Timeline Divergences in the Black Queen AU
some highlights featured in this AU:
- more dragons are hatched in this timeline, & more dragons go on to live longer, healthier lives!
- there will be ZERO child-brides &/or child-grooms featured in this AU (while there may be some age-gaps mentioned here & there, they will be between ACTUAL adults (in both the biological/legal-sense))
- more POC characters, & a lot of them take on more proactive roles (in this AU-timeline, a few members of House Velaryon semi-routinely wed Naathi or Summer Islanders, &/or have at least 1 parent who is of Naath/Summer Islands)
- Alysanne Targaryen is the oldest (& only!) child of Maegor Targaryen & Ceryse Hightower
- Princess Vaella Targaryen survives infancy, & goes on to live her best life
- King Jaehaerys I & Queen Alysanne I Targaryen do much better urban-planning (& the residents of King’s Landing are so very, very grateful for that!)
- the Dragonpit in this AU-timeline is (re)named the Dragonkeep, & is superbly re-designed to provide shelter & adequate intellectual/physical enrichment for any lairing dragons there
- after escaping Maegor, Queen Rhaena I Targaryen (the Black Bride) goes off on an extended holiday with all of her lovely lady friends (this AU maintains a strict avoidance of the ‘Bury Your Gays’ trope!)
- Princess Aerea Targaryen survives Valyria & goes on to have a hella lot more adventure, autonomy, & agency than she ever did in the canon-timeline
- Lady Elissa Farman becomes world-famous for discovering a western route to Yi Ti & Leng, & also for being the 1st Westerosi ever to reach Asshai-by-the-Shadow, & the 1st known man or woman to circumnavigate the world
- more members of House Targaryen survive longer, & marry out into other families (which means less icky/disgusting incest, & more genetic diversity for all involved. Yay!)
- Harrenhal is fully rebuilt, & in this AU operates as a prestigious center of advanced learning for girls & women … so, kinda like the Citadel in Oldtown, but not as (covertly/overtly) misogynist
- Moat Cailin is rebuilt, bigger & better than before!
link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/2391439
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haedotjpg · 1 year
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tonights drawing! yes, i’m playing borderlands 2 again (first time playing through dragon keep - had to dress for the occasion)
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ask meme
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They're just babies, they love each other, buff babes who go to the gym together and Sun helps Yang with her shopping THEY ARE IN LOVE IF CANON WASN'T TRASH.
Legit, headcanons of them (outside of any that involves a love triangle with Blake *vomits*) are better than literally anything Bee/s wanna make for their ship, because I wouldn't allow Yang to be uwu'bified by them or Sun to be racially abused to make her a white savior. Solarflare fans COME THROUGH.
Canon did them so dirty. They're abs besties, go argue with the wall.
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openconceptpanicroom · 7 months
The Keeper
-Chapter One: A Gift Unwanted-
Prince Aemond x Dragonkeeper!Reader
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Summary: Reader is given to The Greens along with an egg before the Dance as a gift to Prince Maelor. Her job is ensure the egg hatches as a "goodwill," present from Princess Rhaenyra. However, the Greens doubt these good intentions and no one is more suspicious than Prince Aemond. Pride, lust, envy and paranoia make the One-Eyed Prince almost beastly.
TW: MDNI, Aemond is very repressed, choking, threats of violence, obsessive love interest, power imbalance. AN: Aemond's POV in next chapter.
The Dragonpit of King’s Landing was a grand system of tunnels and caverns carved into stone. At the heart of the Dragonpit sat the nursery, a circular room with filled with hot coals to warm eggs marked for their future riders. Over each clutch hung wide open vents to funnel out the smoke, though it did little to lessen the heat of this place. It was here that you spent most of your days, drenched in sweat as you changed out coals beneath the egg you had been sworn to protect. A pale green egg promised to the babe Prince Maelor, a kind gift from his estranged aunt. You first felt pride at being the one to hatch and raise this dragon for a Prince to one day ride. Now, you were… cautious. A dragonkeeper acolyte once under the charge of Princess Rhaenyra, you now rested your head so close to those she had fled from. It had not been unknown to you that the Queen and Princess did quarrel. Although, perhaps naively, you had assumed you would be safe from the crossfire of their rivalry.
It was quite irritating to be so wrong. 
Prince Maelor was no more than a week old when Princess Rhaenyra drafted together a ship filled with goods for her youngest nephew. Glittering gemstones, rare silks from Lys, handcrafted toys of fine wood from Pentos, books of varying degrees of academic difficulties, and a dragon egg with a keeper. To the untrained eye, it was selfless. Colder hearts felt differently. The usually fertile she-dragon Dreamfyre had failed to lay a clutch in two years, meanwhile Syrax had just laid one that month. To gift an egg with a dragonkeeper showed Princess Rhaenyra’s arrogance. Her belief that the God’s favored her so much that it was all but guaranteed Syrax’s egg would bring forth a new dragon. Whether or not this was Princess Rhaenyra’s intentions mattered little. You were seen as at best an insult and at worst a spy. 
All that kept you from further interrogation was the knowledge that you would never be in the Red Keep. You were, after all, a dragonkeeper. They were not to enter the palace without reason, and certainly not without guards to take them about the keep. So long as you did as you said you would and kept away from the castle, you were left alone. 
For the most part. 
As you laid red-hot coals over Prince Maelor's egg, you felt that an eye upon your back. It spread chills over your skin despite the blazing heat. You let out a slow breath and laid your shovel to the side, pulling your thick leather gloves from your hands. For weeks now, you resided here with forty other dragonkeepers. None had had issue with your being here. There was no Queen to bother and no Lord Hand to stare at you incredulously. All you did, all day, was care after the egg and assist the other keepers in their chores. Yet He still came to stare at you. To mock you. To disturb you. 
“Iksis se Dārilaros's drōmon issare jūndan tolī, acolyte?”*
You sucked burning air through your teeth, lowering your scarf as you turned to face him. Prince Aemond stood in the entryway of the nursery, the heat already showing in beads of sweat on his face. Thin strands of silvery-white hair stuck to his face, one hanging just over his eyepatch. He was dressed to ride, all in black with one glove on and the other still in his fist. Black were his clothes, like that of a raven. A one-eyed raven. He used to be so quiet, Prince Aemond. For a brief time, you had known him. A freckled and shy boy with eyes of pale violet. Small and awkward, so hopeful that his egg on Dragonstone would hatch. That boy was dead. Replaced by this man that bore his name but not his heart, all memory of you gone. 
Bowing your head, you forced your voice to stay neutral, “Kessa, Ñuha Dārilaros.”*
His jaw clenched almost imperceptibly, either irritated by your response or that you were yet again unbothered by him. Prince Aemond was one so used to insult, that anything without a readily available explanation was assumed to be some manner of slight aimed at him. Your presence was one of these assumed slights, was what an elder had said to you. 
“Māzigon kesīr, zaldrīzes buzdari.”
His voice was ice in your blood, and his words pulled you to him. The blood of Old Valyria was your master. Even when it mocked you. Your feet were slow but not clumsy as you stopped to stand before him. Eyes to the ground even then, as show of respect. Acolyte’s are not to make eye contact with those of the royal family. You swallowed thickly as the tips of Prince Aemond’s boots came into your view. 
