them. Thing will be arriving shortly and—"
"it's okay," the wolf interrupted, loosening her grip.
immediately feeling the slackening hold, wednesday's eyes widened in panic as she attempted to grip the girl's hand tighter. "what are you doing?"
"you can't hold the both of us up much longer," enid reasoned with a sad smile, her palm sliding further out of wednesday's hand. "and someone needs to go stop them."
"no," wednesday denied vehemently, eyes burning. "don't do this. the others will be—"
"there's no time." barely holding on from the hook of wednesday's fingers, enid gave the goth girl one final wobbly smile. "it's going to be okay," she promised one final time.
using what little strength she had in her, enid kicked off the face of the cliff and out of the heiress' desperate grasp.
only briefly did wednesday watch her descent, unable to watch the woman she loved fall with a smile etched on her face.
turning back towards the cliff's face, wednesday closed her eyes as her ears picked up the faint sound of a thud. "damn you," she whispered angrily, stubborn tears slipping beneath her eyes. "damn you!" she repeated brokenly.
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nancyqueerler · 2 years
"Enid's dialogue was cringe :/"
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kraken17 · 23 days
One quote from Enid Sinclair per every chapter of Kooky Spooky in which she has been present.
(Note: She is present in Ch.6 & 7 but in a total wolf out, so she has no dialogue).
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"Yeah, yeah... relax. The knife-throwing contest is still on. I already made it clear to Wednesday that she could only use volunteers as living targets. Yoko has offered." (Chapter 1)
"I think she's mine and Wednesday's daughter, but not from around here." (Chapter 2)
"Sigh... as tempting as it is I'd ask you both not to maim her just because of her bad habit of spouting occasional idiocy." (Chapter 3)
"They've captured our Friday. Let's go find her and then you'll teach me what's the most painful way to rip off the head of the person responsible." (Chapter 4)
"Sorry, I just… I don't feel like wasting time with this ceremony right now..." (Chapter 5)
"OMG! Why do I always forget this now when I return to my human form!!??" (Chapter 8)
"Holy shit, I'm a hunk." (Chapter 10)
"Aaaw, I think it's very cute. I'm sure deep down your Bruno appreciated this kind of attention." (Chapter 11)
"Are you very fond of this nightgown?" (Chapter 12)
"And I smell people, and pollution, lots of pollution." (Chapter 13)
"Gosh, you're a year older than us now. This is disconcerting." (Chapter 14)
"Wednesday, don't talk about your parents as if they were rabbits." (Chapter 15)
"I'm sorry... I..." (Chapter 16)
"You threw me against a building and caused me to terrify a family! That's very rude!" (Chapter 17)
"At least you're not a racist nutcase who would use her personal Hyde to gather bits of human remains for resurrection rituals." (Chapter 18)
"Your sister told us a little about you when we met her. Well, she told us that you liked to be thrown with catapults..." (Chapter 19)
"I'm not going to fight you! We don't have the time!" (Chapter 20)
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" (Chapter 21)
"Uh, I should say something, but just for calling Tyler a dime-store Hyde I'll let you have a pass." (Chapter 22)
"Wednesday and I are keeping our names because our dimension was the one originally visited by the others... Pure convenience but it was all by mutual agreement between all parties." (Chapter 23)
"What happened to my local counterpart?" (Chapter 24)
"God, it's a little trippy to think of myself as dead." (Chapter 25)
"Principal Weems! Or maybe I should say director... uh... because of the... Yeah, I'd better shut up." (Chapter 26)
"Uh... yeah, it's something I usually do, Wednesday. You used to love to complain about it." (Chapter 27)
"For your own sake, you'd better..." (Chapter 28)
"They will have no hesitation in killing any of you." (Chapter 29)
"You're going...to pay...for..." (Chapter 30)
"Oh... erm... apology accepted my... err... my lord?" (Chapter 33)
"But wait a minute, if they're a confederation of packs how come there's a princess?" (Chapter 34)
"I'm sorry. There's nothing wrong with your last name. It's just that... well, in my reality a counterpart of you is one of my best friends." (Chapter 35)
"Ok, the doppelgänger thing I can get, but what's with the homunculus?" (Chapter 36)
"And now... now I get this story that I'm some kind of... multiversal warrior who reincarnates, like a cheap copy of Avatar: The Last Airbender!?" (Chapter 37)
"Ah, ah. I already know the electricity trick." (Chapter 38)
"We're going to breach The Bright One's defenses. And we won't use magic to do it. What we need is science. Mad science." (Chapter 39)
"What do you say about finding a way to inter-dimensionally travel to a magically sealed universe to rescue Wednesday and Friday and deal with an army of supernatural monsters?" (Chapter 40)
"Six months, my love. It has taken me six months to be able to come back to you." (Chapter 41)
"It's just that if you leave me stranded in another universe I have a bad habit of trying to find my way back." (Chapter 42)
"Oops, someone's a wee bit cranky." (Chapter 43)
"It's just that… Look at her! We're not even talking about being just a MILF anymore. I'm going to be totes a GILF, for real." (Chapter 44)
“My name… is… Enid Addams.” (Chapter 46)
"Fuck, Weds, getting stabbed by a saber shouldn't feel so good!" (Chapter 47)
"Who are we? Right now and right here, we are the Addams family." (Chapter 48)
"Well...I mean...the truth is...erm...Ireallylikeyourhairandyourloosehairdoesthingstome." (Chapter 49)
"Six months, Weds. I've been six months away from you. The word insatiable doesn't even come close to describing how I feel.” (Chapter 50)
“You know, if you keep calling them that they're going to end up being born with horns and wings.” (Epilogue)
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Welcome to everyone 18+ if not please leave <3
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||MINORS DNI 18+|| Fem!reader || SicFics
Hi welcome to my little sicfic blog. I write fanfic for marvel and Wednesday currently. No smut just sicfics. Below I have listed and linked all of my fics i have posted. Also TW are listed on each post. Check the status of the requests below and what I do and Dont write before requesting please. I dont really have posting schedual so ... Enjoy :)
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look at what I do and Dont write (linked below)
Please also check if I accepting requests first (see status below).
I also have a prompts list (linked below) you can use in your request and i will add the prompt/s that you tell me too.
What to put in (optional)
Pairing (who you want in it)
Type of sicfic / comfort (eg. Panic attack, nightmare, flu, etc)
Genre (eg. Fluff, angst, whump, etc)
Any dialogue (your own or mine) or things from the prompt list (eg. Prompt number or just the dialogue itself)
A/n please note i only write sick reader (atm) not other characters unless reader is also sick. (Very few exceptions.)
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MARVEL (Movies)
Wanda Maximoff (romantic, maternal or platonic)
Natasha Romanoff (romantic, maternal or platonic)
WandaNat (romantic, maternal or platonic)
Pepper Potts (only platonic / maternal vibes so far)
Avengers (only platonic … forever)
Aunt May (only platonic / maternal vibes so far)
A/N Please feel free to request other (female) characters (in the MCU) and i will decide case to case :)
Larissa Weems (platonic or maternal)
Marilyn Thornhill (platonic or maternal)
Enid Sinclair (platonic)
Wednesday Addams (platonic)
Yoko Tanaka (platonic)
A/N Reader is 18+ for all dynamics
STAR TREK (The Next Generation)
Deanna Troi (romantic, maternal or platonic)
Beverly Crusher (romantic, maternal or platonic)
A/N I may be a little picky on what I’ll write when it comes to romantic relationships with them.
