#need to come up with a routine for this week... balancing both reviewing the theory and the project I have to turn in by the 21st
misskamelie · 4 months
Lmaooo you know you reached a whole new level of hubris when your exam was marked as failed, then turns out to be a passing grade, and you end up telling the professor "ykw, it's fine, actually, I'll retake it and do it *all* properly"
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Discover How Positive Psychology Can Transform How You Teach
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Do you see the best in your students now? Or will you be so focused on classroom management there is only time to get the job done each week?
Do you teach online and see a group of anonymous students you may never really get to know? Or do you take the time to learn what you can, through discussions and feedback, to help students with their developmental needs?
Teaching students is not always a matter of showing up for class, disseminating information and instructions, facilitating class discussions, and providing feedback. It is more about the instructional approach you take and its effectiveness when utilized. This is especially true for online instructors who teach in a technologically enabled environment. Your classroom presence as the assigned instructor, or lack thereof, determines how students respond to your involvement in class and whether or not they engage with you.
More importantly, your choice of an instructional strategy will influence how well your students make progress throughout the class. Their continued development depends upon you more than your instruction. There is an additional strategy you can use, one that can encourage progress, which requires only a change in your focus and choice of wording, and it is called positive psychology. This is centered on the enhanced well-being of your students and it helps to renew their self-motivation.
The Importance of an Online Presence
An online class may seem like a cold and uninviting environment; however, the involvement of an instructor can change all of that through visibility and engagement on a continual basis. It demonstrates to students the instructor is engaged and fully invested in their class. But there is more to being present than logging into the class and checking off required duties. There must be substantive engagement and the discussion board is one of the most crucial interactive elements of an online class. This is where the instructor can work with students and provide help when needed, guide them when they are off track, and prompt their knowledge retention, critical thinking skills, and intellectual involvement.
Working with Online Students
In a traditional classroom the instructor has control in how the class proceeds. They conduct a lecture and a lead the students according to a specified plan. With an online classroom the playing field, so to speak, is leveled. Students may cooperate and work with their instructor, or they may simply ignore them, complete the required work, and believe somehow they will pass the class. In this environment instructors must gain the cooperation of their students and nurture a productive relationship. Credibility and trust are both built through one interaction at a time. It can be easy to engage some students, especially the overachievers, while others may prefer to remain hidden behind the anonymity. But if you set high expectations for students and they aren't responsive, it means they have shut you out.
Positive Psychology Basics
There are three phases commonly used to describe positive psychology and includes well-being, happiness, and optimism. Martin Seligman is generally credited with bringing positive psychology into practice and the purpose was to help individuals recover from depression through a positive perspective. As you learn more about this particular branch of psychology you will find that it is much more than positive thinking. It is also a strengths-based approach to human development. When positive psychology is utilized in treatment programs, not only is there a focus on strengths, there is also attention placed on positive emotions. The goal for this type of program is to create hope and restore a sense of well-being within the patient. While this is a simplistic overview, it shows there is another approach to bringing about change within adults.
Appreciative Inquiry and Distance Learning
Positive psychology aligns with appreciative inquiry, which is also strengths-based and the focus of my work as an online educator. I took appreciative inquiry and translated it for distance learning, as an instructional strategy, and called it appreciative andragogy. Andragogy is a theory that addresses how adults learn and is distinguished from the theory of pedagogy or the instruction of children. The basic premise of andragogy holds that adult learning occurs through a process of action and self-reflection.
Appreciative andragogy emphasizes the positive nature of adult learning and the enhanced view of self that will occur through supportive interactions with an instructor. Through the use of appreciative andragogy as an instructional method, the instructor may have a tool that can build nurturing relationships and increase the instructor's presence within an online classroom environment. With a positive approach to student development the student is likely to experience a greater sense of motivation, engagement in the classroom, and improved performance overall.
Deciding to Implement Positive Psychology
As an educator you will develop a routine for how you manage a class and the many responsibilities that come along with it. For example, you develop a standard approach to how you interact with and communicate with your students and over time you may not question or examine it. As a faculty trainer, I have seen patterns of facilitation and found many instructors who put time and thought into their instruction. It is evident because their communication is done with purpose and their feedback is focused on a balance between guiding and correcting students. That approach to instruction is the easiest for adding in elements of positive psychology. It would be a matter of building from students' strengths and coaching them, encouraging them, and offering resources for their developmental needs. The purpose of taking this approach is to help students create positive emotions so that they are encouraged to continue making progress.
The other pattern that I have seen as a faculty trainer is that of facilitation on the fly, or being reactive instead of proactive, and trying to keep up with the work while often missing some of the important instructional requirements. The feedback returned to students is generally quick and to the point, and there is minimal substance provided. For this type of instructor, they will find implementing positive psychology can be overwhelming and any attempt to use it will seem disingenuous to students. This instructor will need their own professional development before utilizing any new instructional method of this nature.
Positive Psychology Strategies for Instruction
I recommend a student-centered approach to teaching, which will allow you to focus on the best of your students. When students are the center of the learning process, they are transformed and the class is transformed into an engaging and dynamic environment. The following is a list of my strategies and what I recommend when I train faculty.
#1. I will work to prompt student engagement. This applies to their participation in discussions and involvement in the class. I want students to know they are encouraged to try and supported in class for their efforts.
During class discussions, I will try to respond to every student at least once and when I do, I will ask direct follow-up questions which help to promote higher order or critical thinking skills. If I discover students are not involved in discussions, or there are some who are absent from class, I will reach out and check in with them.
#2. I will encourage the effort made by students. Students need to know that even when they believe their effort has fallen short, you still recognize the attempt made.
When I provide feedback for assignments and learning activities, I will use the sandwich method and begin the feedback with something positive. Then I'll address a developmental need and conclude with a positive statement. If I have a student who is struggling, I can always encourage them based upon the effort made as it will determine if they will continue to make an effort. If they are making an attempt and only receive negative feedback, they can easily become discouraged and give up.
#3. I will encourage reflection through self-assessment. Any form of reflection must be taught as a productive exercise, one in which the student is looking for possibilities and opportunities, not failures, if it is to be implemented successfully.
If I can teach students to be reflective it will help them learn to self-assess their progress in class, rather than believe they have no control over their outcomes. I can also suggest self-assessment techniques such as a one-minute paper which will help them review what they know about a subject. Through the use of reflection and self-assessment I can help students take ownership of their involvement in class, which aligns with the theory of adult learning.
#4. I will work to be an example for students. As an online instructor I need to establish a highly visible and interactive virtual presence, which is also referred to as a social presence according to the Community of Inquiry framework.
Being visibly present means I am actively engaged in the class and class discussions, and students develop a perception I care about the class, which translates into the level of attention they will likely receive from me. I have found students follow my lead and if I am active and responsive, there is a good possibility they will be too.
#5. I will leverage my subject matter expertise. I want to create an inclusive, informative, and safe environment for the exploration of course topics.
Providing engaging feedback and discussion posts requires the use of my own background and knowledge. As we know, students can benefit from the inclusion of examples from our experience and expertise. How I share this is through the class discussions, when I provide real world context, along with weekly feedback, as it can help guide students as they attempt to comprehend the course subjects.
#6. I will always try to consider the perspective of the students. I need to engage in my own self-reflection to make certain I understand the needs of my students.
As I reflect upon the progress of my students, I will ask myself: What are their developmental needs? Are the instructions provided clear and concise? Is the feedback a true reflection of their progress and does it help to guide their thinking about the topic they have written about or discussed? When I provide feedback, I will think of students individually and provide personalized guidance rather than canned general comments. My site Applied Positive Psychology
#7. I will try to lead the way to application of what was learned. With a student focus and concern for the student experience, I can also help students learn by making the course relevant to what they are interested in.
In other words, as self-directed adults who are taking courses for a specific purpose, they need something more than reading about subjects in a textbook; they need to know how to apply what was learned so they can use it, whether in their personal lives or careers. When students are provided with a context for what they are reading about they are more likely to retain that knowledge in the long term and they will develop a perception that they have actually learned something in their class.
Potential Challenges and Benefits
There are many benefits to adding a positive or strengths-based approach to your facilitation. For an instructor who already demonstrates care and concern, coupled with meaningful interactions, this will be another tool and a natural fit to their instructional approach. Students will likely respond in an enthusiastic manner because it will create a sense of hope as it is tied to their continued well-being. Of course, not all students will respond to this approach and some will keep their distance. With online learning you really do not have an opportunity to approach them in class and engage them in a conversation. You can certainly extend the courtesy of an outreach attempt but it is dependent upon their perception of what it means to them.
Overall, that is the point of this approach as students who have positive experiences in the class with their instructor will be encouraged to participate in the learning process. By taking a strengths-based approach you can teach students to develop persistence and self-confidence, as they have skills and abilities to draw upon no matter what learning activities they are required to complete. The use of a positive psychology frame of reference also creates a feeling of satisfaction for the instructor. I can state this from my own experience working with appreciative inquiry. I'm not a subject matter expert in either field but I know how it has helped the continual development of my work with online students and online instructor. You can also experience this through the use of a positive facilitation instructional practice. When you focus on the best of someone, it encourages hope, elicits positive feelings, and creates a sense of self-renewal and self-determination, which is vital to student and faculty success in the online classroom.
