#don’t egg on the murder creature
sacha-da-1 · 2 years
Jeez Doctor, you got a death wish??
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chaoticace2005 · 4 months
Rules for the Hazbin Hotel, authored by Vaggie:
1. No drugs.
2. No fights.
3. No pranks.
4. No problematic language.
6. No smuggling in of drugs. Not by sticking them up your ass. Or by hiding them in a pizza box. Or by slingshotting them to the roof. Or getting someone else to. Not at all.
7. No sexual rendezvous with outsiders in the hotel. No SHOWING sexual rendezvous with strangers to people of the hotel either.
8. Make sure the pig/future pets stay in the patron’s room. (This includes eggs!!)
9. No singing Limit singing to once twice per day
10. Stop flirting with the bartender Angel
11. Don’t call Husk “Husker” unless he allows it.
12. No harassing the staff at all. This includes asking who tops.
13. Don’t suggest anything sexual/romantic to Alastor unless you want your head cut off.
17. Don’t ask me to put my spear “inside you” Angel, what the fuck?
18. Don’t turn the interior of the hotel into a swamp?! Keep it contained in your room if you must!
19. No stabbing staff or residents. No matter how much they look like bugs! (OR IF THEYRE NAME IS ANGEL)
20. Don’t try and stab bugs if they’re within 10 feet of another demon.
21. Don’t call anyone a “bitch” OR TALK ABOUT HOW MY NAME SOUNDS LIKE “VAGINA”
22. Limit Niffty’s access to sharp objects.
24. No drinking. Limit drinking at bar.
25. No mentioning the Stock Market Crash of 1929. For everyone’s benefit.
26. Don’t blow a hole in the wall.
27. Try to keep roast battles OUTSIDE the hotel. (Or stop picking fights?? Please Alastor I swear to God…)
28. No spying on the hotel for outside sources or putting technology that can be used against us.
29. No evil laughing in the middle of the night, what the fuck Alastor?
30. No building weapons/war machines.
31. No eggs! (Fine the eggs can stay.)
32. Someone please keep an eye on Niffty. (And the eggs.)
33. Stop touching people ANGEL.
34. Don’t make other people storm off HUSK.
35. Respect boundaries.
36a. If Angel looks like he’s about to pass out/cry don’t comment. Let him do his thing.
36b. Don’t try to talk to Angel if he’s on the phone with Valentino. Honestly don’t even mention his phone calls with Valentino.
37. Please don’t call Lucifer “Daddy”
38. Don’t turn into a 20 foot tall demon-eating creature unless absolutely necessary.
39. Don’t cause angry loan sharks to show up at the front door.
41. Rule #2, “No fights” can be broken if the person you’re fighting is Valentino. Or Adam.
42. Don’t lie to your girlfriend or hide the fact you were secretly an angel.
45. Don’t give people makeovers while they’re sleeping, ANGEL!
46. Don’t pretend to eat someone’s pet, ALASTOR
47. Don’t die.
48. I never want to hear the words “cum-plete” again.
50. If Charlie is passed out on the couch LET HER SLEEP
51. No making bombs in the hotel Cherri!
52. Stop breaking rules and then saying it’s “FOR SIR PENTIOUS!”
53. Angel don’t try to shoot someone if they break spaghetti.
54. Don’t break spaghetti. Or “ruin” Italian food. Whatever the fuck that means. This apparently includes pineapple on pizza.
55. Don’t mention Valentino unless Angel brings him up first.
56. Don’t comment on Angel and Husk’s flirting.
57. Only call Angel “Anthony” if things are serious (or if you’re Husk)
58. Don’t use any of the nicknames Husk and Angel use for each other. This includes but is not limited to: “Whiskers”, “Legs”, “Kitty”, “Webs”, “Tony”, “Love”, and “Baby.”
59. It’s better not to question whatever facts Husk gives about his past.
60. Family dinners at 6 pm unless you can’t make it due to prior obligation. Game nights after on Sundays.
61. No hunting people for sport and NO KNIFE MONOPOLY.
62. Don’t attach knives to a roomba so you can have a “boyfriend” Niffty.
63. Keep Niffty away from Roombas.
64. Alastor, treat people with decency. Really, it’s not that hard.
65. No making giant ducks that breathe fire to chase people around the hotel just because they call you short.
66. Therapy. Everyone.
68. If Valentino enters the property you have permission to stab him.
69. “Hell is forever” is bullshit. You guys aren’t. You can do this.
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brights-place · 4 months
hihi!! i didn’t see that asks were closed but if they are then please ignore:)
can you do an alastor x fem/gn mafia boss? (from 1920s)
tysm!! soz if it’s too specific:(
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Alastor x Mafia boss! Reader
Pairings: Alastor X F!Reader (platonic!)
Warnings: Death, murder, Drugs, Weaponry
A/N: Alastor Is aroace so I'm making it platonic because well as an person under the aroace umbrella since I'm an pansexual person who is an mix of an cupioromantic and demi-sexual person so yeahhh! Anyways hope you enjoy the request! <33
- When you first arrived in hell you were confused looking around the area their were beings and strange creatures walking around - The area appeared to be a rundown city and industrial area with rampant criminal and gang activity as the sky was filled with red stars and an flipping coin that was suppose to be the moon...?
- You stood up looking down at yourself and back around seeing signs that had the word 'Mammon' on it or an sigil of an M which made you confused
- You staretd to walk around eyebrows furrowed at whoever or whatever tried to reach you as you easily took them down.
- Next thing you knew after a day you were ruling a spot in the greed ring… you don’t know how! You just DID - You were soon known as 'Lady Ploutos' the woman who held wealth and power which made you an target but it was very easy for you to take them down with an snap of your fingers - You soon became an 'overlord' whatever that mean't to you. You were soon invited to an 'Overlord' meeting which you complied to go to due to the fact you were bored and you currently weren't gun smuggling or committing some more crimes
- Due to having relations with Mammon and helping him gain more wealth that the greedy man wanted he'd allow you to leave and come back whenever you pleased
- As you left the greed ring after having permission from mammon you stared out the window of the car watching everything shift as you were now in the pride ring.
- Your driver dropped you off as you hopped out of the car and glanced behind you to the driver who whipped his gun up swiftly towards your direction as you didn't turn around to face him once more as an blood curdling scream was heard after some moments later you glanced back to the car - His body was limp against the steering wheel eyes rolled back and his jaw ripped off showing only the top layer of his teeth and face as one eye was popping out his head like an caterpillar or an worm peaking out from an apple his body pale and numb as the deads driver bottom half of the jaw was on the car floor with blood pooling out of what was left of the males mouth as an wound was noticed coming from the nape down to his abodoem.
- You couldn't care less as you continued to walk up to an elevator noticing an male with an strange posture standing there with small eggs? following him with an taller slender male beside him as the two turned towards you as you walked past them and entered the elevator
- After the meeting you were absolutely confused scratching your head "What the fuck was that?" You uttered as you glanced across the table to Zeezi who was laughing as you glanced to the angel head that was being poked by Alastor the radio demon who glanced towards you as you muttered an “The fuck?” In an confused tone
- When you both left the meeting you entered the same Elvator as alastor spoke “You are Lady Plotous right?” “Yeah People call me that but I’m actually called (Name) my title is something those imbeciles call me” You said waving your hand dissmisvly as Alastor smiled “Alastor. Charmed to meet the person who controls the greed ring! Didn’t think their was someone outside of the pride ring who controls that half” You raised an brow “Uh huh” you said shaking his hand
- You both created an bond about how you both enjoyed peoples sufferings and making deals
- Your company is good for him since you both waited for frank to come down after snopping and being an spy.
- The news of Angels being killed made you smirk and chuckled as Alastor smirked you two sharing an look
- You flipped open your phone and texted your right hand man to get ready to order some angelic weapons since you HAD the money. - As an Mafia leader well people thought you were the Mafia leader but you were actually the god father of the mafia's around the greed ring even crimson was an puppet of yours. - Godfather also known as (The Boss of all Bosses) or (The King) It is a phrase used mainly by the media, public and the law enforcement community to indicate a supremely powerful crime boss in the Sicilian or American Mafia who holds great influence over the whole empire. It has seldom been given to specific bosses because it could create tension between different factions (otherwise known as families) within the Mafia. Typically the title is awarded de facto to the boss of the most powerful Mafia family which was you. - You were ruthless and cruel yet sometimes gave pity which some said was an flaw but secretly you needed some people to think you were low ranking unaware that you were above them.
- Whoever asked you for money you would give you were technically an loan shark yet you still killed whoever disobeyed you and ere you were right now
- You were in the pride ring beating the shit out of someone who had owed you money with brass knuckles as Alastor was walking down the street to hear the grunts
- He smiled when seeing you with blood coating your fingers and some on your face as you smiled "Alastor! My favorite Overlord!" You called out chuckling walking over smirking as Alastor spoke "My! What have you been up to?" "beating the shit outta an asshole who owed me" You said shrugging
- Alastor would visit you and would smirk just to ask if he could make deals with your victims which you allowed sometimes since you enjoyed how Alastor worked
- When Alastor was gone for 7 years you were annoyed to lose an close friend- I MEAN Colleague!
- When he returned you invited him over to have some drinks and wanted him to tell you about where he had went yet he didn't tell you anything which you found annoying but understood.
