#cyber punk genre
Holy ****... I've only gone and done a sequel!
A long time ago, in a lifetime very different to that which I have now, I wrote a novel. An actual, proper-ish novel (this is open to debate obviously, given the reception it received.) in which I sent a character I had created on a road trip into her past and that of her family. It was a violent, unpleasant and politically insensitive story, based on corrupt politics, vampires and murder for hire. I entitled this novel 'Leticia, Sunset Hunter' and was genuinely proud of what I had written.
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My partner and I desperately tried to find a publisher or an agent to release the novel, but being the weird neuro-atypical freak that I am, I was barely able to believe in myself, let alone the power of my words. So after three hundred letters, with only one positive reply who never write back again, I called it a day and retreated into my shell, like a sad little snail, scared of the big wide world. The rejection felt like a cricket bat to the stomach, I had been judged harshly by the world of publishing and I did not take that judgement well.
Time went by and I remembered the words of my dear friend and mentor Mr Smith... “Have you looked into modern electronic publishing?” As an early adopter of the Apple Mac, Mr Smith was way ahead of me in terms of modern gadgets. He had iPods before anyone else had ePods! (sorry for the poor alphabetical pun!). He read his morning paper on the first generation iPad and knowing him, he was probably on first name terms with Steve Jobs. Sadly both of these men are now dead and in truth I greatly loved one of them and miss him to this day.
My first attempt at publishing was with a book of short stories. This was also my first attempt at editing a piece of my writing and I was abysmal at it. The short stories contained spelling mistakes, missed letters, lost words, changes in font and variable font size. It was a beautiful disaster, but I still loved it. This went up on Amazon Kindle and I sold at least three to well meaning friends, who let me down gently as to the quality of what they had paid for. As you would expect for such a service, Amazon took seventy percent of the profit and I received a few pence for each copy sold, which after a few months added up to the grand total of fifty three... Pence.
So releasing Leticia on Kindle was probably my best bet. I worked for months, preparing the story, working on the edits and slowly going insane. My therapist helped me deal with the feelings of failure with some kind words. “By publishing on Kindle, you are staying true to the purity of your own voice.” So publish her I did and the feelings of shame and self doubt grew like a tumour in my belly. Leticia was far from perfect and in truth I would write a very different book now, but I have to be true to the purity of my voice. The me of then who wrote Leticia, was desperate to be loved. So when I recently edited Leticia, I made sure that I was kind to the me of then and all I changed was the formatting mistakes and a couple of blindingly awful spelling or grammatical errors. I also gave Leticia a new cover, ready to be joined by her sequel, David.
When people have pets, they give them cute, lovable names (except for poor black kittens who often end up being named after something demonic), my cat for example has an adorable name. He is a sixteen year old ginger tabby called Jasper Doodahs and as I write this, he is curled up fast asleep between my ankles. Naming books is just as difficult as naming pets, if not more so. I can only imagine how many modern pets have been named Grogu or other Star Wars names, I know of at least one Ahsoka, who is a beautiful little silver tabby queen. The problem with books is that you cannot use names from films, it gets very confusing if you do and can be problematic when Lawyers are called in to ask you to stop. So I use human names for my books and here I present David : Dark Walker.
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What is David about? Well, it picks up hours after the end of Leticia, with David on his way to meet Rosalind, Leticia's mother, when a woman from his long forgotten past reaches out to him. From there we have yet more travel, through this world and into others with violent and unpleasant outcomes and then right at the end, we lead into a final sequel. I wish that I could tell you more about the sequel, but as we speak, the plan is in its most basic form and nothing has been written other than a few introductory lines of text.
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David is finally available now and is book two in the Vampyrican trilogy. At just over one hundred and twenty thousand words, you get around ten thousand words for roughly each pound you spend on my book. I started writing David in 2017 and since then we have had Brexit, a global pandemic, financial collapse, war in Europe and an awful lot of unnecessary deaths caused by the piss poor performance of politicians globally. None of this appears in David, well none of the real stuff anyway, but there is plenty of technocratic theocracy and maybe hints of cyber punk, with maybe a lot of love for and influence from my favourite movie of all time, Bladerunner.
What this means is that with my greater experience of being a writer now, I asked someone else to pass their eye across my final manuscript and they corrected a number of irritating mistakes for me. I still do not have the money to be able to pay an editor what they are worth to professionally work on my book, but this is hopefully a better step forwards with the reading experience for my readers. So I implore you, go and read my new novel, buy it on Kindle and/or paperback. If you live local to me, I can even sign a paperback for you. What I can tell you, should you wish to read my Vampyrican trilogy, you will be getting the purity of my voice, albeit a voice that has changed and matured over the years. I still love Leticia, but David is better and who knows, the final in the series might well be better again, when she lands on your kindle reader or bookshelf. Actually, there is a hint, book three has a girl's name and she is a character all of her own.
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sleazy-art · 1 year
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Judith 💿🖤
She is character from original setting
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dykecassidy · 2 years
SUDDENLY remembered in my cyber punk/future/cyborg au i decided that you can get basically mattress sized wireless chargers. for your android or prosthetics. so you just go to bed, it magically wirelessly connects, everyone wakes up to a full charge.
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diethrice · 12 days
SHANNON WILLIAMS : an independent + private original character.
temp rules below
don't be a freak <3
very mid to moderate formatting over here
shan is one of my oldest ocs and i have deleted all her shit multiple times. i am trying to cobble her back together, but a lot of how i see her has also changed since i first started writing her and so ... it's gonna be a hot mess for a bit.
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inlandempir · 8 months
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post on one of the dev forums for disco elysium, titled "THE BENEFITS OF A MODERN FANTASY WORLD". text version beneath the cut
There's been a lot of art and tech talk so far, it's all kinda dry or saccharine. I think it's time to juice it up by throwing in a proper essay.
The world of No Truce! (we do have a proper name for it, but we’re shy) is not what you’d call “a generic genre world”. It is not pseudo-medieval stasis, as Forgotten Realms was, nor is it Fallout’s campy barbarism with guns. It is also not a Harry Potter/Batman/vampire fantasy world, which is basically “our world with a secret/special world within it”. Neither is it the tech-obsessed ‘punks’ of steam and cyber. It’s a modern fantasy world, a fantasy world in its modernity, which roughly corresponds to the middle part of our XXth century. Now that kind of thing opens up an array of new possibilities. It is a world with a promise of non-staticness, meaning, things appear undecided — they could go one way or the other. It is close enough to our own world for things to have meaning in it, it is a proper frame in which to explore themes relevant to our own society such as bigotry, power relations, politics, bureaucratic apparati, geopolitical relations, philosophy, ideology, religion et cetera. A pseudo-medieval world is not a proper frame for truly exploring themes of, for example, sexuality, for it lacks 1) a proper concept of sexuality, 2) an actual idea of societal progress and 3) a clear ideological dominant, which would be the place where values come from. All you can do in a static, societally unstructured world is give out-of-place shoutouts to present day communities for cheap popularity (“this is exactly my sexual orientation, how did they know?!”).
We find the ideological dominant missing because the western world is traditionally culturally critical of ideological dominants – critical of both state and religion. Anyhow, a classic fantasy world would feature two main ideologies – the “good” and the “evil”, of which the former is selfless and compassionate, but the other one is selfish and cruel. The attempts to overcome that have given us the Grittywelt – a world in which everyone is an asshole and pessimism rules the day. Unsurprisingly, Grittywelt is also static as hell and meaningful change is foreclosed from it. It is a “protection from false hopes”. As such, it is heavily unrealistic. Much more realistic would be people living in super gritty conditions, but not looking the part, that is, not really noticing the abnormal harshness of their conditions, because they don’t have much to compare them to, and being hopeful towards the next day, because surprise! This is how you do it. Survive, I mean. Being depressed is a luxury. In a way, I’d say we’re trying to create the obverse of the Grittywelt – a world in which everyone is empathizable, sort of a hero of their own story.
