destructo-range · 2 months
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happy (late) birthday to xiao! ! !
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priestessoffurina · 1 year
for the ask game: lantern rite :D
Again so many to choose from. But I think the one that had the most impact on me was Guizhong's (From Lantern Rite early this year)
It's got everything; Zhongli drip, human Cloud Retainer, Younger Ping, Guizhong cameo (finally), amazing music + visuals and of course, Sapphic-Saddness TM.
(Genshin Ask Meme)
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nasstyssanktuss · 6 months
My first ever OC post! (On any social media actually) I'm very excited.
He's a front man in a catholic death/black (with a small hint of melodic) band.
A few references of what his music sounds like are church choirs,Interdimmensional Summit by Dimmu Borgir,gregorian chanting,Endarkment by Anaal Nathrakh and his vocal range are both in the iconic opera pitch and growling such as in Destructo by Hunt the dinosaur and We will fucking kill you by Anaal Nathrakh
Amos is a big fan of coffee culture,lgbtq+ welcoming churches,avant gardy catholic garments (see more in the pinterest-link)
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A lot of his music is about the dark truth behind manipulating churches,priests,popes etc. Ab*se,immense hunger for power and what horrors they're trying to hide behind beautifully painted walls and bible verses.
Amos hasn't really formed any kind of relationship within the metal band-community/scene due to being insanely shy.
I can write like 5 books but this will do for now :')
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OC Songs Tag
tagged by: @bloodlessheirbyjacques tysm!!!
tagging: soft tagging @destructo-range @serenanymph @jezifster @kjscottwrites @thatprolificauthor and also open tag for whoever wants to play!
I decided to do Nickelle and Corie for this round, i haven't started on playlists for either of them but oh well.
Nickelle Takahashi
Run Boy Run, by Woodkid "...Run boy run! The sun will be guiding you / Run boy run! They're dying to stop you / Run boy run! This race is a prophecy / Run boy run! Break out from society..."
You Should See Me in a Crown, by Billie Eilish "Bite my tongue, bide my time / Wearing a warning sign / Wait 'til the world is mine / ... / You should see me in a crown / I'm gonna run this nothing town / Watch me make 'em bow / One by one by one / One by one by..."
Brutal, by Olivia Rodrigo "All I did was try my best / This the kind of thanks I get? / Unrelentlessly upset (ah, ah, ah) / They say these are the golden years / But I wish I could disappear / Ego crush is so severe / God, it's brutal out here..."
Corie, the Cyborg Bounty Hunter
Numb Little Bug, by Em Beholid "...Like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive / 'Cause you gotta survive / ... / A little bit tired of tryin' to care when I don't / A little bit tired of quick repairs to cope / ... / So I got these quick repairs to cope / Guess I'm just broken and broke..."
Paint It Black, by The Rolling Stones "...I've seen people turn their heads / And quickly look away / Like a newborn baby / It just happens everyday /... / I look inside myself / And see my heart is black..."
Blood // Water, by Grandson "...You thought you could go free / But the system is done for / If you listen real closely / There's a knock at your front door / We'll never get free / Lamb to the slaughter / What you gon' do when there's blood in the water?..."
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Okay so basically here’s how this is gonna work…
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Jin is going to deviate from me IRL in some says, so Jin is gender-fluid and uses any pronouns on account of shapeshifting semi-often.
On to the triviaaaaaaaaaaa and loreeeeeeee
Jin’s Ruyi Jingu Bang looks like the one from Monkey King: Reborn, but slightly thinner.
As a result of shapeshifting the way she does, Jin’s voice ranges from sounding like it normally does to sounding like a near identical replication of her own voice, this is because she herself sometimes remembers her voice differently.
Jin hums the HELL out of different KANA-BOON songs during battle, some demons find it annoying.
Wukong is transfem and uses any pronouns.
Wukong is going to look like she does in Monkey King Reborn, it’s not that he isn’t using glamour, she’s just using them differently.
Jin and Wukong’s relationship is like Luz and Eda’s but if Luz was a smaller Eda.
Jin has four distinct clones that painfully and embarrassingly emulate the personalities of fictional characters.
Jin intentionally made sure that in her monkey form that she is shorter than most people in order to not appear intimidating.
I want Jin’s hero alias to be "Monkey Jin" because I wanted it to roll off the tongue better.
Jin once won a fight between two demons after she yelled “DESTRUCTO DISK!” accidentally while throwing her staff. She was too distracted and hit the ground so many times that it caved in on the two demons. She doesn’t consider it to be a win though.
Jin once also yelled “RASENSHURIKEN!”, which she also thought was funny.
Jin constantly quotes DBZA during normal conversations, battles, or training.
Jin anonymously conceptualized her own merch.
Jin dropped out of college because why not? She doesn’t need to further her education when college might not exist in 200 years.
Jin has a monkey form that she assumes when in public using her powers, but that form uses male pronouns on the rationale that people expect a Monkey King.
Jin wears glasses when she’s not doing hero stuff, the only times where Jin isn’t seen wearing glasses if when she’s using gold vision or while she’s in monkey form because she can just glamour them away even when she is wearing them.
Jin’s powers weren’t limited in the same way that MK’s were, this is because Jin came to the realization that imagination-based powers aren’t too much of a hassle. However, Jin’s power was halved but she can use any one of the powers from the get go due to having somewhat of an understanding of each one.
Wukong doesn’t withhold as much information from Jin compared to MK, the things Wukong does hide from Jin are some things that Jin already knows.
Jin watches and reads Chainsaw man (more on that somewhere).
Jin meets Wukong a week after the defeat of DBK, that’s when she gets her power halved.
Red Son and Jin are “friends” for the most part, it’s a little bit strained considering the fact that Jin left DBK in worse shape than MK did in canon.
Red Son and Jin go skirt shopping on Sundays (Yes, they call them “Skirt Shopping Sundays”).
Jin has gone through a multitude of catchphrases before realizing that it just isn't for her. Everything that she does yell is wildly inconsistent.
Jin’s power being halved and not limited means that she is semi-immortal, very durable but not invincible, and ages slower.
Jin can levitate to a degree, although she spends most of her time doing Sonic poses four feet in the air rather than making better use of that power.
I think I want Jin to go through a jacket change with every major event/battle.
Despite any forms of damage that Jin takes being significantly lessened, she doesn't trust herself not to fall or mess up if she were to try and use the staff like a pogo stick.
I also want something to happen where the staff is somehow destroyed and Jin somehow making peace with herself causes it to reconstruct with a navy-blue base with cracks that are sealed up with some gold liquid.
When Jin lost the staff, she didn’t feel like a part of her was incomplete, she felt like a part of her self died. It felt like a part of her had died and had no chance of returning.
Wukong’s training sessions make it very clear when Jin makes a mistake, one slip up and he will aggressively show her how much of a hindrance it’ll be during a real battle (Similar to Macaque's teaching method in S1 E9).
Screw putting the Staff in her ear, Jin shapeshifts it into either a bracelet or a choker when she’s not using it.
Jin taking off her jacket during training or a real battle means that she’s taking it more seriously.
Jin cannot construct things out of other things like MK can, like the Monkey Mech, not like she needs it anyway.
