#edit to the edit - nevermind lol silly me
gillianthecat · 2 years
new plan for naclyoho: i need these outfits in order to clean. and the gay feather dusters.
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i became inspired so heres a silly oneshot smg34 fic that also includes mario and meggy
This fic includes:
snowtrapped reference. Sorry yall </3
shitty grammar whenever mario speaks
SMG43 crush frustrations, a 2 1/2 part oneshot
Segment 1: SMG4 and Mario
SMG4 sits at his desk, making videos, as per usual. Working hard to appease the hell that is the YouTube algorithm, all that good stuff.
SMG4 is just focused on working on making a decent video, trying his hardest to work in peace.
Suddenly, the door breaks down for the 17th time this week (it's tuesday), and SMG4's idiot best friend Mario bursts in to disturb said peace.
"ES EM GEE FOUR" he yells, startling his friend.
SMG4 sighs. "Hey, Mario, what do you need?"
"I just wanted to see what you were doing :))" Mario replies.
"I'm just making videos, that's all," SMG4 says, attempting to regain focus on making the video. "I gotta finish as much as I can before I have to hang out with SMG3 later today"
"Ooooo, watcha gonna be doin?"
"3's just gonna be streaming the two of us messing around on Gmod. I think he wants to play prop hunt?"
"Mario played that one time with him. He's too good at it," Mario recalls.
"Heh, as if. He only won cuz he was against you," SMG4 exclaims. "He won't stand a chance going against me."
Mario peeks over the chair and observes SMG4 making his video.
"Can Mario help???" Mario asks.
"Hahaha, no," said SMG4. "You don't know shit about editing."
"Lol ur right, im just bored af and wanted to do something" Mario says, eyes crossing. "What video you makin"
"I'm remastering an old video called 'Charming Peach'; people seem to like when I make remasters of old videos," SMG4 responds.
"Oooooooooo" says Mario. "Can I suggest a video idea?"
"Y'know what, sure. Go ahead."
"Snowtrapped remaster :))))"
SMG4's eyes widen. He turns and looks at Mario in the crossed eyes and humongous mustache.
"Hell no!"
"Hell yeah :)"
"Why would you suggest that?! I'm not doing that!"
"Why not?"
SMG4 blinks. "Why do you think?"
Mario shrugs. "Because it's too cold?"
SMG4 face palms. "I forgot; you don't think."
"Awww :(" Mario frowns. "Thats mean :(("
"Dude, SMG3 and I literally have sex in that episode."
SMG4 blinks.
Mario blinks in return.
"AND WE WOULD RATHER DIE THAN REMAKE THAT? What do you want me to say?" SMG4 exclaims.
"You didn't enjoy it?" Mario asks.
SMG4's face turns bright red. "MARIO!! Why the hell would you ask that?!"
Mario blinks. He grins. "You're avoiding the question"
"I'm not answering the question. I'm not remaking Snowtrapped, period. SMG3 and I could never relive those events again."
Mario blinks one eye after the other, like a frog.
"Do you like him?" Mario asks out of the blue.
"Huh??" SMG4 says, red creeping on his face.
"Do you like SMG3?" Mario asks.
"I mean, yeah... as a... friend, of course."
"Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..." Mario's eyes narrow, and his head widens as he stares directly into SMG4's soul. "Mario doesn't buy it."
"What? What do you mean?!"
"I think you are gay :)"
"No. Also can you stop talking in emoticons?" SMG4 sighs.
"Come on!! I'm pretty sure you like him in a gay way"
"Why do you have to say it like that?"
"...Nevermind. No, I don't like him like that." SMG4 chuckles, like he's trying to gaslight himself into believing the words he says. "Why would I? He berates me every day, I can't stand him sometimes... Why would I be in love with someone who constantly tries to do some bullshit to piss me off?"
"But when you do get along, what then?"
SMG4 opens his mouth to speak, but no words came out.
"I just... I..."
Mario smiles really wide. "Youuuu liiikkkeee himmmm!"
"Mario, quit it!"
"Youuu dooooo :)"
"Youuuu likeee yourr rivaaaaalll :)))))"
SMG4 sighs, tired of trying to convince Mario otherwise. "Fine, you caught me. Yes, I may or may not have developed a crush on SMG3..."
Mario gasps with the utmost glee in his eyes.
"Yeah, but you BETTER NOT TELL A SOUL!!" SMG4 puts a firm hand on Mario's shoulder and points at him aggressively.
Mario frowns. "you're no fun"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. I just don't want word to spread and for SMG3 to find out. Then he will really hate me, and not in the joking way he usually does."
"You think he hates you?" Mario tilts his head
"...Not really, but..."
"Then tell him!" Mario says.
"Haha, hell no. He is my rival, and even though we're able to... tolerate... each other for enough time, but SMG3 is very keen to remind me that we are 'rivals', and refuses to admit that we are friends, no matter how much we get close to admitting we are friends."
SMG4 looks down. "I do really like him, I just... I have no way of knowing if he does like me at all, and if he is being serious when he shit talks me. Maybe he thinks and talks about how stupid I am when I'm not hanging out with him. He probably hates me, with how much he berates me. Why would I want someone who hates me?"
Mario blinks. "You are dumping all this info on someone who has zero advice for you" he says.
SMG4 smiles sadly. "My bad. I just... it's been eating me up inside, I just wanted to vent about it."
"Its ok :) mario can try to give advice if you want!" Mario says.
SMG4 sighs. "Go ahead."
"Mario thinks that if SMG3 hated you so much, he wouldn't go out of his way to be around you"
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"He frequently shows up to hang out with you, he saves you, he talks about you a lot..."
"Wait, he does?"
"Yeah! I was waiting to get a bomb at his coffee shop and he was in a corner writing in his journal again, and he was saying everything he was writing out loud; he was saying 'I'm excited to hang out with smg4 tomorrow, we gonna play some gmod together and im totally gonna beat his ass at prop hunt, hes gonna be so mad itll be so funny, seeing his face so angry is so entertaining-' and then he stopped writing cuz he saw me waiting for my bomb order and he shoo'd me out of there and i didn't get my bomb"
SMG4 blushes. "Huh. So, he does shit talk me outside of my earshot, but in a positive way..." He smiles ear to ear. "Mario, honestly, I cannot believe I'm saying this, but your advice actually helped. I think my intrusive thoughts were just trying to lie to me. I needed to hear that."
"Yay! Mario's glad he could help :)" Mario says, smiling. "This is my character development! I am therapist :)"
SMG4 chuckles. "Mario, I would not trust you as a therapist 100% of the time."
Mario smirks. "But you can trust SMG3 as your therapist-"
SMG4 punches Mario's arm "Shush. This stays between us, okay?"
"yeah B) i gotchu"
"Thanks, man."
Segment 2: SMG3 and Meggy
Meggy steps into SMG3's coffee shop, 3's Coffee and Bombs. The cafe was very empty, there was little to no people there.
"Hello? SMG3?" she calls out.
SMG3 pops out from the kitchen.
"Ah, Meggy! Welcome to 3's Coffee and Bomb's!" SMG3 exclaims with a grand flourish. "How may I serve you?"
"Hey dude, I came here two days ago," Meggy says, deadpan. "You don't need to make a grand spectacle everytime I show up."
"Yeah, yeah. What'll it be? Coffee or bombs?"
"I'd like some coffee today. I think I'm gonna go for some black coffee today."
"Daring today, aren't we?" SMG3 says, in a sarcastic tone.
"Look, I'm trying to expand my horizons. Try new things. Every time I drink coffee, it's sweet as hell. I'mma take something bitter for once."
"If you say so," SMG3 says.
SMG3 makes Meggy her coffee and Meggy gives him his money. SMG3's watch beeps.
"Oh! Looks like it's break time!" he says.
"Nice! Care to join me?" Meggy suggests.
"Sure, why not," SMG3 says, shrugging. He makes himself some coffee of his own and sits at a table across from Meggy.
"I heard you have plans on doing a stream collab with SMG4 today," Meggy comments. "You guys are playing Gmod, right?"
"Yeah!" SMG3 sips his coffee. "I'm gonna kick his ass in prop hunt. He will be so pissed."
"Haha, I see," Meggy says, taking a sip of her coffee. She spits it back into the cup.
"Rude," SMG3 frowns.
"It's not that you're bad at making coffee, it's that black coffee isn't the right coffee for me," Meggy responds, also frowninh. "Don't take so much offense to everything."
"Welp." SMG3 leans back in his chair. "I'm excited. I can't wait to absolutely destroy his ass in games I'm goated at."
"Aren't you just happy you get to hang out with 4?" Meggy remarks.
"...Hanging out with him to make him look like a loser on stream, yes!" SMG3 responds.
Meggy smirks. "I think you do enjoy his company."
SMG3 studies a speck on the ceiling. "Says who?"
"Says me. I know you like him."
SMG3's face immediately turns bright red.
"NUH UH!" SMG3 exclaims. "He's stupid and a moron and a loser! W-why would I be attracted to a- a loser like him?!"
Meggy looks him dead in the eye. "I was gonna say opposites attract, but you guys are both oblivious AND obvious dumbasses, so you guys have more in common than you like to admit."
SMG3 looks away. "I don't like him. He probably hates me, with how much I berate him. Why would I want someone who hates me?"
Meggy smiles.
"3, I think 4 is just as in love with you as you are with him."
"What makes you think I like him?" quizzes SMG3.
"Oh, you constantly talk about how excited you are to do anything with him, you pout when he's not around, and you're usually the first person to try to instigate helping him as soon as he's in trouble," Meggy recounts.
SMG3 blushes. "We're Meme Guardians; if one of us isn't around, our powers are very minimal. I'm just looking out for him because I don't know what happens to one Meme Guardian the moment his counterpart is dead, and I don't want to find out."
"Awww, you care about him!" Meggy smiles.
"Just talk to him, dumbass," Meggy said. "He usually functions better once people communicate their issues with him. If you ask if you take things too far, and if he feels hurt by your words, talking it out is the right thing."
"Shush. So what if I do? He would never like me back. He probably can't stand me. I berate and belittle him too much. I know, I know, it's bad, but... I don't know how to communicate appreciation to people I care about. Teasing is all I know, but I never know if I've pushed it's limit-"
"But that's so difficult! I'm no good at communication!" SMG3 complains.
"You're a therapist! This is the type of advice you give your patients!" Meggy responds.
"I'm a hypocrite!" SMG3 wails.
"Look, just talk to him at some point. Maybe after the stream is over, just take some time out of your day to figure out how SMG4 feels about your constant teasing, then go from there."
"Yeah. Y'know what, I'll keep that in mind. Thanks Meggy."
"No problem! And, while you're at it, you should totally go for it!" Meggy exclaims, beaming.
"Meggy..." SMG3 sighs.
"I know you like him, you can't keep hiding."
SMG3 groans even louder.
"Yes, but you tell no one, okay?" SMG3 orders.
"Of course," Meggy says, smiling.
SMG4 and SMG3 are up in SMG4's office, playing and streaming Gmod shenanigans. Mario is sitting on the couch in the gaming room, watching TV. Meggy comes in and joins Mario on the couch.
"SMG4 and SMG3 can't be any more obvious, can they?" she remarks.
"they gay as hell," Mario agrees.
"3 confirmed he does like 4," Meggy says.
Mario laughs maliciously.
"What?" asks Meggy.
"mario also got SMG4 to confirm he likes 3 >:)," Mario says.
"Ha," Meggy says, "Cool. Do you think they'll ever actually get together?"
"hmmmmmm, Maybe!" Mario answers. "But if they don't, it's incredibly funny to watch their gay struggling, so we can keep watching it for a while"
"I like your thinking, Red," Meggy smirks. "Let's just let them be for the time being."
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wikiangela · 6 months
wip wednesday 🎄
it's wednesday here already so starting today off with a new wip lol sooo, i said a few days ago that I'm not gonna write a christmas fic bc im focusing on my wips, but... today at work i made myself sad by randomly thinking about buckley christmas (no idea what prompted that lol) and buck talking to eddie about his childhood christmas and a new idea was born hah it's gonna be mostly cute and fluffy tho i promise haha so here's a lil snippet I literally just wrote so ofc it's gonna get edited and polished later lol
There’s maybe twenty minutes of the movie left, and Eddie feels like he’s starting to doze off as well, when he hears Buck sigh, and it sounds almost sad. Eddie turns his head to look at his best friend.
“What’s up?” he whispers, glancing down between them to make sure his kid is still asleep.
“Nothing.” Buck shakes his head softly, continuing to look at the screen with this longing expression. Eddie frowns and looks at the TV, too. (...) “I just-” Buck starts before Eddie’s tired brain can start connecting the dots. “Nevermind, it’s stupid.”
“Hey.” Eddie moves his foot to shove lightly at Buck’s. “I’m sure whatever it is, it’s not stupid. You know you can tell me anything, right?” he adds quietly, and Buck looks at him with a small awed smile and shiny eyes.
