#doing some spring cleaning
jellisdraws · 1 month
I’m Joe! 27, He/Him
Fantasy and Sci-fi are the main goings on round here.
I’m a DM who’s been running a weekly homebrew game since 2019, though I’ve been a lover of ttrpg’s for a decade now. Im an artist and a writer and you can find examples of both here.
My blog is “Multifandom” I suppose. My interests aren’t singular and the contents of this blog reflect that. Some favorites include: The Gentleman Bastard Sequence, Malazan Series, Mistborn series. I love Critical Role, TAZ, Dimension 20, too many Anime to name, Drawfee, Mass effect, dragon age, the Witcher, Destiny 2, Baldurs Gate 3 and so on!
By and large just… lots of Fantasy and Scifi. I do my best to tag.
My ask box is open.
All my art is tagged awhellstothejoe or Joe Draws
I’m working on commission sheets
You can support me and view my spicy art here:
(and my caffeine addiction) here:
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verfound · 1 year
(Old) Ficlet: Called Out (MLB, Alya/Nino)
Rating: General Audiences
Characters/Pairings: Alya Césaire, Nino Lahiffe; Nino/Alya
Summary: “And once found, how does a fox announce that it has claimed a mate, Mademoiselle Césaire?”  A wicked idea began to form in her mind.  She could feel the fox imbuing her as her eyes slid over to Nino.  She ignored their teacher calling her name, her lips curling back over her teeth as she opened her mouth…
Author’s Notes/Warnings: I wrote this YEARS ago.  Back when we were just getting the leaks that Alya and Nino would be getting the Fox & Turtle and we had no names for them.  It was loosely set in another, longer fic I was working on, and I wasn’t going to post this one until I posted that, but that one was Adrien-having and I’m not sure I’ll ever get around to finishing it.  At least without major rewrites/tweaking.  I still kinda like this silly little idea, and it really does stand alone, and I’m tired of it sitting in my Upload folder.  Sooo…hey, have something non-Lukanette?  😂  (I’m pretty sure I wrote this before we met Luka.  That’s how old this is.  Back before Alya and Adrien annoyed me as much as they do.  😂)
“Called Out”
Alya was restless.
It was a consequence of the Fox Miraculous, Trixx had told her.  Where her feet had always itched to a certain degree, eager to be on the trail of the Next Big Scoop, becoming the Scarlet Fox had only made her itching feet worse.  Especially on a day like today, when the sun was shining and the air was crisp with the coming winter.  Her body was practically thrumming with the need to transform and race along the rooftops.
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filet-o-feelings · 1 year
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Sorting through stuff I haven’t touched in years and I do not remember iPhones being so tiny!?
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critterbitter · 5 months
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Note: I already have a queue lined up, but this would help give insight on what to feed you guys next week. Like prepping birdseed for pidgeys in a park!
(Have fun submas takes? Hot head cannons? Criminal thoughts that are begging to be released into the chasm of my canvas?
Feel free to scream them here! I am Listening.)
Link to submas masterpost btw!
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canisalbus · 2 months
I hope you have a lovely day today. ❤️
Thank you! You too! 🧡
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doubledyke · 2 months
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remarcely · 6 months
Sleeping Robin
Since his arrival at Wayne Manor, it had been remarkably difficult for Damian to feel comfortable expressing his feelings, especially when it came to something so menial as affection. Dick had been the first to wear him down, constantly encouraging hugs and sharing his feelings, but it had taken time.
As emotionally volatile as the whole family was, they knew pushing for results would only scare the boy off. It had taken months for Damian to stop standing rigidly still whenever Dick did hug him and allow himself to hold him back.
So, when Robin was visiting the Watchtower for his third time and had fallen asleep on Batman’s lap, it was understandable to say Bruce was surprised.
He’d been showing his son the security systems and, with no other chair available, had lifted Damian to sit on his knee at a distance from the rest of him, just in case Damian was uncomfortable.
However, perhaps from a weeks’ worth of restless nights or the deep timbre of Batman’s voice as he spoke, Damian had scooted closer to curl up on Bruce's chest and rested his head right over his father’s heartbeat. In less than a minute, his eyes were shut and he was fast asleep.
Bruce hadn’t noticed at first, continuing to explain the setup, and only realised his youngest was snoozing when Damian snuggled closer. He hesitantly removed his hand from the computers keyboard and brushed back his son’s hair, fondly smiling down at his sleeping face.
In moments like this, the boys constant tension faded and his expression was free from scowls and harsh lines. Like this, Bruce could pretend he'd never been exposed to the League, that the scars on his back were a false memory, and his son was okay.
Bruce shifted in his seat a little, bringing his cape up to tuck around Damian and decided to continue the rest of his camera-duty in silence.
