#dont even get me started on bones and joints
val-thomas · 1 year
Humans Are Space Orcs
Take, for example-
Alien: Human, what is this Menstruation I keep hearing about? Also known as a form of punctuation in a sentence, Period?
Human: oh yeah since I didn’t get pregnant all the unfertilized eggs kinda leak out. Lol.
Alien: 0.0?
Human: yeah it happens annoyingly often. personally i get cramps and stuff but some other girls will get like. huge blood clots and pass out and get sick and can even lose feeling in some limbs from the pain. crazy how nature works huh?
Alien: I want to go home now.
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thiccsys · 4 months
Do you have any interesting Error hcs??😵‍💫
oh god dont even get me STARTED
anyways so im starting 😸 TW for a suicide mention
- Error has star freckles along his cheeks and joints. hes so fucking beautiful and amazing and pretty i have to kiss him on his haphephobic cheek mwamwhamwa
- i like to draw him with loose threads hanging around his clothes or sockets sometimes. really brings out the hobo-esque aesthetic he has
- this is mostly canon i think but he’s chronically lonely and will be friends with anyone that respects his boundaries (no touching) and listens to him. despite everything he is prone to killing friends he makes
- he likes chocolate (canon) however he ONLY likes dark chocolate. white chocolate is the bane of his existence
- his glitches smell like an energy drink. additionally, they are tingly to the touch
- he is schizophrenic and autistic. if you asked him to ramble about undernovela you would NEVER EVER be able to leave nor hear the end of it
- i believe he isn’t aroace. i believe he’s biromantic Idksexual. HWOEVER, thanks to cq he has difficulties recognizing love (he’s oblivious to nsfw topics) and likely would never be mentally stable enough to uphold a relationship where he and his partner are happy. the feelings are there but the mental capacity is not
- he would kiss asgoro he would not listen to his haphephobia he would crash himself for a kiss on the mouth from asgoro
- he’s claustrophobic. some enclosed spaces he can deal with, but most others he cannot. being comfortable under a blanket? yes! being TRAPPED under a blanket? panic
- coraline would be his favorite movie for the theme of dolls and sewing
- he is suicidal. he would kill himself after destroying every au; he’d kill himself if he knew how much of a hypocrite he is (canon). he’s VERY prone to depression and suicidal ideation and, if anyone got close to him, should handle him and his mental state with care
- he likes baggy clothes because he’s autistic. sensory issues = clothes on skin (or in this case bone) bad = baggy clothes
- when he’s not out destroying aus aka “working” he’s quite a cozy, homey guy! he takes naps, drinks hot chocolate, gets real cozy and warm and soft when he watches his favorite show or gets to knitting a new doll.
- he’s had a tea party with his dolls.
thank you for asking
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violentviolette · 8 months
since i started talking about calisthenics and the kind of exercise i do as a spoonie with a lot of chronic pain and bone/joint problems ive gotten a couple questions so i thought it might be helpful to make a post kind of outlining some basics that really helped me get started but that i think often get really overlooked when ppl first start thinking of "working out" and the preconceived notions of what abled society tells us that looks like
so for me its all about engaging ur muscles. this is huge because a lot of us, myself included, arent actually very used to actively engaging our muscles during rest. and what i mean by engaging is literally just having the muscle be active without being clenched up. the more u use a muscle, the more active it learns to be, even when sitting, lying down, or resting. it learns to stay engaged and stay doing its job which is holding ur bones together and ur body in the correct position. but if u arent engaging ur muscles consistently, they get used to being overly relaxed and lose strength and form and then struggle when u want to go and use them. this is often combined with poor posture and a huge problem for those of us whose bones and joints dont like to stay where they are and need extra support, as overly relaxed muscles have a more difficult time maintaining proper form and shape. this also makes everything from traditional exercise to just moving around doing daily tasks much more difficult and dangerous, as its way easier for bad form and posture to cause us injury or pain
but engaging ur muscles is actually a very easy and simple thing, it requires no equipment or special moves and can be done sitting, lying down, or standing up. u can do ur whole body all at once or break it up into different parts throughout the day. there's also variations to make it easier in places as u progress
easiest first step i found to get urself used to this is something called progressive muscle relaxation. which is literally just starting at the top of ur body and tensing and then relaxing each muscle group for a few seconds as u work ur way down. it's usually paired with meditation but u dont have to. i usually do it to music cause i find guided meditations boring. a lot of people like to do it either in the morning or right before bed, as it can often help relieve tension and stress and make it easier to fall asleep. there are basic guides like this one
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when ur first starting if u want a little extra help identifying what and where ur muscles are so u know ur tensing the right ones in the right ways. once uve done those enough that things are easy, u can break it down even further and isolate more specific muscles and add those in as well. charts like these
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where u look up specific muscle groups (in thise case shoulder/upper body muscle groups) can help u visualize exactly where ur muscles are, what directions they go in and what they're connected to, which can help u in understanding how to move and control them
understanding the muscles in ur body and having good control over each area can help so much more than u think when it comes to everyday things. slow, deliberate movement is really the key to that and once u get used to each muscle group and have identified which ones u want to work on, u can isolate those groups and start doing basic calisthenics.
a great resource for that is a channel like hybrid calisthenics which i really like for learning new exercises with lots of options for variations and low impact. his exercises almost always require no equipment, very little impact, and focus on control and stability which are much more beneficial and friendly for spoonies, chronically ill, and disabled people
but even if u dont want to or cant progress farther, simply engaging those muscles for a few minutes a days every day on its own will still help a lot and can make a big difference for some people
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yanyanobsessed · 7 months
Guilty! M! Yandere (Pierce) x Kind! Reader
Yandere type: Guilty, Soft, Obsessive
Reader is gender nuetral
When he first met you, he could hardly breathe. You simply enter the same room as him, as per normal, and suddenly he notices you for the very first time- And the whole world stops for a moment, Pierce's friends' voices drowned out by the thunder of his heart as the only thing he could see, the only thing that mattered in that moment, was you. And surrounded by the white noise, he forgot how to breathe- How to be human. In that moment, all he was could be boiled down to that thrumming heartbeat- an obsession inspired.
From that day on, he could hardly manage to retain his composure around you, although he did his best. On some level, he knew just how weird and creepy you might find it if you happened to look over and see such a wide eyed freak all but drooling at your presence- so they contain it as best they can.
He reminded himself to breathe when your presence emptied his head and shifted it into manual gear. He did their best to manage all of his body language and mannerisms so he could seem normal. He did so good at pretending to be normal, pretending not to be obsessed from afar-
But then, one day, due to a seating chart change, he is placed right beside you.
He nearly died when he walked into class that day, your beautiful face beaming at him from across the room- You knew him? You knew his name? You- You knew him? Really?
As he walked over to join you, it was like time moved in slow motion. He was hyperaware of every bone in his body, every joint, every muscle- His legs wobbled like wet spaghetti, he couldn't breathe, and suddenly he was standing right in front of you, and you were talking to him.
"-m Y/N, although I'm sure you already knew that- I've just never spoken to you directly so I figure introductions are in order, right?"
He blinked a bit, nodding dazedly. "Right- Uh- That- That sounds fine by me-" He visibly swallowed, taking all of his focus to string words together coherently instead of getting lost in those big beautiful eyes, forgetting to breathe- "I'm Pierce. Just- Uh- Just like the board says."
