#cuz they seem very open in the way that I haven’t seen in the fashion descriptions
badartxd · 1 year
Still working through an art limbo and now apparently a migraine but I was wondering if y’all know of any compendium or even just an image gallery of Thedosian fashion? I’m getting into scary outfit design zone and while I have one or two images from concept art, I’m kinda blanking on finding different clothing guides. Especially the Free Marches. Pretty much nothing I found on that part specifically.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years
I'm sorry but i'm addicted to our boy Spamton- I have a little unique request here. So this takes place where Spamton just moves in the Queen's mansion, he meets the reader and immediately falls for their kind words and gestures. Weeks pass, and he goes to see them, but catches them talking and hanging out with Swatch.. He gets really jealous to the point of changing his style to match Swatch's
"Oh [y/n]! Have You Met Our Newest Guest?"
"Uh, I don't believe-"
"He's An Interesting Addison Who Made A Big Name For Himself! Ohohoho!" Queen laughed joyously, pausing to sip her glass of battery acid. "I Wonder How He Got So Rich...No Matter. As My Peon, I Order You Greet Him......Whenever It's Convenient For You."
"Sure thing. I'll go now." With a respectful nod, you set off to the mansion's guest chambers to meet this newcomer. You've lived here for a long time--and somewhat reluctantly since Queen decided to make you one of her peons one day. But life was actually pretty good.
It wasn't like you had anything better to do, so if she needed someone to help her with plans that..didn't seem all-that urgent, you'll offer your assistance. She let you stay in the mansion for free and never made you do anything if you weren't feeling up to it.
For a tyrannical ruler she was rather kind.
Yet you didn't wanna take advantage of her hospitality, so you'd just listen to whatever she says. And if she wants you to meet this celebrity as part of her endless lists of requests, then you'll happily oblige. But you were eager too since you've seen his face on TV a lot. It felt like an honor.
After wandering the corridors of deactivated puzzles, Mona Lisa-esque portraits, and meticulously-placed pottery, you finally arrived at the guest rooms. You hummed a small tune as you passed by each one, stopping when you noticed one door was open.
Peeking inside, you saw the Addison still setting up things. A phone was tucked between his shoulder and ear as he moved a box whilst rambling to whoever was on the other end of the line.
"Yea! I promise I won't let you down, okay? Soon I'll be bigger than ever before! I know I'm already a big shot but....haha, yeah, I shouldn't get carried away. Okay. Right..we'll discuss more of this tomorrow. Thanks!"
After hanging up the phone and returning it to the receiver, he finally noticed you and smiled. "Hey, hey! Haven't seen your face around here yet. But surely you know mine, right?"
"Yeah." You smiled, not wanting to shy away from talking with him. "Spamton, right?"
"Everybody's favorite number-one rated salesman!!" He laughed. "It's good you know me..'cuz soon ALL of Cyber World will know my name! It's a pleasure to meet you...?"
"[Y/n]. I'm one of Queen's peons." You shook his hand politely. The energy that radiated from him was so bright. Just as much as his pearly smile was.
Stepping inside, you glanced around at the luxurious furniture. He definitely got the higher-class rooms, with the addition of a large window that showed the neon green meridians that stretched across the night sky. It was certainly a beautiful view to fall asleep to. "Need help unpacking?"
"Oh--sure!!" At first Spamton seemed surprised by your offer, but he nodded. "If you want, be my guest. And while we unpack, I gotta ask you..how's it being Queen's peon?"
Weeks passed, and you've gotten to know Spamton more and more. You realized he was actually a sweet down-to-earth guy all around. Although he was on the phone a lot, he'd make time to hang out with you, so you two became fast friends.
He was truly living the best life. Posters of his car advertisements were littered all over the city, and the Swatchlings attended to his every need. Though one thing was hard to admit, even when it seemed like he had it all:
You were his only friend now that everyone else is intimidated by his status--as they would shy away from conversing with him--and the Addisons, well, abandoned him out of jealousy.
Obviously that made him worry about driving you away, especially when he's on the phone nonstop. But...the fact you've been so kind to him in every word and gesture, treating him like a regular person and not some untouchable celebrity, was quite endearing. Most admired him for his products, not his personality.
Your kindness made him fall for you hard and fast, ever since day one. He wasn't sure if this was a good idea; to let it get in the way of his business.
But what the hell? He was a big shot! He can afford to go a bit bigger and take more risks. Living in this mansion with someone who loved him would be the perfect dream.
There was a much bigger dream that his valued caller insisted he focused on, but that can come later.
So this morning, Spamton set out to find you to address these feelings once and for all. Yet he was rather nervous. Addisons were most confident in selling products, not so much...everything else. But he didn't wanna back down. He kept smiling no matter what.
As he checked inside the color café that he usually frequented, he saw you eating at the table. He noticed you weren't alone but with Swatch, talking and...
Laughing with them?
And just like that, his smile faded much like his hope.
Of course, the head butler had their ways to swoon people. He tried not to think of it as anything more than just their personality. It's just their way to entice returning customers.
That's all...right?
Spamton ducked behind one of the displays, listening in on your conversation to determine if he should proceed or not.
"By the way, we've known each other for a while and..I've always wanted to ask you something.."
"Yes? What is your inquiry?"
He held his breath. This is exactly what he feared. Knowing that you've been here longer, it's obvious you'd be closer to that damn bird-
"Your outfit."
Then he exhaled shakily, relieved. 'What are you getting so worked up for, idiot?' He thought in the back of his mind, but he continued eavesdropping.
"Did the Queen make it or give it to you? It's very stylish and really makes you stand out from the other Swatchlings."
"Ah, in fact I decided this look for myself." Swatch chuckled softly, raising a wing to adjust their glasses. "The tailor did marvelous work with my vision: black suit, tinted glasses. Very fashionable, is it not?"
"It is. I like it a lot."
"Why thank you. I see why our Lady Grace admires you. Just for that compliment, I'll give you a discount on any of our products in the gift shop."
"Should be every day if you ask me." You joked, earning another chuckle from them.
Seeing all of this and the way you two spoke like close friends was a jab in Spamton's heart-shaped object. 'So [y/n] likes people who stand out? Well I can stand out, too..' He thought bitterly as he stormed out of the shop without either of you knowing he was there.
Why should he settle with being a blank-slate Addison like the rest of them? He didn't consider himself one anymore.
Today, he told his valued caller, he was gonna be a whole new person.
It would help him get closer to both of his dreams, but there was only one on his mind now.
Later that night as you were getting ready for bed, you heard a knock at the door. You huffed in annoyance, assuming Queen needed you for something.
She had a knack for disturbing you at ungodly hours. But knowing better than to ignore her, you went to answer the door anyways-
To some strange black-haired guy in a black suit and white turtleneck sweater.
"Hi, um...can I help you?"
"[Y/n]? It's me."
"Yeah!" The salesman laughed, throwing his arms out and making a pose. "Whatdya think of me now?"
Perplexed, you looked him up and down. He ditched the lime-green pants, instead wearing white trousers. And his hair was slicked back. But what was most peculiar about him were his glasses, tinted with pink and yellow lenses.
Had you not known any better, you would've thought Swatch suddenly shrunk and became robotized.
"Cool but..you kinda look like Swatch a little bit. Was that on purpose?" You mused.
"...haha....yeah uh..funny story. Um.." He dropped the act, losing his trademark grin as he wondered how to explain himself and this sudden transformation. You could tell he wanted to talk inside the room, so you let him in and shut the door.
"I don't recall Queen mentioning any costume contest-"
"It's not a costume." He muttered, uncomfortably rubbing his hands together as he looked at you with sadness. "This is who I am now. The new me."
"..huh? You serious?" When he nodded, you frowned slightly. "I'm confused. You don't look like an Addison anymore-"
"That's the point...! I...I don't wanna be associated with them anymore. I decided to stand out, y'know? If you're gonna be a big shot, ya gotta stand out from the crowd!" He forced a laugh that sounded rather glitchy.
You didn't buy it. It wasn't like him to do this out of the blue.
"Spamton, why imitate Swatch of all people? And why out of the blue like this? I mean..I don't mind if you like their style. But I didn't even recognize you until you spoke."
Try as he might, he couldn't make any better excuses. So seeing that he was cornered made him finally admit his jealousy, overhearing your conversation with Swatch while he was browsing--when he really wasn't, but he didn't wanna come off as creepy.
His voice glitched further due to stress, accidentally blurting out some kind of...flirtatious term as he explained how much you meant to him since day one.
You weren't sure if he meant to say "hot single" on purpose. Though you were flattered that such a famous guy like him...actually had a crush on you, an ordinary Darkner who just fetched the Queen's stick wherever she threw it.
You found it hard to believe he thought of you that way..so you kept your own feelings buried. So to see that it's mutual was a relief, and it made you smile.
Spamton, on the other hand, was stressing the hell out. So much so he didn't even see your smile. He just saw himself being stupid the more he rambled on.
It was such a stupid, stupid reason to get insecure--to the point of changing his entire appearance without warning. All because you were friends with a butler who was doing their job???
How selfish can he get when he already had everything he wanted and more?
When he did acknowledge your small smile, he thought you were holding yourself back from laughing. But you had every right to laugh and call him a joke for thinking this will get your attention.
As he finished talking, he could see your smile fade and huffed. He waited for you to tell him how stupid he looks and to go back to being the plain old Addison you met.
Instead of ridiculing him you...hugged him?
At this point you were sitting on the bed together. Of course yours wasn't as massive as his was, but it was big enough for you two to share.
"Spammy, I'm flattered you like me in that way but...you didn't have to do all of this to get my attention. I promise there's nothing going on between Swatch and I. We're just friends. They're not replacing you or anything."
"I know, it's just.." Taking off the glasses, he set them aside before hugging you tightly, head buried in your chest. "I don't wanna lose the only person in this damn place who makes me feel like myself. Who loves me for me, not my success. And...I-I felt like I had to change something about myself to make sure of that."
"Well..you don't need to change anymore. I love you no matter what you look like."
He blinked, his face turning as red as his cheeks.
You could sense his embarrassment from the way he tensed up in your arms and chuckled, patting his hair softly. "Just..don't feel pressured to change for me..or anybody for that matter, okay? Or at least let me know if you're gonna change things up again."
"You don't think..I look stupid or creepy like this?"
"No. Honestly you look pretty handsome. Black hair suits you well."
Hearing those words made him breathe a small sigh of relief. He nodded and hugged you tighter.
His new looks were staying for good.
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asmo-ds · 4 years
Here’s some Asmo thirst cuz while I may not be an Asmo stan I’ve had this scenario that’s perfect for them. MC is trying to get Asmo jealous at the club by dancing with other guys/gals/whoever but he’s not biting cuz he’s doing the exact same thing. It’s a competition to see who gets jealous first!
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Clubbing and Competing (Asmo x F!MC) 18+
Warnings: Smut, clubbing, drinking
Description: When MC tries to rile up Asmo by making him jealous she wasn’t expecting he’d start to try and make her jealous right back. Let the games begin.
You pressed your lips to the glass, slowly sipping the alcohol, trying your best to ignore the drunken demon hitting on you.
Your eyes drifted to the avatar of lust, Asmodeus, who had invited you to come out with him tonight but instead was ignoring you for the desperate succubi who were getting a little too handsy for your liking. 
You had thought Asmodeus was finally acknowledging the feelings between you two when he’d offered to let you tag along tonight, you never would have expected he was once again ignoring you, opting to distract himself from romantic feelings with lust from random people who he’d never met. 
You felt envious of the women. They were so close to Asmodeus, they had all his attention that you were supposed to have tonight.
The first succubus had bombarded you at the door, nudging you to the side so she could rub up on Asmodeus, who indulged in her antics.
“Asmo,” she whined, “you haven’t shown up here in forever, your girls miss dancing with you!” You couldn’t help the jealousy and anger that bubbled in your chest, threatening to leak out in the form of nasty words towards the succubus.
“Ah, Lucifer had forbidden me from going out, I couldn’t defy him this time because he threatened to ruin my pretty face,” he pouted.
“Oh my Diavolo, if he ruined your face I think every succubus in the Devildom would go on a rampage!” She laughed, pressing against him with lust in her eyes. “Whaddya say we dance, hun?” She asked him with a sultry tone.
You frowned as they made their way to the dance floor. You were left standing there, shocked that Asmodeus had the audacity to grind up on a succubus, knowing your eyes were on him.
So there you stood, a human in a short little black dress, lost in a sea of sweaty drunk demons who wanted nothing more than to devour you.
Fine then, you thought, I’ll make Asmo pay attention to me the old fashioned way.
Grabbed a shot, letting its burning liquid roll down your throat before you made your way to a handsome demon who had been eyeing you since the moment Asmo left your side.
“Well hello there,” he said as you walked up and began to dance with him, “Don’t you know how dangerous it is for you to be here? An itty bitty human in a sea of monsters,” he whispered in your ear to which you responded with a giggle.
“Don’t you know how much human women love the sense of danger?” you retort, smirking as you pressed up against his chest with your own.
You peered over his shoulder at Asmodeus, he looked a bit agitated with your behavior, but only returned your smirk with one of his own.
Game on, little human.
He spun the succubus he was dancing with around so her back was against his chest, hands on her hips swaying to the music.
You let out a small huff, deciding to double your pawns. You noticed the demon dancing with you was speaking to his friend who stood a foot or two away. You bit your lip and grabbed his friend, tugging him to join you both as you dance, which neither boy seemed to mind. You were sandwiched between them, One pressed up against your breasts and pelvis, while the other held your hips and grinding your backside onto him, swaying to the music.
You looked over to Asmodeus, who now was sitting at the bar, surrounded by several succubi who laughed at everything he said.
You let out a small growl, and marched towards the bar, abandoning your demon friends. Asmodeus smirked, thinking you’d had enough and was coming to steal him away from the numerous women.
When you instead avoided his group completely, going up to the bartender instead, he was left with his mouth gaping. He’d thought for sure you’d whisk him away in a fit of passion, but instead, you’d ordered a drink and taken a seat near a group of men who all looked at you with hungry eyes.
He watched as they chatted you up, you simply sitting back and drinking up the attention. You were getting too cocky, did you really forget that you were surrounded by demons?
When a demon began to whisper in your ear very sensually, Asmo felt a bit annoyed, but the last straw was watching the demon lick up from the junction of your shoulder and neck all the way to your ear before nibbling on it.
“Sorry ladies, I would love to stay and chat, but if I don’t bring the human home son, Lucifer will probably skin me alive,” he says loud enough for you to hear. He refused to listen to the girls’ protests, deciding instead to pull you out from the group of drunk demons.
“Hey! Don’t make her leave, the cutie was having fun with us,” the one who’d bitten your ear spoke up. Asmodeus looked back at him with fire in his eyes.
“Don’t touch my human.”
You’d never seen Asmodeus like this. Envy was radiating off of him as he continued to drag you out of the club. 
You shivered as the cold Devildom air touched your skin. Asmodeus’s vice grip on your wrist was beginning to hurt and you let out a small whimper.
“A-Asmodeus, you’re hurting me,” he loosens his grip, looking back at you with sorry, guilty eyes. 
He continued to hold your wrist gently, silent the entire walk home. You felt nervous. He’s never looked so upset before, especially towards you.
When you got back to the house, Asmodeus picked you up bridal style, to avoid Lucifer hearing your footsteps and coming to scold you both. He tip-toed all the way to his room before lightly tossing you onto his bed.