“It gives me great vexation every time I look upon you. A mere acolyte, charged with caring for my nephew’s egg. Yet another example of my half-sister’s contempt. The Whore of Dragonstone cannot spare an elder, so she sends you,” Prince Aemond’s tone almost made you roll your eyes. Another accusation of negligence. Gods be merciful if you ever made a true mistake or misstep in his presence. “Prince Maelor will not suffer due to your incompetence.”
Your back ached from changing out the coals over and over. New callouses made their home over old callouses on your palms and fingers. Every inch of you was caked in sweat and soot. From the moment you rose to the moment you laid to sleep, you thought of the egg. His concerns were absurd, truly. Resisting the ever-growing urge to say so, you merely asked, “What more does Your Grace want for me to do to prove I am competent? I am your servant.”
A beat of pure silence passed. 
What was expected was more of his insults, accusations of negligence on your part. You did not prepare yourself for his ungloved hand which then grabbed your jaw. With his bare hand he yanked up your face so that you had no choice but to look at him. He pulled you close, staring down at you with the closest thing to a smile you had seen since meeting him again. Your pulse raced beneath his touch. He smelled of dragon, of bergamot, and coriander. Hair of starlight and one piercing eye of violet. Confronted so close and so suddenly by his fury and his beauty, blessed by the blood of Old Valyria. It felt indecent to be so close to one such as he. To know his palm was now marked by the filth of your labor. 
His hand slipped from your chin to your throat, fingers closing slowly. The coldness of his stare marked by something darker. Lips moving, he murmured something you couldn’t quite catch. It was growing hard to focus. To maintain composure. The sweltering heat, his glare, his fingering stealing your breath with every second. 
At last, you let out a whimper of a moan. Prince Aemond’s voice answering it with an audible groan. It was quick, but you heard it. Just as he released that hungry growl did he release you. You hacked and coughed on air that was too tainted to give you any sort of relief. By the time you could take a breath without wheezing, he was several feet away from you. He gave one last warning before leaving you in the nursery that day, “My nephew’s egg will hatch, or you will feel the consequences of your failure. Do you understand?”
All you can do is bow and say, "I understand, Your Grace."
High Valyrian Translations (*)
"Is the prince's egg being looked after, acolyte"
"Yes, my prince"
"Come here, dragon slave"
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Fanfic Idea! (ABO Lucemond, Part 2 of omegan Dragonkeeper Lucerys)
First part:
It hatched. The egg hatched. His dragon was beautiful. He was pearlescent white with a yellow flame, with golden eyes and a golden chest. He knew, from the moment he heard the egg shells cracking, the moment he saw his tiny head popping out, that he would love him and treasured him with all his heart and being. Finally, a dragon of his own. A living proof of what he is. A Targaryen with his dragon.
His mother was less than enthused. He didn't understand it at first, but it gradually dawned on him that she didn't see them as anything more than large, dangerous beasts. Her views on them are so unlike his own. He, who sees them as the majestic, powerful, beautiful creatures that they are. She didn't like it when Aegon visited Sunfyre, and showed relief when both his and Helaena's dragon didn't hatch. He knew she secretly wished they'd never bond with a dragon, that they'd stay on the ground rather than on a fire-breathing beast up in the sky, and there was a time in his life where Aemond secretly thinks his mother's inner wishes were granted by the Faith, blessing her while cursing them, cursing him to such a fate. It was a hard truth to swallow, the fact that his mother, the one person he felt truly loved him, would never understand his near desperation to have a dragon. With a dragon, he was no longer, in a sense, incomplete. He couldn't tell her that though.
Aegon congratulated him in his drunken haze, and Aemond smirked as Aegon yelped, the dragon nearly biting off his fingers when he tried to touch him. Helaena just smiled, saying things about a black thread, and Aemond just nodded along to appease her. Even his Sire seemed glad for him, congratulating him, calling his dragon beautiful. It was unexpected, seeing as he only ever talked about his eldest half-sister (the one that never visits, despite his father's numerous attempts to call her back), and that was when he had his fill with his medicine, the milk of the poppy. Still, a small part of him was happy his sire showed any interest in him at all (an even smaller part wondered if he would have shown any interest in him if he never had a dragon. He pushes that part deep, deep down).
It took a few days of him parading around before he remembered his promise to a certain little dragonkeeper. He decided that it was time to present the dragon to Luke. After all, he chose him for Aemond, it's only fair he gets to see him hatched.
When he reached the Dragonpit, he started walking through the tunnels, until he finally saw a familiar small, curly haired boy. Luke was with another young dragon keeper, and it took a moment for Aemond to recognize him as the one who brought the pig. Aemond felt a wave of anger, hurt and betrayal, before shaking it off. Of course he was with another dragon keeper. They looked so much alike, they could be brothers, for all he knew. Why would he feel betrayed?
Aemond called out for him, and Luke turned to see him, bade a hasty goodbye to the other dragonkeeper, and ran straight to Aemond like an obedient puppy to his master. When he saw him with the dragon on his shoulder, his eyes said everything. He was in awe. Aemond felt pride. Yes, his dragon should inspire awe. He was going to be the most powerful dragon, the most beautiful, even more than Aegon's Sunfyre.
"He's so pretty, My Prince. His scales are like the moon's." Luke said, still looking at the dragon. Said baby dragon seemed to preen with the praise. Said owner also preened with the praise.
"Do you have a name for him yet, My Prince?"
Of course Aemond had a name chosen, ever since he learned about dragons, ever since his first egg didn't hatch. Looking at the hatchling, Aemond knows knows it fits him.
"Arrax, the Ruler of the Old Gods."
"Hello Arrax." Luke greeted his dragon in High Valyrian, and Arrax made crooning noises as a response.
Aemond decided that Luke would be a good dragonkeeper for Arrax, at least, once he's old enough.
Aemond visited him almost every day. Luke was a bit shy at first, though eager to please. Once they've gotten close enough, and Luke felt comfortable with him, he began sharing a lot of stories about the dragons, though most of what he shared were from the older dragon keepers.
Aemond liked that. He liked learning about dragons from the very people who trained them. Luke does tend to babble a lot, taking detours in his stories, but all he needed to do was clear his throat for Luke to stop with his side stories, blush perfusedly, and continue on with the main ones.
He also has the habit of blushing brightly when he realizes he said too much, glancing at Aemond to see if he was angry, then continue on when he sees no trace of annoyance.
Aemond liking of little Luke slowly grew. He likes how knowledgeable he was about dragons, likes learning some secrets that dragon keepers learned through generations, and he was beginning to like whenever Luke speaks in High Valyrian when he doesn't know the word in common tongue.
It helps him learn more about the language. It was rather embarrassing for him to admit it, even to himself. A Targaryen prince not knowing how to speak High Valyrian. His mother didn't really see the point of him learning a language few people use in Westeros, the fact he didn't have a dragon until recently only strengthened her resolve to give him a different subject to focus on. So, while his older brother got to learn High Valyrian (not that Aegon cared to actually learn the language), he was stuck learning about the Faith of the Seven. He eventually taught himself the language through the use of old books, so he could understand it to an extent, but without someone actively teaching him, guiding him, correcting his pronunciation, he fears he doesn't know as much as he should. He refrains from actually using said language, afraid he would butcher it somehow. Luke's jumble of both common and High Valyrian has proven to be quite helpful, as he notes the particular way every word was said, commiting it to memory so he may practice once he was alone.
