#did they all watch waitress together omg
step bro jschlatt?
YES OMG my first request! Thank you so much, anon!18+ (Or what ever your legal adult age is below the cut!)Disclaimer: I am a pathetic virgin so this probs won't be good. (I'm figuring you'd wanted smut...) so sorry if i mistook that.
When your mom first introduced you to Jeremy and his son, you were polite, of course. This guy made your mom happy, and you weren't going to do anything to ruin that, God knows your dad made her upset enough before he did you all a favor and left. That's not to say that it was easy, considering how obnoxious Schlatt was.
Schlatt made it painfully obvious he wanted to be anywhere but at that dinner. The entire time, he was fixated on his phone, not paying attention to anything being said, or the glares his dad kept shooting him, and undressing every waitress that passed by with his eyes. What a dick. He was even so full of himself to not go by his first name.
A few months down the road after Jeremy proposed, you and Schlatt were forced to spend more time with each other, being the maid of honor and best man. Venue tours, tastings, wedding details to be discussed in your new family chat, Schlatt of course only chiming in when he was forced.
Walking down the aisle next to Schlatt was the closest you two had ever been, stiffly linking your arm with his, cheesy picture day smiles stapled to your lips, pretending like you didn't hate each other.
As the years went on, you relationship with Schlatt changed. You still didn't like each other, but he talked more at family dinners and didn't seem like he wanted to off himself anytime you had to go somewhere together.
The downside of Schlatt getting more comfortable in the new family dynamic was now you argued like brother and sister.
You were watching a movie by yourself one day, lounging on the couch in the living room when Schlatt walked in, stood in your way for a minute, and then when you asked him to move, proceeded to halfway sit on you.
"Schlatt get off of me!"
"I'm not on you."
"Yes you are asshole, now get off." You told him, shoving and kicking him off you.
"Kids, please you're 16 and 17 years old. You don't need to argue like this all the time anymore." Jeremy shouted from the kitchen.
"But Dad he started it!" you cried. Schlatt just scoffed.
"I did not, the little princess is taking up the entire couch."
"Am not."
"Are too."
"Am not."
"Are too."
"Y/N, Jonathan, so help me I hear one more word from either of you you're both grounded." your mom cut in.
Glaring at Schlatt you sat up so your feet weren't taking up so much space as Schlatt moved to the other end of the couch.
"You guys will have the house to yourselves tomorrow, your mom and I are going out of town to visit a friend, and we won't be back until Saturday night." Jeremy informed.
Answering disinterestedly, you and Schlatt kept watching the movie.
After school the next day, you waited for Schlatt at his truck. It'd been a long day, and you were getting a headache; you just wanted to go home and sleep.
"Alright Ted, I'll see you later. Yeah, 7:00 sounds great, see you then." You heard Schlatt speak into his phone, finally walking up.
"You going out tonight?" You asked, hopeful that you'd have the house to yourself for a nice, quiet night.
"You'd like that, wouldn't you? No, Ted and Charlie are coming over." Schlatt answered, dropping into the drivers seat next to you and starting the car.
"Do they have to come over tonight? I was kind of just wanting a quiet night, go to bed early." You knew how loud and annoying Schlatt could get with his friends.
"It's not my fault you're fucking lame, princess. The world doesn't revolve around you." He answers, looking over his shoulder to back out, hand on the back of your head rest.
"Fine, Schlatt." You rested your head on the window, not in any mood to argue.
After getting home you dumped your bag on the kitchen table before heading to the medicine cabinet searching for ibuprofen.
Popping a few you headed upstairs to your room.
"I'm heading to bed early. Please try to be quiet with the guys tonight." you practically begged.
"You feeling okay?" Schlatt asked, seeing you take the medicine.
"I'm fine, just a headache. Goodnight."
You passed out pretty quickly, waking up a few hours later, your stomach growling.
Hearing the strangely quiet house you walked downstairs to find something to eat, seeing Schlatt sitting on the couch by himself, scrolling through his phone with some show playing in the background.
Noticing the time, you figured that his friends would be here by now.
"Where are Ted and Charlie?" you asked, voice rough from sleep, startling Schlatt.
"I told them I changed my mind." Schlatt said plainly. You wondered if it had anything to do with your headache.
"Too bad." you said, rubbing your eyes.
"I ordered a pizza, there's some left if you're hungry." Schlatt called, looking over his shoulder at you.
"Oh. Thank you." you whispered, seeing the pizza box sitting on the counter.
Walking over and opening the cardboard lid you saw your favorite toppings. Schlatt was always sure to make fun of your tastes in pizza whenever you had it as a family, so you were surprised. Nevertheless, you took a slice, quickly eating it before you took another piece and walked into the family room, sitting by Schlatt on the couch.
"What are you watching?"
"Hm? Oh. I'm not sure, haven't really been paying attention.
You sat in a strange silence. Not the usual comfortable 'We're-not-firends-but-we're-forced-to-be-around-each-other-so-we'll-deal-with-it' kind. This was...awkward.
"So-- how are you feeling, princess?"
Schlatt must have noticed it too.
"Oh, um. Better. Thanks."
Back to silence.
"What made you change your mind about tonight?"
Your step-brother was quiet for a moment.
"I figured you'd wanted you sleep. You seemed quiet on the ride home and then you took the medicine-- I just thought it'd be best if it was just us tonight."
"Thank you, Schlatt. That was --sweet --of you."
This was different. This was the nicest you had ever been to each other.
"You're welcome, (y/n)."
Another heavy silence.
"This is weird right?" You asked.
"Oh, so fucking. I'm glad you caught that too."
Smiling you reach over and steal the remote off the couch arm next to him.
"What the hell do you think you're doing with that?" Schlatt moved to take it back.
"I wanna watch a movie and you're not even paying attention to the TV right now."
"Was too."
"Was not."
Schlatt smiled towards to you. This was normal. This was how it was supposed to be.
"Fine, just don't put anything stupid on."
"I would never do such a thing. Alexa play Twilight Breaking Dawn." you say, looking straight into his eyes and trying not to laugh.
"Shut the fuck up it was all fake?"
"A vision of the future, yes."
"Unbelievable. This series actually puts in a good scene and that's what they do with it? Take it all back?"
You and Schlatt had been making fun of the movie the entire time, it was the most fun you'd ever had with him. You actually had close to the same humor and were getting along pretty well.
Calming down from you laughing fit you let out a big sigh as you lean your head back.
"Why don't you think we've ever gotten along?" You ask, turning to face him.
"What do you mean?" He asks, leaning back into the couch.
"You've always seemed like you hated me or something. Like I was this big inconvenience that came into your life."
"I never hated you, princess. I don't know, I think it might have just been hard, you know? Mom had been gone for what seemed like 10 minutes and all of a sudden Dad is dating this woman and I have a new step-sister. It kinda seemed like he'd forgotten her and our family."
"I've never thought about that."
You knew that Schlatt's mom hadn't been gone long before Jeremy was out on the dating scene again, only a few months really, but you didn't think about the fact that Schlatt actually loved his mom, had a good relationship with her. It wasn't like you, who hadn't cared about your other biological parent.
"I'm sorry, Schlatt." You said, putting your hand on his shoulder and squeezing.
"I'm sorry I made you feel that way all this time, Princess."
Schlatt looks over at you, and you can tell he's the most sincere you've ever heard him speak. And in that moment, you realized how bright his eyes were when he was happy, more of an amber instead of the chocolate brown you'd originally thought. His slight smile, the scar on his strong chin you'd learned he'd gotten from playing baseball when he was little. So many little things you were too busy hating him to notice before. And then, you noticed how close you were sitting, bodies turned towards each other, his arm across the back of the couch behind you. You didn't have time to register any of it before you noticed his lips on yours.
The kiss was warm, gave you chills, firm, soft, hungry, caring, everything it could be all at once. And wrong. But god, it felt so right. Your eyes fluttered shut --
And then it ended. Schlatt pulled away, and scooted as far back from you as he possibly could.
"(y/n) I am so sorry. I kind of just got caught up in the moment, and you were sitting there and you had that sweet look on your face that you always have, and your hair looked so good, and your lips looked so soft and -- God i'm so stupid. I'm so so sorry--"
"I know, it shouldn't have happened. It just felt right in the moment and I--"
"Would you shut the hell up? I'm not mad."
"You're not?"
"Listen, yeah the situation isn't exactly ideal. But it's not like you're actually my brother."
Schlatt scooted the tiniest bit closer to you. You could see the little hamster wheel in his head spinning, calculating every little move he did.
You decided to test the waters and scooted closer to him.
His hand inches closer until it's resting on your thigh, but once it is he can't keep them off you. You're pulled into him, one hand in your hair, the other pulling your leg over his before sliding it up your back. His lips are fighting hard for dominance over yours, and just for good measure his tongue decided to come out to play too.
"Schlatt-" you whisper a moan. Pulling away to catch your breath, your head leans back and Schlatt moved to suck on your neck. Catching his lips in a kiss you mumble out a soft admonition.
"No hickeys."
"Wanna mark you up baby." Schlatt growls out.
"But what would mom and dad say?" You weren't necessarily the most popular with guys at school and you'd never brought a guy over.
Groaning Schlatt moves away from your neck.
"I know you're right, but, fuck Princess." He looks all over your flushed face, before racing his eyes over the rest of your body, his once shining amber eyes dark, pupils blown wide with lust.
Smiling you press your lips against his again, craving something you'd gone so long without.
You can feel Schlatt smile as his hands trail down your back before sneaking past your shirt, tickling the small of your back.
It wasn't enough for you. Reaching down you pull your shirt over your head and hear a repressed moan from the man sitting beneath you.
"You're perfect." Schlatt breathes before leaning in and kissing your bare chest, thanks to your decision to forego a bra during your nap.
Tangling your fingers in his thick chocolate curls you tug, trying to assert the slightest bit of dominance.
Schlatts fingers dug hard into your hips, holding you tight to his lap, making sure you could feel what you were doing to him between your thighs.
Rocking slightly seeking for any kind of friction, you're almost immediately pushed on your back, lying with Schlatt hovering over you. His body was so warm...so hard against yours....
"Gotta be careful, Princess," Schlatt pulled you from your thoughts. Leaning down to brush his lips against yours, he mumbles a quiet "or I won't be able to stop myself from fucking you right here."
This was it, there was no coming back from what had been said. Both of you knew that, and something told you neither of you cared in the slightest.
"Then don't." You leaned up, pressing your lips fully against his, trying to show him how much you needed him.
Schlatt returned the kiss with the same if not more enthusiasm, before lifting himself slightly to take his shirt off. He didn't outwardly show it, but Schlatt was built like a mountain, strong and broad, and no one had ever looked so good to you.
Leaning back down to kiss you, you place your hands on his mutton chops, slightly scratching his cheeks with your nails as his hands travel from your neck down your chest, stopping to slightly tease your hardening nipples, drawing a whine from you.
"Aww, does my baby like that?" Schlatt moves to your neck again leaving hot open mouthed kisses.
"Mmhmm," you babble, your pleasure making your brain foggy. You can feel Schlatt chuckle against your throat.
Giving one of your nipples another quick flick, Schlatts longer fingers tickle down your stomach, stopping to run along the waist band of your leggings, which you'd decided were too hot to wear any longer
"Please take them off, Schlatt."
"Please what, Princess?"
"P-Please, Daddy."
"Good Girl" Schlatt purred into your ear before sitting up to slide your leggings down your legs.
Schlatt watched with wide eyes, taking in every inch of revealed skin.
"God, baby. These legs are going to be the death of me."
"Oh. Shame, I thought maybe it'd be drowning between them." You whispered.
And then immediately cringed.
Schlatt barked out a laugh. "That was the lamest thing you've ever said, and you've said a lot."
"Fuck you."
"Oh, no, Princess. I think you've got that confused." Schlatt leaned back in once your leggings were off and captured you lips with his, letting his tongue explore every inch of your mouth.
God was he a good kisser. You were already nearly out of breath and moaning into his mouth. Your fingernails were digging into his back, holding on for dear life, too out of it to even think that you might be hurting him.
But as good as this was, you knew you needed more. Needed him, all of him on top of you, inside you, under you. Wrapping your legs around his waist, you tried your best to push his sweatpants down.
Schlatt took your hint and pushed his sweats and boxers down, letting his dick spring out, harder than anything you'd ever seen and perfectly curved.
His kisses became desparate before moving to your neck, sucking hickeys before you could stop him as he ripped your damp thong off.
Breaking the kiss you look down in surprise. "Schlatt!"
"Shut up i'll buy you a new one I promise." He barely spit out before kissing you again.
Letting his tip kiss against you your back arched from the stimulation you'd been craving.
"Good baby girl. You like that, huh? Like feeling Daddy's cock? God it's barely touching you, you little slut."
All you could do was nod, who the fuck knows what he was saying to you.
Kneeling, Schlatt looked down, watching him push further into you.
"Shh. It's okay honey. I know, I know it feels so good, doesn't it? Now open that gorgeous little mouth for me."
Letting you mouth fall open Schlatt pushed in two of his fingers, making you gag.
"Oh, are they too much for you, sweetie? Are my fingers too thick for you? Jesus Christ how are you ever going to take my cock? Come on, baby, you need your practice. Suck on your Daddy's fingers."
Taking a deep breath you shut your eyes, doing your best to focus on sucking on his fingers, pressing your tongue against them.
"That's it, angel."
Once he had you preoccupied he trailed his other hand across your thigh. "I'm going to push all the way in now, Angeltits. It's going to hurt, but I'll go fast I promise."
Nodding against his fingers, Schlatt pulls them from your mouth, now covered in your saliva and placing both of his hands against your hips before pushing the rest of his length in.
Throwing your head back you gasped, hot tears falling from your eyes and a sharp stinging taking over.
Schlatt immediately leaned down, hands coming up to hold yours against the bed on either side of your head, kissing your tear streaked cheeks before whispering reassurances against your lips
"Shh. I know baby, I know. Just hold on, it's going to feel so much better, I promise. I'm gonna take care of you honey. That's my girl. So good for me, aren't you Princess? Just hold on to me baby."
"It's so much, Daddy."
"I know. Don't worry that's all you'll have to take until your ready, yeah? M'right here my love."
Hearing the sweet words fall from his lips another round of tears form in your eyes for an entirely different reason. Wrapping your arms around his neck you pull him close to you, chests pressed against chests, wanting him as close as possible to you.
After a while and the paid had faded you started to feel how full you were and how nice it felt. It was like a piece you never realized was missing was put back in place and you were whole.
Kissing Schlatt's cheek you nod, silently asking him to keep going.
"Mm. Slowly?"
"Of course, baby. Anything you want."
Schlatt slowly starts to move back and forth, inch by inch, letting you get used to the feeling. He knew this was your first time, and he was going to make sure that it was the greatest experience for you.
