#dunno if I should do it in English or Italian
misskamelie · 4 months
Lmaooo you know you reached a whole new level of hubris when your exam was marked as failed, then turns out to be a passing grade, and you end up telling the professor "ykw, it's fine, actually, I'll retake it and do it *all* properly"
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qqueenofhades · 6 months
Wait hold up you know SIX LANGUAGES
Like I grew up bilingual (English in school and Spanish at home) and got through my two years of a foreign language in high school relearning (terrible) textbook Spanish, and I genuinely do not think my brain could hold another language in there if I tried and wouldn’t even know where to go about start to learn another one
But holy shit SIX langauges is so incredibly impressive and I dunno if you've talked about it before, but could you share a little more about how/why you have SO MANY?
Aha, thanks. I know that someone (recently?) asked me about this, but I can't be arsed to dig through my archives to find that answer, so the short version is:
I have studied French in some capacity for most of my life (it was the main foreign language in my house; my parents both speak it); this was enough to successfully bullshit a last-minute MA graduate proficiency exam while barely studying (seriously, don't do this) and then I did medieval French history for my PhD. This means I can read most things, including complicated academic texts (I will not understand a certain word here and there, but otherwise fine), and speak/understand enough to get around in France by myself.
My Spanish and Italian is somewhat ancillary to that. I studied Italian in high school and used to remember a lot more than I do now, enough to translate things, but (alas) I haven't practiced it in a while and lost most of it (but if I worked on it for a while, it would probably come back). I live in a fairly bilingual Spanish-English city and also briefly studied Spanish once upon a time, so there are daily opportunities to read and/or hear it. I would not say my current grasp of either one is particularly outstanding, but still generally enough to at least get the sense of things I read.
I am a medievalist, so I had to study Latin. It was kind of unavoidable. Not gonna lie, I Did Not Enjoy It, though if I had actually planned my career trajectory better, I should have taken it in undergrad. But I didn't, because why would you do that to yourself voluntarily? In any event, I can read charters and documents and primary source texts in Latin, although slowly and with a lot of swearing and recourse to William Whitaker's Words. I certainly can't read literary or elaborate poems or whatever, but for what I do, it's fine.
I taught myself how to read Cyrillic and started studying Russian during the first lockdown in 2020. I can understand some basic phrases and a few grammatical conventions, read text, understand the alphabet, and a few other things, though it is (as noted) very beginner-level. I would like to brush up on it, but that is among the many, MANY things I do not have actual time and/or brainpower for.
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emeritus-fuckers · 11 months
Match-up event - Jez
(Nyx and I decided to match each other up for lols)
Let's go. I'm twenty, agender (afab), somewhere between bi and pansexual, poly and somewhere under the aromantic umbrella. Don't mind any pronouns in particular. I want one match-up with a human and one with a ghoul (let's see how you handle it babes). I study writing, might pick up a second major in journalism, dunno yet. Theistic satanist. Monsterfucker. Mask kink af.
I'm 164 centimeters tall (I'm not looking it up in feet). I've got a soft tummy and pretty good ass (lmao). You know how I look like, though I am planning to dye my hair blue.
They're not done yet, but I wanna include this anyway: tattoos. I'm not including any that could guide you to a potential result :p
Little cartoon seal on my right arm (for my sister)
Little cartoon panda on my right arm (for my brother)
Spider-Punk emblem on my left shoulder
666 under my left collar bone
A little plague doctor on my right arm
Also planning to get a shit ton of piercings all over my body. (Not just face and ears if you know what i mean), but that's for later. I like getting my nails done, usually to colors are symbolic or just a reference to something.
I usually wear skinny jeans and hoodies with some weird print. I love oversized hoodies, they are like my main source of comfort. I have chains attached to my pants, and I love wearing too many necklaces. I usually have ghearrings (the ghost crosses) in my ears and another one on a chain around my neck. Also wearing a Baphomet (like the goat head in a pentagram) necklace, a pride heart one, a matching besties necklace with Vic and occasionally a choker. I do occasionally do all out, wearing a white dress shirt, black skinny jeans, a leather jacket and the listed jewelry with my favorite rainbow sneakers and round sunglasses. With lots of rings, mostly something skull/plant/occult themed. Always silverish color, never gold. I don't like gold.
Outside from Ghost, I mostly listen to rock and different kinds of metal. And FNaF songs.
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I was a Creepypasta kid. Aside from Polish and English I speak some German and bits of Italian, but very little. I can read most arabic letters (as in I know what sounds they make).
I have lots of different posters on my walls and I have stickers on my furniture because I grew up too fast and I'm catching up on my childhood now. I've got mental issues, including but not limited to autism, ADHD, depression, anxiety, mommy issues and daddy issues. I like calling them my pokemon.
I like writing (though I barely have time for that) and re-watching Total Drama (watched it 8 times just this year) since it manages to keep my attention, something most movies fail to do, which is why I barely watch anything. I get bored very easily. I play the Sims 4 a lot, but I can't build in it for the life of me. I'm amazing at building in the Sims 3. Big fan of Assassin's Creed (I don't like the new ones, though, since it doesn't feel like AC anymore to me). I own many true crime and paranormal activity books, though I can barely read at this point. I like manga, though. Currently collecting the Soul Eater series. I love plushies. I got a new one today. Their name is Pyza. (Yes, they're enby, I even got them a pin)
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I know way more about butterflies than I should. I know lots of useless trivia in general. Most of it disturbing. I'm tired 24/7, but my body either wakes up before 7AM or after 6 hours exactly and it's impossible for me to fall asleep again. My room is usually a mess, but that's okay, so am I.
I'm a total introvert, but I'm also so tired with life I forced myself to become the extrovert of the group. I'm really loud if I like people, although my affection is usually random touches on someone's arms and shoulders with a strange noise. I make noises. A lot.
For some reason, babies love me. Even though I personally dislike children. I love pets, though. All sorts of pets. Cats, dogs, snakes, spiders... Anything. If I can pet it, I want to pet it. I love moths from the attacus family, I mean just look at this gorgeous girl!
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As for my personality, aside from daily mental breakdowns, I'm relatively chill, just... Very unhinged. I talked about Secondo's dick piercings in McDonald's. Compared to the shit I say, Terzo's an angel.
I think that's all. Have fun babes <3 - Jez
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noaltbruh · 1 year
Lil' rant. Tw: lots of bad language..
So, I dunno how it works in other countries, but during 11th and 12th grade circa, here in Italy we do something called PCTO. Don't ask me what it stands for 'cause I have no clue.
But basically, it's kinda like our school organises some activities for us that should prepare us for an hypothetical future job. Take into account that there are different types of high schools here, and I've chosen one that allows me to specialize in languages, since I'd like to be an English teacher some day.
So, a language-related job...Maybe acting as guides for foreign tourists, like some students did before us? Or teaching kids the basic of English and French, like my mother's school decided to do? Sure, that would have been awesome.
And what do I get to do?
Reorganize the fucking school library. Having to stare at a computer from 2 pm to 5:30 pm and cataloging books online, doing the exact same thing for a total of 30 hours. What in the living shit does this have to do with languages? Why the FUCK do we have to do this stupid ass, repetitive task? Because the staff is too fucking lazy to do their job? Because they're too old to know how to work with a damn computer?
Sure, why not, let's exploit our students to do a service the school should guarantee, let's call that a "preparation for future jobs" and let's make it impossible for them to continue with their studies if they don't attend for a minimum of hours!
Fuck you Italian school system.
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spaceofentropy · 1 year
Tag Game Tuesday!
Thanks to @mishervellous and @suzy-queued for tagging me here, so...
tea, coffee, or soda? tea if I'm cold or gossiping with my mom and aunt; soda when I'm working or watching stuff on the couch
dogs or cats? catsssssss!
can you play an instrument? I could (past tense) play the recorder in middle school
what’s your sun sign? virgo
first song lyrics that pop into your head? Breathe in / Breathe out / You've reached the top of the chain / Inhale / Exhale / You made it 'til the end of days ["Breathe (Until we are no more)" - Moonspell]
do you have any tattoos? not yet
favorite place you’ve traveled? Göteborg (Sweden)
what’s the last movie you watched? uuuhhh... Glass Onion? Or was it Maverick? Not sure.
what languages do you speak? Italian, English, a bit of Swedish
do you have any hobbies? writing, video games, roleplaying, reading, cross stitching
you can hang out with one fictional character for an hour, who do you choose? uhm, dunno, probably Mickey Milkovich just for the honor of being roasted to hell and back for how annoyingly I'd stare 🤷‍♀️
compliment yourself: you're a good writer and you've survived until now, you got this somehow!
I know I should tag someone, but as usual if you see this and want to do it, consider yourself tagged and we're settled! *finger guns*
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emerysaks · 2 years
The Bet
Looking back on it, Angie wasn’t sure how she convinced Peggy to talk about her time in the war. But she had, and Angie eagerly listened to every word. This part of Peggy’s life was fascinating. Her friend was usually so reserved. But tonight, Peggy seemed willing to share. 
When Peggy told her stories about the Howling Commandos, their legendary drinking, and how she’d managed to keep up with them, Angie was impressed. But she couldn’t let Peggy know that. She would be insufferable. Instead, Angie smirked. “Keeping up wouldn’t have been an issue for me.”
Peggy sat back and stared at Angie. “Oh?”
Angie waved a hand at her. “Please, Peggy. I’m Italian and Catholic. I was practically bottle-fed wine from birth.”
Peggy laughed. “That may be so, but the Howling Commandos are a breed all their own.”
“Are you trying to tell me I can’t hold my liquor, English?”
“Of course not,” Peggy assured her. “But there is a difference between wine and whiskey.”
“The Englishwoman explains liquor to the gal whose family ran the good stuff during Prohibition,” Angie scoffed, rolling her eyes. Then, she paused and looked at Peggy impishly. 
“You seriously think you can hold your liquor better than me?”
Peggy remained quiet, but her silence spoke volumes.  
“Oh, I see how it is. ” She smirked. “In that case, English, I challenge you to a duel.”
“Don’t be absurd,” Peggy huffed.
Angie bounded from the couch and went to the liquor cabinet. She grabbed two tumblers and a bottle of Howard’s best whiskey. “A girl’s gotta defend her honor, Pegs.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, Angie.”
Peggy snorted. “Hardly.”
“Then let’s spice it up a bit.” Angie smirked. “I’ll be right back.” She rushed out of the room and bolted back five minutes later, clutching four 50-cent pieces in her hand.
“These are my tips from this week. Not too bad, if you ask me.”
“Angie, I will not wager on which of us can hold our alcohol better.”
“Afraid you might lose?”
Peggy glared at her. “Of course not.”
“Then pony up.”
Peggy chuckled and uncrossed her legs. “What’s that phrase? A fool and his money are soon parted?”
“I’m familiar with that,” Angie fired back. “But I’m pretty sure God will understand since I’ll tithe some of your money this Sunday when I go to Mass.” 
Peggy stared at her and cocked an eyebrow. “Well, someone’s confident.” She reached for her clutch and retrieved two silver dollars. “Let’s begin, shall we?”
Two hours later, Angie and Peggy each held a glass of whiskey, and Howard’s bottle stood almost empty. Angie’s stockings were strewn across the floor, and the first three buttons of her blouse had come undone. Peggy’s hosiery and shoes lay carelessly nearby. Peggy ran a hand through her tousled hair, scattering hairpins across the floor where they sat.
Angie grinned and swayed toward Peggy. “See, Pegs… told you I could liquor my hold.”
“I think you mean hold your liquor,” Peggy snorted inelegantly. 
“That’s what I said.”
Peggy laughed. “No, it’s not!”
“Yeah, maybe? I dunno English.” She reached for the bottle. “Pour me another one.”
Peggy shook her head and pushed Angie’s hand away. “I think we’ve had enough, darling.”
“Are you giving up?”
“Never!” Peggy scowled and poured another round. 
Angie lifted her glass. “To the best pal a girl could ever have!”
“To gal pals!”
Peggy knocked back her drink and sputtered when it burned her throat. When she finally caught her breath, Peggy peered at Angie. “Maybe we should call it a truce?” 
Angie squinted at the bottle. “We are almost out of alcohol.”
Peggy nodded. “You’re right. We are. Let’s shake on it, then.”
Angie frowned. “That’s what the boys do.”
“What do you suggest then?”
Angie sat up on her knees and leaned forward while staring at Peggy. “I think we should seal it with a kiss,” she solemnly pronounced.
“A kiss? Are you certain?”
Angie nodded with certainty. “That’s what I said, didn’t I?” 
Peggy considered it for a moment and then nodded. “All right, then. A kiss.”
Angie beamed at her. “Excellent! Gimme a second, Pegs.” She patted down her blouse and straightened her collar. It took Angie a moment to realize some of her buttons were undone, and she squeaked in surprise, “Whoops! That’s embarrassing. Why didn’t you say something?” 
Peggy had the good grace to blush. “I hadn’t noticed.” 
Angie frowned. “I wonder about you sometimes, English.” She began to button her shirt, but Peggy reached out and batted her hand away.
“Hello? I’m waiting for my kiss,” she said, impatience lacing her voice.  
“Hold your horses, English. I’m trying to make myself presentable for you.” Angie wiped the back of her mouth with her hand. “Okay, I’m ready. C’mere,” she instructed, beckoning Peggy toward her.
“Are you sure?” Peggy laughed. 
“Absolutely,” Angie said. She leaned forward, and Peggy closed the distance between them. However, Angie swayed at the last moment, and the kiss meant for Peggy’s lips instead landed directly on her nose.   
Peggy pulled back and snickered. “Well, there you have it.”
Angie solemnly declared, “A truce.”