Aemond also learned about bits and pieces of Luke's life. He was apparently the second youngest bastard being watched over by the dragon keepers, the other two being his brothers, the youngest being a toddler, and the eldest being the one who brought out the pig. Aemond greatly disliked that one. Luke, however, loved him very much. And liked talking about him. A lot.
"Jace watches over Prince Aegon's Sunfyre, My Prince. He's also the one who gives me lessons on how to properly train a dragon when the other dragonkeepers are busy. Oh! He also sometimes play with Prince Aegon in the pit - Elder Byron wouldn't allow us out of the pit until dusk - though they won't let me join sometimes. But that's ok, because he makes it up to me by teaching me more secret tricks, and-"
Aemond sighs, before clearing his throat. While it was good to know that his brother wasn't always sneaking out to the Streets of Silk, or at Fleabottom, he didn't really want to learn about their brothers' little "adventures".
"Oh! I'm sorry, My Prince. It's just that I never had anyone to tell these things to. Um, where was I again? Oh, right! So Syrax continues to refuse to eat, and Elder Byron was worried she was sick. She wasn't though! She just didn't like the meat. The others said she was the most spoiled dragon they ever had to watch over, and-"
Luke was used to having Prince Aemond as company. He usually arrived after the dragons were fed, with Arrax on his shoulder, demanding stories that Luke was eager to regale, while he simply listen, an eager audience. He never had people close to his age (besides Joffrey, but he's too small, he can't even talk yet) and he greatly enjoyed his time with the Prince.
So when he didn't arrive at his usual time, he began to worry. When Arrax was sent to him to care for, he really got scared.
Did he somehow manage to offend the only other person he could talk to besides his brothers? No, that couldn't be it. If it was, then Arrax would have been given to one of the older dragonkeepers to care for. Then did Prince Aemond somehow got hurt?
He knows of tales of assassinations, the royal life isn't always easy, especially for the women and children. They were the easiest targets, after all.
But that wouldn't be the case, because he saw Prince Aegon running around with Jace a few hours ago. He knew the queen, well, knew of the queen, through talks and rumors, and she wouldn't have allowed Aegon out of her sight if anything like that would have happened.(A small part of him wonders if Prince Aemond was bored of him already. That part grew larger with every thought that enters his head).
Did I bore him? Were my stories too confusing? Did I say too much? Did I annoy him in some way?
Thankfully, he remembered that there was someone who might know what was going on with him. He went to Jace, who looked at him with a look of amusement.
"Nothing happened to him, Luke. The prince just presented. He entered his first rut yesterday."
Luke felt the weight on his chest lessen greatly. So that was it. He was just having a special kind of sickness, like Jace recently had. Everything was fine.
He guesses he would need to start watching over Arrax now while Prince Aemond was gone. What sort of tricks should he teach him? He ponders over that while Arrax stay perched on his shoulder, contently crooning over him.
So, this is fun, and I'd like to make more parts soon.
If anyone wants to write a full length fic with this concept, please tell me!
Thoughts? Violent reactions?
Update: I'll be using the hashtag (#omegan dragonkeeper lucerys) so it would be easier to read all the different parts.
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animatorweirdo · 1 year
The Dragonkeeper’s oath
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This is a continuation for Imagine drifting away into Middle Earth with dragon eggs ... so I recommend you read that one first. This one is with a male reader so I hope you enjoy.
You miraculously survived after being trapped in the sea and almost dying from exhaustion. You find your way to the island of Numenor which seemed to be in an internal struggle between its king and the Faithful. You try to live quietly, trying to raise your dead companion’s offspring but find yourself under the pressure when the Numenor’s priest turns his unwanted eye on you.
Warnings: Mentions of war, death, violence, a giant sea snake, missing children, sauron is kinda creepy, some angst and a lot guilt. 
You look over to the horizon as the boat sails across the waves. Feeling the wind on your face and watching as the island in the distance comes closer. It was too far away to see anything in detail, but you could see the great mountain that stood in the middle of the island and the ships that sailed in and out from the cities. 
So this was Numenor. You have never heard about such a place, so you had a nagging feeling that you were no longer in Westeros. It was a sight to behold. You don’t think you have ever seen an island with only one mountain standing alone in the middle, rearing into the sky like an unyielding ruler. 
You had a knack for adventures but felt anxious and frightened due to the late events before your rescue. You were still shaken up by what happened during the attack in the Dragonpit, your escape, the giant sea snake, and— Joffrey. 
You felt grateful to be rescued before the ocean could take you. However, you didn’t know what to make of this world since you didn’t expect to live after pushing yourself to the brink of exhaustion and having no hope of ever being found. 
You were tired and didn’t know what you would find once you stepped on Numenor’s soil, so perhaps it was why you felt frightened. 
You touched and felt the hard shells of the eggs inside your bag. They were warm, so you knew they were still alive. You could only hope everything would turn out well for you and Dreamfyre’s hatchlings. 
“A lovely sight, isn’t it?” A voice broke you out of your thoughts. You turn to look at the man beside you, seeing him watching the island. “Yes. It’s pretty impressive. I am curious what I will find when I step on the land,” you replied. “Most likely aggressive street vendors, screaming children, and some men laughing and drinking in the local tavern,” he said, making you snort. “Sounds good,” you said. “I can still remember two of my boys sneaking into one of the local taverns and finding them passed out half naked in the bushes of my home. The scolding my wife gave was unlike any other,” he chuckled, and you smiled at the thought. 
“My uncles did something like that too– except we found them trying to make out with a fish,” you said, making him snort. 
He handed you a wooden box. Curious, you took it and opened the lid, finding cooked fish and vegetables inside. “I didn’t see you dining with others, so I had a feeling you forgot to eat — again,” He emphasized as you lowered your head in guilt. “I’m sorry, Elendil,” You said, taking a bite out of a carrot. 
“It’s alright. I understand it must be difficult to cope after losing your companions to the sea snake and being trapped in the sea for so long,” Elendil said. “I wouldn’t know what to do either if I lost one of my boys or men to the sea,” he said. “I only ask that you at least try to look after yourself. You were lucky that we managed to find you before it was too late,” he patted your shoulder. 
“I know –” You reply, feeling a bit down at the thought of being lucky and the only one to survive. “Thank you. You're more compassionate and understanding than most men I have met,” you stated. 
Elendil hummed with a smile. “I’ll do what I can, and I can ask my father to send out word for people to look out for Joffrey. Maybe Eru will be kind and allows us to help you reunite,” He said, making your eyes widen. “You’re too kind, Elendil. I don’t know how to even thank you for saving me yet,” you find yourself stammering to express your gratitude. 
“It’s the least I can do. My father taught me to help those in need. I think he would beat my arse if I just left you in the streets to fend for yourself,” Elendil continued to smile with the most sincere look in his eyes. Your heart swelled after hearing those words. 
“You know, I’m starting to think you might be one of those Valar the elves keep talking about because I have never met a man kind as you,” Your statement made him chuckle and shake his head in disbelief. “How about you try to eat? It won’t be long before we set foot on land,” He said as he walked back toward the cabin. You smiled and started eating fish and vegetables, feeling your appetite rising after such a long time. 
When you arrived at the nearest port city, you were amazed. It was beautiful. The construction and the architecture were unlike anything you had ever seen in your life. The place reminded you of Dorne in a way, simply less sand and more ocean. 