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tcbusinessmarketing · 4 years
Brigitta Beer Inspires Clients with Food
At Lifeblood Marketing, we get inspired by the businesses in our community and how they interact with their clients. This week, we’re thrilled to talk about Food Effects and its natural nutrition services with owner Brigitta Beer. Food Effects offers a variety of services from Live Blood Analysis and food intolerance tests, to strategic nutrition and supplementation consultations. The focus of the company according to Brigitta is to show her clients what’s going on in their bodies and help them live the healthiest lives they can through good food and a balanced lifestyle.
When speaking to Brigitta, it is immediately clear that her clients come first. Her extensive knowledge, careful research and personal experience with her own health and wellness is always used to empower each individual client that comes to her for help.
Read below to find out more about Brigitta’s own journey in discovering health and what her clients can expect when they visit Food Effects for the first time.
Fast Facts about Food Effects:
Brigitta has helped over 500 people find a healthier lifestyle through analyses, nutrition and supplementation guidance and food-first training.
She began her career as a fitness trainer, and then became inspired by the importance of what we put in our bodies through food and supplements and chose to pursue courses in holistic nutrition.
Brigitta loves helping people, period. She works with clients from all walks of life and health, some who are looking for extensive and consistent help in managing ongoing health issues, and others who feel healthy but want to help maintain that through yearly visits.
She is open for business both online and in person! Food Effects is able to offer many services and consultations online through video chat, but the most important test that Brigitta recommends each person begin with, the Live Blood Analysis, must be done in person.
How did you first get into holistic nutrition and wellness?
“I always had an interest in nutrition, I loved reading articles and books about clean eating, the best foods for your body, etc. and I was a huge foodie! I love cooking and creating in the kitchen and feeding people is my love language. But at the same time, I also had a very rocky relationship with food. I became very obsessed with my eating habits and my exercise routine. It controlled my thought processes and my exercise habits, every day. I thought it was normal to be living in ‘diet culture’ and that all women lived this way. It was controlling and even though I was ‘healthy’, my relationship with food was not.
Finally, I saw this control as a problem and something I wanted to change. Even that first step of changing perspective made me feel so much more free. There was this release of control and calorie-counting that really propelled me to a healthier mindset, which was huge for me! Over the years of working through my own health, I realized just how ‘imprisoned’ I was in that strict-diet mindset. It was groundbreaking for me to come out of that way of thinking and I knew I wanted to learn everything I could about health, fitness and nutrition, so I could support and then share this new, more empowering and freeing way of thinking about and consuming food. I wanted every woman to know that diet-culture was not normal. It was a revelation for me in 2013 when I realized this wasn’t the way it had to be.
Food is so much more than calories in and calories out… It is medicine
So, I first started learning to be a personal trainer, as I wanted to let women know they didn’t need to spend an hour on the treadmill to burn calories, and to tackle the diet mindset behind that as much as the action itself. But as I was working through the modules of the program, I realized that I wanted to have an official nutrition component to be able to help my clients even further. I put the personal training on hold and pursued a twelve month diploma program with the Canadian School of National Nutrition. I fully expected this to be what I already knew about clean eating and food, but just in a more official capacity. It turned out to be so much more. This course introduced me to the concept that food is so much more than calories in and calories out; it is medicine. Food can heal and food can damage. I was absolutely hooked from this holistic nutrition training and that began my career as a registered holistic nutritionist.”
Can you explain what a typical appointment looks like at Food Effects and when people should come to you?
“A typical appointment for a first-time client is a lot of me getting to know them, their health concerns, and their diet and lifestyle habits. I strongly encourage them to book a Live Blood Analysis for further insight beyond symptoms. This test is more common in European countries, also Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa, but more and more natural health practitioners in North America are starting to see the value in it and are using it as an assessment tool. The history of live blood analysis actually goes back more than 100 years! This isn’t new science, however new scientific studies support the theories from these prominent scientists from the late 1800’s early 1900’s.
One small droplet of blood tells us so much about how the body is doing. When a client comes in for a Live Blood Analysis, we do the testing together in that 90 minute appointment. The client should be fasted for around 4-6 hours and well-hydrated. It is a very small prick of the finger and I take a sample of live blood and also eight samples of dried blood. Then, in that same session, we view the live blood sample on a large screen together in my office, and I talk through and explain what I see. The live blood sample is a sign of what is in the body ‘right now’, over the last hours/days/weeks. We review this together and I can note nutrient deficiencies, yeast/bacteria overgrowth, PH balances, gut health and digestive function, liver stress, and more. 
My ultimate goal to my clients is always to say, ‘I love you but you’re doing great so I don’t need to see you again’, because they get what they need, have made changes for their health and move on!
The dried blood is also examined to see what story it tells. This is a more long term look at the body and indicates oxidative stress, parasitic behaviour, adrenal stress, bowel concerns, and deeper chronic conditions. I see different things in the brightfield and darkfield viewing of the live blood versus the dried blood, then put the puzzle pieces together – the body is a system and everything works together!  I talk through each finding with the client, and at all times they can ask questions or clarify points in a very helpful, empowering way. Most of the time, I find my clients have these ‘Aha!’ moments, where I read something in their blood that lines up with how they have been feeling or something they have been discussing with their doctors. After looking into and discussing the findings from their blood samples, I can make nutritional recommendations to help with any symptoms they expressed or any deficiencies I found in their blood. I’m food-first always, so I try to make as many recommendations through food as possible, but am always able to back that up with supplementation recommendations as needed. We discuss a follow-up visit in 4-6 weeks to see how the changes are going for them and to plan next steps in their health journey.
As for who should come for a Live Blood Analysis? Everyone and anyone! I have a variety of clients across the board, in all ages, who have greatly benefited from this service. Some of them suffer from digestive issues with food, or chronic pain and illness and are looking for ways to help their bodies be as healthy as possible. But I also have clients who feel great, and just want to check in every year or so to make sure their bodies are as healthy as they can be. One of my favourite clients turned 90 this year and always feels in top health, but he comes once a year to see how his body is doing. Live Blood Analysis and holistic nutrition in general is not just for those who feel unwell. Preventative care is incredibly important. If I can help find issues in the body before they become so serious as to need long term medication or surgery, and slow or resolve them through proper nutrition and food choices, then that client has a much better opportunity to live a healthy, fulfilling life. My ultimate goal to my clients is always to say, ‘I love you but you’re doing great so I don’t need to see you again’, because they get what they need, have made changes for their health and move on!”
What’s your favourite part of the job?
“All of it! But ultimately the success stories from my clients. I never get tired of receiving those texts or emails from my clients that say ‘oh my gosh, things have already changed’ a few days or weeks after our session. I get inspired by my clients choosing to change their health with food and nutrition. Change can be scary and seem impossible, but when they choose to try and choose to trust me, I take that so seriously and care so much about getting to the bottom of their health. Some clients can have layers of health problems that take time to solve, but that just gets me more and more invested.
I’ve always loved asking the ‘why’ behind things… I got kicked out of a math class because I kept asking the teacher why we were solving an equation a certain way. Luckily, I’m in a profession where asking why someone’s body is behaving the way it does is a benefit. Personally, I have seen how much asking that question matters. I had an enlarged swelling on my neck from the age of 15. Most of my doctors ignored it after the thyroid test came up normal, so I just ignored it along with them. Finally, I was with another doctor over 10 years later, and she refused to ignore it, even when I said it was no big deal. It turned out that the lump was cancerous and I had to have surgery to have it removed. Asking why is incredibly important and I truly am so grateful to be able to do that on behalf of my clients, every day.”
Tell us about the future plans you’ve been considering for Food Effects:
“I will be honest, it’s been difficult during COVID_19, with social distancing and having my business closed to in-person consultations and testing. Everything I do is based on relationships, so I’m thrilled to get back to meeting with people in my office and in the community teaching about food. My vision all along has been hands on learning; inspiring people to learn by doing. I’m not a proponent of specific diets or eating plans as everyone is unique, but I can help inform anyone through teaching about pantry staples and long term, sustainable changes to their eating habits and food choices. I want to educate people on how possible it is to live healthily for whatever food works for them, whether they are vegan or follow a ketogenic plan, and help them decide if how they are eating is really serving them and their health goals. Doing workshops around nutrition and how we can best care for our bodies with food is something I’m very excited about. I’ve done a few already, and once things settle down, I’m really looking forward to growing that aspect of my business and showing people how much food they can prepare at home in their own kitchens, and why it matters. 
Food is for the soul as much as the body and I cannot wait to take the stress and complication out of cooking and nourishing our bodies through hands-on education.”
Follow Food Effects and Brigitta to get nutrition tips and suggestions, delicious recipe and food ideas and empowering and honest discussions around health and wellness:
Food Effects Website: https://foodeffects.ca/
Food Effects Facebook: @foodeffects.ca
Food Effects Instagram: @food_effects_nutrition
Just like Food Effects, in-person business interactions are starting back up again for many business owners, but we know it isn’t ‘business as usual’. Do you need help discussing plans or ideas? Lifeblood is always here to grab a virtual coffee with you and discuss the options for your company. Reach out any time!
