#cypher a few days ago
syxnewt · 1 year
my toxic trait is having one good game with a character and thinking im amazing with them
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sovasleepy · 1 month
hot and cold
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[gekko x gn!reader] - you're an agent with such a seemingly cold exterior - both physical and metaphorical - but being gekko’s saving grace might change some minds about you.
warnings: the agents kinda make assumptions about the reader, a little hurt/comfort if you squint real hard. brief mentions of injuries, unconsciousness, very minor swearing
notes: tbh a “reyna being a motherly figure to gekko” vibe popped out a little too hard but i digress. requested by anon, i hope you enjoy!
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kingdom's agents were well trained.
from the freezing temperatures of russia, to the most humid days on bermudian islands, the agents were resilient to all types of weather. today wasn't supposed to be particularly challenging in that aspect. a routine mission in some section of los angeles didn't sound particularly hot.
in fact, it had been the least of your worries about two hours ago.
you respected all of the agents on the protocol, especially considering the facts that not only were you newest addition, but some of the agents on this particular trip were among the first.
reyna, omen, cypher, and gekko stood next to you as the jet approached the site you were landing at. it felt almost childish to you that you were more nervous to be around your own coworkers than you were thinking about the fact that you could be lying dead any minute now.
they hadn’t ever directly been mean to you.
omen, bless him, was never any good at showing too much concern so you didn’t mind the cold shoulder you often felt from him.
cypher had his own secretive issues, and so did reyna.
that said, you never quite found your place amongst the agents. granted, you hadn’t been here too long, but the creeping and perpetual sense of being unwanted bothered you. to add to this, your abilities directly harmed the abilities of other agents. thus, your training sessions were always against your coworkers, which didn't always seem to sit well.
speaking technically, your ability did revolve around the manipulation of heat just like phoenix's did... only, you controlled the absence of it. the reaction of his abilities made fire, and yours made ice. this meant that you and phoenix either paired a little too well.
or not at all, depending on how one wants to look at it.
and then there were the other agents. kay/o's body produced a little heat, but ultimately couldn't produce enough to shake the ice. the same for killjoy's bots, cypher's tech, chamber's utility, sova's bow, even harbor's water.
and so you began keeping to yourself.
except for on missions, when communication was key. only your communications were down, and had been for some time.
the only people you could find were dead. slouched, bloodied bodies against buildings or in doorways seemed to mock you. luckily, none of them had been the faces of those on the mission with you.
that was until you heard a weak warbling. you called back to whatever created had made the noise, and was met with another weaker sound. still, you followed the creatures direction. after a few moments of sifting through debris, you were met with the dusty and bloody face of gekko.
dizzy sat curled up in his lap. his arm was limp, but bent as if he had been holding her close. for a brief moment, you thought he was dead. however, his chest rose and fell and slow, scarily shallow breaths. he was alive at least. the next thing on your agenda was to find the source of his unconsciousness, and hopefully stop it.
you knelt down to his level. he was slouched against the wall, head lolled to his left. there were splotches of dried blood on him, just the occasional mark on his clothing or his skin, but it didn't appear to be his.
his outer thigh had a darker patch of blood, thicker and definitely coming from him. however, the wound didn’t seem like it would be severe enough to have led to his current state. something else was wrong.
you continued to inspect him. his skin was pale, but cold and sweaty. this had to be the cause, right? but there was something deeper than that, those were simply more symptoms. you looked around and observed where gekko was. the trail in the dirt around him wasn’t footsteps, but was instead the markings of gekko half-dragging himself to where he was sat.
but yet he wasn’t in any danger at the time. the only pair of footsteps that had been close to him belonged to an already-dead enemy. so he dragged himself there for what? the shade that surrounding buildings and debris provided?
of course.
your alignment with the cold also gave you the benefit of not feeling the heat so harshly. it was the middle of a californian summer afternoon, of course it was hot.
heat exhaustion. that’s what was wrong with him.
you allowed yourself to feel the cool of chilled air surround your arms. you passed a hand over dizzy and wingman, who made weak noises of thanks. as much as you would like to help them, gekko needed you more right now.
you sat down beside him and pulled him onto your lap, his head on your stomach and him situated half on and half between your legs. you didn't want to turn him too cold too quickly, worried that the rapid change might cause him more harm. to the best of your ability, you slowly chilled your own body and the air around you.
one hand was placed on his forehead and the other arm hung over chest in an attempt to disperse the cool. dizzy, apparently feeling better, wormed her way up under his feet. elevating his legs was supposed to help too, right? maybe she knew that.
faintly, you heard a noise come from gekko’s earpiece.
“mateo? answer me, mateo. are you okay?”
the voice belonged to reyna. you hadn’t enteracted with her as much as you would’ve liked, but you respected her nonetheless.
you took your hand away from his forehead. after unbinding your own broken earpiece and tossing it, you leaned down to get closer to his. pressing the small button on the side, you spoke into it.
“hello? this is y/n. gekko is with me. i think he’s going to be fine, but he’s unconscious, and i really don’t know what i’m doing.”
“y/n?” the voice belonged to cypher this time. “how about you? are you alright? your communications and vital signs went down. we thought we lost you.”
“i’m… okay, i think? a few bumps and bruises, but nothing too bad apart from the earpiece i’ll be paying for.”
“good.” reyna spoke again. “omen is here, too. we have mateo’s location and we’re on our way. a medic is with us. just keep him alive until then.”
“got it.”
rushed as it may be, the concern they showed you warmed your heart. but everything felt like it was going to be okay. help was on its way, everyone was alive, and the mission was successful.
“just me and you guys,” you spoke, looking down at wingman and dizzy, who looked equally worried.
true to their word, the jet landed close to you roughly three minutes later. reyna was the first one to step foot off the aircraft, and the next thirty minutes went by in a blur. when your brain finally settled from its adrenaline high, you plopped down in a chair next to gekko’s bed in the makeshift-infirmary of the jet. reyna stood at the end of the bed. her arms were crossed and she wore her usual stern and hard-to-read face.
“the doctor said he was be alright, y’know.” she spoke after what felt like twenty minutes of comfortable silence.
you looked up from where you had been spaced out, staring at gekko. wingman was on the floor at your feet and you were absently letting him play with your fingers. however, he stopped to look up at reyna too.
“i hope so. i was… scared. honestly, i was beginning to think you guys would have left me. not that i would blame you. everything was down, you had every right to assume i was dead.”
“never.” she spoke. there was a chilling certainty in her voice. “you are an asset.”
“i suppose.” you paused for a beat, debating whether or not to finish your sentence. “i adore you guys. all of you. i think i just have a hard time finding my value to you all.”
you were met with silence. it festered, feeding the anxiety already unfurling within your chest. finally, reyna spoke again.
“admittedly, it’s hard to join the protocol and feel like you fit in. mateo felt the same way when he first joined, too, but the feeling goes away eventually. he wanted to speak to you, y’know?”
“he did?”
“all the time. he has this… fantastical way about him when he speaks about you. like he has all these… emotions or something built up, and instead of talking to you he’s trying to fit them all into two sentences while i’m still drinking my damn coffee.”
you couldn’t help but smile. you were always so nervous to talk to him, yet you never took the time to consider the fact that maybe he was nervous to talk to you too.
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art-missy · 2 months
Overwhelmed (Gekko x Reader)
Part. 1 Part. 3
Part. 2
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Sorry in advance for my terrible English. I'm actually more of an English reader and listener than an actual speaker or writer. I also apologize for the dull writing style that could seem quite childish. I just wanted to test something by posting this.
If a few months ago somebody had told you that you would be spotted by a secret organization whose job is to protect your world against the threat of agents from another dimension, you would have laughed so hard that your guts would have spitted out. If that ‘somebody’ had continued with the fact that this organization would contact you in some way to recruit you just because you maybe took down a K-SEC facility by yourself and also because your skills interested them, you would have told them to sell their idea to a filmmaker. If that ‘somebody’ had then insisted that you would spend one of your days off with a few other agents of that organization by watching Disney movies and hearing them sing their guts out, you would have told them to stop.
Well, look at you now, exchanging astounded glances with Iso as Neon reached a note so terrifying that you were pretty sure she could have won the Oscar of the best scream in a horror movie. You were slightly worried about the state of her vocal cords. 
“And she’s not even drunk.” Muttered Yoru when he saw your dumbfounded expression as he finished his can of soda. Phoenix let out a booming laugh and nudged your and Iso’s arms playfully.
What the hell were you doing here ? You were so at peace in your hideout. How did Valorant find you ? Oh yeah. Cypher. No one can hide from the Moroccan sentinel and you understood it quite quickly when he appeared in each of your hideouts everytime you tried to run away. Hard to hide from someone whose eyes are literally everywhere. It has been quite hard for him too to convince you that the intentions of Valorant were noble when he appeared each time in the middle of the night like a sleep paralysis demon. The process of convincing you had been long and hard but Cypher was patient and quite stubborn. Especially when it came to visiting each of your hideouts (even the one under the Mediterranean Sea) and finishing all your different packs of tea. Well, at least you had now Big Brother as a mentor.
You jolted a little, startled when Raze and Killjoy suddenly stood up to start a duet while waltzing around the room. The level of love and affection in their eyes made you wonder if they weren't from a Disney movie themselves. You could literally see their eyes changing form to turn into hearts as their souls were screaming ‘I love you’ in their respective languages. And you found it adorable despite your exhaustion.
Jett playfully threw some popcorn at the couple, telling them to get a room. You’re pretty sure she didn't notice the few candy and crumbs of snacks in her ponytail. 
Clove were jumping on the different bean bag chairs, singing as if their life depended on it while Wingman cheered at their antics.
And you, you let out a small sigh as you took a sip of your bubbletea. All this chaos because of Frozen.
You swore that if you heard the songs ‘Love is an open door’ or ‘Let it go’ again, you would go apeshit.
You maybe should have join Deadlock for a reading session in her quarters instead of accepting Gekko’s invitation. Or just listening to music in your room. Or maybe drawing. You were certain that it would have been more peaceful and less mentally draining than this Disney night. And when you shared another glance with Iso, you knew he thought the same thing. It was visibly way too much for your introverted asses.
“Hey,” Gekko put a gentle hand on your shoulder. “Are you okay ?”
You shot him a tired look. 
You sometimes miss your old life. You missed your different hideouts where you could see the sunset over the mountains, the sea creatures under the Mediterranean Sea, the snow in the Siberian desert or the rain falling on the trees of a random forest. Where you didn't have to interact with people every single day of the week.
You loved the Valorant protocol and you got along with the people you met there. But sometimes it was too much. You took down this K-SEC facility because you knew how shady the experimentations they were running were, not because you wanted to attract the attention of a secret organization. You sometimes resented Cypher for finding you, for stealing you from these calm moments, even though you knew that you accepted to be an agent of Valorant of your own free will and for a good cause. 
“Hey,” Repeated Gekko. “Are you okay ?”
You gently pushed his hand off your shoulder and stood up from your bean bag chair.
“Sorry.” You muttered.
And you rushed out of the room as Gekko called for you, his tone full of worry. You speed-walked towards the garden of the base, putting your headphones on your ears and slightly relaxing when the music reached your brain. You took a deep breath and the wind caressed your skin as you finally walked into the gardens. You took off your shoes and let the grass tickle your bare feet. The night sky watched over you as you finally took a seat on a bench.
You felt better. You breathed better. You lived better. The music in your ears relaxed your muscles, and the wind murmured on your skin, bringing the fragrance of the different flowers of the garden. You definitely had to compliment Sky and Sage. 
Your phone suddenly vibrated and you noticed that Iso sent you a link to a playlist. 
⟨Here. To relax your nerves.⟩
You internally smiled and sent a text message to the Chinese duelist to thank him. You started the playlist and relaxed even more when the first note of the first song reached your ears. Iso really did have good taste in music.