“Yeah. Yeah, I know.” he clears his throat, then looks down to make sure he didn’t wake Christopher. Eddie can’t help a smile. “Okay. Uh, it’s gonna be so silly, so don’t laugh.” he averts his eyes back to the screen, and if it was any lighter, Eddie’s sure he’d see a slight blush on his cheeks.
“I would never.” Eddie answers, and Buck just raises an eyebrow with one more glance towards him. They both know they love making fun of and teasing each other, that’s true. However, Eddie has a feeling this is going to be more sad than funny. 
no pressure tags: @elvensorceress @gaydiaz @diazass @thebravebitch @silentxxsoul @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @arthursdent @diazblunt @911onabc @spagheddiediaz @housewifebuck @gayhoediaz @rogerzsteven @watchyourbuck @monsterrae1 @honestlydarkprincess @underwater-ninja-13 @eowon @weewootruck @loserdiaz @evanbegins @steadfastsaturnsrings @ladydorian05 @malewifediaz @pirrusstuff @theotherbuckley @911-on-abc @hoodie-buck @wildlife4life @fortheloveofbuddie @nmcggg @diazpatcher @jeeyuns @jesuisici33 @thewolvesof1998 @lover-of-mine @jamespearce9-1-1 @giddyupbuck @spotsandsocks @daffi-990 @exhuastedpigeon @disasterbuckdiaz @buckaroosheart @hippolotamus @thewolvesof1998 @king-buckley
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dreamwinged · 5 months
soooo hi everyone!!! today , the 24th (nevermind im posting this like HALF A DAY LATE but life got in the way yk... just pretend ok...) marks my one year anniversary with my f/o; 🔮, The Mystery Man u all know (and possibly?) love LOL <3 so i just wanted to talk about it and him a little bit 💗
to be honest it's pretty much impossible for me to say everything i want to say and express just how deeply i feel while still maintaining the level of anonymity that i'm comfortable with on here. but i did my best! <3 this character means quite a lot 2 me and i hope i described that properly even without details dhjfnsdjfnsdf. alright disclaimer over time to yap
warning this is SO LONG ❤️
🔮 is a character that i liked from the moment i saw him which is so corny but true im afraid . a little over a year ago there was a tiktok of him on my for you page out of the blue, and i was genuinely just like 😦 ... WHO IS THIS! .. i guess it's time i get into [insert media name]😁. i instantly felt a connection to him, before i even knew his name!!! it sounds SO SILLY but when i'm feeling particularly indulgent about the whole thing i imagine it was a sign from the universe ;3
although i was attached to 🔮 pretty much immediately, i started to really feel emotionally invested when i learned more about him as a character. the way he was written was so poignant to me, and i could sympathize with a lot of aspects of his personality . . . i Mustn't Speak too much here for the most part, but he became super special to me, and i just wanted to see him happy ya know :'3
from there on out, things were super cool!! i started collecting merch, got really into 🔮's source media and its community (i have him to thank for like. at least a dozen online friends... i was always "the [charactername] mutual" LMFAOO). he became a major part of my life, and was pretty much the only thing i thought about, happy or sad. and when i was feeling down, he was hands down my biggest solace. last year was really not great for me, yet thinking about him was like a reprieve from all the Terrible Shit. i'm still in disbelief at the level of comfort he brings me, it's honestly insane /pos and i never wanna live without it now . < 3
so yk of course a lot more has happened over the course of a year, but in general, i feel like i owe a lot to 🔮!!! i learned what selfshipping was through him, and as a result, have gained so many lovely friends and great experiences in this community. <3 he gives me so many extra reasons to be happy; i cant help but smile when i see things that remind me of him out in the world and stuff like that, nd like i never wouldve had that added joy if not for him yk? and even though he's not real , 🔮's given me something to care for, an escape from everything and somewhere safe to put all the Love I Have To Give. which can be really hard to find!!! i hope in some alternate universe i make him feel even half this happy LMAO ^__^
anyway that was sooo sappy and i edited it like a thousand times to try and make it less so because i am so very very uncomfortable expressing a single Emotion but like It Just Is What It Is. bottom line isss I Love My Wife so much, i've loved him for a year and will probably love him for a lot more years idk i cant tell the future but that's what it's lookin like folks. AND I LOVE ALL OF YOU TOOOOOO/p thank u 2 all my lovely mutuals 4 being my friend and stuff <3333 hugging u heart emoji
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ardentteadrinker · 1 year
A/N: This is a rewrite. My wifi decided that cutting off just as i clicked send was a great idea and the screenshot is a bit blurry to send on its own. Edit: turns out it did send, and I just spent another 5-10 minutes for no reason lol.
Warning: mentions of drowning.
If you wish to skip that part to get to the juicy bits, it starts after "The spoon felt like lead in his palm, weighing him down... sinking." and ends at " "..." ".
I'm not sure how to write this, but i've has a thought. This is definitely a bit ooc for these characters, but it felt kind of funny to me. It's based of a silly thing I did as a kid, weighing spoons in my hand at the dinner table and placing the heavier ones on whoever upset me that day. Thus, I now know that similar looking spoons don't always weigh the same. Nevermind, I've got an idea. This scene is set pretty far down in the story where Ichael (now known as Ike) does this funky thing where he [REDACTED] and then gets [REDACTED] and does this thing where he [REDACTED] so there's a bit of a personality change. Also, important tidbit: Ike and Evan (The ones in the following piece) are siblings. Boy do I love me some interuppted angst.
A night out
The spoon felt like lead in his palm, weighing him down... sinking. He could feel the sand beneath his feet and the waves crashing against him, rising faster each second.
Ankles. Knees. Waist. elbows. shoulders. neck. head. He couldn't br-
Ike lets out a sigh of dissapointment that could rival his mother's.
"Evan did you intentionally give me a heavy spoon?"
"Noo, Me? Never."
"Fuck you."
It took everything within him to not give in to the smile that threatened to creep up on him. He hastily shoves a mouthful of potatoes into his mouth, ignoring the shout of indignation. No way in hell was he going to give in this quickly.
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earthtooz · 1 year
*taking notes immediately and pulls up Pinterest for ideas on drawing rin with you* 🤭🤭🤭 !!! wowwieee!!! *scrolling through the silly Pinterest app* !!!
giggling and kickin my feet while reading your fics are part of my routine now !!! I love your works sm I hope you get enough rest Like??? Is your back not heavy from carrying the fandoms you write about?? take care earth !!!🙏🙏 remember to eat, drink and pee !!!
— 🫶
help the chaos of every ask u send 😭😭 SO REFRESHING !!! you can never catch a break can you... like... the phone... what... (L), wait but like is ur bank account okay bc of the new phone 😟😟😟 I HOPE IT DIDN'T COST TOO MUCH 😨😨 BUT HEY AT LEAST YOU'RE HERE, WELCOME BACK MY FRIEND TO THE DARK SIDE OF THE INTERNET !!!!
YOU DON'T NEED TO ACTUALLY DRAW ME AND RIN, i mean like... if you want to... 😁😁😁 i'm not stopping you 😁😁😁 BUT I'LL FEEL BAD, YOU GENUINELY DON'T NEED TO WASTE TIME AND EFFORT ON ME UNLESS YOU WANT TO !!!!!!! you should exert your creative liberty and free will however you want to 💪
ALSO YOU WERE EXCITED FOR THE FAKE LOVE EDITION WITH REO AND KAISER RIGHT??? well bc you're my favourite (real, all of my anons are favourites of the earthtooz blog), you get a little snippet MWAHAHAH.
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“reo, please, leave me alone,” you request with a shaky voice, trying to get out of his grip with no success.
“i can’t, not when you’re like this,” he protests, “deep breaths, y/n, come back to me.”
a few moments of silence pass by, allowing you to return to your senses as reo holds your hands to his heart, stroking your skin with his thumb. no longer overwhelmed and suffocated by your thoughts, it’s hard to look your boyfriend in the eye, cowering away from his gaze.
“what’s the matter?” he asks gently, pressing a hand against your cheek delicately. it’s warm. you want to melt into him.
“it’s- i, i had a really- you know what, nevermind,” you murmur, shaking your head, turning your back against reo as you pull your hands away from his. 
you miss the expression of heartbreak that appears on his pretty face. 
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anyways hope u enjoyed i think that was like 100/2000 words LOL
also you are too kind :[ like pls stop flattering me i don't deserve this level of praise 😫😫 OKAY WAIT LET ME BE REAL - MY BACK HURTS ALL THE TIME BC OF MY POSTURE WHILST WRITING... I'M LIKE HUNCHED OVER, TYPING FURIOUSLY WITH NO END IN SIGHT BC I AM DETERMINED TO FINISH !!!!
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thegottabe · 3 years
Let’s do this!
Alright, so I’m gonna liveblog this bench. I was planning to just make one long post, but there’s just too much to comment on and it would be ginormous. So I’ll make one post for each episode. I’ll try to avoid any major plot spoilers. I’ll always warn before I say anything pertaining to them. All that said, here we go...
Episode 1:
The scenery is beautiful. The costumes are beautiful. It’s all so beautiful!
Julie Andrews as the narrator is inspired!
Omg, the bumblebee at the door 😭😭
This is Daphne’s first season? Book Daphne was on her third season and she wasn’t named the incomparable at all. Not loving this change.
Hmm...Marina Thompson. At first, I wasn’t thrilled when they introduced her, because I though “Oh, God, an OC. Is she going to be the Roz of the show?” But then I remembered a Marina from one of the other books. Is this the same one?
Sadly, Colin doesn’t seem as cute and charming as he’s supposed to be. He’s kind of... dorky. Which is fine, except he’s supposed to be a smooth, pretty boy lady-killer and a silly prankster. Maybe he’ll grow on me.
I insta-love Penelope and Eloise. Such cuties!
Simon is a freaking babe, holy smokes! His voice is pure, smooth, heavenly perfection. I die.
Oh, Lady Danbury!!! I love that cranky old biddy! She seems more cheerful than her book counterpart. I liked that she was a irritable grump with a heart of gold ☹️ This show version seems fabulous, but she’s not crotchety enough imo
"Not every woman is a lady." Shut up, Anthony 🙄 
Daphne was spirited and determined in the books. She’s supposed to be kind and funny - the girl all the guys want to be friends with, but not date. That’s the whole reason for her deal with Simon in the first place. If she’s the season’s incomparable, why would she even need a fake relationship?
Benedict is hot af. 
Philippa is a total dolt. I love it.
What? They’ve completely changed the Daphne/Simon meet cute! This makes me sad :( Also, why have they made Nigel so repulsive? He’s supposed to be an awkward/desperate/kind of a drunk pain in the butt, but they’ve gone straight to nasty with this show version, dang!
Okay now I’m seeing some of that Daphne spirit! Yay! Simon was being such a tool, lol. She put him right in his place. Getting strong Lizzy/Darcy vibes and I love it!
Ugh, Anthony! Go have more sex with Siena or something and stop bothering Daphne, good Lord. Why are they making Anthony be such an ass? He's being a total dick and Daphne just sits there and lets him? Book Daphne would never! Why are they making her such a fragile pushover? This is frustrating.
Hyacinth laughing at Nigel’s awful confession lolol
Penelope watching Colin and the look on her face when he calls her “Pen” 😍😭
Seeing both Daphne and Simon take Anthony to task makes me very happy. Roast him, babies! I still don’t like that they’ve made him so awful, though. Book Anthony was Daphne’s friend and ally.
Um...where is Francesca?? Why did they leave her out?! I am not okay with this!! I love her! WTF? Edit:: Okay, nevermind, she still exists. She’s just chilling in the background and no one has said her name at all. 
They really should have done a better job at introducing all of the Bridgerton kids. They made a point of naming all the men, but Hyacinth and Fran are pretty much ignored (as is Gregory, but at least they said his name!). I’m telling you, if they mess up When He Was Wicked, I will not forgive them! 
Um, have I mentioned that Simon is a stone-cold fox? Because oh my God.
Okay, I genuinely hate what they’ve done to Anthony. That bastage dictating to everyone. Like, okay, he’s trying to protect Daphne, that’s great, but his whole “my word is law” garbage is seriously irking me! He’s the kind of dude that makes me SO glad that I’m single and don’t live in a time where I have to be subservient to men. I’m glad Violet chewed him out and set his butt straight! They’ve made him so horrible. I don’t like it.
Colin looking out for Penelope. How could she not love him? He’s still kinda dorky, but I’ll allow it lol
Really not a fan of the Marina plot. It’s typical Shonda-type drama and I’m not a fan. This is the kind of stuff I was afraid of when I heard Shonda was making the show tbh. Unnecessary filler plots. Bleh.
I am very upset that they erased the part where Simon tries to intimidate Daphne with his Manly Manliness™ and she literally laughs in his face. That was the best moment and it deserved to be included, dangit!