The modern era is also a fitting vessel for anachronisms – do we not have actual cyborg limbs and donkey-pulled carts operating in the same world at the modern era? Capitalism can also contain little feudalisms in a way, in which a single man or single family controls the entire economy of a town or a village and profits from it. And at the same time, it can also contain little socialist utopias, scientist villages, in which everything is provided by the State. Aside from being a basic feature of reality (anachronism is nothing more than time failing to fit the stereotype about it), it is also a lovable creative tool, allowing for a plethora of what-if-scenarios. Imagine a modern world, only without television; imagine a modern world in which there never was a global war, imagine a world in which fossil fuels are less available. Now, if you will, imagine one which has forgotten its antiquity, and one, in which there is not just water between the continents, but something worse as well — an anti-reality mass we call “pale” (also more on that later). Now imagine one, which has a legitimate and operative “religion of history” in place, which seeks for people it deems special enough to be the “vessel of progress”. (This is not an alternate history thing, by the way. An alternate history takes place in our world quite recognizably and has no more than one divergence point from history as it happened.)
One might ask, why would we not create an even more modern world, if we wanted to maximise our possibilities? Well one of the answers is that it would have destroyed the necessary element of escapism, another is that we cannot create a good alternate Information Era because we ourselves fail to understand the Information Era (More precicely, we have the information era in its infancy and it works via radio relays). We are too close to it and it is too new to understand it, it is “in progress”. The third reason would be that technology is not a fascinating subject for modern science fiction. It’s become a natural part of our reality. We don’t believe it’s going to save us anymore – it has failed to deliver for too long. I am of the belief that the themes of science fiction today are societal, political and psychological (one could maybe add aesthetical to it, for we also love the world for its beauty). All fantastic or sci-fi elements are means for best exploring those themes.
I have filled my page. That’s all for the time being. Thank you for reading.
Martin Luiga Writer
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alpaca-clouds · 9 months
The History of Cyberpunk
Or why every other SciFi Genre is called [something]punk
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You know what? Let's do this. Because I have seen the discussion on whether or not Solarpunk is "punk" over the last few days and... people really gotta learn their history.
The first time a genre took the "punk" name was Cyberpunk. And for context we gotta talk a bit about the history of the Cyberpunk genre.
While some books that we in hindsight call "Cyberpunk" were released as early as the 1960s, the start of Cyberpunk as a genre got its start in the late 70s and early 80s.
The term was invented by Bruce Bethke, who published a short story in 1983 with the name "Cyberpunk". His idea was to juxtapose the term "punk" for both the mentality and the punk protagonists in his short story with the term cyber, short for the cybernetics they were wearing. And while the cybernetics have become a main stay in the genre, the punk attitudes are not always carried through...
Well, the title Bethke invented stuck, though. When 1984 Neuromancer was published, one of the most influencial works in the early days of the genre, he called it "a Cyberpunk novel" in the marketing. And from there... Well, the genre was suddenly named like that.
The 80s were definitely the decade that had the most influence on the genre, given that a lot of the big novels and graphic novels of the genre were released here.
A big influence was, no doubt, that 1982 the Blade Runner movie had released and had inspired quite a few writers and artists. (And yes, this makes Blade Runner a movie that released not only before the term Cyberpunk was coined, but also before the genre had a chance to define itself.)
Given that the genre was defined in the 80s, there are a lot of 80s anxiety kept within it about the rise of the Japanese economy, that are these days rarely questioned within the western Cyberpunk movement.
When the genre was coined and developed, Japan was the fastest growing economy in the world, being so influencial that they got to buy out several things in America. Something that kinda jerked white people in the US a lot. This is, why Cyberpunk originally depicted not only a capitalist hellscape - but specifically a capitalist hellscape were everything was bought out by Japanese companies, with many of those early antagonists being Japanese companies. And yeah... there was a lot of both anti-japanese racism, but also cultural appropriation of Japanese things in early Cyberpunk, at time surviving to this day. (But that is a story for another day.)
The general sense that Western Cyberpunk had, was always the idea of: We have a capitalist hellscape where the world is slowly dying and people are exploited with no end, while we have those kinda punky protagonists, who stand outside of the society and try to work against it. This being where the punk comes from.
Now, I could talk for length about how a lot of that punky attitude has been lost in more modern Cyberpunk media, but that, too, is a story for another day.
So, let me just talk about what happened then.
The term Cyberpunk really is darn catchy, right? So just when that name took hold, writer K.W. Jeter retroactively called his 1979 novel Morlock Night "steampunk". And guess what: This stuck, too. Though while the 80s Cyberpunk still stuck to the punk attitude, a lot of Steampunk did not. While for certain there is quite a bit of Steampunk that has kinda punky characters go against the quasi Victorian society of steampunk books (something most common in the air pirate novels I have read), a lot of other stories are more focused on a general sense of adventure.
But never the less... The genre names stuck and gave a nice baseline for naming other genre. We got Dieselpunk, Atompunk, Nanopunk, Arcanepunk, Dustpunk, Silkpunk and of course also Solarpunk and Lunarpunk.
And for the most part... The "punk" names mostly communicate: "It is SciFi with this kinda aesthetic/twist going on". Which is just how it turned out.
Funnily enough Solarpunk is for once a genre that brings back the punk, as it tends to include a lot of the ideals aspired to by the Punk counter culture of the 1970s: Anarchism, anti-capitalism, anti-consumerism, anti-classism, anti-racism, anti-colonialism and so on. Though other than with Cyberpunk and the real world punk movement, Solarpunk for the most part imagines a place, where those things are culture instead of counter culture.
I personally find it kinda sad, how for the most part Cyberpunk kinda lost a lot of the counter-cultural, revolutionary mindset. And how fucking defeatist the genre often is.
But again, it is a story for another day. Just as the story of Japanese Cyberpunk is.
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eutopiasims · 9 months
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"Another Cruel World, Just in a Different Dimension"
Cyber Vi is my favorite genre>>> Since I am currently having a cyber punk fixation and am in the spirit of re-doing old works, I decided to make these edits inspired by one of my firsts (which is also my most popular edit) I also made a cyberpunk city and Gshade to go w it !
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imnotavamp1r3 · 3 months
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♡ A guide to emo, goth, and scene! ♡
So since I see a lot of confusion over certain subcultures are and the differences between them, I thought I would make somewhat of a master post basically outlining the characteristics and differences of three aesthetics that I see misinterpreted a lot. If I do at any point get something wrong, feel free to correct me because I really don't intend to spread misinformation.
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🎀 Emo
Emo is a music based subculture that first emerged in the 80s out of the hardcore scene. The name emo came from the music genre emocore, which was short for emotional hardcore. The fashion is typically pretty casual, with some staples being straightened and teased hair with a sideways fringe, black clothing, band shirts, arm warmers, sneakers, skinny jeans, fishnets, arm warmers, wide leg pants, studded belts, and merchandise from various properties like Emily The Strange, Nightmare Before Christmas, and Ruby Gloom.
Since the early days of emo, the music in the subculture has expanded outside of hardcore and post-hardcore, and has since gone on to include alternative rock, horror punk, metalcore, pop punk, and screamo. Some of the most prominent artists in the scene are Avril Lavigne, Blink 182, Fall Out Boy, Green Day, My Chemical Romance, Panic! at the Disco, Paramore, Pierce The Veil, and Sleeping With Sirens.
Since the subculture is mainly music based, fashion is not as important to being considered part of the scene. Therefore, not dressing in a specific way while listening to the music wouldn't make you a poser, but dressing emo while not listening to the music would. What is not considered emo is listening to a random genre of rock music. Bands like Metallica and Nirvana, while enjoyed by many emos, are not emo bands and therefore don't make someone emo. Furthermore, I can't believe I need to say this, but, contrary to what many people seem to think, kawaii people are also not emo. While it is common for kawaii people to listen to metal and other heavy music genres, their style is not at all similar to emo and they don't consider themselves as part of the subculture either.