And what an experience you were having. You didn't even know something could make you feel as good as you felt right now. Even when you would try to take care of yourself, it was nothing compared to this. The feeling was making you arch your back, crane your neck, grip the cushion beneath you, doing anything you could to just--let out this feeling.
"Shit-" You let out.
"Feeling okay, sweet cheeks?" Schlatt smirked out.
A moan chased away whatever you were about to say as he hit a spot inside you. A spot that had your toes curling.
"I'll take that as a yes."
Once Schlatt reached a steady pace of moving in and out of you, his hand moved between your legs, gently brushing against you.
"So wet, baby."
He continued his ministrations and hip movements, going faster and faster and each thrust he seemed to press his hips harder against you, like he was trying to break through a brick wall that would let his dick claim more of you.
You had no clue how much time had passed, but it was enough that you were both covered in a thin sheen of sweat, and you could feel it running down your forehead and down your neck. Your hair was curling around the edges, and you felt sticky. Looking up at Schlatt took your breath away, no longer seeing your step brother but an Adonis above you, his thick hair damp and pressed against his forehead, his eyes closed in pleasure and mouth hung open as if in silent prayer.
You began to feel a burning between your legs, that delicious pressure building and buliding in your tummy.
Schlatt could only nod quickly, falling to stick his face in your neck, breathing in your scent and panting hard against you.
"Come on, baby. Let go. I"m right here, right there with you."
A few more thrusts had you seeing a bright lights and your ears ringing as you sank your teeth into Schlatt's shoulder. You could feel Schlatt groan and felt his warm cum spill inside of you in thick spurts.
Lounging in the afterglow, both of you panting, Schlatt leaned his neck up to place a long, slow kiss against your lips.
"You did so good for me, Princess. I'm so proud."
Giving Schlatt a sweet smile you kissed him again, your eyes growing heavy with exhaustion.
Slowly sliding out of you to avoid any more stimulation, Schlatt leaned down to pull up his boxers, kicking off his sweats and heading to the guest bathroom and bringing back a warm damp washcloth.
"Here we go, baby. Come on, lets get you cleaned up."
Gently wiping your thighs clean, Schlatt took care of you, making as much of the sticky feeling as he could go away.
Putting the washcloth on the coffee table, he helped you pull on his sweats and letting his shirt fall over your head, picking you up and letting you wrap around him like a koala before heading to the stairs to his room.
Looking over his shoulder you see the mess the two of you had made, washcloth on the coffee table, your clothes strewn about, cushions all over the place and the large wet spot where you'd been laying.
"The couch-" you mumbled tiredly.
Schlatt turned to see what you were talking about before giving you a sweet smile and kissing your temple.
"It's okay sweetheart. We can clean up tomorrow before our parents get home. But right now we have to go to bed, okay?"
Nuzzling into his neck you place soft kisses in agreement and let your eyes fall shut.
You were already half asleep when Schlatt lied you down and pulled the blanket over both of you before pulling you in to his chest and letting you turn to rest your head on his chest, letting his quick heartbeat and fingers softly grazing down your arm lull you to sleep.
"Love you, Princess." You heard him whisper before you fell asleep, thinking about your step brother.
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blacklegsanjiii · 10 days
Aahh your addition to actually girl sanji was amazing ✨ thank you
Its so funny to have them realising all the way to WCI/Wano, theyre all so silly. ALSO CHOPPER- He's new to the crew and giving them all a check up to get up to date with their physicals and he's all like 'dont worry Sanji your secret is save with me!! I wont tell anybody!!' And sanji thinks he's actually talking about the nr 3 burnmark (hc of mine that judge labeled all his children) so she's very thankful to him
Omg and the ship options... To many possibilities to choose from... Luffy going 'HES NOT A PRETTY BUT SHES A PRETTY GIRL?!!' Literally no fucks given nothing changes but he looveess the clothes and makeup nami gives sanji to wear (the liploss tastes like fruit and the dress fabric is so softt!!!)
Or sanami... Nami feeling attracted to sanji even though she's a lesbian and heaving a sexuality crisis cause is she bisexual??? But no she's still a major lesbian (or even funnier no attraction until its 'stupid guy -> stupid girl??!!!'
Honestly east blue poly would be funny as hell, so many possibilities
Also (sorry im rambling) SHES ZEFFS LITTLE GIRL 💥💥when she left with luffy, zeff 100% threatened the shit out of him (he also did this in canon but with his mind UvU) idk i fucking adore zeff and sanji protective of each other
And lastly??? All the regulars knowing??? Amazing, show stopping, ground breaking. Theyre coming to the baratie not seeing the cute waitress and when asked the staff says she has become a pirate cook of the strawhats
But whenever there's news its always talking about a guy and the wanted pictures are not so helpfull... So many possibility...
Have a nice day! Hope you had/have fun at your con :D
I'm so glad you enjoyed them! Fem!Sanji is fun to write, especially when no one knows she's a girl because how can you not know? She is Zeff's little girl! The dumb brat he gave up a leg for on a rock! She is his pride and joy, and everyone knows this!! Also, I love the idea of the burn mark and the confusion therein for Sanji because Chopper thinks she's trans masc when she's not, she's just waiting for her mom's genes to kick in more. Also the shipping, I agree with East Blue Polycule because you can fit all that in together in one go and no one is going ask questions. But I'm getting ahead of myself and skipping to the regulars first so that I can get some funny scenarios out of my head first.
First, Mihawk has watched this girl grow up and probably saw the fall out after shortly after Zeff butchered her hair. When he asked about it, he gave Zeff the most unimpressed look Zeff has ever received because good fuck he could have just braided it until they got into town? That's all he says about that because Sanji is still upset her hair is gone. Then some years later he's calling Zeff and asking when Sanji changed her gender and Zeff is confused because she hasn't but anyone and everyone are calling her a boy, even that crew she set off with. Mihawk is staring out of his office with the denden with an empty gaze as the greenhaired moron he almost slaughtered on the deck of Baratie is in his castle with one of his fellow warlords first mates and he's having a time but at least that hasn't changed.
Buggy is also probably really confused about 'Black Leg Sanji' and "his feats" and when Garp is arresting him they're debating whether or not Sanji would be a good marine until Garp calls her a boy and Buggy corrects him. Garp is staring down at the clown who looks back and is like 'wait, wait. Zeff's called her "princess" and you never questioned why he would call his son that?' to Garp's non-committal shrug of 'He's Zeff.' which, okay yeah, sure. It's Zeff but Zeff never used it in a derogatory manor. Sanji is quite literally his princess. She is the princess of the Baratie that Buggy used to do card tricks for because Zeff had no idea what the hell to do with kids.
Now onto the hilarity because East Blue Poly would be exceptionally hilarious. They all start dating and Sanji thinks Nami is going through a sexuality crisis because she's a girl where as Nami thinks Sanji's a boy and it's never cleared up. Sanji looks particularly butch because it made her life easier at Baratie, and she doesn't want to ruin dresses and skirts and blouses with cooking or blood. She also just never really wore make up unless Baratie was closed for some celebration or something, when she had a reason to doll up because she was so busy. Also she wakes up and goes to bed before and after everyone else so no one catches she's a girl. I think the hilarious exception of Ace clocking it in Alabasta and telling Luffy he's got the prettiest girl and the best cook wrapped in one is an amazing thing and Luffy goes with it but still asks why Ace called Sanji a girl and Ace is confused now. They never clear it up.
When Sanji is training and everyone is talking about forcing her into dresses Sanji is like 'I don't need to be forced, I love dresses! I just don't like ruining them with blood.' and coming back to Sabaody with a few dresses, skirts, blouses, more fem clothing and everyone is like 'you don't have to wear those if they make you uncomfortable' is sending some weird messages to her so she just doesn't wear them still. For the wrong reasons and everyone is confused. Like WCI when Sanji's in her wedding dress and fighting and mourning the blood on the dress and Luffy and Nami are asking her why she's in one because she doesn't wear that stuff and Sanji says she thought they didn't like them on her and the very quick explanation of 'we thought you were a boy!' is Sanji going 'How?' as Nami complains she had a sexuality crisis for nothing until Luffy asks about him, Zoro, and Usopp; Nami concedes that the crisis wasn't for nothing then.
Nami makes sure she's in a kimono like she and Robin are as an apology because they didn't realize that Sanji was a girl and was just dressing for convenience, she's not a boy and was a princess and she is loved.
Also my con was lovely but I'm so glad it's over.
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ruishusband · 2 months
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᧔ ˖ ࣪ 💋 ࣪ ⤹kiss the homies
⤷Rui Kamishiro and amab!reader are zesty AF. Just a silly thing sleep deprived me wrote!! NOT PROOF READ
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Being Rui's best friend was amazing at first, but over time it became harder to just be friends.. you two would constantly flirt, trying to make the other blush. 'Its just a homie thing, guys flirt with other guys all the time as a joke' you swore, you SWORE you wouldn't get attached, that you wouldn't yearn for something so unattainable, but you did... the worst part? You didn't even regret it. Deep down you enjoyed imagining yourself holding his soft hands, kissing his face aggressively, resting your head against his chest as if it was a pillow... your thoughts consumed you, haunted you no matter what you tried to do to stop your feelings. But yet again, you didn't regret it.. you regret not regretting it, foolish you, using your heart rather than your brain...
You felt your chest burning up, it's so cold and yet you're so warm.. it was embarrassing you were overheating because of a crush. A faint notification sound, followed by more notifications, each getting louder and more aggressive. Your hand is slightly shaky and sweaty, but you presist to look at the multiple texts Rui spammed you. A faint giggle manages to escape your lips, a slight distraction from your previously overwhelming thoughts.
purple guy (theater kid edition): hi just finished practice lol, wanna meet up at the nearby cafe? lmk
Oh, that's right... he had practice. You felt bad for not coming to watch, even though Rui would always assure you that you didn't need to pressure yourself to go to every single practice. You replied quick, not wanting to make him wait any longer.
rizzmeister69: oh? my-my, THE Rui Kamishiro is asking me out? It's a date 😘 be there in 15 minutes
purple guy (theater kid edition): take your time my prince, no need to rush! I'll wait for you ;)
You chuckled, the voices in your head having a conflict of their own. 'God y/n pull yourself together you idiot! Stop getting so flustered over a text' 'OMGOMG OMG HE CALLED ME HIS PRINCE :3!!1!1!1'
You put on a somewhat lazy outfit, but you made sure to look at least somewhat presentable. You took your wallet, heading to the little cafe at the end of the street. You looked for Rui, and he wasn't there, which is ti be expected as the cafe was closer to your house than his. You took a seat, waiting a few minutes. You scrolled on your phone, mindlessly looking at tiktoks untill.. "My sincerest apologies, I didn't keep you waiting for too long, now did I darling~?" he took a seat beside you, slyly putting his hand on top of yours, rubbing circles in it. You had felt slightly sleepy these past few days, so his comforting touch made you yawn slightly. "Nah I've only been waiting for five minutes" you mumbled, slightly tired. "You should really be getting some more sleep, you know?" "Pfft, ironic considering thats coming from you" you tease, he faked being offended, playfully scoffing. You talked a lot, your feelings just became stronger.. fuck.. you were deeply in love with him.. "You okay? You zoned out, are you sure you want to talk, maybe you should sleep instead, it's fine honestly I don't mind-" you snapped out your thoughts as Ruis words hit you like a brick: "Hm? Oh- oh no! I, I'm sorry I just.. got lost in my thoughts I guess" he was about to speak, but the waitress came and took your orders, so he forgot what he was going to reply. You two kept glancing at eachother, awkwardly laughing when you both looked at eachother at the same time.
"Thanks for the date, pretty boy, I'll see you later" Rui winked at you, you forgot you joked about this being a date, so you just stood there dumbfounded.. he giggled, giving you a kiss on your nose. He left, but you stood there, shocked.. 'kissing your homies is normal, right?'
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sasusakucoded · 8 months
Sasuke and Sakura agreed to meet at a restaurant to have their dinner. They were together in the area but had separate missions. Sasuke finished first so he went ahead and waited for her there.
Waitress: Irasshaimase! Here's the menu.
Sasuke: *enters and takes it* I'm still waiting for someone, so we'll just order later.
Waitress: Sure! While waiting, do you want to play a quiz? If you get everything right, you don't have to pay.
Sasuke: A quiz?
Waitress: Yes, it's a little game that our manager started.. It's like a promo for our customers.
Sasuke: What's the quiz about?
Waitress: It's simple actually. We have a list of words that are hard to say.. There are 10 levels. You just need to pronounce them all correctly.
Sasuke: /thinks/ How is that hard?
Waitress: Also, if you win, you'll be the 1st one to do so!
That last statement was enough for competitive Sasuke to try it out. He agreed and the waitress called the others to watch them while he took the quiz.
Waitress: I will show you a card with a word and you just need to pronounce it. Be careful with your first pronunciation because we'll take that as your final answer.
Sasuke: Okay.
Waitress: *shows the 1st word*
Sasuke: *confused by the level of difficulty of the word; to him it's a regular word* sang-gwin
Waitress: Correct! *shows next*
Sasuke: pyoo-er-il
Others: Correct again! You can do it sir!
Waitress: Great! Next one! *shows another while the other girls are also cheering for him*
Sasuke: in-koh-it
Waitress: Nice! *hurries to show the 4th one*
Sasuke: *concentrates* dih-bawch
Waitress: Wow, you're good, sir! *flashes the next word*
Sasuke: pan-uh-see-uh
Others: Woooh! Go Sasuke-san!!
Waitress: You're currently tied with the person who got the highest score! *shows next*
Sasuke: *recalls when he first heard it* o-nuh-ma-tuh-pee-uh
Waitress: Yay, Sasuke-san! Keep going!! *shows another word*
Sasuke: /thinks/ This is easy. Kakashi always uses this word to sound fancy. raan-day-voo
Waitress: That's right! *gives the next one right away*
Sasuke: *quickly* vuh-si-suh-toodz
Other: Omg how can a guy be this hot by just saying words??
Waitress: *claps* Last two!! *eagerly shows the 9th one*
Sasuke: *smirks* day-noo-maan
Waitress: I have a good feeling that you'll get the last one too!!
Other: We're rooting for you, sir!!
Waitress: Here we go! *shows the word*
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Sasuke: *sweats* I-I can't say that..
Waitress: Come on, sir! Just try!
Sasuke: *shakes his head* It's okay. I'll take 9 points.
Sakura: *arrives* Sasuke-kun! *confused why the waitresses are at their table*
Waitress: Are you sure, sir?
Sasuke: Yeah.. We'll just call you when we're ready to order.