Daphne and Simon’s chemistry is beautiful! And the dancing and the fireworks are magical <3 
Final thoughts: 
It’s okay. It has promise. I like the majority of the casting and the writing isn’t terrible, though I have issues with the Queen and Marina’s filler plotlines. They should have spent that time fleshing out Simon’s character. I also dislike how so many of the female characters are watered down. Violet and Daphne have very little spirit compared to their novel counterparts and I’m really disappointed in what they’ve done with Lady Danbury. She was so much fun in the books, all cranky and irreverent; too honest for everyone’s liking, but they put up with her because she was rich and old. This version is too regal and fashionable. Why did they mess with perfection? Also, I’m not a fan of the modern music. I love the Vitamin String Quartet as much as the next girl, but there’s so much amazing classical music out there. I do love the visuals and the costumes, though! Seeing these characters that I’ve loved and rooted for all these years feels magical. Overall, I like it, but don’t love it just yet. The show is cute, but so much of the OG charm is missing. All the little quirks and in-jokes are nowhere to be seen. I appreciate the little nods here and there to the book fans, but it doesn’t make up for what’s left out. It’s intriguing, but nowhere near as clever as the source material. As an adaptation, I’d give it a 6/10. Anyway, on to Episode 2!
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holdoncallfailed · 4 years
ok @sqvalors tagged me (!) in a fanfic writer meme which i will put under the cut so i am not as easily perceived. i’m not going to tag anyone because i'm shy but if you want to do it go for it!
 ao3 name:  ladymemebeth
fandoms: tbh i never expected to write anything besides harry potter because i was really only compelled to start writing fic in the first place after literal years of constructing my own marauders headcanons. but then stranger things 3 flopped and needed fixing. and then i was blindsided by my own obsession with the clown franchise. so that was that. 
number of fics: 10 (tho one is a near-permanent wip so really 9)
fic i spent the most time on:  i think the summer you let your hair grow out just cos it’s the longest, and i took a months-long break from it between the last two chapters.
fic i spent the least amount of time on: stanley uris takes a shower, which i wrote while waiting for a delayed subway at 2AM, or a freight train running, which i wrote in one night after i finished stranger things 3. 
longest fic: the summer you let your hair grow out.
shortest fic: a bramble rose by any other name, which isn’t really a fic so much as an excerpt from a school paper about the secret history that got trashed in workshop because i refused to provide context for any of the references, lol. 
most hits: the summer you let your hair grow out.
most kudos: the summer you let your hair grow out.
most comment threads: the summer you let your hair grow out.
most bookmarks:  the summer you let your hair grow out. honestly, if i had to be a one-hit wonder, i’m glad it was because of this story—i loved writing it and continue to be moved by the feedback i’ve received on it.
total word count:  60,384.
favorite fic i wrote: probably william, it was really nothing. it’s the only story of my own that i re-read with any regularity because it genuinely cheers me up so much. the other favorite is we two boys together clinging because i’m proud of the prose itself—i think it’s most similar to how i write outside of fic.
fic i want to rewrite/expand on: ugh...oh well whatever nevermind. i wrote most of it longhand in class my final semester of undergrad and very obviously didn’t edit it lmao. i think it’s just very hasty and silly and not very good. i guess i would also like to finish my r/s 70s new york AU but who knows if that’ll ever happen.
share a bit of a wip or story idea you’re working on: i’ve been writing a r/s story based on the lighthouse for several months—for once in my life i actually have a plot mapped out but i do not have the energy to write the damn thing. anyway:
He had always feared it, the sea. That was the problem from the beginning. The son of a sea captain who couldn’t bear to stand on deck for more than twenty minutes before being sick over the side of the boat—it was shameful. It had put a distance between him and his father wider than the ocean and just as uncrossable in Remus’ mind, for his father had loved the churn of tides in earnest despite their depths and the destruction they could wreak. As a child he fantasized about drowning, imagining that the saltwater in his lungs would have finally given his father a reason to look upon him with any sort of genuine affection. Years later, he still dreamt of drowning except now it was not himself but the shadowy figure of another person trapped beneath the water’s surface, always just beyond his grasp.  
It was inevitable that his thoughts would return to his father, Remus supposed. He braced himself against the starboard side of the lighthouse tender in an attempt to quell the nausea that had been boiling in his stomach since they left shore several hours ago. His father might have laughed to see him aboard a boat once again, especially after Remus vowed to remain inland for the rest of his time on earth. It calls you back, his father said when Remus first announced his departure into the forests of New Brunswick at nineteen years old. You can’t escape its siren’s call. Remus wiped the moisture from his vision, unsure if the droplets had gathered on his face due to the encroaching fog or to his own body’s exertion as he tried not to vomit over the side of the boat. He had not been called back. He had had nowhere else to go.
The fog became rain as the captain navigated the barnacle-encrusted transfer boat into a small port. The island itself could not have larger than an acre, its terrain composed mostly of sand and stone and seagull droppings. The lighthouse loomed over them, its foghorn drone like a very slow heartbeat every few minutes. Remus wondered if he’d ever get used to the sound. The lantern itself was blinding in its intensity, and Remus watched the spray of yellow light that it cast against the fog in its ceaseless rotation.
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oh-theatre · 4 years
Sycamore High: A Final Round (Chapter 40: Part 1)
A/N: I AM SO SORRY!! ITS BEEN FOREVER!! Also I have decided to split the final chapter into two parts! I promise I wont take three months to write the next one lol... Anyway!! I hope you all enjoy and once again! I am so so sorry
summary: As the year ends the gang has some unfinished things to wrap up
words: 4662
warnings: Swearing, kissing, homophobia
Ao3 Link
“Hey uh, bye fucker” Ted waves from the couch, stuffing his mouth full of newly opened cheeseballs.
“Bye asshole” Paul responds, lugging his bags towards the door. Chad and Henry watch from the opening in their kitchen.
“Are they friends? I can't tell” Chad asks softly, Henry laughs. “Alright, boys! Let's have a proper goodbye shall we?” Chad requests, glaring only slightly at his son. Ted moans standing quickly, he walks over to Paul giving him a quick hug. “Oh come on, you're best friends”
“We are like Stan and Kyle dad” Ted mumbles, Chad and Henry glance at one another, Teds references were a hit and miss with the pair. “Ugh nevermind, I don't need to give Paul a big giant hug, that's all I'm saying”
“Aren't those the two that dated?” Paul asks trying to remember.
“No that's Tweek and Craig” Ted corrects, Paul nods an ‘ah’ sound escapes “You gotta watch more ‘South Park’” Ted chides, Paul laughs.  
“Wait does that mean you're going to write me a song because you miss me” Paul mocks, recalling the events of the previous few episodes. Teds not sure whether he's impressed or offended.
“Of course I will” He teases back, Henrys given up. “Alright say goodbye to Clyde” Ted requests, Paul awes kneeling as the sad pup comes up to him, licking his face goodbye. He stands after a moment of cuddling and faces the professors.
“Thank you so much for letting me stay here” He goes up and hugs Henry and Chad, they return the gesture happily. “It was really nice” He smiles, they ruffle his hair allowing him to face Ted now. The professors share a glance before promptly exiting the room, leaving the friends alone. Clyde jumps into Ted’s arms receiving soft pets. “Well it’s been fun” Paul commented jokingly, Ted laughs giving his friend a hug.
“Look, just come back whenever you need to ok?” He asks softly. Paul nods pulling away.
“Sorry, I’m a bit late” Emma joins in, opening the door as she makes her way into the apartment. Ted gives her a nod, Paul greets her with a quick kiss on the cheek. “Ready?” She hopes, he nods giving Ted one last look of gratefulness before stepping out of the apartment and joining Emma on her descent downstairs. “You ok?” She checks before hopping into the car, Paul joins her after stuffing his belongings into the back.
“Yeah, I just got so used to living with Ted it'll be weird… ya know?” Emma nods starting the car “But I'm really excited to go home and sleep in my bed and be with my mom” He lists excited, Emma giggles at his antics heading onto the road. The drive isn't too long and Paul had offered to just walk but Emma wanted to be there.
“Are you hungry at all?” Emma inquires carefully, inputting Paul's house into her GPS. Paul ponders for a moment, the professors had sent him off with plenty of food in his stomach.
“No I’m ok, how are you?” He responds, fiddling with the ends of his jacket. He realized how long it had been since the pair had been alone together, just the two of them. He loves their friends but… it was nice.
“I’m ok, Charlotte is having a fashion crisis about her outfit for the wedding. She wasn’t expecting to be asked to sing so...but now she has Jackie for that.” Emma turns “Who mind you, is much better at that than I am” She admits, Paul laughs. “Speaking of the wedding…” She twirls her fingers over his hand, playing with it.
“Yes?” He turns, smiling.
“Well, what colors are you wearing? I want to match” She chimes, Paul laughs. “What?” She grins towards him, adorable confusion.
“Nothing, I'm wearing a standard suit, with a hint of blue” He explains, she raises an eyebrow. “I’ve been with Henry too long…”
“Blue” She repeats thinking it over, she pulls into Pauls driveway “I can do blue”
“Thanks for driving me,” he says, staring fearfully at the house in front of him. Emma takes his hand, kissing it softly.
“Did you really think I was going to let you waltz in there alone?” Emma wonders, Paul laughs stepping out of the car. Emma joins him, helping him with some bags. They trudge up the driveway, the sweltering heat hitting them quite hard. “Ready?” She asks, he nods pushing open the door, silently praying no one is home. He makes his way softly into the house hoping nobody can hear him, if anybody is home that is. Emma takes his free hand, grasping it protectively.
“Paul!” Alice exclaims running up to her brother, her hug causing him to drop all his things as he returns the gesture. “I missed you so much!” She tightens her grip, Paul struggles for air, silently pleading to Emma. She coughs loudly gaining the attention of a certain Matthews sister, who pulls away apologizing.
“I missed you too” He responds, he scans the room looking at the empty kitchen/living room. It feels lonely, sad, dreary, what are other adjectives for lonely? “Where is mom?” He inquires, walking further into the house.
“She took Joe out while you came home”
“I'm so tempted to make a ‘Joe mama’ joke” Paul mumbles, Emma seizes trying to contain her laughter. “So it's just us?” He continues, Alice nods. “I'm gonna go put my stuff away, Em?” Emma smiles a greeting to Alice before following Paul upstairs. She had forgotten what his room looked like having spent so much time at the professors.
“Excited to be home?” She asks as Paul flops onto his bed, clutching his pillows close.
“So excited” He gleams, he throws a pillow her way, a mischievous grin spread across his face.
“You are starting something you can't finish Matthews” Emma throws it back a little rougher, Paul raises his brows sitting up. He throws two more at her, hitting her square in the face, she laughs ready. “Is that a challenge Matthews?” He nods coyly receiving a pillow in his face as a response. They continue for a little while circling around the room and bouncing on the bed, pillows flying everywhere. Finally, Paul catches Emma, wrapping his arms around the squealing teen smothering her with quick pecks.
“Gotchu,” He says, turning her to face him. She shrugs pulling him in for a kiss.
“Suppose you do” She comments back, he pulls her in kissing her prolongedly, holding on to this moment for a while. They pull apart needing a moment, desperate for air. “Well damn Paul… but uh… I don't think that's how you play pillow fight”
“Uh Emma, you don't play pillow fight, you live it” he corrects, Emma laughs pushing him off. He smiles, melting back into his cozy bed, Emma sits next to him. “Mmm home” He hums softly, Emma fiddles with his hair.
“I love you” Emma whispers sweetly into his hair, kissing his forehead. A soft umph escapes her as Paul hits her with a pillow once more, rolling off the bed laughing. “I take it back” She grumbles, coughing some feathers out of her mouth. Paul leans forward, taking Emma's face in his hands.
“No, take-backs,” He says, kissing her again. He could do this forever.
“Are you seriously telling me you can’t tie a tie?” Tommy chides, looking up from his magazine as he lounges on Ted's bed. Ted stands in front of the mirror, growing exceedingly frustrated at the knot around his neck he claims to be a tie.
“Don't be mean, help me” He begs, tugging annoyed at the patterned garment. Tommy groans rolling off the bed. He stands joining his boyfriend in the mirror. Ted pouts as Tommy swats his hands away, intricately working on the tie, patting it flat once he's finished. “Perfect, thank you,” He says, kissing Tommy on the forehead before turning back to the mirror.
“You know I’ve showed you a million times right?” Tommy comments flopping back onto the bed. Ted bites down a knowing smile. It's not that he likes when Tommy helps him, its that he loves leaning forward, planting a surprise kiss directly onto Tommy, leaving him flustered a moment after.
“Yeah but I forgot” Ted admits, Tommy groans once more, laughing annoyed into a pillow he had used for propping his magazine on. Teds not going to lie, that sound had been sorely missed. And so had the flutter in his chest, the one he got everytime Tommy even batted an eye his way. “Shouldn't you be getting ready?” Ted remembers, checking the time. Tommy hums softly, flipping through the pages.