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2023 - 202.8K
2024 - 67.1K
A/N This is often updated with each fic i write / post
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kaicubus · 2 years
She Wolf | Enid S.
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warnings ✩° : mutual crush, plot twist???, some angst but mostly fluff, pure love, first kiss, wholesome, cursing, enid being werewolf, mentions of murder, wlw.
pairing ✩° : enid sinclair x implied fem!werewolf hunter!reader
premise ✩° :  how can you not like enid? shes pretty, quirky, fun and full of life. you on the other hand, full of secrets and mystery that enid didn’t even know.  
word count ✩° : 3.7k
authors note ✩° : AWOOO!!! ok if some of the dialogue is cringey its bc i really tapped into the mind of enid, not that shes cringe at all but like...you know. also this one is majority dialogue, ITS FUN TO WRITE LIKE HOW ENID WOULD TALK IM SORRY…
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For as long as you've been alive, you've been a werewolf hunter. Raised with family so ruthless and relentless in their hunt, it all started with your extremely distant relative's whose wife was killed by one in cold blood. Ever since then, every relative of your family was taught how to find, track, and murder one. Including you. Though, as time passed and the generations grew up in a more tolerant society, you found it strange that your family’s old ways was still trying to worm it’s way in your life. It was impossible to ignore the existence of werewolves, especially in your school Nevermore.
The place was crawling with them, literally. For that reason, it was hard to convince your parents to even let you go there but luckily you now attend Nevermore more happy than ever. But, your parents did pass down a very specific family heirloom down to you for werewolf advances : An floral engraved silver dagger with an obsidian handle, etched in the handle are your initials. 
Still, even if you were raised to not like them, you knew everything about werewolves. Including the exact time when they ‘wolf out,’ the measurement of their claws when werewolves ‘wolf out’ and under which circumstances they do it under, even down to the particular musk they have. Despite your highly trained self being born to hunt werewolves, you found yourself rather attached to one.
She had blonde hair, with the tips dyed blue and pink respectively, had a pep in her step no matter where she went, mildly tempered but for the most part just brought sunshine all around her. She was the embodiment of the bubbly personalty, and it wasn't long till your feelings started to develop towards her.
Of course you had to have a crush on her. Nothing seemed more perfect than that. But how could you not? She was always nice to you, giggling and making friendship bracelets for you, brushing your hair and telling you about her adventures with her friends. Being by her side was enjoyable and her presence around you only seemed brighter every time. She made you feel less alone. So you wanted to tell her how you felt and just how much she meant to you. The only thing was, she was a werewolf and you were born to hunt her kind.
You tried not to think about it though. Groaning, you crumple up a letter to your friend about the whole situation and eventually slump against your desk in frustration. Your roommate, your crush, and the werewolf were all the same person, and at times when she was gone you’d write to your long distance pen pal and update them about the issue. It was therapeutic.
That is until you hear the door of your dorm open dramatically, accompanied by a cheery tone, “Hey rommie!” Enid chirps, galloping next to you excitedly, “You just as thrilled as I am for the Lunar Lake Watch?”
Enid was an enigma. Her name kind of looks like it too. But, it seemed like she was always happy. In fact, you haven’t seen her cry or get genuinely angry for as long as you’ve known her. It was just her, and you had a crush on all of her. Even her lycanthropic identity.
You turn your head just barely to see her rolling back and forth on her heels, showing a wide grin and flashing her eager blue eyes with quick flutters of her lashes. Everything about her made your heart race just even by just looking at her; From her short, wavy hair all the way down to her mismatched pink and orange ankle socks. “You know it.” you nod, leaning on your hand, “It’s not till a few hours, what’s got you so excited?”
“Well, as you may know...the Lunar Lake Watch is kind of a big deal for me and other werewolves here.” She beams, “Especially for me because it means I could finally wolf out and not be a disappointment like my mom always says! Yay!” Enid flaps her hands around and giggles.
The Lunar Lake Watch was a common tradition for werewolves, especially at Nevermore, where all lycanthropes would band together in front of a large lake where the moon beamed from above. Each werewolf would have the opportunity to gather with other wolves and just banter and socialize. However, it was rumored that upon drinking anything the moon touched, otherwise known as serene water, all truth would be revealed to the directed person. Like if a gorgon looks at you, you turn to stone, but with drinking serene water you tell the deepest truth towards that person.
A soft laugh leaves your mouth, “No matter what your mom says, Enid, you're no disappointment to me.”
“Thanks, Y/n.” Her cheeks glow, “Oh, another thing! Did you also know that where the Lunar Lake Watch—that’s getting tiring to say, so I’m just going to call it LLW for short—is being held is a renowned spot where pairs of people go to and discover each others darkest secrets? Lots of couples go and it’s sort of like a cute little confession thing! Like— ‘Oh babe you secretly love me?’ and ‘Oh my God how did you know?’ ‘Because the moon told me’ It’s so cute!” She gasps briefly, “But also like, some people go and find out their partner is cheating on them! Happened to my friend once. It was WICKED. But that doesn't happen if you don't drink or come into contact with any of the water which is why Principal Weems is making us werewolves sign a consent form so we can go. It can happen to ANYBODY though.”
With a laugh, you brush the hair from your face as you lean against the back of your chair, struggling to fight back an even bigger smile. “So like, if I murdered someone...I probably shouldn’t go?”
“Most likely~ But, I want you there, murderer or no murderer.” Enid tucks her hands behind her back and smiles at you wider than any human should be able to, “But, you are going, right?” a part of her worries.
You nod, “Yeah, but I really have no one to go with. So I was just going to go, look at the moon, maybe get some of those seasonal moon-shaped pretzels.”
“Perfect! Well! That’s a relief, I thought I’d be going alone too if Ajax and Yoko hadn’t ask me.” She tucks a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear, “But, I was thinking of going with someone else...and asking you to go with me?"
It isn’t until your eyes meet her curious blue ones that you notice the particular glint in the werewolf part of Enid, how attentive she looks when she really wants something. Her bottom lip tucked under her top teeth, revealing her small canines in anticipation, and judging by the way her hair bounced nervously, how could you resist? “You want to go to the Lunar Lake Watch with me?”
Enid sways from side to side, “Not—Not like a group thing with Yoko and Ajax, but if you want to go with them then that’s totally cool and fine—”
"No no!” You put your hands up defensively, “I want to go with you, Enid.”
“Really? Ok! Wow! That’s great! We can go at 6:00? That gives us a good time frame so we can check out all the other things there, then at 8:00 we can go and do the whole truth reveal secret thing so I can get my ‘power up.’ It’ll be so much fun!” Enid giggles, “You're the best, Y/n! I’ll see you tonight!”
Right. The whole deepest darkest secret thing. Talking to her and basically planning out a date must've made you forget that bit. You knew more than anyone that attending this event would mean one of two things, spilling your secret of your feelings towards Enid, or revealing the fact you not only have a long lineage of hunting what she is but that you are one. But the opportunity to hang out with Enid is far too good to pass up.
By the time the clock hits 5:55, you find yourself waiting for Enid. You know she’s close by, given a text she had sent just a few minutes ago, but she’s held back by talking to Yoko, leaving you alone with your spiraling mess of thoughts.
The chances of Enid wolfing out are low, you know that, but the chances of others turning into malicious, animalisitic beasts targeting you or any other innocent students plagued your mind. There was only one person and one thing that would be able to stop it if something like that were to happen. Quickly, you pack your trusted dagger and stuff it deep into your pocket.
