forestduck · 11 months
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Twigg Studios
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geohoneylovers · 8 months
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🐝 Buzzing Concerns: Unveiling the Mysteries Behind Global Pollinators Decline 🌍🍯
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medixic · 3 months
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शहद गुणों से भरपूर होता है। अगर आप शहद की सही मात्रा में कुछ चीजों के साथ इस्तेमाल करेंगे, तो इससे आपको कई लाभ मिल सकते हैं।
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nature420world · 10 months
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Unlocking the Healing Power: Bee Venom Therapy and Apitherapy for Health
Nature's vast offerings continue to surprise us, and the healing potential of bees is no exception. Bee Venom Therapy (BVT) and Apitherapy, the therapeutic use of bee products, have gained recognition for their remarkable health benefits. In this article, we delve into the fascinating world of these bee-inspired therapies. Discover what they entail, explore three compelling facts about their effectiveness, and open the door to a holistic approach to well-being.
Facts about Bee Venom Therapy and Apitherapy:
Natural Pain Relief:
Bee Venom Therapy has been used for centuries to alleviate pain associated with conditions like arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and fibromyalgia.
The venom contains compounds that stimulate the release of endorphins and reduce inflammation, offering natural pain relief.
Immune System Boost:
Bee products used in Apitherapy, such as raw honey and propolis, are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.
These substances can enhance the immune system, protect against oxidative stress, and support overall health.
To explore the full range of benefits offered by Bee Venom Therapy and Apitherapy, along with a deeper understanding of their mechanisms and applications, click here
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The Symphony of Bees: Harnessing Apifrequency Therapy
Apifrequency therapy, also known as apitherapy sound therapy or the symphony of bees, is a unique approach that taps into the vibrational energy emitted by bees and their hive. This therapy harnesses the natural frequencies and harmonies produced by bees to promote healing and well-being. Here are three fascinating facts about the benefits of apifrequency therapy:
Resonating with Nature:
Bees communicate with each other through intricate dance patterns and buzzing sounds.
Apifrequency therapy utilizes these natural vibrations to harmonize the body and promote a sense of balance and tranquility.
Cellular Harmonization:
Research suggests that exposure to specific frequencies emitted by bees can positively influence cellular health and vitality.
Apifrequency therapy aims to restore the body's natural vibrational balance, potentially improving overall cellular function and well-being.
To delve deeper into the fascinating world of apifrequency therapy, its applications, and the potential benefits it offers, read the full article by clicking the link below.
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orthodox-femininity · 2 years
Recipe Sharing Time 💕
Happy Pentecost! ☦️
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My fiancé and I are going to visit a friend's new apartment this week for dinner and even before I wanted to become more traditional and biblically feminine, I've LOVED to making food for my loved ones. Here's a look at what I'll be making this week!
Ukrainian Honey Cake
1 cup  honey, warmed in a pot over hot water 
4 eggs, beaten 
1 1⁄2cups  flour
1 teaspoon  baking powder. Preheat oven to 375 F, and butter and flour a 7" cake pan. Beat honey until frothy. Add eggs, flour and baking powder. Pour into prepared cake pan. Bake for 15 minutes and check the cake. When done, it will shrink slightly from the pan. Continue baking for 5 minutes if it isn't ready yet. (continue if it needs more time). Turn it out of the pan while still hot, and let cool on a rack. Store in an airtight container for a day before serving.
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geohoneyy · 11 months
The Healing Power of Eucalyptus Honey
Eucalyptus honey, natural healing potion packed sweet nectar, not only delights the taste buds, but also serves as a natural remedy for various ailments with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immune-boosting properties to keep the body healthy and happy....