“Yes! But I don't want to” Tommy exclaims, Ted finishes his hair, deciding there is nothing more he can do for it before turning to Tommy. He gives the smaller boy a look, Tommy bites his lips before giving in. “My parents want me to wear this suit, and I hate how it feels” He complains, Ted moves towards the bed, squatting in front of Tommy who lays forward, his head resting in his hands.
“You don't have to wear the suit” Ted begins, Tommy tilts his sad head. “Ok, I wasn't sure when or how but...I asked Jackie for a favor…” Almost instantly Tommys face lights up. Ted giggles, taking Tommy's hand in his own. He stands, allowing Tommy to follow him towards the closet. Tommy clutches to Ted scared if he even missteps he will be gone, lost because Tommy failed to keep him. It's silly, he knows, but it's his silliness.
“Mmm not my favorite place” Tommy jokes, Ted stifles a laugh, nudging Tommy softly. He opens the door revealing a dress. Tommy's jaw dropped, just the reaction Ted had hoped for. The dress matched Teds burgundy theme, white lace to decorate it. It was of appropriate length, but perfectly flowy. Tommy continues gaping, Ted wraps his arms around the smaller boy from the back, his head leaning on Tommy's shoulder slightly. “Do you-
“Don't even finish, I love it” Tommy admires. Ted smiles triumphant, planting a sweet kiss on his cheek. Tommy continues smiling as Ted releases his grip, Tommy moves forward taking the dress and excusing himself into the bathroom. Ted goes back to his own outfit, sitting at the tip of the bed as he ties his shoes. He hums softly allowing the silence to envelop him in his thoughts, the reality of his life, his situation everything that had happened hitting him. He didn't mean to cry and it wasn't ...bad per se but it did feel weird. He shakes his head, wiping away any remnants, everything was fine.
“Everything is fine” He repeats out loud, staring grimly at his reflection. His outfit is fine but everything just seems one-off. Not that he could think about it much as something catches his eyes in the mirror, the bathroom door sliding open, a very nervous Tommy stands in it. How many times must a person's jaw drop today? Tommy looked perfect in the dress, everything fit him and he was just…”Perfect” Ted marvels, his eyes might as well be pounding hearts.
“What?” Tommy laughs, spinning only slightly as his dress follows him.
“You look...perfect” Ted grins nodding, he's smooth, he's got this. Tommy squeals, Oh no...he does not got this. He expects more happy squeals and delighted smiles but Tommy’s face drops, he plops on the bed. “Tommy? What’s up?”  Ted asks, sitting next to him.
“I just don't know how my parents are going to react to...this” he gestures to himself, Ted bites his lip. “I should just go in the suit” He decides, his voice emulating quite the opposite sentiment. He stands but Ted stops him in his tracks.
“Gumdrop you can wear whatever you want but please… I want you to be comfortable, not itchy and...saggy” He tries, Tommy raises a brow. “I don't remember what you said” He admits, Tommy laughs, he stands on his tiptoes planting a soft kiss on Ted’s lips.
“Hey, you two” They pull apart quickly, being interrupted by Chad. He hides a coy smile, no matter how much he loves Tommy, he is still a father and he has rules. “Almost ready to go?” He asks, Tommy nods collecting his things. He folds his clothes putting them neatly on Ted's chair, knowing he’ll be back later to collect them. Ted finishes his last arrangements before stepping out of the room following his dad to the living room. With one more unsure glance in the mirror, Tommy follows them.
“Well look at you two” Henry claps, Chad smirks giving his husband a kiss on the cheek before retreating into the kitchen for a cup of tea. “You ready to sing?” he teases, Ted moans nervous, the churning in his stomach growing. Tommy takes his hands squeezing it supportively.
“You're going to do great!” Tommy encourages, kissing his cheek just the same. Henry excuses himself to the car, packing up some things for the ceremony. Chad joins him a moment after, helping with his own load. Tommy and Ted are left in the apartment. “Ready dearest?” Tommy inquires, leading Ted to the door.
“I hope so…” Ted mutters, following Tommy. He would follow him anywhere.
“Char, you need to take a breath” Jackie suggests, Charlotte shakes her head continuing her frantic pacing. “Here have some tea” Jackie offers holding up a fresh cup, Charlotte turns to her eyes wide completely baffled.
“No! No, I can't drink anything right now unless its water! It'll create stuff in my throat!”
“Bubbles!” Jackie shouts, she doesn't mean to but she can't deal with the stress. “You need to take a breather Char, please sit down and just breathe” Jackie begs, Charlotte pouts but heeds her advice nonetheless.  
“I'm sorry I just do not want to sing, I can’t sing, why did they ask me to sing today?” Charlotte rambles. Jackie sits next to her girlfriend taking her hand softly, she kisses her cheek lightly hoping her makeup doesn't smudge. The girls were waiting now at the wedding, they were early since they were not just guests but performers. “Where is Ted? And Tommy?” Charlotte rushes “They should be here by now” She notes, Jackie nods sighing. She stands taking Charlotte with her.
“You need to dance” She decides, Charlotte laughs nervously, her breath shaky.
“Really? Right now?” Charlotte whines, Jackie nods swaying slowly around the room following the steps of the band warming up. Though a little clunky they make it through, dancing around the room and soon Charlotte forgets her past worries and allows the music to guide her. After a while they flop back onto the couch, sighing content. “Better?”
“Much better” Charlotte yawns cuddling up closer to Jackie, they have awhile before they have to do anything so they spend the rest of the time just relaxing. It's definitely just what both girls needed before the wedding.
“No no! That's supposed to be over there!” Ted corrects. The man, presumingly the one in charge of flowers, scatters fixing his mistake quickly. “Ugh imbeciles,” He says, Tommy laughs playing with Ted’s freehand while the other clutches to a clipboard. “It's not funny Tommy” Though he is still frustrated his voice softens, he's not mad at Tommy, no reason to take it out on him.
“Mmhm” Tommy hums, Ted rolls his eyes walking towards the arch. Tommy follows him admiring the garden, it was perfect. “It’s…” Tommy marvels
“Wrong! All wrong!” Ted grumbles, Tommy takes his chin facing him towards himself. “What?” Ted pouts, Tommy kisses him.
“You need to calm down, it looks beautiful dearest” Tommy complements, Ted sighs. It does look wonderful, Ted has worked hard he was just...stressed. “Now come, we have other things to check on” Tommy interlaces his fingers with a very reluctant Ted and leads him towards the two tents. They peek in waving as they approach Jackie, Charlotte, Emma and Paul.
“Looks great Ted” Paul comments, Tommy rubs his boyfriend’s shoulder reassuringly.
“Thanks I guess…” Ted grumbles looking over his list, his soft mumbling of different things he needs to do. “Ok can I enlist your help?” Ted hopes, Paul and Jackie shoot up, Tommy purses his lips happily at the trio. “Jackie can you take Emma to food? Make sure it’s all accounted for?” The girls nod sharing a quick handshake before leaving. “Awesome” He says flatly. “Gumdrop will you check in on music with Paul?” Tommy nods, Paul gives awkward finger guns before following Tommy out of the room. “Guess you're with me” He tells Charlotte, she smiles taking his hand to stand.
“S’cuse me?” Tommy asks politely tapping on one of the musicians. They turn a flashing grin on their face, Paul stands idle looking over the list Ted gave him.
“Can I help you kid?” The gruff man sounds exactly as expected, low and smooth. He takes notice of Paul, a greeting of clicking his tongue. Tommy gleams taking the list from Paul, freely of course, Paul wasn't much of a talker.  
“I just need to make sure everything is in working order!” Tommy says, the man shrugs giving him permission. “A harp player?” The man nods pointing to a woman practicing, he checks it off. Tommy continues until he's finished turning satisfactorily towards Paul, his dress spinning with him.
“I like your dress” Paul comments, Tommy smiles thankfully “Jackie I'm assuming” Tommy nods, they walk slowly now indulging a nice conversation checking in on other things just for it. It was getting heated in the most friendly way debating over silly things for the fun of it. “Oh!” Tommy exclaims delighted “You can't mean that” he laughs, Paul laughs back. “See I th-”
“Tommy?” Tommy stops turning, he might have gasped but why should he be surprised. Teagan and Eric looked so disappointed Tommy wanted to laugh, that might be the only look he’d ever seen cross their face. “What on god’s green earth are you wearing?” Teagen seethed. Tommy didn't trust himself to answer, Paul on the other hand…
“It's called a dress, miss Sweet” He informs dryly. Paul exams her outfit, thank god for Jackie “But I see how you could miss that…” He says clearly alluding towards her own outfit, she looked like an off-brand royal member. Teagans eyes widen, a vicious scoff escapes.
“Do you know who I am?” She threatens, Eric puffs out his chest.
“No, frankly I don't” Paul admits, Tommy’s shoulders fall a small pout. He appreciates what Pauls trying to do but he would like to leave. Teagan scoffs once more, Tommy averts his gaze.
“You really are quite a charmer aren't you Tommy?” She smirks, Paul ushers the pair back a little as she moves forward. “Everyone just loves you, don’t they? What are you, his other boyfriend?” And as if something connected them they both felt the same emotion. It wasn't the assumption that he was with Tommy, but the way that she talked about her son that set Paul off. Tommy felt offended on behalf of Ted and Paul, how dare she?
“Mom just stop, ok? For once don't make everything about you, it's a wedding!” Tommy exclaims, Paul smirks to the ground “I need to go help Ted so that's exactly what I'm going to do” Tommy decides, Teagan goes for more but Paul shrugs walking away following Tommy.
“That was impressive” Paul quipped, Tommy gives him a weak smile feeling more uncomfortable in his dress than ever before.
“Please don't mention it to Ted, he has enough on his plate” Tommy requests, Paul nods despite knowing he wouldn't be keeping this secret. Ted would want to know, out of all the people, he would want to know.
Paul wonders how they ended up here, the year started out so light. Racing through the halls trying to get away from a less than happy principal, playing smash bros with Ted, coffee runs with his sister. He hates to admit it but he wishes he could start the year over. He would give Ted his mom back, he wouldn't even look at Billy, he’d make it all better. It sounds stupid, he knows, but he would trade anything, anything for a year of betterment than...whatever their year was.
“Nervous?” Ted wonders, checking in on his father one last time. Henry scoffs adjusting his cufflinks in the mirror, Ted smirks. “I’ll take that as a ‘yes’ ” Ted teases, Henry laughs finishing his adjustments. The tent is empty now as everyone takes their position, eager to push on.
“No no, I would be nervous if I wasn't sure” Henry hums. Ted, who itches for anything of his parents past or feelings, listens. “But I have been in love with that man for over twenty-four years, I’d be more nervous at the fact that I wasn't sure” Henry jokes
“S’cute” Ted mumbles, rubbing his eyes for a smidgen of adrenaline “Well I'm going to go get started, you good in here?” Ted checks one more time. Henry nods returning to the mirror. Ted smiles as he advances to the garden, bustling people clamoring over their chairs. He spots Charlotte by the band warming up and testing her vocals with the sound. She waves brightly at him before continuing, Jackie sits watching her with pride.
“Ok fine I wouldn't kill Eugene but like-” Paul joins Ted
“It’s not even a debate Paul, there is no ‘but’” Ted replies without missing a beat. “You don't kill Eugene” Paul sighs rolling his eyes. “Don't be sad, because sad spelled backwards is das and das not gut” Ted quotes, Paul snickers nudging his friend.
“Hey, look at how far you've come” Paul reminds “You used to be a jerk, and now you're a wedding planner and a jerk” Paul jokes “But honestly, look at you! You're out, you've got an awesome boyfriend, killer friends-” He gestures to himself, Ted sucks in a sharp doubtful breath “Great parents” Paul compliments, Ted snorts
“You've been hanging out with Jackie too much” Ted decides “You forgot the alien” Ted notes, Paul cocks his head. “The one I rescued from Area 51? Yeah, his name is Gordon and he's a chef” Ted announces, Paul nods diligently “Not to sound sad on main but you ever miss…” He trails off
“The beginning of the year? Yeah kinda” Paul admits finishing Ted’s thought. “Ted your mom would be really proud of you, seriously. She would love Tommy, she’s always loved your voice and acting, and you planned a wedding!” Paul rejoices, Ted gives him a grateful smile in return. “Also I have reserved one dance for us, because no matter what you and Tommy are, we are the OG's” He says wistfully, Ted throws his head back laughing.
“Still not interested Paul” Ted teases thinking back on his many years of putting up with his best friend.
“Still don’t care” He quips in return, Ted rolls his eyes. “Hey look its-
“My bitch” Ted instantly shakes his head “Nope, not me, did not work, regret it, 0/10 would not recommend,” He says as Tommy approaches a confused look befalls his face. Tommy smiles wary, Paul tries hard not to laugh but nods. “Hi” He says simply
“Hi dear...you good?” Tommy checks, Ted gives him to thumbs up, blushing red as he does so.
