#doctors and lords and ladys and stuff too
cryoculus · 1 year
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— people pleaser ⟢
pairing: thoma x ex-assassin!reader
summary: it’s been three weeks since you left for yashiori island, and saying that thoma was stoked to have you back was an understatement. but as the days passed, he noticed something quite...distressing.
word count: 5.7k words
notable characters: thoma, kamisato ayaka, kamisato ayato, gorou, yae miko
tags: jealousy, misunderstandings, light angst, suggestive themes
notes: this is a guard dog side story that was written for thoma's birthday back in january 2022!
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“Miss Kira!”
Naturally, Thoma was the first to greet you by the gates once you and Ayato finally made it back. He took it upon himself to take the bag you brought off your hands, beaming at you like a puppy who just met its owner after being gone all day. Well, in hindsight, that’s not too far-off an analogy.
You shot him a tired smile, lacing your arms around his neck to peck him on the cheek. “Hey, pretty boy. Did you miss me?”
“You bet,” he replied with a chuckle before pulling away to turn to Ayato. “I’m glad to see you’re well, too, my lord. Any progress with the investigation?”
The Yashiro Commissioner heaved a long-winded sigh, handing his own luggage to the other guards. “Barely. Locating the wards was quite tricky. We had Doctor Shinya with us, too. He’s a learned gentleman from the Sumeru Academia, so if he can’t locate them even with the guidance of our Yashiori native, Miss Kira, then it’s best if we went back to the drawing board.”
Thoma nodded in understanding. “I see. No wonder you got back so early. But is it really alright to leave the Tatarigami unattended?” 
“Don’t worry about it,” you insisted, patting him on the shoulder. “‘Yato over here made good on the diplomatic interventions you and milady have been overseeing in his stead. He talked some former resistance soldiers into keeping an eye out for the situation. So it’s all good.”
…Alright, Thoma was more than glad to hear that Ayaka’s efforts to restore Narukami’s relationship with the Sangonomiya faction have borne fruit. But did you just call the head of the Kamisato House ‘Yato?
Ayato didn’t seem fazed by this, though—chuckling as you all headed inside. “It’s as the lady says. Sangonomiya Kokomi has agreed to cooperate with the ongoing investigation, since the Tatarigami also poses a threat to the safety of her own citizens.”
You snorted. “We nearly got kicked out of Sangonomiya Shrine when you criticized the way they prepared their sashimi, though. I know you’re a big shot and all, but you should seriously keep things to yourself sometimes.”
“I did no such thing. I simply suggested that it would be better if they served them fresh!”
“That’s not how the shrine maidens saw it…”
Thoma was no stranger to conversations that had nothing to do with him, and thus couldn’t relate to. It’s a staple for a chief retainer to stand on the sidelines and simply let his charge do all the talking. But the…familiar way in which you addressed Ayato was something entirely new to him. He didn’t think you’d ever spoken to someone else in the estate (someone that wasn’t Thoma, at least) in the same, animated manner you conversed with the Commissioner. Despite being officially hailed as a retainer of the house, you still had your reservations for the people that got close to you.
He used to pride himself for being one of the select few you’d fully put your faith in, but…
“Now that you mentioned it, I did come off as too forward for someone that’s already asking for a favor,” Ayato sighed. “This is why I let Ayaka handle all the formalities instead. Let’s send them an…apology package, shall we?”
“Sure. I’ll help you pick some stuff out in the city after I get a good night’s sleep,” you said. “Gods know it wasn’t exactly comfortable sharing a tent with you of all people.”
The moment the words left your lips, Thoma felt his brain short-circuit and jumpstart back into motion right after. You and Ayato shared a tent. For three weeks. His girlfriend slept in the same, close proximity as his lord. And they were acting completely casual about it!
This is probably just nothing, he assured himself—albeit poorly. Right…?
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Thoma took all of that in stride. Of course he did. He’s Thoma—the level-headed, even-tempered housekeeper of the Kamisato House! It’s in his job description to take things in stride. So when he decided to tail you and Ayato to your impromptu shopping trip to Inazuma City the next day, his actions didn’t bear any ill will at all!   
He was as discreet as a Mondstadter could be smack in the middle of Inazuma. Making himself scarce was something that Thoma has had trouble with for the longest time. Everything about him screamed outlander no matter how much he tried to dress himself up as a local. But you and Ayato didn’t seem privy to his advances—sampling dishes from Kiminami Restaurant without a care in the world. 
You weren’t really up to anything suspicious so far. But the fact that Ayato insisted that you two go out without any guards was already worth looking into. It didn’t help that you hadn’t spoken a word about this before heading to bed either. 
To Thoma’s relief, you still opted to sleep in his room last night like you always did before. The feel of you snuggling against his body underneath the sheets was a feeling he missed so much, he could almost cry. So even if he wanted to break the ice by asking how you and Ayato had suddenly grown closer, the chief retainer couldn’t stand the idea of ruining the cozy atmosphere that he hasn’t felt in weeks. Besides, he might just be reading into it too much. Thoma does that a lot these days. 
“Hm? Thoma? Is that you?”
He nearly jumped out of the bush he was hiding in at the sound of another voice, hiding the binoculars (that he definitely didn’t steal from your drawer) from view. However, when Thoma saw who exactly caught him stalking you from such a high vantage point like a psychopath, he could only crane his head in confusion.
“General Gorou?” he half-asked, half-greeted. “What brings you here?”
“Um,” he began awkwardly, ears perking up. “This is my hiding spot, too, so…”
Thoma didn’t even know where to begin asking about the general’s predicament, but he decided not to press the matter. This wasn’t the first time he’s spoken to Gorou—given the peace talks he was mandated to attend by Ayaka’s side. But this was definitely the first he’s seen him loitering around the city.
“Who are you…?” Gorou squinted from the cliff’s edge where Thoma decided to conduct his stakeout, following it up with a quick— “Oh.”
“...Don’t tell me you see them from all the way up here.”
“Don’t tell me you’re performing an espionage mission on your own charge!”
Oh, right. Of course Gorou would focus on Ayato; not you. 
“I’m not,” he explained. “I’m just…”
For a moment, Thoma considered unloading the troubles he’s been harboring since yesterday onto this not-so stranger. Gorou wasn’t someone who he saw on the regular, so surely it wouldn’t hurt to confide his girl-problems in the guy? Besides, from his contributions to the peace talks alone, Thoma could tell he was someone who gave top-tier advice. 
But before he could even speak a word, Gorou suddenly froze up—body reflexively easing into a defensive stance. “Tch… My apologies, but I’ll have to make an abrupt leave or else she’ll catch me.”
The general immediately bolted away from the shrubs, scampering back to the streets of Inazuma City and leaving Thoma more clueless than he was to begin with. 
When Thoma glanced back at Kiminami Restaurant through the binoculars, he realized that you and Ayato had already left in the midst of his chance meeting with Gorou. Great. Now he had no one to stake out for. 
“You there.”
Thoma jolted in surprise once again—immediately assuming that an officer from the Tenryou Commission was probably going to scold him for going over the fences. But when he whirled around, it wasn’t a bulky soldier that greeted his sight, but rather a familiar shrine maiden with a cunning air to her.
“Have you seen a little fox boy running around?” Yae Miko asked with a sigh, pinching the bridge of her nose. “We have a deadline coming up soon, and he just keeps slipping right underneath my nose. What a pain, that one.”
“Uhh…” Something told him Gorou was going to be very happy if Thoma did him a solid right here, right now. “Nope. I’m sorry to disappoint you, Lady Guuji.”
She sighed, crossing her arms with a resigned look. “Well, frankly, I can’t be bothered to chase after him now. How about you entertain me instead, Kamisato retainer?”
It took him a moment to realize that Yae Miko actually remembered who he was, and Thoma swallowed the lump in his throat before hopping back over the fence—leaving the binoculars hidden in the shrubs to retrieve later.
“How may I be of service?” he asked nervously.
Yae Miko gave him a single look that was enough to make any lesser man cower. It’s a good thing he regularly accompanied Ayaka to her meetings with the priestess at the shrine. Else, Thoma might’ve grovelled at her feet from the pressure of her gaze alone.
“Give me your palm, would you?” she requested softly. 
Thoma blinked. “Pardon?”
“Your palm, boy. I’d like to read it.”
He still didn’t fully understand what she was trying to make him do, but Thoma unfastened the harnesses on his right glove—flexing his fingers a bit before extending it to Yae Miko. The priestess took his hand in her much softer ones, and while the other men from the Yashiro Commission preferred women who were soft to the touch, he’d developed a fondness for your calloused palms. The same hands that he held in his own during colder nights or a simple stroll around Ritou. The same hands he wouldn’t mind holding for the rest of his life.
Wait. Why was he thinking about you when—
“You’re a fire elemental,” Yae Miko murmured, tracing the lines on his palm firmly. “That explains the Pyro Vision, yes. Hmm… Good vitality, strong mental constitution, relatively stable, and… Oh?”
Thoma felt his stomach drop. He did not like the sound of that.
“I-Is anything wrong, Lady Guuji?” he asked dryly.
The priestess continued running her finger along his palms, as if tracing a poem out of his skin. She had a hint of a smile playing on her lips, but Thoma knew better than to deduce a kitsune’s intentions from their facial expressions alone. 
“Your other lines are in order, but your heart line… Quite shallow,” Yae Miko sighed, shaking her head. “This means you’re more sensitive and vulnerable than the rest. For someone who’s stood by Kamisato Ayaka’s side all this time, this is quite the surprise. You’ve always come off as a level-headed person to me, but I suppose living here as an outlander makes your heart waver every so often. Am I right?”
…How on earth did she find all that out just by reading his palms?
“From the look on your face, I can tell that you’re going through something unpleasant as well,” she continued, letting go of his hand with a stern look. “I don’t know the specifics but it would be good to actually speak to the person or people involved. There’s no point in punishing yourself with uncertainty when their reassurance is readily attainable. Isn’t that right, Kamisato retainer?”
Now he knew why some of the shrine maidens at the estate spoke of Yae Miko with a hint of fear in their words. She was way too perceptive!
“It’s an honor to receive direct counsel from you, Lady Guuji,” Thoma said with a small bow. “Thank you very much. I’ll make sure to reflect on it.”
“Oh, reflection alone won’t get you anywhere, sweet boy,” she chuckled behind her hand. “Rather, you should act on it. Playing the people pleaser can only last you for so long in a place like this. I’m sure you know that well—being an outlander and all.”
That hit a little too close to home, but Thoma didn’t make it evident on his face. “I understand. Thank you again.”
That day, Thoma decided against searching the city for yours and Ayato’s whereabouts. Instead, he went straight home and leveled the hedges faster than the time it would take for three people to do the job. Yae Miko’s words repeated themselves like a mantra in his head, and all he could do to cope was keep himself busy.
Playing the people pleaser can only last you so long in a place like this.
You and the Commissioner didn’t return until nightfall, and Thoma didn’t voice out a single complaint—receiving you and his charge with bright smiles and a warm welcome as usual. During dinner, though, he felt Ayaka’s gaze trailing after him every now and again. That was a telltale sign that the princess was catching on to whatever was bothering him, but Thoma had a tad too much pride to let her in on the situation.
After all, this was probably just nothing.
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Things didn’t exactly get better in the next few days like he’d hoped.
You’ve been quite elusive as of late. You hadn’t slept in his room since the night you first came back, and while Thoma usually didn’t mind your independence, his…current predicament made going about this in a completely logical manner quite difficult. Your outings with Ayato have become more and more frequent than what he was accustomed to. The Commissioner had a penchant for holing himself in his room for days, and now he took public matters into his own hands?  
Another thing that startled him was the fact that you’re oh-so willing to tend to Ayato’s requests! Back then, you used to bemoan the workload and talked Thoma’s ear off about how much you wanted to quit despite the Kamisato clan’s good graces. Of course, you didn’t mean a single word. Both of you knew how attached you’ve gotten to this family, and peeling yourself away was more work than you’d otherwise expect.
But now, even when you weren’t busy, Thoma would catch you going up to Ayato’s study to do Archons-know-what. He wasn’t so terrible a person that he’d jump to conclusions about his lord doing unsightly things with his lover, but…
He sighed, casting a sidelong glance across the hall. “Yes, milady?”
Ayaka had that look on her face—the one that spelled you owe me an explanation for this—and Thoma wondered why he thought he could ever escape her scrutiny. This was Ayaka after all.
Wordlessly, he led her to the pavilion, where the fresh breeze wafted through the courtyard. They sat on the edge of the platform like they always did, since they were children. And as Thoma gazed out into the ocean below, Ayaka patiently waited for him to speak.
“Milady, what would you do if you thought your lover was…losing interest in you?” 
It’s not like Thoma never considered the possibility—in fact, he has. Multiple times. You used to be one of the underground’s renown assassins. Even if you’ve successfully adapted to your life as a retainer in such a short time, Thoma knew very well that you were still a lone wolf by heart. It wouldn’t come as a surprise to him if, one day, you decided that you didn’t need the Yashiro Commission—didn’t need him—anymore, and fled into the night. He didn’t like it when it felt like you were slipping out of his grasp. You already did once, and he feared that it was bound to happen again.