He cringed internally at how stiff that must have sounded.
"Its a pleasure to meet you, Pierce!" You smiled up at him, and he was suddenly all too aware of the fact that he was still standing. He managed to take his seat, his heart thrumming at how close you were.
"The pleasure is- Ahem- The pleasure is all mine, r-really." He smiled at you, his eyes darting back down to the desk and around the room, afraid of making too much eye contact and coming off oddly.
As the students around you both settled into their seats and your teacher began instructing them, Pierce struggled to follow, his senses rather preoccupied with a few things- Namely, that with you sitting right next to him, so close like this, that he could practically smell you. So close that, should he relax his shoulders just enough, they would brush yours. And as the teacher droned on the background, it was so, so hard to focus when he could hear you breathing, when he could almost imagine your heartbeat, in sync with his own.
When you turned to him, he nearly choked, coming out of his momentary daze to find you sparking conversation.
"Do you wanna be partners? For the project- I would ask someone else, but I dont really know anyone else in this class.." You smile sheepishly, and he just about combusts.
"S-Sure." He nodded. He didn't know what you were talking about, but he was absolutely not going to pass on a chance to spend time with you- even if he wasn't 100% certain he could survive it. "..I- um- I'm really sorry, would you mind catching me up to speed..? I kinda zoned out when she was explaining.."
"Oh- No problem! To start-" You were so kind.
He didn't deserve you as a partner. He would just hold you back- Even now, as you so graciously reiterated your instructor's words to him, he could barely focus on anything but your eyes, and those pretty lips- He was disgusting, wasn't he?
Somehow, he managed to exchange numbers with you and coordinate to meet at your house after class. He didn't know how he did it, how he didn't pass away in the process- You looked so cute when you asked him to enter his number into your phone. If only his hands hadn't shaken while he put it in- God, he hoped he put it in right.
When class got out, Pierce nearly forgot to grab his bag- the only thing on his mind being your meeting. His head swirled with thoughts of what your room might be like, all your cute decorations pertaining to your interests (he knew them oh so well, from eavesdropping), and wherever you put your clothes... He really was vile. He had no right to enter your doors. And yet.. Now that he had the chance, it felt impossible to pass it up.
As you led him to your house, he memorized the route, engraining its path in his mind and pinning its destination on his phone once you arrived. For future meetings, of course. Nothing more.
When he entered your room, it was chemical warfare - an entire space, all covered in your scent.. All your own, entirely you. God, he could almost get drunk off that scent- He wondered how harshly you would judge him if you knew the way he behaved when you went to the bathroom. Huffing your pillow like his life support. His fingers twitching uncontrollably until he opened your closet, snatching a pair of unmentionables from the laundry pile inside. How he pocketed the popsicle stick and chewed pencil from the top of your desk. God, you would hate him, wouldn't you? You'd kick him out of your home for misconduct, maybe even report him to the principal and file a restraining order- He didn't know what he would do if such a thing came to pass. He didn't know how he'd live with himself if you hated him.
And yet, when you came back, blissfully unaware of his actions, you gazed upon Pierce as if he was an angel- Or maybe rather like you were an angel, and Pierce was bathed in the holy light of your radiance, glowing by proximity. He would give anything for such a fate- The role of priest at your altar, the lone worshipper in your church of purity.. How his hands tainted your golden robes as he clung to them. You looked at him so kindly nonetheless, and like an angel, he fell from grace- only for you.
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keo-k · 2 months
sometimes i think i wasnt an injury-prone child and then i realise im gaslighting myself
tw: fair descriptions of injury?? if you dont like blood uhh dont read <3 this is just me reminiscing on being a child who thinks they cannot feel. pain. sorry if its incoherent im very sick and life feels like a fever dream and i did not sleep last night! this is so diary-entry-core TLDR i had a lot of random injuries and a few medical mysteries.
i keep looking at the middle of my chest like "man where the fuck did i get this scar from" and then i remember this one childhood day where i was filled with hubris and slid down a chain in a playground and my skin tore from under my shirt and i started bleeding terribly ill also occasionally look at the permanent callouses on my hands and remember running down a hill at full speed, followed by rolling down a hill at full speed, crashing into rocky concrete, looking down at my hands and being utterly terrified because they're entirely covered in blood???? its all red??????? also spinning on the biggest rock in the rock garden in front of my house after a friend's birthday party blowing bubbles when i lose my footing and land chin-first into the sharpest rock there, getting blood all over my favourite party dress and having to go to the ER for 6 hours and getting, not stitches, but glue. yeowie. i scratched most of the scar off somehow, just tearing the skin off my face because i didnt like the texture. its still kind of there if you look at the right angle. being in gymnastics class, doing beat swings on the high bars, thinking "whey my hands hurt im gonna drop and get some chalk (for some reason. its not like i was slipping i was just yeowch)", dropping down, looking at my hands and LO AND BEHOLD three inches of the skin beneath my ring finger on both hands is sticking up stupid vertical ! i couldnt use my hands too good for the next two weeks, also the skin sticking up WAS NOT DEAD so i couldnt trim it without feeling excruciating pain. like cutting your ear off :( not really a "when i was younger" thing, still valid now, but i have hyper mobility so im stupid flexible. especially in my ankles! like i cant do sports without wearing ankle braces on both legs. even that cannot save me sometimes, i still die. anyway my mum thought i was a piece of shit and was faking my ankle injuries bc the limping would last like. a whole month wowie! then we realised i just have bad joint. also i can hit the splits anywhere without stretching, i can walk on the literal sides of my ankles (not like. the sides of my feet no no no. go even further beyond.), i can fold my fingers backwards into silly lookin curls without any pain and keep them there no issue, and i have gotten many MANY greenstick fractures even after my bones developed a lot because my bones soft and refuse to break like a normal persons. like my basketball coach will bend my leg back to test how far it goes and i wont feel any pain and he'll say like. "oh thats waaaay too far back to be safe." and ill laugh because it can go WAY further back! and i hate it !
BONUS: ME BEING A MEDICAL MYSTERY WOOOOO up to age 8 i would have these ... seizures? all throughout the night. i would shake super aggressively and it wouldnt wake me up. my mum filmed it one night when she finally caught it on video (she would stay up HOURS ON END trying to catch it. wild). the shaking would start like a twitching at my fingers and would travel to my hand, to my arm, to the rest of my body and youd think i got fucking electrocuted. anyway she showed it to doctors and they brought me in immediately to scan my brain for fuck knows what and they didnt. find anything? like my brain activity was completely normal. they didnt let me out of hopital for a week cus theyre like "THIS ISNT NORMAL SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH THIS KID" but. womp womp. we never found out. i dont shake anymore but i do shmove a lot. like, a lot a lot. and im always tired and im capable of falling asleep standing up. and have minor chronic fatigue. also i had a bullseye-type thingy on my thigh that really, REALLY looked like a tick bite! i was in immense amounts of pain and couldnt properly walk. there was a dot in the middle, and this surrounding ring of red would expand and shrink overtime. very reasonable to think of it as a tick bite. anyway my parents carried me out to the car in the middle of the night so we could go to sick kids. they measured how much the ring would expand by (i dont remeber number. it was beeg.) and then they sent me to the ER out of the concern that i would get lyme disease. they tested me or something idk i was unconcious and. IT WASNT A TICK BITE! you may be asking "so what was it, mr gorgeous fish?" um. well heres why this is in the 'medical mystery' section. they never found out. it went away a day later and we were just like "ah. okay." so. whoops. when i was a toddler they put me in an mri thing where they uh. strapped me down because toddlers usually freak out and damage the mri thingy? anyway. was in there for two hours. and i did not freak out. at all. i was asleep for one of the hours, but the second one i just laid there very awake and very still and the doctors thought i had brain. damage. i didnt! yay ! i also have many chronic illness now. weeeee i probably missed a lot of my stories here but anyway. heres me being silly
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dpurut · 10 months
feet vent. lmao. im serious though
ok this is actually the smallest problem i have going on rn but i swear im at a tipping point and this may be my last straw. I am about Ta Explode. Right now.