“Yes I think everything is ready and gucci to go” He decides going through his list one more time. Emma approaches sliding her hand into Pauls, he greets her with a kiss before turning to Ted.
“Flowers are good to go! And so is everything else!” She muses, Ted shoots her a grateful glances. “All there’s left is to-”
“Get married” The group turns, Chad stands proudly, Ted smirks nodding his head.
“Looking good pops!” He shakes his head instantly, Tommy and Paul stifle more laughs. Ted turns to Tommy sighing “I need sleep” He nods leading his boyfriend towards the seats. Chad smiles allowing the rest of the children to take their seats. “I’ll be right back” Ted whispers going up to his father.
“Sup” Chad jokes, Ted laughs rolling his eyes. Chad nudges his son, giving him a tight hug. “Thank you Ted”  The boy cocks his head “For everything, out of all of this, you are the best thing to happen all year”
“Hey, that's not fair to me” The pair turn, small gasps from Chad as his eyes fall on Henry. Ted gleams nodding.
“I am pretty amazing” Ted teases, Henry shoves him receiving one back. They continue before Henry ultimately wins, wrapping his arms around Ted. “Ew affection”
“I’m marrying a child” Chad mumbles rolling his eyes as he separates the pair. “If we ever get married” He groans, Henry pouts but nods defeated.
“Alright, I’m going dear” He says, a quick squeeze to Chad's arm before he rushes to the altar. Chad turns to Ted nodding, a brief hug before Ted returns to Tommy. He looks to Charlotte who might be too busy watching Jackie, a clearing of the throat and she begins.
“Wise men say…” She starts slow, her voice carrying as the crowd silences. Chad shakes his head playfully, remembering the first time he did this. A lot less people were there, and hell was he nervous. “Only fools rush in” She sings, smiling at her professor. Chad takes a breath before taking his first step. It's silly isn't it, they didn't have to go through all of this. They were dramatic though, what did you expect?
Soon enough he finds himself at the end of the aisle and shaking. Ted stands leading him the final way up, kissing both his parents on the cheek as the song finishes he sits once more.
“Falling in love….with..you” She bows accordingly before taking an excited chair next to Jackie. A sweet kiss as congratulations. The ceremony went pretty fast on its own.
“Chad, my love” Henry begins, soon enough wailing and sobs can be heard. Henry sighs as Chad laughs through his tears. “We have been together for twenty four years, you have been my-
“Dad! You’re boring me!” Ted interjects. Henry turns, scoffing. Ted smiles as Tommy buries his head.  “Kidding!” Henry faces Chad once more.
“Could I borrow that” He gestures to Chads bouquet, his partner laughs handing it over. He chucks it delicately at Ted who catches it, the crowd laughs. “Ok, anyway” He eyes Ted “Chad, I don't have much more to say that I haven't told you every morning and every night. I love you, more than words or weddings or anything can describe. I would give you the world, but you are my world” Chad stifles his own sobs, squeezing maybe a little harder than he needed to on Henry's hands.
“Fuck, that’s a really good line” Ted whispers to Tommy, his boyfriend takes his hand and places it over Ted’s mouth. “Mmmmmmmm” He tries to speak.
“I love you but shush” Tommy begs, Ted rolls his eyes but agrees.
“My turn!” Chad hopes, practically buzzing with affection and adoration.“Henry, from the moment I saw you across the highschool theatre, to the moment you kissed me under the barren lights of the stage” Henry smirks, feeling a blush occur. “I love you, I don't know how else to put it. How do you put the truth into words? I love you so much Henry” He admits, not...no not admits. Reaffirms, as he would do until the day he took a dying breath. Soon enough the ‘I do’s’ are through and their lips are locked. Cheers erupt as they embrace excited, a much too impatient Ted jumps up wrapping them up in his arms. And for this moment, just this frozen sophisticated moment of pure delight.
It was perfect
...for now
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mjntae-blog · 5 years
it’s definitely you.
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 ⏋jungkook & fem!reader 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 ⏋jungkook has a crush on [name], and everyone is aware of it except for her. school au. 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠(𝐬) ⏋bad writing 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 ⏋fluff to the maximum. 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 ⏋1,641
𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐚’𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 ⏋this one-shot is very old... and frankly, not very good! it was originally written for a friend, so i only really edited out her name and inserted “[name]” (very lazy of me, i know). however, we’ve all got to start somewhere! this also serves as a reminder of how much better i’ve gotten! or... not, lol. anyway, enjoy! <3
[Name] let out a soft sigh as she quietly made her way over to her seat. It was Monday morning, and the class had yet to begin. Even so, she felt herself beginning to miss the weekend. It flew by, and as usual, she felt as if she didn’t really do anything meaningful with her time. With a frown, she began to take out her things from her bag, setting up for her first period.
“Heya, [Name]. How was your weekend?” [Name] met the eyes of her best friend, [Friend’s Name], and immediately felt a smile creep its way onto her face.
“Well, you spent half of it with me, so it was cool for a while, but then…”
“It got boring? You somehow managed to waste the time away? Take your pick.”
“Uh, honestly, probably both.”
Finally, [Friend’s Name] sat down in the desk in front of [Name] with a plop, the action dramatizing her next words, “man, do I feel you on that.”
A few more students came flooding in, and an acquaintance of theirs made an appearance. He smiled and waved their way, but [Friend’s Name] immediately looked away, hiding her face in [Name]’s textbook. [Name] noticed Taehyung’s confused look and offered an apologetic smile before attending to [Friend’s Name]’s odd behavior.
“Something up?” [Friend’s Name] didn’t respond, and so [Name] moved to grab the textbook. It was then she realized that [Friend’s Name]’s face was bright red. She laughed, “I… thought you liked you know who?”
[Friend’s Name] shrugged helplessly and turned away. It appeared that she would like to steer clear of conversation for the rest of the period. Or maybe even the day.
[Name] thought it was nice that [Friend’s Name] allowed herself to get a little boy crazy. She rarely indulged in these kinds of things, so it was a pleasant change. It was refreshing to see her so love struck. However, [Name] couldn’t say she wasn’t feeling mushy herself. She had her eye on a certain someone as well.
She began to think of him, and then suddenly, it was as if her daydream had come true. Jeon Jungkook was standing right in front of her. Well, more specifically, he was standing right in front of [Friend’s Name].
Oh, this was reality, wasn’t it?
“I need to talk to you…” Jungkook began, glancing [Name]’s way before continuing, “just us?”
[Friend’s Name] raised a brow and turned to [Name], almost as if she were asking for permission. [Name] didn’t know why she did that but gave her the okay with a shrug.
“I’ll be back.”
[Name] watched their backs retreat outside the classroom, and her mind began to race. Was Jungkook okay? Was [Friend’s Name] okay? No, wait…
What if Jungkook liked [Friend’s Name] and wanted to talk to her privately to ask her out?!
She shook her head.
No, no, she couldn’t be thinking like that. Besides, even if that was the case, [Friend’s Name] would turn him down. Whether it be from embarrassment or simply because she likes Yoongi—or even Taehyung. Either way, she trusted her.
Within a few moments, [Friend’s Name] and Jungkook returned. Jungkook went straight to his seat, which was across from them, but [Friend’s Name] sauntered over with a goofy smile.
As soon as she sat down, [Name] spoke up, “okay, spill. What happened?”
“Oh, stuff. Don’t worry.”
“[Friend’s Name]…”
She grinned teasingly, “I’m serious, it was nothing. He just wanted to know if he could borrow Kingdom Hearts II.”
[Name] pouted, “and he didn’t want to ask in front of me?”
“He’s shy.”
“Not towards you, apparently.”
“Become a gamer and maybe he’ll open up to you, too.”
“Is it really… that easy?”
[Friend’s Name] hesitated, thinking, “I want to say yes, but… no. You’re different.”
“How so?”
“Dunno. Find out for yourself.”
[Name] blinked, finding the whole conversation to be a bit vexing. What was [Friend’s Name] going on about? Was there something she knew about Jungkook that she didn’t? Only one thing really came to her mind, but… it couldn’t be that, right? She supposed she would have to ask Jungkook directly.
No, she couldn’t do that. Waiting for the right time would drive her up the wall. She needed to know as soon as possible.
[Name] looked across the room and spotted Jungkook looking at her, a small smile on his face. She waved, but when she did he made a panicked expression and looked away. He refused to look at her after that.
Now she felt bad.
★ ★ ★
As soon as the bell rang, [Name] stood up from her seat and marched over to Jungkook, ignoring the look of surprise on [Friend’s Name]’s face. She had been distracted the whole class, she needed to get this off her chest.
Jungkook shrunk in his seat when she was close enough, and even tried to act as if he hadn’t seen her.
“Jungkook…” he still refused to look her way. With a huff, [Name] steeled herself, “I need to ask you something. So…”
She noticed his shoulders tense at her request, and after a long while of fiddling with his thumbs, he suddenly stood up, mumbled a small, “fine,” and walked out the classroom. His reaction was probably nothing to worry about, but… [Name] still couldn't help but wince.
Before [Name] scrambled after him, she looked to [Friend’s Name] for some silent support. The brown haired girl could only offer a half-hearted thumbs up, but the gesture was enough.
Outside, Jungkook was waiting for her. He seemed to be… talking to himself? She couldn't make out what he was saying exactly, but from his facial expression, it looked like he was pumping himself up for something.
[Name] couldn't help but laugh at how silly he looked, which caught his attention. His cheeks flushed crimson for a second, “so what do you want?”
He once again refused to meet her eyes. How stubborn.
“Well, I guess I'll just be straight with you. [Friend’s Name] always said that's the best way to deal with things like this.” [Name] took a deep breath and let out a slow, hesitant breath, “do you… Not like me?”
“I mean, it's fine if you don't. I know I can be annoying. I'm overly affectionate and I'm sensitive… the list goes on. So, yeah, it's fine if you don't, but—”
For the first time, Jungkook turned to face her, his expression stern, “what are you talking about?”
“About how you… think I'm annoying?”
And then, Jungkook did the unexpected. He started laughing. Laughing! How did [Name] manage to embarrass herself so quickly? Oh man, she just wanted to go lock herself in a bathroom stall.
“N-Nevermind! I'll just go…” just as she was about to turn tail and leave, Jungkook stopped his laughter, clearing his throat.
“No, wait, I'm sorry for laughing. I didn't mean to make you feel bad, it's just…” he stopped laughing, but he still couldn't hide a smile, “it's funny to me how you could even think that.”
[Name] blinked. It took a moment for her to figure out what he meant, “so… You don't hate me?”
Jungkook made a face, as if she had just asked the stupidest question in the world, “no. Why would I?”
She felt a wave of relief wash over her. [Name] looked up at him, sharing a smile. It quickly vanished when she thought back to his behavior, “wait, but then why do you always avoid me?”
His goading smile from before turned timid, and he looked away again, “uh, well, it's… complicated. I don't really want to get into it.”
Nope, she wasn't gonna take that as an answer. All this time she thought Jungkook hated her; she had to get to the bottom of this.
So, she harder her expression, stepped close, and poked his chest, “nuh-uh, you're gonna tell me whether you want to or not.”
Jungkook groaned. His head hung, and when he looked up again, he wore a frown, but his cheeks were a bright cherry color, “fine! I'll… I'll tell you.”
His eyes turned determined, and it was then [Name] realized how close they were. Her heart began to hammer in her chest. Was he always so tall? From afar he didn't seem so, but… he was so much taller than she was.
She felt as if she was gonna faint from how uncomfortably fast her heart was beating, so she wanted him to hurry up and spit out what he was going to say. But why was she so nervous right now? What was going through her head? Great, she was overreacting again, she really had to—
“I like you!”
The blushing, his constant avoidance, how shy he was with her compared to [Friend’s Name]… God, it all made sense! How could she be so blind?! She was worried for nothing!
[Name] impulsively hugged Jungkook, too happy to care about the consequences, “I'm so glad! You don't know how relieved I am! I actually thought you hated me, but no! You had a crush on me!”
“W-Wait, you can't just do that!”
“Do what?”
He pointed to her arms, and she blushed a bit herself, quickly moving away, “sorry, I just got really happy…”
“No, it's… I didn't mind it.”
The way he was hiding so hard to hide his shy smile… [Name]’s heart grew ten times larger in that moment.
“You're so cute, Jungkook.”
“Huh? Don't say that! Are you trying to kill me?” He looked like he wanted to escape, and as much as she enjoyed his reaction to her compliment, [Name] knew it was time to admit her own feelings.
He looked a little peeved, but he replied, “what now?”
“I like you too.”
He blushed again, rubbing the back of his neck. His smile was full blown now, “really? I'm… glad.”
“Can I call you, Kookie now?”
“No way, if you do that you'd have to arrange my funeral.”