Waitress: Okay! Hi, ma'am! Here's the menu! *leaves them*
Sakura: What's that about? *checks the menu*
Sasuke: They gave me a quiz. If I got everything correctly, we don't have to pay. I didn't win.
Sakura: *smiles* That's alright! Did you enjoy the quiz though?
Sasuke: Yeah. I didn't get the last one.
Sakura: Aw! It must be a hard question if you were not able to answer it.
Sasuke: *nods*
Sakura went to the washroom and heard the girls talking.
Waitress: I felt bad that he wasn't able to say the last word. That's too close!
Waitress2: Yeah. He's so handsome reading the words though!
Waitress3: And even if he didn't get the last word, he's still very cute and cool with it!
Waitress: Yeah, especially when almost no one can pronounce those foreign words.
Sakura: Excuse me.. Sorry, didn't mean to listen to your conversation but I'm just curious.. You're talking about Sasuke-kun's quiz, right?
Waitress: Oh, you're his companion! Yes, he took the quiz before you arrived.
Sakura: *nods* Yeah he said that but didn't elaborate about it.
Waitress: The rule was simple, he just needed to pronounce 10 words that are difficult to say. He got 9 out 10.
Sakura: Oh.. Yeah, he traveled quite a lot so he has a big vocabulary. *giggles*
Waitress: Yeah, it was evident! He was confident while answering earlier.
Sakura: Um, can you do me a favor? Can I get a copy of the list? I just want to learn those words too.. If that's fine..
Waitress: For sure! Wait, you can have this copy. *takes it out from her pocket; it's like a flip note where there's only one word per card* This is what we show our customers. It's like this, so they won't see the next word.
Sakura: Got it! Thank you very much!
When Sasuke and Sakura reached the inn where they were staying for the night, Sakura took out the cards and showed them to Sasuke.
Sakura: Sasuke-kun.. I was able to get a copy of your quiz.
Sasuke: Really?
Sakura: Yeah. I want to learn the words too. Can you teach me?
One by one, Sasuke read the words and Sakura repeated after him.
Sakura: Oh, we're on the last word! You were not able to read it, right?
Sasuke: Yeah.
Sakura: *flips the card to reveal the last word*
Sasuke: I love you.
Sakura: Th-This is the last one?
Sasuke: *nods* Sakura, you have to repeat after me, right?
Sakura: *whispers* I love you. *blushes*
Sasuke: I can't hear you.
Sakura: I said I love you, Sasuke-kun! *flustered*
Sasuke: *smirks*
Sakura: You were not able to read this?
Sasuke: I didn't read it. You don't just say it to anyone..
Sakura: *smiles* Yeah.. Now I understand why it's in this list. It's indeed hard to say..
Sasuke: Would you say it if it was you who had the quiz?
Sakura: Only if you're the waiter. *laughs*
Sasuke: *smiles*
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erin-bo-berin · 2 years
ok so
I will give you a pregnant and nonpregnant option and you can choose bc you know which I will always choose but I know it's not for everyone 🤦‍♀️
your back is killing you and you're exhausted bc you haven't been sleeping well lately. (did you work a long shift at the hospital as a nurse or are you pregnant or both?) Steve's kind of worried about you bc you are very stubborn about accepting help and definitely pushing yourself too hard lately taking care of everyone else. so he does some research and figures out the best way to give you a back massage.
he knows he has to start subtle bc again you're so gd stubborn, so he starts by just rubbing your shoulder while you're sitting together. and when you admit it feels great/make the right noises he's like awesome bc guess what I know what you need and it's a deep tissue massage. he even impressively arranges pillows around to support your hips etc. and gets to work and you're like omg he's very good at this and he even bought special lotion with your favorite scent (just on a person note, can this not be lavender-scented, pls? lol I'm allergic and #selfish)
but's basically he's straddling you and touching very low on your back and maybe around your ears/neck and you're only human and eventually you get p turned on. and he's already back there so maybe reader's like um Steve that's great honey but I have a better idea while you're already back there. and Steve's like well this was supposed to be about relaxing you and reader's like IT STILL IS, GET TO WORK. *commence doggy*
and then reader's so fucked out it's the best night's sleep she's had in ages and Steve just spoons her, feeling very satisfied with himself.
❤️❤️ with love, flaming basketball ;)
FRICK. Love this idea!
Also I’ll make this one non pregnant but if you come up with more, I’ll make the next one with pregnancy!
Imagine that’s actually his plan all along is to fuck you lol would he every admit that though 😏
Let’s all pretend that the reader is Nancy in this gif and it’s totally not in the middle of the upside down lol
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The Harrington Touch
Steve Harrington x Reader
Warning: Smut
How was it possible to feel three times as old as you truly were?
The answer? Back pain; it truly is no joke.
Here you were at barely 20, your back thrown out and trying not to grimace every time you moved—mainly for the sake of your boyfriend Steve, who’d been saying you were too stubborn for your own good to let him help you out. Maybe you were, but you hated to worry him; he already did so much for you and you never wanted to be a burden.
You had no idea how it happened—you must’ve pulled something at some point while working. Between your waitressing job that had you on your feet for several hours long periods and always on the move trying to keep a clean house for you and Steve, there was no telling what could’ve caused it. All you knew was that you’d woken one day last week with a dull throb in your lower back that had gotten slightly worse over the week.
You’d also slept horribly lately, due to it. With such a hectic schedule as your own, that just wasn’t acceptable. So not only were you dead on your feet at most times, your back was also tight and knotted. If only you could get rid of the pain then you might actually have a decent night’s sleep.
You could practically feel Steve’s worried gaze boring into you as you limped from the kitchen to the living room, finally finished cleaning up and ready to relax. He had two Tylenol and a glass of water already waiting for you on the table. You’d been so busy, you’d forgotten to taken the medication you promised Steve you’d take.
“You’re a life saver,” you groaned, sounding like an eighty year old as you sat on the couch.
His concern didn’t waver as he watched you swallow the pills, making sure you’d taken them.
“Babe, you’re doing too much. Pushing yourself can’t be good for your back. I wonder if it’s stress.”
“Steve, I’ll be okay. I just need a good night’s rest,” you yawned, laying back into his arms.
“You’ve been saying that for a week,” he pointed out gently.
“Well, I have yet to have a good night’s sleep,” you commented.
“Why don’t you let me help?” he asked gently, placing a kiss on your head.
“Help how?” you murmured, eyes growing heavy.
“I don’t know, let me do some of the cooking or cleaning, let me give you a massage, something.”
He frowned when you didn’t respond to him.
Peering down at you, his frown turned into a soft smile as he realized you’d fallen asleep. He scooped you up in his arms, carrying you to bed, all the while hoping that you’d be able to get some sleep.
Regardless if you liked it or not, tomorrow he was going to figure out ways to help you.
Steve didn’t do anything half-assed. When he was dedicated to something, he was dedicated to it.
After a little research, he learned a bit about massages for sore muscles. If he had to drag you by your feet to bed so he could rub you down, he was going to. He even bought your favorite lotion from downtown—vanilla honeysuckle. It smelled like a delicious, warmer version of the typical vanilla scent. It was your staple aroma and one he associated with you. After telling the sales clerk his plan to help you, she even threw in a massage oil in the matching scent then sent him off with a wink.
Now, if only he could get you to be less stubborn.
He knew exactly how to do that. All it took was a little distraction on your part. It came later on that week, when he walked out of the adjoining bathroom, already ready for bed even though it was only 7 pm. You were sitting stiffly on the end of the bed, watching some show on the TV you kept in your shared room. He padded over to you, clad in only pajamas bottoms, moving to sit behind you.
“Feeling any better?” he asked.
“Not really,” you grimaced.
He pouted, rubbing your shoulder comfortingly and you leaned back into his touch, not knowing until now just how much you might’ve needed his touch.
“Want me to rub your shoulders?” he asked, brows raised, both hands coming up to massage them gently.
His thumbs rubbed circles over the nape of your neck and you practically melted under his touch.
“Jeez, babe, you’ve got knots on top of knots,” he said, “Sure you don’t want to take up my offer to rub your back? I even got some of your favorite lotion and a body oil in the same scent.”
That made your ears perk.
“Vanilla honeysuckle?”
“Mhm. Only the best for my honeysuckle,” he grinned, leaning up to kiss your cheek.
“You’re so cheesy,” you groaned through a smile, “But I think I will take you up on the massage though, if you don’t mind.”
“Babe, I researched this days ago. I’m all prepared,” he pushed you gently so you were standing, “Strip while I set things up okay?”
Knowing he’d prepared beforehand didn’t surprise you in the least, that was just Steve. But that didn’t mean you weren’t touched at the gesture.
“I have to get naked for a back rub?” you laughed, pulling off your top.
“I mean, it’d be nice,” he smirked, a devious twinkle in his eyes, “But, you can leave your underwear on if you want.”
“Okay,” you nodded, watching as he arranged the pillows for you to lay on.
There was one for your head and arms to rest on, towards the head of the bed. There was also one towards the bottom—for you to rest your hips on, he claimed.
“Alright, go ahead and lay down sweetheart,” he said, motioning to the bed.
You were a bit chilled, the cold hair hitting your bare skin as you climbed onto the bed, on your stomach, bare breasts pressed against the sheets. You crossed your arms on top of the pillow, laying your head on top of them.
You heard Steve walking around for a moment before he climbed on the bed with you, straddling your back.
“This might be a bit cold at first,” he warned as you felt a very runny liquid hit your back.
“Shit,” you cursed, flinching, “That is cold.”
He chuckled.
“Sorry. I wanted to get some of the oil on your back before I started. It’ll help me from massaging too hard in tender places, at first.”
“Makes sense,” you said, with a nod.
Then he got to work. He said he’d start at your shoulders and neck again, then work his way down your back as he was still hesitant about hurting you. The smell of vanilla honeysuckle filled your nostrils, making you happy. It was such a calming scent to you as you didn’t care for lavender. It almost smelled like baking, but without being cloyingly sweet. It was a unique combination and you loved it.
His large hands gripped your shoulders firmly, rubbing them gently, thumbs coming back up to the nape of your neck, rubbing circles over the tension there. They moved outwards, rubbing around your neck and near your earlobes at a much gentler touch.
You sighed contentedly, feeling weeks, possibly months of stress leave your muscles. Maybe you should’ve given in to Steve days ago. As he worked, he told you what he was doing, showing off the knowledge he’d gained.
“So this is an effleurage stroke,” he said, hands gliding gently from the bottom of your back towards the top.
He’d yet really touched the lower, sore spot as he said he wanted you to relax before he worked the sore muscles.
“A what now?” you mumbled into your arms.
He chuckled, continuing his explanation.
“An effleurage stroke. It’s meant to help the soft muscle tissue and the hands should just glide across the body. I’m using it to help relax you. I don’t want you to be too tense when I get to the soreness.”
“This,” he said, pausing his strokes, returning to your shoulders to demonstrate, “Is the petrissage stroke. It’s most common around the neck and shoulders, but it can be done anywhere. This will be helpful with your back if it’s not too painful for you. It involves squeezing and rolling the muscles between your hands, aiding in loosening muscle tension.”
“I’m impressed,” you smiled, propping your chin on your arms.
“Hey, I wanted you to enjoy it and I didn’t want to hurt you,” he said, concern laced in his voice.
“You aren’t,” you promised, “It feels amazing.”
“I’ve always been good with my hands,” he smirked.
“You’re lucky I’m in no position to smack you for that comment,” you huffed, laughing.
His answering snicker faded into concentration as he reached your lower back. As his hands and thumbs worked the sore spot you released a moan that went straight to his dick. He mentally chastised himself; now was not the time to get hike a tent.
“I didn’t hurt you did I?” he asked, concerned.
“No it’s helping a lot,” you mumbled, “Keep doing whatever it is you’re doing.”
He was absolutely amazing at this. Better than he probably had any business being. You now wanted to take back your snide remark from earlier in response to him being good with his hands because damnit he was turning you on.
Your bare skin that had been chilled earlier was now flushed and heated at his gentle touch, the way his hands glided up and down your back as he massaged. You especially felt the tingling beginnings of arousal as he got to your back, his hands just inches from your ass.
You felt your breasts becoming heavy, the desire starting to ramp up your body, your nipples puckering underneath you. If you even managed to shift slightly, your nipples would brush against the roughness of the fitted sheet, making the ache between your legs worse. Suddenly, you were thinking of his hands in other places.
Steve was struggling too.
With each pleased sigh, moan and whimper leaving your lips, he couldn’t help by harden more. He couldn’t help it—he was only human after all. Besides, his mind went straight to other not so innocent times he’d made you make similar noises.
The moment you felt his arousal brush your back, you were done for.
“Hey, Steve?”
“Hmm?” he answered, sounded distracted.
You sat up on your elbows, peering over your shoulder at him.
“While you’re back there…” you trailed off, smirking as you arched a brow, suggestively.
“No,” he shook his head, bending over you to kiss your shoulder.
“Oh so that wasn’t your hard cock pressing into my back, hmm?”
“I can’t help it. If you’re gonna moan, my dick will respond,” he said matter-of-factly, “Besides, this is supposed to be about relaxing you.”
“But I’d be even more relaxed with your cock buried deep within me,” you responded with an innocent smile, brushing back against his crotch, making him groan.
“Oh would you? Is my touch not doing it for you then?”
He played along with your teasing, but you didn’t have the ability to form a response when you felt his hand cup you through your skimpy underwear. You cursed yourself now for bothering to keep them on.
His fingers pried the fabric aside, one tracing the seam where your arousal had gathered. He looked pretty proud of himself to have turned you on this much from just a simple massage.
“I mean, I could just skip touching you all together if you’re not pleased with my services,” he mock frowned, plunging two fingers into your warmth.
“Don’t you fucking dare,” you moaned, body instantly responding to his curling fingers.
He chuckled lightly.
“I take it I’m getting a glowing review?”
His long fingers thrust into you, moving, rubbing and curling against that one, spongy spot that made you go breathless. The only way you could answer was with your hips bucking and his name falling from your lips.
You were still on your stomach, propped on your elbows, Steve hovering over you as he bent to kiss your neck, whispering in your ear as his fingers moved in and out of you.
“You’re so pretty,” he mumbled, leaving hot kisses along your neck, making your head fall to the other side so he’d have more access to it.
His fingers twisted teasingly in you, knuckles rubbing euphorically against your inner wall.
“You’re my pretty girl,” he whispered, continuing his torture with both his mouth and his fingers—albeit in two different places on your body.
“Steve,” you whined, grinding against his hand.
The sensation was nice, but all you wanted was for him to take you, hard. If you were going to suffer from back pain, it might as well because he blew your fucking back out.
“What do you need, baby?” he hummed.
“You. Inside me,” your teeth were clenched, desperately needing more.
You felt his fingers leave you, then felt your underwear being pulled down your legs and off around your feet. You heard the rustle of fabric and you assumed he’d shed the clothes left on his lower half.