- You enjoy listening to Alastor is stories and when he cooks some Jambalya he says you have good taste
- You both bond on liking Jazz and sipping Whisky together
- You figured out he was Aroace the second when an woman tried to hit on him. It was entertaining
- When your stressed and overworked with your useless Soldiers not doing their jobs properly Alastor dosen't mind pulling an few strings... and limbs to help you out - You enjoyed Alastor is company I mean he is the radio demon he is the most cruel overlord with you coming second since you weren't as bad as him - Your bond was strong and tight for an Mafia leader and well an Radio man.
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2023 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact
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tamurilofrivendell · 1 year
The Dragon | part 1 | Thranduil x Reader
{Part One} {Part Two} {Part Three} {Part Four} read on AO3
Pairing: Thranduil x Female Reader
Summary: You found a dragon egg and secretly kept it but when Thranduil inevitably finds out, after the egg has hatched, he is beyond furious and the tentative thread that has grown between you both is at risk of being severed forever.
Content etc: Angst. Threat of violence. Mutual pining/assumed unrequited feelings etc. Angry Thranduil. 
tags: @firelightinferno​, @achromaticerebus​, @coopsgirl​, @birbixo0912​, @desert-fern​​, @ancient-rime​
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The forest was quiet. Too quiet, a fact which only increased your anxiety. You could practically hear your heart hammering away inside your chest, as though it were threatening to burst. Your feet carried you along, careful step by careful step, staying on high alert. The guards wouldn’t be too far behind and you had to lead them far enough away to make sure they didn’t find him. They would destroy him and you just couldn’t let them do that. He was just an innocent, he hadn’t done anything wrong!
It had all started almost a year ago. In this exact forest, not too far from where you were now strangely enough, on a night as similarly dark as this one.
You had snuck out of the kingdom for one of your little walks. It wasn’t really allowed due to how dark the forest had become over the last years. The spiders were getting bolder. The air was heavy and thick. Orcs had been seen. The plant-life was being smothered. The trees were sad.
This was no longer the Greenwood of old.
Still, the freedom was something you couldn’t quite give up. You took a dagger, just in case, and stayed as close to the gates as you could. But you strayed a little too far this particular night and that’s when you found it, half-buried at the base of a large tree.
It was unmistakably an egg, though of what creature you didn’t have a single clue. It was unlike any bird egg you had ever seen before. You don’t know what really possessed you but you felt like you had to help. It must have fallen out of its nest or something and you couldn’t leave it here, to get crushed or eaten. There were all sorts of beasts out here, enemies, and this was just.... defenceless. A baby.
So you took it. You smuggled it into your chamber, made it a warm and comfortable nest in the bottom drawer of your dresser, and promised to look after it until it hatched. It was quite easy to hide, nobody seemed any the wiser... until it hatched months later, of course. Then the utter panic set in.
A dragon. This was a dragon egg.
The little creature had broken through the thick shell after about twenty minutes, during which you kept silent vigil, preparing for whatever little animal would reveal itself to you. However, nothing could have prepared you for this. You immediately felt fear, your mind becoming thick with it. It was going to kill you! You had brought a monster into the halls of the woodland realm and it was going murder you and then turn its sights on the rest of these halls!
However, instead of immediately setting you ablaze, the little animal had regarded you with severe curiosity before stumbling towards you on wobbly little legs and nudging your hand with its tiny snout. You gaped at it, watching as it blinked up at you with wide, trusting eyes. It didn’t... look evil. It didn’t... act evil.
Your panic subsided slowly as you watched the tiny dragon and you decided that you would allow it to stay with you for the night instead of casting it out into the cold - though you didn’t sleep a wink that night, unable to fully shake your worry, despite the dragon curling up into a little ball on your pillow.
One night turned into two weeks which turned into three months, and still you kept the dragon in your chamber.
You became more and more attached to the little animal the longer you spent in its presence. You grew to love him, even, as the months passed by. He was attached to you too, if the joy he expressed whenever you wandered back into the room or spent time with him was anything to go by. He would sit with you while you read or wrote and you would play with him and smuggle him food. You named him Aegnor and he kept you company as well as bringing you some small comfort. It was nice to have a companion.
However, it soon became apparent that being closed away in your chamber all the time, spacious though it may be, would just not do for much longer. Aegnor was obviously craving the outdoors - to stretch his wings and breathe the fresh air.
So, not wanting to deprive him, you began to smuggle him out of your chambers and into the forest. You took him most often at night and never too far, though far enough away that the danger of being caught wasn’t so high. Sometimes you would take him down to the forest river and sit along the bank while he explored and stretched his little legs.
It had been here that an elf on patrol had found you. There had been a long moment where you had both just stared at each other. He tried to make sense of what he was seeing and you tried to figure out what you were supposed to do. The sound of his horn piercing the air, summoning more guards, had forced you out of your trance. You had snatched Aegnor from the ground and took off running, an arrow whizzing by your ear as you vanished beyond the treeline.
An arrow! They were shooting at you!
You could hear them in the distance. They had gathered quickly and the king had probably been informed by now. A flash of fear spiked through you at that thought but you banished it quickly, needing to keep your focus. You reached a tall, thick tree and placed Aegnor high up on the branches.
“Climb to the top!” You told him. He gave you an unhappy look but you would not budge, urging him to obey you. “You must climb to the top and stay there until I come back for you! Promise me.”
The little dragon looked very uneasy but he acquiesced and quickly clambered high up into the tree and out of sight. You watched him go, praying he would do as he was told, and then you turned and took off running.
It felt like you were running for hours, though it couldn’t have been, but no matter how far you went you could still hear the sounds of the pursuit behind you. They were closing in and you felt fear... fear in regards to these elves you had known practically your whole life. You could hardly believe it.
What you had done, however, would be treated as an act of treason. Dragons were enemies... especially to the Elvenking.
Turning on your heel, you took a sharp left, deciding that you would go deeper into the forest. You had practically forgotten about the dangers of the wood itself, thinking only of your panic and your need to get away, to hide. Maybe you could outrun them and then come back for Aegnor and... and what? Leave Mirkwood? The thought caused your heart to feel heavy. So, so heavy. Yet, you could not give up that little creature to be murdered. You just couldn’t.
Your thoughts were so loud that you didn’t hear it until it was too late. Eight large legs descended upon you, knocking you to the ground. You only just managed to roll slightly to the right to avoid its stinger. You had dropped your dagger somewhere back near the river and you were drained and distracted. A strong, disgusting limb held you in place as it readied for another attack and you could only squeeze your eyes shut and wait, and pray that Aegnor would get away safe.
Then a blade came swinging down through the dark, slicing through the foul creature’s flesh. The spider let out an ear-piercing screech as its legs were separated from its body and the life seeped out of it. You felt a thick liquid splattering across your clothing and your cheek and you let out a screech of your own as you rolled away, scrambling around on the forest floor.
When you opened your eyes, your fear grew tenfold, as you stared up along a silver sword, meeting the furious gaze of the Elvenking himself.
“Where is it?” He hissed, forgoing any discussion of whether or not you were well. You were still breathing, that was enough.
You found that you could not answer, merely staring back at him, able only to focus upon the cold dread you could feel flooding through your entire being.
When you did not speak, Thranduil’s gaze hardened and his voice dropped to a level even more dangerous than you would have thought possible. “Where. Is. It?”
“You...” You paused, swallowing hard against the lump that had formed in your throat. “You will have to kill me, my king... I will not give him up to be slaughtered.”
Thranduil blinked, unable to hide his surprise for just a moment before he recovered, but it was long enough for you to have seen it. “You would choose this... this creature... over me?” His voice was hard but you could just about tell that he was hurt.
“You don’t understand!” You began, wondering if you could plead and beseech your way to an explanation, find some way to make him understand. “Please, I-”
“Understand?” Thranduil cut you off before you could get any further. He was not interested in your placations and lies. “I do not understand?!” His tone was ice as he took a step forward, the tip of his sword pressing into your chest. “Begging will not get you out of this.” There was a pause, during which he scanned your face, before he spoke again. “...how could you?” For just a second you saw raw vulnerability, there and gone so quickly you were unsure this time whether or not you were just seeing what you wanted to see. “How dare you!” The fire raged through his veins once more as he fought the urge to run you through with his blade.
You stayed quiet this time, unable to meet his eyes any longer. The forest was deathly silent. You could no longer hear the advancing soldiers and you wondered if they had taken a wrong turn that took them away from you, or if Thranduil had sent them back to the halls so he could deal with you himself.
The thought sent a shudder right through you.
The corners of Thranduil’s mouth pulled into the smallest, yet most evil smirk you had ever seen grace his expression, as if he had read your mind. His gaze never faltered and you felt as though you were facing down your greatest enemy... which was a far cry from how you had felt about him the previous day.
The silence stretched out and you found yourself wishing that he would just get it over with. If he was going to kill you, you wanted him to do it now, get it over and done with. He would not cease his search for Aegnor, you knew that, but you hoped that the little dragon would be clever enough to flee this forest. Maybe head for the mountains or find a kind soul who would take him in and care for him until he was a little bigger. He was still so little, after all.
Suddenly, Thranduil’s fingers closed around your upper arm in a harsh grip as he hauled you to your feet and began dragging you back through the tangled branches of Mirkwood. You winced at the feel of his nails digging into your skin but you did your best to conceal any discomfort. He wouldn’t care, after all.
“You will rot in the dungeons until you tell me where this thing is.” He snarled, dragging you behind him so quickly that you could barely keep yourself upright. He didn’t care... or at least that’s what he told himself. Thranduil was beside himself with rage but he was also full of sorrow and grief.