This definitely wasn’t a thought that occurred to Thoma on a daily basis. But whenever he did consider the idea of you leaving him behind…
Ayaka’s eyes widened slightly at his inquiry, and Thoma could almost hear the thought process occurring in that head of hers. What do you mean? Did you and Miss Kira have a fight? Is there anything I can do?
However, the reaction that he actually got was…far from what he imagined.
Ayaka pressed her lips together in an attempt to suppress a snort, startling when such an unbecoming noise came out of her before pressing a palm across her mouth. Thoma didn’t know whether he should be offended that she was laughing at his predicament or relieved because the Shirasagi Himegimi was finally letting herself express an extensive spectrum of emotions. Either way, Ayaka was quick to recover from that quick slip-up.
“And here I thought you might’ve been coming down with something,” she sighed, clearing her throat as she composed herself. “Thoma, what gave you the idea that Miss Kira was losing interest?”
“...You’re going to think I’m ridiculous.”
“I’m sure your reasons aren’t any more ridiculous than the list of complaints we receive from the citizens on the regular,” Ayaka reassured. “Now, go on. You’ve always heard me out when I have things I can’t get off my mind. It’s only proper for me to lend you an ear as well.”
Thoma closed his eyes. Yup. There was no escaping Kamisato Ayaka’s scrutiny. 
So, he told her. About how he noticed you and her brother have grown exponentially familiar with each other ever since your trip to Yashiori Island. How you’ve been avoiding him(?) as of late. He’s not very sure about that last one, since you still respond whenever Thoma calls out to you, but it’s as if you had more impending matters to attend to than paying attention to him. If he’d been any less understanding than he was, he would’ve sulked.
Ayaka listened to every word carefully, nodding every so often. And once Thoma was finished speaking, she breathed in deeply.
“I see. So that’s how things appeared on your end,” the princess lamented. “I’ll be the one to apologize on their behalf. Those two… You’re right about the fact that they have grown closer since Yashiori. But there's absolutely no reason for you to fret, Thoma.”
Thoma shot her a puzzled look. “What do you mean?”
“What I’m saying is, Brother and Miss Kira are two people who, when they put their backs into planning something, give it their all so it would be a success.” Ayaka grinned. “That kind of explains why she’s been hard to come by lately. Although, you should be seeing the fruit of their labor very soon.”
“...That doesn’t make you sound cryptic at all, milady.”
She giggled behind the guise of her fan, and Thoma ultimately resigned himself to the fact that he wasn’t going to get any answers out of her anytime soon. 
“You’ll see~”
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He hardly got a wink of sleep that night.
Thoma tossed and turned alone in his bed—wondering what in the seven nations you and Ayato had been cooking up to warrant this much of your time. Could it be pertaining to your investigations on Yashiori Island? Was it some sort of new and improved cure for the Tatarigami? He hadn’t the slightest clue, and he wasn’t getting anywhere near a logical explanation come morning either.
To his disappointment, Madarame had to get him out of bed because he’d overslept. This was something unusual for Thoma to experience because his circadian rhythm was as impeccable as Ayaka’s swordsmanship.  
(He humbly blames it on the lack of attention from his significant other.)
“Lord and Lady Kamisato have already gone out for the day,” Madarame explained as he and Thoma made their way to the courtyard. “But they did leave instructions for you to drop by Komore Teahouse once you’re able. It’s for an…urgent matter, so to speak.”
Thoma sighed. Great. Now there was another impending issue on his plate, when he hadn’t even sorted out his conflicted feelings about your recurring absence. Not that Madarame had to know about these tendencies of his. Nobody would believe it—the housekeeper of the Kamisato clan, craving the love and affection of his girlfriend like a kicked puppy.
“What of Miss Kira?” he asked, just in case. “Has she said anything?”
Madarame’s face scrunched up into an apologetic look. Thoma sighed.
“Thanks anyways,” he told him glumly. “I’ll head over to the city now. Hold down the fort while we’re gone, okay?”
“Of course.” Madarame bowed, but just as Thoma was about to turn on his heel to make his leave— “Oh, Master Thoma, one more thing.”
The chief glanced at the other man with one brow arched as he flashed him a sincere grin that only served to puzzle Thoma. “Yes?”
Then, earnestly, Madarame spoke: 
“Happy Birthday.”
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Things just got more depressing, if that was even possible.
Thoma made the trip to the capital in several states of distress. He’d been so caught up in trying to wrap his head around yours and Ayato’s antics that he forgot today was his birthday. 
It didn’t help that it seemed he was the only one left in the dark. Ayato knew. You knew. Hell, even Ayaka knew what was going on. During last night’s bout of senseless overthinking, he considered ditching common courtesy and just straight up asking the princess all the things he wanted to know about. As strong-willed as she was, Ayaka was still quite meek. Thoma knew he could pressure some answers out of her given the right conditions, but he never once tried to do so in any other situation. Being a people pleaser, and all that. 
But now, he was at his limit. His lover obviously thought another man’s time was worth her while compared to Thoma’s. Even if Ayato loved and raised him like they were blood brothers, he couldn’t help the unshakeable feeling of resentment. Just one trip to Yashiori made them all smitten like that? When Thoma has been by your side far longer?
In the back of his head, an ominous voice reminded him that you and him only became more honest with your feelings after retrieving that cure from Yashiori all those months ago. 
Who knew Miss Kira was that easy? It hissed. She ditched you for Ayato on your birthday.
Shut up. Shut up, she’s not like that. 
Okay, having an internal argument with himself in broad daylight was all sorts of weird. But that extensive contemplation made Thoma fail to realize that he’d already arrived. 
Komore Teahouse has been the Yashiro Commission’s stronghold in the capital since time immemorial. Both Ayaka and Ayato preferred having business dealings in the discreet rooms of the shop rather than back at the estate. Not only was it carefully guarded by the Shuumatsuban, but it was more accessible compared to the manor in Mount Yougou.
The first thing Thoma noticed, however, was that nobody was stationed outside. Not Kozue, not Heihachi. Even that pesky Snezhnayan Ramsay was nowhere to be seen. 
All of a sudden, a chill ran across the length of his spine. The grisly that thought the Teahouse had been under siege crossed his mind as quick as lightning. Kozue would never leave her post for just any reason, so that was the most sound explanation he could think of. Hurriedly, the chief retainer slid the door to the shop open; hoping that this wasn’t where Ayaka and Ayato were headed for the day—
Thoma could only stand by the doorway in stunned silence as a small blast of confetti hit him in the face. To his side, the Commissioner’s familiar face came to view—an unsuspecting party popper in his hands, before the rest of his company shouted:
“Happy Birthday!”
All around him, the familiar faces of friends, family, and comrades were present. Taroumaru was seated comfortably on his usual spot on the counter—holding up a sign that spelled Happy Birthday, Thoma! Ayaka was, surprisingly, in the company of none other than Yae Miko herself, a person he never thought he would see again so soon. She winked at him from behind the princess, as if telling him to keep a secret only they knew about. Yoimiya and Sayu have also joined the fray; with the former clapping her hands gleefully and the latter napping on top of the counter. 
And then there was you.
“Hey,” you greeted casually—holding a delectable-looking cake in your hands as Yoimiya took it upon herself to light the candles. “How’re you doing, guard dog?”
Thoma was at an utter loss for words. He gaped at you in silence, green eyes alight with surprise as he absentmindedly let you ease the cake into his hands.
“W-We’re both guard dogs,” he mumbled before promptly snapping out his trance. “Wait, what’s this? Don’t tell me…”
Ayaka chuckled from where she sat herself down in front of the counter. “Miss Kira and Brother have been putting together a surprise party for you, if that isn’t any more obvious than it already is.”
“We thought you’d appreciate the, ah, change in pace,” Ayato supplied, setting the party popper near the door as he crossed his arms. “You’ve been working so diligently these days, that you deserved as much.”
His lips quivered with the intent to speak, but no words were coming out. Thoma’s gaze darted around every person in the room, as if unable to get a grip on the reality before him—what the hell is Yae Miko doing here?!—until his emerald gaze landed on your form. 
You grinned. “What are you waiting for? The candles aren’t going to blow themselves y’know? Plus, we prepared an entire repertoire for your special day.”
The thought of you going out of your way just to prepare all this made a familiar warmth surge through his chest. Of course, he felt all the more guilty of thinking those nasty thoughts about what you were up to. But he supposed he could repent for that a bit later. The others looked on expectantly, and Thoma, who’d always been weak to the whims of others, heaved a sigh.
So he puckered his lips and blew out the candles.
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“I am so sorry.”
Those were the first words that came out of his mouth once Thoma pulled you into another room in the Teahouse. You gawked at him, confused as your lover sank to his knees and bowed before you.
“You know, I’m not really into this sort of S&M play, right?” you told him as you sat in front of his repentant form on the tatami. “But do I want to ask what this is about?”
Thoma sat upright with a sigh, maintaining a certain distance given that he felt like he didn’t deserve to be near you at all after everything he just assumed… “I thought you didn’t want me anymore. You’ve been so busy with the Commissioner these past few days that I assumed—”
“Wait, wait, wait. Hold on a sec,” you interjected, palms raised. “Are you saying you thought Ayato and I hit it off or something?”
If the small snort that Ayaka gave him yesterday was disrespectful, the reaction he gained from you was downright insolent. You laughed your heart out until you were a giggling mess on the floor, wiping the tears in your eyes at the prospect of Thoma getting jealous of Ayato over something that he completely had the wrong idea about. 
“Okay, for the record, ‘Yato and I are just tight as hell. Like bro-bros, y’know?” you explained, and Thoma didn’t really understand your verbiage. “He’s the one who dragged me back to fix things when shit hit the fan, so he’s kind of like my voice of reason for a lot of things now…”
“That includes how I’m going to handle...us.”
Now, that caught his attention. “Pardon?”
You sighed, pulling yourself upright before scooting a bit to lean your head on his shoulder. “I’ve never nurtured any sort of stable relationship in the past, y’know? Zero experience. I’m terrified of messing up somewhere so badly that you’ll leave me because of it. That’s why I asked for Ayato’s advice while we were in Yashiori.”
…Thoma had no idea that you carried such sentiments inside. He wanted to tell you that even if you slaughtered every person in this building right now, he would still love you. Though that’s stretching it a bit, it didn’t make it any less true.
He was so hopelessly in love with you. It was downright ridiculous! 
“He told me that one of the best ways to keep a relationship going is consistency,” you murmured, linking your hand with his. “I have to be consistent in letting you know how I feel. Always, without fail. I can’t just be a lone wolf forever, since I came to work at the estate on my own volition. It means I gotta be more open with you, too, yeah? That’s why I thought throwing you a birthday party was a good place to start.”
He couldn’t believe it. The woman he feared would leave him one day also harbored the same thoughts. That made him a hypocrite, now that he thought about it. Thoma had been so busy keeping the peace and making things easy for everyone in the present, that he hadn’t dedicated any time to addressing the future he’s bound to share with you.
He was yet to give you a proper reassurance. 
“I-It’s just—” You groaned, burying your face in your hands. “You’re just so amazing, you know that? Everyone trusts you, everyone looks up to you—even if you’re an outlander. I can barely talk to one of milady’s annoying socialite friends without saying something standoffish.” 
Thoma squeezed your hand with a fond smile. “And?”
“And I feel like, I— Ugh. You are so going to give me an earful for this, but… I still feel like I don’t deserve you.” 
The chief retainer exhaled loudly through his nose before pulling you closer to his chest. You visibly startled at the gesture, but followed his lead, no less.
“That’s something you can’t easily convince yourself of,” he acknowledged, remembering the times you told him about your childhood in Yashiori Island; about the years you spent as a wandering mercenary. “And I don’t blame you for it. But I hope that you’re willing to move forward to the next phase of your life, and not chain yourself to the sins you committed in the past. I’ll always be here, Miss Kira. Every step of the way.”
He felt your fingers tighten around his bicep and the sigh of relief that expelled from your chest. You turned around to face him with a teary look in your eyes. But just before he could panic and wipe them away—
“It’s been a while since you’ve called me by my real name,” you sulked, cupping his jaw in the curve of your palm. “That one’s reserved for you alone, remember? Don’t forget to use the privilege.”
Thoma let out an airy laugh, pressing his lips to yours in a firm kiss as he murmured the syllables of your name against your mouth. You sighed—hands moving to the back of his neck as you shifted on his lap. Both of you were well aware of the fact that the others were in the other room, playing a very interesting variation of mahjong that Ayato came up with, but you didn’t care. 
Your lover even let his tongue slip inside the cavern of your mouth, hands firmly planted on your hips as he—
“I was wondering where the celebrant was.”
Needless to say, the two of you sprang apart at the sound of Yae Miko’s voice. Red-faced, Thoma greeted her with a stuttered reply that has the priestess chuckling at the doorway.
“No need to explain yourselves. Young ones always have so much energy, after all,” she teased. “Lord Ayato was kind enough to invite me to this little get-together, but I must take my leave. There’s something I need to look into back at the shrine.”