Jin was convinced that if she were a JTTW character, she'd be Tang Sanzang or Zhu Bajie on account of being somewhat lazy, never in her life did she expect to be thrust into being Wukong's successor.
Jin's only unique power is to tap into Wukong's intellect, improving her memory. She also uses it to polish her martial arts when she's training alone.
The second that Jin had a firm grasp on the 72 Transformations, she threw her estrogen in the trash and phoned her doctor.
During the LBD situation in this AU, Jin is more of a threat without her staff and powers because she was angry at herself for losing them in the first place, she learns they were never gone and she mellows out a little until she and her friends actually saved the world.
If all of Jin’s power was siphoned off or stolen (obviously in the LBD arc, it wasn’t stolen, it was jusr sealed off), Jin would most certainly die immediately because Jin does not take care of herself.
Jin turned her staff into a gun once, it shoots smaller staffs and she thinks it’s funny when she revealed it to a demon that one time.
Jin and the reincarnations of the Pilgrims have a discord gc together. The reincarnations of the other Pilgrims aren’t Pigsy, Sandy, Mei, and Tang in this AU btw.
Jin already didn’t take care of herself before becoming Wukong’s successor, her body becomes entirely self-sustaining thanks to her nigh-immortality.
Jin nudged the entire Moon with her staff and flew straight to the Moon after Wukong insinuated that a certain someone would be pissed.
Chang’e was extremely understanding and gives Jin moon cakes as a parting gift every time she visits.
Gender Euphoria makes Jin stronger (it’s my self insert au and I get to choose the power ups >:P ).
Jin practicing making clones along with her negative emotions basically created her own Macaque or Ink MK (Xīn).
Jin watches and rewatches multiple Monkey King movies to find ways to creatively use her powers.
Sleeping on her Kinto’un is the only way that Jin can sleep on her back comfortably.
Jin makes income from commissions and in mail or presents from fans.
Jin’s nigh-immortality is probably the one thing keeping her arteries from destroying themselves as a result of her using the money from her commissions to order from DoorDash several times a week.
Ironically, Jin gets the best use out of her power when she’s not thinking (it’s a “don’t think, just do” kinda situation).
LMK exists in Jin's universe in the same way that it does in ours. In their free time, Wukong and Jin watch the show together and Wukong spends that time pointing out any inaccuracies that she sees.
Jin’s fans send her LMK lego sets.
Jin uses her Kinto'un as an excuse to sleep anywhere that isn't a bed in her own room.
The clones in Jin’s mass clone army pose would all be giving their enemy the middle finger.
The first time Jin used the full 100% of Monkey King’s power, she gained a white circlet around her head, after the battle (and nearly killing DBK) the circlet tightly constricted around her head and burned her, giving her a circlet-shaped scorch mark that she doesn’t feel like hiding.
Jin once used the Staff as a back scratcher and got smacked in the head by it, she never used it like that again.
Macaque isn’t evil here, he and Jin get along pretty well.
 (Real quick, if Jin had some sort of doppelganger (like Macaque is to Wukong) what would I call them?) EDIT: I gave them a name!
Xīn uses any pronouns but they/them are preferred.
Xīn never intended to be the dark to Jin’s light, but finds it fun now.
The few things Xīn does that Jin is okay with is acting as Jin’s evil shadow self on Tumblr.
Xīn orders a lot of McDonalds breakfast under Jin’s name.
Xīn and Jin basically become the friends that constantly rip on each other and pick fights all the time.
Xīn‘s outfit was initially a darkened, singed, and tattered version of what Jin was wearing at the time, Jin buys Xīn clothes as result and knows their fashion sense well because it’s just an edgy version of hers.
Xīn’s existence basically works like the shadow clones in Naruto, they won’t go away unless they want to.
Xīn turned their staff into a halberd with a purple base and uses it less frequently than Jin uses her staff because their spear is less durable.
Xīn has their circlet on permanently unlike Jin.
Xīn doesn’t have shadow powers or anything like that, their energy is just dark and they’re generally just edgier than Jin.
Xīn‘s favorite Sonic character is unsurprisingly Shadow but also Blaze.
Xīn listens to drop pop candy, like, religiously.
Everyone only sees Xīn as some evil version of Jin, something Jin feels bad about.
Xīn is the only clone that’ll stick around, their basically their own person.
Even then, whether they want to or not, Xīn simply can’t exist without Jin’s power. So when Jin gets her powers sealed off during the LBD stuff, Xīn’s either severely weakened or they’re just gone altogether until Jin learns to make clones later in the arc.
Onto Jin’s other clones!
There’s Qiáng, who constantly radiates Power from Chainsaw Man energy.
Qiáng uses She/They pronouns.
Qiáng is basically a lazy ass, except when she wants to be a little shit, in which case she will go the extra mile to mildly inconvenience any of their victims.
Qiáng acts a lot like a cat, the annoying kind.
Qiáng‘s pretends to suck at basic stuff to get people to do things for them.
Qiáng‘s battle strategy is LARGE SICKLE, JUST SLICE THINGS.
Qiáng turned her staff into a sickle with a hot pink base.
Qiáng offhandedly insults Jin at least once every time she’s created.
Qiáng thrives on McDonald’s Happy Meals.
Then there’s Nǎo, basically Sans.
Nǎo uses any and all pronouns because she’s apparently too lazy to pick any.
Nǎo uses their speed to appear to teleport or appear in multiple places at once to mess with people.
Nǎo is the kind of person to wear large parkas in the summer.
Nǎo uses gold vision to appear serious or intimidating.
Nǎo‘s pupils glow faintly even without gold vision.
Nǎo frequently makes jokes, puns, and deez nuts jokes.
The only time Nǎo’s hands are out of his pockets are when he’s using his staff, which none one will ever see because he’s too lazy to pull it out.
Nǎo is secretly protective of Xīn and Qiáng, seeing them as siblings despite them being facets of the same person.
Nǎo somehow gets tired more quickly than other clones despite them all having nigh-infinite stamina like Jin.
Nǎo knows how to code to an extent, although not enough to really get anywhere.
Now for the Reincarnated Pilgrims! (excluding Jin)
Sanzang’s reincarnation gets cicada wing powers, sound based powers, and the ones that Sanzang has in canon.
Longma’s reincarnation is a huge Demon Slayer fan.
Wujing’s reincarnation has awesome water powers and crazy strength (did you know that Wujing’s staff has size changing powers too? Awesome).
Bajie’s reincarnation is sometimes at odds with Jin, although not as much as Bajie was with Monkey.
Longma’s reincarnation instinctively lets Sanzang’s reincarnation ride on their shoulders, they don’t know why...
The Pilgrims (including Jin, excluding Wujing’s reincarnation) actually lived together as kids (Wujing’s reincarnation visited frequently tho).
Sanzang’s reincarnation is not a monk. They aren’t opposed to violence and can kick some serious ass.
Longma’s reincarnation and Jin spar sometimes.
The reincarnated pilgrims seeing Xīn next to Jin for the first time played out like that one icarly episode with the ostrich.