“You went too far.” A shiver ran down your spine as his voice was stern and deeper than usual. 
“You started it, I mean you just let those succubi rub themselves all over you, with no thoughts of how it’d make me feel!” You shouted, angry that the demon was putting all of the blame on you.
“You’re a human, MC it’s different when you do it,” he shouts back, “I was fine with them grinding on you, whispering in your ear, but letting them put their mouth on you?! Why would you let them do that?! Especially such a vital spot, he could have easily eaten you then and there, MC!” You heard his voice crack and looked up to see him tearing up and biting his lip to avoid letting out cries.
“Asmo I-”
“What if I’d lost you?! You’re the only one I’ve ever cared for more than myself! I can’t lose you!”
You sit there in silence thinking over his words. He’s right, what were you thinking? Did you really put yourself in that much danger just to make Asmo jealous? 
Your thoughts are interrupted by Asmodeus putting his hands on your cheeks, wiping off the tears you hadn’t even realized had fallen. So there you two were, two weeping messes holding each other.
Asmodeus looked you in the eyes, yes, you said in your head but it must have reflected in your eyes as he surged forward, capturing your lips with his own, salty human and demon tears mixing. 
He pulled back, looking you in the eyes before you both connected once more in a more passionate kiss, powerful enough that you were pushed back so your back rested on his soft bed, Asmo never breaking apart from you as he crawled over you and between your legs.
His tongue rubbed your bottom lip, causing you to part them and let him suck your tongue into his mouth. You could still taste the demonus on his tongue, the taste giving you goosebumps.
His soft lips kissed the corner of your mouth, trailing down your jaw to your jugular where he began to suck and nibble on your soft skin. You let out a small whine, encouraging Asmo to keep going, so he did. He made his way to your collar bones, leaving his mark on them as well before you felt his hand slide to the hem of your dress.
“MC, is this okay?” He asks, looking you in the eyes, his rose-colored ones piercing and lustful.
“Yes, please,” you answer breathlessly. You watch Asmodeus eye the dress before he tears it open, causing you to gasp loudly.
“Asmodeus!” you scold him, to which he replies with a cheeky smile and a wink.
“Dresses are replaceable, this moment is not.” You blush at his words and suddenly feel underdressed as he stares at your body for a minute, admiring your panties and bra.
He moves you to sit up a bit before he unlatches the garment covering your breasts. You feel your nipples grow hard as they suddenly are exposed to the air. Asmo lays you back down leaning down towards one of your breasts, giving it a slow lick and causing you to moan softly. He moves his hand to capture the other one and massage it as he continues to suck, relishing in the way you arch your back, pushing up into his lips’ embrace.
“You’re so beautiful”, he whispers, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips before removing his shirt and pants. You are practically drooling at the sight of his body that had been built by the heavens before he fell from grace. You slowly trace over his abs with your hands, getting off the bed and onto your knees in front of him.
Placing your fingers beneath the hem of his underwear, you take a deep breath and kiss his naval before pulling the garment down and exposing his member. You stared at it in awe, it’s head red and leaking precum, the perfect length and girth for you.
The way you hungrily eye his cock has Asmodeus panting, ready to feel your tongue caressing it and throat squeezing him.
You give a kitten lick to the tip, making Asmodeus groan. He laces his fingers in your hair as you take him into your mouth, saliva lubricating his cock as you move your head. 
Swirling your tongue around his member, paying extra attention to the veins that ran down its underside.
You could taste his salty precum as you continued to bob your head, drool leaking from your mouth as you sucked him. You felt his cock twitch in your mouth and you inhaled deeply through your nose, holding your breath and looking up at him with pleading eyes.
He got your message and began to thrust into your mouth, tip repeatedly hitting the back of your throat, making you squeeze his cock and gag.
“Fuck. Your mouth feels so good around me, MC” he moans before giving one last final thrust, which he held at the back of your throat.
You felt his hot seed drip down your throat, as you looked up at him with doe eyes, lips still against his pubic bone as he held you and waited for his cum to finish spilling out of his cock. 
When he pulled you off, yanking you by the hair, you were panting. You licked your lips as you stared Asmodeus in the eye, watching as he got hard again.
He lifted you up, tossing you onto the bed, making you bounce lightly before he crawled between your legs, kissing up your thighs.
You gasp as he kisses everywhere but where you need him the most.
“Look at you, getting this fucking wet from sucking my cock,” he runs a finger up your slit, making you let out a low moan and buck your hips up, desperate to be touched more.
“You tasted so good, I couldn’t help getting excited,” you respond breathlessly as he continues to nip and leave bruises on your inner thighs.
“Mmmm, now it’s my turn.” He suddenly dives his head into your pussy, sucking at the lips and circling the clit before he moves down to your tight hole. He thrusts the muscle in and out of you, making you see stars as you hear his sloppy sucking sounds from below you. You grip his hair pulling him impossibly closer to you. He groans as the pain of having his hair pulled and looks up at you with dangerous eyes. He suddenly moves his tongue to your clit, flicking, sucking, and nibbling the bundle of nerve, causing your hips to rise from the bed. He responds by placing a hand on your stomach, pushing you back down and holding you there, fingers spread to keep you in place. He uses his other hand to thrust a finger into you, a loud moan leaving your mouth as you pull his hair harder, making him groan once more, sending vibrations to your clit.
You squirm and moan uncontrollably as Asmo adds a second finger, curling up to rub you in all the right places. He adds a third and continues to thrust them in and out of you and suck your clit. You begin to tremble, legs shaking as Asmo used the hand previously on your stomach to keep your thighs from crushing his head. You begin to see stars and you arch your back as you squeeze Asmo’s fingers, your juices getting all over them. 
You slowly open your eyes, peering up at Asmodeus, and you watch as he slowly licks your essence off his fingers, one by one, moaning at your taste. You blush as he does this and begin to get excited. Foreplay was over, now it’s time for the main course. 
Asmodeus rolled onto his back, pulling your hips to straddle him. He sat up so you were nose to nose, both breathing heavily as he lines you up with his cock. When his cock’s head pressed against your hole you let out a small gasp, Asmodeus watching as you squeezed your eyes and your mouth hung open in a small ‘o’ shape. He began to push your hips down, tears pricking at your eyes from his size.
“Shhh, it’s okay princess, I promise the pain will go away,” he coos, watching as your pussy swallows his cock until he’s bottomed out. You both sit there panting, resting your forehead against his.
“MC,” he breathes out, making you look him in the eyes. His eyes were glossy as he looks at you with so much adoration and love. “I love you, with my entire being.”
“I love you too, Asmodeus. So much more than you’ll ever know,” you respond before rocking your hips softly, making both of you let out soft noises of pleasure. 
Asmo meets your pace, thrusting up into you as you sped up. He watches your tits bounce, covered in his hickeys and bite marks.
Seeing his marks triggered something feral and possessive within him, making him flip you onto your back, his face buried in the crook of your neck as he began to thrust faster.
“Asmo, please please,” You cried, unsure of what it was you were asking for.
“Please what, princess?” He responds seductively before biting your ear.
“Please I want you to thrust your cock in me harder, please,” you sob, the need for orgasm overwhelming. 
He obeys your commands, thrusting harder and faster making your moans grow in pitch and volume. 
“Fuck, you feel so fucking good princess,” he lightly grips your throat, your hands desperately wrapping around his wrist looking for any sort of anchorage. He squeezes lightly, “look at your pussy swallowing me, it’s sucking me back in like the little slut you are,” You moan at his dirty words, mind spinning from the lack of oxygen and the immense pleasure he gave you as his cock hit your g-spot with every thrust.
He leaned down, loosening his grip on your throat as he kissed you, all teeth and tongue, messy and passionate. He pulled out before flipping you over, face pushed down into his soft mattress as your ass was raised in the air, your hole clenching around nothing, desperate to be filled again. 
His cock thrust back into you from behind, getting deeper than he was before. He grabbed your hair, yanking you back so your back arched and he had access to your neck. 
He bit your neck, leaving no spot unmarked, nobody would dare to touch Asmodeus’s human ever again. You moaned, the sting of his fangs sinking into your flesh mixing with the pleasure of his cock’s head hitting your deepest spots, your mind becoming hazy and your moans slowly beginning to sound like screams of pleasure.
You could feel his cock twitch inside of you, and you knew he was just as close to coming undone as you were. The knot in your lower belly growing impossibly tight as you tried to hold it in.
“Tell me, who is making you feel this good?” He groans.
“You are!” You scream as your eyes roll into the back of your head, your moans uncontrollable and loud.
“Who do you belong to, princess?”
“Asmodeus!” You cry one last time before coming undone, your walls pulsing around his cock, causing him to finish as well, his seed shooting deep into you, your womb becoming warm with his cum.
You both sat there like that, riding out your highs as you panted, both of you attempting to come down from the haze that clouded your minds.
Slowly Asmo pulled his softening member out of your hole, watching as some of his cum came with it, slowly dripping down your thighs. You cried, feeling empty without him in you. He kissed all across your spine, whispering praises of how well you took him.
He walked away for a minute while you rolled onto your back, as it was getting uncomfortable in your previous pose. He came back with a warm damp towel, wiping you down and leaving soft kisses all over you.
He lifted you up, carrying you to his bath, setting you gently down where he could sit behind you and massage your muscles.
“Asmodeus…” You begin.
“Yes, princess?”
“Is it true what they say, y’know about cum being good for your skin and all?” He laughs loudly, his chest shaking against your back as you leaned into him.
He grips your chin between his thumb and forefinger, tilting your head to look him in the eyes.
“Do you wanna find out~”
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characteroulette · 3 years
GAME KIDS TIME for Dante Going Fuckin Berserk for the first time (cuz you sent it to me years ago and it's still sitting in my inbox lmao)
ohhhh nice! hahaha. I actually rewrote the whole beginning of that one night because I had the thought of "no, this needs more build up." because it used to just start with the kids in the Game, hearing the singing and then Dante popped.
(I also need to rewrite it again now that the kids are more Aware of Dante's trauma with Hell hahaha)
(here is a read more because I have more to say than I thought I would)
Then Dante's fire sparked up, a hotter and bigger flame. [...] They blasted Frank, Abraham, and Vektor straight out of the game and they hit Petel as he dove into the cover. The burns and the heat around him didn't cease, the waves rocketing out past the visible horizon in every direction.
I did my best to convey Inferno here and I still like it hahaha. getting the same 'fire fire fire' thing that'd probably be going through Dante's head is an interesting challenge, since we're in Petel's pov, but it worked out pretty okay?
There, in the middle of a scorched circle on the ground, was Dante, crumpled on the floor in a familiar way. Though, the only thing recognisable as Dante was the soft, wavy blond hair and the knowledge that Dante had been at the centre and cause of this. Dante's clothes had been torn and were now grey and all available skin Petel could see had been scorched charcoal black.
hey I really like writing character descriptions whoop. also, fun fact! Dante's Berserk aftermath is based off an Elsen (from the game OFF)! that's why he head asplode, actually.
"Why can't he utilise this power into a more constructive gain for us?" Vektor lamented loudly. Knowing Vektor, he was probably also waving his hands about and nearly knocking himself over from the movements. "Every time he shows any kind of prowess in his abilities, it's to our detriment. Every time! He's a jeopardy to the mission."
"Your mission." Abraham's voice came across as cool, but as annoyed as Petel was growing. "He made a mistake, it happens."
I just really still like this exchange, honestly. Abraham being the one to throw that back in Vektor's face was supposed to show his growth, but honestly Abraham is just really friendly and patient towards Dante ;w;
Finally, Dante said, "Sorry."
Petel's response was immediate. "It's okay."
"I-I got scared. And then. I couldn't stop it."
Petel gave it a moment of thought. Back to when all he could comprehend was teeth and claws and making sure every living thing in his vicinity was torn to shreds. He shrugged in the end. "It happens."
even now, EVEN NOW, Dante's still not being truthful about things. he just lies about the root cause of his Berserk because, to him, it's all Fear and Trauma wrapped up in a neat little package (named Orpheus and Hell, but no one would know that since they haven't seen Orpheus yet) and so he just tries to use his Excuse here in a desperate attempt to keep the others out of the loop still. Dante man what the fuck are you doing
One of the Gargoyles dove suddenly, aiming for Dante. Petel managed to claw its wing enough to redirect it, but it still nicked Dante's exposed arm. Dante's mouth opened, a half-formed scream not quite making it out, before his head exploded in a spray of black liquid and a column of black smoke spilled out of his neck. Petel and the two Gargoyles hesitated. For once, Petel sincerely hoped it was just that Dante had been killed, had been logged out of the game. "Uh. Paige?"
"What the hell is going on?" Her voice came over with a stronger terrified tone than she probably meant. "Dante's stats just rocketed up by a 400-times multiplier and he's got 5% health left and the computer's refusing to tell me why it's going mad like this."
The creature formerly Dante straightened itself up, now taller and with broader shoulders. The claws had grown and whiffs of black smoke drifted off their sharp tips with every slight movement, while Dante's legs had curled backwards and the clawed feet had become stumps, nearly hoof-like. A constant stream of black smoke and spurting blood oozed from the stump of Dante's neck. Petel had nothing better to say than a succinct, "Dante's head came off."
At this, the rest of the crew spoke in unison with Paige. "What?"
head asplode! god I love this scene a lot hahaha. the Gargoyles hesitating, like Petel, is meant to be significant! but Petel can't really pay attention to that right now since their friend's head just exploded. I struggled, also, for a long time on how much exactly to jack up Dante's stats and then went "fuck it, 400x is broken" and settled on that hahaha
Petel desperately wished he could explain it better, but his words were caught in the back of his throat and he knew that if he tried to force them out, all that he'd manage would be whimpering and whines. Dante grabbed the remaining Gargoyle as it tried to escape and tore its wings off, then tossed it away as it dissolved into code. Then the thing turned towards Petel.
Petel had no other instinct. His tail tucked, ears flattened against his head, and he ran.
Of course, Dante was right there behind him. It didn't seem like Dante could fit in the checkpoint or even get inside, but it didn't stop for a second. It slashed at the checkpoint with those sharp claws, making the structure shake and fizzle and actually damaging the thing. After a few slashes, Dante then dragged its claws along the ground, tossing up some sludge-like lava that splattered against the openings of the checkpoint but was kept out by some invisible force. The walls continued to shake and Petel whimpered quietly. "Paige. Paige, please."
Petel showing real fear!! also very good. also very significant. Dante's coding is so fucked up that it actually breaks some of Petel's coding, too. that Fear is just so palpable that it leaks out and infects those around it. (and also Dante's Warping is just That Bad hahaha, this is why he does his best to be careful all the time)
Frank frowned, slowly tilting his head to the side. "It'd be faster to force the log out, right?"
"What exactly is this risk factor?"
Abraham seemed hesitant to ask and Paige hesitated on answering. That was enough for Petel to figure out the rest. And it wasn't good. "He'd come out without a head. Wouldn't he?"
Paige cringed. Frank and Abraham's jaws dropped open. And Vektor, in fabulous Vektor fashion, rolled his eyes. "There's only a fifteen-point-eight percent chance that the system will mistake Dante's current form for his form on this plane of existence. The odds are in our favour."
Petel narrowed his eyes at Vektor and Vektor wilted under his glare. Paige twiddled with her fingers. Frank came out of his shock first, giving a strangled cry of outrage. "You'd risk Dante coming back headless and dead just to get him out a little quicker?"
