yogastacks · 2 years
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FOLLOW:- @yogastacks for more content #yogacoach #healthandwellness #healthandwellnesscoach #healthcoaching #wellnesscoaching #fitnesscoaching #healthandfitness #healthcoach #wellnesscoach #yogainspiration #yogapractice #yogatutorial #yogadaily #dailycupofyoga #physicalhealthawareness #healthawareness #yogajourney #healingjourney #physicalhealth #mindbodysoul #yogastacks #yogatips #yogaforbeginners #yogacommunity #yogagoals https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgtv93iJxa5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dailycupofyoga · 5 years
3 Ways to Overcome Self-Sabotage
3 Ways to Overcome Self-Sabotage... latest by @inspiredyogagal on @DailyCupofYoga
Don’t you just love all the positive “SELF” compound words: Self-Love, Self-Confidence, Self-Awareness, Self-Esteem, Self-Acceptance, Self-Worth, Self-Care and so on. I appreciate these because of the experience I’ve had with that other self-word. Self-Sabotage.
New York Times #1 best selling author Debbie Ford writes,“Overcoming self-sabotage…is one of the most important conversations you’ll…
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#yogatime Just finished my workout for today. Feeling fine. Love #yoga 🤗 🤗 # #spirituality #yogapose #LikesWithTags #yogafit #instayoga #yogahigh #igyoga #yogalife #yogagirl #stopdropanddoyoga @LikesWithTags @dailycupofyoga #namaste #bliss #positivevibes #tinyadventures #gratitude #lovelife #goodhealth #happiness #yogaeverydamndaygoals https://www.instagram.com/p/B3ScinXHMn7/?igshid=1lth116tn50dq
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anandashram · 5 years
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Going Beyond #Reincarnation The Secret of #Patanjali Yoga Sutras | @anandkrishnaindo https://youtu.be/q_StZf6hWFQ #YogaPatanjali #YogaSutra #YogaTeacher #Spiritual #Enlightenment @YogaNews @YogaWorks @DailyCupofYoga @YogaAlliance @OMYogaMagazine @YogaTree @moayush @cgibali https://www.instagram.com/p/BwvNKGZgM0J/?igshid=1ja0i78fnmqa8
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inthatstateofgrace · 6 years
Minimizing On and Off the Mat
I recently moved into a granny flat close to the yoga studio where I teach. Although the circumstances for my sudden move were complicated, it was the simplest house-hunting experience of my adult life. I found the ad in the morning, and walked around the sixties-built room with Brady Bunch shelves and shaggy, mustard yellow carpet in the afternoon. The elderly owner Jim, with silver hair and Viking-blue eyes, evaluated me from the porch of the main house. He told me of the roses, figs, and tomatoes in the garden, the native birds that gather in the morning, and how the squeaky Hills Hoist in the yard was to share. I sensed a soft heart, and by that evening, had a lease waiting in my inbox.
The process of minimizing everything I had amassed, and so naively dragged from house to house over the years, was almost hauntingly as simple. I let go of stately furniture, and cheaply parted with memory-soaked trinkets with the knowledge they were of value to someone new. The heavy marble chess set haggled in Kabul, the overpriced, sleek camera tripod from Seoul. Mt. Wolf’s ���Exit’ lyrics help explain the ease of these partings:
‘He who is easy to serve, swiftly finds peace. The more complicated we make ourselves, the more complicated is our idea of ourselves. The more we perceive our needs to be, the more of a burden it will be to this planet.’
During the weeks that followed, I realized how resolutely the stars had planted me in the granny flat. Jim is eighty, and lives alone in the house he built decades ago when he oversaw a vast building empire. One day, as I left home to teach, I learned that Jim is also a yogi and life-long meditator. He has read Autobiography of a Yogi, which I am yet to close, eight times over. On his months-long winter caravan trips around Australia, he pulls over for ten minute meditation sessions, sinking so deeply into his breath that he has to pinch himself to physically awaken; tenfold recharged for the drive ahead.
No matter what time of day I see Jim, he is 100 percent focussed on a task. Polishing his car, pruning the rose bushes, sweeping the deck, shampooing rugs, re-wiring trailer brakes, clearing dead leaves from the yard. These are not dreaded chores that get in the way of grander ideas of ‘living.’ They are, in fact, the things that make up life. I ask myself, when did we start to see tasks like cooking a homemade meal in over thirty minutes as obstacles to life? Is nourishment not a primal, vital part of living?