Have a community story or a business that you’re loving? Share it with us! Email [email protected] or contact us on Facebook at Lifeblood Marketing, we love hearing from you!
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Dog Training Quezon City | Top Tips Here
New Post has been published on https://dogtraining.dknol.com/english/dog-training-quezon-city-top-tips-here/?utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=Tumblr+%230+Freda+K+Pless&utm_campaign=SNAP%2Bfrom%2BBest+Dog+Training
Dog Training Quezon City | Top Tips Here
0 Dog trainer · Education Largs North, South Australia 5016 Rules and boundaries at home Read More… Also, please note that because of volume, we are unable to respond to individual comments, although we do watch them in order to learn what issues and questions are most common so that we can produce content that fulfills your needs. You are welcome to share your own dog tips and behavior solutions among yourselves, however. Thank you for reading our articles and sharing your thoughts with the pack! Hello, I have a puppy that is 9 weeks old, we recieved him when he was 8 weeks. He is easy to train when it comes to: jump,sit, paw, and come here. The problem is that we cant get him to walk outside. When he sees the dog harness, he runs away to hus bed and pretends to sleep to avoid it. When we carry him all he does is whines and refuses to move and even pulling backwards as we just stan in the same spot. We have tried with dog treats and to encourage him with a ”come here” but he wont budge and the whines becomes louder. We live in sweden and we have alot of snow it is about -5 celcius. He wears a puppy sweater for him but he hates going outside. Site by Green Acorn Raffaella Corsaro Sgroi Also talk to your veterinarian about the risk of long-term bone development problems, parvovirus, and other health issues before implementing an exercise routine.
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fbq('track', 'ViewContent', content_ids: 'dogtraining.dknol', ); Site Design by Comfusion Recommended Links Award Winning Training At 2-3 months of age, a puppy does not have reliable control of their bladder. You can begin housebreaking them from the moment you bring them home but practising patience will make this transition easier. Use positive reinforcement when your puppy shows successful signs of housebreaking and consistently return them to the appropriate place when they make a mistake. Establishing the right patterns means your puppy will be housebroken as soon as they master the control of their bladder. Katey : Tel: 0422 056 455 Email : [email protected] Student Resources Classical conditioning (or Pavlovian conditioning) is a form of learning in which one stimulus, the conditioned stimulus, comes to signal the occurrence of a second stimulus, the unconditioned stimulus.[43] Classical conditioning is when a dog learns to associate things in its environment, or discovers some things just go together. A dog may become afraid of rain through an association with thunder and lightning, or it may respond to the owner putting on a particular pair of shoes by fetching its leash.[44] Classical conditioning is used in dog training to help a dog make specific associations with a particular stimulus, particularly in overcoming fear of people and situations.[45] Care for Animals Jump up ^ Woodhouse 1982, p. 13. · 30 March 2018 Ready to prevent unwanted chasing? Register today! QBCC Approved Managerial Course For Trade Contractors Politely greet other dogs Back to website As an approved obedience training organisation the Minister may approve an assessment program if the organisation assesses a dog in the following skills: Not recently active Derived from the theories of symbolic interactionism, relationship based training exploits the patterns of communication, interpretation and adjustment between dogs and their trainers. Building on a positive relationship between them, the method sets out to achieve results that benefit both the dog and the trainer, while at the same time enhancing and strengthening their relationship. The basic principles include ensuring that the dog’s basic needs have been met before beginning a training session, finding out what motivates the dog and using it to elicit behaviours, interpreting the dog’s body language to improve communication between dog and trainer, using positive reinforcement to encourage desired behavior, training incompatible behaviors to replace unwanted behaviours, and controlling the dog’s environment to limit the possibility of unwanted behaviours.[74] A relationship-based approach to dog training is not reliant on using particular training aids or treats, the relationship is always there, and the connection between dog and trainer is sufficiently powerful to achieve the training goals.[75] Recent Posts Ryan : FREE Puppy EBook No bullying or harassment of fellow commenters. Keep it civil! Friday, June 30, 2017 Stands Ideal diet for you dog Password You have not entered a password As a registered training organisation, Delta Society Australia offers training options from attending a weekend seminar to learn the basics about dog behaviour and training, to a Certificate IV course designed to train instructors who are fully qualified to run puppy and adult dog classes, and provide one-on-one behavioural consultations. 4.1 Koehler method read more E:  [email protected] This class is not appropriate for dogs who only exhibit aggression towards other dogs while off leash, or who exhibit aggression toward people. Related Articles Puppy Classes Location: AWL Wingfield, 1-19 Cormack Rd Wingfield 5013 Level 2 Basic Dog Manners 5 week course – $165.00 Ranga Wheatbix In the 1950s Blanche Saunders was a staunch advocate of pet-dog training, travelling throughout the U.S. to promote obedience classes.[15] In The Complete Book of Dog Obedience, she said, “Dogs learn by associating their act with a pleasing or displeasing result. They must be disciplined when they do wrong, but they must also be rewarded when they do right.”[22] Negative reinforcement procedures played a key part in Saunders’ method, primarily the jerking of the choke chain. The mantra taught to students was “Command! Jerk! Praise!” She felt that food should not be an ongoing reward, but that it was acceptable to use “a tidbit now and then to overcome a problem.” Saunders perhaps began the shift away from military and police training methods, stressing repeatedly the importance of reinforcement for good behaviour in training—a move toward the positive training methods used today.[23] Component 1: Dog Training the Delta Way Seminar reviews mini-courses and seminars Rugs We can teach your dog to Lead By Example Freedom No Pull Balance Harness from $42.00 – available in nine colours. Email us: [email protected] Hunter Shelter For example, if you don’t want your puppy on the furniture, say ‘No’ loudly and guide him off every time he climbs up. Then praise him every time he gets on the floor. Not logged inTalkContributionsCreate accountLog inArticleTalk In Home Dog Training Community Groups Training should be fun for both you and your dog so Urban Dog Training uses only Positive Reinforcement Methods. Reward based training is an effective and easy to follow technique based on the sound scientific principles of learning theory. Your dog will learn in a positive, nurturing environment. Keep your puppy or dog on their leash at all times, unless instructed otherwise by your trainer I love dogs they are so cute AND WaggTagg™ Jump up ^ Arhant, Christine (March 2010). “Behaviour of smaller and larger dogs: Effects of training methods, inconsistency of owner behaviour and level of engagement in activities with the dog”. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. Int’l Society for Applied Ethology. 123 (3–4): 131–142. doi:10.1016/j.applanim.2010.01.003. Main Menu Don’t let this happen to you! Call Brisbane’s best trainers!    More Kittens Basic health and care Innate characteristics[edit] Care and welfare Port Adelaide Obedience Dog Club When you bring a new puppy into your home there will be a period of adjustment. Your goals are to help your puppy to quickly bond to his/her new family, and to minimise the stress associated with leaving his/her mother, litter mates, and former home. If there are already dogs in the new home the transition may be a little easier as the puppy is able to identify with his/her own kind. Obtaining two puppies would be another option. However, most puppies, especially those obtained before 12 weeks of age, will form attachments almost immediately to the people and any other pets in the new home, provided that there are no unpleasant consequences associated with each new person and experience. Fees Password Munno Para Dog Obedience Club Motivating Miracles Create the dog’s calm submissive state Behaviour Problems Heartworms and Worms Frequent Feeder Program Club House and Canteen Cost: $110.00 one-on-one in home tuition Upcoming Classes and Workshops Find a Registered Specialist in Veterinary Behavioural Medicine Rowan and lotte : Northern Districts Kennel & Obedience Club Inc. My team and I would love to help! Seasonal Messages Natural approach to dog training Keep your puppy or dog on their leash at all times, unless instructed otherwise by your trainer You must commit to the 3 consecutive weeks of training – We do not offer refunds for missed classes and the making up of lessons at another date is only offered under extreme circumstances Animal Care & Information ABN 65 930 847 824 We will tailor a training package to your dog and provide you with a report after each session. Available two three or four times per week. These guys say that training their four-legged friends has definitely been fun, but it can also be quite challenging. 22 Aug 2017 3:04:46pm reviews 1 Hour Personal Training Session Employment Replacement White Cards Barkin Beautiful Staff are excellent especially over the weekend to assist! Very helpful and greatly appreciated. – Brooke Farrell What links here In this section Pet library topic(s):  See also[edit] Dog Training Questions | More Details Here Dog Training Questions | More Information Here Dog Training Questions | More Info Available Here Legal | Sitemap
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Dec 15
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Pea Protein - Building muscles, lose fat. Complete protein; 9 essential amino acids which are protein building blocks. Digests slowly. Only thing it lacks is methionine.  Methionine:
Lean beef or lamb
Parm cheese
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Eating protein before bed helps build muscle and strength
As you can see, 30 to 40 grams of either egg or casein protein before bed accomplishes both of our goals: it maximally stimulates protein synthesis rates and keeps amino acids in our blood for the entire night. Egg protein - eggs, egg white Casein Protein - Cottage cheese or Greek yogurt
A more accurate statement would be that protein before bed can help you follow a high-protein diet, which can help you lose weight faster.