“Y/n~” You hear Enid sing from outside your door, quickly opening the door and showing herself off, “Oh. My. God. YOU LOOK AMAZING.” Her hands fly out in front of her, but stops when her claws extend as well, “Oops, my bad. Y/n you look stunning. Dressed to impress. Stay there, I have to post this.”
As soon as you two catch up and finish getting ready together, it isnt long before you both find yourselves standing in the midst of the Lunar Lake Watch. Werewolves, sirens, gorgons, other students, and teachers all there, laughing and 
“Isn’t this awesome?!” Enid swoons, spinning around with her arms out, “You said you wanted to try the pretzels first? We can go together! And also we have to get the slushies here, they are SO good.”
For the next few hours, you and Enid spend aimlessly walking around, talking to each other and finding your friends to briefly talk too, but inevitably just regroup together. The bright cascade of moonlight streams down from above, not so obviously shining right down at Enid—almost like she attracts everything beautiful.
Until the time came, you were lost in her. Her eyes, her presence, her. Being hopelessly in love with Enid Sinclair was like a dream you didn’t want to ever wake up from, but like all dreams there was always a time you had to come back to the harsh reality of the world.
“Welcome students!” Principal Weems smiles, “Enid, Y/n, welcome. Drink?” She holds two cups out to you both, “One drink for you, and another...for you! Now I must disclose that these drinks were exposed to the full moon, so if you do drink it, there is a high chance you both will be spilling out secrets sooner or later!” Weems claps her hands together.
“Yep, thanks, Principal Weems!” Enid smiles.
With that, you two find a more secluded place with a good outlook of the lake, like everyone else, and sit down on a nearby log fit for two people.
“So, we just drink and then we both start telling the truth?” You play along, despite knowing everything about the tradition, “Seems a little weird...” You look down at your cup and swirl the clear liquid around, watching it slosh against the insides of the opaque cup.
Enid nods, “Basically. You ready?”
“I guess.” Your eyes dart back into hers and that’s when you notice the familiar glint of excitement Enid always has, only this time it looks to be amplified by a thousand. Still, your hands hesitate to raise the cup properly to your mouth. Is this really how you want either the start of a relationship or a confession of a cold blooded killer to go down? You close your eyes and let out an unnoticed breath.
Enid counts down, holding up her fingers, “3...2...1...” and suddenly, she throws her head back and swallows the serene water all in one go. Even with her cheery attitude, you're unable to do the same, making the ultimate decision to put your cup down, resting it on the flatness of your thighs and knees.
You watch Enid as she thrashes her head around and laughs, “Man!” she laughs, “Y/n this stuff is great! I feel like there’s so much I need to say and so many things...I need to tell you...” Her eyes fall onto your drink and she realizes you didn’t drink with her, “Uh, Y/n, you were supposed to drink that at the same time as me. Did you forget?”
You shake your head slowly, “Enid, I-I can’t. There’s somethings that I really shouldn't tell you, and I don't want you finding out like this.”
“What?~ Was that bit about you being a murderer actually true? If it is, I said I wasn't going to judge! Except if you murder puppies. THAT is unforgivable and a deal-breaker.” She laughs.
“No, Enid—No matter what you guess, I’m not going to tell you! I just can’t. Ok? Because if I tell you it could mess up everything we have!” You squeeze your eyes closed and ball your fists, trying to hold yourself together from falling apart any more than you are now.
Your roommate steps forward, her eyes wide with curiosity, “Y/n. Nothing. Could ever. Mess up what we have. Ok? Do you GET me?” Enid grabs the sides of your arms and jostles you around, “You are the best person I know, who wouldn't hurt a fly, who’s funny and makes me laugh, who would share her secret book collection with me even though I ripped up her diary by accident! Nothing you do or who you are would ever change what we have!”
Your lip trembles, but she shakes you again as if she knows exactly what you're thinking.
“Hey, I get it, you're nervous to tell me your secret.” She tilts her head down and looks at you through her lashes, “Y/n. Do you want to know my secret?” Enid asks. You nod without thinking. “I have been waiting for this exact moment at the LLW to tell you that...I really like you Y/n. Like, more than a friend. I have been WAITING to tell you for so long.” You feel her nails dig into your sleeves softly, “So if that’s your secret too, I want to know.”
Slowly, you move your hand down to hers, touching over her knuckles and placing her palm over your face. A smile appears when she feels how warm your face is, but you look away from her burning gaze, biting your lip in anticipation, “Enid I—”
Before you could react, before you can even know what it is, something slides out of your pocket. The one thing you packed that you shouldn’t have. Your dagger. As it clatters onto the pebbly trail under your feet, both of your eyes snap to the fallen object, reflecting your horror in the metallic blade.
Enid notices, but fails to see your face turn ghost white.
“Wait a second, you dropped something.” She says, bending down to your feet to pick it up, but just before she could wrap her claws around it, she hesitates and steps back.
“That’s funny.” Enid raises a brow with a small grin, “Y/n, did you know you have a super rare werewolf hunter dagger made of sterling silver in your pocket?” Her eyes flutter with curiosity but very quickly double in size, “That’s not right.” She examines it, “Y/n, how did you get this?” her tone dropping into a much more serious baritone, more serious than you have ever heard her before.
You reach for your friend but she backs away, “It’s not what you think! Look, that thing is old, Enid. I don’t even know why I packed it, it was a mistake.” The words fall tightly from your teeth as you can feel your throat close up just as tightly. What do you even want to say? You’re not sure. “I’m not like that.”
The look on Enid’s face, worry, fear, disgust, it didn’t matter—it breaks you from the inside. “What are you trying to say?” She asks slowly, “Is your secret, you being a werewolf hunter? Is that it?” Enid holds her hands and scratches her fingers, a habit she does when she’s stressed.
You throw your hands up defensively but she backs away, “No! Well—yes? But no! Enid I wasn’t going to hurt you! I didn’t want to tell you before because—”
“Because you wanted to wait until I was vulnerable for you to slice my neck, that’s it? Huh? You’re SICK and you’re TWISTED, Y/n!” Her voice heightens to a near shrill of terror, almost like its rehearsed.
You instinctively lunge forward, trying to preserve the little dignity you have left to just tell her the truth. “Enid! Listen to me! Ok?! This is not how I wanted it to go!”
Her nose scrunches, “Oh so you wanted my murder to go smoothly, right?”
You pinch your nose bridge, “Enid. If I was going to hunt you. I would’ve done so, HOURS—no—WEEKS—NO. The first time I saw you! But I didn’t because I’m not like that! I like you too! Ok?! I really do, but I didn’t want to tell you, especially now, not until you found out the truth that...that I am...someone who hunts your kind...” There was no more hidden secrets. Just truth. Cold, unsupervised, raw, truth. Judging by her face, she definitely hates you. How could she not?
All this time, you kept such a big secret behind her back, not even knowing that any second she could've died to your hand. But that wasn't true at all. What even was true at this point?
All of a sudden, you hear a sharp breath coming from in front of you. You look up to see Enid with a hand over her lips, masking her entire mouth. Before you know it, her shoulders shake and she begins to giggle. She’s…laughing. “What are you doing?” You ask, confused. But she keeps laughing. Laughing so hard that she can’t contain herself so she ends up snorting and covering her mouth, falling into a laughing spell. You watch as she hunches over, trying to cease her hysteria but she just ends up crumbling onto the ground beneath you.
