#do i think noel had a crush on him too?? yeah. seems like it. but i dont think he was catfishing mischa
teruthecreator · 2 years
listen like. the second you understand the premise of karnak’s riddle at the beginning of the show you Know jane doe is going to be the one who gets resurrected. but honest to god i want it to be mischa. 
#ignorance cloud on#HE DESERVES. EVERYTHING. HE DOES#LISTEN TO TALIA AND TELL ME THAT MAN DOESNT DESERVE A SECOND CHANCE AT LIFE#i largely disagree with tiktoks theory that noel was pretending to be talia and thats why he stops mischa from seeing their future together#just bc i think that moment was not significant enough to justify that assumption#i think why noel did it is bc he either could see mischa gettng catfished#or noel just understood that any kind of idealized version of talia mischa has would far outlive the genuine article#bc for all they know she could be doing this to 10 other men#Or he flies all the way to the ukraine just for them to fight and break up#and noel is a person who is all about idealizing and fantasy. he knows how strong those ties can be#he didnt wanna see mischa crumble bc she turned out different#do i think noel had a crush on him too?? yeah. seems like it. but i dont think he was catfishing mischa#but either way just. the genuine anguish and passion you hear in mischa's voice during talia is like. FUCK#like i kno he wouldnt have gotten the chance to be w her if he came back#(bc like. jane doe definitely got reincarnated.)#but i wouldve loved to see an ending seen of like#mischa telling this wild story to his children#who he didnt have w talia but had w another#and its basically his experience in the afterlife#and then when the kids are ushered off to bed he like#gets up and looks at a framed photo of the choir from an old newspaper#anyways mischa best character
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Part Two: First Meetings
Noel finally messaged you a few hours later about the details of your date with Jason that was going to happen over the weekend. You were going to meet him and Jason outside the café on campus.
The next three days flew by and in those three days you learned a lot about Jason from Noel. Frankly you were getting less and less interested in Jason as Noel told you about him.
Y/N: So tell me about Jason! What does he like to do? What are his hobbies?
Noel: Oh well he loves to party!
Y/N: Seriously…. I hate parties! Give me a quiet night in my dorm with a glass of wine and a good book!
Noel: I completely agree with that one except I’ll take some beer and video games ;)
Y/N: Well you can have your beer I’ll drink my wine and we can play Super Smash Brothers! Deal?
Noel: OMG that is my perfect date right there!
Y/N: Ha! Then I should be dating you not Jason….
Noel: Shhhhhh don’t say stuff like that…. You know we can’t be doing this…..
Y/N: I am sorry it’s just so hard to ignore this after you told me you like me too Noel…. All I think about is you…. I honestly have no interest in Jason….
“Fuck…. I can’t do this…. I can’t set her up with Jason….” Noel mumbled to himself.
Noel: I’m sorry I have to go I’ll see you tomorrow at the café!
Noel: Have a good night (Y/N).
“Hmmmmm I wonder what’s up….”
You were so excited to meet your matchmaker Noel and even though he didn’t want to admit it he was very excited to meet you too. The evening before the date you spent the entire night looking for the perfect outfit you really wanted to impress Noel.
“Amber am I a horrible person for wanting to take Noel from his girlfriend? Because I honestly do not feel bad about it….” You asked your friend as you tried on your eighth outfit for the date.
“Well you said whenever you asked him about her Noel didn’t seem too happy with her.” Amber replied.
“Yeah I asked Noel about his passions in life he said he is big into computers! He also said he loves to play soccer and spend time with his friends. Then I asked him when was the last time he did any of those things and he paused for a long time before answering me….. He said it’s been a year since he had done anything he loves to do. I think that got him seriously thinking Amber!” You said getting excited. “If I was with Noel I wouldn’t want him to stop being himself just for me. I want him the way he is because the Noel I am getting to know is pretty amazing.” You flopped onto your bed sighing happily.
“Oooooooh it sounds like you’re crushing on him hard (Y/N)! Tsk, tsk having feelings for a taken man!” Amber said as she poked at you teasingly making you giggle.
“Yeah well Noel is just as bad!” You said sticking out your tongue. “I think it’s just a matter of time before he comes to his senses. I am already getting through to him.” You got up and tried on one last outfit, it was a lacy tank top with distressed shorts that were just short enough and cute sandals. You looked yourself over in the mirror.
“(Y/N) you look beautiful! Just a little make-up and a pretty hairstyle it’s perfect!” Amber said happily.
“You think so?” You asked as you continued to look at yourself trying to find something wrong with what you were wearing but Amber was right, the outfit was perfect for a first date.
“I know so! Its an adorable outfit that’s just flirty enough to keep Noel wanting to come back!” She said giving you a devious smile.
“You're just as bad as I am!” You shouted out laughing hysterically. “Okay will you help me put this mess away so I can find my bed? I need to sleep at some point tonight!” You started to laugh again.
“Yes I will help you with your mess!” Amber said as she got up.
In no time at all, all of your clothes were back where they belong. “Thanks Amber! I don’t know what I would do without you, you’re the best!” You said hugging your friend tightly.
“I know! Anyone else would think you’re completely insane for what you are trying to do, but I fully support this!”
You looked at Amber with question. “Why do I have a suspicion that there is more to this Amber?” You asked raising an eyebrow. “You’re one of the friends Hannah is keeping him away from aren’t you?”
“Wow you’re very perceptive (Y/N)!” Amber looked at you astonished. “Yeah Noel is like an older brother to me! I have known him since middle school. People used to bully me and Noel has always looked out for me since then….. But ever since he started dating stupid Hannah he’s forgotten about his friends…. I don’t think she even really likes him if you ask me! But with you (Y/N) I can tell you genuinely care for Noel just by the way you talk about him! I totally ship you and Noel together!” Amber shouted giving you the confidence you needed.
“Yeah! I can do it! Noel will be my boyfriend!” You cheered happily with Amber. “Thank you Amber! I really needed that!” You said beaming at her. “You are an amazing friend!”
“I’m trying to be! I just want Noel to be happy again and I can see him being happy with you!” Amber said as she hugged you goodnight. “I will talk to you tomorrow! Let me know how the date goes!”
“Okay Amber! I will and thanks again for everything you’re the best!” You waved goodbye to your friend before shutting the door. You opened up Mechat to look at the photos Noel sent you. “I hope it’s the one I want!” You sighed dreamily. “Oh my God I’m a dumbass! I didn’t ask Amber which one Noel is!!!! How stupid can I be!” You shouted to yourself. “Hm? Noel messaged me?” You said looking at your phone.
Noel: Hey (Y/N)…. Jason just texted me and cancelled he can’t make it tomorrow….
Noel: So…. I guess I’ll just cancel everything….
Y/N: Wait! Don’t do that!
Y/N: I want to meet my pimp!
Noel: That sounds so wrong on so many levels xD
Y/N: If you are going to set me up with your friend…. I would feel better knowing you.
Noel: Sounds fair….
Noel: I did reserve my time for this ether way.
Y/N: So is that a yes? :D
Noel: Promise me you’ll BEHAVE!?
Y/N: Mwhahaha I am afraid I can not do that!!!
Noel: (Y/N)!!!!!
Y/N: I will see you tomorrow! Have a good night Noel!
You signed off before Noel could answer.
You woke up early the next morning because you were so excited to finally meet the mystery man Noel. You hopped out of bed, a huge smile stretching across your face as you gathered your things to take a shower. You ran down the hall to the bathroom, you wanted to get your day started! You couldn’t wait to meet Noel. Quickly you showered and got ready in the bathroom. “It's only nine-thirty in the morning!? I still have a few hours before I even meet up with Noel! I guess I’ll go get breakfast and enjoy the sunshine.” You locked the door to your dorm and headed to the café for breakfast. “Maybe I’ll get lucky and he will be there.” You giggled as you made your way outside. “It’s a beautiful day out today!” You said happily as you walked to the café. Your day was about to get even better as you spotted a young man with white hair and a shark tattoo on his neck heading inside the café. “Oh my goodness that has to be Noel!” You said to yourself as you opened the door to go in, you were about to go over to Noel but he was in line standing with a girl, who you assumed only to be Hannah. You stood there silently observing the couple and you could clearly tell they weren’t into each other, they just stood there on their phones not even interacting with each other. “Noel why are you dating her?” You said to yourself quietly. “You belong with me!” It wasn’t quiet enough Noel heard you and looked over at you. Your eyes met, each of you smiled at the other as your cheeks flushed a deep red. “He heard me….”
“She’s even more beautiful than I thought! Damnit why do I have to be with Hannah right now!?” Noel thought as he looked at you his own cheeks getting warm, turning a light pink. He smiled at you and waved before turning back around.
“Where’s a fast forward button when you need it….” The both of you mumbled under your breath.
You stood there quietly as you watched Noel and Hannah leave the café.
“Oh man I want to ditch Hannah and see (Y/N)!” Noel thought to himself. “Hopefully (Y/N) will stay around the café and I can make something up to go see her….. What am I doing!? I need to end things with Hannah soon if I am acting like this….. I don’t want to hurt her…. But I don’t think I have feelings for her anymore.” Noel stared at Hannah blankly as he thought about you.
“Hey Noel I gotta head out I have a project that is due next week and I need to go finish it with Jason because he is my partner. I’ll see you soon okay?” Hannah said to Noel before she kissed him on the cheek.
“Oh uh okay. I’ll see you soon Hannah! Good luck with your project.” He yelled waving goodbye to her. “Well okay then, guess I’ll go see (Y/N) hopefully she is still at the café.” Noel turned around and ran back to the café, he first checked inside but you were nowhere.
You were sitting at one of the tables outside enjoying your latte and breakfast sandwich when you saw Noel run right past you, Hannah was not with him. “Hmmmmm I may have just gotten my wish.” You suddenly saw him run back out. “Well someone had the same idea as me!” You shouted from your seat causing Noel to look over at you.
“(Y/N)!” He smiled and ran over to your table. “Hey there! So am I the one you were hoping for?” Noel said cheekily as he sat down next to you.
“Hey, you…” You smiled and stuck out your tongue. “You are exactly who I was hoping for! My gut feeling didn’t lead me astray for a second.” You blushed as you sat there staring at Noel, the biggest smile on your face. In that moment as you were looking at him you realized just how much you were falling for him. Your smile soon faded.
“(Y/N) what’s wrong?” Noel looked at you with a sadness in his eyes.
“I’m not sure if that is a good thing or not….” You sat there staring at the ground.
Noel looked at you surprised. “Why not (Y/N)?”
“Because….. I am falling for a taken man…” You said shyly.
“Oh…..” Noel began as he glanced at you frowning. “I’m sorry (Y/N) I don’t know what to say.” He sat there quietly twiddling his thumbs.
“It’s fine Noel you don’t have to say anything! I am just glad you are here.” You said giving him a warm, reassuring smile.
“Hey let’s go for a walk, there are some things I need to tell you.” Noel got up from the table and you followed.
He lead you down one of the walking trails near the campus, the two of you walked on for a little while until Noel lead you down a secluded path.
“Why Noel where are you taking me?” You said teasingly flirting with him.
Noel chuckled. “We are almost there! Don’t you worry!” He said as he held out his hand for you to take.
You raised your eyebrow with question. “And you were telling me to behave? But here you are trying to hold my hand.” You said jokingly.
“Yup! You caught me red-handed!” Noel laughed with you. “Seriously though the rocks are really slippery I don’t want you to fall and hurt yourself.”
“Thank you that’s very kind of you Noel.” You said as you took his hand, a spark instantly igniting inside the two of you. “Wow….” You mumbled under your breath as your fingers touched his.
“I absolutely love it here!” Noel said smiling his entire attitude changed.
You stood there smiling as you took in the beautiful sight of the forest and babbling brook. The wonderful chirping of the birds and the sound of the river brought you a wonderful sense of peace. “It’s beautiful here Noel. Do you spend a lot of time here?” You asked him.
Noel's smile faded. “I used to.” He sighed. “Lately I’ve been a bit….” He trailed off.
“Busy with your relationship?” You asked.
Noel stared blankly at the ground as he nodded his head ashamed of his response. “You know I never brought her here.” Noel said in hopes to lighten the mood. “Is that bad?”
“The more important question is why?” You replied.
“I selfishly wanted to keep this place for myself.” He shrugged.
“Then why did you bring me here?” You questioned Noel.
“That’s the thing (Y/N)…..” He stepped closer to you. “There is something about you that moves me. I have just met you and I want to spend every second of every day talking to you.” He smiled and took your hands in his. “I don’t want to hide things from you…… I want to share everything with you.” He said smiling at you.
You stood there silently observing Noel, unsure how to react, you really wanted to say fuck it and kiss him, but you couldn’t do that. You aren’t crazy it is obvious Noel liked you too.
“I'm sorry that was totally inappropriate of me.” He said staring at the ground.
“I wish you were more inappropriate!” You blurted out making Noel blush as a smile started to form on his lips. “That’s better! I hate seeing you sad.”
He kept smiling at you as his grip tightened on your hand he stared deeper and deeper into your eyes. Noel leaned in so close, you could of kissed him if you really wanted to. He paused a moment before inhaling deeply. “You smell so good.” He whispered into your ear.
“Noel we are crossing the line we need to behave….” You whined out as you felt his warm breath on your neck.
He stopped himself and backed away. “I know…. As much as I want to, I won’t do anything, not like this. I want you but Hannah deserves a break up before anything happens between us. I am being bad enough right now holding your hands and being so close to you. My desires to pin you against a tree and forcefully kiss you are so strong but I am better than that…. You both deserve better.”
You stood there a blushing mess as you heard those words fall from Noel's luscious lips, the assertiveness he put behind his words made you go weak in the knees. “And Jason?” Was all you managed to get out.
“I Lied before.” He chuckled as a devilish smile formed on his face.
“I knew it! You are looking for a girlfriend for yourself!” You said teasing him making him laugh.
“Hahaha! No not about that. Jason didn’t cancel on us…. I canceled on Jason….” He said frowning.
“I’m not following why did you cancel on Jason?” You looked at Noel confused.
Noel grabbed you pulling you in close to him. “I couldn’t set up my best friend with the girl I am falling for.” He smiled at you brightly. “I am not giving up on you (Y/N)! Soon we will be together!”
You smirked. “I knew you had feelings for me!” You replied sticking out your tongue teasing Noel, his face got serious as he backed you against the railing of the bridge.
“I can’t wait to feel that amazing tongue of yours.”
“O-oh…..” Your breath hitched his comment instantly wiped that smirk off of your face, you started to breath heavier as he pressed himself closer to you making you a hot mess.
“I’ll see you soon okay?” He smirked kissing your cheek before he backed away leaving you shocked.
“Wait you aren’t going to kiss me?”
“All in due time (Y/N) I will be doing much more than kissing you.” He winked at you before walking away leaving you very flustered and completely smitten.
“Wow, he is something else…..” You couldn’t stop smiling at the thought of kissing Noel and you knew soon it would happen. “I can’t wait to be in his arms!” You daydreamed about being with Noel the entire way to Amber's dorm, you were on cloud nine. You sighed dreamily as you knocked on her door.
Amber rushed to the door to greet you. “(Y/N)!” She instantly saw the dreamy sparkle in your eyes. “I take it the meeting with Noel went well?” She asked as you walked into her room.
“Mhmmmmm!” You giggled like a schoolgirl. “I think he is going to break up with Hannah! Him being face to face with me really helped him sort out his feelings. He-he said he is falling for me!” You squealed falling onto Amber's bed hugging her body pillow. “I have a good feeling I’ll be getting a message from him tomorrow telling me he broke up with Hannah.”
“You certainty seem so sure of this…. What happened with Noel did you two kiss!?” Amber shook you wanting an answer.
“No we didn’t kiss or do anything at all…. But if he wasn’t with Hannah….” Your face turned red at the thought of what could of happened. “Oh my I don’t think he would of kept his hands off of me. I can just imagine how far he would of gone, damnit now I wish that did happen!” You cried out in frustration.
“Calm down (Y/N) all in due time Noel will be yours.” Amber said teasing you.
“I can’t be patient!” You laughed. “I want him and I want him now! Huh?” You took out your phone because it vibrated. “Hey its Noel!”
Noel: Ask me what I just did!
Y/N: What did you just do Noel?
Noel: I broke up with Hannah!
“No fucking way! Amber green light! He dumped Hannah!” You jumped out of Amber's bed ready to go see him now.
“Wow that was fast! He must really, really like you!”
Noel: (Y/N) you there?
Y/N: OMG are you serious!?
Noel: Yes completely serious! I actually feel relieved.
Y/N: How did she take it?
Noel: Do you really want to talk about that?
Y/N: No lol I don’t…. I want to come and see you!
“Damn she really wants me.” Noel thought to himself smirking.
Noel: Now? I don’t think that is a good idea…. Hannah is getting all of her stuff out of my room right now….
Y/N: Oh yeah that would be bad if I showed up xD.
Y/N: Then lets talk about you!
Noel: What about me?