They looked at each other before laughing and falling back to the floor. Their giggles grew softer and trailed into silence before Angie finally ventured, “Peg?” 
“Yes, Angie?”
“I’m gonna sleep here on the floor tonight.”
“That sounds wonderful, darling. I’ll take the couch.”
“Night, English.”
“Night, Angie.”
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isaacapatow · 4 months
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with @adrixnadelgxdo | the daybreakers : adriana talks about ermano
ike apatow Have you ever done farm work before? -Ike's circling a structure made of sheets of galvanized roofing panels hammered together into a square enclosure, about six feet wide and tall on each side with a lower opening on one of the sides- This is sort of specialized, but also it's pretty easy if you've never done it.
Adriana Delgado Souza Can't say I've ever had the pleasure to do this. -Adriana glances around the structure, taking it in as she tries to work out what it is they're doing- What is it, anyway?
ike apatow We're setting aside fodder for the animals, for when there's nothing fresh for them to graze on. -he gestures at the enormous heap of various green weeds and stubble, the last of it all cut down from the forested places and wild hedges of the town- I'm gonna toss this stuff in the box, and you're gonna be in there stomping. Like how Italians do with grapes.
Adriana Delgado Souza You're right, the work does sound easy enough. -she shrugged off her jacket, figuring that the amount of stomping would keep her nice and warm once she got started- You know, I could have brought some of the kids along. I bet they would have fun stomping on some grass and hay.
ike apatow Next time. It's an experiment this year since we didn't have all these animals before, and I only made silage back when I was a teenager so -- in prehistoric times. -Ike snickers, lifting his chin towards the box- There's a layer in there so you can get started and I'll start loading as you stomp. Should go like gangbusters.
Adriana Delgado Souza Silage? Gangbusters? -Adriana was quite lost with both of those terms but it didn't stop her from jumping into the box and starting to stomp down on the stuff already loaded up while Ike got to work- What are gangbusters?
ike apatow Hoshit. Right, you're ... Brazilian? None of my usual vivacious circus tent vocabulary's gonna make much sense to you. -he snickers, then continues pitchforking greens into the box- When something's going along quick without obstacles, you say it's going 'like gangbusters'. I dunno where the saying came from, probably Prohibition when there were a buncha gangs in the States. Silage is what we're doing here, with this grass! The packed-down stuff at the end is what's called silage.
Adriana Delgado Souza I am. English is technically my third language. -the vibrant, descriptive words, while they made sense to her, were a bit confusing as to how they all linked together but she was slowly catching his drift- You learned that from the circus? I didn't know you were in one of those.
ike apatow I wasn't in a real circus. I just seem like a whole circus contained in one person. -he lets her tromp down the greens for a minute before adding more- Is that where you and Ermano met, in Brazil?
Adriana Delgado Souza Ahh, okay, I can see that. -she stops when he throws in more before continuing her crushing task- No, we met in Texas. Just a little bar outside the military town he was stationed at.
ike apatow And he danced. Did he dance? I feel like that's what you said.
Adriana Delgado Souza Yep, he did. He's quite the dancer. I should see about making it part of his rehab once he's cleared to move around without crutches.
ike apatow Is he back home now? I haven't been keeping up with the progress. -Ike leans into the box, pushing some stuff around, mostly to do it and not because it's really necessary
Adriana Delgado Souza Well, my home, yes. -she's mindful of his hands as she stomps around more- Renee didn't want him in his trailer and honestly, I agree. Someone needs to keep an eye on him so he doesn't go making himself worse. The man doesn't sit still.
ike apatow Him and David were making big noise about how scary you get. You scaring him into sitting still, Adriana?
Adriana Delgado Souza I'm not that scary. They just think I am. -she laughs a bit as she shakes her head- Oh no, I'm not scaring him into that. More like guilting him by reminding him of the stupid choices he made that put him in this position.
ike apatow -Ike squawks in triumph, leaning back out of the box- I knew it! Some men just don't know how to react to a woman standing her ground. You seem like the velvet glove sort. -Ike works for a minute before realizing that colloquialism might be lost on Adriana, so he pokes his head around the opening to look at her- Like, an iron hand in a velvet glove. Guilt and sweet talk seem like your weapons of choice.
Adriana Delgado Souza -At first Adriana was confused and she was sure it showed on her face as she glanced at him while trying to work out what a velvet glove could mean. But it seemed he realized it after a pause of silence and he explains, although it's still a bit confusing- I had to learn to stand my ground. My brothers made sure I knew how to. Especially Paulo. But yes, I find that a few well-placed words are more successful than yelling.
ike apatow -he nods, looking distinctly smug, and goes back to his task- He should move in with you.
Adriana Delgado Souza -Adriana stumbles a bit but catches herself. It's not from his words - she just misstepped on a pile- You and me both. But he does love his airstream. It's his own little castle of solitude.
ike apatow That's idiotic. He's not an island anymore and it's clear he wants to pick things up with you again, so what's stopping him?
Adriana Delgado Souza Honestly? -she looks over his shoulder, not that she thinks Ermano would waddle his way to find them because he knows she would drag him back to her place and chain him to the bed if he did- I think he's still punishing himself.
ike apatow -Ike snorts, shaking his head- The way people in this town do exactly the shit they're always accusing me of. -that was mostly to himself; to Adriana, he says- Didn't he get enough of that being in a fuckin coma? Can't him and David, I dunno, timeshare the pointless guilt?
Adriana Delgado Souza -she doesn't hear the first thing he says and she guesses he meant to say it quietly so she doesn't ask. But she laughs as she pauses her stomping to fix her ponytail- Of all the years I was married to Ermano and known David, there is one thing I learned - they have such huge hearts. There is no telling them not to feel guilty about something because they're going to. Especially Ermie. He will carry the weight of the world on his shoulders and never ask for help. It's just who he is.
ike apatow Ohhh-kay, well -- no offense to your two enlarged heart boys, but that's a whole heaping steaming pile of bullcrap, miss missy. -Ike digs his pitchfork in, flinging the load of grass with more enthusiasm than strictly necessary- Who does that help, if he carries the world on his shoulders and falls down and breaks his ankle doing it and then rolls around never asking for help? People who never ask for help are only like that because they think everyone else sucks too hard to ever give them help. It's narcissism, not nobility.
Adriana Delgado Souza -Adriana stands back and leans against the walls of the box so he could throw in more of the grass. It flies and she ducks, trying to avoid getting any of it in her hair, although his enthusiasm definitely covers her in stray stands- He thinks he's alleviating the burden off of others. But you and are in agreement - He's no good to anyone if he keeps pushing himself until he kills himself.
ike apatow That's only part of what I'm saying. The other part is that he doesn't trust anybody to be as capable as he is, which is a shitty way to look at it.
Adriana Delgado Souza I don't think it is that he doesn't trust other people to be as capable as him. Unless there's something I don't know that's happened in the past couple of years.
ike apatow Well, that's how I see it. But Ermano and me don't agree on plenty of things, so we can add this one to the pile. -Ike laughs, scraping the pitchfork around- Maybe he has some even MORE noble reason to never ask for help! Couldn't be me. But then I'm not a big ol' hero like he is.
Adriana Delgado Souza -Adriana hums a laugh as she gets back to stomping- You know him and I still argue about the song we danced to at our wedding?
ike apatow Why would that be an argument? You guys are weird.
Adriana Delgado Souza Because if he had his way, we would have been dancing to Gasolina.
ike apatow I don't know it but I'm gathering you wouldn't have been too happy with that, huh?
Adriana Delgado Souza ANsolutely not. It's more of a club dance than it is a romantic song to share your first dance as husband and wife.
ike apatow Coulda been worse. Coulda been the macarena.
Adriana Delgado Souza -Adriana laughed- You say that, but he did try to "serenade" me with that towards the end of the night.
ike apatow -snorts- You guys are cute. Hit all the romcom standards, huh?
Adriana Delgado Souza If that means we had fun together, than yes. You've only seen the broody Ermie. I'm gonna work on getting him to relax a bit. Hopefully having Bruno and now Allison around will help him relax.
ike apatow Sure, why not. You guys deserve a break.
Adriana Delgado Souza What about you, Ike? You seem to working extra hard lately.
ike apatow That's what happens when the two town bigshots fall down a cliff. All their responsibilities and hard work fall down the ladder on schmoos like me. -he scrapes caked grass off the pitchfork, then resumes tossing greens into the box-
Adriana Delgado Souza -Adriana glances at him, waiting for the greens to hit the ground before she stomped down on it- Well, after all of this, I guess you need your vacation. Although I wouldn't recommend going and flinging yourself off a cliff.
ike apatow Hah! No worries there. When I'm injured and supposed to be resting, that's what I do. Last thing I want is to run off and make things worse and be out of commission even longer. -he leans the pitchfork up against the side of the bin, picking up a bucket- Okay, I gotta pour this stuff on it before we get the next layer on. It's a mix of molasses and some other things. I had to fight Sol's nephew to get it. -he shakes his head, pouring the liquid over the stomped-down greens- Did you meet Cole, when he was breathing air?
Adriana Delgado Souza -Adriana quickly climbed out, albeit not gracefully in the slightest. She tripped but caught herself before finally getting out of the box. She dusted off her sleeves before shaking her head- I did not. He was Fleet's father, right?
ike apatow He certainly was. Not much else except an occasional nuisance. -since Adriana didn't know Cole, there's not much point talking about him, so Ike focuses on pouring the molasses mixture- How many people have you seen turn?
Adriana Delgado Souza -Adriana hums in thought as she recalled the past couple of years- No one, really. That's not to say that I didn't see anything before I got here. I saw people get eaten and I saw people killed but I never saw someone actually turn. You?
ike apatow Oh, yeah. Plenty. -he tamps down an area with the heel of his boot, then stoops to grab a handful of grass to wipe out the inside of the bucket- Killed a shit ton of em, too. But then that goes with the job. You and Ermano forgiven each other for all the things you did to fuck up your marriage?
Adriana Delgado Souza -Adriana stood back to keep from getting any of the molasses on her but her eyes were watching Ike instead and listening to him- Did it ever bother you? Killing them, I mean.
ike apatow Why? -Ike hops out of the bin, leaning against it to look at her- What does it mean if it bothers me? What does it mean if I like it? Does it make me something weird if I say I fuckin' love crushing in their rotted little cabezas?
Adriana Delgado Souza No, I'm just curious. -she was being honest- Just with everything I don't know if there's gonna come a time when I might have to be more aggressive and I want to be prepared, I guess.
ike apatow There probably will be. Your hubs can steer you on what would be the best way to prepare, or David, maybe. They like training people. -but after a moment he relents and answers her question- It's not pleasant, especially if they're fresh and they still look like people. But once you remind yourself there's nothing human in there, and they're anti-life, they're only disease in a shell, it gets easier.
Adriana Delgado Souza -Adriana was getting the hint so she prepares to jump back in and get to stomping but he went on. Whether Ike knew it or not, his answer was helpful- That's actually really insightful.
ike apatow Even us schmoos get one in every now and again. -he snickers, waiting for her to find her footing again before he keeps loading-
Adriana Delgado Souza -she carefully steps into the silo and finds her balance before starting to stomp once again- What is that? Schmoos?
ike apatow -he considers for a moment, jabbing the greenage with his pitchfork before settling on- People who don't have big huge noble hearts and carry everyone's burdens without asking for help. I love asking for help. And my heart's about the size of a three walnuts crammed in a sock. -he grins and nods, pleased with this definition-
Adriana Delgado Souza -Adriana cocks her head to the side a bit as she tries to put the dots together- Wait, so then you're not a schmoo?
ike apatow I'm absolutely a schmoo, Adriana! I just said I love asking for help!
Adriana Delgado Souza -Adriana laughed- Desculpe, Ike. Did I mention English is my 3rd language?
ike apatow You did, and I am about twenty percent certain you understand English waaaaay better than you let on. -he squints at her, tapping the side of his nose and pointing- I'm onto you, missy.
Adriana Delgado Souza Eu não tenho idéia do que você quer dizer, Ike. -she smirks with a shrug-
ike apatow Supercalifragilistic back atcha.
Adriana Delgado Souza That's not even a word. -she laughs-
ike apatow What? You've never seen Mary Poppins? You'd love it. The husband and wife in it are just like you and Ermie. -Ike snickers to himself using the nickname that Adriana had, injecting it with syrupy sweetness- Anyhow, you were saying stuff you know I don't understand, so I was returning the favour.
Adriana Delgado Souza Oh, that's the movie with the cup of sugar thing, right? I think I remember it being played at the school one day I used to work at. -she stomps on the grass and quickly catches herself before she falls over- It's just a bit of Portugeuse. I'm sure you could pick it up in no time.
ike apatow I got no ear for languages. It sounded to me like you maybe said you don't know what I'm ever saying, but that could be way off. And yeah, a spoonful of sugar to help the medicine go down! Sounds like your marriage.
Adriana Delgado Souza Not far off. I said I have no idea what you're talking about. See? You're learning already. -she angles her head a bit- How so?
ike apatow -Adriana is unruffled by his pretty rude comment, and Ike gives a sidelong smile, more affectionate- You're the spoonful of sugar, he's the medicine. You're the one who smooths over bitter situations that might very well be good for you in the long run, but could use some sweet.
Adriana Delgado Souza -she casts him a look as she registers the comment- Are you saying Ermie isn't sweet?
ike apatow Are you kidding me? -Ike looks over at her- Adriana, even if he's sweet to you, you gotta see how he is with everyone else.
Adriana Delgado Souza Which is?
ike apatow Uhhh ... decidedly not sweet?
Adriana Delgado Souza -she waves her hands towards him- Do you have an example?
ike apatow -he snorts, redirecting his attention to his work- Listen, I doubt you two sit around and discuss my finer personality points, so I'm not about to do that for Ermie.
