#do you think god stays in heaven cause he too fears what he created
skiplo-wave · 10 months
*sees what tears of kingdom players been up to*
The players:
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99griffon · 1 year
The art
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The inspiration
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All he know is eat hot chili, be bisexual, and lie... 😔
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uh-ohspaghettio · 1 year
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I need to pay penance for my crimes @deancoded-deangirl
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actual-changeling · 7 months
my brain is still stuck on my last meta post so uhhhh have a fix it ficlet???? this is very soft and angsty and i am abusing italics as usual but honestly i really needed it.
"Crowley," the whisper escapes him without intention, an exhale shaped into a plea by a mouth that has been betraying both of them.
Aziraphale does not know what about it makes both of them freeze, but they do, Crowley's hands still and his glasses close enough to his face, they would catch his tears if they fell now. He does know him, though. God, does he know him, and it is more than just that, always has been.
Even with the sunlight warm on his cheek, it feels wrong for him to be putting his shades back on, a disturbance of the balance they have created on a primal level, a claw tearing at the space they have carved out for themselves. All emotions were about to leave his eyes, despite the tears, golden irises dimming and losing their sparkle, and the person he loves disappearing behind a wall he somehow senses he would not be able to break through—maybe not ever.
That thought more than anything is what scares him, what caused his name to spill from his lips. Heaven is a hand around his throat, pulling him back in, away from earth, with the most tantalising offer they have ever made him—an offer Crowley rejected—but everything pales compared to losing him.
His hands are shaking, fine tremors running through Crowley's fingers and causing the faintest noise of rattling metal, but his eyes remain downcast. It is, Aziraphale realises, a chance he does not deserve but was nevertheless granted.
"Crowley," he repeats, incapable of saying anything except his name, and it echoes in his mind as fear sits heavy in his chest.
Crowley Crowley Crowley Crowley
He doesn't know what he is asking for, but his fingertips have gone ice cold, and his breathing grows more and more shallow with every inhale. A myriad of confessions he wants to make, should have made long ago, and several lifetimes worth of utter devotion to the one being he wants to spend eternity with, angels or not. Above all, he needs Crowley to be safe and happy, and he thought—still thinks, in the part of his brain that isn't paralysed—that being able to return to heaven, to his stars, would give him that happiness.
In the background, the clock ticks and ticks, time passing impossibly slowly and too fast, and Aziraphale cannot feel his breath anymore, his pulse a white-crowned river in his ears.
Crowley's hands are trembling harder than before, tears clinging to his waterline like raindrops on storm clouds, and with an odd sense of relief and electricity prickling in his veins, he allows his body to take the reins. Before he can change his mind or panic any further, before Crowley can change his mind, he is tipping forward until their foreheads touch and gently, oh so gently, sliding his palms along the outside of his wrists.
His skin seems to be the same temperature as his, cold and clammy with fear, his fingers wrap loosely around his hands to absorb their tremors, and Aziraphale feels his breath ghost across his face when all the air leaves Crowley's body. Tears do fall then, both of their cheeks growing wet, but they stay connected with fluttering lashes and tension gradually draining from their bodies.
When Crowley speaks, he feels it more than he hears it—vibrations and puffs of air against his skin.
"Stay, angel, please," soft and desperate and real and Crowley.
His Crowley.
Even with heaven digging invisible nails into the line of his throat and the Metatron's voice painfully bright in his ears, Aziraphale leans towards Crowley, into their touch, and swallows the taste of disobedience like a dying man finding water in the desert.
"Okay. I'll stay." For you, he doesn't add, cannot add just yet, but it is there all the same.
Aziraphale has no idea how he is going to break the news or escape heaven's grasp, he has no clue how to fix any of this, but what he does know is that he loves Crowley, and Crowley loves him—and whatever happens, they will survive it together.
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avisisisis · 2 years
Headcanons of them from when they were young!
Sun Wukong used to have golden hair while Macaque's was white, like the 2009 version!
Wukong's hair was very puffy and messy because of all the crazy stunts he was always pulling. I think he had rather fluffy fur because he had to be warm to survive in the mountain, and his body found a way to not die of the cold
Macaque was rather thin, and even if his fur was really soft, it wasn't as fluffy as Sun Wukong's. That's the main reason why he mostly wore clothes or at least something to cover himself, along with the fact that he thinks the look pretty (they, in fact, do)
Wukong was pretty shy and didn't talk to anyone when he was first born. He was kind of an outcast. His looks always favoured him because he was considered one of the prettiest monkeys (he met everyone's standards lmao), but no one wanted to be near him because he was born from a stone. Isn't that abnormal?
Macaque was also an outcast at first. He's a demon monkey and not as good looking as SWK in monkey standards. Also, with his six ears, he didn't get to hang out with the monkeys that much because of how loud they were, since it made his ears hurt. A while after he came to life (i'm making it sound like he's some kind of Frankestein monster), the monkeys started to trust him a bit more since they saw that he wasn't going to attack them
At the time SWK was born (he was technically born older because he didn't have parents to take care of him. He hatched at an age where he could already survive on his own. Mac's body and mentality are the same as his. Kind of. SWK will ALWAYS be more childish than Mac fight me on this), Macaque was already considered trustworthy by everyone, so when he met this weird monkey and presented him to everyone else, they all trusted his judgement. Turns out he was right!
SWK used to hide behind Mac a lot. He was the first living being he ever met, and he was really shy around people he didn't know, so at first he stayed around Mac all the time until he finally warmed up to the others. This same thing happened every time they met new people
Even if SWK was pretty shy, he still was deadly honest (at least with his opinions). Meanwhile, Mac didn't really want to cause any trouble, so he usually stayed behind whenever his friend caused chaos (unless he invited him. Then you'd have two chaos creating monkeys)
Seriously, with how shy SWK is and how extroverted Mac is, you'd think the troublemaker wasn't the one who hid behind his friend every time he met someone new
Macaque is used to Sun Wukong being chaotic, so he didn't react much whenever he offended someone besides a exasperated look and a bit of scolding
Macaque was the one everyone trusted when it came to having a good reputation. Leave Wukong the beating people up stuff, please, he'll thank you for it with peaches
After getting over his shy stage, Sun Wukong was very talkative with Macaque. He always made sure to not talk too loud so that he wouldn't hurt his friend's ears, but still. Way too talkative
Sun Wukong was basically a sweetheart after meeting all the monkeys. Everybody loved him and how he shined. His light quickly blinded everyone more than Macaque's ever would (he wasn't mad or jealous about it, of course not. In fact, he was proud! And as long as they were still together, them he'd be fine) (too bad that didn't last lol)
Sometimes Macaque would take over Wukong's place by disguising himself as him just to save him from social interaction
Sun Wukong: *Destroys the heavens and terrifies the gods, laughs as he murders his enemies*
Macaque: Isn't he sweet?
