#diluc ragvindr x y/n
moonflvver · 5 months
Silent Promise
character: Diluc Ragvindr x reader
warnings: Reader gets held hostage, description of reader getting choked (not by diluc), kind of angsty but there is fluff.
synopsis: Reader ends up in danger due to Diluc's position as the Darknight Hero when the abyss order ends up making connections due to the fact that reader is often seen at Dawn Winery, and coincidentally around the areas where the Darknight ends up appearing.
a/n: This is a drabble for a really old ask that I can no longer find in my inbox, enjoy.
w/c: 864
Diluc feels like he’s going to be sick. His mouth is dry. He never thought it would come to this. He never thought that the Abyss would be so bold as to kidnap you and take you hostage. And right now he needs to think. He needs to move. He needs to do anything at all. And he’s trying so hard to will his feet to move from the ground but they seem to be cemented to the spot where he’s standing. His entire body feels frozen, a stark contrast to the fire that usually simmers just beneath his skin. The entire point of him being the dark knight was to keep people safe, and yet he couldn’t even manage to keep you, the one person who actually mattered to him safe. This wasn’t supposed to be happening at all.
But he should’ve realized that with all the time you spent coming and going from the Dawn Winery someone was bound to pick up on the significance of your relationship with him. He was naive to think that he could keep you safe. He had been lulled into a false sense of safety by the Abyss order and they had taken advantage of his lack of foresight. His breathing felt mechanical at this point; it was almost as if he had to remind his lungs to inhale and exhale. He was still gripping his claymore, staring at the desperation on your face. A silent plea for him to save you. But then he sees the Abyss mage grip your throat tighter, fingers curling around your neck. Forcing your windpipe to close up even further, his name comes out of your mouth just barely. It sounds broken and he swears he’s never felt so angry in his life. Both at himself and at the bastards that would dare to hurt you. And finally he’s able to move so he springs into action. Running at the Abyss mage and bringing his sword down on its arm, cutting it clean off. You drop to the ground still clutching your throat. You’re hurt but you’re alive and once he sees that you’re okay he turns to face the mage and his pyro vision activates.
Wild flames are spilling out of his arm and his sword, a byproduct of the built up fear and rage. Diluc is seeing red and his movements are sloppy. They deviate from his usual well placed and well controlled strikes. The way he moves his sword is an expression of anger, he’s slashing wildly until the damage he has dealt finally takes down the mage. His breath is short and uneven, he’s gasping for air. But before he can stop to rest, his body is moving all on its own and it’s running towards you. He’s scanning you for injuries, he can already see purple blooming on your neck where the mage was digging into your skin with its fingers. His hands ghost over your neck and you wince, pulling away slightly, causing his chest to ache. Once again his vision fogs up with red and he wants nothing more than to hunt down every member of the Abyss order and make them regret ever going after you. But that will have to wait, first he needs to take care of you.
Tears are falling down your face and he cups your cheek with a gloved hand. “Archons forgive me. I’m so sorry. I'm so, so sorry.” He whispers as you silently cry in front of him. “Luc I was so scared. I thought- I thought that I’d never see you again. I really thought that this was it for me.” You say through broken sobs. And he swears that in this moment he can feel his heart breaking into a million pieces. “I should’ve realized that they’d do this. I should’ve been more cautious. This is all my fault.” He mumbles, the desperation seeping through his voice. He should’ve been faster, he should’ve been better. Better at keeping you safe, better at playing his role as the dark knight. His thoughts are running around in circles. And it’s evident in his demeanor. You know that he gets lost in his own head sometimes, so you pull him out. “Diluc.” You say softly, causing his attention to snap back to you. “It’s not your fault. You couldn’t have known that this was going to happen.”
He stays silent for a moment and then he starts, “But I should’ve-” and before he can finish his sentence you cut him off. “You don’t need to be perfect, that’s not what I want from you. You saved me regardless, and you’re here now. That’s all I could ever ask for.” You say, smiling up at him as his thumb strokes your cheek absentmindedly. How is it possible for you to be so forgiving, to be so loving? He’s not sure that he deserves any of it. But you’re right. It’s enough just in this moment for him to be able to be here with you. So he pulls you into his chest and wraps his arms around you. A silent promise that this will never happen again.
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eclectiaa · 6 months
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Like a Movie (ft. Diluc Ragvindr x Fem!Reader)
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Note: This turned out longer than expected, though it isn't long by any stretch. I've been having a craving to write for Diluc for a while now, so I'm glad I finally could! Happy reading! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
Content: In which Diluc hires you to 'play' his girlfriend.
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The first time you met Diluc Radvindr, you fell for him immediately...
Hotel Debord's grand Mondstadt opening was an unmistakable success. The ballroom was transformed into a lavish party space, complete with an endless array of gourmet food under the sparkling chandeliers. Diluc Ragvindr stood in one corner, brows furrowed as he watched his father attempt to introduce him to yet another socialite. Crepus was all smiles, but Diluc could see the desperation in his eyes as he tried to play matchmaker. It didn't help when one party—your own son, no less—was so unwilling.
The latest candidate sipped on her cocktail and giggled at every word, making Diluc want a very long drink from his own glass—anything to drown out the noise of the party tonight.
"Excuse me," he said after finishing the rest of his cider in one go. "I need to refill my drink."
He snuck off for the bar before Crepus could protest.
It was just another typical night for the scion, but the same could not be said for you. An influencer friend had dragged you here tonight. As she grabbed your arm, bringing you closer to the crowded bar, you couldn't help but feel out of your element.
You were out of your element in these fancy clothes... among these elite guests. This was compounded further after your friend effectively abandoned you, giggling along to a black-haired musician the last time you saw her.
Before you could call it a night, a man with slicked-back hair and a lingering gaze approached you. It wasn't long till he was making inappropriate comments. When you finally put your foot down, he refused to take no for an answer. Now you were pissed, scene be damned.
"Can't you see she's not interested?"
Except a voice behind you spooked the guy straight. "M-Mr. Ragvindr—"
The man didn't need to be told twice, walking away without even looking in your direction.
"...I could have handled that, you know," you found yourself saying. Was it too much liquid courage?
"You looked like you were handling it great."
That snarky tone did nothing for your mood. You whirl around, a retort on your lips, only to come face-to-face with sharp golden eyes and fiery red hair. It was packed, sure, but you hadn't realized how close he was. Flustered by the sudden proximity to the unfairly handsome man, you took an unsteady step back.
Except your ankles caught on your flowing dress hem, and you tipped backward with a yelp.
The man reacted on instinct. His arms locked around your waist, yanking you tight toward his chest. Your relieved gasp rang in his ears, and Diluc Ragvindr looked down at you, regarding you with unveiled amusement lurking in his gaze.
"Just like you handled that."
"Diluc!" Crepus's jovial voice boomed. "I've been looking for you—"
He stopped short, eyes blowing wide at the sight of his reclusive son wrapped intimately around a dazzling young lady. A wicked grin spread over his face as he clapped. "Well, well! What do we have here? You should have just said that you had someone! I have to tell your mother."
"Wait—" Except his father was long gone. The red-haired man felt an ache in his temples. Then he locked eyes with you, still snug in his arms. "...Great."
The second time you met Diluc Ragvindr, he proposed...
"We have to stop meeting like this."
Strong hands caught your shoulders, steadying you after you smacked right into a broad chest turning the corner. You look up, an apology on your lips, only to meet the intensely golden eyes and blazing red hair from your incident at Hotel Debord.
"What, are you stalking me?"
Diluc looked mildly offended. "No," he offered placidly, gesturing to the burly men who had stopped a little ways from you. "But they might be."
In your reunion, you'd forgotten about your father's debt collectors following you down the street. You'd been dodging their calls for a while. It wasn't your gambling habit, after all.
"We've gotta—" You looked up at the handsome man urgently, but he simply waved at the collectors. It was funny; they looked as confused as you were.
"Can I help you, gentlemen?"
"What are you—" you started to hiss. You didn't know who this rich boy was, but he was about to get robbed. Except with a few biting words, mysterious bodyguards, and a flash of cash, he sent them packing.
"Now..." he surveyed you for a moment, and you shivered under his gaze. The frigid November air didn't help either. "How about some coffee?"
The third time you met Diluc Radgvindr, you went steady...
"I'll do it."
You felt like you'd signed a deal with the devil with how his lips curled up in a smirk. He was a handsome one, though. "I knew you'd come around."
"You had no way of knowing that," you countered, shifting uncomfortably. You weren't that easy to read.
Diluc leaned back in his Herman Miller office chair, regarding you with a hint of amusement. "So we're in agreement—you pretend to be my devoted girlfriend for, say...six months. In return, I'll take care of your father's debt in full."
You frowned, shifting awkwardly as you stood in front of him. "Just a few fancy parties and smiling for some photos? That's all?"
"I may also require your company for the occasional business dinner." His gaze turned wry. "But I promise to make them more exciting than they sound."
Your thoughts spun over the security his offer provided. With a bracing breath, you lifted your chin. "Okay, Mr. Ragnvindr, you've got yourself a deal." You extended a hand to seal the deal, unable not to add a playful, "Though I'll still expect proper compensation for putting up with your undoubtedly high-maintenance self."
His much larger hand engulfed yours, palm pleasantly warm. "I would expect nothing less." His intense golden eyes glinted. "I look forward to...getting to know you better, Miss [Last Name]."
In the first month, you met his parents...
You inhaled deeply, trying to steady your nerves as Diluc's flashy sports car glided through the grand entrance of Ragvindr Manor. As he confidently strode up the marble steps, you couldn't help but feel a knot form in your stomach at the thought of meeting his parents—Crepus and Celia. You, a girl from nowhere, suddenly dating their only son? It was hard not to tremble at the thought.
Except they embraced you warmly. They were all bright smiles, and you could see genuine joy in their eyes as they welcomed you—the first girl brought home by their usually distant son—and felt a wave of guilt. You were lying to them. This was all pretend.
As the warm tea poured into your cup, Crepus's boisterous laughter echoed through the room. The jovial atmosphere eased the tension caused by Diluc's usually brooding demeanor.
Afterward, you joined Celia in arranging colorful roses, her gentle touch and encouraging words wounding your heart. "It's been so long since I've seen my son smile so freely," she said with a tender pat on your hand.
Under the moon's soft glow, Diluc drove you home in his sleek car, his usually stoic face now adorned with a small but genuine smile thanks to his parents' joy.
And as your heart fluttered at the thought of being able to make him smile like that, you realized you could definitely get used to it.
In the second month, you went on a festival date...
Warm light radiated from the delicate paper lanterns that hung above, gently swaying in the breeze as you and Diluc strolled hand-in-hand through the lively Windblume festival grounds. You couldn't help but notice the faint click of cameras in your peripheral, capturing every moment of your public outing with Diluc Ragvindr, the elusive scion.
When he suggested this 'date' to publicly confirm your new relationship status, you never expected him to actually win you an entire array of festival prizes at the game stalls!
"Who knew you were such a marksman?" you teased, hefting the oversized dragon plushie he had shot down for you.
Diluc smirked, guiding you toward the towering Ferris wheel shining in the dusk. "I'm a man of many skills."
You quirked a brow. "Humble, aren't we?"
A soft chuckle escaped his lips, and he glanced at you with a mischievous twinkle in his golden eyes. "Go ahead, take in the view," he said, scooting closer to you on the bench as the Ferris wheel began to ascend. The lights of the fairgrounds below created a magical backdrop as you shared this intimate moment at what felt like the top of the world.
In the third month, you went to a party...
The sound of champagne flutes clinking echoed throughout the grand ballroom as the glittering chandelier above cast a warm golden glow on the guests. Diluc expertly weaved you through the sea of people, introducing you to important figures along the way, hand always comfortingly on the small of your back. Your heart pounded with nerves as you tried to make a good impression at their group's prestigious annual charity gala.
When a hand landed on your shoulder, you turned to meet a single icy blue eye glinting with mischief.
"Well, aren't you a vision," Kaeya Alberich purred, oozing so much overblown charm it made you snort. You knew he was trying to get a rise out of his best friend. He hadn't been made privy to the 'contract' after all. You ignored the uncomfortable pinch in your chest at the thought of the fast-expiring arrangement.
The navy-haired man brushed an exaggerated kiss to your knuckles while waggling his eyebrows at his friend. "Care to ditch tall, glowering, and angry over there for a spin around the dance floor with me instead?"
Behind you, unseen, Diluc had gone utterly still, eyes promising murder on his infuriating childhood friend. Kaeya just smirked.
"Another time, perhaps," you giggled. "Who knows what tall, glowering, and angry will do if ditched."
"Very funny," Diluc muttered sardonically, taking the half-empty flute from your hand and putting it on a waiter's tray. Then he held out his hand. "Let's go."
You danced until you could barely stand the next morning.
In the fourth month, you faced reality...
You sat on the bed of his penthouse apartment, staring numbly at your phone. The tabloid headlines screaming gold digger and sugar baby occupied every newsstand in the city.
You wanted to sink into a hole and never come up. Hot tears blurred your vision as you imagined the disappointment on his parents' faces. They must have seen the fabricated quotes that painted you as after Diluc's—their—money by now. You knew exactly who was behind it—all for a quick payout to momentarily escape his crushing debts, no doubt.
You felt a comforting pressure on your shoulder as Diluc's strong hand grasped it. His expression was fierce as he locked eyes with you, his anger evident on your behalf. "Don't let these filthy rags bother you," he said, determination burning in his voice. "Everyone who knows you—everyone who matters—knows these are lies. I'll make sure the truth comes out, I promise."
You nodded, grateful for his reassurance. Yet, you still felt the claws of humiliation and self-doubt trying to drag you down. "I just... it reminds me of how little I belong, you know... in your world."
