midorimonday · 4 years
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Had these finally last night for dinner and..meh 🤷🏼‍♂️ they're not the same as fast food chain 'impossible burgers' (which is what I was going for) but it's aight. My only issue was that it was super soft so my mind kept screaming to spit it out and that the inside was still cold but if I kept cooking it then it would have burned 💔 definitely not as cool as the photo but 🤷🏼‍♂️ idk what to do with them now lmao I only wanted 1 😂 #soyburger #food #hamburger #vegan #proteinburger #earthgrown #grill https://www.instagram.com/p/B_SE0sbDn_W/?igshid=b54jcnuiom3r
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Wednesday lunch consist of Vegan hotdogs. Slide 1 shows the hotdog sandwich with ketchup and yellow mustard! Slide 2 shows lunch the bread being toasted and slide 3 shows Earth Grown Vegan Hotdogs. Slide 4 shows the vegan digs cooking in a cast iron pan. Slide 5 shows a sweet potato with Earth Balanced butter. #veganhotdog #earthgrown #meatlessmeals #plantbased #sweetpotato https://www.instagram.com/p/BvQC0NiAKYj/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1temr4k3b2ocp
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Started the day with Earth Grown’s dairy free cream cheese. This silky spread was delicious on lightly toasted bread for breakfast. To give it a little kick sprinkle with a little garlic powder. Found this product at my local supermarket, Aldi. Follow Vegetarian4less on our new Instagram for some fun food content!!
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Beetroot juice is a often looked over ergogenic aid that I always include in my supplements stack. Beetroot juice is also a great alternative to nitric oxide or NO powders that has many medicinal benefits. With that being said, I’m only covering it’s benefits as it relates to athletic performance. ——————————————————————- Beetroot juice contains high levels of inorganic nitrate and it’s intake has proven effective at increasing blood nitric oxide concentrations. These effects in turn promote vasodilation and blood flow with beneficial impacts on muscle contraction. Studies also suggest that supplementing with beetroot juice has been shown to diminish the muscular fatigue associated with high-intensity exercise. —————————————————————- If you look back at my creatine post and how important it is, beetroot juice is relative to the effects. When faced with exercise that could significant deplete phosphocreatine reserves, beetroot juice could help the recovery of phosphocreatine reserves and thus avoid its depletion during repeated efforts. In turn this also reduces the amount of ADP and inorganic phosphate build ups that induce muscular fatigue. —————————————————————- Beetroot is widely available, and obviously not banned by any athletic commission. There is no known negative side effects other than red urine and feces, which... not really a big deal. I recommend drinking it because the concentration is higher rather than having to eat 10 beets pre-workout. You can juice them or buy them bottled. I recommend drinking it 2-3 hours prior to training and about 100-200 ml. I don’t mind the taste, but if you do, then try adding some lime and or mint leaves. It’s a refreshing drink at about 29-60 calories per serving. —————————————————————— FOR MORE INFO ON STRENGTH & CONDITIONING AVAILABILITY FOR GROUP OR SINGLE PROGRAMS, SPORTS NUTRITION, COMBAT SPORT WEIGHT CUTS LEAVE ME A DM. COME JOIN OUR GROWING FAMILY OF ELITE ATHLETES. #vegan #vegetarian #beets #earthgrown #produce #wholefoods #eatrealfood #ufc #mma #sportsnutrition #strengthandconditioning #performance #speed #strength #power #issn #science #bjj #artesuave #endurance #carbs #champion #success #exercisephysiology (at Daru Strong Performance Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFa6gz0JwxD/?igshid=1n2haeetozm8i
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teachsnackfitness · 6 years
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Earth grown chicken patty sandwich. By far my favorite vegan chicken patty! Shoutout to my lover for taking care of me while my back is out. 🙌🏼