“You—You really thought I didn’t know? All this time! You thought me of ALL people wouldn’t snoop?” The blonde wheezes, gripping onto the ground, “Y/n, I’ve known you’re a werewolf hunter from the very first day I met you. We can tell too you know.”
“No, that’s not possible. Werewolves can’t tell if someone’s a hunter, that’s basic knowledge.”
“Maybe if you were hunting my grandma, Y/n. Its the 21st century, I literally have a phone and nail polish on. I’m not relying on foot prints and images in tree stumps to tell me if danger’s near by. We evolved too, you know.” Enid wobbles up and clears her throat, adjusting her hair by flicking the colored ends out and fluffing up her appearance. With a smile, she explains, “I’m just assuming but, you’ve never actually killed a werewolf before, have you?” She grins, “Because if you had, you would have realized that we have an incredible sense of smell that can actually pick up on these things like, I don’t know, the locks of fur you have in a brief case or the teeth of one from like 1863?” Enid swipes over her nose.
“B-But there’s a scent barrier so you can’t tell what’s inside!” You say, “That, that isn’t-”
“Lavender and teak wood?” She raises a brow, “Smells like a candle, which I thought it was, Y/n, not really don’t touch keep out.”
“So, let me get this straight,” You sit back down on the log and brush your fingers on top of your head, “You knew all this time, and that thing you just said now, how you were so scared of me—that was an act?”
Enid giggles, “I am somewhat of an actress myself,” she winks, “But, what I said before all that wasn’t made up.” A brief hand falls on your shoulder but quickly falls back to her side.
“You...you aren't mad at me?”
She shakes her head dismissively and pouts her lips, “No? I just thought it’d be fun to prank you. I got you good, didn’t I?”
“Y-Yeah,” You clear your throat, “I guess you did.”
Your crush smiles and sits back down next to you, handing your dagger by the handle and placing it on your legs, “Let’s start over. I like you, Y/n. Werewolf hunter or not, you're no threat to me. I think you're just stuck in this family thing where you built yourself on this idea you thought you had to be. I’m kinda the same way. So, I get it.” She places a gentle hand on yours.
You feel your face heat up, but you hold her hand back, “I like you too, Enid. It feel.
Finally after what seems like an hour, you turn back up to face her. Unexpectedly, the two of you appear to be close, way closer than ever, faces almost touching and your bodies just a space apart. There’s a feeling of tension pulling you both towards each other when suddenly you feel the blood rush to your face, ripping away from the barley there scent of her strawberry lip gloss.
She stares at your lips as you pull away just enough, “Enid,” you try and recollect yourself and make your voice come out less like a whisper and slightly more normal, but the words don’t form and you're left staring back at Enid’s lips.
Without another moments waste, Enid’s hands cup your face and suddenly, she captures your lips in a soft kiss that you eagerly reciprocate. Her lips are pliant against yours and her hands as well, just as excited to kiss you. You can feel her finger tips flutter against your cheeks as you grab onto the backs of her hands and lean into her palms.
“Wow,” Enid says when she pulls away first, “So. That happened. Wow.” Her face flushes with a deep peach color dusting over her cheeks and nose, soon spreading to her forehead and chin.
A soft chuckle escapes your lips and you move her hands down as well as your own, “I guess I have some catching up to do with werewolf culture, huh? I didn’t know they were so bold really.”
She shakes her head rapidly, “Nope. I think that was just something Enid wanted to do for a very long time.”
327 notes · View notes
aces-and-angels · 2 months
Title: Not My Birthday
A/N: what the hell is up, gang? i've been dying to share this one with y'all for weeks and now it's finally here 🎊🎊🎊 please enjoy the thing that's been plaguing my very being for hours on end 🖤 @choicesficwriterscreations
p.s. a big thank you to @noesapphic for helping me out with some of the spanish dialogue
Characters: Xiomara Calloway (oc: @a-cloud-for-dreams), Ryan Cortazar, Amalia de León (oc: @itlivesproject), Beau McGraw, Enid Mendoza, Cameron Rose, Tommy Rose, Gigi Sinclair, Martin Vanderweil, Wind Velez (oc: @oh-so-youre-a-nerd)
Pairing(s): Martin x Wind (not yet official), Gigi x Xiomara
Summary: Set sometime before Magnus gets hired; Wind does their best to get through another birthday.
Content Warning(s): brief mention of blood, language, childhood trauma
Word Count: 3.9K
read below cut or...
McGraw Byrne, morning…
It’s just a day. A set of numbers written in the margin. Zero three zero two. Yet Wind’s calendar remains flipped to February, its page marked with thick black lines crossing off each date. What they’d give to be able to take a sharpie to the day and scribble it out entirely. But they can’t- not for another 14 hours and 32 minutes. Not like they’re counting or anything. 
Amalia saves them first. 
“Mx. Velez, I know you’re busy with that case for Landon, but can you-”
“Yes,” they say all too quickly. 
Amalia blinks, perplexed by their eagerness. “You don’t even know what I’m about to ask for yet.” 
“Does that matter? You know I’d do anything for one of my favorite paralegals.” Their desperate need for distraction aside, the sentiment was sincere. Without Amalia, completing any case would be nearly impossible. 
“Wasn’t fishing for compliments, but I’ll take it,” she breathes with a hint of a smirk tugging at her lip. “Hopefully, you’ll still hold that sentiment after this conversation.”
“Pretty sure I will. What can I help you with?” 
“It’s a bit… Es una tontería, de verdad,” she warns, absently toying with the hem of her wine red blazer. 
Noticing her nerves, Wind pushes their notebook aside. “Amalia, no te preocupes, puedes decirme lo que pasa.” 
The warmth and reassurance in their tone do something to soothe her nerves, as her hand noticeably stills. “Mr. Vanderweil tasked me with redacting these documents yesterday. Simple, right?”
They nod along to her story. “I’d say so.”
“I thought so too, but then I had an issue with loading the PDFs on my computer, so I…” she pauses, sucking in a breath. “I took an alternative approach.”
“What kind of approach?” 
“Converting all the files to Word docs so I could highlight all the info in black instead of contacting IT like I should have.” Her words fly out of her mouth faster than she can speak, jumbling into a mess of syllables they barely manage to catch. But they do- and oh, how their stomach plummets to the floor. 
Panic cracks through the otherwise calm demeanor they’ve maintained thus far. “Amalia-” 
“I know- I know,” she laments, rushing up to the foot of their desk. “Ryan already told me how wrong that was half an hour ago, which is why I haven’t uploaded anything yet.”
“Oh, thank God,” they sigh, visibly slumping into their chair. “This’ll be easy to fix then.”
“Except it won’t be because Mr. Vanderweil wanted this done before the partner meeting, and he’ll definitely chew me out when he learns that it isn’t.” Whatever nerves were kept at bay came rushing back in full force. Amalia began pacing, her heels scuffing up the floors beneath her with every anxious step. “This is the easiest thing to do, and I found a way to mess it up. It’s no question- I’m gonna get fired. And what respectable law school is going to accept someone who can’t even-” 
Wind jumps from their seat to block her path. Their hands fly to her shoulders, stopping her in place with a firm grip. “Amalia,” they say gently, careful not to agitate her any further. Her dark brown eyes dart around the room, desperate to cling onto something- anything. Wind squeezes her once, steadying her frenzied gaze at them. “Inhala. Exhala.” So that’s what they do. They breathe.
In and out. 
In and out. 
Inhala. Exhala. 
Eventually, the dust settles and Wind’s arms fall back to their sides. “Better?” 
She nods. “Better.”