I have the flattest feet in existence plus a joint disorder so what i have are basically full rectangles for feet. Ive had my current pair of shoes for 5 years i think. Theyre split at the seams, torn apart, the soles are worn, anything you can think of those things are Busted. I need to get new shoes because I can’t walk in these anymore, it hurts like hell. But YESTERDAY!!!!!!!!!!!! we went SHOPPING. FOR SHOES. oh swell.
skechers used to be the only brand i could trust to have wide shoes. None were available. I got frustrated. Tried a few more brands. Got even more pissed off. I tried on some converse for fun but i literally started ugly crying in the store when i put them on because they look like SHOE shoes not some excuse of a shoe made of foam like all the other ones ive worn since birth. I had to take them off really fast bc they were digging into my bones. Its still bothering me.
I know there’s no such thing as a normal human body and i wouldnt change anything about who i am right now bc its whats shaped me as a person. But for once i just want some “normalcy”. To not wear the ugliest shoe. For once. This has been going on forever. My elementary school principal used to stop me at the school gates every day to yell at me about wearing the wrong color shoe. I had to explain to her every time that we couldnt find a shoe that fit me in the right color and remind her my mom had spoken to her numerous times since the start of the school year to inform her. Every time, she called my mom again and held me up so I’d be late to class. Gym class was even worse for a million reasons but that’s another topic.
I want to take a walk. I want to hang out with my friends for more than an hour each time. I want to swim, play volleyball, football, whatever the fuck ball or something i dont know. I can’t do that. I just can’t. And I want to, but I won’t ever be able to. And as long as I can’t find new shoes that fit me, i cant do the rest pf the stuff that i normally can. These americans with their long ass thin ass feet dominate the shoe market and im just a fly circling around it. Im sick of it. All my ocs are gonna have box feet and theres nothing anyone can do about it and in THEIR UNIVERSE, GOOD SHOES EXIST.
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zhongscara · 8 months
scara. all 50. zhongli for anything that involves another character. bet you won't
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dont doubt my delusions anon. everything under the cut :3
1. Canon I outright reject
none so far? i love this bastard poor meow meow...
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
i hc he was modeled after makoto, whether on purpose or just instinctively by a mourning, desperate, ei.
3. Obscure headcanon
idk if this counts bc it's like. anti-common headcanon but i don't think he has doll joints all over i think it's just his wrists and ankles bc those are tricky to make... for hinge joints like elbows and knees ei was probably like lol this is easy
4. Favorite line
"the first one to betray me was a god. my creator... my mother." like oh wow. the pain in that line. the implications. the LAYERS. even after all that pain he hatred he still sees ei as his mother that betrayed her. he thinks of himself as an abandoned child.
5. Best personality trait
deep down (like deep down), he cares a lot about others, and now he's actually trying to show it awkwardly instead of just ignoring that and getting violent lol
6. Worst personality trait
WHERE DO I START......................... i think for worst i'd say definitely his god complex bc it carries over onto everything in his personality and makes him so frustrating to deal with lol
7. Age/height/weight headcanon
i mean hes like 500 years old... for modern aus i have him at like mid to late 20s, early 30s cursed with a baby face at most. hes like 165cm at most I LOVE SHORT SCARA!!! also idgaf abt his weight like that
8. Unpopular opinion about them
i don't think the sumeru interlude was about "redeeming" him. like yeah hoyo poor little meow meow'd him (which i agree with like awwww look at this crying kitty) but it's important to note that even with the opportunity to reject his pact actions he insists that they're a part of him and wants his painful memories and past back so he can feel whole. and after that he's still (rightfully) regarded with some suspicion by traveler/paimon unlike other characters (cough).
9. Scene that first made me love (or hate) the character
started playing on my friends acc during sumeru, so the first scene i saw of him was literally the divine will cutscene... and yeah i was hooked.
10. Best moment on screen (or in the book)
honestly? him begging for nahida to not take the gnosis was CRAZY like cmon cinema.
11. Faceclaim for the role
none really lol
12. Crack headcanon
i can't think of any lol all my hcs are serious even the crazy ones bc he's crazy
13. Dumbest thing they’ve ever done
egging on the traveler by dissing nahida like Girl (nongendered) have we learned nothing?! he deserved that smackdown with all that shit he was talking lmfao
14. Most heroic moment
i guess you could count him trying to erase himself bc he thought he could save the people of tatarasuna as "heroic" but its kind of a stretch LOL
15. Worst thing they’ve ever done
(waves hand) he's done so many crimes but probably his mass murdering
16. Deepest darkest secret they won’t even admit to themselves
he still wants ei to acknowledge him as her son and he craves her affection, even.
17. Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that I associate with them
songs: a lot but particularly mitski - cop car, chvrches - broken bones, mother mother - oh ana poetry: joan tierney's how to build a table and interview w/ the machine woman
18. What they’d go to see a therapist about
everything. if he decides he actually wants to go he has a whoooooole lot to discuss whew.
19. Vices/bad habits
i cant think of a specific one for canon bc (waves hand) Look At Him. but for modern aus he indulges in some cheap beer drinking for sure
20. Scars
he definitely has scars on his back from when he was hooked up to shouki no kami. being a puppet though, i don't think he has any smaller scars showing.
21. Drink of choice (not just alcoholic)
bitter tea (as in canon). if he's drinking alcohol he would drink nearly anything i feel...
22. Best physical feature
his sparkling eyes that make you think hes sweet and not full of anger. also his thighs.
23. If they were a scented candle, what would they smell like?
my first thought is something like the sea... the beach... idk why lol
24. Most annoying habit
kicking/elbowing in his sleep bc he sure puts power into them (zhongli wakes up with mysterious bruises a lot)
25. 3 things they’d want to take with them if they were dropped off in the middle of nowhere
he's that annoying guy who would say "a boat" or something like that
26. What they would do if stuck in an elevator with Zhongli
in canon: avoid him as much as possible and try not to reveal his connection to ei (kind of pointless bc hes literally made to look like her but dont tell him that)
in my delusions: 👏🏽 making 👏🏽 out 👏🏽 sloppy 👏🏽 style 👏🏽
27. Their guilty pleasure
fontaine detective novels in canon. in modern aus he enjoys watching trashy reality tv and making fun of the people/contestants
28. How they feel about Zhongli
in canon: hates him as much as he hates other gods, but i like to think he's slightly intimidated by him but will never admit it due to him being an ancient god that's even older than ei.
in my delusions: same as above but with added sexual tension. later on he just wants him sloppy style and this annoys him.