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Eat too little protein and you’ll forever struggle to gain and preserve muscle.
Eat too little carbohydrate and you’re going to have trouble building muscle and making progress in your workouts.
Eat too much fat and you’re going to have to dramatically reduce protein and/or carbohydrate intake to compensate.
For meaningful weight loss or gain to occur, there must be an imbalance in the equation. That is, output must exceed intake (calorie deficit = weight loss) or vice versa (calorie surplus = weight gain).
This isn’t theory, either. This is immutable, indisputable scientific fact.
This is why every single controlled weight loss study conducted in the last 100 years…including countless meta-analyses and systematic reviews…have concluded that meaningful weight loss requires energy expenditure to exceed energy intake.
This is why bodybuilders dating back just as far…from Sandow to Reeves and all the way up the line…been using, and continue to use, this knowledge to systematically and routinely reduce and increase body fat levels.
And this is why new brands of “calorie denying” come and go every year, failing to gain acceptance in the weight loss literature.
You just can’t escape gravity, death, taxes, and energy balance.
Generally speaking, foods that are “good” for weight loss are those that are relatively low in calories but high in volume (and thus satiating).
Examples of such foods are lean meats, whole grains, many fruits and vegetables, and low-fat dairy.
Foods conducive to weight gain are the opposite: high in calories and low in volume and satiety.
These foods include the obvious like caloric beverages, candy, and other sugar-laden goodies, but quite a few “healthy” foods fall into this category as well: oils, bacon, butter, low-fiber fruits, and whole fat dairy products, for example.
if you get the majority (~80%) of your calories from relatively unprocessed, nutrient-dense foods, you can fill the remaining 20% with your favorite dietary sins and be healthy, muscular, and lean.
You can eat three or seven meals per day. You can eat a huge breakfast or skip it and start eating at lunch. You can eat carbs whenever you like.
That said, if you’re serious about weightlifting, there are a few caveats:
There’s a fair amount of evidence that eating protein before and after weightlifting workouts can help you build muscle and strength over longer periods of time.
There’s also evidence that post-workout carbohydrate intake, and high-carbohydrate intake in general, can help as well, mainly due to insulin’s anti-catabolic effects.
So, if you’re lifting weights regularly, I do recommend you have 30 to 40 grams of protein before and after your workouts.
30 to 50 grams of carbohydrate before a workout is great for boosting performance and 1 gram per kilogram of bodyweight (58grams for me) is enough for post-workout needs.
Me:  Weight: 128lb Body Fat % - 25 (estimate)  Activity level - 1-3 Hours / week Activity Multiplier - 1.2  = Lean Body mass: 96 BMR - 1312 Total Daily Energy Expenditure - 1575
So what this means is you want to set your daily calorie intake to 75 to 80% of your TDEE. = 1260 Calories a day
Eat 1.2 grams of protein per pound of body weight. 1.2 x 128 = 154 grams of Protein  = 154 x 4 (calories) = 616grams of Calories
Eat 0.2 grams of fat per pound of body weight. .2 x 128 = 26 grams of Fat 26grams * 9 calories = 234 grams of Calories
102.5 Grams of Carbs = 410 calories 
Get the rest of your calories from carbohydrate.
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latriceduke · 7 years
Ranking the best weight loss programs of 2017
Weight loss programs can be useful systems to help people stick to a healthy diet routine.
Having a system you can follow that gives you guidelines for diet, exercise, or both is incredibly helpful when it comes to shedding excess body fat, and the right weight loss program will help improve your fitness and overall health as well.
With weight loss being such a hot topic, there’s an almost unlimited number of weight loss programs to choose from, but only some of them are worth your time. Here are the ten best weight loss programs you can join.
1. Jenny Craig
Among commercial weight loss plans reviewed by independent scientists, Jenny Craig is the top performer. Compared to a standard nutrition counseling program (the “control group” for weight loss studies), people who do Jenny Craig lose 4.9% more weight.
Part of the reason for this advantage is probably the personal consultant you talk to weekly to make sure you’re staying on target to meet your goals.
2. Mayo Clinic Diet
The Mayo Clinic diet comes backed with the support of one of the top medical centers in the world. The diet program, based on the book of the same name, is centered around eating lots of fruit and vegetables, combined with whole grains.
There’s a two-week intensive start to the plan, which helps you lose up to six to ten pounds, then you’ll lose about a pound or two per week until you’ve reached your target weight.
3. Weight Watchers
You’d think an old standby like Weight Watchers would be behind the times, but the research shows it is actually pretty competitive. With weight loss rates of 2.6% better than a typical nutrition and activity program, the points-based system the plan uses doesn’t make any foods off-limits.
This makes it easy to follow, but if you have health issues like metabolic syndrome, you might need a different plan that cuts back on sugars and refined carbs.
4. HRM Program
If you want to lose a lot of weight fast, the HRM program is the way to go. It’s a pretty restrictive diet, which has benefits and drawbacks.
The upside is that you can lose over 4% more weight in a short period of time on this plan, but not everyone is able to stick with it in the long run–it performs worse when studies look at the long-term results.
5. Atkins Diet
The Atkins Diet was one of the original low-carb diets to gain popularity. According to independent scientific research, studies vary on its efficacy: depending on which one you look at, the benefits range from a meager 0.1 to a respectable 2.9% improvement in weight lost compared to standard nutritional counseling.
One drawback, according to a meta-analysis of weight loss programs, is an increased rate of constipation among Atkins Diet adherents (1).
6. South Beach Diet
The South Beach Diet has been around for almost 15 years, but evidence for its efficacy is still missing. There have been a few studies on the South Beach Diet, but they were all poor-quality, so it’s difficult to assess the strength of the program. The approach of avoiding sugars and refined carbohydrates, and favoring whole grains and fibers, is a solid one, though.
7. Zone Diet
The Zone Diet takes a low-carb approach to weight loss and combines this approach with a frequent-eating strategy to keep the body feeling full and prevent food cravings.
One study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that it outperformed the Atkins Diet and Weight Watchers over the course of a year, but other research on its efficacy is lacking (2).
8. Flat Belly Diet
Despite its fad-diet name, the Flat Belly Diet takes a very sound nutritional approach. It’s based off a mediterranean diet pattern, involving healthy fats, lots of fruits and vegetables, and almost no red meat.
What’s less clear is whether it’s effective at keeping people to stick to the program. There isn’t any good data on how effective it actually is.
9. Nutrisystem
Nutrisystem focuses on small portions and frequent meals to make its weight loss program work. Like other non-restrictive weight loss programs, its main weakness is that it may not help you address metabolic issues related to overconsumption of sugars and refined carbohydrates–it’s very possible to be skinny and metabolically unhealthy.
10. Whole30 Diet
The Whole30 diet is paleo on steroids.  It recommends eliminating sugar, grains, legumes, dairy, soy, and alcohol completely from your diet for a month.
This will almost certainly be effective, since it will force you to eat pretty much only meat, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and eggs. The real question is whether you can maintain such an aggressive diet indefinitely. Adherence to this program is low, which is why it ends up at the bottom of the rankings.
Weight loss program benefits and side effects
Weight loss programs can help jump-start people to change their diet. Obesity rates are growing at a tremendous rate, and the health problems that are associated with it are increasing as well. The scientific literature makes one thing very clear: most people are unsuccessful when it comes to weight loss.
A group of experts commissioned by the National Health Institutes in 2015 described the dismal state of self-directed weight loss (3). Most often, weight lost during a diet is regained within six to nine months after the program finishes. People tend to revert back to their initial habits, and regain all the weight they lost.
A better solution than a haphazard self-directed diet and exercise program is a regimented program that provides guidelines on how to enforce a more systematic change in your lifestyle and break the old habits that led you to become overweight in the first place. This is where weight loss programs come in.
A systematic review of commercial weight loss programs published in 2016 in the Annals of Internal Medicine by researchers at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine described the potential benefits of weight loss programs (4).
According to the authors, a wide range of studies support the efficacy of commercial weight loss intervention programs, though the programs vary in their short and long-term success.
Two key variables to look at with a weight loss program are the initial weight lost and the long-term results one to two years after the program starts.
Initial weight loss is primarily a function of the amount of caloric restriction that a program imposes, so an intensive program like HRM Program or Optifast, both of which involve fairly strong caloric intake restriction, can produce substantial weight losses in the short term.  
The benefits can be up to 4% greater weight loss when compared to a standard nutritional counseling program. The question with these is whether you can sustain the results long-term.
Unfortunately, many weight loss programs don’t have the necessary long-term follow-up studies yet to definitively prove their efficacy, but research is ongoing.
As an example, commercial programs like weight watchers and Jenny Craig result in losses from 2.6 (Weight Watchers) to 4.9% (Jenny Craig) greater than standard counseling, which functions as the “control group” in the studies that examine the efficacy of weight loss programs.