You follow Elendil to the city and streets after docking and walking off the ship. 
The city was beautiful from an outside view, but it was now even more interesting as you walked through the streets with Elendil. You observed as people walked past you, children ran around, laughing and enacting faux battles. 
There were intriguing smells in the air. You could smell the fish, fruits, and even more exotic scents from nearby shops. A dragon would have felt dizzy with so many smells in the air.
“So, what kind of governance do you have here?” You asked while memorizing all the roads and streets. “A typical monarchy, ruled by a king and a queen. Though the king has taken a liking to decide everything on this island,” Elendil explained, sounding somewhat distasteful. “How come?” You asked curiously. 
“I’m – not certain what is the relationship between our current king and queen. In our culture, there should be mutual respect between the two. However, I have not seen our king Ar-Pharazon show even a speck of respect toward our queen Tar-Miriel, or Ar- Zimraphel since he’s not fond of elven names or anything related to the elves,” Elendil explained. 
“He does not heed her advice on anything, and to me, it seems like he simply keeps her inside like a pet,” he added. You frowned at the thought. “That sounds more like a caged bird. She has a voice but can’t fly,” you explained, thinking about Helaena. There was something oddly similar to her and the Numenor’s queen.
“Well, I think that is the better definition for it. Our queen can’t even use the name she was born with, only to be addressed by the name her husband had given her,” Elendil further elaborated. You re-arranged your thoughts after hearing that– Helaena’s brother was an asshole and raped innocent girls, but compared to Ar-Pharazon, he fell short of committing such vile cruelty to his own wife.
“Some of us want to show support for her decisions, but now with the king’s new advisor around. It has become difficult to have our voices heard,” Elendil said. “Have you heard about Sauron?” He asked, then looked at you with a guarded expression. “No— who is he?” You asked. 
“I’m surprised you do not know. Sauron is the one called the dark lord, one of Morgoth’s mightiest former servants,” Elendil started. “Wasn’t Morgoth the fallen Vala that brought evil across the land?” You questioned. “He was till he was defeated, and Sauron decided to follow in his footsteps, forming his orc armies, enslaving the free people, and even calling himself the lord of men,” Elendil explained. “That was until our king heard about it and decided to march toward Middle Earth to fight him. I do not know all the details, but apparently, Sauron surrendered, and our king brought him here as a captive, but now he is this so-called trusted advisor,” he added, making you frown in confusion. 
“If Sauron’s captive, how is he –” you started. “That is what I would like to know as well. I can only guess that he whispered things to our king’s ear and gained a position as an advisor and a new position as the new priest for a temple at Meneltarma,” he pointed at the mountain. 
“It used to be a place to pray for blessings and good fortune, but now no one knows what kind of things have been happening there,” Elendil said with a sorrow-filled tone. 
You stood quiet momentarily, thinking about the odd similarity between the current situation and what happened with Shepherd and his mob of followers. 
“Well, he must be a talented liar to gain the trust of his captors and gain such power,” you said. “Indeed, I have never seen such manipulation of words, and the worst of all, our king believes everything he whispers to his ears,” Elendil answers. “He had caused a bad trifle between the common folk and the Faithful with his rumors,” he said, catching your attention. “What kind of rumors?” You asked. 
“He claims that the Valar favor the elves. He claims it to be unfair that humans get to live such a short life and get subjected to the whims of death. These rumors have caused issues between the king and the Faithful since they are allied with the elves. I’m worried the rumors might get worse, and someone will get hurt because of them,” Notes of concern fill his voice. 
Your mind returned to the night when the Dragonpit got attacked by the common folk, led by the man who preached about Targaryens and dragons being spawns of hell. It felt all too familiar. 
You could still remember that night like it just happened. 
“But let us not worry about these problems in the court. You are new here, so I shouldn’t bother you with our politics,” Elendil tried to dissipate the heaviness of your conversation. “No, it’s okay. It’s good to know something than try to live in ignorance. Are there other things I should look out for?” You asked. “Stay clear from people who follow Ar-Pharazon’s ideals. They can be troublesome and hard to reason with, so it would be best to stay out of their way,” he explained. 
“But let us go now – there is someone I would like you to meet,” he said as you followed him through the meandering streets. 
You followed Elendil to what seemed to be grand halls. You were amazed by the colors of jade and pearl that decorated the walls. Great white columns stood on each side of the halls and the floors seemed to be sculpted from the finest stone. 
People walked past you, carrying scrolls and looking busy. You and Elendil approached a man who was talking to another. 
“Father, there you are,” Elendil called out to the man. The man turned around, and you noticed similarities between him and Elendil. He looked older and was slightly taller, but despite the differences, the man had Elendil’s gentle smile and sincere gaze.
“Elendil, it is good to see you again. I hope the trip went well,” Elendil’s father greeted him, smiling softly. “I advise you to visit home. I heard Isildur and Anarion have been causing some racket during your absence,” he chuckled. 
“I see. I got to go and see what my boys have been up to once I have finished what I came here for,” Elendil said and turned toward you. “Father, I would like to introduce you to my friend, (Name),” he said pointing towards you. 
“It’s a – pleasure to meet you, my lord,” you bowed nervously. “The pleasure is all mine. I am Amandil. What brings you two here?” Elendil’s father glanced at both of you. “You see, we found (Name) stranded in the ocean. He told us he got attacked by a sea snake along with his companions and was separated. So, I was hoping you could spread some word since there might be a missing young boy somewhere,” Elendil explained. “Oh dear, is this missing boy your son?” Amandil questioned, looking at you. “No, but you could say we’re family of a sort,” You said. 
“Well, say no more. If you can provide some description– I will make sure word gets out for people to keep a lookout,” Amandil said as another person stepped in holding a quill and a board. “Right, his name is Joffrey. His family name is Velaryon. He’s about thirteen years old, about this size, has brown curly hair, and last time he was wearing a black cloak with a red tunic,” you tried to describe while using your hand to show Joffrey’s height. 
The person wrote it all down and then left with a curt nod to Amandil. 
“Once we find something, we'll let you know,” Amandil said. “Thank you, my lord. I fear I do not have high hopes that he’s alive, but it would ease my mind to know what happened to him,” you said. “I will pray fate will be kind,” He said, holding his hand on his chest. “Thank you,” you bowed your head.
“Elendil, there is something I must discuss with you–” Amandil started, and the two started conversing. You waited patiently, allowing your thoughts to wander for a moment. 
Your mind came back to Joffrey and all those times you spent together. You used to find him annoying, sneaking into the Dragonpit and being reckless. He was the very definition of an annoying younger brother, but after everything, you went together… You couldn't help but feel even worse for losing him because you were the one who took him away from King’s Landing and brought him to the sea. He could be dead, and it was your fault. His mother would have you executed if she knew and you would have most likely accepted it. 
You felt shivers run down your back. You turned your head, observing your surrounding. Working with the dragons helped you gain keen senses, so you felt someone was watching you. It felt ominous, sinister, and right behind you. 
In a quick reflex, you grabbed your dagger, twisted it around, and pointed it at the neck of the man behind you. You held your pose, locking your eyes with him and keeping the tip of your blade a fingertip away from his throat. 