Jin has somehow always seen the Reincarnated Pilgrims as siblings, whether it was because they lived together, or whether it was destiny remains a mystery to her.
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maddmuses · 9 months
Goba's Kung Fu revisited
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Goba, as both a practitioner of Kame-sennin-ryu (Or Turtle Sage Fist/Way of The Turtle/Turtle Style), a hybrid martial art that is similar to wing chun, with principles from both wushu and karate, making it an exceptionally hard style built on the grounds of a soft one, with concepts such as the center line, a high and narrow stance, with economy of action, and explosive force.
Intuitive to even the most unpolished of fighters, Turtle Style is determined to be a simplistic and intuitive system of fighting which rewards its practitioners for raw physical prowess and agility. As the "hard" half of the style, the physical realm allows its users to easily overpower other humans, even those on their own relative level. The "soft" half, meanwhile, focuses strongly on the principles of qi manipulation and enhancement, as well as an ability to utilize the kamehameha, and ki blasts seamlessly in this overall.
Due to her predominantly being trained by Kuririn, Goba's style also hybridizes concepts from Shaolin Kung Fu, but prominently a weaving and movement style relied upon heavily by shorter fighters. Unlike her father, Goba frequently will attack the base and roots of a fighter to undermine their stance, rather than solely keying at the head. Additionally, concepts of Drunken Boxing, such as the stance and weaving motions, have also been integrated into the defensive component of her movements, overall less snappy than the likes of Goku or Yamcha.
As a result of her multi-dimensional trekking, Goba's style has become influenced by various fighters, including shinobi from a certain universe, and a particular pirate. While still maintaining a swift motion style, Goba exploits her unusual speed, using rotations to repeatedly feint out opponents, contrary to the usually direct and efficient movements of her baseline kung fu, while also relying on the winding motions to quickly compound raw power onto any strike that she makes. Furthermore, she has developed the ability to fight from a variety of positions, often moving freely and loosely, in both how she evades, and how she winds into shots, even featuring headbutts and unorthodox strikes like heel-kicks and haymakers.
Through the enhancement typical of a qi user, Goba generally enhances the speed of her attacks, as has been her MO for a while, though she also has been prone to ramping her qi up violently at the moment of impact, in a sort of low-tech variation of kaioken.
Alongside other qi-based tech is a habit of Goba's to occasionally fire close-range blasts from her palm with little warning, or otherwise disguised as a strike. Though functionally a standard-level qi blast would no be much more powerful than her fist, the blinding light and explosive noise can serve as a disarming distraction to some. Otherwise, her qi attacks are interspersed infrequently, often against foes to who it might be a hazard to approach typically, or to follow-up an attack that sends foes flying. Sparingly used in most circumstances, a rogue destructo disc will usually spell doom for someone who has allowed themselves to go slack.
When fighting armed, Goba prefers bo, as well as short swords and tonfa. Though she can blend these styles in a number of ways, her kick game often elevates, though she usually has to wield some manner of magically or technologically-enhanced arm for it to not shatter under the pressure of Goba's strikes.
A particular quality of Goba's qi is its ability to slice through the air, sharp and precise, it's unlike that of other saiyans, which will hit more like a hammer against a wall, or more precisely a nail. Instead, Goba is able to focus her energy to make it resemble the edge of a blade, slicing, cutting, and goring. This makes her especially deadly at close range, or when using her kamehameha, creating a sort of drilling impact.
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siimjaeyun · 3 years
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Chapter 10: Call of the Cicada 
Synopsis: A stranger has been threatening Destructo, a company based in Seoul. As more and more businessmen get attacked on account of swarms of Cicadas, will it lead you to a new mystery and perhaps on a path towards a new relationship with Heeseung? 
Series Masterlist 
The man quietly drove home, slowly taking in his surroundings as he approached his destination. Abruptly, a phone call broke through his peace and he quickly picked up. 
"I warned you to quit." The raspy voice threatened on the other side of the phone.
"I told you to stop calling me!" He hung up the phone and threw it to his backseat, ignoring yet another blackmail call. 
He maintained his attention on the road before him. The first cicada fell onto the front window, and he pushed it aside using the windshield wipers. 
“Those cicada things disgust me.” He whispered to himself, and continued his drive home. But his tranquility soon disappeared as more and more cicadas landed on his windows, forming a creature that would engulf both him and the car completely. 
Professor Yin stood at the center of the class, slowly caressing the cicada bug on his index finger; he later placed it back on the mini-tree while planting a kiss on the head. 
“Did he just kiss the bug?” Heeseung, who was seated behind you, asked in a quiet voice, before you hummed back, slowly admiring the professor’s good looks. 
“The cicada bug is one of earth’s most spectacular creatures, and are well-known for the songs sung by most if not all male cicadas. In their lifetime, cicadas usually will go underground and re-emerge every seventeen years to escape the pollution and disastrous human activity. Isn’t that right Sunoo and Niki?” The professor turned his attention on the two boys in the back of the class bickering over the last bag of snacks in their hands. 
“Sunoo. Niki. Are you aware that Nature O’s are manufactured by Destructo, the biggest polluter in both Seoul and the country!” Both boys glanced at one another and looked back at the professor. 
“Uh, no, but at least they’re delicious!” Professor Yin rolled his eyes and turned once the bell rang signaling their dismissal. 
“Yikes, I swear Professor Yin gets weirder every class.” Sunghoon swung his back over his shoulder and led the way out of the front door. 
“Really? I haven’t noticed much.” Jungwon stopped you mid-way allowing you to process your response. 
“Of course you haven’t. You’re too busy staring at him.” You punched him lightly in the shoulder and noticed Heeseung with an unclear face. 
“What’s so great about Professor Yin anyway?” 
“He’s smart, pretty poetic, and good looking.” You quickly said the last part before running off with Sunghoon and Jay to the cafeteria. 
“Oh yeah? I wonder how good he would look in my traps!” Jake looked at the boy oddly before running off to catch the rest of his 02 friends. 
“Heeseung, are you jealous?” Sunoo asked bluntly. 
“J-jealous, what makes you say that.” 
“I don’t know, you just seem a little tense, a little-” Niki didn’t get to finish his statement before he choked on a slip of paper in his mouth. 
“It’s a note from JK, it says there’s a mystery waiting for us at the city hospital.” Heeseung nodded at him, leading the young trio into the cafeteria before heading off to their next adventure. 
“Please, we all know I’m the visual of the group.” Sunghoon cockily smirked, which earned him a few bickers from the other members as they entered the hospital. 
Heeseung stayed back momentarily, patiently waiting as you got off the van and headed to the same entrance. Besides the limited adrenaline in his veins, and the anxiety rushing to his mind and heart, he continued with his mission. 
“Hey, y/n.” At the mention of your name, you quickly turned back to see Heeseung standing there. 
“I was uh...wondering if you’d like to go on a d-d-d-d-date.” With all his strength, he finally let out the magic words. The question perked your interest and you approached him with a building sense of happiness and excitement. 
“A date? You mean it?” 
“Yeah, there’s a new trap exhibit in town and I was hoping you’d like to go.” Your peaking excitement calmed itself down, facing the reality of Heeseung’s world. 