You were about to close your eyes when you suddenly felt a finger patting your shoulder. You jolted a little and turned your head to the side to see Cypher’s blue lenses staring back at you. You pulled your headphones down and raised an eyebrow at him.
“Big Brother is watching me ?” 
The sentinel let out a small chuckle and sat down beside you, a trap wire traveling on his knuckles.
“Overwhelmed ?”
“No shit, Sherlock.”
“I thought I was Big Brother.”
You rolled your eyes but a small smile tugged the corners of your lips. You leaned on the backrest of the bench and let out a deep sigh.
“I’m not in the mood for a game of chess, Cypher.” 
The masked man nodded and hummed softly.
“I suspected it.”
“Then why are you here, Optimus Prime ?” You groaned, stretching your arms over your head.
Cypher’s head tilted slightly and by his body language you suspected a smirk to be present under his mask.
“To check on you, dear.”
You raised a skeptical eyebrow and your eyes squinted slightly.
“Right. And may I ask why, dear ?” You scoffed as you rolled your eyes again. “Wait. Let me guess. You saw me walking away from the common room through these cute little cameras of yours, got curious when you couldn't see me then came here.” You interrupted yourself then shook your head. “Nope. There are also cameras in the garden. Then why did you come here ?”
Cypher let out another small chuckle and patted your head with an odd but paternal affection. 
“Look who’s playing Sherlock, now.” 
You let out an annoyed groan as you tried to push his hand away from your head but Cypher’s mood stayed playful.
“What kind of mentor would I be if I didn't worry about my protégé ?”
You snorted but nodded with a sarcastic smile.“More of a stalker than a mentor.” 
“A stalker who is worried about you, then.”
You couldn't see it but you heard the soft smile in his voice. He leaned a bit more towards you, the brim of his long hat hid you from the night sky and the usual faint glow of his blue lenses looked like two little will-o’-the-wisps in the obscurity of the garden. It reminded you of the first time you met each other, a few days after you took down this K-SEC facility. It was in a dark alleyway and the first thing you saw was these blue lenses before you could make out his long and slender figure. But because of his long hat and the darkness of the alleyway, you had almost taken him for a mutated palm tree. Even today you facepalmed yourself when you remembered those thoughts as your eyes stared into his lenses.
“Who eats alone, chokes alone.” He finally whispered with a conspiratorial tone. Something was telling you that he winked under his mask.
“What ?” You facepalmed.
“It’s an Arabic proverb.” He leaned back and his head tilted again. “Loneliness is neither your ally, nor your enemy. It is impartial. In your case, you use it to recharge yourself, but it can also drain you without you noticing, making you depend on it. Use your loneliness but don’t be alone.” His voice dropped a few octaves lower and you felt his eyes sinking deeply into yours. “Use your balance.”
Something was telling you that he was speaking from experience. A slight twitch in his body language maybe. Or a tiny heaviness in his already thick accent, indication of the unusual emotions in his voice. And you realized just now how little you knew about your mentor.
Cypher nodded, as if satisfied by your visible confusion, stood up from the bench and started to walk away.
“Wait a minute, Darth Vader !” You exclaimed, pointing a frustrated finger at him. “I don't speak proverbial shit and neither does google translate. Come back here or I’ll tell Sky you put cameras in the garden !”
Cypher kept walking away, humming a soft tune.
“Speaking of balance…”
“I don’t understand the proverbial shit, you cheap Cyberpunk shit !”
“Have a good night, dear.” He turned towards you briefly. “Oh, and your strawberry teas are delicious.”
This fucker.
He kept walking away until going back inside and you suddenly heard hurried footsteps. You turned your head and saw Gekko and Wingman running in your direction before stopping in front of you. 
How did you know it was Gekko with the lack of light ? First of all, Wingman. Second of all, his hair.
Gekko was catching his breath with his hands on his knees while Wingman jumped on your lap, making a few garbling sounds. You raised an eyebrow and looked at them, confused.
“Are you dying ?” You asked Gekko and your eyes widened slightly when he started to wheeze. “Gekko ?”
“Dios !” He exclaimed as he finally caught his breath. “I looked for you throughout the whole base !”
“Did you have to run a marathon for that ?” 
Despite your dry tone, your eyes only showed concern for him. You patted the space beside you on the bench and he gladly sat down. He then looked at you and despite the obscurity, you were certain his brows furrowed in worry.
“Are you okay ?”
You shot him a deadpanned look.
“You put your legs through a nocturnal torture by running like a possessed fool throughout the whole base, found me here relaxing in the garden while the soft fragrance of flowers and the night sky kept me company, and ended up wheezing like a dying man about to spew his lungs out and you are asking me if I’m okay ?” 
You looked at his figure from head to toe as he chuckled at your small outburst. He was still a bit out of breath from his little run but he seemed quite fine.
“Damn ! Your descriptions are always so…special. Clove would definitely love you to be the Dungeon Master of their next DnD game.” His laugh calmed down and he nervously cleared his throat. “Anyway. I wanted to check on you. You didn't seem fine in the common room. Are you feeling a bit better now ?”
You shot him a bored look and let a deep sigh out of your lungs. Wingman made a few high chirped noises indicating his worry.
“You really love wasting your time, don’t you ?” Your eyes wandered on the night sky. “Aren't you missing the end of the movie ? Shouldn't you be inside with your friends ?”
Gekko frowned and looked at you funny.
“You’re my friend too.”
You let out a small snort that only deepened his frown.
“I’m serious.” He insisted. “We’re maybe not as close as you are with Cypher or Deadlock or… Iso, but I see you as my friend and I will always have your back.”
You looked back at him and even though you couldn't see him clearly because of the obscurity, you felt his eyes looking at you with a fierce determination.
“Plus,” he continued, “you always have my back on the field, fighting like a total badass against the enemies. Remember our last mission in Lotus ? I would have been dead meat if you weren't there.”
Wingman (who had gotten comfy on your lap) nodded with vehemence, agreeing with Gekko’s words.
“I’m not quite sure if you can be ‘dead meat’ when someone like Sage is around.” You said, raising a skeptical eyebrow.
Gekko made a noise between an amused chuckle and a sigh of frustration. You couldn't figure out what was on his mind, which is quite surprising since he was usually so expressive. He then suddenly got closer to you on the bench, grabbed your shoulders and leaned a bit more towards you.
“My point is : you got my back and I got yours. You're my friend and I won’t leave you alone.” His fingers gently squeezed your shoulders. “And I’m sorry.”
It was now your turn to frown as you did not understand why he was apologizing for.
“I invited you to this movie night so I could have an occasion to get to know you better, so we could get to know each other and bond on something that is not mission related.” He explained. “But you clearly weren't at ease. I thought you were about to have a panic attack, back there.”
You felt his thumbs caressing your shoulders as his hands squeezed you a bit more tightly.
“I’m sorry.”
You shook your head and let out another sigh. “Don’t apologize. Your intentions were innocent and sweet.”
You couldn't see the blush on his cheeks but you noticed the slight twitch in his body language.
“Everything's fine.” You insisted. “I’m perfectly fine. Plus, with the new playlist Iso sent me, I can just relax and enjoy the quietude of the garden.”
“Oh.” He said simply.
His voice showed disappointment, sadness even. You vaguely felt his grip on your shoulder faltering a little while Wingman made a few sad garbling sounds.
“Gekko ?”
You couldn't see his face, but his body language showed a slight dispiritedness that didn't match his usual playful and confident personality.
“You and Iso are really close, huh.” He said with an uncharacteristically neutral tone.
His shoulders were now slightly slumped.
“Well, we had heard about each other before we joined Valorant. It was funny to finally meet the infamous ‘Dead Lilac’ in this secret organization.” You chuckled a little, finding the circumstances of your first meeting with the Chinese duelist quite embarrassing. You remembered knocking your head so hard against his chest that it spinned a little.
“That’s…uhm…kinda cute, I guess.”
You wondered what was on the mind of the piece of sweet-woman-heartthrob-trope that Gekko was.
“Well I don't know if it’s cute, but we’ve been exchanging playlists and book recommendations since.” You shrugged and Gekko’s hands slided down your arms at your action. “He’s cool. He has a sweet ‘older sibling’ vibe that put me at ease.”
The young initiator seemed to perk at your words and so was his radivore critter.
“‘Older sibling’ vibe ?” He repeated. “What do you mean ?”
“Well, you see how siblings sometimes banter with each other but always have each other's back ?” You started to explain and you saw his figure tilting his head. “Well that's our relationship with Iso. You probably know what I’m talking about. I noticed that you had quite the same thing with Neon.” You shrugged again.
His whole demeanor seemed to relax when he let out a laugh filled with relief. You frowned a little, not understanding this sudden outburst of joy.
“You alright ?” You raised a worried eyebrow and squinted your eyes a little. “Maybe you should get some sleep.”
It was at this moment that the moon finally decided to come out of behind the clouds, illuminating both of your faces. You both looked at each other, admiring your features. Your eyes wandered on his freckles without noticing his lovestruck gaze on you. 
“Maybe I'm a bit tired.” He whispered with a lost tone, as if he didn't understand what he just said.
“Hm.” You looked down on your lap to notice Wingman shrinking and hopping towards Gekko’s shoulder. “Wanna go back inside ?”
“You’re going back inside ?” Gekko asked.
“Then I’ll stay with you.” He got more comfortable on the bench and you felt him lean a bit more towards you. “Unless my presence is overwhelming.”
You shook your head and leaned against the backrest of the bench. 
“No. You’re fine.”
“Cool.” He nodded and let out a small sigh of relief.
A comfortable silence settled between you, slightly disturbed by the faint music from your headphones. Your eyes wandered on the night sky, unaware of Gekko’s longing glances in your direction. You were completely oblivious to his poor heart beating so fast and so loud that he feared you could hear it. You did not notice. You never did. Ever since you set your foot into the base for the first time, his eyes were always on you. At first it was curiosity. Curious about the agent recommended by the mysterious man that was Cypher. Then it was admiration for the fierce fighter that you turned into once on the field. And finally, it bloomed to be a small crush that never ceased to grow. Your charisma hypnotized him. His feelings for you were so obvious that his friends never stopped to tease him. Even Reyna said that he looked like a lost puppy everytime you were around and Harbor often asked him to focus when you were in his field of view. And of course, he was jealous of how close Iso was with you. The duelist could talk to you without any problem, he could receive your smiles, your laughs, your friendly fist-bumps while the only times Gekko could have a proper interaction with you was during missions or briefings. Even during training you stayed in your corner, avoiding interactions.
But right now, he felt so happy. This was the longest interaction you’ve ever had with each other and he couldn't help but smile.
He turned his head in your direction and softly called you.
“Yeah ?”
“I heard that you love to draw.” He nervously rubbed his neck but kept his eyes on yours. “We could someday, you know, draw together while chilling in my room. If it’s okay with you of course.”
You shot him an indescribable glance and he suddenly felt so stupid for not using drawing as a way to bond with you sooner instead of the movie night. But he relaxed a little when you ended up shrugging.
“Why not.”
It was a start. He will not confess his feelings for now. It was way too soon. But he will certainly enjoy these moments with you. He will enjoy bonding with you and get to know you better.
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Anecdote : the Arabic proverb mentioned by Cypher is something the father of a friend once told me when I was a kid. It's stuck in my mind, ever since.
I'm not proud of the ending ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ But it's fine. It is just a test, after all.
I don't know if I'll post the part. 2. I'll most probably keep it in my drafts.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I wish you a lovely day/night.