Y/N: Well I know a lot about Jason…. Now I want to know who Noel is, the guy I am crushing on!
Noel: I am the guy you went on a date with ;)
Y/N: The one who almost kissed me?
Noel: Yes I almost did ;) I wanted to so bad! You have no idea.
Y/N: Then why didn’t you?
Noel: I am many things (Y/N), but one thing I am not is a cheater.
Y/N: Is that your way of saying next time is see you, you will kiss me?
Noel: I don’t kiss and tell
Noel: Or tell and kiss ;P
Noel: This going to sound cheesy but I am a nice guy (Y/N).
Noel: I am a bit of a geek and really shy, but I do my best to be a decent guy towards everyone.
Y/N: I can see that although I still haven’t seen this geek guy…. The Noel I have been talking to and the one I went on a date with was very confident ;)
Noel suddenly sent you a photo of him shirtless in bed on his laptop, you couldn’t stop drooling over it. “God damn Noel! I need a cold shower now!” You jokingly fanned yourself with your hand.
Y/N: Nice ummmmm…. Computer?
Noel: Thank you!
Noel: It is amazing! It has CPU: Up to 10th Generation Meinchat Core i9-10980 HK
Noel: RAM up to 32gb
Noel: Display: 15.6” FHD (1920x1080) 144Hz 7ms 300-nits 72% NTSC- 15.6” OLED UHD.
Y/N: OMG you are a total geek! But a very sexy one and I am not talking about the computer you noob!
Noel: Hahaha did you just use NOOB on me!?
Y/N: I am a geek myself ;)
Noel: Well who would of thought :D
Noel: I think I am falling for you even harder now ;P
Y/N: Sorry to burst your bubble
Y/N: But I am reserved for this Jason guy ;P
Noel: Ha ha very funny (Y/N)
Noel: I really hit the jackpot with you! Funny, beautiful, smart and caring.
Y/N: Oh not so fast!
Y/N: You haven’t won quiet yet ;)
Noel: Oh I haven’t???
Y/N: I want to be conquered.
Noel's eyes widened as his face turned bright red. “Conquered? Heh I can think of several ways to do that her.”
Noel: I thought I already did?
Y/N: Oh you wish it was that easy!
Noel: Oh rest assured (Y/N) when I bring my A game….
Noel: You will be mine ;)
Y/N: Bring it on babe ;)
Noel: I love a challenge!
Noel: It’s in my geek blood you know?
Y/N: Oh so dramatic! ;P
Noel: Well this geek has some socializing to do.
Y/N: Oh?
Y/N: What does that mean?
Noel: It means Jason is here.
Noel: Can I message you later?
Y/N: Sure!
Y/N: Oh….. And say hi to Jason for me will you? ;P
Noel: Hahaha you’re SO funny.
Noel: I’ll message you later beautiful ;)
@ilyom @chaosmouth @daskyrimreader316 @slowlygonnabegood
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honeysucklepink · 2 years
Anyway, Here's Wonderwall (15/?)
Day 15: Appendix (also on AO3)
“Is Wes going to be okay?”
Kurt joined Blaine and David as they both looked out the window while Noel, the snowmobiler from earlier, and a crew from the local mountain rescue loaded Wes up on a stretcher.
“The paramedics can’t say for certain, but they think it could be appendicitis,” Blaine said. “It’s why they thought it was crucial to get a rescue team out now rather than wait for the plows. Try to get him to a hospital before his appendix bursts. They’ll call and let us know.”
Blaine felt Kurt’s hand at the small of his back, moving in soothing circles. It comforted him but also made something stir inside, something he hadn’t felt in a long time, a far cry from the animosity he’d felt just a day before.
He heard David clear his throat. “Well, I guess by default, that makes you guys the Heads Up champs.”
“To be fair, we probably would have won anyway, based on the clues you were giving Wes.”
“Yeah, but Wes got the ultimate prize, albeit under unfortunate circumstances.”
“What’s that?” Kurt asked.
“He means it took a medical emergency for Wes to get rescued. The rest of us may be in good health but we still have to wait.” Blaine turned to the room. “So, what do we do in the meantime? Looks like the match is over.”
“Hey, I just realized,” Elliott said, as they congregated around the bar. “We never finished the ‘Battle of the Bands.’ The Warblers were about to go on when the weather got bad and you guys started arguing.”
“Don’t remind me,” Kurt said. “I should really apologize.”
Blaine countered, “No, you were right…”
“Okay, first I had to interrupt your argument, now I have to interrupt your apology, too?” Adam joked. “We can still do a final round, each band plays a couple of songs?”
“Except with Wes out, the Warblers are now a duo, not a trio,” Blaine pointed out.
“Ah, that’s right. I guess we call it a draw?”
“Guess so, under the circumstances.” Blaine hated that Wes had to miss out, but it wasn’t fair to continue. Besides, he no longer had the fire under him to crush Kurt. It was hard to consider him an enemy anymore when he’d woken up cuddling him.
“Just, do us a favor, Adam?” Kurt asked. “Next time you schedule one of these things, check the 10-day forecast. Now what’s next?”
“Sing-a-long, sing-a-long, sing-a-long!” Dani started to chant and rhythmically pound the bar. Soon she got David and Elliott to join along with some of the patrons.
“Okay, fine, we’ll have a sing-a-long,” Adam said. “Dani, go get your guitar.”
Blaine noticed something off in a corner of the room, covered with a quilt. “Say, Adam… is that piano still in working order?”
“Should be, though I don’t know the last time it was tuned, why?”
“I’d like to play it, if it’s okay?”
And that’s how they found themselves the center of the afternoon entertainment. Blaine decided to warm up with some Billy Joel, but soon switched to the Beatles, as the documentary was still somewhat fresh in his mind and it seemed to draw the patrons into their little corner more. Adam and David moved the piano closer to the bar and the center of the room so the crowd could surround it. It seemed everyone knew the lyrics to “Hey Jude,” and Dani and Elliott nearly blew the roof off the place with a raucous rendition of “Get Back.” When Blaine’s hands began to tire out, he took a break from the piano; Dani invited him to duet with her on “Here Comes the Sun” and he could swear David wiped a tear from his eye.
After they finished, Kurt stepped up. “Dani, you know ‘Blackbird,’ right?”
“We practiced it enough times, remember? Just never done it on stage.” She tuned up her guitar and started the opening chords.
Blaine took a seat at the bar as Kurt and Dani shared the piano bench, Dani playing while Kurt sang. From the first notes out of Kurt’s mouth, Blaine was mesmerized. He had heard Kurt sing before, obviously, but it was usually in the context of performing as a character or harmonizing with Elliott and Dani, or practicing scales. This, however, was different. Kurt was pouring himself into each word, exposing his soul and revealing his truth.
It was more than that, though. He didn’t know it, but he was revealing Blaine’s truth as well. He felt like he too was learning to fly, to see that a moment he didn’t even realize he was waiting for was right there.
Was it too soon to say he was falling for Kurt Hummel?
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mae-gi-writes · 3 years
Vaut Mieux Tard Que Jamais| Juyeon (The Boyz Christmas Series)
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La Joie De Noel Series.
Sangyeon | Jacob | Younghoon | Hyunjae | Juyeon | Kevin | Changmin | Chanhee | Haknyeon | Sunwoo | Eric
Vaut Mieux Tard Que Jamais : Better Late Than Never.
In which Juyeon blurts out a string of words that change everything as you decorate the Christmas tree.
"We would make a pretty good couple."
Y/N's eyebrows are already raised up to her hairline when she turns away from the half-decorated Christmas tree to look at Juyeon. The latter has his gaze averted, obviously, fiddling with one of the Christmas ornaments in that nervous manner of his that she's come to know so well.
"Where did that come from?" She asks.
He lifts his shoulder in a shrug, "just a thought. You're single, I'm single...it's Christmas and you need someone to kiss for the new year."
A sarcastic comment dies on the tip of her tongue as she digests his words. To be fair, he's not wrong considering that they have been roomates forever and actually know each other inside out just like a couple would.
She'd be lying to say that she had not entertained the thought a few times whenever her thoughts stray towards the said man. The only thing that knocks her back to reality is that mere, singular fact that Juyeon is a player, a flirt, a chaser of hearts if only to break them.
So whenever these kinds of situations come up, she always ensues to close the doors to her heart.
"I do have someone to kiss at the end of the year, but thanks for your concern," she replies dryly.
"None of your business," she chucks an ornament at him.
"Liar, you don't have anyone."
"I'm not lying."
"Do you know you look towards your left everytime you lie?" A smirk splays across his lips as she feels a scowl imprint itself on her face. Fuck, he knows her too well. She should've known he isn't going to take no for an answer.
"You know what? It's not like I haven't thought about it," Y/N states while standing up with the lights in hand. She slowly places it around the Christmas tree, almost walking over Juyeon unapologetically in the process, "but let's face it Juyeon, you change girls like you change socks."
His glare practically burns through her back, "that's what you assume."
"So I'm the liar now?"
"I never said that. I just think you judge me too harshly without knowing the full story."
"Okay then tell me," she flings the last piece of lights around the tree before swivelling around, yelping upon coming face to face with Juyeon's rock hard chest.
"The truth?" He leans in, closer and closer, until they are practically nose to nose. Y/N refuses to back down though, staring straight into his eyes and seeing how their hard, opaque front slowly soften the more they gaze at each other in growing silence.
"The truth," his murmur is raspy, almost breathless. Slowly, he lifts the garland in his hand and lifts it over her head, around her figure, before he tugs her to him, "is that I haven't played. Not recently anyway."
She scoffs and tries her best to keep her face neutral, though the heat flushing through her neck is as palpable as the December heat, "your point being?" She lifts her chin, silently challenging him.
"That you're the reason why."
"Why you haven't played? Give me something more than that, Juyeon."
"You are one tough cookie," he tilts his head playfully, "so, do you wanna try it out?"
"Try what out?"
"That couple thing. You know, maybe kiss..."
Chortling, she pushes him away with her hand but he resists his hold on the garland still, gaze intense and dark on her own, "so?" He prompts, "let's do it. It's not like we have anything to lose."
"Yeah, just my reputation," Y/N mumbled, allowing herself to press against his chest albeit her reluctant protests. It is true, she doesn't have anything to lose. Her and Juyeon have lived together for so long that she's certain there will be no awkwardness whatsoever. They've become so comfortable with each other's presence that the idea of not having anything to say to him is foreign, weird even.
"I promise I won't try anything else," Juyeon says, reading her face like an open book.
"Don't put your hand up my shirt."
"Scout's honour."
Taking her silence as a form of agreement, Juyeon slowly leans in and tilts his head to the side as Y/N's eyes flutter shut, her stomach curling with half-dread and half-anticipation.
He halts just milimeters from her lips, so close she feels the heat of his breath that makes her skin erupt with goosebumps, "you good?" He whispers.
She nods, right before his mouth catches her own in a chaste kiss.
It's warm. She can taste the slight hint of coke on his mouth.
Totally unlike Juyeon's usual demeanor, this kiss is soft. Almost shy. It makes the air in her lungs constrict, mouth tingling with warmth.
Pulling away to gaze down at her through half-lidded eyes, she notes the uncertainty flickering in his dark orbs and something in her heart jolts in response.
When he speaks next, his voice is hoarse, "so? How...how did it feel?"
She thinks for a moment and replies through blazing red cheeks, "I have to admit, not that weird."
There's a soft exhale on his part as they lapse into silence, trying and failing not to stare into each other's eyes before a surge of courage overtakes Y/N's logic. Hands reaching up to grasp his t-shirt, she tugs him down to kiss him some more and all thoughts seem to fly out of her head once she does.
Y/n had always known that kissing Juyeon would be something else in comparison to the chaste, shy kisses of her former crushes and boyfriends. But what she isn't prepared for is the way her knees buckle at the mere sensation of his lips parting to cup hers in a slow dance of tongues that makes her mind go into a scrambled mess of nerves and goosebumps, gasping silently when Juyeon drops the garland to grasp her waist and pull her flush against his frame.
Everything just falls away from logic and the more he kisses her, the more she wants of that delicious desire throbbing through her veins. Juyeon's physicality is the only thing that keeps her afloat and Y/N is so wrapped up in euphoria that she doesn't realize he has backed her up to the side of the room until she feels the coldness of the wall seep into her back.
A small moan slips from her mouth then, the sound encouraging the young man to kiss her even more deeply, mouth staining hers with such passion that fireworks seem to explode behind her eyelids as she writhes against him, body melting right into his and causing a soft moan to rumble through Juyeon's chest.
When they part for air, the softness in Juyeon's face glimmers with a tinge of embarrassment, chest heaving and looking just as flustered as she feels. That makes her feel a little bit better.
He licks his lips, eyes sparing hers a glance, "well..."
"That was..."
"Interesting," she finishes for him when he seems lost for words.
He hums while ducking his face towards her neck, making her shiver. His hand at her waist brushes over her side ever so gently.
"So my mom's organizing a dinner for Christmas," Juyeon casually drops in, words muffled against her neck, "you're welcome to join."
She gives him a pointed look even when it's useless since she can only see his tuft of hair tickling her face, "are you asking me out?"
"Maybe," a soft kiss at her neck. Her chest tightens, her skin tingling with every brush of his lips.
He's teasing her and he knows it! Heat crawls along the back of her neck at the thought.
Not knowing what to do with her hands, she settles for running them softly through his dark strands and jumps slightly when the man sighs against her, before he nuzzles her collarbone fondly.
She manages to find her voice, "It's either yes or no, Juyeon. I'm not going to play your stupid game."
He probably senses the wariness in her tone because he looks up, dark maroon orbs boring into hers and causing her insides to twist together. He's looking at her like he actually cares and it's an expression that is so foreign to Y/N that she can't help but look away before swallowing thickly.
"Yes Y/N," he says in a hoarse voice, "I'm asking you out."
"Oh," she chews onto her lower lip, "right. Cool, uhm..."
She hasn't expected him to be so direct. Since when has he stopped being such a coward?
"It's either yes or no, Y/N," there's a playful smirk on his lips as he throws her sentence back at her, nose brushing against hers and making her draw in a shaky breath.
"Fine," her chin juts out defiantly and almost makes their lips ghost over each other's, "yes."
He doesn't need more encouragement. Grabbing her chin before crashing his mouth onto hers, he swallows up any sound she makes and kisses her with such intensity Y/N is surprised she doesn't collapse altogether as she thanks the lord for his grip on her waist. That thought flies right out of her head the moment his hand hooks under her thigh to pull it up, wrapping it around his waist so that he can press his frame closer to hers.
She moans softly in response while her arms slide up to grip his hair. A muffled growl echoes from the back of his throat before he parts, peppering a bunch of kisses along her jaw and up her ear which makes her squirm in his hold. Gasping slightly when his heat slowly rolls into hers as his hand slowly caresses up her thigh, another breathless whimper falls from her mouth upon feeling the warmth of his lips nibbling on her ear.
"Don't know why we never thought of doing that before," he breathes before pecking her ear slightly and drawing away.
Y/N's eyes find his, still glazed over from the young man's earlier attack while her hands drop to his shoulders. She can still feel his touch ghosting over her leg and a pool of desire floods her stomach.
"Better late than never," she says, right when he captures her lips for the nth time that day, all thoughts of Christmas now forgotten.
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thelavendernarwhal · 3 years
Future/Post-Unlock Fic Idea
I’m probably not going to write this since I have another Kotlc Keefex fic in the works that’s going to be long af, but I still love this other idea. Spoilers for Unlocked ahead and warning, this is very long.
- After Keefe runs away to the Forbidden Cities, everyone feels pretty crap and Dex is hit very hard by this considering that Keefe left not even 5 minutes after talking to him and putting together another hecked up ability that Dex pointed out.
- Things get worst when it gets out to the public that Dex had a little crush on Keefe and that he’s gay. 
- We all know how the Lost Cities handles relationships outside of the norm, so the usual bullying that Dex goes through for bad match/triplets/general weirdness trifecta gets ramped up to 11 and people even call for his regent status. 
- Things cross a line when threats are made against his family and Dex decides that it’d be better and safer if he wasn’t around, so he also runs away. (I don’t have the heart for major character death, so we’re not doing that here.)
- Dex goes to New York, NY at some ungodly hour of the morning when he gets stopped by a drunk creep, but lo and behold, our knight in shining armor Keefe shows up before Dex would need to blow his cover.
- As you could imagine, Keefe’s been having a pretty terrible time as well, over the whole abandoning the people that care about him due and general self-destructing. Part of him is overjoyed to see a familiar face, but the other part of him is not happy that another person important to him is uprooted and he somehow finds a way to blame himself for it. 
- Seeing as Dex is already there and there’s nothing he can do about it now, Keefe shows him where he’s been staying and after some badgering, Dex tells him what happened. It comes to their attention that they both are in desperate need of some emotional support and comfort, so that ensues.
- For context, this is running off of my headcanon that Keefe and Dex know that they have feeling for each other (think Neverseen), but due to the thin ice that Keefe was tap dancing on and some internalised-homophobia, romantic feelings were kept at an arm’s length.