Macaque: *Manipulates people into doing what he wants, is a dark being who thrives on suffering*
Sun Wukong: There he is! The light of my life!
Macaque and Wukong used to spar (play) a lot. After becoming so powerful the immortals feared him, Wukong had to hold back so that he wouldn't hurt Macaque too seriously
As Sun Wukong's anger grew, the more enemies he found, and the amount of people who attacked their home grew. In the present, Macaque resents him for not noticing
Sun Wukong never had a healthy way of letting go of his anger. Macaque never had a healthy way of letting go of his hatred. They bond
They call each other “Peaches” and “Plums” because they like peaches and plums. Macaque started it
They used to be sickeningly sweet. It was disgusting and adorable at the same time (“I swear it sometimes seemed like they wanted to live in eachother's skin,” Princess Iron Fan complains as MK writes down the information she's giving him)
They pulled a lot of pranks. A lot
Wukong was a great king! He just needed Macaque to actually send his orders because he got too nervous
When they grew apart, they mimicked a part of eachother's personalities because of how lonely they felt. That's why SWK seems so extroverted and Mac looks like he'd rather die before talking to anyone. Their dynamic is even more complicated now because of that haha. Blame the trauma
SWK genuinely believed that he was better than (almost) everyone else, except for Mac. Mac is the one who was the same as him
They used to gift each other their food
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mimisempai · 10 months
Spread your wings, Angel
The weapon that allows heaven to control its angels. 
While Aziraphale believes himself guilty of Crowley's downfall, Crowley will help him break the last chains that bind him to heaven.
This author doesn't know what she's doing, but she does it anyway.
On Ao3
Rating G -  1624 words
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“You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope. Tell me not that I am too late, that such precious feelings are gone for ever. I offer myself to you again with a heart even more your own than when you almost broke it, eight years and a half ago… I have loved none but you.”
As the sun rose, Aziraphale closed the book he'd just finished and placed it on the small table next to the sofa, being careful not to move too much so as not to wake Crowley.
"Angel, can I stay with you tonight?"
He hadn't even considered refusing for a second.
Not after what they had just shared.
After all these thousands of years, they had finally realized that they were each other's happiness.
And most importantly, they had told each other so.
Aziraphale looked down at the red head on his lap.
He couldn't remember when Crowley had ended up on the sofa that evening, resting his head on Aziraphale's lap and falling asleep like that. 
Things had definitely changed, and Aziraphale couldn't deny that he was a little afraid. Just a little.
Nothing new
He had been afraid of hurting people.
He had been of upsetting them.
He had been of not being enough.
But now he had only one fear: to hurt the being that was sleeping next to him.
Once again.
Crowley, who thought he wasn't good enough, when it was Aziraphale who felt like an endless failure.
As an angel.
As a friend.
He'd done so much damage thinking he was doing good.
Since the beginning of time.
He raised his hand to touch the red hair, but stopped a few inches short. 
He clenched his fist.
Did he have the right to touch the one who had been the greatest victim of his blindness?
Did he have the right to lay a hand on the angel whose fall he had caused?
As the red-haired angel raved with infectious joy about what he had just created and explained to Aziraphale with enthusiasm, Aziraphale explained God's plans to him.
"The impression I get is that the stars and your um..." 
The red-haired angel helped him continue, "Err, call it a nebula."
Aziraphale continued, "Right. Well, they exist just so that the people can look up into the night sky and marvel at the illimitable vastness of The Almighty's creation." 
Looking at the other angel with a satisfied smile, he protested, "But that's idiocy!" and pointing to the infinite sky around them, he continued, "It's the universe, it's not just some fancy wallpaper! Millions of galaxies, trillions of stars, oodles of... everything! It's not just put here to twinkle!"
He turned to Aziraphale and added in the same disappointed tone,“Most of it won’t even be visible from Earth. Why don’t you put Earth in the middle of the universe so the view’s better?” 
Aziraphale replied in a wise manner,“It’s not our job to advise The Almighty on the details of creation.”
The red-haired angel protested again,“Well, then whose job is it? I mean, someone has to say, Look, boss, this is a really, really terrible idea." 
Aziraphale, though amused, replied seriously, “Well, I suspect that would be considered inappropriate.”
The other angel, still looking disappointed, replied stubbornly, “Well, I don’t suppose anyone could object to me putting a note into the suggestion box.”
Aziraphale answered him in the most serious, learned tone, “I don’t believe The Almighty has actually created a suggestion box. And furthermore, I don’t think it’s our place to start suggesting that there should be a suggestion box.”
The red-haired angel insisted, however, “Well, if I was the one running it all,  I’d like it if someone asked questions. Fresh point of view.”
Aziraphale, increasingly worried about the direction the conversation was taking, looked at him as he continued, "You can't just create a universe, run it for a few thousand years, and then stop.
Aziraphale tried to distract him by complimenting his creation with forced enthusiasm, "I like the pinky-blue bit in the corner of the, the nebula. Yes, it's very um, ah!"
Then a little more urgently, he turned to the red-haired angel again and added, wanting to convince him at all costs, "Um, but look, word to the wise, I'd hate to see you getting into any trouble."
And he meant it. 
The other angel looked very nice, was talented, had created such beauty, and Aziraphale didn't want anything bad to happen to him.
The red-haired angel looked at the nebula with a gentle smile, then turned to Aziraphale and said in a friendly tone, "Mm, thanks for your help. And thanks for your advice," before adding confidently, "I wouldn't worry, though. How much trouble can I get into just for asking a few questions?"
He turned back to the nebula and Aziraphale did the same. Together they watched the stars fall as the red-haired angel's wing unfolded over Aziraphale to protect him.
Metatron's words to Crowley came back to mind.
“Always did want to go his own way. Always asking damn fool questions, too.”
How much trouble can you get into just for asking a few questions?
Only one.
You fall.
Aziraphale gasped.
He had caused Crowley's downfall.
Aziraphale gasped again.
He had so much to repent for.
But this was perhaps his greatest sin.
"Angel? Are you all right?"
Lost in thought, he hadn't noticed that the demon had awakened and was now looking up at him from his lap, a worried look on his face.
Aziraphale, unable to meet the demon's gentle gaze, covered his face with his hands.
He felt the demon straighten up and his hands grab the angel's wrists, calling softly, "Angel, speak to me."
Crowley pulled the Angel's hands away from his face and repeated, ever so softly, "Aziraphale, tell me what's wrong, please."
Aziraphale tried to pull away, but Crowley held him tightly, his tone even more concerned as he insisted, "Angel! Talk to me!"
Aziraphale cried out, his voice breaking, "How? How can you stand to be here with me? How can you speak to me so kindly? How can you even look at me, knowing what I've done? It's my fault that you... it's... when..."
The Angel had to stop as the sobs threatened to suffocate him.
Crowley grabbed his shoulders, genuinely concerned, and asked, "I told you I forgave you last night, so explain, I don't understand."