Fingertips tenderly tilted your chin back up. Diluc's golden eyes shone with empathy. "My world's not all that it's cracked up to be." He brushed a loose strand of hair from your cheek, touch lingering. "It can be incredibly lonely."
His thumb grazed your skin, and you shuddered out a breath you didn't know you were holding. You found yourself leaning into his touch, seeking solace in his presence. Diluc's arms wrapped around you, pulling you into a tight embrace that felt like a fortress against the chaos outside.
All that mattered was the two of you, entwined in a world of your own making. His body pressed against yours, igniting a fire within that threatened to consume every ounce of doubt and fear.
In the fifth month, you got away...
Seeking solace from the public eye after tabloid turmoil, Diluc surprised you by whisking you away to his family's secluded mountain cottage.
As your sports car raced down the forest highway, unease knotted in your gut. There was only one month left on your initial arrangement. This trip felt like Diluc's farewell gift to polish off your fake relationship before politely departing your life. You swallowed hard against the ache forming at the thought. You had realized your own feelings too late.
Diluc's smile slipped as he guided you inside the quaint cabin, misreading your quiet melancholy as lingering upset over media lies. His shoulders sagged under an invisible weight—it was his fault.
At first, you had quiet conversations centered around books plucked from the shelves or playful debates on recipes to try. Still, an undercurrent changed every glance, every subtle brush of fingers reaching for the same log by the fireplace.
One moonlit night, as you sipped wine, Diluc's gaze lingered on you over the rim of his glass. Golden eyes burned with intent that stole your breath.
"Thank you for staying by my side..." A calloused fingertip traced delicate lines down your wrist. "It's meant more than you know."
You felt your heart flutter at Diluc's words, his touch sending shivers down your spine. The crackling fire and the subtle glow of candlelight created an atmosphere that seemed to amplify the growing tension between you. The air hung heavy with unspoken desires, the weight of emotions threatening to spill over.
Then, it all came crashing down. "So, for this week at least, let's... try to forget and enjoy the peace."
He simply meant the tabloids, but to you, it sounded like goodbye.
In the sixth month...
Every day felt a little harder to breathe than the last. The end was coming, you knew, but it was hard not to savor every little moment that you could with him.
As you strolled through the upscale department store, your heels clicked against the marble flooring. You were waiting for him, hoping to make this final "date" here memorable. However, as you turned a corner, the sound of a high-pitched laugh caught your attention.
In the far corner of the room stood a familiar socialite, her perfectly coiffed hair and designer outfit drawing all eyes to her. She had always been openly interested in Diluc, not caring about his relationship status. Your heart sank as you watched them interact from afar, knowing it would soon be over between you and him.
He stood with his back turned to you, and as you approached, you could see a hint of a smile playing on her lips. Delicate fingers adorned with perfectly manicured nails rested lightly on his broad shoulder, and she tilted her head up to meet his gaze with a practiced air of charm.
You stopped in your tracks, your throat constricting at the sight. Dressed impeccably in an elegant outfit and sporting flowing blonde locks, she exuded a sense of effortless sophistication that made you feel completely outclassed. Your eyes met hers, a piercing shade of grey, and you couldn't help but feel intimidated by her presence next to Diluc.
With a quick pivot, you rushed down the busy streets without looking back.
Eventually, your phone started vibrating incessantly in your pocket. The texts piled up, each one asking if you were okay and why you missed your scheduled meeting. You finally responded with a brief lie, claiming that you were sick and slept through the appointment.
You didn't know how to face him.
You didn't know, but you knew that you had to.
It was with this resolution that you made your way to his office. They were familiar with you by now and waved you up to the elevators. To your surprise, you met familiar grey eyes as the doors reopened on Diluc's floor.
She sneered unpleasantly, "It's you." She sounded unimpressed. "Well, enjoy yourself until moving on to the next one, I guess."
It rubbed you the wrong way, but the fury at the multitude of tabloid headlines came rushing out at once. "You don't know anything!" you snapped. "I love him!"
Your head snapped to the side as you heard footsteps approaching. Diluc and his father, Crepus, stood in front of you. You didn't even register their expression as a mix of fear and embarrassment washed over you. You turned to run away, but Diluc easily caught up to you by the stairwell.
With a sudden jerk, he took hold of your wrist, his fingers closing tightly around your skin. He pulled you close, his body pressed against yours, and his lips crashed onto yours in a passionate and fiery kiss. Your heart raced as sparks shot through your body, leaving you breathless. The moment's intensity overwhelmed you, and all you could do was lose yourself in his powerful embrace.
...you found forever.
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midnight-pluto · 7 months
TAG — diluc r.
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TROPES: childhood best friends, fluff, slight angst at the end
UNIVERSE: canon-ish
PAIRING(S): diluc x gn!reader
WARNING(S): mentions of alcohol
A/N: shoutout to the anon who helped give me the inspo for this <3
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AS LOYAL PATRONS of The Angel's Share, your parents were frequent attenders of all of Dawn Winery’s events - wine tasting, birthdays, or just simple celebrations they were there.
However at your age, you couldn’t drink more than half of the menu and didn’t want to converse with drunken adults. So you were forced to sit inside under the supervision of the maids.
Mindlessly sipping on your juice while looking at the crossword puzzle given to you by the maids as your source of entertainment, you try your best to block out the loud talk outside.
What caught your eye though was a boy quickly going down the stairs, his socks sliding against the wooden floor and making his way over to the woman who was watching over you.
Gently tugging on her skirt to gain her attention, he speaks to her but softly enough for the laughter outside to block it from reaching your ears.
‘Red hair… is that Crepus’ son?’
Smiling softly at the boy, she points over to you leading to two pairs of eyes looking in your direction; straightening up under their gaze, you look to your left and right and point to yourself.
She simply chuckles and nods, giving the boy a soft push in your direction to which he followed and sat next to you on the sofa.
“Hi, what’s your name?” he asked.
“Y/N,” you reply simply, “What’s yours?”
“Cool,” you nod, not knowing what else to say.
“Cool,” he replied, also not knowing what else to say.
After a minute of silence you ask, “What do you think they’re talking about out there?”
“The adults,” you remark blandly, “Bet it’s about wine.”
“It is a wine tasting event,” he responds, “My dad’s made another drink.”
There was a long silence for a moment. That was until Diluc had invited you to play tag outside since he was getting bored sitting around the house.
Accepting his invitation, he grabbed your hand and walked out the front door and into the vineyard where that game would begin.
“Why don’t we play hide-and-go-tag? I don’t like running a lot,” you offer, not the most thrilled at the thought of running in your nice clothes and then potentially getting stained.
“Mm… alright,” he agreed, and began counting.
“…9…10! Ready or not, here I come!” he announced, softly walking on the grass below his boots, and searching in between the lines vineyards for any sign of you.
After a few minutes of searching in between the vineyards he decides to search the crates next to the sign displaying the fact that there was currently an event taking place.
As he approached the crates he saw your figure dash out of the opening between the sign and the crates the other way yelling:
“You’ll never catch me alive!”
Causing the adults in the area to pause and observe what was occurring. Seeing your silhouette outlined by the lanterns glow run past them, and immediately seeing another - catching a glimpse of red hair - sprint after you, automatically understanding the situation.
“Careful! Make sure to not trip - it’s so dark right now,” a voice called out to the both of you.
“We know!” Diluc shouted back, steadily gaining on you.
Hearing his voice so close to you causes your adrenaline to spike and run faster than before, wind blowing against your face and in your ears.
Making a sharp turn you run towards the nearby lake, careful of your footing as to not fall flat on your face and to get dirty. You eventually get near the water and inhale sharp breaths once you get there.
You eventually hear another tired voice pant out, “Tag.”
Diluc was breathing harder than you, weakly touching your shoulder as to make sure you knew you were tagged and now it.
Your legs were to tired to hold you up and you sat on the sand, breathing slowing down. Diluc soon followed with an ‘oof.’
“We should just stay here,” you breathe out.
“Sounds good,” he sighs.
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KNOCKING ON THE door of Dawn Winery as politely as you could, you immediately started speaking the moment the door was answered.
“Hello mr. Crepus, I would like to know where my favorite one of your sons are.”
“Hey! That is so rude,” Kaeya spoke up, pouting by the stairs.
“He’s upstairs in his room,” the older man replied, moving to let you in.
“Don’t worry Kaeya ‘cause Diluc’s about to get yelled at,” you say while speeding up the stairs.
Kaeya took a long look at his adoptive father, “Are you really just going to let them do that?”
“Eh, Diluc needs these kinds of things at his age.”
Slamming his door open with a loud, “Diluc!” caused the boy to jump and sit up in his bed and snapping his book shut.
“Diluc,” you stared at the boy in front of you dead in the eyes, as you silently shut his door - a stark contrast as to how you entered his room, “Why didn’t you tell me you got accepted as a knight of Favonius?”
“I- see, you were really busy with your studies and I didn’t want to bother you-“
“I don’t care about my studies!” you flopped onto his bed, “Well, not as much as you getting accepted into the knights, but still!
“We’re only ten, and here you are getting accepted into the knights! You should’ve told me,” you say a lot more calmer now, sitting on the edge of his bed as he shuffles to sit next to you.
“I know, I’m sorry,” he relents, “I promise you’ll be one of the first ones to know when something like this happens again.”
“Pinky,” you tell jokingly, holding yours out.
“Fine,” he huffs out, wrapping his pinky with yours.
“Your it now,” you say with a smug expression on your face.
“Oh my-“ he groans, taking his pinky away from you a taking back his book to read.
The game of tag has been going on for years now, non-stop with random time intervals and rules now added but it’s still a fun nostalgia piece to do.
“What’re you even reading this time around,” you ask, looking at the faint words of the book cover. “The Legend of Vennessa,” you read aloud, “Again?”
“Why not?”
“Fair point I guess, but still. You’ve read that like, what? Five times already?”
“It’s a good book!”
“Whatever,” you sigh.
“Don’t act like you haven’t read a book five times before,” Diluc points out, “Hex and Hound? That has like eleven volumes. How do you even have the patience?”
“No, I can’t get my hands on the last two volumes. It’s sold in Inazuma, I can’t even borrow it from the library like the rest of them,” you huff out.
“That’s tough man,” he remarks.
“It really is. It was left on a cliffhanger too!” you groan.
“What’s a cliffhanger again? I forgot,” Diluc asked, sweat dropping at the look you gave him, “What? I don’t read that often nowadays.”
“You’re left hanging. Dangling on a cliff. With no one to save you.”
“…do you think that’d be something that would happen to me if I’m on duty as a knight?”
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"SO, CALVARY CAPTAIN now huh?" you teased, leaning your back against Diluc's shoulder.
You were under the tree under Windrise, and just as he had promise four years ago, you were one of the first to know about his promotion. Resting against the bark you watch as he methodically brushes the horses light brown coat.
"I suppose," he chuckles.
"Making history already; youngest calvary captain ever in the Knights of Favonius, heir to Mondstadt's wine industry, and is a vision holder! How does it feel?" you asks playfully, holding a windwheel aster you plucked from the ground and putting it near his face so he could talk into it.
"It really isn't that much-"
"Ah, oh so modest as ever" you laugh softly at his face because of your interruption. Blowing air into the red flower makes its petals spin slowly, "So, is the official Calvary Captain going to show me how to ride a horse or what?"
"So that's why you brought me here." Diluc nods in understanding with an amused look on his face, "Well, you better get up if that's what's going to happen."
"Wait I was just joking-" you couldn't finish your sentence until you were pulled up by him, clutching on the windwheel aster tighter as to not drop it.
Thankfully the horse Diluc had ridden to arrive at
Windrise was laying down so there wasn't that much of a difficulty.
Just as you were adjusting to your new seating arrangement the horse suddenly stood up, making you fall forward only to have your face meet with Diluc's back and grabbing onto the edges of the saddle for stability.
Straightening up, you see your friends face looking at you with a small smile and gently taking your hands off the saddle to place around his waist.
"So you won't fall," he explains, glancing at your widened eyes.
Feeling your heart beat faster you look towards your left at the shallow river created by the waterfall as a way to not gawk at his sheer amount of nonchalance at pulling you closer.
Shifting forward, your press your front against his back as the horse begins to trot forward.
Unfortunately, Diluc wasn't one to go slowly. He placed more force upon the saddle's stirrup causing the horse's light trot to a fast gallop.
At the sudden change of speed you let out a small squeak, hurrying your face into Diluc's back and tightening your grip against his waist and the flower you still held.
Feeling your added pressure against his body, Diluc places a soothing hand against yours wrapped around his waist and rubs his thumb against the back of your hand as an attempt to calm you.
"I suppose that this counts as tag, huh?" he asked playfully, continuing to hold your hand in his.
"Yeah! Sure," you reply quickly, trying to get over the fact that you might've developed a crush on your best friend.
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EVER SINCE DILUC’s eighteenth birthday, things have never been the same.
The people of Mondstadt have fallen silent, Kaeya’s usual charming nature turned off, and Diluc hasn’t been seen since.
As you were standing by his fathers grave, placing flowers next to it footsteps were heard approaching you. Looking over your shoulder, you catch a glimpse of a familiar eyepatch and blue hair.
“Hey Kaeya,” you say, eyes still fixated on the grave in front of you.
“Diluc’s gone,” he spoke, voice trembling.
“What?” your voice was low, not believing your own ears.
“Diluc has left Mondstadt. He left Adeline in charge of the manor,” he explains, voice void of any emotion.
“Do you know where he went?”
“We… we ended things on bad terms,” Kaeya says as if he were holding back tears.
Hearing his trembling voice, you decide not to push any further. “I see.”
“Thank you, Kaeya, for letting me know,” you turn towards him with a somber smile and walking past him.
“Where are you going?” Kaeya called out to you.
“Dawn Winery. Adeline must know something about Diluc’s disappearance,” you say not stopping your footsteps, “At the very least Diluc must’ve left a not or, something.”