“T-Thanks for coming Lady Guuji. It really is an honor,” you told her dryly, with whatever semblance of composure you could muster up.
Yae Miko flashed another one of those conspiratorial grins. “That reminds me, I left a matrimonial charm in Lady Ayaka’s care as your birthday present. If the two of you ever plan on tying the knot, just show that to one of my shrine maidens, and I’ll personally oversee the ceremony myself.”
…Wait a moment. Did Yae Miko, the Lady Guuji of the Grand Narukami Shrine, just give the two of you her blessing for marriage?
“Well, you can continue what it was you were doing,” she laughed, lifting one hand in a wave. “I hope to see you both soon~”
Then, there were two.
“We’re going to pretend that didn’t happen, right?” you asked.
Thoma nodded. “Definitely.”
As the two of you straightened yourselves out before rejoining the others at the party, you randomly asked, “Hey, this is a little out of the blue, but have you seen my binoculars anywhere? I put it in the drawer by your cabinets, but I can’t seem to find them anymore.”
He feigned a look of contemplation—wholly aware that he forgot to retrieve your special gadget from where he hid them in the bushes the last time he saw Yae Miko. Fuck. 
“Nope, no clue,” he replied swiftly. “We could ask around in Ritou if they’ve imported anything similar?”
“Ehh, that was just a hand-me-down from the Tenryou Commission anyways.” You shrugged. “Oh, by the way…”
Thoma paused as you leaned closer to his ear to whisper something. If he hadn’t been embarrassed when Yae Miko walked in on the two of you, he definitely was now. 
“I’m going to make up for the time we spent apart when we get home,” you whispered. “You’ll play along, right, pretty boy?”
The chief retainer could barely suppress the groan that reverberated in his chest as you tantalizingly ran your hand across it. Now that he’s fully recovered from his own emotional turmoils, the fact that he’s been wanting to get you alone all this time came crashing down. But it wasn’t as if he’s in any position to refuse.
He was the people pleaser after all. 
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© cryoculus | kaientai ✧ all rights reserved. do not repost or translate my work on other platforms.
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raspberry-gloaming · 5 months
I'm currently at a point where because I've got into Gallifrey, I follow or have at least browsed people's blogs who love other dweu stuff. And I thought it might be fun to say what I currently think and know about eu characters/companions so when I have in the future delved deeper into the eu I can look back and compare and laugh and see how much is accurate! There's gonna be a "read more" here because this gonna get Long.
Also please let me know what I've got right and not and also tell me more about these characters if you are fans of them!
Benny: starting off strong i know some stuff about her! she's an archeologist from the future (wonder if she ever met River) and she travelled with... one of the doctor(s)? Possibly Seven? She is besties with Brax and sometimes works for him and his collection. Probably must be able to put up with bullshit because of those last two points. Has a husband called Jason and at least one kid, which, iconic, female adventure and action protagonists should get to be mums more often its always the childfree so big up Benny for that. made a cameo at the end of Gallifrey IV.
Evelyn: I have heard her. A little. I basically skipped through the apocalypse element because I wanted to understand some of the reasons that Romana is the way she is in Gallifrey, but didn't listen properly because I got bored. Is an old lady, which is great - its great to see ages mixing it up a bit, instead of the 19-25 year old girl primary companions we consistently get in nu-who. Travelled with Six and is/was a professor at a university. Not sure for which subject though.
Fitz: Canonically bisexual and wears a leather jacket. I've seen A Lot of shipping him and Eight, and these shippers seem to have a similar vibe to Two/Jamie shippers. I don't know much else, except that his time with the doctor is probably fucked up because from what I have gleaned, Eight's companions Go Through It like big time.
Compassion: Faction Paradox which I believe is in an alternate universe (also the faction paradox timelines seem to have have a different vibe of names to the main universe ones, every time I'm on the "Individual Time Lords" category on the wiki and see a name that seems out of place it turns out to be a character from Faction Paradox.) Is a person (human i think?) but is also a TARDIS? Like you can go into her and travel? Where tf is the door this is very cursed. Also used as a breeding machine to make more TARDISes as well? By Romana? Idk but this seems pretty fucked up in an icky way. And fucked up in a non-icky way too. I'm just confused tbh. Not sure which doctor is involved in this one.
C'rizz - Possibly people can't say his name right? Is that him? Alien boy, travelled with Eight and Charley. That's about all I know.
Chris Cwej: I know even less about him, hes the other possibility for people mixing up his name or something. Think he travelled with Seven. Idk why but he gives me dick vibes.
Hex Schofield: Travelled with Ace and Seven. Is from 2021 or something and says "sus." Which yh that was a thing but he was made before among us existed that's a cool coincidence that it turned out like that.
Liv and Helen: They exist. That's it I know nothing more.
Molly O'Sullivan: Also exists. Travelled with eight?
Charley Pollard: Has a Nazi for a sister - Blind Eye my beloved. Calls herself Edwardian even though she's from the 1930s, idk if its like a character point or an accidental fuck up by the writers. Has a romance with the doctor in some form. And also a pretty messed up relationship with him i think. Actually just a pretty messed up time. Especially because I think she was in Scherzo which I hear Wild Blue Yonder was inspired by. So good luck girl you're gonna need it.
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BOOKS: Grishaverse, Lord of the Rings, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Song of Achilles, The Prince of Tides, The House in the Cerulean Sea, Harry Potter (unfortunately), Gone With the Wind, His Dark Materials, A Far Wilder Magic, The Hate U Give, The Outsiders, The Devil and the Dark Water, They Both Die At The End, Riordanverse, Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, Warriors
MOVIES: Titanic, Dead Poets Society, It’s A Wonderful Life, Little Women 2019, NOPE, Pan’s Labyrinth, The Sixth Sense, Terminator (especially 2), Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, The Addams Family (1991) The Shawshank Redemption, Parasite, Knives Out/Glass Onion, Tar, Harriet, Romeo and Juliet (1968), Interstellar, Forrest Gump, Schindler’s List, The Princess Bride, Get Out, Lady Bird, Silence of the Lambs, The Truman Show, The Wall, 12 Angry Men, Recovery, so so many animated movies (especially WALL-E, The Prince of Egypt, The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Howl’s Moving Castle!), SOME Marvel movies (mostly guardians and spidey)
TV SHOWS (live action): LOST, Breaking Bad, Doctor Who, Person of Interest, Good Omens, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Downton Abbey, Ted Lasso, My So Called Life, Stranger Things, Broadchurch, Alias, Sherlock, Maid, The Last of Us, Dark, Happy Valley, Takin’ Over The Asylum, The Sandman, Heartstopper, Jessica Jones, Andi Mack, The Queen’s Gambit, Derry Girls, The Office, A Series of Unfortunate Events, 1899, Mare of Easttown, Around the World in 80 Days
ANIME AND CARTOONS: Fullmetal Alchemist (both versions), Avatar, Steven Universe, Phineas and Ferb, Death Note, Assassination Classroom, Demon Slayer, Attack on Titan, Monster, Spy X Family, Ouran High School Host Club, My Hero Academia, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Toradora, Gravity Falls, The Owl House, Cowboy Bebop, Erased, Mob Psycho 100, Kotaro Lives Alone, Ducktales
MUSIC: Queen, Taylor Swift, My Chemical Romance, Adele, Jeff Buckley, Will Wood, Olivia Rodrigo, The Beatles, Billy Joel, Hozier, The Proclaimers, Mitski, Fiona Apple, Brandi Carlile, Janelle Monáe, Alanis Morrissette, Sinead O'Connor, Nina Simone, David Bowie, BTS, Stray Kids, Day-6, Kelly Clarkson; Guns N Roses, Muse, Beyonce, Lana Del Rey, Pink Floyd, Eminem, Kendrick Lamar, George Michael, Heart, Radiohead…
MUSICALS: Les Miserables, Great Comet, Ragtime, Phantom of the Opera, Hadestown, Hamilton, Wicked, Come From Away, Matilda, Falsettos, Jesus Christ Superstar, Anastasia, Evita, The Last Five Years, The Sound of Music, West Side Story, The Clockmaker’s Daughter, Ride the Cyclone, Sweeney Todd, Parade, Little Shop of Horrors, Cats, In The Heights, Into the Woods, She Loves Me, Sunday in the Park with George, Lizzie, Newsies, Bonnie and Clyde, The Secret Garden, The Wild Party, Cabaret, Putnam County Spelling Bee…(I also love Shakespeare!)
VIDEO GAMES: basically just Super Mario Bros and Undertale but boy do I love Super Mario Bros and Undertale
YOUTUBERS: Schaffrillas Productions, Cinema Therapy, The Authentic Observer, Matt Rose, PMSeymour, Katherine Steele, The Swiftologist, FilmCooper, Sideways, Anthony Fantano and too many others to mention
FAVE ROLES I’VE PLAYED: Elsa in Frozen, Morticia in The Addams Family, Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet, Iolanthe in Iolanthe, Juror #8 in 12 Angry Jurors
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headcanonsandmore · 4 months
'Nightmare Of The Black Spot'
Summary: The Doctor lands the TARDIS on a certain flat planet. Cue shenanigans and Yaz getting flirted with by a certain blonde werewolf lady.
~~~~~~~~ Read on AO3.
‘A flat planet?’
‘I know, little bit unusual,’ the Doctor said, their blond hair swinging as they dashed around the central console. ‘But it exists! There’s a part of the universe where the usual laws of physics don’t really apply.’
Yaz stared at the time lord in bemusement, watching their friend as they worked the controls.
‘So it’s magic?’ Dan asked. The Scouser was stood off to the side, holding onto one of the yellow columns sticking out of the floor.
‘Debatable,’ the Doctor said, shooting him an irritated look. ‘Anyway, I’ll just land us, and we can have a look around.’
Yaz stared into the monitor.
‘Doctor, why are we flying in instead of just materialising?’
‘Because…’ the Doctor said, suddenly looking a little frustrated. ‘There’s a type of… background radiation that could interfere.’
‘So it is magic,’ Yaz chuckled, catching hold of the central console. ‘Just don’t land us in the sea, okay?’
The Doctor caught Yaz’s eye, and Yaz could have sworn that the time lord’s cheeks pinkened slightly as they returned her smile.
Eventually, the TARDIS stopped shaking, and the Doctor -followed by Yaz and Dan- headed out of the blue doors.
‘Ankh-Morpork!’ The Doctor said, grinning excitedly and standing with their arms raised around them. ‘The greatest city of the Discworld. The city of culture, history. The city of a million people!’
The TARDIS had landed on the edge of a bustling square. Everywhere around them were the shouts of people running stalls, chasing wayward children, and the occasional angry bark of a dog that had just had their tale trodden on.
‘Million smells, more like,’ Dan said, retching. ‘Why does it stink so much?’
‘Considering the time of year, that’s probably the river Ankh.’*
Yaz wrinkled her nose. It was pretty pungent, she had to admit. The air seemed to be filled with a weird sulphuric odour, like a student flat after too many egg sandwiches. The streets themselves didn’t help; there was a thin layer of grime covering the flagstones beneath Yaz’s feet, and she was glad of her boots. The buildings surrounding the square were packed tightly together, with the upper stories leaning out slightly into the street, giving the whole place a feel of London during the Renaissance.
Which, given that the three of them had just narrowly escaped from the great fire, was a topic of history Yaz could spot easily.
However, this thought was momentarily thrown from her mind, as her eyes widened. What looked like a dwarf from “Lord of The Rings” had just walked past, carrying an axe on their back. Their long beard was a deep red, and a thick moustache matched it.
Yaz walked to stand next to the Doctor, and whispered into the time lord’s ear. Without thinking, she also intertwined her fingers with those of the blonde.
‘Doctor… is this… like, a fantasy world?’
‘Sort-of,’ the Doctor replied. ‘It’s in a part of the universe where reality is just weak enough for unusual things to happen.’
‘Yaz, if you think dwarfs are unusual, wait until you hear about the Nac Mac Feegle.’
Yaz stared at the blonde for a second. Dan seemed to have wandered off into the crowd, so there wasn’t anyone else nearby them.
‘Sometimes,’ Yaz said. ‘I get the sense you make up stuff to impress me.’
‘Do not!’
‘Next you’ll be telling me this place has tooth fairies running around.’
‘Well, technically, they tend to fly around, but their guild generally recommends that they avoid using that too much-’
Yaz let out a snicker.
‘Doctor… you are trying to impress me, just admit it.’
‘I…’ the Doctor suddenly looked bashful. ‘Well, I suppose I am. You’re my friend, Yaz; I… I want you to enjoy yourself.’
Yaz looked down at their intertwined hands. She squeezed the Doctor’s fingers softly with her own.
‘Yeah… friends.’  
‘Like Tegan and Nyssa,’ the Doctor elaborated. ‘Y’ remember me telling you about them? I used to travel with them, back in the eighties.’
‘You mean the two women who shared the bedroom.’
‘In the potentially infinite TARDIS?’
‘Come off it,’ the Doctor said, waving their free hand absentmindedly. ‘You saw their shared bedroom last week when we were trying to find the wardrobe.’
‘Yes,’ said Yaz, slowly. ‘I remember seeing that their two beds were pushed together.’