- Some time later, the two of them get into a good routine and tackle that romantic tension and try their best to work through their emotional constipation/trauma. This would be something like a series of oneshot-ish things of bonding moments and time skipping stuff.
- I like to think that Dex got a tech job for the sake of not breaking the human economy with infinite money and helping that company be more eco friendly and (mostly) Keefe does a lot of volunteer work. Together they make the world a better place and it’s wholesome.
-Also, being with humans has let Keefe get much better control of his powers and Dex was able to take a new approach at using tech to get Keefe to a better place.
- In what seems like a normal oneshot-y chapter on Christmas Eve (or something like that) a few years later, Keefe is out getting some ingredients for dinner and he hears something very strange; a baby not only crying, but speaking Enlighten Language.
- With a lapse of ‘what the hell should I do with this kid in the dead of winter,’ Keefe brings the baby home. He and Dex (who was just cooking and minding his own beeswax) come to the conclusion that the child is kinda stuck with them. They couldn’t just give him to social services since he’s an elf and this child was clearly abandoned out here, so they didn’t want to send him back to those people. We all know too well how the Lost Cities handles abusive parents.
- They name him Noel and more really cute bonding happens.
-Also, in this time, Keefex actually gets legally married. Tax benefits, ya’ll.
- Both Dex and Keefe help homeschool the little guy so he understands the Lost Cities and elvian culture and he also participates after school activities like sports, so he also has human friends too. In general, he’s really well adapted. (Although, the parenting duo made it very clear that Elvian stuff is a large secret.)
- More timeskip later, and Noel is ten years old and a year before when you’d start school in the Lost Cities bringing up a very important question; should they go back to the Elvian word?
- Things get interesting when Keefe gets a hail from Grady telling him that his mom wasn’t only captured after the Neverseen was dispelled, but was killed in prison.
- Dex and Keefe decide that if there was ever a time to return, this was it, since running away to the human world for about 15 years is still very illegal and with Gisla being gone, there’d be less questioning around why these two were coming back. Plus, they had no clue what would happen if/when Noel manifested.
- One call to Grady later, and Keefe, Dex, and Noel are packed up and ready to leave the place where they set up a life, but things are looking pretty hopeful.
- When they show up to Havenfield, reunions begin very fast. Sophtiz was already at Havenfield when the gang shows up and they have a lot to say about the Great Keefex Reappearance ranging from hugs to wanting to punch them. All things considered, a reasonable response. 
- To say the least, the main characters have quite the time learning about their new aunt and uncle status.
- But then the Council gets involved and they want to figure out where Noel came from. It’s not long until they find his bio-parents that apparently have a child that’s the same age as him. The exact same age.
- Yeah, so, Noel’s a twin and he was dumped by his bio-parents because they’re “oldies.” More legal crap and the Council finally does something right by putting both of the kids under Dex and Keefe’s care.
- If you couldn’t tell, they’re amazing parents.
There’s other stuff I could add and I hadn’t really thought of a good ending, but I need to stop writing about this. If anyone feels like actually taking this idea, go nuts. Now, I must sleep. Thanks for reading this freaking essay.
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umbrellasource · 4 years
my thoughts on season 2
or rather, a list of things i didn’t like about it and a few things i did. spoiler warning, of course :~)
hello friends, thank you for joining me on my journey to convince the world to hate season 2 - I’M KIDDING LOL i liked season 2, but there are quite a few things i wasn’t that happy with and i’m going to cry about them like a baby now.
1. my second biggest disappoint with this season... NO HAZEL!!! i’m devastated!!!! i absolutely love hazel’s character and the depth cameron britton brought to the role.. i can’t believe they killed him so quickly :( maybe cameron had other work commitments but man i’m so sad. i seriously felt the lack of his presence this season and it was a dynamic that was sorely missed imo. the swedes could never.
2. the plot moved slower than i’d like. season 1 was very well paced, it felt non-stop, and like they were always working towards a goal, moving somewhere. some parts of season 2 felt slow or like things had come to a standstill and we were just watching them live rather than seeing them work towards something. which is fine if that’s what you’re into, but for me i think TUA works best when it’s GOGOGO like in season 1, and when it wasn’t, we had really intimate character moments, which i felt season 2 lacked.
3. the music didn’t hit as hard :( when i think of season 1 i can immediatley name a multitude of iconic scenes with the soundtrack - five murdering everyone in the doughnut shop, the bowling alley fight, i think we’re alone now OF COURSE, the slowmo montage to all die young, hazel and chacha burning the prosthetics building, gerard’s cover of happy together, five walking through the apocalypse to noel gallagher, run boy run, etcetcetc. those all just came off the top of my head. when thinking about season 2 i can only name two scenes off the top of my head (frank sinatra and backstreet boys). which is pretty sad.
4. the characterisation felt weaker overall. it didn’t feel as complex or deep whereas i felt season 1 really delved into each character and explored them a lot more. they all felt slightly watered down, especially luther, oh my god!! they turned him into a characeture whose only purpose is to eat a lot of food and pull silly faces. that was really disappointing. i’d hoped we’d get some scenes with him where he’d discuss all the pressure put on him by their dad, the guilt he feels for screwing up, insecurity etc. the scene with him and five in the club only scratched the surface. plus, allison only mentioned her daughter two times? it was really bizarre to me, it literally seemed like she’d forgotten about her. and speaking of forgetting family members... 
5. why does nobody give a shit about ben. i’m fuMING. they all saw ben in the season 1 finale and then they didn’t even care to mention him other than five asking if ben was there once, only once the family were all back together mind you, and when klaus said no, none of them even questioned it. despite the fact that klaus very clearly is talking/bickering with a spirit in front of them several times. none of the are like ‘uuhh klaus are you talking to ben or like...’ and that is really goddamn sad. ben deserved so much better.
6. ben’s arc in general! this is my biggest disappointment with this season. personally i’d really hoped they’d go the route that klaus would learn to control his powers and manifest ben in the real world for limited periods of time, like when ben punched him in the face or when ben pulled klaus and diego out from under the falling roof of the academy. and then eventually, when the show ended, ben could ~move on~ and go to the afterlife after being able to spend time with his family. but nooo. he’s back to being invisible, uncared about, forgotten and miserable. i like that they let him possess klaus for a bit and experience the world again, that was nice. though when it turned out klaus had already slept with his crush and she called him d*ddy i did my bigget sigh ever. and he’s just gone now. he doesn’t even get to go to heaven. he’s just. nothing. and vanya is the only one who even acknowledged it (other than klaus obviously). i swear to god, if season 3 doesn’t do a scene where klaus ~dies~ for a bit and goes to the afterlife again and sees ben there, i will RIOT. 
7. didn’t much like klaus’ storyline this season either. the cult thing was a bit weird and wasn’t done in the way i’d expected them to do it at all. i thought klaus would be a lot more sombre and serious this season too without the drugs to distract him, but he still acted high and Quirky the whole time, which is a shame, i’d love to have seen some more depth added to his character. plus, i thought he took the drugs because the ghosts were always bothering him.. we literally didn’t see any other than ben. also the stuff with dave was... Not Good. the kid they cast as dave had zero chemistry with klaus/robert, and he looked super young so it was.. kind of weird to see klaus be all like I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU. and i don’t think it even went anywhere. it just seemed pointless to me.
8. i felt like the fallout from the previous season was really glossed over. like vanya just forgot everything and everyone else is kinda like *shrugs* ah well. idk man i feel like there would’ve been a much bigger emotional cost and internal turmoil than there was. 
9. i hated the ending. sorry. it felt really ~generic superhero story~, as did the siblings vs commission thing in the last episode, which TUA isn’t supposed to be. and emo ‘ben’ made me cringe gfhjskkdfj. plus the oopsy we did a timeline fucky thing is getting a lil old now but whatever. plus the sparrow academy means a bunch of new characters which means screentime will get even more split from the main siblings, which i don’t want. 
so yeah.. i have some gripes with season 2. that said....
i did like some things!! i loved vanya having a female love interest, hell yeah. i loved five meeting old five, their dynamic was really fun and the dude who played old five was great, i feel like he really delivered his lines the same way aidan does. lila was cool too, i really liked the actress, she did great. seeing the siblings get closer was really nice too. 
overall, i’d give the season a 6.5/10, so yeah, i did still enjoy it!!! i just don’t think it was as good as season 1, by quite a long way, and i have some things i didn’t like. feel free to disagree with me tho, i’m just a big dumb idiot. and thanks for reading :~)
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ahotpeaceofshit · 5 years
DARK THINGS (Chapter 1 Draft 1)
(also super unedited)
“Awwwww!!! Fucking shit, did we actually have to do that??” I fell back on my chair and let out a hasty sigh. “For real?”
“Yeah…. It's called homework.” Peter frowned before a smile crossed his face. “Well on the bright side, you'd make a decent stripper.”
“He doesn't really have the body for it though.” Steff eyed me from the other side of the desk sceptically. “Not enough ass.”
“Nah.. he hath not the skill to be a stripper, nor the charm.” Ellie, the girl who sat next to Steff, pondered for a moment. “A prostitute perhaps?”
“He's not pretty enough for that either.” My friend flicked their long hair back only to lean over the table and ruffled mine up with the sweetest smile. “But if we sell his organs on the black market, we're sure to make a fortune!”
“HEY!!! Fuck all of you!” I pulled away, playing a grumpy face while fixing up my now messy hair. “For the record, why do you always mess up my hair? It takes Peter forever to get it look this damn good.”
“That's very true, it takes a lot of effort to make Noel look presentable to society.” My friends snickered at Peter's words. “A shit load of effort.”
“AND, as I was saying,” I gave my best-friend a playful push for his word. “I would make an amazing stripper, sex worker or organ donor on the black market but that's not the point here!”
“Huh, sex worker?” Ellie mumbled under her breath. “More new words to learn.. great!”
She rolled her eyes and yawned as gray light broke through the window, softly landing on all of us. The classroom was illuminated with only the silver glow as the day slowly began, classmates stumbling in, the rings under their eyes darker then the world around them.
“So can I copy your homework, my dear mooooooooonlight?” I bated my eyes at him. “Pretty please…?”
“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa….. how about, no! You need to learn your lesson.” He laughingly barked. “Come do it yourself, it's not that hard.”
“As if?” I groaned, tossing myself on the table like an angry toddler. “Why have you betrayed me like this?? I thought you loved me!!”
“You can copy mine.” Ellie said, her odd accent spilling all over her words as she pulled out her math supplies, her blond hair seemed to glow in the absence of light. “I'm not positive it is correct though..”
“Don't encourage him!” Peter exclaimed. “This way he'll never pass the class.”
“I was only fishing for Peter's sympathy but I guess my powers are too strong!!” I carefully took her notebook. “I could become the best super villain the world has ever seen!! Nahahaha!!!”
“No, it really isn't.” She shook her head at me kindly. “But dream big, kiddo.”
“Ellie, you sparkle fucking joy and I would willingly carry your children!” I gave her a big smile and began copying. Normally being called kiddo from a girl I had a slight crush on would have been frustrating but this early in the morning I didn't really mind.
“Noel...” Peter spoke my name with such care, I had to look at him. “You're a full blown idiot and you are aware that is anatomically incorrect right?”
“Who are you to control his body?!” Steff laughed while they pulled out their math notebook and slammed it on the desk next to mine. “Make space Noel, I don't have the homework either!”
Ellie gave them a gentle smile before pulling out her Nokia phone, a device that looked older then I was. She poked around on it while Peter arranged his books to look perfectly synchronized and they and I scribbled away. A tired humming began to fill the room as more classmates came in.
“By the way, where is your sister? Or Bryan for that matter?” I asked, barely glancing up from my work.
“You know Maria, she will stay in bed until the last moment even if God himself tried to wake her up.” Peter let out a small laugh. “And Bryan.. who knows?”
“He's probably dressed too masculine again.” Steff snickered. “His mom is probably making him change right at we speak so that she can impress Mr. You-were-born-a-girl-so-why don't-you-dress-like-one.”
“Speaking of Mr. Hofmann, why the fuck do neither of you two ever do your math homework?” My best friend looked over at us writing away. “Seriously, he's like the only teacher who always checks if we did it or not.”
I looked up into his deep brown eyes. They were the same as that of his twin sister and of his mother but I liked his the most. A soft brown that matched with his dark hair and skin… and his beautiful kissable lips. Not in a “I'm secretly in love with my best friend” kinda way, more in a “I would make out with my best friend at any given moment, in a platonic way of course.” There is a difference trust me, a huge one!
“Because Mr. Hofmann.” Steff groaned. “I live to spite him. My hate for him gets me out my goblin hole every morning.”
“True words that inspired people across the nation.” I nodded before turning my attention back to Peter, as if it ever truly left his gorgeous face. “Hey do you have number 5? 'Cause our dear Ellie just put a bunch of question marks there.”
“The spoken and written word has changed too much since my birth, keeping up bringeth with it many hardships.” She didn't even look up from her device. “And such calculations were seen as witchcraft, as they should.”
“Yeah…. So Ellie is being cryptic again.” I leaned my head on his shoulder and snuggled closer. “Please moonlight, do us this favor..”
“FINE!!” He sighed, passing me his notebook. “Why do I always give in so easily to you?”
“Because you love me!” I gave him a smooch on his cheek before focusing my concentration on the math problem. “I love you too...”
“Where would you get the idea that I… wait, did I just hear that correctly?” His tanned cheeks gave off a slight reddish tone, making it clear that he was blushing. “You like..love me?”
“Yeah.” I threw him a slight smile. “As a friend.”
“OOOOOOOh friendzoned!” Steff looked up from their writing to laugh. “But like seriously Noel, don't even try and deny you're totally in love with Peter.”
“I'm straight, so unless Peter is actually a trans girl,” I continued copying out the calculations. “We're just friends.”
“Can you just admit your bisexuality before before wrinkles cover your fleshy skin and the long fingers of death cuts the thread of your mortality?” Steff groaned. “Please!”
“Aye.” Ellie agreed, still not looking up from her phone. “We're begging ya.”
“Oh man… look I know you guys are the ultimate shitlords and our future rulers and all that but for fucks sake, can you talk like modern humans?” I scribbled in panic, jumping over stupid calculations to get the homework finished before the bell rang. “Now if you don't mind, I would like to finish this.”
“Finish what?” A voice stated as footsteps wandered through the door, Maria's soft giggle by his side.
“Awww Bryan, you sweet pumpkin!” I looked up from my writing for just a second to face my friend. “Get your ass over here and your notebooks out, we've got math homework to do!”
“oooh.. uhm you see..” Bryan stalled as he pulled up a chair towards where we sat. “well I.. uhm.. I.”
“We just did the stupid homework.” Maria plopped herself down on Ellie's lap and gave both her and Steff a kiss on the cheek. Ellie simply shifted her phone and let her girlfriend sit down comfortably. “Plus Bryan managed to get me out of bed so we're here a bit early.”
“BRYAN, You Motherfucker!! What happened to us dying together?” I frowned. “You truly disappoint me!”
“Yo dude!” Peter leaned over to the wide eyed teen. “How did you get Maria up? What kind of magic do you possess? Can you teach me??”
“She wrote me yesterday that she wanted to copy the homework so I did it quickly and..” He nervously looked back at Peter. “an..and so I came by this morning to pick her up. And she was already awake..”
“Stop using your fear to hid thy wizardry! Damn Skippy, I see through you.” Ellie ruffled up his hair without her blue eyes leaving the device she held in her hand. “Thy anxiety is so tough that I could spear it down with my bow and skin it to make a lovely rabbit soup.”
“What?” We all stared at her.
“She means you're so super nervous, like a rabbit.” Maria pipped up. “And that you shouldn't be scared, we're not gonna hurt you.”
“I WILL BE SCARED AND YOU CAN'T MAKE ME… not scared? Stop being scared? If anything you're making me more scared!” Bryan pounded his fist on the table before his words drowned into a whisper. “And I have anxiety so yes, I will be terrified. Thank you very much.”
“I said no such thing.” Ellie looked up with a concern and yet gleeful look on her face. “You should be very terrified, thou areth friends with us. Ey!”
“I just shit myself, great!” He smiled and turned to Steff and I. “So what's taking you too so long?”
“What do you mean?” We both asked, looking up from our writing before I continued. “We're dumb, ok? It takes us a little longer do things.”
“Oh, we know that.” Peter laughed.
“Speak for yourself.” Steff punched my arm.
“No but why are you doing the whole page?” Bryan asked. “We only had to do five and six.”
“What??!” I glared at Peter while Steff glared at their girlfriend. “Then why are we doing all of these?”
“Who truly knows?” Ellie shrugged. “You should be asking yourselves that question. Thou has been jacked! Get reketh”
“Yeah, you guys just blindly copied out our homework, with no thought of what we actually had as homework.” Peter stated, his arms crossed. “It your damn own fault.”
The bell rang behind us, a soft ding dong but I didn't notice much. Instead, I was too busy imagining how I was gonna strangle Peter. Kinky, I know but I was thinking about doing it in a nonsexual way. More of a pure rage way.