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writer-freak · 1 year
male Valorant agents walking in on you changing (gn reader)
Characters: Yoru ,Chamber, Sova, Phoenix, Cypher
Warnings: gn reader, headcanons, can be read as romantic or platonic I think, characters walking in on you, mentions of reader being shirtless or just in underwear, english isn't my first language, probably ooc,
I just got into Valorant just a few days ago I still need to get to know the characters a bit better so this could be ooc but I wanted to post it anyways I will probably also do a version for the female agents if people would like to read that Inspired by some random tiktok I saw about horror icons walking in on you
Comments, likes and reblogs are appreciated 🖤
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He just tends to forget to knock 
Normally that isn't so terrible because you're just in your room resting or something like that
But this time was different
You just came back from a mission, and sweat completely through your clothes
You just wanted to get them off as quickly as possible before taking a well-deserved shower
Imideatly after walking into your room and closing ou door, you started stripping out of your clothes
Yoru was already searching for you earlier before hearing that you were on a mission
When he saw you close your room door so he went over
When he opened the door he was greeted with the sight of you taking off your shirt
Flustered Yoru incoming
You were also embarrassed but you couldn't say anything because he quickly closed the door again
He shouted through the door "Lock the door next time!"
You could still hear how flustered he was and that made you giggle 
You retorted "Maybe you should learn to knock" 
Then finally getting your shower
In the Vp, there were occasional company parties
Some fancy events were people had to attend as a cover for the Vp
Today it was your job to attend one, and your partner for the night was Chamber
You were already running late and now trying to get ready as quickly as possible
You had informed Chamber to get you from your room
So after getting ready he made his way over
You were still frantically searching for something not having put on your clothes
Chamber knocked on your door but in your search, you couldn't hear him 
He opened the door and found you only in underwear
He cleared his throat trying to get your attention 
"Chamber get out!" you shouted while throwing some clothing article at him
He is such a sweetheart 
You two often conversed about food and he raved about how good his babushkas cooking is
You of course said that you would love to try some
So the next time Sova took time away from the Vp to visit his babushka 
He talked a lot about you in general but also mentioned how you would love to try some of her cooking
She gave him some Kotletki for you
He was never this excited to be back at the Vp but he couldn't wait to give you his babushkas cooking
In his excitement, though he forgot to knock on your door 
You just got out of the shower and were putting on your clothes when Sova barged in
Sova was very embarrassed, to say the least
He quickly apologized before closing the door again
Seeing a flustered Sova was definitely a sight to see 
So after putting on your clothes you went out and Sova gave you the food
You two one day just decided to walk into each other rooms unannounced
You don't even remember how it started but until now it didn't make any problems
Today Phoenix got some new shoes and wanted to show them off to you
You on the other hand were out the entire day and just got back to your room
He opened your door while saying "Hey" but the rest of his words ended up being stuck in his throat
You were just about to change into something more comfortable and pulled down your pants when he opened the door
Phoenix turned around and closed the door at the speed of light 
For you, it took a minute to follow what just happened but when it registered you finished changing 
Then you went to search for Phoenix
You have a lot of knowledge in different areas
So sometimes Cypher asks you for some information instead of searching for it himself 
He had a pretty important question for you and quickly went to your room
You on the other hand were changing your clothes
Noticing that you couldn't find the shirt you wanted to wear right now
You were turning your whole wardrobe upside down
That was when Cypher barged into your room
You didn't notice him at first having your head entirely in your wardrobe
He on the other hand just saw you shirtless rummaging through your closet
But he quickly apologized and closed the door again which brought your attention to the door
He will probably make you some Moroccan tea as an apology later
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Thank you for reading I appreciate it
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gabessquishytum · 5 months
This is not a justification or a place to talk about it with excuses -- but well Dream is very much in trouble.
He was forced to marry someone he didn’t even like, let alone love, but his parents and circumstances forced his hand. His husband/wife is fine, whatever, they both went into it knowing the score.
The trouble started when Dream took what he knew was shit advice from Desire on how to make the best of it --- go out have meaningless hookups/one night stands to get the even half way decent sex he's been missing in his loveless marriage. According to Desire is wasn't about falling in love or catching feelings it was about Dream getting his dick wet, and taking back some control over his life.
Dream knew, knew, he was not built for serial cheating. And if he was being honest, Dream guesses it kinda worked for a little while......then Dream met Hob Gadling and all bets were off.
It not even like he lied to Hob, Dream fell so hard, so fast, that he seemingly couldn't be anything but honest with Hob. AND HOB. WAS. JUST. AS. BAD!!
Hob had taken, after only a few meetings,,,, DAYS,, to sucking marks all over Dream's visible skin. Dream thinks Hob is following him; Dream knows that he's seen Hob standing on the street corner across from Dream's office. Dream isn't even scared,,,,because he would do the same -- follow Hob around if people didn’t look for him in his office.
It is getting harder for Dream to leave Hob and go home, because Hob is home. The other day - listen Dream has taken to having long lunches at Hob's apartment - Dream caught (which implies "hiding," which Hob was NOT) Hob looking at plane tickets for two to the states. Dream might have started stock piling bricks of cash at Hob's apartment, in response.
Oh. God. They're going to run!
IDIOTS!! THEYRE IDIOTS!!! and I love them. They literally cannot be normal about anything else and i am so here for that.
Cause like. The point has come where Dream could totally just get a divorce. His parents wouldn't be thrilled, but they already lived through 3 of Desire's messy divorces. They'll survive. The reason they wanted Dream to marry in the first place is now long gone and forgotten.
But... these idiots are enjoying the drama, ok. The secrecy, the illicit phone calls, the mild level of stalking... its all a fucking turn on. They're INTO IT. Nothing gets Dream hard like knowing that Hob is watching him at work from the cafe across the street with a pair of binoculars. They have a fucking code so they can sext each other. They write love letters in cypher.
Dream's spouse checked out of the marriage years ago at this point. But Hob and Dream are just having such a good time with their elaborate affair roleplay, you know? And the only saving grace of the whole thing is that they are genuinely (and quite adorably) head over heels in love.
The sooner they leave the country the better tbh. For the sanity of everyone who knows them!
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rosexhart · 3 months
Waiting For Sunset
Gekko x Reader
Accidentally running into the agents of Omega Earth, you are taken hostage. Hostages aren’t common for them, but you seem to be the exception. So much for your first time in L.A.
Word Count: 4.5k
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
The landing was rough and bumpy. When we did plan everyone started to get off the ship except Sage and the purple smoke person.
“Omen, you will inform Brimstone of what happened?” Sage asked and the person glanced back before nodding.
“Yes,” The light coming from beneath their hood flicking brighter for just a moment.
“Thank you,” She said before coming over to me, “You have been very brave thus far.” She said softly as she unlocked the buckles.
“Follow me, you wouldn’t want to get lost here.” She said, and I swallowed my pride. If I wanted out, I was going to need to play along.
“Welcome to Valorant.” She mentioned as we stepped off the ship. It was a rather large facility, floating far above the earth. I assumed it was from one of the explosions that happened some time ago, perfectly suspended and untouched by time.
“We are keeping those from Omega Earth from killing more people with their explosions. The damage already done by kingdom however, is always a constant reminder.” Sage said as she entered a building and held the door for me. There was a large, portal like arch. She stepped through it and my breath caught. She was gone? I hesitated, sticking my hand through as if to test it but I could feel nothing. I pulled my hand back through and held my breath. I walked through much like she did and we were in some type of military styled base.
“There are several agents here. We currently have 23, however, we are expecting another agent within the next few days.” She stated as we walked past hallway after hallway.
“Wait hold on-“ I started but she stopped and turned sharply on her heel.
“You are here, you are not allowed to leave until we make sure you will not be used again or against us.” Sage stated sharply and my jaw was slack. “It is not your decision to make. You have become apart of our cause whether or not you wanted to.”
“What about my family,” I started, “or the people who care for me.” I mentioned to her and she turned to keep walking.
“We are working on that currently.” She stated as she kept forwards. The place opened up into a larger living space. A large talking pit built into the floor with a large tv, a fairly large kitchen with an island, a balcony that over looked the kitchen and living space with a large dining table and chairs.
“Brimstone will want to speak with you about today. He will have many questions about what happened and how you came in.” Sage stated as she kept walking, I jogged a bit to catch back up.
“Is he like the head of this whole thing?” I asked her and she nodded.
“Something along those lines.” She stated as we walked through another doorway. There were only a few doors, and she entered the last one. It opened up to a warm and welcoming office. There were file boxes stacked to one wall, a large monitor system, showing some areas that reminded me of paint ball ranges. Then a large desk, covered in paper work. Behind it all sat a man. He was gruff looking, his beard well trimmed and styled showing his grey hair.
“Sage I told you to knock.” His eyes did not glance up as he wrote feverishly.
“It is an emergency,” She said and he glanced up, he glanced back down but then immediately straightened when he saw me.
“Who the hell is this?” The man asked.
“She was used as a human shield by Omega Omen.” Sage said, and she stepped forwards. The man stood up and came around his desk.
“How do we know she’s not from Omega Earth?” The man asked looking at her.
“I had Cypher run a check on her.” Sage said and my eye brows furred.
“Shit, how much did she see?” The man asked her.
“Too much Brim. He nearly planted the spike next to her.” Sage said and he huffed pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Great,” he turned back towards me and sighed. “We are going to set up accommodations for you. For now, welcome to the Valorant Protocol.” Brim said and I went to speak but was silenced.
“Sage, Brim, I have the results back.” A voice came through by the monitors.
“Thank you Cypher, we will be down shortly.” Sage answered.
“For now, Sage walk her back to the living room. Give her our welcome files to go over. She’s see too much she needs to know how we handle things.” Brim said straightening again, his heavy boots coming closer to me before passing me and opening the door.
“Understood,” Sage mentioned before also coming over with a tablet in her hands.
Four hours later, I set the tablet aside and rubbed at my eyes.
“It is a lot of information.” The voice made me jump as I looked up to see a man, wearing a white coat, a white hat, and some type of mask.
“Who are you?” I asked looking at him.
“You may call me Cypher,” He said tipping his hat towards me.
“Cypher, can you tell me how long I’m going to have to stay here?” I asked standing up from my place in the talking pit.
“Probably awhile. Omega Earth has a file on your presence and that can cause more issues and the solutions if you are caught again.” He said, flipping what looked like a coin between his fingers.
“Great,” I said sighing and rubbing at my eyes.
“Perhaps I can ease your mind.” He said standing up.
“How so?” I asked and he waved me to follow. I was getting tired of no one just saying what we were doing.
We entered what seemed like an office, covered in monitors, wires, gadgets, and tools. In the center was a table with a chess board. Set up as if two people stopped mid game. Black was in trouble.
“Here,” he pulled up a screen with my whole life practically written out. “As far as all data of you across our world and theirs, it doesn’t show you ever possessing abilities like the rest of us. So sooner or later they will forget about you, and you will be able to continue with your mundane life.” He stated
“Mundane?” I stated with a scoff
“I’m sorry, what else would you call your life? It is… without many lies and secrets.” He stated flipping the coin.
“Yo, Cypher! We need to talk about-“ the same neon haired male from before entered.
“Gekko, good timing.” Cypher said brushing things aside and picking up a spatter painted case. “I fixed your ear pieces. Try hard to not let your… dizzy. Get them all gunked up again.” He scolded handing them to Gekko.
“Thanks… so uh.. guess you really are staying huh?” He asked me and I sighed.
“Guess so,” I stated and he hesitated, scratching at the back of his neck.
“Cool, cool,” He looked back to Cypher clearing his throat, “thanks again,” He muttered before leaving the room, I felt a small tug at my pants and looked down. The same little yellow creature was pulling on my leg. Garbling out some noises.
“Aye , Wingman, they won’t go for that dude. Come on,” Gekko scooped up the little creature, setting him on his shoulder.
“Great,” Cypher said after he left. “I will provide you with your own ear pieces soon as a precaution. We all wear them typically in the field but it can be convenient here too, with how large our facility is.” Cypher said, tinkering on something.
“So I’m just stuck here?” I stated and he turned back.