29. Eating habits
canon: he only eats for social purposes/when prompted since he doesn't really need it. he tries to finish as quickly as possible to avoid the social aspect of eating together lol
modern aus: he prefers to snack randomly throughout the day!
30. Sleeping habits
he usually sleeps all curled up. he also kicks in his sleep. (not me treating him like a cat)
31. If they had a tumblr what would it look like?
two options: aesthetic photo-only blog with a minimal dark theme and vague tags OR a troll/drama blog that always starts shit lmfao
32. Something guaranteed to make them smile/laugh
he'll always laugh at someone else's expense let's be honest like he's the guy that laughs when someone trips
33. Something guaranteed to make them cry
do NOT bring up ei!!!
34. How they react when they are feeling X emotion (sad, angry, excited, scared, etc.—can specify as many as you like)
every emotion he experiences is intense and i think he reacts to most of them by lashing out at others (usually violently) lol
35. Their idea of a perfect day
a day where no one bothers him and he gets to wander (heh) and just mind his business.
36. Their favorite season
37. What they really think about themselves
(smacks him) this puppet body can hold SO much self-hate and god complex all together.
38. Favorite holiday
gonna be delusional and say new years because zhongli birthday and his birthday soon
39. Favorite game
in modern aus i just know he'd be a silent hill enthusiast. in canon universe i think he doesn't like teyvat games in general he just seems them as frivolous fluff.
40. Favorite book
i bet he enjoys some fontaine detective novels. he hates inazuma light novels though.
41. If they could have lunch with anyone in the world (living or dead, from any fictional universe or the real world), who would it be?
one last lunch with niwa so he can say goodbye properly :)
42. 3 comfort items
the small cloth doll he made
his vision
that's all honestly. delusional me says anything of zhonglis but yknow
43. 3 favorite foods and 3 they despise
answering these kinda questions for genshin characters is so funny bc they have official answers... but outside of that his 3 faves are dark chocolate (more bitter the better), takoyaki, and . for what he hates well... all sweet desserts LMFAO.
44. Their happiest memory
the first birthday he celebrated at tatarasuna :) i imagine katsuragi and niwa decided his birthday so it would coincide with new year celebrations, and for his "first" birthday in particular they all surprised him and he cried (in a good way).
45. Their favorite celebrity
none LOL
46. The person they most admire
i'd say nahida would be the closest? although it's more a begrudging respect.
47. Their dream job
he does not dream of labor. if he could fuck around doing nothing forever he would.
48. Scariest moment of their life
definitely the first time he was experimented on. like i can imagine "unlocking" his power was very painful and terrifying and like. yknow. being experimented on in general is scary.
49. Favorite toy as a child
i don't think he liked toys even as kabukimono JSHDGKJSHGKJ
50. A memory they’ve blocked out
again, the first time he was experimented on.
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spiltscribbles · 2 years
9!! or 33! also ur writing is beautiful god i love it sm u r a gift ALSO I FUCKING LOVE UR -as a syrian- SYIRAN REMUS/HOPE HC SOOO MUCH U DONT UNDERSTAND THE JOY THAT WRITING RIGHT THERE IS MY LIFELINE I GENUINELY MADE ME SO HAPPY WHEN I SAW THAT AND am bitmanna lakki isboo3 7illo mitlik <33
Notes: Oh God habit I am absolutely balling with tears! like babes I don’t even know what to say i am just an entire mess!! I am going through a real drought with my writing because of a lot of annoying fucked up personal life shit but I am really really trying to get back into the swing of things, this is short I know, so rohee, please send me another prompt and maybe I can write something longer, Wallah I’m trying, but my brain is just such shit right now :( But I included Vivian in this because of you and I adore you babes xxx
Sometimes Sirius looks at Remus in moments like these— quiet and contemplative amidst a crisp summer night and cloaked in the glow of a thousand burning stars hanging above them like a benediction— and all he feels is that strange cocktail of wanting and yearning and aching that infests his bones and festers in his gut and sometimes threatens to shatter open his ribcage with the startling ferocity of it. But other times he looks at Remus and all he feels, all he knows and all he can understand, is a simmering sort of desperation, like embers being stoked in his heart. Desperate for so much of him, for any part of him, desperate for all of him. Desperate to relearn the facets of Remus that the werewolf had locked away with such unflinching precision nearly four months ago. Ever since that April night that none of them speak about, the night they make it a point to try and forget, to exhaust every flicker of energy to avoid. The night that created a fisher between Remus and the other Marauders that none of them knew how to begin to cement over, to repair, to make it back to how it had been.
But it’s better now, if only slightly. Remus had begun talking to Sirius willingly by mid May, and had begun openly laughing with him in June. And now— Well now they’re here— Or well, perhaps the better turn of phrase is that Sirius is here. Sirius is on the Swansea coast, spending the final fleeting week of the summer before their sixth year with the Lupins after Remus had miraculously agreed to as much, and it feels like maybe it can be the start of healing, or something like healing at the very least.
It’s been a week of blink and you’ll miss it smiles in the mornings and carefully calculated distances so they can’t ever accidentally knock shoulders or brush hands throughout the days, and their nights are spent usually passing a discrete joint back and forth before sleeping stiffly besides one another on Remus’s old twin sized mattress. But despite the icy overture Sirius has been suffering through, it’s still an olive branch all the same, and Remus is on the other side of it— he reckons that he’d just about walk through a thousand stinging hexes just for the chance of them returning to their normal once more.
And it’s the candor in that contemplation that steels Sirius’s resolve to make it till term begins after the fourth morning and he feels his insides crumble up into a ball, watch as Remus flinches back when their pinkies tap against one another reaching for the plate of goat cheese on the table spread of the traditional, Arabian breakfast that Vivian makes every Friday morning.
“Well that’s sweet,” Remus’s aforementioned mother squawks, thankfully shattering the awkwardness of the moment before it ever can actually begin, rising gracefully to meet her muggle husband at the door, holding a frilly lace bag of sweets in one hand and a letter in the other. “When did you get this, love?”
“I didn’t. A bloody owl dropped it off.”
Remus and Sirius’s eyes lock onto one another immediately, both familiar with the glistening, golden and scarlet paper Mrs Potter favors, and her habit of sending random packages of fudge whenever she fancies. So neither of them are surprised when Vivian’s bright, nearly amber eyes— the same shade of Remus’s own— go alight and focusses towards them. “We should bake something to send back to James’s mother, don’t you think Remi.”
Remus flushes, hates the endearment his mother calls him more than his actual name, though Sirius can’t help but think it’s fucking cute as hell on all counts.
“Oi, I think you should Ms Hussein, ’s only right, innit?”
“Stuff it, Black.” Remus hisses, elbows him on the side with a barely concealed smirk.
“No, nah, Remus, your man is spot on. You both should bake something sweet, say thank you and all.”
Remus glares straight forwards, boring his molten eyes into Sirius’s own and it’s the first time it feels like there’s a thawing between them— No. More than that. It feels like he has his Remus back. It feels like maybe those breaths of moment even— those breaths when it was just the two of them and they’d lock their smallest fingers or end up spooning on Remus’s bed or just staring soulfully at one another because there is nothing else they’d rather be doing.
Those breaths of moment that hinted at so much more.
“Hmm, right.” Remus says in that quiet, mishcevious way of his, like when he thinks of a beyond brilliant prank, or when he does something bloody insane like hug Sirius. “Mama, you’ve got that powerpoint to prepare for class. I tell you what, how bout Sirius here and I bake the cookies. Chocolate chip, we can get the recipe from that book you found at the flee market last weekend.”