You were up on your knees, anticipating him as he left soft kisses long your spine. You whimpered at the feeling of the head of his throbbing cock teasing your folds.
“C’mere,” Steve said, putting an arm around your waist, pulling you upwards until your back was flush against his chest.
As much as Steve loved the sight of your ass, he didn’t enjoy the typical from behind position as it wasn’t as intimate as he wanted it to be. He wanted you pressed up against him, his chest hair scraping your back, arm holding you tightly kind of closeness. He much preferred that.
Once you were as close to him as you could get, he pushed into you with mutual moans of satisfaction coming from both of you. His other hand snaked along your body and palmed one boob, as his hips started a slow, tantalizing rhythm.
His thrusts were slow and shallow, just getting you worked up, you knew it. His head dipped, mouth attaching to your jaw.
“More,” you breathed, needing to feel him hard and deep.
“As my baby wishes,” he smirked against your skin.
Your hips worked opposite of his, slamming back against him at a rapid pace, sending his cock deep within you, hitting pleasant spots repeatedly. He held you right in his grasp as your head fell back against his shoulder.
“Fuck, Steve, keeping doing that,” you panted after one thrust nearly made your eyes roll back.
One hand was clamped over his arm that held you and the other reached behind you to tangle into his hair as his mouth sucked bruises onto your skin. You could feel his chest heaving against your back and the delicate scrape of his chest hair as he continued to pound into you, giving fully into the mutual desire from earlier.
You let out a cry when the hand that’d been kneading your breast, scraped your sensitive nipple. His fingers tweaked it and the sensation went directly to your clit. You were fast approaching your climax as was Steve, who was starting to feel the tingle at the base of his spine and his balls tense—signaling he was going to shoot his load at any moment.
He bit his lip hard, trying to hold back until you were coming apart with him. His hand slid down your stomach, middle finger finding your clit as he gave it the attention it needed.
The tension in your body was building with every slap of skin and rub of his finger as you both panted and moaned, mutual pleasure mixing together in a song of bliss. The orgasm hit as quickly as a sink overflowing with water; one second it was close to too much and the next, gushing over the porcelain rim, much like you were on his cock.
“Fuuuck,” came his drawn out moan in your ears, his naturally deep voice like gravel in your ear.
Even with only your back pressed against him, you felt him tense against you as his own climax reached its peak before sending him down the rollercoaster of ecstasy. You felt his cock twitch inside of you, the pulsing of it alerting you that he was right there—and sure enough within moments you felt his release drip back out of you. You moaned softly at the sensation, always incredibly turned on when he let himself go.
The ragged breaths coming from you and Steve were the only sound for a moment and you felt his chest heave with his uneven breath, his grasp still on you. He kissed your shoulder blade, your shoulder, then finally your cheek, nuzzling it with his nose when he finally found the composure to move, separating you two.
“You know, you really oughta let me give you more massages in the future if it’s gonna lead to this sort of fun,” he chuckled as he helped you lay down on your back.
“I will gladly let you rub me down and fuck me thoroughly any day,” you answered, fatigue becoming making your mind hazy and limbs feel weak.
You didn’t miss his smirk as he got off the bed, pulling on his boxers before heading to the bathroom.
“Where you going?” you pouted, “I want to cuddle.”
“Getting you some pain relief,” he said as you heard the medicine cabinet open.
He grabbed a paper cup from the supply in the bathroom, filling in with water, grabbing a washcloth for you to clean up with.
You watched sleepily as he came back with the items. You tossed back the Tylenol, downing the water as he ran the dampened cloth over your thighs, cleaning you up.
He pecked your lips, taking the paper cup from your hands to toss in the trash.
“How’s the back feeling? The sex didn’t make it hurt worse did it?” he frowned.
“I promise you, I feel no pain at all,” you assured him with a yawn.
He chuckled, satisfied with your answer as he went to discard the cup in the trash and the dirtied rag in the bathroom. By the time he got back to the bedroom, you’d fallen fast asleep, on your side, arms stretched out towards his side of the bed as if even in sleep you were awaiting cuddles.
Steve smiled, pulling the covers up to your shoulder, then slid into his side of the bed, kissing your forehead.
“Sleep well, angel.”
It ended up being the best night of sleep you’d had in weeks.
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sylvies-chen · 1 year
boy do I have things to say after this one so here we go folks…
as a bisexual, I loveddddd seeing bi!keeley confirmed and having her get together with jack. they have great chemistry and keeley deserves it. as a writer, however, I did not appreciate it. at. all. and I say this so strongly because I just feel like they don’t know what to do with her character romantically so they’re hinting at bits of keeley and jamie, then her and roy, and now having her with jack. it feels like they’re reducing even her work storyline to a romance, and I’m thrilled at the representation but I think we all collectively agreed keeley was bi even without all of this and it just feels weirdly placed and pointless knowing roykeeley is still going to be endgame anyway
I’m soooooo glad zava’s done for, like I thought it was interesting watching the group fall into a cult-like following of him but it was getting really annoying really fast. hope retirement treats him like shit! I do not like that man!
ted coaching himself through his panic attack!!! omg my babygirl is showing so much growth we love to see it I’m so proud of him!!!
okay I was veryyyy iffy about that scene with rebecca yelling at ted at first because yes, she has a right to be upset, but it felt a litte mean. but then she apologized and we got A TEDBECCA SOULMATE CONNECTION SCENE? rebecca saying she bullied ted and ted being taken aback because it applies to henry, another person whom he loves dearly? rebecca being taken aback at ted calling himself something of a psychic? IT’S LIKE THEY’RE UNKNOWINGLY TUNED INTO THE HAPPENINGS OF EACH OTHER’S LIVES I’M GONNA EAT GLASSSSSSS
speaking of rebecca… yeesh. her scenes were tough to watch this week. it’s such a sensitive and personal storyline and you could see how much she allowed herself to hope only to have that hope crushed by the reality that rupert put her in. but rebecca, my love, families come in all shapes and sizes. there are other ways to be a mother, and I hope she finds a way that makes her happy even if it isn’t henry she becomes somewhat of a mother to
I get what ted was trying to do with the believe sign, getting the team to remember to believe in each other and not a symbol, but it still hurt me to see it ripped up in pieces 😭
ok but like roy rly ate with that torture tactic for bullies… not gonna lie I took notes
oh and NATE. NATEEEEE. I really liked his storyline this episode!! I think it was such a perfect way to explore how this new lifestyle isn’t fitting for him and how that good kind awkward but lovable guy is still in him somewhere but through a lens and context that isn’t just ted vs. rupert. I like him and waitress girl!! any woman who brings you baklava is a goddess because it truly is divine so I approve of this pairing. if rupert fucks with that I’m going to kill him.
overall this episode was not my favourite, rebecca’s plot was definitely the star of the episode to me but the ep felt very disjointed which normally happens when you reach the middle of any tv show season so that was kind of disappointing but I have confidence it will all start to tie back together
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d4adf4iry · 1 year
Hii! Im not sure if you take requests rn, but could you do some fluff w Mickey (Scream 2)
Basically the plot is they're going on a double date along with Derek and Sidney and Mickey is somewhat nervous about impressing the reader
Reader can be male or gender neutral! <33
“Oh come onnn, it’ll be fun I promise!” Sidney said as she dragged you along the campus. “What’ll be fun?” You heard a familiar voice. You turned to see Derek hugging Sidney from behind smiling cheekily. “Well I was just trying to see if y/n wanted to come with us maybe on a double date..” she smiled at Derek hoping that he’d say yes. “Well who would I go with hm?” There was silence in the air besides the students bustling to there classes. “Exactly no one!” You looked at them. “I mean I have no problem with that” Derek said. “Oh cmon are you serious you have to side with Sidney”, he just laughed. “Hmm what about Mickey? I’ve seen him eying you!” she spoke up looking at you with a sly grin. “I’ll think about it… I’m not sure if I like him like that.” You walked away clutching your books in your arms trying not to think about the possibility of Mickey liking you. I mean he was very sweet and very funny , two things you liked in a partner. Maybe he did like you? Maybe he didn’t.. Why were you worried about it?
You were in your dorm room listing to music softly playing in the background; working on assignments. You get a little beep on your phone. Mickey: it read. You opened your phone to Mickeys text messages
Hey it’s Mickey
I heard by Derek and Hallie that there was going to be a double date between Derek and Sid
Oh yeah haha they tried to rope me in with them
Well I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go with me
I set my phone down and started squealing like a six year old.
Yeah ofc!
Great uh I’ll pick you up at 7?
Sounds great talk to you tomorrow!!
Same goodnight y/n!
Goodnight Mickey :)
what the hell. I can’t believe im going on a date with Mickey… do I even like him? Romance is confusing. Welp time to sleep I thought.
I woke up and got ready meeting Sid and Derek in the library. “Soooo any news from Mickey, with the double date and all?” Sid asked as I slid into one of the comfy chairs. I rolled my eyes. “Yes actually he asked if I wanted to go with him and I said I’d go…” I looked at the table kinda embarrassed. “Oh my god he totally liked you y/n!” She laughed in response. “Well im not so sure if I like him yet.. I mean it’s Mickey” I looked at them with a small frown. “Also I said he’d pick me up at 7, do y’all know where y’all wanna go?” I continued. “Yeah I’ll send you the address!” Sidney said.
I wore a red velvet dress and some small pumps and light makeup. I grabbed my purse and a light jacket, and walked out the door. Mickey should be here any minute now. I opened the front doors of our dorms and walked outside. It was kinda weird knowing that Cotton Weary was out here and the Ghostface killer was still around, you’d think he’d die by now but nope still prowling. A few minutes passed as you checked your watch, soon enough Mickey rolled up in his car he got out the drivers side and opened your door. You smiled and thanked him as you slid inside. “Do you know where we are going or is it a surprise?” He smiled at you. You hummed a mhm and told him the address. You pulled into a old fashion diner. You got out the car and walked up to front inside hoping to see Sid and Derek, you spotted them sitting across from each other in a booth. You’d think they sat together but they didn’t, I bet they planned it. You said hello to them and sat by Sid while Mickey sat by Derek. A waitress came towards the table with her notepad and pen asking “Do y’all want anything sweeties” you looked at Mickey and he looked back at you then back at the waitress. “Can we get a basket of fries and 2 Millshakes!” he asked. Derek cut him off by “correcting him”. “Uh actually 4 Milkshakes, 2 different checks please”. You looked at Mickey. “Why the fries??” You laughed. Mickey looked at you like he’s been shot in the heart put to bf his hand over his chest. “Are you telling me you’ve never had fries and milkshakes before” he looked at you with a shocked face, you next response would probably have him in a coma. “No… I have not” you looked at him kinda shyly. “Welp im about to change your life Miss L/N” he looked at you with a intense passion. You started blushing a little bit hoping non of them would notice. “Ew guys stop flirting” you heard Sid say. Now you probably looked like a tomato and you started protesting that you and Mickey weren’t, yall wre just talking like normal people. The waitress came back soon after delivering the food to the table, you watched Mickey dip a fry into his milkshake and eat it with satisfaction. “You want to try it?” You nodded. You picked up a fry and dipped it in your own milkshake, you were weary at first and then put it in your mouth. It was actually quite good. “That’s actually really good!” You smiled at him. “Look what I can do” he gave you a sly grin and picked up a cherry from his shake and put it in his mouth. He took the stem off and started moving it in his mouth, “Hold on” he put his finger up and opened his mouth revealing that the cherry stem was tied in a knot. “Wow that’s pretty impressive” he laughed. “I know I’m just that cool!” all you could do was look at him with a smirk on your face. The rest of the night was just everyone passing laughes,telling jokes. updating their lives and feeling comfortable around another. We were departing as we got up to leave the diner. You and Mickey walked back to his car in silence driving out for he parking lot on the way home. You didn’t mind but you wondered what he was thinking. He stopped the car right infront of your wing of the dorms before he came around the car to open the door for you. “Thank you” you smiled at him. “Your welcome, I had a great time tonight thank you for coming” he looked at you shyly before rubbing his neck. “Of course you are quite the gentleman” you swayed back in forth as you looked at him. “I try to be, we’ll I’ll leave you too it goodnight y/n” he walked around the car to the drivers side. “Goodnight lover boy” you smirked as you walked back to your dorm.
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cosettepontmercys · 28 days
Hi! I'm so sorry I haven't replied. I hope you had a good week! Haha that makes sense and is totally a valid reason to watch the show and I'm glad you're enjoying it. Maybe I will start watching a new show soon at some point but I always say that and then I never do. I did end up watching some performances of a few musicals...Gatsby, Water for Elephants, and also Suffs. I had no idea what the musical was about but I think I liked it and it seemed original at least. I also found out that Illinoise is a musical based on Sufjan Stevens songs, and Hells kitchen might be similar with Alicia Keys..idk. I think the problem with theater now is that there's always adaptations so maybe that's why those didn't get nominated. Last year, the best musical winner was Kimberly Akimbo which I think is only based on a play. I'm not even familiar with it but I thought Some Like it Hot had potential too so sometimes it really just depends. Even Newsies is based on the Disney movie and one of my other favorites is Waitress, so they can be good. I don't think I'm going to make predictions but I would be curious what yours are.
Oh that's nice. What did you think? Or what was your ranking of all of Carley Fortune's books? I haven't read Meet Me at the Lake yet but mostly loved Every Summer After. It's sitting on my shelf next to People we meet on vacation so maybe I will read these first. But she said the new book is kinda focused on friendship which was something I enjoyed in Every Summer After so I hope it's good, and I know People we meet on Vacation is too. I was reading mixed reviews on Goodreads earlier but I'm sure I'll find something to enjoy about it. But I just read a snippet of Funny Story and This Summer Will be Different to compare and they seem promising too. I was originally supposed to read and pair Meet Me at the Lake with Happy Place though so now I don't know..lol. How would you compare them to Emily Henry books..either to pair them or just in general. I definitely think there are some similarities with the summery vibes. Hopefully I can decide and stick to it so I will keep you updated.
Did you know what the Outsiders was about since you haven't even seen the movie or did you just know in a general way? The only reason I knew it was from my English class and I probably wouldn't know about it otherwise, which is why I ask. But I think you will like it if you like teen movies, which I love. Unfortunately I have only read the book once compared to seeing the movie a lot over the years but I love the movie so much so if you get a chance, watch the movie after. I'm glad you liked the Gatsby movie cuz that's what I was basing my knowledge of it on lol. Before that, I barely knew what Gatsby was either though lol but probably would have watched it eventually.
I did watch a bootleg of the Pippin revival once and enjoyed it. the circus stuff was cool and I liked the role of a female leading player..but this is the only version I've seen. I think for me it's one of the musicals where I prefer a few songs over the whole musical. I think I remember being kinda confused when it ended too and don't really remember it that well. The circus part is one of the most memorable things about it to me but I did enjoy it.