The two of you had started off as any other in his kingdom. King and Subject. Over time, mostly during celebrations and festivals and chance encounters, you’d both become something more. Friendly, then friends. Over time, his feelings for you had grown into something past friendship. He could never tell you, of course. His kingdom aside, Thranduil didn’t believe his feelings could be returned and he could handle them alone. Having you in his life and grappling unrequited feelings was better than not having you in his life at all. Your laughter had brightened his days. Your presence had comforted him in his darkest moments.
...and yet.
This was such a betrayal. He couldn’t believe you had done this. To the realm... to him. You were one of the few who had seen the scars he bore from facing down one of those beasts long ago. He had shown you, and you had shed tears for him. You had held him while the memory took him in its violent grip. You had stayed with him while he fell asleep. You hadn’t turned your back on him.
What a lie.
You were kept in a cell for two weeks before you saw Thranduil again. He came striding into the dungeon, his robes flowing behind him. His sword was at his side and his crown was on his head.
This was it, you thought. This was the day he had finally come to kill you.
You couldn’t have predicted that, from within the folds of his cloak, he would produce Aegnor. You cried out as you looked upon the little dragon. You couldn’t help it. He was all bound up and a sort of muzzle held his jaw in place. He looked upset but he mostly looked like he didn’t really understand what was happening.
“It looks like we did not need you after all.” Thranduil broke the silence, holding the animal out in front of him, his eyes fixed upon your face.
Aegnor wriggled in his grasp but Thranduil only tightened his grip, still staring at you. His skin crawled being this close to it and he was thankful it was so small.
“Thranduil, this is insane!” You couldn’t stop the words leaving your mouth as you looked back at him, not bothering to hide your distress. You knew what he was doing by bringing Aegnor down here, by parading the creature in front of you, showing you how he had subdued it. “You’re hurting him!”
“Do you have any idea the damage these beasts can inflict?” Thranduil glared at you. “I have seen dragons lay low entire villages! I have seen the destruction, the utter ruin, that they leave in their wake! Have you forgotten, little one, the damage that has been left upon my own skin?!”
His voice had continued to rise in volume as he spoke and, as he spat the final words out, he threw Aegnor forward onto the ground. The little dragon fell against the bars of your cell and, before Thranduil could do anything, you’d snaked your arms between the bars and caught hold of him, pulling him into the cell with you.
“No, Thranduil, I have not forgotten.” You said, tears stinging your eyes as you carefully but frantically worked at the ropes binding Aegnor and released his jaw. Your gaze never left Thranduil, who was staring at you like he wished to rip you apart. “How could I?! But-”
“But! Nothing!” He thundered, storming towards the cell and flinging the door open, ripping it from its hinges in his anger.
Aegnor had slipped from your grasp and was attempting to waddle away but, in the same moment that Thranduil drew his sword to end the dragon, you snatched the creature back up and drew it to your chest. Thranduil’s sword came swinging down through the air and you squeezed your eyes shut, shielding the dragon as best you could. You expected to feel the sting of steel as it pierced your flesh but nothing happened.
Thranduil had brought his weapon down with the intention of slaying the dragon once and for all. Then you had gotten in the way, curling yourself around the animal in such a way that meant killing it would kill you. He had fully intended to do it... he thought so, at least. He was so angry. Yet, he didn’t. Thranduil watched you slowly open your eyes as he hovered in the space above you, sword pointed directly over your heart, where the warmth of the dragon was clutched in your protective hold. He was breathing heavily and he looked so angry. He felt so angry. And yet he found that he just couldn’t do it. He hesitated and in that hesitation he knew he wasn’t going to kill you. He would have done it already.
“How could you do this to us?” He asked then, his voice quieter than even he had expected. He felt vulnerable again and he hated it. He hated that he had let you so close, hated that you were affecting him in this way, hated that you had betrayed him, hated that thing in your arms.
“Thranduil...” His name left your lips in a whisper and he felt his heart crack. He moved, forcing himself away from you, coming to a stop in the entrance of the cell, his back up against the bars as he sat there fighting to get himself back under control.
You moved slowly, still a bit terrified, but you could see that Thranduil was grappling with something. You could see that, for this moment at least, he wasn’t trying to run you through with his sword despite the grip he still had on it.
Aegnor wiggled out of your grip then and blinked at the king in confusion, tilting his little head as he regarded the elf. He stayed close to you, feeling unsafe, but because you did not attempt to flee, he stayed there.
“Run if you are going to run.” Thranduil muttered. “You will not get far.” Though he would not be the one chasing you this time. He just couldn’t do it anymore.
Tears spilled down your cheeks as you gave Aegnor a resassuring little pet and then crawled to close the distance between you and Thranduil just a little bit. “Where would I go?”
Thranduil shook his head but he didn’t speak. It was like the fight had gone out of him very suddenly, all the rage bubbling over into a large waterfall of sorrow that had drowned him and he had not yet resurfaced.
“Please, Thranduil, look at me.”
Nothing. No response. No movement. It was as if he did not even hear you.
“I did not do this to hurt you.” You continued, shifting just a little bit closer.
That roused him a little and he turned his head just slightly. “Do not take me for a fool, little one.” He muttered, frowning as he glared back at you. “Do not act as though you are clueless. Do not act innocent. You knew what this would do. You knew that this would, indeed, hurt me.”
You blinked as a fresh wave of tears spilled down your cheeks and you reached a hand out to him but he immediately held up a hand and shook his head, pinning you with a dark look. “Do not touch me.”
It stung a little more than you wanted to admit and you lowered your gaze to the floor. “If you would just let me explain...”
“What is there to explain? You brought a dragon into my realm.” His gaze moved past you for a moment, falling on Aegnor, his expression wary. Though, he had to admit, he had expected it to try and attack by now.
You turned to look over your shoulder, following his gaze to the little dragon before turning back to Thranduil. “He is just a baby.”
Thranduil blinked his attention back to you then, shaking his head as he lifted his hand and ghosted the backs of his fingers against your cheek despite his earlier protest at touching. “It will not be so little forever.”
Your opened your eyes, which had closed briefly at his touch. “I was going to let him go somewhere, though. When... when he was big enough to look after himself.” You murmured, still feeling as though anything you said could send him over the edge again. Which was probably accurate. “I didn’t know he was a dragon when I brought him inside...” You whispered, ignoring Thranduil’s look of disbelief. “It was just an egg.”
“It does not matter, you should have told me.” He said coldly, dropping his hand from your face and turning his head again, looking away from you. “I thought we were closer than that...” He didn’t know whether or not he had intended to say those words out loud but they were out there regardless and he couldn’t take them back.
You stared at him, surprised. You blinked and more tears traced their way down your face. For years and years you had buried your feelings towards Thranduil. He was the king! It was improper. It could never be. You were grateful enough to have been able to become his friend and you had soon settled upon keeping him in your life by whatever means. If you could not love him, you would settle for having his friendship and it would be enough.
“We are.” You said softly.
Thranduil’s eyes flashed as he looked back at you. “No. Evidently, we are not.”
This caused you to cry even harder. Thranduil almost moved to comfort you, out of habit, but he held himself firm and forced himself to once more look away from you. Aegnor didn’t like your distress and he moved then, walking forward and nudging your arm gently with his little nose.
Thranduil had shifted again, his grip tightening on his sword the second the dragon moved. He was staring at the creature, his knuckles white.
“He will not hurt you.” You whispered, but Thranduil only shook his head. He didn’t believe you.
You sighed softly, turning away from Thranduil a little so you could pay attention to Aegnor. “It’s alright.” You told him, gently petting the little scales of his head and neck. He nuzzled closer, though you didn’t miss his hesitant look at the king, remembering the way he had been bound and thrown around. “Aegnor...” You said gently, drawing the dragon’s attention again. “Do not be afraid.”
“What would the dragon have to be afraid of?” Thranduil asked harshly, his gaze flickering from Aegnor to you.
You turned your head again, your attention moving back to Thranduil with a soft frown on your face. “You.”
You said it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world and yet it had not crossed Thranduil’s mind. His hard expression melted suddenly into one of complete surprise. “He is afraid of... me?”
Now it was your turn to be surprised because it was the first time Thranduil had spoken of Aegnor as a he and not an it.
You nodded. “Yes, of course he is. Think about it, he... he was born here and it’s my fault but he couldn’t know that he wasn’t allowed. He liked his little life, exploring and growing and learning... and all of a sudden he is running for his life and we are separated and then you... you have him captured and tied up and... and then...”
Thranduil held up his hand then because he didn’t want to hear any more. His eyes were fixed upon the dragon, still more than a little wary, but you could see slight understanding beginning to dawn in his eyes as his mind began working. He had been thinking of this little creature as a dragon - a large, dangerous, fire-breathing monster. He had been focused only upon his own fear, his own terror, the nightmares from his past. Yet, what sat before him was a baby, he couldn’t deny that. It had no experience of the world, of the corruption, it couldn’t even speak yet from what he could tell. Now that he studied it, it did look a little scared... wary, at the least. And it had not attacked, not even in retaliation when his soldiers had caught it hiding in the trees, or when he had ordered it bound and muzzled. When he had nearly slaughtered it - and you - with his sword.
Suddenly, Thranduil stood, swinging his sword through the air but instead of bringing it down through flesh, he sheathed it. Then, he held his hand out to you to help you up from the floor. You hesitated just briefly and he understood why, but then you took his hand and he pulled you to your feet. For a brief moment, you both stood there, looking back at each other in silence, and then he let go of you and stepped away.
“Bring him with you.” He gestured towards Aegnor as he turned on his heel and moved towards the stairs to exit the dungeons.