“Stuck isn’t the term I would use. You are safer here than anywhere in the world.” He said turning back and I huffed, walking out of the space. He wasn’t wrong though, this place was a maze.
Wondering around, there were names on a lot of the doors. Phoenix , Neon, Gekko, Jett, Iso, Yoru, and so on. Then other rooms were labeled. Server room, locker room, baths, and it felt like it never ended.
“Learning the lay out?” I whipped around to see the blue haired girl.
“Trying… it’s really large.” I stated and she laughed a bit.
“Yeah, I guess if you aren’t running through it all the time it is.” She said glancing around. “Ever shot a gun before?” She asked suddenly, catching me off guard.
“No… well-“ I was cut off.
“There you are.” Sage said behind her, we both looked to her. “I was going to show you to your room, (Y/N).” She stated and the girl looked to me.
“She’s all yours, Sage.” She said throwing up her hands and walking off.
“Neon, she is one of the agents. She is a good person.” Sage said waving me forwards.
“Most of us here do not go by our birth names. We are under different aliases.” She said as we walked. “It is mostly for safety.” She turned down a hall way and stopped in front of an empty door.
“We are working on a name plate, but for now, these will be your quarters.” She said opening the door. Inside was plain grey, a bed, a desk, and a monitor with a large V displayed on it.
“I’m sure the others at some point will take you to get some decorations for you. For now, they are getting your things from the hotel you were in as we speak.” She said and turned towards me, interlocking her fingers in front of her.
“Sage,” I started running a hand through my hair, “look this has all been… incredibly in formative and… disturbing. But, you truly can’t expect me to stay here.” I mentioned.
“I mean…before sunset I was sitting outside of a boba shop happily planning out which college I wanted to pick and now… now I’m sitting here. In a super high level security base that acts more as a prison for me, with nothing familiar to me.” I stated, frustrated. She looked to the floor and I could see her swallow before she looked back up to me.
“I understand you do not wish to stay here. But you know more than the average person, and in the hands of the Omega Earth agents you would be good as dead for knowing what you know. It is in your best interest to remain here for the time. I will leave you alone to settle. I will send a few to check in on you later.” She mentioned going to the door and opening it.
“I hope you can come to like this arrangement at least for a little while.” She said before leaving me in silence.
Sometime later there was a knock at my door. It had a short rhythm to it. I got up from the grey bed and opened the door to see Gekko.
“Sup,” he said, he no longer had the little yellow creature on his shoulder like I’d seen earlier.
“Hi,” I said awkwardly leaning against the door.
“Sage sent me. She wanted me to help you get more comfortable with the place.” He said shrugging a bit. A garble came from his feet and I looked down. There was the little yellow guy.
“Oh right, this is Wingman,” he said picking up the little guy and setting him on his shoulder.
“Hi Wingman,” I said smiling and giving a little wave.
“I have a couple of other little critters running around, but don’t mind them. They are all super nice when they get to know you.” He said scratching wingman’s head. “Anyways, follow me. Everyone has heard about you and I promised I’d pull you out of your room to introduce you.” He said turning to walk. I stepped out and joined him.
“Are you always this persuasive?” I asked him and he shrugged.
“Depends on who you ask.” He stated, and we walked in a comforting silence. With Gekko, I didn’t feel like I needed to talk to be comfortable around him.
We walked into a small sitting room with monitors pulled up like in Brim’s office. The pictures were a lot clearer here. There were people in the area now, the blue haired girl, a guy I hadn’t seen yet with a fade into dreads and a short white jacket, then Yoru and a red haired girl I recognize from when I was first taken hostage.
“The blue haired girl there is Neon. Then Phoenix is the one wearing the white jacket. You met Yoru on the heli, and then Skye is the chica with red hair.” He pointed each of them out.
“I read some about them in their files.” I said crossing my arms, “So everyone here has like abilities and stuff?” I asked and nodded.
“Most of us yeah, I don’t know if Cypher actually does or if he’s just always been that smart.” Gekko said scratching at the back of his neck. He rested his arm back down, keeping his hand on his neck. “Looks like they are finishing up. Come on,” he pulled at my wrist and we walked into a room off the viewing room. It resembled a locker room but instead of clothes or shoes it had guns of all kinds.
“Woah,” I muttered glancing at the different weapons, their colors, and sizes.
“Cool right?” He said pulling a brightly colored gun off the wall. “This one is mine, I call it the Daydreams Phantom!” He said showing off its paint job.
“It’s really pretty,” I muttered, running my hand over the cool surface.
“Thanks, designed it myself.” He said hooking it back in its place.
“All of us have our own designs. Sometimes if we are lucky we can get the omega earth guns, which have these weird almost ethereal effects.” He said picking up another that look like it moving with smoke. “Like this one, Yoru calls it the Imperium.” He handed it to me, the smoke running across the metal like it had its own atmosphere.
“That’s insane,” I muttered and he laughed.
“I know, that’s what I said.” Gekko said placing it back on the hook.
“Oy! Gekko!” The sound of electricity crackled in the air and the lights flickered as Neon slid into the room.
“Did you see that score board,” she asked as she stood up. Shaking off some of the bolts. They would shoot off her skin and hit the lockers.
“Yeah, way to flame them!” Gekko said dabbing her up. Phoenix came in next straightening up the collar of his jacket.
“Never saw it comin’.” He said with a smirk, “And who’s our guest of honor.”
“Right, this is (Y/N).” He said giving a dramatic wave. Phoenix came over doing a small circle as if circling prey.
“They don’t look radiant,” he mentioned and Neon rolled her eyes.
“Nice observation genius. She’s not,” Neon said hanging up a pistol in what I assumed was her case.
“Woah, and they just let them in?” He said looking at her and Gekko.
“She got caught up by the Omega Earth versions when we were on our last mission.”
“I swear every mission you go on, you just cause more chaos.” Pheonix said, also dropping off a weapon.
“¡Ey! Whatchu mean by that!” Gekko asked as Yoru walked in.
“He’s not wrong,” Yoru said, slicking back his hair with a comb.
“Oy, I’ve gone on plenty of missions where nothing happened, just because I’ve had two go crazy ain’t my fault.” Gekko said tossing his hands about.
“Naw, what matters is that you’re the outlier.” The red haired girl said as she came in.
“Y’all always got a problem with me and the little guys.” He said crossing his arms.
“Don’t take it personal. We are always going to pick on you for somethin’ mate.” Phoenix said patting his shoulder before coming up to me.
“Welcome to the team.” He said before walking away.
“I’m not apart of this,” I argued and Neon slung a bag over her shoulder.
“Sure you’re not,” she said shaking her head and walking out.
“Don’t worry, everyone here’s like a family. You’ll get used to it in no time.” Skye said to me as she also left, leaving Gekko, Yoru, and myself.
“Honestly, the fact that Brimstone allowed you to stay is a joke. It won’t last.” Yoru said, “As soon as they can they will make sure you’re done.” He walked out as well.
“Well I think that went perfectly.” Gekko said with a smile. I looked back at him like he had grown a second head.
“That was perfect?” I asked and he smiled with a quiet giggle.
Sometime later I found myself alone again in my room. It was late, and most of the others had turned in for sleep some time ago. I found myself wide awake though. Clutching the things that were in my hotel room. There was an ever present drone in the whole facility that seemed like a siren now that all else was quiet. I threw my pillow up over my head and sighed. I did not do well in strange places and this was no exception. I got up, and stepped out into the hall. It was quiet, and most of the lights were on some sort of dimmed setting. I paced through the halls and sighed as my body continuously fought me trying to stay more and more awake. Garble garble. I looked down to see Wingman. He looked up at me from the door of Gekko’s room and I shook my head.
“What are you doing up little dude?” I asked as he closed the door behind him, leaving only a crack. He tilted his head at me. Garble.
“I can’t understand you, but you should go back to bed. I’m ok, just… everything is new and scary for me.” He put his hand up towards his face as if contemplating. Then he walked forwards and hugged my leg gently. I reached down and mimicked Gekko’s way of petting the creature. What I thought was hard armor like skin was more squishable like a baby turtle shell.
“Thanks little dude.” I said gently before he walked back into the room. I sighed, grateful for the little bit of comfort he provided before I continued walking. Moving down the all so similar corridors.
Eventually I had slept. Horribly, but I slept. My mind ever foggy as I got dressed and made my way out into the halls. I could hear conversation as soon as I exited my room. This place had impeccable sound proofing. I walked down the halls and made my way back into the living space where Neon, Yoru, and Phoenix were all talking. They all glanced at me as I came in.
“There’s our new Star,” Pheonix said as he shifted his feet. “Do you eat?” He asked me as he sipped on a drink.
“Yeah,” I muttered, unsure of what exactly they had cooked. Neon smiled and started working on something.
“I’m not nearly as good of a cook as some of the others here but I try.” She dished it out onto a plate and set it down on the island. I walked closer, of course it just had to be my favorite breakfast food.
“Um, thank you. I’ll have to make you food sometime.” I said gently smiling at her and she shrugged.
“Don’t worry about it. Most of the time the world class chefs won’t even let us cook.” Neon said shaking her head, a few bolts of electricity getting knocked around her hair, almost like static on a sweater in the winter.
“World class. Yeah right, if they are world class then I can’t aim.” Yoru said gingerly eating at his own food.
“Did someone call for a chef?” I heard a voice from the hall and turned to see Jett.
“Speak of the Devil and she shall appear.” Pheonix said crossing his arms.
“In a haze of smoke too if you let me.” She said approaching the kitchen.
“How did you sleep?” She asked me as she got up on her tip toes to reach in a cabinet for a mug.
“Uh. Not that great… I was up for awhile.”
“I get that. New places can be tough. I think it took me like three weeks to get used to it.” Jett said smiling back at me as she started to make herself a drink.
“I have always slept soundly,” Yoru stated
“Really I didn’t think vampires slept.” Pheonix said and Yoru glared at him.
“Yo what’s with all the racket? Way too early to be makin so much noise.” Gekko said as he came out.
“Morning to you too Gekko.” Neon said running a hand over her hair, “alright, I’m out of here. I need to run off some of this built up energy.” She stretched out her arm as she walked towards the hall.
Gekko sat down next to me, and Wingman hopped down from his shoulder and looked up at me. Garble.
“What are you talkin about dude?” Gekko asked rubbing his eyes as Jett leaned on the island counter. Garble garble.
“You were up late?” Gekko asked looking at me and I nodded. “I’m sorry, it does take time to adjust. Me and the little guys didn’t sleep super well for a while. You get used to it.” Gekko said setting his head on his hand.
“That’s what everyone keeps saying.” I said smiling, and Wingman laid up against Gekko’s arm.
“Well, training time rookies. I’m goin’ for that high score.” Pheonix said pressing the wrinkles from his shirt.
“Good luck with that,” Yoru said standing to rinse his mug and place it in the dishwasher.
“I’m nearly there. I can feel it.” Pheonix said snapping his fingers and letting a few sparks of flame come off them.
“I’ll join you guys but let me finish my coffee first.” Jett said as Yoru and Pheonix headed out. Gekko stood and went to grab himself some food.
“Feel free to explore a little, (Y/N). There’s a lot to do here. Took me forever to learn until Cypher told me.” Jett said finishing off her drink and doing the same as Yoru. She left and I was alone with Gekko.
“Alright guys,” he said, opening the small bag on his body. A small green ball creature came out, a floating blue creature, and a pink creature that reminded me a lot of a shark.
“(Y/N), this is Mosh, Dizzy, and Thrash.” He said pointing to them in order. “They are part of my crew.” He said as he threw them all something and then wingman a small bit to. Wingman plopped down and began to eat it? I couldn’t really tell.
“Nice to meet them all.” I mentioned as Dizzy floated over near me.
“They are all really chill. You’ll have to forgive Dizzy. She can’t help when she sneezes and gets goo everywhere.” He said shaking his head, “Can’t tell you how many lectures I’ve gotten from Cypher about it.” He said as he took a bite of food.
