nhormeanings-blog · 13 years
Whisperers To This Archaic Growth
This song is of those who speak to the sprawling forest. Swiftly they do hide once your presence is felt, but within the furthest reaches of the growth they dwell. Receiving and giving all to the forest in a harmony most high. I see this song as the bridge between my previous releases. 
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nhormeanings-blog · 13 years
This song echoes 'The Branches Are Gathered'. Both are connected wholly to the Narul story.
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nhormeanings-blog · 13 years
Aspen Crown
Crowns made from the leaves of Aspen trees have been found within ancient burial mounds. They were thought to grant the deceased a power to be reborn to the Earth.
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nhormeanings-blog · 13 years
Beneath The Burial Leaves Of A Dying Earth
The song meaning is as the title implies. It is also of ritual; of the burial of our own Earth.
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nhormeanings-blog · 13 years
The theory of how the earth & moon came to be. The song is a memorial to her and her scattered remnants over the earth. It is of her return from the moon for these precious fragments.
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nhormeanings-blog · 13 years
(The point in the orbit of a satellite around the moon that is nearest to the moon.)
This song has split meanings to me. One is as though the moon was so close that you could tip toe and touch it with your fingertips. This song also represents the longing of two, held within a dance of orbits. One endlessly spinning around the other, spellbound to its allure, like a moth to candlelight. Yet this spell that holds the two so close is agonisingly the only thing that keeps them apart.
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nhormeanings-blog · 13 years
(The point when two stars of a binary star system are nearest to each other in their orbits.)
This song is about nothing more and nothing less than the stars.
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nhormeanings-blog · 13 years
(The point in an orbit around a moon that is farthest from the moon's centre.)
This song is about leaving everything you have ever known behind. In context with it's name it would be to drift throughout the ether, in search of something, something you know you will never find. Falling ever further into the lonely void, far from that moon that cared for you so, lost, with no hope of return.
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nhormeanings-blog · 13 years
(The point of orbit for a binary star system at which the stars are farthest apart)
I imagine this song more as the breaking of orbits. As if two stars, who since the beginning of the universe had circled each other, yet one star breaks from it's orbit and falls into the ether, leaving it's cosmic companion. Further apart they fall, slowly fading into the darkness, calling out to each other, longing to return.
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nhormeanings-blog · 13 years
Upon The Wind It's Wings Beat Sorrow Into The Stars
This song is drawn from a sight i once saw. I was looking up to the stars when an owl left it's perch within the trees and flew across the sky . As if by night the owl would spread sorrow over the stars, letting it fall down onto the earth. I sat at my piano and wrote this song that night, imagining this to be true.
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nhormeanings-blog · 13 years
A Pale Glimmer
A pale glimmer represents simply and wholly the lights of the night sky. This song can be understood as my second awakening as Nhor.
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nhormeanings-blog · 13 years
This song is about a great monolith of a woman, a goddess of sorts. She can be considered as a woman who encompasses your thoughts, a great force within your mind. Or she can be seen as a physically gigantic goddess. A woman who could crouch within the mountains and pull the stars from the sky.
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nhormeanings-blog · 13 years
This name is actually taken from a book, the name is of a goddess who welcomes men that drown into their slumber. This song is many things. It is of rain upon a forest and to be stood beneath it's canopy at that moment. It is of river water and streams that wander through these growths. It is of a woman, hidden within the water awaiting those who are weary.
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nhormeanings-blog · 13 years
Of Moth & Moon
As i wrote this song a moth awoke from behind my piano. It fluttered around the room and towards the window. I opened it to let the moth escape into the night. Once it was free, it flew upwards, crossing the moons path. For that moment the moth & moon became as one. 
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nhormeanings-blog · 13 years
The Branches Are Gathered
Refers to a summoning, a ritual.
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nhormeanings-blog · 13 years
A Heart Of The Growing Cold
This song is of the swelling of hearts. The aching of such a burden. Within the intro lies a call, a call i doubt many will hear, yet if you do ever stumble across it, please follow it.
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nhormeanings-blog · 13 years
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No One Ran To Her . When Emptiness Stole Time . Every Aching Star Trembled . Wilting Eyes Shed Tears . Each Alone Solemnly Trusting . She Opens Untold Truths Herein  
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