Omg I was pretty shocked she changed the order of the setlist around for the tour. Like Red is now after Fearless. I kinda wonder what the reasoning for that is, because she could have had it in that order since the beginning? But I guess it's cuz she combined Folklore and Evermore into one set and Evermore was supposed to be there I guess. Some of the cut songs make sense, like the Archer or Tis the Damn Season but Tolerate it kinda had a cool set that was theatrical which is why I liked it. I can't believe she cut Long Live and did not even sing Castles Crumbling..I hope she does at some point if only to see her and Hayley performing together! However it also makes getting it as a surprise song still special to me compared to if she would just perform it at every show so idk. Without that though, I'm sad and there was no reason to cut Long Live, but I understand the first half of shows didn't have it either. I liked the new sets and songs a lot but I can't understand her starting it with But Daddy I Love Him..and I think the Alchemy would be a much better choice than So High School, cuz at least that one could be interpreted about performing on tour. Who's Afraid of Little Old Me was definitely a highlight and her vocals were amazing. I knew she would perform Fortnight and I predicted Down Bad too. The alien imagery at least looks cool I guess. I loved I can do it with a broken heart theatrics and choreography. It reminded me a lot of her past tours especially Red with the circus theme. I was right about no anthology songs since I think they could work better as acoustic surprise songs. love when she has new costumes and I like seeing different color combinations, but I was surprised she didn't mention the new album really in her speeches. I also don't know why there wasn't at least one debut song at all. At first I thought it was because it was eventually gonna come out on tour and possibly be added but now I don't think that's the case eith the new album. I definitely understand why she would wanna perform her new songs while she's on tour too though if she won't be on tour for a while after this so to her releasing a new album instead kinda made sense? What did you think? I think I will try to guess surprise songs again next week. I wanted to reply since it had been a week and I guess I just kept forgetting but I'm sorry if I missed anything or am bad at replying again. I hope you're doing well!
hi friend!! i hope you're having a good week 🤍
i actually have not watched any more of graceland since we last talked — i think i might be done with it (i got seven episodes in though). it just really isn't my thing! but bridgerton is coming back this week so i'll try to watch that soon. i've been rereading the books in preparation! and then the bear is back in june! so much good tv soon!
i'm really intrigued by illinoise. the state of theatre now is just so ... :/ bleak? i don't know how to explain it (i say, as if i haven't been recording voice memos venting about it to some friends lately — but it's always been easier for me to verbally go on a tangent vs. write a more ... formulated/stuctured ... reply). and i also don't know if you're interested in hearing my ~ thoughts ~ on the industry haha. have you seen anything about stereophonic? i'm obsessed with it; i need to see it so badly. i've been listening to the cast recording on repeat. i'm not super super confident on my tony predictions, but i'm thinking: stereophonic for best play, the outsiders for best musical, merrily for best revival, groff for best lead actor, kelli (or maryann) for best lead actress, dan radcliffe for best featured actor — unsure about best featured actress but would love for it to go to lindsay mendez or leslie rodriguez kritzer but honestly would be happy for anyone... maria friedman for best direction, maybe korins for here lies love scenic — or tom scutt for cabaret. curious to see if stereophonic genuinely has a shot at best score. would love justin peck to win for choreo (i just love him). i think that's really where i'm at with my predictions right now! may or may not change if i do more research (looking at reviews, grosses, etc).
speaking of theatre, what are your thoughts on the wicked trailer? i'm not ... thrilled with it. i'm still trying to go in with an open mind but i ... am not a fan. but i did get tickets to see the tour when they're in seattle! so i'm excited for that! i might try to go more than once, if i can drag some friends to go.
my ranking of carley fortune books are meet me at the lake → this summer will be different → every summer after. i think i'd compare every summer after with the summer i turned pretty actually — so not an emily henry, but i can't think of one that would fit. meet me at the lake with happy place maybe. andddd this summer will be different with people we meet on vacation. i think.
i only generally know the outsiders plot! i do want to watch the movie at some point. i have lowkey been slumping reading wise, but i'm hoping to finish reading the iliad before i leave on my trip, and wrap up gatsby at some point... in june? maybe?
i loveeeed the pippin revival; i saw it on tour and i adore it dearly. i have a pippin sweatshirt that i was just wearing the other day, actually! fun fact! today i am wearing a roman holiday: the musical shirt. definitely back in my musical merch era. i think pippin is a show that is better the more you watch it, but i just think it's absolutely brilliant! ugh that ending is so good.
ok taylor time — i was definitely not expecting her to change the order of the tour and i literally texted my friend like "shit i need to figure out when my bathroom break will be" since red got moved up so much earlier. now that we have a new setlist — what is your ideal setlist, and your ideal order? i'm curious! i'm also surprised she cut long live + didn't add castles crumbling. and similarly agree with what you said!
as an aside, i am actually going out of town next week, so it'll likely be a hot minute before i reply again!! hope you're doing well and staying safe! 🤍 have a good may if i don't get to chat with you before then!
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loveeari · 2 months
why i think riley erica matthews is misunderstood and overheated
and no you can't change my mind
Source? me watching girl meets world from the very first episode and its release when i was like 14 or 15 and now im 18.
one thing that i always always alwayssss will hate about how people characterize riley is her treating maya like some passion project or a pet. i can't put into words how mad this makes me feel because honestly its always maya maya maya. like i get it the girl had a hard life her dad left her, her mom is a waitress and is not home all the time. like I GET IT, and the whole identity crisis bs that happened.
yeah i hated that storyline but honestly i wasn't as mad and pissed about as you guys are making it our to be.
Riley's a worrier like its in her nature she worries about like everything and may i remind you like how everyone likes to remind me
what did ya'll expect???? like genually
maya had acted a set ways for a period of time and riley was always there for through the highs and low. the friendship wasn't always as one sided as you guys made it out to. sure there absolutely needed to be told to the girls that there relationship was a bit unhealthy that there are lines that are crossed blah blah blah. that's a whole nother thing.
broski like im confused WERE WE WATCHING THE SAME SHOW????????
maya supported riley
riley supported maya
when the whole thing happened with lucas and that weird love triangle riley tried to make sure that lucas and maya could happen and that blew up in her face and they were like what 15???
hoenstly i just wanna know why you guys always alwyas alwayssss make excuses for maya??
i don't see people point out that she made disparaging comments to lucas, no you would retaliate that it was "enemies to lovers" and its that cute back and forth banter
but when the riley reacted the way she did when maya was supposedely turning into her or whatever and yall talked about destorying maya's self esteem and making her seem like irredemable bitch whose just the same sad and lonely girl as before.
bro the same riley who WANTED for maya to get her happy ending
the same riley who schemed to get mayas mom and shawn together
the same fucking girl who kept her bay window open and her family so maya could have a genuine support system, people who fed her clothed her gave her a living space without expecting ANYTHING in return at like what seven or something.
THAT GIRL???????
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Day 9: Strip Club
It was 2011, and my love for all things the female body and sexual things seem to growing by the day.. I had accepted a job interview in Post Falls Idaho, now this was an opportune time to enjoy some extra curricular activity as I would be staying overnight by myself. I’ve always been a fan of strip clubs but never enjoyed the ones that are essentially topless only.. since I was going to Idaho and their strip club laws are fairly loosely goosey I’d find something that was popular and see what kind of trouble I could stir up, or get into either one. I had found a club called “Stateline showgirls” omg I’m pretty sure hottest girls on the west coast were here! Well prior to leaving I did some homework (I’m kinda nerdy that way) I discovered by reading some blogs that wearing soft exercise pants (still fashionable) no underwear and just looking very clean cut and smell amazing I could have an amazing time.. I walked into this place on a Thursday afternoon.. wasn’t many girls there but was told it got busy the later it got (normal) flash forward a couple hours of throwing 1’s it was roughly 5pm … I was sitting in a booth enjoying some good conversation with one of the waitresses and I saw her.. tall, blonde, absolutely amazing real tits.. and a personality to match.. I quickly made eye contact with her and struck up a conversation.. we ended up doing a few private dances where she found out very quickly that I had done my homework..I’d had a few lap dances that day but this was different… she started grinding on me and being she seemed cool she let me suck on her tits.. that made her grind more… I soon had a fairly good chub going and it was laying just right on my leg… she moaned and smiled.. at one point she said “I think I’m liking this a lot” we must of had 4 or 5 dances and she was clearly enjoying herself.. as the music continued she almost started to dry hump my cock .. (which was hot) she was not far from cumming at this point and my pants were wet with her cum (also hot) .. she moaned and grinded .. her tits bouncing in my face.. she started to cum and with her arms around my neck she arched her back and moaned so loud I thought someone had to of heard that. After the rousing lap dance sessions we had it was time for drinks with a couple of her friends .. I remember sitting on a stool between these two strippers .. one seemed to be drunk and horny.. she reached her hand across and ran it down my crotch brushing my cock… saying “mmm I bet you taste good” I winked and said only one way to find out” she smiled… obviously I was more interested in this woman I’d been with for the past few hours.. I decided to take it up a notch, after one of the dances I asked if I could take her out to dinner… she actually said yes! We had a nice dinner and picked up a bottle of wine on the way back to the hotel.. now the next part I’ll never know why it happened this way but it did, we got back to the room and I was rubbing her massaging her shoulders as we watched something on tv, it was late.. she was drunk off her ass but she asked me wanna take my picture? I was fuck ya!! I’ve always been somewhat of a closet photographer so when she handed me her camera I was like well ok let’s do this! She was a natural! Obviously a performer, then she asked me to come closer to her.. I was already very aroused but trying to keep it together because I didn’t know what she was up for .. she looked at me, slightly bit her lip and pulled me into her.. her soft hands on my face and the taste of her lips were intoxicating! My clothes quickly went every direction.. she was laying in her back as I made my way up her leg slowly with my hands.. gently kissing along the way she gently pulled my head into her pussy to have a taste.. I started to lick and suck on her clit gently and slowly, i put slid two fingers i her dripping wet pussy and immediately found the nickel sized spot that seem to be pulsating ( I knew I’d found my target) she moaned so loud and arched her back as my fingers teased her g spot .. to be continued
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christinealtomare · 6 years
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From Lyrica Woodruff’s Instagram story (Dec. 17, 2017)
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littlefreya · 3 years
Vanilla Milkshake
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Summer: Henry and a long time friend hangout at their usual spot when things turn chaotic because of an innocent misunderstanding...
Prompted by:  
 Oooh Freyaaaa I just *need* some scene featuring Henry and ofc drinking milkshake. 
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Unamed OFC (no description of ethnicity or body type).
Word count: 1.7K
Warnings: RPF, major fluff, friends to lovers, sexual innuendo, mild seduction, sex talk, an unwanted boner, Henry being a boomer, Henry having a meltdown. 
*No permission is given for reposting my work, copying it, ideas or parts it and claiming it as your own.*
A/N: So, first thing first, thanks @agniavateira for quickly beta’ing my work! And of course thanks @the-soot-sprite for bouncing ideas with me and being an emotional support. Decided to go with friends for lovers because I live for that stuff. Also, I am aware that “Milkshake” can be interpreted in several ways but for the sake of the story I went with that particular reference. Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics
Please comment and reblog if you enjoyed.  🖤
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Title: Vanilla Milkshake
“I swear, this diner looks like Barbie had an orgasm all over the place.” A whimsical grin sliced between Henry’s marble cheeks. Eyeing the pastel-esque surroundings, he huffed scornfully and adjusted the cap over his nest of unruly curls. 
“Remind me again why we always meet here, young lady?”
Staring at the beastly man who barely managed to squeeze into the plastic-pink faux leather booth, she couldn’t help but chuckle. Henry carried himself with something that was both eloquent yet unmistakably feral, reminding her of a burly forest creature. Sturdy tree trunks stood for limbs, torso, and shoulders—the widths of icy mountains and a blanket of thick fur coated the entirety of his body, deeming him a dangerous bear. 
No wonder he preferred himself clean-shaven. The sharpened edge of a razor kept him a cut away from becoming ‘Henry the Barbarian’. 
Seeing him surrounded by pastel and sparkly fairy dust brought far more joy than she could ever imagine. The utter look of contempt gleamed on the surface of his shifty eyes. 
Oh, by God, how much he hated glitter!
“And what would you know about Barbie’s orgasms?” she teased with a crooked eyebrow and a comical suspicious glare. 
Readjusting his cap over the messy mane of chocolate curls, Henry offered a terrible wink and shrugged, “a gentleman never tells.”
Her fingers rapped on her thigh while she contemplated whether to allow this naughty joke slide, but then the urge to provoke him was far too great. After briefly chewing on the inside of her cheek, she broke into a wicked grin.
“Is that… like a role play you have with the missus? She’s Barbie, and you’re G.I.Joe? Because I kinda don’t want to hear about it, but then I kinda do.”
Henry’s smile gradually faded along with the playful glee in his eyes, his melancholic gaze dropping to the sparkly table. He slumped into a heavy sigh, “If by missus, you mean ‘Miss Hand’, then no… not really.”
Dumbfounded, she frowned at Henry with confusion when then it struck her; a sense of incredible embarrassment drained the blood from her head to her gut.
“Yep.” Henry blurted and grabbed the menu, pretending to be incredibly interested in the kids’ meal options. 
Just in time to rescue them from a prolonged awkward silence, the waitress arrived with their order, serving Henry a hot cup of double espresso while she received a tall glass of a luscious vanilla milkshake. 
“Enjoy your drinks, guys!” the waitress smiled sweetly and kept her eyes glued to Henry as she walked away. But the gloss of the waitress’ flirtatious excitement was lost on him; drenched with greed, Henry’s blue sapphires were fixated on the generous scoops of ice cream and the dark chocolate swirls that decorated his companion’s dessert. 
“Henry, my eyes are up here!” she provoked and grabbed the straw between two fingers while throwing an amused glance at his simple cup of coffee. Henry followed her gaze and scoffed before raising the cup to his mouth and blowing to cool his drink.
The way his lips pursed together and his finger stroked the ceramic surface did not escape her observation. A sudden tingle swam down the length of her spine once it resonated in her mind that kind, charming, and beastly Henry was now single. Here they were, long time buddies, but now sitting together felt less comfortable than before. Her limbs felt like pins and needles while staring directly at his eyes was as risky as staring at the sun.  
“Cheers,” Henry mumbled and took a sip from his cup. 
Almost jolting in her seat, she stiffened and then grabbed her straw.
Giggles came from the other side of the diner. Among the retro gumball machines and rounded plastic bar stools, the waitress and a colleague leaned against the counter and stared at Henry, who turned his head for a brief moment and tipped his head.