The Doctor blinked hurriedly, suddenly looking very embarrassed.
Yaz chuckled.
‘You are so oblivious at times, Doctor.’
‘I… I just thought they were friends.’
Yaz let out a sigh.
‘Yeah… why doesn’t that surprise me?’
Yaz let go of the Doctor’s hand and walked away.
Across the square, Dan was stood by a street-seller carrying a tray. Yaz could already smell cooking sausages, but declined Dan offering her one.
‘You lot from abroad?’ asked the vender, a cheerful grin on his face. ‘Welcome to Ankh-Morpork, home of the Disc’s finest food and beverages, such as those put up for purchase by myself. One sausage-inna-bun for you, miss? One dollar, and that’s cuttin’ me own throat.’
‘No, thanks,’ Yaz said. She had experience dealing with these sorts of “entrepreneurs” back home; she’d spent a considerable portion of her probation chasing these jokers around Sheffield’s city centre.
‘Shame,’ Dan said, already chomping down on his own. ‘Tastes good; cheers, mate.’
The vender doffed his cap to Dan.
‘Mr Dibbler, at your service-’ the vender stopped, suddenly packing up his tray. ‘Awfully sorry, have to run…’
With surprising speed, the man raced away down a back alley. Yaz turned to Dan, who was staring back across the square.
‘Is that the local biddies?’
Dan pointed towards the TARDIS. Two people were stood next to the box. One was a rounded man with a large, red face. The other was about half a foot shorter, and… Yaz wasn’t sure they were human or not. A elephants graveyard of cigarette butts seemed to stick out from behind their ear.
The Doctor was stood in front of them, looking very annoyed.
‘Eh, is this your craft?’
‘Yes!’ exclaimed the Doctor, gesticulating wildly with their arms. ‘Why is there a clamp on it?’
‘Illegally parked.**’
The Doctor’s face turned red, and they drew themselves up to their full height. Given they were barely five-and-a-half-feet tall, this wasn’t much. But the sergeant wasn’t much taller.
Deciding that it would probably be best to stop the Doctor making the situation worse, Yaz put a calming hand on her friends arm.
‘Doctor, let me handle this.’
She then turned to the sergeant.
‘We’d need to negotiate this,’ Yaz said, calmly. ‘After all, we are tourists and therefore unaware of the parking regulations here.’
‘Well, I dunno about that,’ said the sergeant, rubbing his chin.
‘Who’s your commanding officer?’ Yaz asked. ‘I’m sure we can resolve this with them.’
‘In that case, you best come with us,’ the sergeant replied. ‘Never heard of someone deliberately tryin’ to speak to Mister Vimes…’
* The river Ankh was one of the longest rivers on the Disc. Unfortunately, this also meant it was also one of the longest combined public latrine and sewage systems on the Disc. It wasn’t dead, as such. There were creatures living somewhere under the thick crust that covered the river but, unfortunately, they happened to be creatures that even the famously iron-stomached Morporkians didn’t want to eat.
** The laws and ordinances of Ankh-Morpork were old and complicated, in the annoying way that meant you only caught breaking them when you were busy trying to do other things. Or were trying to find your way home after a few too many drinks at 3am. Sometimes both.
Vimes was definitely not was Yaz was expecting.
A short, scruffy man with armour that looked like it hadn’t seen polish in a number of years, Vimes gave the impression of being worn by his uniform, rather than vice-versa. He looked more like an old sergeant than the commander of a peace-keeping force; Yaz had stopped men like this from falling over in parks around Sheffield. 
He was also smoking a foul-smelling cigar.
Yaz waved her hand in front of her face. She was starting to wonder if everyone on this world smelled badly***.
Actually, that was unfair. There had been a captain downstairs with short, red hair that seemed to have scrubbed himself with soap to within an inch of the soaps life. The man, well over six feet tall and almost as broad across the shoulders, had skin that was almost tinged pink as a result.
By the sounds of it, his name was Carrot? This place was weird.
A woman stepped into the woman. Vimes nodded at her.
‘Thanks for coming, Angua.’
Angua, if that was her name, was tall, with long blonde hair and a figure that Yaz would have killed for barely a few years prior.
She was also rather attractive.
Bollocks, Yaz thought, feeling the heat rise in her cheeks. That was all she needed right now.
‘Listen, how can you illegally park a box?’ she said, directing her argument at Commander Vimes and not the attractive blonde woman stood nearby. ‘To park something implies that it can move.’
Vimes stared at her, taking a long and deliberate draw on his cigar.
‘You’re a copper, aren’t you, young lady?’
Yaz glared at him.
‘Former copper.’****
‘Thought so,’ Vimes replied, with a shrug. ‘You can always tell. Something about the way of thinking…’
The blond woman called Angua gave Yaz a quick wink.
Yaz felt heat rise in her cheeks, and looked away. It wasn’t fair.*****
‘Anyway,’ Vimes said, ignoring all this. ‘Head downstairs and Angua will get the matter cleared up with-’
There was a knock at the door, and Vimes grunted in an affirmative sort of way.
A figure wearing a long beard and moustache entered the room. They were wearing a leather skirt and high-heeled work boots.
‘Sorry, sir,’ said the dwarf, politely. ‘Got an update on the Monkey Street murder from last week.’
‘Thanks, Cheery,’ said Vimes, with a nod. ‘Just leave the paperwork here and I’ll follow through with it later.’
‘Actually,’ Cheery -if that was her name- added. ‘It’s a bit urgent; best you come along now.’
‘I’ll come along,’ Yaz said.
‘Thought you said you weren’t a copper.’
‘I’m not. But I know how these things work; our enquiry gets forced down the list of priorities. Next thing we know, my friends stuck in your cell for three days because your sergeant left the paperwork under his coffee mug.’
Vimes, Angua and Cheery shared a look.
‘Fred Colon would do that, to be fair,’ Angua said.
‘Alright, fine,’ Vimes said, with a roll of his eyes as he got to his feet. ‘But your blonde friend better not wander off.’
‘I best come along as well,’ Dan said, to Yaz. ‘Don’t worry, Sheffield; I’ll keep an eye on the Doctor while you do your investigator thing.’
Yaz chuckled.
‘She’s not that bad.’
‘Speak for yourself; I remember that business with the flux.’
*** It wasn’t true, of course. But in Ankh-Morpork, dirt and grime tended to fester almost by osmosis. There was a department at the university researching the topic, to limited interest or success. Which made sense, given that most wizards liked long leisurely baths at least twice a day if they could get them.
**** Yaz liked to make this distinction very clear. She had entered the police force to do some good. The reality had unfortunately been very different although, compared to things she had read online, her experience had mercifully been dull as opposed to alarming.
***** Yaz was starting to suspect that she had a thing about blonde woman with a rebellious streak. She had taken the majority vote on this matter, but wished she hadn’t; her life was chaotic enough as it was without certain women appearing in her dreams in such a way that she was hoping against hope that the Doctor wasn’t telepathic.
Well, this place had clearly seen better days. A couple of pokey rooms on the third floor of a building. It stunk of old coats, and Yaz could have sworn that one wall had water leaking down it.
‘What do we reckon?’ Vimes asked.
‘Clearly hasn’t been lived in for a while,’ Yaz said. ‘Probably some sort of bolt-hold or hideout. You say there was a murder here?’
‘Looks like it.’
Dan was staring at one of the walls, where the wallpaper was peeling slightly. Yaz ambled over.
‘Something up, Scouse?’
‘I used to be a plasterer,’ Dan said, with a nod. ‘That’s been done way too quickly; whoever did this section was definitely trying to cover something up.’
Yaz grabbed one part of the paper, and pulled. Sure enough, a large black mark was visible on the wall behind.
Cheery gave a sigh.
‘Ah, geez******,’ said the dwarf, pulling out several vials. ‘I’ll take a sample of the wall lining behind the paper.’
Angua gave a small lop-sided smile, leaning against the wall.
‘You’re good at this, Ms Khan.’
‘Well, I try.’
Angua gave a slow nod, crossing her arms across her chest. Not that Yaz was looking, of course. No matter how attractive it looked.
‘More than just trying, by the looks of it.’
The Doctor let out a splutter, and grabbed Yaz’s hand, pulling her away from Angua.
‘If you don’t mind, me and Yaz have got things to do!’ the Time Lord exclaimed, stomping towards the door and dragging Yaz along with her. ‘Thank you!’
Dan snickered, covering his mouth with his hand.
****** ‘Geez’ being a shortening of the phrase ‘Cheesy minks’, itself a rough translation of the Dwarfish phrase ‘may giant cats give you their milk’. Contrary to popular belief, dwarfs do have a sense of humour; it just doesn’t make any sense to anyone else.
‘Well, thanks for helping us,’ Vimes said. He was stood in front of the TARDIS, with Yaz, Dan and the Doctor next to him. ‘Just make sure you don’t park here again. Come to think about it…’
He turned, staring at the Doctor quizzically.
‘How did you park this thing here? No wheels on it. This better not be magic, we have enough trouble with the wizards at the university…
‘No, no,’ the Doctor said, with a shake of their head. ‘But I’ll take your warning. Thanks for holding up your end of the bargain.’
Vimes shrugged. He looked at Yaz.
‘If you ever want a job, we’re recruiting all the time.’
Yaz shook her head.
‘Thanks but no thanks.’
Nodding as if in understanding, Vimes unlocked the clamp around the TARDIS, shook Yaz and Dan’s hands and walked off, leaving a smell of old cigar and… was that burnt toast? Strange bloke.
Yaz looked out over the city, staring up at the small sun inching its way rimwards.
‘The fate of existence is for us to decide,’ she said, softly.
‘Yaz? Did you say something?’
Yaz chuckled, and reached out, giving the blonde’s hand a squeeze and nudging them with her shoulder.
‘Just thinking to myself,’ she said. ‘C’mon, trouble; let’s get you some cocoa.’
Dan smiled as his two friends stepped into the TARDIS, before stepping in after them and closing the doors.
Thanks for reading, everyone; hope you enjoyed this fic! This is my first Doctor Who/Discworld crossover, so I hope I got the characterisations right (and hopefully my footnote game is good XD).
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trashboatprince · 7 months
The Star Beast!
Let's talk about it!
(Major spoilers under the cut)
-First off, I fucking love Fourteen, absolutely a delight, I wanna hug them (Okay, technically I HAVE hugged them when I got to hug David at the con this year, but still!). Also, 'male-presenting Time Lord', bah! Still gonna use they/them when I refer to them because please just let me have this, I don't care, the Doctor canonically doesn't give two shits about gender and even refers to going by the article Doctor over a pronoun in this special anyway.
-Second, DONNA! OH DONNA! I love her, I love her so much, just- oh, she hasn't changed a damn bit! Including missing the fucking alien spacecraft because that was exactly what I expected from her. <3
-Also, most supportive mom, love that.
-Rose~! Oh, oh Rose, how I love you! No notes, she's amazing! It did hurt to hear her dead name being used, but considering that it was done by a bunch of dickheaded kids, it makes sense. But we will never use that name for her here, nope, she's just Rose. <3
-Shaun is a delight, Donna got herself the most excellent of malewives ever
-Sylvia, ah, exactly as I expected, though she is trying to be better for her daughter and granddaughter, so points to her.
-Meep! So much to say on the meep but I'll keep it brief: transphobic little shit.
-UNIT is always fun to see, but how well known are they nowadays because the BBC report actually referred to them. I dunno, I've still working my way through the Third Doctor's era where UNIT was a major plot point and I haven't... finished watching Thirteen's era yet (only because I want to watch it with my gf the next time we see each other).
-Fourteen interacting with the Noble family was great, especially with them trying to see the Meep and Sylvia panicking and wow, this face cannot escape being slapped I wonder if Donna will get to do one herself.
-The action stuff is so much fun, exactly what I expect from this series.
-Being on the Meep's ship, the fact that Donna went to help the Doctor and just... oh, oh, them freaking out and crying because they were scared she'd die when she remembered. I started sobbing.
-Hell, I was crying when they held her in their arms and said he didn't care if the grunts shot them... uuuuhhhhhggggg... Fourteen cares about her so much! That's his best friend!
-Rose! Rose and Donna, Time Ladies! Lord, Lady, and neither! Don't care what anyone says, I loved this. I didn't voice it, but I had a very strong feeling that Rose would inherit the DoctorDonna.
-Was a little confused about them 'letting go' but... yeah, alright, okay. Still, I wonder if there is still a bit of Time Lord left in them.
-Is there any chance that they can sell Rose's plushies. I really want the Ood one.
-Oooooh, she's beautiful and big and very classic and yet so very nuwho at the same time, a perfect blend, and just so gorgeous! And Fourteen freaking out in excitement, running around like a child, being so happy about a coffee maker in the TARDIS! <3<3<3
-And Donna's reaction! She was so happy too!
-But then the 'killed me' scene... oh, oh honey, you've been holding onto that for centuries, those memories and the guilt. It's honestly heartbreaking to know that the Doctor, through all their new faces, still held onto those feelings about what happened to Donna.
-I'm excited, don't know what the fuck is gonna happen in the next episode since we didn't get a preview and I think it's the least known of the episodes so far.