“Fuck you!” I mumbled angrily. Ok, maybe I was thinking about choking him in a slightly sexual way but not in a gay way. Because I am heterosexual who is only into females! Super straight in every way, I thought as I watched his lips move as he countered my words and imagined kissing them.
“Fuck me yourself, coward.” He joked, pulling his notebook away from me.
“Gladly… wait no!” I whispered without thinking before shouting. “That's not what I meant.. I meant that you wish I would fuck you! Because.. I'm cute and you're cute and we'd be super cute together and.. no wait, what am I even saying?”
“Is he still pretending that he's straight?” Maria rolled her eyes when Steff nodded. “Noel, we all know you're in love with Peter.”
“Not even your mama loves Peter and she fucked him!” I shouted. “And you two are twins!!”
“Dude, that's.. that was uncalled for.” Bryan whimpered, in his hand a cubic cub that he turn endlessly without trying to solve the colorful square. “You can't accuse someone of incest, even as a defense.”
“I'm not accusing him of anything.” I spoke quietly before a smile danced across my face. “I'm just saying he's a motherfucker.”
Our group went silence as I glowed with pride at my, may I say, amazing delivery. The rest of them seemed to have a different opinion to mine, with Steff covering their face with their hands and Maria just giving me the death stare. Only Bryan, kinda muffled a slight smile. At least one of these savages understood my genius!
“Hey babe.” Peter placed his hand on my thigh. “I know you're in denial about our love so I would murder you where you sit.”
“NO!” My voice cracked as he stared at me with his deep brown eyes. “I'm fucking not! Cause.. uhm. Fuck you. Maria, make your brother bother stop bullying me!”
“Peter stop hurting the poor bean.” She smirked, her hand running through her hair. “Don't you see he's suffering enough from his undying love towards you, why would you inflict even more pain on him??”
“I hate all of you.” I shook my head at Bryan and he let out a sigh of relief. “But especially you Peter. You're stupid.”
“HEY!” Peter unleashed the full force of his math book against my head. “And I helped you after you totally forgot to your homework”
“I choose not to do it.” I said proudly. “Albert Einstein failed school and look what he did.”
“That's actually a total myth you know.” Ellie added. “He got really good grades but only Germany with our 1-6 notes so when he moved to another country with 6-1 notes they thought he had failed the grade.”
“Thanks for destroying all my hopes and dreams.”
Ellie blushed and began stuttering. “Oh no... I didn't mean it.. I'm so sorry.”
“Ellie, my precious bean, that was once again sarcasm.” Steff whispered to her and then turned on me. “And how could you not know that? Everyone knows that. Also side note, you kinda did forget your homework so don't lie to yourself.”
“I'm sorry, I don't spend my life reading up and learning random facts about famous people.” I tilted my chair a bit more. “Also how do you know that before wasn't a lie and this is me finally telling the truth.”
“No, you prefer playing video games over and over again.” Steff frown. “Doesn't shooting people get boring after some time?”
“I love you darling but no hating on video games.” Maria smirked. “Either way, wasn't Albert Einstein born with a smaller brain and that made him so smart?”
“It was only a tiny bit smaller then the average brain but with the same amount of brain cells which caused his brain to work far better then ours.” Peter added to the conversation. “And talking about hopes and dreams, Albert Einstein was working a boring desk job as an adult when he worked out his theories.”
“Hmmm... brains. I hear those things are tasty.” I licked my lips. “I'm actually getting pretty hungry, who wants to volunteer as tribute to my belly? Smart people only.”
“I think it's more about the spices and the way you cook it.” Maria stroked her imaginary beard “Raw brains sounds just gross.”
“Well that's just your opinion.” Ellie seemed to have gotten over her embarrassment and rejoined the conversation. “I think raw brains are delicious.”
“Eww.” Peter barked.
“Wow, we're really just going to kink shame poor Ellie here. She likes raw brains, you like dudes.” I put my arm around Peter. “There's no difference.”
“Wait, I'm not kinky. Not in that way at least.” Ellie spoke, startled. “I just enjoy a good meal. Vore is not a thing I like, nor will it ever be.”
“So being gay and being a cannibal is the same thing?” Peter glared. “You've truly sunken far, dear friend.”
“Seriously.” Steff joined in. “That's low even for you.”
“I'm sorry!” I attempted to defend myself but they seemed to have already hardened their hearts to my woo. “I was kidding..”
“There are some stuff you just can't joke about, that was one of them.” Maria joined into the fight. “And I thought you were cool.”
“How did we get from Noel not doing his homework to cannibalism?” Bryan asked into the group. “And how do we always move over to these kinds of conversations?”
“We were talking about Albert Einstein's brain then we came to brain food and then Noel had to compare cannibalism to being lgbt+.” Peter crossed his arms. “What does the defendant have to say in his defence?”
“I-..” “Guilty!” Steff broke into the conversation, interrupting my speech, one I had already thought about before I opened my mouth. “I say we execute him on the spot.”
“I second that!” Peter was quick to second it even though Noel looked at him with innocent eyes.
“How are we going to execute him then?” Maria rubbed her hands together gleefully. “Burning to the stake sounds like fun.”
“How 'bout no.” Ellie seemed visually shaken by even the thought. “What about beheading?”
“Too painless.” Peter countered. “He deserves to suffer.”
“Guys...” I tried to change the conversation but they continued to ignore me. I glanced at Bryan who seemed to have dissociated himself entirely and was inspecting a piece of lead that lay before him. I whispered his name several times before he shot back up into reality and looked at me puzzled.
“Shhh prisoner, the judges are deciding your fate.” Steff shushed him. “Mortals who hath' committed such a horrid crime does not deserve to speak.”
“Guys maybe we should leave Noel alone.” Bryan began his defense of my case but Steff cut him off, refusing to let him speak. “Shush human, spare us the sounds that escape your pretty lips. We know where your loyalties lie.”
“Don't take it to heart.” Maria spoke softly to Bryan. “We're just joking around and foreshadowing stuff, no need to worry.”
“My word, how about we cook him alive.” Peter rubbed his hands together “You know, with boiling water and all that good stuff.”
“I say we eat him.” Ellie grinned. “Tis the best way to depose of a corpse.”
“Yeah.. how about no.” Peter growled. “But a bloodsucker like yourself probably doesn't understand what no means.”
“Why wouldn't I know what no means?” Ellie countered, her eyes seemed to flash red for split second. “No means no, simple as that.”
“That is simply untrue.” We all spun around to see our dear math teacher, Mr Hofmann standing there, his body leaning on the doorway. The other students had noticed him standing there and had gone to their respectable seats. We had not. Who knew how long he had been standing there. How much he had heard.
“Sorry.” I said as I hurried to my proper place and pulled out my school books. The others did the same, some slower then others. Bryan rushed to his seat and practically threw his stuff on the table in terror while Steff stared him dead in the eye as they very slowly moved their chair to face the front.
“No. Definition: a negative used to express dissent, denial or refusal, as in response to a question or request. Also used to emphasize or introduce a negative statement.” He seemed to float into the room and found his way to his desk, his face unchanging before a slight smile crossed over his lips. “But It's math now so everyone pull out your homework. Everyone should have it, No excuses.”
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nataliic · 5 years
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natalie chambers misses her haunting hometown | screen tests | w magazine. published on august 22, 2019.
youtuber natalie chambers talks about growing up in ‘halloweentown’, her crush on leonardo dicaprio, and exciting new video news. 
have you always lived in california ? if no, where did you move from, why, and when ?
      “i’m an east coast girl at heart. i was born and raised in salem, massachusetts. home to witches, warlocks, and all things halloween —— shocker, right ? i made the move to california after college. so what was that ? graduated at 21, i’m 25; so four years ago. i figured if i was going to make it as this big time hollywood director i had to get my ass to hollywood first. shit, can i say ass ? you can just bleep that out, i don’t want you guys to get demonetized. i ended up in santa monica, and i really don’t plan on leaving anytime soon ; but, i really miss mass. i sort of make it a mission to go back every october because salem literally turns into halloweentown.”
what made you want to post your first youtube video ?
      “you ever see the conjuring ? you know how the warrens had that room full of haunted objects ? that was basically my childhood —— i would say the chambers were the original warrens, but the warrens were real people ; who i’ve met and they’re awesome. rest in peace. anyways, my mom owns an antique store and we have this big room in the back with a bunch of paranormal relics that are pretty much under lock and key. i always tried to sneak in there, but i was immediately shot down ; but, i did get a glimpse of it once when my mom had to go in there. she’d tell me the history of them, showed me pictures of a few of them. i used to tell my friends the crazy stories and figured why not tell whoever wanted to listen.”
*the interviewer plays your first ever video* describe your feelings / reaction towards it. 
      “oh. my. god. first of all, what did i use to film this, a microwave ? i’m crying. sorry, give me a second i literally can’t stop laughing. editing ? didn’t know her. i was such a baby— god the braces. the leonardo dicaprio poster ... i had such a huge crush on him, still do ! i wish i still had that. that ... was a mess ; but honestly, nothing’s changed.”
what was your dream job / career while you were growing up ?
      “in kindergarten we had to do write down what we wanted to be and draw a picture, i literally drew a picture of a couch. i wanted to be a couch. then i had a phase where i wanted to be a waterslide tester, and when college rolled around i wanted to be a historian. not a lot of people know this, because i may seem like a dumb ass — and believe me, i am, but i double majored in history and around sophomore year i picked up another major in filmmaking because i had another phase where i wanted to be a director. because why be just one thing, right ? the only downside was that i went to school for four years straight with absolutely no summer break ; but honestly kids if you’re watching stay in school. ”
what do your family & friends think about you posting youtube videos ?
      "my parents had absolutely no idea what youtube was when i first started. they only thought people who knew you could see the videos, and they didn’t understand how people made careers out of it. i’m telling you, adults an electronics or any form of social media do not mix well. mom, dad, if you’re watching this just know that this is coming from a place of endearment. but yeah, they’re super supportive of me, but more so because i still managed to go out and get my education too. my friends think i’m going to get in trouble with the feds one day because of the shit i talk about ; but jokes on them because the fbi was already after me once —— long story.”
do people recognize you on the streets ? if yes, did people recognize you on the streets before ?
      “yes — oh my god. even after ten years, it still blows my mind that people want to take pictures with me; they want to send me fanmail; they want to make twitters and edits dedicated to me ? dude my ‘fans’, i don’t like to call them that they’re more like my friends, are the best.”
what are your favorite youtube videos to watch in your free time ? 
      “i love makeup tutorials even though i can’t do makeup for shit. literally the only thing i know how to do is eyeliner and eyebrows. so beauty gurus, if you’re watching this ... hi. haha. honestly though i don’t really have favorite categories —— i just watch a shit ton of different things. reviews, story times, art, comedy, educational, music, movies, asmr — there’s just so much content.”
if you could collab with any three youtubers of your choice, who would you pick ?
      "penny camp. have you guys seen her videos ? she makes everything look so good. they’re the worst videos to watch on an empty stomach because i want to eat everything. maybe we could make like illuminati cupcakes ? honestly ... imagine ? huh —— who else ? diego day. just like my video taste, my music taste is all over the place so i feel like it’d be fun ! maybe do a live listen, first impressions sort of thing ? it could be fun ! i’d also love to collab with bailey sarian, cody ko & noel, rickey thompson, and the queen jenna marbles !
do you have any additional news, promotions, things you would like to say ?
      "i know some of you are dying to know what my next spooky site is going to be ; well, i feel like now is the perfect time to reveal it so drumroll please ... isla de las muñecas, the land of dolls, in mexico ! 
how are you going to spend your day once you leave this interview ?
      "no idea.”
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Boy Crush
Author: Beansidhe_Baby
Year: 2009
Rating: R
Pairing: Mike/Dave
Noel had brought Dave home with him again and Mike had turned into a blushing simpleton. He wasn't shy usually, but something about his brother's friend made him feel like a Year Nine girl with a crush. He holed himself up in his bedroom for most of the evening, listening to Noel's laughter and Dave's voice drifting through the walls. He adjusted the front of his jeans and squirmed uncomfortably. Guiltily, he slipped a hand down his pants and gripped his dick when there was a knock at his door. “Just a minute!” he cried out after jumping three feet in the air and wrenching his hand out of his trouser, catching a fingernail and turning it inside out. “Mike?” Oh Christ it was him. “Come in,” Mike squeaked. The door slowly opened and Dave walked in. “Noel had to go to the shops, apparently you have to entertain me,” he smiled at him in an unfairly winning manner. Mike felt all the blood in his body pool in his cheeks and was struck mute. “I hurt my finger,” he said after a long pause and immediately wanted to leap out the window. Dave reached across and examined his hand carefully and winced sympathetically at the sore finger. “Want me to kiss it better?” he joked and Mike told his brain in no uncertain manner that if it even thought about saying yes, he was going to spend the next twenty years watching Jerry Springer. Without waiting for an answer, Dave lifted his hand and kissed the tip of his finger delicately. He looked up at Mike with smiling eyes and Mike blurted out the first thing that came into his mind. “D'you like bread?” he asked suddenly and his brain told him that it had nothing to do with it and that it washed its cerebral hands of him. They spent the next half hour quietly discussing the relative merits of white versus brown bread until Noel swanned through the door without knocking, wrapped his arms around Dave and blew a raspberry on his cheek. “Come on,” he said, “Thanks for looking after him Mike.” Dave gave him one last smile and walked out the door. * Later that night, Mike was watching old horror movies in the living room when Dave came in quietly and sat next to him. He jumped, thinking that one of the dodgy prosthetic monsters had somehow sat down politely in the seat next to him. He then saw who it was and jumped again. “Sorry,” Dave whispered and put an arm around him casually. His heart rate doubled and everything even remotely scary now seemed much worse and he whimpered softly. Dave gave him a little squeeze and pulled him closely. “You're so cold, Mikey,” he remarked, “You're shivering.” He was and it had nothing to do with the cold. By the end of the film, he was practically in Dave's lap, with his freezing nose pressed against the older man's neck. “Go to bed,” he said firmly and Mike almost melted before falling over himself to comply. * When they were going back, Noel ruffled his hair and poked his cheek playfully before going out the front door. Dave gave him a quick hug that he tried to return, but his arms were frozen to his sides. “Bye Dave,” he said quietly, cheeks burning. “See you again,” Dave smiled and walked off. * “You know, I used to have a bit of a boy-crush on you,” Mike said casually as he fanned Dave's balls for him. Dave groaned and let his head loll backwards. “Really?” he asked, opening one eye to look at the smaller man kneeling between his legs, “That's pretty cute.” Mike swatted his thigh through the monkey suit and nodded once. “Do you still?” he asked. “Still what?” “Fancy me.” “Are you vain or what?” Mike smiled at him, “Yeah, I do a bit, actually. Something about a sweaty man dressed as a primate really does it for me.” “Come up here,” Dave patted the seat next to him and Mike switched off the fan and sat next to him. “What's all this about then,” Mike asked, plopping himself down, “You gonna let me down gently?” Dave's mouth was on his almost before he could finish the sentence and his tongue was slipping between his lips. He pulled away and brushed a stray curl from Mike's forehead. “You're shivering, Mikey,” he said breathily. “You knew exactly what you were doing to me, you cock teasing prick,” Mike glowered at him and Dave's lips pressed against his again. “I might have had a bit of a boy-crush on you too,” he mumbled into his mouth. “Really?” Mike replied as a hand inched its way up his leg, “That's pretty cute. But, you could have said something, you wanker, I had blue balls whenever Noel brought you home with him.” “You were too young,” Dave said and nuzzled the juncture of his neck and shoulder, “Do you want to go and have a grope in the dressing room?” “Go on then,” Mike said, breath hitching, “The things I get talked into.”
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ncelss · 5 years
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hello! i’m hannah and i’m here writing my boy noel! uhhh he’s an entire wreck from quebec but he’s v lovable so!!! also his fc is kim jungwoo who is just extremely adorable ugh. he has an about but i also want to talk a bit more about him so here we go!
(tw: mentions of panic attacks in the bold points)
noel was born in montreal, quebec and resided there for 12 years. he got to experience a lot of french and canadian culture, and he enjoyed the diversity he was exposed to.  his parents were both children of south korean immigrants and happened to meet in college. while he does not have any french heritage, he keeps strong ties to the culture. to this day, he still has some of the french accent while speaking english. in his first years in boston, though, he felt embarrassed by his accent and tried to learn how to suppress it. he never fully did though, and it especially comes out in certain words, such as catholic or electric where he ends it with more of an “eek” sound.
he moved to boston with his family because his dad, an anesthesiologist, found a really good job opportunity. noel definitely felt out of place at first. he had always been shy and a bit awkward, but being in a new place intensified that for him. 
to combat this shyness, his parents had him join mock trial and debate team. noel was nervous about them at first, but he turned out to do phenomenal in both! in fact, the experience led noel to consider a future in law.