🎀 Goth
Goth is probably the oldest subculture here, with it dating back to the 70s English punk scene, with bands like Siouxsie and the Banshees and The Cure pioneering the culture. The post-punk band Bauhaus' debut single 'Bela Lugosi's Dead,' a song inspired by the famous horror actor Bela Lugosi, who portrayed Dracula in the 1931 film adaptation and also starred in White Zombie which is a film that's typically referred to as the first zombie movie, is often considered the first gothic rock song.
Goth is a subculture with many different sub-subcultures. Some of the most popular are batcave, bubble goth, cyber goth (formerly referred to as gravers), death rock, mall goth (formerly known as spooky kids), nu goth, romantic goth, steampunk, vampire goth, and, my personal favourite, gothic lolita. Contrary to what many people think, I don't consider aesthetics like pastel goth (which I do love) to really be a part of goth since it doesn't have roots in goth. Obviously I'm not going to go over every substyle because that would take way too long and would have to require its own post, but some common staples in most of these styles is lots of black, horror-inspired imagery, very big teased hair, black or red lipstick (red was the most common in the earlier days), and very pale almost white skin. Therefore, e-girls and emos (e-girls especially) are not goth. Also, the fetishisation of the 'big tiddy goth girlfriend' is very demeaning and offensive to goths, as well as just not funny at all because of how it objectifies and reduces them to simply walking breasts who wear black.
Goth music is, in my opinion, some of the most accesible and palatable alternative music. The most popular genres are dark wave, electronic rock, gothic rock, industrial metal and rock, new wave, and post-punk. Some of the most popular bands are Bauhaus, Evanescence, Joy Division, Marilyn Manson, Rammstein, Siouxsie and the Banshees, The Birthday Massacre, and The Cure.
🎀 Scene
Scene is an aesthetic that originated in the 2000s on the website MySpace as a derivative aesthetic to emo. Many scene kids were considered emo posers because of their unconventional style and the music they listened to, which included genres ranging from crunkcore to metalcore, often being considered 'trashy' by other subcultures. Despite all of the hate towards scene kids, many embraced their label and many of the most popular people in the subculture started being known as scene queens who are also often credited as the first influencers. This included people such as Ambrehhhisdead, LedaMonsterBunny, and Melissa Marie Green.
Some staples to the style are colourful clothes, straightened and teased hair with colourful raccoon hair extensions, the scene swoop fringe, brass knuckles or diamond necklaces, bows, leopard print, zebra print, colourful shorts, tutus, tight clothes, sunglasses, knee high converse, band shirts, and merchandise of characters like Gir from Invader Zim, Gloomy Bear, and Hello Kitty. Personally, I would consider the modern rendition of scene, scenecore, to be a different aesthetic that, while it is pretty similar to scene, typically borrows from aesthetics like glitchcore rather than emo or mcbling.
Scene music is pretty diverse in what it provides, as it ranges from very heavy genres such as deathcore and metalcore to more pop and rap adjacent genres like crunkcore and neon pop. Some of the most prominent artists are 3OH!3, All Time Low, Asking Alexandria, Blood on the Dance Floor (unfortunately), Bring Me The Horizon, Brokencyde, Cobra Starship, Dot Dot Curve, Jeffree Star, Ke$ha, Metro Station, and Millionaires. A lot of the music is known to ignore many of the typically conventions of music, with the lyrics often containing themes relating to partying and sex.
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That's it, byeeeee! ˚。⋆୨୧˚♡
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youremyheaven · 1 year
Vedic Astrology Observations:
ive noticed that revati, punarvasu & swati naks are most often associated with the cyberpunk genre/its aesthetics. there are sooo many examples of this:
keanu reeves is a punarvasu stellium and he was in the matrix movies
arnold schwarzenegger is best known for his work in sci-fi/cyberpunk movies, including total recall, the terminator movies, the 6th day etc
aespa is a kpop group known for their cyberpunk aesthetic and futuristic concepts, the 4 members have the following naks: karina is a revati sun, punarvasu moon, giselle is a swati sun/mercury with punarvasu rahu, winter is swati mars with punarvasu rahu , ningning is swati venus (i have a feeling she's revati asc)
gakuryu ishii, the acclaimed cyberpunk filmmaker has punarvasu moon amatyakaraka and revati mars atmakaraka
aditi, the mother goddess is the creator, when we log on, we enter a different reality. revati is consciousness itself (the nature of which is questioned often in science fiction+ cyber punk works of art) swati is maya or illusion. this explains why these naks are so intricately linked to these themes.
2. 🦋 I've noticed that although butterflies are most commonly associated with punarvasu, sooo many sidereal pisces folks (Revati + UBP) are drawn to butterfly imagery. There are a ton of examples but here's a short thread:
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Erika Sawajiri has Revati sun + UBP moon. This movie itself features heavy butterfly imagery 🦋
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Here's Salma Hayek, a UBP moon with temporary butterfly tattoos + wearing a butterfly top
Salma was in a movie called In the Time of the Butterflies where she played 1/2 of a duo of sisters called "Butterflies" along with Lumi Cavazos who has Revati Saturn as her atmakaraka and Rahu in UBP
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Bella Hadid has UBP Ketu & here's her with 2 separate butterfly bday cakes 🍰🦋. Anyone who knows her knows how obsessed with butterflies she is lol
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Woosung has Revati Moon & Venus and his debut EP is literally called "Moth" 😭his album cover features butterflies too but for some reason I can't upload it :(
a little bit of a stretch but Jackson Wang is UBP sun + Revati venus & he has a song called "Papillon" (French for butterfly🦋 👀)
3. i think vishaka's invented siren eyes
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both beyonce & laura prepon have vishaka moons (there are a million other examples including jennie from blackpink but im too tired to attach pix ya'll)
4. a lot of writers who employ the stream of consciousness technique have the same combination of naks or naks that fell under the same planet.
Virginia Woolf was Shravana sun, Uttara Ashada venus, Mrigashira mars with ketu in Rohini (also Rohini asc)
James Joyce was Shravana sun & venus, Pushya moon, Shatabhisha mercury, Mrigashira mars with ketu in Rohini
(These two have their bdays super close together and its interesting how they are both considered the figureheads of this style of writing).
Anton Chekhov had Shravana sun & rahu, Revati moon, Uttara Ashada mercury & Shatabhisha venus
Literally 3 Shravana sun natives
William Faulkner had Hasta sun, Uttaraphalguni moon & mercury, Pushya ketu and was Ardra asc
Leo Tolstoy was also Uttaraphalguni moon & mercury, Pushya venus & saturn with Revati ketu and was Ardra asc
These two have the same moon, mercury & rising sign
Henry James was Aswini sun, Revati mercury, ketu in Ardra & Magha asc
Marcel Proust was Aswini moon & asc, Magha venus and Ardra rahu.
Two Aswini natives to the mix
As we can see there's a strong Moon, Sun & Nodal influence. I believe having nodal signs can make an individual very imaginative + Moon influence gives grounding to the endless nodal imagination.
5. Punarvasu natives have a habit of returning to the same themes in their works over and over again. I attribute this to the "boundless" nature of this nakshatra and its cyclic nature.
Makoto Shinkai has Punarvasu Ketu and his movies can be said to be interconnected, and have a similar over arching theme and take place in the same spiritual universe.
Frida Kahlo who has a Punarvasu stellium (sun, jupiter & rahu) literally drew herself over and over again
Gustav Klimt who has Punarvasu sun atmakaraka repeatedly used the same gold motif across many of his paintings. Jupiter is associated with the color yellow/lead and it features prominently in most of Klimt's work <3
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6. serpent yoni ladies have the most distinct look. you can tell just by their eyes
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Natalie Portman has Mrigashira sun
Myrna Loy has Ashlesha sun & Mrigashira venus darakaraka (I know Ashlesha does not have serpent yoni but naks associated with Nagas often have serpentine physicality)
Look at how serpentine their eyes look!! There are mannyyyy more examples ofc. I'll make another post about it sometime.