You said nothing. The man was tall, towering over you like you were a mere mouse in his eyes. Red locks flowed from his shoulders like a bloody river, his golden eyes sharp like a venomous snake. 
He looked unnatural and almost amused as you held your dagger at the middle of his throat. You could tell from the sharp points of his ears that he was not a human. 
You stared at each other before you pulled back after Amandil let out a couple of coughs to break the sudden tension. “Tar-Mairon, surprising to see you here out of all places,” Amandil stated as you didn’t break eye contact with the red-haired being. 
“I was simply passing by, running some errand for our king,” Tar-Mairon said. A sweet, honeyed sound accompanied his voice, making it sound pleasant. 
“I then heard about Elendil’s return and his new guest. So, I came to greet them myself,” he said, looking at you. “I certainly did not expect to receive such a greeting,”
“I apologize, my lord. I tend to get easily startled when approached from behind unannounced,” you kept your voice contained from expressing your current suspicion while sheathing your dagger back to its place. 
He chuckled. “No hard feelings. Having fast reflexes is a good thing because you never know when something or someone might try to strike you from behind,” he said with an odd glee in his eyes. You could feel your skin break into goosebumps when he continued to look at you with a conniving look, especially with everything you had heard about him. 
“What is your name, esteemed guest?” he asked. “(Name), my lord,” you said, reluctant to share your last name with him. “And what brings you here to our lovely home?” He asked with an airy laugh like it was a joke of sorts. 
“I got lost and was rescued by Elendil. I hope to find someone and simply find a peaceful home here,” you answered. “Aww, then I humbly welcome you to Numenor,” he said with a tiny bow. Mockery of a bow. “I hope you will find all that you seek,” he said, his eyes falling on your bag. His threat did not go unnoticed as you pulled your bag behind you– away from his prying eyes. 
“I will take my leave now. Do visit the temple if you face troubles?” he said and soon walked away. You let out a breath of relief when he was out of sight. 
“We only recently arrived, and we’re already targets of his interest,” Elendil stated, sounding angry and frustrated. “He has Ar-Pharazon’s people working under him, so we must be careful of our actions, son,” Amandil said. “Are you alright, (Name)?” He asked, looking at you with concern and lacing his eyes. 
“I’m fine. I now see what kind of man you’re dealing with,” you said. “So, that was Sauron?” You asked. “Correct. I apologize for the unpleasant experience,” Amandil said. “It’s okay. I have met unpleasant people before, and now I know where not to go when I face troubles,” you said, making them momentarily chuckle in amusement. 
“Come along. I think it’s time to find you a place for your stay,” Elendil said as he prepared to leave. You bid Amandil farewell and followed Elendil to his home, where he introduced you to his family. They were kind and offered you a room to rest in after your exhausting journey.  You didn’t ask for anything extravagant. You only wanted a room with a good fireplace which they kindly gave you one. 
You thanked the maid for bringing you there and enjoyed the peace when you were finally alone. The room was nice and quiet. It had a bed in the corner, and a steady fire was burning in the fireplace, bringing light and warmth to the room. It almost resembled your old quarters in the Dragonpit.  
You took out an empty chest from the corner and started gathering some soft rags inside, building a little nest before taking out Dreamfyre’s eggs and carefully settling them inside the chest next to each other. You stared at them as they lay in front of the fireplace, slowly warming up and incubating the life inside them. 
Tears began to form in your eyes, blurring your vision as you thought about Dreamfyre. You remember how she attacked the sea snake to protect you and Joffrey and how the sea snake pulled her into the sea. You couldn't do anything to protect her. It now felt like all your efforts were for nothing. 
You began to sob, holding your hands against your face. Tears flowed across your face like a relentless river, releasing everything you felt for the past weeks. You thought about Helaena, your beloved queen. 
“Forgive me, Helaena. I couldn't even protect Dreamfyre from the stranger,” you sobbed as you continued to cry alone with nothing but the eggs to keep you company.  
In the morning when vendors prepared for another day to sell their goods. A little hooded figure walked past them. The little figure stopped, observing his surroundings and waiting for an opportunity. He watched a man going inside, leaving his boxes of bread and vegetables unattended. He took the chance and grabbed a loaf of bread, carrots, and apples when no one was looking. 
He then walked away, carrying the stolen food. “Hey!” The man shouted when he saw the little figure, who then ran away– not giving the man a chance for a chase. 
The little figure escaped from the city, walking past herds of sheep and cattle until he found a suitable place to eat his breakfast. Joffrey pushed off his hood, allowing his dirty hair to fly with the wind. He watched the sea, taking bites of his bread and wondering about you and what happened with the giant sea monster that still haunted his dreams. 
He was lucky to survive and found refuge in Numenor, but what about you and Tyraxes? Where were you? Were you even alive? 
He began to remember the voices of people, those who looked down on him and his mother because he was a bastard. They used to say bastards always had the worse luck. They always end up alone, get their loved ones killed, and look where he was now. Alone and lost with no one to turn to. He is most likely the reason why you and his dragon were gone. 
Joffrey screamed and threw the apple over the cliff in anger. Tears fell from his eyes as he stared at the sea.
He held on to his knees, leaning his head against them. He wept alone until his ears picked up something over the cliff. He looked up, trying to listen. It sounded like a shriek of some sort. 
Joffrey slowly leaned over the cliff, trying to see what was beneath. Suddenly, a giant creature with wings and bronze-colored scales ascended before him.
It was moving its wings, creating gusts of wind, and looking down on the little boy. Joffrey held his breath as he recognized the creature. It was no other than his own dragon, Tyraxes, but something was wrong. Tyraxes had this odd look in his eyes, like he did not recognize him. It made Joffrey back away in fear. 
Tyraxes growled, flying over him toward the herds of sheep. Joffrey watched as his dragon breathed fire down on the innocent sheep and snatched one of them, flying away with the scorched body with a shriek. 
The little boy took a deep breath, trying to relax his beating heart. He wanted to feel happy that his dragon was still alive but couldn't shake off the dreadful feeling after watching his mount kill a sheep without hesitation. You taught him it was in the dragon's nature to hunt prey and that they could go wild if separated from their rider for far too long. His dragon has gone wild. Joffrey didn’t know what to do except hug his legs and wonder if his life could turn for the worse.
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best-childhood-book · 2 months
a couple submissons:
Fablehaven by Brandon Mull
The Dragonkeeper Chronicles by Donita K. Paul
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gaiussaidno · 2 years
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i finished Tiny Tina's Dragonkeep DLC for Borderlands 2 recently and bRUHHHH, FEELS. when u talk to Roland after all is done, he says a couple of things and this line in particular makes me sad af bc it's Tiny Tina comforting herself. 😭😭 this took 3.5 hrs!!
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House of the Dragon (children’s book style)
By José Cobá
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DragonKeeper HCs
They are trained from birth/early childhood. It’s so the dragons know them and get somewhat used to them.
They’re less likely to be attacked than most because they feed and care for the dragons, but if they are stupid about something then they probably will get hurt. 
Each dragon has a team of specific keepers who are assigned only to that dragon. They tend to reside where the dragon spends the majority of their times. The keepers assigned to Melys live on Driftmark, Caraxes tend to stay at the Dragonpit except for when Daemon was at the Stepstones for the years he was at war, Syraxs moved between the Dragonpit and Dragonstone. These keepers are the best of the best as it is also one of the most dangerous jobs a Keeper can have.