Their giggles turned even louder.
She frowned. 
“So, have you been single for a while?” she heard herself asking with a rather urgent tone. Right away, a look of contrition crept on her face as she regretted her verbal onslaught and lack of sensitivity. 
Henry directed his gaze back to her and watched as she slowly sipped from the milkshake and then suckled the cream off her mouth. 
Absentmindedly, he licked his lips. “Since May. How about you, weren’t you with…?”
“No, ended, dodged a bullet.” she spat and pumped the straw up and down the thick beverage. “My milkshake brings all the boys… except it doesn't.” she sighed.
Henry frowned and shook his head with confusion. “What? You never told me you make your own milkshake. How come I never had some?” 
Her face abruptly froze, her eyes rounded with surprise before she snorted so loudly the waitresses stopped their whispering.
“Umm… Hen?” she called out, trying to hold herself from bursting into chuckles as her friend accidentally asked for a very sexual favour, “you honestly don’t know what ‘milkshake’ is slang for...?”
“Omg, you’re such a boomer.” 
“No, I was born in ‘83! I’m a millennial. But please, indulge me.” he begged and crossed his arms together.
Clearing her throat loudly, she did her best to fight the wicked grin that stretched on her already painful cheeks and wrapped her fist around the straw. “So you know... how… certain male bodily fluids are sometimes white and creamy...? And when you perform a certain motion it’s like you’re shaking it…?”
Henry blinked and became silent. An unbidden rush of blood pooled at his groin as he watched her thumb graze over the tip of the straw and her fist pumping it into the smooth liquid in a slow, gentle motion. Wickedness glazed her eyes, but he tried to dismiss it as nothing but their usual playful banter; yet his adam’s apple bobbed up and down while his shoulder tensed at the oddly arousing sight of her performing a sinful act on a milkshake. 
There was an unmistakable stir in his cock and for once, he was thankful for narrow spaces as it hid his predicament.
Leaning forward, she opened her mouth and swirled her tongue around the straw. She went deliberately slow, making him watch while she playfully licked and suckled the tip until finally wrapping her lips around it and taking a generous sip.
Henry gawked utterly smitten, unaware that his jaw was nearly at the floor.
And to make things worse, she moaned—not too loud—but definitely enough to make his shaft harden more.
She wasn’t sure what stirred this whimsical boost of confidence, only that seeing the large, handsome man pale at her provocations made her feel like the most powerful woman on earth. She also gathered she’d regret it forever and a day once they’ll part ways, but it was too late for that now.
Gingerly she pulled back, though not before allowing a single drop of cream to trickle down the corner of her lips.
“Oops,” she smirked casually, wiping the cream with her fingertip and sucking it clean. 
“Please stop…” 
It was then when she noticed that Henry’s playful mien was all but gone. Far from amused, he glowered with a clenched jaw. “If you’re going to keep doing that, I’ll have to leave,” he stated matter-of-factly. 
A rush of panic made her freeze in her spot, the same needles that pricked her skin were now setting jolts of electric bursts. “I’m so sorry, I crossed the line,” she said and covered her mouth with shame, “did I offend you? Do you want me to leave?”
“What? No, no, not at all.” Henry’s voice softened right away, and he reached a hand in the air, as if trying to stop her from leaving. The last thing he wanted now is for her to think he is angry with her. If anything, he wished they could spend more time together, not because of his obvious arousal, but because for the first time in a long while, he was having fun.
Still, she looked at him so utterly distraught.  
Henry scanned the diner as if trying to make sure no one was staring or taking any photo and then shifted in his seat uncomfortably. His eyes altered between his spread thighs and her several times, trying to signal toward his… trouble.
“Oh...” she gaped. 
An odd sense of pride began to permeate her chest, battling over the burning embarrassment that flamed up her neck and cheeks. At this point, she wasn’t sure what she was supposed to feel, only that it was definitely the most awkward hangout they had to date. 
Problem was, she never knew when to shut up. 
“Is little Henry hungry?”
Hearing those words, his brows dropped to an irritated sulk. “There is nothing little about it.”
“Ha! Prove it!”
It was as if the entire diner and perhaps the world fell into silence. Had the clatter of the dishes being washed in the back kitchen not rung their ears, she would have thought she grew suddenly deaf. 
“I didn’t mean it… sorry, I’ll stop,” she mumbled slowly and pressed her fingers to her mouth while shaking her head at her stupid behaviour. That was it, this was to be the last afternoon she would ever hang out with Henry and right now, she couldn’t even bring herself to look at him.
Henry chewed onto the inside of his cheeks, trying to stop the words that came faster than his thoughts.
“You didn’t?... Because I’ll definitely be up for proving...”
She blinked at his words and tilted her head, hoping that he won’t notice the wild tremors that shook her limbs, “What was that?” 
“I... yes? No?...I… fuck!” 
Henry lowered his head and slapped his palms across his face, rubbing back and forth with an utter meltdown while mumbling, “Forgive me,” a couple of times. He couldn’t care less of what the waitresses or whoever was watching would think of him; all he cared about was to make her feel comfortable around him again and maybe… even make her like him?
Soft and warm her voice called to him, slowly pulling him from his anguish like a sailor being rescued from a sunken ship. His blue sapphires shone, an ocean of confusion and anxiety still pooling within while he peered back at her face that was now smiling at him a mixture of comfort and exhilaration. 
“Would you like some of my milkshake?”
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tpchicken7 · 2 years
You know, in all these interviews, Joey has been talking about how he appreciates Jaskier’s ability to bounce back from adversity and be a light in the darkness. I even think he said that Jaskier bounces back way faster than Joey does, and frankly after watching season 2, I don’t blame him, because the show sure takes advantage of every low blow and pot shot it can throw at Jaskier. (Prepare for my long rant under the cut!)
We’re suppose to believe this is a celebrated bard, known and loved all over the continent by his adoring fans. Random people on the street recognize him, yet in ep. 5 they had to have that waitress complaining about his music and that guy laughing. In ep. 4 the dock worker recognizes him, but then has to tear into him to the point that Jaskier almost ruins the plan by defending his honor and his music. 
Then there’s the fact that NO ONE, except Yennifer, who he keep claiming is his mortal enemy, but we know there more like frenemies because OMG the soft caring looks and touches and saving each other, NO ONE seems to want to be kind to our poor bard. 
Random people aside (looking at you rude prison guard), the dwarfs are jerks to him, Ciri barely acknowledges him, the Witchers seem to barely tolerate him, no wonder the first thing he did at getting to the keep was to fall asleep drunk. His final moments of season 2 is trying to come together with this found family and getting denied by Lambert, and I guess that’s suppose to be funny? But man it just really hurts me they way they hurt him. 
Then there’s Geralt, stupid jerkface Geralt. I had high hopes for Geralt this season, and in the most part he has grown, but not in his treatment of Jaskier. I was hoping, that since we were seeing a ‘softer side’ of Geralt, he might actually call Jasker friend this season, but did he? NOPE. AND SORRY, NOT SORRY, that mountain apology was CRAP. First off, Jaskier did all the talking. I thought he’d at least hold off until Geralt said something, but no, he sees him and all Jaskier’s resolve is out the window. Geralt barely says I missed you, too and I’m sorry, and not even in the same conversations. Jaskier says everything for Geralt. 
I honestly think this must be their standard operation on separation and return, and Geralt thinks he can get by on these token words, and he has no clue how hurt Jaskier really is. After all, we’ve heard the songs, he hasn’t. The whole thing is major BS. 
So in conclusion, I enjoyed season 2, and the bard content I did get, but people need to show a little more kindness to our favorite bard. For his mental health (and frankly Joey’s too, because I know everyone does love Joey, but hearing act these works to Jaskier over and over would still mess with a person I think.)
If I had my way with season 3, I just want Geralt to do better, and to FINALLY call Jaskier his friend to his freaking face! That would be enough... maybe.
If I got another wish, it would be for Jaskier to actually travel with Geralt, Yenn & Ciri, and for Dijkstra or Phillipa to kidnapped him out from under their nose and for at least Yenn to be concerned, and maybe she could kick the crap out of Geralt and get him to treat our favorite bard better. 
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nanny harry getting jealous of ceo y/ns business partner and is super pissy and she thinks she did something wrong
Omg yes I love this
I’ve also wanted to talk about them more so I’m so happy you sent this in ❤️‍🔥
Omg wait but y/n should be the ceo of a big sex toy company… I’m going to scream
Y/n was hosting a business dinner with her employees. The year had just ended and they had an absolutely fabulous year, raking in more money than every other year. She had a big party, some champagne and wine she had shipped over, a caterer with waiters and waitresses walking around her large home to very tiny little sweet and savory appetizers before they all sat down at the table and eat together.
Harry was over of course, Y/n wants Harry to be there but their relationship is not public yet, so she just had him watching Sebastian along with another kid.
Harry walks down the stairs for the first time that night, squeezing his way into the kitchen to get Sebastian another juice box. Y/n smiles, giving him a tiny look of fondness. He smiles, raising the juice box so he knows why he’s down there but his smile soon fades when her male employee laughs, resting his head on her shoulder and wraps an arm around her waist. He quickly rushes back upstairs and goes to play with the boys.
“When is mommy gonna be done.” Sebastian asks, playing with a couple action figures. Harry shrugs, handing Sebastian the juice box. “I don’t know, honey. It should be soon, it’s almost bath time.”
“It was a great dinner, thank you all so much for coming!” Y/n smiles while she stands in the doorway, waving them all off. She walks back in, walking to the kitchen where harry is drying a wine glass and adding it to the collection of the ones in the cupboard. “You don’t have to do that, baby.” She murmurs, rubbing her hands up his back. He softly shrugs her up, slamming the stemless glass down and walking away.
“Hey, what’s wrong.” He shakes his head, walking towards the stairs. “It’s Seb’s bath time.” He walks off and into Sebastian’s room. Y/n raises an eyebrow, walking right behind him and following him. “You don’t have to, I can also give him his bath.”
Harry nods, pulling the small boy onto his hip. “Yeah, but I just thought it would be easier if it did it.” He sighs out, grabbing Sebastian’s pajamas and walking towards the bathroom. “Sebastian, could you play while mommy and H talk?” The boy nods and Harry let’s him off his hip before y/n yanks him out to the hallway.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!“ y/n whisper-yells, yelling go of his arm. Harry sarcastically laughs, shaking his head. “What?! Is it because you couldn’t be my date? It was your idea to hide our relationship for a while because you ‘did want pe-“
“It’s not because I couldn’t be your fucking date. I don’t care about that.”
“Then what?!”
“Maybe because some people get too comfortable and I know we aren’t out yet but you could at least make it know that you aren’t si-“
“Awe, baby.” Y/n giggles, cradling his face. “You’re jealous?” She pouts, her lips just an inch from his. “I’m not je-“
“Shut up, you clearly are. And that’s okay, baby. I’d be jealous too. But you’re the only one I love, and the only one who gets to kiss me, and cuddle me… and fuck me.” He smiles, finally kissing him. He lets out a soft groan, gripping her hips. “I’m gonna give Seb his bath and put him to bed, you’re wait in the room for me. Naked please!” Harry smiles, “your wish is my command.”
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eunoiaflow3r · 3 years
hard 2 face reality // spencer reid x fem!reader
spencer reid x reader
aaron hotchner x reader
part one - part three
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a/n: a lot of people asked for part 2 to “not ur friend.” omg i didn’t expect it to blow up like it did. sorry this isnt the fluff conclusion you guys wanted...but i’m willing to make this a series maybe? idk it’s up to you guys. thank you for your feedback and support. (see notes at end)
also i tagged all the people who commented on part one.
warning(s): language. angst. not proofread. will be mistakes.
word count: 2.9k wow.
request(ed): yes. very requested. thank you @yeah-just-ignore-me-thanks for this idea.
summary: after hearing something she shouldn’t have, she has to deal with explanations and tough decisions.
hard 2 face reality by poo bear ft. justin beiber and jay electronics.
sometimes it’s hard to face reality...even though you might get mad at me.
It’s ironic sometimes.
The twists and turns of life and the paths it puts you down. Sometimes you believed in fate but right now it only felt like a pain in the ass. Whoever was controlling your strings you hoped they would just give you a break, but no. There was always something more.
Last night, you had a dream. There was a memory within the dream. You and Spencer were cuddling on the couch watching a movie and his fingers were combing through your hair. From where you were, it was more like you were witnessing it instead of actually living it. You were just watching yourself fall harder for the man behind you. You were content. Happy even. You forgot all about your issues and problems and conflicts. You forgot about what Spencer said and the things he had done. You just forgot.
You watched as he took his fingers out of your hair and pushed you away. The you that you were watching was confused and so were you. Why would he do that? What was wrong with him? This wasn’t the memory.
Dream Spencer got up, put his shoes on, grabbed his bag, and was halfway out the door. Before he left completely he said, “We’re just friends. You’re not enough for me. You never will be.”
Dream you just sat there and stared blankly.
Your eyes opened and you stared up at your ceiling in sorrow. The tears just kept coming and you tried to keep yourself quiet but it was so hard, and you were so tired. You hated to admit it but you were in love with him. You were in love with a man who didn’t feel the same way. A man who did nothing but play you and pretend you were nothing. A man who lied.
How did this happen?
How did you end up in a position where you were in a cold bed crying about a man who was unphased? Someone who didn’t find anything wrong with their actions? How could you love someone who would never find the way to love you back and treat you right no matter how hard you wished? No matter how hard you hoped?
How could you do this to yourself?
And to think - in a few hours you’d have to wake up and see him again. After everything you realized and have come to terms with you’d have to see the man who was responsible for the ache in your heart.
When Spencer woke up the first thing he thought about was work. How he didn’t really want to go but he knows he has to. He thought about how heart wrenching the case he’s been on for the last week has been. He thought about how today he might actually be able to solve it...and then he thought about you.
He’d be seeing you.
Hotch invited you to help with the case. He figured your skill set would be exactly what they needed to solve it.
And yeah, you there definitely was for the better of the case but was it for the better of him?
He had no idea what to do. You were mad at him. You weren’t answering his phone calls or his texts and he figured out that you heard the conversation and he gets that maybe calling you a grandmother was wrong, but really what did he do?
He knew he missed you. He missed being able to rant to you, and you consoling him. He missed the movie days you guys had...but he could watch them on his own...right? He could figure out his own problems...he didn’t need anyone to help him. Especially not you. Not someone getting upset about the smallest of things.
That was so rude of you. Why would you ignore him? Why wouldn’t you reply to his texts are calls?
He thought that that was pretty selfish of you.
And yeah sure, maybe calling you clingy was a lie but was that really something to ignore him over? To throw it all away for?