“You know when you popped the question, I actually thought you meant it.” You crossed your arms and headed inside, feeling slightly guilty with your indirect rejection. 
Heeseung caught up with you and kept his thoughts on what you had mentioned to him earlier. In his mind, you loved traps too. 
“What happened here Chief?” Jay looked at both Chief Kim and Mayor Lee who were standing at the front door of an operation room. 
“Nothing, now go away.” 
“Is he okay?” 
“Yes, now go away.” It was clear that Mayor Lee was trying his best to get rid of the pestering group, but ensured to stay strong on the task. 
“Are you sure? He’s practically screaming inside the room.” Niki, using his advantage of height, peered over the Chief’s shoulder and saw as one of the nurses used a pair of tweezers to extract a cicada from the nostril from the man. 
“You know what happened!? This giant disgusting cicada creature trapped the poor man. Imagine small little creatures crawling over your body, ew…” Chief Kim began to frantically scratch his arms as he confessed to the teen group the truth behind the incident. 
“Okay, yes there’s a cicada creature. But! If you have any decency left in your hearts, you will stay out of this. It will be good publicity for the festival on Saturday so don’t meddle with it!” Mayor Lee retreated from the hall at his warning, not exactly prioritizing the well-being of his people. 
Later that night, another attack occurred. 
Another business man was going through his daily routine, ending the day with a warm night shower. As he moved back his hair, his phone rang, and he picked up while wrapping a towel around his torso. 
“I warned you to quit.” The familiar raspy voice rang through the phone, leaving the man to hang up in frustration, preferring to return to his chore. 
He entered the comfort of the shower once more, throwing the towel to the side and reaching for the knob to turn back on the water. His efforts were wasted seeing as the knob was turned, but no water exited the shower head. The man peeked closer, attempting to find the solution before a crawling sensation appeared on his left foot. A cicada bug was crawling on it, and as he flicked it away,  a swarm escaped from the drain. He too had been consumed. 
“Try Nature O’s, a proud product of Destructo Company.” Grandma Mimi smiled proudly through the screen holding up the iconic blue and orange printed bag which only permitted for the youngest members to let out a small groan. 
“How long are we supposed to wait? Sunghoon and Heeseung left a while ago.” As if the universe had heard him, the said members had signaled to the group to follow them, leading to the room of the latest victim. 
“There, there.” A feminine voice was heard from the other side of the door, and Sunoo and Niki looked at each other with wide smiles when they saw Grandma Mimi standing there. 
“Oh my, we’re such huge fans!” They shook hands and she responded with a warm smile. 
“It’s my pleasure, after all, I must thank Mr.Hughe for making them so popular.” 
“You also work at Destructo?” Jake asked. 
“I’ll leave you guys to be, take care.” Grandma Mimi left the room with the escort of Sunghoon and Jay who were kind of enough to help her. 
“Yes. I had been getting blackmail calls since a few weeks ago to quit my job at Destructo. I didn’t take them seriously and well, now there was a bunch of small...creepy...crawling….disgusting little creatures crawling all over me.” Mr.Hughe entered into a state of hysteria, leaving all of you with no other option than to call the nurse for help. Once he had calmed down, you finally made your ways back home, heading first to the elevator. 
“Jungwon, can you press for the lobby?” Jungwon did as told, pressing the small white button. As the elevator moved slowly, and opened, it left them puzzled as their eyesight was met with a dark basement. 
“Good going dummy, you pressed the wrong button.” 
“I did Jay, look.” Jungwon pressed the button once more and nothing happened. All of them stepped out of the elevator only to have it close them behind and for the lights in the basement to flicker on. 
“Listen well, if you don’t stop, you will be next.” All of them ducked down as they heard the warning from the ominous and deep voice. A swarm of cicadas entered the basement, approaching you. You turned your head sideways and Jake with his limited bravery due to his fear of insects, managed to tuck your head into his chest using his jacket. 
Once the swarm had disappeared, the elevator doors had opened once more, letting all of you make your way up to the van. 
“That was close.” Sunoo opened his school bag to find another cicada bug flying out. 
“We have to find who this creature is and fast, otherwise we’ll be next.” Heeseung drove off before coming to an abrupt stop. 
“That’s it, why didn’t I think of it before? Who loves cicadas AND hates Destructo, it’s Professor Yin!” He shouted almost too enthusiastically at the thought of him behind bars, but wasn’t willing to admit the slight bias in his accusation. 
“You can’t be serious Heeseung.” You crossed your arms and looked at him. 
“I’m sorry, but I’m with Heeseung on this one. It makes sense.” Sunghoon demonstrated his support which prompted them to go to the school despite your refusal. 
Eight bodies stood outside the door, quietly observing as Professor Yin placed the cicadas onto the small tree, taking out a small flute in the process. You and Niki stayed back and watched as Heeseung burst the door wide open with the other five boys following behind. 
“Aha, caught you right in the act girlfriend stealer!” Heeseung shouted louder that he would have wished, seeing as all of the boys looked at him and back at the door where you and Niki were. 
“What are you talking about?” Professor Yin stood agape and got himself up from his position. 
“You’re the cicada monster!” Jungwon’s accusation didn’t settle in considering the next few minutes developed into a massive debate between all of you, with Chief Kim and Mayor Lee arriving into the mix. 
“Enough! What is going on?” Mayor Lee broke into a booming voice and claimed a silence into the room. 
“He’s the cicada creature! You have to arrest him.” Heeseung pointed once more at the Professor and although it was audible how Mayor Lee asked him to come to the festival at 6PM if he was the creature, it still irritated the poor man. 
“I’m not the creature, and if you don’t leave, I’m pressing charges.” All of you exited the room with nothing much accomplished. 
“Look, all of you need to quit it.” Mayor Lee pressed his nose bridge as he looked at all of you. 
“We don’t have time,  it told us that we were next.” 
“That’s fantastic,” a foreign glimpse of happiness appeared on Mayor Lee’s face as he continued with his ramble, “all of you can show up at the festival tomorrow and we’ll make sure to have extra photographers! We don’t want you getting hurt for nothing!” 
Mayor Lee left with Chief Kim almost immediately, leaving all of you both clueless and lost. 
The day of the festival had commenced and all of you approached the fun booths and cicada-themed attractions. 
While looking around, you noticed Heeseung approach one of the games: whack a mole. 
“Heeseung!” he kept pounding the plastic creatures and tried his best to give no reaction. 
“Did you mean what you said yesterday? About me being your girlfriend?” 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Knowing too well about Heeseung’s struggle with expressing himself, you wrapped your arm around his and turned his face towards you. 
“Because if it is, then I’d love to go to the trap exhibit with you later.” He kept his look firm, but couldn’t help a silly grin on his face as he pulled you into a hug. 
Both of you pulled away with wide grins, but it didn’t last long when Mayor Lee approached all of you. 
“Remember if you see the creature, run here. Got it?” The eight of you made your ways to the other side of the festival, when Niki grabbed your attention while pointing at Professor Yin who was seen entering the haunted house. 
“To the haunted house!” Sunoo trailed forward and went in first. None of you were too amazed with the decorations inside. Yet again, all of you were in constant peril at least once a week. 