There are many different specialties among the keepers. Those not assigned to specific dragons have other roles. Some are trained in the creation and maintenance of the dragon saddles, some in the retrieval and care of dragon eggs, some in ensuring the Pit is well kept, some in defending the Pit, some in assisting with the dragon rider bond like we saw with Jace and Vermax. 
They are the only ones aside from the Targs to be raised to speak High Valyrian, as it is necessary in order the work with the dragons and have a chance of surviving. 
They report only the the monarch/highest ranking dragonrider in the vicinity, Otto despised this during his tenure as hand because he couldn’t overrule Viserys by keeping him in the dark about it. If they couldn’t speak to him then they would go to Rhaenyra who would do the exact opposite of what Otto wanted. 
They are quite territorial and it is extremely hard for anyone but the royal family to gain access to the Pit. It means that when a Targ kid doesn’t want to be found then they often end up in the pit. Aegon uses this to hide from Otto a lot.
The largest two pockets of Keepers are on Dragonstone and at the Dragonpit. The head of their order actually tends to reside on Dragonstone to keep an eye on the wild dragons that live there. 
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horizon-verizon · 1 year
[HotD] Laena Velayron
They got three different actors for the same character for three successive episodes (except the child, but she only appears in two. The show doesn’t keep the teen and adult Laena actors for more than one episode each.)
We do not get a scene of Laena claiming Vhagar (at the age of 12!) nor any scenes of her riding her alone. Aside from her riding with Daemon in performances for Pentoshi leaders, who is Laena-the-dragonrider? Really, with how much she talks about being a dragonrider, you’d think we’d get her at her dragonriding pinnacle. See her in her element apart from Daemon! How much of a dragonrider is she if we don’t highlight these things and spend more time on her character! These should have been Laena’s times to shine, but instead we get her immolating herself in theme with motherhood. Even the shots of her flying on Vhagar in the 6th episode are shot mainly in Daemon’s perspective! We do not see things through her perspective once, without it having to do with her kids. She thematically gets tied back to motherhood and more as a superficial prop for Targ characters instead of showing her as her own person. How she, Daemon, and Rhaenyra’s each made each others’ lives better. How much of a loss Laena was apart from her parents.
We don’t get her canon close friendship with Rhaenyra (that was likely romantic) or a picture of her, Daemon, and Rhaenyra’s life–them all together while Laena was alive. How present Rhaenyra was for her during her last pregnancy. (Plus, in the book Daemon brought her to Driftmark not long after she gives birth to Baela and Rhaena, no debate. So another missed opportunity and a twisting of not just her, but Daemon as well.)
We do not get to see how she interacts with her parents or her brother, so we do not have a strong impression of her family ties and a look at their dynamic. We know thay they loved her but we don’t see that love in action until way later, and even then it has problems (read the end). Why? To focus only on their purpose for the Targs. But with what happens later on in the story of the Dance, (if you know, you know), wouldn’t it serve the writers better to show the Velaryons as a family more apart from the Targaryens, to see the breath of Corlys’, Rhaenys, Laena and Laenor’s personalities, values, etc? Even how the all regarded Vaemond and other Velaryons? Corlys barely ruminates on Laena’s passing other then that it was an accident or her unlucky fate. His words in the 7th episode, Rhaenys’ advising Corlys to name Baela as his heir in Laena’s memory, and Laenor’s grief–they all are the only real indications of their relationship with Laena. It is as if it is only her death matters, to get us to the Targ fight. But Laena is intrinsic!
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art-alien · 11 months
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dragonkeeper-wally · 29 days
How many hatchlings have came to this place before?
at once? we've contained 20 from the range of "I watched it hatch out of the egg last night", to "about to be a juvenile"
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asoiafreadthru · 1 month
A Game of Thrones, Eddard IV
He crossed the outer yard, passed under a portcullis into the inner bailey, and was walking toward what he thought was the Tower of the Hand when Littlefinger appeared in front of him.
“You’re going the wrong way, Stark. Come with me.”
Hesitantly, Ned followed.
Littlefinger led him into a tower, down a stair, across a small sunken courtyard, and along a deserted corridor where empty suits of armor stood sentinel along the walls. They were relics of the Targaryens, black steel with dragon scales cresting their helms, now dusty and forgotten.
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mercurygray · 1 year
In a God's Eye - Naera, Tynara's daughter
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I'm so excited about this new OC! I've had this idea ever since we saw the dragonkeepers in House of the Dragon. A few disclaimers - I didn't make it all the way through Fire and Blood, so some of this might not exactly be bookverse compliant. I didn't necessarily get a strong sense that the dragonkeepers have been fully developed, as an idea, so I borrowed some from what I could find in the books and the images presented to us on House of the Dragon and tried to come up with some bits of culture that would blend the two.
Anyway. This is Naera.
The princes would be making an appearance after breakfast.
Jaekar, the chief dragonmaster, had received a message after the morning meditations - a squire in the Queen's green cowered slightly in the shadow of the great white dragon skull in the front of the hall while he waited for the reply, the seven-pointed star faintly glistening on his livery. The smell of incense was still in the air after the meditations, and there was a faint haze of smoke around the skull, making it even more menacing in the low light.  
Yes, Naera thought to herself, watching the squire's uneasy gaze with pride, our gods are far older than yours. What does that star know of fire, and the Doom?
It was easy to pity and scorn him - he could not see her, out in the crowd of faces, and one dragonkeeper was much like another, if you were only here once or twice. There was a whole village here, in the Dragonpit, if a man knew where to look - goatherds and saddlemakers and blacksmiths, servants to the crown, the customs of Old Valyria, and the dragons. No mere stableboys here to mind the king's sons - they were dragonkeepers, trained from the egg as the saying went, born alongside the creatures they helped to hatch and raise.
And the whole of them were assembled in the hall now, watching as Jaekar read the message twice and then, choosing his words in Common carefully, gave his reply to the messenger.
"Tell the princes we will be happy to receive them."
The squire nodded, and Jaekar's gaze moved to the table where the keepers sat, catching Varra's eye. The eldest of the keepers nodded and rose from the table, the others following her lead, out of the Hall and deeper down into the Dragonpit. 
"It wasn't like this when the Princess Rhaenyra was a girl," Authan complained, once they were out of the hall. "Every day she'd be down to see Syrax, sun, rain or wind, and no messenger boy to tell us she was coming."
"Aye, well, the Princess's mother knew what was good for her.” Varra replied sagely, walking quickly at the head of the group. “Queen Aemma was from the Vale and understood the wind and the sky. These Hightowers are…” she paused, knowing that many were listening. “Different. They do not value the old ways."
"Or the old gods," Naera added, thinking of the messenger and his seven-pointed star and the unease with which he'd observed the dragon skull.
Varra nodded to the younger woman’s wisdom. "Or the old gods, indeed. Still, Prince Aemond is a good son to his father. He understands tradition. A good student, and a good dragonrider."
The youngest voice in the group spoke up with excitement. "Who will take Vhagar today, Master Varra?"
Varra looked conflicted for a moment, knowing exactly why the adept was asking. "Authan and I will have Vhagar, Gaela. Naera will show you Sunfyre today. And you must watch her carefully, little mousling!” she added, smiling at Naera. “She has a good touch and you can learn much from her."