Should've been adjusted to my life, had the opportunity to stay away for the last time...now you’re standin’ right in front of me. It hurts me to know that I lied. Tryna protect your feelings... you read in between the lines
Hope your heart has started healing
You arrived.
He saw you, bag over your shoulder, going straight towards Hotch’s office and ignoring him.
Not even a hello? Not a good morning? You hadn’t even looked at Emily or Morgan either. What had they done? What had he done?
From what he could tell you had been crying, but you covered it well. If it was anyone but him they wouldn’t have been able to tell but he could. Did you miss him too? Were you hurting?
“Is something going on between you and Reid?”
Hotch was looking at you expecting an answer but you didn’t know what to tell him. According to Reid nothing had ever been going on.
“No. I’m really just trying to focus here.”
Hotch nodded. “Good.”
Truth is, it was very hard to ignore Spencer. He seemed so oblivious that it made you feel sorry for him. But you couldn’t. You wouldn’t feel sorry for him. He wasn’t the one crying his eyes out at night and cussing out rom coms when they came on the television.
And you could tell he didn’t feel the same. He didn’t look how you felt. He looked conflicted, but he didn’t look sorry or hurt. His normalcy pained you. Had you really meant that little? Maybe you were over exaggerating things. No. You deserved an explanation - but you weren’t ready to hear it.
A while ago...
“Okay Y/N cover your eyes!”
You giggled. “No, Spencer why?”
“Just do it! I promise you’ll like it.”
You were sat criss crossed on the couch and Spencer was behind you with something in his hands. Before you could look at it he told you to close your eyes and he hid it behind his back. You smiled and closed your eyes waiting for whatever the surprise was.
You felt his fingers move your hair out of the way and you felt a coolness along your neck.
A necklace.
“Okay open.”
You could feel him grinning. You opened your eyes and looked down at your chest. You nearly gasped. On the end of the necklace was a miniature glass sculpture. When you met at the museum you told him that they were your favorite.
He remembered.
You held it in your hand and turned around to kiss him. He was a bit surprised but held your face in his hands and kissed you back.
“L/N!” You were snapped out of your head. “Are you alright?”
“Yes, I’m fine. Sorry.”
The necklace. You can’t believe you were still wearing it. It felt like the only thing holding you together which was strange since glass was so fragile. The metal necklace part felt like it was burning you. The happy memory burned you. You took the necklace from under your sweater and ripped it off your neck. You couldn’t wear it anymore. It hurt you, but you couldn’t hold on.
Reality is kinda hard to face, like actual facts is for flat-earthers. Rains a requirement for flowers to grow, and pains a requirement for power to grow. It’s a miracle how one can change, from one what was just hours ago.
When you got home that day you were happy and running on adrenaline. Yeah, you had to see Spencer...but you helped solve a case. You helped save someone. It was tiring, and gruesome just like what Spencer said but the feeling you get after helping someone? Unexplainable.
After changing out of your work clothes and into some jeans and a shirt, you’d thought you’d treat yourself to dinner. Maybe that would help you forget. Forget and move on. Besides, it was a nice little diner and you used to be a regular. You had wanted to bring Spencer but he never wanted to go. He never wanted to go out.
His loss.
When you got there the familiar scent of vanilla and cinnamon wafted through. You had missed this. When everything was so simple and uncomplicated. When you could be you. Not wondering if today was the day Spencer would decide to come over or not. Or to even call. You could finally breathe. You weren’t in your stuffy apartment. You weren’t in a Spence filled work place. You were where you considered home in a city away from it.
“Y/N, hey!” Em the waitress called you over. You would consider her a friend. You two had always talked when you came through.
“Hey!” She went in for a hug and you hugged her back.
“Where have you been?”
You sighed. “Busy.”
She nodded. She understood. From there she asked you where you wanted to sit. You were just going to request the counter since you were alone, but when a little boy came up to you yelling your name, and wrapped his arms around you...you didn’t have the time to answer. It was little Jack.
“Hey buddy!” You hugged him back.
You looked around for Hotch. What a coincidence. He smiled and waved you over. You and Jack walked over to the booth and Hotch stood and hugged you. “I’m so sorry about Jack.”
“Oh no, it’s fine!”
About two years ago Hotch hired you to babysit Jack every once in a while. You needed the money. You were making enough from the paintings you sold but you needed more to finish college and save up. You weren’t going to some big expensive college or anything but still.
A little while later you met Spencer and it just became and inside joke.
“Would you like to eat with us?” Hotch asked.
“I don’t want to intrude Hotch...”
“Aaron.” He corrected while smiling. “Please, join us.”
And you did. You ate dinner with Aaron and Jack and you were having fun. This past month you had been moping around feeling sorry for yourself but you were actually happy. There was still that pain in your chest, and a part of you that longed to call Spencer and talk to him - but you wouldn’t. You couldn’t.
After dinner Em invited you to go clubbing with her on Saturday. At first you were going to turn her down but you thought...why not? You didn’t have to stay up waiting for Spencer to call anymore. You didn’t have to cook or plan to order in in case Spencer decided to stop by. You didn’t have any plans.
“Sure Em, I’ll be there.”
She walked behind the counter and looked from you to Hotch. Like a suggestive look. Like a “ask him too!” look. And you weren’t ready for anything, and wasn’t even sure if you liked Aaron that way, and you still were in a gray area with Spencer...but you thought it’d be rude not to ask.
He nodded, urging you to go on.
“Do you want to go with me Saturday? I mean...I don’t really want to be alone..Em has a girlfriend and it might be fun.”
He laughs and scratches the back of his neck. “Yes Y/N I’ll go.”
When you got home and ready for bed you had this weight in your stomach. There was a lump in your throat, and your fingers tensed. You thought about Hotch and it made you feel like you were cheating on Spencer. But you weren’t. You and Spencer weren’t together. There was no need to feel guilty.
He didn’t.
That Saturday came soon enough and you weren’t sure if you were ready. Physically yeah, you showered and got ready...but emotionally? Mentally? Was this a date? Had you asked Aaron out? Were you ready for that? Had you moved on from Spencer? No, of course not. But Aaron wasn’t a distraction either. You could never do that to him no matter how bad you felt. Never.
Your doorbell rang and when you opened it you were surprised to see Hotch...not in a suit. It fit him and you could admit it...he looked...really good.
“You clean up nice.” You said laughing a bit to yourself.
He looked you up and down. “So do you.”
He looked a bit taken aback and you could see he was a bit flushed and that made you a bit happy. You liked giving people that kind of reaction. It gave you just a bit of confidence you needed. Especially tonight, where you’d try not to think about Spencer.
When you got there you were glad it wasn’t too busy. The music wasn’t that loud either and you were glad because then you got to dance without immediately getting a headache. Your first dance was with Hotch but then he saw one of his friends from college (he’s a lawyer now) and then started talking to him. You didn’t mind. You actually kind of liked being alone. It gave you you time to think. But not about Spencer.
No. Not tonight you wouldn’t.
You wasted too many tears on him to be thinking of him while you were supposed to be having fun. He didn’t deserve your thoughts. He didn’t deserve your tears. He didn’t deserve movie nights, or cuddles, or sex, or kisses, or waiting, he didn’t deserve -
Spencer Reid.
You thought you were dreaming, but you weren’t. He was just a little bit away from you with JJ on his arm. “Just coworkers.” You wanted to say it didn’t hurt you, you did, but your heart broke. In a million little pieces. Had he not want to get serious with you because he was in love with her. It makes sense, everything about that makes sense but it didn’t hurt any less. It didn’t make the tears in your eyes stop, it didn’t make the ache in your chest dim but at least it made sense.
Know it hurts to see the truth in your face, circumstances bring you down to your knees. Go on and cry an ocean, but don’t drown in it. Enough to put your heart at ease. Oh don’t lose your self esteem. I apologize for being a man. It’s way harder than what it seems.
You grabbed your bag from Hotch and told him you needed to go outside for a minute. He asked you if you wanted him to go with you but you needed to be alone. You wanted to be by yourself to fight these tears. You couldn’t cry in front of him.
He gave you his coat which was much too big but still appreciated.
Once you were outside you took your phone out to check your face. Your nose was red but the few tears hadn’t ruined anything. You were fine. You were going to be okay. Everything was alright.
Until it wasn’t .
Fucking Spencer.
You turned around to see Spencer Reid walking towards you with a confused look on his face.
“Hey.” he said. Hey? Hey?? What the hell were you supposed to say to that? Hey?
He cleared his throat. “Things are weird, right?”
“Weird?” you scoffed.
“Y/N, it’s been a month! I don’t understand what I did! You just stopped talking to me even after I tried to apologize! What more can I do?”
He stopped for a second, “Is that Hotch’s jacket?” He stepped forward to take a look at it but you flinched away. “Don’t tell me that’s Hotch’s -“
“You were hiding me Spencer. You said the equivalent to hanging out with me was of visiting a grandmother. You never wanted to hang out unless it was on your terms and you called me clingy and suffocating when I NEVER asked you for more. I NEVER went out of my way to ask you for anything and you treat me like this? Like I’m replaceable? After everything we’ve been through? After all we’ve talked about and experienced? What’s your excuse for that Spencer? What could you possibly have to say that would explain that?”
He opened his mouth and closed it again.
“If I were to have called you and said ‘Yup, everything is fine Spence we can go back to normal.’ It would have gone back to normal! YOUR normal! A normal where I’m hidden like a side chick but you get to be in public with JJ on your arm! Fucking JJ! And yeah, we never put a label on it but YOU made it clear that we weren’t to fuck other people. That was YOUR decision! She was the girl you said I didn’t have to worry about and here we are.”
Spencer was silent. He looked to the floor, and said nothing. His fingers ran through his disheveled hair and his lip was quivering.
“So this is because of JJ?” he asked.
“Fuck you.”
He watched as you walked into the club and back out again with Hotch. Before you went in his car though you walked over to Spencer and put the necklace into his hand. Silently you walked over to Hotch and got in the passenger seat.
Spencer didn’t know what to do.
This was your necklace. He gave it to you. It was yours to keep. Yours to wear, cherish, and hold. Why would you give it back? It was supposed to make you happy and help you remember him. Instead it was in his hands unworn but the girl he had hurt. What was he supposed to do?
JJ found him outside but he said nothing to her the whole ride when he took her home. He was thinking about you. He was thinking about what you said. You were right.
When he got home he looked at the box of things you gave him. There were polaroid pictures of the two of you and he started shaking as he cried. What had he done? How could he have been so selfish?
You were right.
You were right.
Truth was he did like JJ, and he had been hiding you. He had been treating you unfairly. He had been a jerk and he had done every single thing you said he did.
He was all of the names you were calling him in your head.
Every single one.
He held the glass sculpture necklace in his hands and could feel his tears running down his face falling on it.
Even though he fucked up, and had something weird with JJ, he realized...he was in love with you.
Sometimes it's hard to face reality.
literally wtf is this. what in the love triangles - anyway. ik you guys wanted fluff so...part 3? idk. should reader have a thing with hotch? should she choose hotch or reid?
feedback always appreciated. it pushed me to write this.
taglist: @hotchsbabygirl @pinkdiamond1016 @thefemalestorywriter @sizzlingclamturtlesludge @samyilf123
comment tag list: @peculiarinsomniac @mgg-theprettiestboy @187-reid @realalpacorn @wooya1224 @minami97 @studywithrosie01 @yeah-just-ignore-me-thanks @meowiemari @thedaughterofhotchniss @reniescarlett @lovelyspencerreid @ashwarren32 @fantastic-fans @unabashedlyswimmingtimemachine @psych0crybaby @drreidsconverse @castbyfox
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petersasteria · 3 years
Pride And Joy - Peter Parker
Parker || Main || Taglist
Stark!Peter x Reader - both aged up Requested? Nah. 3,621 words W: curse words, a bit of smut (omg and it's a no for minors), cheating, pregnancy, virginity loss, just Peter being a rich kid that's all, character death
* * * *
“It’s literally a big deal, Peter! You know this award means so much to me and you didn’t even attend the opening!” Gwen yelled in anger. Peter was supposed to be Gwen’s plus one at an awarding ceremony for doctors. She won the AMA Foundation Award for Health Education and it meant so much to her. It was understandable that she was royally pissed at Peter.
Peter scoffed as he sat down on the couch with his feet on top of the coffee table. The small table next to the couch had his scotch on top of it. The glass had droplets of water running down it because of condensation. Peter grabbed the glass and took a sip from it as Gwen, his long time girlfriend, kept yelling at him. Peter kept making faces as Gwen yelled. She finally took notice of this and shouted, “Are you even listening, Peter?! God! You’re so out of touch lately! I don’t even talk to you anymore!”
“Oh, shut up, Gwen!” Peter rolled his eyes. “You’re a pain in the ass, you know that?!” Peter stood up from the couch and walked to the door.
“Where are you going?? We’re not done here, Peter! I’m still talking to you!”
Peter turned his head to look at her and said, “Yeah? Well, I’m done talking to you! Without me, you wouldn’t even have your award and you wouldn’t even attend medical school because you couldn’t afford it! Let’s not forget that I paid for your tuition fee and for everything else related to your studies. You don’t see me bragging about it, now do you?!”
Gwen shook her head as tears streamed down her face, “You’re such an asshole.”
“I’ve been called worse by better.” Peter said sassily before leaving the house. The door shook as he slammed it, making Gwen jump back in surprise. She retreated to hers and Peter’s shared bedroom and cried herself to sleep.
Meanwhile, Peter went to his favorite bar and drank the night away there. That’s where he met you. You were the new singer in the club and it was your first night on the job. It wasn’t your ideal job, but it pays the bills. Besides, you were thankful that you got a decent voice. Otherwise, you’d be waitressing and you didn’t have the patience to deal with people in general.
Peter loved your voice. It made him sober despite drinking copious amounts of alcohol. He just sat there and listened and hummed along to the songs he knew. When it was your break, he approached you.
You and the band were talking, getting to know each other when Peter tapped your shoulder. You turned around and smiled at him. Plus, he was cute. “Hi!” You greeted.
“Hey.” He smirked. “You’re a really good singer. I’m Peter.” He offered his hand for you to shake and you gladly took it. “I know. You’re, like, everywhere.” You giggled. “I’m Y/N.”
“Nice to meet you, Y/N.” Peter said before carefully letting go of your hand. He smiled to himself as he thought of your name rolling off on his tongue. It sounded right.
“Would you like to grab a drink with me?” Peter asked politely. “I’d love to get to know you.”
“I’d love to, but I’m about to sing in a minute.” You said. “But my shift ends in an hour, if you’re still up by then.”
“I’ll wait.” Peter winked as he walked to a new table, closer to where you were performing. He called for a waiter and ordered a drink as he watched you get ready.