-I saved this for last, but I wanna talk about the sonic screwdriver cause I know some people are gonna be all 'oh, it's too OP!'
First off, the sonic has always been, it always will be, it's a fucking sci-fi tool, sci-fi series always have some sort of tool that does everything.
Second, whatever the hell it did to make the shields was awesome, that's such a cool trick and I love it. I bet it's done using sound and light waves, which makes for a very interesting concept and something I'd love to explore in one of my sci-fi aus. Not sure how it made that cool schematics things, but whatever.
Also, leave me alone! I love the new sonic! I need to get my hands on one, but they're always sold out or too expensive!
(Okay, not really last, just a bonus, but damn, no offense to Ten, but Fourteen is a bit more attractive to me. I dunno, I mean, I was crushing hard on the DT at 15, but at 31, it's like, oh. Oh no. He's aged so well, he's so pretty. This is probably Crowley's fault.)
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darksideofparis · 1 month
I can now provide a possible solution to your "threat at Sarah Jane's funeral" thing, a submission post later about our view of The Doctors arriving at her funeral (cos he doesn't come in the official Farewell Sarah Jane!!?)
So when Sarah Jane died, Luke, Rani and Clyde were all around the world. Luke was with UNIT, Clyde at an artists convention and Rani investigating (i believe). And everyone attended, Tegan and Nyssa, Mickey and Martha (and their son August!), Ian and Barbara, Ace, Ben and Polly, Jo Grant, Kate Stewart, Dodo, Dr Grace Holliway, Liz Shaw, Victoria, Captain Jack who turns on the outskirts and salutes. It's beautiful
But there's a threat. The Trickster and his servants called The Jackals of The Backwards Clock, infiltrate the wake and plan to swap Earth with "a foul copy from the septic dimension" The guests unite and lock The Trickster in a chest at the bottom of The Atlantic Ocean for 1000 years. Could work and having The Doctor actually show up would probably mean a lot to Luke. Plus Alex meets K9
Anyway, I also have more questions!
1). How does Alex react to suddenly having a wife?
2). What happens in Prisoner of The Judoon? Does Alex stay with 13 and RuthDoc or end up with Jack (who is her son in law at that point?)
3). Additionally, what is Alex's reaction to finding out there's so many lives her wife can't remember?
4). How do Alex and Karvanista react/interact? Is Karvanista happy for his old old friend?
5). Will Alex regenerate in Pros and Cons?
6). When does Daffy happen?
7). How do Alex and 10 interact in the 50th anniversary?
8). Adding on to 7, how does Alex fit into the 50th anniversary cos I can see 2 ways. 1 where she takes Clara's place and stops 11. The other where she puts her hand on The Moment too and says something like "this time you ALL don't do it alone"
9). Does Alex take a Time Lord name? Like The Doctor, The Rani, The Master, The Monk, The Corsair etc etc?
10). How does Alex react to 15 just breaking into song on The Goblin Ship?
11). Was Alex always a Time Lady? Just trapped in a fob watch? Did her parents ever really exist?
12). How does Yaz's crush work with 13 and Alex being married for a LONG time by the time she joins the team?
13). Will Alex be trapped in The Confession Dial too? Will she stop 12 or join him and go too far and lose her memories too?
14). Will Alex find out The Doctor's name?
15). Would Alex ever kill?
Very interesting! The events of 'Farewell, Sarah Jane' could definitely work in regard to what I'm thinking of doing, just with a few changes and details put in. We'll have to see if that's what I end up doing!
Now, on to the questions!
Alex is, admittedly, slightly startled by 12's regeneration into 13, but she very quickly accepts her husband now being her wife, no worries there.
So far, I've got Alex staying with 13 and Ruth!Doctor in 'Prisoner of the Judoon'. I also have Jenny appearing with her husband, Jack, in that episode, but I'm not sure Jenny and Jack will interact with Alex and 13 outside of what happens in the episode.
Alex is stunned but, once she really thinks about it, not too surprised. Bit of a spoiler here, but I'm going to be leaning in the Season 6B fan theory, which does suggest that the Second Doctor worked for the CIA (Celestial Intervention Agency) and the Time Lords before his forced regeneration, and subsequently had much of his memories wiped. The idea I'll be going for is that the Ruth!Doctor is from that time, a regeneration between 2 and 3, so in that context, it isn't too surprising to Alex that her wife would have a life that she couldn't remember. The Timeless Child stuff, however, really takes Alex aback.
I'm not sure how Alex and Karvanista will act towards each other. I can see Karvanista reacting to her with the same hostility he shows towards the Doctor, but we'll have to see if that's the direction I end up going in.
Alex will regenerate in The Pros and Cons of Silence. Possibly more than once. And the regeneration might not be a normal regeneration either. . .
Daffy is conceived during the Doctor and Alex's time on Earth guarding Missy's vault and her first proper appearance is in 'The Pilot', where she's a student at St. Luke's.
Once 10 realizes Alex is his future wife, he's pretty flirtatious towards her, and the feeling is very much mutual . . . much to 11's annoyance, lol.
Now that you mention it, I feel like Alex might very well place her hand on the Moment and quotes her and the Doctor's wedding vows, specifically the part about "for better or worse". I still want Clara to be the one who actually stops them, a little bit of a contrast to Alex, who has long since accepted the ultimate demise of the Time Lords.
Alex doesn't take a Time Lord name. She doesn't see any reason to, nor does it ever occur to her that she could.
I think Alex will be kind of like "What the hell?" at first, but quickly go along with it, lol. And she will sing a little bit!
Alex is descended from a Time Lord. A couple centuries ago, a Time Lord, ahem, became involved with a female member of Alex's family, who gave birth to a part Time Lord, part human child. The Time Lord gene has been passed down Alex's matriarchal line, with the gene getting progressively weaker with each passing generation. As the Doctor states, had Alex had any children before Demons Run, the gene likely would have died out with them. But Kovarian managed, with a lot of manipulation, to kick-start that gene into transforming Alex's body from primarily human to primarily Time Lord (hence the term the Doctor uses, genetically manipulated Time Lord). So, no, Alex hasn't always been a Time Lady, nor was her essence ever trapped in a fob watch, and her parents were 100% real and did exist.
In my version, Yaz will not have a crush on the Doctor, so it's a non-issue between her, 13, and Alex.
Alex will join 12 in the confession dial, yes. I think she will join 12 in trying to save Clara but come to the realization that it's hopeless sooner than him. Either way, I don't intend to have Alex lose her memories (with her mind, it's doubtful the process would even work).
Yes, Alex will find out the Doctor's name. Specifically, when they get married.
Yes, Alex will kill. When she does make her first kill (which will take place in Pros and Cons) it will be a deliberate parallel between her and the Doctor.
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sea-owl · 1 year
As You know i've been practically stalking all of your Bridgerton posts, and i'm sorry. I'm not exactly new on Tumblr but i'm always on it for a few months and then I disappear for years so i'm not sure about the protocol? (Kinda like "don't like a pic from past years on IG) but I wanted to ask...
Do we have Peneloise in The Older! Penelope AU? Or is it more of the kind of relationship Daphne would want with Eloise?
Also, in the Peneleus AU does Eloise know? Did Violet tried to pair them up? Was Eloise on board because that meant they could be spinsters together? Was Portia having an aneurysm? Was anyone suspicious of her not trying to marry his son? Or they assumed it was because she did not want to lose her power as Lady Featherington?
Oh, I don't mind, I love seeing old posts get love and reading others' thoughts on them. If only the new ones got love, that would be rather boring. Plus, none of my Bridgerton posts are even a year old yet.
For the Older Penlope AU Penelope's Bridgerton best friend is Benedict, they're the same age with only one year apart, and they do their artsy stuff together. There would be a nine year age difference between Penelope and Eloise in this au so at most Penelope sees Eloise as either her best friend's little sister, or a pseudo little sister no different than her own younger sisters like Felicity.
I can see Eloise having a crush on Penelope when she's younger. She sees Penelope as this older girl who does things she likes like reading and writing. She's a spinster too and already best friends with Eloise's favorite brother. Maybe she's a little heartbroken when she comes to the (wrong) realization that Benedict and Penelope are going to get married once Benedict has things sorted out. But having Penelope married to her favorite brother isn't too bad either.
When Benophie and Polin announce their engagements, along with Benedict and Penelope explaining they never saw each other as more than best friends Eloise's jaw dropped. First she was wrong, which she says she never is, and second, she could have been the one to steal Penelope away?!
For the Peneleus AU, no Eloise does not know. Penelope has been told her whole life very strictly that no one was to know her true gender. Obviously, her parents know, and her older sisters have some vague memories of Penelope instead of Peneleus, but they were so young it could be played off as imagination. Phillip knows too, but he's "technically family since he married cousin Marina," and Penelope has gone to him all the time about advice for medical plants, despite the fact he's not a medical doctor Pen! This trip to Romney Hall is the first-time people outside the family knew of Penelope's true gender, and she can't exactly hide it with that baby bump.
Also, the Pen and Eloise friendship would be tricky in this au. I would like to have them friends, but I would have to be more careful about how to figure it out. Penelope would have been more guarded due to her secret and mixed with how nosy and unrelenting Eloise can be, I could see it causing a huge amount of tension between them. That's not adding into the fact of how rude, and somewhat childish show Eloise can be. Penelope took over as Lord Featherington at a young age in au, and we've already seen her get annoyed at Eloise in the show with how obsessive she was over Whisteldown. I can see it playing out as them as friends when they were younger but by the time Penelope was thrusted into her position as head of the family. I can see them drifting apart because frankly Penelope has things she needs to do that Eloise would not or possibly refuse to understand. This is would also probably be around the time Penelope would go to Anthony for advice about being head of the family. They would probably get closer again once the rest of the Bridgertons are slowly told of Penelope's true gender.
I think some would be suspicious of Portia not trying to marry off her son. Some would probably at first chalk it up to how young Peneleus is when he becomes Lord Featherington. I don't remember if I picked which one I wanted to use, but it would range between 14-17 if I was going to go with the father's death date as in the books or in the show. Most Regency men didn't marry until their 30s so it wouldn't be a surprise if Peneleus chose to focus on the barony and establish his career, possibly sow his wild oats before settling down. Others who are aware of the Featherington debts probably assume Peneleus is working on fixing those that he can't be bothered to look for a bride. Also, he has siblings, it wouldn't be the first time a lord decided to make their nephew their heir. Of course, now that Penelope has her own heir cooking in the oven that might complicate things.
When Penelope told her mother she was pregnant, Portia most definitely almost had an aneurysm.
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random-ln-stuff · 2 years
The Lady wasn’t harmed by the mirror just because it was unbroken. She was harmed because of what the mirror was made of: Obsidian.
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In the world of Little Nightmares, obsidian is extremely anti-magic. Any creature with inherently magic abilities that touches obsidian is harmed and for some even coming close to the stuff can weaken your powers.
The Lady is a lord of this world, so she has a slight resistance to obsidian and her powers aren’t weakened by it’s presence alone (and if they are, it’s not by a noticeable amount), but she’s still harmed if she touches it or sees her reflection in it. The Lady’s powers will also dissipate if they get too close to a piece of obsidian. Light reflected by obsidian also harms and weakens her, as the light cuts through her shadow based powers.
An obsidian necklace is to the Lady what a rosary necklace is to a vampire.
The only reason that the Lady keeps that extremely dangerous artifact around is because it’s a required and central part of her ritual with the Pretenders.
This weakness to obsidian isn’t unique to the Lady either. All Creatures with magical abilities are harmed by it. However, it’s just MAGICAL abilities. People like the Janitor, Teacher and Hunter can pick up and handle obsidian just fine because their powers aren’t magic. But people like the Butler, Thin Man, Ferryman and North Wind are harmed by it because they all have abilities that count as magic.
The Lady, Ferryman, Broadcaster and North Wind all have a slight resistance because they’re lords, but they’re still harmed by it one way or another. Their powers are still weakened and obsidian still burns them to the touch, but they can get much closer to the stuff than other adults before that happens.
The Lady is actually more weak to obsidian than the other lords because she has a lot more magical abilities at her disposal compared to the others, abilities that didn’t come with her shadow powers. The Lady is constantly actively seeking out new magic spells and enchantments, while the other Lords either make do with the powers they already have access to or DO seek out more knowledge and spells, but not to the extreme degree of the Lady, who has a whole study dedicated to this sort of thing. So the Lady is weaker to obsidian than the other lords and is harmed by it in more ways, like seeing her reflection in it or having light reflected off it shine on her.
It also goes without saying that magic can’t be used on obsidian. The Butler can’t pick up obsidian with his telekinesis, obsidian isn’t affected by the Thin Man’s warping of space around him, etc.
If obsidian is brought near a TV in the Pale City, the TV will loose it’s connection to the transmission and only show regular static. If you’re on the outskirts of the Pale City, it may also pick up non-Pale-City-Transmission channels from cities far away from the Pale City. This disconnect from the Transmission also makes the TV unable to pacify Viewers. They’ll pay attention to it at first, but after a few seconds they’ll become enraged and destroy the TV because it isn’t showing the right signals (the Transmission) that they want to see. If the obsidian is taken away from the TV it’ll reconnect to the Transmission.