“Good. Now, how much work do you have left?”
“I managed to fix around half of what Mr. Vanderweil sent me, but there’s still over a hundred pages left to deal with.” 
The wheels in their head spin, formulating a plan. “Okay- here's what we'll do. Forward the files to me. I'll take the first 50 or so, you get the rest. Can Ryan pitch in? That would really speed things up.”
“He’s tied up with logging discovery for Ms. Tanaka. That’s why I came to you,” she grimaces. 
“That's fine. We’ll manage on our own.” 
“Are you sure? Even with help, it'll take some time.” 
The honest answer was that they weren’t. Meetings at McGraw Byrne are notorious for being pushed up at the drop of a hat. There’s no guarantee Martin wouldn’t decide to do just that; he certainly flaunted his authority to do so around the office enough. But Wind knew one thing: they can’t cross today out, but they can redact a few dozen documents. And that was enough. “Positive. Hand the files over- we've got work to do.”
It’s a tricky thing- pretending to be fine. Until it isn’t. Their smile is a reflex. Their lies, sweet little things, mask the bitter truth buried deep inside them. It’s almost scary how easy it’s become. 
Gigi nearly crushes them next. 
It starts with a playful hip check by the break room counter. Nothing more than a soft bump that Wind returns as a greeting. “You avoiding me, Velez?” 
“Of course not,” they reply automatically. Not on purpose. 
“Then why is this the first time I've seen you all day?”
The corners of Wind’s mouth pull upwards. “You’re exaggerating. Our offices are across from each other, glass windows and all.”
Gigi scoffs, a fond yet exasperated look on her face. “You know what I mean. How much work did Martin stick you with?” 
Actually, he didn't. I asked for more. And I would've stayed in my office, but I physically can’t ignore the gurgling in my stomach with paperwork anymore. “Not much, really. Guess it’s just been one of those days.” There’s a part of them- the smallest, stupidest part- that wishes she, or anyone, could see through their cheery disposition. Lift the mask they’ve clutched onto for years. 
It’s a hollow victory when she doesn’t. 
“Tell me about it. Linda roped me into working on this painfully boring property dispute,” she complains. 
“Think of it this way: maybe the land is haunted.” They wiggle their fingers spookily, throwing in a few ‘oo’s and ah’s’ for good measure.  
“That would explain the urge to blow my brains out anytime I redraft these contracts.”
“Poor little Millie. She’s just trying to protect her property from the grave.”
Gigi stifles a laugh. “Millie?” 
“Judging me only angers her spirit,” they retort, their own bout of laughter bubbling to the surface. A moment of silence passes between them before they both lose their resolve, dissolving into a fit of giggles. 
“Whew, I needed that,” Gigi says, still chuckling. 
They take a bow. “I’ll be here all week.” 
“Perfect- just enough time for you to join me for lunch.”
“You’re shameless.” Despite their light ribbing, they still take a seat at the nearest table and begin to unpack their own lunch. A small break can’t hurt, right? 
“I just prefer to have some entertainment with my lasagna,” she corrects in a light, teasing voice. 
“You made lasagna?” 
“Xo made lasagna. She's been cooking a lot more since her show wrapped.” The glow on her face at the mere mention of her wife is undeniable. 
“Seems like you’re enjoying a lot more than her cooking lately,” they grin suggestively. 
Her daze sharpens into a challenging glint in her eye, her smirk unwavering. “So what if I am?” 
They raise their hands in surrender. “Then good for you, boo.” 
“Mm, that’s what I thought,” she hums triumphantly as she walks over to the fridge. “Seriously, you’ve got to try some. It’s- oh damn it.”
“What is it?”
Gigi pulls out a large pink box and sets it on the table, slightly miffed. “Beau’s leftover birthday cake knocked over my containers. I told him no one but him likes coconut.”
Wind’s pulse quickened. It’s fine. You’re fine. “It wasn’t that bad.”
“How would you know? You couldn’t eat any because you’re allergic to coconut.” 
They shrug. “It looked pretty.”
“Last time I let a man plan an event. I don’t care if it’s his birthday,” she mutters, more to herself than at them- too occupied with reconstructing her toppled lasagna with a pair of plastic forks. Wind turns their attention to their own lunch, a heaping portion of arroz con pollo, hoping to swallow down their bout of birthday-induced anxiety with each savory bite. It almost works. 
They’re mid-bite when Gigi unknowingly moves in for the kill. 
“I’ve decided,” she announces, sliding into the seat across from them. 
“Hm?” It’s all they can manage to say with a mouthful of rice. 
“I’m putting myself in charge of all birthday parties at the firm from here on out. Who better to plan a party than a party-lover like moi?” She cuts a piece of her lasagna with the side of her fork, still talking animatedly. “Ooh, I can start a group chat to organize any after-work festivities-”
“Mhm,” they hum along, trying to ignore the lump forming in their throat. It’s fine. You’re fine. Their eyes fixate on the grains of rice stuck to their spoon. Three on the front. Two on the back. Three on the front. Two on the back. Three on- 
“Wind? You still with me, boo?” 
Their head snaps up, only realizing now that they had tuned out their friend. “Sorry- can you repeat that? I zoned out.”
Another smile. Another lie. But it’s enough.
“I asked what kind of cake you like,” Gigi repeats. 
“Oh- uh… I’m fine with anything, really. As long as it’s not coconut for obvious reasons.” 
“C’mon, everyone has a favorite. Lemmie guess, you’re a cheesecake girl, aren’t you? No wait- red velvet.” 
They force out a chuckle. “You got me. I love a good red velvet.” 
Gigi’s eyes narrow, assessing them like she would a witness on trial. “You’re just being nice, aren’t you?”
“I-I’m not! I really love red velvet,” they reassure her, but to no avail. She only shakes her head, leaning back into her chair. 
“I’ll figure you out eventually, Velez. Cake preference is a science. And I just so happen to be a mad scientist.” 
“You really don’t have to put that much effort into this, Gi.”
“The hell I don’t! There’s no way I’m going to plan a subpar birthday party for one of my best friends. When is your birthday anyways? Before you judge me for not knowing, I did try. I just couldn’t find it listed on any of your socials.” 
Her determination in any other context would flood their chest with a friendly warmth. But now it pierces through their ribcage, sending their heart into an unwanted frenzy- its beat pounding in their ears. 
It’s fine. You’re fine. 
It’s fine. You’re fine. 
It’s fine. You’re-
They stand abruptly, the chair behind them screeching against the floorboards. “I need to go.” 
Gigi glances down, concern etching onto her features. “But you’ve barely eaten anything.”
“There’s a call I’m expecting from one of my clients. Can’t miss it,” they explain, hastily packing away their food. “Let’s catch up later, yeah?”
Another smile. Another lie. But this time, they don’t stick around long enough to know if it’s enough. 
Calm. They need to stay calm. Yet the air grows thinner and thinner until Wind is gasping, pulling at their collar in a feeble attempt to ease the tightness coiling around their throat. Everything is too loud. Too bright. Too exposed. 
On their first day at McGraw Byrne, Wind marveled at the grandness of it all. How its name glimmered as rays of golden light shone through the floor to ceiling windows, hitting the platinum just right. How every hallway felt like a brand new world waiting to be explored. But now? Now there is no glimmer. No hallways left to be discovered. Only a crushing weight resting atop their chest.
Forget calm. They need to hide.