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omefarm · 2 years
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こんにちは! Ome Farm 太田です。 この週末も沢山の人が会いに来てくれました。ありがとうございます! 今日はいくつかのお知らせがあります。 どちらも若者向けに関する事です。 まず、再開している @omefarmkitchen ですが、11月からは1人料理人が加わり、ディナーも再開します。 更に、12月からは独立を控えたもう1人の料理人が2月まで金曜のディナーを担当してくれる事になりました。 そのキッチンですが、ランチを学生向けにやろうと思っています。大学生までの学生(専門学校生含む)は、有効な学生証持参で学割をします。 僕個人の思い入れですが、"若いから"と食べ物をおろそかにしていると、大人になった時に確実にシワ寄せがきます。 特に女性は僕の娘が先天的に持っていた様な症候群に、成人後にかかる方が増えていますし、男子も、食べているものに色んな問題があると将来響くと思うからです。 昨今の政治を見てわかるとは察しますが、国が何かしてくれるのではないですし、民の為を思わぬ人が多過ぎますから、自分の身の事は、自分で考えるほうが責任が持てます。 ヘンな病気になって、謎の薬を納得せずにただ摂取する事が、自分のためになっているか、是非一考して欲しいのです。 もう一つ。 チビッ子たち…ゲームやりすぎ!笑 ファーマーズマーケットで寝転んでゲームしてる子供達を見て、常日頃思って���るので、試験的ですが…将来の僕らの動き方も含めて、ボクシング体験を無料にて行う事にしました。 その名も 『Sunday Bantam Club』 (日曜のにわとりクラブ) 僕の趣味の鶏にも直結している話なので、 @omefarmchicken にて更新していきます。 日本人にとって標準的な階級の一つであるボクシングのバンタム級という階級は、やっぱり特別で、人気を博す選手も沢山輩出されています。"バンタム"の語源は『にわとり』であり、思い入れがあります。 こちらは会場は青山ファーマーズマーケット(そろそろヨガも復活するとか?)内で空いたスペースでミット打ちをやります。(日曜日11時〜) コーチは今年から当ファームに入った元ボクサーのお兄さんが担当します! 彼はいつも子供に大人気!僕の息子もパンチを教わり上機嫌です。 子供無料(2分3Rくらい)、大人ドネーション制(3分3R ¥500~目安) とします。 このドネーションは子供達のため(今後の展望が書ききれない)と、ボクサーに提供される鶏の卵の一部に使わせていただきます。 興味ある方は是非、日曜日のファーマーズマーケットへ! ちびっこたち!身体動かしていこうー!  大人もジムに行くほどではないがやってみたい、ストレス溜まってる、ちょっと汗かきたい… 受け付けます。宜しくお願いいたします。 #Boxing #ちびっこボクシング #Bantam #青山ファーマーズマーケット #farmersmarket #OmeFarm #Tokyo #communitysupportedagricuture #OrganicFarm #agriculture #heirloomseeds #seeds #omefarmkitchen #organicfood #organicvegetables #学割#beekeeping #organicflowers #honey #Rawhoney #rooftopbeekeeping #compost #soil #regenerativeagriculture #循環型農業 #無農薬無化学肥料 #無農薬栽培 #植物性発酵堆肥 #養蜂 #非加熱ハチミツ (Ome Farm Osoki) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkFNVstPIRP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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omefarmkitchen · 1 year
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Veggie tacos are now available for dinner as if requested! Vegan menu should be tasty and it is served here with spirit of @omefarm & @omefarmkitchen also philosophy. ヴィーガンメニューもご用意あります。外国の方から求められる事も多いものですが、何より美味しいという事が大切。 種から栽培方法を一括管理した上で、作物を理解して提供する… 思想よりも、美味しさ。 是非お試しあれ。 #OmeFarmKitchen #OmeFarm #Tokyo #OrganicFarm #organicvegetable #heirloomseeds #seedtotable #farmtotable #organicrestaurant #organicfood #plantbased #vegan #veganfood #buddhabowl #plantbasedfood #beekeeping #Rawhoney #Honey #無農薬野菜 #非加熱ハチミツ #生ハチミツ #岩本町 #岩本町グルメ #岩本町ランチ #神田須田町 #神田ランチ #神田テイクアウト #神田グルメ #秋葉原グルメ #畑のまかない (Ome Farm Kitchen) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnXxZy-BNvi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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futurebuzz · 1 month
Exploring the Golden Elixir: The Marvels of Hadrami Sidr Honey
In the world of natural remedies and holistic health practices, few substances hold as much acclaim as Hadrami Sidr Honey. This golden elixir, derived from the nectar of the Sidr tree indigenous to the Hadramaut region of Yemen, has captivated wellness enthusiasts and researchers alike for centuries. Join us on a journey as we delve into the depths of this extraordinary honey, uncovering its origins, health benefits, and the cultural significance it holds.
Origin and Harvesting:
Hadrami Sidr Honey originates from the lush valleys and mountainsides of the Hadramaut region, where the Sidr tree flourishes in its natural habitat.
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Known scientifically as Ziziphus spina-christi, the Sidr tree produces delicate white flowers rich in nectar, which bees diligently collect to create this exceptional honey. Harvesting is a meticulous process, often carried out by local beekeepers using traditional methods, ensuring the purity and potency of the final product.
Health Benefits:
The therapeutic properties of Hadrami Sidr Honey are as diverse as they are impressive. Rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, this honey serves as a potent immune booster, aiding in the body's defense against infections and illnesses. Its anti-inflammatory properties make it a natural remedy for various ailments, including sore throats, digestive issues, and skin conditions. Additionally, Hadrami Sidr Honey has gained recognition for its potential in promoting wound healing and soothing coughs and colds, making it a staple in natural medicine cabinets worldwide.
Cultural Significance:
Beyond its medicinal virtues, Hadrami Sidr Honey holds deep cultural significance in the region of its origin.
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Revered for centuries in Yemeni folklore and traditional medicine, it is often regarded as a symbol of purity, prosperity, and spiritual healing. The Sidr tree itself carries sacred connotations in Islamic tradition, with references in the Quran and Hadith literature, further enhancing the honey's esteemed status.
Quality Assurance and Sustainability:
As global demand for Hadrami Sidr Honey continues to rise, ensuring its authenticity and sustainability becomes paramount. Ethical beekeeping practices, such as rotational harvesting and protection of natural habitats, are essential for preserving the delicate ecosystem that supports the Sidr tree and its invaluable nectar. Additionally, stringent quality control measures, including testing for purity and traceability, help maintain the honey's integrity and safeguard consumers against counterfeit products.