“What are you going to do with him?” You asked as you reached down to gather Aegnor into your arms, full of apprehension.
Thranduil stopped at the bottom of the staircase and said nothing for a long moment. You stood in fear, waiting for him to tell you he was going to have the poor thing put to death, but he didn’t.
“I do not know.” He admitted, glancing over his shoulder. “You and I will have to figure it out together.”
Then he was swiftly ascending the stairs, leaving you blinking after him in surprise. You recovered quickly, following him as you kept Aegnor held firmly against you, hurrying to catch up to the king.
Hope began to blossom within you as you followed, staring at the back of his head the whole way. Maybe this could be salvaged. Maybe Aegnor could be saved, set free somewhere he would be happy. Maybe Thranduil would not hate you forever.
Up ahead, Thranduil walked with his head held high, none of his inner turmoil showing outwardly as he led you towards his private rooms.
You had not yet realised it, but Thranduil did not hate you even now, after all of this. Quite the opposite.
His love for you was the reason your words had had any effect on him. His love for you was the reason you still had the dragon in your possession. His love for you was the reason you had not lost your life. His love for you was the reason that, at some point, he would forgive you.
He didn’t know what was going to happen with the dragon but he knew that, for this moment at least, it wasn’t a threat to him. There was a lot to work through and a lot to figure out but he felt the faint blooming of hope that, in the end, you would both find a way to make this alright.
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avvail-whumps · 3 months
Royal Bought: Complete Masterlist
General/brief content and warnings:
🏹 Luke’s Arc: vampire whump, non-human whumper, defiant whumpee, human auctions/trafficking, pet whump, hypnosis.
🍂 Ten’s Arc: none, apart from (temporary) character death, hypnosis and vampiric turning at the beginning.
💌 Ileana’s Girls: vampire whump, lady whumper, non-human whumper, multiple lady whumpees, hypnosis, conditioning, polygamy.
Information: the numbers beside each chapter indicate the writing order they’re written in. All stories are listed in chronological order. Although the stories can overlap and some are repeated, the emoji’s indicate who the chapters belong to mainly. For example, 🏹’s appear within Ten’s first few chapters of his arc because he makes an appearance, and it’s beneficial in understanding the origins of his story. However, they are mainly Luke’s chapters and are from his point of view.
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🏹 Luke’s Arc
Growing up in a distant camp away from vampire civilisation, Luke has lived a life of constant fear and the unknown. When a vampire is thrown into his path under alarming circumstances after threatening somebody he cares deeply about, Luke is carted away to the kingdom and prepared to be bought and sold at one of their famous auctions; by none other than a Royal.
Note: Don’t like lady whump? Chapters 6-11 contain a (temporary) lady whumper. If you’d like to skip them, here’s a masterpost briefly summarising these chapters.
Hunting Deer (#1)
Upon Gates (#2)
Child’s Play (#3)
Underground Cattle (#4)
Sampling (#5)
Pretty Girls (#6)
Thorns and Roses (#7)
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🍂 Ten’s Arc
When the vampire Justinian finds him in the Collared Forest, Ten was oblivious to the fate that would be in store for him. When he’s tricked into drinking vampire blood and subsequently murdered, Ten finds himself waking up as a bloodsucking creature of the night. Alone in an unfamiliar world, Ten adjusts to being an immortal child and the new life ahead of him.
🏹 Hunting Deer (#1)
Enter Justinian (Bonus)
🏹 Upon Gates (#2)
🏹 Child’s Play (#3)
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💌 Ileana’s Girls
The story of three strangers, who are forced into unforseen circumstances when they’re abducted and planned to be sold off to any vampire that will pay for them. But their fates become irrevocably intertwined when they catch the eye of Ileana, a beautiful vampire attracted to pretty humans. And pretty things deserve to be spoiled, don’t they?
coming :)
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Asks and Answers
Ten’s Arc and Minor Whump (Short answer: there is none)
Justinian’s Significance
Plush Bunny
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Everything Tag List: @whumpatize-me-captain @whump-me-all-night-long @softvampirewhump @d-cs @suspicious-whumping-egg @sapphirechao @sparrowsage @excessive-vampires @thecyrulik
Ten’s Arc Tag list: @obsessednerd505
Note: if you ask to be added to the tag list, I will automatically add you to the ‘Everything Tag List’. If you want to opt out of certain stories, e.g you don’t enjoy lady whump and don’t want to be tagged in Ileana’s Girls, then please let me know so I can tag you accordingly.
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Always There - Chapter Eight: S.Snape
Summary: Y/N Potter was left with a baby to care for after her brother and sister-in-law were murdered by Voldemort. One person was there for her, a person she didn’t expect but soon became her comfort person, Severus Snape. During Harry’s third year at Hogwarts and her third year as Herbology professor, a few old friends come around again. Y/N has to handle the feelings of these old friends being around again as well as handle her feelings for a certain potions master all while she tries to hide these things from her godson.
Series Masterlist
My full Masterlist
Pairings: Severus Snape x Female Professor Reader, Potter!Reader x friend!Remus, Sister!Reader x James Potter, Potter!Reader x Friend!Sirius
Chapter Warnings: Female Reader, Potter Reader(No physical description of reader) probably shitty writing, Harry growing up in a loving home, Happy Snape, sappy Snape
Series Warnings: Female Reader, Potter Reader (No physical description of reader) probably shitty writing, OOC Snape, Harry grows up in a loving environment, mentions of death and murder, poorly written angst, Remus is a shitty friend, poorly written pining,
Please let me know how I can improve my writing and being more inclusive to POC as I am whiter than white. Please also let me know if I have to add more to the warnings! My messages are open as well as my asks!
I am starting a taglist so leave either a comment or something in my asks if you would like to be tagged in any of my works or just this series!
Author's Note: I am going through a bit of a writers block at the moment so please bare with me. If anyone has any ideas they can give me I will gladly take some to see if I can get over this writers block.
Please let me know how I can improve or if you find any errors! Correct me, don't be afraid to! I want to improve my writing and become a better writer so any feedback or advise is welcomed!
Word Count: 1784
My asks are open for questions, suggestions and feedback!
Feedback is welcomed and encouraged!
not my gif
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not my gif
It was the day of the first task, Y/N was a nervous wreck for her nephew, Harry himself a nervous wreck knowing he had to go up against a dragon. She sat anxiously next to Severus as they waited for Harry to begin his task. He was up against the Hungarian Horntail, they were a very aggressive breed of dragon, knowing that made her nerves so much worse. She knew dragons were misunderstood creatures like most magical creatures out there but there were a fair few that were quite intimidating and aggressive. 
As Harry entered the arena with the dragon, it immediately tried attacking which made her heart drop to her stomach, it made her feel sick. A dreadful feeling washed over her as she watched her nephew just barely dodge the attacks of the dragon. “I’m gonna be sick,” She said, covering her eyes and pulling at her hair. She finally heard a spell come from Harry after Herminone yelled at him to use his wand.
“Accio firebolt!” Harry yelled, once again dodging an attack. Everyone who cared about the boy watched with anxiety and anticipation waiting for the broom to come. When it finally did, Harry got on and flew off, the dragon breaking off the chair and following after him. 
“Severus! He’s gonna get hurt! I don’t want him to get hurt!” She panicked to her partner who tried his best to comfort her to no avail.
“He’s a smart boy and a good wizard, he will be okay, I promise you he will be okay, love,” Severus replied.
“Honey, I feel sick.”
“You need to take a deep breath, you’re too worried. Harry will be okay my love. He will pass the task. He will do well.” Just as Severus said that, Harry flew back to the golden egg and scooped it up. He held it up in victory causing his aunt to jump up with joy, the sick feeling going away in an instant once she saw that he really was okay. That he did well, that he succeeded and tied for first.
Y/N ran down to meet her nephew, pulling him into the tightest hug she could manage. “My boy! You did so well! I’m so proud of you!” She exclaimed to her nephew. Once she heard the boy wince when he hugged her back, she started fretting and worrying about him. “What hurts my love? Why didn’t you say anything? Show me,” She insisted as she pulled away from the boy, she looked at his arm before calling over Madam Pomphrey to help heal her nephew’s injuries. Once he was all healed up, she urged her nephew to go back to the common room to celebrate, that the two of them would celebrate the next day. She just wanted him to spend time with his friends whilst he still could.
Severus met with Y/N in her quarters that were slowly turning into their shared quarters. “How’s the boy?” He asked her as she entered the room.
“He’s good, very happy that he tied for first with Krum. He’s off celebrating with the rest of Gryfindor,” She smiled at him. 
“I told you that he would be okay, and yet you don’t like to listen to me,” He teased her with a smirk.
“Oh shut up, I can’t help it. I worry about my boys every minute of every day. I love the two of you with all my heart.”
“And I love the two of you with all of my heart.” Sealing the confession with a kiss. As the kiss got more heated, both of their hands began to wander, the two of them had eventually moved to the bed. Both of them getting lost in each other, falling asleep rather quickly afterwards. 
The next morning, the couple woke up tangled together, Severus only wearing a pair of sweatpants and Y/N only wearing his shirt from the day before. Severus had woken up and just took in the sight in his arms, the woman he loved, fast asleep in his arms wearing his shirt. Not long after he woke up, there was a knock on the door, Severus untangling himself from her, covering her up with the blanket before going to the door. He opened it to reveal Minerva who let herself right in. 
“You two clearly had some fun last night,” Minerva teased, taking in the state of the room. Clothes thrown around, books scattered on the floor that were previously on the table, pillows on the floor around the bed, the lampshade was crooked, the lamp itself hanging on the edge of the side table.