That's it for now folks<3
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r0ttenhearts · 10 months
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scaramouche x reader cyberpunk au!
sypnosis— in the bustling city of inazuma, scaramouche tries to keep to himself, despite being in a group of net-runners and cyber-punks. in an attempt to escape away from hata-militia he meets you, a netrunner. as you’re introduced to his group, to his dismay, he must navigate the struggles of trusting anew, and perhaps even loving someone for a change.
genre/warnings— smau, angst, mentions of drugs, nsfw, slight enemies to lovers, scaramouche’s trauma, cyberpunk au
status: hiatus
taglist: open
@minx4 @danfelions @shishi7436 @cofijelli @sakiimeo @magica-ren @ayameei @seph-rae @kichiyoshi @eunchaeluvr @qingquesque
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coarse chaos! + newcomer (y/n)
arc I
01 - who is this girl?
02 - new roomie
03 - mission I
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sleazy-art · 1 year
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Veronica, character from original setting
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sleepless-writes · 5 months
Kitty Gang (Part 4)
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Pairing: Agust D x Reader, Baby J x Reader
Genre: Cyber Punk Au, Unrequited love, f2l
Warnings: Swear Words, Blood, Sexual Themes, Drug use
Words: 2.368 Words
Note: Hi, I hope you like this part of my first fanfic!
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The Party Agust meant was not like I imagined. In my head, he knows some shady people who are living in the streets of Nightlife City. People who are taking drugs to escape reality. People who look twice their age because the city makes them older but suddenly we were in front of a huge apartment complex. A tall building, illuminated by the surrounding buildings. Windows bigger than me, the cars parking in front leading to the conclusion that only the richest people can afford to live in this area. It was another world and it seemed like Agust was a part of it somehow.
„Don't emberres me okay, he is my best customer.“ Agust said. „Woah Yoongi I didn’t know you would sell drugs to people who can actually afford your stuff.“ JK replied. „Shut up kid.“
We went up the elevator. I was too stunned to speak. Part of it was still because of the job but the fact that I was never at a party like that didn’t help either. Sure I was clubbing from time to time but the safety of my room was more my thing. Yoongi had to feel that I was still not fully there so he held me close to him. The other boys were excited and talked endlessly.
„Just stay close to me, some guys don’t know how to behave.“ Yoongi murmured in my ear. I just nodded. The elevator stopped at the penthouse.
We could hear the loud beats and the bass from outside but as soon as Yoongi rang the bell someone shouted: „Put the volume down! Maybe it's the police again!“ But when the man appeared at the door and saw Yoongi his face lit up. „Agust D. Man, never thought you would really come to one of my parties!“ He said. „And you brought people too! Never imagined you had so many friends!“ Yoongi just rolled his eyes at this statement and shook the guy's hand. „Thanks for inviting me.“ „Sure thing D, anything for my favorite dealer.“
And with no time we had the time of our lives. V and Baby J danced in the crowd, already surrounded by beautiful girls and boys. Jin and RM were located in the open kitchen and talked with a drink in their hands, while JK flirted with a girl on the balcony, sharing a joint. Yoongi had still a hand on my back while we walked to a fluffy-looking couch.
As we sat he asked: „how are you feeling?“ „I would feel better with a drink I guess.“ „No problem, let me chill for a sec then I bring you something.“ „Thanks, Agust.“ „Sure.“ He became quiet. After a while, he asked: „Y/N do you want to leave us?“ I was stunned jet again. „Why would you believe that?“ „I didn't want to pry but I saw that you looked for a train ticket out of the city earlier this week, so I thought you wanted to go. Sorry.“ I remembered. When I stayed with him in his bed. I was sure he slept. „No, I just was in my head and missed my hometown.“ I said. „I think you would like it there. It's peaceful and near the sea.“ „Sounds nice, promise to take me with you if you ever go back, okay? Don’t leave me here all alone.“ I grinned. „If you looked closely you already know, I wanted to buy two tickets. Even if I think, you wouldn’t be alone here too.“ He hid his face in my shoulder. He was embarrassed. „Maybe not alone, but I only feel like myself with you.“ He raised his head and searched for my eyes. „You know, I sell so many drugs to people, I took so many myself but nothing hit me like you did.“ My heart stopped a beat and decided to speed up a second later. „Yoongi, I…I think…“ I couldn’t form the right words to say. I wanted to tell him that I love the time we spent together, that I feel safe with him, that I want him with me forever. And maybe my heart already knew what I wanted but my mind was thinking about Jimin. Feelings were the hard stuff. „Don't worry, we talk about it later. I get us a drink. Just wait here.“
And with that he was gone and I had time to look around. The music was loud again and most people danced in the living room. Others were standing on the side and talked or kissed. The lights were dimmed and neon light in purple, pink and blue gave the apartment a dreamy glow. The furniture was white and black and expensive looking but the owner seemed not really interested that a girl was dancing on his marble kitchen counter with her high heels on. The owner sat in a big armchair by a window, he took a little red pill and rested his head on the backrest. Someone shouted: „I'm gonna punch you asshole.“ Agust was still gone. The people here didn't seem old, not like the folks on the streets.
Suddenly Jimin appeared next to me on the couch he looked high. Pupil big and smile even bigger. „Isn’t that an amazing night, dove? So many beautiful things to play with.“ „I guess so.“ I replied quite. I was tired. „Come on! You have to enjoy this part of the city as well if you always focus on the shitty things, you can’t become happy at all.“ „I don't know if I can, we will leave at some point and we have to face the shitty reality again.“ „Wrong, its not the reality that’s bullshit, it's your mindset. If you had money, what would you do? I tell you what I think, you would still sit in your room, your laptop in front of you and you would still hate the city. Maybe your room would be bigger, above the clouds so you can ignore what’s going on outside but that’s all.“ I thought about it, he was probably right but I can’t seem to be like him. What’s wrong with me? „Love, don’t think, just feel for a moment, focus on the music how your heartbeat is reacting to the bass, focus on the sweet smell of all the smoke settling over us.“ He gave me a baby blue pill. „Focus on me.“ He looked me deep in the eyes, they were smiling like his whole appearance. „You are so fucking high.“ I told him with an unimpressed expression. „So what? You could too. We could live in the same reality for one night.“ He shrugged his shoulders. His eyes never stopped watching me. „Fuck it.“ I said and before I could think too much I swallowed the pill. Jimin laughed and I felt my heart beating to the beat of the music for a moment, then I joined Jimin in Wonderland. Everything was so much louder and I wished Yoongi would be here with me. I wanted to see his gummy smile so badly. Jimin was on his feet and dragged me with him on the dance floor. V was still there. He hugged me when he saw me and jelled over the music: „Now you finally a real part of the Kitty Gang!“ He looked proud and I smiled. He spun me around and now Jimin was in front of me. He looked like an angel and a demon at the same time. When he took my hand in his and guided my body to dance against his I felt free.
Yoongi came back to the couch just to find it empty. He panicked. He blamed himself for leaving you alone and he blamed Namjoon and Jin for stopping him coming back faster. He had a million scenarios in his head about what could possibly happen to you but he hoped you were just with someone from the gang. „Fuck!“ He cursed and stepped into the crowd.
In the meantime I danced with Jimin, it was hot in the room and my body was even hotter. I tried to open my eyes but they were sleepy, my mind was wide awake. It was hard to think of something else than Jimin. The room spun upon me, I'm gonna fall, I was sure about that. Fall...fall down the rabbit hole, but Jimin was there to catch me. „Stay with me bunny. The night just begun.“ Es whispered in my ear. „Let's get us out of here.“ „Tell Yoongi that we are going home.“ I „Tch, I help you to forget everything else but me.“ And with these words, he put his lips on mine. It wasn’t how I imagined our first kiss. I thought it would be full of affection and with butterflies in my stomach but he worked fast and his lips were first on my lips but soon he traveled to my ear and then my neck. He bit me playfully. V cheered next to us. His words were just mumbling to me. Jimin stopped abruptly and took my hand. Then he told V: „ If you see Yoongi, tell him I bring Y/N home, she is done.“ V just winked at us.
