#decisions and in himself
ekat-fandom-blog · 1 year
Ghost forms
I have this theory that a ghost's form (before they can change it) after they die depends on how they saw themselves before they died and halfa's are stuck with that form until after they die a second time. (Halfa clones were never truly alive so they take the form of their parent until they destabilize/melt)
Going with this theory, Vlad saw himself as a monster (at least physically) and the two biggest monsters he associated with himself were demons (his hair) and vampires (everything else). Dani never got a chance to live or die, so she took as much of Danny's form as she could. Danny saw himself as the reverse of who he wanted to be (hence the color swap).
Where am I going with this? Well a lot of people love halfa Jason (and halfa other dc characters to a lesser extent.) Instead of color swapping Jason, what if his ghost form was just him as Bruce's son? The same kid that Batman found trying to steal the batmobile's tires. The kid that loved going to school and thought being Robin gave him magic. Not a color swapped Robin or even being the age he died at, but an 11 or 12 year old ghost of Jason Todd.
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la-esmerqlda · 11 months
I would like to thank Elon Musk for breaking the stereotype that “high functioning” autistic people are geniuses, because he’s genuinely so fucking dumb I can hardly even fathom it.
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crescentfool · 3 months
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reunion 🌸
#persona 3#persona 3 spoilers#minato arisato#makoto yuki#ryoji mochizuki#aigis#ryomina#lizzy does art#HELLO EVERYONE!!! march 5th is upon us again so i bring... my contribution for this year. my third year drawing for it!#i made the thumbnail for this a few weeks after last year's graduation day#i thought it would be fun to lean into the ryominaigis angle of graduation day (you could read this as minato/aigis if you like-#but i feel like most people would read it as ryoji/minato)#IN ANY CASE working on this made me very emotional over this game :') (specifically minato)#i really enjoy how p3 ends it's such a nice way of wrapping up the narrative's messages and themes#working on this. minato's kindness was at the forefront of my mind throughout the piece#and i really wanted to capture how. ultimately it was his decision to sacrifice himself- to do the great seal#while to an outsider's perspective it is. sad that minato passes. i think becoming the seal is something that minato-#actively welcomes. in the same way that death (ryoji) is a comfort to him because death was housed in him for Ten YearsTM#AND I ALSO GOT REALLY SAD OVER AIGIS TOO. i still get fucked up over how in fes's animated cutscene for 3/5 they portray-#her as human and not drawing the robot parts so i wanted to do something smilar here...#but also i am very sad on aigis's behalf because she discovers her humanity through minato and realizes what she-#wants to do and then. well. minato is like. he's ready to pass on (even if he's scared) and im like. OH MY GOD THIS TRIO GETS ME MESSED UP#this was more coherent in my head LOL BUT ough i like drawing p3 and working through my feelings about it...#anyway! happy (in quotations) march 5th. i love this game to bits. it's so fun to draw for this day every year and see how i've improved#if you've read all this thank you :) lizzy appreciates you all very much. mwah! <3
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junocornkiwi · 2 months
No blowing yourself up, wizard, ☝️😤
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my palladin tiefling girlie is tired of that wizard sacrificing bullshit so she's up to explain in details why this stupid mage shouldn't do dat 😤 so if Tav needs to ride him till he's unconscious she WILL
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crowdiak · 10 months
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gammija · 1 month
a nuance that gets a bit lost in martin 'murder' blackwood is that while he's definitely not against a good killing, it's more of a fun couple's activity rather than true heartfelt passion, you know?
i mean, twice he's had the opportunity to have Jonah get shanked, and he foils them, even though he wants the guy dead. Like, murder is always an option, but he usually tries other, less direct methods first - in fact id say that his trying to be clever and moral still leading up to the end of the world is exactly what drives him to say, ok well fuck it then, let's get our murder on
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tardxsblues · 1 year
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I will die, and no one else here, or anywhere, will suffer. What about me? If there was something I could do about that, I would. I guess we're both just going to have to be brave.