Hadrami Sidr Honey stands as a testament to the profound connection between nature, culture, and human health. Its remarkable healing properties, coupled with its rich cultural heritage, make it a treasure worth cherishing and preserving for generations to come. Whether enjoyed by the spoonful or incorporated into culinary creations and skincare rituals, the golden elixir of Hadrami Sidr Honey continues to captivate hearts and minds, offering a taste of nature's finest bounty.
So, let us embrace this gift from the Hadramaut region, honoring its legacy and harnessing its transformative power for the betterment of mind, body, and soul.
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healthyhubeveryday · 3 months
A natural sweetener, a wide range of nutrients found in honey, though the exact quantity varies based on the type and source of the honey. Honey contains Very small quantities of minerals and vitamins, protein, enzymes, and polyphenols—including flavonoids from pollen—are present in honey in addition to water, and these components can be used to determine the honey's source.
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forestduck · 11 months
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Rodinne Vcelarstvi
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geohoneylovers · 4 months
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Ready to boost your health journey? Let's start with Geohoney! 🍯💪
Step 1: Add our delicious honey to meals for a tasty, healthy twist! Step 2: Dive into a healthy lifestyle, pair your workouts with Geohoney.
Say Yes to Geohoney for #HoneyliciousMeals! 🐝
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Unlocking the Health Advantages: Why Opt for Raw Organic Honey Over Regular Honey
Are you unsure about which type of honey offers the best value for your money? It's important to ensure that you're purchasing high-quality honey, given the prevalence of fake and diluted products on the market. To ascertain you're acquiring genuine honey, always buy from reputable honey retailers. Choose raw organic honey; this variety undergoes fewer processing stages, making it more nutritious than the highly processed regular honey.
Get your authentic organic honey from Nature's Glory now and begin relishing the health benefits of honey.
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nature420world · 10 months
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The Vital Role of Bees in Pollination: Nature's Unsung Heroes
When we think of bees, honey often comes to mind. However, bees play a much more critical role in our ecosystem as pollinators. These industrious insects are responsible for facilitating the reproduction of countless plant species, including many of the fruits, vegetables, and nuts we rely on. In this post, we'll explore three fascinating facts about the pivotal role bees play in pollination.
Essential to Food Production: Bees are responsible for pollinating approximately one-third of the world's food crops. They transfer pollen from the male parts (stamens) of flowers to the female parts (pistils), enabling the plants to produce fruits or seeds. Without bees, our food supply and biodiversity would be severely impacted.
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health: Bees contribute to the biodiversity and stability of ecosystems. By pollinating a wide variety of plants, they facilitate the growth and reproduction of numerous species. This, in turn, supports a healthy and thriving ecosystem, benefiting other wildlife and habitats.
Economic Impact: The economic value of bees' pollination services is substantial. It's estimated that the global economic contribution of pollinators, primarily bees, amounts to hundreds of billions of dollars each year. The agriculture and horticulture industries heavily rely on the pollination services provided by bees.
To explore the intricate relationship between bees and plants, their impact on food production, and the conservation efforts aimed at protecting these vital pollinators, click the link below.
The Benefits of Eating Raw Honey:
Rich in Vitamins and Minerals: Raw honey contains small amounts of essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, calcium, iron, and potassium.
Antioxidant Powerhouse: Raw honey is known for its potent antioxidant properties. Antioxidants help combat oxidative stress, reduce inflammation, and protect against chronic diseases.
Natural Energy Source: Raw honey is a natural source of carbohydrates, providing a quick and sustained energy boost. It can be a healthier alternative to processed sugars in certain situations.
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To discover more about the vitamins, minerals, and health benefits of consuming raw honey, continue reading the full article.
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yumyumjourney · 9 months
The Wonderful Ways Raw Honey Can Make You Feel Great!
Hey there, let's talk about raw honey – it's more than just a sweet treat! Raw honey is like a little jar of nature's magic that can do amazing things for you.
1. Happy Tummy: Raw honey can help your tummy feel better. It's like a soothing hug from the inside that calms down any upset feelings.
2. Quick Energy: Feeling tired? Raw honey gives you a quick boost of energy, like a natural power-up when you need it.
3. Soft Skin: You can even put raw honey on your skin! It's like a gentle moisturizer that makes your skin super soft and happy.
4. Strong Defender: Raw honey has special things that fight off bad stuff in your body, keeping you strong and healthy.
5. No Yucky Stuff: It's pure and simple – no artificial things added. Just the natural goodness from bees.
So, raw honey isn't just delicious, it's like a little helper that makes your body feel awesome inside and out.
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geohoneyy · 10 months
Discover how this golden elixir is packed with antioxidants, enzymes, vitamins, and minerals that can boost your immune system and promote overall well-being. Explore its antimicrobial properties that help fight infections and soothe sore throats. Experience the soothing effect it can have on digestive issues such as indigestion or acid reflux. Join Geohoney!
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