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@conditionmebodybutter_ For the WHOLE FAMILY from HEAD to TOE...”Literally” Condition Me Body Butter is the remedy to healthy skin. We are composed of earth grown ingredients and nothing else. Our base ingredients of shea butter and aloe are enhanced by oils and nuts that heal, strengthen and protect your skin daily. Focusing on sunburns, combating allergies, bug bites, eczema, sensitive skin and first degree burns while providing anti-fungal, anti-acne, anti-inflammatory, anti-histaminic and anti-dandruff properties. We are limitless in protecting the skin your in. 🌍🌻 #earthgrown #wholefamily #sunflower #eczemarelief #dryskin #healing #earthshealers #blackbusinesses #madeforallskin #lovetheskinyourin #sheabutter #aloe #congestionrelieffast #manukaoil #rawhoney #handcrafted #thankyou #appreciation #customerlove https://www.instagram.com/p/Byf3F5wpYKs/?igshid=z0nw6z7zc9bu
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rockwithtarsha · 5 years
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🚭 Trying to quit smoking? Try our CBD VAPE today! You'll be amazed! ✔ Two Delicious Flavors (Blueberry Cheesecake and Natural Citrus) ✔ Nicotine Free ✔ THC Free ✔ Pure CBD Hemp Oil #linkinbio👆 #tryctfoforyourself #earthgrown #naturalmedicine https://www.instagram.com/p/BwihRw_h7A6/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=t9flye37bxeo
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queercraftingchonk · 2 years
A Luncheon with Liara (where Shepard drops some news~)
Dr. Liara T'Soni's office was nestled in a back corner apartment just beyond the Citadel Embassies. The rent was reasonable thanks to the proximity of the skycar traffic above; the persistent whine of the passing vehicles knocked the price down considerably. Shepard's stomach growled slightly as she passed a Taiwanese-Shanxi fusion noodle stand. She made note of the place, though; if Liara didn't have enough lunch to sate the biotic, Shepard would definitely be grabbing a box of noodles to go later.
Shepard was dressed in her Alliance fatigues, a thick braid hung down her neck. Tali had worked on her partner's red hair in preparation of the commander's morning meeting with Admiral Hackett and Admiral Anderson. Simple eyeliner highlighted Shepard's green eyes. It was her first attempt at appearing professional since she'd roused from her coma. The comforting familiarity of the fatigues was hampered by the insecurity of her longer hair and prostheses.
Shortly after buzzing Liara's office door, the secretarial drone, Glyph, granted entry to the commander. It greeted her congenially with a projected tie around its lower diameter.
"Good afternoon, Commander Shepard. I am glad you were able to accept Dr. T'Soni's invitation. Please, follow me."
"Thanks, Glyph. I'm happy I'm getting to chance to see Liara, too." Shepard dutifully followed the drone. The apartment was fairly narrow, but long. It took a moment until the hallway opened up to Liara's office proper. The walls were lined with tinted STG ballistic glass windows. The wallspace of the north, west, and south perimeter were lined with soundproofing foam that had been sculpted into tasteful abstract art pieces. The entire east wall was covered, ceiling to floor, in Liara's extensive monitor collection. A standing desk was empty in front of the wall of currently dimmed screens, while an angled desk in the northwest corner of the room was occupied with a busy Liara going through numerous datapads.
"Commander Shepard is here, Dr. T'Soni. Would you like me to take over the cataloguing of recent field reports?"
Liara looked up and smiled. She seemed surprised, despite being the one who extended the invitation to lunch with her (and remotely with Miranda) days ago. Shepard briefly saw the old, elated spark in Liara that she recognized from the young asari's days on the SR-1. The archeologist's deep focus on her work always led her to lose track of her time or surroundings. Of course, being the Shadow Broker meant a greater need for mindful multi-tasking--but that didn't stop Liara from slipping into her tasks completely on occasion.
"Shepard, it's good to see you," she said. Standing up, she straightened out her crisp white suit jacket. The blue highlights of the outfit's belt and trim complemented Liara's azure complexion. "Yes, Glyph, I'd appreciate it." Despite being shorter than Shepard by at least several inches, her posture always gave her a larger presence. At least, a presence the commander always noticed and admired. "Oh, and when you're done, please alert Miranda that the lunch vidcall will be ready within the hour."
"Of course, Dr.T'Soni."
"So what's for lunch?" Shepard asked.