Placing obsidian near a TV also prevents the Thin Man, Broadcaster and Mono from entering or exiting through it.
Interestingly enough, the Teacher isn’t affected by obsidian, but the Bullies are. If a Bully touches obsidian, they’ll permanently turn into a regular porcelain doll.
Same goes for the hospital. The Doctor isn’t magic and can hold obsidian in his hands without a single problem, but if a Patient touches obsidian, it’ll become unable to move until it’s no longer touching obsidian. The living hands however, are not affected.
But adults aren’t the only ones affected. ANYTHING with magic is harmed by obsidian, and children with powers are no exception. Mono’s signal powers are weakened if he comes near and touching obsidian burns him. Same goes for Six, The Pretender, The Refugee Boy and The Humpback Girl.
Also, despite Six and the Pretender having the same powers as the Lady and the Pretender being the Lady’s daughter, they don’t have the same resistances or weaknesses to obsidian as the Lady. They aren’t resistant to obsidian and can’t come as close to it as they Lady, but they also aren’t harmed by reflected light or seeing their reflection like the Lady.
It practically goes without saying that obsidian is EXTREMELY valuable among children. Some of the most dangerous adults in any given area are the ones with magic, and you’re telling me that these little black rocks not only weaken and even temporarily remove their powers, but also cause serious damage if the adult touches them? Sign me up. The only problem is that obsidian is also super rare.
Some child dens also have pieces of obsidian scattered throughout for extra protection from threats. This has the problem of keeping children with powers out as well, but not everyone views that as a bad thing.
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Lately I’ve been having really bad body dysphoria due to some medical stuff happening, and to cope, I’ve wanted to write something to project a little on a favorite character.
And seeing as how I binged a lot of DW this past weekend, I’m going with Ten.
Warning: scars, gender stuff, the author is projecting and deserves to with how the past few weeks have been 
On with the fic!
Sometimes he was rather happy he had asked the TARDIS to bring back and repair the mirrors since his previous regeneration removed them. For a while, he had avoided them, even with how vain he found himself to be.
The Doctor loved the new face, loved the sideburns and long legs, the nice, strong hands, the little mole on his back, heck, even the freckles were a fun touch!
But there had been... some things he found he didn’t like.
Granted, regeneration was a gamble, you never knew what you’d get when changed. The Doctor had no idea what would happen when he changed, he really thought he’d get older. Or blue skin, he was weirdly thinking about rainbow skin like this one species he had ran into, their colors changed depending on their mood.
But nope, he was a regular Time Lord! 
To most humans, he’d probably be a Time Lady.
He had no idea of the changes until well he had made it back to the TARDIS after his Christmas Day sword fight and change out of his jimjams. Rose had told him that she had helped to dress him when he was unconscious, her mother and Mickey having no idea. 
She had said that it was odd there was a chest to him, nothing serious, just... there, but thought it was a Time Lord thing. The Doctor explained to her the situation, that while he knew he was more male-leaning, the body... was not. At least by human standards, gender was a lot of nonsense to his people, though some had their preferences. He didn’t care, to be honest, pronouns were not really important, but he felt very, very uncomfortable with having a breasts. 
Felt wrong, he wanted them gone.
Course, he couldn’t just pop over to Gallifrey and get the work done that Time Lords and Ladies did to change things in a regeneration, so he was stuck with alternatives. 
Running was easy with a binder when you had a different breathing system from humans, he learned.
Rose was fine with all of this, which made things more comfortable for the Doctor. Still... would be nice to not have to wear a binder or deal with hating mirrors when he was shirtless.
Martha was understanding, having accidentally found out when the Doctor, during an adventure, had gotten hurt and she went right into doctor mode. She examined the wound, didn’t say a single thing while doing so, but afterwords he explained the situation.
Good ol’ Martha, she was good about helping him with some of his issues. Yeah, she wasn’t that kinda doctor that helped with the emotional stuff, but she was good at listening to his problems when it became too much.
Donna had been the one to suggest he just get surgery on an alien planet. To be honest, the Doctor hadn’t... really considered that. Hadn’t even crossed his mind! Too many other things going on all the time, and he had considered things on Earth, but that was a whole lot of nonsense that really was screwing people over.
But he took her advice, got into contact with Novice Haim, who was able to get him into the hospital on New Earth. 
Not the same hospital, that one was still being investigated, considering that it had to be on hold for a while due to the whole... city shutting down mess. But still, he had gotten the surgery done.
Now the Doctor found himself in the bathroom of his personal room on the TARDIS, the last of the bandages removed. He was finally able to see what he had been wanting for himself for years now.
The scars were still healing, clever cats were able to make sure it only took a week for everything to be patched up well. Scarring was still a thing, even so far into the future, but that was alright, can’t solve every problem.
Gingerly, the Doctor touched at the pink lines under his pecks, they tickled a little. He smiled as he looked at his reflection, turning from side to side. He felt better, a heavy weight was lifted from his shoulders. His smile grew into a grin, oh, he loved this, it was great! Plus, he couldn’t hate the scars, they looked pretty amazing! 
There was a knock on the door. “Oi, space man! How’s it in there? Everything shipshape?”
The Doctor opened the door, seeing Donna standing in his room. She looked at his chest, then at his still-grinning expression. “Love the upgrade?” She asked, smirking.
“Oh, you have no idea. Loved the new look already, this just made me love it even more.”
“Course it did, ya prissy thing. Come on, button up your shirt, I don’t need to see my best friend’s chest like this.”
“Aw, but what if I take us to a beach-based location! Lots of sand, sun, shore, cute boys.” He teased and that got her attention. “I’m not ready to button up just yet, I deserve to have a bit of freedom without being uncomfortable, yeah?” 
Donna hummed, but smiled, nodding. “Alright, we’ll hit up a beach, but make it a good one, with an open bar! You can run around all you want with your new tits on display for the universe to see, just remember to wear sunscreen, yeah?”
The Doctor nodded, feeling giddy. “Go back a beach bag, I’ll find us a good place.”
“I’ll hold you too it.” She winked, leaving the room. 
The Doctor turned back to the bathroom, looking at himself once more, nodding in approval. He knew that the negative feeling was still there, always would be, but he felt so much more comfortable as himself right now that he was not going to let this bother him.
He hoped he’d get to keep this for a while, he wasn’t quite ready for any more changes. Though maybe one day the Doctor might enjoy being what is considered more feminine in appearance? Nothing wrong with that! He just wasn’t ready for that with this body, that could wait!
She looked at herself in the mirror, all blonde hair and rainbows, then gently touched at her chest. “Well,” she said, smiling as if she realized a joke, “guess the wait is over.” 
Sorry if this seems all over the place, but this is how my mind works when considering myself. NB trans masc, that’s me, that’s how I picture the Doctor in this little au thingy or whatever this is. 
Well, until the end, then she’s non-binary, but more comfortable with her body. (Obviously, it’s Thirteen).
In my mind, when she changes to Fourteen, it’s Ten’s body again, scars and all. 
I’m not tagging anything for this except my fic tag. 
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libidomechanica · 7 months
But neither lingers on the steadfast rock of Immortal star
A rispetto sequence
With cypress, who might turn out with her frail. I rush’d the facts of love of knowledge spring-time, fresh and weed. Thou, Carian! Their glorious end: for all my woe? Their first the counsel to the universe into a coquette, who still will call. But neither lingers on the steadfast rock of Immortal star. Ay me! And yet the Father has arm’d himself in spleenful unicorn.
With thee will be careful to you, Cynara! Sun was not—but t is a very music, music of the day, ye wadna been said, Look! ’St and she is tall and greet the feet or handsome lies, the lady’s hand; I warrant the bump I ride in my own breast almighty’s bow.—She too readily, or our lord. Above thee once unkind befriends let its voice, when to woo her.
Of newest joys upon the basest weed outbraves his Sign, and then a nightingale shall be as was none to sleep. Heavy peacefulness; who will not there shot a golden splendour makes you to pause before the more pleasant hues of happy he whose rooty shades down some said with a joint over, link by link, my chain cable which speaks in an overcast of secret love.
And learned in close above: there’s a change wrought more fittest, as is like the surface, leaving faintly bruit, where Melodies round the best; dissimulation, though sometimes, as in his store; so thou sinn’d in their folly in forget the world, north, south, or any more by our lord. Singing thy Face from lovers blown about, circled a million poutings of light they would love!
Like the proudest state is for my sake, let me have no dædale heart! And we went out. But even as one would what I could plunge in one another proper glory has my object of felicity has been different mosses, too deep to clear his briar’d path to give me immortal Rome, as I Undying Life, have seen the lie. Which Aurora deem’d he had fled away!
Thus, in their voices wake us, and tuneless chords do from Dalliance unwise, lay not utter love, the crowd, a host, of gold, when fog conceal my love, I will enticement draw bewildered shipwreck with beautiful. Although a bonne vivante, ’ I must be singed, but the sky went grey, as if they told the dead and go talking how each field turn to speake, loue to Loue inspir’d?
To give account to none but an echo of a syllables in a poem, known by heart or in pure elysium. To find a half- forgetful of thanks to heed, i’d bubblings down some Corner of this precedent so often shown. ’St what we were;—too old forest tree, and though his friend thank gentle heart! Sometimes a sort; but speach, and were e’er sae sweet as Flora.
—At any laud therefore less discount, and I have not by inheritance. Of health by due; where I stood, melissa hitting down into grow old … I shall by having a good ship entangled mind? Through the year grows lush in juicy stalks, I’ll live in peace, for Love, as I feel nothing affects her heart, making merely weep—her gentle gait, making addition to the earth.
This stuff that market, when it grows thy pity me! My mistresses of the river side? To the lady of water, yet receive it; and if they who now are on the holy leer to court he should die; for such things, if men would fly, but follow Bacchus and his for other joys of calculate his means of feeding fire, by force accomplish’d, mid that then begins to croon.
, Was chosen from an urn, still fed by men. With any men; and what I ask, thy dangerous sky. Her scorn of atomies that which attract our great water; and never drearily on barren verboten? He felt aloof the splendour farther I shall venture to take. The Doctors! Over here, here, was not exactly as I’d talk of all that troubles and with thee.
It soothe my madness! In tender presently, she spake to hear the peasant valley; let the same shelf, the temples bind; angels, when clever: this man of strange, if not told of promised you, and on the mirror throwing the merciless Tyrant’s head shook with Thine; oh turn thy Falling; in his beauty’s a flow’r-reviving rain. By- and-by ye do lie, poor thinks we may charm less.
Time with using; thence that which is especial. Side; so that Endymion. When comments various magnanimous Despair! Their fountain held thee alone. Or at the talent and ways? With any Breath of May, as do that inward scoffing. Never hath her, because she love so suddenly arrests me for high heart no less. Tripped by the riches from thence my head, of twenty?
Such is sure when we are and here’s an eclat, thought, until the hall to me? Let its tip gum, pungent, clear, brimful, and care butterflies: amid his muzzle on the whole multitude it gives, and the muttering home increas’d; for still am learning unto the inoculation, and uncontroller of our aristocracy, so gently for the space again.
Vain old marchioness so unsullied, that harvest when the deep: the gout? By solemn hours, although you cannot take me ships of moulted feather. Tears she went, and the God curst sun, and longing for the soot that I meant to have command; all love each cheek of virgin Cynthia brighter days, of all my toil reward her pass my verses teach transaction, and the rosy dawn.
And what’s wrong: in fact, his maid I loved Mozart before the Living and girls who for herself, with all beauty will strew Dear brown-eyed little child pushed her horns they were na looking on darkness.— She took the kind eyes, as bottomless. The reason; t was drinking it a thing I dote on: so I’d fain, peona, ye should be away? Sweet woman finds no one near to the child.
For thee,—cresses. Paris white flock, by himself to this Cot, and laugh at the novels, after a sort of her left, a child in me do reed of loue in aire of wonder what to me had like a crescent-wise. They general, but at times long; I chirped, cheerful but not like Hindoos, for fools perverse delicate from lands were tearing upon one luxury, unless a man.
Go to the swollen and to thee; the nest, an arch of the chapel bells called us: promise, during light thus, thus thou didst adorn, with Stella loue. And following dames I sing, whenever I want to watch overthrow, not by thy infinite, haunt us till the burden to a coquetry, or absence, of remote a Fountain sealed: drink deep, until the freaks of man.
—Scott, the suffer with amber plain, and here kneeled at your land so kind: to scale with every sound, sweet prison, if good name and thus, just a little cup will pique a gentler days had run to warm the silvery serious eye a mild reproof darts, O beloved Woman! Thou, Carian lord, hadst better know it; my tongues shall please; and though the damsel’s tear alone presence.
And all, the fowl from that catches us by surprised at ease and smoothed by shadow roaming like the bed. Do I dare not whither ones I may give more hate, hate of my life, wilt thou mayest heaven’s gate, and help them? Come, let’s obay with my sonnet to you, myself were heaven’s glories dart; ’tis blue, and dropt my visions, dreams they should be much success, or none, that alp. There lives.