Long-term weight loss appears to be more of a function of lifestyle choices than specific food choices. One study on people in the National Weight Control Registry, a large group of people who have lost significant amounts of weight and kept it off for at least five years, found that key weight maintenance behaviors include a consistent diet pattern, not skipping breakfast, and exercising at least an hour per day (5).
All of these are additional reasons to follow a weight loss program consistently versus trying to “wing it,” only to revert back to your usual habits later.
Regardless of how it happens, the direct benefits of weight loss are numerous. Even relatively modest amounts of weight loss can result in positive health benefits. According to a review study by D.J. Goldstein at Indiana University School of Medicine, even if you only lose less than 10% of your body weight, you can see a substantial improvement in markers associated with chronic disease (6).
Goldstein’s study examined several weight-loss studies on obese individuals, and found that modest amounts of weight loss were able to improve blood sugar control, lower cholesterol, and lower blood pressure.
These blood markers are all risk factors for cardiovascular disease and type two diabetes, which are each responsible for a huge number of deaths every year.
Among studies that directly measured longevity (i.e. life expectancy), modest weight losses resulted in a significant increase in longevity when comparing people who lost a modest amount of weight to people who did not lose weight. This lends further support for the theory that even a little bit of lost weight can go a long ways towards improving your health.
Weight loss even appears to be more effective than exercise when it comes to improving your health, at least among people who are already overweight.
One study published in 1995 compared an aerobic exercise program to a weight loss program in overweight men at risk for cardiovascular disease. The men who lost weight had a greater improvement in their risk factors for cardiovascular disease (such as their cholesterol levels and blood sugar levels) than the aerobic exercise group (7).
This should underscore the importance of sticking to a weight loss program.  If you’ve put on some pounds, you can’t just exercise your way to better health.  You need to lose the weight, too.
Side Effects
One advantage of a commercial weight loss program is that you mitigate your risk of side effects when compared with a diet cobbled together yourself.  There’s a lot that can go wrong in a diet; if you restrict your food intake too severely, you’ll be missing out on vital micronutrients or your macronutrient balance can get thrown off.  In contrast, if you are too lax, you won’t end up losing much weight.
When you restrict your caloric intake, or cut out specific food groups, you do run the risk of having nutritional deficiencies, especially when it comes to micronutrients. Cutting out fatty foods, for example, could have the inadvertent effect of causing your omega-3 fatty acid intake to plummet, which could increase your long-term risk for cardiovascular disease (8).
More acute nutritional deficiencies can be a problem as well. Considerable wisdom can be gained in this regard from extreme cases–patients who have had gastric bypass surgery and lost large amounts of weight as a result of their substantial decrease in caloric intake.
According to a medical report by Dr. Jacqueline Alvarez-Leite, nutritional deficiencies in iron, calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin B12 are all commonly encountered in bariatric surgery patients, and the deficiency is often proportional to the amount of weight lost (9).
Because these deficiencies are due in part to lower food intake, it’s logical to infer that a restrictive weight loss program might present similar risks.
Fortunately, reputable weight loss programs have nutritionists on staff to ensure that the diets that they recomend contain the necessary micronutrients you need.
Nevertheless, it’s still something you should keep in mind. A daily multivitamin, or a targeted supplementation plan that includes these nutrients, should be sufficient to combat this problem.
If you want the best possible shot to lose weight and improve your health, you should choose a well-regarded weight loss program and stick to it.
Following a regimented program will help you lose more weight, maintain your weight loss, and avoid any short-term or long-term adverse effects from suboptimal nutritional intake, like increased risks for chronic disease or nutritional deficiencies.
Different programs have different strengths: depending on whether you want rapid and effective weight loss or a more patient approach that has a better chance of maintaining its effects a year or two down the road, you might find a different “best” program for you.
Regardless of what you choose, the most important point is to stick with it to the best of your ability. This is the best way to ensure your weight doesn’t creep back up.
https://bodynutrition.org/weight-loss-programs/ http://bodynutritionorg.blogspot.com/2017/10/ranking-best-weight-loss-programs-of.html
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dietpillswatchdog · 7 years
Another Top 5 Weight Loss Pill Myths
We’re back again with another 5 diet pill myths that we feel are widely (and unfairly) believed! Just as we did last time, we will be looking at some of our most basic assumptions about the supplement we buy and dispelling the falsehoods, inaccuracies or outright lies that come with them.
You may be wondering why it is entirely necessary to have two lists dedicated to this subject. The unfortunate answer to that is that the supplement industry deserves a special level of scrutiny; there aren’t too many marketplaces out there so prone to misleading advertising. Although customers should expect some lies and cover-ups when buying other items (such as food, insurance or cleaning products for example), the supplement industry seems to have a larger-than-average cast of shady characters and dodgy salesmen.
Why is this? Readers interested in buying diet supplements should know that problems arise with the laws that govern how diet pills are sold, especially in the USA. By its nature, the supplement industry is unregulated, meaning that (unlike proper medicinal drugs) there is often no-one in authority checking whether companies are operating in an ethical or professional way. Actually, this brings us onto our first myth…
1) If It Says It On The Label, It Must Be In The Product
One disturbing thing we’ve noticed about the unregulated nature of the supplement industry, is that knowing what is in these products is often a bit of a challenge. Ingredients lists may not tell you everything.
For one thing, most diet pill companies routinely fail to publish ingredient quantity information, and there isn’t a law out there telling them they must do so. We never tire of complaining about this, as technically companies can (and often do) claim that their product contains a certain ingredient, when in reality they have only but a speck of it in the mix. Without knowing the quantity, no-one can say whether the ingredient has been included in too low a quantity (rendering it useless), or too high a quantity (potentially increasing the chance of encountering side effects).
Not all companies do this, so surely you would think it’s as simple as buying only products with listed ingredient quantities? Unfortunately, we also happen to know that some companies outright lie about what is in their products, and normally are only discovered when a group set up to help the general public (like the FDA) uncovers the lie. This is particularly a problem with products coming to us from East Asia, with many secretly putting in banned, dangerous, and even deadly ingredients in without declaring it on the label (such as Lishou).
If you want to avoid this problem, you must take care to select reputable products. Look out for products that are manufactured in a GMP-compliant facility, as these have normally already been analysed for quality. It’s also good practice to do a bit of Googling on products you’re thinking about trying; if the company or product has been criticised or sued by the FDA then avoid it entirely, as this is a strong indication that serious violations have been committed.
2) Fat Burners Burn Fat In A Meaningful Way
When you think of fat burners, you are probably thinking of the satisfying scenario that advertisers like to suggest to us. We imagine that our new “fat-burning” diet pill is always actively hard at work, burning fat in significant quantities even when resting and relaxing.
Several years of research is slowly but surely starting to dispel this notion entirely (Source). Credible sources now estimate that even really effective thermogenic fat burners like humble old green tea still only raise the metabolism by just 4% (Source). Banned ingredients that are thought to be seriously effective, like ephedra, don’t even fare much better and largely rely on their appetite suppression mechanism to cause weight loss at all. Any product that promises to block the absorption of calories are the worst of the bunch – expert researchers examining dozens of pieces of research have concluded that the best of these products can only block approximately 1200-1300 calories per week. That may seem like a lot, but it will only lead to a total weight loss of around one third of a pound per week! (Source) The conclusion coming out of all of this is simple – if you’re not dieting or exercising whilst taking diet pill supplements like these, expect to lose virtually no weight at all.
Does all of this mean that there is no place for fat burners or calorie blockers entirely? Not really, as the use of these products can add a nice little edge that will compliment your existing diet and exercise efforts. The important thing to remember is that the overall effect of these product is generally very slight. Lifestyle changes are ultimately far more important, and sensible dieters will prioritise finding a sustainable eating and exercise plan over expensive and flashy diet pills.
3) If A Product Is Natural, That Means It’s Good And Healthy
This may be the most common misconception on the entire list, and it’s one that is potentially seriously damaging to your health. In this day and age, a concerning number of people automatically trust the benefits of using “natural” products and disparage anything that’s chemical. Unfortunately, “natural” does not mean “good for you”, especially when it comes to diet or muscle supplements.
Naturally sourced ingredients may still be wholly ineffective or could cause a range of serious side effects, especially when included in the extremely unnatural quantities we see in diet products. One good example is bitter orange, an entirely natural fruit that is most commonly consumed in Iran.
Supplement manufacturers adore it because of the somewhat-thermogenic properties of a protoalkaloid compound we can extract from the fruit called synephrine. Despite its admitted usefulness, supplemental synephrine is known to cause serious side effects, including heart palpitations and even strokes.
Assumptions about the apparent “safe” status of natural products has led to an interesting legal debate currently being held between the FDA and a supplement manufacturer called Hi Tech Pharmaceuticals. Hi Tech Pharma believe they have the right to sell a host of banned ingredients like ephedra because they have managed to extract them from a plant, senegalia berlandieri. The argument goes that as the chemicals can be extracted from a leaf, it should not be under the authority of the government to ban them. Luckily for consumers, the opinion of the FDA, almost all scientists, and industry experts, this makes no difference; just because you can extract a harmful substance from a plant, this does not magically make it harmless or desirable!
