vannia8 · 5 months
Bullies should be punish because they are hurting some children by emotion and physical and they should be punish and they are bullying some children who did not do wrong for them and they should learn for their mistake for bullying some kids so that they can know what did they do and get some moral lesson for bullying and they should be punish for their mistake because they are hurting children emotion and bullying should be stop and I want to realize their mistake for doing bullying for the kids so they will stop and I want to prevent not be a bully be a buddy  to your other  schoolmates
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vannia8 · 5 months
my journey as a student
by: vannia l lorana
When I am a child I dream a lot to become a doctor and when I was grade one I like to play with my friends at school and I like eating candy and share it to my friend when I was grade two I want to be an honor student and I started to like a lot of things when I am in my childhood and the covid-19 started when I was in grade 3 and I was 9 years old that time and I  cannot able to see my friends at school because of the covid-19 and it is an online class and me and my friends cannot able to meet during the pandemic when I was in grade 4 I like to do things and I started to be  confidence and play with my friends at home and I like eating chocolate and sweet when I was grade 5 and I am 11 years old that time its back to face to face class and I am very excited to see my friends at school when I am grade 6 now I have a lot of experience during childhood time and I want to finish my study and to be an successful doctor
Thank you for reading my journey
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