Wind shuts the door behind them, then the blinds to their windows. It’s a small shield, so they strengthen their armor. Soft, pillowy cushions cover their ears, silencing the wars raging outside. A dark quiet descends over them. Not quite calm, but numb. Numb lets them breathe. Slow their tired, weary heart from running rampant. Here, underneath a cherry wood desk, they can rest.    
The thing about a closed door is that it can always be opened.
So Martin does just that. 
He strides in without any warning, preoccupied with typing out a quick response to yet another email, all while hoping to find a certain report waiting in his inbox. “Velez, I need an update on Landon.” Three more notifications- nothing of any true significance, but it gains his attention nonetheless. 
Eyes glued to the screen, Martin doesn’t register the empty office chair in front of him. “I don’t have all day,” he huffs out, already bracing himself for whatever teasing remark Wind has in store for him. But none come. To his surprise, instead of a toothy grin, he sees a pair of pink heels carelessly kicked off to the side. 
Martin pockets his phone and takes a cautious step forward. “Velez?” 
A pitiful sniffle, amplified by the stillness of the room, hits his ears, freezing him in place. Part of him weighs the merits behind turning around. Then he hears it again- that sorrowful hitch in Wind’s breath- and before he even realizes it, he is by their side. 
Months of working alongside each other allowed Martin to experience the many sides of Wind. Infuriatingly righteous. Overly-energetic. Perplexingly kind. Wind got under his skin- crept inside and made it impossible to stay away. None of that prepared him to witness them like this- curled up underneath their desk, unwilling to even look at him. 
At a loss, he simply asks, “What are you doing down there?” 
A few harrowing seconds pass before they mumble a reply. “Hiding.”
“From whom?” 
“Just… from today.” 
Martin hums in acknowledgement, unsure how to take that answer. “How long have you been hiding?” They give a weak shrug. “Can you at least tell me why?” He waits, more than he should’ve, then sighs. “Go home, Velez.”
Wind snaps their head up. “W-what?”
“I said go home.”
“Y-you… you can’t do that!” 
“I can and I am. Clearly, you’re incapable of-”
“-I’m plenty capable-”
“-You’re under a table.” He chooses not to mention the redness in their eyes or how they shine with unshed tears.
“I- I can…” Wind sputters, their voice no higher than a whisper, “I can do it.” 
“I’d have an easier time believing that if you weren’t mid-cower.”  
“I’m not-” Martin cocks his eyebrow, effectively killing their argument. “This isn’t any of your concern. So just leave me be.” 
“Not my concern?” he scoffs, almost in disbelief. “As your supervisor, I’d have to firmly disagree. I’m responsible for your successes and your screw ups. And I work very hard to mitigate the latter. So, I’m asking you again. What’s this about?”
“It’s… personal.” Martin folds his arms, indicating them to elaborate. But much to his dismay, they don’t. He peers down at them, searching for something. The infuriatingly righteous. The overly-energetic. The perplexingly kind. Something he can work with. It’s surprisingly disappointing when his search comes up as empty as Wind’s chair. 
“Send whatever you have on Landon to Aislinn. She’ll be taking point for the remainder of this case.” 
“Save your breath, Velez. You can sort out whatever it is you’re dealing with now or never. I don’t care. You just can’t be here.” 
Wind trods through the city past several storefronts and food carts, crestfallen. Their aimless journey eventually leads them to a random dive bar- the perfect location to get good and drunk. Its unassuming exterior paled in comparison to its rich interior. Spacious, yet cozy. 
An unoccupied podium greets them at the entrance. “Hello?” Their voice travels beyond the stacked chairs and strings of exposed lightbulbs casting a golden glow over the room. A few minutes go by before they try calling out again. “Hi, are y’all open?” 
They venture further inside, ignoring the big, bold letters indicating patrons to ‘please wait to be seated.’ A plethora of memories line its walls. Polaroids of patrons captured in various states of inebriation- all in good fun, they figure. Along with those are news clippings throughout the years, most of which feature the NYPD in some capacity.
“I bought every copy of that issue.” Wind yelps, coming face to face with an older man. The faint lines on his bronze skin deepen as his face stretches into a friendly smile. He points at one of the officers pictured. “This one’s my niece, Cameron.”
They take a closer look at the photo. Despite its grainy quality, Wind can see the resemblance between the two. Same brown eyes. Same round nose. Her skin, however, is about three shades darker than her uncle’s. Youthful. “She looks beautiful.”
“I like to think so,” he says, pride beaming from his features. “She’s always begging me to take this one down, but I can’t bring myself to do it. Ya only graduate from the academy once, y’know?”
They nod politely. “Sorry for walkin’ in like this.”
“The sign’s flipped to open, even if we don’t look like it,” he chuckles. “Grab a seat, I’ll be right with ya.” Wind slides into an empty bar stool while he makes his way behind the counter. After rummaging through a few drawers, he pulls out a menu. “Ha! I knew I kept a few back here.”
“Thank you.” They skim through the appetizers, not retaining much. 
“I promise, if ya catch us during our peak hours, we’re more lively. Anyways, welcome to The Drunk Tank. I’m Tommy- owner, bartender, and your server for today. Most of our food items won’t be available till our cook arrives, but I can try to whip up something simple if you’d like.” 
“That’s alright. I only came in for a drink.” 
“Perfect. What’s your poison?”
“Whatever’s strongest. Neat,” they answer flatly.
Understanding flashes through Tommy’s face. He works with silent precision, pouring a long stream of amber liquor into a glass. “Here ya go. Spirits to lift the spirit.” 
Wind raises their drink to him before throwing it back in one gulp. The burn is immediate, slithering down to their chest and warming them from within. “Hah,” they wince, wiping the stray droplets from their chin. “I’ll have another.”
Tommy’s eyebrows jump, unable to conceal his shock, but he complies and slides over another shot. It goes down just as quickly. This process repeats two more times before he finally pulls the plug. “Why don’t we pace ourselves for a bit? Happy hour doesn’t start for another thirty minutes. Save yourself a few bucks.” 
“Money’s not an issue,” they say, their words slightly slurred. 
“Alright, I’ll level with ya. I’m not as concerned about your wallet as I am about any ‘accidents’ I may need to clean up.” 
They huff out a hollow laugh. “I can hold my liquor, promise.” 
“Just indulge me and drink some water.” 
“Fine,” they grumble, taking a tentative sip from a much taller glass.
“Ya wanna talk about it?” 
“Ya wanna talk?”
“About what?”
“Anything. The weather- the Yankees- oh, I can show ya my collection of wine corks.” 
“That’s… okay.” They gulp down the rest of their water, casting a hopeful glance at him, then at their empty shot glass. 
He purses their lips, thinking. “Tell ya what- I’ll pour another shot if ya tell me one thing about yourself.” 
Their eyes narrow at his deal, but his face remains steady. Fine, they can play along for now. “My name’s Wind.”
A quiet grin spreads on his face. “I was hoping to hear about a hobby or something.”
“A deal’s a deal.” 
Tommy raises his hands in surrender. “That it is.” He serves another shot, which doesn’t last very long. “I like baseball, if ya couldn’t tell,” he jokes, gesturing to the several pieces of baseball memorabilia displayed.
“You play?”
His belly shakes with laughter. “Not well, I’m afraid. My ol’ man still put me in Little League, though, right next to my brother. I was one hell of a benchwarmer.” 
“How ‘bout your brother?”
“Oh, that asshole? He was a mini prodigy. Bastard went on to play varsity. Won the state championship and everything.” Despite his light, jovial tone, Wind notices the distant look in his eyes. 
“... And now?”