“As stubborn as ever,” Kaeya dryly chuckles.
You were going to find Diluc, that was a fact. In your game of tag you were the last one to be proclaimed ‘it.’ You refused to lose to him, you couldn’t stand it.
You refused to lose him.
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A/N: goddam this was a long ass fic ; part 2 anyone?
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132 notes · View notes
k0yaz · 11 months
Diluc x femreader
breeding kink , biting kink, diluc is overprotective, smut VERY smutty 😘
Undo it yourself
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Pairing(s): diluc ragnivindr x fem!reader
CW: nsfw, dom!diluc, sub!reader, breeding kink, biting, overprotective themes, marking, light fingering, mention of alcohol (but no drunk sex we don’t do that here), palming, handjob, tit fondling, a little bit of begging, back scratching,
A/N: again, no specification of what type of fic you wanted but it sounded like a oneshot so I’ll go ahead and do that <3
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Diluc’s fingers dug into the supple flesh of your thighs, his still gloved hands making the bruises on your thighs turn a deep purple from how hard he was gripping them. You were only able to whimper in response as you caught a glimpse of his crimson, lust fillled eyes, which were staring at the wet spot on your panties as if he was about to dive in any moment.
“D-Diluc…slow down- ah-!” You gasped out as Diluc’s lips wrapped around your shoulder, sinking his teeth into you as his grip tightened on your thigh. He sucked on your shoulder intently, dragging the skin of your shoulder in between his teeth to bite down lightly each time.
He detached his lips from your shoulder, rubbing his thumb over the reddish bite mark he engraved onto you. You felt his grip loosen on your thigh as well, revealing a few marks from where his fingers once were.
“Tell me, when I had to go run errands and wasn’t there to look after you at the tavern, why were you slutting yourself out for some fucking alcohol?” Diluc growled as he removed his gloves, tossing them to god knows where in the bedroom.
“‘m’sorry-! I was drunk, I- mmph-!” your whine was hushed by Diluc slipping his thumb into your mouth.
“Nevermind. I don’t want to hear it.” He breathed out as his now ungloved hand dived into your panties, his middle finger tracing up your drenched slit. You felt his rough fingers against your core, causing you to let out a strained moan against his thumb, which was still pressed against your tongue.
Diluc pulled his hand out of your panties, licking off the slick that coated his finger. He peeled off your soaked undergarments, tossing them aside as he towered over you, his hands planted on either side of your head, and his face level with yours. His lips were perfectly in position to kiss you at that moment as well.
He got up for a moment, removing his coat and shirt and discarding them to the side. Your gaze flickered onto Diluc’s belt, wanting to reach your hands out to strip him down yourself. Diluc noticed your gaze, mixed with your retracting hands, causing his lips to crawl upwards into an ever so slight smirk.
“If you want to undo it yourself, then I’m not stopping you, darling.”
Your eyes widened, you felt your heart racing at his words and a smile to make its way onto your face as you crawled towards him, slipping your fingers under his belt buckle and unfastening it, letting it fall to the ground. His pants slid down his legs and joined his belt on the ground not too long after, the only piece of clothing constricting you two being his underwear.
You shifted your hand to hover over the enticing black fabric, pressing your palm against his crotch as Diluc stared down at you with a sensual glint shining in his usually dead eyes. You palmed his dick through his underwear, feeling a certain spot dampen from the precum leaking out of his tip.
You couldn’t take just doing this anymore, you wrapped your fingers around the waistband of his underwear, yanking it down. Diluc’s hardened cock sprung out, nearly slapping you across the face as it was freed from its restraints. You looked up at him to be met with a surprise…
Was Diluc blushing-?
Yup. His face was tinted a deep red as he covered his face with his hand, clearly embarrassed.
“S-sorry…” he murmured, his voice unusually soft for once.
“Sorry for what?” You remarked as you smiled up at him. You swiped your thumb across his tip, coated in precum, collecting it on your thumb and pressing it against your tongue. As you wrapped your hand around his cock, Diluc seemed to snap out of his blissful trance, and placed his hand onto your chest, pushing you back down onto the soft mattress beneath you two.
He positioned himself above you, pressing the tip of his cock against your clit and rubbing it in small, circular motions. His precum mixed with your slick served as the perfect lubricant as a loud moan escaped your lips.
“D-Diluc…please…just do it already.” You whispered, whining out as Diluc placed his hand below your breast, his lips trailing up your skin as he finally pressed them against your tits. His teeth grazed your skin as he rubbed himself harder against your clit, causing a string of high pitched moans from you as Diluc moved up and bit your neck gently.
Your arms found their way around Diluc’s torso, hands grabbing onto his back lustfully. Diluc couldn’t hold himself back anymore, he groaned out and lowered his lower body, sliding his tip down your slit and pushing himself inside you in one go, causing him to exhale loudly against your neck and dig his teeth in slightly deeper. Without warning he began moving at a delicious pace, his cock slamming inside you as you clenched around him. Your spongy walls stretched out from the way Diluc shoved his girthy cock inside you, his tip hitting your g-spot flawlessly, massaging it effectively as he buried himself inside you.
The way Diluc was ramming inside you felt incredible, you didn’t fucking want him to stop, you needed him to fill you up.
“Diluc…fill me up…please..” you blurted out, causing his eyes to widen at your erotic request. “Will do.” He asserted, placing his hand on your right thigh and alllowing it to settle on his shoulder, giving him a better angle to fuck you. His breathing became heavier the more he pounded into you, both of your moans filled the air, mixed with the lewd sounds of skin slapping against skin echoed throughout the room as Diluc let your thigh down gently, placing his hands onto your hips for support.
You looked at him with a confused expression, which was immediately replaced with a throaty moan and your eyes rolling back into your head as Diluc thrusted into you at a faster pace. Your nails dug into his muscular back, dragging down and leaving scratches along his back.
“I’m…I’m gonna…” Diluc groaned out, his face blown a bright red and sweat dripping down his whole body.
“Do it. Cum inside me.” You whined out, bucking your hips up to meet his thrusts.
Diluc raised his head up to yours, pressing his lips against yours and locking them, his hand trailing up to your cheek to deepen the kiss. Your tongues danced against each other’s in your mouth as Diluc’s thrusts came to a halt, his cock twitching inside you. Your moans vibrated against each other’s lips as Diluc’s cum shot out inside you, painting your velvety walls with his seed. You came along with him, your cum coating his shaft and flowing down onto the sheets.
Diluc pulled away from the kiss, wiping the saliva off your bottom lip. He wrapped his arms around you, digging his face deep into your neck as he panted against your skin heavily, your erratic breaths also ruffling his hair slightly.
“I love you, Y/N.” Diluc breathed out as he pressed a soft kiss to your neck, earning a satisfied hum from you.
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A/N: omg I will never understand y’all’s obsession w/ overprotective mfs but you do you-
I’m a ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-genius (it’s Spotify’s fault)
ok bye love y’all <33
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yoimix · 2 years
「 fireball whiskey 」
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DILUC has made it very clear he has no interest in bar talk. he cares for it as much as a cryo slime would care for water; which is nothing at all, they just make for a very troublesome mix.
however, it’s not one of kaeya’s detestable jokes anymore how his ears perk up at the mention of your name. even in a tavern inhabited by noisy idiots, his entire focus is occupied by your presence. could those drunkards not surround you? diluc clenches the glass he was polishing tighter, nearly enough to break it. they are your teammates, though a pestilent crowd, and you show no signs of discomfort. in fact, diluc seems to be the only one feeling discomfort.
“..luc! diluc!” 
he snaps himself out of his thoughts.
“good heavens, you’re enchanted. even my lyre has not had this effect on you,” the bard comments, face flushed from alcohol.
“and that poor glass is suffering the worst of it,” kaeya teases, a smile smug enough to drive diluc up a wall. 
“(name) is art of a different kind, eh?” venti giggles, lazily strumming the strings of the lyre harp now resting on the counter.
diluc feels flames lick at his cheeks, before clearing his throat.
“your tab, bard, is now at a total of four hundred and fifty thousand mora. i do hope you’ll pay up.”
“u-uh.. oh boy, is that a man trying to make his move on (name)? better play the knight in shining armor now!”
“don’t try to—”
“he’s not wrong,” kaeya interrupts, gaze trained on you shaking your head at a man who’s grasping your hand far too tight for diluc’s liking. “now’s your chance to finally stop staring longingly at miss (name) and—”
“don’t... say a word, kaeya.”
diluc sighs. it’s time to go home.
before he knows it, his legs have carried him over to where you are, hoisting you up with ease while you babble on and on about something he can’t quite hear. this is precisely why he dislikes crowds. he can’t even hear the sound of your sweet voice over the buffoons that inhabit this tavern.
the chill of mondstadt air hits him in full blast, and he holds you closer as your voice finally reaches his ears.
“...and he was like, whoa! i’m not the dandelion knight, i’m the windwheel bard! hahaha, get it? wait, no. i think i said it wrong...”
“(name)? are you alright?”
you blink, staggering to stand straight up. 
“of course, my dear. why wouldn’t you think i am?”
diluc tries to ignore the term of endearment you just threw at him and expected him to catch. you’re friends, for heaven’s sake. friends don’t talk to each other like this, do they?
“you chugged down four shots of fireball whiskey and a sunsettia tequila mix.”
“i did not.”
“i literally saw you do it.”
“ah, busted.”
diluc shakes his head. “do you have to do this? that thing’s terrible for your body.”
“i’ll stop when you promise me one thing right now! no questions, just promise me first.”
“...and what is it that i have to promise?”
you press a finger to your soft lips, a sheepish smile causing boundless flutters in his stomach. “now, i told you. that’s a secret, mr diluc.”
archons, you’re just so unfair. diluc can’t help the flow of fire to his cheeks, like he’s suddenly a teenager discovering puppy love, and he covers the lower half of his face with his palm. you’re bound to notice, right? when he’s putting on an entire fireworks show whether he likes it or not. the little sparks jump from finger to finger, and flames licking at his ears. it’s such an unfamiliar feeling. he usually has his vision under control.
the fire makes you jump, but thankfully not too far from him where can’t feel the calming warmth of your presence.
...thankfully? what has gotten into him?
“oh dear, diluc, are you okay?” you look at him with concerned eyes. once again, diluc has to struggle to keep his flames from going haywire. you stagger towards him, your hands finding his face with much ease as they cup his cheeks.
you giggle. “gosh, you’re so warm. i wish i could spend every winter night with you.”
“i’m... sorry?”
you step even closer, a guttural sound of surprise leaving his throat when you wrap your arms around his waist. he can smell your strawberry lip balm at this proximity.
“...i promise.” diluc barely has any willpower left in him. “now, may i know what it is?”
“kiss me!”
diluc nearly starts coughing, right on your face. barbatos help him because the wind has entirely left his lungs.
“ex-excuse me?” he must have heard you wrong.
“kiss. me.” you pout, looking up at him. “right now!”
“you’re quite demanding.” he clears his throat. “and drunk. i can’t possibly—”
diluc fears fire may stream from his ears the moment you grab his collar and press your lips to his in a chaste kiss. it’s far more than he can take and he pushes you away by the shoulder, an erratic gasp leaving his lips.
“i know you like me!” you huff, “and I’ve been trying so hard to tell you but archons, you’re dense.”
diluc opens and closes his mouth. “but i- mm- i- uh... oh.”
he wants to kiss you so terribly, his hands tremble in fear of what other strange desires you may unleash. this can’t be right. everything feels foreign, his senses gone awry and his mind the last defender of his heart.
“so...” you quieten. “did i perhaps get it wrong? i- i’m so sor—“
diluc cups your face gently but the force with which he connects your lips to his is anything but gentle. he does ease into his actions a millisecond after and the two of you grow closer to each other till the heat latches onto you too.
you pull away with a smile as soft as the moon above, your thumb idly brushing over his cheekbone. diluc nearly leans into your lips again but whatever self control he has left keeps him in line. 
“...hush! they’re gonna hear us!”
diluc’s attention snaps to bushes near the door of angel’s share, a harsh glare soon following. a certain bard, cavalry captain and... is that klee and amber? diluc does not like crowds.
but with you, and all that you bring, resting so peacefully against his chest, who is he to take notice?
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aeferkssr · 1 year
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𝐦𝐢𝐝𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐳𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐬 ‧₊˚ ✩
mama always told you to never get into supernatural business. but, may the heavens forgive you, how could you resist when it hurts so good?
vampire!diluc, blood sucking, suggestive
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you crash onto his maroon linen sheets as he hovers over your submissive form, he admires- no, observes you as the aftermath of your earlier clash. you pant, trying to regain your breath while 𝐝𝐢𝐥𝐮𝐜 looks unbothered. He leans closer to whisper into your ear:
"are you ready, my love?"
your stomach fills with jubilee as you nod, the one towering over you laughs at your enthusiasm. and with that he begins.
he starts at your forehead. he kisses you so gently, as if he was afraid that you would break had he been any rougher. his kisses trail down your face, stopping at your lips as he greets yours with his. he continues at your jaw, trailing down your neck with kisses just to retrace his steps with his tongue as he draws it up your thyroid. you shiver at the new sensation as he chuckles for the nth time that night, humans were oh so entertaining, he simply couldn’t get enough.
he continues to tease you with his kisses (at least, thats what you think he’s doing), sucking, biting and kissing were done over and over to the point where you felt as if your blood was boiling. diluc pulls back to admire his work, he traces his thumb across your bottom lip and kisses you again. you whine:
“‘luc, you’re such a tease”
“not teasing” he responds, “trying to find your pulse..”
your wondering gets cut short when you feel a hot breathe on your neck, the same placed he hovered at just moments ago. you’re guessing he found your pulse.
then, he bites you. the pain of his fangs are immediately replaced as your body fills with euphoria. you sigh and sink further into the mattress as your body fills with his endorphins. you aren’t even aware of the litres of blood leaving your body through the marks that diluc left on your neck.
diluc pulls away from your neck as he wipes the blood, your blood, that was dribbling down from the corner of his ruby-stained lips.