Vektor gulped, voice unsteady. "Technically, he wouldn't be dead. The system would just mistake his current form for your reality." Vektor looked around at them expectantly, but Petel wouldn't budge. Not on this one. [...] Vektor puffed up again, getting huffy. "Look, if we did lose Inferno, why would it matter that much? He's of no great contribution to our mission, anyway."
"Your mission!" Petel growled and surged forward to grab the front of Vektor's suit coat. "Dante. Is not. Useless."
ahh, Vektor. (there's that line again whoooo) I have to rewrite all of this but I always want to show the disconnect between how Vektor treats Dante, because of his built-in muscle memory. Vektor doesn't even understand it himself, but he tends to treat Dante worse than the others just because it's what feels right in his programming.
the rest of this chapter is a lot of me getting the rest of the kids out so Paige and Petel can discuss exactly how Dante's Berserk works hahaha. man, I need to rewrite this...
Dante would get out. Things would be all right. They'd all find this very funny in a week or so. 'Hey, remember that time you went berserk and got trapped in the game for several hours? Wasn't that just a hoot?' 'Not as much as that time you ripped us all to shreds when you went berserk! Ah, how time flies.' They were good enough friends by this point, right?
Petel please what the fuck is this XD
anyway, yeah! those are my thoughts on this chapter as it is in beta form hahaha. the ending is basically Petel reaching a conclusion about his feelings towards Dante and that's why he just thinks of them as dating in the next one (which is also something I need to rework, aaaaaaa) but also showing off the trio as friends!! even though this thing is a couple years old by this point, I still like it a lot!
(sorry to everyone else hahaha if you're really curious about the whole chapter, here's the google doc of it. please don't make a mess of it ;; )
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Marco’s Home for Lost Boys
Read on AO3 - Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4
“Ok, I’ll see you Saturday my sweet Emma.” She clicked the end button on her phone and stared out at the forest in front of her.
She was definitely, maybe, possibly going to have sex with Neal!
Thank you everyone again for reading my little fic. I truly appreciate anyone taking the time to keep up. References to sex included, but not earning that M rating just yet. Saving that for something a bit more special! :)
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter 4: Definitely, Maybe
2 years later
It’s nearly impossible to get any alone time at Marco’s home for Lost Boys.
He just needs to save enough money to get a place of his own, but currently Killian Jones is flat broke. Which means he’s stuck sneaking around and stealing moments with Milah when everyone is out of the house.
If he’s being honest, he’s tired of all the cloak and dagger bullshit. He wants to be able to announce it to everyone that Milah is his girl.
“You’re thinking again.” Milah’s mouth is on his as she groans in frustration.
“Sorry love, I’m here.” He opens his eyes and runs his hand down to the curve of her ass.
She pulls back and looks at him. “No, you’re not.”
“Do you think it’s time that we tell everyone about us?”
He feels her anger before she even speaks. “We’ve talked about this; do we really have to do this again?” She sits up, re-arranging the buttons on her shirt.
“I just don’t see why we have to keep this hidden, we love each other, what is wrong with people knowing how happy we are?”
“Baby, this is special. You and me. Why do we need to shout it to the world?”
They’ve had this argument for years now. It always ends with the two of them screaming at each other and Killian drowning his anger in a bottle of Rum, alone. And currently he’s not in the mood for either. He may not have the opportunity of an empty house for a while.
“Alright love, I’m sorry, you’re right. This is perfect, just the way it is.” He quickly pulls her back on top of his lap, pulling her lips to his.
“Then why do you…” His hands tighten in her hair, pulling her harder against his mouth. “keep bringing this…” Her hips grind into his as she pulls back and smirks at him. “up.”
“No more talking, I promise.” Her hands are under his shirt in a second and he groans at the contact of her nails on his flesh. He clutches the hem of her shirt, yanking it over her head, leaving her in her black lace bra.
“Mmm, this is more like it.”
“Killian, have you seen my…”
“My God you silly girl, do you knock?” Milah slides off the bed, glaring at the intruder standing in the doorway to his room. Her face is flushed, her lips are pursed in a scowl, but she is doing nothing to cover herself up. Instead, she seems to be trying to intimidate the girl, as she goes about pushing her breasts up as she adjusts herself in her bra.
“I um, God I had no idea anyone was in here but…”
His eyes lock on the girl standing in his doorway, Emma’s eyes currently fixated on his lower half. He grabs a pillow to cover the erection currently tenting in his boxers. “Well as you can see the room is occupied, so if you wouldn’t mind relocating yourself, love!”
Her eyes snap to his and he sees red begin to creep into her cheeks. “Um, I uh, yes. Leaving!” She turns and slams the door shut behind her.
“Oh my God.” Milah exclaims. “What are you going to do about that?” She gestures toward the door.
“Yes, HER, she just walked in on us, she’s going to blab it to all her little friends.”
“Emma’s not like that, I’ll talk to her, it will be fine.”
Milah crosses her arms. He tries to pull her back to the bed. “Killian!”
“It’s alright, love. I promise, Emma won’t tell another soul.”
“Then go see to it now before she does. You can’t trust silly little teenagers.” Looking at her face, he knows he’s not going to win this battle.
“As you wish.”
“Um hey.” Killian finds Emma on the back porch and walks over to join her on the swing.
“So um, that was awkward.” She’s looking anywhere to avoid making eye contact with Killian.
“Uh yeah, so I should probably explain.” He scratches his ear before turning to look at her.
“You aren’t going to tell me about the birds and the bees, are you? Cuz uh, David already tried to have that talk with me about a year ago.”
“That’s what I told him, but I’m not exactly a child you know.”
“Yeah whatever, you’ll always be my little swan.” He winks at her before pausing. “But um, the part I was referring to was Milah and I. You see, it’s not public knowledge that she and I are together.”
“Oh. Why not?”
“Milah thinks it’s special just keeping this between her and I.”
“And what does Killian think?”
“I uh, it doesn’t matter what I think. So, I really need you to keep this between us.”
“Uh, sure, that sounds a bit one sided, but it’s not my place to tell your business.”
“Thanks Swan. I apologize that you had to see me,” He coughs before continuing. “Er, us like that.”
Emma laughed loudly, “Yeah next time can you put a sock on the door or something cuz I definitely don’t want to have to tell David that I got a live lesson on the birds and bees.”
Emma isn’t sure if she’s actually mortified or intrigued by what she walked in on in Killian’s room. It wasn’t like it was news to her that Killian and Milah were seeing each other. He wasn’t very good at hiding anything. At least not with her. She could always tell when he was lying to her and had picked up on his deception regarding Milah the moment she met the girl.
She remembers all the times she caught him staring at Milah when he thought no one else was watching him.
But currently all Emma could think about was the image of Killian half dressed, lying on his bed in an obvious state of arousal.
She had never seen an erection before. Sure, she had felt a hardness against her leg on previous occasion when she and Neal would sneak off to make out but seeing Killian’s rather large member standing at attention behind the thin fabric of his tight white boxers caused a reaction she had never experienced before.
Neal had been pushing for them to take their relationship to the next level, but something had always stopped Emma from taking it that far. Emma wasn’t sure she was ready. Something always caused her to panic when she thought about it.
Sure, she enjoyed the excitement and it felt nice when Neal kissed her, even made her a bit flustered when his hand would travel under her shirt and rub against her breasts through her bra.
But she didn’t know if she was interested in sex or the just the idea of sex.
However today, she definitely felt the warmth in her core when she walked in on the scene in Killian’s room. As soon as she closed the door behind her she felt the need to squeeze her thighs together to stop the ache. Maybe that was a sign that she was ready to go to that step with Neal.
Her phone buzzed in her pocket and she smiled when she saw Neal's face pop up on her screen. “Hey you!”
“How’s my favorite girl.”
She laughed, “What do you want now Cassidy?”
“Hey, can’t I say nice things about my girl?”
“Fine, what kind of nice things do you want to say to me?”
“Well, I was thinking maybe you’d let me say these nice things in person to you this weekend. My dad’s going out of town, I thought maybe you and I could uh, hang out here.”
Emma blushed. “Hmm, you and me alone. Now just what would we do with a house all to ourselves, Neal.”
“Oh, I have so many ideas I’d like to share with you.”
“Care to give me a sneak peek?” She cooed into the receiver, almost at a whisper.
“I’d prefer to show you. So, what do you say? You, me, Saturday night.”
She paused, knowing what this would mean for them. “Um, Sure. It’s a date.” She said, trying to sound confident. “I uh, I gotta go, Neal.”
“Ok, I’ll see you Saturday my sweet Emma.”
She clicked the end button on her phone and stared out at the forest in front of her.
She was definitely, maybe, possibly going to have sex with Neal!
“Uh sorry.” She jumped when she heard Killian’s voice behind her.
“Hey.” He walked out and set down on the step next to her.
“I uh, didn’t mean to eavesdrop on your conversation…”
Emma blushed, “Oh?”
“So uh, you and Neal. Saturday. Are you in need of the birds and bee’s conversation, Swan?” His look was definitely disapproving.
Emma frowned. “Please don’t be David right now.”
“Are you and Neal…”
“Oh God!” She turned away from him. “No um, we aren’t, not exactly, I mean we haven’t done THAT yet.” She stammered nervously.
“Oh good!” he said quickly which caused Emma to roll her eyes in annoyance.
“Hey, that doesn’t mean I couldn’t have done it!”
“Swan!” He growled.
“You’re one to lecture ME right now!”
“I’m older than you.”
“That’s a stupid reason.”
“I’m not trying to lecture you, love. I’m just saying that you should be careful of Neal’s intentions.”
“God you sound like a dad right now.” She snorted.
“I’m serious. You shouldn’t just jump into something you might regret later.”
“Who says I will regret it. Maybe I want that with Neal.”
“You don’t really know him Emma.”
She groaned. “God Killian, what is your problem with Neal anyway?”
“I just want you to be careful. With Neal or anyone you chose to give yourself to.” He reached out and pushed a strand of her hair from her face, dragging it across her cheek and behind her ear. “You should wait until you are sure you love the gent.”
“Killian Jones, who would have thought you would be such an old-fashioned gentleman.”
He leaned closer to her, their foreheads almost touching. “I’m always a gentleman.”
Did he always smell this good?
His steely blue eyes were locked on hers and she let out a shaky breath she hardly realized she was holding in. “I should um, get some sleep.”
He blinked, not moving an inch as she stood up and walked back into the house, his voice trailing softly after her. “Just think about what I said.”
Does it really matter if your underwear matches your bra?
She was frowning at the polka dot underwear in the reflection of the mirror in front of her. Nothing seemed to look good. Her legs weren’t long enough, her ass was too flat, her breasts didn’t perk up the way Ruby’s did in a bra. In fact, she looked nothing like Ruby did.
Would Neal care what she looked like naked.
She groaned at her reflection. “Of course, he cares Emma!”
Determined that nothing she wore was going to be perfect, she quickly pulled on a pair of jeans and the first shirt she found in her closet.
She ran a brush through her hair, lightly glossed her lips, buttoned and then quickly unbuttoned the first 2 buttons of her shirt.
This is as good as its going to get.
She found her dad in the living room tinkering with a small clock on the wall.
“I’m off to Ruby’s for the night.” She kissed his cheek and smiled at him, trying not to look guilty.
“Alright dear, you two behave and don’t cause Granny any trouble.”
She giggled, “Of course, Papa.”
She turned to see Killian standing in the door, frowning in her direction.
“And what are you and Ruby planning for the evening?” He asked with a raised eyebrow.
“We have all kinds of plans, Jones!”
“Oh, it would be most enlightening to hear of these great plans.”
She rolled her eyes in his direction. “See ya tomorrow, Jones.”
She took off out the door before he could respond, yanking her bicycle off the front porch. She really needed to get her driver’s license.
She groaned, hopping onto the seat and looking back toward the front of the house.
“Since when did Ruby start covering for you lying to our dear father. You and I both know where you are off to this evening.”
“Oh please, Mr. breaking the no-sex-in-the-house rule just 3 days ago! I kept my mouth shut! You owe me!”
She peddled herself down the drive leaving a brooding Killian Jones watching the dust kick up from her wake.
She is definitely having sex with Neal tonight!
Her confidence begins to falter about 30 minutes after she arrives at Neal’s home.
She isn’t sure how Neal’s family can afford such a nice home with just the income from the pawn shop, but the place is amazing.
However, she barely has time to take in the tour because it ends abruptly once they reach Neal’s bedroom.
“Emma, I have wanted you for so long.”
Emma moans softly at the feel of his mouth on her neck. Her heart pounding in her chest when his fingers slip under her bra and brush her nipple.
You can do this Emma. Just breathe.
The warmth of his lips disappears and her eyes pop open just in time to see him yanking his t-shirt over his head and tossing it into the corner of his room.
He is immediately on her again, she gasps when his hands tug at the zipper on her jeans.
“Relax, Emma.” He breathes into her ear, tugging at her hips to pull the jeans down her thighs.
She feels like her heart is in her throat.
His hands dip into her underwear and she squeaks when his fingers jab quickly inside of her.
His head pulls off her neck as he looks down at her. “Em, seriously, you need to breathe.”
“I’m sorry, I just need a minute.”
He groans, “Seriously Emma you’ve had a lot of minutes!”
Come on Emma, you want this.
She smiles up at him and kisses him slowly before she hears his pants unzipping. She squeezes her eyes shut and tenses beneath him. Behind her closed lids steely blue eyes come into view.
You shouldn’t just jump into something you might regret later. I just want you to be careful. With Neal or anyone you chose to give yourself to. You should wait until you are sure you love the gent.
“Get out of my head!” She whispers.
“Huh!?” Neal pants above her.
“Um nothing, sorry.” He kisses her and she feels something hard pressing against her thigh, flesh against flesh and she gulps, trying to sit up.
“Sorry Neal, I uh, I just I’m not sure I…”
“Are you fucking kidding me right now Emma?” He’s staring at her, anger in his eyes before he quickly recovers and sits back.
“I don’t think I can do this.” She says softly.
“Ems, I love you. I’ll go slow. It will be fine.” His lips are on her neck and he’s pushing her back down against the bed before she sits up abruptly.
“Neal.” She says firmly, putting a hand on his chest.
“Emma, I’ve been waiting for this for 2 years now. You can’t just get a guy to this point and tell him to stop.”
“I’m sorry! I just, can you please just wait a little longer?”
“You’re…sorry?” he stands up, yanking his pants on and storming out of the room.
Emma chokes back tears, feeling around the bed for her clothes. She feels foolish. She knows Neal is mad, this was the farthest they have ever gone before stopping.
She feels awful for getting him all worked up again. But she doesn’t want to regret something she can’t take back. No matter how she feels about Neal. Damn Killian for getting in her head. But mostly for being right!
She pulls her clothes on and pulls her phone from her back pocket.
She groans as she pulls the contacts up on the screen. She’s never going to hear the end of this. If only Ruby hadn’t failed her driver’s exam twice in the last month she wouldn’t be in this situation.
She’s definitely taking that stupid exam next week so she can get herself out of her own embarrassing jams!
E: Can you come get me?
She sits nervously and waits on the bed. She knows she should go talk to Neal, but she also wants to allow him time to calm down.
Ten minutes pass and she still doesn’t have a reply text. She really doesn’t want to have to ride her bike all the way home at this hour and she knows she needs to stop delaying and go downstairs and talk to Neal. But most of all she really needs to find older friends who can drive.
She walks down the steps and sees Neal sitting on the couch, a bottle in his hands. She hates when he drinks because he always gets so angry.
“Are you mad?”
