#earth 27
punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Spiderpunk!Percy:Here,i brought you lunch again so you don't have to cook for yourself!
Hobie:Look bruv,don't wanna be ungrateful but the way you treat me sometimes makes me think you see me as a little kid
Spiderpunk!Percy:No offense but you're 17 and i'm 22.That's exactly why
Hobie:You're aris at not offense.But i don't need-
Spiderpunk!Percy:You don't need this box of ensalada rusa and shortbread fingers i made for you?
Hobie:......I do.Thanks
Spiderpunk!Percy:I raised both my younger siblings because my mom dying was my canon event.This is my job more than being Spiderman is
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dc-multiverse-week · 1 month
Earth-27: On Earth 27, dinosaurs evolved to possess sentience and even superpowers, living alongside primitive humans. Some of the dinosaurs preyed on the "small beasts", while others took it upon themselves to protect them.
Earth 27 was considered an "unknown world" for much of its history but was later discovered and mapped by Barry Allen, the Flash of Earth 0.
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splooosh · 7 months
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Sally Jupiter
Darwyn Cooke
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blanddcheadcanons · 2 years
(Earth 27) If the Fable parents of hybrids were to die, the child would take on the mantel until the parent re-forms. For example, if Bloody Mary were to die, Greg Saunders would have her powers until she re-formed. This is never fun.
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The absolutely batshit (pun intended) world of DC fan project Earth-27.
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ihobbit · 5 days
Today is April 27th. On this day (2941, the Third Age of Middle-earth) the hobbit Bilbo Baggins left the Shire with the company of Thorin Oakenshield and the wizard Gandalf. The adventure begins! 
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chinese guzhuang fashion
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scarefox · 1 month
OMG bish nooo 💀😂😭
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seraphicalsuccubus · 5 days
ya girl bleached and dyed her hair and had new extensions installed today so she looks like a 12/10 bad bitch again for her birthday on Monday despite not doing anything for it and spending it entirely alone just rotting in her room like every other day lmao
but oh well I don’t care because I look good as FUCK now. like. I’ll literally just do my makeup and my hair and like maybe some self care shit and straight up sit here and admire myself all day for my birthday like the true Taurus sun (and Venus) that I am bro. like. I don’t give a fuck because DAMN SON I look so good and FEEL so good since I’ve changed something about my appearance up a bit again. like. life isn’t so bleak rn tbh but I know that’s only because I feel great and excited and just so much lighter and free than I did before with my hair and extensions done again lmao. just beyond thrilled to be rid of the pink, it overstayed it’s welcome this time around and I’m glad it’s GONE (for now, I’ll bring it back again eventually) lmao
but like. y’all can’t tell me NOTHIN rn man. I feel so ALIVE and THRIVING and HAPPY and I look like a fkn GODDESS omfg. like. I’m literally gonna go fight god just because I can simply due to the fact that I look fuckin amazing and he wouldn’t stand a chance against a bitch like this tbh LMAO
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pherre · 3 months
aa wiki says mikotoba is the oldest pov character in ace attorney and i was about to go "but what about gregory" before i remembered gregory edgeworth was 34 when he died. he should've been at the club :(
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monster-every-day · 3 months
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day 27 - 1/27/24 - long mole
whatever events transpired to bring this freak of nature into existence, let's pray to god it never happens again. an utter anomaly in the natural world, no one knows how it came into existence.
the creature, dubbed Long Mole, measures 11 meters in length and can bore through most softer building materials. its DNA implies that it is extremely closely related to the modern mole, but there is no conceivable evolutionary pathway that could have led to this, and there has never been another of its species discovered.
does this lore make sense. is that a thing. is this how dna and evolutionary pathing works. can such a thing be determined. anyway mole worm. i think he's pretty freaky and also cool
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rg11 · 1 month
Can we see more of Jadekat and their 612 babies...do they have any names besides Jadekat jr jr jr
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i dont think theyre that creative to come up with any other names for their kids
though the image is inaccurate! its actually 613 kids (due to the one karkats holding in the photo) that ones name is jadekat jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr
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ofpine · 1 month
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pendraegon · 8 months
while it is true that 9/11 played a role in mcr's conception and that isn't anything that is contestable.. you know what's truly ghoulish? seeing 9/11 jokes as if making edgy jokes + memes around an incident (i will also say that some of us never made these jokes/memes because our brains were never that fucking rotted) that TO THIS DAY has intense islamophobic and racist ramifications and acts of violence against large groups of people in the united states, but also seeing fucking mcr 9/11 jokes... it's no secret that bandom circles have always had a rampant problem with racism but you guys really are showing your true fucking colors huh.
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winterfieldfrontiers · 7 months
2024, 90th Fujio F Fujiko Doraemon, 30th manga Conan, we ate.
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themesopelagiczone · 3 months
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earth fact time. meet the sunflower sea star, aka my favorite sea star species! these legends are apex predators. they can grow up to a metre (39 inches) wide and live up to 65 years old! they can have up to 24 arms and they're also the fastest sea star, moving over a metre a minute.
unfortunately, due to sea star wasting disease, 99% of sunflower sea stars have disappeared from their habitat in the subtidal and intertidal northeastern pacific. around 6 billion sea stars have been killed by the disease since 2013.
monterey bay aquarium | aquarium of the pacific | noaa | cbc
photos: jerry kirkhart (los osos, ca, usa) | ed bierman (ca, usa) | bluebaron (via inaturalist, bc, canada)
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