"you taste so delectable, darling. your blood is sweeter than any wine. "
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© aeferkssr
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it-happened-one-fic · 8 months
Dead of the Night - Diluc (Part 3)
Author Notes: The third part of my Halloween/October fic series for Genshin Impact! Much of what applied to the first part applies to this part as well. I wrote and edited this Vampire! AU series exclusively to "Is this Love" by Whitesnake which did kind of influence how this series came together. As per usual, Reader is gender-neutral. I hope you enjoy!
Type: Gender-Neutral Reader/ Vampire! AU/ pining/ romance/ some drama/ fluff with a touch of angst
Word Count: 1611
{Part 1}, {Part 2}, {Part 3: You're Here!}, {Part 4}
Also available on AO3 (link deleted due to glitches)
Trigger Warning: Reader does get attacked by a vampire, but all is well.
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The rest of that night had passed largely in a blur after I got home. I’d almost immediately collapsed into my bed and fallen asleep as exhaustion from everything I’d just experienced kicked in.
The next day came with the ever-present patter of raindrops falling from the cloudy sky. The sun almost seemed like it did not exist as people rushed around the city trying to get all of their work done so that they could hide away indoors from both the rain and vampires that they feared were in their midst.
In my case, the day largely seemed to go by in a blur, with me pondering the events of last night. I’d been attacked by a vampire, gotten saved by Diluc, and found out that more had changed since my childhood than I ever could have realized. 
Not only was Diluc no longer rambunctious and constantly getting into trouble, but now he was also a vampire. An undead creature of the night that lived off of others’ blood. 
Perhaps stranger still was that he had somehow maintained that sort of gentleness that he’d always had. 
Gentleness that was now hidden behind a cold exterior, but that came through in moments like when he would walk me home just to ensure I was safe, or like how he made sure that everyone in Angel’s Share was always comfortable.
A rhythmic knock on my door roused me from my thoughts and brought a frown to my face as I glanced at the clock. It was getting late for visitors considering the time of year, but stranger things had happened. In fact, they’d even happened recently…..
As I opened the door to peer out onto the usually cheerful street that was now dreary with the prolonged rain, I was greeted by Kaeya.
The cavalry captain was smiling, but it was not one of his relaxed ones. Rather, it was one that he used when working that I seldom saw directed at me. One of those crafty ones that could hide any number of things.
“So, I hear you’ve learned of Diluc’s little secret?” My eyes widened at his words, but I pushed my door open a little wider and gestured for him to enter. 
Even if I didn’t necessarily care for the slippery tone of his voice, this wasn’t a conversation to be had outside where others could hear. Especially since I was fairly certain that Kaeya was not talking about some harmless secret but rather the one relating to Diluc’s immortality.
“You knew?” I turned to face him as I shut the door back, eyeing him closely and looking for any signs of his all-too-frequent acting. But I needed to be careful, just in case we weren’t discussing the same ‘secret’ that I thought we were.
Kaeya’s lone visible eye glistened as he crossed his arms, totally relaxed, as he replied in a perfectly innocent tone that had me frowning exasperatedly, “Surprised that I knew of Diluc’s exciting but lifeless nightlife?”
His tone was not one of judgment. In fact, there was even a smile on his face as I shook my head at him. Frowning at him as I crossed my arms, “You know good and well that asking him about that timeframe is like asking a wall how it's doing. He won’t talk about it, and I respect that. For all I know, it could have been traumatizing. Especially if he did get turned into a vampire then.”
I walked past him, letting him follow me down the hallway and into a sitting area. At least he had confirmed that he was talking about Diluc being a vampire. I shook my head at his words, though, “I don’t think I would’ve been surprised either way, really…. Do you know when it happened?”
He flopped down in a chair, perfectly relaxed as he crossed his legs, “Shouldn’t you be asking him that?”
 I met Kaeya’s gaze, cautiously gauging him for a reaction but he simply nodded. Smiling slightly at my words before answering, “Snezhnaya. It was while he was there. That’s all I know.”
Kaeya’s singular visible eye slid to the side so that he was staring at me, a crafty smile still on his face, “But like I said… You should ask him about that.”
No sooner had those words left his mouth in a characteristically paradoxical tone, than yet another knock sounded on my door. Causing me to narrow my eyes at Kaeya, who just continued to smile at me like he had a terribly amusing secret.
I frowned suspiciously at the calvary captain one more time before taking off down the hallway and peeking out my door.
The moon was already hanging in the sky, which wasn’t really surprising since it had been late when Kaeya had gotten here. The moon may have already been visible, and I just hadn’t noticed. 
What was surprising, though, was the sight of the red-haired man standing just outside my door, who looked at me expectantly as soon as I opened the door.
“Diluc?” I peered out at him in confusion until I recalled Kaeya’s words, and their full meaning hit me just as Diluc himself explained the situation with a tired-sounding voice.
“Kaeya called me here. He said we needed to explain the situation to you….” He sighed, but met my gaze as he frowned slightly, “He hasn’t said anything strange to you, has he?”
I slowly shook my head as I recalled what all Kaeya had said. He hadn’t said anything strange per se… But he had just confirmed my suspicions about when Diluc had been turned, and I wasn’t entirely sure about how telling Diluc that might go over.
So instead of outing my friend, I opted to instead open my door a little further and step to the side, “Come on in. He’s still here, so you can talk to him if you like?”
Diluc’s eyes went wide at my words, and for a brief moment, I didn’t know why. After all, it wasn’t like he hadn’t ever been inside my house before when I’d been young.
But then I recalled it, one of the whispered pieces of information I’d been given when I was young as a means to protect myself should I ever encounter a vampire: “Vampires can’t come into your home unless you invite them. So always be careful about who you invite in.”
As soon as I recalled those words, Diluc’s reaction made complete sense. He was no doubt surprised that I was so willing to invite him into my home. But in truth, I was still getting used to the idea of him being a vampire, and I’d completely forgotten those instructions up until now. 
And even if I had remembered them, I would have invited him to come in anyway. 
For better or worse, he was Diluc. And that meant I trusted him, even if he was something I’d been warned about ever since my youth.
He tilted his head slightly as he stepped through my door, keeping his eyes on me as he entered, “Thank you.” 
With only those words, he turned and walked down the hallway, almost like he didn’t know what else to say.
It was a thought that made me smile to myself. Diluc always had been a bit awkward when it came to anything that might even appear as a compliment or kind act if one squinted at it.
While I didn’t think hardly a thing of letting him come in, evidently enough, he did.
Kaeya awaited both of us with a smile, sitting forward almost eagerly as we both came in, “I still say you should get a cape and really just go for the whole look of being a vampire.” 
His jab at Diluc came almost immediately and had the redhead scowling as he came to a stop in the room, crossing his arms at Kaeya. 
But the redhead didn’t say anything to his brother. Instead, he looked towards me, “What all did he tell you?”
“I haven’t said a word,” Kaeya leaned innocently back in his chair, glancing my way with a subtle smile that promised that he would keep telling me about the events of Snezhnaya a secret. 
Diluc continued to ignore him in favor of staring at me as I slipped by him to take a seat. Almost as if he were petulantly giving his brother the silent treatment.
“He hasn’t been here much longer than you have, so we haven’t talked much… But what is this all about?” I sat as I glanced between the two brothers. Not entirely nervous, but not totally calm either.
When the two were young, seeing them together usually meant there was a scheme of some sort in the works, and the same could be said now. Even if they didn’t like to admit it, the two still worked together well.
“Why, to talk about Diluc’s special constitution. That’s all,” Kaeya leaned forward with a grin, propping his chin in his hand as he looked at me before his gaze slid over towards where Diluc was still standing.
“You may as well sit. I’m sure Y/n has many questions for us,” With those words, Kaeya gestured to the spot next to me on the loveseat, and, after narrowing his eyes slightly at his brother, Diluc joined me.
And all of a sudden, it was almost like nothing had ever changed, and the three of us were just good friends getting together to chat.
It's just that now we were going to be talking about Diluc being undead and what all that entailed.
 For some reason.
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wine and trips°
f!reader x diluc ragvindr
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<- p | 8. mrs. dramatic 🎞️ | n ->
Sometimes things don’t work out the way they should. Or you think they should.
Life goes on and gives you some twirls with your eyes closed, and covered for extra precaution that you won’t see anything, and then gives you a stick so you can hit the piñata. So of course you’ll only get it right one or two times because of the dizziness.
However, this test isn’t a piñata and you have your eyes wide open which makes you confused because you know this.
The bell rings and you find yourself groaning because you couldn’t answer two questions. When you do, many eyes shoot at you and everyone looks at each other because ‘if you’re complaining and you think you did bad, then what is awaiting the rest of your classmates?’
Of course you don’t notice this while you make your way towards the teacher’s desk and you thank him before wishing him a good day and exiting the classroom, with a cloudy mind, trying to figure out the answer to the question “To what extent do you believe a director can be considered an 'auteur' in Hollywood's commercial cinema?" in the exam.
“Yn!” A voice shouts your name and you’re turning around when some arms envelop your shoulders “How are you? You aced your exam right? I know you did. Are you buying us lunch in celebration?” The dark haired boy asks you, giving you a wide smile without giving you time to answer his questions as he walks alongside you.
“What? Venti, how did you even come up with that conclusion?” You reply, and then proceed to tell him your sorrowful story about being unable to answer two questions.
“You, freaking over achiever, need to stop. Two questions and you’re failing? Never in a million years.” says a softer voice, joining in on the walk towards the pavilion of stores to buy lunch.
You sigh as you arrive to the table where Lumine and Xiao are sitting, across each other. You slump as you sit besides Lumine and put your head on her shoulder. Xiao glances up at you from his phone, with a question look. And you let a exasperated groan.
“So, no buying lunch?” Venti asks, sitting down besides Xiao and Navia. You glance at him and roll your eyes. You see how Lumine only has a bottle of water and some fruit and you give Venti your card. “Buy us some combos from the Subway stand.” You say, as Venti shoots up and drags a reluctant Xiao with him.
“Hey, you’ll be fine. Even if something happens, you can recover next parcial, can’t you?” Navia reassures you, taking a sip of Lumine’s water.
You nod. “Yeah, I guess. I still don’t want my parents to see a bad grade on my report.” You sit up straight, puckering your lips. “Anyway, you had one too, right? How’d it went?”
The girls and you start talking about the exams and laughing about some cheating situations Navia encountered in her classroom. Lumine kind of complains at how hard Geometry II is and how she’s glad she’s not studying integration and derivatives.
The day goes by unusually fast, until at your last class, when you get a notification of a new post a certain someone just made.
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egoistrin · 5 months
letters from the past
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[🐰] angst. female reader. use of the word y/n. hurt no comfort. mentions of diluc's past/lore. may contain typos and grammatical errors. this is cross-posted on my ao3 account. likes and reblogs are very much appreciated!
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Dear Diluc,
I heard from the knights that you had left Mondstadt and went on your way to pursue people who had given your father the delusion. I assume you are on your way to Snezhnaya? The Fatui are mighty and I hope you know that but I know I cannot change your mind as you are as stubborn as ever. You are doing this to give justice to your father's death, Mr. Crepus was a good man and he didn't deserve to be disrespected by Mr. Eroch. I truly understand your decision. However, these are just my thoughts as a knight. I hope you do not mind me babbling about my feelings as someone who holds you dear to my heart.
I cannot accept the news that you had left Mondstadt. I hate it as it was the first thing that I heard in the morning. You know me well enough to know that I do not want to hear this information. So, why? I could always help you, Diluc. Why did not you consult me? I thought you trusted me? We have gone through so many talks about this already. Did you not promise me? I understand your grieving but I do not understand your rash decisions to leave the city and go risk your life hunting the Fatuis. It will not go well as Snezhnaya has the most powerful military in all of Teyvat. Why do you have to be stubborn? Why can you not just let Grand Master Varka and Jean handle the situation? At the end of the day, Mr. Crepus is already dead. A mere person like me cannot change the hard-headed Diluc Ragnvindr. If this letter finds you, you are not obligated to reply. Safe travels, Diluc.
From, Y/n
No matter how many times Diluc had read this letter, he always felt the twinge of pain in his chest. He finds himself thinking of the answers he can give Y/n in her letter but he chose to be quiet. It is better this way. He is not sure if his answer would suffice to cover all her questions or not. He would rather feel miserable than face her again.
After all, is it not a bit scandalous to talk to a married woman in his manor?
Diluc puts the letter down and his eyes roam at the table. He was about to organize the papers when he saw the other letter written by Y/n. Compared to the first letter, this one appears the latest and less crumpled than the other one. He took a deep breath before opening the letter, preparing himself not to breakdown as he already knows the content of the letter like the back of his hand.
Diluc finds himself questioning if he is a masochist or not. I mean, why would you even read the letter your ex-girlfriend sent you? Finally, he opened the paper, and beautiful handwriting greets Diluc's eyes.
To Diluc Ragnvindr,
I hope you are having a good day Mr. Diluc. I have heard from Lisa that you came back from your adventure yesterday. I am disappointed as I cannot greet you in person as I was busy dealing with work. It has been four years since you left Mondstadt. I assume you had your questions answered now? I assume yes, 4 years' worth of traveling and not even a single clue? Impossible, you are a well-capable man, Mr. Diluc. Kaeya told me you left your vision.... I do not know what to say, I deduced that you used your father's delusion to survive. That is dangerous but never mind, the fact that you are home now puts my mind at ease.