As I move through my own practice now, these ideas have awakened on my mat. There is no perfect outcome of a pose, no resplendent shape to hurry towards. Whatever contours I form on a given day is my own perfect experience to fully own in that moment. And as I teach, I encourage the same of my students. Let yourself land simply where you are meant to be. No need to complicate the breath or the pose. There is life in the transitions.
Minimize your things, simplify your ideas of life’s moments, and humble your mind in the physical pose.
‘He who is easy to serve, swiftly finds peace, and is already close to happiness.’
Editor’s note: This is a guest post by Shannon Leah, a civil servant and part-time yoga teacher at Here. Wellbeing in Canberra, Australia. Her mission is to help people de-mystify the philosophy of yoga by exploring concepts through the breath and postures. She loves exploring the world and living simply.
Photo credit: Manduka on Instagram
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The simplicity of yoga… A photo posted by Daily Cup of Yoga (@dailycupofyoga) on Jun 21, 2016 at 4:28pm PDT Yoga is the essence of simplicity. Stand tall, ...
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jeepsy-yogi · 6 years
Welcome To Yoga
We’ve all been there, our first yoga class…..
Are you nervous? Don’t be!!  Even though its perfectly natural.
First things first though – congratulations on making it this far; I honor your courage and I am very proud of you!!! It takes courage to try something new, and you should be proud of yourself for stepping outside of your comfort zone.  I will be here for you along the way.
You may be asking yourself… what should you expect in your first class, and what do you need to know before stepping into a yoga studio?
No worries, I have answers….
What to Wear You don’t need to be dressed in tight-yoga pants to fit in. When it comes to your attire, just make sure they’re comfortable, light, and breathable. Also remember, yoga is practiced in bare feet – make sure you take your shoes off in the lobby!
What to Bring A mat is really the only essential item you’ll need. As you develop your practice, your mat becomes a sort-of extension of yourself. If you don’t want to invest in one right away, that’s OK, there are loaners available. A water bottle is the other item you are encouraged to bring.
Depending on the type of class you take, blocks, straps, blankets, or therapy balls may also be used. These items are free for you to use.
What Should I Eat Before Yoga? Staying hydrated is the most important thing. A light snack and glass of water will prevent you from feeling faint, and also help your body keep up with the physical demands of your practice. Stay away from heavy carbs though – your stomach will thank you.
Arrive Early No, really. Get to class early. Yoga is all about escaping the chaos and tuning out the hustle and bustle of everyday life, and instructors take this very seriously. Arriving early also affords you prime real estate when selecting your mat space. 15 minutes early would be ideal....
What if I Can’t Do a Pose?
Then don’t. Yoga is a personal journey, and the studio is a judgment-free zone. That’s the cool thing about it. If you don’t feel comfortable in a pose, simply go into child’s pose or downdog (YES, downdog is a resting pose). When you’re ready to continue, join the rest of the class.  Most poses have modifications you can do and build-up to full expression of pose.  
Note: everybody’s BODY is different and not every BODY can do every pose.
Savasana, Namaste and other Yoga Words....
You’ll likely hear words throughout your practice that you won’t necessarily understand. Don’t worry though, you don’t need to get a translator to translate them.
Savasana is how you end your practice – laying on your back on your mat with your eyes closed.
Namaste translates loosely to, “the light within me honors the light within you.” It’s said aloud collectively at the end of practice, while sitting cross-legged with your palms pressed together at your chest.
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There is a strict no cellphone policy. So no, you won’t be able to snap a pic for Instagram. What you will leave with though, is clarity and a renewed sense of stillness. I think you’ll find yoga to be a highly spiritual personal journey, and even a bit of an addiction.
 visit me @creekside 
Quotes taken from @dailycupofyoga &  Tieja MacLaughlin
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thegnc · 7 years
Feeling tired? How #Yoga Gives You Better Sleep, via @DailyCupofYoga https://t.co/b2Zlyk298W #wellness #wellbeing
— The Good News Cafe (@thegoodnewscafe) June 5, 2017
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Blog Review
   The blog that caught my eye “Daily Cup of Yoga” shows how yoga can help cut down anxiety, help put you to sleep, and overall just feel more laid back and relaxed. What grabbed my attention with this blog is how they go into detail on how yoga can help with certain problems you may be facing (anxiety, sleeping problems, ect), they show pictures and videos to help show you what the poses should look like, and also give you links to different social media accounts you can follow to keep up with different yoga exercises. The creator organized this blog very well, making it visually appealing as well. I think adding more color to the blog, or even giving it a bigger and better header could help this blog a lot. Overall I think this blog is great to reflect on and learn how yoga is more than just some exercise.  