Sirius’s brows hike up, a choked laugh stuck in his Adam’s apple as Vivian giddily agrees and Remus smugly mouths, you get the pink one.
And yeah, maybe this is actually the start of healing or something like tat after all. h
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coccyodynia · 10 months
i forgot its disability pride & wrath month
ive always had this really weird relationship to the word "disabled". i never really used it to describe myself until after i needed a cane to get around campus and even then i felt like i was faking it or making it worse than it was. but it really was that bad, i could barely do basic tasks required to just get around day to day.
but then i had my fusion surgery! recovery was kind of shitty and awful but after about 6 months i felt like a normal fucking person again. i could walk chicago streets without pain! i could do yoga without feeling the sensation of bone grinding on bone! i could stand up for more than 60 seconds without needing to cry!
and then like 6 months ago some shit started back up again, and now i'm 'disabled' again i guess? i dont fucking know. i'm having a lot of really similar or adjacent pain to what i experienced pre-surgery. and boy howdy i am fucking sick of it.
like, before the surgery, chronic pain was all i knew, so i didn't really know what a pain-free life could be like. but i had like a year and a half or two years of really solid pain-free life and it was amazing. sure, i still thought about my spine every single day and was still way too aware of what my spine was doing at any moment. but i would constantly be amazed like "i would be in agony right now if i didn't have that surgery"
but now i've had the fucking surgery and it doesn't matter because the pain is back!!!!! so i'm big mad about it!!!!!!
when i had the injection into my sacroiliac joint last monday, i started crying because i forgot how miserable those injections felt. i mean i was like really unable to speak because i was beside myself with it. the doctor kept asking me "are you with me?" "are you okay?" and i would try to answer but i couldn't form words so i just nodded and cried and the nurses were like "is it an emotional thing?" and i nodded again
and eventually the only words i could get out were "i had the fucking fusion and it still hurts"
and i'm just really sad that this is my life again
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fraener · 1 year
its the cold morning of a hot day. im finding myself craving strawberries so intensely, the sun is beaming in through a thin film of mist and im returning to nietzsche. the oak tree is starting to bloom, and the maples and bleeding heart and trillium and violets and cottonwood leaves are all hypnotically sweet and thick in the air. the other day i went into a new part of the woods and found a big bone from something and carried it around and brought it home in my bag, its smooth and long and green from the earth. theres a cut across the top of the joint which almost looks like it may have begun to heal. its going to be 80 out today. yesterday i had the most beautiful reacquaintance with some younger part of myself, 7 or 8. i brought them with me to school and pointed things out and felt the joy and curiosity and possibility so strong. i showed them what our life is like now and it was so wonderful and sweet. i want to find my old carnelian tooth necklace. i dont know where it is but ive been searching for it this morning. that part of me really wanted to wear it which i thought was so fitting. i was able to really be with the memories that part had yesterday. i dont know why it came forward or what its function is but i can feel it with me even now, incessant reminder that the possibilities are endless and the world is so huge and each day can be so long and slow if we make it. i feel really good. ive tried to make plans with several people and that feels nice. we got some seeds down in the garden and i feel really excited about it but know theres so much more work that needs to be done. im feeling a bit like im falling behind in everything but im looking forward to when my urgency kicks in and i can focus in on something without feeling guilty. i want to try and get people together for something on beltane since i dont think ill make it home. i dont know who it is i could get together but i want to enjoy myself that day and celebrate the changing tides. in the afternoon i sat in the shade in the heat behind the library and sculpted an 8 sided die for diving, then went to shady and cals house. we played music for a while and talked. cal and i really get along already so that feels good. it was late when i got home and i ended up staying out even later with el and nick and a bunch of people i dont know who are friends with el. it was really nice to see her i definitely still have a bit of a crush on her. really wonderful beautiful night and day though
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25 April 2023 Tuesday 6:05 pmpt
I am not proud that I gave some people a hard time . Auto save green box 📦. We were living in a very quiet neighborhood relatively lower in crime I guess or perceived to be? Bcz it was quiet. I don’t like it when someone tries to control me and I thought 💭 that’s what my aunt was trying to do when I already told her I was going to the bank 🏦. She told me to stay home 🏠 and that she was going to the bank 🏦 with my mom and she wanted me to watch her daughter. I was scared to go by myself and I already arranged to go(hot so hot 🥵 feels like acid in my skull 💀 left upper inline with ear 👂. 😤🥵😤🥵😤🥵😖😭left eye 👁 area pain brain 🧠 acid pain 6:12 pm pt. I didn’t like the way she dictated it to me. I thought 💭 she was trying to walk all over me. She did it to me again when she wanted to sleep 🛌 on my mom’s bed b4 we went to this hotel 🏨. She told me her moldy mattress was now mine and my mom’s clean mattress was hers. 6:15 pm pt. I was paying for most of the rent when we moved in together end of 2014. She (acid hot left butt bone 🦴 pain 6:16 pmpt) was only paying 💰 $500/mo + some utilities. Hot acid brain 🧠 pain 6:17 pmpt. I feel like also Bcz she and her daughter didn’t want to be quiet 🤫 when me or and mom were still sleeping 🛌 they would fight and yell they didn’t appreciate that we made living there possible for them. She complained to me recently that she had a hard time after mom kicked her out. But you know, even though I helped make it possible for them to move in with us and she wanted to behave like my needs didn’t matter when I would forget about my experience with god and didn’t still connect the dots of why things were the way they are and her daughter tried to kill me early October 2011 by punching me in the head very hard that I started to believe what (acid throat pain 6:22 pmpt) I read in Wikipedia afterwards about the natural hole 🕳 in the top back of the skull 💀 Bcz she had a very powerful punch 🥊, like she showed off she could eat with her hands 🙌 and not get diarrhea... she they would make messes and leave it for us to clean up after them.... starts to feel like they’re good at talking sweet acting dumb and slyly sh*tting us (sharp scratch chin?)6:26 (left hip pain). I should have been nicer about some things but there were times I thought 💭 I got s*ck Bcz she put her hands 🙌 in food containers in 2013 and then in 2015 she asked if I wanted some of her 🥣 cereal and then she showed off touching her cereal with her hands 🙌 smiling and throwing it into her mouth 👄. That with telling me to control me , hogging the whole couch 🛋 when I was going to watch tv 📺, .. she trusted me enough to want me to watch her kid 👧 but she still wants to say I’m bad. And (acid brain 🧠 pain 6:31 pmpt and her kid tried to kill me even though I was nice 99% of the time to her. I let her into my home 🏠 and she still said to me I dont (7:04 pmpt) owe you nothing b*txh. Maybe if she didn’t try to kill me none of the living with other weird people would have happened. 6:33 pmpt if you can’t appreciate someone for even one thing like that that they do for you, then maybe it’s meant to be that you live with someone else. 6:34 pmpt 7:05 pmpt