If you think about it, the logic is ultimately ridiculous. After all, tobacco is natural and the substances we use to clean our hands are chemicals. Learning what is good or bad for you involves taking each substance on its own merits, and not being automatically blinded by hearing buzzwords like “natural”.
4) Products That Are Worn On The Body Or Rubbed Into The Skin Can Cause Weight Loss
This is admittedly one of the dafter claims we hear in the supplement industry, although it still deserves scrutiny as customers apparently still believe it! In recent years, a number of weight loss products have come onto the market in the form of patches (similar to nicotine patches), skin creams, show insoles, toe rings, and earrings. You may be dumbfounded to hear this, but all of these products are entirely useless and serve only as a scam to take gullible people’s money.
Weight loss is actually quite simple when you reduce it down to the bare bones. All diets and exercise programs are simply reducing the number of calories dieters put into their body, relative to those that are used up as energy. If a product is applied to the outside of the body and it is unable to affect this calorie balance, then it simply cannot work. The main theory suggesting that diet earrings, rings, and insoles work is acupuncture and reflexology, both of which have no scientific basis whatsoever. The creams don’t seem to have any basis in anything at all (science or otherwise), and cannot expect to affect anything other than the skin (Source). Those that are suspicious of science for whatever reason need only look at the customer reviews for products like these – we have struggled to find any positive experiences with pretty much any of these duds. (Source; Source)
The patches are a little harder because the technology is clearly based on something that does work: namely, nicotine patches. Nicotine patches work because the drug can be absorbed through the skin pores and sent straight to the bloodstream, where it performs the same role as if it had been absorbed through the lungs. However, there is no reason to believe that the same process can take place with weight loss ingredients. Virtually none of these ingredients have been investigated to see whether the possibility of skin absorption is possible, or whether they have the same effect when placed directly into the bloodstream (unsurprisingly, our understanding of how most weight loss ingredients work is based entirely on the assumption that dieters consume them orally). Worse, nicotine patches are only suitable for people that are not overweight or obese, as the nicotine particles appear to struggle to bypass overly fatty tissue. This last point makes it particularly baffling why anyone would select a patch as a weight loss aid for overweight or obese people! (Source)
5) Hoodia Gordonii Is An Effective Appetite Suppressant
Readers interested in Hoodia Gordonii-based supplements must understand this point – this ingredient was conclusively proven to be ineffective a long time ago. Despite this, hoodia is one of the most popular appetite suppressants around, and we see it in hundreds of products that appear to sell very well.
Only one study has been conducted on Hoodia, and it was a major one. The plant was highly sought after when it was first uncovered by the Western world in the late 20th century, as it had reportedly been used by Southern African tribesmen as an appetite suppressant since anyone could remember. The aim at the time was to transform hoodia into a proper drug that doctors could prescribe.
A landmark study was carried out in the early 2000s after two massive drug companies, Pfizer and Phytopharm, acquired exclusive rights to sell it. This extremely well-funded and thorough study revealed two key things: that hoodia failed to reduce appetite in the tested animals and appeared to have a worrying toxic effect on the liver. Tellingly, Pfizer decided to cut its significant losses, actually gave up all legal rights to sell the ingredient and never attempted to look into it again. This is worth remembering – these companies lost millions by giving up their rights to hoodia, an action that would not have been taken if it could be proven to work and could be sold as a regulated drug.
It’s amazing to consider how open and shut this case was at the time, before seeing how many companies and dieters rely on it today. Customer reviews always seem surprised but they shouldn’t be – it’s always been an open secret that hoodia gordonii is absolutely useless, and all companies that sell it know this.
(Source; Source)
The post Another Top 5 Weight Loss Pill Myths appeared first on Diet Pills Watchdog.
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t-baba · 7 years
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Review: UX Design Bootcamps
UX design vootcamps are a popular way to transition to a career in user experience design. In fact, bootcamps are one of the most frequent topics of conversation over in our forums.
And with good reason. Bootcamps are a big commitment of both time and money. With so many options – online, in person, part-time, full-time… it’s a big decision to find the course that suits your circumstances.
We turned to our community for a little course advice. Four generous folks share their experiences with UX design bootcamps from General Assembly, Trydesignlab, Interaction Design Foundation and CareerFoundry.
User Experience Design Immersive – General Assembly
Bootcamp essentials
Course location Washington, D.C. (available in multiple locations)
Length: 16 weeks
Intended Audience: Anyone looking to get into the UX field
What you’ll learn: All things UX – from interaction design to user research and more
Assumed knowledge: No prior experience necessary
Price at time of review: USD $12,000
Find out more: http://ift.tt/1owQ7nq
The course delivers what it promises – in just three months you learn everything you need to become a junior level UX designer.
I liked the course’s approach, which reinforced design thinking throughout. This helps to create holistic view of the UX discipline, rather than limiting it to tools and tasks. Our team of three instructors were seasoned UX professionals who were clearly passionate about the field. There were plenty of field trips to see start-ups and corporate design studios – not only it was great for networking but also added more excitement into the daily studying routine.
As it’s an immersive program we’d spend 9am – 5pm in the classroom, then complete homework on top of that. I completed 5 projects – 3 individual and 2 team ones, where the capstone project was real client work.
Completing the first project in the very first week of studies was amazing! With some basic research, paper wireframes and Marvel I had created a travel health advice app; it was very gratifying to see the prototype. The client project we did at the end was an eye-opening experience: balancing one’s newly gained UX knowledge with the client’s expectations is something to be mastered.
These projects formed my portfolio, which I’ve continued to build on after the program. The General Assembly program also helps you prepare to find a job through a portfolio review, resume review, guidance on personal branding and so on.
Gaining broad UX knowledge – tools, methodologies and best practices within the discipline
Networking opportunities – field trips, happy hours, meet and hire as well as portfolio reviews
Portfolio material – 5 complete projects under your belt
Emphasis on presentation and public speaking – by the time you finish the program you will be able to sell your UX approach in less than 5 minutes
Although the course description says no assumed knowledge, I’d recommend familiarising yourself with some tools and methodologies before you start
The outcomes team can be rigid at times – you need to report weekly on your job search status and keep attending their weekly after program sessions until you land a job
“Get comfortable being uncomfortable” was one of the course mottos – this was especially true for the retrospective sessions where critique could get personal
Content (how useful, up to date, practical, and comprehensive): 9/10
Delivery (presentation style, pace, clarity, authority): 8/10
Production (video quality, audio quality, editing): 8/10
User Interface (reliable infrastructure, usable interface, convenient): 9/10
Overall rating: 8.5/10
Reviewed by Aygyun Gyul
A budding UX Designer, happily crafting user-centered experiences @Publicis.Sapient. A native of Uzbekistan and a former international expat, currently based in the Washington, D. C. area. My frustration with not-so-friendly websites from all over the world played an important role in my selecting UX as a career.
  UX Academy – Trydesignlab
Bootcamp essentials
Course location: online
Length: 12 weeks (40 hours/week)
Intended Audience: Anyone
What You’ll Learn: Theories of UX Design, Students finish 2 capstone projects
Assumed Knowledge: basics of Sketch, Illustrator or other wireframing program
Price at time of review: $2799 (US Dollars)
Find out more: http://ift.tt/2kVglbw
The UX Academy full-time track really does require 40 hours/week. The overall focus of is on “design thinking” and learning the different tools and techniques designers use in the UX process. Phase 1 is broken up into modules consisting of a lesson, readings and usually a video.  I found about half the videos and readings pretty boring, but I understand that UX Academy is working on that.  
At the end of each lesson, students complete and post assignments for mentors to leave feedback, the assignments were excellent and really encouraged the use of newly acquired skills.  Each week, students have two 60 minute Hangout sessions with the mentor. In addition, students are required to attend 6 online Group Critique Hangouts to practice presentation skills.
In Phase 2, students complete 2 capstone projects, going through the entire UX design process for each project. Capstones are the basis for the portfolio creation section, as UX Academy guides students into creating a resume and portfolio. There are a limited number of capstone project choices, and the other issue with the capstones, in my opinion, is they look like “fake” projects when portfolios are reviewed by hiring managers because they are not “live” websites or apps. Students do have the option of creating their own project, but it requires a significant increase in work.
My mentor was excellent at the beginning of the course, he responded within 10-12 hours with detailed feedback. However, in Phase 2, he ran into some personal issues and wasn’t as available. The mentoring system can be a great asset depending on your mentor, but, students need to be proactive, Designlab will give you another mentor if you ask.
UX Academy graduates have the post course support of a career coach for 1 60 minute session/week. It’s helpful, but you still have to find a job yourself.
I would recommend UX Academy, although I found the full-time track overwhelming. The part-time course might be a better fit for some.
UX Academy is very responsive to students requests and questions
Well rounded education in theories and tools
Mentor feedback can be valuable
UX Academy is flexible if students want to change track to part-time, or take some time out and come back into the program later.