After a while Yoongi stood on the balcony, cigarette in his mouth and eyes closed, he looked everywhere and asked everyone he knew. The only ones he didn’t find were Jimin and Taehyung. Maybe they took her with them but nobody was answering their phones. He was tired. But the moment he wanted to go back inside, Taehyung stepped into the cool air next to him. „Hey did you see Y/N? I lost her?“ „Yeah, but don’t worry, Jimin brought her home. She was high as fuck.“ He replied. „You tell me I shouldn’t worry when fucking Jimin is with Y/N?“ Yoongi almost yelled. He panicked again. „Chill, they went home.“ „Fine, I’m out. Bye.“ „Hey, let them have some fun.“ But Yoongi was gone. He didn’t care about the people he pushed out of the way, or JK who wanted to smoke with him. He was too far gone. And as he arrived home, Y/N came out of the bathroom, with a lazy grin. She waved at him, happy to see him, but he only saw the red marks on her neck. Was he too late?
Worst decision I decided on ever. I told Agust that Baby J kissed me at the party just a few seconds ago and that he was now waiting in his room. He is waiting, because he wants me, just me. I felt like flying and dancing and all that shit people always talk about in movies. Yoongi didn’t smile at all. I thought he would be happy for me, just a little bit but right now his face was grossed out. Was there something I missed, something I can't remember?
„Y/N can’t you see that he just wants fun for one night, he’s not serious!“ He spoke through gritted teeth. „Maybe that’s okay with me! I can have fun too!“ I shouted. Why did I shout? „We both know that you have feelings for him, but you are stupid and can’t see that he just thinks you are cute and an easy fuck.“ He answered coldly.
I couldn't believe that he said things like that, I thought we were friends. Why was it that hard to accept that someone like Baby J was interested in me. The neon lights of the outside world lighted up the dim apartment. Agust's face looked even more closed off than before. I was angry but decided to ignore him. I pushed him out of my way. Ready to enter Baby J's room. Agust tried to stop me. He put his hand on the handle and blocked the door. „Please Y/N. You just get hurt.“ He looked me in the eyes. „I feel that something is between us and it's from both sides, so please let us explore that feeling some more. Maybe…“ he stopped and shook his head like he couldn’t think straight. „Maybe you and I are made for each other, maybe it's you and me against this fucking city and you are just so focused on Jimin because he gave you a new chance. Please try to listen to your heart.“
At that moment Baby J opened the door and watched between us for a while. Then he smirked and asked: „Yoongi do you wanna join? I wouldn’t mind. But please hurry, I'm getting cold all by myself.“ Yoongi let go of the door and backed off. I looked at him for a second but got going into Baby J's room. As soon as the door went shut, he kissed me. And while he pressed me against his door, I heard the front door went shut. Yoongi left the apartment.
Baby J worked fast and hard. His pillowy lips ghosted along my jaw and my neck. Soft moans escaped me and I could feel his smile against my heated skin. My body started to feel weak and Baby J took the change to take me to the bed.
„Jimin, I'm so happy, I liked you for a while now. I never thought you could feel the same.“ „Of course I like you. We make great partners don’t you think?“ „Partners? Like a couple right?“ „Couple? Love, I like you, I really do…“ he began to stock. I have to admit that I never heard him being loose for words but I also didn’t want him to have to look for the right words now. „Listen Y/N, I see you and I am happy, I wanted to get you out of that little shell of yours since I saw you the first time and I really want to feel you right now but I don’t do relationships. I…I could never stop falling in love with a million random people in a week. Kiss men and women, left and right and it wouldn’t be fair.“ „Why did you kiss me then?“ „Because I wanted to.“ He answered. Shit.
I couldn’t stay any longer. After a second of processing what just happened I left and went into my room. I felt nothing. No grief, no anger, nothing. I screamed into my pillow. I fucked up.
Baby J just sighed and called V. He would never waste a night.
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st-armand · 8 months
Dancefloor Divination
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( Reposted from @armands-sanctum ) Summary: Hobie meets you at a club he's going to for the first time, amongst a sea of dazed partiers
Authors Note: Ye asked and ye shall receive. Theres a lot imagery I LOVE to use like planets. Content Warnings: Suggestive and sensual dancing, description of bodies, revealing clothing, fem reader, explicit language, Black!Reader, reader wears a wig (?) (Sorry guys I wear wigs and that’s the only hair I can write rn, also I never see any representation for wig wearers and Hobie, and baby I wear luxurious bundles), bad british slang but I always take criticism and pointers.
Hobie doesn’t often go to dance clubs, he prefers his underground rock shows, or grungy basements filled with listeners thrashing about each other in unison. But that doesn’t mean he shits on clubs, he enjoys all genres, especially by black artists and he’s always down to give anything a listen once or twice.
In this instance, one of Hobie’s bandmates’ partner was desperate to go out, and since they couldn’t find anyone else to accompany them, the band decided to join, plus it would be a change of pace for them all.
Spending an hour ‘pregaming’ (He didn’t know that was a thing usually getting shitfaced at a pub or bar he never thought to get piss drunk before going out,) with his mates and their significant others, smoking up Hobie’s apartment, (He’s always the designated host, always welcoming his peers into his home, no matter the occurrence, and he has piles of clothing from and for his friends so they can comfortably exist in the space.) animated laughs and hushed whispers of gossip echo through its brick walls, garments thrown about as everyone deliberates their outfits.
But the real party begins when they arrive at the nightclub. Encompassed by neon lights and tinted glass, the deeply reverberating bass rocking the concrete below their feet and ringing in their ears. This alone causes Hobie’s blood to rush in his veins, he’s feeling very excited and is only spurred on by the gaggles of people waiting in line and loitering outside the joint, many in awe at the punks, despite it being a normal fashion style in their world, the club goers don’t often get punks at their venues, maybe the occasional goth, especially cyber goths.
Most people are more concerned with entering the venue on time to reach their friends, others are on the prowl for a late night conquest and a sultry dance partner for the rest of the night, flocking to the few single members of the band, like Hobie, similar to moths to a hot and bright flame.
“Hey sexy lemme take you home tonight,” “Looking so damn fine tonight baby…”
But amongst adoring, screaming, fainting fans at his shows, and intriguing invitations for ending the night to end in a cosmic collision of passion, Hobie was in his element, a super-giant compared to the smaller stars around him, they all revolved in unison, and science knows that those with the most gravitational pulls crush all underneath their force.
At the recognition Hobie pulls on his impish smirk, letting his tongue hook into his lip piercing, languidly swiping his tongue over his full lips.
“One at a ‘ime, don’t crowd, yea?”“ You’ll all ‘et a piece of me soon, I promise”
Hobie loves the attention, he is innately cool, but his look and presence was something he had to create with time, his mask was the anchor to the role of spiderman—the seabond vessel, keeping him grounded against the turbulent waters of life, Hobie himself being the captain.
Despite loving the attention and basking in the crowd, he is very particular about the people he allows in his life, watching others with a keen eye.
He may seem overbearing, aloof, and boisterous, he takes on these roles to adapt to the environments he’s in, but Hobie always keeps his best cards last, and close to his chest, the type of person to step in and defend the helpless, but let his adversaries tear each other to shreds.
But as all the conversations, the music, and Hobie’s thoughts settles into the space, a car pulls up onto the curb of the sidewalk, crunching the loose pavement underneath its tires. Hobie glances in the direction of the sleek black car, a group of confident young adults leaving the vehicle. Their strides are self-assured, a practiced strut around the car, and onto the sidewalk.