“Yeah, yeah. What is it you need, you old bag?” He asked the transfiguration professor.
“How very nice of you to ask! Y/N told me to meet her here this morning so we can have breakfast together. Obviously, she has seemingly forgotten about, too preoccupied with her new man,” The woman continued to tease Severus until Y/N began stirring in bed. The two voices waking her from her peaceful slumber. When she opened her eyes, she was surprised to see Minerva before she remembered that they were supposed to have breakfast together that morning.
“Oh Minnie! I’m sorry, I forgot about breakfast!” She apologized as she began to climb out of bed, finding a pair of pants on the floor and slipping them on. 
“It’s okay, dear. I see the two of you had a good bit of fun yourselves last night, considering the marks on your neck, you quite enjoyed yourselves,” She teased once more. Y/N’s face changed in surprise as she rushed to the nearest mirror, inspecting her neck that was covered in marks.
“Severus! I always tell you, no marks on my neck!” She scolded the man. 
“Oh but you can tear my back up like some crazed animal? Where is the fun if I can’t leave a visible mark on you?” Severus retorted, Minerva choked on her tea before excusing herself.
“You two are disgusting! Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go bathe in boiling hot water and scrub your sins off of my skin,” Minerva shot a wink at Y/N and a subtle thumb up before exiting the room. As the door closed, the woman did a little victory dance in the hallway as she made her way back to her office. 
Y/N and Severus bathed together, wanting to spend some much needed alone time together, the two able to relax together for the first time since the term had started. It was a rough start of the term, it was slowly getting better but the stress of her nephew participating in the triwizard tournament had weighed very heavily on her. Finally able to let it go for a little while until the next task. 
After spending the morning together, Y/N and Severus went their own way. She found her nephew and spent the afternoon with him and Severus looking through his private store keeping a list of ingredients he needed and ones that were going missing although he hadn’t used them. That evening during dinner, he brought the missing ingredients up to his partner, she too, was confused as to who was taking the ingredients. She knew it wasn’t Harry or any of his friends because he was good about telling her what he was doing to get answers. She knew he was quite rubbish at potions as well so there was no way he had been able to make the potion himself. 
She still had a feeling that someone in the castle was after Harry, she still couldn’t pinpoint who it was but it was definitely one of the newer faces around the castle. She knew there was something off about Moody but she didn’t know what. She was grateful that he had been helping Harry prepare for the tournament but she felt there was something more to it, something sinister but she couldn’t understand why she felt this way. She just had the gut feeling that something was off with Moody, he wasn’t acting the way she remembered when they had first met all those years ago when James and Lily were murdered. 
She was questioned by auror after auror about the deaths. Who was the secret-keeper? Who knew where they were hiding? Who would sell out their best friend? However, when it was Moody’s turn to question her, he had asked different questions. How are you doing? Can I get you anything? We will find who did this to your brother. Do you have any idea who could have sold them out? The way he spoke then was much different than now. He always seemed to just cut to the chase, blatantly not follow school protocols, he was so much colder than usual. Alastor had stayed in contact with her through the years yet hadn’t even attempted to talk to her once he had arrived at Hogwarts.
It wasn’t like he didn’t know who she was, the two would meet for tea at least once every two months so he knew who she was and what she looked like. It was just odd overall. However she let it go, just chalking it up to nerves on both ends.
It was the week leading up to the Yule Ball, all of the students getting dancing lessons by their house heads. It was funny for her to imagine Severus teaching the Slytherins to dance; however, he had yet to do so. He had requested that Y/N join him so he doesn’t have to pick on one of the students. She agreed to join him so that night, right after dinner, the pair had met with the Slytherin students down in the dungeons. She stood off in the corner as Severus lectured the students on behaving the right way and making Salazar Slytherin proud of the students that belong in his house.
“Now, instead of me choosing one of you students, I brought our lovely Herbology teacher, Professor Potter, to dance with me. Y/N, may I have this dance?” She walked towards him with a grin on her face.
“You may,” She replied, slipping one of her hands in his, her other resting on his shoulder. His free hand rested on her waist with a firm grip. The music had started and the pair walked the students through a waltz, after demonstrating, they had the students pair up and practice. It was a nice change of pace, getting to dance together and teaching the students the proper way to dance. It was different but a nice different, a welcomed different.
taglist (if your user is crossed out it means I can't tag you)
@acupnoodle @chxelsxaa @fluffyrat365 @fanficwriter5 @atanukileaf @v3lv3tvampir3 @jspidey5 @mija-novella @leo4242564
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*hold gun cutely* Your turn to share headcannons for us to stea- take inspiration from
I find this so funny because there was a period of time where I only posted HCs… and it’s so weird bc damn I don’t do that anymore huh
A lot of my HCs have obviously changed in the 2/3 years I’ve been posting for this fandom, so…
If you ever want any SPECIFIC HCs, do ask, like I’m genuinely happy to offer any info you want. Anyways
DIVINE WARRIORS, because mfers keep talking about them.
TW, for like, sacrifices, and attempted child-murder/sacrifice... and child-on-mother cannibalism... if it counts as cannibalism when the child is a god.
They’re all gods or god-adjacent. Everyone talks about how they are making them not all gods, but fuck that man I find this fun.
They all reach their godhood in different ways, though. and godhood is something that is... complicated. fluid, even.
i'm just gonna talk about Shad (Judgement, in LR) and Irene, tho, bc otherwise this post would be mega fucking long. and i'm pretty sure i have a Kul'Zak ask anyways.
Y'know how people say 'the world is your oyster'? Well, the world is shad's egg. literally. He's the Draconic God of Death, and his entity was created in the belly (centre) of the earth, in heat and warmth and magma. He clawed his way out of the world, and this lore is mentioned in the prologue of LR, but his emergence from the core of the earth caused the earth to bunch up, and created mountains and valleys, and ravines. similarly to dropping a pebble into water, his emergence caused literal ripples. which is why most mountains and such are kind of in a radial pattern outwards from the 'belly of the world', which is just a huge fuck-off ravine. That said, not all mountains, because it's been thousands/millions of years since his emergence, and things do change. He was created as a god, before anyone knew what gods were. He was not the first being to exist, Early humans were around to witness his birth, but he is by far one of the most ancient. Hence why his followers call him 'the Ancient'.
Irene was born a god, though she was birthed by human parents. It's a whole situation, really, very lengthy. More about her mother than it really is about Irene. But she was born during the emergence. Her head crowned as Shad's emerged from the earth, and when he had fully freed himself and laid upon the cool ground, Irene was put into her mother's arms. Her and Shad are perfectly the same age, born at the same exact moment, to balance each other out. It's unclear which one sparked the creation of the other, but it doesn't matter. Both were born bloody and screaming, made to match. Irene was, however, not born looking human. She was a creature from day one. And she was ugly asf too bc like, she's feathered in her creature form, and have you ever seen fresh baby birds? Them mfers ugly. So, reasonably, her parents' people went 'aa' and decided to sacrifice her to the juvenile god of death bc they have volcanoes now, they can do that. However, Irene's mother was fiercely over-protective of her, and instead hid her in the woods to keep her out of the grasps of those wishing to harm her. She meant to go back and get her, so that she could find somewhere safe for her, but Irene's mother kind of got caesar'd (happy ides of march for two days ago), for trying to keep the fucked up little thing she birthed. Her body was dumped into the forest, and Irene ended up finding it and going 'oh a snack'. so... that's fun. However, as is how blood magic works, when one of magic consumes the heart of another, they consume their entirety. It was how Irene claimed a human form, by eating a human heart, and whilst it wasn't particularly an instantaneous transformation, it also lead to her becoming a mother. If not for eating her own mother's heart, she never would've had the maternal traits that ending up characterising her for most of her existence.
half of the irene stuff wasn't even info on how she became a god lmao, just 'oh she was born that way... also she ate her mother lmao'
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evafhernee · 4 months
I feel like qsmp should get one day where any lore can be ignored and everyone is forced to do one of those fanservice non-canon anime beach episodes
and I mean every character/cc that has ever played in the server (quesadilla island I mean, not including purgatory 2) even if they’re canonically dead or unable to get to the island, like the dead eggs/eye creatures/federation workers (specifically water bob)/characters stuck in purgatory
most of it wouldn’t be canon of course, it would be like a connected fever dream where everything is fine and dandy and way too perfect
but I think the ccs should have just one day where everyone on the server can just have fun, especially if certain characters are unable to meet (dead eggs with new eggs/new ccs) or canonically do not like other characters, they can ignore their own lore and just have fun.
and it either has to be one of those fanservice non-canon beach episodes (of course) or a tazercraft murder mystery game sorry I don’t make the rules
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thenightling · 2 years
What are The Dream-Folk?
Dream Folk, Dream Entities, Dream Creatures, Night Kind, Nightmare Folk, Residents of The Dreaming... Whatever you call them, they are the subjects of Morpheus (Dream of The Endless).
And some new fans have been asking about them. What are they?  Where do they come from? Does he make them?  Were they once human? 
Some, yes.  Some, no.
The Corinthian, Gault (Brute and Glob in the comics), and Mervyn Pumpkinhead were all made by Morpheus.  The Ravens are all made from souls of deceased humans who were given the option of remaining in The Dreaming as dream entities.  This includes Jessamy, Matthew, and Lucien / Lucienne.  (And not mentioned in the show: Aristeas, the raven from Ancient Rome). 