(begin mentions of panic attacks)
in middle school, noel started to get panic attacks. before a large debate competition, noel started to feel sick and like something terrible was about to happen. 
after that, he started getting them more often. he didn’t immediately recognize what was happening, but after it started affecting him, he looked online for answers.
now, noel knows that he’s experiencing panic attacks, and does everything he can to avoid having them around other people. he doesn’t want to be the center of attention, and he knows that having one publicly at houghton could garner negative attention
(end mentions of panic attacks)
noel’s parents sent him to houghton hoping he would get a quality education. noel definitely had high expectations for the academy, but he ended up finding it less than ideal.
he wasn’t hated, per se, but he wasn’t loved by everybody either. he always did everything he could to be kind due to a mix of his kindhearted nature and wanting to be liked. however, he was often too nice, leading others to make jokes about him, harass him, or take advantage of his kindness. 
noel tried not to let it get to him, though. he knew that he was being a good person.
so, the dante situation. what an entity. 
until junior year, dante and noel never had any significant conversation. which made noel that much more confused when he got messaged by dante asking for help with school. noel thought it was odd, but he didn’t want to refuse help to anybody. so, he agreed to meet up with dante, even if the location seemed sketchy.
well, noel quickly realized that school help wasn’t the purpose of dante’s messaging. frankly, he felt a bit offended! why him? did he just radiate “oh sure, i’ll hook up with you if you ask” vibes? 
however, he obviously wasn’t that offended, because he did, in fact, hook up with dante continually. it was an odd situation. noel didn’t think that he would lose his virginity to a guy with a girlfriend, but he guessed it could be worse. sure, the crushing guilt always hung over his head, but it was a small price to pay for... being an outlet for somebody to figure out their sexuality? yeah, noel really is too kind.
when dante died, noel felt a lot of emotions. did he really just hook up with somebody until his death? not to mention the prior revealing of the hookups. noel never handled death well, and dante’s was no exception.
with so many people determined to find out about dante, noel is scared. he’s not out as bisexual, and being outed by people finding out he hooked up with dante would be the worst.
so, now, at least outwardly, noel’s just kind of living his life. he doesn’t publicly defend or hate on dante for fear of something slipping out. he’s never left a large footprint anywhere, and he’d prefer not to start.
okay, that was a lot. wow, thanks to anybody who read through that! i’m just so excited to be here with the interesting plot and all the characters! so yeah, if anybody wants to plot with me, i’m open! just message me or like this post! i would love to talk to all of you lovely people! 
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luckyspike · 5 years
Adventures in America, Ch. 3 - in which Adam meets his traveling companions and Crowley and Aziraphale meet their rental car
This story is so dumb and I love it. For prior installments, check out chapter 1, and chapter 2. Or just peruse my fanfiction tag (which has a lot of other stuff in it, too!).
Touchdown. BA flight 191, after an uneventful flight, touched down in Austin International Airport at 4:17pm. “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to, uh, Austin,” the pilot announced over the intercom. Adam, who had nodded off for the latter half of the flight, was looking out of the window eagerly, hands on his knees and feet bouncing. All the excitement, the nerves, the sheer joy that this was really happening that he’d had when he boarded, and then lost when he’d gotten bored, came roaring back tenfold as the brown scenery slid by outside. “Local time is 4:18pm, and outside temperature is about 84 degrees, which is about 29 centigrade. We’ll be arriving at gate -” Adam zoned out. Outside of the airplane, ground crew directed the jet to the gate in question, but it didn’t matter, not to Adam. He wouldn’t be meeting anybody at the gate, anyway. 
He turned his phone back on, and sent a quick text to his parents, and then another to the group text that included the Them and Anathema. He paused, debating whether or not to also text Crowley or Aziraphale, but he paused. Hopefully the international plan he’d paid for was as good as it seemed, and his dad wouldn’t give him an earful about international rates when he got home, but, well, maybe just in case … certainly they’d hear through the grapevine, anyway. He stuffed the phone into his bag instead, and pulled out the slip of paper he’d written the instructions for meeting up with the storm chasing team instead. Meet at the baggage claim. Right, easy enough. He had to pick up his duffel bag anyway.
Disembarking the plane took, in Adam’s opinion, ages. They let all the posh people in first class off first, and then business class, and finally economy. He held his backpack straps tightly, shuffling down the aisle in the line, and tried to look calm and cool, not like a kid on Christmas morning, in spite of the excitement bubbling inside of him. He’d be looking for a woman, Rachael, who was tall and tanned and dark-haired. They’d video-chatted extensively in the lead-up to the excursion, and he was fairly certain he would recognize her on sight. Still, she’d said she’d be holding a sign, too, so best to look out for that - 
He paused, halfway through first class. Sniffed. Something smelled of … sulfur. Sulfur? And a rainstorm. It reminded him of Aziraphale and Crowley’s place, and the memory jarred him enough that he looked around for the duo, blue eyes scanning the rows of first-class seats. He didn’t see them, of course, or any signs of them, although he wasn’t sure what that might have entailed. Still … Nah. He shook his head, and kept shuffling. They’d told him to have a good time. They wouldn’t have managed to keep anything secret like this, not those two. For godfath - no, guardian ang - well, not really … guardian supernatural entities, they weren’t particularly subtle and as a unit, Adam thought fondly, only slightly brighter than they were individually. Which wasn’t saying much*.
The air on the jetway was dry, and hot, and reminiscent of Madrid, the few times Adam had been there to visit his sister. He took a deep breath, grateful to finally be off the plane and back on terra firma, and hustled toward baggage claim and customs. He found his duffel, and made it through customs - it wasn’t any trouble, just a line which Adam managed to tolerate by looking around and taking in the sights of the airport which had, through creative architecture, attempted to resemble a modern art installation but instead mostly looked like a government building with a bit of window dressing. 
“Enjoy your vacation,” the woman at the customs desk drawled, with an accent Adam had previously only heard in movies. His heart skipped a beat, and he beamed. 
“I will do, thank you so much.”
And that was it. He was in! He didn’t skip through the exit from customs, although it was a near thing, and quickly started looking around at the assembled crowd, scanning the faces there for anyone that looked familiar or, failing that, a sign that said ‘Adam Young’. He found it, eventually, held by Rachael, just as she’d looked on video chat, herself looking among the faces of arriving travelers for Adam. She caught sight of him as he started toward her, boots still squeaking on the linoleum, and waved him over, her face breaking into a friendly grin. “Adam!” She seized his hand as soon as he offered it, and shook with bone-crushing strength and no small amount of enthusiasm. “Hey, welcome to Texas! So good to finally meet you!” She had an accent too, Adam realized, sort of southern but not like the woman at customs, just a hint of that. He’d have to find out where she was from.
“Great to be here,” he enthused, and he meant every word of it. “I’m so excited, this is really an amazing opportunity.”
“Glad to hear it!” she laughed. “Hopefully we can find you some storms, huh?” She looked over his bag, eyebrows raised. “You got everything? Need anything else here? The rest of the crew is waiting outside - the other student researcher got here this morning, so we just been hanging out around the city while we waited.”
“Oh, yeah, I’m totally ready.”
She nodded, satisfied, and headed for the door, Adam tagging along at her shoulder. “Great. The truck’s parked in the will-call lot, let me just call Noel and he can pull around. Let’s wait inside, though -” she held out a hand to stop Adam before he stepped through the sliding doors. “Kinda warm out there. Definitely warmer than England, huh?” She grinned, and then Adam heard a tinny voice on the other end of the phone. “Yeah, hey, I got Adam, can you bring the truck around? Thanks.” She hung up, and stuffed her phone into her jeans pocket before she propped her hands on her hips. “So I’ll introduce you all when they get here, but basically it’s gonna be four of us. You know me, I’m the climatologist and I guess the main guide, but Noel helps a lot. He’s our meteorologist, driver, and photographer too, but since it’s just the two of us we both kinda wear all kinda hats.” She pointed to Adam. “You’re one of our student researchers, and we have another guy with us for this session. Hope you don’t mind if we put you to work.”
Adam laughed. “It’s what I signed up for!”
“More fun that way, anyway.” She sighed, happy, as she watched a variety of vehicles drive by outside, picking up travelers as they did. “Better than those storm tours that just drive around lookin’ and not much else. We gotta get closer to get the data. Anyway, other guy that’s with us goes by Lucky, I’ll let him introduce himself, but he’s studying climatology at, uh … somewhere in Iowa, I think. I think you guys are the same age.” She waved a hand. “Whatever, I’ll let you guys hash it out, we’re gonna have plenty of time in the car.”
“Sounds good.” Adam nodded, and adjusted his bag on his shoulder. 
“Anyway,” she went on, “plan tonight is to take you guys out to dinner, kind of get to know each other and everything, go over the plan for chasing, yadda yadda, and then we’re gonna hit the road early tomorrow to get north.” Her eyes widened, and she gestured for Adam to follow her outside. “There’s Noel. Anyway, yeah, we’re heading north -” she strolled off the curb and into the lane of traffic without much concern for oncoming cars. Adam, well-accustomed to this after years of interactions with Crowley, followed her without concern. “- ‘cause there’s a big system forming around the Oklahoma panhandle, and we might see some action day one.” She wagged her eyebrows at him. “Start off with a bang, right?”
“That’d be wicked.”
She chuckled. “Wicked, huh? I like that. Here’s the boss!” she called, as they pulled up alongside a red pick-up truck. Adam’s eyes widened. Americans, he thought, really knew how to do pick-up trucks. He’d seen pick-up trucks in England, of course, but this monster dwarfed most of them. The extended cab and the bed cover just served to make it look bigger. And it wasn’t the only one of that size parked at the curb - he could count four just in the immediate vicinity.
Well, he had heard things about Texas. 
“Hey!” a man called over the roaring engine, and Adam looked up to see the driver standing on the sideboard, clutching the luggage rack with one hand and waving with the other. “I’m Noel! You can throw your bag in the back, Rach’ll show you where to put it with all the equipment.” He grinned. “Gotta get movin’ before we get a ticket.”
Rachael rolled her eyes. “We won’t get a ticket,” she said to Adam, in a tone that probably would have been a whisper had she not had to shout over the commotion of the pick-ups lane. “Here,” she showed him to the back of the truck, dropping the gate and revealing a bed packed full of bags, boxes, and expensive-looking meteorology equipment, “you can put your bag here, next to the camera bags.” He did, and she threw the gate back into place, brushing her hands off and turning her beaming smile to him once again. “You ready to hit it?”
“Yes,” he said immediately, still smiling. He wasn’t sure he’d stopped since he’d gotten off the plane. “Let’s do it.”
She punched him in the shoulder. Adam laughed, and then thought of Pepper. She punched him like that, back home. Man, would she have loved this. She’d have loved Rachael, too. “Love the enthusiasm, kid. Load up!” She climbed into the front passenger seat of the truck, and Adam hauled open the rear passenger door, climbing onto the footboard and sliding into the seat. Across from him, a suntanned boy - yeah, about his age - with a scruffy beard and dark hair pulled into a bun smiled at him with a wave. Adam waved, but then was distracted when Noel stuck his hand into the back to shake Adam’s.
“Welcome aboard, Mr. Young.”
“You can call me Adam, really,” he assured Noel. “Thanks for having me.”
“Hey, if you’re willing to work and don’t run off at the first sign of golf-ball sized hail, it’ll be a pleasure,” Noel replied with a laugh. “Alright, let’s get you guys a taste of Texas. Everyone good with barbecue?”
“Yeah,” Adam said, in unison with the other guy in the back seat. Noel nodded, and the truck roared forward, out of the airport. 
“So you’re from England?” the other guy said, turning his attention to Adam and offering his hand to shake. Adam took note, as he shook the guy’s hand, that there was … a hint of a London accent? Just a little? No, couldn’t be. “I grew up around London, ‘til I was about twelve,” he went on. Oh. Yes, then.
“Really? Funny old world,” Adam replied. “Name’s Adam Young. I’m from Tadfield - it’s a little town out in Oxfordshire.”
“Huh. Never got out that way, at least not that I remember.” He looked puzzled. “Although there was an air base there my Dad might’ve been working out of at some point … huh. Anyway.” The guy sat back in his seat and shrugged. “My name’s Warlock Dowling, but please do not call me Warlock.” He rolled his eyes. “I think my mom was hopped up on pain meds when she named me. Everyone calls me Lucky.”
Adam nodded. “Cool, okay. You’re studying climatology?”
“Climate science, yeah,” Lucky answered, eagerly. “You are too, right?”
“Meteorology, yeah.”
“It’s so cool, isn’t it?” He looked out of the window, gesturing to the cityscape passing by as they rolled down the highway. “The whole Earth! Man, when I started learning about weather and geology and stuff in seventh grade, once I came back to the States …” He waved a hand. “Forget it. I used to make weather maps for fun. Drove my parents crazy.”
Adam laughed, genuinely, and nodded. “It’s awesome. I was eleven,” he said, with absolute certainty, because he wouldn’t forget that year for anything, “an’ this lady - she’s a friend, now, but she was new to town then - gave me these magazines that were talking about climate change and severe weather and the rainforests and stuff, an’, I dunno, just had an interest ever since. Studied a lot on my own, outside of school, when we moved on to like, biology and stuff.”
“Oh, yeah.” Lucky nodded. “So you’ve never been to the States before?”
Adam shook his head. “No. I mean, I’m as excited for that as I am for the weather, honestly.”
“Good!” Noel interjected from the front seat. “You’re gonna get a hell of a tour of the midwest, see all kinds of stuff. We’ll go over it at dinner, I think we got a map too, so you can kind of get an idea of where we’ll be. And, you know, if the weather don’t pan out like we hope it will - hopefully it will pan out, but you never know - by the end of the season we should be up by Yellowstone, so we can always show you around up there.” He smiled at the backseat passengers approvingly in the rearview. “I’m from Wyoming myself, so I can give you the local tour.”
Lucky’s eyes widened. “ Seriously? That’d be awesome. I’ve never been, always wanted to go.” He looked to Adam. “You know about Yellowstone? It’s supposed to be amazing.”
“I’ve read about it.” Adam nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah, it’d be cool to see it.”
“Well, we’ll have to see what the weather is doing. You never know how things are gonna go in this business.”
Rachael grinned at them over her shoulder. “That’s what makes it exciting.”
“An’ sometimes real boring,” Noel added.
“Sometimes,” she agreed, with a wink to the students. “But we’re not gonna think about that. You guys are here to study some storms, we’ll get you storms.”
The conversation continued on, through the drive to the barbecue place, and then all through dinner. They went over the route - starting south, around the Oklahoma/Texas border, and then moving north as needed with the storms, likely ending up toward the Canadian border at the end of the season. They talked equipment - cameras and recording equipment, laptops, hot-spots, as well as some remote monitoring equipment that Rachael hoped to drop if there was a great deal of lightning, which was her particular interest. Adam and Lucky listened intently, contributed as needed, and ate so much barbecue throughout the entire thing that Adam felt fairly nauseous by the end of the meal. Judging by Lucky’s expression when they stood from the table, he felt similarly.
“It was just so good,” Adam lamented once back in the truck, his hands over his stomach.
Noel nodded solemnly in the front seat, hanging a right into a motel parking lot. “A common mistake. Sleep it off tonight, we got an early start in the morning.” He parked the truck well away from the door - none of the parking spots, Adam imagined, would have been big enough - and looked into the backseat. “Five AM work for you boys?”
Adam ignored Lucky’s quiet ‘oof’ and nodded, slinging his backpack over his shoulders. “I’ll be ready.”
Several hours earlier …
“I feel like I’m covered in grime,” Aziraphale griped, as they meandered their way through baggage claim and toward the rental car desks. “Is that normal for air travel?”
“Can’t be, you only just spent ten hours in an aluminum tube with the re-circulated air of a bunch of other people.”
“Touche.” He cracked his neck and frowned. “I need a shower.”
“You know,” Crowley said slyly, handing his shoulder-bag (black, obviously) off to Aziraphale, “had you let me ensure the Bentley would be waiting for us outside we could already be on our way to a nice, lovely hotel room with a hot shower and not waiting in line at a rental car desk.”
Aziraphale huffed. “It’s not a long line.” He caught the look Crowley gave him, and turned his nose up a little. “I’m going to wait by the door. There will be a shuttle, apparently.”
The angel watched from a distance too far to hear while the demon negotiated with the man at the desk. There were some subtle gestures, a raised eyebrow from Crowley, some significant stammering from the man, and eventually, he handed over an envelope. Crowley smiled and swaggered away from the desk, toward Aziraphale, who watched him suspiciously.
“What was that about?”
“Got us an upgrade.” Crowley took his own bag back*** and led the way to the shuttle, waiting outside in the heat. Aziraphale’s suspicious glare turned to a grimace when they stepped into the pick-up area, fighting back the urge to loosen his bowtie against the humidity and oppressive heat. They were back in the air conditioning of the shuttle soon enough and sat down, side-by-side, Aziraphale with his suitcase between his knees and Crowley with his bag in his lap. 