But amongst them all is you, another super-giant celestial entering the interstellar fray of the nightlife, you radiate an authority that rivals his.
Apathetic expression, lidded eyes, pristinely styled hair tickling your back, exposed in the most tormenting way, by the skin tight midnight black dress, strings of pearls anchoring the dress to your body. Hobie is intrigued, but his curiosity is broken as he’s being ushered into the club.
He also doesn’t mind shamelessly swiveling his head to get a last look, as you and your friends advance into the venue without a breath in the direction of the line. The inside of the club was filled with moving bodies in every foreseeable crevice, a hand on his shoulder guides him to the space his mates have decided to occupy, a standing table.
Your scent has heads whipping in your direction, gracing them with your domineering presence, the crowds of people part like the Red Sea for Moses—like it’s god’s will for them to make space for you all like an assembly of dance club diviners.
You seem disinterested in the acts of the others around you, in their drunken and high hazes, senses melding into each other in a cocktail of euphoria.
Hobie’s dark eyes lose your form amongst the animated crowd, when he does start to get a clearer image of your body and hair in the crowd as you make your way to the dancefloor. Your hips bumping and rolling in rhythmic movements.
You and your friends crowd around each other, playfully grabbing and dancing with each other, hands lingering on each other’s forms, with giggles and laughs that roll your head back.
Hobie is enthralled at the way your neck lolls to the side, your hair rustling from the nape your neck to the bottom of your hips.
Amongst the rest of the rest of the crowd, who is equally as fascinated by the group dancing, they allow more space for the lights on the ceiling to fully illuminate their features.
With the oceanic mob of bodies, limbs and hips moving in tandem to each other to the music, not in complete sync, but enough to feel an overwhelming sense of understanding with your peers amongst the music, breathing ragged, figures moving, grinding, swaying, rocking.
And with them, you look like a prophet, amongst her people, guiding them through a sacramental disco.
He wants to join the ritual too, and be led by your body in the midst of the haze.
He departs from the table with his friends with an, “Oy ‘m leavin’ gunna go check out the dancefloor”
He lets his body guide him, swaying lightly to the tempo (He can’t dance, but he knows how to work his body a bit). He approaches slowly, letting the wave of people direct him to the center to find you. The closer he gets to your back, one of your friends excitedly gestures her hands ‘behind you, BUT don’t look’ and whispers, “Sexy roguish guy approaching you at 6 o’clock”
The whole group buzzes with excitement, and you all increase the authority behind your movements, sultrier, more enticing, a spectacle of your splendor. If one friend found a dance partner, the others will too, keeping a close distance to each friend, and to make sure no creeps slide in between dance partners.
You let Hobie descend onto you, you’ve already been given the heads up, a brush of hair teases your neck and the side of your face, before a glint of metal grazes your ear as Hobie leans to whisper,
“Hope you don’ mind me sliding in here real quick?”
He asks you genuinely making sure you’re interested in dance with him, you cheekily turn your body to face him, letting your hair fall to one side of your shoulder.
You take his countenance in, tall, dark skinned, and gorgeous, eyes holding an immeasurable depth to its warmth, you could easily drown in, and impish smirk on his face, full lips with a ring that scuffed your ear prior.
Hobie stands at full attention, looking down at you in all his mischievous punk brilliance, looking at you expectantly and considerately.
Your words fail you, but that’s fine, your mask is still unbreakable, this is your domain, and you live amongst it with ease, evolved to be fully adapted to your environment.
You flash a smile that allows for a chaste peak at your canines, turning back into your regular position to dance, and letting Hobie’s hands slot your bodies together.
Now you’re no dancer (unless you are) but dancing like this with a man that looks as good as Hobie, you NEED to slow it down, you want him to feel every inch of your body grinding against him with the music, you do just that.
Hobie’s hands glide their way along your hips, holding the fat of your thighs tightly, drawing your closer to his lower half.
Your hips roll in against his front, ticking them every so often to snares or high hats just to throw him off, which results in a deep rumbled laugh bubbling in his chest that reverberates through your body, causing you to smile widely.
Hobie is inebriated off the impression of your body, and the languid circles your small waist whines in, the way your skin and the contrast of the fabric of your outfit feels drives him to senselessness, the second-hand high and lingers of alcohol on his tongue consume his senses, and his reserves.
Hobie takes a gentle hand to scoop a handful of your long tresses, twirling them at its ends to drape the bundles away from your back so he has an unobstructed view of the bare skin, you tense at the feeling, alarmed that he is touching your hair.
"Don' worry luv, 'm being careful, don't want ya hair getting ruined right beautiful?”
“Garms makin’ you look too good”"I'll be gentle wit' ya, be real sweet on you too."
The other hand moves from your hips to your waist, urging you to move faster, grind harder, to take him faster to his breaking point, eyes pried to the shape of your muscles constrict and releasing with every movement, a sheen of sweat covering the exposed skin from the heady, steamy air.
His lithe fingers cloak your flesh, finding exhilaration in gripping your body as he pleases, moving you just how he wants along his body, and you make no contests to letting him lead your figure as he saw fit, melding into each other’s form.
Your friends acknowledge the sensual dance between you and Hobie, cheering you on and sharing knowing giggles between dancing with their own partners.
“Go bestie!”“Ooh~ You’re enjoying yourself huh?”“That’s my bestie dancing on a fine ass guy”
The longer the dance goes, as songs change, the dance between the two of you grows heavier, lingering caresses, soft whines, hushed whispers “Movin’ so sexy f’ me”“Look s’ good whining on me like that,”“Can I dance wit’ ya for the rest of the night?”
With time as the two of you are absorbed in each other, the club occupants dwindle and trickle out of the party.
You and Hobie cease your dancing soon to regroup with your respective friends, but the tension is lingering, even your friends notice this, so they linger back with each other, the parties colliding into fits of laughter, and conversations of their two peers who seem to be magnetized to each other.
Your groups walk to the exit and onto the pavement, legs sore, heels abandoned and nestled into bags and arms, complaints for water and food, Hobie turns you to flashing another smile, his lip ring reflecting the neon nights and the purple hue of dawn approaching in a few hours.
“Wanna spend the rest of the night with us, me even?”
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yeolchendae · 7 months
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➳ CAST: Baekhyun | Chanyeol
➳ GENRE: Cyberpunk
➳ WARNINGS: Some language | 15+ content kiddos
➳ SUMMARY: Baekhyun and Chanyeol are forced to patrol their settlement after an unidentified freak is spotted wandering around...
➳ A/N: I decided to combine two fandoms I love: Cyberpunk 2077 & EXO. This is literally and figuratively trash. Don't read this. Seriously.
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Baekhyun hates December. It’s not like he’s a Scrooge, easy as it is to be one squatting near the oil rigs, but the holidays mean it’s patrolling season for Unit 4 and patrolling season is hell.
It‘s way past his bedtime when Chanyeol shakes the living daylights out of him. Joints crack and something that’s now fortified by metal clicks in his leg. That pesky crick in his neck is back too.
Patrolling is aging him.
“Dude, wake up! There's some freak hanging out by Unit 2.”
“Okay...what are we supposed to do about it?”
The intruder shoots him a wolfish grin, “We’re the muscle, remember?”
Baekhyun never signed up to be camp security, that kind of thing is more Chanyeol’s deck of cards. But if there really is a freak running around their settlement, they’re up to no good like looting . People are hungry around this time of year, murderous even.
Baekhyun really hates December.
He follows Chanyeol into the dead of night. It's a cloudless midnight and if the smog from the city could magically disappear, there would be a sky full of stars above them.
They cross straight through the center of the encampment, skirting around the doused bonfire from dinner. If nothing else, the place is structured: four units, each sitting parallel to the other. Sure, the layout is about as welcoming as a prison camp, but it’s better than his old subdivided flat back in Watson.