“Your file mentioned you’ve had them since you joined Valorant.” I stated and he nodded.
“Awhile before that too.” He mentioned but I didn’t want to push and figure out exactly how long.
“They are really cool. You take them on missions too right?” I asked poking at Dizzy’s small paw like appendage.
“Yeah, everywhere I am, they go. Most of the time anyways.” He said as he was eating.
“Means you’ve always got company which I’m sure is nice.” I mentioned and he nodded.
“I’d probably be pretty lonely without them. I’m too used to having them at this point.” He mentioned
“Good morning,” Sage said entering the room from where Brim’s office was.
“Mornin’ Sage.” Gekko said with a mouthful of food.
“Good morning,” I said as I walked over to the sink to wash the dish.
“This morning, Brim would like to talk with you, (Y/N).” Sage said as she prepared a coffee for herself.
“Probably just going over what he would like you to do while you’re here.” Gekko mentioned, “Don’t worry about it.” He finished waving it off. I nodded and placed the dish in the dishwasher, before walking towards Brim’s office. My heart racing in my ears. I knocked on the door.
“Come in,” he said from inside and I opened the door. Brim, much like yesterday, sat at his desk, his head in his hand as he looked over a sheet of paper. He looked up and sat up a little straighter.
“Good morning, you wanted to see me?” I asked as I closed the door behind me.
“Yes, we are going to have you trained, but after that I’d like to have you working with Cypher on recon for us.” He said standing up and I nodded. “Do you always just willingly agree?” He asked skeptically.
“No, but I’ve been told repeatedly I don’t have a choice in the matter so.” I shrugged and he nodded once.
“Right. I’ll have someone meet you down at the range. Go ahead to the armory and they will meet you there.” He said waving me off and I nodded. Walking back out of the office.
Sitting in the viewing room I watched on the screen as Pheonix and Yoru went head to head. They both had some type of flash mechanism, but other than that, their abilities were a stark contrast.
“They are pretty entertaining to watch once you really see them going.” Gekko said plopping down in a chair beside me.
“Yeah, they both do really well.”
“Two of the strongest.” Gekko said smiling, “Brim wanted me to take you out there once they were done.” His eyes glanced at me and I looked at him with a puzzled gaze.
“Not like- ok not like in a date way or nothin’ he just wants me to work on your training.” He said pulling his shirt off his chest and then smoothing it back out. I only laughed as he became flustered.
“I understood what you meant before Gekko.” I mentioned, laughing as my attention went back to the screen.
Once they were done, Gekko led me into the armory which ended up being what I thought was a locker room yesterday. He walked me over to a locket with an all black set of weapons.
“Ok, probably start you with a pistol or two, and then we will move onto the ones with more kick.” He said pulling a simple looking thing off the wall.
“Have you ever shot before?” He asked before we went into the basics. Hours later he was using Dizzy to blind max bots for me as I shot at each of them.
“Gekko, (Y/N), wrap it up.” Brim’s voice boomed out and I came out of my stance.
“Alright. Let’s get everything back where it was. You did good today for a rookie.” Gekko jested nudging my arm with his elbow.
“Thanks, I have a good teacher.” I mentioned and he smiled before we started back inside the main facility…. Unknowingly being watched by prying eyes.
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imagine--if · 2 years
Can u do a dano riddler x reader where the reader is obsessed with him like just bases there whole being over him and he is to and he like sneaks into the reader’s apartment or something and just sees a shrine of himself
A/N: Figured I'd merge this with the highly requested part two of the love letter miniseries!! Glad you guys are enjoying it and hope you like this conclusion; To My Hope is next to be updated 💚
Pairing: Dano!Riddler x reader (The Batman 2022)
Warnings: Obsessive love 😍
Words: 1582
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You weren't expecting much after the letter had been propped up against the door and you'd rushed out of the hotel building straight after, only a couple of days ago. Did you even pick the right door? Is what you wrote to obsessive, something that'd make him raise a brow and turn his nose up almost immediately? Will he just toss it aside and focus on his plans that, honestly, don't involve you personally anyway?
Sighing wistfully, you pause an old favourite stream of your Riddler's as raindrops spatter onto your phone screen, and shove it into your pocket as you leave work to go home. You figure you can watch more back in the warmth of your apartment, maybe print off more photos you've screenshotted. Cute angles of The Riddler from his live streams suddenly collective squares on a large, dedicated strip of wall in your room, along with absentminded doodles of his signature question mark and cyphers you've caught glimpses of in the backgrounds of his videos every so often.
The streets of Gotham are cold and dark and uninviting, but there's still a small smile on your face as you walk home, because, for you, there's a speck of hope in the form of a riddling menace that knows just how to give this place a taste of its own medicine. You just wish you could be there with him, properly by his side, watching the place flood or burn and destroy itself however he sees fit. You can almost feel it in the cool chill of the evening air - imagined, protective arms around your middle and a giddy man's face behind his mask as he buries it in the crook of your neck. Eyes lit up by the firework-like sparks from electric poles as they topple while The Riddler mumbles on and on about "Isn't it beautiful?" and "It's all for you, my love," so earnestly - that you shiver at the thought, pouting as you're brought back to reality as a raindrop slides down your face.
You let yourself into your apartment building and head upstairs, unlocking your door with a tired sigh and flipping on the lights.
It's only then, as the soft yellow brightens up the short hallway and living room just ahead of you, that you stop dead in your tracks, breath stuck in your throat.
There's a figure standing by the living room window only a few feet away. It's far too vivid, too realistic to be another hopeless fantasy you've conjured up time and time again; that familiar green coat and hood beneath it padding his body, heavy boots and clear-framed glasses. But this Riddler isn't wearing his mask. Instead, his face is bare and decidedly vulnerable to the person who steps into the room. Soft, sandy brown locks flopping at his forehead, a sweet, dangerous, nerdy look on his round face. Forest green eyes that you've stared at on your screens countless times, trying to read them, to see through the layers to the madman you've grown to love to an unhealthy amount.
There's no need for trying now. Because the man smiles from where he's staring thoughtfully out your window, moving slowly over to the wall space where there are hundreds of shots of him captured and taped up. Your bedroom door is to the side of the living room and open wide for him to see the makeshift shrine, and you lean on the main door behind you to shut it, leaning against it in dizzy disbelief.
"I- I have one of these," the man speaks, and his voice makes heat run through you in a lovestruck daze, that comforting, beautiful voice not modified and inch by the voicebox of his mask or muffled by a computer's recording. "I only started yesterday, but it's become quite full... even more than this lovely feature here. I couldn't help myself."
Your eyes are round as he finally meets your gaze with such a soft, adoring look. You don't trust your legs not to give way if you push yourself upright from leaning against the door, your keys making impressions on the palm of your hand from your tight grip. Instead, you stare straight back at him, taking in his unmasked face, praying that this whole thing isn't some godsend of a dream that'll end too soon.
"You can see it, if you like," he offers with a giggle that makes you breathe out a short, shaky breath at the sound. "It's all for you anyway, angel."
Just minutes ago, that phrase that you could practically hear him whispering to you - "It's all for you, my love." But an angel... no, this is so much better. And at this point, your encounter with The Riddler is undoubtedly real.
"Must have taken you so much time," he whispers, partly to himself, as he glances again at the wall you've made in his honour. The Riddler's smile grows fondly as he looks back at you. "You're even sweeter than I imagined you'd be. You're such a wonder. You're just perfect."
You blink, watching as he takes a step closer to you, then another.
"Perfect?" You manage to repeat quietly, your voice breaking from the whole thing. "Me? For what?"
"For me," he clarifies with another amused giggle, close enough to take your trembling hands in his warm ones. "Ah, you are funny."
You open your mouth, then close it again, savouring the feeling of your hands clasped firmly in his.
"I got your letter, if you were wondering. Well, obviously. You're so clever, managing to track me down like that. A whole police force is going to go through hell trying to do what you did."
"It... it was worth it," you breathe, looking straight into his observant, deep green gaze. "Did you like it?"
"I loved it," he responds happily, grinning and almost swooning as he squeezes your hands, a thumb grazing over their backs. "Your letter was so lovely, sweet thing. I've still got it, hung up in my room."
"Good," you manage to smile out of pure happiness and excitement. "That's all I wanted."
"You won't want anything anymore," The Riddler corrects you, releasing one of your hands to move his own to your cheek. It takes everything in you not to lean into his doting touch, and he steps even closer to you, his hair brushing against and tickling your forehead. "You wanted me. And I want you. I think we always have, we just didn't know it. That's what true love is, angel. Soulmates are very hard to come by, unless you're you or me."
"You think so?" you encourage him with wide, hopeful eyes, and he nods, cooing at you like a baby and leaning in even closer to playfully nudge his nose against yours.
"I know so. Don't you?"
You nod enthusiastically, letting the man move your hands to rest on his shoulders as he takes the sight of you in for a few long moments, a crazed, eager smile on his face as his eyes wander over your features.
"You're The Riddler..."
He giggles again, meeting your eyes briefly before he continues to study and admire you like a painting. "Mhm."
"You're letting me see your face..."
"That's only fair," he tells you, "since you went out of your way to find me like this. And since we're meant for each other anyway, there's no point in hiding from you. I've got nothing to hide."
You gain an ounce of confidence from your previous dazed, love-filled state of disbelief. "I think you're pretty."
The Riddler looks up so quickly you almost flinch, looking so giddy with hope and love at your words. "You- you do? Really?!"
You nod with a small laugh. "Yes. Don't you?"
"Oh, I don't focus on that much," he says, surprisingly bashful as you watch a blush form on his cheeks. "And my true self often appears behind a mask. I'm glad you think so though. You're so sweet."
You drink up the loving compliments from the enamoured man, before a thought comes to you, and you open your mouth to speak again.
"What is your name?"
"Oh- I'm Edward. Sorry, I forgot to... I'm Edward Nashton. I know your name, of course... I didn't think of that straight away. There was so much else to think of..."
"I know," you agree with a smile, raising a hand tentatively to thread between his hair. You watch in wonder and amusement and Edward doesn't bother to resist leaning into you, practically shuddering at your light touches. "You've got enough time to tell me things though, haven't you?"
"Oh, yes," Edward agrees, breaking out of his trance for a while to answer you with a dopey grin. "More than enough. It's going to be heaven, with you watching and waiting as everyone tears each other apart! I've planned this all to perfection, you know. I can't wait for you to see it all..."
"I can wait long enough to sleep on all this tonight," you admit with a laugh, "if you're staying?"
"I'll never leave you," Edward says with a loving sigh, resting his forehead against yours as you sway slightly together on the spot. "Everything I'll ever do is for you, see? Does that sound good?"
You smile and nod, melting as Edward wraps his arms around you tightly, the feeling unimaginably better and stronger than what you'd dreamt of.
"That sounds perfect, Eddie."
.・ Taglist: ・.