Neal groans. “What do you think Em?”
She frowns. “I’m sorry, Neal.”
He tips the bottle and gulps, looking over at her. “When are you going to be ready? Ever? Do you not love me?”
She sits next to him and takes his hand. “Of course, I just… This is a lot for me. I’m just scared and while I can’t tell you how long it will be, I promise I’ll tell you as soon as I know.”
Her phone buzzes in her other hand.
Suddenly there is knocking on the door and Neal jumps up from the couch. She looks down at her phone.
K: I’m outside the door now.
Neal looks out the window and turns angrily toward her.
“You called your brother! Really Emma?”
“I thought it best that I just went home for the night.” She stands and walks toward the door swinging it open to an angry Killian Jones.
“Get on the bike, Swan.” He tosses her a helmet and points her toward his bike parked in front of the house.
She grabs the helmet, turns toward Neal and smiles. “Good night, Neal.” She says softly, turning to leave, before mouthing “I’m sorry”.
“Baby, I want you so bad.”
“Then show me.”
Milah pulls at his T-shirt, yanking it up his body. His phone begins buzzing on the dresser beside her bed.
“Don’t you even think about touching that phone, Killy.” She demands.
Her lips are on his in an instant. He tries to lose himself in her kiss, ignoring the voice in his head telling him that it might be Emma texting him.
He knows where she is and what she plans to be doing right now, with Neal.
Neal Cassidy, the last man on earth he would choose for Emma. Hell, he’s not even in the top 10. Not that he has a list of men he would choose for Emma. Honestly, he would prefer she just stay away from men altogether. Celibacy seems like a good path for her honestly.
Come on Jones, she’s trying to do the same thing you are right now! She’s probably already in bed with Cassidy right now.
“Ouch, would you pay attention!” His thoughts come back to the woman in his arms and the grip his fingers currently have in her hair, releasing her dark locks from his tightened fist.
“Sorry, a bit distracted, love.” She sits up and rolls over to his side. He quickly reaches over and picks up his phone.
“I told you not to touch that.”
“I know, I just…” He stops when he sees the text.
E: Can you come get me?
“I gotta go.” He gets up immediately and starts pulling on his clothes.
“I know, but family emergency.” He shrugs before leaning over to kiss his annoyed girlfriend on the forehead and running out the front door, yanking his jacket on as he shuts the door behind him. There will be hell to pay for this tomorrow but right now he just needs to get to Emma.
He rides his bike with a fury toward the Gold residence hoping that the Sheriff isn’t out patrolling tonight.
He parks his bike near the small bicycle propped up behind the pawn shop in the alley beside the house and pulls out his phone, typing quickly as he runs up the stairs to the front door and bangs his fist on the wood.
K: I’m outside the door now.
The door swings open and he’s faced with the subject of his anger standing behind a slightly disheveled but embarrassed Emma.
“Jones.” His annoyance is clear as he watches the boy stare angrily between him and Emma.
“Get on the bike, Swan.”
She hesitates but takes the helmet from him, turning back toward Neal before setting off down the walkway.
The moment she’s at his bike he steps toward Neal.
“Stay away from Emma.” He growls.
“You threatening me, Jones?”
“Just telling you how it’s going to be. Leave Emma alone. She’s innocent. She doesn’t know who your father really is.” He pushes a finger into his chest. “Or who you are!”
“Oh, and you’re gonna tell her, are you?” He laughs. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” He shoves his hand off his chest, taking a step toward him. “After all, you wouldn’t want Emma to know what exactly it is that you do for my father, now would you?”
Killian turns away from Neal and storms toward the bike, grabbing his helmet from Emma’s hands before pausing and looking down at her. “You ok, Swan.”
She stares at him with what he can only describe as red-faced humiliation. “Um yeah, I just want to go home.”
“Mr. Cassidy’s performance not everything you were dreaming of?” He says with a hint of sarcasm.
“Oh, we didn’t, I uh, yeah I definitely don’t want to talk about this.” He climbed on the bike and he felt it dip as she settled in behind him, her arms wrapping around his waist.
“Sorry to hear, love. Though I am happy I was able to be at your disposal to rescue your virginity.”
“Oh, shut up, Jones.” His smile grew as the bike roared to life and they set off toward home.
Uh oh, what is Killian involved with? And will Emma get sucked into Neal's world?
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bigskydreaming · 4 years
You’re a disgusting, abuse-survivor-shaming cunt. I hope you choke, I truly do.
So I get way more of these kinds of messages than I could possibly ever count. Have been for years. I don’t generally reply to them the way I mock some other hate messages I can at least have fun with, because like, what’s there to say about this kinda thing, y’know?
I don’t know how to get people to understand that there is NOTHING hypothetical about my anger about the things in fandom I get angry about. My rants about dark fic are PERSONAL, they have NOTHING to do with some arbitrary moral superiority stance. I don’t make assumptions as to others’ survivor status or motivations for writing various things because I don’t HAVE to, my anger and frustration are with the OUTPUT, not the inciting reasons. 
My hostility towards fandom comes directly from the hostility fandom shows me every time people try to convince me that I have no reason to have the reactions I do to the way they interact with the extremely combustible topics that define my own trauma and that of others. And the fact that fandom at large has decided that the ONLY acceptable reactions from survivors upon seeing others engaging with these sensitive topics in any way they choose, is either to be silent, or to take part in it. 
I don’t have to know which writers of which fics are or aren’t actually survivors attempting coping mechanisms of their own to be fucking furious at the way fandom has literally commodified these traumas, made them exploitable by making the catchphrase “some people write dark fic to cope” all-inclusive, utilized by anyone. With no shame or self-scrutiny as to the fact that YOU at least know if you are or aren’t a survivor, and if you aren’t one, you have ZERO business offering this particular line up as a defense to any survivor taking issue with the ways you embrace particular topics in particular ways.
The only things I have any interest in shaming people for is their choices, the fucking CHOICE to turn on any survivor who dares say “I have issues with this take” and this goes for abuse as much as it does rape. I’ve lost count of the number of authors over the years who HAVE spoken of being rape survivors specifically but then turn around and treat childhood physical abuse as their personal playground, with none of the care they put into crafting rape storylines on display when they casually have male abuse survivors punching each other in every other argument and just citing ‘boys will be boys.’ I can have sympathy for their status and experiences as rape survivors while still being upset at how they simultaneously perpetuate so many of the untruths that make it so hard for abuse survivors to affirm that they have actually been abused rather than call it something that its not, something that they’ve seen writers call it because the writers simply don’t want to inspect the fact that they’ve casually and without awareness written their characters abusing another.
It’s not a zero sum game.
I get angry not because I feel powerless in my own life (I don’t, actually, thanks, I’ve taken actionable steps every single day to fix what’s wrong in my own life and lol that’s power baby), and not because I’m fixated on my own trauma and unwilling to move past it (lol yeah I have no money to spend on anything BUT therapy because I’m committing to the highly specialized and expensive therapy I only arrived at after years of trial and error with other forms because I just don’t want to move past any of this, okay sure).
Nah, I get angry because of the galaxy brain intellects who smarmingly just decide on this view of me for themselves, condescension dripping from every ‘well-meaning’ expression of contempt sympathy, with zero examination of the fact that like.....idk guys, its a little hard to move past my trauma when everyone ELSE seems more fixated on it than I do! LOL, so we’re just gonna skip merrily on by the fact that the only reason its an ISSUE for me in fandom is because its EVERYWHERE in fandom, huh? ‘Mind the tags’ people parrot mindlessly, as though its not like tags HAVE to be created with self-awareness for what people are supposed to mind, or like I haven’t had people literally try to trigger me with tags aimed specifically at getting under my skin as ‘payback’ for something I wrote (out of moral superiority, naturally, not a visceral display of emotion, never that). As though the tags have anything to do with the fact that even outside of Ao3, there are incest-themed shipping weeks every single month of the year, that every major discord server and fic exchange and other fandom wide event demands participants be ‘ship-friendly’ which might as well be code for ‘not friendly to anyone who doesn’t prioritize ships over survivors,’ like fandom hasn’t created a culture in which people are more inclined to be defensive over how people make writers FEEL about stuff they’ve written than they are to be defensive over how certain writing makes various survivors feel.
I’ll never get over how a fandom that universally expressed disdain for Devin Grayson’s disrespectful handling of the sensitive topic of rape has obliviously embraced every form of euphemism under the sun for their own content, and just flat out REFUSES to concede that there is ANY room for criticism in ANY handling of even the most sensitive of topics. Because there’s no sensitivity allowed when it comes to any topic in fandom....unless its the writer’s sensitivity, that must be respected at all costs.
Does that not really strike you as....odd? Aren’t there lines out there about how no society or culture or environment that truly embraces free speech can simultaneously embrace freedom from criticism? And yet time and time again, its anyone who dares criticize - in ANY fashion - the HOW of what someone wrote, not even the WHY, they’re the ones termed authoritarian, censor, the one attempting to SHUT DOWN conversation rather than expand upon it. Tell me, what conversation was THIS anon and similar ilk attempting to invite? Every criticism I write of fandom invites people to engage with it. I fucking BEG people to engage with it. You’re the ones who choose not to. At least not in good faith. Because its only when I refuse to let you move the goalposts from anything other than this being about me reacting to what you wrote, no aim at doing anything other than being a reaction to an action, not an attempt to tell you what to do, just an attempt to get you to tell me WHY, if it really is as defensible as you loftily claim it is - then why is it you just can’t tell me, straight to my face, that it doesn’t matter what negative reaction your writing evokes, you don’t actually have to care? Cuz you don’t, of course. But if you’re that content with your own motivations, your own impact, why so uncomfortable just saying that?
The funny thing is, I truly don’t make any assumptions as to the why of anyone writing dark fic. I have a lot to say about the fact that we all know damn well that at least some of the people offering up the ‘some survivors use dark fic to cope’ aren’t speaking of themselves when they do so, but I have ZERO interest in imagining who that is and why. I’ve spoken of the fact that its willful naivete to assume that even if your own motivations for writing certain content are innocent in your own mind, you can’t assume the same of EVERYONE. That its nothing but willfulness to pretend that actual predators don’t peruse the same content. That the very same factors that make Dick Grayson so appealing to survivors, for example, as a strong heroic character who neverthless has been victimized and violated more than once - the flip side of this coin is this of course makes him EQUALLY appealing to people on the other end of things....a strong heroic character who nevertheless can be victimized and violated more than once.
And yet I honestly, truly have no interest in figuring out who might be whom, when it comes to writers, and I don’t assume everyone who writes or reads certain content in certain ways is in the latter camp. IT DOES ME NO GOOD, to go through life assuming that many people are all potential rapists or inclined to side with my own rapists’ or abusers’ side of things. I CHOOSE to give people the benefit of the doubt there, I assume perhaps they ARE survivors trying in good faith to cope with their own trauma and defensive about hearing that butts up against with other survivors trying to move on in other ways, or that they’re simply people who grew up in fandom being told there is nothing they can write that can be termed wrong, and have trouble with such a deeply held conviction being contested. Or perhaps only got into shipping incest because the ‘fandom elders’ of various fandoms like SPN deliberately and with full intent once upon a time pitched incest as being the same kind of taboo relationship that the same kind of people who forced gay men into secretive relationships were against....that incest ships and closeted gay ships were basically the same, and so as the latter became less of a thing as media showed more open gay relationships, incest ships became more of a thing among fans who were really compelled by the secretive/’society’s against them’ aspect of forbidden love.
I don’t assume any of that on a ONE TO ONE basis with any single writer or reader because I don’t KNOW their personal story and I’m not TRYING to. It makes no difference when I’m not talking about or arguing against the WHY of someone doing a thing, but the HOW. The end result, and the interactions it creates in the environment in which their output is published, shared, celebrated.
All at the expense of any survivor who doesn’t enjoy seeing things they’ve struggled with getting taken seriously about, maybe all their lives....not taken seriously, and offered up as just a themed week on the latest fantasy porn prompt generator. The problem with incest shippers isn’t even just ‘you ship incest, why do you do that,’ its that you can’t seem to manage to do it without assuming anyone who objects is only doing so out of a place of moral superiority. You try and make it a hypothetical argument “well what about when you do this” as opposed to something rooted in the here and now of the personal. We’re not talking about what ifs, we’re talking about what is. Deal with that before you try raising something else, instead of always raising something else so you never have to deal with that. 
The problem is people condescendingly assuming we have ZERO basis for any objection, or any negative reaction at all. Its our own fault, you see, for being too stupid to get that fiction doesn’t affect reality (even though we’ve debunked that time and time again). Its our own fault, you see, for not getting that its not really incest BECAUSE (a claim that is never actually as universal as it tries to pretend to be, and thus is never more than a distraction for the specific argument that prompted it). Its our own fault, you see, for not getting that this isn’t really a big deal, there are bigger problems, and its awfully sad if we’re so fragile and delicate we can’t handle someone enjoying something that has nothing to do with us (even though its never your call whether or not it has anything to do with us, just as its never our call what your specific motivations for writing specific content might be).
The problem is the same thing I’ve been dealing with all my life, and all the more exhausting for it being front and center in fandoms that claim to be escapism and catharsis for survivors....as long as those survivors perform in the manner fandom is comfortable with....aka the manner fandom has exploited and commodified in order to make certain manners of enjoying certain topics possible and defensible for ALL fans, regardless of their own connection to such topics, or motivations surrounding them.
Denial, avoidance, and abdication of responsibility. There’s no problem if YOU don’t see a problem, after all. There can’t be a problem if you just refuse to acknowledge a problem. A problem has nothing to do with you if you simply have nothing to do with it.
And all the while, you continue engaging in the same behaviors that provoke the same reactions that you refuse to ever actually engage with or address, relying on gaslighting to try and sell people and everyone around them that THEY’RE the real problem....its us that have no respect for freedom of speech, creativity or the creative process, other peoples’ traumas, the difference between fantasy and reality, etc etc ad nauseam.
We see people waving away instances of physical abuse with textbook abuse apologism, and we’re told we don’t know what we’re talking about. We see people offering up wording and phrasing in the comment sections of fics that are literally textbook grooming techniques we recognize from our own experiences and we’re told we’re imagining things. We see characters raping others without it being described as rape and we’re told we didn’t mind the tags, even though oddly enough, none of the tags actually said ‘rape’ but rather other euphemisms and if they aren’t in place to tell readers not to expect actual rape in the actual fic, then, what purpose is it they actually serve, again?
But sure.
Talk to me some more about survivor-shaming. 
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Tree House Kisses, Chapter 37 (Adorney) - Scorpio and Veronica
A/N: Click here for previous chapters or to read on AO3, click here! XOXO!
Chapter Summary: Courtney and Adore begin repairing their friendship, slowly but surely.
Chapter 37: I Have Confidence
“Bonnie!” Courtney flung herself into Bonnie’s arms, causing the older woman to laugh and put down the tongs, stepping away from the grill.
“Hiya darlin’, how are you?”
“I’m good now.” Courtney’s voice was soft, muffled in her hair.
“Dory told me you were coming, so I threw on a couple of veggie burgers.” Bonnie gestured to the grill.
“Aww, thank you!”
“Do you still eat cheese, or have you gone all the way to the dark side?” Bonnie held up a package of jack cheese, which she was about to put on the burgers.
“Cheese is fine,” Courtney laughed. “Although you know I’m really here for your macaroni salad.”
“Hey, Court? You wanna stop hanging on my poor mother and help me set the table?” Adore called from the other side of the patio, arms full.
