#does that make him a dilf
dailymothanon · 1 year
You’re art is so good I want to eat it. Could you draw Massachusetts?
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Yeah maybe I did end up using him for color practice 😾 but it was nice I think! Very inspired by @alaskasbignaturals posts of him 😌 i did end up pizzazzing him a bit tho
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sxmbrr · 4 months
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My Vampire the Masquerade character, “Dante” Kim.
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Vincent Price - The Red Skelton Hour; Climb Upon My Knee Dummy Boy (1968)
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teyamsatan · 1 year
avatar 1 jake or avatar 2 jake and why
don't mind me, i'm just gonna -
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avatar 1 jake is bbg, and i love him and he's a good time, but the shit i would let (and need) dilf!jake to do to me is unending, immoral and honestly should probably be illegal
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”How is Bullfrog more gay than the main character-“
Is he though? is just because Bullfrog is French?
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toutallyahoe · 2 months
e2 gallagher will be the bane of my existence
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matchnightt · 2 months
u definitely aren’t the only one..his new hair is mwahh👩‍🍳💋
Thank you anon.. you get me..
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landwriter · 1 year
Hob just like love missing scenes?? do tell :)
He’s blond. That’s the first thing Hob notices, when the stranger - not his Stranger, just the lowercase sort, comes and sits down next to him. Thank Christ, he thinks, he couldn’t cope with some raven-haired beauty, not tonight. Maybe not for a few decades. Maybe he oughta move to, to bloody Finland or somewhere.
“Rough night?” asks the stranger. He sounds like a cowboy out of a Hollywood film.
Hob tries to smile and winces instead. “That obvious, am I?”
The man smiles. His teeth are white and perfect. He’s dressed in a cream suit and wearing coal-black sunglasses in the middle of the night, indoors. He’s the most American thing Hob has ever seen.
“Nah,” the lowercase stranger drawls. “I just wanted an excuse to come over. Drink to our troubles?”
Hob blinks. He’d started twelve hours ago with beer, which turned to wine, then whisky, then bitter disappointment and a cab ride here, and now more whisky, except it’s hideously expensive and he’s too deep in his cups to appreciate it. And he still knows he’s being hit on.
“Hob,” he says, and holds out his hand. The stranger takes it, and his grip is firm and cool. He momentarily forgets that he’s supposed to get a name in return. “What are you drinking tonight, mate?”
The stranger smiles again, long and slow this time, and lust slithers into Hob’s gut, settling comfortably atop the mess of misery below. “Well, whatever you’re buying.”
all I've done for it so far! but really want to cover Corinthian's accidental use of Hob's "Life is so rich" line - here's my notes for the rest of this:
hob’s reaction, etc- his suspicion, smelling the death, wanting annihilation, knowing something is STRANGE about him. maybe even in earlier section - hob sensing he’s dangerous. poss the Corinthian offers a fake name. poss the name is like, randomly chosen, and a few minutes later hob notices it’s from a drink behind the bar, or on the cocktail menu, Usual Suspects style. immediately sobers up best he can. assessing situation, assuming he is a Dangerous Man, and thinking, perfect. a fuck and maybe a fight. then later, kissing, finding the dagger, and being honestly incredibly turned on, knowing he was right.
I think it could be a super fun and hot drabble and I really wanna jump into Hob's fresh-off-1989 mindset here because it's surely INSANE
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biguyonline · 7 months
Down astronomically bad for Toji-sama
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torgawl · 6 months
still on the topic of the leaks, i saw someone on twitter say yuuji might have swapped souls with kusakabe here and that actually makes sense?!
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yuuji is like a cursed object and steeped in sukuna's ce and we know from gojo that receiving attacks from your own ce seems to deal less damage so it might just be that yuuji is resistant or at least partial to less damage than anyone else when it comes to cleave and dismantle.
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no idea how soul swapping actually works and if the idea "the body is the soul" still applies or if, independently of yuuji being in there (if he is), kusakabe's body and technique would still be kusakabe's regardless - which would mean this can't apply - but it's still an interesting thought. and it would explain kusakabe's sudden heroic antics (if this is true i should've known!!!)
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
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tko-draws · 2 months
Thinking about Slug in his dilf era
1. Dilf c:
2. In seeing how his adopted kiddo's life is improving and how they're recovering from their time underground through therapy he finally realizes that he needs it too.
Dilf Slug = Slug finally seeks therapy
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saetoru · 1 year
i can’t tell my friends this or they’ll judge me so i’m gonna tell y’all but my 54 year old professor is pretty hot
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fizzie-bubbles · 2 years
wait so if the first light happened in 2039 and cypher is canonically in his thirties (late thirties probably). that means.
that means cypher was born around 2010-2014.
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ruvviks · 6 months
💢💤🌱✂️🌈 for rami please >:]
oc asks!
💢 ANGER - what are some habits they have that will take some getting used to?
it's not necessarily a habit that he has but rami is a very calm man. a bit too calm in some cases maybe. he's not one to start panicking very quickly which is nice to have because he can keep his head clear in bad situations but it can be frustrating to deal with in the heat of the moment because some people could assume that he just doesn't care. which is not true because he cares a Lot all the time
he also tends to explain things in great detail all the time because he likes to be very clear about what he's talking about. doesn't handle misunderstandings well so he tries to prevent that, but some people might find that too much especially if they already know a lot of things about the topic in question
💤 SLEEPING - do they fall asleep easily? what helps them sleep?
rami tends to go to sleep when he's actually feeling tired, so he generally falls asleep pretty easily once he commits to it. it Does however take him very long to get to that point because he's always very busy with a lot of things and the more active his brain is the smaller the chance he will get tired. he is a very busy man
having someone else there with him helps a LOT with going to bed because it's pretty easy to convince him if you mean a lot to him. he will still take a while to fall asleep that way but at least he will go to sleep a lot earlier than he would've otherwise done
🌱 SEEDLING - what is their most vivid memory from childhood?
rami's most vivid memory would be the time he got lost in a huge mall when he was still very young. he was terrified and an old lady stayed with him the whole time until he found his parents back. he doesn't remember much from what happened during those hours, but he does vividly remember how he felt; terrified at first, but then strangely at ease when the old lady showed up and kept him company. this memory is something he still holds on to very tightly, and it's part of his motivation to help out others in similar way :)
✂️ SCISSORS - what is the "last straw" for them to cut someone out of their life? how easily do they let go of people?
rami holds on to people very tightly most of the time. it takes him a lot of effort to actually let someone in (only a few people know him by name; if you know his name he considers you a VERY close friend) but once he's done that he will do anything and everything in his power to keep that person in his life
however, if someone ever hurts his daughters, it's over IMMEDIATELY. he will not tolerate any of that. you touch rami's daughters and you WILL suffer the consequences
🌈 RAINBOW - what advice would they give to their younger self?
rami had a relatively normal childhood so there's not a lot of advice he would have for his younger self, other than to not get so caught up in what other people thought of him. it was something he struggled with a lot in school and he bounced around between many different personalities and, well, masks basically, trying to find his place with other people and continuously failing at it
other advice would mostly just be cooking advice to be honest. rami is a good cook nowadays but he was so bad when he was younger. and it took him VERY long to get better at it. so to have that advice a little earlier would've helped him a lot
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