There’s a brief pause before he answers. “He doesn't play much of anything anymore.”
“What happened?”
His lip twitches upward with a smile that’s not all there. Dimmer than the one he first met them with.  “I’ll need a few drinks before ya pull that story outta me.” 
“Sorry,” they apologize quickly, “I didn’t-”
“No- you’re fine. Just felt like talking ‘s all.” He busies himself by wiping down the bar with a towel. “Ya don’t need to tell me anything, but a word to the wise: it feels a helluva lot better when you finally let it all out.”  
Wind stares at him, their thoughts- all the pain, anger, and confusion threatening to spill out of them like a faucet. Kind brown eyes stare back with a patience that says, ‘Everything’s gonna be alright,’ without uttering a word. “Well, I-” 
“Pop some champagne, Tito. I just got promoted!” They both startle in place. A woman strolls up to the bar, carrying a faint scent of ginger and citrus as she approaches. Wind’s eyes immediately flick to the golden snake adorning her neck, drawn by its intimidating beauty.
“Nini! That’s wonderful,” Tommy rejoices, clapping her on the shoulder like an old friend.
“I know. Now, where’s that champagne?”
“Hold on, I’ve got some in the back.” He moves to grab a bottle, but stops in his tracks when he sees them. “Oh- I’m sorry, Wind. You were about to say something.” 
They shake their head. “No- actually, I should head out.” 
“Stay for the toast at least.”
“Are you serious?” the woman complains.
“Yes,” Tommy hisses at her underneath his breath, which to Wind’s surprise, is all it takes for her to stand down.
“Alright,” she concedes, peering at them through her curled lashes. “Enjoy it, blondie. I’m usually not this generous, but today is a celebration. Consider it an early birthday gift.” 
Their body seizes up. “What?”
“Or a late one. Not like I’d know the difference anyway. It’s no cake, but it’ll do.”
Glass shatters. A cacophony of shrieks and curses follows. Wind registers nothing- lost to fragments from the past. Their senses recall the piercing sound of their baby brother’s inconsolable wails. The desperation in their father’s pleas. They remember the cool tile on their knees- how sticky their tiny fingers became with pink frosting as they tried to push chunks of uneaten cake back together, ignoring the shards of fine china mixed throughout. All the while, their mother’s broken voice pounds within their ears. A haunting chant they can never forget. 
“No puedo más- no puedo más- no puedo más-”
“Ya alright, pal?” Tommy’s worry warbles through their nightmarish haze. 
“This fucking idiot got glass everywhere.”
“Ay, Nini- just grab the broom. It’s in the back. Oh- and the first aid kit.” 
First aid kit? They glance down- mortified by the crimson stains on their sleeves. “Oh God-” 
“Hey, take it easy-”
“NO-” Their sudden outburst sends them back several feet. “I- I need to- I need to go.”
“Hold on-”
Tommy’s words fall on deaf ears, or rather, no ears. They’re gone in a flash. No warning. No goodbye.
Just like Mamá.
tag list: @choicesmc, @win-chan, @brycesgirl, @stars-are-within-me, @inlocusmads
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tsunderesalty · 7 months
5.most popular fic this year
12. favorite character to write about this year
14. a fic you didn’t expect to write
For the fanfic asks!
Thank you for the asks, Annie!
5: Most popular fic this year:
That's an easy one! Fruit Stand AU is the clear answer! I originally began the fic thanks to a ton of prompts from @mikaharuka in early March, and just recently completed the fic in early September, with the entire work being completed in just over 6 months! It was a huge passion project of mine, so much so that I've created a universe out of it, once again thanks to @mikaharuka's prompts! Fruit Stand AU received way more love than I would have thought, and it currently sits at 37,516 words, 9098 hits, 105 bookmarks, 117 comments, and 326 kudos (does this count as bragging, cuz it kinda feels that way to me)!
12: Favorite character to write about this year:
Has to be Enid Sinclair. I just had such a full spectrum of emotions and fic ideas with her, and she's an absolute delight to write dialogue for!
14: A fic you didn't expect to write:
Literally any fic that one of my friends/mutuals gave me brainworms for. So many fics have developed purely from joking around with a lot of you, which is always nice to do, but the fic ideas are a nice added bonus.
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vaniloqu3nce · 1 year
I hyper fixated, and I wrote a small scene for a Spider-Wolf Au. Enid just wants everyone to like her. <3
WC: 700
Enid was desperate for a shred of dialogue from her roommate. Every other attempt to build a blooming friendship had been shut down by the psychic at every turn. Dreams of having a best friend who lived with her were quickly slipping away with every interaction. It became more than apparent that Wednesday, miss ‘allergic to color’, didn’t like her, or anyone.
But everyone in Jericho loved Spider-Wolf, (besides cops and anyone interested in legalities, but honestly that’s nobody important) who doesn’t love a badass superhero? And if Wednesday didn’t know who that was, she could tell her! It was a full proof plan. Then they could have a conversation, then it would lead to an unlikely friendship, and Enid would once again be happy knowing everyone likes her.
There is a beat of silence that has Enid holding her breath and overthinking. Maybe Wednesday would throw a knife at her for speaking? Or something more subtle, poison her breakfast when she oversleeps. The werewolf wracked her mind for possible ways the macabre girl could react until she was surprised.
“Spider-Wolf? Why would I concern myself with the likes of a coward who hides behind responsibility with a mask?” Wednesday’s voice was flat as she crushed any hope Enid had of trying to connect with the Addams in two short seconds. Apparently Wednesday Addams doesn’t love a badass superhero. There goes that full proof plan.
Enid has to remind herself not to stop smiling, and not to take it personally. But she can’t help it, what did that even mean?
Enid bites the inside of her cheek. It figures the grim girl wouldn’t be interested in superheroes either. Perhaps it was a bad idea to ask Wednesday, because now she took personal offense. Pride and hurt swelling in her chest as she stared at the back of her new roommate’s black uniform. “It’s not hiding, every hero needs a pretty costume!” Plus! Her family would kill her if they knew. The Sinclair pack was plenty of things, but open minded wasn’t one of them.
Wednesday didn’t look back, she sat perfectly straight, the repetitive clicking of her typewriter keeping the conversion from falling into complete silence. “The costume is impractical.”
Enid is slightly irritated. She put her heart and soul into that costume. Wednesday could be so difficult, but she realizes this is the closest they’ve had to a conversation since their tense encounter on Wednesday’s first night. “How so?” She doesn’t want to miss her chance to at least not be complete strangers.
“It draws attention, only an idiot would run around in an outfit that colorful if they wanted to hide who they were.”
Okay. Ouch.
Maybe Enid should feel relieved, if Wednesday had no interest in her alter ego, she wouldn’t have to work too hard to hide anything but Enid loves her costume! She’s proud of it! And so do her followers! She made it herself and it spoke her truth! “It’s–”
Enid’s mouth clamps shut at the suddenness, almost startled, but Wednesday says nothing else. Enid waits until she does. The typewriter is the only sound she can hear for a long time. Enid hates to admit it takes her way too many silent seconds to realize Wednesday wasn’t going to say anything else. At all. The conversation had ended. Enid flops back against her pillow and pouts, defeated.
Wednesday doesn’t like her or Spider-Wolf! Or color! Or her blog. What does she like? What was wrong with her costume? Or her?