@lostbunn @dencchan @dragovegogrimborn @i-wished-upon-a-star-one-night @edwardspumpkinpie @murderbimbo00 @sweetums0kitty @beel-mcburger @cml-san @jervis-tetch-my-beloved @r4iner @bimboanime @phoenixgurl030 @vaylordd @dangerouslittlefairy @katjourno @yoyoanaria @yaeyuuki @vinxlsketches @beenz-beenz @ghoulsgraveyard @birds-have-teeth @repostingmyfavs @r3ptiliaaa @for3v3rda1sy @glitterycheesecakegladiator @moonwritesblog @lilyevans1 @httpsunflowers @hxney-lemcn @confusedchildsstuff @callsigncrash @sugahbabieexo @bokksieu @skateb0red @wilburrrsworld @philiasoul @darthcringe @felicityofbakerstreet @bloodypantomime @deadlights-darling @tianotfound @mortem-muse @ireadandream @tinyryder @kpopgirlbtssvt @truecobblepot @jessicainhell
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what-if-queen-camilla · 11 months
Chapter 22
08th April 1994
Birkhall, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
"Mummy, Sir, here's one more!", Thea cheered and waved at Charles and Camilla excitedly as she took up another colourful easter egg from beneath a bush and placed it in the little basket she was using to collect the easter eggs and gifts Charles' grandmother had arranged to be hidden in the gardens of Birkhall. They had just arrived up here yesterday for a few days off, just the three of them, Charles, Camilla and Thea, who was almost seven now. The Queen Mother had been so kind and supportive of them and even let them use Birkhall, her beloved house on the Balmoral Estate, to have some quiet and private days. Charles had flown in from London privately and Camilla and Thea had actually travelled by car, as Camilla didn't want to expose her to the public and press attention they'd probably have caused had they travelled by plane. It had been quite a journey and both of them had fallen asleep almost immediately once they had arrived late in the evening, Thea in one of the guestrooms and Camilla in Charles' arms in front of the fireplace, but a good night's sleep and a lovely morning walk in the Scottish air had revived them at once. They hadn't been able to see each other over Easter but wanted to at least try and spend the last few days of Thea's school break together - and here they were. Arm in arm, Charles and Camilla walked to her and marvelled at the beautiful Easter eggs and cute little somethings she had already found and especially Camilla was very touched by the huge effort the Queen Mother had done for her little girl. She didn't dare ask Charles but she was almost entirely sure that the former Queen Consort knew that Thea was in fact her great-granddaughter. She'd hardly have done everything she was doing so kindly had she just been the daughter of… anyone. But she never mentioned anything which she appreciated. Anything else would've only been awkward, but the old lady was decent and kind and her support had meant so much to her, especially over the last year. After the first couple of horrible months following the publication of that unlucky phone call from 1989, they had all somewhat got used to the situation and tried to make the best of it. Tom and Laura just went on with their lives as usual, which was a real blessing, and thank goodness, Thea's teacher was an angel, did everything to protect her and didn't tolerate a single word said against her or her family in the classroom so that she didn't have to face too much harassment at school either. Andrew was spending more and more time with Rose, but still came to see Thea every now and then, so everything had sort of come to a new normal. Her biggest concern at the moment was actually her mother: she had been suffering from the same disease her grandmother had died of only eight years ago and her constitution only seemed to worsen day by day. She was in enormous pain, nobody could even touch her anymore, but the doctors weren't able to do anything really, except for setting her on stronger and stronger painkillers every few weeks. She was in a wheelchair most of the time and almost unable to move. It was devastating and heartbreaking to see and she felt incredibly guilty for having caused her even more pain with everything that had happened recently, and also because she couldn't be there for her father who had to cope with the whole situation on his own because the paparazzi still followed her wherever she went and the last thing her parents needed certainly was public or press attention.
"Oh look at that!", Camilla exclaimed, pointing to a little notebook with the Queen Mother's cypher in Thea's Easter basket. "Isn't that beautiful? That's a very special gift,darling. How kind of Her Majesty to tell the Easter Bunny to leave something for you, isn't it?", she remarked. "Yes, very kind, but there's no Easter Bunny, Mummy.", Thea replied and rolled her eyes. "I'm not a baby anymore, I know that it was Steve who hid all of these things yesterday!", she said and Camilla shook her head in a mixture of amusement and melancholy because it always felt like a stitch in her motherly heart to realise just how big her little girl was already. Charles felt the same and had noticed the one, silent tear she had hurried to wipe away immediately and pressed her tighter against himself, lovingly kissing her forehead. The one good thing that had come out of the whole scandal and drama was that at least they didn't have to hide their feelings for each other in front of the family anymore. Thea knew they were a couple and though she was aware that she wasn't supposed to talk about it with anyone outside the family, it made things a bit easier to have these times together when they almost felt like a normal family. "Of course, darling.", she replied, tenderly patting Thea's shoulder. "Will you write to Her Majesty and thank her for this?", she asked and Thea nodded enthusiastically. The Queen Mother and her had been exchanging birthday cards and sweet little letters every now and then ever since, in fact, The Queen Mother had sent a birthday card for Thea every year and of course, Camilla had always replied on her daughter's behalf, and Thea had been over the moon when her writing skills had been good enough so that she finally could write to Her Majesty herself.
"Anyone up for some hot chocolate?", Charles suggested once all gifts had been found and all three of them were almost frozen. It was unbelievable how cold it still was up here compared to the nicely warm and sunny days they'd already had down in the South. Both his ladies cheered in excitement at the prospect of hot chocolate and they happily ran up the hill and back to the house again, got rid of their coats and boots and cuddled up on the sofa together, again, almost like a normal, little, happy family. After the hot chocolate, Thea went upstairs because she wanted to start with her letter to the Queen Mother immediately, much to Charles' delight of course, which gave the couple a bit of time on their own. Sighing Camilla cuddled up even closer to the Prince who put his arms around her and pressed her against him. "If only we could stay here like this forever…", he whispered, and Camilla replied, moaning: "Yes, if only. But let's not think like that, darling. Let's think positive and be grateful for the time we have rather than mourning what we have not." "As always, you're right, my love.", Charles said, his glance wandering through the ceiling. He knew she was right, but he also knew that he couldn't go on like this for any longer and he didn't want to either. He was tired of playing hide and seek, of not being able to protect his ladies the way he wanted to and they deserved to be protected, he just wanted to make their relationship public, he wanted the world to know about the woman he had always loved and, for God's sake, he wanted them to accept it, to accept her. He hadn't told anyone yet, not even Camilla, but over the last couple of weeks, he'd been in close contact with Jonathan Dimbleby and they were working on something of which he was optimistic and confident that it could soothe the way for them. It just had to.
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5and3nevermind · 1 hour
Hello! A few days ago I was thinking about yoonmin (as I often do hehehe) and I started thinking about jimin and his gender. Now, I'm not sure if he identifies as anything other than male, but it's safe to say that he has struggled with masculinity and toxic expectations when he was younger. There have been some instances in the last few years were there have been some non-bn references, the first ones that come to mind are the fotoshoot with the bigender symbol and taemin's words on suchwita (“jimin also has that gender-neutral charm and also delicate”).
What I wanted to ask you is how do you think gender has impacted yoonmin?
I don't know if you've ever received an anon about this topic but I was curious about your opinion 😅
Personally, I think Jimin struggled a lot in his early years since he felt the pressure to fullfil this assigned strong masculine roll within the group (when they made him lift his shirt and do things like that). From what he's said in interviews, he later learned to accept himself and I can only think about how reassuring it must have been to have someone as accepting and supportive as yoongi by his side. I feel like yoongi is the kind of person who would encourage him to freely explore his gender (his bestie Halsey uses she/they pronouns by the way) and especially through his art (when face came out some ppl interpreted as Jimin talking about his gender and I found it very interesting).
Anyways, I feel like I'm just rambling haha. To sum up we don't know if he's 100% non-bn, he may still identify as a cis man, but still it's safe to say that he has been exploring his gender in the past.
(We'll probably never get a confirmation if he's actually non-bn, unless things in Korea change A LOT.)
Hi anon! Your question about gender in terms of yoonmin is a good one and something I have wondered about too!
First of all, I agree with you regarding Jimin and his relationship with gender. We’ve gotten many clues (and what I would consider more than clues) about this.
In regards to yoonmin as a pair, one thing I’ve noticed are the types of words Yoongi uses to describe Jimin. Yes, he’s called him handsome. But he’s also used gender-neutral or even traditionally feminine adjectives to describe him: “sexy,” “pretty,” “small and cute.” I think he does this because he knows these are the type of words that Jimin enjoys. Typically, when someone gives a compliment, their words are tailored to fit the person they are complimenting.
Another example: when Yoongi quoted the k-drama line to Jimin backstage in Newark, he quoted the male character’s line thus placing Jimin in the female role in that scenario.
(Likewise, Yoongi seems to be perfectly fine with Jimin referring to him as “cute” and “baby,” which to me shows a level of open mindedness that, unfortunately, many men lack.)
They’re both smart people and they’ve been in the entertainment industry long enough to know how fans analyze things. So, even if the female lead in the Like Crazy choreo isn’t Jimin’s reflection (although I believe she is), he at least would have known that some people would interpret that way…and he was fine with that. Similarly, by now Yoongi knows what many fans think of his Cypher 3 verse. Yet years later, he included that verse, unchanged, in his D-Day set list.
I’m rambling now, but my point is they have both demonstrated an accepting/progressive attitude toward these issues and have not attempted to “set the record straight” when it comes to gender (or sexual orientation, for that matter).
Obviously, Yoongi and Jimin are individuals and each of them has their own unique feelings about gender. We can see differences in terms of how they present themselves. But I do see commonalities in terms of their way of thinking, their acceptance of themselves and their acceptance of others. I hope that makes sense!
Here’s Jimin playing with the idea of gender roles and putting himself in the feminine role: shocked that he’s been caught shirtless, while he places the viewer, who is likely to be female given Army’s demographics, in the role of the voyeur (typically thought of as the masculine role). He seems to love doing this, turning the tables and offering unexpected and non-traditional portrayals of gender roles.
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Here’s a video of Jimin talking about how he’s changed and grown over the years.
Here’s a video of Jimin showing (again) that he’s comfortable playing with the idea of traditional gender roles.
Here’s Yoongi saying in an interview that everyone is equal.
Here’s a photo of Yoongi wearing his pride Vans.
Here’s a really cute video of Yoongi with a male fan. (He is treating the male fan the same way he’d treat a female fan, giving the high-five and the cute pout. Like he said in the interview, “everyone is equal,” and he treats fans accordingly. I love this video!)
In Yoongi’s case, I understand that these are not examples related to gender specifically. I see these as clues to his world view and his inclusivity, and of course I’m sure he extends that way of thinking to Jimin.
I hope this made sense! Thanks for this ask, anon!
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honeysuckle-venom · 4 months
🦴 - do you have an innerworld? what does it look like?
💀 - is your system more overt or covert?
Thank you so very much for asking!!!
🦴: We do! We actually have two? For many years the answer to this was no, because most of us didn't have access/didn't know about them/possibly they didn't exist? Unclear. Both inner worlds were like...kind of created during therapy. But they were creating by my therapist asking questions and the answers coming from somewhere deep and true inside and didn't feel like consciously making something up so much as discovering something?
The Dolls have an inner world which pretty much just consists of a snowy Main Street in an undetermined Past (anywhere from like 1850-1950), on which there is an old fashioned toy shop. The toy shop is magical, secret, and slightly sinister, and only appears to certain people. Inside there's the main store as well as a workroom in the back where the dolls are made. The store is full of warm woods and yellow lighting, and on the shelves are dolls, doll houses, doll furniture, doll clothes, and a few other toys like stuffed animals but like 80% of the toys are dolls/doll accoutrements. The dolls move around when you turn your back on them, but freeze when you look. The backroom is slightly darker, and colder, and has dolls in various stages of completion, as well as assorted doll parts and a large bin of broken/failed/rejected/unfinished-and-never-to-be-finished dolls. So yeah, that's what their world looks like.