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dieselocelot · 20 days
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you're losing a savior and a saint
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ai-kan1 · 1 month
Guys would you still love me if i made this blog multifandom
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frolis-maneuver · 8 months
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Baby doll I recognize You're a hideous thing inside If ever there were a lucky kind it's You you you you [x]
sorry for being absent here been experiencing brainrot on a sideblog. can i interest you in some ocs perhaps
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milky-aeons · 3 months
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ღ. 𝐝. 𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐮 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
crowns of stardust ➺ in which a prince with no reason to live finds one in the most unlikely of people (!)
fever-pitch ➺ you and dazai have a disagreement after a dangerous mission ✔(!)
reason living ➺ fatherhood!dazai osamu headcanons ✔
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ღ. 𝐧. 𝐜𝐡𝐮𝐮𝐲𝐚 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
shameless ➺ chuuya nakahara nsfw headcanons ✔(!)
strip poker ➺ following a successful mission, you and the general try each other's skills at a game of poker ✔(!)
dear theodosia ➺ fatherhood!chuuya nakahara headcanons ✔
pretty, pretty boy ➺ convincing chuuya to wear a maid's dress ✔
he's mine ➺ chuuya nakahara relationship headcanons ✔
make a wish ➺ chuuya notices there's a particular day of the year you hate to celebrate ✔
wild ones ➺ alpha!chuuya nakahara is not fond of the attention you've been giving one of his subordinates ✔
drink up! ➺ there's only one wine chuuya can think of that's just as sweet as you ✔(!)
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ღ. 𝐞. 𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐩𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
you called me sugar ➺ how you and the famed ada enigma fell in love ✔(!)
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ღ. 𝐟. 𝐝𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐞𝐯𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
my little angel ➺ fatherhood!fyodor dostoevsky headcanons ✔
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ღ. 𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
'till death do us part ➺ the bsd men on their wedding day ✔
fly away with me ➺ the bsd men on their honeymoon ✔(!)
gentleman ➺ the ways in which dazai osamu and chuuya nakahara express their more gentle side, but only when it comes to you ✔
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asshuka · 1 year
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i started this to celebrate the very first rise patch (that concluded the kamura story and introduced valtrax and allmother) and now the final patch is upon us... and i finally finished it!!!!!! :'D :'D :'D
thankfully the composition remained the same despite the long delay and came out pretty cool too... i'm still like enamored with minoto's journey to derangity. not sure if it's actually subtle storytelling or me digging it that deep myself from crumbs lol it's good either way tho
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sheepalmighty · 1 month
Still figuring out what additional pages I want to draw for my AU and whether or not to upload any separately. But for now here's a sketch of a pouting Chai
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laprimera · 5 months
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2024 rules update! these will go across my blogs, but lemme drop the changed stuff here the rest has p much stayed the same.
thanks for following em btw or asking questions when needed, helps a lot!
. Selective, crossover/oc friendly, mutuals only etc etc. I only interact with mutuals and wait to be followed first before following back if I can see our characters and writing meshing well. This is just so I can have an active dashboard that I can freely interact with. please let me know if you have a side you'd want me to engage and follow if its not prominent somewhere.
. You do not need a verse to interact with my muse. If anything I prefer general crossover to see how they interact in their various worlds.
. While open to shipping and discussing possible connections with my muses I will not insta-ship and please dont assume they are even if we’ve talked about it a bit. It’ll have to be chemistry and interaction based with buildup and note the blog is not ship-focused. The blog’s central plot focuses solely on themselves and their themes unless heavily plotted otherwise.
. Note I don’t do mains or exclusives in any way. While I do have close mutuals I’ll interact with a lot because of comfort there are no central characters or plots otherwise besides my own. If a muse wants to get involved in some exclusive way please come by me to see if we can plot something out.
. I’m not interested in poly-shipping. Nothing wrong with it ofcourse but Im only really comfortable shipping with friends or mutuals I know and on the same space as I’m in. I’d ask for a single-verse for my muse or we can go through a platonic route if your muse is exclusively poly, but as with anything please come talk to me for anything.
. You dont have to ask to reply to an ask. Please do! If anything I ask if possible to follow through on a meme or ask you’ve sent be turned into an interaction unless the point is moot or its a drabble. Not required of course, it just helps start and build interactions!
. Note the plot is centralized to my characters and canons put under the v. main tag. Dash events, rpc happenings and the whathavs unless I say so otherwise are not canon and often put under the crack tag or untagged. Please dont assume anything from my muse or expect them to engage either as sadly I have to step away from the dash often and cant catch up. I prefer to have control over my narrative and if you want something outside included please plot with me!
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illiana-mystery · 2 months
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Hello, Mr. Kimball. We meet again. 🥴
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studioghibelli · 2 days
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🫧hi! my name is bell and this is my blog. i write for whoever i want, but mainly joel miller and cooper howard
🫧leo sun, aquarius moon, taurus rising
🫧history major, art enthusiast, gothic architecture fiend, cowboy lover
🫧besides fallout & tlou, i love jurassic park, wwdits, my playstation, dinosaurs, and animals. cliche, but true. i am a BIG fan of those furry (and not furry) little freaks.
🫧all my content is 18+ or over, and I actively indulge in smut/content not suitable for all. if this bothers you, i kindly ask you to leave!
here is a link to my masterlist
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