“This is so dumb, what are we, five.” Jake commented as you reached the end. What you didn’t expect was for a wall to appear inclosing all of you inside. The swarm of cicadas appeared and tried to consume you as you broke through the tent finding as escape. 
“Guess it wasn’t Professor Yin.” Sunghoon admitted as he saw Professor Yin who was calmly eating as the giant bug chased after him. 
“To the van!” With all your might, your tired legs dragged you to the van where Heeseung opened the back door to let the vacuum suck up all the tiny insects. 
When the swarm had finally become consumed by the machine in the van, all of you found Grandma Mimi with a white outfit. 
“What is going on here?” Chief Kim asked as he looked at Grandma Mimi who was getting her hands tied together by Jay. 
“She’s the cicada creature.” 
“But why?” 
“I’ll tell you why. When I sold my Nature O’s to Destructo, they changed the recipe to have landfill waste. Can you believe it? When I demanded they return to my original recipe, they refused. So when I saw this documentary about using sound to control penguins, I had my plan. I didn’t have penguins, but I did have cicadas. Using my device, I was able to control them. And I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn’t for you meddling young people!” 
Chief Kim escorted her into the car, leaving a frustrated Mayor Lee behind. 
“Why can’t anything in this town be real?” He complained and left as well. 
“Well, that’s another mystery solved.” Sunoo let out a cheer first, relieved at the solved crisis. 
“I’ll have to catch you guys later because y/n and I have a date.” Heeseung proudly announced before swinging his arm over your shoulder and leading you towards the car. As your two bodies started to get further away, with laughs apparent in your conversation, Sunghoon looked at his other friend Jake who had turned away. 
“You okay?” 
“Yeah, come on.” Jake swallowed the bitter feeling behind him, joining the others in celebration. 
Next- Chapter 11: Bikers and Jealousy 
Tag List: @softkons @nikisboxysmile
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potassiumk · 4 years
How Powerful is Son Goku?
     Before starting, I will show you a brief history of Goku. Goku is a son of a dying planet and was sent to planet Earth to destroy it! When Goku landed on Earth, he was still a baby, and grandpa Gohan adopted him. Grandpa Gohan accidentally dropped Goku and hit his head on a rock, Goku however, survived and had amnesia. Now he's just a boy with a heart of gold. Goku is the protagonist of the famous anime Dragon Ball. Dragon Ball showed us the life and journey of Goku and Dragon Ball to the latest arc Dragon Ball Super. In the Dragon Ball Super, we see Gods of Destruction, Angels, and other immortal beings. Ok, now let's go back to the question, how powerful is Goku? Let's start with speed, Goku in his teenage years was able to move at light speed, and we all know in Dragon Ball, the stronger, the faster. During Goku's years of training until the end of Dragon Ball Super, it was theoretically said his power could be around the septillion range. Hence, it's safe to assume that his speed could be near the septillion range. Second is strength, Goku in the Battle of Gods' arc. It stated that Goku and Beerus, the God of Destruction in Universe 7, clashed and released shockwaves that nearly destroyed the universe! Goku also fought his evil and more potent version of himself and his immortal ally. Goku also fought Jiren, who was stated stronger than all the Gods of Destruction and the strongest mortal, and finally, he was able to destroy a black hole at his weakened state. Durability, according to Newton's third law of motion, when two bodies interact, they apply forces to one another that are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. To simplify things, what force you applied will return to you, so whatever Goku can throw, he can handle it. Finally, his techniques, Goku, uses a wide variety of techniques he learned from his mentors. An example of it is Kamehameha, Destructo disc, Solar Flare, Kaioken, Spirit Bomb, and the best one, Ultra Instinct. The real deal here is Goku's Ultra Instinct. It has the power to shake the infinite void where time and space do not exist, used to defeat jiren, can dodge attacks automatically, and is considered to be strong as some Angels (Angels > Gods of Destruction). So How powerful is Goku? We can clearly say his power is in a low multiversal (able to destroy several universes). Although it was not stated in any official guide boos that Goku can destroy a multiverse since the Dragon Ball series is all about who can punch the hardest. Dragon Ball Super also has a knack of power suppression, which we can observe multiple times.
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6505-blog1 · 5 years
The Greatest Rock/Metal Albums of the 21st Century.
21st century marks the most diverse decade for rock and metal continuation. Absorbing, if not radiated by the long progenitors from Led Zeppelin who cranked up their amps and Black Sabbath that turn it out murky and sinister grim, to the dazzling theatrical persona of KISS and Motley Crue, to the new level heavy metal confronter of Judas Priest and Iron Maiden, to the head crusher of Motorhead and Metallica, to the destructo maniac of Slayer and Kreator, to the prog menu offerer of King Crimson and Tool, and finally aligned to have some peculiar layers and brooding tendency of Korn. We have come a long way. Yet our engine keeps raging.
I have cumulated the finest, the most influential, and the most prominent albums released in the new millenium by the descendents that took their predecessors to a whole different level, sustain the genre, and move myriads of people to mosh.
In a particular order:
10. Avenged Sevenfold - City of Evil (Warner Bros, 2005).
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Rolling Stones magazine has named the sonically-punk with the flames of Iron Maiden, City of Evil on the last number of their 100 Greatest Album of All Time list. That should be a fair consideration since the extravagants like Beast and the Harlot, Bat Country, and Seize the Day altogether with the rest of the setlist ultimately transced the whole level and the destiny of the band as a leading force of eliticians in not so distant future. The 11 tracks have also successfully resurrected the triumph of classic guitar virtuosso portrait demonstrated on 80's as the talisman, Synyster Gates embarked over tons of appealing riffages and dueling solos which was buried after Nirvana and grunge breaktrough on the early 90's. Veteran and Ozzy Osbourne/Black Label Society guitarist, Zakk Wylde acknowledged him as a "Torchbearer" for arguably giving a birth and cultivating the guitar culture to the next generation.
9. Behemoth - The Satanist (Nuclear Blast, 2014).
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The tenth album of Polish most profound extreme metal giant after Adam "Nergal"s battle with leukemia. Unlike the speed and precision exhibited over prior releases, the coagulated dense and horified cultish doom are found intensely throughout the setlist as to explicit the heretic messages. The result is astonishing and stronger than ever. More to add, The Satanist is pure, cathartic, flawlessly emotional, carefully-savage, and conquering by its complexity of repertoire within vivid and cinematical gradation as multi-dimensional tracks Messe Noire, In the Absence ov Light, Ora Pro Nobis Lucifer, and the leadoff Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel ravage in none but diabolical fervor. This album expansive flair has comprehensively unfolded the darkest caverns and creates the new standard of underground craftmanship.
8. Bring Me the Horizon - Sempiternal (RCA/Epitaph, 2013).
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I wouldn't believe that i need to make Sempiternal in the cut. Who would have guessed? But i will beat every negation towards it. It is the album that eventually transforms Bring Me the Horizon from bunch of hipsters to one of the most important unit in the 21st century modern rock landscape. A year and a half after the release, Oliver Sykes and co. took over the world attention of rocking Wembley Arena, the same monumental venue where Queen — one of the biggest rock band in the history — was there doing the same story. It was approximately 12.000 attendees which made Sykes stated: "So this is our biggest show ever". The soaring Can You Feel My Heart, the furious The House of Wolves, the euphoric Shadow Moses, and the melodic of Sleepwalking are undeniably the new testament of rock music.