The main system now has an inner world as well, which we only started to discover about a year ago. There's a part I've mentioned I think only once before on this blog, I call her C. She woke up after over a decade of dormancy almost exactly a year ago. But she hadn't just been dormant; symbolically/internally she had been experienced as dead. But a year ago internally she literally took a deep breath and crawled out of her grave, and when my therapist asked some questions about that it led to the discovery of our inner world. She crawled out into a meadow, surrounded by forest. There's a path through the forest, and it leads to a warm a cozy cottage with a large garden. Cypher had been keeping the cottage ready and set up for when C would arrive and start living there, and Cypher lives there most of the time and takes care of C there. It's a very medieval fairy tale setting. The cottage is deep in the woods. Outside of the woods there is a village, where C and Cypher go on market days. Cypher goes there more often as well, as she's sort of a protector/guardian/knight there and sometimes helps people in the village with things or runs errands for C. The village is in a kingdom and several villages over you can reach the capital, where the palace is. I live in the castle, and in this internal world while C had been dead I was asleep like Sleeping Beauty, as were the other inhabitants of the castle and the immediately surrounding town. C waking up also woke me up. I'm still in the castle, and can't get to C yet, but Cypher and I use magical crows to pass messages back and forth, and if I need to communicate to C then Cypher can pass along a message for me. The rest of us used to be living in various villages and/or the capital, but now that most of use are fused really the world is mostly populated by NPCs if you will, with just me and C and a version of Cypher as distinct alters living there I believe. Cypher and I had/have fused as well, but we kind of split off a piece of Cypher solely internally just to take care of C. Just realized that description was more about internal dynamics than it was a visual description of the world, but whatever, it's a fairy tale world, I'm sure you can picture it.
💀 We used to be pretty overt, but over time we've gotten more and more covert, especially with fusion (which is kind of obvious). So these days we're almost entirely covert, and even though there are times even when fused when a certain part will be a little more in control/we'll be in a [alter's name] mood, it can be very hard to tell I think.
Thank you again for asking!!!
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artbyblastweave · 1 year
tagged by @st-just
Rules: Tag nine people you want to get to know better!
Favourite colour: Blue
Currently reading: At the moment, revisiting the Reckoners Trilogy by Brandon Sanderson, (best described as YA The Boys)  as a refresher for a longer effortpost I’m doing about the series worldbuilding, and as a pure nostalgia thing, as it was Worm-before-Worm for me. 
Last song: Window Frame Cypher II  by Pete and Bas ft. the Snooker Team. A few days ago some clips from Nobody Likes Me by the Northern Boys was doing the rounds- it’s the larger troupe that those three are part of. My knowledge of Hip Hop as a genre is far from Robust, but I find their whole deal rhetorically fascinating, and could spill some more ink about the whole project at a later date if anyone poked me particularly hard.
Last movie: Office Space. And someone should write a shaker trigger for Milton.
Last series: Been chewing through The Magicians, which I find really interesting, because it’s basically playing fast and loose with the underlying logic of how Magic actually works in an analogous way to the writing in the Harry Potter series, but it gets away with it by A.) being the right combination of fun and funny that I didn’t care, B.) being willing to commit to buckwild gags that turn into serious plot developments, C.)  being unrepentant about the core cast’s status as a band of serial fuck-ups rather than hand-selected golden children, D.) goes hard on the idea of the Dumbledore figure as a backbiting snake, and E.) does interesting-to-me metacommentary on the deification of S/SF luminaries and settings and why it’s not a good idea to do that, F.) is concerned in interesting ways with what happens to people who wash out of the whimsical magic school and have to pick it up the hard way, and G.) is actually really compatible with the Otherverse, now that I’m thinking about it.
Sweet, savoury or spicy: Savoury or spicy.
Craving: Buffalo Chicken. Blue cheese. Any cheese.
Tea or coffee: Coffee.
tagging @tiffany-loves-broadway @ignis-cain @importantangeldefendor @halizumab @ameliadallon @earthghimel @victoriadallonfan @bug4932 @little-miss-mash
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ocikofabron · 2 years
Cypher X GN Reader
Reader asks about Cypher’s taste in music which leads to a dance date, I’m sure he’s a great dancer, probably just rusty. ♡👍
✿ tekrar merhaba ✿
I know i wrote this too late but thank you for your understanding. I break study my exams and i can write this request♡
Music Taste
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Cypher x GN Reader
On that day, it was decided to hold a party for the valorant protocol. This party idea camed from Jett, Phoneix and Raze. This party for discovered omega worl. (this is just an excuse) Everyone has to come.
This party like a high school party. This reason, some agents don't like this party like brimstone,omen,sova, cypher...
You enjoyed this party but somethings was don't completed. You turned your back and saw cypher. He just standing near a table and watchs others dances.
"cypher, why are you stand there?"
"i don't like this party and this musics."
"then what type musics do you like? I think you don't like dance musics"
"no you wrong. i like dancing but not like this. I remembered my old high school memorys. I didn't join any party."
"you sayed you like dancing but why you didn't join? what was you did?"
"I stayed home."
"you're so boring."
"believe me, staying home and trying play guitar better than join stupid teenage party."
"wait can you play guitar!"
"i don't know. it was 5 years ago"
"hmmm you sayed you don't like this party then why aren't we go out there? you can show your music taste and your guitar ability!"
"im not sure you love my taste but ok let's go. I'd rather play the guitar than stay here."
You arrived cypher's room. It feels safe and warm. He opened a cabinet and took the guitar.
"let's see what can i do with this."
He checked the chord of the guitar. It made a nice-sounding sound with a few notes.
"I remember a song. It was my favorite before i stop play guitar."
He started playing that song and this song sounded better than the songs you listened to. His voice made you feel in the clouds. A warmth began to build up inside you. When he finished the song, you hypnotized with his voice.
"uhm are you ok?"
he touched your head and you turned back to live.
"oh I'm sorry i love it! Your voice is amazing and you are so talented with guitar!!!"
"thanks. im happy for you liked"
You stand and looked his blue robotic eyes. end of some minute, you decided to talk.
"oh you like to dance aren't you? can you play a song in your taste? i wanna see your dance moves"
he giggled and opened his phone. he opened a old classic song. it's old but you like it and started move your arms and legs.
"follow my moves"
you started follow his moves. its not fast like a party but you more enjoyed. he grabbed your hand and waist. your heart started beating faster. He giggled you.
"you blushed like a tomato"
"n-no im not!"
he pulled you more close.
"i love see your red face"
"you're so lucky you have mask for hide your emotions"
"oh i see"
He brought his hand to his face to take off his mask. your heart more fast beasted like fall and fly. At this moment, Jett started to knock the door faster.
you shocked and he move away from you.
"I think we need the go it was fun. Come my near when you want my rose."
he opened the door and Jett didn't see you. She grabbed his hand and took him out of the room.
You started think this night and you remembered his sentences.
I'm sorry i think it's too short but i wanna show this request, i don't wanna delay. I hope you like it. (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
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faith-alhazred · 6 months
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few days ago i got weird obsession about Tamam Shud case, particularly the encoded message. i spent few hours trying to figure it out (like i am the one who can figure out unsolvable mystery of 75 years in one evening, yeah).
i found few theories and want add up my own thought about it. maybe someday some kind of genius or ai will solve it using starting point of this post, like, who knows?
first of all, i do not think that there is any hidden, invisible, microscopic, etc cypher is there. what we have on the plain sight is everything that involved person needed to decode the message (almost). the book wasn't meant to be inspected with any professional equipment.
almost - because all involved persons had knew what cypher it is, and, if there was any, the code word to it.
then, the person who had written the message, was in a rush, and hasn't a stable desk - so probably he also haven't any equipment.
the structure looks crearly to me: the first and third lines is the key. the second is the message itself. author started to write it between two lines - he knew code quite well, it seems, of had something with him (like encoded alphabet list). and when he reached A in the key line he made a mistake. like: "O stands for A, so A stands for O... oh, wait, the last one is wrong". so he stroked this line out, made a horizontal line under the key and started from the beggining.
what happened next is not that clear to me MLIAB looks like it is what he meant to write, but O has X upon it. i doubt if he wanted to stroke it out - he would do it the way he did in the second line. i suppose it's more likely "not O, sorry, it's X" or "use X as a key to decode O".
the last line starts with I, or V, or just vertical mark. considering the way he writes I - and that the key is shorter than the message - i tend to think it's a vertical mark - but i honestly don't know. however, the last line he finished faster and more confidentially than previous one. and made another horizontal stroke, finishing it.
well, that's it. i hope one day we will know what actually happened and what the message says.
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avianyuh · 2 years
Time Off; Jung Hoseok
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Summary: BTS is taking some time for passion projects. Though the outlook is a little sentimental, it's been good overall. Hoseok, or Hobi to most, buried himself in work regarding the group for years, so when the workload was lightened he had more time to think. His thoughts led him to you, and your relationship, which had ended a few years prior over conflicting schedules. Hobi hadn't realized how empty his life was without you while these memories resurfaced. So here's a few of the good times.
For once there were no hotel rooms, no over exhaustion, privacy invasion. He was home...and bored. And did he forget to mention alone. Sure, he'd met a few friends for dinner. The boys had all gotten together a few times. He's been busy working on his album, but besides that life's been uneventful.
When one is bored, you tend to go into weird crevices of the mind. Which was exactly what Hoseok was doing. Sitting on the couch in his expensive Seoul apartment, his mind brought him to one thing. You.
It had been about 3 years since you had decided to go your separate ways. It had been a very hard decision, the night off the separation being quite the tear jerker. The more Hobi thought about you, the more her felt like kicking himself.
'Maybe if you had been there he wouldn't be bored?', he thought to himself. He remembered a distinct memory of a rainy day spent with you, at your apartment. You not being in the public eye worked a regular job and since it had been a Saturday you had been free. Luckily, Hobi had nothing to do that day either. Since it was a rainy day, the boys were free to skip practice. So there the two of you were, sitting on the couch, touching knee to knee, watching TV. Hobi was more interested in the show, but you had been a bit restless. You had worked all week and the last thing you wanted to do was watch TV all day, considering that was your nighttime routine on work days. Turning your body to face Hobi, you nudged his shoulder with your hand, and whispered, for a dramatic effect, "You wanna teach me how to rap?", Hobi showed curiosity in his eyes, opening them widely. He responded playfully, "You? Rap?", he laughed, "I mean...If you're up for it", he smiled, stretching his arms up over his head before rising from the couch, holding his hand out to pull you up.
You giggled, already knowing this was gonna end with you being tomato red in the face. "I might have to replace you in the rap line, Jung Hoseok", you said as you moved your hands around in front of your face, doing the stereotypical rap hand signals. He laughed again as he put on the music, BTS cypher 4 played, and you immediately changed your smug look to a look of horror, Hobi could barely contain himself as he clapped his hands, falling to the ground in hysterics. "THE SONG HASN'T EVEN STARTED", you cried out, also trying to contain your composer. When Hobi picked himself up he started the song, holding you, reciting the lyrics in your ear. All you could do was smile, and just like you had thought, your face was tomato red by the end of the day. Both of you were no longer bored.
Hobi sighed, as he was brought back to reality. "Shit", he said as he looked up at the ceiling. He really misses you. The more he thought about you, which he tried not to do too often because this was exactly what hates the most. Sitting around, missing you. He could never think of you without getting sidetracked and to be honest, a bit depressed. That's why he's blocked out anything that had to do with you since the breakup. Now that he more free time, it was so easy for him to think about how much of a mistake it was ending your relationship. How all the two of you ever wanted was some free time together. And now he had it and you weren't with him. He remembered a different memory, one a bit more melancholy.