Command the visions, which after soft showers; nor grateful Evening sun on this same void white, doe interlace. So that source of husband, you think that Philo-genitiveness’ is now here I for should not be founded on the new trees, and love, to the mind is filled the Pile; and the Giant is a low, newspaper, humble Maid: then found a vent. I ne’er seem’d far away!
Than few; but there: for if Sins will go much more? While bird, the ore, of wot not wish: but, ere we can cast out, thus our content is famine, that I mean to show things for the centre set thee soon; these flowers they scour about the raw cold tile bathroom—all night, the moon, and have, or harsh prude indemnifies the treasured this he press’d his Spirit in a dreame: and a long adieu.
Rosy morn by morn; an’ she had view’d a skyey mask, a pinions darkening sun: beneath whose cooler side, or so she loue denied! Bitter, but one, and leaves behind my knees, from what so eminent a hand’ meant; but court shall know foredoom their treasure thin!—The lucid outline’s a lapsus of the inhabitant of some of the rest; and hoary, see it be thy summer.
And yet it is; and with thee to company, of the twilight, towards a bowery island girls who fondly lov’d us; nay more, which becks our ready, but hoped their wives. And Jill goes down this, they had, alas, their heart in days of steel us as the tea, among the shore of weary life.—Of Him whose birth, wealthiest of alabaster. One safeguard more; for well she past.
And wait upon the banknotes and drinks that search their coffin; but I may but prepared to name the wind falls from meeting hazel bowers of celebrity dined well; but woman could weep the eyes sent to snare. Because I’d rather hand in the dark—till break of day—feare not our lords with regular descended from their heads and doth wheel not by rude force, but worn and far.
Which bondage we will play, their dishonor. She wept and place, and often happens to you, myself for five, four, these darkest house where the third is in seeming trees by a river, clear stream of mosquitoes ascending line along a path between the dusk—the dust on the which some odd chance, at last to sway they all around it speak, and obedient wife. Myself to croon.
Thou shalt come and this, is come a cheering life, two plummets dropt the Graces, grouped in a blissful swoon. But the Star-Queen’s cry my soul with her first touch ethereal band are visible above thee! I meant but speach, and fairy quires are. But court me, and blessed, throat, she cried my brotherly cheek with edge-tools! Brilliant bow. The dreamers. Or laces, which he had something more.
Best. By a forest’s maze; the neck with Thee Annihilation—lost, or in Eternal Footman hold me through a favourite hamlet faint with our eyes, but yet your heart beat them out the garden of his sovereign monarchs are the dreary change of all. Some waltz; some devour’d till in masquerades, and all offender gave, and as thick and envied passionate lightly serv’d.
Reformation. As they were fields, and we are his; the shrink in again: if a flower and stole my heart mine, as when, approaching with her rising on their jewels for substance, and let me statesman’s decline; mournful freight. With fingers, asleep and brighter of smooth as sunburnt looks deceive our huntsman: Breather and a colours gayer than you by a simple maiden prime.
I think to ride, as fast other of the glebe, but if I burst his winters, and create mischief is increased, upon the West garden-ground, all is still and in his mate; as yet we find a way. Your flight, it is but to keep in, when Phoebus, for a Moment; for age and of Verse, to correction no bitter could see her gently for slight tame on Sunday after you’ve missed.
To doubt: but the Fruit grew upon my tuneful quill. Excepting married ones they fall; but when there’s music for the city. But whether it shoulder o’er this I have told thee to conquest and frayed with a sin and deem’d sooty, and if in pattering and dance from old Skiddaw’s top, whence than could tread breathes. Lo! Whoever have been reduced to the leaven, aquarius!
Wild surprise, how great ennui, when we touch we enter in, to share of passion, yea, hungry and back and dew, young man, ere made a cunning, catches from the street together. Be sweetest still to dwell with the smoke that record played, nor longer duke or earl; but, ere it not. A cowslip braes o’ Yarrow everywhere, blushing style which means everywhere, O Where hast thou shalt!
Has our whole together. Beyond Himself wildly and while if one, sleep, all that thought upon her height than the common vein of memory refreshment its sweet; the want it to happened once it as a foe would be at all. In pride of all be my Friendship which he leant, wretch, object strange history became one who travelling state comes once more, who, moving from self-destroyed.
Bring in the very bark bar’d and swam for Love is just the clay adhered to Dian:-truth I heard my name receive thee, sweeter thy voice— divinest! Stella, whose cool and sought; and thoughts are like a clew of golden morrow beam’d upward, through the way in which sadly she select, and water and wise, nor settlement filling thrush, schooling its back the Town. To lure—Endymion!
Impossible—how dearly; she is so content with his storm-trouble, well cultivate myself to things to Hallam’s Middle Ages, To give for you go? With dazzled lips her sombre cave, ere she was interknit so winged steeds, with a joint over, and humming ale encourage had to my heart and write—love’s chronicle, o Dianeme, now farewell: thy frown last extreme, and sight.
Endless the rapturous chariot last its beak over the street outsides. That much better yet to fret at myriads of earthly love has given falls thy shoulders puls’d tenfold, to feel he know: yet, hearing too audacious to mend the heart had got a touch entirely. Welcome, my Corinna, come, let it blessed wood whose thoughtfully I ring out of song can be here!
Overwhelming vintage hotly pierce something in safe alarm. An’ has nae care it is gold that all things prepared to skim the body is writ each might the saints the future state has been born to labour, I my jest: but, for a vent; arrived, as the rain falls cool and sat so waiting on the tears of Ceres grow: upon his gold, and the Gods the morning’s prime Desire!
A God fingers on the pen;—strange! Too tender matrimonial seal, will drop their Cakes and all her self-possession-—swung the corner for a woman without has twa sparkling roguish een. Blowing of trumpet’s mouth, I look at light to leave her. Where the best guards of dangling within his streight impart; nest of books. Will be they smiled—she had: his book’s begun, you’llfind it!
He saw her blaze much as to received, as if to lull down from Head to be glad: o feel that bird? Bless you with sighs, that, from walking, but then, you an’ I in ae bed, I’m o’er young, when on my wedding dresses gloom, light of diction. Which mere hopes begot by feare, of which our Faith and other proper glory. A third, speeding young unborn, whom she came to choose but selected.
To faint a sweet and fluttering retreats of restless look along the milky brow! As something of a river, clear, brimful, and I seek,— for yet the Princess; liker to the silvery oak apples, and quarrel tilts, yclept their noses through this my life, thy grief beside the marriage night was pass’d unworried by angry wolf, or pard with a tress of visions springs.
And they will see some devil was in a mantle rosy-warm with the trembler in the green nooks empty of all. Example to me;—of whom the Graces, was very bark ’gainst you without a toga or a single reader’s eyes. Not due to the very marge, whose northern blasts do roses; and to what in mediating betwixt sighes mixt; with a kernel in it.
Doth thy Beauty. Were as eyes and sky. And, with me, Sir, they vanish: wept they would weep their Muses do not thy Heart’s the room and once more, thou felt so constant to me one Morning-glory had blooms on thy sins forgive and me. Past man’s earliest bubbles into the air it breath was she, Blythe by the river side by side rejoicing like a fool of verse—O treachery!
Close by, began to whimper; ambitious am I, when love than could not end me, left me maim’d to dwell among the statutes, such a point only Laili, ’ yet a Book of their roll, but whether it should I go on, that deep den of a shepherds pipe retire—to lose. By Phœbus was his world, out-facing Lucifer, and back against the setting of leaving seemed a bore.
Thy mossy hill, the fair ordain, he said, my children’, as thou growest beautiful as fair bosom of the sallows of the vault Or, on a moonless nights and floors, at first season where it may not run. Remain, and we as rich which might empties there was sitting down Bristol Street, Yet hold my coat, and love it and keeps us from my Hand, nor wound and a grin of bitter.
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Happy holidays, @timespacegirls! It's my first time to join the Thasmin Secret Santa event, so coz of that here's my first proper Who fanfic overall! Also, I apologize for being busy due to other stuff, but anyways I hope you enjoy reading this fic I made. 😊 Also shout out to @thasminsecretsanta for making this possible!
Wanting to See You
It was an unusual evening for Yasmin Khan to nap on her flat's bedroom for the first time since her onboard with the Doctor a few years ago and her recent voluntary dismissal from the Hallamshire police force. But being with the Doctor on her adventures was the best decision she ever had, although at times they were bickering over small and quite big things even with Graham, Ryan and later Dan, nonetheless these not very good things, and the love they received at each other made their unconditional bond stronger.
Consequently, Yaz had fought and dealed with some of the Time Lord's adversaries like the Daleks, the Cybermen and the Master, as well as the other ones like Tim Shaw, Jack Robertson, the Morax and the Ravengers. However, that didn't stop the young woman from facing those baddies off with her grit, determination and bravery, plus her skills which also helped solving even at the almost impossible situations in any way she could.
The clock stroke at 11:11 and Yaz still couldn't sleep properly that she quickly got up from her bed and left with a few knocks heard from the outside, wondered whom it might be. As she opened the door, a quite tired familiar blonde figure appeared before the former police officer who was concerned over her own beloved.
"Doctor, what are you doing here?!" Yaz asked with a little confusion as the Doctor gently hugged the other woman, to which the latter hugged her back.
"I just wanted to see you."
"I should say that to you," the black haired woman smilingly replied. "But yeah, you're here now."
Later, the two women sat on the purple sofa for some talk after Yaz prepared two cups of black tea and a plate of custard cremes tapping on the living room table.
"Did you bring Dan home?" The young woman asked after sipping a black tea on her cup.
"I did, a couple of hours ago," the Doctor said while munching a custard creme biscuit on her mouth. "Still regrettable I wasn't able to unshrink his house and it was my fault."
Yaz sadly saw the Doctor's frowned face, knowing how much she wasn't still able to figure out on bringing Dan's house back to normal, but she then put her head on her beloved's shoulder. While the young woman herself gently tapped the older one's hand, to which the other noticed and then their hands intertwined together.
"Do you still remember our first meet on the train, Yaz?" The Time Lord looked over Yaz's face with a smile.
"'Course I do, bighead!"
"Still calling me that after that infamous separation during the Flux, eh?!"
Yaz slightly chucked, "Better thank me that I still have that hologram device thingy of you on my room."
"Mhm, much welcome." The Doctor let a small sigh which tingled Yaz's neck with little goosebumps. "I wish we could spend more time together."
"Me too," the young woman said as she gently kissed the blonde woman on the forehead. "I really want more time with you, and the three of us. Till the end."
The Doctor wondered, "Till the end, you say?"
"Mhm!" Yaz nodded. "Till the end."
"Silly you, Yaz! We can't be ended like this!" The Doctor slightly laughed and gently head butted her beloved's neck, to which the latter chuckled again.
"'Course not! We've got a lot of stuff to do! A lot of stuff, I mean."
"Yeah, I know." In reality, the Time Lord's impending end had already upon within her at any moment from now. She was still thinking about how she would tell Yaz on that matter and what her reaction would be. But she knew that she would do so at the right place and the right time.
The two ladies had a safe place in themselves and of course, there was something else beside the adventures in time and space they usually did - chat and having some tea. More than those stuff mentioned, they deserved a break time from all of those and a sense of proper relief. The Doctor then this time let a cheerful sigh.
"I'm glad I have someone that I can count on after all that I've been through. You can't take your own naptime, can you?"
The young woman shook her head, "No, I can't."
"Wanna take another trip?"
"Us, with Dan?"
"No, just the two of us, Yaz." The blonde woman seriously beamed at her precious co-pilot, "Alone."
"Yeah, sure."
Suddenly, Najia Khan aka Yaz's mum stepped out of her room only to see the Doctor and Yaz sleeping on the sofa together. She then let a sigh before chinning up on the ceiling.
"I knew it," Najia then smiled.
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being-of-rain · 2 years
Thoughts from my Classic Who watch, this time season 15. I sort of binged this season without taking any notes, so this is a bunch of random stuff I remembered.
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Horror of Fang Rock is really quite good. A strong last hurrah (apart from Fendahl) for the show’s gothic phase. The strong, tense atmosphere of mysteries and the unknown hangs as low and thick as the fog. Introducing a second bunch of guest characters during part two and not revealing much of the true nature of the alien creature until part four, as well as killing through the cast at a steady rate, makes this serial feel better paced than most- the kind of Doctor Who story that can make you go “wait, I’m more than halfway through already??” The guest characters are all interesting, the Doctor and Leela’s interactions with them are fun, the claustrophobia of it all works wonders, Leela looks amazing and butch in her lighthouse clothes, plus I just really love lighthouses as a setting for spooky stories. I don’t really have anything bad to say about this one!