Gaela's face fell, but she joined Naera as she was bid, her disappointment a cloud on her usually sunny face. "You know, I wasn't much older than you when Vhagar first came to the Dragonpit," Naera said, trying to cheer her up a little, breaking away from the larger group to go and find Sunfyre's roost in the depths of the dragon pit. 
"When Prince Aemond captured her?"
"It was Laena Velaryon who captured her," Naera corrected, as gently as she could. "She had been living wild on Driftmark, in the high crags.” Dragons like stone, and small dark places where they can be at ease. “And Laena was not much older than you when she did it. Climbed the rocks and tempted her with sweet songs and bits of goat meat.  When she died the prince Aemond took Vhagar from Driftmark. It is good to remember properly," she added, leaving the sentence open so her young companion might respond. 
"Because a dragon remembers," Gaela parroted the correct response, the one that every child in the dragonpit learned from birth.
"Yes. A dragon remembers," Naera repeated with a smile. 
"What else do you remember, Naera? About the night that Vhagar came?"
Naera considered the request, thinking about that night. Vhagar had still been damp with the seaspray from Driftmark and the long miles to fly back to King's Landing. How huge she'd been then! A creature out of legend, more old and terrible than any beast living in the Dragonpit, hatched from an egg when Valyria was still in living memory. She'd lifted one great and sleepy eye when Naera had approached, and almost immediately closed it, hardly threatened by a slip of a twelve year old girl. That was how Laena Velaryon did it, too, she'd thought.
She could remember other things, too - the look of old Master Aenor's craggy face, calling her into his chamber. “You have the dragondreams, child. See how she sleeps, now that she has lost her rider.”
She had slept that night at Vhagar's side, warm next to the dragon's skin, and dreamed of Laena Velaryon, waking with the memory of her bloody shift and her last terrible dracarys, a dragonrider to the last. Naera had run her hand over Vhagar's snout and the dragon looked at her again, this time with interest. A dragon remembers. Vhagar's memories were broad and deep and Naera wished she could know more of what she knew, of the Years of Blood, and Visenya. But there had been few dreams after that - and few save Master Aenor, and now Master Jaekar and Varra, knew that she had them. 
Well, that was ten years ago now, and Naera was a child no longer. She had shaved her head at the accepted time, and burned the hair in front of the bleached white dragon skull in the shrine, eyes closed as the Master marked her forehead with ash and blood. The dragonkeepers kept the old ways, just as their kings and princes did, the blood of old Valyria just as strong. The shivering princeling who'd ridden Vhagar triumphantly home with a bloody eye was a tall prince who spoke fluent Valyrian to the keepers and looked after his own saddles and bridles, as he'd been taught to do as a child. Naera wished they had Vhagar today, too - she was ponderous, certainly, but her rider was easy to handle. 
His elder brother, on the other hand, was not.
Prince Aegon could be relied upon for nothing except to be amorous, which was bad, or drunk, which was worse. Keepers weren't supposed to have favorites, but Sunfyre was, in Naera's opinion, the prettiest of the dragons currently in the Dragonpit, and absolutely wasted on Prince Aegon. He hardly came to visit, let alone ride. But no one asked a keeper about these things. Valar Doheris - all men must serve.
"I remember," she said, returning to Gaela's original question, "that she was very large, and smelled of the sea, and that I thought she was not as pretty as Meleys, or Sunfyre."
"I never saw Meleys. Is she really red, like they say?"
"The Red Queen, indeed. She lives on Driftmark, with the Princess Rhaenys. Perhaps when she visits Kings Landing next you will see her. But come. The prince will be waiting and we must not keep him."
Sunfyre was in an unusually calm disposition this morning- he came when he was called and settled quickly after his breakfast, burrowing a little into the dust of the main chamber to close his eyes and go back to sleep. It only remained for them to wait.
Not want to keep him, indeed. Naera had forgotten that timeliness was not one of the prince's virtues, and had already pulled out her knucklebones to play dragon-dancing with Gaela when two figures finally appeared - Prince Aegon, at last, with his kingsguard companion in his white cloak lingering a respectful distance behind him. One of the twins with the rhyming names, she thought. She quickly tidied the bones and ball into Gaela's pocket, brushing the dust from the girl's tunic as well as her own. When a Targaryen is born the gods flip a coin - and flip another when Aegon Targaryen rises in the morning and decides to visit the Dragonpit. Which shall we have today?
The prince, for his part, looked thrilled to be here - his eyes were a touch bleary and his shorter, curly hair was rumpled, like he’d only just been roused from bed. Drunk, then, Naera thought to herself, or as good as. "How is Sunfyre today?” Aegon spoke in Common, rather than the High Valyrian of his ancestors. 
Naera swallowed her frown and tried to look pleasant as she replied back in Common. "Well, my lord. He had two goats for his meal this morning, and happily ate both." 
Aegon's eyes followed the sinuous curves of the dragon's back and resting wings, the most cursory of inspections. He made a small noise of approval and turned back to the pair of them, reaching out to flick a speck of debris from the shoulder of Gaela's tunic. "And who is this beauty?" he asked, his smile lingering over Gaela's finely-featured face. "I've not seen you before."  
The younger girl made the appropriate bow. "Gaela, my prince."
"Gaela," the prince repeated, his hand tracing her cheek. "Pretty."
Naera felt her blood rising, the urge to hit the prince's hand away as strong as anything. A dragon remembers - another day, and a Targaryen princeling, blond and gangly, clutching his bleeding cheek as they stood in front of Master Aenor.
"She hit me!" Aegon had bawled to the master keeper, slightly taller than her but somehow more pathetic, making a show of the pain he was in. "I want to see her punished."
You put your hand where it wasn't wanted. I wanted to see you punished. 
But Aenor had been a fair man, and a master of his domain, and he had no fear of princes or kings. "Naera has the right to defend herself, the same as any creature here. This is a lesson, my prince. A dragon does not care for titles and honors - and he remembers disrespect. He will not be punished if he hurts you in his anger. A prince would do well to remember this, too."
"But she is not a dragon!"
"She is his keeper.” the old master had said, fairly. “And a dragon remembers." 
That had been long ago, and Aegon remembered her face, now, if he could not be bothered with her name.  But he was also older, and he had fouler tricks to play if she lashed out at him like she wished to. 
It appeared, however, that she would not have to - behind Aegon, one great amber eye suddenly opened up. Sunfyre sat up, sensing her anger, ruffled his head a little, and very clearly growled, his eyes fixed on the back of his rider's head. Aegon, startled by the noise, turned around, his hand dropping back to his side. Sunfyre stared imperiously, as if he were daring the prince to challenge him.
Naera tried not to smile. I have no fear of fire, Targaryen, nor does Gaela. If I burn, I return to the gods. Can you say the same, with your seven pointed stars? "I think the prince's dragon takes offense, my lord. He likes your attention."
Aegon sneered, but there was still a trace of fear in his face. "Are you claiming the beast is jealous?"
He is no mere beast - but he knows you called him such. We have shared dreams, he and I. "Who are we to truly know what a dragon likes or dislikes, my lord?" she asked, her voice moderate and her expression neutral. "Can he speak to tell us?" But you would know, if you minded him more. He is jealous, and proud - a worthy mount for a prince.
Aegon looked like he was seriously considering hitting her. "My lord!" His kingsguard had suddenly spoken to interrupt them. "There is to be sport, tonight, at Jotho Whyte's. I was bid to remind you. Mya said she missed you, when we were there last."