"Hobi...I can't", you sniffled. "I hate being alone all the time." You were curled up in the corner of your bed, the lights were off, four hours ago you had made a nice dinner for the two of you. Hobi had said he'd be home for the night, he just had a few more songs to go over with some producers. That was four and a half hours ago. You called and called with no answer, each time straight to voicemail. So when the food got cold and the tears started to arrive, you retreated to your room for the rest of the night. When you heard keys jingling at one in the morning, a door opening and closing, shoes and a jacket coming off, and the all too familiar footsteps coming towards the door, you sat up. "Baby?" he whispered, "Are you sleeping?" When he got a good look at you and realized you were awake, an apologetic look was settled on his face. "I'm so sorry, I thought I needed another hour, but then my phone died and there was way more work than I had anticipated and" He paused and stared at you before continuing, "You're mad", he sighed, running a hand through his hair. His hair was a bit overgrown during that particular time of year. Award season was coming up and recording hadn't been fun. To be completely honest Hoseok was tired. " You lied to me", you said, sadness in your voice, don't even mention your eyes, which Hoseok had a hard time looking into because of the overwhelming guilt he was feeling. "Why do you always do this?...You always tell me you'll be here, but you always back out. I understand your work is important, I know it's demanding, but if you had work, why couldn't you just call and cancel? Why lead me on? I waited here for hours. The foods cold, it's too late to eat now, we never spend time together. You come here to sleep, or have sex. That's all we do. We don't even talk anymore Hobi.", your voice broke off. You looked down at your hands sitting in your lap as the tears fell down your cheeks. By this point Hoseok was sitting on the far end of the bed. He wanted to touch you so badly. He wanted to hold you and kiss you, but he couldn't. Because just like you said, he didn't want to lead you on. He knew this would happen again. He knew you weren't coping well with this arrangement. As he looked at you, watching you cry into your hands, shaking your head. He didn't know what to say other than, "I love you. I love you so fucking much. I don't know what to tell you to stop your tears. But I just want you to know that hurting you in anyway is the last thing I'd ever want to do." You looked at him, still upset, but responded by whispering, "I know that Hobi" You crawled towards him. You needed a hug from your boyfriend. Hobi embraced you, kissing your cheek and nuzzling his face in your neck. God, he loved the way you smelled.
A tear escaped Hobi's eye as he yet again was brought back to reality. A whirlwind of reminders as to why things didn't work out. He caused you so much unintentional pain. He shook his head, the guilt rushing back. He thought about all the places you wanted to go to with him, all of them getting a no. He remembered having to get take out and calling it a date, facetime calls that he'd fall asleep in the middle of. Whenever the two of you did go out in public, he was too paranoid to enjoy his time with you. Constantly looking around, making sure no one was taking pictures of you. It's was honestly for your protection in the long run, but it still hurt your feelings none the less. This was the argument that lead to the breakup. The icebreaker, as Hoseok liked to refer to it as.
"You treat me like your dirty secret." You yelled, slamming the door behind you. Your eyes saying that you were hurt, but your movements and mannerisms displaying pure anger. "I'm done with this. Hoseok there was no one around. You kept your distance from me on the street like we were strangers. Not to mention last week when you invited me to your sisters party and then left me alone the whole night because people were taking pictures. Why are you with me if you're sooooo afraid, huh, why Hoseok, WHY!" you screamed. Hoseok realized you had reached your breaking point. "Baby just hear me out I-", "Oh, I'm your 'baby' Hoseok", you had said throwing up air quotes. "Let me finish", Hoseok exclaimed, his voice shaky, he knew he was losing you. "I don't want you to get hurt. People are cruel. I'd feel like I was responsible." You rolled your eyes at him, "I'm not asking you to go public, all I'm asking is that you can take me places without acting like we're sneaking around, or you don't want to be seen with me. I'm a grown woman Hoseok, I can handle pushback. You know what I don't think you can handle... consequences to your career. Your career comes first to you. If your company told you that things had to end between us in order to save your career. You'd do it. Don't lie." "Why would you think that? Why would you even say that. You knew what you were getting into when we met. You knew who I was when I came over to you at that restaurant two years ago. On our first date I told you that I couldn't provide fully. Now you're unhappy and and you're saying it's my fault?" Now Hoseok was a little angry. "Honestly the more I think about it Hoseok...I think this was a mistake. We'll never be ready for each other. I can't wait around for you.", you looked at him, both of yours and his eyes filled with disappointment. You didn't have any tears in your eyes, and Hobi couldn't help but think that you had ran out because of all the times he made you sad. He didn't even try to stop you as you left your key on the counter and grabbed your coat, opened the door to leave, not even looking back at him. He knew you wanted him to send your stuff back through mail. He knew he'd never see you again. He wasn't sure if he was going to leave you with good or bad memories.
However, to him, he was thankful for the happy ones.
*Authors Note- Agggghhhh. It feels so great to be writing again. Sorry that this one was sad. I had actually thought this was gonna end on a good note (Hobi was gonna call the ex) but as I was writing this it went in a completely different direction. Anyways, sorry if this is bad, I'm a little rusty and my computer is broken so this was written on my phone. I might not write anything else until I get a new computer, but I just want to say that I'll start taking requests again, which will start now! but if you have a request I will write for BTS, SVT and NCT. I've also gotten an urge to write for Shinee Minho??? but we'll see. Maybe even a few people that aren't in kpop, but like I said, I need a new computer first. Anyways I wrote for Hobi this time and I miss BTS right now so that was the inspo. Soooooo... thank you so much for reading 💋muahhhhh💋*
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rockislandadultreads · 11 months
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LGBTQIA+ Pride Month: Fiction Recommendations
The Skin and Its Girl by Sarah Cypher
In a Pacific Northwest hospital far from the Rummani family’s ancestral home in Palestine, the heart of a stillborn baby begins to beat and her skin turns vibrantly, permanently cobalt blue. On the same day, the Rummanis’ centuries-old soap factory in Nablus is destroyed in an air strike. The family matriarch and keeper of their lore, Aunt Nuha, believes that the blue girl embodies their sacred history, harkening back to a time when the Rummanis were among the wealthiest soap-makers and their blue soap was a symbol of a legendary love.
Decades later, Betty returns to Aunt Nuha’s gravestone, faced with a difficult decision: Should she stay in the only country she’s ever known, or should she follow her heart and the woman she loves, perpetuating her family’s cycle of exile? Betty finds her answer in partially translated notebooks that reveal her aunt’s complex life and struggle with her own sexuality, which Nuha hid to help the family immigrate to the United States. But, as Betty soon discovers, her aunt hid much more than that.
The Old Place by Bobby Finger
Billington, Texas, is a place where nothing changes. Well, almost nothing. For the first time in nearly four decades, Mary Alice Roth is not getting ready for the first day of school at Billington High. A few months into her retirement—or, district mandated exile as she calls it—Mary Alice does not know how to fill her days. The annual picnic is coming up, but that isn’t nearly enough since the menu never changes and she had the roles mentally assigned weeks ago. At least there’s Ellie, who stops by each morning for coffee and whose reemergence in Mary Alice’s life is the one thing soothing the sting of retirement.
Mary Alice and Ellie were a pair since the day Ellie moved in next door. That they both were single mothers—Mary Alice widowed, Ellie divorced—with sons the same age was a pleasant coincidence, but they were forever linked when they lost the boys, one right after the other. Years later, the two are working their way back to a comfortable friendship. But when Mary Alice’s sister arrives on her doorstep with a staggering piece of news, it jeopardizes the careful shell she’s built around her life. The whole of her friendship with Ellie is put at risk, the fabric of a place as steadfast as Billington is questioned, and the unflappable, knotty fixture that is Mary Alice Roth might have to change after all.
Your Driver is Waiting by Priya Guns
Damani is tired. Her father just died on the job at a fast-food joint, and now she lives paycheck to paycheck in a basement, caring for her mom and driving for an app that is constantly cutting her take. The city is roiling in protests--everybody's in solidarity with somebody--but while she keeps hearing that they’re fighting for change on behalf of people like her, she literally can’t afford to pay attention.
Then she gives a ride to Jolene (five stars, obviously). Jolene seems like she could be the perfect girlfriend--attentive, attractive, an ally--and their chemistry is off the charts. Jolene’s done the reading, she goes to every protest, and she says all the right things. So maybe Damani can look past the one thing that's holding her back: she’s never dated anyone with money before, not to mention a white girl with money. But just as their romance intensifies and Damani finally lets her guard down, Jolene does something unforgivable, setting off an explosive chain of events.
The Secret Life of Albert Entwistle by Matt Cain
Every day, Albert Entwistle makes his way through the streets of his small English town, delivering letters and parcels and returning greetings with a quick wave and a “how do?” Everyone on his route knows Albert, or thinks they do—a man of quiet routines, content to live alone with his cat, Gracie.
Three months before his sixty-fifth birthday, Albert receives a letter from the Royal Mail thanking him for decades of service and stating that he is being forced into retirement. At once, Albert’s simple life unravels. Without the work that fills his days, what will he do? He has no friends, family, or hobbies—just a past he never speaks of, and a lost love that fills him with regret. And so, rather than continue his lonely existence, Albert forms a brave plan to start truly living, to be honest about who he is . . . and to find George, the man with whom he spent one perfect spring and summer long ago.
One painful yet exhilarating step at a time, Albert begins searching for George and revealing his story to those around him. As he does, something extraordinary happens. Albert finds unlikely allies, new friends, and the courage to help others—even as he seeks the happiness he’s always denied himself.
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OK, I gotta ask, BPP: how many times have you seen BTS live? And what was your most out of body experience doing so?
Hi @onthecuterside! 💜
I've seen BTS live in concert eight times, including the KCON in August 2014.
Every one of those times, became one of the highlights of my year. I don't want to overstate it, but BTS are literally one of the most phenomenal performers I've ever seen.
And I've seen Epik High, Twenty One Pilots, Radiohead, Shinee, Kendrick Lamar, Beyonce, ONE OK ROCK, Big Bang, AC/DC, Burna Boy, Janet Jackson, Coldplay, EXO, Foo Fighters, Slaves, etc in concert.
BTS are something else.
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You sent in this ask some time ago @onthecuterside, and the truth is I agonized over it. Because how am I supposed to choose my favourite concert?
It's impossible to. Each concert was tied to different circumstances for me that made each one take on a quality of its own. But I did select a couple to potentially talk about:
The Speak Yourself concert in Seoul on October 26, 2019
The Wings tour in Seoul on February 19, 2017
...I saw recently fans were posting clips from the SYS tour. So, I'll talk very briefly about the Wings tour.
BTS were so young back then, but the energy they created was electric. Like I got goosebumps just now remembering and writing about it. The Wings Tour DVD is something I recommend every fan watches at least once to get a sense of the sort of energy, inexperience and sincerity they had (and still do). [I can provide a streaming link of the concert DVD via DM for anyone interested]
Set list (excluding Encore section):
Not Today Am I Wrong Silver Spoon Dope Begin Lie First Love Lost Save Me
I Need U Reflection Stigma MAMA Awake BTS Cypher Pt. 4 Fire N.O No More Dream Boy In Luv Danger Run War of Hormone 21st Century Girl Intro: Boy Meets Evil Blood Sweat & Tears
Not Today started with a few hiccups if I recall correctly. It's not really evident in the DVD but I remember the sound was a bit inconsistent in some areas, as if they were still getting used to the volume and deciding how hard to sing/rap. Their introduction was cute, and it was easy jamming along to the setlist. By the time it got to Baepsae, I was very awake. But it was Reflection that did me in.
It's Namjoon's solo song. He just stood in front of a mic in a white-ish button-down shirt, and he seemed a bit nervous at some points singing it. The Wings emblem that was moving the entire time, when contrasted against the blue background, was such a simple and arresting sight. I hadn't actually heard the song before that day, and so hearing it for the first time, hearing the lyrics of what he was singing... It stuck with me.
I remember screaming myself hoarse during Cypher Pt 4, and I probably blacked out during Blood, Sweat & Tears - imagine, it's the end of the show, Jimin's visuals after dancing and singing for more than one hour, high on adrenaline...
It's not captured in the DVD but just before the final chorus, I remember there was this look Jimin gave right before moving to the center, and y'all, I had a revelation.
I don't want to rub it too much in people's faces, but I knew BTS was different and were going to dominate no matter what, after seeing them live in February 2017. I wasn't even an ARMY then, I didn't have an ARMY bomb, and I knew that if the next year didn't end with BTS on everybody's lips (more than it already was at the time), then something must've gone very very wrong.
It's not their best concert ever IMO (the SYS concert and a few others are contenders for that), but that entire Wings era was incredible.
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