This is probably not the right time to say this but I am now married. My parents decided to put me into an arranged marriage as they could not stand the sight of me waiting for a man whose return is unknown. I tried to oppose them, insisting on waiting for you but as time goes by I can no longer hold on. This is not your fault Diluc, I have come to accept my fate. I am just a mere woman compared to your father. I understand that you would choose to avenge your father's death than fulfill a stupid promise to marry me. I hope that one day, you can let go of your past and decide to move on from all of the things that happened. In that way, you can find your happiness and find someone you love. I have faith in you, I will forever cherish you and our memories together.
From, Y/n L/n
Words cannot describe how Diluc wants to hold you in his arms and apologize for being away from you the whole time. Yes, he needs to search for clues behind his father's death but he cannot stand letting you go. He finds himself wishing for another chance to makeup the time that he missed with you, a chance to redo his mistake, and a chance to spend time with his family again. He cannot help thinking that this is all his fault, from his father's death, his and Kaeya's fight, and to your marriage to another man. But alas, he cannot turn back time. Yet he still holds that prayer tight, If Barbatos is listening to him right now he just hopes that He will give Diluc a chance to live his life again.
He holds your letter tight to his chest as tears sprung down from his eyes. Someone walking on him crying is not his concern right now, he can easily order them to forget what they saw.
Who would have expected that Diluc Ragnvindr can cry from just a single letter? But Diluc has always been emotional, he just tries his best not to show any emotion as he claims himself not the same anymore. Most people see Diluc as grumpy but he is not. He is just reserved, a fragile person, that is. A single letter from his past is sufficient for Diluc to show emotions.
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[🐰]. i miss diluc so much for real 😭 i need more of his lore !!! hoyoverse give us more diluc crumbs !!! i miss my man !!! i still remember the time that i rlly wanted diluc so much... sighsss... good times fr. reblogs guys plss!
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
Just a brain rot what about the batfam with a batsib that is like tighnari. Large ears and a tail super duper smart ( smarter than Tim but close to Bruce).
Just thinking about how Damian and Dick must live them!! Oooooo what if batsib had a electro or pyro vision!!!
I’m foaming out the mouth.
From my extensive knowledge on Tighnari…fanfics… I can imagine just a h u g e competition on who [Y/N] will “mate for life” with. Seriously, the boys are more feral than your wild counterpart when it comes to that.
They all definitely ask to touch your ears and tail. Whoever gets the honor of brushing through your tail first will brag about it for years to come and you can’t stop it. Doesn’t matter who got your first kiss or even your virginity- HE GOT TO BRUSH YOUR TAIL, YOUR TAIL!
As for your intelligence, you’re mostly knowledgeable on plants and wildlife knowledge while Tim does excel in gadgetry. That provides perfect opportunity for you guys to discuss and learn from eachother.
I can imagine a little drone or robot he makes you just to watch over your plants or mushrooms, if not take care of em while you’re gone or too tired.
Meanwhile there’s Damian and Jason who just straight up ask for the most potent poisons.
Dick not so subtlety only perking up when aphrodisiacs are involved.
God, now I wanna write a cottagecore reader… (adhd intensifies)
Anyways I’ll leave pyro and electro vision for when I eventually finish the raiden!/yaemiko! reader
Again people, the possibilities ✨
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mareeyeahh · 22 days
Maybe it wasn't meant to be, unless...? Part 2
Diluc x reader, reader is implied as female
Part 1 here
I'm not a writer periodt. (Okay then so why write?) I just wrote this for funsies. If you found it weird or inconsistent let me know~
The last few rays of the sun painted the leaves and trees golden as it completely set, marking the end of another fruitful day at Dawn Winery. The farmers that have spent the day harvesting bounties from the vineyard have already headed home weary yet feeling fulfilled. The maids that may or may not have wasted their time gossiping hurried inside the manor to assist the chefs in preparing dinner.
This day was another one of those days when Kaeya pays a visit and dines with his brother, Diluc. After Weinlesefest, the two brothers have made an unspoken promise to accommodate each other when time allows it and it was always in the presence of food and drinks (non-alcohol). The two of them may just be tolerating each other's company, but nobody could ever be at peace more than Elzer and Adelinde, the two people who have closely watched the Ragvindr brothers grow up.
Kaeya arrives just before dark and the maids greet him, as Elzer led him to the dining hall where Diluc has sat down in his usual spot. The clattering of the plates and silverware echoed through the room as they dined.
"Grandmaster Varka's recent letter has been quite the talk of the city." Kaeya said in between bites. "Two knights have withdrawn from the expedition and he couldn't be more disappointed."
Diluc gave him a questioning look before swallowing his food. "I think it's unrefined for the Cavalry Captain to be gossiping about your coworker's circumstances."
"I do not engage in gossip." Kaeya scoffs. "I'm merely gathering intel."
Diluc mentally rolled his eyes at Kaeya's nonsense but just decided to humor him. "And what, pray tell, is this intel that you speak of?"
As one of the Knights of Favonius, Kaeya had to experience the secondhand embarrassment that he felt towards the two knights who resigned from their positions in the ongoing expedition. Grandmaster Varka was enraged that the Knights compromised their responsibilities in order to engage in frivolous acts. Diluc, known for his disdain and criticism towards the Knights, was not really fazed by all this.
"Grandmaster Varka is rightfully disappointed." Diluc says, cleaning up the last bits of food off his plate. "But what of the two Knights? Have they returned?"
"They reside now in Natlan as their actions bore fruit. If they didn't come clean and somehow got caught in a perilous predicament whilst on expedition, there would be greater losses." Kaeya said as he shook his head at the idea of bloodshed.
"Are you personally acquainted with them?"
"The woman used to be under the Reconnaisance company before Grandmaster Varka appointed her as one of the knights to join the expedition while the man..." Kaeya trailed off.
The drunken hand reaching for the tavern door, the fall that was anything but graceful, and the red haired man that heroically saved the poor woman, all of these played in Kaeya's mind before disclosing the information that he has.
"Apparently, the male Knight was Y/N's old lover." Kaeya wiped his mouth with a napkin. "He promised her he'd marry her if he ever came back safely from the expedition. Poor girl. No wonder she looked so gloomy that night."
Kaeya eyed Diluc for any sort of reaction, but the redhead was as stoic as a statue. Despite not knowing what the man was thinking, Kaeya understood that something must've happened the night they met. His mind was clearly racing, his eyes seemed lost but his face was stern.
"Have you seen her these days?" Kaeya asked, which brought Diluc back from his wandering thoughts.
"No." Diluc replied calmly. Now that he knows vital information about you, it made more sense why he was worried. He tried knocking on your door a few days after that night, wanting to check up on you. But your home was always empty.
He didn't want to pester you with these misplaced feelings of worry. After you graciously turned down his invitation for a meal together, he kept his distance in respect of your feelings. The last thing a woman like you needs is a man bothering her when she already said no.
But he couldn't forget that splendid figure of you that night, singing like there was no tomorrow. Your voice echoed in his mind, despite only hearing you sing once. The rich yet sweet melody that escaped your lips captivated him in a way he never thought was possible.
He shook his head in disbelief, what a fool he has become. He did not fully comprehend it but he constantly dreamt of you. There in his mind played a montage of memories that has certainly never happened in his life before. He hears you singing while out with him harvesting in the grape vineyard. Your sweet yet wordless hums fill the kitchen as you hand cooked a meal for him. The relaxing lullabies that you would sing him to sleep after a night of warm embrace. The sweet nothings you whispered into his ear as the sunshine greeted you in the morning. The laughter and melodies that was swept by the breeze as you held his child in your arms. He thought he had gone mad. Why did you tug at his heartstrings so strongly?
"You never checked up on her?" Kaeya's voice broke Diluc's train of delusional thoughts.
"I tried to but it seems that she's been away since."
Kaeya's eyes narrowed at the redhead. Diluc wasn't dodging the questions but Kaeya couldn't shake the feeling that something really must've happened between him and the woman. He scavenged for the right words to say but then thought it would be better to ask him straight.
"Did you do something to make her run off like that?" Kaeya really didn't mince his words, implied that Diluc scared the woman.
Diluc glared at the man. "No." But then he thought about it carefully. Inviting her that time may have seemed a little disrespectful now that he knows she was going through a rough breakup. It also may have come out as a man taking advantage of her intoxication to do whatever he wants.
Diluc felt bad about that. Maybe Kaeya was right. Maybe he really did scare her off.
"I did invite her out to a meal together." Diluc sighed, facepalming himself in his head. "But it must've been insensitive of me to ask her."
"You what?" Kaeya said, the words of his brother not registering in his brain. He must've heard it wrong that Diluc, the embodiment of a lone wolf and a successful yet intimidating business owner, asked a woman out to a meal.
"I invited her to have a meal together." Diluc deadpanned.
Kaeya clapped his hands over his mouth, and Adelinde who had overheard their conversation, did the same. Diluc pinched the space between his eyebrows at their dramatic reactions. He didn't want to tell anybody that he was interested in a woman because he was turned down after all and the target of his affections was nowhere to be seen. It was pointless in the end.
The dinner ended that night where Kaeya was teasing Diluc of finally experiencing puberty and Adelinde exclaiming that spring has finally come for their young Master.
The passage marking the end of Liyue and the start of a journey back to Mondstadt was surprisingly peaceful. You gave yourself a pat on the back for deciding to leave for Mondstadt at dawn. Monsters did not dare lurk around in broad daylight but some hilichurls were being quite a nuisance to some travelers.
It has a been almost a month since you joined the Adventurer's Guild. To be honest, you were skeptical about it at first because of how dangerous the commissions could be. You've gotten all kinds of commissions since you started, from collecting fresh slime condensate, killing and bringing back the meat of a wild boar in Dragonspine (and accidentally running into an angry Great Snowboar King), to climbing the heights of Qingyun Peak to get the freshest Qingxin flower adorned with morning dewdrops.
You didn't know how to wield any type of weapon or much less stepped out of Mondstadt so it was though you were living with your life at stake. But the dangers of today outweighed the dull life you had when you stayed at home and patiently waited for your lover who never came back.
You shake your head, memories of your past lover suddenly flooding your mind. Ever since you've started to travel, explore, meet new people and run into dangerous creatures in the wild, you finally understood why you were so depressed. You made him, the man who casually broke your heart, your world instead making him a small part of it. Looking at the vast seas and wondrous landscapes felt like your problems were only a speck of existence. The world you used to have only sheltered him and your fantasies that you two would be happily married. But now, all of that was simply a memory.
The concrete land masses that reached far as the eyes could see turned into lush green forests that brought about a familiar soothing breeze that was only known to Mondstadt greeted you as you finally reached the end of Stone Gate. A week away from home didn't seem very long but to anyone who misses it, it felt like a year. You remember having met someone who was a native of Mondstadt but now lives in Liyue during your commissions. They said it would be nice to go back but they couldn't leave the lights, the crowds, the prosperous city life in Liyue.
But as a born and bred Mondstater you were more suited to the ambience that your hometown gives. Peaceful, quiet, and relaxing. The familiar surroundings of Mondstadt was enough to calm your senses.
The horizon morphed into a fiery color a little after you reached the perimeters of Dawn Winery, signaling the end of the day.
Despite being in a relatively safe area, monsters still lurked dangerously near the territory, especially at night. You heard that riftwolves that were commonly found in the islands of Inazuma started appearing in Wolvendom and you were glad not to have taken that route. Instead, you walked the road by the lake that was connected to Dragonspine. It definitely made the trip back to Mondstadt longer, but a detour wouldn't hurt would it?
Your eyes reach the top of Skyfrost Nail, reminiscing the cold and merciless trips you had to do for commissions. At another angle you see the Dawn Winery's manor, that was visually warmer compared to the view of Dragonspine. The sunset made the scenery even more warmer, the skies reminding you of a certain red haired man.
Being drunk didn't stop you from remembering what had happened that night. After all, a man as brilliant as the business owner asking you out to dinner was something that happens once every few lifetimes. It didn't sit quite well with you if you accepted his invitation while you were still depressed about your ex.
If it was any other time, you would have accepted in a heartbeat. A man such as Diluc did not deserve lukewarm appreciation, to be treated second best, a mere rebound to a failed first love. If your heart wasn't in such a messy place, you would've been having meals with him.
Daydreaming about Diluc has led you to the corner of the lake where the road splits in two, one that circles around Dawn Winery and one that leads you further to Dragonspine. You snapped back to reality and spun on your feet, leaving a trail of footprints on the sand.
What you did not notice was a group of Cryo Slimes following you. Only until they shoot icicles at your feet did you notice their presence and thankfully you didn't get hit. Even though you clutched your sword and swung it against the slimes, it did not faze them. So you only did the next best thing you were good at; running for your life.
The sky grew darker as you ran and the slimes were deadset on chasing you. The largest one managed to hit your leg with its icicles and it slowed you down, the ice began to form on your hind leg. You couldn't afford to stop so you limped, your leg starting to feel heavy due to the freezing. The feeling was brutal, while your muscles still struggled to move the ice crept in and froze them in place, completely immobilizing you. The numbing pain worsened rapidly, it felt as if your muscles would rip through your skin.
The slimes quickly caught up to you as the ice reached your upper body, surrounding you. You swung your sword to scare them away but you were outnumbered. The slimes emitted cold air as they circled around you, aiding the frost that crept into your upper limbs making you drop your weapon. In an unforgiving circumstance, you were left to accept that this was your death bed.
But suddenly a large bird with its wings adorned with flames swooped in and defeated the cryo slimes one by one. Holding onto your consciousness, you see from the corner of your eye a man who expertly swung his claymore, almost gracefully like the bird you saw earlier.
The cryo slimes melted like ice on his greatsword. The leader of the pack was harder to tackle with its shield as it shot icicles at the man. It was emitting cold air, physically slowing the man's movements. Diluc sprang on his feet and jumped mid air, attacking the slime from above by suprise and successfully breaking the shield. This provided Diluc an opening and summoned his Phoenix which finally killed the slime.