Adriana Delgado Souza -she holds her hands up- Alright, fine. I won't ask for your point of view so I can discuss things with him.
ike apatow Jesus christ! -Ike stops, staring at her with his mouth agape- SHIT no, don't do that! If he wants to know what people think of him -- and I guarantee you he gives less than a sliver of a fuck about that -- then he can ask us himself!
Adriana Delgado Souza And you have not been married to him for years and know how he thinks or works. You know how many boneheaded mistakes he's made and been completely oblivious about until I pointed them out?
ike apatow That's your job, sugarplum, not mine.
Adriana Delgado Souza You're right - your job is to stop trying to cover me in strands of grass when you throw it in here. I'm gonna be picking sticks of it out of my hair for weeks.
ike apatow Getting lightly decorated with grass comes with the territory, princesa! Maybe Ermie can pluck them out. See, I'm creating fun date night opportunities for you!
Adriana Delgado Souza Mmhmm. Hopefully the cows don't try to eat me on the way out.
ike apatow Being licked by cows is very fun. That's how I do my hair in the morning.
Adriana Delgado Souza Oh, is that why it's called a cow lick?
ike apatow That's exactly it. -he pauses to slap at the hair sticking up all over the back of his head, in demonstration- You should give it a try.
Adriana Delgado Souza And rob you of that beautiful look on you? I think I'll give it a pass.
ike apatow Take Ermie to the cow pasture and let em see if they can get through that mop of his, heh heh.
Adriana Delgado Souza They might eat his hair before they lick it.
ike apatow Live dangerously, Adriana! Get him a new haircut via moo cow!
Adriana Delgado Souza That is to say I can get him to sit still for a haircut.
ike apatow That's the beauty of letting a cow do it.
Adriana Delgado Souza By watching him run away from cows in a cow field?
ike apatow -pauses, asking very seriously- Is Ermie afraid of cows?
Adriana Delgado Souza I don't think so....?
ike apatow Then why would he run away from them?
Adriana Delgado Souza To avoid getting his hair eaten by them.
ike apatow Jesus shit, this is more than I ever wanted to talk about Ermano and for absolutely no purpose. -Ike goes back to his work, flinging the greens with even less precision now-
Adriana Delgado Souza -Adriana hums softly as she ducks to avoid the grass being flung her way- And yet you were there when he woke up.
ike apatow I happened to be there! And he still pretended to be in a coma cuz he wanted to hear me talking about him. The guy's a narcissist. You're probably gonna scamper back to him and relay all of everything I said, sitting at his knee hoping for him to actually notice something about you.
Adriana Delgado Souza He notices plenty of things about me, Ike, but I appreciate your concern.
ike apatow No arguing with the rose-colored glasses of love, huh?
Adriana Delgado Souza Well, I'm curious what you think he doesn't see because he's wrapped up in his narcissism.
ike apatow I already said I'm not gonna give some speech about him. The truth is I don't know shit about who Ermie is or isn't, because he doesn't care to let anyone know him. And talking to you equals talking about him, so I don't know shit about you either.
Adriana Delgado Souza Alright, no more talking about Ermano. I will avoid mentioning him. -she eyes him as she holds onto the edge to stabilize herself as her ankle twisted from the unbalance of the ground she was standing on- Honestly, I'm used to people wanting to talk about him and it's easier talking about him.
ike apatow Is that what married life is about? Everyone wanting to know about your husband and it being your job to pump him up to them? -Ike pauses to go over and watch as Adriana restabilizes, just in case she needs a hand-
Adriana Delgado Souza Not all the time. -she holds out her hand to balance herself before looking over at Ike- Most military wives liked to sit around and gossip and talk about their husbands and stuff like that. The special moments behind the scenes and memories built together.
ike apatow -he holds back a shudder, but can't hold back the grimace as he reaches in to grab Adriana around the middle and dance her feet against the silage until she finds better footing- Sounds wonderful. That's how you define yourself, huh? A military wife.
Adriana Delgado Souza -Adriana is grateful for the help- Obrigado. -she finds her footing before stamping down on some of the silage- Well, not anymore. But before it was nice to be like that. Surrounded by people who know what you're going through instead of being the weird outsider.
ike apatow Hunh. -Ike looks at her for a moment, then shakes his head and picks up his pitchfork again- All right. We can talk about something else. I shouldn't have pushed
Adriana Delgado Souza -Adriana shrugged- I don't mind. As you mentioned, you don't know anything about me. You can ask whatever you want. Unless you're uncomfortable.
ike apatow A little bit. I didn't expect your driving way of identifying yourself to be your husband's job.
Adriana Delgado Souza -she looked over her shoulder at him with a smirk- Then I won't mention anything more about it.
ike apatow We've only got a little ways to go, anyhow, so it's okay there's nothing to talk about if it's not about Ermano! -he smirks back at her, tapping the end of the pitchfork handle against his forehead, and gets to work finishing up putting everything in the silage bin-
Adriana Delgado Souza And here I was gonna ask about the next time I can get you to the daycare and read another book to the kids. -she laughs a bit as she steps on the last bit- But honestly, I'm glad this is just about done. Nothing against the work but it's gonna be a pain in the head to clean the molasses off these boots.
ike apatow Ahhh, I don't have time for that anymore -- now that my head's healed up it's back to my own work and picking up after the two men with huge hearts who went out and fell down a cliff. -Ike does the last forkful of greenery and gives a whoop, wiping his forehead with the back of his wrist- Sweaty work. Give those boots to the cows and horses to lick and you won't have to lift a finger -- grass and molasses is like candy for em.
Adriana Delgado Souza Awww, that's a shame. -she climbs out of the silo and stumbles a bit but catches herself before trying to pick some of the grass out of her coat- The kids loved your visits. But I understand. Hopefully after this is all sorted you'll get the time again. You're good at it.
ike apatow It was fun! Some day. When things settle down. -the possibilities of that are slim, but Ike leaves it at that-
Adriana Delgado Souza I will hold you to that. -she steps up and gives his cheek a kiss- Adeus, Ike. Don't work yourself too hard.
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sheikahwarriork · 7 months
((this is the anon who hates dimitri's hair and sent two prompts: that one and the one about online gaming au, i'd be honored if you posted anything to ao3, i dunno about the other anons but i don't really think you should stop yourself from posting to ao3??? like why would u???
Thank you very much for the fic, it really made my day (;V;) ;; to be honest most of my friends are in other fandoms so when i wanna talk about dimileth and fire emblem in general i am just yelling into the void so thanks for always listening to my completely unhinged aks
hopesdimitri-should-just-get-a-hat-at-this-point anon ))
AWWW anon your words flatter me. like ahh im crying 🥺 youre always welcome to send me any prompt, or even dm me sometimes if you need a friend who's TOTALLY obsessed with three houses and dimileth (and feel okay with it!) lmao
i saw the other ask, i didnt forget about it im just suuuuper busy lately but i'll write it asap! 💜
and i'll post my fics on ao3! i was just worried about "double posting"? i mean having the same fic on both tumblr and ao3, i dont really know if its something people do... but if you say its okay i'll do it and thank you in the notes uwu <3
but really, your messages and asks make my day. ive been in the dimileth fandom for a very long time but due to shyness and "english is not my first language and i love writing but i cant write well in english and nobody will read my fics in italian" issue ive never interacted much with people on the internet. lately im trying very hard to be more active (and not like just consuming fanworks in a "passive way" lmao) and im SOOO HAPPY seeing people like the stuff i write! im genuinely blessed everytime someone leaves a like or a reblog or a comment 🥺 and its not bc "yeee validation by strangers" but for so long people on the internet made my day thanks to their work, and im glad knowing now i can make people happy with my works too!
so yes im always okay with people sending me messages and asks! lets celebrate our love for dimileth all together :3c (and, in your case, your hate for hopes!dimitri's hair LMAO)
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joezworld · 3 years
Flesh is Temporary, Steel is Eternal. (1/5)
Based on this.
More Than Nine Lives
A cat had made its way into the sheds one morning. It was barely a cat, a kitten was a better description it was so tiny, but it seemed well-fed and healthy. Skarloey watched as it sauntered through the shed door like it owned the place, and bold as brass, settled itself down on Rheneas’ buffer beam, where it promptly went to sleep.
The men laughed and laughed, but Rheneas was immediately taken with the animal, and blew steam at them in displeasure. The cat took no notice of this, and curled itself tighter around one of Rheneas’ lamp irons.
The men all assumed that the cat would eventually become bored with the engines and leave, but when it started riding on Rheneas’ footplate when he left the sheds, they quickly realized that it meant to stay.
“I shall call you Kitten!” Rheneas exclaimed one morning. Skarloey couldn’t quite contain his disdain for his brother’s lack of imagination, but quickly subsided when Kitten hissed at him!
Soon enough, the men had adopted Kitten as one of their own, and the no-longer-little black cat soon gained a collar with her name on one side and the Skarloey railroad’s logo on the other.
Rheneas was deeply pleased by this, and Kitten walked around even more swagger than usual for a few weeks after.
One of the cleaners was an Italian immigrant, and he spoke very little English. The other men were helping him learn by having him read out of dictionaries and other technical manuals that were lying around the workshop.
One night, he read a passage about cats out of an animal care guide.
“Many cats can live to an age of six-sixteen years old or older, however this is very un-what is word? Un-Un-Uncommon? and the oldest cat is believed to have lived to an age of twenty-five. Cats of that age are usually very-very frail and spend most of the day res- is not right word - sleeping! that is right word. They spend most of day sleeping.”
While most of the men congratulated the cleaner on his progress, Skarloey stole a glance to the other side of the shed. Kitten was prowling about the sheds, and had been for the last three hours - a very nimble mouse had entered the sheds last night, and it was driving her crazy that she couldn’t catch it.
Suddenly, she pounced, disappearing behind a stacked pile of paint cans - which promptly fell to the floor in a massive clatter. A few moments later, Kitten triumphantly popped up from underneath the cans looking no worse for wear, and with a tail poking out of one corner of her mouth.  
“Rheneas?” Skarloey asked later that night. “How old is Kitten?”
“Oh I don’t know,” Rheneas put some thought into it for a moment. “Maybe thirty-five?”
Skarloey began to explain what the book had said, when Rheneas cut him off. “Oh I know how long cats are supposed to live for,” He said as Kitten climbed up onto his bufferbeam and curled up for a nap. “But she and I have a little agreement - neither of us dies without the other.”
He looked at Skarloey meaningfully. “And between you and me, brother, but I don’t think that’s going to happen for a very long time.”
“What?” Skarloey eventually squeaked out. “What does that mean?! Rheneas! What does that mean?!”
But Rheneas said no more, no matter how loudly his brother insisted that he elaborate!
“Rheneas?” Peter Sam asked one afternoon. “It’s just occurred to me that Kitten has been around for a lot longer than she should be. Should I be concerned?”
“Oh no!” Chuckled Rheneas. “Kitten’s just a very old cat! She first came here back in, gosh, was it the eighteen-fifties?” He asked Skarloey.
“Sixties. Temple was Prime Minister by then.” Skarloey responded without opening his eyes.
“Thats... That’s over a hundred years ago!” Peter Sam exclaimed. “People don’t live that long!”
“Kitten does. | We do.” Skarloey and Rheneas answered simultaneously.
“How did this happen?” Peter Sam asked, his tone implying that he’d rather not know.
“Dunno.” Muttered Skarloey. “Neither of them will tell me. I stopped caring years ago.”
Peter Sam did not look comforted. “Duke was right...” He muttered to himself as he reversed out of the shed. “There are things we shouldn’t ask about!”
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screesflanagan · 3 years
My New Boss Part 5
Author note: So, first of all, I wanted to say I'm doing this because I want to learn my spelling, because English is not my mother language and because I enjoy it. If you find any spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. Please kindly inform me about them, I would be happy. Thank you and now have fun reading! :)
Inspired by: the series: what's wrong with secretary Kim (I haven't taken over everything, just a little. The rest consists of my ideas.)
GIF: My own. But Picture from Pinterest.
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Small tip at the beginning. I try to make my gifs fit the story ;)
Company dinner
The time had come for the company diner. That I changed. In a second I got a call.
"Mrs. Legacy. I am your driver and I was sent by Mr. Jackson Foiss.“
"You don't need.."
I wanted to keep talking but he hangs up in my face.
"Great thank you"
I say and throw away my cell phone.
I received an SMS.
• I'll be there in 20 minutes.
I hurry up a little and get changed quickly. I made it and got in the car. It felt weird just being in a car with his driver but without him.
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I got out and stood at the door of a wonderful restaurant. My jacket was closed because it was windy. My eyes look around like crazy and then I found him. My boss stood by the door smoking with everyone else smoking.
His eyes suddenly met mine as he blew smoke into the air. I smiled slightly at him as I walked in his direction. He threw his cigarette on the floor and destroyed it with his foot. He came towards me and held me to my waist and kissed me once on the left cheek and then on the right.
"Ya look Boonie Mrs. Legacy,"
he says as he slowly let go of my waist. His touch on my waist gave me goosebumps all over my body.
"Thank you, boss. You look good too"
I say and smile at him. Everyone else came to us and I greeted them too.
Ethan waited until I went in and then came after. We all sat down and looked at what we wanted to order. Then we talked a little and then Ethan said his speech.
"I invited ya all to a company dinner because we have a new, fresh member. My new Secretary"
"I would like to give a toast to Mrs. Kim Legacy!"
We all toast
and Ethan says
"Slainte mhath"
I look over at him slightly and smile at him because I thought it was cute when he said it.
Alex says
"We should really celebrate today and play a drinking game."
I looked at him and then at Ethan.
