#development strategy
markitspace · 2 years
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A lot of people don’t realise this, but “Website Design” and “Website Development” are two different stages of the entire website creation process. You don’t often hear talk about the first stage in the process: “Web Strategy”.
What sets MarkIT Space apart from typical “web designers” and “web developers” is that we begin with a detailed Strategic Specification Plan before designing or developing begins. We look at the business’s core values, determine the purpose of the website and its goals, and identify the ideal target audience. We perform competitor analysis and keyword research and create all the written content optimised for Google searching from its launch date.
By beginning with a Website Strategy, it helps to create the ultimate website design, followed by a well-developed website that targets its ideal audience and meets its goals.
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United Nations Pledging Conference for Development Activities.
Watch the United Nations Pledging Conference for Development Activities!
The United Nations Pledging Conference for Development Activities is held under the auspices of the General Assembly in line with resolution 32/197. This will be the first Pledging Conference since the adoption of General Assembly decision 75/511.
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arthuresearsblog · 7 months
美美國美我在 Malalai Complex
This is the beginning and with from our sponsors thank you so much.
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thejournallo · 2 months
Every time you believe, something comes true.
If you believe that brushing your hair will make it longer, it will automatically become true. 
Every object you own can function in the same way.
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atholbrose · 2 months
saw a tiktok of someone complaining about this trend where there’s a slideshow of two pngs of animals talking about love and loss and stuff.
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they were like “people are tagging this poetry, be fucking for real, this is the rupi kaur effect, we’ll call anything poetry now.” what a bad take! writing lengthy poetry with rhyme schemes and emotional depth is really fucking hard! if seventeen year olds on tiktok find this format more accessible then good for them. this is a healthy exploration of emotion and builds creativity and writing skills. there’s no place for elitism in art, have some fun
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communistkenobi · 7 months
I’m watching a documentary my friend recommended to me called the law in these parts, which is about the history of israeli military law in palestine, and like. jesus christ they were literally just doing lebensraum. the same low density suburban development that plagues north america, the same plan of fascist expansion eastward done by nazi germany was done in palestine, with the justification that these residential settlements built for settler civilians were actually military outposts and therefore legal under international law. it’s literally just lebensraum
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ardentpoop · 3 months
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nerdypunkdev · 2 years
Learn how to build a turn based combat system (like in Pokemon games) in this FREE tutorial series I just finished posting on Youtube. It has all kinds of cool coding insights on to build a very fun and modular turn based system in over 6 hours of rich content.
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I just pushed the last part of this series, check out it out here:
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cyberphuck · 11 months
There’s this impression that gamers are these gatekeepy, “git gud you fucking casual” nerdbullies but in all my years of playing video games I have met very few gamers like that (if a gamer is an asshole, it’s because they’re an asshole, not because they’re a gamer). In general, if I’m stuck in a game and reach out, people will respond with legit excitement that they can show me how to do something. The exception to this is Final Fantasy Tactics fans who, when someone comes into the room sobbing that they were killed by Chocobos/Dorter/Wiegraf/Time Mages/Wiegraf/Chocobos/Wiegraf, just sort of pat the person on the shoulder and go “I know, buddy. I know. It doesn’t get any better. I’m sorry.”
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3rd Meeting, 9th Session of the Expert Mechanism on the Right to Development.
Item 4 (cont'd) – Implementation of the mandate and programme of work:
b) Focused thematic discussions  
(ii) Realizing the RTD through North-South, South-South, Triangular, and other sui generis forms of international cooperation: Exploring complementarities and good practices Presented by M. Kanade (10.00 AM – 11.30 AM)
(iii) Development and climate financing: innovative tools and nature solutions to help realize RTD Presented by I. Durant (11.30 AM – 1.00 PM) 
The ninth session of the Expert Mechanism on the Right to Development (EMRTD) will provide the Human Rights Council with thematic expertise on the right to development in searching for, identifying and sharing best practices with Member States and promotes the implementation of the right to development worldwide.
Watch 3rd Meeting, 9th Session of the Expert Mechanism on the Right to Development!
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Have you been watching for our notebook " A Book of Higher Thoughts"?
⚝ Do you have thoughts that are not helping you to align with your vision?
⚝ Do you have thoughts that are conflicting and hypocritical?
⚝ Do you even care to start or maintain a family business?
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arthuresearsblog · 2 years
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NPD culture is people assuming you're inherently manipulative by virtue of being a narcissist, despite having become significantly less so upon entering adulthood and gaining maturity/better coping mechanisms.
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