“What kind of upgrade?” Aziraphale asked pointedly, as the van doors closed - improbably, there were no other passengers to pick up, although Aziraphale suspected there was some infernal interference that led to that state of affairs - and the shuttle rumbled away from the curb. “If we walk into that rental car lot and there’s a vintage Bentley -”
Crowley groaned. “No, angel. If I’d brought the Bentley over I wouldn’t be bothering with this bloody shuttle. I got us a bigger car, is all.” He glanced at the envelope. “Had us in some little economy thing, probably only had a four-cylinder engine and a governor.”
“Don’t all rental cars have a governor?”
“I’d imagine this one’s will be broken.” Crowley gave the angel a cool look, a dare to say anything. Aziraphale didn’t take the bait. “Any case, I told him we needed four-wheel-drive.”
“Do we?” Aziraphale looked surprised.
Crowley shrugged. “Watched a show on telly before we left. They go all over, dirt roads sometimes, figured it’d be smart to have. Plus, it was the only thing with the bigger engine.”
“Does the Bentley have a big engine?”
Crowley shrugged. “Acts like it does.”
“Crowley …” Aziraphale lowered his voice, in case the shuttle driver were listening in, although the young man looked cheerful and blissfully unaware of their conversation. “Please don’t do anything infernal to the rental car.”
“Me?” Crowley looked wounded. “Wouldn’t dream of it. There’s already one semi-sentient demonic car in the world, and it’s currently in a garage terrorizing a wages clerk. That’s more than enough for one planet.”
Aziraphale sat back in his seat, prim, hands folded in his lap. “I agree. Good. Glad we’re in agreement.”
They finished the shuttle ride in silence, Aziraphale looking out of the window to the passing landscape, which was mostly buildings so close to the airport, and Crowley apparently dozing, although it was hard to tell with the sunglasses. Which seemed, Aziraphale thought, as he looked out of the window, to be a fairly wise addition in this kind of weather. He may need to get himself a pair, should the opportunity arise. Not that he needed them, but, well, it wouldn’t hurt to look the part. 
The shuttle lurched to a halt, and they stepped off, Crowley handing the driver a roll of green dollar bills without a word as he went by. “Thank you so much,” Aziraphale added, on his way by, smiling to the stunned driver. “Excellent driving, very pleasant and observant of the speed limit. Have a lovely day.”
“Thanks.” The driver watched them go. What weird people, he thought, his eyes sliding from their receding backs to the roll of money in his hand. Can’t complain, though. He tucked the bills into his pocket, and pulled away, back on his regular route to the airport. He would have a nice day, he thought. Things were already looking brighter.
Aziraphale didn’t ask, ‘is this it?’ as they approached a car. It wouldn’t be. It was green, and small, and he wasn’t sure what kind of upgrade Crowley had managed but he was fairly sure that was not a large enough car. He didn’t ask ‘is this it?’ at the next car, either, but in this case it was because the car was so obviously it.
It was huge, and black, and it looked menacing just sitting in the parking lot. Crowley clicked a button on the key fob - that was novel, Aziraphale thought - and the lights flashed while a chirp sounded. The demon hoisted open the back hatch - Aziraphale blinked at the sheer size of the inside of the thing - and tossed his bag in, followed by the angel’s.
“It’s bigger than the Bentley,” he said, because he wasn’t sure what else to say. Crowley grunted, and started toward the right side of the vehicle before, if his annoyed expression were anything to go by, remembering that this was America, and changing direction. Aziraphale closed the back hatch and headed for the passenger side, frowning at the height of the step onto the footboard. No car had any business, he thought vaguely, being this large.
Inside the car already, with the keys in the ignition and the engine running, Crowley was sitting back in the seat, arms crossed, glaring at the stereo. He glanced over when he saw Aziraphale, and for a minute, his expression softened. “Ah, angel, you might want to … uh, wait outside a minute.”
“I thought you said no funny business with the car,” Aziraphale said flatly.
“Nothing funny.” Crowley looked back to the stereo, his expression hardening again. “Just need to reach an … understanding.”
Aziraphale sighed, and unfastened his bowtie, tossing it to Crowley who caught it with practiced ease. “Alright.” He stepped back down, and started unbuttoning the top few buttons of his shirt. “But don’t take too long - it’s hot out here.”
“Only be a minute, angel.” The door shut. Crowley raised an eyebrow. “Hullo,” he said to the car, drawing the word out. “4-runner, eh?”
To this point in its 45,000 miles, the Toyota 4-Runner had never had a single thought. Of course it hadn’t - it was a machine, an inanimate tool of transportation. It had happily transported families, salesmen, concert-goers and, on one occasion, secret agents without a hint of self-awareness or even a tinge of consciousness. This was why the car was surprised to find, suddenly, that this was no longer the case. 
The radio station flickered uncertainly.
“I have a feeling,” the driver went on, while the car considered that it had never recognized a driver before, “that I’m going to be spending entirely more time with you than I’d like to. So just to be clear: I don’t like you, I probably will never like you, and there is very little you can do to that will not, ultimately, disappoint me.” The electronics flickered again. Anxiety, thought the car. What was anxiety? Why did it know that was what it was feeling? “Really, this can only end one of two ways for you: you don’t disappoint me too much, and I return you at the end of this bonkers road trip to your safe rental agency, where they’ll clean you up and you can go on being a nice rental car, or you disappoint me too much and -” he leaned closer to the radio, and the hiss cut through the static of the electronics and silenced the squeal of interference between high-tech electronics and supernatural forces “- I’ll leave you in a ditch in flamesss, sssee if I don’t. Underssstood?”
The engine shuddered. The driver - Crowley, the car thought, although it wasn’t sure how it knew that name, or why it was even thinking about it in the first place - sat back and breathed out. “Right. Alright, angel!” The passenger door opened again and a passenger - the car would have gasped, if it could, although it did manage an extra-strong blast of air conditioning - climbed back in, radiating love and light and safety. Without understanding how, or why, the car switched its stereo immediately to a country-music radio station that was currently playing Somebody Help Me by Kenny Rogers. Crowley glared at the stereo and murmured, “Not a good start.”
“Did you, you know, do whatever you needed to do?” the angel asked, gesturing vaguely to the dashboard.
Crowley put the car into reverse as he said, cryptically, “We’ll see. Hotel first, then dinner?” 
“Yes, fine. Do you know where Adam is?” He considered it. “Only I wouldn’t like to lose him so early on in the game. Again.”
“We can recon after dinner,” Crowley said, pulling into traffic and immediately running another car off the road. Aziraphale winced. “He told me the name of the team he’s going with, I found a picture of their truck online. We’ll drive around and look for it.”
“Unless he’s already left the city.” Aziraphale wrung his hands, nervous. “You don’t think they would have?”
“Nah. Got a text from Anathema that Adam said they’re not leaving until the morning, and they’ll be going north.” He ran a red light, prompting blaring horns from either side of the intersection and a whine from the engine of the 4-Runner. “Don’t have much beyond that, but we can find him.”
“Austin is a large city.”
“Not as big as London.” He shrugged. “We have all night, we’ll find him. Get some wine into you and you’ll be fine.”
“Perhaps.” Aziraphale looked out of the window as they drove down a highway, cars whizzing by on the right as Crowley passed them at - well, the speedometer didn’t bear looking at. He swallowed. “It’s been some time since I did a reconnaissance job.”
“Bodyguarding, more like,” Crowley said, conversationally, yanking the steering wheel to the right and flying down the exit ramp to the hotel. “Been a minute for me, myself. But It’s like … oh, you know.” He drummed his fingers on the wheel, irritated. “Like - like something you learn to do and never really forget.”
“Swordfighting?” Aziraphale suggested. 
Aziraphale had made the reservations under his name, and checked them in with the pleasant woman at the front desk. Overall, it was a very nice conversation - she was telling him about places to eat in town, especially where to get good sushi - and he was just getting ready to bid her a good day and take his leave when, from behind him, Crowley shouted, “Riding a bike!”
The woman blinked. “There are, uh, bike trails along the greenbelt -” but Aziraphale was waving a hand. “Oh?”
“He remembered something from earlier,” he explained with an apologetic smile, as he picked up his suitcase. “He does this sometimes. You get used to it.”
“Oh.” She blinked. “Okay. Well, have a nice trip! Enjoy America!”
“Thank you. I’m sure we will,” Aziraphale replied, following Crowley toward the elevators. As they waited for the elevator to arrive, the clerk looked down to her computer - such a nice man, a little strange - and smiled a little when she heard him mutter to his companion, “You really need to work on that, dear.”
* Adam did know, actually, that Aziraphale and Crowley were each quite intelligent. They helped him with homework, after all. But book smarts, he reasoned, and actual common sense were vastly different, and while they might be brilliant in their own right intellectually, as a duo they at times struggled with concepts like pre-planning, not telling everyone their secret plans, and interacting with normal humans like they themselves were normal humans**.
** Adam knew they weren’t, but a little effort sometimes wouldn’t go amiss. There was, of course, the incident with The School Play. Crowley had been forgiven, eventually, but it took approximately one (1) metric tonne of candy in gifts, a generous donation to the school’s art department, and a weekend at Alton Towers for the entirety of the Them, all expenses paid.
*** Aziraphale had wondered what he’d packed in there, since Crowley invariably always miracled his clothes on and off, but he suspected it was hair products.
Now with Chapter 4!
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Dating the Enemy Part 2
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Word Count: 1,643
Summary: Reader remembering how she met Jason, and the Liars saving the reader
Pairings: JasonxF!Reader
Warnings: Some cussing, mentions kidnapping. Rest is fluff
Requested: Yes. (mentioned on part 1)
Author's Note: Here's the long awaited Part 2 of Dating the Enemy! I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it!!
*Sunday Morning: Your POV*
   Rolling away from the small stream of light shining in your eyes, you blink the blurriness away, confusion clouding your thoughts. You looked around the small room you were trapped in seeing a couple of sleeves of crackers and some water. Piecing together the memories from Friday night, you came to the conclusion that -A has got you hidden away somewhere.
   Standing up, you stumbled a little, before getting your bearings and walking to the boxes you found pushed into one of the far back corners . You were rummaging through the boxes, trying to find some kind of clue as to where you were, when you came across your favorite sweater. “I lost this almost a year ago, at Noel’s... That's where I'm at.” You mumbled to yourself.
   Flashing back to that night 11 months ago, you smiled, even though given your current situation you shouldn't be. That really was a great night. The girls had dragged you to Noel Kahn’s cabin for his annual New Year's party, when all you wanted to do was curl up and watch Grey's Anatomy. You had finally given in after all the relentless begging, and that's how you found yourself sat in a circle playing 7 minutes in Heaven.
   Spinning the bottle, you watch does it slow down coming to a stop. Looking up, you found the bottle landed on Jason. The loud sound of whistling and hollers drowned out the sharp and take a breath you took As you stood up and followed him to the attic. Nervous butterflies fluttering in your stomach as the latch will shut and the only light was from the moon shining through the small window. The light illuminated his face in all the right places making him look even more beautiful. Your heart sped up and you prayed he couldn't see the slight blush coating your cheeks. “Fancy seeing you here Y/N.” Jason grinned
   You giggled slightly, “Yeah, I'd rather be at home watching Netflix, but the girls dragged me here.” He nodded in acknowledgement before continuing, “Same here. I'd rather be at home but my friends bugged me until I gave in.” You both chuckled as an awkward silence filled the small space of the attic. Thoughts drifting, you looked around avoiding eye contact when a slight cough caught your attention.
   Head snapping back towards Jason, you quirked an eyebrow at him, urging him to continue. “Can I confess something? I don't want to make things awkward between us, but I really need to get this off my chest.” “Sure Jase, what's up?” You shrugged off your sweater and threw it on one of the boxes behind you, waiting for him to continue. “Well... he paused, “for as long as I can remember, I've had this huge crush on you. And I know it's wrong because you're my sister's best friend but I can't help it. I really like you Y/N.” He ranted, pacing around the room.
   Catching his arm in your hand, calming him down slightly, you spoke. “Whoa, whoa Jason slow down. I like you too. Have for like forever.” Looking at the ground shyly, you felt Jason's hand glide up your arm and towards your face. Tilting your chin up, Jason grinned at you. “Really?” His grin grew brighter as you nodded bashfully, watching as he slowly lean down towards you. With confidence surging through your veins, you reached up on your tiptoes and met him halfway. When your lips met, it was like everything made sense. You understood everything those sappy romance movies talked about. It was in that moment, you knew your life had been changed for the better.
   Coming back to your senses, you realize you don't even know what today is. You could have been out for a week for all you knew. All you knew was you had to get out of here. Pushing and kicking at the latch on the door, you hoped it would magically drop open; but instead it didn't even budge. Realizing -A must have locked it from the outside, you looked for anyway for you to let your friends know where you were. They had to know you were missing right?
   Remembering you had your cell phone with you when you were abducted, you rush back to your makeshift bed hoping to find it. Throwing blankets behind you, searching for your jacket, you finally found it under the last blanket. Shaking out your jacket, your phone clatters to the ground. Sign and relief, you pick it up and turn it on, praying you have at least some charge left. Seeing the time and date, you're shocked to see it's 11am on Sunday. You've been missing for over 40 hours!
   You panic seeing your phone only has a 15% charge and only one bar of signal. You only have enough charge to send a small message, but what the hell were you supposed to send that they would understand and know where you were? Finally deciding on what to send, you click on the last girl you texted, which was Aria, and slowly walked around the room trying to find a better signal.
   Stopping abruptly in your tracks, you saw all five bars. Quickly typing out your message, you press send. As soon as it sent, your phone died, ‘just my luck’ you thought. Hoping Jason was with the girls to decipher the message, after you missed your weekly breakfast with him, you sat back down on the pile of blankets with a pack of crackers just waiting to be found. You hoped they would get there soon.
   Meeting back up at Spencer's house, it was obvious they had no luck in finding you. The longer you were missing the more worried that got. Not knowing if you were even alive sent the feeling of ice through their veins. They need to find you soon! Where the hell did -A stash you?
   “Okay, so where all have we looked?” Emily was the first to speak. Thinking out loud, Hanna replied, “Well we've looked in all the abandoned houses and nothing.” “There was no sign of life at Noel's cabin.” Spencer spoke up. “I even drove out to Lookout Point to check the shack to see if she was there, and nothing.” Jason sighed becoming more and more worried about you. “Where the hell could she be?” Aria piped up.
   Before anyone could reply, Aria's phone chimed, lighting up with a new message. Jumping for the phone, she was surprised to find a text from you. “It's Y/N guys!” She exclaimed. “What’d she say?” They all asked. “All she sent were three emojis. The number 7, a clock, and an angel.” “What does that even mean?” “I don't know Hanna, but it's obviously some kind of clue as to where she is.” Jason let his thoughts wander, trying to solve your clues, as the girls bickered in the background. That sequence of emojis seems oddly familiar to him; and that's when it hit him.
   “Wait, was the emoji a clock or a stopwatch?” he questioned. “I guess it could be a stopwatch. Why?” Aria answered. “Because I know what it means. The emojis stand for the game 7 Minutes in Heaven. She's in the attic at Noel’s cabin!” He rushed out. “How did you figure that out?” Spencer spoke. “It's where and how her and I got together 11 months ago. Now let's go save Y/N!”
   Arriving at Noel’s cabin, they could feel the hope washing over them. Hope that you were here, and alive and well . Hanna slid a bobby pin out of her hair and started picking the lock. After what felt like hours to them, but was probably only 2 minutes, they were finally in.
   Rushing through the door, Jason sprinted to the back room with the girls hot on his heels. “Y/N, we're here! Hold on and we'll get you out!” Spencer yelled out as the rest looked for something to bust the lock with. Jumping to your feet, you breathed out a long sigh, thankful your friends found you. Stepping back just in case they broke it open, you prepared yourself for the flood of light that was to come. After a few minutes, you finally hear what sounds like a rock hitting the lock that keeps you from your friends and boyfriend.
   With one last slam to the lock, it breaks and falls to the ground. Light flooded the small space of the attic and you see a ladder appear at the entrance. Stumbling towards it with your things, you clumsily make your way down. Feeling several pairs of hands guide you down, you reach the ground and get pulled into a group of crying girls. All you heard was a cluster of “thank God, you're okay”, “Never do that again”, “We're so sorry!”, and “We love you!” as you hugged your best friends. Hugging them a little tighter, you let go and turned to your boyfriend.
   “Hey.” you smiled. Rushing forward, he swept you into a hug, mumbling about how worried he was. Running your fingers through his hair, you apologized, “I'm so sorry for worrying you. I needed air that night. I didn't think -A would kidnap me.” Pulling back slightly he stroked your cheek lovingly, assuring you it wasn't your fault. “It's not your fault -A is a sadistic bastard and likes to hurt you guys. I'm just glad you're back in my arms.” Snuggling back into his chest, you enjoyed the nice moment until the rumbling sound of your empty stomach filled the room.
   Breaking apart everyone chuckled. “Let's get you out of here and get you some food.” Agreeing you walked hand-in-hand out the door with your favorite people. You were all thinking the same thing; ‘thank God you were okay.’