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  Yes, Lucienne was once a raven, and before that probably a mortal. There’s a very high chance her current form does not resemble her original pre-Raven form.  It might be a form she chose later.
Some Dreaming residents are immigrants from other non-human lands.  Nuala is of the Fae.  And the second Griffon was a gift from The Greek pantheon (or at least that’s the backstory he remembers).
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Then there are also the residents who were probably not created originally by Morpheus but (if destroyed) can be re-created by him, like Cain and Abel. He didn’t create them but Dream of The Endless is able to resurrect Abel when someone other than Cain killed him.  When Cain kills him it’s temporary). He was able to call back Abel’s soul and recreate him as a dream entity.  Besides originally being hosts of DC’s horror anthology comics, it’s ambiguous as to if Cain and Abel are meant to be the literal Cain and Abel or just manifestations of the collective idea of who Cain and Abel are (hence Cain’s compulsive need to regularly murder his brother).  In the comics Lucifer respect’s Cain’s mark as if it is real or real-enough but at the same time Cain and Abel appear as African for Nada and it’s implied they might also be Romulus and Remus. So there is a high chance that they are the manifestations of the collective idea of who Cain and Abel are, and so they are characters of “Story.”   The first story, murderer and victim.
Collective ideas of other famous “story” characters probably wander around The Dreaming.  This could be anyone from Little Red Riding Hood and Sherlock Holmes, to The Wicked Witch of the West, The Crypt Keeper, and Slender Man.  One of Morpheus’s many titles is “Prince of Stories.”
Puss ‘n Boots is seen briefly in The Sandman: The Kindly Ones.    So you have five forms of sentient subjects in The Dreaming.
1.  The ones Morpheus creates.  Examples:  The Corinthian, Gault, Brute and Glob, Gregory, and Mervyn Pumpkinhead.   Merv has even changed over the years and was once apparently Mervyn Turniphead until Pumpkin Jack-o-lanterns became the more popular variant.  They are self-aware and have free will.   He might create their base personality but if they choose to change from experience and observation that is their own doing. 2.  The ones that were deceased humans and Morpheus turned them into dream entities because this is where they chose to spend their afterlife.  Examples:  Aristeas, Jessamy, Matthew, and Lucien / Lucienne.    3.   Characters of “story” who manifest when a collective number of people dream about them enough that they become fixture entities in The Dreaming like Cain and Abel, and Eve.
4. Magical immigrants. Faeries, griffons, etc, that for various reasons were allowed to remain in The Dreaming.  Examples:  Nuala, the second griffon.    
5.  The oddity.   These are beings pulled out of random dreams, created not-entirely by Morpheus’s consciously willing it, but more of The Dreaming being on autopilot.  And they do not fade when the dream they came from ends.   This includes baby Goldie’s egg.  They technically are created by Dream, just not crafted on a conscious level.
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Someone asked “Why don’t the other Endless have servants like these?”  Well, the answer is very simple.  Morpheus would deny it up and down but... He creates them and keeps them around because... he’s lonely.   All the chores he gives them he can technically do himself but he likes the company.  Just don’t tell him I told you that.
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Princess Bee
K, couple thoughts, my devices are being weird, so even though I sent an ask, I’m going to compile a few things here, just in case
1) On Artemis being the Fox, possible lore for a name - the Teumessian fox was an uncatchable fox from Greek Myth, sent to hassle the city of Thebes as a punishment. Eventually, when the gods felt the city had suffered enough, they ran into the problem that they had created a LITERALLY UNCATCHABLE CREATURE, so they couldn’t really get the fox to stop. So, they sent in a dog, called Laelaps, who was enchanted to be able to always catch her prey, to catch the fox. The two were basically a paradox, and eventually got put into the sky as constellations (Canis Major [the dog] and Canis Minor [the fox]).
2) I headcanon that the reason the SentiKids are Sapient is in part due to the fact they are “hybrids”. They aren’t “pure” Sentimonsters, the Parents used the Peacock to basically “fertilize” an egg and make a fetus. So while TECHNICALLY a Sentimonster, it’s a little closer to, say, how Steven Universe is technically a gem. And similarly, if Steven’s Gen is damaged, he gets hurt. Like, if the Amoks got broken before … whatever they do to severe the connection, the SentiKids would be hurt pretty badly. They MIGHT be able to do something to manage survival, but the Amoks are still connected to their life force. (I hope this is making sense?) Does any of this sound … like it fits, I guess?
3) OC Chester description, so you hopefully don’t have to go hunting for it. Originally conceived as Lila’s hench person, but he doesn’t HAVE to be, I just thought it would be a little boring if Lila doesn’t have another person to talk to. You can take or leave any part of him.
Chester Fester.
Age: close to Lila and the Miracuclass parents, so … What are we going with here, late thirties, early forties?
Looks: Only thing I ever got was brown hair, face looks … ratty.
General Notes: Rats are his favourite animal. He has two pet rats, Mister Whiskers, and Morning Glory. Likes fermented and/or cured foods. He hates food waste, and sees rats as performing a vital service by eating the food people throw out. Thinks rats are given unfair press as “plague spreaders”. Hates cats, dogs, anything that could pose a threat to a rat. Was nominally trained as a chef, but has been fired repeatedly for allowing “pests” into kitchens. Always seems to be between jobs as a result. Will cheerfully allow himself to be Akumatized into a “Rat King” style Akuma (original name was Ratatouille, but I’m kind of ‘eh’ on it, especially cause at that point, he’s basically Evil Linguini). Favourite movie, the Rats of N.I.M.H..
The man is a bit … morally vague. I mean, he isn’t the kind of guy to think murder is a viable solution to most problems, but he sees a lot of Laws as more guidelines than anything else. Like, “We’d rather you didn’t do this, but if you don’t get caught, we don’t care” is sort of how he sees it. He sees breaking and entering as more of a challenge. I think the only laws he would follow fastidiously would be traffic laws. He sees why those are there, people operating several tons of metal powered by explosions should follow the rules.
Lila specific: The two met sometime when Lila was pulling a con on a restaurant. Chester was really impressed with her skills, and offered to help her, because the restaurant in question had been putting out rat poison. They’ve been friends ever since.
Chester and Lila did have a brief period of dating, before Lila figured out she was AroAce. She was sure this meant Chester would be ditching her, but Chester surprised her by sticking around. In his words “We were friends first”, and he didn’t really see why whether the two of them slept together should mean anything. People do often assume Chester and Lila are a couple, especially as the pair live together, but the two are simply chaotic besties. The best term is probably “Queer Platonic”, but the two don’t really want to label it. They’re friends. Who else cares? They do have a pact that, if they ever need to, they’ll get married, but only as a last resort kind of thing.
1.) Did get this one! Rip to your tech though because while tumblr makes asks disappear it’s happening to you A LOT so idk what it is or how to fix it.
2.) Hm! Maybe it’s a combination? Like like like. Okay I made the post about the lore of what went down with the Sentikids and Kagami actually having a dad. So how about Mr. Tsurugi managed to make Kagami entirely from scratch, which is why he died real quick. Essentially giving his Life Energy to make her. But it broke the Peacock so everyone after still got fucked up. 
Emilie tried to mitigate the effects by doing the Senti-Human hybrid trick, so she’s only dealing with ‘broken Peacock’ not ‘took too much Life Energy at once’. Same with Colt. So they’re still dying, but not as quickly as Mr. Tsurugi did.
Adjust the fuckery in age differences by having like. It’s a Senti-baby she can just make it magic so it speeds up and she’s only actually pregnant for like a month. Colt can do the same with Amelie and then just gaslight her of ‘oh we must’ve been so convinced we were infertile that we didn’t notice you actually got pregnant!’.
3.) I love everything about Chester
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free-for-all-fics · 2 years
Stupid, silly Namor or Attuma fic ideas. Don’t think too hard about these they’re just funny little ideas. Pls tag me if you write or get inspired by any of these. Like always, there are no rules:
1. The reader is labeled as the village idiot because she likes to sing with her head underwater to "sing to the mermaids". The village ridicules her for it. One day, she is swept out in a riptide, and no one is willing to come to her aid—no one from the village, that is.
2. Reader is full of bad puns and dad jokes, much to the chagrin of Namor/Attuma. "Why are seagulls called seagulls?"
“Stop now.”
“Because if they flew over bays, they'd be bagels! Oh hey, What did one wave say to the other?"
“I swear, if you make one more ocean related pun, I will murder you on this island and tell everyone you died in a shipwreck."
"...well, someone's salty."
3. You put a message in a bottle and set it out to sea in the hopes it’ll reach Namor/Attuma so you can be pen pals. “Oh my god I love you but you’re so stupid.” They say because you have no idea that’s not how mail works.
4. You’re in love with Namor/Attuma, but you’re also obsessed with monsters and cryptids so you keep asking them questions like “Is the Kraken real?? What about 6 headed hydras? Have you seen Nessie?? Are they friendly? Darling tell meeeeeee”
5. Reader does that stupid prank thing where she pretends to do a magic trick with an egg and a bottle of water. She’s like “Ok now look inside” and squeezes the bottle, spraying water in Attuma/Namor’s face and runs away cackling.
6. You introduce Namor/Attuma to a wonderful human invention - Water beds. They are less than amused. Reader, consider your sexy time privileges revoked😑
7. Attuma/Namor trying to teach reader combat and how to fight like a Talokanil but reader keeps making it sexy and Namor/Attuma is like “Ok maybe we should stop. You’re not even listening to me or learning anything properly!” And reader is like “Oh I’m learning all the right techniques perfectly. 😏😘”
8. Those videos from EVNautilus of the people in a submarine coming across a dumbo octopus and a googly eyed stubby squid but instead it’s scientist reader being shown Talokan by Attuma or Namor and fawning over the sea creatures because they’re just little guys. Sweet underwater babies. And reader being like “it’s just a baby can I adopt it pls” 🥺 and Namor or Attuma being like “pay attention. Remember why we’re here.”