“Coming!” Courtney pressed one last kiss to Bonnie’s cheek before skipping over to happily fold napkins, just as Angie came outside with a couple of serving bowls.
As she laid out the silverware, Courtney looked up at Adore, setting the condiments at one end of the table. She snatched a piece of red pepper from the veggie tray and grinned, thrilled to be here with her best friend and surrogate family on this beautiful, breezy Spring evening.
Adore smiled back, the light in her hazel eyes making Courtney’s heart nearly burst with happiness.
“Who wants toasted buns?” Bonnie called.
“I do!” Courtney exclaimed, eyes glittering with amusement at the joke she knew by now was coming.
“Well then, come sit on the grill…”
Adore and Angie both groaned, but Courtney laughed uproariously as if it was the first time she’d ever heard Bonnie’s lame joke.
“Why are you encouraging her?” Adore asked, slinging an arm around Courtney’s shoulders and guiding her towards the house to get the rest of the food.
“She’s cute. I missed her-” Courtney stopped suddenly, not wanting to kill the jovial mood, but Adore nodded.
“She missed you too,” Adore said, tossing Courtney another smile before she entered the house.
Courtney took a deep breath, grateful and happy, and then followed her inside.
Trinity adjusted her pillow behind her back, accidentally jostling the porch swing and Willam on the other side.
Willam had joined Trinity at her Granny's for the weekend. He never missed an opportunity to get some homemade cornbread, mac and cheese, and Granny Bonet’s Famous Peach Cobbler.
Plus Granny Bonet was sweet as pie, soft-spoken with a roaring laugh. She always seemed genuine when asking Willam what he has been up to since they last had seen each other, never making him feel any different than her own grandkids.
"Shit, Trin! Don't make me drop the weed." Willam snapped, adjusting the book on his legs.
"Sorry, sorry. This thing was stabbing me in the back," she said, finally getting the pillow in place and turning to get comfortable.
"Eh, Fuck it!" Willam shrugged, taking the half-open joint to his mouth and wrapping it closed. "If I can roll up while Violet is driving, I can fucking roll anywhere. That bitch drives like she’s playing Mario Cart."
Trinity burst into laughter, nodding her head in agreement unable to vocalize.
"I don't understand how the hell she even got her license," Willam snorted, spurred on by Trinity’s giggles.  
"It's really not that bad," Trinity said, finally trying to defend their friend.
Willam gave an incredulous look over the flame he quickly ran over the joint.
"It's more so when she's impatient," Trinity clarified.
"Oh." Willam rolled his eyes before actually lighting and taking a quick intake. “So, all the time.”
"She's gotten better recently. I think Pearl's been helping her or something," Trinity shrugged, grabbing the joint.
"Wait, what? Pearl doesn't even have a car. That's not right." Willam sat up, staring seriously at Trinity.
Trinity held his gaze, intrigued by the wheels turning in his head. What could he be thinking?
"They're having sex!" Willam finally exclaimed triumphantly.
"What? No!" Trinity’s brow furrowed.
Willam shook his head and continued, "Actually, it's pretty obvious. And right under our noses. Violet’s one sneaky bitch."
"No, no, no, no, no," Trinity coughed, deep and loud.
"Do you really think Violet is over Fame though?" Trinity asked, intentionally rocking the swing as Willam took another hit.
"Well, yeah. Or...maybe. Probably. At least, she should be."
"No." Trinity shook her head adamantly. “She’s definitely not.”
"Okay, Trin. If Pearl and Violet haven't hooked up already; they will. I bet you that."
"Bet what? Because I don't even know if Pearl is really Violet's type," Trinity hesitated.
"How so?"
"Like compatibility...in bed and stuff like that. You know Violet is forward and aggressive and Pearl seems sort of nonchalant but in the ‘you can't tell me what to do’ kind of way. Violet has to be the boss, and Pearl doesn’t seem like she’d let her. Incompatible." Trinity shrugged, snatching the joint from her cousin’s hand. “Don’t forget to share, dick.”
"Hold up! And how would you know what either of them is like in bed? You’ve given this a lot of thought, cuz." Willam looked genuinely shocked and confused.
“It’s just a guess,” Trinity said, rolling her eyes. She put the joining to her lips, inhaling deeply, even as her cheeks darkened in embarrassment. “I mean, you know, it’s not like I obsess over it or anything...shut up.”
“Omigod, Trin, are you gonna start lezzing out with those whores?”
Trinity started coughing and laughing, shaking her head.
“Never say never,” she wheezed, laughing even harder at the scandalized look on his face.
“What’s so funny?” Roy asked, tapping on Courtney’s thigh. She was sitting next to him in the booth at Denny’s, giggling to herself over something on her phone for about the 20th time since they’d sat down. They were with April and Bob, getting a late snack after the movies, and her mind was clearly elsewhere.  
“Oh, um...sorry. Adore just sent me this-” Courtney gave a sheepish smile. “You know what, it’s not important.” She closed her phone and stuffed it into her jacket pocket.
“Well, thanks for finally joining us,” Roy said. He was going for lighthearted, but it came out a bit cross and scolding.
“Sorry, daddy,” Courtney teased, causing April to burst out laughing and Roy to make an even grumpier face. She stole a French fry off his plate, biting her lip to keep from laughing.
“I think she needs a spanking,” Bob said, and Courtney turned to stick her tongue out at him.
“You need a spanking,” she informed Bob.
“Hell yeah I do.” He cast a sly look over at April. “You wanna spank me?”
“Not especially,” April said, feigning boredom as she sipped her strawberry milkshake.
“What about you, Court?” Bob wiggled his eyebrows. “Want to teach me how to behave?”
“You’re sick,” Courtney said.
“Come on, someone must want to punish me,” Bob whined, and then yelled, “Ow!” as Roy kicked him hard under the table.
“You’re welcome,” Roy said. “Now eat your chicken fingers.”
Courtney laughed, then felt her phone buzz in her pocket, fingers itching to open it and see what Adore might have sent. She reached inside; even just touching it made her feel better. When Roy got into a heated debate with Bob over whether the Jackass crew was in fact funny, she quickly flipped it open and checked.
ADORE: LOL but can you blame me?
COURTNEY: Of course not. You’re only human.
Courtney finished sending the text, quickly putting her phone back, when she looked up and saw April gazing knowingly at her. She shrugged guiltily, pulling her root beer float over and taking a sip.
Once Courtney and Adore made up, play practice became about ten times as fun. They didn’t have any scenes together, so whenever one of them was on stage, the other would be cheering them on silently from the wings.
Courtney was especially supportive once the performances began—not once leaving during Adore’s big solo, ready to leap out and fight anyone who would dare upset her this year. Fortunately, the protestors stayed home. Apparently, as Mrs. Maguire thought, just the words ‘Sound of Music’ were enough to appease them. They didn’t bother watching to see the genderqueer lead, lesbian nuns, drag queen baroness or gay messenger boy mincing about.
Closing night was a bit bittersweet for Roy—after all, he’d had a starring role in every show his entire 4 years there. College would be different, and he knew that this part of his life was now officially over. Courtney hugged him tight, and Adore teasingly told him that it was okay if he wanted to cry.
“Fuck off,” he said, burying his face into Courtney’s hair.
“What, I’m serious! We’re all very impressed at this display of emotion,” Adore said.
“Yeah, it really shows how secure you are in your masculinity,” Courtney added with a wink.
“Ugh! You’re both assholes!” Roy said before he stomped off stage.
“Hmm. I guess he’s not that secure,” Adore commented, and she and Courtney both began to giggle again.  
As May bled into June, days getting longer and warmer, Adore began to feel antsy for summer to begin. One Saturday, she invited Courtney for an old-fashioned sleepover in the tree house, just like the good old days, and Courtney enthusiastically agreed. It was their first one in almost a year, and both girls were excited to reconnect, but maybe a bit nervous. There was still so much that they’d never said to each other. Still so much that they didn’t know how to put into words.
Adore climbed up the ladder with pizza and drinks, just as Courtney finished laying out the sleeping bags.
“Pizza delivery!”
“Ooh, yay!” Courtney exclaimed. “And um...I stole this from the liquor cabinet. Hopefully Adam won’t miss it.”
She produced a nearly full bottle of Jack Daniels, which impressed Adore, and made her send a grateful little prayer to Karen’s latest boyfriend.
“Thanks, Adam!”
Feeling like she could use a little something to help her relax, Courtney took a big swig from the bottle.
“Ugh, this is disgusting!” Courtney winced at the bitter taste, giggling.
“There's Coke too,” Adore said, and off Courtney's horrified expression, clarified, “Coca-cola, you dumbass. You can use it as a chaser.” She gestured to the white bag on top of the pizza box.
“Oh. Right.” Courtney flashed an apologetic grin and pulled a bottle of Coke from the bag, taking a sip.
Adore shook her head, chuckling, taking the bottle from her.
“Here…” She poured some of the soda out the window, then carefully replaced it with Jack, taking a sip to make sure the ratio was right before adding a little more alcohol. “Perfect.”
“Ugh, Adore!” Courtney opened the pizza box, groaning. “There’s pepperoni all over it!”
“Oh shit.”
“Sorry!” Adore said, explaining, “I haven’t been hanging out with a lot of vegetarians lately, I forgot. Here, I’ll eat the pepperoni off for you.”
“Then there will still be pepperoni juice,” Courtney whined.
“You’re such a pain in the ass. Pepperoni is barely an animal. I don’t even know what animal it is!”
“Yeah. Don’t you think that’s a problem?” She pushed the pizza aside and dug into the bag of cheesy bread instead.
“Well. Sorry,” Adore said again, and Courtney leaned back, giving her a smile before taking another swig of Jack and Coke.
“It’s cool, I can eat this.”
“So…” Adore traced the edge of the sleeping bag with her finger, by now a bit sleepy and rocking a healthy buzz, finding herself realizing again just how much she’d missed her best friend. She felt bad, wished she could take back all the months of silence. But instead, she settled for trying her best to find out how her life was going these days. “...How are things with Roy?”
“Good. Great, actually,” Courtney sighed. “He’s the best.”
“He really loves you a lot,” Adore said, the memory of their argument a few weeks back still fresh in her mind. How Roy was the one who, in spite of everything, got her to make up with Courtney—and all because he wanted his girlfriend to be happy. It was disgustingly sweet, actually.
“Yeah. It’s gonna be so weird when he’s gone next year…” Courtney said.
“Oh, right. Shit. How’re you gonna survive?” They’d been joined at the hip for so long now that Adore couldn’t imagine what school—or life—would be like for Courtney without him.
“I’ll manage,” Courtney said, rolling over onto her side. “Anyway, he’s going to UCLA, so he’s only gonna be a few hours away. I’ll probably still see him all the time.”
“That’s cool.” Adore took another sip of their makeshift cocktail, swallowing down her residual bitterness about Roy and Courtney’s perfect teen romance along with the whiskey.  
“What about you. Any...special girls I should know about?” Courtney asked carefully. She took the bottle from Adore’s hands.
“Special girls? Okay mom.”
“Shut up, you know what I mean! Anyone who-”
“Nah.” Adore shook her head slowly.
“Do you and Violet still ever-”
“No,” Adore said, not even letting her get out the question. “We both realized that it was super toxic, and we’re much better off as friends. And this time, it feels like it’s stuck.”
“And Pearl?”
“Pearl?” Adore furrowed her brow, shaking her head. She and Pearl were still in that weird place where things were almost flirty but not. And she was still the only one who knew the whole truth about what happened with Courtney. It was too hard to explain, so instead she just said, “No. Although she has been really great this year. You know...with everything.”
Courtney took another sip, nearly polishing off the bottle, and Adore crawled over to make a new one.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Go ahead.” Adore once again poured the Coke out the window—this time maybe a bit more, and then replaced the contents with Jack.  
It was a few moments before Courtney spoke again. She appeared to be collecting her thoughts.
“How did you know that you were gay? Or...when…did you start thinking about it?”
Adore turned around, head tilted.
“Where’d this come from?”
“I’m just curious. You never really talked to me about it.” Courtney held a pillow in her arms, hair falling across her eyes.
Adore considered what to say, how honest to actually be in this moment, deciding that a few lies of omission were probably the best idea for everyone.
“I guess I always sort felt a little...different. And then when Violet started tutoring me, she kind of guessed? And she made me feel like...I don’t know. It was normal. Or at least, okay.”
“Of course it’s okay,” Courtney assured her, then asked, “So...was she the first girl you ever...had feelings for?”
Adore’s tongue felt thick in her mouth. She didn’t want to lie, not tonight when they were supposed to be bonding. But on the other hand, they’d only recently found their way back to each other, and what if she destroyed their delicate new reality? She didn’t think she could bear another fight, another period of loneliness like she’d had this year.
“Um...I guess I had little crushes before, but nothing that ever...went anywhere,” Adore finally said. Which was true.
“Oh yeah? Like who?” It was a fair question. A casual question. Her best friend showing interest in the inner workings of her heart.
“Uh…” Adore racked her brain for an answer that would satisfy her. “Remember that counselor we had at drama camp? Asia?”
Courtney did remember—she was a pretty Black girl with a dazzling smile, funny and lively but always sure to keep them in line.
“Oh yeah. She was cute,” Courtney nodded approvingly.
“And of course, um...Shakira.”
“Of course.” Courtney giggled, then bit her lip. “Anyone else?”
“Oh! Remember that girl who worked at Video Village? With the pink hair and all the piercings?” Adore grinned slyly, starting to have fun with this walk down memory lane.
“Her?!” This one, Courtney didn’t seem to appreciate, but Adore just shrugged.  
“Yeah! She was hot.”
Courtney took another thoughtful sip from the bottle before asking, “Have you ever liked a boy?”
“I used to try to make myself like boys,” Adore said. “Or, imagine that I did. But it was always just some dumb pop star or something. Like...remember Ashley Parker Angel?”
“No. Who?!” Courtney looked utterly confused, brow furrowed.
“The blond from O-Town.”
“O-Town!” Courtney giggled gleefully, a hiccup escaping her as she passed the bottle back to Adore. “Omigod. You had their picture on your binder and no one could figure out why.”
“Yeah, I know. Their music was terrible,” Adore admitted.
“They made music?”
Adore laughed, shaking her head.  
“And god, even my fake crushes were dudes with girl names…”
This made Courtney giggle some more, holding her pillow tighter. Her eyes drifted shut for a moment.
“What about you?” Adore asked.
Courtney’s eyes popped back open.
“What about me?”
“You ever like a girl?” Adore teased, poking her in the ribs. Fully expecting her to squeal in disgust, or burst out laughing.
But instead, Courtney looked back at her and said, “Besides you?”
Adore stared back at her for a long, heated moment. A million thoughts swirled in her head, but none so strong as the realization that Courtney was just fucking around, making her pay for her teasing. Adore started to laugh, shaking her head.
“Good one, bitch.”
Overcome with an impulse she couldn’t ignore, Courtney leaned forward and pressed her lips to Adore’s. And for a moment, it was perfect—Adore’s soft lips against hers, breath sweet and smoky from the drinks. And then Courtney felt a hand on her shoulder, shoving her backward.
Courtney clapped a hand over her mouth. What was wrong with her? This was exactly how she’d fucked things up last time. Her cheeks blazed red.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean-”
“I know,” Adore said hoarsely.
Courtney’s eyes filled with tears, terrified that this time, she’d fucked up for good.
“Are you mad?” she whispered.