"Diluc!" Another man's voice shouted from behind you. He knelt down and frantically examined your frozen state. Your consciousness was slipping as the frost reached your brain, inducing a painful brain freeze.
"No, do not use your vision." The man with an eyepatch warned the other. "You'll injure her body more."
"What am I supposed to do, let her freeze to death?"
"It would be better to gradually warm her up. We should bring her..." The voices were slowly fading away as you succumb to the pain that you felt.
"Prepare the fireplace at once." Diluc ordered a group of maids as he carried you in his arms with coat wrapped tightly around you.
"A warm bath would be better, brother." Kaeya suggested, instructing Adelinde as he went. "Let the ice thaw slowly to avoid startling her body with immediate changes in temperature."
Diluc inhaled deeply, calming himself as he glanced at the woman in his arms. He was in no position to argue and panicking would not help either. But your unresponsive state left him anxious. You felt like a block of ice in his arms and he feared that the frost was no longer the cause of it.
Kaeya has experienced similar situations like these considering the element that he wields and is grateful they weren't life threatening. Diluc thought it was best he let Kaeya handle it. His current composure might not stop him from doing something that could harm you further.
The maids forbade the men to come into the bath to check up on you. But with clear instructions from Kaeya, the frost from your body thawed safely. Your body was back to its original temperature and your muscles weren't rigid like steel.
But you were yet to regain consciousness. Diluc had ordered the maids to arrange a makeshift bed a safe distance from the fireplace to keep your body warm until it was able to regulate its temperature again. He never left your side, even holding your hand and using his Pyro vision to keep you warm.
He looked at your face. Your complexion was no longer pale indicating that your blood was circulating normally. Your lips that had turned deep violet due to the frost had regained its reddish color. While you were still in a deep sleep state with no signs of waking up, the man's worries subsided a little. All that matters is that you're safe now.
Still, Diluc contemplated that if he arrived a second earlier then you wouldn't be silently battling for your life like this. He inhaled sharply. If he had been a second too late to save you...
Diluc shook those thoughts out of his head. It would be for the better not to dwell on something that hadn't happened. He held your hand tighter, controlling the amount of Pyro Vision that your body absorbed. You were going to be okay. He knows it.
"Master Diluc," Elzer called him from behind, careful not to startle him. "You must rest."
"I'm fine, Elzer." Diluc replied not looking back at him.
"I can see it in my eyes, my boy. You are tired."
"You're right. But compared to what she's going through," Diluc glanced at your peaceful face. "This is nothing. I'll be fine, Elzer."
Elzer sighed in defeat. But if that's what the young master wants then he can only comply. "Please don't exert yourself too much." He said before leaving the two of you alone.
The night grew cold as the fire started to burn dimmer and dimmer. Wanting to tend the fire, Diluc released your hand, gently placing it on top of your chest before standing up. Just as he was about to walk towards the fireplace, he heard a loud gasp from you.
You shot up from the makeshift bed, your body continuing the line of action it was doing before it had gone frozen. But the sudden movement made you wince and clutched your head. The brain freeze hadn't completely gone away yet.
"W-where am I? The slimes..." You slowly looked around your surroundings, trying not to overwhelm your brain.
"Calm down." A deep voice said. You turn your head to see a man whose hair shone like flames. "You are in my manor."
"M-Master Diluc?" You sat upright, trying to look presentable in your disheveled state.
"Do not exert yourself." He crouched down and implored you to sit comfortably. "It isn't wise to immediately rise after a deep slumber."
"Archons," You took in a deep breath, racking your brain as you try to remember what had happened. The slimes surrounding you, the fear of being incapable, the pain, you couldn't help but sob. "I thought I was going to..." You clapped your hands onto your face as you trailed off.
The man beside placed his hand on your back and rubbed it in an attempt to calm you. "I'm glad we made it in time."
From your sobbing, you looked up at him. "Thank you, Master Diluc." You sniffled.
Diluc only gave you a small smile, letting you cry it out until you had enough. The warmth of his hand that stroked your back was warmer than what was perceived normal body temperature. But you figured it might've been because of his Pyro vision. It felt soothing, the warmth hitting all the right places as if it was thawing the ice in your body that was left over from the bath. Thanks to that, it didn't take long for you to calm down.
"But what were doing at the edge of the winery?" Diluc asked as he was afraid you got lost.
"I was on my home from Liyue."
Diluc did not press further as to why you were in Liyue but he understood why your home was always empty everytime he knocked on your door. He also knew you didn't want to be scolded by a stranger about the dangers that wander in the bewilderness.
He took a good look at your face and knew that the heartbroken woman who almost stumbled spectularly was no more. Despite the tears that stained your cheeks, he saw the glint in your eyes. A fierce one at that. You may have not been able to defeat the slimes but something about you told Diluc that you were willing to fight even without knowing how. Right then and there, he was in awe of you.
"I am eternally grateful to you for saving my life. If there's anything I can do to repay you-"
"You needn't do that. It is my duty to protect citizens of Mondstadt." Diluc cut you off, knowing full well what you were going to say as he has heard many times already from the mouth of others.
The pain of being shut down immediately stung quite a bit. Did you somehow hurt his feelings when he asked you out that night? Hopefully not. You cleared your throat. "It does not change the fact that I will not be here today if it weren't for you."
Escaping one's death by merely a hair's breadth was certainly not something anyone should look over upon. You still shook with fear but you tried your best to give Diluc a smile of gratitude.
"Well," Diluc mirroring your smile, something probably no one has ever seen before, "If you are so eager to repay me, I would be delighted to get to know you more?" He paused to hear your response but quickly added, "As long as it's alright with you."
Your eyes almost faltered at the sight, the beating of your heart quickened seeing his grin. "I-It would be my pleasure, Master Diluc."
"Please, call me Diluc." His chuckle emphasized the deepness of his voice, tickling your ears. "I believe this must be the third time I've said that."
AHHHHHH I dont know where i was going with this im sorry i said id cook but it turned out raw and bland lmao. Also, I feel like i write like I'm AI or smth lmao Istg I don't use AI to write this up. I squeezed my brain for this and this is the best I can do I guess.
Smol taglist: @ruttteerr
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moonflvver · 1 year
So prompt part 1: Angst! May I request some headcanons for a reader who ends up in danger due to Diluc's actions as the Darknight Hero? (Because the brain and Abyss ends up making connections when reader is often seen at Dawn Winery, and coincidentally around the areas where the Darknight ends up appearing. Lol)
character: Diluc Ragvindr x reader
warnings: angst mixed with comfort, mild violence but nothing too serious.
a/n: writing diluc angst is one of my favorite activities so thank you for sending me this <3 (I turned this into a drabble because diluc deserves it)
w/c: 863
Diluc feels like he’s going to be sick. His mouth is dry. He never thought it would come to this. He never thought that the Abyss would be so bold as to kidnap you and take you hostage. And right now he needs to think. He needs to move. He needs to do anything at all. And he’s trying so hard to will his feet to move from the ground but they seem to be cemented to the spot where he’s standing. His entire body feels frozen, a stark contrast to the fire that usually simmers just beneath his skin. The entire point of him being the dark knight was to keep people safe, and yet he couldn’t even manage to keep you, the one person who actually mattered to him safe. This wasn’t supposed to be happening at all. But he should’ve realized that with all the time you spent coming and going from the Dawn Winery someone was bound to pick up on the significance of your relationship with him.
He was naive to think that he could keep you safe. He had been lulled into a false sense of safety by the Abyss order and they had taken advantage of his lack of foresight. His breathing felt mechanical at this point; it was almost as if he had to remind his lungs to inhale and exhale. He was still gripping his claymore, staring at the desperation on your face. A silent plea for him to save you. But then he sees the Abyss mage grip your throat tighter, fingers curling around your neck. Forcing your windpipe to close up even further, his name comes out of your mouth just barely. It sounds broken and he swears he’s never felt so angry in his life. Both at himself and at the bastards that would dare to hurt you. But finally he’s able to move so he springs into action. Running at the Abyss mage and bringing his sword down on its arm, cutting it clean off.
You drop to the ground still clutching your throat. You’re hurt but you’re alive and once he sees that you’re okay he turns to face the mage and his pyro vision activates. Wild flames are spilling out of his arm and his sword, a byproduct of the built up fear and rage. Diluc is seeing red and his movements are sloppy. They deviate from his usual well placed and well controlled strikes. The way he moves his sword is an expression of anger, he’s slashing wildly until the damage he has dealt finally takes down the mage. His breath is short and uneven, he’s gasping for air. But before he can stop to rest, his body is moving all on its own and it’s running towards you.
He’s scanning you for injuries, he can already see purple blooming on your neck where the mage was digging into your skin with its fingers. His hands ghost over your neck and you wince, pulling away slightly, causing his chest to ache. Once again his vision fogs up with red and he wants nothing more than to hunt down every member of the Abyss order and make them regret ever going after you. But that will have to wait, first he needs to take care of you. Tears are falling down your face and he cups your cheek with a gloved hand. “Archons forgive me. I’m so sorry. I'm so, so sorry.” He whispers as you silently cry in front of him. “Luc I was so scared. I thought- I thought that I’d never see you again. I really thought that this was it for me.” You say through broken sobs. And he swears that in this moment he can feel his heart breaking into a million pieces.
“I should’ve realized that they’d do this. I should’ve been more cautious. This is all my fault.” He mumbles, the desperation seeping through his voice. He should’ve been faster, he should’ve been better. Better at keeping you safe, better at playing his role as the dark knight. His thoughts are running around in circles. And it’s evident in his demeanor. You know that he gets lost in his own head sometimes, so you pull him out. “Diluc.” You say softly, causing his attention to snap back to you. “It’s not your fault. You couldn’t have known that this was going to happen.”
He stays silent for a moment and then he starts, “But I should’ve-” and before he can finish his sentence you cut him off. “You don’t need to be perfect, that’s not what I want from you. You saved me regardless. And you’re here now. That’s all I could ever ask for.” You say, smiling up at him as his thumb strokes your cheek absentmindedly. How is it possible for you to be so forgiving, to be so loving? He’s not sure that he deserves any of it. But you’re right. It’s enough just in this moment for him to be able to be here with you. So he pulls you into his chest and wraps his arms around you. A silent promise that this will never happen again.
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tokkishouse · 1 year
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˜”*°•.˜”*°• A Diluc x Reader Modern SMAU! •°*”˜.•°*”˜
Synopsis: It’s your senior year of college-- 4 years of slaving away during the summer heat in Mondstadt and practicing with the marching band, winning awards after awards, but never making it to championships. But this year was different! You were going to make Lead Majorette and bring your school to victory with...Diluc?! The Ragvindr recluse who’s been giving you the stink eye since freshman year? As fellow drum major? Just your luck!
Update Schedule: Whenever lol Warnings: Cursing, College Student Shenanigans (like angst, drama, etc), suggestive and explicit themes, reader is fem-bodied (will update more as I get through this series) Reader Ships: Al-Haithem x Reader (exes), Diluc x Reader (end-game) Note: I try to use photos that make Y/N's race ambiguous so you can fit in, but I cannot guarantee that. Any pictures I choose that depict Y/N of a certain race are not to be taken as such. You are Y/N. The same goes for any pictures used to depict any of the genshin characters. If the hair/body/skin color does not match, it is not meant to be indicative of anything. It is simply there for story building.
Shoutout to @sugakookiessss​ for helping me brainstorm this shit. You a real one fr.
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Mondstadt Knights
Liyue Dragons
Inazuma Samurai
Akademiya Owls
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【May】 0 - Finals Week Hell 0.5 - Finals Week Hell
【June/July】 1 - WHO’S OUR DRUM MAJOR? 2 - Leadership Camp 3 - Someone Hide Me 3.5 - Someone Hide Me 4 - Oh...You Remember? 5 - Grape Juice is NOT a Substitute for Water
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【August/September】 6 - Game On! 7 - Most Ambitious Crossover Event 7.5 - Most Ambitious Crossover Event 8 - Just This Once 9 - Green with Envy
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【October】 10 - It Was a Mistake 11 - It's On Me 12 - Quick, Throw Me! 13 - Thank You 14 - Late Night Run (nsfw)
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【November/December】 15 - Making a Good Impression 16 - The Other Woman 17 - We are the Champions 18 - Communication is Crucial
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【Graduation】 (Time Skip) 19 - Walk that Walk... 20 - Talk that Talk
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𝕋𝕒𝕘𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥 **✿❀○❀✿**
@sugakookiessss​ , @shayewrites , @lez-zuha , @baelloraa , @monaypo1 , @n-i-f-y , @aixaingela , @jiminscarmex, @giggles8899, @simp4bakuh03, @deartoru, @kadorinn, @deepinballs, @duhsies, @kennylovesberries, @simp4bakuh03, @mirifuna, @deffenferofjustice, @hadesaedes, @sharkiestory, @scaramouche-slut, @itsirk-is-tha-opposite, @imkaaayyy, @horkniitamago
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milkypompon · 2 years
💌 || bound by letters
summary: after cat-hybrid!reader’s return from Inazuma, they’re determined to bridge the gap between their childhood best friends, kaeya and diluc, after years of tears and tension.
pairings: kaeya x reader, diluc x reader
genre: gn!reader, cat-hybrid!reader, childhood best friends with the ragvindr bros, reunited, angst, fluff
wc: 1.1k+
part 1 || part 2
On a summer’s day, the undeniable truth of a cat lay between the dirt path and the open cottage door swinging softly with rusty hinges. You curled in yourself and held a gentle smile as the warmth of the sun bathed you. Adults and children alike in Springvale knew better than to disturb a lounging kitten.
But the jingling laughter of young boys from another village was oblivious to the unspoken rule.
“They must be brothers,” you thought. With their matching wooden sticks acting as a sword and hands clasped together as if one was afraid to lose the other, it was a definite conclusion.