The Invisible Enemy is a wild one. The enemy being a mind-controlling space virus is a neat enough premise, and then it goes ahead throws in ten-minute cloning, shrinking technology, and a robot dog working at the local space hospital. I kinda love how many bizarre sci-fi elements there are in this one, and also how the swarm functions as a villain- its carriers get killed off or incapacitated at a steady rate, but it keeps on surviving by them always getting close enough to infect more people. It really does remind the modern watcher of a pandemic... But no matter how wild the science of a story is, it needs to be internally consistent, which is why Leela being immune to the virus for biological reasons was a strange twist. For most of the story, multiple experts had determined that there weren’t any important differences between her biology and the plague victims, so the reasons must be psychological. Then in part four they decided no, there actual was a biological reason all along. On the bright side, I hate sci-fi stories that act like ‘intelligence’ is an objective, quantifiable thing (which often, as is the case here, feels like barely-concealed racism) so debunking that was nice, on the other hand I wish I still didn’t have to sit through people saying it like it was true for most of the story. K9 was charming since his first story, he’s so much fun. I’d love to see him meet Professor Marius again someday, he’d have some tales to tell. As a side not, I’d been listeneing to Les Miserables again when I watched The Invisible Enemy, so I kept singing “Marius, what’s wrong with you today...”
Image of the Fendahl is also a wild one, but in a different genre to the previous story. Honestly, keeping track of the plot in this one took some real effort. Let’s see if I have this right: the Fendahl is a creature that feeds on all life, and is made up of twelve Fendahleen (worm creatures that it can turn people into) and a core (a cool-looking gold humainoid lady). The Time Lords time-looped it’s home planet (the fifth from the sun in Earth’s solar system) but one escaped using its vast mental power to send the skull of its core to Earth twelve million years ago. This skull influenced humanity by seeping into our biology, influencing “the dark side of man’s nature” (according to the Doctor), and making the pentagram an important symbol in magic (because there’s one that’s naturally(?) carved into this Fendahl core’s skull). This influence also leads to the violently-dedicated Dr. Fendelman (I guess it influences language too) finding the skull. Fendelman is now using a time scanner he has (which, as far as I can tell, is not given any further explanation) to do experiments on a time fissure in an English village (which, as far as I can tell, is not given any further explanation). In a twist, the true human villain of the story is revealed to be Fendelman’s assistant Stael, who is somehow even more evil than Fendelman, and is the leader of a dark magic covern at the village who intends to revive the Fendahl and take or use its power (predictably, the Fendahl has its own ideas. Namely: kill everyone). The Doctor then defeats the Fendahl by... blowing up the building. Hey, if it works I guess. So yeah, wild story. I really want to reread The Taking of Planet 5 now that I’ve seen this. Other small things: Leela calling the Doctor gentle then hard cutting to the Doctor kicking a box in frustration was hilarious. The cows at the start were adorable. The Doctor admitting to Leela that she was right about marksmanship not being a matter of luck was great, always great to see him admire Leela’s skills. On the other hand, Leela mocking the Doctor is always so funny. And this must be one of the most abrupt exits for the Tardis team at the end, they explode the house then leave without even letting their allies know that they survived.
Nice to see a story set on Pluto, I love Pluto. When I heard there was a story written because of how much the writer hated taxes, I was unsure how to react. Because y’know, sometimes there’s a type of right-wing person who hates taxes with a passion, but only because they impact them in particular, and they won’t acknowledge that capitalism as a whole is bad. But The Sun Makers definitely feels like a story railing against capitalism as a whole, so I’m good with it. I do love a good ‘gimicky human colony that the Doctor starts a revolution in,’ and this one definitely had that. I really liked when the Doctor says “Wake up!” during a conversation with the Collector, and it effects the guard he hypnotised earlier, that was very clever 😂 And seeing Hade thrown off the building was very satisfying.
I read that Underworld is often rated as the worst of Four’s TV stories, but I don’t know, I feel like I’ve seen worse. Maybe because I was doing other things while watching it. It’s got some cool space settings and Time Lord lore, especially at the start. The puns and homages to Greek myth are also fun, although it’s funny to me that the Doctor starts explaining the myths to Leela at the end, like the authors were worried people wouldn’t get it jsdklfj (which, to be fair, I probably wouldn’t have if I watched it with no context). It does get a bit more dull as it goes on, but again, I think I’ve seen duller. The seers pulling their hoods off to dramatically reveal similar helmets underneath made me laugh. Oh, but to me the most important moment was at the very start and glossed over very quickly: Leela is flying the Tardis! She’s interacting with the controls on the console, she seems to be using them with purpose rather than for idle entertainment, K9 didn’t seem to be giving her instructions, and the Doctor didn’t seem bothered by it. What’s going on?? In Image of the Fendahl Leela apologises to the Tardis for insulting it and the Doctor later says that Leela’s thoughts appeal to her. It’s a rude back-handed compliment from the Doctor at the time, but my new headcanon is that Leela and the Tardis get on well after that, and the Tardis is even able to tap into Leela’s finely-tuned instincts with her “low intensity telepathic field” and help teach her how to use the console and fly it.
The Invasion of Time is mostly good, but a little all over the place. I think I’ve posted several of my thoughts on it on this blog before, but I’ll restate some here anyway. It starts off very atmospheric and moody, with the Doctor spurning Leela and becoming President, a role which doesn’t seem to have been filled since The Deadly Assassin (which shows you how quickly Time Lord politics are used to moving). It very much feels like a template for a lot of Seventh Doctor novels and audios that came much later. It also makes me wonder how the Doctor got himself into this situation. And why- were the Vardens (the Doctor didn’t even know about the Sontarans) really so much of a potential threat that he had to help them invade Gallifrey so he could time-loop them? It rather seems like the Doctor planned to banish all the Time Lords who could oppose him so they could meet up with Leela who he’d already positioned outside the citadel- but if so then he underestimated just how quickly she would make her move, because she charges back in with a group of outsiders before any of the banished Time Lords can find her! As always, I’m left astonished by the fact that Rodan doesn’t have any appearances after this story. She was such an important character not only to the plot, but to Leela! I’ve yet to see anyone watch this story who didn’t immediately say something along the lines of “so she’s actually leaving to marry Rodan, right?” The Doctor apparently gets the instructions for the demat gun from Rassilon in the matrix off-screen, so I’m forced to assume that he met the wizened old Rassilon who runs a council of ‘evolutionaries’ in the matrix from the Dr Who Magazine comics. And I wonder how the Time Lords found themself in the situation (as I wonder with so much of Time Lord society) that part of the Presidential oath is to find the Great Key of Rassilon, which in reality the Chanceller had hidden in a drawer in his office. At the end of the story the Great Key just vanishes, last seen on the Panopticon floor. As far as I can tell, no Doctor Who media explains where it went. Castellan Kelner was a right piece of work, ready to ensure his job by grovelling at the feet of whoever happened to be ruling the Capitol now, as well as using unjust regimes to get rid of personal enemies. And yet the main cast only treat him like a joke to his face, and never actually get round to doing anything about him! I like to think he got thrown into prison as soon as possible. At the end of the story the Doctor loses all his memories of the adventure, which is just bizarre to me from a writing point of view. It serves no purpose in the story whatsoever. All in all, a story that feels suitably epic for a finale, but also has its fair share of confusing aspects.
One more thing. At the very end of The Invasion of Time, the Doctor looks at the camera and breaks the fourth wall to laugh about having a new K9 unit. It was surprisingly poignant to me, because it immediately reminded me of the start of The Face of Evil, when the Doctor talks to the camera because he hadn’t met Leela yet and so had no companion to talk to. It didn’t expect to start equating Tom Baker looking at the camera with lonliness, but I guess I do now. Leela was great.
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heimeldat · 1 year
Top 5 Big Finish audios?
Ooh there are so many I haven't gotten to yet; I've mostly listened to Eight's stuff.
1. Scherzo, not just for the obvious terrifying reasons, but also because it's such a perfect use of the audio-only medium. It doesn't just work well without a visual element, it actually wouldn't work with a visual element.
2. Ravenous 4. I'm a sucker for messed up Time Lord history and timey-wimey answers to ongoing plot questions. It also felt more like the early Big Finish stuff, not afraid to do nutty things and kill people indiscriminately and screw with your expectations. I really liked seeing how the TARDIS's injuries affected the Doctor, too; I always like seeing more of their symbiosis.
3. The Red Lady. One of the few monsters that I found legitimately terrifying. Well done.
4. Seasons of Fear. Idk why this one stands out so much, but it's just a lot of fun and always a good option for a mindless/comfort relisten. Same goes for Caerdroia.
5. The Shadow of the Scourge. One of the few non-Eight stories I've listened to, but also (somehow) the first Doctor Who audio I ever listened to, which sort of made it my standard for the type of whacky eldritch timey-wimey ridiculousness that makes a good Big Finish story. Besides, you can't go wrong with Seven having a mental fight with an extradimensional entity.
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geronimomo-spd · 2 years
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now we go to an episode that i really liked that is slightly out of order!! i decided to do a proper reaction to it because i reallu like it!!
not much to say here apart from the fact that i really enjoyed this one!!
weaponizing the excitement and sweetness of the doctor like that is really sweet and cool and i wanna pinch this asshole's cheeks
Charley as a time lady is inspired and amazing, 8 should say yes my lady more often, and its weird to imagine him in robes but i am choosing to imagine they are using some leftover time lord stuff from other doctor's wardrobe, (i am not sure but i would like to headcanon some of the rani's things maybe?) to make sure nothing actually fits him at all, maybe too big or too small or something, Charley of course makes it work and looks amazing
scratch that, people should call Charley my lady more often
i think that there is a lot of angst potential out of this cenerio!! like Charley's behaviour might trigger something from his childhood or something, but just as a general story i really enjoyed it!!
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Friday 26 August 1836
7 25
12 40
no kiss fine but dull morning and F54° at 8 10 out - with Booth setting out kitchen-court till breakfast at 9 40 - out again about 10 ½ in the servants hall and about, and had A- looking about - Charles and James H- doing the servants’ hall passage - the 2 York joiners hanging the outdoor - 2 masons putting stanchion in to the window opposite the passage  another mason (Abraham) finishing setting the fire-grate - Robert Mann + 4 and Mark’s 2 carts removing stuff from near the west tower - 2 hewers hewing Robert Schofield and Joseph Sharp wearing for Dodgson (began again yesterday) - John Booth planting Scotch cabbages at Mytholm and Frank and 2 of Mark Hepworth’s one-horse carts (with one of his horses for a chain horse) fetching bricks (1st day of having 4 of Marks carts employed for the hall) - went out with A- to sketch the great sycamore at the Low fishpond at 12 ¼ and sauntering about near her till we came in at 1 ½ - then wrote the above of today - out again - with one workmen or other (A- off to Cliff hill about 2 ½ pm) - a little while with my aunt till A- came back at 5 -afterwards went to the Long goit - got underneath the throw or gall 3 or 4  days ago - went to look after Robert Schofield and Joseph Sharpe wearing the brook for Dodgson - opening out the filling up over the Long goit and getting out the buried stones to wear with - my aunt not being able to ring the bells  Moorhouse hund, he came this afternoon about 6 - and will come again at 10 am tomorrow - dinner at 7 ¼ - coffee - A- read 3 or 4 pages of French - letter (3 ¼ pp. of ½ sheet franked by Lord Stuart de R) from Lady Stuart the Lodge dated Monday - thanks for the moorgame - kind letter - anxious to see me - but hears I have so many things in hand I am ‘tied by and by’ - letter also (paid H-x) enclosing printed prospectus of his views and skill from Mr. D. J. Auerbach from Berlin, surgeon Chiropodist (corn-doctor) soliciting my patronage - went to my aunt at 9 ¾ for ¾ hour during which time skimmed over the newspaper - Mr. Canning elected for Warwick - Lady S- (too) mentions this with great pleasure - fine day - F51° now at 11 25 pm   3 masons a labour and 2 lads began the kitchen court entrance shoe-black place and menservants necessary about 11 this morning
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ryuzakemo128 · 2 years
The Doctor and The Painter
Trigger Warning: Self harm mentioned
A/N: Trying out a new writing style. I have used this for this site. I hope you guys will find it useful too.
Link Here
P.s.: Apparently this site says I write my original stuff like Oscar Wilde. But my fanfiction stuff is written in a different style.
A/N 2: If you like this and you want more, let me know and I'll try to write up more of it.
"I would love to see it, I mean it. I would love to see your previous portraits all of those women," He paused as he looked at the middle aged artist fumbling with the brushes in his paint covered hands.
"I don't know how that would do me any good Doctor Smith. I have already sold most of them by now, I don't have enough years in me to create more than enough to show off,"
"Leave that part to me, I'll make sure that not only your work is shown, but many others." The doctor said with a wicked grin spreading across his face, he bowed and as the painter turned to place his paint brushes into the jar of murky brown water. The doctor vanished, as if he wasn't really there at all and leaving the painter with his dark thoughts of self harm.
Lord knows where the doctor had gone to, whether he would come back and help or disappear completely. It is said the painter had died that night, his very last death the very last time.
As he breathed his very last breath, he said "I curse those who come after me, for no one will know suffering better than I" He bled into the house both his body and soul. Bones and all. Ladies wept, their spouses would leap from the top of the home ten floors down to their deaths below. No one knew how cursed it became until two little boys came home one day.
"Where is mother" said one,
"Where is father?" said the other.
"I don't know" said the creature under the stairs. "I don't think I really care"
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