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a2zillustration · 2 months
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Good for you, Wyll (:
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currentlyonstandbi · 8 months
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#what if i just never emotionally recovered from this . wouldnt that be something#star wars#sw rots#revenge of the sith#rots novelization#anakin skywalker#darth vader#you know what. it's the fact that after everything that has happened anakin still chooses to stay with sidious#even after he knows all he's ever done is lie to him. is use him. is be yet another person on a list of people#who've only ever wanted him for his power#anakin HATES sidious by this point. he despises him. he wants him dead. and yet he stays#because he has no reason not to#he's destroyed everything and everyone who he's ever loved and has loved him in return#and as twisted as it is.. sidious is all he has left now. sidious and all of his anger and all of his terrible grief#so he stays . because he has no reason to leave#and it's not until rotj that anakin finds himself faced with a choice which isn't really a choice at all#because from the moment he realised luke would never join him in overthrowing sidious and ruling the empire#there was only ever one decision anakin could make#because in that moment he looked upon the last reminder of the love that existed once between him and padme and he found his reason#to finally break the cycle of violence#he couldn't kill luke because he loved him ! even among all the anger and pain and regret. anakin loved his son#and just as anakin's love drove him to the dark so too did it help guide him to the light#whatever. this novel destroyed me. gonna have 'this is how it feels to be anakin skywalker forever' on my mind for 3-5 business days
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nelkcats · 1 year
Siren's Judgment
Whenever someone died, Jason swore that he heard a song. Sometimes at the moment of death, other times during the funeral. But it was always present. He felt that it was calling him.
On one occasion, when Zatanna commented that the veil with the "dimension of the dead" was weak he heard the singing again. And he decided to follow it, perhaps on impulse.
He arrived at a cemetery, where a boy with white hair was singing softly to a grave. A small white sphere rose from the grave and the spirit of a girl formed around the sphere. She was laughing, and dancing around the boy. When the girl disappeared into thin air the boy stared his toxic green eyes at him.
"I was waiting for you Jason Todd" the boy said, not without kindness "I know you're not under my jurisdiction anymore but I'm worried, are you happy here?"
"What do you mean?" Jason muttered in confusion, he felt strangely calm but that only heightened his caution. "Who are you?"
"You can call me Danny" The halfa replied, giving up at keeping his name a secret, he knew that this particular soul was stubborn anyway "I'm the one in charge of taking the souls to the other side, but yours never wanted that, so I need to know, are you happy or no?"
"I don't know," Jason finally answered with a frown, "why do you want to know?"
"It's not important" Danny shrugged "I'll stick around until you figure it out, the veil will be weak for a couple of months anyway."
And with that said Danny stayed next to Jason, becoming visible only to him. The halfa needed to know that letting him revive was not a bad decision. And besides, he had to guide him in the path of the halfas later.
Jason just thought that the ghost of a mermaid was haunting him. He wondered if he should alert someone about that.
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hayleysummers · 20 days
have elijah haters ever stopped to consider that he’s a single mom who works two jobs? who loves her kids and never stops?
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tyrantchimeraart · 3 months
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Sometimes being a best friend means supporting your friend's decisions and offering advice. Sometimes it means screaming your head off at them for being an ABSOLUTE DUNDERHEAD, tanning their hide with your umbrella, and terrifying them into going into literal deer-in-the-headlights mode. In no particular order.
Inspired by @mocamagical's X-angel AU and some recent shenanigans with Alastor making an ass of himself. Because as Rosie herself said, no one in Hell is perfect.
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dbzkaka · 3 months
I literally dont know how to continue explaining to people that part of the reason Goku decided to stay dead was because Gohan hated fighting.
He didnt know this until cell. He literally had no idea. Gohan NEVER gave any indication whatsoever. Couple that with the fact Bulma pointed out most of people threatening the Earth during that point in time were all people wanting Goku. The saiyans. Frieza. The androids. Doctor Gero. Cell.
All because of Goku. Its not his fault but his very existence consistently put the Earth in danger. He truly believed Earth would be safer without him and therefore, gohan wouldnt be consistently placed into battle.