Aziraphale swallowed several times before he could speak, "If... If I hadn't told you about God's plans that day, you... you wouldn't have questioned her and you wouldn't have fallen. It's all my fault. So how could you stand by my side all this time when it's because of me that..."
He stopped because Crowley had just put his finger over his mouth.
The demon said firmly, "Angel! Stop this at once! If I hadn't asked questions that day, I would have asked them later. You are not responsible for my downfall. No more than I am. The only ones who are responsible are those who tore me down because I dared to question God's plans. Not you. Not me. Just them. You haven't done anything wrong. Not for one tiny second of my entire existence did I blame you. I never did. I know that I said I was a demon. That it means I lie. But not to you. Not to you anymore. Tell me you believe me."
Aziraphale scanned Crowley's face for a few seconds, looking for the slightest trace of resentment, but seeing none on the demon's face, he nodded slowly.
The demon said softly, opening his arms, "Come here, angel.
Aziraphale snuggled up against him immediately as the demon wrapped his arms around him.
With his lips in the pale locks, Crowley said softly, "Good old-fashioned guilt. Your side's secret weapon. That's how they got you, up there. Don't eat that, don't drink that, don't ask questions, don't step out of line. You've heard it for so long, but it's all over. They don't have anything more to say to you. We're going to free you from this guilt, my angel. I want to see you open your wings, your real wings, and embrace life. I want to see you thrive. Even if it's just to see you borrow my Bentley or throw a ball for the neighborhood shopkeepers. I don't want to see you second-guessing yourself. Stop smiling because you think you shouldn't. I want to see you do what you think is right because you want to, without wondering if it's what Heaven intended. I want to see you reach out and take what you want."
Aziraphale nodded his head against Crowley's chest and whispered, "I want that, too."
Crowley grabbed the Angel's shoulders to pull him back a bit and said softly, "I know you want it. I saw it in your eyes the first time on the wall. When you felt guilty about giving away the flaming sword. I saw it when the flood took away the children. When you felt guilty although you had no responsibility. Whenever your own conscience overrode your angelic nature and made you thwart God's plans, I saw it."
The demon cupped Aziraphale's face in his hands and whispered against his lips, "You deserve to just live, angel. We both do, don't we?"
Aziraphale nodded and murmured, "Crowley."
Aziraphale said in a much clearer voice, "Kiss me."
The demon smiled softly and murmured, "Yes, angel, just like that. You just have to want and reach for it." 
Then he closed the distance between them and pressed his lips to the angel's, happy to see him finally breaking his chains. 
For good.
Quote - Persuasion - Jane Austen
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Ineffable Growing Love series : here (After season 2)
Ineffable Husbands masterlist : here (Before season 2)
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anotherrosesthatfell · 4 months
Can we have more of Reaper information? You didn't write any of his info expect for his real name and how he meet Geno.
How about his backstory? Is he really the only one survived the battle and why God even cursed him?
Oh shit I forgot to update the book 💀- But uhh anyway, I already wrote his information in my notebook, I guess I forgot to write it in wattpad lol-
Okay let's do this because I don't think I'll be touching wattpad anytime soon-
Basic information
Name: Azreal Abaddon
Status: God of Death
Nickname: reaper, death, grim
Age: ancient
Height: taller than you
Likes: flowers, Geno and Goth
Dislikes: his job, working, chasing revengeful spirits
Family: Goddess of Life (ex wife), unknown reaper [deceased brother], Geno [wife], Goth [daughter]
His backstory
After the first murder in human history, he was created out by the murderer grief and guilts. He was there to guide the lost soul back to heaven. After humans know how to murder, many grim reapers was born. Azreal was known as the God of Death because of humans acknowledging him and God of Sun gave him the title.
How he met Goddess of Life
They met in heaven and get married without knowing each other.
The battle between grim reapers happened
The God of Sun caused a war between the reapers, only one can survive to live longer. Sadly, the grim reapers are no match to the God of Death. Yes, all of them died expect Azreal who eliminate them all including his brother. Sun who suddenly felt fear because of Azreal, he cursed him.
What is the curse about?
Before the curse, Azreal can touch living being without them dying. After the curse, he can't touch them anymore because they ended up dead. The curse will be passes to his daughter too which is Goth.
To lift up the curse, Azreal must find his soulmate and marry them so he can have the permission to touch living being.
More fun fact about him that I will never write in wattpad because laziness
He is aware of the time loop but can't interfere because the God of Sun forbid him or else he'll curse Goth again-
He didn't stay at home that much after the game began, he is busy trying to find Passive and bring him back to heaven under Goddess of Moon order.
He and Goddess of life still talk to each other. Sometime they gamble too-
He still have his wings around. I am just too lazy to add his bigass wings.
When Goth become the next God of Death, he will die because there will be only one.
He tells Goth a lot of secrets about this world and taught her how to pretend she doesn't know a thing to avoid being suspected by Sun.
Basically Reaper is the mysterious character that Palette never think of.
He and his daughter are truly mastermind lol-
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Its the end of the year! Which means its time to post the
Tags That Made Me Smile 2022
The following are a collective list of tags, author notes, and fic names that i saw on ao3 and tumblr that made me either laugh or smile. Ive separated them by fandom but a good amount arent actually fandom specific. Ive added the character names or fandom at the end like {name} to clarify who the tag is talking about
[2021's list]
Author Specific / Non-Specific
i saw canon; acknowledged it; And promply burned it in a dirty trash can thanks; Have this instead
Give me pain I need to feel something
this is self projection thank you coming to my ted talk
Whats that?? Overused tropes that everyone has seen before????? Pfffffffft. This fic is literally just a big mess of "how can I cater to myself and myself only"
you ever just look at your life and wonder how you got here; bc that's what this fic is for me
Don't underestimate me I DO NOT know how long this fan-fic will be
can you tell my target audience is myself
this is content specifically catered to me and no one else
these characters are my landlords and i pay them rent
P O L Y A M O R Y   I S   M Y   P O L Y J A M O R Y
cheek kiss warning
kidnapping isn’t sexy don’t do it
i've never read the archie comics but that's not gonna stop me {archie sonic}
not me writing a whole fic for a ship only i care about; that like maybe two other people ship; rowing this boat is hard but someone has to do it {scourge x fleetway sonic}
ankles don't heal this fast but fuck it i do what i want
no beta we die like men; or rather we drown like the sad shipper with a pool noodle we are
I'm afraid of the Danimals mascot and you should be too
if you're getting flood warnings, don't worry. It's just MY TEARS!
me at every character: anxiety be upon ye
Me (Grabs canon and runs a marathon with it)
Quote: Do you think God stays in heaven because he too lives in fear of what he's created (Spy Kids) {tmnt crossover}
Alternate Universe - Monty Python and the Holy Grail
contains dangerous amount of bed based snuggling
(kind of its a very short very homosexual fight scene); and then they kiss.