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9. “Your child brings home a raccoon, mistaking it for a cat and begs to keep it” trope but instead it’s Namor/Attuma and their child has brought home an anglerfish or some other hideous abomination of the sea. It’s surprisingly docile and follows the child around like a pet anyway so can we keep it??? Please father 🥺
10. Namor and Jeff the Land Shark crossover. That’s it. That’s the post. Reader wants to adopt Jeff as their child. He’s just a baby 🥺
11. Peter Pan “They were just having a bit of fun, weren’t you, girls?”
“We were only trying to drown her” Mermaid Lagoon AU
12. “General, I’ve brought the cartographer into the war meeting today. I believe you owe her an apology for ruining all her maps when you stab them to dramatically mark a location.” (What if the “cartographer” is actually Attuma’s small daughter or sister drawing doodles of maps and playing pretend/mirroring what her dad or brother does because she wants to help and it’s all in jest hehe)
13. 2 days ago you went to an animal shelter and adopted the most adorable cat. What you don’t know is, he’s the reincarnation of an Aztec god. Your food offerings are unacceptable and that ugly small box that feels like it’s made from scratchy carpet will not do. No. He’ll be sleeping in your bed with you. Don’t try to lock him out; he’ll just scream and sing the songs of his people until you let him back in. (Or maybe through a magic mishap Namor has been accidentally transformed into a cat. Yeah Namor as a cat AU. I told you these ideas were silly.)
14. “Would you still love me if I was a worm” meme With Namor or Attuma but instead it’s “Would you still love me if I was a sea cucumber” or something ocean related
15. Namor or Attuma are taking their daughter trick or treating this year and ask what she wants to be for Halloween. A superhero, a mermaid, a princess? No. She wants to be a horseshoe crab. Possible Modern AU.
16. Reader goes to the beach often and befriends the seagulls/pelicans. So they start to bring her gifts like shells, rocks, etc. Except one day they bring you a golden bracelet, beaded necklace, or jade earrings (your choice of which). It’s unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. A few days later, Namor shows up at the beach, looking very annoyed as he asks for his necklace/bracelet/or earrings back.
17. You and Namor or Attuma meet on the beach in your special spot. You don’t get to be with him often considering he’s kept away by his responsibilities and loyalty to Talokan, and you’re human. It’s usually your only chance to have time where you can just quietly love each other. Except a stupid fucking seagull or pelican has been following you to both the beach and your home; squawking incessantly, wreaking havoc and basically cockblocking you. Untitled Goose Game AU but it’s a seagull/pelican.
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unironicallytes · 22 days
Dear Brother - Ch02 Supplemental Lore
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The Deep Eyed Crows
In order to deliver coded messages and contracts, the Dark Brotherhood in the world of “Dear Brother” utilizes creatures which both are and are not crows. These courier birds are usually kept uncaged near Sanctuary wilderness, where they mill about like normal birds. Their use allows the Brotherhood to discreetly relay messages across and between provinces without the unnecessary risk of a third party courier. Dark Siblings known as Crowcallers are responsible for their care and training, though some crows reside more permanently with Hand members outside of their primary Sanctuaries. 
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At first glance, these creatures are simple corvids, but with closer examination, one will find that their eyes are unnaturally-matte and that their feathers do not reflect light as expected. They do not caw unless they “have something to say”, according to Crowcallers, and they are known to stare with very little emotive gesture. The eggs of a normal crow are speckled and blue, whereas the eggs of a Deep Eyed Crow are so black that they may as well be a hole in the world. Brotherhood beliefs indicate that these crows are touched by the Void, but the mechanism of that process is neither well understood by core members nor known at all by laity. Due to this, the method of communication largely fell out of use following the group’s deterioration at the turn of the Fourth Era. 
Near the end of the Third Era, Deep Eyed Crows began behaving mysteriously towards their handlers.
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Sacrament Contracts
These are binding agreements drawn up by Speakers when laity perform the Black Sacrament to commission a death. The word Sacrament can be used as shorthand to refer to both the contract and contract-giver interchangeably, as they are often thought of as one in the same. Listeners receive word of a Sacrament during the *Iter Communion, a weekly ritual when the Night Mother’s spirit is most focused within her corpse. At the height of Dark Brotherhood operations in Cyrodiil, typical contracts are expected to be resolved within the month unless otherwise specified. 
Speakers denote the rank of a contract by writing them with a different color or medium. This helps organize which pool of Siblings they will be assigned to when returned to the Sanctuary.
Charcoal - Rank 1
~30% of all contracts are Charcoal This type of contract usually targets commoners and individuals regarded as low-threat. These contracts are often straight-forward and don’t usually take long to complete. Canon examples include: Valen Dreth, Faelian, Rufio, Grelod the Kind. This is the second-most frequently received type of contract, and the clientele tend to be of lower or working class. Typically requested by the powerless and those without recourse to law enforcement for reasons of revenge, safety, opportunity, etc. Although there is still a minimum fee for this type, it is regarded as a charity and a duty to the faith. This type may be carried out by any Dark Sibling: Murderers (Unblooded & Blooded), Slayers/Eliminators, Executioners/Assassins, and Silencers.
Red Ink - Rank 2 
~60% of all contracts are Red This type of contract targets the gentry and individuals regarded as medium-threat. These contracts are most likely to have particular requests attached and may take longer to complete. Canon examples include: Francois Motierre, Baenlin, Gaston Tussaud, Hern the Vampire. This is the most frequently received type of contract, and the clientele is often of upper class. Typically requested by politicians, white collar criminals, scorned lovers, competitive merchants, etc. This type may only be carried out by Executioners/Assassins and Silencers.
Violet Ink - Rank 3
~10% of all contracts are Violet This contract targets nobility/royalty, military officials, and high-threat individuals. These contracts often require complicated coordination and multiple stages across a longer span of time. Canon examples include: Adamus Phillida, Celedaen, Warlord Roderick, Emperor Titus Mede II. This is the rarest type of contract, due to the expense and the risk that may also affect the contractor. Typically requested by upper class and nobility, but in some cases commoners may pool resources to eradicate a powerful individual. This type may only be carried out by Silencers.
*The Iter Communion, performed every Iteris (Turdas) by the Listener. This cyclic holiday is largely unknown to laity - some Sacraments can go on for days without being contacted because they unknowingly performed the rite directly after Iteris. The Night Mother thus won’t commune their rite with the Listener until the following week.
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thatonesapphicfilipino · 10 months
lil intro
swearing, mentions of homophobia, mentions of mental health, mentions of racism
hey i’m mags/ruli/sage/creature (they/he/she) minor
i’m a multi fandom bitch
(toh, gravity falls, amphibia, she ra, dead end, tgamm, anything alice oseman, alta/tolk, bluey, hsmtmts, murder drones, amazing digital circus, web comics, books, and more)
music whore bitch
(girl in red, conan gray, lyn lapid, mxmtoon, taylor swift, egg, cavetown, reinaeiry, olivia rodrigo, jessie paege, rocky montgomery, and so many more)
mentally unwell bitch
can’t spell bitch
(3 p’s)
send asks/dms for anything else
don’t expect much from me
most posts will prob be reposts, rants, fandom shit, or whatever
feel free to send stuff to my ask
lil pronouns page cuz ya
think that’s everything
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imtooscaredforthis · 1 year
So Two Murderers Walk Into A Room…
Chapter Five: Elephant in The Room
Mentions of: Discussions of Murder, Weapons, Homicidal Tendencies, Slight Flirting, etc.
A/N: Here’s another chapter!! Hope you enjoy!!
Tags: @dead-bxxxtch-walking @vandeaad @moonshineinasippycup @stwbwwychan @mama-miya
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It took a solid twenty minutes for you to get out of bed after you woke up. But who could blame you? You were so comfortable and were still processing everything that just happened.
Once you did, you went out to your bakery, noticing it was still dark outside. There must’ve been no change of time here. You ran your hands over the counter, wondering what to do now.
You went through the register, and the drawers underneath, finding a familiar key. Crouching down, you pulled out the box with the lock to the key, opening it up.
Inside was your book of recipes. You knew most by heart now, and kept it for the memories. Most of the recipes were from baking shows you watched, and a few were original concepts you came up with.
You flipped through the pages, before looking at the different sketches of cake designs, smiling to yourself. If you had this book in perfect condition, you wondered what else-
“Hey there.” An all too familiar voice called, startling you once again and making you jump. “Christ, can you stop that?”
“Why? It never gets old. Seeing how startled you get is adorable.” He teased, making you roll your eyes.
“What do you want? How did you even find me?” You asked. “It wasn’t that hard, especially considering it’s a new realm. You stick out like a sore thumb. And your place is a bakery shop? How cute. Murderer and Baker? You’re quite the package, toots.”
“That’s just the tip of the iceberg.” You remarked with a cocky grin. “So, have you had any trials since we last spoke? Any interesting murders you want to talk about?”
“No…I still don’t get how you can do that.”
“Do what?” He tilted his head slightly in curiosity.
“Be so casual when you’re talking about…it. Like you’re not committing one of the most heinous crimes known to man.” You replied.