“I told you, ‘luc! Kittens are afraid of water.” The blue-haired boy noted your distance from the lake.
You pushed yourself up from the grass and frowned. “I’m not afraid of anything!”
“We’re sorry for interrupting your nap.” The boy with red locks stepped forward. “I’m Diluc and this is my brother, Kaeya.”
“You sound just like a true knight!” Kaeya’s eye sparkled with delight. “Would you like to join the Ordo Favonius with us, kitten?”
“Well, yes.” You puffed your cheeks. “But under one condition… Please don’t call me that!”
A simple answer tied the strings of friendship together into a pretty bow, one that was soon to be undone.
Seasons changed and people left without goodbyes, leaving the winery shrouded in looming shadows and dark clouds. It was as if Celestia above mourned the late master of Dawn Winery – attempting to wash away the sins and tears of the brothers with an onslaught of rain.
But the sun was bound to shine through some day.
The gaggles of the City of Freedom sang harmoniously with laughter and the secrets of loose lips fell soundly due to the infamous Angel’s Share specialty, wine.
In the case of Captain Kaeya, he fancied himself a glass of Death After Noon that was filled a little too close to the brim. He was perched on the bar stool, leaving an open seat next to him, waiting for company.
Hushed voices knew only people from a list – a short one at that – could occupy the spot. It included the mysterious nun of the cathedral, a toneless bard requesting apples in exchange for a fine tune, and… you.
“How generous of you to reserve me a seat, sir,” you commented before joining Kaeya.
He toed your stool closer to him and exchanged quiet, shaky sighs. With you pulled close around his arms, Kaeya drank in your scent after slowly forgetting it over the many years you spent living in a different nation. 
You felt light kisses on your skin, a welcomed sensation on your temples.
“I’m here, Kae.” You gently tugged on his ponytail. “I see you’ve kept your hair long.”
“Well enough about me.” Kaeya sniffled and graced you with a smirk of what many interpreted as mischievousness, but you saw it as a sign of genuine mirth. “Congrats on your promotion!”
You nodded in appreciation. “How about we celebrate today and tomorrow? One day dedicated to a promotion party and another for my return.”
“You’re starting to sound like me.” Kaeya cradled his drink. “One glass for General y/n of Inazuma, Charles!”
The late night’s ruckus dwindled from the laughter of Angel’s Share to quiet giggles between you and Kaeya as patrons trudged past the door. Leaving the bar with drunken smiles.
With the bubbling happiness from the lively company and conversations alike, you almost missed Kaeya’s lithe fingers fumbling with a familiar parchment. The wax seal with the electro insignia was barely creased as if it was opened with hesitation.
Your eyes flitted up to him. “Did you get a chance to read my letter before I arrived?”
“I did… eventually.” 
You encouraged him to continue.
“Y/n… I was afraid something had happened to you. Especially with the dirty business of the Vision Hunt Decree.”
You opened your mouth to promise Kaeya that all was well, but was immediately interrupted.
“But apparently it was just a love letter filled with your words of undying love for me! You were even bold enough to invite yourself to my bedroom.”
The Ragvindr brothers hated to admit they had a handful of things in common. One of them is their sensitivity to the subject of loss.
You played along by lightly smacking his arm. “Correction. I asked if I could crash at your place for a few days, so I wouldn’t have to spend mora at the Goth Grand Hotel. You knew how expensive a ticket was for the Crux Fleet!”
“‘Course I’d know!” Kaeya tapped his leather eyepatch. “I’m a pirate after all!”
“Well you should also know I’m no pirate, so I don’t hold in alcohol as well as you.”
He tipped his wine glass back to finish the drink. “Pft! You were always a lightweight when all three of us sampled Father’s wine while he was away for business trips.”
Your hand twitched on the counter at the sudden mention of his late father. Kaeya excelled in many things and prided himself on that. But quiet moments of reminiscing his childhood spent with you and the family that abandoned him, or he ran away from – which one, you wouldn’t know – was past his usual forte. 
After the passing of Master Crepus and the incline of Fatui infiltrations, your parents deemed it fit to raise you within the Nation of Eternity. No words were exchanged between you and Kaeya, only faint smiles and a wave as you boarded a ship. 
And even less with Diluc, without his presence during your departure. 
Kaeya cleared his throat and offered his hand. “It’s becoming awfully humid in here. How about a stroll in the quiet night?”
You bid Charles goodnight and requested to put the drinks on Kaeya’s tab with a cheeky grin on your face before intertwining your fingers with his. 
Kaeya was clearly unbothered by the slight chill, luckily the alcohol kept you warm enough. As well as the company by your side.
“By the way… You neither approved nor rejected my stay at your place.” 
“I’ve become quite a favorite among the grannies of this town. I’d break their hearts if I allowed such a thing.” His blue eye sparkled brighter in the low light. “And what say you to sleeping next to one of the most wanted bachelors of Mondstadt?”
You grinned playfully. “And who’s the other? Must be Master Diluc–” 
Kaeya’s steps halted at the name he’d dreaded to hear from your lips. “Why do you ask?”
The sudden shift of his tone forced your gaze to the unreadable expression he adorned. One you’ve not seen since the night that soaked your bones in rain and the Ragvindr brothers in blood. 
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koutaroulogy · 2 years
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details : he isn't getting out of bed anytime soon.
contains : partially nsfw! aftercare mostly!
more : heed the warnings! oh, and the tags :) still not tagging minors and still putting the read more line for safety reasons :)) ♡
taglist: @melkxsh @celestair @mochiimilq @catinneedofcaffeine @glowmiko @childe-support @etherealdiluc @hailbedo + join the taglist here!
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the birds' chirping woke you up.
the bed was hot under your naked skin, blankets strewn carelessly on top of you with your husband's natural warmth aiding it. your mind takes you back to when he had ravished you the night you loved and you were loved by him.
"my honey ..."
his swollen lips leaned to sidle against yours, roungh hands made for battle gently clasping the skin of your waist that eventually dragged down to rest on your soft hips that was now uncovered by cloth.
a feast for his sharp eyes, for his beating heart and throbbing cock ready to touch you once more.
"my darling," he gasps as he repeatedly ruts in the warmest place in the apex of your thighs, basking in the heat it brought, feeling your fingers curl over his back with a grip, "my heart,"
his name flew from your lips as you felt the heart that stuttered as your head loses itself to the pleasure that clouds around your senses like fog. diluc's back arches, and you twitch around him as he moaned, calling out your name like a mantra.
"my love."
"you awake?" his voice made you turn. under the sunlight, he sure was gorgeous.
"what do you think?" the snarkiness in your tone made him laugh and lean in to kiss you.
"good morning, 'luc."
"good morning, my love."
you backed away to your side of the bed before he could catch you in his arms again. the attempt to stand up and go downstairs to get yourselves some breakfast was diminished when you fell down on your own two feet.
"diluc!" your complaints reached his ears and he lets a low laugh.
"whose fault do you think this is?" he gets up and scoops you up like a ragdoll in his arms. the white tiles in the bathroom greets your eyes as diluc settled down with you in the tub.
you hummed gently, reaching up to grab the mint shampoo while he took a washcloth and started patting it down your hips, waist and thighs. he bends down when you raised your arms to paw at his hair for a thorough washing.
"i'm enjoying myself," he announces deliberately. you raised a brow at his pointed staring at the spot between your thighs.
"i can see that," his laugh was a baritone slipping through the morning air, warm water heating up his skin and making it glisten.
it took quite a while (you now knew how it feels to wrestle with diluc's morning hair and diluc himself wouldn't stop wiping you with the washcloth) and soon, you were out of the tub. your legs were sore beneath you as you lay on the bed donning a fluffy robe. when the redhead came out of the bathroom with his hair tied messily in a low bun, you grinned cheekily before loosening your robe.
the lovebites on your neck and collarbone was revealed to the world while your hips and thighs boasted the same amount of bites and small bruises. his pupils dilated when he turns to look at you and you spoke,
"now tell me diluc, do i look 'properly ravished' as all newlywedded wives do?"
"... i'd say you look incredibly, properly ravished," diluc chimed in before he looks at you with a lusty gaze once more.
"you naughty, naughty man," you whispered with both appal and amazement at diluc who quickly stood in between your legs. he licked his lips, carressing calloused hands on to your thighs with the relish of a starving man.
"i thought you want to have- ah, breakfast in bed..."
"and i got it right here," he murmured into the plush skin of your legs and his robe dropped to the floor, "breakfast in bed."
"oh you..." your sigh was broken by a passionate kiss. it was long before you were able to talk once more.
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1K notes · View notes
damdammy · 2 years
Will open requests soon, need to sort out my rules first ^^ in the meantime, have a scenario that’s based on a request from my old blog ^^ Enjoy reading!!
I haven’t written in forever so if its bad pls bear w me LMAO
Request: Diluc & Kaeya - Reader has Hanahaki disease and is very reluctant on confessing (Angst to fluff please ^^) ~ 🐺 Anon
warnings: mention/description of vomiting, blood, alcohol (its not as bad as it seems i swear)
for those who do not know what Hanahaki disease is: a fictional (emphasis on fictional) disease, often used in fanfictions, where the victim regurgitates and coughs up flower petals when they suffer from unrequited love. The illness can only be cured through surgical removal, however any existing romantic feelings are also removed with the infection. (i got this from urban dictionary lol)
oop also im going with the kaeya is from khaenri’ah theory here :)
Word count: 3.9K
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“Are you sure you’re okay, y/n?” Jean’s voice was laced with concern as she placed a small pile of papers on her desk. They simply nodded, but their pale face was telling her something else. Y/n’s hand was covering their mouth and they were struggling to stand straight. They couldn’t do their work like this, they would only feel worse. What if something happened to them?
“You know what, this commission isn’t really urgent anyway.” y/n’s eyes slightly widened. Jean sent them a soft smile “You should go home.” Y/n shook their head in protest. They knew that Jean assumed this was a simple cold or something similar, but it was far from that. If only they could tell them..
“Jean, I promise you that I’m doing just fine. I’ll finish the paperwork like you asked me to.” Y/n said and made their way to her desk.
“Y/n, I appreciate your determination but I’d much prefer you resting and then coming back. Besides, I can ask other knights to do this for me too, it’s alright.” It was hard for y/n to still hold it all in, but they felt like they had to. Maybe going home was a good idea.. It wasn’t like they were going to get much work done anyway. After thinking in silence for a moment, y/n finally complies.
“Don’t try to rush coming back to work, it’s better to get the exact amount of rest you need in the long run.” y/n nodded and was about to thank her when the uncomfortable feeling returned. They covered their mouth and swallowed the flowers back, despite the burning feeling it caused in their throat. Jean saw the apologetic look in their eyes and smiled, telling them it was alright.
As soon as y/n stepped foot outside of the headquarters of the Knights of Favonius, they rushed home. On their way, multiple people had attempted to greet them or have a small conversation, but y/n’s gaze remained fixated on the ground.
A sigh of relief left their mouth after closing the door behind them. Their feet gave up, making them slide down against the door to the ground. As an attempt to control their pain, y/n rested their head on their knees, taking heavy breaths.
Why did this have to happen to them? Why? Why couldn’t they have fallen for anyone else, or nobody for that matter? Why did it have to be him?
The uncomfortable feeling returned, except this time with a lot more force. Y/n couldn’t even run to the bathroom, so before they knew it there were a couple of small lamp grasses on the ground, along with a few drops of blood. The burning sensation was still present in their throat.
The fact that y/n couldn’t do anything to get rid of this burden was making them feel helpless. Of course he didn’t love them, anyone could tell that. The thought itself made their eyes water.
They saw the way he looked at Jean. The way his mannerisms slightly changed, how he appeared slightly more comfortable around her. But even if Diluc didn’t see her that way, he didn’t seem like the type to be easily interested in someone romantically.
“Y/n?” fuck. What was Venti doing here? They stayed silent, so Venti knocked softly on their door and spoke again. “I said hi to you earlier but I don’t think you saw me. You looked a little unwell, is everything alright?”
“I-I’m fine!” They reply, trying to feign happiness in their voice. In reality however, y/n was struggling to breathe without feeling a sharp pain, caused by the flowers in their mouth.
“Are you sure? Oh, how about I’ll bring you some food from Good Hunter? I’ll also get some alcohol for you!” y/n wasn’t even able to protest, because Venti immediately followed saying he’d be right back. They appreciated his efforts, but why would someone give a sick person alcohol?....
There wasn’t much time for y/n to think about it more, because soon the uncomfortable feeling returned. Soon, more and more flower petals, some covered with blood, found their way on the ground, and y/n was too sick to even try to clean it up.
The solution to this seemed so easy, but at the same time they knew it wasn’t possible. Diluc didn’t love them. He really didn’t. Why else would they be struggling here like this?
In the meantime, Venti was rushing to Diluc’s tavern. As soon as the redhead heard the door open and turned around, his face fell.
“Venti, I told you I’m not giving you any more alcohol this we-”
“It’s for y/n!” He interrupted him. Diluc stopped drying the glass he was holding and eyed Venti skeptically. “They’re not feeling well.” The bard explains
“And you think alcohol is going to make them feel better?”
“...Yes??” Man…. This guy was immortal, how could he be this stupid? While resting the back of his hand against his forehead, Diluc released a deep sigh. If Venti was going to try to take care of y/n on his own, he wasn’t sure if that would end well.
“I think y/n would appreciate something such as tea or another warm drink a lot more.” Venti shrugged.
“Alright then. Will it take long for it to be prepared?”
“You go bring them some food, I’ll make something and be there soon as well.” The bard agreed and quickly left to bring y/n the meal he bought.
“Hopefully it’s not cold yet.” he mumbled to himself before knocking on their door. Y/n, who had almost fallen asleep on the cold ground lifted up their head.