Tags: @fightme-brendon @aunicornmademedoit
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jbankai89 · 6 years
The Twelve Days of Smutmas Masterpost
Because ‘tis the season!
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Title: The First Noel Author: JBankai89 Pairing: Harry/Draco Warnings: None Summary: “Somehow you're not quite as irritating when you're praising me.” “You know, compliments that are complimenting yourself don't count as compliments.” “Of course they do, how else will you know how much of a delight I am to be with?”Harry and Draco have been through some rough patches, but neither of them are entirely prepared for their first Christmas together... Link: AO3
Title: All I Want For Christmas is You Author: JBankai89 Pairing: Harry/Sirius Warnings: None Summary:  Harry thought that living with his godfather would be wonderful. He finally had a home and a chance to rebuild their relationship as godfather and godson. Unfortunately for Harry, things do not go entirely as planned when he begins to notice Sirius in a way that goes well beyond platonic love. Link: AO3
Title: I’ll Be Home For Christmas Author: JBankai89 Pairing: Harry/Charlie Warnings: Drinking Summary: Charlie surprises the family by showing up at the Burrow on Christmas Eve, and seems strangely keen on sticking close to Harry. Link: AO3
Title: Father Figures Author: JBankai89 Pairing: Harry/Remus Warnings: None Summary: “I like living with you,” Teddy said sincerely, “I get to be with my two dads that way.” Harry almost choked at his words. “Your two dads?” He asked. “Yeah, you and Daddy." Link: AO3
Title: The Care and Maintenance of Reluctant Gryffindors Author: JBankai89 Pairing: Harry/Severus/Draco Warnings: None Summary: Draco and Severus have no complaints about their relationship, nor their sex life, but they are always looking for something to spice things up. One Christmas Eve while out at a London pub they spy potential for an extremely pleasurable evening seated alone at the bar... Link: AO3
Title: Christmas Moon Author: JBankai89 Pairing: Sirius/Remus Warnings: None Summary: Out of nowhere, Remus announces to his friends that he plans to spend Christmas at Hogwarts. James and Sirius are quick to work out why, and naturally, that meant they were staying too. Link: AO3
Title: Christmas Spirits Author: JBankai89 Pairing: Harry/Lucius Warnings: Somewhere between seduction and dubcon, drinking Summary: In an effort to bolster the Malfoy name, Draco throws a Christmas party. Lucius stands on the edge of the festivities and as he observes the guests his son has managed to convince into coming, his eyes invariably fall to Potter, now good friend to his son. The sight of him stirs in Lucius a desire he had not expected to feel, and the elder Malfoy begins to plot how to best get the Saviour of the Wizarding World into his bed. Link: AO3
Title: Family Ties Author: JBankai89 Pairing: Albus/Scorpius Warnings: None Summary: Albus is dreading returning home for the holidays, where he will spend two weeks being teased by his siblings, cousins, and one uncle about his house affiliations, a running joke that after seven years still has not lost its momentum. His boyfriend, Scorpius, extends an invitation for Albus to stay with the Malfoys over Christmas, and Albus thinks it's a brilliant idea. There is only one thing standing in the way: Permission from his father. Link: AO3
Title: The Voice of Reason Author: JBankai89 Pairing: Harry/Remus/Sirius Warnings: None Summary: Harry has had a crush on Remus for years, and following the war he has been far from subtle about it. The fact that Remus is involved with Sirius does not seem to be enough to deter the young man from showing his interest, and Remus is further infuriated when Sirius seems just as keen about the idea of watching his godson bed his lover as Harry is. Link: AO3    
Title: I’ll Cover You Author: JBankai89 Pairing: Severus/Draco Warnings: Violence Summary: After a vicious attack, Severus rescues Draco from certain death and takes him to his home to recuperate. As Draco regains his strength, he finds that he feels safer with Severus nearby and is unwilling to go home. At the same time, he begins to feel a pull towards the older man that he never felt before. Link: AO3
Title: Mistletoe Author: JBankai89 Pairing: Harry/Fred/George Warnings: Twincest Summary: “George,” Fred said with an exaggerated gasp, “do you see what I see?” he looked up towards the ceiling, and George looked up and mirrored his twin's look of childlike awe. “I do Fred!” George replied in the same tone of voice, “well, isn't that a coincidence!” “What d'you—oh,” Harry stuttered to a stop when he looked up, and a single thought came to the surface of his mind: uh oh. Link: AO3
Title: Silver and Gold Author: JBankai89 Pairing: Harry/Severus Warnings: None Summary: Harry couldn't be happier with his life with Severus, his partner of five years, and his job running an orphanage for war orphans. The same cannot be said for how his surrogate family feels about his partner however. After they inform Harry that Severus is no longer welcome at the Burrow, Harry anticipates a maudlin, quiet Christmas. When a new arrival shows up in his office a few days before Christmas, Harry realizes very quickly that everything is about to change. Link: AO3
Title: Persistence Author: JBankai89 Pairing: Severus/Draco Warnings: None Summary: “I have tried to understand why a handsome young man like yourself would want anything to do with someone like me, but I have come up with no feasible answer,” Severus murmured, the low timbre of his voice making Draco shiver. “You do not see yourself as I do Severus,” Draco said simply, and smiled slightly when Severus did not correct him. He delighted in the man's first name on his tongue. “Handsome, brilliant, courageous, a hero, and f***ing hell, have you heard yourself speak? Your voice is like dark chocolate. I want you, all of you. All that you are, and all that you keep hidden. I've wanted you for years.” Link: AO3
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dirt-mccracken · 6 years
answer all the numbers
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miraculart · 6 years
A Matching Pair of Onesies -Chapter One-
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug
Summary: On the first day of Christmas, my best friend gave to me, a matching pair of onesies! With his parents away on the annual Holiday Fashion tour, Adrien is left in the care of the mayor and his daughter, Chloe. Under the watchful eye of Nathlie, Adrien must behave like the little businessman his parents raised him to be. But Andre is determined to give the Agreste kid the best Christmas of his life. 
Based on the sock sliding prompt tagged with the official concept art of city hall. @officialmiraculousladybug
Chloe/Adrien Childhood Friendship
Rating: G
Childish laughter echoed through the vast, empty corridors spanning Paris’ grand City Hall. The security guards dutifully remained -for the most part- stoic; It’s hard not to crack a smile at the two young aristocrats scuffling about the decked-out halls. The Mayor declared that City Hall would remain closed for the entire duration of Christmas, requesting that he not be interrupted with work (exempting all but the most important and delicate of affairs). Obviously, that meant he was stuck in his office all but a sparse few moments to enjoy meals and a bedtime story with his daughter.
As company for his lonely child, and as a favor to the prestigious Agreste family, Mayor Bourgeois had allowed their 6 year old son, Adrien, to stay in the hall for the two-week, Winter Fashion Tour that kept both Agreste parents from spending the holiday season with their son. He wasn’t sure who to pity more, the Agreste’s for the vast amounts of time they missed in their child’s life, or Adrien, for his stunted childhood. The closest thing Adrien had to caring parents were his father’s assistant, Nathalie, and the 24-hour bodyguard plastered to his side all hours of the day. This concerned Andre, as he wanted to ensure this child had a marvelous vacation in City Hall. Naturally, he convinced the bodyguard to take a week off (paid, of course), and negotiated a few more hours of free time into Adrien’s rigorous learning and training schedule.
When the bodyguard dropped Adrien and Nathalie off, Andre had attempted to strike up a conversation with the boy. Adrien was well acquainted with how the ‘Agreste Holiday Season (tm)’ worked, and wasn’t keen to socialize. The young boy’s cool composure unnerved the new Mayor. His spring green eyes reflected cold and icy judgement, his hair molded to perfection, a casual, but likely custom made, suit showing off his too-small figure. The light khakis, sweater vest, and bow tie mimicked a younger version of his father, a frosty glare and intense frown only adding to the illusion, he matched the senior Agreste to the “T”.
When Andre introduced Chloe, Adrien behaved like the pristine, preened gentleman his parents groomed him to be. He remembered the deadpan, disapproving look on the kid’s face when Chloe bumbled down the stairs to greet him donning a sparkly, pink, fairy princess dress.
Adrien thrust out a small, stiff hand professionally. “Good evening,” he asserted himself cooly, expecting Chloe to shake. “-it is a pleasure to meet you, my name is Adrien Agreste.”
Recoiling from the young businessman, she refused stubbornly, surprised and unsure about how to handle scripted formalities. “Uh, hi-“ she pulled her hands behind her back. With a small wave, she retreated behind her father’s legs, shying away from the broken child before her “-my name’s Chloe.”
Andre chuckled, “there’s no need to hide, darling! Adrien will be staying with us for Christmas! Why don’t you show him your room?” He carefully guided her out from behind him, motioning to the staircase. Her shy attitude completely whisked away as she gripped Adrien’s arm and dragged him up the carpeted stairs, chattering about all her wishes for Papa Noel.
“-And this is Mr. Cuddly!” She held the poor bear up by the arms, its head drooping miserably against a worn chest.
Adrien sneered but remained silent. If he had nothing good to say, he should say nothing at all, at least, that’s what Nathalie said.
Chloe continued to ramble unforgivingly, ignoring Adrien’s uncomfortable reactions. “He’s so nice, and we have tea parties! But tea is gross so we drink hot cocoa instead.” She leaned in close to Adrien’s ear, he sat rigid, focusing on a rather pressing matter: his bladder.
“Don’t tell daddy though, he still thinks it’s tea.” She giggled, laughter fading as she noticed Adrien’s less-than-subtle discomfort. “What’s wrong?” she poked him gently, gasping with wide disbelieving eyes. “You like tea, don’t you! I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have assumed-” Adrien held up a hand sharply, bringing Chloe’s rambling to a shallow stutter. He moved!
He attempted to maintain professionalism in his request, but ultimately failed, squeaking out “I’m sorry to cut you off, I’ve been looking for an opportunity but I couldn’t find one, may I use your restroom?” His perfect composure crumbled with the crushing pressure against his tiny bladder. His parents trained him for many things, but they never could keep him from going to the bathroom every few hours. He still couldn’t make it through the night sometimes (not that he’d tell Chloe, but he had several weeks worth of pull-ups tucked away in his suitcases). He glanced at the door urgently, begging her to respond.
Chloe sat in shocked stupor, “Y-yeah it’s just down the hallway, the big blue door.”
Racing out of the pint-sized pink palace, he shouted “Thanks!” She shook her head slightly, unsure of what exactly she just witnessed. Maybe Adrien could be a kid once in awhile.
Adrien looked desperately around the breakfast table. With a sigh he swirled the offensively pink straw his water glass. “Is there a problem Monsieur Agreste?” Jean Luc, the butler, questioned softly, resting a warm hand on Adrien’s shoulder. “What would you have for breakfast?”
Adrien peered sullenly across the room. Nathalie returned his gaze crisply. It seemed his strict dieting regimen would be retained through the holiday after all. “Do you have wheatgrass by chance? I would enjoy a smoothie, I think.” Nathalie affirmed his silent request with a nearly indistinguishable nod. He let out a long breath, avoiding eye contact with the scrumptious pastries that he longed to try.
A murky green concoction appeared almost instantaneously to his plate, they must have a fruit ninja or something, he thought, sliding closer to the crystal glass. He shrugged, defeated, and opted to finish the drink he ordered, taking a long sip from another blindingly pink straw. Chloe certainly had a hand in the shopping lists around here. Pink of that shade should never be paired with elegant silver dishware.
Chloe looked up at the half-filled glass of green glop, shrieking in disgust. Adrien choked, alarmed by her outburst. “What is that?!” She cried, horrified shock morphing her face to an expression of sheer revolt.
He gestured to the glass, clearing his throat, attempting to regain some composure. “A smoothie?”
Her face contorted, separating herself from the supposed ‘smoothie’. “That, thing, is not a smoothie, it’s a glass full of boogers.” She waved Jean Luc over to help wipe the smoothie splatter from Adrien’s profile.
His cheeks warmed with embarrassment, if his actions this morning were made public his family would be scrutinized. “It’s not that bad…” his voice faded faintly, a reaction unbecoming of his proud lineage.
Chloe shook her head, disappointed with Adrien’s poor taste in breakfast foods. She grabbed a pastry from the table and leaned across, shoving the sugary treat into his mouth. He struggled away, he’s not allowed, he couldn’t breathe-
Nathalie leapt to action, pulling Chloe from Adrien. Frazzled, she tried her best to stop Chloe in time, but it was too late. He’d already taken a bite of the fresh-baked chocolate croissant. His mouth filled with a heavenly combination of sugar, chocolate, bread- Oh, wow, so that’s what pastries taste like. They’re wonderful, he thought, why had he been starved of this invention? His eyes rolled back into his head in a state of unapologetic bliss. Nathalie turned murderously to Chloe, gripping her by the collar of her silk pajamas. “Look what you’ve done, you brat-” She spat venomously, “Adrien must maintain a strict dieting regimen in order to become one of Paris’ top models. Do you understand me? We need him in peak-”
The mayor stepped through the doorway, aroused by the ruckus breakfast caused. His confused daze faded immediately upon seeing his daughter in the iron-clad grasp of Agreste’s nanny. His temper boiled over, giving out commands before fully processing the situation. “Nathalie, you are hereby dismissed by order of the mayor. Unhand my daughter this instant.”
She glared at him defiantly, “I am Adrien’s legal guardian, you can’t dismiss me without kicking him out as well.” A smug smile worked its way onto her lips, she’s played enough chess with the Agrestes to know when she reached checkmate.
He marched towards her, a scowl engraved deep into his face. He trudged over, towering well above Nathalie. “I said, unhand- my- daughter!” He pulled Chloe from her grasp, punctuating each word by beckoning the guards to his side.
He stood straighter, distinguished, adjusting his tie aggressively. “Please show Miss Sancour to the door. She has outstayed her welcome.” Checking that she was successfully removed from earshot, he softened. “Jean Luc, Adrien will be staying as our guest for the remainder of the holidays, please make up a room for him.” As Jean Luc scuttled away, he turned to Adrien and Chloe, both wide-eyed and mute, shell-shocked. His lowered his voice apologetically, “Adrien, please feel free to eat whatever it is you’d like while you are here, it’s Christmas, eat all the pastries your heart desires.” He gestured to the Chef’s window.
Adrien timidly side-eyed the mutilated croissant Chloe had forced upon him. “If it’s alright sir, I’d like to finish whatever that is-” pointing to the rather deflated pastry.
Andre chuckled, a deep hearty joy Adrien rarely heard from his own father, and ruffled the boy’s curly head of hair. “Of course, eat to your heart’s content! When you two are done with breakfast there’s an early Christmas gift for you in the living room.”
Chloe squealed, “An early present? Hurry Adrien, I want to see what it is!” She tugged urgently on his sleeve. And for the first time, Andre saw a true, wide, childish smile on his face. He’d lost a tooth! The mayor never would’ve realized it without seeing Adrien’s full-toothless-grin.
“Take the croissant with you Adrien, it isn’t kind to leave a lady waiting.” Adrien took the croissant cautiously, deeply afraid that he’d break his new treasure, and took off after Chloe towards the family tree.
“Just rip the paper open, Adrien!” Chloe lay sprawled across the carpet of wrapping paper and ribbon now decorating the floor. She donned a brand-new unicorn onesie, pink no doubt, a bundle of movies in her tiny arms.
He held the package gently, it was squishy. He turned the present over in his hands, looking for a good place to start unwrapping. He was still reliving the taste of the chocolate croissant from just moments earlier. This new found freedom was overwhelming.
Ah! There’s the ribbon tape, he pulled weakly on the string, trying to pop it off to no avail. Well, he supposed, if today is the day he eats pastries, then perhaps it’s the day he rips open a package as well. He sucked in a deep breath, building all the strength his body could muster, and he ripped the paper, right on the corner of the package. It was fun! He did it again, until he’d unwrapped, a godzilla onesie! Green and warm, with a tail even. It was so soft, the fabric felt like clouds under his fingers, but the fibers caught on his hands. His father would never approve of him wearing this.
Chloe shook him side to side, “Put it on! Put it on so we can match!”
He looked down at the pajamas, then up at the strange girl he was just beginning to know and he smiled. For now, he can be like everyone else. No, he can be himself! He put on the onesie, pulling the hood over his head. It had teeth! He’s put his arms up and bared his teeth, the scariest face he could make, growling “Rawwrrr!”
Chloe giggled, pulling her own hood up, unicorn horn bouncing unceremoniously on her forehead. “Halt, foul beast!” she ordered, “I’m Princess Unicorn, here to save the day!” She tackled him in a hug, tickling his sides.
Uncontrollable laughter erupted from Adrien, “No, no please! Please stop-” he pleaded through her relentless assault. He wriggled away from her grasp, avoiding further attack. “You’ll never catch me!” he taunted, stomping away dramatically.
