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I can hold dancer for a minute. What helps me hold this pose is holding onto an object to give me balance and also keeping my leg as high up as I can. I’d like to be able to hold this pose for 2 minutes or longer.
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Tuna Salad Pita
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Light Spinach Pesto and Whole Wheat Pasta
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Fueling your body as a Yogi
Eating energizing foods help fuel your energy and fasten your metabolism, giving you strength and helps your mood positively. Healthy foods help keep you alive longer, give you health benefits, mood benefits, detox your body of poisons/chemicals, fruits contain antioxidants to help your mood and break down foods.
Tuna Salad Pita - I chose this recipe because I absolutely love tuna, I eat tuna sandwiches like no other, but the mayo used in the sandwich racks up calories fast. For this recipe, the protein packed tuna sandwich reduces fat and calories but not flavor. The protein used in this meal gives you energy and even put you in a better mood.
Light Spinach Pesto and Whole Wheat Pasta - This recipe caught my eye because of how healthy it looks. The spinach, whole wheat pasta, and olive oil are all energizing foods to keep you going throughout the day.
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The pose I am making is called Dancer. During spring break I spent my time at work, so this is taken outside of TGI Fridays.
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Inspiring Yoga Quotes
”Inhale the future, exhale the past”
This quote reminds me what yoga is all about, relaxation and creating a positive mood. This quote inspires me to stay calm during my practice and reminds me to breathe. The lantern I created represents light, light is a big symbol in yoga. One place it can be seen is in the name Hatha Yoga, which is the type of yoga we practice in class. Hatha means sun and moon. Another place the symbol of light is seen is in Namaste, meaning “My soul honors your soul. I honor the place in you where the entire universe resides. I honor the light, love, truth, beauty, & peace within you, because it is also within you. In sharing these things we are united, we are the same. We are one.”
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The pose I am holding is called the Crane Pose, what helps me to hold this is to keep my knees close to my armpits as possible to hold a balance. I can hold this for 15 seconds, but my goal is to be able to hold it for over a minute.
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Hatha yoga
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History of Yoga
  Yoga can be traced back around 5,000 years ago in India by the Indus-Sarasvati. Modern yoga is more focused on the physical parts of your body, while traditional is mind. Hatha, meaning forceful,  is an example of a more traditional type of yoga that focuses more on your breathing control and physical exercise. Hatha yoga has 2 symbols, sun and moon, the sun representing positive energy, and the moon representing a receptive and magnetic energy. Hot yoga, Bikram, Hatha, and Vinyasa are a few of the different styles of yoga that have different a different atmosphere or level of difficulty. In my opinion, I’ve always thought Hot Yoga was more relaxing and I always feel great when its over.
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Blog Review
   The blog that caught my eye “Daily Cup of Yoga” shows how yoga can help cut down anxiety, help put you to sleep, and overall just feel more laid back and relaxed. What grabbed my attention with this blog is how they go into detail on how yoga can help with certain problems you may be facing (anxiety, sleeping problems, ect), they show pictures and videos to help show you what the poses should look like, and also give you links to different social media accounts you can follow to keep up with different yoga exercises. The creator organized this blog very well, making it visually appealing as well. I think adding more color to the blog, or even giving it a bigger and better header could help this blog a lot. Overall I think this blog is great to reflect on and learn how yoga is more than just some exercise.  
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