Liara grinned and playfully hooked her arm with her friend and guided Shepard to the back kitchen. It was cramped, but the minimal furniture was arranged in a way that made it seem downright spacious. A bistro-style table was placed in a breakfast nook, complete with three iron-wrought chairs, a thin vase of purple Earthgrown lilacs, and a pleasant hanging light pendant engraved with a faux-Prothean design.
"I've been learning to cook more lately," Liara began, offering a dining chair for Shepard to take, "and thought I'd try my hand at hostessing for a friend."
Shepard took the seat gratefully but raised a skeptical brow. "So I'm your guinea pig?"
"For someone who doesn't cook, you are certainly critical of other peoples' cooking," Liara chided. She removed her gloves, folded and pocketed them in her suit jacket, and then shrugged the jacket off and onto an available hanger. Liara traded the jacket for an apron and hung the white cloth over her black, grey, and blue jumpsuit.
"Sorry, sorry," Shepard laughed, "old habits die hard."
Liara gave a soft grin. "I'm not going to try some Ryussei-level cuisine here. Just a simple Thessian dish--it's something my mother would make for me during Midterms."
"I'm excited to try it, Liara," Shepard said sincerely. "Too bad Miranda won't be able to."
A wistful look flitted across Liara's freckled face. "True. Though I hope it'll look good enough over the vidcall to make her jealous. So if you find it delicious--don't hold back the compliments."
"Jealous?" Shepard asked. Liara began taking out the ingredients for the dish. A big bag of Thessian oryza plunked heavily on the counter. Five canisters of spices were subsequently arranged, sporting colors of gold, mahogany, umber, crimson, and periwinkle.
"Just good natured teasing," Liara said. "She claimed that the food available on the Pluto Orbital Station is as good as that on the Citadel during our last vidcall. I think she's lost her perfect taste buds if she really thinks that." Liara opened a dedicated oryza hydrator and poured the grains in, along with a snapped stalk of Janiri onions.
"You chat with Miranda often, Liara?" Shepard asked. She was unable to keep the creeping grin from her face. While her relationship with Liara had ultimately been brief in the grand scheme of things, she knew the asari well enough to recognize the sparks of infatuation when she saw them.
"Yes, primarily about you," Liara said pointedly. The hydrator locked in place and began a countdown timer. Steam pumped from the device. Liara began chopping a medley of vegetables. "I'm grateful for her help. As always, you're an enigma to be solved, Shepard."
"Aw, thanks," Shepard laughed. Liara paused her food prep to retrieve a pitcher of honeyed elasa from the refrigerator. She poured the pale green drink into two glasses and gave one to a grateful Shepard. The commander sipped the cold drink, pleased to find the added honey softened the sharpness of the beverage while buoying its naturally tangy aftertaste.
Liara returned to chopping her vegetables as the oryza rehydrated. "So how was your meeting with Admirals Hackett and Anderson?"
"Well," Shepard sipped her glass of elasa, "I'm, kind of, a captain now? Sort of?"
Thunk! Liara slammed the knife through a thick rooted Asterian legume in surprise.
--Excerpt from Chapter 24: A Captain’s Luncheon from How to Love a Biotic God(dess) on Ao3~
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wellwithnatalie · 5 years
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Don’t want to go vegan because you think you’ll have to give up some of your favorite foods? Think again! These cheesy, “beefy” nachos are 100% vegan and 100% delicious. I used Earthgrown vegan mozzarella (not the ideal nacho cheese but it’s what I had), gardein beefless ground, and a dollop and silk plain almond yogurt as a sour cream substitute + veggies, hot sauce, and salsa. It doesn’t get much better than this 😋🤷‍♀️
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iarafoschino · 6 years
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It has been a busy week so far but I am still able to eat healthy and vegan ! Earlier this week I was very exited to find these tasty #veganburgers by #earthgrown at our local Aldis store and decided to created a nice simple meal with them. I did this tasty quinoa salad with kale , cucumbers and spinach ,mixed with my homemade lemon sauce . I grilled the vegan vegetable burger on coconut oil with onions and added organic ketchup with parsley; On the side grilled peppers with spicy black beans .If you are looking for a healthy easy tasty #vegan meal high in protein antioxidants , calcium , iron and fiber here it is ! Vegan burgers can be very helpful for those who wants to go vegan , they are very easy to find these days and super tasty 🌸😍😎#veganfood #veganeats #vegantips #govegan #veganliving #homemadevegan #plantbasedprotein #healthyfood #veganeats #veganshares #veganfoodie #veganshares #healthyvegan #dailyvegan #vegansofig #vegannutrition #protein #wellness #crueltyfreefood #vegansofnewjersey #vegannewjersey