7. Lamb of God - Ashes of the Wake (Epic, 2004).
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Count how many metal bands on the planet started after invented Laid to Rest or Now You've Got Something to Die For! It was countless. Lamb of God has became the crowned icon of "New Wave American Heavy Metal" and one of the most distinctive band in the scene. Their ferocious riffs, blistering drum works, lyrical contents, sound, even how to sing like Randy Blythe are largely imitated and seem to be the ideal menifesto of modern metal anatomy with obviously Ashes of the Wake as the highest pedestal. It contains tremendous chaos of 11 front-to-back blazing tracks immensely portrayed after Mark Morton - Willie Adler's virtuosity and of course, Chris Adler's voraciousity. Implying both abundance and how well they grasp the roots that will less likely be outnumbered.
6. Mastodon - Leviathan (Relapse, 2004).
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We are now talking (and unravelling) the true genius minds of Atlanta-based extraordinary quartet. The newborn Metallica, Mastodon — the group that always exceed anyone's expectation — has seamlessly ranged their pinaccle from sludge to prog to avant-garde to even folk with staggering exponents of highly sophisticated masterpiece. With any fruition that comes in, the sheer Leviathan is believed as the opener tap. Written after Herman Merville's 1851 novel entitled "Moby Dick", the 46-minutes concept album is nothing but endless breathtaking experience of capturing bizarre Ode to the sea soundtrack. Blood and Thunder, I Am Ahab, and Aqua Dementia are torrent of forceful yet fascinating guttural power chords with Brann Dailor's tracherous drum tempo reflecting the theme while Iron Tusk sets sail upon muscular stoner riff and Naked Burn for menacing-tactical intro and flaunted visceral jarring chorus are hulking the imagery of the beast. Until the epic Hearts Alive with a glimpse of Metallica's The Call of Ktulu patiently reigns and all the greatness rendered.
5. Evanescence - Fallen (Wind-up, 2003).
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The album that made Evanescence — a small town band from Arkansas — a megastar in the blink of an eye. It was the second semester of 2003 where the breakthrough hit single, Bring Me to Life played million times on the radio around the globe (and MTV as well) picturing the female face lead singer and her gleaming voice, Amy Lee who started the band with the co-founder guitarist, Ben Moody (though the relationship didn't survive and separation happened in the midst of suporting Fallen tour). The fame that nowhere expected begun when the terrific duo met on a camp and cliche of having the same musical taste brought them to finally sign the major label Wind-up and dominated the world stages in a brief. Fallen with the added values of enchanting piano, symphonical strings livery, and haunting soundscape that most nu-metal groups didn't have at that time effortlessly stood-out and arised in comparison to even Linkin Park. Other songs served like the down-tuned goth Going Under and the everlasting ballad My Immortal are only legitimating their popularity.
4. Ghost - Prequelle (Loma Vista, 2018).
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In our nearly five decades of heavy music, such names as Black Sabbath, Pink Floyd, Van Halen with their fantastic works and spirits have became a catalyst that will be remembered greatly in the faraway future for causing an enourmous impact to our community. Those that have bloomed and paved the way many artists to follow. And if there is a chance for this millenium bands to extend the list, Ghost will be the first to step up the grace.
This year, their most recent release Prequelle has been nominated for The Best Rock Album and its single Rats for Best Rock Song of 61st Grammy. An award that should be familiar since they have been winning it two times with Infestissumam (2013) — their second major label album — as The Best Hard Rock/Metal Album and Cirice — the single taken from previous album Meliora (2015) — as Best Metal Performance. A peak of a decade existence for one superior man behind the wheel, Tobias Forge. Appear himself as a satanic pope, Papa Emeritus I, II, III, Zero, and now with the newest fully renowned ascencion clergy Cardinal Copia has completely shaped the band's identity. But the latest Prequelle has more than to be attained to an award. Forge's admiration to film makes no surprise if any substance on the record is prone to get visualized and draw medieval realms so alive and real. He could blend joyous disco with scattered shock rock backbone for Dance Macabre, provide brilliant exotic pop-esque instrumental opus for Miasma, and close all the novelty and intellegiousness by a soothing grand finale of Life Eternal. That is the last strike.
3. Greenday - American Idiot (Reprise, 2004).
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With the overwhelmed mainstream-breaking punk rock hit single American Idiot, it was an album (a concept album, for specific) everyone knew which handfully restored a big disappointment both sales and critical of their previous release. Taking the power back after four years gap with anti-Bush vitriol narration over long and merged tracks was everything we could expect from an ambition. Performing sarkastic American-post 9/11 political singable outcry and dragging down to emotionally-related suburban decline on Holiday/Boulevard of Broken Dreams, followed by californian sunset accoustic staccato and straighforward revv Give Me Novacaine/She's A Rebel, a love story of Whatsername where a street punk main actor St. Jimmy fell and how it all ended on Homecoming.
The grandiose worths 16 millions selling CD is the anthem of this generation where a generation ago pridefully have The Clash with the classic London Calling.
2. Slipknot - Iowa (Roadrunner, 2001).
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The most brutal and confrontational album of 21st century nothing to this day can bear. That is the deal. A remorseless turmoil just from the first second of welcoming to the house of pain intro, (515) to the last 15 minutes epilogue of magnificent unrelenting drama title track, Iowa. Please recognize the insolent hate mantra "Here we go again motherfuckers" as Corey Taylor opens up and rips off anything with hammer to the face misanthropic followed track, People = Shit that seems a vulgar warning to extend the torture of their 1999 debut phenomenal self titled album. But things got tenfold. They were all damaged animals, making it excuriatingly worst instead, and wanted any living to hear them. That they fuck what trend you live up on bludgeoning bestial Heretic Anthem, that they are adamant bastards you can't bleach their darkness out on atmospherical assault New Abortion, that killing is their primal instinct on grinding jaw-breaker scorn Disasterpieces, that they are fucking obsolete machines on the scorching psychosis Everything Ends. There lies Neurosis-ian dressed Gently and never eschew Grammy nominated singles, Left Behind and My Plague.
All the violent rampage should be addressed to Ross Robinson (producer) for being able to wrap up the devastating times the band encountered in the studio and that was how its ruthless resonated the world where many people are pissed-off to everything. An absolute impossible album to be re-recorded due to its hell of organic material. Yet apart of any malevolence, Iowa is sadly, a gift to liberate your heart and soul.
Honourable mentions:
System of a Down - Toxicity (American/Columbia, 2001).
Converge - Jane Doe (Equal Vision, 2001).
My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade (Reprise, 2006).
1. Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory (Warner Bros, 2000).
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The world seriously gives us no chance to break. After Lemmy, Bowie, now we have lost the most beautiful voice that represents our generation.
May rest in peace and honour, Chester Bennington.
We miss you everyday, and we do care if someone whose time runs out is you.