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yogastacks · 2 years
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SWIPE FOR MORE >>> Follow @yogastacks and don't forget to save this #yoga #yogaforbeginners #beginneryoga #yogatips #healthtips #yogaguide #lettersbylamise #yogaquotes #yogadaily #yogacoach #healthandwellness #healthandfitness #healthcoach #wellnesscoach #yogainspiration #yogapractice #yogatutorial #yogalifestyle #dailycupofyoga #fitnesslifestyle #healthawareness #yogajourney #healingjourney #physicalhealth #mindbodysoul #yogastacks #yogacommunity #yogagoals https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgo0L8Dpo83/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dailycupofyoga · 5 years
Stop Settling: Uplevel Your Intentions
Stop Settling: Uplevel Your Intentions...latest by @inspiredyogagal on @DailyCupofYoga
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Guest post by Silvia Mordini
The quality of our intentions influences the quality of our lives. Successful business people, athletes and artists all sing a similar song when it comes to setting your intentions high. Yoga helps in this way by teaching us to make precise, high quality efforts. This practice inspires you to expand beyond the ordinary, living up to your greatest potential.
Having an…
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anandashram · 5 years
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Video Lesson #Patanjali #Yoga #Sutra 01.01-02 #Consciousness #Alteration - beyond #Artificial #Intelligence https://youtu.be/pJWkvobLoMw #AnandKrishna @Anand_Krishna_ #YogaPatanjali #YogaSutra @yogadailynews @yogaworks @dailycupofyoga @yogaalliance @omyogamagazine @yogatreesf https://www.instagram.com/p/BuxHXAfA952/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=x4d8uohy7ck5
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girlseeksyoga · 11 years
SUCH a great blog 
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quiltazenlife · 12 years
Here is an interesting article by Daily Cup of Yoga on how yoga can help improve depression symptoms. 
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yogastacks · 2 years
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" STRETCH your body to expand your FLEXIBILITY STRETCH your mind to expand your SOUL. " If you stretch your body and mind regularly and correctly,you will find that every moment and every tasks in a day easier. #yogastacks #yogatrainer #yogisofinstagram #yogisgrounded #yogisgratitudeattitude #stretchingyoga #yogastretching #ardhamatsyendrasana #halflordofthefishespose #halflordofthefishes #dailycupofyoga #fridayyoga #yogavibes #dailyyogadairy #dailyyogapose #yogagram #yogateacher https://www.instagram.com/p/CfLVTzBPya8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yogastacks · 2 years
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"Falling out of a posture means you are a human, Getting back again to the posture means you are turned to a YOGI". Yoga raised me to a new level of balance and competence in all aspects of LIFE. 💪⚖️〰️ #dailyyogachallenge #dailyyogatips #dailyyogaposes #moreyogamorelove #8anglepose #mondayyoga #mondaymotivation #yogafitnessmotivation #moreyogabetterworld #balancepose #balance #fitness #flexibility #yogisofinstagram #yogis #yogisgrounded #armbalance #armbalancing #dailyyogajourney #astavakrasana #yogastacks #dailyyogastretches #moreyogalessstress #dailyyogasession #dailyyogapic #yogabalance #dailycupofyoga #yoga #yogainsta https://www.instagram.com/p/CflVreivgNj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yogastacks · 3 years
Today day with rainy 🌧️ and cool❄️🏔️ climate, Im in Padmasana position and chanting "OM"🕉️ for sometime and relaxing my body and mind.
#padmasana #padmasanavariation #lotusthrone #lotuspose #lotusposevariation #yogafitnessmotivation #yogagreen #yogarain #yogainsta #yogatamil #suptapadmasana #guptapadmasana #dailycupofyoga
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