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ghosty-schnibibit · 4 years
much earlier in the day than usual taz liveblog! ^o^
the only reason this is going up so early is i haven’t slept yet lmao, i fixed my sleep schedule for about a month and then went right back to being nocturnal.
i've spent the last four nights or so staying up til around ten in the morning binging the magnus archives (i'm about halfway through season three right now) and enjoying the hell out of it. for anyone who followed me bc of my taz liveblogs, rest assured i'm still going to be keeping up with graduation and taz in general :P
without further ado, here we go!
i fucking forgot about “thundermen”
awww, argo made friends with the kitty ^u^
snippers my sweet prince
"i think i take a great deal of delight in that" fitzroy you lil bastard man ilu
clint asking the important questions here lol
you've just described hell travis
did clint already forget the name of the school
jesus that's depressing argo
god i wish i'd had a gary during college to remind me of stuff
i vill tell you the story of melon
i love firbolg and argo so much, they are my favorite best of friends
aww firbolg ; _ ;
fitzroy i am suspicious of where your folks even are
yes fitz get your cloak back you silly boy
i love firbolg so much holy shit
i hope we get to see the boys hang out over spring break, that sounds like a fun episode
"that's good narrative!" travis ilu
oh god the capitalism owl is back
“i vill not do this thing” mood
justin's about to hit us with that sad shit i just know it
called it ; _ ;
... well damn that made me sadder than i expected
i'm still very suspicious about that dog
fitzroy you dumb little shit ilu
make sure higglemis isn't pulling a sazed lmao
you are being very paranoid fitz but that’s okay
"you don't curse well" he's a good sweet boy
jesus christ fitz maybe don't say this to the dude in charge of the school
fitzroy my sweet boy what is your deal, please tell us
... so fitzroy basically wants a venue to prove himself to be a good person that doesn't revolve around performance and artifice. he wants a way to gain power on his own merits without relying on status to boost him up, and felt knighthood was a better way to accomplish that than going to a school where he’s basically being trained to fit a specific role in life
i can see where higglemis is coming from with his worldview given that he's been forced to play second fiddle to his brother for so long
i have a sneaking suspicion that hieronymus thinks he can better manipulate or keep fitz under his thumb in the villian track
fitzroy you dumb himbo baby, my sweet stupid son who i love so much
well that was fucking tense as hell, jesus fuck
yes, on to my sweet boy
c r e e e e e p y
ilu jackyl
why would he want a pocket watch though?
i feel significantly better in argo's ability to do challenge this now that there aren't any life altering consequences
this is going well so far
argo this is such a dumb plan, you are smarter than this my boy
"i'm drawing a word picture" ilu clint
argo this is a dumb and bad plan and you need to roll for this!!!
clint my sweet son
yeah!!! that is how it works!!!
A R G O  W H A T  T H E  F U C K
i cannot fucking believe that worked holy shit
idk if it's just because the creepy voice is gone but i'm trusting jackyl more and more
take your caffe back to chicago 
he got a fuckin tattoo holy shit
what is this reference justin
argo is deeply committed and i love it
this whole bit has been so good
oh damn that was quick edit, holy shit, i didn't even realized we were going into the money zone
there we go, there's the regular intro, i missed it
yay! my favorite girl's birthday :D
awww, argo and firbolg being bestest buds is so wonderful
a knight's tale is the only one of those movies i've seen, please juice don’t dunk on me like this
i know i keep saying this over and over but i love their friendship so much, it warms my heart dearly
fitzroy my sweet boy, he cannot cuss for the life of him 
"as partners" y'all
i love them so much, my sweet loves
god this is cute as shit, i am sold, i am sailing away on the fitzrain ship
... argo were you about to give her the same thing???
argo where the fuck did you- oh okay, nevermind lol
oh firbolg my sweet son
oh my god this is the best holy shit
rainier is my sweet darling girl and i love her so much
i need art of this so bad this sounds so cute
argo why are you busking at your dear friend's birthday party
good god argo really is shaping up to be the magnus of this campaign in terms of rolling and bonuses
yay! festo is back :D
what was that noise travis
festo is going to dance with the wee crabby, i love this so
i need this as a ringtone asap 
i am so bad with names, is buckminster the nice one or the malfoy one??? oh yay good he is the nice one
oh no, what happened to leon? D:
"he wouldn't leave me!" ... are they together?
gross griffin, gross
yes! show love to your sweet crab!
i love these sweet dumb friend boys
oh dang, so the blacksmith professor is in the group too??? interesting
not liking that emphasis on "when someone needs stopping," this is extremely interesting but i'm worried about the narrative implications of this, vís a vís argo being made to turn on his friends
this is so powerful, wow
i'm gonna cry but in a happy way ; u ;
oh snap this is already so cool, wow wow wow
how many teachers are in on this, dang
WAIT WHAT??? why do they want dirt on fitzroy?????
so higglemis was the one who controlled him???
"you may forget" WHAT IS GOING ON
dang there was a lot of development this ep, plot and character-wise! i’m very worried for literally all three of my boys, but also very excited to see what travis has planned from here on out now that some conflict appears to be brewing!
see you guys next right thursday~ ^u^
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marauderofworlds · 6 years
Steven Tyler and Nikki Sixx? :)
hm! whats even the ship name for that? (stikki? nikeven?) im actually dont know what much about steven tyler, really, i know more about nikki, that lovable wild asshole
sorry i cant add more, but thats literally a ship i never thought about before! the only people i thought about shipping with nikki was blackie lawless or tommy lee lol. i know they worked together, did they do any wild hijinks together?
so i feel slightly silly, totally forgot i reblogged that ask post lol, but dont worry i can fix this!!!
Favorite album of all time and why?
i think i have to say Nirvana’s Nevermind. its my favorite because it really spoke to me emotionally when i started highschool, i saw a lot of scary things that emotionally scarred me in a lot of ways, no one understood how i felt about anything, and it always felt as though everyone was pitying me. I don’t scream often, but those days in highschool i just kinda wanted to scream so much at how unfair the world treated me, cobains vocals and lyrics really spoke to my teenage self. (oops that got really emotional)
Your favorite Bassist and Why? 
Oh, god. its gotta be Duff or Nikki, i cant decide between them.... Duff because hes got this great sense of humor and wit and is just so undeniably kind in every way, hes so supportive of his daughters and his bandmates whats not to love about him???
 And Nikki because he was such a fucking wild smartass with such charm about him, and its really cool to have seen how much hes grown up, and how much he stayed the same. not to mention hes smoking hot to boot.
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love-tripper · 7 years
... I don't know how to make a "read more" cut on mobile, sorry (EDIT: Now I know huehuehue)
It has been a while since I’ve watched my weekly animus because I was in an important mission I’ll post about later, but today I felt like it and caught up with them all! And spent the entire Sunday like a zombie in front of tv but nevermind lol. Here is another summary of my liveblogs because this is fun at least to keep to myself.
ACCA #7 and #8: I KNEW IT!!! Hahaha I knew it since weeks ago that Jean was related to the royal family and that woman had something to do with it (remember the theory I’m afraid to tell because people who reads the manga could find it was bs?). The opening gives tons of hints if you keep enough attention, and even the ending (even though for a moment I thought the girl was Lotta). Also details like they live a comfortable life even though they aren’t rich, they are kanrinin and don’t even know their boss, Nino following Jean for 30 years, Jean randomly being picked as a target, etc etc. Now I just need to know what are the roles of Mauve, Lilium and Grossular in this. I’m suspicious of all of them, even though Mauve apparently just found out about Jean’s connections and Lilium seemed to played to know the truth about Grossular intentions. Him, on the other hand… Well, they talked so much about Abend’s white hair that I did think they were the same person, but it would be really forced since Grossular comes from a different background and I don’t think someone who’s pretending to be dead would like to stand out in a high position. I just saw a theory/maybe-spoiler that sounded a bit silly at first but makes a lot of sense so let’s see what happens next (there is a new episode on Tuesday so yay). On another note, Nino’s story made me feel a bit bad for him, but this is how this vassal/lord relationship works. :/ I believe both him and his father grew fond of the Otus family tho.
Sangatsu no Lion #19 and #20: Two excellent episodes! It’s amazing how they can make even a shogi match be exciting to an average viewer lol. By the end of ep 20 I was really moved and again I can see why everyone loves Shimada this much: his story, his motivations and his never-ending fight make us root for him until the end, also want to wrap him in a comfy blanket with a delicious udon and all his stomach medicine! No wonder Nikaidou and now Rei take care of him this much, and no wonder people ship him with Akari because let’s be honest he’s perfect for her will to have someone to take care. XD I don’t even like to think my Saturday happiness is almost over, I’ll jump on the manga as soon as possible!
Kuzu no Honkai #7 and #8: This direction makes this anime so much better than the manga tbh. For a moment I thought Moca would follow Ecchan’s path and submit to Mugi, but glad to see she realized and decided to go away. At least someone in this story, lol. Hanabi is getting more and more obsessed in being loved and this is so sad, I feel super sad to see her being rejected by Kanai-sensei and Mugi (who’s dumb and naive af jfc), even though she still doesn’t know about the last. I really wished one of them could love her back so she wouldn’t drow in the dirty more than she already is.
Dragon Ball Super 81: Again I’m glad I don’t look tumblr that much anymore because from the quick look I took it seems people is already freaking out over Goku again. But didn’t they see it’s not the writers who are painting him as a villain but the other universes’ characters (and let’s be honest with reason?)? And there is still stuff to go on so probably next episode he will do something to show he isn’t the bad guy? If there’s someone who needs to be blamed should be Zen-sama who not only sees the other universes as toys but also has decided to destroy them anyways at some point, with a tournament or not? Have patience thank you. Btw I like the idea of a battle royale better than another standard 1x1 tournament because it opens a lot of new possibilities and ideas… I hope they will use it properly.
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Y’all, I’mma keep it real. I’mma Bang Bang Con Reject. I didn’t make it through 24-hours worth of concert footage and I’m fine with it LOL!
I make no qualms about being in my thirties, hell, I’ve written that all over my blog. What I can’t seem to come to grips with is…homegirl can’t hang all night.
YES! I’m a night owl till about 1 AM, maybe 1:30 AM at the most then I need to go to bed. Staying up 12-hours until noon the NEXT DAY isn’t one of my superpowers.
Omg, can we admit it’s no fun seeing perfectly good nighttime sleeping conditions slip from your grasp with the slow creep of sunshine crossing your windows and with the increasingly booming cheerfulness of tweeting birds outside? Yes, I meant for it to sound dreadful. Can’t sleep to the call of the morning!
So, when news of Bang Bang Con was released along with Big Hit waving the ARMY Bomb connection in my face, I believed I could do anything to experience the entire 12-hour concert LOL! Guess what I did do, tapped out an hour before The Red Bullet Tour (The WHOLE reason I was trying hard to stay up on day 1! (*>д<)) and slept in till midnight the same day, then I caught some of the Wings tour and all of 4th Muster (only cause by Day 2, my sleep rhythm was hella off and I couldn’t go back to sleep). I think I caught some of Love Yourself too before I said eff it and took some melatonin LOL!
Bruh, thinking on Reflection, why does RM make such heartbreaking songs knowing he has to sing them on tour? I truly sympathize because the emotion is the song is so raw that there’s no way he’s not reliving those feelings with each stage. I cried with him ( ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ ).
There was a little bit of an internal struggle. I thought:
“You’re ARMY! You can do this!”
“Don’t give up now or you’ll miss out!”
“What about seeing all of BTS’ special messages they promised us?”
But…in essence, these are just recordings Big Hit is allowing us to watch for free on an authorized service with a synchronized ARMY Bomb flashing a rainbow color pattern LOL! Once I remembered I’ve been with The Boys since 2017 and have had two ARMY memberships, I was like who cares what people think or my silly negative feelings judging me for wanting to catch some sleep, my ARMY status is still valid and I LOVE BTS! I’ll catch the recordings y’all KNOW will be EVERYWHERE LOL!
YO! I ain’t NEVAH crashed so hard from sleep deprivation on a Monday. The day didn’t even exist, that’s just how powered down I was. Omg, it was the PITS! LOL!
Granted, I totally understand this experience was many ARMY’s first true concert experience and I appreciate that. In fact, I truly believe this experience was mostly for them (and just a little bit of tiding over Map of the Soul Tour ticket holders due to the pandemic). I’m hella glad many new and tenured ARMY got to enjoy Bang Bang Con.
With what little I caught, I did have some takeaways which made me love BTS more:
The ARMY Bomb would turn purple during ments and special footage. It really made me burn with ARMY pride and I’m sure it was BTS and Big Hit saying that they love us back.
Also! What other idol group and entertainment company is legitimately, philosophically and psychologically teaching their fandom HOW TO LOVE during times where love is needed more than ever?! None. They’re the GOAT!