“No.” Adore shook her head, giving a wry smile and reaching forward to pry the bottle from her fingers. “But you’ve probably had enough of this.”
Courtney let out a relieved chuckle, tension leaving her body as she laid back down against the bean bag chair. Things were okay; they were still friends and everything was back to normal. Or at least, as normal as possible.
“Will you snuggle with me?” she asked, voice soft and tentative.
Adore turned to her friend, giving a gentle nod, saying “Of course,” before curling up beside her.
For a second, as she breathed in, Adore realized that Courtney must have switched shampoos. The scent of her hair was different, and the unfamiliarity of it gave Adore a strange pang of sadness.
But then, as they settled in some more, Adore realized that lingering beneath the surface was something she knew very well, something innately her that would never go away, no matter what perfumes she might use. And that, the sameness, was enough to make her smile to herself, arms wrapping tightly around Courtney as she pulled her in close.
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luciousmafloy · 5 years
First Love // pt. 2
Part 2! yay! in the next part y/n is gonna meet luka ;)
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after two classes we got a short break. some students walked outside to get fresh air while others were going to the library.
i decided to join the people who went to the library, then i could do the homework we already got assigned to do.
i grabbed my book and pen and started with the work. a guy called adrien, marinette, alya and her boyfriend nino were also in the library doing their school work.
"so, y/n. what's it like moving to another country?", alya asked me.
"its scary, but i got used to france by now. there still new things but it's not as scary as it was at the beginning", i told her.
"do you like germany or france more?", she asked with a grin.
i thought for a second. "well, i love germany, i grew up there. but i haven't seen that much from france to tell you which country i like the most"
"we could show you around today!", suggested marinette. nino nodded in approval but adrien looked sad.
"hey, whats up man?", asked nino.
"i can't go with you today, i have chinese and piano lessons this afternoon", he said sadly.
"oh no, thats awful, adrien", said marinette quietly.
"i bet you can go next time", i said, trying to cheer him up.
"yes, don't be so sad about it", alya told him.
i know that adrien is the kid from the big fashion designer gabriel agreste. i guess adrien hasn't much free time.
"i hope so", said adrien and turned back to his work, like the others.
~ time skip cuz the author is a lazy piece of shit ~
school was now over. i walked outside of the building with alya, nino and marinette. they were really good friends i can tell, they made jokes, laughed about each other and worked so well together.
"so, do you have something in mind you want to see?", nino asked me.
i shook my head. "no, but i would like to eat something"
alya and marinette giggled. "i know a good place where we can eat pizza. let's go there!", said marinette and walked in front of us.
"yes, pizza!", i and nino yelled at the sime time.
after a short walk the stepped into the pizzeria and quickly sat down. a woman came up to us and gave us the menu.
"i would say two pizzas are enough, aren't they?", alya said.
"yes, can we order pepperoni pizza? please?", aksed marinette.
"y/n what do you want?"
"umm- pepperoni is good"
alya nodded. "pepperoni and margherita it is". she put the menu down and waved for the waiter to come up.
we ordered our food and drinks and i sent a text to my mother, that i would see the city with some friends... can i consider them to be my friends already? or is it too early for that?
"hey, y/n what's pizza in german?", asked nino after a while.
"pizza", i said smiling.
"okay, and what's girl in german?"
we continued this 'game' for the whole time we ate and even after. the others would aks me what's blabla in german and i would tell them. sometimes i've taught them short and easy sentences. nino asked me what "you are the most beautiful girl in the world" in german is, so he can compliment alya. after he told her that she looked at him confused and asked if he needs a tissue.
we were on the way to a park when suddenly the weather drastically changed. it was a sunny day until now, now it's raining and storming like hell.
"uh- that's not normal here, right?", i asked.
then a weird looking person with an umbrella flew over us. this is an akuma attack, right?
"oh my god, an akuma attack! i need to find ladybug!"
alya, honestly get your shit together. it's super dangerous right now and all you can think of is ladybug? weird flex, but okay.
"alya, isn't it a better idea to go home?", nino asked her. he is panicking.
"i- i need to go home! sorry guys!", marinette said and ran off.
okay? bye?
"uhm, y/n do you know your way back home?", nino asked me.
i nodded. "yes, i do actually"
"good, be safe and- bye!", he ran off, chasing alya, who had her phone in her hands and yelled for ladybug.
i ran as fast as i could, the weather was really cold now and i didn't wear any warm clothes.
on my way i bumped into a lot of people, the city was in total chaos. i hope ladybug and chat noir will fix this mess. when i got home and opened the door i was soaked, my hair was wet and i froze like hell.
"y/n, oh my god", my mom came up to me. she seemed very worried and anxious.
"hi, mom. is s/n home yet?"
my mom nodded. "yes. oh thank god nothing happend to you. now get a shower, you're gonna get ill"
i quickly got to the bathroom and stepped into to shower. the warm water felt good on my cold skin and i instantly felt better.
after showering i put on new clothes and sat down on my desk. i wanted to do the rest of my homework but i first texted f/n what happened today.
me: und dann meinte alya sie muss das filmen und ist davongerannt
(and then alya ran off to record the whole situation)
f/n: na die hat aber nerven. dir geht's aber schon gut oder?
(well, she got some nerves. but everything's fine, right?)
me: ja mir gehts gut. an sowas werde ich mich jetzt gewöhnen müssen
(yeah, i'm fine. i need to get used to that kind of stuff)
f/n: hey ich hab gute neuigkeiten!
(hey i have good news)
me: friends/crush/name (when your friend doesn't have a crush, she got one now lmao) hat dich mal um ein date gebeten?
(f/c/n asked you out?)
f/n: nein :( aber es steht endlich fest wohin die abschlussfahrt geht
(no :( but i know where we are going for the school trip)
me: er soll sich mal zamreißen. ok wohin geht's??
(he needs to get his shit together. ok so where are you going??)
f/n: PARIS!!
(no translation needed lol)
(holy shit seriously??)
(yes we're gonna stay for 7 days)
me: omG ich hoffe das ist nicht alles so durchgeplant dass wir uns nicht treffen können
(omG i hope you have some free time for yourselfs so we can meet)
f/n: frau teachers/name hat uns schon gesagt dass wir mittags und abends für uns haben
(miss t/n told us that we can spent the noon and evening for ourself)
me: das is gut dann können wir uns abends treffen und am Wochenende
(good, so we can meet in the evening and on the weekend)
f/n: ich freu mich schon so!! ok, ich muss jetzt einkaufen gehen, byee
(i'm so excited!! ok, i need to go to the grocery store, bye)
me: same lol, hab spaß und byeee
(same lol (lol) have fun and bye)
f/n is coming to paris in three weeks! this is just great, i can show her my new home and maybe even my new friends!
after texting with f/n i really had to do my homework, so i did it. my mom brought me some food while i studied.
i finished my school work and looked at the clock. it was 7:29 pm.
i decided to watch tv and chill for the rest of the day.
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day One Hundred Ninety-Nine: Lawnmower ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Mikoto, Uchiha Fugaku ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life] [ AO3 Link ]
“So, got any summer plans, Sasuke?”
“Hn...not really.”
“No big trips, orrr...anything?”
“Nope,” the Uchiha replies, leaning his chin in a hand and regarding Naruto boredly. “Just a plain, boring old Summer.”
“Well that’s…” Lips purse. “...dumb.”
“Well what are you going to be doing?”
“My godfather’s taking us to the beach in a few weeks! And I’m thinkin’ about applying for a part-time job!”
“...oh yeah?”
“Yeah! Get some spendin’ money, man! There’s some games coming out this summer I wanna get, and you know my PC’s gonna need some upgrades if I’m gonna be running the new stuff. And I might see about saving up for a better car. I mean, the one I’ve got runs, but...it’s a gas guzzler, man...and it’s a pain to take Sakura anywhere cuz it’s so expensive!”
“Mm.” Mostly tuning the blond’s rambling out, Sasuke instead focuses on one aspect in particular: that being jobs. He hadn’t really considered it, but...that might not be a bad idea. Sasuke gets an allowance for keeping up with his chores, but...well, it’s never a bad thing to pad his pockets a bit, right?
But what would he do…? Surely everyone else is going to have the same idea and snap up any jobs for their age group the minute classes get out for the Summer. Actual employment might not be the way to go about it. Maybe something that he can just...do on his own...but what?
“...sucks cuz I hate mowing the lawn, y’know? It’s so boring and it takes forever...I’d rather do dishes!”
A blink, and then - “...that’s it.”
“Huh?” Naruto perks a brow as the last bell of the day rings out.
“...never mind. Have fun at the beach, huh?”
“That’s not for a few weeks, ya dummy! Weren’t you listening?”
Turning back from the doorway, Sasuke shrugs. “Guess not.”
“You -!”
Stepping out into the hall, Sasuke starts to formulate a plan. He lives in a...fairly decent neighborhood. Nice, but not too nice. Pretty sure nobody has a gardener. Which means less competition. His dad has both a push mower, and a riding lawnmower. Surely Fugaku won’t mind if Sasuke uses them...so long as he doesn’t break them, and makes sure there’s still gas in them when he brings them back. He can put up flyers and advertise. Even if just one household hires him, if they want him to come back once or twice a week, it’ll add up. And, if he does a good job, maybe word will spread and he can pick up more clients that way.
A bit old-fashioned, mowing yards for the Summer, but if no one else wants to do it, he’ll gladly capitalize.
After a pause, he snorts. Maybe Jiraiya will hire him if Naruto gets obstinate enough.
Riding his bike back home, Sasuke stashes it in the garage. His dad won’t be home for a few hours, but he’ll try shooting him a text
[ Hey dad, got a question for you when you’ve got a sec. ]
Waiting for a reply, he moves to the kitchen, raiding the fridge as his mother pours herself a glass of lemonade.
“Hey hun! Finally free for the Summer, huh? That’s exciting!”
“Yup,” he replies, munching into an apple.
“Going to spend some time with your friends now that you won’t be buried under a mountain of homework?”
Scoffing, he jokes, “What friends?”
“Sasuke Uchiha, I swear…”
Grinning, he feels his phone buzz as he heads toward his room.
[ I’m suspicious, but sure. What’s on your mind? ]
Apple in his teeth to free up his hands, Sasuke pushes into his bedroom and types up a reply.
[ Could I use the mowing equipment for a job? Wanna try maybe doing that for some extra cash this Summer. Promise I won’t break anything… ]
Powering on his computer, Sasuke opens up his favorite image editing software. Time to make up those flyers...even if maybe he’s getting a bit ahead of himself. Fugaku hasn’t agreed yet, but...surely he will, right?
[ Taking an entrepreneurial route, eh? Just like your father.  ]
Scoffing at his dad’s teasing, Sasuke just asks, [ So is that a yes, or a no? ]
[ A tentative yes, but you have to do our yard for free. ]
[ I guess I can give you guys a discount. ]
[ Deal. ]
Grinning, Sasuke abandons his phone and keeps working on his ads. He’s not a genius with image editing, but...it looks decent enough. Add a few tabs along the bottom to pull off with his name and number, aaand...print!
A few copies in hand, he calls a temporary goodbye to Mikoto before heading out into the neighborhood, attaching the posters to some telephone poles with a stapler.
And now...all there is to do is...wait!
The first day, no calls...which honestly he expects. The next day...nothing. When four days pass without a peep on his cell (except Naruto being obnoxious…), Sasuke honestly starts to wonder if this was a stupid idea.
Grumpily browsing the net that afternoon, he barely reacts as his phone vibrates. A text. Plucking the mobile from his desk, he opens the message quickly, thinking it has to be the blond again. But...a double take shows no previous messages. This is someone new.
...wait a minute!
Refocusing, he leans over the screen, eyes scanning the message.
[ Hi, my dad saw your ad for lawn mowing? Are you still doing that? ]
A moment passes with a blank stare before scrambling to reply.
[ Yes, I’m still taking jobs. ] It’s not like he has to admit he hasn’t gotten any yet… [ All I need to know is the address and name, and whenever you want me there. It’s 15/hour. ] He mentioned on the flyer, but...well, it doesn’t hurt to remind them.
A few minutes pass in silence, and he assumes this guy must be talking to his dad. Trying not to just sit and stare, he busies himself with his computer again...and then another buzz.
[ Perfect! Is Friday afternoon okay? ]
[ That’ll be great. ]
With that arranged, he receives the address. The dad’s name is Hiashi, and...his name is Hinata?
...wait...that’s a girl’s name, right? It...vaguely rings a bell for some reason…? Oh well, he’ll find out Friday.
That morning, Sasuke loads everything onto the little flatbed trailer, ensuring everything is running okay before heading off. It’s a few blocks north...not too bad, really. Scanning addresses, he pulls to the curb in front of a sizeable white house with a nice front lawn. Seems this is the place.
Hopping out of the truck, he pauses as the front door opens. Rather than a grown man, however...a teenage girl walks down the path toward him, looking a little...apprehensive?
“Hi,” she offers, tucking hair behind an ear shyly. “You’re, uh...you’re Sasuke, right?”
“Yeah. Hinata?”
“Mhm. Sorry, my dad’s not here, he’s...he’s working. But he said to just do...whatever it is you do. I’ve got a signed check, so...I just need to fill it out depending on...how long it takes you…?”
Nodding along, Sasuke fights his foggy memory. She looks...kinda familiar? But he can’t quite place her. “Sounds good. Is it just the front, or…?”
“Oh, no - there’s a back, too. I, um...I went ahead and cleared it all off, so there’s nothing - there’s nothing on the grass.”
She gives a flicker of a nervous smile, then...about-faces back toward the house.
Huh...shy little thing.
Deciding on the push mower, Sasuke gets to work, trimming up the green grass and emptying the bagger into huge garbage bags to take and compost. Once he neatens up the edges, it’s into the backyard he goes.
And...wow. It’s...really pretty? There are flowers everywhere, a brick patio coming off the rear door. Trees make some shade and give the yard a bit more character.
Well...no time to gawk. He’s got work to do.
All the while, he doesn’t notice a face peek out every so often through a window upstairs at him.
All in all, it takes him two and a half hours, start to finish. Powering down the mower, he heaves a sigh, arm wiping at his brow.
It’s then the glass sliding door opens, and Hinata reappears. She carefully carries an icy glass of lemonade. “Here…”
A blink. “...thanks.” Taking off his gloves, he accepts the drink and tries not to just rudely down it.
“You...you did a r-really nice job!”
Swallow. “Thanks. You have a pretty yard.”
“Thank you...I take care of all the flowers.”
Considering her as she smiles at them, Sasuke decides to just...ask. “Sorry if this is rude, but...do I know you?”
Glancing back to him, she blinks. “I...think we went to the same elementary school…? But I’ve been homeschooled for, um...for a long time now.”
...well that explains it. And at her words, it clicks. “...ohhh, now I remember. You were always stalking after Naruto, right?”
Her cheeks flare red. “I...I was n-not stalking! I was just shy!”
“...uh huh,” he replies, taking another sip.
“...a-anyway, it - it doesn’t matter. I haven’t seen him in...a long time. Just as well, really. He never really liked me.”
“Nah, he was just too preoccupied with Sakura. I dunno if Naruto’s capable of actually disliking someone, honestly.”
In spite of herself, Hinata smiles. “...yeah. He was always, um...a-always very friendly.”
“Almost too friendly at times.”
A light giggle escapes her...and then she stiffens. “Oh, I...I should get you your check…”
“I’m not in any hurry. I don’t have any other jobs today,” Sasuke assures her. “Take your time.”