“Oh, you mean Murder? It’s not like there’s any Entity police that are coming to get us. We can talk about whatever we want. Most humans are selfish, disgusting creatures, who are willing to kill when pushed far enough. And I don’t kill, I design.” He corrected.
“Is that so?” You crossed your eyes, cocking an eyebrow, unable to stop the amused look from crossing your face.
“It’s a complicated process. I have to find the perfect victim and know everything about them. Make a whole story, about who they were, what they did, and how they died. It has to be perfect, and most of the time, it is. Honestly, it’s an honor to be killed by me. I gave my victims a story, ended their boring lives and made them much more interesting. I gave them a legacy, after all.”
You stared at him intently. It’s interesting to learn about another killer’s process. Most of the time, you would just see it on tv shows and documentaries. That’s how you learned when you were younger. What to do, and what would get you caught. But you’ve never learned from someone who had actually done it like you did.
“What about you?” He asked. “What’s your process?”
You grew quiet, thinking to yourself for a moment. You found yourself having a hard time looking him in the eye, picking a recipe you knew from the heart. Turning away, you grabbed a bag of flour, placing it down on the table, before you spoke again.
“I didn’t really have one at first…I was lucky I didn’t get caught the first couple of times. They were messy. Most of the time, it was someone who did something to me..someone, who hurt me or took something from me…someone who had something I wanted. I would kill them, and either frame someone else or make it out to be a suicide.” You cracked an egg, putting it in with the mix, unable to shake the feeling of Ghostface’s eyes on you.
“Would you have all the details planned out before? Would you know what weapon you would use?” A sadistic interest hung heavily in his voice, as well as something else.
“Yes. I usually preferred to use knives. There’s just something about using the blade to pierce and cut through the skin, something about seeing the blood splatter that’s so- so- “
“Satisfying?” He finished your sentence. You looked up, seeing him leaning over the counter, resting his masked chin on his fist, clearly entertained from the conversation. “Trust me I know, I use a knife for all my kills.”
He pulled a hunting knife from his belt, showing it to you. There was a slight glint from the razor-sharp edge under the bakery lights. “Tactical knife. It’s beautiful, and it does excellent work.”
You gazed at it for a lingering moment, before continuing to knead at the dough in front of you. “Do you use any other weapons besides that pretty knife of yours?”
“I used an axe once. Managed to cut three up with it. I blamed it on the crazy old guy living in the woods.” You admitted, kneading the dough into small balls.
“That’s twisted. I love it. How many people have you killed?” The question made you pause, looking up at him. “It’s rude to ask a girl her body count, you know. But, I’ll let you guess.”
He went quiet for a long while, and you could feel his stare through his mask. “Seven.”
You gasped, offended. “That’s just insulting. Seven? Seriously? What? You don’t think I can get more ‘cause I’m a girl?”
“No! I mean, I don’t know, women killers are harder to predict.” He put his hands up in mock surrender. “Well, it’s higher than that.”
“Ten.” You make an upward gesture with your finger, signaling for him to go higher. “Thirteen? Fifteen?”
He asked incredulously. You put a hand up, stopping him. “Twelve.”
He whistled to himself. “Twelve…I have to say, I am impressed.”
“You shouldn’t underestimate a murderess, it’s not a good look.” You remarked, feeling a confidence boost. It seemed like he had finally managed to get that sadistic side of you to come out of it’s shell, and he liked it.
Suddenly, you felt that strange pulling again, groaning to yourself. “I have to get to a trial, but don’t touch any of my shit. I mean it.”
“Or what, you’ll kill me?” He teased, making you glare at him. “I’m just messing with you. I know better than to mess with a killer’s stuff. Until next time, Princess.”
He needs to quit it with those stupid pet names.
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unohanabbygirl · 3 months
So, based off of that really good descriptive scene (probably one of my favorites by the way) of when Aemond got a flashback of killing Luke when he watched Pinocchio get eaten by the whale, did the family resolve to have the movie banned for the time being? And if so, what other things have been placed on the banned list for the family so as not to trigger any ptsd flashbacks? And if you’d like to elaborate, I’d love to hear more about why you chose to use that movie scene in particular.
Ohhhh, i love this question!
Pinocchio was actually on the “no watch list” for a whiilee. Now that he’s older Aemond has no problem with it despite that twinge of slight discomfort still being present, but after that particular event the adults refused to make room for another incident so they refuse to take risks. I myself chose Pinocchio for a few reasons; one being that I feel Pinocchio and Luke are one in the same, young boys who want nothing more than to prove themselves and set off to accomplish said goal. For Pinocchio he wants to become a real boy while Luke wants to show he’s just as much of a real Targ as the rest of his family, that he can stand beside Jace rather than tucked behind him. That he won’t cower while so much is on the line.
The parallels in both the whale scene and Luke’s death hit close to home in my opinion, mirroring each other in a way so to speak. One depicts an idealistic child-like pov of something such as being swallowed whole by an overwhelming creature that would otherwise end in a gruesome death, while the other (Luke) actually experiences said death, remembers what it feels like to be eaten alive and everything. These events are so similar yet couldn’t be more different. Young Aemond saw a boy being devoured and his mind took him back to one of his biggest regrets. It didn’t matter that Pinocchio ended up just fine because Luke didn’t. Even though Aemond was a child he’d already been born knowing how untruthful Disney fairytales were.
Okay, so there is actually a crap ton of media thats been banned in the home for one reason or another. Either that be because the sight of arrows makes Jace so uncomfortable that he can feel them piercing his skin again, or the sight of fire bringing Egg back to the very moment Rhaenyra was murdered in front of him.
mass disease in film is a no no because it reminds Alicent of her own death. And really anything having to do with infant/child death for Helaena sake.
Sexual assault in media is a theme they tend to stray away from and don’t take likely. Harwin will happily spoil a movie for himself if it means not running into any SA scenes since Alicent and Helaena have experienced martial rape and Aegon has been a perpetrator himself. Once Luke’s own history comes to light this rule will be even stricter without question.
A few movies that have been barred from being viewed in their homes are as follows.
1. Promising young woman - Alicent thought she’d be able to handle it but couldn’t stomach it despite its message.
2. The lovely bones - Hits too close to home for the parents. Though their children were kidnapped they still know what it feels like to wake up one day with your child by your side and go to sleep without them the next
3. Grave of fireflies - This one puts a perspective on the outcome of war from everyday civilians pov and its filled the room with guilt.
4. Gladiator - this one Jace watched while at a friend’s house and was actually excited, but he soon realized he just couldn’t handle the battle scenes.
5. Orphan - Egg watched this on his own and enjoyed it up until the scene where the treehouse is burned down.
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wuxiaphoenix · 3 months
Writing Monsters: Parasyte vs. Xenomorph
Monsters are fear. What do you want your characters to fear? And what fears do you want them to conquer?
On the surface the two fictional monsters seem very similar. Parasytes and xenomorphs are alien parasitic organisms, out to kill, maim, and otherwise wreak havoc. Predators on humans, too fast, strong, and sneaky for any ordinary soul to stop. But the ways they’re used in their individual stories are very different.
Odds are anyone reading this blog is familiar with the xenomorph. For those who might not be, a quick recap. Sometime in the future, the human crew of a cargo spaceship finds a crashed alien ship, investigates, finds a long-dead alien pilot who died a gruesome death, and a cargo hold full of eggs. One of them hatches... this turns out to be Very Bad for everyone on board, with the possible exception of the cat.
The xenomorph combines the terrifying lifecycle of a tarantula hawk with the size, strength, and stealth of a tiger or great white shark. It hunts humans down... not to eat them, but to take them back alive to the nest to incubate more xenomorphs. So you get a two-fer of horror: being hunted down, and then imprisoned and eaten alive.
(Oddly enough this last is where my suspension of disbelief fails, no matter how much I root for Ripley in Aliens. You can’t create new mass out of nothing. And you can’t sustain mass on nothing. What are the xenomorphs eating to grow from chestburster to full size? What are the adults and Queen eating? Granted, later offspring can be eating leftover corpses of the victims, but that doesn’t explain how the very first adults survive to get past larval stage!)
Possibly fewer of you are familiar with Parasytes, from the manga Parasyte by Hitoshi Iwaaki. I recc’ the anime Parasyte: the Maxim, I hope it’s still on Crunchyroll. (There’s also a new TV series coming out based in the same ‘verse, Parasyte: The Grey.) Short version: One still night, odd spores fall from the sky, releasing wormlike creatures that invade and take over human brains... and then people start turning up gruesomely murdered.
The fear a Parasyte evokes is not just a predator that wants to eat you, but body horror. (Oh man so much. I’m warning you, it doesn’t bother me, but....) On top of that, it’s the terror of, I thought that was another human being and it isn’t. They could be anyone. They could be your next door neighbor. They could be you.
And worse, they’re an intelligent horror. Yes, they have an instinct to devour humans. But they don’t have to do that to survive. (Unlike xenomorphs.) They can choose not to kill. They can certainly choose to murder quietly, where no one else will know....
Two different parasitic aliens. Very different fears. The xenomorph, for all its alien features, is one more big sneaky predator on humans. Once we know it’s there, humans have tried-and-true responses to Things Trying to Eat Them. (Kill It With Fire being one.) The Parasyte, in contrast, brings up, how do you know what’s human? What is a human? In the original manga a serial killer is recruited to catch Parasytes, and takes the chance to get terrified cops and soldiers to kill regular humans; while a Parasyte chooses to die to protect the human child she gave birth to. Which of these is the alien? Which is the enemy?
What fear do you want your characters to face in-story? Think of that, when you make your monsters.
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