Here Baekhyun has space.
There’s not much to Mesa Del Sur. Two years ago, a couple of wise guys figured out how to dismantle old mobile homes and use the parts to rebuild housing. Everyone gets the welcome mat, so now Baekhyun has plenty of roommates he never asked for, Chanyeol being one of them. The real kicker is that the committee doesn’t discriminate: men and women are packed in like sardines so they can all rot together.
He stays in Unit 4 with five other tenants. They’re lucky because most units have upwards of eight squatting together, but they lost two hotheads to the gang wars last year.
Baekhyun suddenly gasps and Chanyeol delivers a blow to his chest. That seems to do the trick. His breathing returns to as normal as he can manage with shit hardware.
Whir. Whir.
No matter how light he is on his feet, his lungs sound like a cooling fan. He needs to have them replaced but upgrades are expensive, even in back alley clinics. Chanyeol couldn’t have picked a worse stakeout partner.
Coming around the West side of Unit 2, they finally encounter it: the freak in all of its obscure glory.
“What the hell is that?” Baekhyun rasps. He coughs and that whirring in his chest grows louder. Chanyeol can hear a low hum at best, but to him, the sound is deafening and it’ll continue for at least a few minutes more.
He’s done playing soldier.
Chanyeol’s shaking like he’s got a frayed wire under his shirt, but he manages to rummage for a flashlight in his bottomless pocket.
He cuts it on, points, and stares.
That’s no freak.
Baekhyun slaps a hand over his eyes, silently damning Chanyeol to the trenches of the combat zone.
The girls around the settlement are pretty careful around “stinky unit guys”. They have a Peeping Tom coalition up and running and it’s worked for the last two years. No one has publicly seen more than what the itty-bitty shorts that come out during the scorcher months will allow.
Now here they are, under the big California sky, in front of a very naked woman. Chanyeol’s jaw is hanging so far open it looks like it’ll unhinge from the rest of his skull. Baekhyun’s trying with all of his big boy might not to peek through the cracks in his slender fingers.
“Hey! W-we don’t do that around here!” He calls out. He doesn’t even know if he’s yelling in the right direction.
Chanyeol shrugs off his hulking bomber, balls it up and chucks it at her, hoping she’ll take the hint. Now Baekhyun is peeking but his remains on her busted up knees. Her hair reaches the back of them, like she’s never had a pair of scissors go near her head.
Slowly his eyes to trail up, following the line of her frame. His breath hitches when he realizes that one of her eyes is glowing. She’s a borg like himself, but he’s only about 50% metal. She looks like she might be more than that.
Anything more than 60% cybered up is practically a robot to him. He’s only teetering the line. Her skin probably isn’t even real.
Baekhyun lowers his hand and stalks closer. He’s back to playing soldier and soldiers aren’t afraid of anything, least of all a nudist.
His suspicion is confirmed when he moves up to get a better look. She’s got to be above his human standard, with RealSkinn covering up the cyberware underneath. He knows because unlike the whirring that comes from hood converts like himself, this one is silent as a breeze, human-looking too. If not for the eye, he’d be fooled.
Pressing the button at the nape of his neck, he tries an old virus command he picked up from his days netrunning.
Boy is he glad technology’s gotten so advanced. With the push of a button he can hack the borg’s system, all thanks to wireless command and all the dirty code he’s committed to memory. Now he can see everything down to the binary. Her ware’s good, he’ll give her that, but a good netrunner knows every hardware has its Achille's Heel. With all the cyber tricks he's picked up over the years, she’s nothing but a puppet on a string.
Her lips part and with the way her mouth quirks to answer him, Baekhyun knows that part of her is human. “DELIGHT-II, ACCESS GRANTED. MODEL: LAPIS-I”
He picks up Chanyeol’s rocket-launched jacket and drapes it around her shoulders, zipping it closed so fast little sparks fly off the teeth.
She drops like silk into his awaiting arms.
Sleep code. Works every time.
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THEME: Cyberpunk
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Yes, I've seen your ask, @efangamez. Here's my (first) list of cyberpunk game recommendations!
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24XX: Dire Pulse, by zebramatt84.
BUILD A BETTER TOMORROW – Only the Company stands between humanity and extinction. Help us reverse environmental collapse with Project Omega! Injured on the job? Unable to work? Our cutting-edge exoskeletal rig (Exo-Rig™) technology gets you contributing again. Sign up today! 
Enter a grim corporate future where humanity augments itself with neural interfaces, industrial exoskeletons and cutting-edge nanite technology. This is an original work loosely inspired by the The Surge series of video games by Focus Home Interactive. 
Standard of the 24XX Micro-game series, Dire Pulse is lightweight, easy to learn, and pay-what-you want. Your missions are dangerous and bloody, but rather than roll up a new character, your character gets regenerated by the Company in Exo-Rigs, which can be customized using the pieces of enemies that you’ll find never stop coming. If you like brutal, dystopian fiction with technology and massive creatures, this might be the game for you.
Balikbayan, by Rae Nedjadi.
It is the far future. Earth has been abandoned for generations. Humanity left for brighter stars, richer planets and shining colonies. To fuel their dreams of a better tomorrow, the humans turned to the Elementals and their magic. This magic is an invaluable source of power and labor. Machines were created to harness and enslave the Elementals . You were one of these Enslaved Elementals. You are machines that echo the legendary magic you once possessed. You and your friends are among the few who have managed to return to Earth. What remains of Earth’s cities is falling apart. The Corp won’t let go of you so easily either. But shining through the cracks is a magic that is ready to be reborn.
BALIKBAYAN is great for veterans ready for a more narrative experience, and perfect for people new to the hobby. Bring your dystopic post-Cyberpunk fantasies to life, revel in supernatural Filipino folklore, and dance along the threads between magic and technology.
If you’re interested in mixing fantasy elements in with your cyberware, you’ll want to check out Balikbayan. It can be played with or without a Game Moderator, and provides excellent advice for running the game either way. If you are newer to roleplaying games, or if your group doesn’t feel comfortable yet with a game that’s primarily narrative, you might want to have a GM for your first time playing this game. BALIKBAYAN uses a system called Belonging Outside Belonging, which does not rely on dice. Instead, it has a series of moves, called Strong, Neutral and Weak Moves. Strong moves require the use of a token and reflect success, Weak moves provide opportunities for failure and generate tokens, and Neutral moves move the story forward, without requiring or generating tokens. If you are interested in breaking free of the chains of your corporate overlords or burning yourselves out in the process, you should check out this game.
CBR+PNK (AUGMENTED), by Emanuel Melo (old version)
CBR+PNK (Cyber plus Punk) is a tabletop RPG for one-shot sessions in the cyberpunk genre. You play as a team of RUNNERS — mercs, criminals, activists living on the edge and running in the shadows of a gritty, ultra-violent world.
The game uses a minimalist version of the acclaimed Forged In The Dark system to produce cinematic action. No playbooks: characters are differentiated by their combination of approaches, skills and gear. Because it's more action oriented, there is no Downtime and Stress is relieved by a special action during the Run. There’s also some additional mechanics, called Cyberware and Glitches, which can add enhancements and complications to your play. 
CBR+PNK has a number of supplements available if you like customization, from nemeses, to heists, to extra rules. Both the player brochure and the GM handout are jam-packed with information, dice and rules. The old edition is no longer available, but the newest version, CBR+PNK: AUGMENTED, is available for pre-order thanks to a successful Kickstarter! 
FSG#4: Gay Crime, Sapphics Against Capital, by Evey Lockhart.
The everyday cruelty of petty market lords is a terrible enough thing to combat, but of course the rich assholes have magic too. Clues to the myriad death cults of capital lie nearly naked all around. It's safe to assume most folx with MBAs regularly sacrifice the poor not just as a source for wealth, but for immortality and other preternatural boons.
These are the queer women standing in the rich cultists' way. The time for direct political action is now. 