"I'll start. Whoever likes the new secretary drinks! But you are not allowed to drink for yourself."
Everyone had a shot and so did Ethan.
A woman says
"Who thinks Ethan is handsome drinks"
Everyone drinks except me.
Ethan looks at me and says
"Dinnae ya want to drink?"
The woman says
"Don't you think Ethan is handsome?"
I say
everyone looks at me and his eyes go wide.
"I think he‘s hot" I say and drink my shot. Everyone cheers and I look at Ethan as I put my glass on the table. He looked away and blushed slightly.
The game went on until the waitress came with our food. Some ordered a beefsteak. There was Pizza. Etha and I ordered Italian spaghetti. When the waitress came back, a man runs against the waitress, and the water glass flowed into Ethan's head and shoulder.
"Omg I'm sorry" she says when suddenly the glass fell from the tablet next to Ethan's feet. Everyone freezes and I saw Ethan's hair and shirt wet.
"Ethan! Omg, should I help you" says an employer but he ignores her.
He bends down and picks up the broken glass. The waitress runs to get a broom. When I wanted to pick up the broken glass, he suddenly grabbed my hand.
"Don't touch it. It's sharp ya could cut yourself"
I answer with
"nothing will happen."
When I tried to take my hand off his, he gripped me tighter.
"I dinnae want ya to hurt yourself" he says in a deep voice and I look up at him. We looked at each other until the waitress came and interrupted us. She cleared away the broken glass and Ethan put the broken pieces from his hand in the trash can too.
"I'll give you fresh clothes"
says an employee.
he says.
"I have a secretary who takes care of tha."
he says and looks at me. I was overwhelmed but I behaved correctly in the situation.
"That's exactly what I was about to do."
I get up and open my jacket while he looks at me. When I put my jacket on my chair everyone looked at me and Ethan starts at me.
It was because my chest was looking out
I say and he looks up at me and says
"Aye .. Aye exactly"
I ran to his car and I picked up his clothes while he went to the bathroom.
I walk into the bathroom.
"You have exactly the same thing with you again?"
He laughs and says
"I dunno want to change, I look good"
I laughed and wanted to give him his clothes but when he wanted to take them I noticed blood on his hand.
I lay it to one side and reached for his hand.
"You tell me to be careful but then you don’t are careful and get cut on the glass."
He inhales and says
"I'd rather get hurt instead of ya hurting yourself."
When I heard these words from him, I realized that he likes me. He made me blush and my heart goes crazy.
I help him take off his jacket and then his shirt too. When I opened his shirt I noticed something I couldn't see before and it was the scar on his chest. A long scar that went from top to bottom in the middle. I touched it lightly without noticing what I was doing and he groaned. I took my hand back and continued to open his buttons
"I'm sorry" I said without looking at him.
"Ya dunno have to feel sorry."
he says back and leans his head against the wall.
I had problems looking at his beautiful muscular body. He looked so good that I just got more nervous.
I slowly looked up at him from his chest and tried to get to his hair. But he was too tall. He noticed and ducked slightly
"Thank you"
I say softly and smile at him. His eyes were on mine the whole time.
After I dried his hair, I helped him put on the fresh clothes again. Bandages his hand. Closed his Buttons. I got a little closer to him without noticing it. We looked at each other for a long time. When I turned around he grabbed my hand and said
"Why are ya looking at me like tha?"
I turned to say
"What do you mean?"
He says
"Ya .."
And suddenly the door opened.
An employer named Vanessa was standing in front of the door.
"We're waiting for you. Are you ready yet?"
she says and looks at me then at Ethan and then on his hand as he holds my arm. Ethan slowly lets go of my hand and says slowly looking at her.
"We're coming now. I just told her something for tomorrow"
I wondered why he was lying to her and what he meant, why I was looking at him like that. We went out and all eyes were on us as if we did something in the bathroom.
We sit down and notice the looks at how they looked at me and Ethan.
We drank and drank. I noticed that I was slightly drunk.
I was just about to drink my next shot glass and suddenly a hand takes my glass. Ethan drank it and put it back in my hand. With his eyes in mine
"Oh! look at the scot!!"
I ignore it and take my next shot glass and he's drinking it again.
"What the hell are you doing?"
I say to him. I take the bottle and he suddenly holds my hand away
"It's enough with drinking. Ya're already drunk"
I take the shot glass of my seat neighbor and drink it. Alex gives me his glass and I drink it empty.
"What do you want to do, Mr. Jackson? Hug me? Maybe kiss me too?"
Ethan's eyes go wide and he looks slightly angry at me.
"What are yer talking about Ms. Legacy. Ya hugged me because I hired ya and then I hugged ye when I got a panic attack. I should bring ye home safely. Ya know how much responsibility I have for yer. It is my responsibility to take care of you or I will have problems."
He gets up and grabs my arm. I get up and want to say something but suddenly he pulls me. I don't know where we're going but I couldn't hold back. What I found weird is that I wasn't afraid that he would do something to me while I was so drunk. I trusted him and I didn't care what he did to me because my heart was for him. He takes me to the toilet where we were before and says when we walk in
"Ms. Legacy are ya out of yer goddamn mind!? How can yer say something such private!!"
I look up at him and push him against the wall in the toilet
"Why? are you ashamed? First, you hug me. Then you kiss me and now you pretend nothing happened?"
He lets go of my arm and looks on the floor. I turn around and leave. He grabs me by my shoulder and hits me hard against the wall.
"Ye are drunk ya won't remember anything"
I look him in the eyes and say to him
"Do you like me? Mr. Jackson. Or are you just play with my feelings?"
He lets go of me and looks on the floor
"Nae. I don't play with yer feelings"
I look at him and stand up straight
"Then tell me what you do!"
He looks me in the eye and I hear his breathing getting faster and louder. He turns and looks at me again. His gaze remained. His eyes peeked into mine while my eyes pierced his. His beautiful brown eyes lit up. He was so incredibly handsome. I couldn't stop myself from falling in love with him. He's getting closer and I walked over to him and put my hand on his chest. He looked at my lips and came closer. Suddenly he kissed my forehead and said
"I'm sorry. I can't be an asshole. Ya're drunk and so am I"
He held the doorknob and I held his arm tightly
"You just tell yourself that you have no feelings for me "
He looks back at me and says
"Nae Kim. I know wha I'm feeling."
He pulls my hand from his and says
"Ya don't kiss a woman when she's drunk"
and walked out.
I start to cry and I didn't even know why.
When I stopped I wiped my face and went back out. I saw him sitting on a chair and smoking. I continued to drink in front of him.
When the evening was over, Ethan took my hand and I got into the car.
I fell asleep while driving
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muthaz-rapapa · 3 years
Let’s talk TroPreCure! (^∀^ 🌺)
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i’m so stupidly proud of this dumb pun “tropurikyua~”, hahahahaha
Last post of the year and wow is there are lot to be excited for!
I even had to make a list for the stuff I want to talk about and I’m sure I already forgot one or two things but we’ll get to them as we continue to float~ along the wave to February 28th, mmkay? :)
Now for what has peaked my interest so far. And yes, we have to talk about the following first:
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1) HealPre the shortest Precure season??
Unless they plan for double features in February (which I doubt but you never know), HealPre is likely going to reach only 45 episodes long instead of the usual 48~50 before TroPre I’m using this shortening of the title for now so if there’s a better alternative, tell me and I’ll switch out begins its broadcast.
Understandable because the producers probably want to get back to their normal scheduling as soon as possible (toy sales, y’know) and I suspect pushing the start of the new season back by a month is the most they’re willing to compromise.
As for me, I’m quite happy about this since HealPre’s lost its hold on my attention a while ago so the sooner TroPre gets here, the better. Though the downside might be a scrambled climax and a rushed, underwhelming ending for HealPre (I dunno if it’s January’s titles that feel a bit messy or if the hiatus is still throwing me off) but whatever. We’ll refresh ourselves with the new blood Cures so it’s all good.
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2) Tropical movie announced for Autumn 2021, no All Stars??
First saw this mentioned on Youtube somewhere but it’s all over the fandom forums by now. I mean, HealPre’s movie is set for March, the usual time slot for All Stars release. If Toei intended for there to be an All Stars in 2021, there’s no way they would announce the seasonal movie before it so speculations of them skipping it this year are probably true.
To squeeze it somewhere between March and October-ish would force them to readjust their budgets as well and I don’t think even Toei wants to go through that extra hassle after all the trouble the pandemic’s caused for everyone already. It’s just easier to resume All Stars in 2022.
That, and I think Laura being a major character in TroPre despite not having a Cure title (yet) would make for an awkward situation when the three latest teams gather so perhaps that’s also one of the reasons. But I’ll get back to Laura in a bit.
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3) Cure Summer is a RAINBOW Cure
So god help me if I see anyone calling her a Pink Cure.
Yes, she’s the lead Cure for this season. NO, she is not a Pink Cure.
Look, even the official website has a rainbow overlay for her profile pic and text font while everyone else’s respective theme colors are a solid hue:
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Therefore, RAINBOW.
In promotional material and merchandising, they’re probably going to advertise her primarily with pink bah and at worst, she might occasionally be labeled as a White Cure with multiple subcolors (her outfit is not pink-dominant) but definitely NOT. PINK.
...also, this goes without saying but f***yea, we finally got a lead Cure practically and unabashedly wearing the LGBTQ flag and you cannot tell me otherwise, Toei!
Own up to it! Declare Manatsu/Cure Summer as the Precure queer icon!
I’m not gonna stop yellin’ until you do! 😠
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4) Laura = obvious midseason Cure is obvious
First of all, Laura is a babe. I already love her the best and she’s not even Precure yet. <3
Anyways, the set-up is pretty much in the description. Important main character who’s not a mascot, stated to have a self-confident personality and just speaks her mind (oooh, I like~ :D), magical/foreign being from another world looking for Precure to save her home, possesses her own special item(s), has aspirations to become the next Queen (so she’s a princess-candidate or something to that effect, I suppose).
We’ve seen various combinations of these traits in past midseason (and a few starter) Cures so nobody should be surprised when we all guessed that one of the Cures would be a real live mermaid.
The only question is why not just make Laura a Cure from the get-go if she’s introduced to us at the beginning (like Hime or Lala) and having a team of five with no unnecessary extra add-ons later on (like Smile).
Well, there’s a simple answer for that: formula.
Toei is afraid that if they don’t spit out some new animation sequence at the halfway and third quarter points of the show, the kids will lose interest and abandon the series altogether. Which means failed toy sales. Oh nooo... [/sarcasm]
And this way they can also have Laura available in the Cure lineup for the next All Stars in 2022 instead of making her sit the fight out if we were going to have one in 2021. I’m convinced that’s gotta be one of the reasons. *shrug*
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But ok, whatever. Her debut is gonna be later, that’s all. She’s a delayed Cure.  Midseason Cure, same difference.
Moving along to the more important stuff now like what’s her Cure name gonna be, y/y?
Well, knowing Toei, a translation of the term “mermaid” into another language is the most predictable route even though we already have a Cure Mermaid. Not like that ever stopped them from repeating words before (ex. Cure Happy vs Cure Felice). Though if they do go down that road, I hope they opt for the Spanish/Italian “sirena” and not the French “sirène” because the latter sounds too close to how Cure Selene is pronounced in Japanese. And, putting it nicely, we all know Japanese pronunciation of foreign words is as off kilter as can be.
Hell, even the the Portuguese “sereia” sounds aesthetic as hell so it’d be nice if they can just remember there are other languages that exist out there besides Japanese, English and French when making the final decision at the writing table! *stomps foot* >:/
Alternatively, “nereid” or “naiad” are good choices too but they remind me too much of Greek myths and Laura’s from the Grand Ocean which covers more than just a couple of seas (Greece is surrounded by three, btw) so...
I dunno. But whatever it’s gonna be, she’s definitely got a strong association with water and her powers will probably be based on that.
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As for theme color, since there’s noticeably no blue or green Cure in the starter lineup, it’s likely she will take up that spot when she debuts around ep 20.
Pink is also open since Cure Summer, again, is technically not a Pink Cure and Laura’s hair and tail fin are hot and light pink respectively but looking at Laura’s design and concept, does anyone seriously believe that?
Her upper torso consists of aquamarine while the body of her tail is definitely some shade of cyan, implying they’re aiming for somewhere around the middle of green and blue on the lighter spectrum.
And yea, I’m aware that green and blue are considered exchangeable in some perspectives with how close some of their shades are to each other but officially, I think Laura’s gonna be grouped with the Green Cures.
Cuz of the hair. If Laura’s gonna keep it the same or a similar shade after transforming, that is. The Blues have always had cool-colored hair so putting Laura in with them might disrupt that harmony whereas if you put her with the few Greens there are (including Parfait), she’d fit right in.
I mean, we’ll see but that makes the most sense, doesn’t it?
On another note, I just want to say that I love how they added frills to her arms instead of letting her elbows go bare naked. It definitely makes her look more like a genuine mermaid than if she didn’t have them (remember, half fish doesn’t mean half the body :P).
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5) Magical Items
Frankly, I’m tired of seeing the transformation device being a compact again even though one of the main motifs is make-up this season. But at least, as far as Precure compacts goes, the Tropical one is my favorite cuz of how cute and delightfully colorful its toy version looks! So I guess I’m okay with it.
The Heart Rouge Rod, though? ...I dunno. I think it would’ve been fine without that...straw (?) jutting out at the top. It looks weird, doesn’t it look weird? :S
As for the collectible clip-ons, I can live without those for the rest of my life. Yeesh.
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Laura’s items, the Aqua Pot and the Ocean Prism Mirror.