Hostage situation takes a romantic turn???? Not clickbait????
enemies to frenemies
Improper Use of Pool Noodles
stone cold stoicism meeting determined stupidity
Star Wars
Kanan Jarrus: The Daddening
platonic love is what healed his lonely existence {din djarin}
when in doubt: road trip with the besties {din, boba, fennec}
Soul Eater
found family at its finest {kid, liz, patty}
The Witcher
wife (platonic) {yennskier}
at first I was like haha geralt and Istredd should kiss as a joke…. but bro I don’t think it’s a joke anymore….
Sonic the Hedgehog
Movie!Super Sonic is made out of LOVE no one touch me
Sonics gay awakening I guess
sonic movie 2 made me make an ao3 account lol
Sonic was made to love people
Two Bros Chillin’ in an ER Five Feet Apart ‘cause they’re not gay {sonic x shadow}
the most dangerous thing is to love {shadow}
Trapped in a small box with just enough room to face some feelings {sonic x shadow}
the R in rivalry stand for romance {sonic x shadow}
The L in Rivalry Stands For 'Love' {sonic x shadow}
A Largely Platonic Cave
i love boom!shadow so naturally i made him even more insufferable
Wachowskis holdin it down in the bg; Absolute champs
I love how Shadow is just so mindbogglingly utterly done with reality
Knuckles is a guardian of all things great and small
“Would you kiss a worm?" “If he was cute as fuck? Yeah.” {wade x stone}
"What is this made of, bendable titanium?!" "INCORRECT. IT IS MADE OF THE FRUSTRATIONS OF MOTHERS EVERYWHERE." {team dark}
featuring a scourge that trips far too much because it's my fic and I said so {scourge x fleetway sonic}
no thoughts just soft hedgehog moments
listen if im going to die at the hands of injured lancelot shit i might as well take advantage of it
Everyone has a crush on Lancelot and I'll die on this hill
fairy Lancelot Fairy Lancelot FAIRY LANCELOT!!!
Slow Burn; mostly on april's end of things; casey and donnie are basically on fire right off the bat {tmnt 2012}
Rise!Donnie and 2012!Casey be out there committing arson together for their first date >.>
Please enjoy Casey, the fool, realizing his feelings for Donnie, another fool {tmnt 2012}
Draxum and Splinter are the turtles' dads (it's a reluctant partnership)
just two absolute powerhouses holding each other gently {raph x mona}
“There’s nothing wrong with the way you love, Dee. Goodnight.” {rottmnt}
Wondering what to do when the apocalypse happens? Easy: fly across the country and get Vegas-married. That's definetley an appropriate reaction that won't involve your complicated feelings towards your roommate at all {hypno x warren}
Look rise are weapons of war 12 were accidents and I play with that HARD in this fic
Donatello is now Dad-Atello {rottmnt}
The other [Casey] is out on a beach in Tahiti; It's what he deserves after surviving the Krang {rottmnt}
Leo is now actively being hunted for sport; (the only sport Donnie is good at) {rottmnt}
These turtles can fit so much trauma
2018 Karai lives because fuck Nick; Casey x Donnie x April are a healthy ship and also fuck nick again
I cant be the only one pissed by Leo's and Karais 'love interest plot'; Leonardo's weird feelings were simply gender envy...Yes that is canon now {tmnt 2012}
What happens when two "dudes" call each other 'girlfriend'; Transgender activities, that's what! {tmnt 2012}
splinter is twice divorced and never married {rottmnt}
Papatello / Dadatello {rottmnt}
draxum's gone from dadxum to grand-dadxum good for him
draxum just be like gramps still got it; and by 'it' i mean a complete lack of forethought for care when creating random children
Puts the Bi in Bitchless {rottmnt leo}
its because ninja turtles
feral mamatello {rottmnt}
it's the anguish, the self flagellation, the audacity to love the man who annihilate ur nation and killed ur mother; your m o t h e r {black panther}
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jellogram · 2 years
My online class referred me to Google Trends to familiarize myself with it and then I spent over two hours trying to figure out why searches for "ramen" spiked in western Europe during February and March 2019 while also significantly dropping in Japan and Taiwan during the exact same time.
For some reason there was a two month period of time in 2019 where all the searches for ramen that normally come from Japan and Taiwan came from Belgium, the Netherlands, and Germany. There's enough related searches also spiking in Europe ("bubble tea" and "Taipei Metro" also have dramatic spikes in Belgium at that time) that I'm convinced it's not a matter of the metric being logged to the wrong country. It's not a VPN because the most popular Taiwanese searches for the time weren't registered in Belgium at all. After around the end of March 2019 it goes back to normal.
I'm going to be institutionalized and it's going to be because of fucking ramen searches. Literal hours have been spent on this. I have so many fucking graphs to show you. I've done so much research and I can't find anything to cause this. It's such a huge spike and dip with no similar spikes or dips there's no way it's not correlated. Do you think God stays in heaven because he too lives in fear of what he's created. I'm going to drive off a bridge
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Alright then, I have gathered a bunch of awesome quotes that sound cool but are actually from the weirdest sources. I hope that at least one of these quotes tickles your fancy.
“I’m a monument to all your sins.” -Halo
“I’ll do whatever you want. Then Perish.” Some weird Obama Hewwo Rp
“Violence for violence is the rule of the beasts.”-Obama from someone’s dream
“To be come god is the loneliest achievement of all time.” -Obama, from another person’s dream
“All knowledge is passed off that which we can not prove. Will you fight? Or will you perish like a dog?”
“I survived cause the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.” Fallout New Vegas
“If the world chooses to become my enemy, I will fight like I always have.”-Shadow the Hedgehog
“I will face god and walk backwards into hell.” Twitter User @drill
“Do you think god stays in heaven because he too lives in fear of what he has created.” Spy kids
“Pick a god and pray.” Fire emblem
“Tonight you spoke with the devil, the devil looked a lot like you.” Someone on tumblr
“God may judge you but his sins outnumbered your own.” Don’t remember where this is from
“Kill me. Kill me and live with the memory. Then tell the stars you won.” Warrior cats
“You can not kill me in anyway that matters.” The mushroom post
I hope this helps you with your senior quote!
!!! I know this is a few days late because submissions for senior quote have already ended, but! I greatly appreciate this :)
Whenever that long post comes along with all the wild quotes tumblr has pulled together it's so fun to read through and see what's been created. All of these quotes tickle my fancy! Though you already know that I went with something different.
When it comes to things like that I prefer not to take it too seriously. Which. I'm aware is like. a much less vulnerable thing to do than the people who pick quotes that are genuinely meaningful to them or reflect themselves and share that with the world (limited world made of people who purchase that one specific yearbook). and I do find vulnerability important. But also it's a senior quote, it's not that serious and it's just the only time in my life I'll have a senior quote so. No biggy! I can be vulnerable and open in other ways, like sharing every single thought I've ever had on tumblr.