This is a deconstructed zine for use with the Troika! Tabletop Roleplaying Game featuring: 5 Backgrounds and a Modern Fantasy Microsetting, complete with an introductory assassination! Troika is a game system that allows for chaotic storytelling, both in narrative and in combat. It facilitates easy character creation and regeneration, should your character meet with a grisly end. 
The micro setting and assassination provided make this a great option for a one-shot. The playbooks are incredibly tongue-in-cheek, but may be a big draw for any queer-friendly table. If you like the idea of bringing revenge upon rich cultists, and if you’re interested in queer stories of resistance, this playset (and one of Evey’s other supplements, Cyber Explosions) might be worth checking out!
CY_BORG, by Free League Publishing 
The world is ending. Again and again and again and again and again….
A Nano-infested doomsday RPG about cybernetic misfits and punks raging against a relentless corporate hell. CY_BORG is a complete rules-light, rage-heavy tabletop roleplaying game based on and compatible with MÖRK BORG. Easy to play, easy to hack. It’s got quick and dirty character creation, an introduction to Cy (a megacity with neon cathedrals and a toxic industrial hell), and a d66 table full of headlines and plot hooks to get your characters invested from the get-go. 
CY_BORG is as modifiable as the tech it references; there is a plethora of rules and add-ons and supplements outside of the core rules - and even the core rulebook has optional rules that you can choose to add on or take away, depending on the kind of game you’re looking to run. The setting itself is gritty and unforgiving and dirty; with foes and villains attempting to thwart every step you take to bring down the rich and powerful. If you liked MÖRK BORG’s ruleset but want to bring it into the squirming, writhing future, then you should check out CY_BORG.
Repo Man, by Ziva McPherson.
In a poisoned world where illness and injury are the norm and corporate greed has reached a peak never seen before, a savior has emerged: CureCo. Led by the greatest medical minds in a century, CureCo has lifted us out of tragedy and answered our prayers with their artificial organs and miraculous cures.  But of course, everything comes with a price…and if you can’t pay it, CureCo sends the Repo Man to take back what’s theirs.
This is where your story begins. Your debts are due, and one way or another, CureCo intends to collect. Tonight. The Repo Man is on your trail, and you need to escape at all costs.
Repo Man is a cyberpunk horror zine game for 2 or more players inspired by Repo! The Genetic Opera. To play it, you will need 1 d6 per person and a copy of this game. Character creation is reliant on description: you’ll want to describe what you look like, a special skill or secret, and a thing they hold that is a reason for being hunted by CureCo, such as a replacement organ or a prosthetic. 
If you are looking for a game that combines the feeling of a clock running out with the creeping dread of something always catching up with you, Repo Man might be your cup of tea. Be warned however: in this cyberpunk hellscape, body horror and violence are all too common. You’ll want a robust set of Safety Tools at your side with this game, as with any good game table.
Boy Problems, by boyproblems.
It is many years into the future. A wealthy and powerful person (or persons) has claimed a rare and much sought-after prize: the “vault” of 200 unreleased songs from renowned Canadian pop artist, Carly Rae Jepsen. Hired by an anonymous sponsor, your team of highly trained individuals will raid a well-defended location to retrieve said item. From planning to set-up to execution, you will see this heist through to its completion, whether that be a success or failure. There will many twists and turns along the way, and don’t always trust the specialists by your side.
Boy Problems is a game whose mechanics are inspired by Lasers & Feelings, by John Harper. It’s been highly reviewed by a number of publications, so you might have heard of it already! There are roll tables for the GM to help you set up the plot in a few minutes, including some twists and turns that cause the players to alter their plans on the fly. The Quickstart has some great pieces of advice for folks who might be running a game for the first time. 
The creator has a Quickstart that is free. There’s also a paid option that gives you a larger, more fleshed-out game, and a Side-B supplement with new mechanics, new art, and three new heists! If you want an up-beat game that prioritizes problem-solving over combat, whether you want a one-shot or a multi-session storyline, and if you want a game with easy-to-learn rules and evocative playbooks, Boy Problems just might be for you.
Neon Black, by NotWriting.
Free an AI from their corporate prison. Hack a CEO's credit account. Rescue your friend's digital consciousness from a vending machine.Capitalism sucks. The rich are villains. Community rules.
Neon Black is a role-playing game about a community of poor people fighting back against tyrannical corporations and the indifference of the rich, as well as surviving in a dystopian city state. It’s like real life, but in this world you can kill the CEO’s, rob banks to pay rent, and help your friends do the same. You'll help your community, go on dangerous heists, explore artificial realities, and encounter friendly and nefarious machines. We play to find out if the community can survive amidst warring corporations, an unforgiving climate, and the negligence of the extravagantly wealthy.
This is a rulebook full of advice, albeit not yet accompanied with art. It’s built on the structure of Blades in the Dark, complete with Clocks, Playbooks, Scores and Downtime. It also comes with a chapter on Drugs, Hardware and Software, all must-haves for a Cyberpunk game. At its root, however, Neon Black is about community: your characters will face hard choices and be forced to make sacrifices for the good of the people they care about. Right now the game is still in beta, but it shows an immense amount of promise - and it’s perfectly playable in the stage it’s in right now! It also comes with some well-designed Playkits, available for free in the game description. I recommend that you check this game out!
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alpaca-clouds · 8 months
Biopunk is super interesting
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You know what? I will now do a "rambling about punk genre stuff other than Solarpunk" Saturday think. Because I feel like it and because the punk genre are super interesting as a concept. So I want to explore this a bit further.
I kinda grew up with the entire punk-genre thing. Literally. As a kid I got into Cyberpunk when I was like... 12. So, I always had an interest in the genre. That I ended up playing Shadowrun hence was not a bis surprise. (Maybe I will talk about that a bit more one day...) And it was through Shadowrun, that I got interested in one of the subsubgenre of Cyberpunk: Biopunk.
Fun fact: Outside of fanfiction this is the one bit of Cyberpunk that I have actually written quite a bit about. And I just think it is interesting.
Now, to catch everyone up to speed: Biopunk usually (though not necessarily) is set in a Cyberpunk world, but instead or additionally to cyberware, there is gen-modifications happening. And this of course brings new and interesting avenues to explore with it.
See. One idea in this regard that gets played with a lot in Shadowrun, but also other Cyberpunk media, is the entire idea of "cyber psychopathy". Basically, a "ship of theseus" thing. If you replace too much of the human, the human looses their humanity and might do bad things. In comes bioware and goes like: "Sure this, we do not replace the human body, we just alter it." Basically, GMO for the human body.
Now, a while ago I talked about how gene tech is nobody's enemy as it is. BUT... gen tech currently suffers from the issue of people copyrighting gene sequences. Going so far as "you cannot use you non-genemodified harvest as seeds next year, because it has been pollinated with pollen from other gene modified stuff".
What would that mean for a human?
The possibilities for gene tech in medicine would be endless. Cure cancer. Cure all sorts of genetic diseases. Cure stuff that would kill you in real life. And do not even give up parts of your body.
But what if you cannot pay? With Cyberware you can still say: "Fuck it, have your stupid cyber arm back." And give up your arm. But with gene tech... Well, looks like you belong to the company now!
And of course, even more than normal Cyberpunk, this genre is also ripe to explore for the human relation to disabilities. Because, yeah, imagine gene tech could fix all disabilities. What would it do to the way humanity treats disabled people? Are your forced to be cured? And if so... Does your cured body then belong to the company?
So many interesting questions to explore.
The Biopunk stuff I wrote basically featured the set up of "the company" (that also was the state) offering parents of children, that would probably not be born alive or if born alive would die within the first two years of their life, to cure them. For free. And while they were on it, they gave the embryos all sorts of gene treatments, turning them into basically a different species alltogether. But when the revolution came... Welp, the company sat down: "Looks like we own you. Time to be our soldiers."
So... Yeah. Interesting concepts to explore here.
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