Again with the portable, travel-size housing. *sigh* 😩
Alright, I can let this year slide cuz Laura (I’m so soft for her, omg) probably won’t be getting legs for 20 weeks so she’s got to move about on land somehow. But unless they’re really thinking about turning this idea of carrying your apartment around in your bag/pocket/purse into a reality (cuz that would be effin’ awesome), please be more creative with your toys.
On the other hand, I’m much more interested in the Ocean Prism Mirror but from what Kusyami (the Precure merchandise reviews I follow on Youtube) said in his latest vid, this is the ED dance item so don’t know if it’ll actually have an relevance to the story or not. But I did hear him mention it having something to do with the Queen as well and since Laura wishes to become Queen, maybe it’ll be important after all? Maybe it’s her transformation device?
That’d be super cool. Let’s continue the trend of the midseason Cure having a different transformation item than the starters. Honestly, we should alternate every other year or two but we’ve gone three seasons with all of them using the same henshin gimmicks up till HealPre and I just want a break from that.
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6) Fin sleeves??
These look so impractical for combat so maybe it’s exclusive to group attacks.
And/or a sort of precursor to the super forms?
*GASP* Does that mean they all eventually turn into mermaids? 🤩
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7) Yui finally became Precure!! 😭
lol, it’s all crack from this point on so don’t take it too seriously but man, after Yuni’s deceptive braids, I thought I wasn’t gonna see anything that reminded me of Yui for a while and lo behold, Sango.
kehehehehehe xD;
Though Yui might be closer to Minori in terms of personal interests (fairytales and storybooks).
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8) Akira, the actual Onee-chan version
I didn’t think this when I first saw her but once I read “Onee-san” in her profile, there’s no saving you now. Sorry, Asuka. 😅
Also, damn, do her sandals make her feet look big! Compare them to the heels she wears as Flamingo. Are they even the same?! lololol
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9) ...this sounds awfully familiar...
Tokimeku Tokonatsu! [Exciting/Thrilling Everlasting Summer!] Cure Summer! Kirameku Hoseki! [Sparkling Jewel!] Cure Coral!  Hirameku Fuurutsu! [Flashing Fruit!] Cure Papaya!
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Japanese reiteration:
Mallow/Mao: Pink no tokimeki! Lillie: Blue no kirameki! Lana/Suiren: Yellow no kagayaki!
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Care to explain yourselves, punks?! 
୧(ʘ ∀ ʘ ╬)
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inkykeiji · 3 years
Clari my love I hope you are well 💖
How are you? What have you been up to? I am doing ok right now, I got my first covid vaccination earlier this week which is very exciting - it made me super tired for like a full day tho but I’m just happy to be able to get it <3
Ooo you mentioned dyeing your hair blonde again which I am fully in support for since I’ve been highlighting my hair blonde for like 4 years now - every time before I get it dyed again I say to myself ‘no I’ll grow out my natural hair colour blah blah blah’ and then I have no self restraint and I just dye it again - your hair does sound like it is a super pretty colour tho, I don’t know anyone with strawberry blonde hair but if you wanna re-dye it go for it but also it depends on like the upkeep of hair dyeing
Also I rewatched midsommar and enjoyed it more than I did the first time I watched it and now it is a fave - I watched hereditary when it came out and it scared the shit out of me but I did also enjoy it
Also also Måneskin songs hmmm they have a few songs in English and then obvs some in Italian, I would say my fave in English is For Your Love and one of my faves in Italian (since I love a lot of them) is Lividi Sui Gomiti - if you don’t like them I won’t be offended but I thought you should check them out
I hope your mosquito bite reaction has gotten better, that sounds so shit and painful I’m sorry that you’re dealing with that - I’m v lucky that I am allergic to nothing really so grateful for that
oH I was also gonna ask since I trust your film judgement and taste on reccomendations on films to watch or shows that you enjoy - I’m in a real slump with films and shows atm my brain just does not want to cooperate <3
Anyway I really hope you are well and taking care of yourself, have you got any plans or anything soon? I do also hope you’ve had a good day, as always I’m sending you all my love and hugs <333- 🍯 oh also I was going to say that you don’t have to worry about how long you take to respond, my anons are usually long so I totally get taking longer to get back to them, there is totally no pressure whatsoever to respond in a certain time frame I just wanted to emphasise that anyways I will actually finish typing this now
hello honeybun <333
tw: bit of a vent below the cut, mentions of death
so i know you know what happened last week, because you sent your condolences and all that (thank you again for that, by the way <3 i sincerely appreciate it <3) but on top of our family friend’s tragic passing, life has just been so, so rough lately—with my mental illness and my family in particular. i’d assume that the illness stuff was most likely triggered by the death, which makes sense, but i am so exhausted and so tired of fighting with my own fucking mind it’s unbelievable. and then, yesterday, i witnessed some things i really wish i could’ve stayed ignorant to, and it’s just really fucked me up too. my heart hasn’t stopped pounding all day. BUT, if we’re looking on the bright side (or trying to) the incident yesterday was a very sobering (lmao) slap to the face and a much needed wake up call for me to get a damn move on with getting the hell out of this environment. so that’s propelled me forward and motivated me to really get down to work (it’s just pushing myself to work through the anxiety and illness that’s difficult now haha but i am doing it!!).
EDIT: i had a nice long talk with two of the three most important people in my life (and in this situation in particular, too!) and i’m feeling a little better now <3
yes!!! i’ve actually changed my mind now LMAO because i’d like to use that money towards leaving. my roots have grown out past my chin, so when they get a little longer i will be forced to (very sadly :c) chop all of the dyed hair off. i haven’t had my natural colour in a LONG time, so this is kind of odd haha. originally i was going to redye it pink!! but the upkeep is an absolute nightmare and i just can’t right now lmao. yeah idk!! it’s a really odd colour, my natural hair, but it might be refreshing to be back to it again after so many years, i dunno!!!
YAAAY i’m so glad to hear that!!!!! it’s such an incredible film i could literally go on about it forever aaaaah hehehe and HEREDITARY IS FUCKING TERRIFYING LIKE i cannot watch that movie on my own truly i can’t. it’s so unsettling in such a fun way!!!
i haven’t listened to them yet, but i will soon, pinky promise!! i just saw someone else talking about them too and i was like oh hey it’s that band honey anon told me about LMAO
my mosquito bite has healed, thankfully!!! it’s just a bruise on my ankle now hehe but the ickiest parts are over <3 OOOH films okay so! someone asked a similar question and i am going to link you to my answer (which has more links) right here, but if you’ve ever got any more specific recs that you’re looking for (genre, era etc) pls let me know!!!! i love discussing film hehehe <3
no plans as of yet; i have a lot of SUPER exciting things in the works and two of them are like !!!!!!! thiiiiis close to being ready and i cannot wait to share them with you all!! i love you so much honey, truly and sincerely, thank you for being here for me, for sending me such thoughtful messages and just for talking to me in general. it all means so much to me <3 i hope you are taking care of yourself my sweet friend!!!
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sunflowerspecter · 4 years
in the dark of space, d.d. 💫
summary: sometimes, not even galaxies can keep soulmates apart.
warnings: cursing. i think i use the same curse word ten times within three paragraphs? maybe some angst. mentions of child abuse.
pairing: the mandalorian x reader
words: 3700
part: 1/6
note: okay so this is low key a really bad idea, but i also kinda really like it? the idea came to me while i was trying to plot a fic: the reader is from earth, but after a strange encounter in public transit, finds herself in the mandalorians ship. trouble ensues. i don’t know how many parts this is going to be but right now i’m thinking 6? i might expand or condense it depending on how it goes. please leave feedback or comments if you likes this :)) okay now i’m done
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You blink your eyes open, barely being able to see for a few moments. You don’t recognize your surroundings (which include a very small and dark room that you can barely decipher), and start to freak. You’ve never had a one night stand before, is that what this was? No, no, you weren’t drunk, you would remember? Shit, you must have been kidnapped! Oh no, oh no. You try to move, but you realize you’re not even lying down- you’re tied to a chair. 
“No no no, this can’t be fucking happening to me,” you mutter, throwing your head back, tears coming to the surface. A man appears in the doorway of the room, and you squint, realizing he’s wearing full body armor and a strange helmet. Behind him is some sort of… puppet. 
“Is this some sort of prank?” you ask him, but he moves closer. 
“Who are you?” the man in the clunky armor asks you. You close your eyes, shaking your head. When you open them, he’s still there, the green puppet behind him moving hesitantly. 
“Who am I? You’re the one who kidnapped me!” you scream wildly. You struggle, then notice the gun in his belt. “Fuck, are you mafia? Did I accidentally get in trouble with the mob? Please, I don’t have anything,” you beg, realizing you sound pretty pathetic, but you feel pretty pathetic, goddamnit. 
The man tilts his head, but repeats, “Who are you?” The little green puppet then begins to move toward you, and you shriek, realizing it’s not a puppet, but sentient. 
“Oh, god, what did Jessica put in those brownies?” you mutter. “Please tell me this is a dream. A horrible, horrible dream where I’m kidnapped by a steampunk knight and an alien baby.” 
The man tilts his head in the other direction, shifting his weight around. “I haven’t kidnapped you. This isn’t a gang. You’re a stowaway.” 
“A stowaway?” you yell. “Are we on a boat? Fuck. This is bad. This is very, very bad.” You shake your head, squeezing your eyes shut. “Please, I swear I’m not. I don’t know how I got here. The last thing I remember is walking to my friend Jessica’s house on Saturday. I’m not a stowaway, I don’t know how I got here! You must have kidnapped me! Please, don’t hurt me.” The tears are hot against your face and you think you may legitimately throw up. You can barely breathe. 
The man must sense your panic, and something in him changes. The little green thing walks toward you, and the man hesitates, then sighs. The little creature pulls on your leg, and if you weren’t so terrified, you would find it kind of adorable. 
“Calm down,” he says, walking toward you. “I haven’t kidnapped you. I found you in the cockpit and assumed you had snuck aboard and knocked yourself out.” 
“Wait, cockpit? Are we on a plane? Where are we?” you ask, struggling against the ropes. 
“Not a plane, it’s a Razor Crest. On our way to Sorgan,” he says. You shake your head, the tears coming again. 
“What’s Sorgan? Is that a country?” 
“You’ve never heard of it? It’s a planet.” 
You blink, waiting for the punchline. It doesn’t come. “A planet? Like, in outer space? Like, we’re in space right now?” You look at the green child at your feet, feeling yourself tremble. The man picks him up.
“You don’t get around much, do you?” he asks. You roll your eyes. 
“Not in space. I’m not an astronaut.” 
He tilts his head to the side. “What planet are you from?” 
You huff out a laugh. “Earth. Milky Way Galaxy. I suppose we must be in a different galaxy, there aren’t other planets capable of supporting life in mine.” 
“That’s strange. And you don’t remember how you got here? What is the last thing you remember?” 
You’re silent, for a moment. “I was getting on the subway. The car was empty, I remember, which was strange, because it was rush hour. I dunno. Actually… I… I think there was an older woman sitting across from me, and that’s it. She may have said something right as we started moving, but then it all went black and now I’m here.” 
The man sets down the child and moves toward you, and you’re suddenly very afraid he’s going to eat you. You realize that he’s probably a serial killer and that was the whole point of all of this. 
But, instead, he begins to untie you. Oh. 
The man moves away from you and you stand, unsure whether or not to follow him. But, you do. The child coos up at you, so you hesitantly pick him up. He smiles, and it’s the kind of smile that would make anyone drop everything to protect him. 
“I’ve never heard of Earth. It’s not on any star maps,” the man says after a brief time. You nod. “You’re right, we’re probably from different galaxies. What’s your name?”
You sigh. “I’m Y/n. Y/n Y/L/n.”
“Well, nice to meet you, Y/n.” 
“Well, don’t you have a name?” You wait a moment, and he doesn’t answer, but instead climbs a ladder, going who knows where. You, of course, follow, carrying the child with you, and he shows you into a room. You realize you’re in the front of the ship, nearly dropping the child when you see the stars. 
“Oh my gods,” you say, rushing forward. “I’ve… I’ve never seen so many stars. Not even when we went to Wyoming.” 
The man watches with quiet amazement as you hold the child closer to you, turning him so he can see the stars too, even if you knew he had already seen them. 
“This is your view everyday?” you ask him, turning to him, and he hates himself for noticing this, but you’re gorgeous. 
He coughs, nodding. “Yes.” 
You turn back to the sky. “I always wished I could live in the stars as a child. I always felt like I didn’t belong, and everyone belongs in the stars. My best friend in elementary, Jane, used to call me ‘moon girl.’” You smile a little at the memory, and, if everyone on Earth is like you, the man wishes he could live there forever. 
“What’s your family like? Will they be worried that you’re gone?” 
You turn towards him, then, looking at the ground. “No one will miss me.” You sigh, quietly, shaking your head. The man tilts his head, and you almost laugh. “I don’t have a family. I never knew my father and had no intention of meeting him,” you say, crossing your arms, trying to bite back the harsh tone in your voice, but salt drips in every word. “My mother, oh, how she despised me. She was a drunk. And I don’t have any friends anymore. Jessica, maybe, but she and I never really go out, we just talk at work.” You think you’re probably crying, but at this point, what does it matter? 
He’s silent, and you think you’ve upset him. 
“Sorry. Depressing backstory. I know.” You pause. “Yours is probably worse. You know. Cause you and your son are on the run. Is he adopted? It’s none of my business, I’m sorry,” you ramble, like you always do in uncomfortable and nerve-racking situations. 
“You apologize a lot. You don’t have to apologize. You aren’t in control of the things that happen around you,” he says, wiping one of the tears that lingered on your cheek away. “He’s not my son. He’s… it’s a long story. Are you hungry?” 