The album that took nu-metal to a whole different level forever and highly contributed to shape the sound that outbursted the 21st century. For two decades, Linkin Park has became the most iconic group on the planet. Breeding the bands like Bring Me the Horizon, Asking Alexandria, and Bullet For My Valentine (with their recent 2018 album, Gravity).
Hybrid Theory (which was the actual name of the band before settling to Linkin Park) is the sublime fusion of heavy metal, alternative rock, hip-hop, pop, and electronica desired only to make a lifetime change. It is truly no derivative. Yet recalling back, it was multiple rejections of label after label before it took off with Don Gillmore (previously worked with Eve 6, Lit, Pearl Jam) to produce the album and pushed the band excessively. It was the part that would not have regretted where all they saw afterwards and going on was all miracle. 28 millions copy sold should be a very serious sensastion everyone must have a seat to talk about. A rock n roll revival after Guns N' Roses's Appetite For Destruction (1987) so to speak. With angst to fuel, Hybrid Theory yielded the catchy single opener One Step Closer, the drug abuse easer Crawling, the unhinged paranoia Papercut, and the most well-known last single sung by anyone In the End. Not to mention its cohesive supplementaries A Place For My Head, Runaway, and My December that blur the foursome due to their equivalent prowess. Admit it, Linkin Park and Hybrid Theory are the gateway to rock and heavy metal empire.
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cosmcther · 5 years
     Miscellaneous Fight Stuff!
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     Rosalina is pretty strong, I scream it to the skies just about every hour of the day, so y’all probably know this by now. But lemme list more shit in case you didn’t 👀
     Rosalina’s main physical combat method is kicking. Rosalina’s kicks are atomic in their damage output. They hit like a truck, while having pretty decent range since Rosalina is 99% leg. She can heighten their power by using some astrokinetic combat, which is enhancing physical attacks with magical abilities, which typically, for her, include kicking with a mini galaxy at her feet, raising the natural damage while adding a blistering chill to her attacks, thanks to the natural cold of outer space. She’s lithe with her flying abilities, granting her easy movement to keep the heat on her opponent by negating the need to cease her attack to move closer. She can be in constant movement when kicking, only needing to land to propel her kicks forward from forcing herself off the ground. All in all, her kicks are a force to be reckoned with, and will be her first go-to attack when in a fight fight.
     Otherwise, she’ll be using magic, and oh boy, she’s got a lot of magic abilities. I’mma just fire them off one by one without much detail because they’re pretty self-explanatory. They’re all formed off of Cosmic Energy, which can inflict burning damage. Hailstorm of cosmic spears, engulfing beams, sharp lighting bolt-like arrows that pierce and burn, low-powered and homing volleys of bullets that lay into the target from the sheer volume of them. For close combat, cosmic cutting used whenever anyone gets a little too close. It comes out in white slashes through the air, which carry a burning feeling as well as the typical slicing. And uh, I think you get the point. Star storms, meteor showers, swirling galaxies thrown like bootleg destructo discs, yada yada. 
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kacchansass · 6 years
I really want Izuku and Kacchan to have a baby with a really destructive quirk. Katsuki would be so excited to take it out on jobs. Destructo-dad and boom-baby FTW
consider: a little kiddo that can breathe explosions; her spit is nitroglycerin and she has a small organ on the roof of her mouth that can create flames, so she can basically create long range explosions
they both think it’s awesome!! however it was not awesome when it first manifested by nearly burning the house down
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Last Line Tag 🏷
Tagged by: jasperygrace 's open tag!
Tagging: soft tagging @destructo-range @arctic-oceans @kapenkoiwrites @italiangothicwriteblr and open tag!
Working on my baby Snow Knight, and it's not the last line I wrote but it's my fave bit from this session:
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“I don’t know about you, but a roof over my head and an actual bed does sound much better than a floor of mushrooms,” Lan said with a grin.
Snow lightly punched their shoulder. “You’re such a princess sometimes.” She turned to the dwarves, “Alright, we’ll stay for a bit.”
Stabby cheered and darted over, hugging her knees. She laughed, patting the top of his head.
A gray haired dwarf gasped, “MOTHER HALLYA, MY MUFFINS!” and he darted back inside with a shriek.
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nemothesurvivor · 6 years
Fictober 2018 #4: Will That Be All
Original Fiction
TW: Minor Swearing
The door slamming open tore through the silent building. A lone scavenger entered, blinking back the darkness. "Butler, prepare short range scan," she said as she looked around the entryway. "Prioritize ammo and food, secondary scans for books, toys, and anything from the Need to Pick Up List. Begin scan when ready."
"Order received, Assface," the robotic voice said from her earpiece. The scavenger started flipping couch cushions, looking for any loose change or hidden supplies. "Scan preparations complete. Initiating primary scan."
A pulse spread out from the scavenger, encompassing the entire house. "Another bust," she mumbled as the kitchen showed no pings.
"Primary scan complete," Butler said. "Initiating secondary scan." Another pulse. Several objects pinged from upstairs. "Scan complete. Detected eight objects matching set parameters. Will that be all?"
"For now," the scavenger said. She set the cushions back on the couch, then headed upstairs.
Out of the three possible rooms, only two contained pings. The scavenger checked the empty room first. A short look confirmed that the scan did not miss any objects. She then headed into the room with only two pings.
Upon entering the room, the scavenger assumed she entered the master bedroom. The pings were two books sitting on a bookshelf on the far wall. Both books were destroyed beyond readability. The scavenger glared at the hole in the roof, most likely to blame. With nothing else of interest in the master bedroom, the scavenger entered the last bedroom.
The other six pings were in a child's bedroom. Most of the pings came from a chest at the foot of the bed. The scavenger opened the chest. "Score!" she exclaimed, picking up an action figure. "Do you know just how much you're worth?" she asked the toy.
"Based off the agreement with Ms. Urot," Butler said, "deliver the toy to Ms. Urot and she will pay you five dollars, or approximately a single well-balanced meal."
The scavenger sighed as she pursed her lips. "Wasn't talking to you, Butler," she said as she started loading the toys into her pack. "But that is correct."
The last ping came from under the decaying pillow on the bed. The scavenger tossed the pillow to the floor, revealing a comic book. She squealed in excitement as flipped through the book. It was readable. "Elevated heart rate detected," Butler said. "Would you like me to scan for threats?"
"No," the scavenger said, starting to put the comic book up. She then stopped, looked around, and said, "Wait, belay that. Scan for hostiles."
"Order confirmed, Assface. Beginning scan." The scavenger stretched out on the bed and started reading the comic book. "Scan complete. No hostiles detected."
"Cool," the scavenger said. Upon seeing a character's name, the scavenger had an idea. "Butler, enable setting change."
"Setting change enabled," Butler said.
"Update my name to Madame Destructo."
"Operator identity updated. Will that be all?"
"Do a continuous scan for hostiles until otherwise noted."
"Order confirmed, Madame Destructo."
Wanna play along? Prompt list is here!
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Download Alison Wonderland - Radio Wonderland 214 for free now!