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adelzeith · 6 years
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Stopped by @aldiusa on the way home tonight and finally found some of their Earth Grown vegan items. I got the black bean chipotle and it was SO GOOD. I almost had another...but it was my last protein container for the day. I will be keeping my eyes peeled for other vegan items...also great job and keep the plant based foods coming. 😋. . #aldifinds #aldi #shopping #grocery #earthgrown #veganfood #veganeats #vegansofinstagram #eatvegan #eattolive #eatplants #eatmoreplants #eatyourveggies #eatgoodfeelgood #blackbeanburger #eatingdisorderrecovery #healthjourney #healthychoices #healthyweightloss (at Beavercreek, Ohio)
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lupusoracle · 7 years
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Seek and you'll find Nature's gift! 👩‍🌾🌲🍏🍐🍊🍋🍌🍉🍇🍓🍈🍒🍠🥔🌽🥑 #letnaturehealyou #nature #outdoors #vegan #food #healthyfood #healthyeating #healthylifestyle #healthyeating #earthgrown #naturalcures #fitness #fitnessjourney #lupus #lupussupport #lupus #lupusawareness #lupuswarrior #lupusfighter #lupusstrong #lupuslife #lupusloop
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charisjoybeauty · 7 years
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--------------------------------- 1. FatBurner: http://genesus.co/campaign/charisjoybeautyfit 2. Whey Powder: http://genesus.co/campaign/charisjoybeautyfitprotein 3. Toner: http://genesus.co/campaign/charisjoybeautyfittone ---------------------------------- Personal Training & Meal Plans 👉https://aflete.com/item/fat-burner-booty-lifting-ab-extractor-thigh-burner/ ---------------------------------- 💄www.charisjoybeauty.com ---------------------------------- #charisjoybeautyfit #plantbased #beauty #earthgrown #slimthick #nutrition #instagood #blackwomenwholift #womenempoweringwomen #nutritionalcleansing #wakeupandworkout #whey #wheyprotein #workouts #proteinshake #protein #slave2beauty #bodytoning #fatburner #toner #preworkout #workoutsupplements #whey #earthgrownnutrients #fitness #fitnessmotivation #mealreplacement
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yourenotserious · 5 years
The Psychadelic Drug Debate
For decades it’s been in question of whether or not prohibition laws on classic psychotropic drugs should be lifted. This entry discusses the war on drugs and whether or not prohibition laws for psychedelics are imperative.
Before we continue this conversation, I would like to state that this article does not serve an intent to promote illegal drug use. This post is strictly infotainment and harm reduction.
To begin, as time progresses, the War on Drugs appears to become further more illogical, and ineffectual, especially as it pertains to psychedelics. For one, the government’s idea of imposition are programs like D.A.R.E that use gruesome pictures, and implausible statistics as a scare tactic into thinking once touching any of these substances, you’ll breakout in disease and illness and die. In focusing on telling people not to do something, you miss out on an opportunity to be honest and educate. Historically, when has it ever worked out to just tell someone not to do something, and them follow your lead? Curiosity is all throughout the human mind, and it’s apart of having the gift of reason. When you tell curious adolescents not to do something, just for them to see it happening around them but with different results, they’re more likely than not to form a mistrust. I think the point here is, people are going to find ways to do them anyways. Does it make more sense to educate people so they can make a responsible decision with their bodies, or to increase drug crime by creating laws and using media to spread the word that drugs are bad, ultimately losing the “intended control” due to the need to keep drug use discreet?
I thought so too. 
Honestly, it sounds more money motivated than humanistic. Not to mention, the death rate for alcohol and tobacco exceeds that of psychedelics, but every city has a bar, package store, and convenience store. Even prescription drugs are commonly less effective than say, a mushroom. Prescription drugs aren’t comprised of the earthgrown nutrients you need to heal your body, rather, they temporarily numb your symptoms.