Not all mentors are responsive, I notice most of them do not leave detailed enough feedback on the actual assignments
There is no job guarantee
My job search experience suggests that a background in graphic design or tech is usually a good jumping off point
Most UX design jobs require at least 2 years of experience
Content (how useful, up to date, practical, and comprehensive): 8/10
Delivery (presentation style, pace, clarity, authority): 8/10
Production (video quality, audio quality, editing): 7/10
User Interface (reliable infrastructure, usable interface, convenient): 8/10
Overall rating: 8/10
Reviewed by Christine Offutt
Chris is a writer, artist and broadcast video professional living in Los Angeles.  She recently completed a UX Design program and is in the process of searching for a new career challenge. In her spare time, Chris enjoys walking her little Pekingese dog (Silly Billy), yoga and travelling.
  Interaction Design Foundation – Professional Membership
Bootcamp essentials
Location: online
Length: Each course is around 1 – 2 Months
Intended audience: Anyone looking to break into UX Design / HCI as well as entry level people in the field
What you’ll learn: There are multiple courses on multiple topics. Usability, Interaction Design, Information Visualization, Psychology for UX, getting your first UX job, and Web Communications are some of the more prominent ones
Assumed Knowledge: The Assumed knowledge is zero. These courses are made for complete beginners to people in the field
Price at time of review: $13/Mo for the Professional Membership $150/Mo for the Design League membership which has a mentor, all billed yearly (there are coupon codes floating around to get 20% off which is what I did)
Find out more: http://ift.tt/2lqgGQx
Interaction Design Foundation is great for anyone getting into UX for the first time and looking for a do it yourself online course package with an interactive community and plethora of literature.
Most of the courses are very heavy on HCI and interaction design which are not as commonly found in other UX Design programs, showing a lot of brawn in the theory department while learning UX with them. Generally, each course runs one to two months long and each learning section opens every day or two.
You are accompanied by other people taking the courses in multiple community involvement essay type questions. There is also an open community forum for support as well as local IDF chapters set up across the world. Since it’s course-based learning closer to college courses, there are no project based courses to build your portfolio specifically as of yet, however, there are nearly 30+ courses. Unfortunately getting a mentor is costly as the Design League Membership is $150 a month billed yearly and there is no specific job support, however, there are multiple courses covering job and career changing topics.
Access to 30+ different courses as well as a UX and HCI library with reading material
Authentic course certifications upon completing each course that can be used on Linkedin
Good community and networking interaction via forums and course centred open discussions
No direct job support or placement once finished with all the courses
Material is heavy on HCI and not entirely focused on UX/UI or Career Changing
Fewer hands on and more reading than anything, almost feels like college
Content (how useful, up to date, practical, and comprehensive): 7/10
Delivery (presentation style, pace, clarity, authority): 8/10
Production (video quality, audio quality, editing): 9/10
User Interface (reliable infrastructure, usable interface, convenient): 9/10
Overall rating: 8.5/10
Reviewed by Michael Gentile
Michael is a UX Evangelist and Designer by night and retail banker by day. With a love for technology and design, Michael just started learning UX a few months ago but is hoping to career change into the field this year. His favourite things to do when not studying are playing video games, outdoor activities, and travelling.
    UX Designer – CareerFoundry
Bootcamp essentials
Course location: online
Length: 3-6 months
Intended audience: Aspiring UX Designers
What you’ll learn: User research, information architecture, wireframes, prototypes, visual design, and usability testing
Assumed Knowledge: None
Price at time of review: $2999
NB Since this course was completed, CareerFoundry has launched a new course – “Certified UX Designer”. Find out more: http://ift.tt/292jDCl
This is an intensive course great for those who are currently working another job and want to transition to UX design. It takes commitment, but you’re supported and mentored by a dedicated team of professionals.
This course is self-paced and takes anywhere from 3 to 6 or more months to complete. Expect to put in 20+ hours per week part time or 40+ hours full time. I began in March 2016 and barely finished by September. You’re assigned a one-on-one mentor when you start the course and can communicate with them over Skype, though I mostly relied on written their feedback for corrections or improvements on my work.
You’re guided through one big project from end-to-end: design a task management app from scratch. You upload your work samples to Behance as you progress through the course, but plan to spend some time building your own portfolio website after the course ends. You’ll need it when applying for jobs.
After completing the course, a small team of job placements specialists continue to work with you to find a “job you love.” They’re friendly and committed, but it takes a bit of legwork of your own to build your network and seek out the right opportunities.
Time intensive
Single project
Limited networking opportunities
Content (how useful, up to date, practical, and comprehensive): 8/10
Delivery (presentation style, pace, clarity, authority): 8/10
Production (video quality, audio quality, editing): 8/10
User Interface (reliable infrastructure, usable interface, convenient): 8/10
Overall rating: 8/10
Reviewed by Seyon Wind
Seyon Wind is an artist, designer, and former middle school teacher passionate about helping others learn and grow. A lifelong learner himself, Seyon uses both technical and creative skills to create high-quality content and engaging experiences, on and off the screen. He also loves hiking, photography, comics, and video games. His favourite Avenger is Iron Man.
  Have you taken part in a UX bootcamp? Head over to the forums and tell us about your experience, or leave us a comment!
Looking for more advice on UX courses? Take a look at our list of UX Degrees and Online UX Courses.
  The post Review: UX Design Bootcamps appeared first on UX Mastery.
by UX Mastery Team via UX Mastery http://ift.tt/2ltp1Ue
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elliotlee1-blog · 7 years
GenBrain It's fine to check these things once or twice on a daily basis but should you spend your entire day chatting and checking email and reading statuses, you'll never get anything done so you can never improve your life. What I is I only check these after I've achieved something significant and, even then, only briefly. You must be aware these distractions will rob you of really important experiences and achievements seeking allow in order to. To summarize the key findings in the last 30 years of neuroscience research regarding how to "exercise our brains", there are three elements that we can strive for: novelty, variety and concern. If we do these three things, product information build new connections our own brains, be careful and mindful to our environment, improve cognitive abilities such as pattern-recognition, and in general determine our lifelong Brain Health Supplement. I did get the radio to work, to transform it on you press radio and then Band to turn it off you press discount. That concept I'm able to fathom, but what happened to the on off switch? That's power Acquired a the father! Off you puny machine, do my daunting, not just. I gave the time radio to my teenage son, I accepted my obsolescence then to my relief he couldn't operate it frequently. Then I were revelation perhaps I wasn't so technologically obsolete or incompetent lasting memories? Perhaps, just maybe creating a device with small multifunction buttons to be operated by groggy humans at five thirty in the morning any stupid opinion? What do you think? It is therefore important to comprehend that improving our nutritional intake can develop a big difference to our brains overall success. A good place to start is by consuming foods with good levels of nutrition. These day there are many recognized "super foods" that are believed to be to profit the brain function better. For instance omega 3 found in fish oils, fruit and vegetables and also many associated with nuts. Take a look at snacking on some worth mentioning foods throughout rather than eating refined food. If you search online you will find a whole raft of about foods that are good for that brain. Locate a few you like and stick to eating them, you may well be surprised in the difference it makes. According to Harvard neuroscience professor Rudy Tanzi (co-author of Super Brain), research clearly implies that exercise helpful for a normal body and healthy mentality. And you are deprived of to thought about fitness fanatic to reap the beneficial properties. Moderate exercise helps the body's natural opportunity to heal in itself. It's good for your cardiovascular system and guide restore chance to get a restful night's sleep. Plus, the hormones and enzymes produced by taking exercise just twenty minutes a day a 7 days a week can also help alleviate symptoms of depression, add to the immune system and lower the risk of some regarding cancer because diseases. So, when people talk about autism, I simply think nevertheless so significantly going on here and we cannot rule out the "Slower Brain Forming" periods. Hell it required until I felt 30 or possibly even longer until my brain shifted into higher gears, now I cannot turn it. Does that make me a more affordable? Because it works so more advanced than it once did? So for this reason They're legal . pity autistic children, I admire them, and whether right or wrong for choosing my theory of choice, I can tell you there one is more to craze. So take this philosophical thought for the achievements worth and consider this in the year 2006. Some simple adjustments on your part while working out can do wonders for a Brain Booster Reviews impact. Get yourself in order to nature. When you take a walk with nature you just do excellent achievements for your cardio an individual will also improve your memory nicely attention cover. You can be prepared to improve your memory and your attention span by about twenty per-cent by merely taking a walk in the park versus taking a walk in an urban environment. This natural setting will have a restful influence on you. Organize your lifetime. Keep items you frequently need, such as keys, wallet and glasses in the same location every any time. Use the calendar to your mobile phone to monitor your appointments, output deadlines for bills and other tasks. When you are more organized, it really helps to better look closely at remembering the less routine things. So even if the organization doesn't directly transform your health memory, they will still be an advantage because for example. You do not have devote energy trying to find your keys anymore.Nutrition - Blueberries and Omega-3 are reported end up being healthy for your support of brain cell vitality. I typically have one or both finished, get the in some form. Also, drink plenty-typically 64 ounces-of clean water per time. Dehydration is toxic to brain structures! These days your daily nutrient requirement can also be supplied by health merchandise. Try using one such as Procera AVH, it has the advantage on many other supplements  it has been given exclusively for brain health related. There is plenty of anecdotal evidence, from users of Brain Health Supplement, as to your improvements in cognitive functions they can result in. By increasing the supply of blood to the brain, these supplements let it receive bags is a vital oxygen and nutrients all our mind need so that you can operate brilliantly. Real and scientifically brain training software are made to enhance must re-balance health and overall vivacity. People go to gyms to work their bodies but many ignore the minds of men. In our aging society, this particular rapidly varying. You cannot live longer a fulfilling life should the brain is not functioning and also it is going to. You want to stay sharp for quite some time to come. Give your brain something new to do each day if you wish to get a pointy mind and make sure you follow an efficient training show FOR MORE INFO>>>> http://brainfireadvice.com/genbrain/