Enid’s chest twisted, she hated feeling like she wasn’t good enough. The werewolf quickly shook that thought off, brushing her mother’s echoing voice away and reaffirming herself. She will get Wednesday to be her friend. It will just take a little extra love and patience but Enid can do that. It would be awkward if they weren’t at least on positive terms, they lived together now. They were roommates. What could go wrong?
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trapitouwulove · 1 year
AU (Games of Throne) Wenclair
This story does exist but with ship Daensa, I only grabbed some dialogues to see what a story like that was like xd all rights to the author who is on wattpad as Luthor_Black
Xavier Thorpe goes to Dragonstone for help against the Night King.
Wednesday's advisers think that a marriage to the North would forge an unbreakable alliance, of course, Wednesday agrees… On the condition that his marriage takes place with a woman.
-And why that, his Grace? -Eugene asks confused.
-People continue with ancient ideals, my Lord, if they see me married to a just and honorable man like Xavier Thorpe they would not see me as his queen, they would see me only as the king's consort. In this world, men still have power over everything and I want to break that ideology- he answered, fixing his gaze on the king in the North. -You want my help, you will have it, in return I want an alliance where you swear loyalty for me, this time, pledging perpetual loyalty for real. And, with a marriage between Lady Sinclair that makes me see that your people will truly be mine to rule.
"My siblings, Your Grace, Love Sinclair, Tayler Sinclair, and," Xavier paused, looking at her wistfully. — Enid Sinclair, Lady of Winterfell
"It's a pleasure to meet you, my Lady, the North is as beautiful as her brother claimed…" He extended a hand from her to her, palm up. He quickly unwrapped his hands from under her cloak to take her hand. A gesture as simple as a delicate kiss on the back of her gloved hand. - Like you.
She heard a mock gagging little voice next to her, then a groan from what must have been Xavier's elbow making contact with Love's arm.
If the earth could swallow her at that moment, she would pray to the gods again who had abandoned her.
The moment she released her hand she returned it to hide under her cloak. Everyone was silent waiting for him to say something. Her eyes returned to the queen, she lowered a little seeing the dragon pin on her coat, right on her chest on the right side. He had to look up from her looking closely into the violet eyes as strange as the hair of the woman in front of her.
Sansa couldn't help but think that this woman was an incestuous product between brothers. A completely inappropriate practice for the North, as well as the union between two women. frowned upon Is it one of the Sinclair women who has a story in her grave to be the wife of another woman? Or would she, would she not even have a proper burial in the North?
“Winterfell is his, Grace hers.
That seemed to please her, as she smiled wider showing her dimples.
“As promised, my Lady, I have brought supplies from the South for her people. The king in the North told me of his concern about the scarcity of food, so I have brought salt-cured meats to keep them cool. And a gift for you that I'd like to share later, if I may.
Truly, she would be delighted to be swallowed up by the earth now. Would it be easier to accept courtship coming from a man?
"I allow it, his Grace." She—she He tried not to force her smile. She really tried.
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lumosatnight · 1 year
10 First Lines Tag Game
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway
Thanks for the tag @the-francakes (x), @crazybutgood (x), @yletylyf (x), and @givereadersahug (x)! I'm including my double drabbles and non-HP works because I think it will make this list more fun.
1. Just Wednesday [Wednesday Addams/Enid Sinclair, T, 2k]
It’s Thursday and the start of everything dire.
2. A Spark [Astoria/Percy, G, 200]
Years after the war, Percy bumped into Astoria in the St Mungos waiting room.
3. More Than Ready [Astoria/Pansy, E, 200]
“And then,” said Pansy, flicking her tongue, “you should get a tingly sensation, almost like you have to pee. Don’t worry, that’s completely normal. Just go with it.”
4. Fly [Dean/Blaise, T, 200]
Blaise was tending to the Abraxans in the stables when he found him — curled into a ball, wearing filthy rags, grass and twigs woven into that once beautiful hair.
5. Filthy Mutt [Sirius/Severus, E, 200]
“You disgust me,” Sirius says. 
6. Balcony for Two [Abraxas/Minerva, G, 200]
Minerva studied the new recruits from the balcony. As the academy’s head flight instructor and captain of the HMS Nimbus, she always had the best view. Abraxas nodded to her as he herded a group of fresh-faced students past the helm.
7. Silver Surprise [Theo/Harry, T, 1k]
“What the bloody hell are they doing here?” Ron glared at the pair of Slytherins lingering at the door to the Room of Requirement.
8. Maraschino Red [Hermione/Luna, E, 1k]
It was routine by now.
9. History [Bathilda/Griselda, G, 200]
History said it was a shame about poor Bathilda. What a pity, they exclaimed, such a brilliant, respected mind wasted away so!
10. Lavender for Morning [Lavender/Hermione, T, 5k]
She was staring again.
So, what have I learned from this activity? I love short and simple sentences as my first lines I guess. It's also pretty mixed between dialogue and description. Mostly past tense, all 3rd person POV. Very interesting.
I have no idea if you've been tagged already, but here we go. Tagging @sliebman10, @ladderofyears, @wolfpants, @mugsdontlie, @curlyy-hair-dont-care, @dewitty1, @peachpety, @thehoneybeet, @siriusly-sapphic, @inmyownlittlecorner5
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kraken17 · 1 year
One quote from Enid Sinclair per every chapter of Altogether Ooky in which she has been present
(Note: She is present in Ch.27 but in a total wolf out, so she has no dialogue).
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"I'm not in the habit of disemboweling little girls, though." (Chapter 1)
"Gosh Weds... Let her wear whatever color she wants." (Chapter 2)
"I guess it makes sense, you don't want a brat accidentally erasing someone from existence.” (Chapter 3)
"It's just that my brain is starting to wrap around the idea that we're going to be surrounded by madness again." (Chapter 5)
"Yes, we already have two other Wednesday's waiting in our room, Woe and Friday...” (Chapter 6)
"First, my ideas are not nefarious." (Chapter 7)
"Well, considering your family's history with cyanide, caffeine doesn't sound so extreme, I guess." (Chapter 8)
"Girls, no one is going to take anyone's blood." (Chapter 9)
"And I have sworn that I will tear the throat out of anyone who dares try to harm you, remember?" (Chapter 10)
“You go to the hives and I'll look for our teenage killing machine.” (Chapter 11)
"If tomorrow comes and you're still in Nevermore, I'll rip you open from groin to neck and devour your entrails while I bathe in your blood." (Chapter 13)
"I'm weird and unusual, by werewolf standards." (Chapter 14)
"And in the meantime, I'll play the bloodhound." (Chapter 15)
"It will be all right, mon araignée venimeuse." (Chapter 16)
“Two pairs of pants and two pairs of sneakers shredded in one day." (Chapter 17)
"Yeah, it doesn't make much sense that someone hostile against us would bring multiple versions of you into this reality." (Chapter 18)
"I guess it's penance for not keeping my usual hours." (Chapter 20)
"I don't mind being corrupted by you." (Chapter 21)
"How is that more plausible than the explanation I've given you!!?" (Chapter 22)
"I'm more into body maiming... whatthehellI'msaying..." (Chapter 23)
"Oh, crap, she's going to spout a monologue, isn't she?” (Chapter 24)
"I have no idea what that is, but I bet it's bad news.” (Chapter 25)
"Wednesday, don't admire the abomination." (Chapter 26)
"If it's any consolation at least they didn't try to manhandle you like they did when they met Yoko." (Chapter 28)
"The multiverse needs a notebook." (Chapter 29)
"No destructive singularities allowed!" (Chapter 30)
"For a moment there I feared you were going to dismember her." (Epilogue)
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