“No! Not the civilians!” She responded heroically to his challenge, chasing him down the hall. He took a sharp corner, socks sliding on the freshly polished floor. He recovered okay, but Chloe didn’t fare so well, slipping and toppling into him. They both collapsed in a fit of giggles.
Jean Luc appeared above them, camera in hand. The flash blinded them momentarily, but they recovered quickly scrambling to get up and continue their game. Jean Luc took Chloe by the arm, “Miss, the viewing room has been fully stocked with popcorn and sweets. I do believe there were christmas movies involved with this gift?”
“A movie day? Best. Gift. Ever! Come on, Adrien, let’s go get the movies!” She took off down the hallway again, dragging a confused little Godzilla by the tail.
“Wait, did Hermy have to go back to elf practice?” Adrien asked, sucking enthusiastically on a candy cane.
Chloe paused the credits, “No, silly, didn’t you see the ending scene? He became a dentist after he took out Bumble’s bad tooth!”
“Ohh, okay!” He was still quite puzzled, but if Chloe said it, it must be true, she seemed to really enjoy these American films. “What’s next?”
She pondered over the array of DVD’s in front of her. “How about… Elf!” She shot up quickly, knocking the chair which held up a heavy comforter.
“Chloe, you knocked down the blanket fort! And I lost my candy cane…” Adrien’s whiny voice was muffled by the blanket. “Ow! Found it…” He stabbed his palm trying to escape his fuzzy prison.
The dark weight was lifted suddenly, as Jean Luc pulled the blanket up and over the chair. “I’m sorry to intrude on your movie marathon, but it’s time for bed. You are welcome to sleep here if you would like to watch just one more film.”
Chloe moaned, “Do we have to?” Pouting comically.
Mr. Cuddly appeared from behind the butler’s back, “It is time for bed, you need a good night’s sleep for your activities tomorrow.”
Jean Luc peeked from behind the bear, “Mr. Cuddly makes an excellent point, you know. Your father has some splendid surprises for the day.”
Chloe pursed her lips, only-half convinced. “Well, okay. But only because Mr. Cuddly said so.”
“You’re already in your pajamas, but might I recommend that you brush your teeth before bed? A cavity is no way to spend Christmas.” He looked pointedly at Adrien. “Your supplies are all in your bathroom Mr. Agreste, might I show you there?”
Adrien yawned, rubbing sore-strained eyes. “Okay, I’ll be back in a couple minutes Chloe, then we can watch Elf.” He followed Jean Luc to his bathroom, brushing each tooth thoroughly, but not flossing, it’s okay to skip floss once in awhile. He put on his nightly pull-ups, how embarrassing it would be to wet himself here, and zipped up his onesie, the fabric was softer and more inviting than ever.
By the time he returned to their -rather impressive- blanket fortress, Chloe was already fast asleep. The TV was on in the background droning a dull buzz. He curled up next to her, eyes heavy, but heart lighter than it had ever been. “Goodnight, Chloe.” He whispered.
AN: This has been sitting in my drafts for a while. Hope you enjoyed! Feedback is appreciated :) 
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Too Long [Jason Dilaurentis]
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Fandom: Pretty Little Liars
Character: Jason Dilaurentis x reader
Word Count: 2,907
Triggers: Smut
Needed to write about Jason because 1) He’s so hot 2) I love him and 3) This man needs more imagines! Hope you enjoy x
Requests are open so feel free to request away: http://tragicallybeautiful97.tumblr.com/request 
It was a well known fact that Noel Kahn threw the best parties in Rosewood. As soon as Alison Dilaurentis had told the group it was obvious that you would all be attending - no one ever said no to Allie.
“Are you really going to wear that Hanna?” Alison questioned sweetly, her head tilted to the side as she watched Hanna try on a tight green dress.
Hanna looked down at her figure, her face falling as she glanced back up at Alison, “Why? Does it look bad?”
“It looks great.” You cut in before Alison could say anything.
“Thanks.” Hanna grinned while Alison glared at you.
Your relationship with Alison was definitely strange. You had know Allie, Aria, Hanna, Spencer and Emily forever. Alison had formed your friendship group at the beginning of high school; she was the glue that held everyone together, however she sometimes was the very weapon that destroyed us. You knew that Alison loved you all but the things she said to you all sometimes could cut like a knife. That was the thing about Alison, she could either make or break you.
“Allie?” A voice called from outside the door of Alison’s bedroom.
“Ugh, what does he want?” Alison scoffed under her breath as she made her way across the room to her bedroom door. She swung the door open, revealing Jason Dilaurentis, her older brother, “What?”
Jason rolled his eyes at his sister's annoyed tone, “Are you going to that party tonight?”
“Maybe.” Alison smirked.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” Jason snapped, “Me and the guys are going to so I’ll give you a lift.”
“You and the guys?” Alison repeated, her eyebrows rising in interest.
“Yeah, Ian and Garrett are coming over in a minute, so hurry up.” Jason sighed frustratedly.
His eyes fell on you and you looked away quickly; embarrassed that you had been caught watching him. You had always had a crush on Jason despite the fact that he was a few years older than you. There was just something about him that drew you in; you didn’t know if it was his rebel without a cause attitude or his deep brown eyes that seemed to stare right through you. All you did know was that your crush was definitely unrequited; he probably only saw you as Alison’s little minion, which brought you to the next point - Allie would roast you alive if you ever got with Jason. She had made it very clear that she would not accept any of her friends pursuing Jason; Alison was always weirdly possessive over Jason.
“What are you staring at?” Alison snapped.
“Nothing.” Jason mumbled distractedly, “Just be ready in five.”
* * *
“Looks like someone is finally going to get Noel Khan’s attention tonight.” Alison smirked at you as you were walking down the staircase and into the kitchen.
“Relax, I won’t tell anyone.” Alison said sincerely, entwining your hands, “I’m just saying you look hot. Like really hot.” She reassured me.
You couldn’t help but smile at her; choosing to let the Noel Khan comment slip. It was moment like this that you remembered why you loved Allie. No matter how horrible she could be sometimes, she had moments where she was kind and sweet. You knew Allie would do anything for you, she was fiercely protective and always looked out for you.
“She’s right.” Emily called from behind you, “That dress looks amazing.”
You smiled at your friend, fingering the silky velvet material of your red dress. It was bolder than the dresses you usually wore but you had to admit you felt good in it; it hugged you in all the right places and the short skirt made your legs appear longer than they actually were. You had paired it with a pair of black thigh high boots that Aria had insisted you borrow.
“Alright Emily, don’t get a crush now.” Alison sniggered, smiling sweetly at Emily over her shoulder. Emily grimaced, slowing down slightly so she was no longer walking behind you.
“What was that about?” You questioned in confusion.
“Nothing.” Alison replied, squeezing your hand gently.
“Well it’s about time!” Ian yelled in mock distress as you all piled into the kitchen. Ian and Garrett were leaning against the counters, cans of beer in their hands. Your eyes flickered to Jason who had his back turned, in the process of opening a beer himself. Ian quickly greeted you, pressing a chaste kiss on your cheek before he moved on to Spencer.
“Weren’t you supposed to be hanging out with Melissa tonight?” Spencer questioned suspiciously.
Ian only laughed, “I couldn’t let my boys down now could I?”
“Plus Ian can never miss a good party.” Jason sniggered as he turned around.
He went to raise the beer to his lips, however his movements stilled when his eyes fell on you. His eyes seemed to darken, his adam's apple bobbing harshly as he swallowed hard. You stared back at him, your cheeks heating up despite the voice in your head insisting you had just imagined the lustful look he had just given you.
“You guys want some beer?” Garrett offered, pointing at the crate of open cans.
“Yes.” Alison answered immediately.
“Allie, we’re underaged.” Spencer protested as Alison waltzed over to the cans of beer.
“Oh come on Spencer, don’t be such a party pooper.” Alison scoffed, tossing her mane of golden hair over her shoulder, “Just have a drink.”
“Why do I feel like tonight is not going to end well?” Spencer whispered beside you.
* * *
The party was in full swing by the time you arrived. The car journey had seemed to take forever. You had been squeezed between Jason and Emily, your bare leg flushed against his own and your hands occasionally brushing as you passed around Ian’s hip flask of whiskey. You and the girls had quickly succumbed to the peer pressure of drinking; coming to the conclusion that you would all watch out for each other if one of the group got to drunk.
Your bets were on Aria. She was definitely the biggest lightweight.
“Come on ladies,” Ian yelled over the loud music, “Let's dance.”
You watched as Ian grabbed Allie’s hand; both of them running to the dancefloor. You averted your eyes quickly as they began grinding. You couldn’t help but wondering if there was something going on between Allie and Ian, he had been around the Dilaurentis home a lot more recently, not to mention the fact that they were almost having sex on the dancefloor right now.
“Look at them!” Spencer growled, her eyes fixed on Alison and Ian.
“I’m sorry Spence.” You sighed, “It’s not fair on Melissa.”
Spencer looked down, her face unreadable, “Yeah, it’s not.”
“Come on, let’s get a drink.” Aria sighed before leading us through the dancing crowd. You glanced over your shoulder, stupidly searching for Jason, only to see him walking in the opposite direction with Garrett, a cigarette in his hand.
You quickly shook off your disappointment, it was stupid of you to think he would want to spend time with you. You tried to forget about him and instead focused on having fun with your friends. You took shots and danced; allowing yourself to get lost in the music as you grew more and more intoxicated.
“So…” Aria drawled as you were pouring some vodka and coke for you both, “You and Noel huh?”
“What?” You snorted, spilling the coke slightly as you laughed.
“You don’t like him?” Aria guessed.
You shook your head, “No.”
“What about Jason?” Aria pressed.
You froze, your eyes going wide as you slammed down the bottle of coke. You looked at Aria only to see that she was smiling knowingly.
“Is it that obvious?” You groaned, hiding your face with you hands.
“No!” Aria reassured you, pushing your hands away so that she could look at you, “I just know you. I see the way you look at him; hell I see the way he looks at you. You always act so awkward around each other, it’s almost uncomfortable how obvious it is that you both want to rip each other’s clothes off.” Aria giggled at your red face, “It’s alright. I won’t tell Allie.”
You sighed with relief, moving forward to hug your tiny friend, “Thank you.”
A few hours had passed and you were currently searching for your friends. You had gone to the bathroom a few minutes ago and when you had come back they were nowhere to be found. You were in the middle of ringing Spencer when someone cleared their throat behind you.
You turned around to see Jason behind you, leaning against a tree with a cigarette in his hand. You took a moment to appreciate how good he looked; his dark green shirt tight in all the right places, his golden hair windswept and the delicious stubble shadowing his prominent jaw line.
“You ok?” He asked after a moment of just staring at each other.
You nodded and joined him against the tree trunk so he could hear you over the music, “Yeah, I’ve just lost the girls. I was just about to call them.”
“I think I saw them over by the drinks table before.” Jason stated before he took another drag of his cigarette, “My sisters still with Ian.”
“Really?” You grimaced when you noticed his dark expression.
“I tried to find her earlier but she’s disappeared, as usual.” Jason sighed, running his hands through his hair.
“Hey, I’ll help you find her.” I offered.
Jason smirked, “And miss the party?”
“I’m sure I can spare a few minutes.” You teased playfully.
Jason smiled at you, the corners of his lips tilting up boyishly as he pushed himself away from the tree trunk. He moved closer to you, bowing his head slightly so that his face was inches away from you. Your heart stuttered in your chest, your head going blurry at the close proximity and the smell of his aftershave and tobacco.
“If you're sure.” Jason smirked before he moved away, grabbing your hand and leading you outside.
* * *
“Milkshakes are not better than coffee!” Jason exclaimed for the fifth time.
“Of course they are!” You protested, “How can they not be?”
“Coffee is the best thing to ever be invented.”
You and Jason had been talking about everything and anything for the past hour you had been searching for Allie. You had walked a good few streets, occasionally calling Allie’s name before continuing with whatever topic of conversation you were discussing at the time. Throughout the hour you had both moved closer and closer to each other, so close that every now and then your hands brushed. You knew it was wrong - Allie would kill you if she knew you were alone with Jason, but at the moment you didn’t care, you were enjoying his company too much.
“You cold?” Jason questioned when he noticed you shivering.
You shrugged, “Yeah, this dress wasn’t exactly built to be warm.” You joked.
Jason touched your hand and stopped walking. You watched as he shrugged off his leather jacket; moving closer to you so he could drape it over your shoulders. You stilled when he was inches away from you, his hands on your shoulders.
His lips were on yours in seconds, the kiss fervent and hungry. His hands moved from your shoulders to rest on your waist, pulling you closer to him before he slid his hands through your hair. You succumbed to your desire, forgetting all the reasons why you shouldn’t be doing this. You kissed him back passionately, your hands moving to his shoulders as you fell into his body. You continued to kiss, getting lost in each other entirely; your hands all over each other, biting exposed skin and gripping at each others hair. You were two bombs who had finally exploded.
“Jesus, I’ve wanted to do this for so long.” Jason murmured against the skin of your neck as he backed you up against a nearby tree. You were hidden away from everyone, your kissing figures protected by the cluster of trees around you. “Do you know how often I thought about kissing you. Every time you would come around, looking so damn beautiful.” His hands skimmed the hem of your dress, rubbing the skin, “And tonight, when I saw you in this dress,” His teeth nipped at your bottom lip, “Jesus, I thought you were trying to kill me.”
You were dizzy with passion as you continued to kiss him, your hands knotted in his hair, tugging slightly and causing groans to escape his lips.
“I thought you didn’t like me.” You admitted against his lips, “I thought I was delusional for ever thinking that anything could happen between us.”
“How could I not like you Y/N?” Jason laughed, tucking your hair behind your ear affectionately, “I like you. I like you a fucking lot.”
You smiled like an idiot, pulling his face back to yours. You gasped when you felt his warm hands slide between your thighs, his hand teasing you over the fabric of your underwear. You moaned at the sensation, burying your face in his neck as he continued his movements, his mouth nibbling at your earlobe.
“Jason, what about Allie?” You panted, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you felt his hand slide into the waistband of your underwear.
“Screw Allie.” Jason growled, “She doesn’t have the right to keep us away from each other.
A cry sounded from your lips as his fingers entered you. His lips were at your neck, biting and sucking at the exposed skin. You squirmed and let out another moan as he curled his fingers inside of you, a shiver of pleasure running through you.
“You’re so wet.” He moaned huskily. “I just want to eat you all up.”
You watched as Jason kneeled down in front of you, his eyes never leaving yours as he lifted one of your legs over his shoulder. He moved your underwear to the side before he buried his face in your legs. You clutched at the bark of the tree, your body jolting as his tongue swirled around your clit painfully slow. He teased you for a while, forcing desperate moans from your lips before he delved deeper, his tongue moving mercilessly against you. You convulsed against him, a moaning mess as you came.
He got back to his feet, his arms encircling you as he kissed your forehead.
“You ok?” He whispered against your hair.
“God yes.” You whimpered, snuggling against him, “More than ok.”
You captured his lips again, your fingers moving to the bottom of his t-shirt. You lifted it over his head, admiring the sculpted muscles of his chest. Your lips found his neck, sucking on it as you worked on unbuckling his belt. Jason backed you up against the tree once again, a groan escaping his lips as you pressed yourself against him.
“Fuck me Jason.” You moaned against his lips, “God you have to fuck me right now.”
He kissed you passionately, his body shuddering slightly as he trapped you in his arms, hands either side of your head. He pulled away, rummaging around in the pocket of his jeans that had fallen to the floor. He found the condom that was in his pocket, putting it on him quickly before he moved close to you once again.
“Are you sure about this?” He questioned after a few minutes of kissing you.
You nodded, “I’ve wanted this for so long.”
He smiled and hoisted your leg around his hip. He slid into you, causing you to gasp as you felt him stretch you out. He was bigger than anyone you had ever experienced so it took you a while to adjust to him. Your hands dug into his shoulders, small wails sounding from your lips as he started to move faster. His lips and hands were everywhere, relieving all the pent up frustration from the months of holding back. He moved faster as your moans grew louder, his hips pounding into you as he forced your hands behind your head.
“God, you’re so beautiful.” He groaned, his head resting against yours as his hands tangled in your head.
“Oh God Jason!” You practically squealed as he hit a particular spot. You convulsed against him once again, moaning and cursing under your breath as you fell into him, your head fuzzy as you came. He continued to move fluidly, riding you through you hair before he stuttered, throwing his head back as he came. He swore and pulled out of you, his head still resting against your own as he engulfed you in his arms. You both fell to the floor, Jason pulling on his pants before he handed you his jacket once again.
“Holy shit.” Was all he could say.
“Yeah.” You agreed breathlessly.
His lips pressed against your forehead, “You do realise I’m definitely not letting you go now right?” He wrapped his arm around you, “I’ve waited too long for you to lose you after one night.”
You snuggled into him, a huge smile crossing your lips, “I’m definitely not going anywhere.”
“Good, and don’t worry about Alison, I’ll deal with her.” Jason reassured you, “Now come on, let’s go back home, I’m nowhere near done with you yet.”
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