Plato, an Ancient Greek philosopher, had this idea that the soul is confined to three different parts, reason, spirit, and desires. He believed that it was aristocratic for a person’s soul to be in full function. Similar to Plato, I believe each entity, your physical, mental, and emotional body are interconnected. If you aren’t in emotionally in shape, it’ll change your physical and mental shape, or vice versa. It’s like suffering from stress, and having hair loss, or an acne breakout. Because psychedelics are a psychoactive drug, and commonly known for their healing abilities, things like trauma, depression, addiction can be sourced and cured; similar to a soul cleansing. The way they affect the mind, our power source, these wise substances have the ability to give us insight, and equip an individual in building the artistocrat’s health.
Psychedelic substances predate us. If we look at ancient artifacts, we can see depictions of mushrooms, or even bowls that were used in an ancient healing ceremony called, an Ayahuasca Ceremony. Certainly, earthgrown hallucinogens contain psychoactive chemicals with the intent of healing, just as alkaline foods. I say, maybe it’s revelatory that one brings the body to physical healing, as the other works with mental, and emotional.  
However, that’s not to imply that people should abuse drugs, or even rely on them. That’s a large part of why I don’t trust in recreational psychedelic drug use. If you’ve read 6 Things to Know Before A Psychedelic Trip, you know that psychedelics aren’t a party drug, and in most cases they’re pretty personal. I wouldn’t even advise recreational psychedelic use unless the individual had the proper mental strength for the experience. For medicinal use, I hold that psychedelics will be useful in a controlled environment. I do hope that one day we’re considering the psychoactive substances in medicine. 
To be quite evenhanded,  I understand the hesitation on legalizing recreational use. For one, there’s the safety side and the mistrust of society from government officials. If people will risk their lives driving drunk, they’ll do the same in a hallucinogenic state. Then, there’s money. We’re all aware of the hoaxy pharmaceutical industry, and there’s definitely more money in a temporary solution than one that’s permanent. Aside from that, pills are easier and faster to create with more control in mass production than a plant would have. This is where human life gets flipped to dollar signs. 
Do I think psychoactive drugs should be legal? Yes, upon restriction. I reckon that ideally, lawmakers should sit and think up a system that is equally beneficial and causes the least harm and poses the best control. Also, the image of hallucinative drugs. Although we’ve seen progression over the years through study, it’s important to continue to change the people’s perception  of psychedelics.
An open mind is the first step to learning. 
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Condition Me Body Butter is the remedy to healthy skin. We are composed of earth grown ingredients and nothing else. Our base ingredients of shea butter and aloe are enhanced by oils and nuts that heal, strengthen and protect your skin daily. Focusing on sunburns, combating allergies, bug bites, eczema, sensitive skin and first degree burns while providing anti-fungal, anti-acne, anti-inflammatory, anti-histaminic and anti-dandruff properties. We are limitless in protecting the skin your in. 🌍🌻 NOW AVAILABLE for Salon Pick-Up at Cherelle Renee Inc!!! #earthgrown #wholefamily #sunflower #eczemarelief #dryskin #healing #earthshealers #blackbusinesses #madeforallskin #lovetheskinyourin #sheabutter #aloe #congestionrelieffast #manukaoil #rawhoney #handcrafted #thankyou #appreciation #customerlove https://www.instagram.com/p/Byf20sJpmZF/?igshid=1x8mogacgm42i
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rockwithtarsha · 5 years
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Whooooa another great testimony!! Stomach issues My 15 yr old daughter has had stomach and IBS issues the past 2 yrs which causes her much discomfort. Last year it affected her attendance at school and still does occassionally. I have had my daughter, on the 750mg cbd drops for 4 days (she only takes 2 drops before bed). After the 2nd day it is already helping!! I am so happy we have found something that helps relieve the inflammation naturally! Thank you CTFO! I am so very grateful! https://tryctfo.com/rockwithtarsha #linkinbio👆 #testimony #getyourresults #tryctfo #moneybackguarntee #pure #naturalregimen #relief #earthgrown https://www.instagram.com/p/BwQjyh-BKkE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1izoyq8lzausf
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