"Mya.” Aegon repeated the name, as if he were surprised to hear it.  “Mya spoke to you?"
The knight nodded, almost certainly lying through his teeth. "She did, my lord. She knew you might forget." 
Aegon nodded, distracted by the promise of whatever entertainment he'd find at Jotho Whyte's. Naera did not know the name, but she could guess what he did there, and who Mya was to him. There were places in the lower city that made her wish she rode a dragon, so she could burn them all.  "Better sport than this," Aegon said, with a scowl. "Come, Cargyll, and we'll have some real fun on the way home."
He and the knight turned to leave, making a hasty exit, and Naera let the breath she had been holding out in a long, low hiss. Gods bless us with Princess Rhaenyra and her sons, she thought to herself. How glad I am that will never be king. 
Erryk Cargyll hated the Dragonpit. Too dark, and with too many things in it that could not be mastered by sword alone. But a Kingsguard goes where he is bid, and Targaryen princes have dragons that need tending. He was beginning to learn some of the faces he saw when they went, though the names were harder for him. And he knew her on sight now - the dragonkeeper who had brought out Sunfyre today.
It had been the impulse of a moment, to say what he did about the fights at Jotho's. He hated being there almost as much as the Dragonpit - the press of bodies and the shouts for blood. But he could not stand by and let Aegon hit the keeper, as he clearly wished to - not when she would stand her ground about the matter of that little girl. They were alike in that - the look of cold disdain in her eyes as she watched the Prince, slowly starting to boil as he considered the girl with her. And the way she'd stared at him, ready to take whatever blow he dealt.
His eyes met hers for a brief moment before he followed the Prince, and he nodded in farewell, silently agreeing with her scowl.
“Gods, this bitch again,” Aegon had said, when they'd first come in and seen Sunfyre's attendants. “The keepers should give me another, Jaekar knows I don’t like her.”
That bitch has a name, Erryk thought to himself. It's Naera. I remember that.
I hope you all like her, because I sure as hell do. Any spelling mistakes are entirely my own. If I did the reading correctly, and I think I did, it's Erryk who works closer with Aegon than Arryk does. (This is one of the reasons he defects to Rhaenyra's side.)
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Fanfic Idea! (ABO Lucemond, Where Lucerys is an Omegan Dragon Keeper)
Aemond heard of his half-sister. How she had three stillborns, how she and her husband separated because of it and she left to Dragonstone before he could remember her, and remarried their uncle.
He knows it was all a lie. Aegon told him so. The babes were born healthy and alive. They just didn't look like them. Instead of silvery blonde hair and purple eyes, they have brown hair and dark brown eyes. Bastards, Aegon told him. They were sent away somewhere, for their safety, apparently.
At first, he didn't believe Aegon, after all, he was a drunkard whore who had bouts of cruelty. But Aegon insisted what he says was true, and even insisted that he knew were the bastards lay, that they were closer than they think.
Aemond wasn't amused with his brother's tales, but he was curious. If what he said we're true, then that would mean he had bastard nephews somewhere in the world, Targaryen bastards without dragons. He wondered how they felt. Did they feel incomplete, like he did? Do they crave for something they don't understand? It was strange, something both comforting and annoying. He, a trueborn son, was comparing himself to bastards of his half-sister.
He shook his head, trying to shake off his thoughts. He was a prince, they could not be compared to him.
Aemond is feeling absolutely wretched. Aegon pranked him, horribly. They were there to visit Sunfyre, Aemond tagging along, just to be around the dragons. And Aegon said there would be a surprise for him. He should have known he would just be humiliating him.
A young dragon keeper, one that watches over Sunfyre, brought out a pig. A wretched, pink pig, "for him to ride on". He glared at his brother, trying to hide the tears in his eyes, before storming off. He didn't know why he fell for such a joke. Aegon was a prankster, a horrible one, the fact that he got a dragon keeper in on it, to witness such a slap to his face, just made it even more cruel.
"Are you crying?"
He whirled, turning to the voice. It was a boy, probably four or five, wearing a dragon keeper's uniform. He spoke in perfect High Valyrian, which annoyed him. What annoyed him the most was the fact that he looked just like the dragon keeper who delivered the pig, but smaller, with curlier hair.
He seemed to know his place, at least. He quickly bowed with as much grace as a bumbling dragon hatchling.
"I'm sorry, your Majesty. I didn't mean to-to disturb you..." He switched to common language, his voice got quieter, as if not sure what to make of him. That annoyed Aemond even more.
"'My Prince'."
The young dragon keeper-in-training looked up, confused. He sighed irritatedly.
"It's 'My Prince', you only address the Queen with 'Your Majesty'. Get it right."
"Of course, I apologize, My Prince." It was quiet, before that little boy decided to open his mouth again.
"So, are you?"
"Am I what?" Aemond felt himself getting angry again.
Am I what? A prince? Is that his question? Why? Is it because he didn't have a dragon? Is this little boy mocking him too?
"Are you crying, My Prince?"
He really wanted to slap this boy. He should be glad his mother taught him to act like a prince.
He decided not to answer him, and the awkward silence continued. Until the little boy decided his life might not be worth much, because he hesitatingly grabbed his hand (he never thought a dragon keeper's hand could be so soft) and dragged him back to a series of tunnels, he recognized as the resting place of the dragon pits.
"Where are you taking me?"
"Want to make you happy." He simply answered.
Burning Aegon with a dragon of his own would have made him happy, he thought, before deciding not to voice it out loud. His mother may not like Aegon, but she wanted their family united together, and he didn't want to disappoint her.
He didn't know why he allowed himself to be led around, but he was curious. What does this little boy think could make him happy?
He eventually lead him through a tunnel he never knew of, and in front of him were three eggs.
"You are Prince Aemond, the one without a dragon, right?"
He really, really wanted to slap the boy. But he couldn't. Because the dragon eggs were right there, and he knew what the boy was going to say before it left his mouth.
"You should pick another one. I'm sure if you're the one to choose, it would hatch. That would make you happy, right?"
But what if it doesn't hatch. What if he was destined to be a Targaryen without a dragon.
"I can choose for you, if you want?"
The boy doesn't know. He was too young to. Only a Targaryen family member should choose the eggs. But he didn't trust himself to choose. At least, if this one doesn't hatch, he can blame it on the boy. He nodded, and the boy thought for a moment, before pointing at the one in the middle. It was a beautiful egg, sea green in color.
Yes. It would have to do. If it was possible to have a dragon, he'd take the chance. He hesitatingly took the egg, and the boy smiled. Aemond decided he quite like the boy after all.
"What's your name?"
"Luke Waters, my Prince."
Ah. A bastard.
"If...When my dragon hatches, I will make you its personal dragon keeper."
Luke looked at him in awe. Good. He knows the honor off being chosen then.
Luke led him back out of the tunnels, waving goodbye. If the dragon hatched, Aemond would see him again. Unsurprisingly, he looked forward to seeing the little dragon keeper.
I think I'm going to make a part 2 of this, but if anyone else wants to write a full fic with this idea, please tell me!
Thoughts? Violent reactions?
Update, second part:
Update: I'll be using the hashtag (#omegan dragonkeeper lucerys) so it would be easier to read all the different parts.
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