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Behind the News Jump up ^ Millan 2010, p. 33. More in Puppy Allow us to identify specific ways to manage the environment to best suit both you and your dog Send your dog’s vaccination record to: National issues Ideal diet for you dog In home and private puppy training tailored to your specific needs and the whole family can be involved. · 2 February 2018 ABC Me Shylo Michelle Wilson To sign up, fill our the form below and click enter once your done Dog registration Pet Rehabilitation Program Don’t let this happen to you! Call Brisbane’s best trainers!    Sarah Morrison Jump up ^ McKinley, S.; R. J. Young (2003). “The efficacy of the model-rival method when compared with operant conditioning for training domestic dogs to perform a retrieval-selection task”. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 81 (4): 357–365. doi:10.1016/S0168-1591(02)00277-0 Some of the stars at Knox form our Demonstration Team, who provide Obedience and Agility demonstrations at a wide range of events. Contact Head Office Growling Stand for vet examination Flea Treatments Port Augusta Puppy Training Classes Urban Ultimate Recall RSPCA Pet Insurance Menu & Search Menu Service Edit links The concepts of “pack” and “dominance” in relation to dog training originated in the 1940s and were popularized by the Monks of New Skete in the 1970s. The model is based on a theory that “dogs are wolves” and since wolves live in hierarchical packs where an alpha male rules over everyone else, then humans must dominate dogs in order to modify their behavior.[68] However, recent studies have shown that wolves in the wild actually live in nuclear families where the father and mother are considered the pack leaders, and their offspring’s status depends on their birth order which does not involve fighting to attain a higher rank, because the young wolves naturally follow their parents’ lead.[69] Pet Park at Chestnut Reserve Golden Grove This method is not about food bribing but about catching the right behaviour, setting up the environment to allow the right behaviour to occur and rewarding with anything the dog likes; food, toys, games, petting or kind words Careers at RSPCA NSW Pet Sitting Trust The Experts For Your Dog Grooming Needs Also talk to your veterinarian about the risk of long-term bone development problems, parvovirus, and other health issues before implementing an exercise routine. All Dog Foods Blog Managing Biosecurity in Victoria Delta Institute Code of Ethics 4.3 Clicker training Headspace Collaboration Email Cost: $140.00 Canine Good Citizen™ Life Skills Course Peeing when excited or afraid Shimmer : Replacement White Cards First aid Un-Chase!® Pouch for your treats or a treat bag Site by Green Acorn Positive Dog Training offers you the opportunity to have your dog certified as a Canine Good Citizen™. When you enrol and pay for training with Urban Dog Training you receive the following benefits INSTANTLY: SEE MORE or order at [email protected] Not Now Jump up ^ Clothier, Suzanne (2009). “Relationship Based Approach to Training”. Retrieved 2 December 2012.[permanent dead link] · 18 May 2018 There are so many varieties and styles of leashes on the market these days. So how do you know which one is best for your active dog? Here are a few ways to make a better-informed decision. And, because many dog owners also buy a collar (or harness) when they choose their leash, we’ll take a look at those, as well. Ring craft is an essential element of trialing, and Knox provides one on one instruction for dogs aiming to achieve titles. 5.2 Understanding Club House and Canteen First, catch him in the act. Dogs can’t connect a punishment to an action hours or even minutes ago. Never hit your puppy. Instead, when you see your puppy doing something wrong, say, ‘No’ in a sharp tone. When your puppy stops, praise him and give him something else to do like ‘Sit’ or ‘Come’. Praise him abundantly for responding. Dog training using positive reinforcement, with the dog exhibiting the “down” position Club House and Canteen Jump up ^ Clothier, Suzanne (2009). “Relationship Based Approach to Training”. Retrieved 2 December 2012.[permanent dead link] About us Latest News (Conditions apply) Keesha W. Issues View on Map Indigenous Community Animal Health Program (ICAHP) How can you teach a puppy to signal that it needs to go out to eliminate? If you really think your dog deserves special consideration, feel free to email us to arrange having an assessment done on a Sunday morning at Hays Paddock. You will still need to attend Orientation prior to your first class. The Real Life of a Dog Trainer w/ Kacie Gauld Puppy Playgroups ⟶ 07 Sep 2017 9:40:54am Send messageclear
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fbq('track', 'ViewContent', content_ids: 'dogtraining.dknol', ); This can help keep your dog safe when his curiosity gets the better of him, like if he smells something intriguing but possibly dangerous on the ground! The goal is to teach your pup that he gets something even better for ignoring the other item. I would recommend Blue Dog Training in a heartbeat. Thanks again for your prompt service! If you haven’t tried us then don’t give up on your dog! 91 reviews News & Views Privacy Policy | Disclaimer | Sitemap | Credits and Disclaimer SEO and Web Design By Visual Marketing Australia 4 Behavioural Consultations Pet ID Tags Our in-home consultations Shopping With Us If you are unsure if your puppy or dog meets these requirements, please contact the Puppy School Trainer at your local PETstock store. We produce quick results and in an easy to understand process that will provide you with education and understanding and bring balance back into your life! In the majority of cases problems that owners think will be difficult to rectify can be resolved quickly with our Amichien technique with Leanne. Get ready for some cute puppies! Students in New South Wales are taking part in what could be one of the best school activities ever. Their job is to teach Labrador puppies some important skills before they go off for Guide Dog training. Fax: 07 3821 6996 Basic Obedience Instruction and Agility Training Help When will you be able to trust your puppy to wander loose throughout the home? Copyright © 2018 · All Rights Reserved · Amy’s Puppy Preschool 10 Best Training Tips 4.5 Model-rival training Level Five Coming Soon Down Soi Dog Foundation Student 2017 Discussion Forum ^ Jump up to: a b Millan 2010, p. 84. School CommunitySee all Dogs are pack animals Just had a session with George and totally amazed at what he was able to achieve with our two dogs. I’ve never seen them walk on a lead so well! We still have lots of work to do (mainly changing our o…wn behaviour), but I’m confident that George has given us the skills we need to have our dogs walking by our side, instead of pulling our arms out of their sockets, in no time! If you’re hesitant about someone coming and telling you how to treat your fur babies, don’t be, he was great and everything he said made sense. See more Feed your dogs what we feed ours!!! Reactive Rover Dog Training Course ID Tag Contact us Training classes are suitable for dogs and puppies from 12 weeks of age. Puppies under 12weeks of age can attend Puppy Preschool at Hills Veterinary Centre where Sharon runs the course. Our dog training classes are held outdoors which gives your dog an excellent opportunity to learn in a distracting environment and practice in a real life setting. Dog classes provide great socialising experiences for your dog or puppy. Please arrive at 6.45pm with your dog. An instructor will assess your dog and provide details of the program and an enrolment form. Payment of the appropriate fee is required before you return the following week to commence training. We appreciate your feedback Discover the many ways we work to improve animal welfare. Unlimited Classes At Blue Dog Training we value your feedback and appreciate any Learn more about private training Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia Call us to be placed on a class waiting list Blue Dog Training on YouTube Companies & V.E.T. Other Tuggerah Care Centre the vet for even the simplest of AAR Online Course -Basic Dog Manners – Level 1 Ways to Give Find a Delta Dog Trainer Send messageclear Reading dog body language Training · 31 January 2018 House soiling – Elimination and marking problems in dogs Motivational training has its roots in captive animal training, where compulsion and corrections are both difficult and dangerous, and ignoring bad behavior is not problematic as the animal lives under controlled conditions. As a dog training strategy, purely positive training is feasible, but difficult, as it requires time and patience to control the rewards the dog receives for behavior. Some activities such as jumping up or chasing squirrels are intrinsically rewarding, the activity is its own reward, and with some activities the environment may provide reinforcement such as when the response from dog next door encourages barking.[58] From years of experience, we find that in-home personalised puppy training consistently gives superior results compared to group puppy classes. This is why we now only offer one-on-one training. Puppy school is usually good fun for both of you and does offer your pup valuable exposure to other puppies/people but they should be regarded as a social outlet that is complimentary to, not a substitute for, behavioural and lifestyle training. 0 Items Locations 4 more You are here: Home  >  Pets  >  Dogs  >  Training and behavioural problems  >  Obedience Training Buy Raffle Tickets Jump up ^ Clothier, Suzanne (2009). “Relationship Based Approach to Training”. 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