“Um,” you say, then nod. “What’s your story?” you ask. “I told you mine, and since we’re sorta in this situation together, we might as well know each other. We clearly have very different lives.” 
He chuckles, almost. “Well. I’m a Mandalorian,” he says. You blink at him, and he nods, sitting in one of the seats, and you sit in the other one. “Which doesn’t help you comprehend at all, I’m sure, but there’s too much history for me to give it to you all.” 
You nod. “How do you speak English?” you ask, suddenly. 
He tilts his head, then says, “You mean Galactic Standard?” 
You shake your head. “English, that’s what it’s called on Earth.” You pause. “Interesting…”
“What?” he asks. 
You move forward, a bit, letting the child jump onto the ground as you slowly pace. “You can trace back where English came from. It’s highly suspected to be influenced by romance languages, French, Italian, Spanish, for example, which all came from Latin.” 
The Mandalorian shrugs. “I’m not following.” 
“What I mean is that English can be tracked all throughout Earth. We pretty much know where it came from. I don’t know what your ‘Galactic Standard’ is, but it’s the same as English. Otherwise you and I wouldn’t be standing here, right?” 
Silence. “Right?” 
“What I’m saying is that our galaxies must have had some sort of… connection! In the past. If we can find out who it was, we can find out who brought me here, or how I got here.” 
The Mandalorian nods. “I think I might know where we should go. We have to stop in Sorgan, but after that, we’ll go. Also, I found a bag in the other room, I assume it’s yours. It’s just clothing and a strange rectangular device.” 
You let out a half laugh, half cough. “That’s called a cell phone. It’s an earth thing. Thank you,” you say, and the Mandalorian just nods.  
~~~oOo~~~ “Stay in the ship,” he says, to both you and the child.
“But I’ve never been on another planet!” you exclaim, biting your lip. He just shakes his head and begins to leave.  The child doesn’t listen and follows him, so you do too. He looks down at the child, then up at the eager expression on your face, and he sighs. “What the hell, come on,” he mutters, and you squeal. 
You pick up the child so that he doesn’t get stepped on, grab onto the Mandalorian’s cape, and follow him. And, naturally, you end up in a bar. You keep the child on your lap, and he looks over the side of the table curiously. The Mandalorian doesn’t talk to you, much, but you  aren’t listening anyway. You survey the room, the different types of creatures fascinating. And they’re all so used to it. It’s truly incredible. 
“Can I get you folks anything?” a woman says, and you smile up at her. 
“Maybe something for the little one?” you ask the Mandalorian, and he nods, telling the woman something before asking a question. 
“That woman over there, how long has she been here?” he asks, passing over what appears as little coins to the woman. 
“I’ve seen her here the past week,” she responds before heading off. 
“I’ll be back, stay here,” the Mandalorian says to you, standing and following the woman as she leaves. 
“Ah, okay-” you stutter. You look around the room a few more seconds, then chase after the man. 
You set down the kid as you see him rolling around, in a fight with the woman. “Typical,” you mutter under your breath. You take a step back, debating going back into the bar. But the woman catches sight of you, and she laughs as she and The Mandalorian get up. 
“Wow, Mando, do you have a girlfriend? Isn’t that like, against your code?” 
You gasp, out of shock from both statements, but move forward nonetheless, standing slightly behind him, because normal people don’t start conversation after fights. Then again, you’re on another planet, so there is that. 
“Y/n, take the kid and go back to the ship, okay?” you nod, then rush away, suddenly a little terrified. 
You’re in space. On a different planet. With a stranger. An alien child in your arms. How much do you know about the Mandalorian? 
You shake your head, trying to push the thoughts out of your mind. You just have to get back to the ship, and the Mandalorian will come back, and scary alien creatures won’t eat you in your sleep. 
It’s actually half an hour before he gets back, and soon enough it’s dark out. 
“This planet’s taken, it seems,” the Mandalorian says, and you furrow your brows. 
“Taken? What do you mean, I thought you had business here?” you say, and he shakes his head. 
“I wanted to lay low for a few months. Where I’m taking you, that’s high profile. There’s still a lot you have to learn about this galaxy,” he says, and you nod. 
“I guess. Oh, and, is your name Mando? That woman called you Mando. Did you know her? Why were you fighting?” you ask, sitting on the ramp as the Mandalorian makes some last minute repairs to the ship. The child crawls over and you let it sit on your lap, smiling at it a little. 
“She’s an ex shock trooper. In this galaxy, that’s kind of dangerous. I thought she was a mercenary, but she’s trying to escape the same people,” he pauses, sighs, then says, “the same people I’m trying to escape. We can’t both be here and not draw attention to ourselves.” He thinks, for a moment, and is about say something else when you hear some guys approaching you from the woods. The Mandalorian turns around, blaster raised, and you push the child behind you. 
“Hey!” a guy calls, and you slowly come to realize they probably aren’t threats. 
“Hey, you’re a Mandalorian, right?” the other one says, and you turn to look at the Mandalorian. 
“Who’s asking?” he responds. 
“We really need your help. We’re from a farm. Raiders attacked last night, and they’ll keep coming back, unless you help us stop them.” 
The Mandalorian doesn’t say anything, so the other guy speaks up. “We have credits, we’ll pay.” 
You give a pointed look to the Mandalorian, wondering if he’s thinking what you are. 
He isn’t. “I can’t help you,” he says, putting his blaster away. 
“Please! We traveled all day from the village to get here-” 
The Mandalorian cuts him off. “You’ll provide shelter?” 
The guys nod, then he says. “Okay, but give me the credits.” He turns to you. “I’ll be back, stay here with them.” You nod, gathering the child in your arms and slipping back into the ship until he comes back. 
So, you’re staying in a village, now. Great. 
It’s actually not all that bad, you decide. You have a shelter, you’re surrounded by people, nice, good people, and you’re learning about the galaxy. It feels nice, actually, and you think the Mandalorian would be enjoying himself, too, if he weren’t so hellbent on constantly brooding. 
Cara sits beside you as you watch some of the children, playing around. “So, if you aren’t the Mandalorian’s girlfriend, how did you end up with him? You certainly are the strangest looking girl I’ve ever met.” 
You sigh, remembering the fact that you’re dressed in skinny jeans and a pink t-shirt, and everyone else is wearing leather something or other. 
“It’s kind of a long story.” 
Cara nods and stands, then says, “Tell me after we take care of this villages little issue, then.” She walks away, then, as the Mandalorian appears beside you. 
“I want you to stay here and watch the kid, okay?” he says, and you nod as you see the kid waddle over to you. 
“Yeah, okay.” Cara and the Mandalorian go scotting, then, so you gather the kid in your arms and bring him into the shelter Omera provided you, setting him on the ground as you go through your bag. 
“Hey, I wanna show you something,” you say to the kid, pulling out your cell phone and going to your music library, the only thing that is usable in space. You play for the kid your favorite song, sitting down across from him. You mouth along the lyrics as you watch the kid smile and giggle, moving his arms around. You hold his hands, helping him do a little dance to the song, smiling yourself. 
You go through two full albums worth of music before the Mandalorian and Cara return, and they don’t even come to pull you into the crowd of people. After they decide to help the people, the Mandalorian catches you and the kid, and he makes himself as quiet as possible. 
You’re such a good person, he realizes. And you’re so positive, and willing, and you aren’t letting the fact that you’re on another planet get you down, and he absolutely admires you for that. You’re also absolutely breathtaking, which makes his life a helluva lot harder… 
“Oh, Mando,” you say, turning off you music. “So, what’s the story?” 
He coughs, crossing his arms. “Uh, Cara and I are going to set a trap and train these people to take on the raiders.” 
“Can I help?” you ask, but he shakes his head immediately. 
“No. You can take care of the kid and the other village children during the fight,” he says. You frown, shoulders slumping, but you nod, and as he leaves, he thanks god that you didn’t argue, because he didn’t have a good excuse for why he didn’t want you to fight. 
Maybe because you getting hurt would break his heart. 
You stay a couple of days after the fight. You’re so tired, and the Mandalorian is so tired, and the baby fits right in. You stay by the Mandalorian most of the time, terrified to be anywhere else. The people are nice, though. The kids like you, and you and Cara have become quick friends, too. The Mandalorian seems to be just as invested in not leaving your side as you are in not leaving his, and as you slowly try to make him open up to you, he slowly does. 
“So,” you say to him as you and him sit, watching the kid, and he turns to look at you. “You still haven’t told me how you have the kid.” 
“I told you it’s a long story.” 
You groan. “That’s not an explanation. Besides, I have time.” 
He sighs, and then says, “I’m a bounty hunter.” 
You freeze, a little shocked. “Oh.” How on earth didn’t you put that together before? Now it seems so obvious, the guns, the ship, the armor. It’s right out of a movie, but you guess you just assumed that all spacemen have blasters and weapons. “Are you human? Under the armor?” 
A beat. 
“And the child? He’s the bounty?” 
Another beat. “Yes.” 
You shake your head. “Oh my god. He’s just a kid.” 
The Mandalorian won’t look at you, and you run your hands through your hair, putting your elbows on your knees. You close your eyes, trying to make the horrible thoughts disappear. 
“I turned him over.” You look up at him, then, waiting for him to continue. “And then I didn’t.” 
“You’re on the run,” you say, your mouth falling open, looking over the Mandalorian’s shoulder to the child. He nods. “Oh my god.” 
He looks about ready to say something, but you hear a shot from across the village, and the Mandalorian jumps from his seat, and you look for sight of the child. 
“It’s Cara, they found us,” the Mandalorian says, storming off. You stand, running over and collecting the child into your arms. He grabs onto the fabric of your shirt, and you smile at him. Why would anyone put a bounty on a child? What’s so important about something that can’t even speak? The Mandalorian must know, so you decide to ask him later. 
You grasp his cape as you reach them, and the Mandalorian pauses for just a moment before continuing his spiel about how they have to leave. After a moment, he turns to you, pulling you away from the group by the arm. 
He doesn’t let go of your arm as he talks to you, but his grip is soft. 
“I think you should stay here,” he says. 
“What?” you ask, taking a step back, tearing your arm from him. The child looks up at him, and he looks down at it in your arms before looking back to your face. 
“I’ll go find out what I can about you being here, but with me, you’ll be unsafe. Here, you can live peacefully until I find a way to get you back to your ordinary life.” 
You huff. “I’m not letting you leave me behind. Besides, you can’t take care of the child by yourself, and what if the solution you find is time sensitive and you have to come all the way back here to get me, hm? What then?” 
The Mandalorian pauses, then sighs, then says, “I don’t want you getting hurt. There are enough people who have gotten hurt because of my actions.” 
You put the child on the ground, tighten the straps of your bag, and cross your arms. “I’m not going to get hurt. I’m in more danger left alone by myself than I am in a spaceship with you.” You pick up the child and march away from him, towards the transport. 
The ride is silent. When you get on the ship, it must be hours before you finally say something. 
“So where are we going?” you ask, jumping into the seat next to him. 
He doesn’t answer, which is hella annoying. You sigh, watching as he flies the ship. 
“Cara says you don’t ever take off your helmet. Is that true?” You lean forward, putting your elbows on your knees. 
“Yes,” he says after a pause. 
A longer pause. “Mandalorians can’t. If we do, we can’t ever put it back on. It’s against our creed.” 
“Oh,” you say. “That makes sense.” The child then pulls on your pant leg, and you help it sit on your lap, letting it play with your fingers. 
The Mandalorian just smiles, and for a moment, just a moment, he almost wishes he could keep you forever, and that he wasn’t about to send you home.
a/n: it’s almost midnight and i’ve spent way to much time on this so i just have to post it at this point. i’m going to try to have the next part up by, say, a week from today? maybe before then. please leave comments, i really wanna know what y’all think about this! 
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totaldramafan-lauri · 3 years
Eurovision 2021 final thoughts
Well.....it’s over.
It feels great, but also kinda weird to be done with it. I mean, it took an extra year to get here! But I’d say it was worth the wait....
Holy CRAP this year was good. Oh my god, this was SO much fun to watch! The presentation, voting, and especially the songs were unbelievably strong! It made me so happy that my bad luck in the semifinals didn’t even let me down all that much, so that’s a good sign. XD
I haven’t shared this before, cuz I didn’t wanna be a downer, but.....there was a part of me that was worried. Even after listening to and loving the majority of the entries, I was still worried that, when the show started, there’d be some kind of big tell that....this wasn’t a “normal” Eurovision. Something that would bring my enjoyment of the show down to a level where....I-I’d only be able to say “at least it took place, but it wasn’t as strong as usual”. That small, pessimistic part of me that was so hurt by last year that it’d become cynical, and scared of getting hopes up.....but I hid it. I love this contest so much that....bringing down the mood for my fellow fans wouldn’t be cool at all.
And thankfully.....I came out of this with a big smile on my face like normal. I enjoyed this year just as much as previous years! In terms of the songs alone, I’d seriously call this one of my favorite years, probably just behind 2016 (my favorite year). The fact that I don’t just agree with the winner, but I LOVE the winner, was definitely the icing on the cake! But the presentation was also outstanding! It really feels like everything was put into this contest to make it as enjoyable as possible with the limitations they were given. The interval acts were great, especially getting to see so many of the winners again! The rooftop concerts in the final were a lot of fun. But, as good as everything in the final was.....When the first semifinal started, and I saw that there was a crowd, coupled with the song that Duncan sang, I legit thought I was gonna cry. That’s definitely gonna stick with me in the future when I think of the most memorable moments of watching Eurovision. I could seriously go on and on about how much I enjoyed watching this....so I will!