7:29 pmpt I need to review stuff I learned from school and probably update. Maybe I regurgitate info too much w/o thinking it through. 7:31 pmpt acid/hot pain left hip thigh joint area minute ago. 7:32 pmpt
7:41 pmpt rich people who literally don’t do real work except brag about their good fortune... who only have time to have fun and brag about good fortune Bcz other people are doing the work being farmers and other dirtier harder work, but are so proud to torture children with rape and chopping off legs for barely doing anything wrong. Scott has no regard for a woman’s feelings about pregnancy. It’s easy for men to run away after getting what they want. I didn’t have that relationship with god that he would allow me to rape 11 year olds or autistic 17 year olds or run someone over and pretend it was an accident and have the police and lawyers as friends to rely on to get away with murder. All those rich people do things behind closed doors that are heinous and have pretentious? Smiles like they’re better than everyone else. Without god, would rape of a child or an innocent 17 year old with learning disability slide? If you allow my legs to be chopped off and for me to get eaten by acid you’re letting men get away with murder of rape victims. The horror of a stronger man overtaking you and violating you in violence in reality when there is no god to play referee. Ensuring the rapist he doesn’t have to worry. Daddy will take care of everything for you so there are no consequences for your roughness. A real rape with out god subduing the victims so they cannot fight back or remember? If they were able to fight back would the after rape have resulted in death? 7:53 pmpt Bcz I had a learning disability maybe Scott knew from Q? Maybe he thought he could get away whatever he wanted to without much effort? Chopping off my legs now is delayed effort for what a rapist would have done after the rape immediately. 7:55 7:56 pmpt giving me issues making me weird so it’s easier to make mistakes (acid brain 🧠 pain right jaw bone pain 8:01 pmpt) 8:06 pmpt
8:33 pmpt I don’t think I ever saw Scott at school. Only Santana row. 8:34 pmpt
8:36 pmpt Q also match made Jessica with Scott. 8:36 pmpt
8:37 pmpt I have been (pain left shin pain bone flesh 8:38 pmpt) I guess (ascid anus pain 8:38 pmpt) all the planet sightings are fake outs by god/incubus. Probably can only see planets if the satellite is with in vicinity of the planet. 8:41 pmpt Bcz with the way things are going, composting not at every location, 99%? can not afford to go shopping so there’s (left hip bone pain 😖😭 hot pain left knee) 8:43 pmpt, land fills, crops failing in cotton, inflation, people losing their bones/premature menopause, I would have left a long time ago for a new planet if there was a Choice. 8:46 pmpt left shoulder pain bone 8:46 pmpt. I 8:48 pmpt I guess seeing is believing. Can’t believe in any one if god/incubus is willing to lie about things like being married (vag pain mouth acid pain 8:50 pmpt) mike Webster was a football player who had a lot of head trauma and bennet omalu said there are things that cut your brain when you hit your head. It’s not freely on the internet anymore they erased those details within the last 10 years. 8:52 pmpt so even if incubus gave me a tough skull at one point in my life he still did stuff to my brain to simulate the possible damage that would have happened to me when I did hit my head and when I got punched. My gray or white? (I forgot which one) matter would have depleted easily after trauma is the explanation dr. Amen gives to account for some stuff. Acid mouth pain. I guess that makes it easy for some people to get away with murder Bcz the damage is still done on the inside without seeing it on the outside. Acid mouth pain. 8:58 pmpt incubus takes pleasure in hurting me. Right hip pain bone 😖😭😞it still hurt a lot when I hit my skull 💀. It’s difficult to recall but I used to remember the intensity of the pain up until recently. I have (acid right shin forehead pain 9:02 pmpt) the memory of having the memory. Left shin bone 🦴 pain. 9:05 pmpt there’s a reason why (acid brain 🧠 pain 9:06 pmpt) he made me so hot 🥵 that it was unreal. Left arm pain. Why it would be put online instead of only telling me in my head? Why my city 🌃 was unbelievably hot 🥵 last year so some trees 🌳 are confused 🤷🏻‍♀️ and don’t have much leaves 🍃 and flowers 💐 now? It hurt so d*mn much the pain was so bad my skull 💀 and brain 🧠 9:11 pmpt. Maybe I’m delusional and don’t really understand what is going on. Bone 🦴 pain lower back butt left foot 🦶 pain acid rough brain 🧠 pain 9:15 pmpt I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ 9:16 pmpt
9:21 pmpt I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ how many charity cases he does so he can fake lookg like a merciful god. Maybe he made my skull 💀 tougher b4 hurting me Bcz it wasn’t fair to hurt me a lot but he still wanted to subject me to harder punishments. Now I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️. Bcz I made a bigger mistake than I should have. Now (left calf pain 9:25 pmpt) I’m afraid 😱 he’s going to kill me by hitting me with a car 🚗. 9:26 pmpt even if the pedestrian 🚶‍♂️ was fully capable of avoiding getting hit. When I am walking 🚶‍♂️ I always let the driver go first Bcz I could relate with not wanting to drive and wanting to be off the street sooner. 9:28 pmpt
9:30 pmpdt 9:36 pmpt even if the pedestrian 🚶‍♂️ completely dodged me/ didn’t get hit, like I think 💭 (Brain 🧠 acid rough pain 9:37 pmpt) he would still do it to me. 9:37 pmpt
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eldritchenbyautumn · 1 year
sometimes i just wanna just scrub my brain with a toothbrush. like,,, its gone too many years without a good cleaning to much dirt static-ed into the creases
or like,, wring out my spine like a wet hand towel oh and dont even get me started on what id do with my joint bones.
they need a REAL good tune up for sure. rent a whole mechanic for that.
anyone else?
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horce-divorce · 1 year
wisdom tooth update! its fine im just having Moment about the surgical healing process so ill put this under a readmore
tl;dr im healing fine, and also, it bears repeating that I CANNOT BELIEVE how people go walking around like wisdom tooth surgery is No Big Deal So Normal And Minor You'll Be Fine Right Away. we are now at week 2 and I'm just finally starting to get my mojo back but my face is still very sore and I am still having thrice daily body horror moments every time i have to irrigate the (still massive) wound in my face
posting bc it reassures me and also on the offchance this isnt actually normal and someone else can spot that lmao
proceed w caution if you don't like graphic descriptions or pictures of mouths/minor surgical wounds. no blood/gore, just TMI
frantically doing research about what healing wisdom tooth sockets are supposed to look like bc nobody tells you JUST HOW MUCH OF YOUR FACE they have to carve up to get those suckers out???? i have like an indoor chelsea grin situation going on????? but apparently this is all normal, I think??! MOST of the images I see of healing sockets look a lot less dramatic/have MUCH, MUCH smaller incisions. but i have found a few comparable ones to mine. and it doesn't look infected or anything so yeah ig this is just. normal????
i mean i would really expect my incision to be uhh h smaller by week 2. but idk like i said. its otherwise healing fine?
like. im kidding about the chelsea grin thing obviously but also kinda not really. like my actual jaw, like the joint, like the BACK of my mouth, WAY ABOVE the gums, is still split open. like way way more than you'd think would have been necessary. like an additional half inch above my socket. it's basically 2 sockets. that are attached like 1 big socket that goes from my gums into my cheek.
i even took a picture if you wanna see!!
you dont!
but im cursed to look at this 3x a day whether i like it or not!