I had a point where was I going with this. Anyway. I appreciate the collection of quotes. While they weren't quite what I was looking for, I do still find these lovely and amusing to look through! So thank you for compiling them!
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yalnizcakendiolan · 2 months
Do you think god stays in heaven cause he, too, lives in fear of what he has created ?
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cheemken · 2 months
Hi Knight, haven’t talked to you in a long ass time. Hope you’ve been doing well
Anyways, AU time
Hazbin Hotel AU :)
I’m just gonna assume you don’t know the basic world building, so it’s practically just: God is real and the world was created according to the Bible, there’s a Heaven and hell, the people on earth go to heaven or hell depending on whether they’ve sinned or not
Sins can range from drug abuse to mass murders, that kinda stuff. It also doesn’t even matter you’re age or if you know what you’re doing, cause there’s children cannibals in hell
There’s a hierarchy in Hell, it goes from
Lilith and Charlie (Lucifer and Lilith daughter)
7 Deadly Sins
Ars Goetia
Sinners (people who sinned and went to hell)
Imps and Hellhounds (also Hellborn, but they’re ranked lower cause they’re look at like the rats of Hell)
Overlords are also sinners, they just hold more power and control compared to the regular sinner. So far there’s known to be 9 overlords so it’s a rare title
One last thing to mention, since there is an overpopulation in Hell, Heaven sends down Exorcist Angels once a year to kill off any Sinners to reduce the population. They’re only allowed to go after sinners and overlords, no one else
Anyways, the basic plot of the show is Charlie, The Princess of Hell, is trying to redeem sinners so that they’re allowed into Heaven cause she doesn’t want to see anymore sinners being killed during the yearly extermination. Like the whole idea is that even the worst people can change their ways and redeem themselves
So my idea was like, what if the Champions all died somehow and got sent to either Heaven or Hell? Or they all got sent to hell for something mediocre
Cause imagine the possibilities of what they look like, or what their sins are, even if they stay as sinners or they rise the ranks to overlords. I can see Lance or Diantha becoming an overlord and using that power to keep themselves and Iris safe from Hell (forgot the ship name famiily supremacy 🔥🔥) cause there is an overlord with two daughters in the show
I can see Lance going to Hell for killing some people cause of his job, even if it’s by accident. Cause there were three Cherubs who were kicked out of Heaven for causing the death of a human, even if it was also an accident. And idk what his new form would be
For the other Champions, I got no clue why they would also go to hell. Either we’d have to reach far to pull out something to use, or give them all a shitty quality. Like, idk, Wallace stealing money from the League fundings
Seems like something he’d do
As for their new forms, I can only think of Dianthawho would resemble a Houndoom, or have Houndoom like features. The reason is cause their hell forms are meant to be mocking them for all eternity. So her new form would be mocking Diantha of one of her biggest fears
Anyways I’m just trying to make this coherent while typing it out fast, hope this makes sense lol
My guy!!! Been a while!! I'm doing well, done w work, and ough I finally get to turn off my alarm :') hahaha but hey what abt you hahah
Anyways uvu
Ough Diantha having Houndoom features your honour that opened my third eye pls and the fact it's mocking them too OUGH™ that's dope chdmbd
But yeah y'know what let's just give them absolutely shitty qualities, for the sake of the au teehee or maybe let's use the villain au stuff for them??? Idk but yeah
Anyways anyways
I think Lance would go to hell bc of that one scene, y'know what I mean, him having his Dragonite Hyper Beam someone lmfao cause yeah in pokemas that guy was still alive but like for the sake of this au that guy is dead so Lance got sent to hell bc of that, also I think that he has no regard of anyone who he thinks are his enemy or like smth like that, he'd kill em let's be real hahaha
Oh Wallace would tho, he would lmfaoooo he wouldn't even be honest abt it and he'd even try to convince himself that hey, he's a Champion, he should have his own share w the league's funds, but I can see him as a very selfish man. Years of having nothing and finally he has that stability, I know he'd be selfish most of the time
Steven,,, idk, idk what he'd do,, low-key I think he'd grave rob. Like, I want this man to be a bit greedy when it comes to rare stones, didn't help his father also has the same interest too, I know Joseph taught him that sometimes the rarest and grandest gems are hidden within the tombs of the dead. The amount of Ghost pokemon he has to battle to get those gems was insane man. Also, imagine him like,, deadass just dissecting Sableye to get the gems they have. Imagine if his form in hell is smth similar to Sableye bc of that
Cynthia I'm also not sure bc the Cynthia I have in mind is the villain au one lmfaooo but like,, if we go w the fucked up villain au qualities I'm gon say she's a stalker lmfao, like, legitimately so fucking obsessed w Diantha, if Giratina is in this au imagine Cynthia still making a deal w him. But yeah y'know, stalker Cynthia, it's fucked up
Iris,,,,,,,,,,,, what should we give her, what kinda fucked up thing would she have,,, I see her being a bit prone to anger,,,, like,, being looked down by a lot of people would get to her y'know so one last trigger and she accidentally sent her Haxorus to kill the guy and she lived in guilt ever since
Diantha, oh for sure it's her pride. Like, listen to me listen to me, this woman would be the embodiment of pride okay listen to me she would be I just know her hubris became her downfall in this au
For Hau,, idk, I'm not sure I feel like it's the same w Iris?? But more on his jealousy, like I imagine him being a bit envious of Selene and that envy got the better of him, and idk idk if he'd actually do smth, it's just y'know envy is a sin and he really held on to that envy of his
Leon I'm also not sure w this one,,, like, legitimately idk hahahah
For Geeta I think it'd be her apathy to most things, most notably her regard for her league's wellbeing and all that, like,, she should care she knows that but she just,, couldn't, or rather it's also her pride that since she's the top champ, her league should always submit to her and I want them to go against her and that's why she's in hell lmfao
But anyways Overlord Diantha👀👀👀👀👀👀
Pls her still being soft when it comes to Iris and Lance your honour they make me so sick silkwing family supremacy indeed your honour cbxnbx
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loudlysraindropanon · 2 years
I'm sorry I've made this
It just wouldn't stop playing in my head until I made it.
@loudly--unladylike tagging you so you see this!!