Because Goku didnt know gohan hated fighting. But once he knew came the very interwoven nature of these threats he brought making his own son fight because gohan felt he HAD to. Not because he wanted to. For goku, protecting the earth always aligned with his own love for fighting. But gohan fought out of necessity, out of the very idea that they couldnt afford to do it without him. He has this power he didnt ask for so he must use it right? Because it would be selfish if he didnt.
But goku... goku thought gohan was like him. Gohan WANTED to return to help fight vegeta. He WANTED to go to namek. He WANTED to stay and fight after piccolo almost died to frieza. Goku didnt see gohan train that first year. Didnt witness what it took to make gohan a fighter. All he saw was his son who now was strong and wanted to join the fight like his dad. And he knows gohan is more powerful than them, knows he can stop cell, FELT IT. Gohan has to defeat cell because no one else can. So he thinks if gohan gets angry enough fighting cell, itll be the answer. Because thats how its always been for goku. And in thirty seconds piccolo makes him realize he's wrong. He doesnt argue back, he listens and concedes and realizes that piccolo is right. And suddenly goku wants to abandon his plan and stop the fight. He made a mistake. He intends to get gohan out. And in the end, he still ended up being right, but it doesnt change what goku now knows. Gohan isnt like him and he doesnt enjoy fighting.
Goku would have NEVER made gohan fight if he thought he didnt want to. You know this whenever adult gohan gets involved in a fight and goku apologizes that he had to. Or when someone suggests gohan for a battle and goku is like nah he's "out of practice," even when they have time FOR PRACTICE. He never wants to force gohan into a situation like cell again. Because cell was a mistake and goku has learned from it. So he never asks Gohan to fight anymore. If Gohan wants in then of course he's in. But he wants his son to be able to choose that. He wants gohan to be HAPPY and if thats not fighting then thats perfectly alright with goku.
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So it wasnt just about keeping the earth safe. Or his friends. It was knowing that in the safety of gokus absence, gohan wouldnt have to fight either. There would be less threats, less chances of his son being forced into battle. And sure he also trusted that gohan and the others could keep the earth safe if they had to, but he was banking on the threat level significantly decreasing instead.
And decrease it did. They had seven whole years of peace. Not a single threat. Meanwhile from the moment Raditz shows up to gokus death to cell, it all takes place within the span of FIVE YEARS. The longest they went without a threat was the three year gap spent training for the androids. And they spent every waking moment knowing they were coming.
And then if you look at trunks future... majority of the human population being wiped out by the androids. Majority of gokus friends. His son. All dead. Because of him. Because he defeated the red ribbon army when he was a child. And that very easily could have been their future as well. So Goku does his job in preventing that. He saves all of them. And if hes the only one who ends up dead, well... it doesnt matter. Because they aren't. And he intends to keep it that way. So he stays in otherworld, to keep them safe and to give his son a future that he can choose. If Gohan has to fight, then he can. But at least his father wouldnt be the one bringing the threats to his door.
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tiarnanabhfainni · 7 months
i loved the part of the book where piranesi resolves to take better care of himself while he's rediscovering his own history. he just has so much compassion for himself! the journal upsets him so he takes a week off and does things he enjoys and then he settles into a safe place when he wants to tackle the subject again. and he doesn't believe The Other when he's told about his amnesia! he values his own insights and his own knowledge of the House even when fucking ketterley is actively trying to undermine his sense of self. piranesi's gentle treatment of himself and the person he used to be is genuinely so moving.
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seagreenstardust · 1 year
When Katsuki Bakugo needed saving, Izuku came up with a plan where Todoroki, Iida, and Kirishima went rocketing across the sky to reach him.
When Izuku Midoriya needed saving, it was Katsuki, Todoroki, and Iida who went rocketing across the sky to reach him.
Both times, our Twin Stars decided to set their own needs aside and allow the other’s trusted friend to take the lead in bringing them home. Izuku knew Kirishima was the right choice to get Katsuki away from the league quickly and safely, and Katsuki knew Iida was the better man for the job of catching up to Izuku and bringing him back.
Can we please just take a moment to appreciate the parallels. Please.
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very intrigued by the people saying shane can't have agreed to this, he's being forced, look how miserable he looks etc etc, as if he's not a full grown man who has a say in things and who cofounded this company together with steven and ryan to begin with.
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