Tumblr media
look at that! that's 2 weeks post surgery to the day.
its not my gums. that is fully a half inch up past my gums. tbf that sucker was sideways so they probably had to break it out hamburger style instead of hotdog style or w/e, but also, it's been 2 weeks? i expect it to take longer for bone and tissue to fill in the socket, but an incision should be closing up after 2 weeks, shouldnt it????
idk cus like, this is the only "complication" i've had btw, my face/cheek muscles being an issue... nurse suspected I overworked them on days 3-4 in an attempt to get pain relief; I was stretching/massaging/trying to chew too soon. I was only afterwards told how deep the injections go and that they can cause inflammation for weeks afterwards. oops. (i still dont think i'd have been able to talk properly or chew until about day 5 anyway, but i def made it worse. part of me wonders if the incision was even this big to begin with, or if I did that by overworking it.......... 💀)
anyway, my cheek/jaw muscles, right on the incision, hurt way more than my socket. they just keep getting tighter. and tighter. you know that feeling when a tendon/muscle is out of place and then it goes TWONG back into place and you're like "UGHK" ? it's like that inside my jaw, under my tongue and under the socket, except it never twangs back. my face just gets tighter and tighter like a rubber band that won't break, the more i eat/talk/smile the worse it gets. heat helps but it's inflamed as well so im trying to alternate heat/ice.
that said it's gradually getting better every day. vast improvement even from last Friday. but man. that + realizing how far up into my face that incision actually goes has me in a serious recurring body horror moment. i have hated absolutely every single second of this whole process :) this is my personal hell :)
licherally can not BELIEVE the amount of NT people who go walking around like wisdom tooth surgery is NO Big Fuckin Deal Back To Work on Day 3. it's WEEK 2 for me and I am just now getting back to normal, I can eat pretty much anything now (still avoiding crunchy and spicy), but i have to be so careful about how much I use my jaw.
maybe I am just more attached to my teeth and bones than the average guy (i.e. have sensory processing issues) or maybe it's just that ive never had any other surgeries. maybe i hate all surgery this much idk. but what the fuck lol. i do NOT feel I was adequately prepared for this. no way. everyone was like "oh it's fine you'll be in and out in 10 mins, I didnt even take my vicodin bc i didnt even need it, I was back to work on day 3, everybody gets it, they do so many of these all the time." ok but, do you have a fucking adamantium skeleton. you are the creature that god forgot. who are you people. like yeah they cut into my jaw and broke my bones right out of my face, but it's totally fine and im instantly normal again!! couldnt be me!!! what the fuck!!!!
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your-dietician · 2 years
Don't Underestimate the Power of Yoga!
New Post has been published on https://backtherapyhealth.com/dont-underestimate-the-power-of-yoga/
Don't Underestimate the Power of Yoga!
“Yoga is invigoration in relaxation. Freedom in routine. Confidence in self control. Energy within and energy without”
What is “Yoga”?
The word “Yoga” is derived from Sanskrit which means “union”. Yoga is a practice which uses postures and breathing techniques to induce relaxation and improve strength. There are Yoga “pose” ~ or “asana” ~ offers you to become more aware of your body, mind, and environment. There are many kinds of Yoga, ranging from gentle level Hatha Yoga to more intense such as Bikram Yoga. Every form of Yoga improves your health benefits from head to toe ~ your muscles, bones, and joints.
*Please always consult your physician prior to attempt any of these yoga poses and movements or using yoga as a treatment for any injury!
Don’t Underestimate the Power of Yoga
I started taking Yoga few years ago. I had never known what a powerful one hour of Yoga class can do to your body and especially your mind. When I entered the class for the very first time, I thought to myself ‘here we go, this is going to be a very easy stretching and flexibility without a drop of sweat during this session’. In the first few minutes through our Yoga ‘warm-up’, surprisingly I can feel sweat drops rolling on my back.
Mind can heal the Body ~ Namaste
I find this true that all Yoga makes people more accepting and loving toward themselves and their body. Often, it’s not the intense hard core cardio or kickboxing classes or weight lifting training you need, but rather a relaxing or energizing class, depending on your symptoms. Consult with your physician prior to taking any of these classes, or attempt to perform any of these Yoga poses.
However, I learn that there’s a misconception to some that Yoga is only about relaxation. There are some basic Yoga signature “poses” ~ or “asanas” ~ such as “Sun Salutation”, “Mountain Pose”, “Cobra”, or even “Warrior 2″ surprisingly can be stimulating to your body. Tight muscles throughout your body, back, shoulders, legs, arms, including your facial expression can be a factor in pain, and calming your nervous system will help relax them. To get the most effective benefits, I personally recommend skipping the hard-core Yoga and other intense trainings and emphasize meditation and stretching. You’re never too young or too old to reap the health benefits of Yoga. As each pose names sound as intimidating to you, believe me they are very simple to follow. Find out and discover yourself how Yoga poses ” will help you relax, refresh, and restart your engine, soul, mind, and body.
YOGA is best natural Rx *
Stay Healthy. Think Healthy. Body and Mind. There are more scientific proof that YOGA offers more health benefits than just mind relaxation, breathing exercise, meditation, muscle stretching, strength, and flexibility.
Health Benefits to Muscles, Bones, and Joints: Not only it can improve endurance, but a regular Yoga exercise can help and maintain your body strong, as it involves all muscles areas in performing any of ‘poses’ ~ ‘asanas’ ~ to hold and balance postures, strengthening your feet, hands, shoulders, lower back, abs, hip, legs, and shoulders. Yoga’s stretching and breathing exercises improve your flexibility, helping joints, tendons, and muscles stay limber. As with treating a back pain, try a much calming and gentle practice, such as “corpse” pose. Yoga is often prescribed to help heal various injuries*, including repetitive strain injuries, knee and back injuries, pulled hamstrings, even minor skin burns. Improve Bone Density: Yoga is also said to be an excellent weight-bearing exercise that can improve your bone density; particularly beneficial for women approaching menopause, since Yoga can help ward off osteoporosis, or thinning of the bone.
Depression Cure: A recent study has stated that Yoga helps your body produce serotonin, a natural antidepressant, and helps lower cortisol levels, which are elevated in people with depression. A study showed that people who took a 1-hour Yoga class, three times a week for two months, said they felt less depressed, angry, and anxious. Most of them felt their depression had went into remission.
Benefits to Cardivascular system: Yoga has tremendous health benefits to your heart. The powerful “poses” or “asanas” keep your blood flowing while focusing on breathing. It is a cardio conditioning which strengthens core muscles while it keeps blood and oxygen circulating throughout your body. People suffering from hypertension can benefit from Yoga tremendously, as it can actually lower your heart rate and blood pressure.
Boost antioxidant for stronger Immune system: A regular Yoga practice helps boost antioxidants throughout your body, resulting a stronger immune system and increase ability to heal quicker against disease or injury. Treatment for autoimmune diseases: It can reduce the symptoms these diseases often cause, such as stiffness, malaise, fatigue, and weakness.
Reduces Anxiety and Stress: Yoga is an effective form of psychological therapy. Because yoga is a form of meditation, it results in a sense of inner peace and purpose. It has been used to help treat a wide variety of emotional and mental disorders, including acute anxiety, depression, and mood swings. Even children can benefit from yoga. Those with attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity can learn to relax and get control by using yoga breathing and yoga ‘poses’ ~ ‘asanas’. Insomnia cure: A regular Yoga practice can help cure insomnia, which promotes to better and deeper sleep. The more soundly you sleep, the fewer pain chemicals your brain secretes. In addition, it can help fight fatigue and maintain your energy throughout the day.
*Please always consult your physician prior to attempt any of these yoga poses and movements or using yoga as a treatment for any injury!