Also if you can't read the text:
Under the lyrics of Misery, it says "c!Rain, c!Politics, c!Cloud, c!Moth, c!🐶, c!🎧, c!Vibes, c!Ender
Under the lyrics of CPR, it says "???? Idk, the only thing I could think of is when we became geese"
Under the lyrics of Reeses Puffs, it says "All the other anons (especially the crime trio)"
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myuni-moon · 3 years
Do you take angst or hurt/comfort? I was thinking the other day about the quote "do you think god stays in heaven because he too lives in fear of what he's created" and thought about a reader who lands on teyvat and tries to get help but nobody recognizes them until its almost too late and/or there's a misunderstanding and the cult thinks the reader's a threat of some sort (+bonus, reader is rightfully terrified of everyone bc who wouldn't be? like a meteor dropping on your head is v scary)
// hurt/comfort, mentions of violence
if this ever occurs, at least one of them is sure to at least come enough to their senses to realize that you're not a threat at all but the god they've been waiting for this entire time. this would probably happen to one of the more lowkey characters like dainsleif, childe, or kaeya.
it's not until blood is about to spill from you that they're able to save you a breath away from getting yourself killed by one of the others. it's not until they're shushing you in their arms that the others start to question just what they're thinking letting someone like you live.
i see this mostly happening with kaeya protecting you from venti or childe saving you from the danger of zhongli's petrification. once they see the errors of their ways, they're quick to apologize and make things right. they quickly flock to your aid and collectively accept a group punishment for their transgressions against you.
they might not be able to get rid of the trauma they caused you, but they can try at least making sure that their actions start doing right by you. it'll be some time though until they're able to show their faces in front of you.
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shadyteacup · 3 years
Helloooo, can you do headcanons on Dazai having a strong S/O (ability wise) like nearly as strong as Chuuya? Cause isn't he a literal God lol. Thank you :]
Hewo! I had a lot of fun writing this...it almost turned out to be a oneshot :p , but dw, I managed to turn it into hcs :D
Here u go~
Dazai x gn!reader
Reader has a strong ability...like, rlly cool 😎 it's my dream ability
      This man is head over heels.
He loves how you scream over a cockroach but can rip people to shreds at the same time.
Since you didn’t mention any specific ability, I have gone ahead and given you a lightning ability.
Arahabaki is the god of calamity, that combined with Chuuya.
Raijin is the God of lightening. Your ability is pretty similar to His powers.
You can control the place, time and method of a lightning strike. You can also produce it on the spot and shoot it from your hands...kinda like Palpatine.
Your eyes turn arctic blue, with your hair flowing around you. You look like a literal Goddess/God.
He was mesmerised when he witnessed it in action for the first time.
You and Dazai were walking through Yokohama, observing the internal beauty of the city via small lanes and random alleyways.
Hand-in-hand, you two were chatting about how Dazai hadn’t tried the Napolitana pasta yet, despite living in a city that was rumoured to have invented the dish.
That’s when Dazai pulled you around a random corner and shielded you from the view of the road you two were originally walking on.
You knew better than to speak at such a moment and decided to observe and try to pick any signs of being followed.
Sure enough, you could hear faint footsteps come to a stop right at the corner, you two still being shielded by the corner. You both waited with bated breath, and after a while, the person went away.
Relieved, you were about to walk out of your hiding place, when a barrel placed itself on your head from behind. Your eyes widened and you froze in place. Dazai noticed the unknown presence and looked behind only to find you being held a hostage.
“Long time, Mr. Executive!”, the man holding you hostage said as he grinned at Dazai.
“Aren’t you supposed to be in prison, Ito san?”, Dazai said, offering him his own smile.
You could easily read through his façade. The smile was only a mask, covering his panic and fear. You had no experience in fighting, and Dazai was no match for this man. He had fought him earlier, but that was when he had Chuuya by his side. Dazai can come up with a spectacular and manipulative plan, and Chuuya, or his current ada partner, Kunikida, can execute it, considering their brawn. He was the brains, and his partners had always been the brawn. He can fight the occasional criminal, but Ito was a feared enemy of the mafia, who was both mentally and physically strong. He had always assumed that the mafia had caught him, and sent him to jail, thanks to the mafias feared double black, but apparently, he had gotten away, or had found a way to break out of prison.
“prison isn’t a place for a man like me; you of all people know that. So, I left! Decided to say hello to an old friend, now that I’m back.”
He moved his gun from your head, dragging it down to your chin.
“Turns out, my visit might actually kill two birds with one stone.”
Understanding the hidden meaning behind his words, Dazai tensed up. He couldn’t let him hurt you. He had to get you out f here. But how is he going to do that? There is no way out of this without either of you getting hurt. He must protect you, but what must he do?
You chuckled.
“Something funny, pretty thing?”
“Actually, yes.”, you say, “Do you know who you’re threatening?”, you smirk, your tone dangerously low and intimidating.
“You’re playing a dangerous game; Ito-san, wasn’t it?”
The man grabbed your chin, turning you to face him.
“I was going to let you go, but I suppose your naivety deserves a bullet to the head!”
You smiled, activating your ability.
A sudden jolt of electricity travelled into his body. Yelping, he let go of you. Using this window of opportunity, you kicked the gun out of his hand and pushed yourself away from him. Dazai quickly grabbed your arm, pulling you away from the man, and out of the alley. His main intention was to get you away from here. Away from danger. He hadn’t understood what had just happened, but he decided that right now, running was the best course of action.
You two turned multiple corners, crossed many junctions, and ended up at an open field. Beyond the field, a few blocks away, was a metro station. You two could head to safety from there. All you had to do was cross this abandoned field and get in the metro.
Multiple men, clad in a uniform of sorts, emerged from the shadows, circling you both.
“Thought you could run away, did you?”, Ito stepped into the circle, a proud smirk on his face.
“You will face the consequences for destroying my gang. We never broke apart, you see. All of us are back. And we will take over the mafia, defeat the ada, and control this city.”
“Good luck with that.”, you say as you let go of Dazai’s hand, ignoring his warnings to stay back. Kinda like that scene with odasaku :')
You spread your arms wide, activating your ability. Bolts of lightning shot out from your fingers, hitting a few of the men, dropping them to the ground.
The men had no time to react as you swiftly raised yourself off the ground, hovering over them, and unleashed your signature move, striking them with a large bolt of lightning from the sky.
The head of the group, Ito, activated his own ability, the ability to control metal. Multiple guns aimed themselves at you and began shooting.
You created a shield around yourself, effectively blocking the hundreds of bullets.
Meanwhile, Dazai sneaked behind the others, incapacitating them.
You continued to fight Ito, blocking his attacks, and sending a couple bolts his way, while simultaneously attacking the others. The field was a mix of bullets, sharp scraps of metal, and bolts of electricity.
At the end, Dazai sneaked up behind Ito, nullifying his ability, and knocking him out.
To say that he was surprised would be an understatement.
He had heard of an ability that controlled lightning, but this was his first time witnessing it in action.
'Heaven's Fury' was the name of your dangerous ability.
He thought it suited you very well..
You are calm and composed, but when angered, you can unleash madness upon your enemies.
You were always so elegant, and seeing you like this, using your powers and fighting atleast 20 people at once, he couldn't help but admire your majestic beauty.
Your ability gives me 'They tell me I'm a God, I'm lost in the façade, Six feet off the ground' vibes.
Dazai agrees with my opinion.
You look like a deity.
He liked the idea of protecting you, yes, but he found it so hot that you could protect yourself.
Hell, he now knows that you can not only protect yourself, but also take out an entire city on your own.