Oh god the voting. OH GOD THE VOTING. Tense as always, and I loved it! No clear favorite, the juries making decisions the televoters didn’t agree with, a plethora of different countries getting twelves, and an ending that proved my predictions wrong in the best way possible. It was the BEST way to end the contest, and a very good example of why I’m really loving having the jury vote and televote separated....cuz you never know what’ll happen until the very! Last! Moment!
Seriously, that moment of Finland’s televoting result making them in the lead for a brief period was AWESOME. And then it was Ukraine, and then it was Italy, and I was thinking “oh god slow down, my poor heart-” And yeah, there were SO many great songs and great performances that it really did feel like a close race! 
Even rewatching it was exhilarating! Rewatching it also made me appreciate things that I didn’t before (due to being, well....too caught up in the moment). Like, the wide range of music genres in the top five! I hope this inspires more diversity in future years! I mean, you got Italy bringing us rock (which, by the way, never dies), you got France bringing us a classic waltz, you got Switzerland bringing us a powerful modern ballad, you got Iceland bringing us disco, and you got Ukraine bringing us.....well, a friend of mine called it “folktronica”, and yeah, I don’t think there’s a word that describes them better. XD
Not only that, but there’s one more interesting thing about this top five! Can you guess what it is?
......Yeah, only one of them’s in English! Imagine that, entries that DON’T have to be in English to become big hits! Seriously, I’m American and even I know that having understandable lyrics is really more of a nice bonus in Eurovision. What’s most important is having a song that sounds good. And if a song sounds best in another language, you don’t have to translate it for the contest! (Especially if it results in obvious ESL that loses the song’s original meaning, but that thankfully hasn’t happened often) Don’t be afraid to send songs in your native language! I hope people learn from this...
(But then again, this has happened before.....In 2007, the winning song wasn’t in English, runner-up was in multiple languages and third place was also not in English, so....I’m probably putting too much emphasis on this, s-sorry >.<)
But enough about the top five, let’s look at the full results:
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I’ll say it again.....this is my favorite winner since “Heroes”. I love the Italian entry, and I’m very happy that they proved me wrong. I didn’t think they could do it. Not only is it a rock song, which isn’t to everyone’s tastes....but it’s from Italy, who seemed to be cursed to never win even while sending fan-favorites year after year. Two second places (oneofwhichwasunserved*cough*2011*cough*butIdigress), one third place that also won the televote that year, and one very, very robbed sixth place. I thought this was gonna be another one of those cases where Italy get screwed somehow by other, more popular songs. But I still absolutely loved the song and rooted for it anyway, and......lo and behold, here we are. A rock song won Eurovision. A rock song in Italian. And it’s awesome, and I couldn’t be happier! To be specific, they were my fourth favorite in the final, but they were my favorite of the possible winners, so it still feels like the best case scenario! Woo!
Having the runner-up also from the Big Five is kinda surreal, since save for Italy they’re usually all underrated due to not having to pass through a semifinal (with exceptions like Germany 2018 and Spain 2012 and 2014). That’s a cool way of looking at this, since.....I’m sorry, but I never got the hype behind France’s song.....It was well-performed, but.....I just find it kinda boring, save for the ending. I-I feel bad that I couldn’t make myself love it, cuz I wanted to, but I just....couldn’t. I guess it’s a case of me being too stupid to get it, pffffff. But I don’t dislike it, so I’m fine with it being the runner-up.
Switzerland won the jury vote and achieved their highest placement since.....*looks it up*....1993, geez.....AKA, their highest placement since I started watching. XD This is FAR from my favorite entry of theirs, but I still like it fine and I’m happy to see Switzerland do well. It was a powerful song. And, unlike other jury-pleasers like the Austrian entry in 2018 and the Macedonian entry in 2019, they actually got a triple-digit score from the televote! They were loved all around! The same goes for France, so....that makes the most obvious “jury bait”, uh....Portugal, I guess. XD
Iceland came fourth, and.....can I just say how bad I feel for those guys? From having a potential win snatched from under them by last year’s cancellation, to one of them getting Covid the day before their semifinal, making them the only act that couldn’t perform live, it felt like Iceland couldn’t catch a break. But thankfully, due to their very strong rehearsals, they were able to rise above it and come fourth PURELY based on the strength of their song. Heck YEAH, what a beautiful ending to this story. They weren’t one of my personal favorites, but it was still a very cute song, and it DESERVES its placing just so much.
Ukraine’s song was one that only got better and better for me over time, and it was also the favorite song of a friend of mine, so seeing them in the top five makes me happy too! That’s a FUN song, and it’s near universally loved, so I wasn’t too surprised. I did guess that it had a chance at pulling off the win, but the competition was too strong. In a weaker year, they probably would’ve done it.
I’m really happy to say this next one: Finland came sixth! WOOOOOO! Their first top ten result since Lordi’s win and awwwww MAN do they deserve it. Such an awesome, intense song! It was my favorite song in the final, and I wasn’t alone! They brought the roof off the place, and for good dang reason! Seeing Finland do so well after being so underrated for so long.....it makes me very happy to see that happen. Especially with a song as amazing as “Dark Side”. It’s now a permanent part of my playlist, and I love it. <3 Empire of the freaks, all drinks on ME!
(I stand by the fact that Finland should just keep sending rock songs to Eurovision. They’re clearly very good at making those)
Now, Malta coming seventh.....hmmm....I have some problems with this? I mean, pre-contest favorites not doing as well as predicted HAS happened before (oh, hello 2017), but that doesn’t mean I’m not a little surprised? I really do think they deserved to do a bit better.....I thought that was a top five-worthy song and performance.....I’m happy with the top five we got, but I didn’t think Iceland and Ukraine would place over Malta! Destiny had one of the best voices of the show! If I had to guess, it was because they performed so early? Or maybe people just overhyped the heck out of it and it got old. I dunno. Seventh is still good for Malta. So yeah, it’s not bad, just a bit surprising.
Lithuania in eighth, I pretty much called. I knew that was a top ten song. Still couldn’t beat LT United’s record though, pfffffff.....Guess Lithuania have to try even harder to do that. XD Russia was another one I knew would be in the top ten. Their song had a very strong message that sticks with you. Lithuania and Russia may not have been favorites of mine, but I can’t complain with their results at all.
And finally, rounding out the top ten is my second-favorite, Greece, tied with Bulgaria! I’m more than happy with this result for Greece - I would’ve liked to see them do a BIT better, but a top ten finish is a top ten finish, and the competition was really strong. Their entry was still fantastic! A powerful song I can’t get enough of AND the best staging of the year. You can’t say Greece didn’t try their hardest!
As for Bulgaria....not complaining. It was a fan-favorite for a while, but for me, it was a song that I loved the lyrics to, but not much else. I did think it’d do a bit better purely because of how relatable the lyrics were, but with this competition? This was the best they were gonna get. XD A slow song in a sea of high energy-performances. Makes it stand out, but not necessarily be what people wanna hear.
The same is true for Portugal, who had the other slower song. THIS was the “jury bait”. XD Seeing how many points the jury gave them compared to the televote....wasn’t all that surprising. It’s not a bad song at all. It’s actually pretty good. And twelfth is a good result for Portugal. I think they can be happy with that. “Jury bait” isn’t a bad thing at all, cuz I’ve liked plenty of songs that’ve had similar results (I’ve even loved a couple of them)
Moldova were a surprise for me. I honestly expected them to place toward the bottom. Their entry was fun, sure, but I didn’t think it....stood out all that much? I feel like it was missing something staging-wise. Moldova’s entries usually have really creative staging, so yeah, maybe I just felt a bit let down. But the song’s good. It just....was a party song in a sea of them. XD
Now Sweden, on the other hand.....I’m actually not surprised THAT much. Yeah, I did at first predict that it’d finish in the top ten, cuz....well, it’s Sweden, and the song was good and seemed to be popular. But after the first semifinal, reading comments and posts from fans really made me realize just how many people....don’t like “Voices”? It’s been called generic a lot, and.....well, I don’t agree. I think it’s a very good song. But I’m just one person and yeah, seeing the popular opinion of it just drop like that made me change my mind on calling it a top ten song. XD Not gonna act like seeing Sweden on the right side of the board (even at the top of it) isn’t still a bit weird, though....
Serbia, I thought would do better. I thought they’d be higher than Moldova at least. That was a big crowd-pleaser and a great hype song. I didn’t think it’d be a front-runner or anything, but I did think it’d be on the left side of the board. I can’t even say that it being in Serbian held it back, cuz this year proves that non-English songs can and will be fan-favorites. So.....I dunno what happened there.
After Serbia are two other party songs, Cyprus and Israel. I have nothing really to say about Israel. I thought they’d do about this well. And Cyprus, I’m kinda bummed didn’t do better, since it was a GREAT performance - it was enough to win me over, when it was a very hit-and-miss song for me before the contest - but going first when already there were a lot of party songs to compete with probably did them in. Oh, and the people who think parts of the song are annoying, like......I did for a while.....ahem. >__>
Then we come to Norway.....who were my third-favorite. At first, I was kinda....OK, very surprised at how they did, especially when it came to the juries. But after learning that they were only five points away from not qualifying for the final.....I’m just happy they were there. I’m happy I got to hear that song in the final. It’s obviously not to everyone’s tastes, so I shouldn’t have expected it to do well. I was just a bit hopeful. As it is, I love the song, and it’s currently one of my go-to songs to sing to myself. XD (Also, TIX is an icon)
Belgium getting only three points from the televote was painful, since I did like their entry a lot......but I can’t act like I didn’t at least kinda see it coming. Even though I liked them, I was still surprised they even made it to the final. XD With such strong competition, a band just standing there and singing a downbeat song? Yeah, this was as good as they were gonna do. Still a very cool song, but standing out was always gonna be an issue for them. They also performed really early on, so that probably didn’t help.
Azerbaijan....oh Azerbaijan.....how did they do you like that. Seriously, down in twentieth? What are they doing in twentieth!? They were one of the best of the upbeat songs! They stood out! I’d put them above Cyprus and Israel easily! I don’t understand that.....I do understand Albania though. They were pretty much doomed. Barely qualified for the final, and then stuck in second position. Ouch. Kinda unfortunate, since I actually like Albania’s song a bit more now after hearing it live....
I really, really, REALLY wanted San Marino to do better. I was HOPING they’d do better. They were clearly trying really hard this year. The little country that could, pffff....And if you ask me, “Adrenalina” is probably the most solid song they’ve ever sent (I say this as someone who loves “Spirit Of The Night”, for the record), so I thought it deserved to give them their best result ever. But....nah. It did worse than “Say Na Na Na” because....I dunno.....Serhat funny? That’s all I got....seriously, it’s unfortunate. The dream should’ve done better than the meme. XD
And we finally come to the flops.....the four countries that got nul from the televote, all automatic qualifiers. Seriously, why did FOUR countries get nul? At least three were saved by the juries, but if you ask me, it was still unfair.....
The Netherlands are the one I easily have the hardest time understanding. Germany, while I found their song funny, I can easily see why people would find it annoying (I DID think the televote would like them MORE than the juries though?), and I was not expecting them to do well, because it didn’t seem like they were trying to do well. They were just having fun. Spain, well.....a good singer does not a good entry make. It’s the Eurovision SONG Contest, not Singer Contest. If the song fails to stand out, you’re doomed. I was impressed by their performance, but it’s still just a ballad. It’s sad when you know the story behind it, though....And with the UK, it was a party song in a sea of party songs. It had TOUGH competition.
But....the Netherlands? Why the CRAP didn’t they get points from the televote? While not one of my absolute favorites, that was a darn good song and a great live performance. What happened? I don’t understand! There was nothing else that sounded like that! It was unique and sounded great, wh- my brain hurts....
On the UK getting nul overall though, I do have some complaints. Sure, it failed to stand out, but to score nothing? A bit unfair, isn’t it? I mean, there was nothing wrong with the song or the performance at all! It was the most fun song the UK have sent in years! I liked hearing a fun song from them! And c’mon, they’ve sent a lot worse before and still got points. “Still In Love With You” got points. That was debatably a joke song. “Love Will Set You Free” got points. That was a boring ballad. Heck, even flipping “That Sounds Good To Me” - it came last, but it at least got SOME points! And that song was CRAP.
Now, thankfully, I didn’t love this song nearly as much as I loved “Bigger Than Us”, so I’m not super salty about it or anything. I’m not gonna rant about the UK coming last again. I’m just.....a bit baffled by the nul. Geez, UK, who did you piss off? Eh, it’s not the end of the world or anything.....and I’ve been through good songs getting nul before (....”Black Smoke”....forever confused TT__TT)
It does make me a bit....hesitant....to track down the BBC commentary for this show. I usually love watching it that way, and it’s my preferred way to rewatch Eurovisions. And usually, Graham is a really good sport about the UK’s poor results (even when coming in last like 2010), but....how’d he handle a nul? XD I hope he didn’t overly praise the song....
So......yeah, that’s about it! I’ve missed rambling about Eurovision, and now.....it’s over! It was a good year, and I had a great time. It truly was a ride. Here’s hoping next year in Italy will be just as fun.
Until next year!
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ofcloudsandstars · 4 years
Hey, dear! I've missed seeing you on my dash, how are you doing? What would you say your summer has been like? Sending lots of love and good vibes!
Ahhh this is so kind! I hope you have been well too. I am working on September’s forecast but I have been a bit slow since I am tired with some stuff going on. I am working on a sacred geometry virtual gallery for the plant alchemist mentor so I have been dizzy with motion sickness throwing this gallery together before the full moon haha. 