I hope you find this somehow useful. Until then, here is an inspiring quote I’d like to share with you:
“The mind is everything; what you think, you become” ~ Buddha
Until then, be safe and stay positive in mind and heart!
Nicky Dare
Source by Nicky Dare
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monocerosaquae · 2 years
Small Drabble
tw: starvation mentioned. semi-graphic descriptions of violence/blood. graphic/semi-graphic depction of consuming an animal. I’m honerstly not 100% sure how to tag this but I’m trying my best.
Let me know if you think I’ve missed something that should be tagged!
Also a tl;dr if you dont want to read; Trying to survive the abyss is a *struggle* for a young boy and I get way too into exploring that idea.
He’s so hungry.
Time passes weird down here. Differently. Days felt like hours, minutes, sometimes months. Sometimes months felt like days. Sometimes he felt like he’d been here forever, like he’d been born into this void of darkness, sometimes it seemed like just yesterday he’d been playing with his siblings in the forrest.
At first, naively, he’d assumed things like hunger just didn't exist in this place. He hadn’t felt hungry yet. Survivial instincts had better things to focus on during what passed for the day down here.
But then he stopped to rest for barely a moment, to catch his breath, and the pangs had hit. So sharp and consuming he’d frantically checked his abdomen for a gaping wound.
Nothing but pale skin and prominent ribs greeted his inspection. He wasn’t impaled, bleeding out around a wicked blade or ragged claws, he was starving.
The Abyss wasn’t made for a human. It wasn’t accommodating. One must adapt or die in the face of this cruel, savage realm.
So he would adapt. Again and again, learning from mistakes, coming out stronger, tearing himself to shreds and reshaping the remains to fit this world and losing more and more of Ajax as he went. If he wanted to survive the monsters that lurked here, he had to become at least a little bit of one himself.
 Slash, tear, rend and rip through paper thin flesh, easier and easier the deeper he crawled. No longer could he tell where the viscera that coated him started or ended, were his clothes even still intact? He never bothered to check, fabric long ago losing any meaningful use aside from being ripped up into bandages.
Run. Scream. Slash, RipClawBite-
Thick, warm. A bitter rotten tang, like the fish mother left out to ferment, but not quite preserved enough to eat yet. Blood coated his tongue as he pried his teeth free from the flesh of his most recently felled foe. He breathes, rolls his tongue, smears the liquid across his gums and tastes. Swallows…
So warm...heavy and filling in his stomach...
It’s the closet he’s come to food in so long, something primal purrs and rears it’s head in interest inside him. Something dark and foreign, but so deeply instinctual, he can barely fight even it if he’d wanted to.
Something slithers out from beneath his skin as he dips his head, perched over his kill like a wild animal. Something that coils around him, coaxes forth the burgeoning darkness, shapes it to his advantage.
Newly sharpened canines sink back into it’s still warm meat, latch on and pull.
A chunk rips free with a sickening squelch that echoes on deaf ears, slick and dripping down his chin as he chews, a ravenous growl slipping from his chest.
Again. More. So hungry.
There’s little meat on this creature. He resorts to sucking at the fat, snaps a joint and gnaws at the bone until it splits, scrapes and licks at the marrow inside.
Sinew rips, tendons snap, bones crack...
...and the boy that once was Ajax feasts till there is nothing left but shards of bone and scraps of skin.
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beesmygod · 2 years
very very specific call for information: anyone out there deal with out-toeing caused by external tibial rotation (duck feet from a fucked up tibia) AS AN ADULT?
im putting this out here because 1. theres like no fucking information on the entire internet about adults who never grew out of a common childhood problem (unlike children, who self-correct by strengthening muscles, my tibia is an inherited condition. mom has it but not nearly as bad) and 2. i just want to know more! especially what im looking at for recovery.
e: im me from the future. this post is so long and boring and navel gazey so i added images in the hopes it might trick you into wanting to share it.
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i only just started this process yesterday: after a series of free association google searches stemming from the fear that i had developed peripheral artery disease at age 31, i discovered symptoms i had been attributing to other random issues (pain radiating down leg? i must be bloated and pressing down on a nerve. pain in shins when i walk even for a short while or up a single flight of stairs? i must be out of shape and destroying my body. knees swollen with fluid in the 4th grade? bursitis, etc) could pretty much all be traced back to my fucked up leg.
my right leg (/my/ right) is visibly fucked from the outside and always has been since i was born. the left is as well, although to a much less (and likely ignorable) extent than the right. i’ve know about this forever; my parents at one point took me to a doctor who was like “yeah she’s shaped like a twizzler” but didnt actually recommend any action. therefore, it was assumed by all that there was nothing we could do and i just had to suffer my junji ito uzamaki curse forever.
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which would suck because it’s not great. my family was not receptive to any complaints i had about my body hurting growing up so i just gave up on giving a shit about it. i’m going to start from the top bottom on pain:
sometimes i walk with a limp because my hip and knee joint would work in tandem to get a sharp pain that makes putting weight on it hard.
during my period, i usually end up with at least a day or two where i get deep toothache like pain in my thigh. its always there, not throbbing, and it just. aches.
for some reason my body favors it so when im standing i find myself almost completely leaning on it (which just makes it hurt more later). i can feel myself fucking my knees up when i do this because of how it has to shift around the twisted bone.
my knees swell up every time i kneel and put weight on them (growing up catholic made this excruciating).
walking is a nightmare. i usually try my best to pretend like my shins (specifically) aren’t screaming from mild exertion. i bought a step machine thinking i was just out of shape and a big whiner but it didn’t ever get better no matter how much and how consistently i did it. i though i was just assigned a really dogshit corporeal form that wasn’t built for improvement.
dont even think about running, buddy. i flip flap around like im wearing clown shoes AND it hurts like a bitch.
speaking of which, i also trip and fall on my own feet a lot. the doctor asked me this like “you don’t find yourself falling a lot while walking, right?” and i had to laugh because i eat shit at least 2x a month. i have a huge scar on my foot from last year.
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now im about to upload some pictures of my legs. try not to scream. ignore the bruises, i spent all day yesterday/day before completely re-arranging my office so i beat the crap out of my legs lol.
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here they are together, standing comfortably. im using the edge of our ugly tile as a straight edge for reference.
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here’s the left one. i have no idea if this is normal. the doctor i saw yesterday said it was “less pronounced” on this side. i agree.
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i look like im uploading instructions on how to hokey-pokey. anyway: right leg in. notice how it is, indeed, fucked up when lined up against the edge.
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and here’s the knee straight. i really thought this was normal and i just had to deal with it for the rest of my life lol. i mean i still might uhhh let’s find out.
pretty much everything online is for kids with assurances that they’ll “grow out of it” and absolutely no info otherwise for the rest of us. now for my QUESTIONS:
-which surgery would be done to correct this?
-i am an american, any idea what surgery cost might look like? (lol ignoring insurance, i want to see if im even close to the ballpark of it being feasible)
-how long is the surgery recovery time?
-can physical therapy correct this? if so, how long would it take?
-can you direct me to more information on living with out-toeing/duck footing/external tibial rotation? how can i manage symptoms?
-does anyone want to study me, because apparently im a rare specimen. im minting myself as an nft or whatever. fuck
ok thank you. please share if you want to but remember to tag it “long post” for people who dont want to be attacked by this big wall of legs
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