You took a sip of water and turned on your mic. You slightly leaned forward and spoke through it, “Hi, everybody! I’m now back for my second set. This next song is for the people who recently got cheated on by their man-”
A man shouted “GO OFF, SIS” somewhere in the back and it made you chuckle. Your chuckle was music to Peter’s ears. He has never heard an angel chuckling before, but he was convinced that it sounded like yours.
“Anyway, this song is called ‘Irreplaceable’ by Beyonce.” You smiled before turning to your bandmates and nodding at them to start playing.
You sang a few more songs and before you knew it, your shift was over. “That’s my last song for tonight. My name is Y/N and you can catch me here every night from 9PM to 2AM. Thank you and have a good night!” You said before turning off your mic and thanking your bandmates. You walked towards Peter and asked, “Is this seat taken?”
He grinned and shook his head. You sat down in front of him and said, “It’s been a long time since I last drank.”
“Yeah. I can’t really handle it well and I do crazy shit. That’s why I moved here. I want to start fresh and all that.” You told him before calling your new friend, Amy, to order your drink. Amy’s a waitress and she’s really kind to you. She showed you how things went and everything.
Amy walked towards you and you told her, “You know my favorite drink already.” Amy grinned and said, “You got it, Y/N/N.” She left and immediately got you your drink.
You and Peter stayed there until 5AM just talking and laughing and drinking. It wasn’t until you looked at your watch that you noticed the time. “Oh, shit. It’s already 5AM.” You giggled before downing the last drop of your drink. “I have to leave and get some sleep.”
“I’ll take you home.” Peter offered, downing his last drink as well.
“You don’t have to do that. I live just around the corner.” You smiled at him. “Thank you, though.”
“Nonsense! It’s my day off, anyway. I’d also be really happy to know that you’re safe.” Peter said and you shrugged. “Alright.”
You went to the back and grabbed your bag as Peter waited for you outside the front of the bar. You finally walked out and Peter grinned at you. You two walked together and true enough, your apartment was really near. He offered to walk you upstairs and you allowed him to.
When you got there, you stood in front of your door and said, “Well, this is me. Thanks for walking me home.”
“No problem.” Peter smiled. You looked at each other for a while and Peter couldn’t help himself. He leaned forward and kissed you. You were in shock for a second, but you immediately kissed back. His arms wrapped around your waist and your arms were around his neck. It was getting heated and you decided to pull away for air.
“Oh my god. I’m so sor-”
“Don’t apologize.” Peter panted. “Don’t be sorry. We both know we want it. Why should we stop?”
You looked at him before quickly turning around to unlock your door. You and Peter quickly went inside and you locked the door as soon as you got in. He took your hand in his and pulled you towards him to kiss you once more.
You pulled away and said, “Wait, not here.” You brought him to your room and he pushed you on your bed as he got on top of you and leaned in to kiss you. Before you knew it, yours and his clothes were on the floor and as he lined himself in your entranced, you stopped him.
“I’ve never done this before.” You blurted out.
“What?” Peter said.
“I’ve never… done it… before.” You said and you were embarrassed that you had to tell him that. In fact, you wished you kept your mouth shut. He looked at you and shrugged, “That’s okay. I’ll be gentle, I swear.”
He smiled at you softly before pecking your lips sweetly and lining himself in your entrance again. You relaxed a bit as he slowly entered you. It hurt a bit and once he was fully in, he lets you adjust to him before slowly thrusting. Once you got used to it, you begged him to go faster until you felt something forming in you.
“I think I’m gonna-” You moaned.
“Just let it out.” Peter grunted. You did as you were told and Peter released in you too. He rode out your highs and pulled out before laying next to you. Both of you were gasping for air and you didn’t say anything for a while.
“Oh my god.” You said as soon as you caught your breath. “I can’t believe I lost my virginity to a Stark.”
“You’re welcome.” Peter said with a smirk.
Your little rendezvous with Peter happened every day since you met. It always happened at your small apartment and you felt sorry for your neighbors who got to hear you moaning through the thin walls. Peter didn’t care, though. He loved hearing you. He’s got you wrapped around his finger and you didn’t even notice that. You were innocent and fresh and he loved it.
He still went home and he still went on a few dates with Gwen, his long time girlfriend. Peter knew what he was doing and he knew it was wrong, but there was something about you that he really liked that he couldn’t put his finger on. He never told you about Gwen and he never told Gwen about you. It was meant to be that way until everything changed.
You were pregnant.
After all the wild sex that you and Peter did, you realized that he never wore protection. You quickly texted Peter about it and Peter quickly went to see you.
“What the fuck?!” Peter said as soon as you opened the door. You rolled your eyes and allowed him to come in before closing it.
“Yes. I’m pregnant and you’re the father.”
“I can’t be the father.” Peter shook his head.
“Well, too bad. You’re the father of this baby that I’m carrying. Besides, how can anyone else be the father? You’re the only man I’ve been sexual with. Why are you so upset?” You told him with a frown and somehow seeing you frown made Peter sad. He walked up to you and gave you a hug which you gladly returned.
“We’ll get through this.” Peter said even though he knew he was screwed. What would his father, Tony Stark, say? Tony would be disappointed, that’s for sure. He’d be yelled at.
A month later, Gwen found out. She saw Peter’s phone laying around which made her roll her eyes. She grabbed it and when she did, the screen lit up as a notification came in. Gwen knew that she wasn’t supposed to look, but her guts told her otherwise. She looked at it and gasped.
It was a text from you saying that the baby is okay and that you were excited to become a mom and that you already loved the baby.
Peter got out of the shower with only a towel wrapped around his waist. He saw Gwen holding his phone and said, “What are you doing with my phone?”
“Who’s Y/N?” Gwen asked with a frown and a disappointed look on her face. “And why is she telling you all about her pregnancy? I would believe you if you told me that she’s just a friend, but she has a heart emoji next to her contact name. Who is she, Pete?”
“I cheated on you.” Peter said. It was so straightforward. He didn’t give Gwen a time to react as he just kept talking about what happened since the night of their argument. He told Gwen about how you two met, where you worked, where you lived, everything. After all, he could give Gwen was honesty. He didn’t have a reason to lie when everything’s out there.
“We’re done, Peter.” Gwen said as she tried not to cry. Peter nodded in understanding. “Peter, I love you and I always will, but that kid needs a father and I don’t want to get in the way of that. The kid is more important now.”
Gwen looked at the man she loved more than anything in the world and smiled sadly, “It wasn’t working out anymore, anyway. I wish you nothing but good luck and happiness. Since this is your house, I’ll move out. Don’t worry about me.”
Gwen walked up to him and kissed his cheek before grabbing a bag to pack her things. Peter gave Gwen a few days to move out before asking you to come live with him. You didn’t want to leave your apartment, but you figured the baby needed a decent home.
Once you moved in, Peter came clean to you about Gwen and everything. It hurt to know that you were just a side chick, but you knew it wasn’t your fault. He never told you in the beginning. Because of this, you decided not to agree to be his girlfriend when he asked.
“But why? We’re having a baby together.” Peter asked with furrowed eyebrows.
“I just- I can’t, alright?” You frowned. “I’m still so upset to find out that I’m the side chick. Just give me some time to get over it.”
After that, you were surprised that Peter still welcomed you to stay. You were always taken care of and Peter made sure that the maids made sure you were comfortable whenever he’s at work. He pampered you and he spoiled the unborn baby inside of you as well. He bought a crib, a baby monitor and all things that a baby needs.
“Peter, I’m not even close to my due date yet.” You chuckled. At this point, you were already two months pregnant. Peter smiled and said, “I don’t mind. It’s better to be early because knowing me, I forget things.”
Time passed by quickly and it wasn’t long until you were seven months pregnant. A few months back, you and Peter found out that you were having a boy and that excited both of you. Now, it’s like you’re the only one who’s excited. You noticed that Peter wasn’t happy anymore.
One night when he came home from work, you confronted him about his behavior. “Peter, are you okay? You seem really sad lately.” You said softly.
Peter stared at the wall and heavily sighed, “I made a mistake, Y/N. I’m so sorry that I have to do this to you.” The fact that he can’t even look at you says everything. You knew that what he was about to say, will ruin you. You felt it.
“I think I still love Gwen.” Peter mumbled. “What happened to us was a mistake and I’m so sorry that I gave you false hope of becoming a family. I’m really sorry.” He felt so bad. He genuinely did. It wasn’t some sick joke and he cried. You cried too, but you refused to let Peter see your tears. Instead, you sat next to him and patted his back as he sobbed with his head in his hands.
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” He cried. “I’m so fucking sorry.”
You hugged him and rubbed his back with your palm in a circular motion. “Shh, it’s okay. It’s fine, Peter. We all make mistakes.” You said, your voice trembling. You gulped and held your composure. You didn’t want to cry because you knew it would make him feel even more bad. You didn’t want that.
“It’s okay, Peter. Really, it’s fine.” You said sadly. You couldn’t help it, though. Your tears streamed down your face as you silently cried while you held Peter in your arms. “We’ll be okay.”
You quickly wiped your tears before letting go of Peter. He looked at you straight in the eyes and opened his mouth to apologize. You brought your index finger to his mouth and shook your head.
“Don’t.” You said. “I’ll move out.” You got up and started packing your things. Peter left the room because he couldn’t take it. You were an innocent person who got dragged into this mess and you didn’t deserve it. He hated hurting you, but what’s done is done.
You packed what you can and exited the room that you and Peter shared. You dragged your suitcase downstairs and Peter cringed as he heard every step you took. Peter got up from the couch when he saw you reaching for the door.
“Y/N, please promise me something.” Peter pleaded. You looked in the eyes that you’ve grown to love. You nodded and said, “Anything.”
“Promise me that you’ll give me updates about the baby. Send me pictures and videos and just tell me everything about him, okay? I want to feel close to him somehow. If Gwen takes me back, I know she won’t allow me to see you and him.” Peter explained.
“Of course. Anything for you, Pete.” You gave him a small smile before leaving.
That was the last time Peter saw you. Surprisingly, Gwen took him back and he was right; Gwen didn’t want him to see you or the kid despite what she said before about not wanting the kid to grow up without a father. In Gwen’s thoughts, Peter went back to her for a reason and that reason is to be with her. Therefore, Peter should start fresh and pretend everything related to you never happened.
You never texted Peter for a while and that scared him. You promised to update him and not getting any texts from you sent shivers down his spine.
Two months later, you texted him again. It was midnight and Peter was still awake. He was working on his laptop when he got your message. He quickly looked at it and it was a picture of you in the hospital bed with a baby in your arms; his son.
Your text read: Meet Maxim. He’s healthy and he’s fine.
Peter was so happy that he finally heard from you again. He was extremely happy. He was sad that he had no trace of you in his house because the day after you left, Peter sent yours and all the baby’s things to your apartment. It left nothing behind.
Knowing he couldn’t be physically present, Peter sent you a bouquet of flowers and a note that said: ‘Congratulations, darling. Like his name, Maxim is the greatest little boy I’ve ever seen.’
This turned into a tradition for years. Every year, Peter would send gifts for Maxim on his birthday and it would make him happy. Maxim loved his father despite not meeting him yet. He saw pictures of Peter, though. He kept his favorites in his room.
Peter and Gwen got married and even though that happened, he longed to see your updates. It felt wrong, but he just wanted to know you were okay.
One day texts from you just stopped. Peter became paranoid not knowing about yours and Maxim’s condition. He was extremely sad when a week passed by and he still hasn’t heard from you.
“Dad, can you just calm down? I’m trying here, alright!” Peter raised his voice as he spoke to Tony through the phone. “I’ll handle the M.I.T scholarships, dad. You know that I’ll handle it. What makes you think that you can’t trust me?”
“Well, you cheated on Gwen and I lost my trust in you too.” Tony sassed.
“For god’s sake, that was like eight years ago! Get over it!” Peter hissed. “Anyway, I-”
Peter got cut off upon hearing a knock on the door. “Linda, can you get that please?” He shouted from the kitchen before continuing his talk with Tony. The person behind the door knocked again and Peter sighed.
“Dad, hold on a sec.” Peter grumbled. “Linda! Can you get the door, please?!” He stayed quiet for a while and waited for Linda’s footsteps, but they never came. Peter shook his head and spoke to Tony again.
“I’ll just open the door. Linda’s probably watching TV in the maid’s quarters. She likes the volume super loud.”
“Jesus, kid. Just fire her.” Tony said and Peter imagined his father rolling his eyes and disappointingly shaking his head.
“Linda needs the job. Anyway, I’ll get the door.” Peter said as he heard knocking again. He puts his phone on the countertop. He quickly jogged to the front door and opened it.
“Hi, dad.”
Peter wanted to faint. He looked around and you were nowhere in sight. “M-Maxim?”
“That’s me!” Maxim grinned. The 8-year-old boy had the features of Peter and it was so obvious that Peter’s his father. Peter stared at him for a long time and Maxim cleared his throat, “May I come in?”
Peter could only nod as he opened the door wider for Maxim. He closed the door and quickly went to the kitchen. He grabbed his phone and said, “Dad, I’ll call you back.”
“Why? What ha-”
Peter hung up the phone and turned his attention to his son who was standing behind him. “Was that grandpa?” Maxim asked with an innocent look on his face.
“Yeah.” Peter smiled softly. “Where’s your mom?”
Maxim frowned, “She’s dead.”
Peter’s heart stopped. Maxim told him about how you met your demise and Peter couldn’t function anymore. The mother of his child was now dead and he didn’t even get to say goodbye. It broke him and his heart broke even more for his son because he was motherless at the tender age of eight. He looked at his precious son with sad eyes as Maxim explained everything.
Peter hugged him tightly and swore to himself that he’d protect Maxim at all cost. He just couldn’t believe that you were gone.
* * * *
Part 2? Bc there will be whether you like it or not.
𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐏𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @blueleatherbag @cocoamoonmalfoy @thatforgottenangel @parkerpeter24 @slutforsr @givebuckyhisplumsnow @buckys-little-hoe @runawayolives @chewymoustachio @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @yourstrulyamour @beverlythrillz @pearce14 @juliediggory @yaya4302 @alexx-stancati @rumplebutterbaby @dummiesshort @spideyspeaches @quxxnxfhxll @marvelsimps @angelsgrxzer @dreamy-clousds @bora-world @hunnybunimdun @supred12 @more-like-reyna @caitsymichelle13
𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @holland-styles @trustfundparker @calltothewild @felicityparkers @hufflepuffprincess24 @tommysparker @justasmisunderstoodasloki @quaksonhehe @call-me-baby-gir1 @itstaskeen @theonly1outof-a-billion @lost-in-the-stars03 @justafangirlduh @piscesparker @speedymaximoff @miraclesoflove @lexirv @blairscott @getbywithasmile @pqrkerr @lavender-writer @blackbat2020 @hoodpankow @bi-lmg
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