Last week I just got back from the most insane adventure that I may probably get around to writing another endlessly long post about haha. (editing this post, it turns out that THIS has become the endlessly long post about it haha so I am having a read more added). CW: sex details. It may be TMI but I added a warning before lol 
  Anyway I was having this mutual attraction with this italian guy I met through work who ALSO has a venus in Scorpio like me. We were going to go on a date but the world succumbed to The Plague. He returned to Puglia to be with his family as he quit the company and his apartment so he can just chill and live for free while he figures stuff out, but he was flirting with me through text all throughout lockdown and begging me to visit him when it was safer to travel so I was like: Oh yeah?!?!?! And I booked a 5 day long first date/vacation to Puglia to be with him lmaoo. Venus in Scorpio is intense as hell but we just be like that. My close aries witch friend moved to Southern Italy with her BF too for the time being so I was like ok if stuff goes south she can come save me but this guy like took me FARRR AWAY on the southern coast like 3 hours from her omg. He booked beautiful places like old medieval stone villas (omg one place had a wooden four poster bed, a stone fireplace with a cauldron and a huge color-changing hot tub jacuzzi next to the bed lmaoooo) and we ate endless seafood and went to the beach everyday. Only set back is we were NOT SEXUALLY COMPATIBLE at ALL and it’s really sad cause yeah I got his star chart and over analyzed it before going over there but sometimes I doubt myself like ohh not everyone is their starchart to a T, like you should give people a chance. But he was  e x a c t l y  like his star chart.
First he has A LOT of trines like a lot of fire energy which is great. He’s super passionate, but the trines means he is too chill and positive which is nice but it means he has little motivation to do anything. (Think when there are great trine transits happening, it’s FANTASTIC for doing magic and manifesting things but those days the energy is so chill and harmonious you don’t even want to do anything and they can easily pass you by.) Meanwhile my chart?? It’s fucking SQUARES ALL DAY BABEY like Squares, Oppositions and more Squares. I have something called the grand cross on my fucking chart lmao. So that means I overthink, I can get stressed easily, my life soundtrack is just this long anxiety ridden drum and base background music as I fucking parkour through endless obstacles of racism, sexism, gender identity, fleeing the states cause it’s becoming a totalitarian government, learning a bunch of european languages and skills in case I gotta flee england next, thinking about the future, thinking about my actions in the present, thinking about how I can learn from the wounds of my past, lmao everything is thought about at least 1000 times. I also have a lot of Saturn energy my chart is Saturn dominant so there is a lot of planning, structure and organizing to me. Meanwhile since he is hosting he never has a plan and is always ‘go with the flow’ so sometimes it makes me nervous cause the first place he booked was some GHETTO sex motel that looked like sex traffic was happening in there and I was in the middle of no where with him and I was nervous like praying to the Spirits of Nature and Venus to help me work this out haha. But it was ok. 
His life is so easy cause he’s like a handsome italian man with a mom that wants him to live at home with her until he finds a wife to mommy him. He never has to do any house work or really any work at all cause his parents will support him cause that’s normal in Italy. Honestly if I got with him I would never get that same treatment I would also be hauling ass in the background to cater to him and our kids until the day I die. He also doesn’t really understand what it’s like to be of a group of people ostracized by society. He is a hot cishet white man and has a whole community of good friends and a mom to support him with whatever he does.
He’s also like really traditional and was raised Christian. I told him I was a witch and he was like ohhhhhhhmyGOddddddd and thought it was fucking weird haha and I was like: YOU NEVER NOTICED ME AND ROXANNE (my aries witch friend who moved to Italy who literally wears massive metal pentagrams everyday) ARE WITCHES?! And he was like: I do not know about this haha. 
Lastly about his starchart which worried me when I first reviewed it is that our natal mars are at a square. I mean I have had sex with someone’s Mars in Aries before and it was great but his sex?? Was TERRIBLEEEE!!!!!!!!! TERRIBLEEEEEEEE OHHHH MY GOD. I am going to add a CW for some sex details in case you want to scroll but like: 
My Mars is in Cancer so I do like it to be sensual and cuddly with some oral action but he was like so terrible and disgusting and I feel like he probably only slept with girls in his country who may have been traditional like him and never said anything to him cause I am like I dunno how you got away with this for so long having terrible sex like this. Like so grabby and aggressive it fucking hurts like he would have left bruises and I hate that shit like sex is supposed to feel good!! I don’t mind if you grab my ass cause it’s just sacks of fat lol but my boobs have shit in them like glands you can’t be grabbing that!! And sorry this may be TMI but like I’d communicate with him all the spots I’d like him to go to cause they are the most sensitive ones and he’d just ATTACK THEM like some type of police dog sniffing hidden cocaine I am like BITCH CALM DOWN I literally would have to stop him so many times so he wouldn’t hurt me. And he once said: Oh but I like that (being aggressive in bed) and that annoyed me so much I was like: Oh so if you like aggression do you want me to grab and twist your balls in the same way? And he was like: no. lol 
And then his kissing was tErrible. He wouldn’t even start out sensual he would literally just shove his whole tongue in my mouth and it’d be slimy and terrible and tastes like the ash from the weed he’s always smoking and once during sex I bent down to make out with him and he literally just stuck his tongue out in preparation I paused like: NO!!! Like omg he got me so heated I am so heated just typing this lmao. I am also really sensitive with like sensory things and have misophonia so sometimes if certain stimulations are stimulating me the wrong way I get more put off than the usual person and sex is so intimate like every time he grabbed a sensitive part of me I wanted to slap him the fuck back haha. The funniest part though is when I’d give up on him trying to pleasure me (everything was terrible, the fingering was like someone who is in a rush to get the elevator and is jamming the button impatiently; the actual fucking was like.. off beat?? And he could NEVER LAST; he gave me head once but that was interesting I felt like he was trying to karate chop my clit with his tongue lmao I was like please stop omg) I was like fine ok just lie down and I will give you head and we can get this over with.. And when I gave him head for the first time he did not moan or anything he would just say: Mamma Mia!!; and FUCKING HELL it would kill the mood but also I couldn’t concentrate cause I’d be fucking laughing just choking on him laughing like I could NOT. 
-- End sex detail mention lol 
Anyway I am always wary of sex with Mars in Aries people but this experience is going to make me avoid them and have trust issues haha. Anyway I got a lovely free vacation in a beautiful region with incredible food. His friends were nice though my Italian is really terrible and nonexistent (omg also speaking about communication, he forgot most of his english so it was a challenge speaking to him haha). We were both wild as hell to do this even though we didn’t really know each other but whatever that’s the Scorpio in Venus. And in a perfect Scorpio fashion we may never see each other ever again because he may not return to London, I mean we pretty much fell out of infatuation with each other cause of the terrible sex chemistry and the only reason I have to return to that region of Italy is to see my witch friend there but there is a chance she is going to move to London again and she lives in a different city from him lol. 
So yeah I have been quiet over here but this is my current life. If you want to look at the gallery I am working on it’s in it’s rough draft form but you can find it here! 
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deans-mind-palace · 4 years
Suspirium (Pt.9)
Pairing: Prof!Sam x Reader
Summary: You’re in your last year of your Classics and Mordern Languages studies and you’re majoring in Latin and English. Then you get assigned to a different Latin teacher. And damn, he loves his subject. Too bad that he’s also hot. What is just a childish crush soon develops into something way more complicated.
Word Count: 1,466
Warnings: Tears
Author’s Note: Next chap. We’re about halftime, I think...? Dunno. Doesn’t matter. Have fun. Isn’t Brooks a cutie? :)
Like always, my tag lists for Sam (thereby also for this story) are OPEN
Or you catch up here: Suspirium - Masterlist
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"So? Aren't they a great couple?" Francois asked you as you stumbled blindly into the kitchen in tears. You nodded silently, turned to the side and wiped over your eyes once. When you turned around, Francois was already looking at you closely. "What happened, mon cherrie?" he asked and looked worried. You shook your head wordlessly, for your throat was too tight to make a single intelligible sound. "Did one of the guests say something, ma colombe? I will have him thrown out. Sans hésitation." You smiled a little about Francois' care, despite the lump in your throat. Then you took a deep breath. "No, I'm fine. I'm just a bit on edge. I had a busy weekend, that's all." you tried to talk your way out of it. François nodded sympathetically. "Take a break. I'll have this girl stand in for a while. What's her name again?" His French accent came out strongly between words. "Victoria," you helped him. He sighed dramatically. "Exactly. This girl. Victoria." Victoria had been working here for nearly seven months, but Francois had not taken the trouble to remember her name. He called her, a talentless girl and a disgrace to the restaurant trade, after that one incident a few months ago. "I hope she doesn't drop all her plates again. This girl has two left hands. It was a disgrace last time, je vous le dit." Gratefully, you went into the break while Francois, once again in his element, roared Victoria's name through the kitchen, his moustache moving upwards like in a comic strip.
Unfortunately you had to cross the dining room for that and Sam's table was also close to the exit. Eyes closed and through. You almost made it. You had just met the look of Sam's date. She smiled at you with love and you felt sick. You had never asked yourself until today if Sam was in a relationship. You wouldn't have believed he was cheating on a woman, but here you were. And his girlfriend was wonderful. She seemed warm, open, friendly with wit. At once, self-doubt caught up with you. What did he want with you? Why you? You were nothing compared to her. You hadn't even slept with each other and besides, there was a wonderful woman sitting at his table. Wasn't she enough for him? Was he just bored? Was he just looking for distraction? God, how many students had there been before you? It was too beautiful to be true. The best men were always taken. Why wouldn't Sam be in a relationship at that age?
Angry at your own stupidity, you'd bite your lips as you walked by the table. Don't look. Don't look at them. Like a mantra, that sentence swirled through your mind. You were just thinking you'd made it when you heard a chair being pushed back across the floor. "Cassie? Would you excuse me a second? I'll be right back." his deep voice came to your ear. Just a few hours ago he was whispering sensual things in your ear in that deep voice, and now... Now he had a girlfriend. Or even fiancée?! The thought made your stomach turn. You never would have wanted to betray anyone if you knew that... Of course you didn't do any better with Adam, but there was more to it than that.
Heavy footsteps echoed behind you down the hall. You quickened your pace. "Y/N? Y/N, wait, please. I can explain all this. Just wait a moment." You were almost jogging, and you just dodged a dishwasher. "I don't want to hear it, Sam. Leave me alone and go back to your girlfriend. Do what you want with her. I don't care what you do with her. I don't care about you, Sam." Suddenly he grabbed you by the wrist, it was a sure grip, but he didn't hurt you or anything. He pushed you against the wall, and you cursed yourself for a moment because your breathing was faster. "Let me go, Sam." Your eyes glared at him angrily. "But I care about you," he replied calmly. You hated him for being so calm. "I don't want to hear it. Let go of me. I mean it, Sam." you growled.
"Me too," he whispered. Then he filled the distance between you so suddenly that you didn't know what was happening to you. His lips laid down on yours with a sudden fire and passion that you almost felt like you couldn't breathe. You almost got carried away and returned the kiss. Then anger came over you, making you think clearly again. His girlfriend was sitting in the next room and he kissed you in the hallway.
You pushed him away and before Sam knew what was happening to him, your hand landed on his cheek, leaving a crimson print on his skin. He was surprised and didn't say a word, so stunned he was. "How dare you, Sam Winchester? Stay away from me."
You ripped your purse out of your locker and disappeared. If Francois did fire you, you wouldn't last a second in that place with Sam. You were proud of yourself when you managed to walk out the door without looking for him again.
The next morning you thought about skipping Sam's lecture. But you didn't want the exposure and bad grades weren't worth it. You would just go to the office and register for another course. Of course you didn't like that. Sam was one of the best Latin professors ever and many students would do anything to get the place you gave up now. But the thought of sitting in his lecture and pretending that nothing happened seemed unbearable to you. You would change the course and send him an email right afterwards that you unfortunately had to resign your post as teaching assistant for personal reasons.
Again and again you opened a new email on your laptop, but you just couldn't bring yourself to type the words that would seal everything. As often as you opened the laptop, you closed it again without having finished a sentence. You had skipped all your lectures, but at least you had written an email to Sam by the evening.
Good evening Professor Winchester, For personal reasons, I unfortunately have to ask you to pause our meetings indefinitely for the time being. Thank you for your understanding. With regards Y/N L/N
Your lower lip trembled a little and your nose tickled while you suppressed a sob as you sent it. Then you did what you always do when you're not feeling well. You called Brooks. "Is everything all right? I didn't see you at all today. You've been acting weird lately," said Brooks. You sniffed at his words, and he picked up right away. "Can you come over?" you asked and everything felt a little numb. Brooks didn't ask any questions. "I'll be right over."
It only took 15 minutes before your doorbell rang and Brooks walked in the door with a huge pizza from your favorite Italian restaurant and a six-pack of beer. He immediately put everything on the table in your little kitchen and pulled you into his arms without saying anything. Silently the tears ran down your cheeks and stained the fabric of his blue shirt dark. For a while he just held you close to him, then he lowered his chin slowly onto your head. "Whose car do I have to hit with the baseball bat? I still got a pretty good swing from high school." he whispered softly. Even with the tears, you had to laugh. Brooks smiled at you and led you to the couch.
And then you started talking. The dam broke. You told Brooks everything. From the moment you first met, when he spilled his coffee all over you, to the moment you sat together in the café, to the moment you kissed for the first time and he invited you to his place. Finally you finished with your latest encounter in the restaurant.
Brooks remained silent for some time, even after your last words had long faded into silence. Eventually you started eating pizza and drinking beer, but Brooks still didn't say anything about Sam. You watched Birdcage together because the movie just always made you smile and happy because you loved the characters and their quirks so much. Even after that he didn't say anything about Sam. Only very late in the evening, just before you fell asleep on his shoulder, he finally told you what he thought about it.
"You love this man. And you should at least give him a chance to explain himself, or this "maybe" will haunt you for the rest of your life."
When did your friend get so fucking wise?
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