“Hmm? Who-” before they knew it another set of petals escaped their mouth.
“I brought you some food, y/n! Diluc is making you something to drink, so he’ll be here soon as well. I hope you don’t mind.” Upon hearing his name, y/n’s heart dropped. He was going to be here? Fuck, he couldn’t see them like this.. But they were too weak to send him away.
Another set of petals escaped y/n’s mouth, this time even bigger and bloodier than the ones before. The pain in their throat was also worsening, and they had no idea how much more time they had left.
“Y/n, your food is going to get cold.. Can I come in?” Venti asked. Shit. No. He was going to see the petals and get worried. Did Venti even know what Hanahaki disease was? Maybe he did… He was a god after all. Venti was lost on what to do when y/n gave no response. He could hear that they weren’t doing well, but it felt rude to just barge in.
“What are you still doing here? Their food is going to get cold!” Venti quickly turned his head and smiled when he saw Diluc, holding a teapot along with a smaller cup. He seemed annoyed; not at y/n but at the fact that Venti wasn’t doing much to help. Y/n’s eyes widened upon hearing the familiar voice. Before they knew it, he spoke up again.
“Y/n, I’m coming in.” He didn’t wait and opened their door. His gaze fell on Y/n, who was sat on the ground, at the corner of the living room. What concerned him wasn’t just their dull gaze and , but also the vast amount of flower petals and blood that they were surrounded by.
“What…. What’s going on?..” He mumbled in confusion. Venti, who entered the house after Diluc, seemed to recognize what’s going on.
“Y/n… Don’t tell me..” He stopped mid sentence when they weakly nodded. This was it. Diluc saw them. Venti obviously recognized the disease, but y/n couldn’t tell them who it was.
“Who is it?” Venti asked softly. Y/n shook their head. They couldn’t know. The feeling wasn’t mutual, they were sure of it. Venti wasn’t taking this, so he put the food on the coffee table in the room and walked over to y/n. He knelt down and made eye contact, his eyes practically begging them to tell him.
“Y/n, please, just tell me.” Y/n shook their head again. They wanted to explain why, but before they were able to utter a word, they felt the pain, which had become familiar at this point, return and soon more flower petals were on the ground. Diluc watched in horror. He didn’t understand what exactly was going on, but he knew this wasn’t good. An uncomfortable feeling in his stomach told him chances of this not ending well were big. Y/n noticed Diluc’s change of expression and smiled through their pain and tears. At least he was here now.
“Y/n, I-” Venti shuffled closer to them, not caring about his clothes becoming dirty.
“No Venti, please don’t do anything.” They stopped him. “It’s okay.” they whispered through their tears in hopes to avoid feeling more pain.
“No, help them!” Diluc exclaimed, almost throwing the teapot that he was holding to the ground. How could they say this was okay? What was going on? Why didn’t y/n tell anyone they felt sick? Were they planning on just dying here, in their house, on their own?
“Venti,” y/n whispered again. “Y-you’re the god of Freedom, aren’t you? Please, I don’t want you to try to help me. Let me-” They leaned forward and coughed heavily. Diluc instantly moved closer to them, gently bringing their head on his lap.
“Y/n,” Diluc began, his voice shaking. “Please, let him help you.” Y/n shook their head again.
“Diluc, I can assure you he can’t.” he was still not sure what was going on, but all he wanted was for them to be okay. He didn’t care what was needed or how it had to be done, he just didn’t want to lose them.
“Y/n you can’t do this.” his eyes filled with tears. “How can you just throw away your life like that?!” he raised his voice. “Why… Why do you want it to just end like this? You’re a knight, do you even realize what you’re leaving behind?” As he continued speaking, he started speaking more sharply. Despite this, y/n felt warm. His touch was comforting, despite the fact that his attitude was cold
“Don’t you realize how selfish you’re being right now?!” At this point his voice was even louder. “What am I supposed to do? You’re just going to give up?” A tear escaped his eye and rolled down his cheek as his grip on y/n tightened. Their eyes were teary too, from both the pain and Diluc’s words. Y/n coughed, as the sharp pain had returned and it was even worse. Venti was frozen in his place, not knowing what to do. He knew damn well that y/n had a point, but it hurt so much to just let them go like this. Part of him knew who y/n had feelings for, but he wasn’t too sure and didn't want to jump to the wrong conclusions.
Then again, the calmness in their eyes as they remained in Diluc’s arms despite the unbearable pain was almost an immediate giveaway. And to Venti, it seemed so clear that the feeling was mutual. Maybe, just maybe he would confess. Venti felt it.
“You can’t leave me like this.” he sobbed, his voice still sharp. “You-you can’t just make me fall in love with you and do this to me!”
silence. Complete silence. Diluc looked at their face, and saw that their eyes were closed. Had they been closed this whole time? Did that happen just now? He was doubting everything now.
“v-venti..” Diluc’s tone was normal, but the stutter gave away how nervous he was. When he looked at the bard, he was smiling. The red haired male grew angry.
“Why on earth are you-”
“They’re still breathing.” Diluc immediately looked at them again and he was right. They could see their chest rising and falling slowly. His gaze moved to their face, and he noticed they seemed more at ease. Did the pain stop? He felt lost, but he was afraid to ask.
“Their pain stopped, don’t worry.” Venti said, as if he could read his thoughts. “Maybe they should get some rest in their own room. I’ll explain everything to you after that.” Diluc nodded in agreement and lifted up y/n, bringing them to their room. They remained asleep the whole time. Diluc gently placed them on their bed and put a blanket over them so they won’t get cold. He was probably going to give them their drink still once they woke up.
For a while, he stayed in the room to look at them. Moments ago, he was so close to losing them, but now he felt at peace. They were resting comfortably. Diluc walked over to the door, and stopped for a moment. He looked back at y/n. He had professed his love for them earlier.. What did they think? How did they feel about him?
No, that’s for later. They needed rest now. Venti was waiting downstairs too to explain everything. He was just glad that they were okay now. That was all that mattered, and all he needed.
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Fuck. Why? Why did it have to be him? Out of all the people in Monstadt, it had to be the cavalry captain of the knights of Favonius, the man that flirts with people on the regular for fun. He does it to anyone, it doesn’t mean anything.
But why did it make y/n’s heart skip a beat every time? Despite knowing damn well that he had no intent of wanting anything more, they still fell for him. Stupid heart, stupid feelings, stupid y/n.
“You’re incredibly stupid for not telling anyone you were sick.” Rosaria said, almost scolding them if you listened close enough. She had brought them some food, along with some flowers from Flora’s shop. Her reasoning was that she needed some to make them tea but had bought too much, but she secretly just wanted to give them.
“I didn't want anyone to get worried.” Y/n replied. They appreciated their friends in Monstadt of course, but the last thing they wanted was to be a distraction to anybody. Besides, they would have to explain what was wrong… No one needed to know..
“I’m not stupid.” Rosaria continued as she filled a bowl with some hot soup. “it’s Kaeya, isn’t it?”Y/n almost choked on the flower petals they were trying to swallow to avoid throwing up for the billlionth time.
“Look, I’m not going to tell him, as long as you promise me you will confess your feelings to him.” y/n shook their head immediately.
“He doesn't like me back.”
“You never know.”
“Rosaria, he flirts with pretty much anyone in Monstadt. I’m no different.” The woman sighed and rolled her eyes.
“You should see the way he looks at you.” she mumbled to herself. Most people didn’t notice, but Kaeya’s behavior made the smallest change whenever y/ was around. When they weren’t looking, his eyes would be focused on them. His gaze was soft, and anytime they made physical contact he held them like they were the most precious thing on earth. On top of that:
Kaeya wasn’t as much of a cocky flirt as people often made him out to be. On the outside? Sure. On the inside? Not so much. He’d try to be subtle, but after making a flirty remark to Y/n and seeing their reaction, he would subconsciously fiddle with his hands, and Rosaria would always take notice of this, despite his efforts to hide it.
And if he just directly expressed his feelings, or if they gathered the courage to confess their feelings to him, things would be okay. But neither did.
“afternoon, is Y/n here?” fuck. He was here. Y/n tried to quickly get up and leave, but Rosaria pushed them back.
“They’re here!” She called out, making y/n panic again. They tried to stand up, but they felt another sharp pain in their stomach, making them sit back down. They stared at the floor and closed their mouth. The sound of Kaeya’s footsteps was slowly getting closer, until y/n saw his shoes in front of them.
He was silent. No witty remark, not even a hello.
“Did someone do this?” Rosaria internally sighed. She shook her head. Kaeya tried to examine y/n, but their gaze was fixated on the floor and Rosaria was holding them close to her. However, this didn’t stop Kaeya from being observant. He had noticed the small flower petals, along with some drops of blood. It was probably even worse than it seemed, since it was likely that y/n tried to pretend nothing was wrong.
“I need to get some more petals, I’ll be right back. Kaeya, you stay with them.” Before anyone could respond, she was gone. Kaeya reacted quickly and had now wrapped his arms around y/n.
“Hm, I’d expect a little more of a vocal response. It's not every day you get to be this close to the Chivalry captain, right?”
“Not that impressive when I’ve never seen a single fucking horse in this city.” a heartfelt chuckle escaped his mouth, though it only lasted for a short period of time as y/n started coughing again. Kaeya gently propped them up so they were sitting up straight and would at least be able to breathe. He didn’t know what else to do, he felt so lost.
“Do you need anything?” he asked. Kaeya had a horrible feeling about this. He did have some knowledge about certain things when it came to illnesses. However, he didn’t want to believe it was that. It couldn’t be that, right?
“I’m fine, Kaeya. You don’t need to lie to me.”
“Oh, right, because throwing up blood is a regular occurence to you.” he sharply commented. Y/n rolled their eyes.
“Look, I’ll be okay. I’m sure you have better things to do.” the last thing y/n wanted to do was be a burden to him.
“As you said, I’m a chivalry captain who doesn’t have a single horse in possession.” he chuckled. “Besides, I never waste my time. If I didn’t want to be here, I wouldn’t be.” His facial expression was serious again. To be quite honest, it made y/n a little uneasy. Not because his presence made them uncomfortable, but they weren’t used to this very serious attitude. They stayed quiet for a while, not being sure of what else to say.
“Now, would you tell me who the lucky fellow is?” he asked, making y/n choke on the petal flower they were trying to swallow back in their throat. Kaeya was slightly surprised and he couldn’t help but laugh a little at their reaction while gently patting their back. Once they calmed down, they looked at Kaeya wide eyed. He had a small grin on his face as he slightly tilted his head sideways.
“So?” y/n shook their head.
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Kaeya averted his gaze and looked at the flower petals and flowers on the ground.
“hm, calla lilies huh? That’s interesting…” he knows, was what went through their mind. He definitely knows. He’s just playing with their emotions at this point. Right?
“Y/n, look,” Kaeya took a deep breath. He clasped his shaky hands together as an attempt to hide his anxiety. “You don’t have to tell me who it is, just make sure to confess your feelings to this person. We can’t afford to lose you over a little crush.”
Kaeya couldn’t deny the fact that his first thoughts upon realizing that y/n had hanahaki disease made his heart drop a little. However, soon that feeling was washed away by him worrying about them and their health. He didn’t care that he wasn’t the one they were in love with, he just wanted them to be okay. And if that meant a future without him, so be it. Kaeya had experienced loss before, this wasn’t new and this was way more bearable.
Y/n bit their lip slightly. Realistically speaking, confessing your feelings to the person you like romantically should be a hundred times easier than having to bear this disease that will definitely kill you if you don’t.Something inside of her however, was making this incredibly difficult. Is Kaeya an ass sometimes? Definitely. But he was also a human with emotions, and y/n could tell this was affecting him too despite his efforts to hide that. Even if he didn’t feel the same way, things should be okay, right?
“R-remember that time Venti, Rosaria, you and I were at the tavern?” They decided to start off slow, in the hopes that it would make this easier. Kaeya nodded. He was looking at them, his full attention focused on them, and nothing else.
“And…. Rosaria said something about me liking you..” By this point Kaeya had already connected the dots. Y/n liked him. He wanted to be happy, but his mind was still focused on making sure Y/n was okay first.
“She wasn’t lying when she said that.” Y/n quickly added and released a breath they had been holding for what felt like forever. “I really, really like you.” silence followed the sudden confession. Y/n grew more and more nervous-- almost annoyed even. What was taking him so long?
Y/n heard a soft sigh released from Kaeya’s lips. They didn’t dare look at him and instead fixated their eyes on… nothing? Y/n was just staring into the void.
They didn’t notice a small smile grazing Kaeya's lips, they didn’t notice his eyes swelling with tears as realization hit as to why they were feeling so sick. They did feel his grip on them tighten. Kaeya removed one hand from y/n and gently held their chin between his thumb and index finger.
“Y/n,” his voice was low, and gentle yet still having the same teasing tone he always had whenever he spoke. It felt different this time though. “Look at me” he said as he gently guided their face to look at him. His touch was far from forceful, y/n could tell he would stop instantly if they turned their head back away from him. But they didn’t. Y/n looked at Kaeya, and their breathing stopped for a moment when the two made eye contact.
“You sure are dense to say the least, aren’t you?” He chuckled softly. “All of this pain, all of these problems you’ve had to deal with… You could’ve just told me how you felt.” Y/n ‘s heartbeat sped up as they started to realize what he was trying to get at.
“What do you mean by that?” They asked, their voice low. Kaeya let out a quiet snort, trying to mask it by scratching his throat afterwards.
“You know exactly what I’m talking about, you sly little fox.” He said, unable to control the smile on his face. Y/n stifled a laugh and leaned slightly forward.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, care to enlighten me?” Kaeya was slightly surprised at their boldness but prepared nonetheless. He lowered his hand to their waist and gently pulled them closer.
“Well, I’d be honored to show you instead.”
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