Speaking of ARMY Bomb, even though the Bomb cycled through the colors of the rainbow, I had a HUUUUGE burst of energy on only four hours of sleep when it was on (once I got it to finally work (-_-)). It got me dancing and cheering much more than before (and it could’ve been that my determination paid off and I was just celebrating that the damn thing was on LOL!). I’m sure this was the engagement Big Hit intended (ღゝ◡╹)
  The personal messages BTS recorded in between concerts were adorable and yes, not only did I do my stretches but I also took Jin’s behavioral cues (cause Big Hit didn’t translate NOTHIN!) and bought the special edition Map of the Soul lightstick LOL!
Stage cameramen have had a come up! There were cameras panning EVERYWHERE in HYYH on Stage and HYYH: Epilogue as if they didn’t know where to focus! I wanted to see the full OT7 formation in Butterfly and the cameraman was like NOPE! Second time around we got a GLIMPSE! But Wings and 4th Muster were juuuust right LOL!
I TOTALLY loved seeing all the representation on the LCD screens behind BTS during Miss Right but I ESPECIALLY loved the black kinky haired girl! #SheBeMe
Nevermind was on EVERYTHING during HYYH era, so I can see now why Jimin got that word tattooed on him. It definitely has very strong significance for him let alone his 3rd Muster stage (Also, I think JK had something to do with it being the tattoo-head he is *shhhhh*).
  It was amazing to see physically how and hear vocally how BTS matured. It was like seeing the growth I missed out on because I wasn’t a fan of theirs until later in their career. Ain’t gonna lie, the sexy choreo during HYYH had me cringing. They looked like babies! I kept going, “NOOOO! I dun wanna!” (;´Д`).
Cause I’m weird like this and know the feeling very well, I thought BTS is gonna look back at these concerts and GO, “Damn I was pretty slick back then.” You know like older people talk about their aesthetics like “You couldn’t tell me nothin!” They’re also gonna be like how the hell was I ever that small cause teenage and 20s weight is NOTHING like 30s+ weight LOL!
I didn’t believe ARMY’s interpretation of the 4th Muster VCRs but…BTS really did get high on their own supply! I mean, Jin didn’t mean to, he was just an accidental overdose, but Hobi and the rest of The Boys TOT-TAH-LEE did! LOL! I’d flippin love a pic of Jin trippin with alpacas around him if any of you have it 💜!
The BIGGEST takeaway is that millions of ARMY got to celebrate together. #BangBangCon was trending, friends were posting pictures of themselves with their Bombs, snacks and soju. ARMY were checking on each other like “Did you make it?!” There was a lot of love being shown all around and I think that’s most important. I’ve never felt so much love from a group, including ARMY, that I’ve never met but the feeling was genuinely there.
That’s it for this super long post! I hope you enjoyed reliving some moments with me. Post what you loved most about Bang Bang Con below in the comments (I wanna relive your moments tooooooo! (*˘︶˘*).:*♡) and don’t forget to like the post!
Borahae and Stay Fighting 💜
Y’all, I’mma keep it real. I’mma Bang Bang Con Reject. I didn’t make it through 24-hours worth of concert footage and I’m fine with it LOL!
Y’all, I’mma keep it real. I’mma Bang Bang Con Reject. I didn’t make it through 24-hours worth of concert footage and I’m fine with it LOL!
Y'all, I'mma keep it real. I'mma Bang Bang Con Reject. I didn't make it through 24-hours worth of concert footage and I'm fine with it LOL! Y'all, I'mma keep it real. I'mma Bang Bang Con Reject. I didn't make it through 24-hours worth of concert footage and I'm fine with it LOL!
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flightykickback · 4 years
Y’all, I’mma keep it real. I’mma Bang Bang Con Reject. I didn’t make it through 24-hours worth of concert footage and I’m fine with it LOL!
I make no qualms about being in my thirties, hell, I’ve written that all over my blog. What I can’t seem to come to grips with is…homegirl can’t hang all night.
YES! I’m a night owl till about 1 AM, maybe 1:30 AM at the most then I need to go to bed. Staying up 12-hours until noon the NEXT DAY isn’t one of my superpowers.
Omg, can we admit it’s no fun seeing perfectly good nighttime sleeping conditions slip from your grasp with the slow creep of sunshine crossing your windows and with the increasingly booming cheerfulness of tweeting birds outside? Yes, I meant for it to sound dreadful. Can’t sleep to the call of the morning!
So, when news of Bang Bang Con was released along with Big Hit waving the ARMY Bomb connection in my face, I believed I could do anything to experience the entire 12-hour concert LOL! Guess what I did do, tapped out an hour before The Red Bullet Tour (The WHOLE reason I was trying hard to stay up on day 1! (*>д<)) and slept in till midnight the same day, then I caught some of the Wings tour and all of 4th Muster (only cause by Day 2, my sleep rhythm was hella off and I couldn’t go back to sleep). I think I caught some of Love Yourself too before I said eff it and took some melatonin LOL!
Bruh, thinking on Reflection, why does RM make such heartbreaking songs knowing he has to sing them on tour? I truly sympathize because the emotion is the song is so raw that there’s no way he’s not reliving those feelings with each stage. I cried with him ( ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ ).
There was a little bit of an internal struggle. I thought:
“You’re ARMY! You can do this!”
“Don’t give up now or you’ll miss out!”
“What about seeing all of BTS’ special messages they promised us?”
But…in essence, these are just recordings Big Hit is allowing us to watch for free on an authorized service with a synchronized ARMY Bomb flashing a rainbow color pattern LOL! Once I remembered I’ve been with The Boys since 2017 and have had two ARMY memberships, I was like who cares what people think or my silly negative feelings judging me for wanting to catch some sleep, my ARMY status is still valid and I LOVE BTS! I’ll catch the recordings y’all KNOW will be EVERYWHERE LOL!
YO! I ain’t NEVAH crashed so hard from sleep deprivation on a Monday. The day didn’t even exist, that’s just how powered down I was. Omg, it was the PITS! LOL!
Granted, I totally understand this experience was many ARMY’s first true concert experience and I appreciate that. In fact, I truly believe this experience was mostly for them (and just a little bit of tiding over Map of the Soul Tour ticket holders due to the pandemic). I’m hella glad many new and tenured ARMY got to enjoy Bang Bang Con.
With what little I caught, I did have some takeaways which made me love BTS more:
The ARMY Bomb would turn purple during ments and special footage. It really made me burn with ARMY pride and I’m sure it was BTS and Big Hit saying that they love us back.
Also! What other idol group and entertainment company is legitimately, philosophically and psychologically teaching their fandom HOW TO LOVE during times where love is needed more than ever?! None. They’re the GOAT!
Speaking of ARMY Bomb, even though the Bomb cycled through the colors of the rainbow, I had a HUUUUGE burst of energy on only four hours of sleep when it was on (once I got it to finally work (-_-)). It got me dancing and cheering much more than before (and it could’ve been that my determination paid off and I was just celebrating that the damn thing was on LOL!). I’m sure this was the engagement Big Hit intended (ღゝ◡╹)
  The personal messages BTS recorded in between concerts were adorable and yes, not only did I do my stretches but I also took Jin’s behavioral cues (cause Big Hit didn’t translate NOTHIN!) and bought the special edition Map of the Soul lightstick LOL!
Stage cameramen have had a come up! There were cameras panning EVERYWHERE in HYYH on Stage and HYYH: Epilogue as if they didn’t know where to focus! I wanted to see the full OT7 formation in Butterfly and the cameraman was like NOPE! Second time around we got a GLIMPSE! But Wings and 4th Muster were juuuust right LOL!
I TOTALLY loved seeing all the representation on the LCD screens behind BTS during Miss Right but I ESPECIALLY loved the black kinky haired girl! #SheBeMe
Nevermind was on EVERYTHING during HYYH era, so I can see now why Jimin got that word tattooed on him. It definitely has very strong significance for him let alone his 3rd Muster stage (Also, I think JK had something to do with it being the tattoo-head he is *shhhhh*).
 It was amazing to see physically how and hear vocally how BTS matured. It was like seeing the growth I missed out on because I wasn’t a fan of theirs until later in their career. Ain’t gonna lie, the sexy choreo during HYYH had me cringing. They looked like babies! I kept going, “NOOOO! I dun wanna!” (;´Д`).
Cause I’m weird like this and know the feeling very well, I thought BTS is gonna look back at these concerts and GO, “Damn I was pretty slick back then.” You know like older people talk about their aesthetics like “You couldn’t tell me nothin!” They’re also gonna be like how the hell was I ever that small cause teenage and 20s weight is NOTHING like 30s+ weight LOL!
I didn’t believe ARMY’s interpretation of the 4th Muster VCRs but…BTS really did get high on their own supply! I mean, Jin didn’t mean to, he was just an accidental overdose, but Hobi and the rest of The Boys TOT-TAH-LEE did! LOL! I’d flippin love a pic of Jin trippin with alpacas around him if any of you have it 💜!
The BIGGEST takeaway is that millions of ARMY got to celebrate together. #BangBangCon was trending, friends were posting pictures of themselves with their Bombs, snacks and soju. ARMY were checking on each other like “Did you make it?!” There was a lot of love being shown all around and I think that’s most important. I’ve never felt so much love from a group, including ARMY, that I’ve never met but the feeling was genuinely there.
That’s it for this super long post! I hope you enjoyed reliving some moments with me. Post what you loved most about Bang Bang Con below in the comments (I wanna relive your moments tooooooo! (*˘︶˘*).:*♡) and don’t forget to like the post!
Borahae and Stay Fighting 💜
Y'all, I'mma keep it real. I'mma Bang Bang Con Reject. I didn't make it through 24-hours worth of concert footage and I'm fine with it LOL! Y'all, I'mma keep it real. I'mma Bang Bang Con Reject. I didn't make it through 24-hours worth of concert footage and I'm fine with it LOL!
0 notes
comicteaparty · 6 years
October 18th, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on October 18th, 2018, from 5PM - 7PM PDT.  The chat focused on The Origin Story by Carolin Reich.
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing The Origin Story by Carolin Reich~! (https://tapas.io/series/The-Origin-Story)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
one of my favorite scenes is actually really depressing XD but i really like the small part of a scene after cosima beats joreal and velver passes by her looking for her. https://tapas.io/episode/974705 something about the illustration on this page is so expertly crafted. like, you can just take one look and see cosima is in shock and kind of dead instead, and the fact its conveyed in such a brief and brillaint way amazes me.
Hi there!
hey SJ
Glad to be here
feel free to share any scenes that you were found of.
Here's a pretty silly one
yes! i really liked the relationship between chaze and his brother. theyre so different in personality. and you kind of have to wonder what happened in the past that caused his brother to leave home and essentially leave chaze in charge. cause chaze is not exactly whod i was as a king necessarily XD
Heehee X3
Pretty much
did you just like it for the silliness or was there something else?
the silliness
any part of the silliness that particularly entertained you or just the whole package?
I'd say the "head shake" bit
yeah thats definitely a great illustration right there~!
And giant draco daddy
yeah i liked how the dragon was treated more like a pest than as a dragon XD
Dragon jsut wants his pumpkins for Halloween
in the meantime, another scene i liked was in the elven court where velver did manipulative mumbo jumbo towards nocturne by playing to her fears on being the proxy for chaos. that was just some beautiful a-ok emotional stake driving right there. though i do wonder how much of it was on purpose or if velver was being a jerk. but i like the fact that i dont know for sure because it keeps velver as a bit enigmatic
https://tapas.io/episode/1152958 Ooh, so there's some type of modern tech in this world too?
ummm, well in that part of the world its just cause cosima brought her phone
lol right
another scene im fond of is when nocturne she tells Chaze "nope you gotta figure out how to get yourself out" after freeing him. Chaze has some really great expressions. But i also like the story itself turns my expectations on their head by having Chaze really actually mostly figure out how to escape himself.
Yeah that's a good scene
speaking of head turns, and not so much a scene, but i like that cosima orchestrated her own escape from the brothel and noped out. like im used to stories where the protagonist misbehaves only a fraction (like explore the brothel after being told no dont do that). but cosima just nopes out of there and heads for home, which is a fitting reaction for someone her age.
At least it's appropriate for Cosima's age.
Since I see lots of story make the young characters far more intelligent/capable for someone their age
yes, so i like that she decided to try and nope after all. granted it backfired as it should have, but still the attempt was made
I will be another... 15-20 minutes. FYI.
kay take your time. well be here but i hope you can make it.
I liked the rattling off of "chosen one" artifacts like mascots and silver crystals and then be all, if I don't get those, then nevermind.
Oh hey Math(edited)
oh yeah i forgot about that moment in the larger scheme. but that was a really great moment. and again, kind of a more realistic reaction in a sense. cause i think those sorts of things are what ppl expect if they get told theyre the chosen one.