He would be much at peace now, knowing that he doesn’t quite have to worry so much about any past enemy of his taking revenge. You were stronger than almost all his enemies.
Will praise you, 24/7. He wouldn’t stop talking about it.
He wonders why you didn’t tell him, and you merely shrugged saying that he never asked.
He would brag about you to all his friends(ada members)
He would never tell anyone other than the ada members, though, as he doesn’t want anybody to do some research and find out a way to defeat you.
He prefers it to be an element of surprise and catch the enemies off-guard.
Loves watching the shocked and scared faces of those that decide to wrong you, leading to you using your formidable ability on them.
If you aren’t a part of the ada, he would definitely think that you’d be a great addition to the organization.
He would never ask you join, though. He wants you to be as safe as possible. It doesn’t matter whether or not you have a strong ability, he just wants you out of harm’s way.
Besides, using your ability can take a toll on your health too.
He just wants to see you happy and safe.
If you decide to join the ada, he will try to talk you out of it.
If you’re absolutely sure of your decision, he wouldn’t stop you.
Instead, he will accompany you on all your missions, and will ask Atsushi to come along too.
He is aware that you are extremely strong and don’t need anyone, but he will constantly worry about you, which is why he accompanies you.
Don’t get him wrong, he really loves you and trusts you, but he is just so worried.
So, don’t oppose him when he joins you, please. Poor baby is just really concerned for your health.
Will call up Chuuya and brag about you to him.
“My Belladonna is much stronger than you, chibi-kun ;p”
If you’re taller than Chuuya, Dazai will tease the hell out of poor hat man.
He'll be like,"LOL shorty XD. My s/o is both taller and stronger than you!!"
If you're not taller, it will still be hell for poor wine boy.
"I can't believe that you're weaker than my s/o! They're so much better than you, LOL"
"Shut up, bastard!"
"Pathetic chuuya.. You literally have a God inside you, and you're still weaker! LMAO"
I feel bad for chu chu :(
But, oh well, that's just them, ig :)
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pan-fangirl-345 · 3 years
In Every Universe, Forever and Always
Summary: You and Hinata have a very long history together. Across worlds, universes, and timelines, love always finds a way.
Or: A reincarnation/ soulmate AU with Hinata Shouyo and different times you have met and fallen in love.
A/N: I have no idea where the idea for this came from, but I'm now down to only five drafts and WIP, so stay tuned my lovelies!
TW: Murder, blood, bullying, fighting, violence, one (1) implied question about rape (none occurs), swearing, and no proofreading. If I missed anything, let me know!
The first time you had met Hinata Shouyo, neither of you had had names. You had been drifting presences, with no corporeal forms. It was hard to explain how it felt, what it was like. It was being everywhere, but belonging nowhere. It was being able to sense everything, but not touch it. Like someone breathing down the back of your neck but no one standing behind you.
He was a bright light, something that forced away the darkness. He had drifted from galaxy to galaxy, from blank space to blank space, spreading his light, even if some lasted longer than others.
Later, he told you that he wasn't sure what he was searching for, or if he had been searching for anything, but he had secretly hoped that he was searching for you.
He had been alone for his entire existence, but as he drifted, he found you.
You were a softer light than his, not as bright, and not nearly as warm, but you were there, and after such a long time of being alone, it was a great relief to know that he wasn't alone anymore.
He had slowly fallen in love with you, even if there hadn't been a term for it at the time, and you had fallen for him too.
But all too suddenly, there was another being, but it was something much darker than you and Hinata, it swallowed light and destroyed warmth. It was malevolent brutality compared to the kind gentleness that you and Hinata radiated.
You and Hinata had fled from the new being, trying to rekindle the lights that the being had extinguished, but it was no use.
Eventually, it caught up with you.
Instead of surrendering peacefully, you and Hinata fought together, trying to keep it at bay, but your light wasn't as strong as Hinata's, and you fell to the being before Hinata could reach you.
Overcome by grief at your loss, Hinata used everything he had in him to destroy the being, casting his light as far in every direction as possible, using every emotion in his arsenal.
Neither of you remembered whether you had defeated the being or not.
The next time you both remember having met, you were gods.
Hinata was once again a bright light, the humans worshipped him as the sun god, and he was indeed worthy of the title.
You, on the other hand, were the goddess of violent deaths. Humans feared your wrath, and the other gods isolated you because of the humans fear. You were the patron goddess of assassins, murderers, thieves, and sometimes considered the goddess of revenge as well.
Feared in the human realms and despised among the other heavenly beings, you fled into the sky.
You saw the galaxies the humans were ignorant to, you turned away from the worlds with intelligent life for fear of being called upon, and you slowly realized that you could create, as well as destroy.
Every time you accidentally ended the life of a star, you created something else. Sometimes it was a hole that sucked in everything, and even you had no idea where it ended, but sometimes other worlds were born, other galaxies were made.
Hinata, sick and tired of the other heavenly beings that flocked to him, ran from the heavenly realms, stumbling upon you.
You had tried to flee from him, worried how he would react to you, but instead he asked you to stay.
"But why?" you had asked, tucking yourself away behind a small star, ready to flee if he attempted to harm you.
"I remember you," he had said, ignoring your question. "The pretty little goddess that so many feared."
You winced at the reminder of your past, moving to hurry away, but Hinata had simply wrapped a hand around your wrist.
"Please stay," he begged.
"But . . . I might hurt you," you had whimpered.
"Nonsense," Hinata had said, so confidently that you had almost believed him. "Those aren't your abilities."
You had been so confused that you had stayed while Hinata explained that you weren't the one that caused the deaths, you were the one that went to the deathbed of the victim to ease them into death.
Hinata was the first person to see you as the one that ended the suffering, not the one that caused it.
Hinata had stayed with you for millennia, earning your trust, and falling for you yet again.
Somehow, along the way, you had fallen in love with him too.
"Come back with me," he begged, arms around your waist as you both laid among the stars.
"I can't," you told him. "I'm not welcome there. I'm feared by the humans, and the others are disgusted by what I am."
"You're beautiful, and you relieve the pain of those that are suffering. Why would they be disgusted by you?"
"Because no one else sees me the way you do, my love," you had said, stroking his face lightly. "They see me as some repulsive, but necessary, nuisance. They keep me around because someone needs to do the job, but they don't want to be the ones to do it."
"Come back with me so we can prove them wrong," Hinata pleaded. "I'm the king of the heavens, I can make you my queen! Then they would have to respect you!"
"I envy your faith in them, my king," you murmured, giving him a small smile. "But sometimes I think you are blind to the darkness in people."
"And you cannot seem to see the light in others," Hinata had countered.
In the end, you had returned to the heavenly realms with him, only to be met with the scorn and repulsion that you had been expecting.
Some accused you of manipulating him, others said that Hinata stayed with you because he was scared of you, of what you might do.
After only a year, you couldn't take it anymore.
You slipped away from the bed you and Hinata had been sharing.