“Oh...well, would you -? I mean, can you come back next week? You do r-really good work!”
“Thanks. And yeah, I can do that. Should I just...plan on making this a regular thing?”
“Sure! My dad said if you did a good job, he’d have you back. Um…” Making her way in, Hinata just...disappears.
Not sure if he should follow - he’s covered in dust and grass clippings - Sasuke instead moves to wait by the slider until she returns, check in hand.
“Here you go!”
“Thank you! And, um...I-I guess I’ll see you next week…?”
...something about her tone and phrasing makes him blink. “...yeah. Was this time okay…?”
“Perfect! A-any time in the afternoon is fine, really. Dad’s at work, and...well, I’ll be here.”
“All right.”
Packing up, Sasuke makes sure everything is secure before moving to get into the cab...then noticing Hinata by the front door. After a pause, he...waves.
...she waves back.
A bit...unsure, he gets in, revving the engine and heading back around toward home. What was that all about…?
...maybe he’ll find out next week.
     Guhhh, late as usual, lol - tired, so I'll keep this short.     Pretty basic idea, and...not quite as fluffy as I'd like, but I guess it works! I think someone's going to enjoy Sasuke working for her all Summer~      Anyway, I gotta head to bed, so...thanks for reading!
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polygamyff · 5 years
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“If it isn’t the man of the hour, look at you nigga” Shawn got up from the couch “my man” dapping him before I gave him a hug “I ain’t seen you for a while, now you need to tell me where you been?” I can’t help but smile, everything has been so good to me and I am so happy “Kellen” dapping my cousin, I’m still pissed off with him and slipping up with Malik like that “Maurice” sitting down on the couch across Shawn “where is your sidekick?” I asked Kellen “my wife?” Kellen asked “yeah” who the hell else am I speaking about “oh she’s gone out to get a few things” that’s good, now I can speak on things “nah, on a real. Maurice you look so happy, I ain’t seen you this happy for a while. Walking in with a smile on your face, you look healthy too” touching the side of my face laughing “Robyn making you happy cuz?” Kellen said “yeah, it’s been the craziest time of my life but the best, y’all gonna freak out but I love her” Kellen and Shawn both looked at each other and busted out laughing “nah, come on!!! It took me a year to fall for Tif! How???” Kellen spat “instant, it’s something deep. We had sex like after the club” Kellen mouth fell open “that quick? She gave it up to you? She usually hard headed with shit” raising an eyebrow “don’t make out my girl is easy now” Shawn gasped “your girl!? You dating now? Oh shit bro” Shawn got up walking to me just to dap me “that is crazy, you forreal on this?” Shawn said, nodding my head as I held his hand “yeah, we dating now. I’m for real on this, y’all can say what you like but I love her” Shawn moved backwards and fell onto the couch “Robyn? Like you actually love her? That’s a shock, she ain’t a easy person to love, I’m just saying from knowing her” looks like Kellen doesn’t know her as much as he does.
I know Shawn and Kellen are shook about this “so you happy, I’m happy. We all happy, I can’t believe it, you actually found the one” I am so hype about this “trust me I ain’t think I would have but I have, I’m blessed but Malik know because his ass spoke up saying if he took her to your house” pointing at Kellen “I barely said shit, Maurice you married. I’m scared that someone is about to get hurt, doesn’t that worry you either?” Kellen said “it does, when the time is right I will but I don’t need you to be piping up, if you fuck this up for me on god I will fuck you up with your perfect life” Shawn eyeballed me “no, it’s not even that Shawn. He found out and he assumed he has one over me, just he happy and sit back ok?” Hearing the front door shut, that only means Tif is back “heard you” Kellen mumbled, hearing Tiffany walking over to us “oh, the boys are here” Tif said with he shopping bags in hand “don’t be too happy” I said sarcastically “mhmmm” she seems a little off with me which is odd, I haven’t done anything to her.
Pressing my phone to my ear ringing Robyn, I didn’t call her for a full day just because she worked two nights in a row and I know she is tired. Sighing out as the phone rang out “are we leaving for New York today or tomorrow?” Shawn asked, the phone call went straight to voicemail, disconnecting the call “erm, making a stop to LA first so we going tonight” placing my phone in my lap “where are you boys going?” Kellen and Tif both sat down “taking Robyn, well invited Robyn to the New York fashion week. So she can see the things there, I know people that can get her in there so I am picking her up in the Jet. She assumes she will be alone but I will meet her on there” Tif’ face dropped, instantly like someone swore at her “why are you taking her there?” She is speaking to me “because they are going free, I thought why not” Tif turned to Kellen “why can’t you give me that?” Staring at Shawn in shock, she really saying that “because we don’t do lavish, that side is different” if he is disrespecting my family I will break his face “what you trying to say?” I spat “but I want to go” Tif said “I can always get you in but it’s called asking” he’s really pissed me off and Shawn knows I am now annoyed.
Leaving Kellen’ apartment with Shawn, I am pretty pissed with the way Kellen spoke on my family like my side is bad. I don’t care what they are, they are my family “so y’all going New York then?” Kellen asked “yeah and Kellen, I will personally beat yo ass if I hear you disrespecting my family, on god I will. Don’t fuck with me like that, you don’t talk shit to outsiders” I said it, I don’t care “what about Robyn?” Kellen retorted, that smug look on his face alone pissed me off so much. Gripping his tee and dragged him out of his apartment “Maurice, leave it” Shawn said leave it but closed the apartment door, dragging Kellen to the side “the hell Maurice!” He pushed at my chest “don’t fucking look at me like that Kellen! Just don’t my nigga, and I swear I will kill you if anything comes out, I heard how my brother found out, you think you’re funny” pushing him back against the wall walking back “I said I wouldn’t! Why you keep being so fucking hot up, I didn’t mean anything bad about the family. That’s my family too you know, just you know how women be ok?” Nodding my head “let’s just not argue, over women either. Kellen, why don’t you and Tif come with us?” Look at Shawn being the mediator “only if Maurice won’t be all mad with me” Kellen said, shaking my head “I won’t” I mumbled.
Driving back home “you really about to fight over Robyn?” Shawn said laughing “yeah but also I don’t like him speaking down on my family, that’s my family. I’m trying hard to keep shit together but I am stressed here, I have so much shit going on. I’m trying to keep Malik close to me, I’m trying to keep ahead of my dad on this. I know what his game is, he knows I am playing up so he will be trying to get at him so he is coming with me to New York” Shawn let out an oh “your dad is old as shit, he may be losing his mind” turning off onto my home “mhmm he is clever, he knows everything he is doing, no lie but he is aware of the shit he does. I feel like he tracks everything I do now, he’s going to be going New York too, I am leaving before him” looking over at Shawn “then why the fuck are you bringing Robyn there?” parking outside my Range Rover “because my dad is going be at the hotel, Robyn is at the fashion show. I am keeping them at separate events and you, are my eyes and ears but I am going to have a good time with my girl. I just want to see Robyn, that is all I want to do. Spend some time with her, I am renting out an apartment for us, I just need you to keep an eye on Malik, with him having drugs. I don’t want him doing that at all, you see it then you beat his ass. I know it’s wrong, I know Naomi will be around but I don’t care” Shawn chuckled “nigga, this is on you” opening my car door to get my brother from the house, we need to leave.
Opening the door to the dining room seeing my uncle, dad and some random people with them “Malik? Where is he?” I asked, I don’t care for what he is up too right now “hi uncle” I added quickly “my boy, I am so proud of him but he is in the next room with your mom” leaving the room “Maurice!?” my dad half shouted “yes?” poking my head around the door “the Santa Monica hotel is yours, just keep your end of the deal” nodding my head closing the door, I don’t care for his deal but what can I say “Malik, you ready? We need to go?” Walking into the living room “yeah I am” Naomi doesn’t leave this house at all “why are you here? Constantly? You’re like a bad smell” Malik busted out laughing “let’s go” Malik hit my arm as he walked by me “I am going New York” sighing out “what for? I don’t want you there, you’re only there because of me. I have not put your name down at all. I have some special guest instead” Noami stared at me, her eyes looking like she is about to cry but I don’t care “stay yo ass at home, where you belong. If you depressed then you know where the door is” my mom hasn’t once said a word with everything that I am saying to her “I do nothing but love you, Joyce. He could be on drugs again, the way he is reacting with me. You see it” is this bitch twisted “ok, good. I am on drugs” walking off “Maurice, you going!?” Nalah came running down the steps “yes but you can get there on your own, bye and keep that bitch here. I don’t want to see her face there at all” I hope she listens or better yet kills herself.
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feel slightly bad that I am not taking Leon with me but I feel the need to protect us, I don’t know why. With Leon’ reaction alone it concerned me, he doesn’t mean anything bad because he doesn’t understand and I get it, who would understand such a relationship. We are moving fast, it’s very fast but it feels right. I won’t lie that I didn’t think shit, we had sex several times without protection but all is well, it’s fine “you leaving now Robyn?” my co-worker said “yes I am, have a good weekend” grabbing my bag as I walked out “you too” hard day at work, I should be used to the times where we don’t manage to save that life but it still gets to me. I still get so sad, at times I am like that is a big weight on me when I am the surgeon and I am doing that. I don’t like emergency surgeries because they are always touch and go and this time, the guy was very on the go part. But it’s something I have to brush off, I have to leave my job at my job, walking down the hospital hall. I have to get my nails done, I don’t have much time because Maurice has a set time the jet will be here. I didn’t want a jet, I just wanted him. I wish he came here but he said that, I don’t want his money. I never fell for that, when he said he was a hotel worker I was happy with that, I fell for him.
I did my nails clear with white tips, can’t go wrong with that at all. Zipping my suitcase up, I am sick of packing this thing. I am not doing it now, I am not travelling again. It is only because I miss him, I just want to hug him. He worries me, I don’t like to know he is upset. He is constantly travelling and anything could happen so I just wish he would stay with me, I mean like get a place in California but I could maybe talk him into it. I hope I can anyways, there is only thing I didn’t do yet. I haven’t told my parents I am going, I am twenty five but then again I am living under their roof. I don’t have that relationship with them where I lie, we are free with each other. I am just reluctant to tell them that this man is taking me away to New York, forget Santa Monica this time. I need to get on with it because I don’t much time left or I will be late.
Walking down the steps, my dad would be home today of all day because I could just tell my mom and then slip away “daddy, mommy” I have to use the sweet voice “are you leaving us again?” my mom said straight away “what makes you think that?” walking over to the couch slowly, I can’t help but smile “because I know you, your nails are done” I groaned out, curse this nail business. Sitting down on the couch “you look nice baby” my mom said “thank you” my dad on the other hand is just staring at me “so what is it?” my dad looks so nervous but my mom knows the deal “well, I am going away for the weekend” I blurted out “just to New York, I will be back of course” my dad just stared at me like I was crazy “New York? Now I said ok to Texas because of Tiffany but baby who is in New York? Is it a break away?” my dad said, I sighed out “it’s just that I am seeing someone there” looking at my mom to save me “Terry, do you know anything about this?” my dad pointed at me while looking at my mom “I do have a little idea, she has recently started talking to Kellen’ cousin, she is very smitten with this man Thomas. I am guessing it is him?” nodding my head, my mom knows and I knew she did “the only reason why I am calm about this is because of Kellen, they have known each other for years, I do know him. You do too” my mom huffed out “I don’t care if it was the boy down the road, who is he? You are going with a man to New York? He comes to my home and asks me” he is being dramatic “he can’t, he is already in New York. Dad he works there, please trust me. I wouldn’t be stupid with things, please dad. Don’t like pressure me acting like I am going off, I know him” my dad wants to go crazy on me “how? He has come out of nowhere, I don’t know him. You mean too much to me, I am not letting you go to a place with some man!” he shouted, my mom really needs to help me here “she is twenty five Thomas, please let’s not pressure her like that. We have bought our daughter up to know better” what would I do without my mom “Robyn, go upstairs, I will see you up there” that is the sign of I can go and she will talk to him.
I am about ready to leave so my dad needs to get over it “looks like you are all packed” I jumped at my mom’ voice “oh yeah, I tried. I don’t know how people do weekend bags. I have to have a family sized suitcase. I need backup dresses, shoes, weave” my mom chuckled shaking her hand “oh, what am I going to do with you, I do love you so much” my mom wrapped her arms around me “your father worries, you’re his precious little diamond. I mean come on, he is like that with any man. But with this boy, he is unknown. It would be nice to see him, seeing as he is whisking my daughter away” my mom moved back from the hug “he is busy but I will say it to him, I feel scared though” I said to my mom “why is that?” my mom asked, crossing her arms across her chest “I love him” my lower lip quivered, my mom cooed out “oh Robyn” why am I crying “I am scared though, it’s just a scary feeling to have. I feel so lost with him, is it normal to feel his pain? To feel when his sadness” my mom smiled at me lightly “love can happen at any time, it can take time, it can happen instantly. When it happens instantly it is a scary feeling to have, I can see you do feel a lot for him. Just please keep in contact with me, I would like to meet the man that has taken my daughter’ heart” I want him to meet my parents already.
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sugarypixel · 4 years
answered 100 random questions because i just felt like ranting i guess.
1.  if you could pierce somewhere other than your ears, where would it be? I always thought eyebrow piercings were cool.
2. if you could be in a movie franchise (already made or a book that should be made into a movie), which would it be? Does Pokemon count? Because Pokemon.
3. what are your feelings on bangs? Bro I absolutely adore bangs, they are so cute.
4. what is your favorite blanket material? Anything super plush and soft.
5. who is the last person you were mad at? My parents.
6. if you had to be sent up into space or into the depths of the ocean, where would you choose? Spaaaaaace.
7. if you acquired an island, what would you name it? I already have an island and its name is Sugarpeach.
8. are you afraid of death? why or why not? Of course I am, I don’t want to die because I don’t know what’s waiting on the other side and because there are way too many things I want to do before then.
9. what astrological sign do you think you should be? Uhh I’m pretty sure I’m an accurate Sagittarius. Even the symbol speaks to me.
10. who is the worst person you have ever dated? I’ve never dated anyone because I have a hard time feeling romantic attraction to anyone.
11. if you could remake one movie the way you think it should’ve been made, which movie would you choose? Omg easiest question ever, Avengers Endgame.
12. if you had to be a teletubby, which one would you be? Bro Po all the way.
13. what are your feelings on caillou? Caillou is a good boi.
14. what is a custom/activity/experience/etc from another culture that you wish would be in your culture? Living with your family till you get married and it being seen as normal.
15. if you could choose where you were born, where would you want it to be? I guess anywhere that’s not the US cuz it seriously sucks here.
16. if someone told you they could tell you the truth about god/religion/higher powers/the universe/the meaning of life/what happens after death, would you want to know? YES.
17. what is your favorite part of your nighttime routine? sleep doesn’t count. Snuggling up and getting all cozy and warm.
18. what is your favorite form of exercise? I like swimming. Dancing is fun too.
19. what is one current trend that you hate? Conservatives refusing to wear masks and pretending like the virus is over just because they want it to be.
20. what is a trend that died that you would bring back? Can we please just bring back Vine?
21. what era of fashion do you wish to bring back? Absolutely the medieval era. I want people to wear full armor, capes, long hooded robes, flowing gowns, and the like again.
22. what is one movie or tv show that everyone loves that you hate? Uhhh basically any of those adult swim cartoons that use puppet animation. The humor is often racist/homophobic/sexist/etc. and the animation/art style looks ugly and uninspiring.