QUESTION 2. Throughout the comic, Velver seems to be up to his own sorts of goals. What do you think Velver’s goals even are? Are they personal, or is this the will of the supposed Church? What do these goals have to do with manipulating the elves to war with the merpeople? What outcome do you think people are hoping to achieve by starting it? Who is Kader, and what’s their intent with Cosima/Riga? Do you feel Velver is loyal to Kader, or is Velver playing the field to achieve his own ends? Lastly, how does Velver know Jorel, and why did Jorel call Velver a traitor?
i will try and tackle the last one first. i feel as if velver must not have always been part of the church by the fact hes a traitor. instead, he joined the church later when he saw the people he was with were "evil." though personally i feel like jorel's group wants to stop the prophecy a different way versus what the church is up to? but this is mostly based on the fact i cant necessarily picture jorel as part of this so-called church
i could be wrong and its totally opposite and the hunters dont realize velver is a double agent who hates the church
im gonna go out on the limb and say i think velver is playing both fields and trying to decide for himself what the best outcome is. and that while he's doing kader's bidding for now, he ultimately is after something else that makes following kader necessary.
I second the "prophecy a different way" part, seems like a possible reason.
i definitely also feel that kader is definitely for sure evil. cause something about the breaking of strings and velver's reactions makes me pretty sure they're a tyrant. XD which makes me pretty sure that they actually dont care about light beating the dark. they just want cosima's powers to do cool power things. maybe take over a kingdom
actually thatd make sense for why they want the elves and the merpeople to war
let the elves and the merpeople tire themselves out
then swoop in with cosima/riga saying "were here to take over"
insta win
I mean who doesn't want to rule over a kingdom
Okaaaay, hiiii. Busy week, didn't get all the way through "Destiny", but very impressed by the German origins here. Gonna scroll up and make random remarks now.
Re: The scene after the dead parents, yeah, that whole section somehow rang really true, the whole "my parents will be so annoyed I don't want to have to deal" morphing into the "what is even my life now". Also, kudos on illustrations in general.
yeah. i like that it continues as well to when cosima got caught by the hunters. and she just sits there like "what is life what do i do"
I'm not at the brother scene yet. ^.^ Did not expect the dragon thing. I wonder how people who do the swimming/water thing end up with dragons, that we associate with the air.
Yeah. I mean, not only are your parents dead, you come face to face with their killer. Yipes.
Yeah, Cosima's portrayed well as a teenager.
i did wonder that too. we havent seen the merpeople yet in the sense of their city, so maybe they actually live above water unlike all past precedent merpeople or something
i did think it was ironic
but i also thought it was ironic anyway cause how does chaze of all ppl have a dragon XD
Velver's an interesting cookie. Joining up later makes sense, particularly if that made him a "traitor" to some. I feel like he's his own agent, rather than working for anyone else... not necessarily that he's trying to engineer the best outcome either, just that he thinks he has some role to play, prophecy wise.
I wonder what the merpeople even look like
unless they already appeared and I jsut missed it
Seahorses are called dragons of the sea, right? Maybe that's how they hatch.
chaze is a mer person
as is his brother XD
Okay then X3
and i guess thats possible if the dragons are secretly just sea horses
I think Velver's been reading the ancient runes. I also have my own crazy theory...
Namely that which one of them is good/order or evil/chaos hasn't necessarily been decided yet. Velver's pegging Cosima for the former, but it could be the other girl, so he's goading her too.
oh thats a really good theory. that either one is capable. cause i mean tbf chaos doesnt have to be evil nor does order have to be good
It's like, "I'm going to start a war, and let's see which of them handles it better".
It also might explain why Jorel wanted Cosima dead, he (or others of his kind) have pegged her as the chaotic one.
could be
tbf maybe jorel wasnt even ordered to kill cosima
maybe hes just like velver and think he has his own role to play
Maybe so
and he chose the psycho role
Could be. I'm not sure I totally buy he's a psycho though... he's strangely ordered in his thinking. It's like, I gotta do this, and this, and tie up loose ends. He just, I dunno, has no soul?
(Maybe that's the same thing.)
i mostly label him psycho cause he heartlessly killed her parents XD
OH, hmmmm... what if Velver and Jorel were originally the rebirth of order and chaos, and they messed it up, so now it's up to the women? How old are they anyway?
Rebel: Fair.
QUESTION 3. Many of the events of the comic come about for one reason: Cosima and Nocturne are destined to fight according to a prophecy and past precedence of their past selves. Do you think The Origin Story about Riga and her sister is true, or do you think there’s some critical information missing from it? Do you believe the prophecy is destined to come to pass, or are Cosima and Nocturne going to find a way to avoid fighting each other? Why do you think Cosima was kidnapped as a child but not Nocturne? In present times, what do you think will happen when Cosima catches up with Nocturne? Do you think Cosima will learn to control her powers inherited from Riga better, or will they ultimately be her undoing? What about Nocturne? Will she overcome her own issues regarding the prophecy?
i dont think that old. but i mean i guess its possible. though they must of messed up real bad cause neither velver or jorel killed each other.
so im saying it now cause of that flashback cosima had at some point (which i dont remember where). i think this is one of those situations where what ppl believe is a lie. someone else hurt riga and someone kept turning the new incarnations against each other. and eventually it devolved into a myth and such, as myths tend to do
Well, the killing each other is just how things are now, once it's all escalated. ^.^
There's probably key missing information... maybe they're actually TRIPLETS.
dun dun dun without the 3rd sister there are no negotians. jsut blind filled rage
Yeah, there has been some interesting flashback/imagery stuff. Like when she reached for someone, and the image shattered and it was Velver (if memory serves).
I wonder if Cosima's friends have a role to play too. Maybe in a big twist, it was really one of them.
they definitely have a role to play. they are suspicious af, though idk if you got to that part yet
Ahh, if they appear in "Destiny" then no. I only got to the bit after Velver and Jorel talked. (I feel like they're related, incidentally.)
Speaking of though, the plot has been very clever in rolling out it's cast. Gradual enough to come to terms with each new character, but teasing others that end up with bigger roles later on. I'm reminded of an early scene when Velver was spying on Cosima - and Nocturne was spying on him. Layers.
yeah i really like the pacing on it too. i dont have to spend an immense time memorizing a billion names at once.
At least the names aren't too hard to memorize.
I'm still horrible with names. It's a gift.
I imagine it scans differently too when you're seeing it as it comes out versus binging, but I felt like the pacing was done well for the cast.
i feel ya Math (edited)
on the side topic of nocturne, i feel like left to their own devices she and cosima wouldn't fight it out to the death. instead theyd be all sister bondy bond, have some tea, etc. so i think for sure its not they themselves who bring the prophecy to pass, its the plans of others who try to grab at the power and turn them on each other. but i also think cosima and nocturne will be obstinate and keep hugging each other screaming no
I'm not so sure about that. Mainly because they might not always have control over their bodies. Like when Cosima went crazy on Jorel for self preservation. Could happen again with unintended consequences.
Nocturne probably also resents Cosima for growing up without so much responsibility, maybe also for having actual parents who aren't apparently trapped in crystals.
(...is reading a bit further in the background btw...)
idk if nocturne would resent cosima for it. cause i mean, at least nocturne's parents are still probably alive in their crystals and werent viciously murdered. though youre right that riga may have other ideas about their bonding and just take over. but then again riga seems to know what velver is up to so riga might not act either.
the bigger danger on seeing nocturne i think is seeing the queen of elves
cause shes the one who might not take kindly to cosima XD
Well, yeah, once Nocturne learns of the murdering that might change things. ^.^ There's a lot of variables in play I suppose.
That said, I will willingly ship Nocturne with Cosima's friends.
LOL i dont think i can get behind that ship. mostly cause i expect cosima's friends to die. :"D
That light haired girl is kind of precious though, with her theories.
I wonder what she'd make of seeing the town.... ... and now I'm picturing her at the brothel, I shouldn't do that.
Also, shipping all the girls in the brothel.
yes those are more acceptable ships. the brothel girls are probably safe. and head brothel girl has a whip.
also i found it, that scene with cosima's friends being super suspicious. it was actually in puppeter
Right, the fact that they knew Jorel. I thought that was weird.
It's fine though, I'll still ship them with each other! All the ships!
yeah. whatever organization jorel is from theyre clearly from
QUESTION 4. Among the larger threads rests a plethora of other possible curiosities to be solved. Who exactly were Cosima’s parents? Were they working for someone from the beginning, or did they somehow get wrapped up in everything? Who are Cosima’s friends considering they lament that their comfortable lives have changed since Cosima left? Who is Jorel, and why are his orders to kill Cosima? What is the deal with the elves trapped in crystals? As far as the plot goes, how might the Hunters affect what’s going on in general? What about Chaze? Will he be able to stop the war, or is his destiny meant to be something greater than that? In general, what are your theories for the future? What do you think or want to see happen?
Are they from that organization though? Because if so, they know where Cosima is. Why bother sending Jorel.
i think jorel is more firmly acting on his own
since the friends didnt know of any death order
He was saying he couldn't go back without being sure she was dead though, or someone would be upset.
I think.
so maybe the friends didnt get the message? and theyre going to show up going wtf guys
Holy Hannah! Kader's more psychotic than Jorel, she doesn't even kill directly. (Just got caught up.) Like geeeeeez.
Rebel: Maybe. There was the implication that they could return as well.
I suspects events will prevent that, but they thought it was an option.
maybe. idk. i need more data in this case. i still think jorel is working more on his own though. cause maybe the person who was gonna be upset is actually gonna be upset regardless. and be like wtf jorel why did you kill riga you dolt
but yeah kader is psychotic, or at the very least tyrannical
velver did not necessarily make a good switch
i really want to know whats up with the elves in the crystals. like was there a spell that backfired and the queen just doesnt care O_O
Maybe, yeah... also that mention of having the same problem in another 10 years makes me think once again that if the battle doesn't happen the spirits move on again. Or something.
Yeah, maybe the elves in the crystals had a disease? So it's like suspended animation? Because it was mentioned that there were fewer elves than merfolk.
Or maybe they just couldn't make enough food for the city, so this means fewer mouths to feed. Swords apparently grow in the crystals, but I guess vegetables don't.
maybe it is a disease. or maybe this is actually why riga was kidnapped. cause riga caused it and jorel's group was like "welp we found riga. did you see that giant crystal explosion?"
im not sure what mention youre talking about with the 10 years thing tho
i must of missed it
The most recent update. Third panel from the end.
Riga likes making crystals. Everyone needs a hobby.
hmmm from the phrasing i feel like the implication is more that nocturne will kill riga? and kader will have to wait a decade for riga to be reborn again so they have to restart the kidnapping process. but i could be wrong.
As to the future, I really don't think I can call it. Too many moving pieces. I also wonder a bit if maybe the Circle's hiding elements of the prophecy, accidentally or otherwise.
Ahh, I see... no, that's possible. Doesn't necessarily negate the Velver/Jorel reincarnation issue though, maybe the host doesn't need to die.
(Yes, I'm back to that theory.)
its a possible theory. though like i say theyd really have to mess it up for this to be a thing. i do think parts of the prophecy are hidden
though maybe its a bit of both
in that theyre purposefully hiding some of it
but then theres parts that they just missed
and are gonna go through their archives and go "oops"
It was censored by the clerics.
Incidentally, just want to shout-out here too for the translator. I noticed the comic's originally in German, and gets translated. Can't be simple coming up with the terms like for the "virtual loop" forest.
(Maybe the original German prophecy got translated so many times it's being misinterpreted. )
i am curious what the original german says now XD
I can't speak German. They have neat words for things though.
Okay, final theory. In a massive plot twist, Cosima's cat app saves the day. All the outside world needed was technologies to unify the different groups.
Oh! And shout-out to some of the fun cartoony poses. I feel like those would be fun to draw. (Or maybe not draw, but see once drawn?)
haha i did kind of hope it would go that way tbh. that by the end the worlds recombine and they figure out that technology is awesome and puts less pressure on the whole magic business.
so i mean if cosima's cat app requires this to happen, so be it
I wonder if there's anywhere for her phone to charge. Or if she can use magic for that.
i wonder if vampire guy we saw briefly who seemed to be from cosima's world has the cat app
that would be hilarious. has all these great goddess powers, uses them to recharge her phone
It's the simple things in life sometimes.
well if cosima visits the brothel again, she cant disappoint. theyll want to see that cat app again
Yis. That will be after the Origin Story... the Sequel Story.
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Carolin Reich, as well, for making The Origin Story. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Carolin Reich’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: https://tapas.io/series/The-Origin-Story
Carolin Reich’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/CarolinReich
Carolin Reich’s Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/A212D0X
Carolin Reich’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ensyis
Comic Tea Party- Thursday Book Club
Next week’s Thursday Book Club will be about A Drift of Souls by Davpow. For participants, you have the next week to read as much of the comic as you would like~! We hope to see you on Thursday, October 25th, from 5PM to 7PM PDT for the chat in #thursday_bookclub!
Comic’s Main Site: https://adriftofsouls.com/
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