Artist: Alison Wonderland Show: Alison Wonderland – Radio Wonderland 214 Quality: 320 Kbps 48000 Khz Genre: Trap, House, Electro Source: RSS
Discover more Alison Wonderland live sets & radioshows HERE | Listen or download more Radio Wonderland episodes HERE
Alison Wonderland – Radio Wonderland 214 Tracklist
Dj & producer Alison Wonderland hosts weekly show “Radio Wonderland” playing her favorite tunes across a range of electronic genres. She will be featuring interviews and guest mixes/selections from her musical friends in a section called 808s and Mates. As well as a weekly throw back track in the Wonder Years feature. Get ready for anything.
Alison plays new music from Troyboi, Malaa, MEMBA, Hex Cougar, Dillon Francis, San Holo and more!
[1:45] Kaivon ft. Sarah de Warren – Dream [LOST IN DREAMS] [5:00] MEMBA & TZAR – Alberta [ANTNNA] [7:36] Calvin Harris ft. Tom Grennan – By Your Side [COLUMBIA] [10:06] Dillon Francis & 220 KID ft. Bryn Cristopher – Unconditional [MAD DECENT] [11:50] Hendrik Joerges & Paniik – October [JADŪ DALA] [14:20] TroyBoi & Destructo – You’re the One for Me [ALL MY FRIENDS] [17:51] Just A Gent & SAYAH – No Time Left [SELF RELEASED] [19:44] Tchami ft. Gunna – Praise (Malaa Remix) [CONFESSION] [23:22] TOKiMONSTA & VanJess – Say Yes [YOUNG ART] [26:34] Surf Mesa ft. Bipolar Sunshine – Lose My Mind [ASTRALWERKS] [28:00] John Summit & Parachute Youth – Better Than This [SWEAT IT OUT!] [32:32] STAR SEED & Tsu Nami – Ultraviolet [OPHELIA] [34:52] Dabow & Good Times Ahead – Rapido [DOME OF DOOM] [38:51] Hex Cougar & Pauline Herr & So Sus & Sejo – East Bridge [ALTER/EGO] [40:36] Rossy & We Rose – See Through [SELF RELEASED] [43:48] Au5 & HALIENE – Was It You (Mazare Remix) [ENHANCED] [46:02] Taylor Kade – Lonely [SELF RELEASED] [49:23] Jai Wolf – Hikikomori [FOREIGN FAMILY COLLECTIVE] [51:10] San Holo ft. Rivers Cuomo Of Weezer – Wheels Up [BITBIRD] [53:54] Taska Black & Violet Skies – When I Come Home [HEROIC] The Wonder Years [56:27] Mungo Jerry – In The Summertime [SANCTUARY]
The podcast Alison Wonderland – Radio Wonderland is embedded on this page from an open RSS feed. All files, descriptions, artwork and other metadata from the RSS-feed is the property of the podcast owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by EDMliveset.com.
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edmlivesets4u-blog · 3 years
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Listen or download Alison Wonderland - Radio Wonderland 214 for free now!
Artist: Alison Wonderland Show: Alison Wonderland – Radio Wonderland 214 Quality: 320 Kbps 48000 Khz Genre: Trap, House, Electro Source: RSS
Discover more Alison Wonderland live sets & radioshows HERE | Listen or download more Radio Wonderland episodes HERE
Alison Wonderland – Radio Wonderland 214 Tracklist
Dj & producer Alison Wonderland hosts weekly show “Radio Wonderland” playing her favorite tunes across a range of electronic genres. She will be featuring interviews and guest mixes/selections from her musical friends in a section called 808s and Mates. As well as a weekly throw back track in the Wonder Years feature. Get ready for anything.
Alison plays new music from Troyboi, Malaa, MEMBA, Hex Cougar, Dillon Francis, San Holo and more!
[1:45] Kaivon ft. Sarah de Warren – Dream [LOST IN DREAMS] [5:00] MEMBA & TZAR – Alberta [ANTNNA] [7:36] Calvin Harris ft. Tom Grennan – By Your Side [COLUMBIA] [10:06] Dillon Francis & 220 KID ft. Bryn Cristopher – Unconditional [MAD DECENT] [11:50] Hendrik Joerges & Paniik – October [JADŪ DALA] [14:20] TroyBoi & Destructo – You’re the One for Me [ALL MY FRIENDS] [17:51] Just A Gent & SAYAH – No Time Left [SELF RELEASED] [19:44] Tchami ft. Gunna – Praise (Malaa Remix) [CONFESSION] [23:22] TOKiMONSTA & VanJess – Say Yes [YOUNG ART] [26:34] Surf Mesa ft. Bipolar Sunshine – Lose My Mind [ASTRALWERKS] [28:00] John Summit & Parachute Youth – Better Than This [SWEAT IT OUT!] [32:32] STAR SEED & Tsu Nami – Ultraviolet [OPHELIA] [34:52] Dabow & Good Times Ahead – Rapido [DOME OF DOOM] [38:51] Hex Cougar & Pauline Herr & So Sus & Sejo – East Bridge [ALTER/EGO] [40:36] Rossy & We Rose – See Through [SELF RELEASED] [43:48] Au5 & HALIENE – Was It You (Mazare Remix) [ENHANCED] [46:02] Taylor Kade – Lonely [SELF RELEASED] [49:23] Jai Wolf – Hikikomori [FOREIGN FAMILY COLLECTIVE] [51:10] San Holo ft. Rivers Cuomo Of Weezer – Wheels Up [BITBIRD] [53:54] Taska Black & Violet Skies – When I Come Home [HEROIC] The Wonder Years [56:27] Mungo Jerry – In The Summertime [SANCTUARY]
The podcast Alison Wonderland – Radio Wonderland is embedded on this page from an open RSS feed. All files, descriptions, artwork and other metadata from the RSS-feed is the property of the podcast owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by EDMliveset.com.
Follow us on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit & VK
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Here’s to this lil guy. Now that ds1 is coming back this month (network test this friday and saturday!) dark souls 3′s days are numbered. You may recognize this item if you played through the woefully uninteresting Ashes of Ariandel dlc. Most if not all players were hoping this little destructo disc would redeem faith builds , but were let down by its weak damage. Only doing barely 260 with 60+ faith and sfbr and mornes? what a waste right? WRONG! 
This guy is a portable ranged whirligig if used properly. This amazing spell is easily my favorite offensive spell in the series. It shreds bosses. The secret is to be spaced perfectly to lodge it in their center. It will stunlock smaller enemies for a few seconds doing good damage , and comes back on the rebound! It costs very little to cast and can be spammed easily. It is my go to miracle for resident pain in the ass Ancient Wyvern. PLUS, pure physical , nothing is completely immune to it and do to its low base dmg very little is taken away from defenses. 3 of them can be used at once meaning a never ending assault , if you manage to get multiple in a bosses body it can easily do 2.5k damage for about 70 mp and 50 stamina. Plus if you hit a bosses weak point and keep it there (midirs head) it does way more than a single sunlight spear could. 
Before saying good bye to dark souls 3 , i HIGHLY recommend making a faith character and checking this guy out. It really is overlooked and deserves better. It is mostly useless for pvp however , but I have managed a handfull of victories over it.  
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Make Krillin cosplayers proud!
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