23. what is a question you have always wanted to ask but haven’t? why haven’t you asked it? I guess I want to ask my parents why they focus so much on the homosexuals being a “sin” and not all of the other way worse sins. I haven’t asked it because I’m afraid of getting disowned by them if they realized I was gay.
24. did you have a teacher growing up that helped you through a difficult time? who were they? Uhhh not really? But I really loved my 7th grade science teacher, he was fun. I can’t really think of any hard times I’ve had to go through but I think my first math help teacher in high school was really kind and caring.
25. think of a paper you have written sometime in your education. what was the topic? I once wrote about the over-sexualization of women in media in my junior year.
26. do you believe in universal healthcare? discuss. Of course I do, it just seems like a no brainer to want to help other people via taxes/socialism. Idk why some people act like it’s the worst possible thing that could happen. Like, capitalism already exists bro.
27. what is one song that makes you feel like love is real? It’s not a romantic type of love but Song of Hope by Crush 40 was written for Japan after their horrific tsunami. It feels like a very loving song and makes me believe that some people truly do care. Buuut romantic wise, Guide You Home from Spyro DotD sounds pretty romantic to me. And for familial love, I Want to Know from Kill la Kill sounds quite loving and precious.
28. what is one song that makes you feel like you’re dancing in a meadow with the sun shining on your skin? THE HILLS ARE ALIIIIIIIVE WITH THE SOUND OF MUUUUSIIIIIIC~ (literally what other song could you possibly think of when asked this question)
29. what is one song that makes you believe that things will get better? Uhhh first song that came to mind was News 39 by MitchieM (or Hatsune Miku), it basically just talks about happy things in the news as opposed to all the depressing stuff we’ve been seeing lately.
30. have you met any celebrities? if so, who? All the celebs I’ve met have been from cons, there’s quite a lot but the ones most important to me would be: Masakazu Morita (JP voice of Ichigo from Bleach and Barnaby from Tiger&Bunny), basically the most influential VA of my life Johnny Yong Bosh (ENG voice of Ichigo from Bleach), Dante Basco (Zuko from Avatar), Janet Varney (Korra from Avatar), Anthony Mackie (Falcon from Avengers), and my main female celeb crush Lana Parrilla (Regina from OUAT). Also do music artists at their concerts count? Because deadass Mystery Skulls.
31. you’re being forced to move out of your country. you must choose another one to move to, and you may never leave it, even for vacation. what country do you choose? bonus points if you answer the city. Anywhere where there’s a competent leader that’s not a rapist, decent laws (like the freedom to marry regardless of gender, a ban on guns, etc.), free healthcare/college, and maybe doesn’t have a history of genocide? Does a place like this exist? Because I will move there.
32. do you believe in the death penalty? discuss. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmaybe if there’s significant evidence that they purposefully and gladly murdered many innocent people and show no remorse whatsoever??
33. what do you think happens after you die? Bro I got no clue. But I had an interesting thought once that maybe when you die, you actually wake up and continue your life like normal, just not on the same plane of existence as Earth is, but it seems so real that you don’t even notice it.
34. name someone you love. My best friend.
35. name someone you like, but don’t necessarily love. Uhhh my former project coordinator at work?
36. how many soulmates do you think a person has? Probably an infinite amount lol.
37. what would you say was your sexual awakening? Finding hentai on the internet when I was in like 4th grade lol. But if you’re talking about my sexual orientation, I sorta first realized that gay/lesbian couples were a thing in 7th grade. Then in high school I realized I was pan and demi-romantic. That was when it made so much sense that I loved courting all the beautiful ladies in Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life when I was young dhjsskjssjsjsjs.
38. is love always worth it? discuss. This is pretty vague but yeah I’d like to think so. Sometimes people will betray you anyway though so it’s best to be picky about who you open up your heart to.
39. pick up your phone. look at the text you sent closest to an hour ago. what was it? It was “Ehhhhh” to my mom lol. I was feeling sick to my stomach.
40. do you believe in magical beings? discuss. Bro I am agnostic. So yes I believe in the possibility and I believe in there not being a possibility.
41. what time of the day do you feel most at peace with yourself? Well I like it when it’s between afternoon and evening and I take a nap. But I also feel at peace outside in nature on a sunny day. Or just seeing the sunrise.
42. choose one song. now choose someone else to sing it. what’s the song, and who is the new singer of said song? why? I’d be down for Emi Evans singing literally any song because I’m pretty positive she’s actually an angel with that gorgeous voice of hers.
43. have you ever cheated? on a person, on a test, in a game? why or why not? On a test and in a game, yeah. Why on a test? Because I hate the American school system. It’s cruel and evil and as a whole it disgusts me. Why on a game? Uhhh because I can? Lol, why not. Let me get all them rings to buy chao eggs in SA2B. (I’m talking about like single player video games btw, I wouldn’t cheat in anything multiplayer unless I was like 10 stealing money in Monopoly lmao.)
44. what is an impulsive decision you have made that you don’t regret? Mmmm my job at Nintendo? I don’t ever regret confessing my feelings either.
45. if you were given the opportunity to completely start your life over from the beginning with everything prior and up until your birth remaining the same, would you? Nah.
46. how do you feel about greek life in colleges? You mean like frats and stuff? Uhh to be honest I usually only ever hear bad things about them lol.
47. what is an aspect or event in history that you were obsessed with as a child? Never was too obsessed with history growing up I feel like. It all kinda sucked to learn about because America’s history sucks. I don’t mind learning about other countries’/cultures’ history though.
48. what would your wardrobe look like if you weren’t so afraid of being who you want to be? It’d probably be full of capes and full armor and long beautiful gowns and hooded robes and a bunch of hella gay stuff. I also just wanna wear rainbows and holographic stuff and lolita fashion, etc...
49. describe your ideal town to live in. Somewhere surrounded by nature I suppose.
50. what age are you scared to be? alternatively, what age were you most scared to be in the past? Uhhh like 80? Lol.
51. do you have a secret you want to share? be as vague or specific as you want. get it out. if you want. That I WANT to share? Seems unlikely. And the secrets that I want to share have most likely already been shared. A funny one I like to share is that I used to play ACWW under the covers at night when I was supposed to be sleeping. I told my mom that the other day and it was really funny lol.
52. do billionaires work harder than other people? discuss. Hell no.
53. if you had the means to start a charity, what would it be a charity for? Literally anyone anywhere who doesn’t have clean water. EVERYONE should have clean water.
54. what is your favorite hairstyle for yourself? Bangs down, hair long and poofy and wavy, with small pieces of hair on either side of my face pulled back into a tiny ponytail. Bonus points if I have little baby curls popping out from underneath, which I naturally do most of the time. I wish I had the energy to curl my hair more often.
55. what is your favorite memory from being 13 years old? This is when I was in 7th grade. Ironically that was my fave year of school. I was first introduced to anime, vocaloid, cosplay, cons, and really it’s just when I first got into music forreal. Some hilarious memories I have is my friend and I ditching class to go hang out with IT who couldn’t care less that we were there. We drew on their whiteboard and talked to them about nerd things since they were also nerds.
56. what is a movie that shaped who you were as a person at a young age? Omg, Thor lol. Pretty self explanatory if you know me well.
57. which us state would you erase if you could? LOL um... Let’s just go back to the source of the problem and erase D.C.
58. what is a skill you theoretically want to learn but probably never will? Aaaaaa I really want to be fluent in more than one language. I like to think I’ll at least learn how to play the guitar someday >_>
59. what is an obscure language you want to speak? Obscure? Hmm... Latin? Gaelic? And it’s not a real language but I wish I could speak the Chaos language from Nier ehehe.
60. you are put in a dangerous situation where you have to fend for yourself. what is your weapon of choice? why? Uhhh taser? I don’t want to kill anyone but I want to be able to immobilize them for long enough for me to be able to make an escape.
61. what is a place you choose not to go to anymore? why? School in general. I always hated going to school. Pretty much all of the nightmares I have are based in school.
62. do you think you’re living a fake life/putting on a facade/lying to people about who you really are? why or why not? When I’m at home, absolutely. My conservative parents don’t know I’m pan, a democrat, and agnostic. It’s painful to pretend I’m not any of those things.
63. what is the color that defines your life? why? I just wanna say pink because it’s my fave color lol.
64. you have the opportunity to go to an exclusive celebrity event. which one is it? (award shows, premieres, parties, etc) A premiere of one of my fave movie series would be fun (I only ever leave my house to go to movies anyway lmao). Avengers maybe? But Chris Pine wya?
65. you can bring back one person from the dead, but you must choose someone to die in their place. who are the two people you are choosing? I don’t really have any people close to me who have died so (aside from my cat Coonie but idk if that counts), I guess I’d pick Anton Yelchin to come back to life because his life was cut way too short. Donald Trump can BITE THE DUST. Pence can too lol.
66. what is your favorite fun fact that people don’t really know? Zero Escape has the best story ever. Hm? Wym that’s not a fact?
67. pick up the nearest reading material to you (book/magazine/paper/etc). what is the first line of that reading material? “Boys, help your sister to her room and call the medic.” from TLOK RotE Part 3 because I’m predictable.
68. if you had to choose a sport to play professionally, which one would you choose? Dancing is fun.
69. what is the worst way someone has betrayed you? Hah, easy one. Three of my closest friends all decided they didn’t wanna be my friend anymore in the same year and all blocked me without even trying to discuss the reason why with me. It’s fine though because the following year Spyro Reiginited was announced/released :) Spyro>>>>Humans
70. what do you do to unwind/cool down when you’re upset? Listen. To. Music.
71. what is the color scheme of your favorite sunrise or sunset? Various tones of pink~
72. what is a beauty product you swear by? Uhhh I’m not really good with this type of thing, but I always use Almay’s black liquid liner.
73. how do you feel about plastic surgery? discuss. Do it if you want, idc man. But I’m telling you right now your imperfections are what make you beautiful.
74. if you could get plastic surgery, would you? what would you change? Nah. I don’t want to feel unrecognizable by me.
75. cotton balls or cotton rounds? What the hell is a cotton round?
76. what is your favorite animal product? Uhhh milk? Dairy gives us pretty awesome things. I still like fruit better, though. And I’m not really a meat person.
77. what is one job that isn’t really around anymore that you would want to do? Human alarm clock sounds hilarious, I want to walk around waking people up by throwing shit at their houses.
78. if you lived in 1550, what would your life be like? make a character for yourself, but be honest about what it would actually be like. Is this like victorian era? Cuz I’d probably be too lazy to dress up in dresses and wear corsets all the time. I guess I’d draw a lot. Write a lot. Sleep a lot.
79. if you had to attend school in another country, which country would you choose? Mmm maybe Italy. Or Japan.
80. what will be/was the color scheme of your wedding? PINK and white.
81. is there something you have a really strong opinion about for basically no reason? what is it? Honestly just Sonic in general. I have MANY strong opinions. Positive and negative.
82. who is a person you would fight to the death for under any circumstances? My best friend.
83. what would you do if you were in the hunger games? be honest. Uhhh hide up in trees and wait for everyone else to kill each other lol.
84. what time do you think everyone should wake up? I’m personally not productive at all in the mornings, so any time past like 12pm lol.
85. what is your favorite type of nut? if you’re allergic to nuts, sorry. Cashews. Pistachios good too.
86. what is your favorite part of your hometown? The forest in general. I wanna live in a forest, but like without all the wild animals and bugs, thanks.
87. you must get rid of one of your electronic items. you have no choice. which one do you sacrifice? Lol I have plenty I need to get rid of, how about all the old earbuds I have laying around.
88. what is a conspiracy theory that you genuinely believe in? make it interesting please. Omg I love conspiracy theories so much. Zero Escape taught me so many and explained them through science and made them seem totally believable (please play Zero Escape). Morphogenetic field theory is pretty cool. Basically it’s an invisible field where you can transfer thoughts to another person. There have been experiments that prove it (people ask group A what is the picture of that they show them, none of them guess right. The people tell group A it is of a dog. Then they ask group B the same question and they all answer dog. So group A sent their thoughts to group B through the morphogenetic field.) so idk I wouldn’t be surprised if it was real. Also the many-worlds interpretation. Basically it’s about how there are many timelines and parallel worlds that exist. But I guess something basic that I totally believe in is alien life. There is literally no way there isn’t another lifeform out there in the ever expanding universe. Also 9/11 was totally all done by the US to start a war to make money.
89. what is the first memory you have of oppression/discrimination? it doesn’t have to be about yourself. There was a mentally disabled kid in our class in elementary school and people bullied him all the time. I remember one time I got paired up with him in a project and everyone started laughing and I got so pissed I yelled at the whole class for being dicks to him. Also just in general the R word used to be used really often. Luckily my generation grew up being taught to never ever use that word.
90. what is one song from the 80s that still goes so hard? Technically it’s late 70s but September by Earth, Wind, & Fire ROCKS.
91. what is a lyric that you hate? why do you hate it? There’s a song I really like that has a pretty homophobic/sexist line in it that bothers me really bad. But THE SONG SOUNDS SO GOOD AUGHHHH. The line is, “if you can’t be a man suck a fuckin’ dick”. Song is Mature Opinion (ironic I know) by Kenichiro Nishihara (but he just made the background music, the rapper is a different person). It’s so annoying because it’s exactly the type of sound I ADORE...I usually skip the line on purpose anyway.
92. name 3 books you were forced to read in school. The Bean Trees, Catcher in the Rye, and The Great Gatsby.
93. how do you keep track of events/deadlines? calendar? agenda? your brain? My phone’s calendar.
94. what is the first book that made you cry that comes to mind? Probably some LGBT romance manga lol.
95. if you had to give a seminar about something, what would it be about? I am NO expert (I don’t think any artist considers themselves an expert honestly) but I wouldn’t mind helping new artists out. I also always liked critiquing people’s essays/stories in school.
96. how do you feel about your mother? I love my mom and I appreciate that she at least tries to be considerate of my feelings on certain political topics. She is slightly more open than my dad is about that stuff. She used to be a lost worse growing up with her anger issues, but she’s getting better. It worries the HELL out of me that she thinks being bisexual is worse than being gay or lesbian. It makes me not want to ever come out to her about my pansexuality (I’ve resolved years ago that I’d tell my parents if I ever got into a serious relationship with someone who is not a straight cis boy lol). I appreciate that my mom listens and shows interest in some of my hobbies I talk to her about. I wish she’d open up to more genres of music. I love how much she loves and cares for me, I’m pretty sure I’m her best friend. I’ll always be there for my mom when she’s grieving. The way she chews with her mouth open and talks with food in her mouth drives me up the fucking wall. I know my mom worries about me and my mental health and I am grateful for that. I love it when my mom plays the piano music I request her to play. I love it when she actually likes certain songs I listen to. I wish she’d play video games with me lol. I wish she’d care less about swearing and cleavage. I appreciate that despite growing up in an incredibly strict Christian household (literally her dad was the principal of the Christian private school they went to) she gave me a more freeing childhood and went way easier on me than her parents did on her. I wish she’d love animation and action movies more. I love how she’s always willing to help me with making my cosplay. I love doting over our cat together. Idk, I have a lot of feelings about my mom lol.
97. is makeup an art form? discuss. Without question. You’re literally painting on your face, what more is there to say.
98. what kind of videos do you primarily watch on youtube? I love watching Vinesauce play games lol, especially corruptions.
99. what is the scent of your deodorant? “Powder fresh”.
100. at what age do you hope you die? At whatever age has me feeling like dying has more benefits than being alive.
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