You had drawn the words 'Forever and always' on his chest, right above his heart, kissing it, before you fled.
You would remember later that the other gods had been plotting against you since your return.
One lower level D-list goddess had gone around slaughtering your fellow heavenly beings, planting evidence that you had done it.
A guard had 'caught you fleeing the scene in guilt', and forced you to your knees in front of the mastermind behind it all.
You and Hinata had, over the years you had spent together, remembered your previous life, and had reminisced over it in your time among the stars.
No one had anticipated Hinata fighting so hard for you.
He raged against his former bootlickers, defending you against everything.
One of the war gods became irritated with his staunch protection of you.
In an attempt to end it, the god had attempted to kill you with a throwing knife.
Hinata had other plans, and had jumped in front of the blade, which sank into his chest, right where you had traced the words earlier before you had attempted to flee to your former sanctuary.
Your screams had echoed through the gold and marble hallways of the heavenly realms as Hinata hit the floor in a spray of blood.
Everyone else was so in shock that you had been able to wrench free of the guards and get to him.
"Hina, my love, stay with me," you had pleaded, cradling Hinata's body against your own. "Please, stay with me. I love you, please."
"Forever and always," Hinata had gasped, touching his wound softly. "Promise me."
"I promise," you had murmured, smoothing his hair away from his face.
In the background, the other gods were fighting amongst themselves, arguing over who had started it, whether it was justified, and it felt as though you and Hinata were in your own little bubble.
"We'll meet again," Hinata had promised, wincing in pain.
Healing wasn't your specialty, you had never had anyone to teach you, and you hated yourself now more than ever as Hinata bled out in your arms.
"I know we will," you replied, kissing his forehead. "Nothing will keep me away."
"I'm glad you're here," he murmured, touching your cheek lightly, softly, despite the blood on his fingers. "I told you, you relieve the pain, you don't cause it."
"Hina, Hina, stay with me, please, you can't leave me here," you pleaded. "Hina!"
Tears streamed down your face as Hinata faded into a soft, warm, golden light that settled over you for a moment before disappearing.
You heard something inside your chest crack, and you were pretty sure, later, that it was the sound of your heart breaking open and bleeding that echoed in your ears.
Your screaming drew the attention of the other gods, and soon they had turned on you, despite the obviously genuine grief you were experiencing.
Someone reached out to touch you, but they stopped when the palace around them shuttered, granite and marble cracked, and something deep underneath them groaned like a beast roaring.
Fear settled over the group of heavenly beings like a dark cloud.
Tears streamed down your face as the last of Hinata's warmth faded.
Darkness leaked from you and something in you snapped.
These beings deserved no mercy from you. Not after what they had done, not after what they had caused.
Most gods experimented with their powers as they grew older, but you had never done that. You had tried to rein them all in, and only ever used them when they were close to destroying you.
With Hinata gone, there was nothing left in this world for you.
You erupted.
Every repressed cursed, every welled up power, forced out with the fury of an immortal being.
Screams rang throughout the heavens as you fractured the seams of the world, extinguished the humans below and detonated stars that you had loved so dearly before Hinata had appeared.
Of all the screams that were resonating about, yours was the loudest.
The sorrow, the anguish, the anger and disappointment, the love, the indifference all mixed together in a cacophony of rage and loss.
In this world, it really did end in screams.
The next time you and Hinata crossed paths, you were known as the Queen of the underworld.
Hinata was the Captain of the Royal Guard, and he had been tasked with tracking you down and putting a stop to you.
He had found you at a masquerade, dressed in scarlet, a burnt gold mask hiding the top half of your face.
Posing as a contact, you danced with him, until he finally figured out who you were.
"My orders are to take you back to the castle," Hinata had said. "There are people within the walls that seem to think you are one of the purest evils on these streets."
"You think differently?" you had asked.
"I've noticed that of all of your victims, none of them were ever children or mothers."
"I don't think that you're evil, I think there's more to you than you or anyone else thinks."
"Is that so?"
Hinata had nodded, keeping an arm firmly around your waist, hand in yours.
"Come to the palace with me, help me, and I can help you," Hinata had said.
"Let me leave this party and I'll be able to help you from my own home," you had bargained.
"Meet me one a week at a neutral location," Hinata had argued.
"Deal," you had said, "but no other guards, no weapons, just two people."
"Just two people," he had agreed.
You may have been the Queen of the underworld, but you were a woman of your word.
You and Hinata met once a week for two years before you decided to go with him to the castle.
"Hinata, can I ask you something?"
"Of course."
"Would you like to meet my son?"
That had stopped Hinata dead in his tracks.
At first, you were worried that he was going to be angry, but instead he seemed concerned for your safety.
"How old is he?" Hinata asked.
"Two years old," you admitted. "I had just had him when we first met."
"Was . . . did you . . . ."
Hinata, unable to ask the real question, seemed to be praying you understood.
"I thought his father loved me," you murmured, laying a hand on your stomach absently. "I was seventeen when we met. He was only three years older than me, and he had connections that I could use to my advantage. He didn't know who -or what I suppose- I was. When I found out I was pregnant, I thought he would be happy, I thought we would get married.
"Instead, when I told him, he beat me so badly I almost miscarried, and left me for dead in the streets. My loyal men found me, made sure I was cared for, and killed the father. I promised myself that I would never let another man in like that. And then I met you. You, despite your position, didn't want anything other than information from me. You wanted to help the people on the streets and put a stop to the corruption."
You glanced at Hinata, at those warm brown eyes.
Memories flashed behind your eyes, and you gave him a small smile.
"Have you started to remember yet?" you asked him quietly.
In the last three lifetimes, his eyes were always the same color. His hair and face shape were different, as were his height, and sometimes his personality, just like you, but his eyes were the same warm shade of brown.
"I wasn't sure whether you remembered or not," he murmured, nodding.
"I remember everything."
"It's nice to meet you again, (Y/N)."
"Hello to you too Hinata Shouyo."
You, your son, and Hinata were all assassinated in your bed during your first night at the castle.
The last words you said to each other were 'Forever and always'.
More lifetimes passed, more meetings, more deaths, more children, until this lifetime.
You were the manager for Seijoh, and -ironically enough- Kageyama's twin sister, despite looking almost nothing like him.
"Hey, Hinata Boke! Why are you drooling over my sister like that?" the setter snapped, drawing Hinata, and you, out of your memories.
"Ease up Tobio," you had chided, hitting your brother's shoulder lightly before holding your hand out to Shouyo.
"(Y/N), nice to meet you Hinata."
Hinata could read the unspoken 'again' in your eyes.
"You too, (Y/L/N)," he said, not bothering to hide the smile that was spreading across his face.
Every lifetime, every universe, you were destined to fall in love with Hinata Shouyo.
Sometimes you were enemies, sometimes you were friends, sometimes you were strangers, but in the end, you were his, just like he was yours.
Forever and always.
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