#crystals and et cetera.
nomaishuttle · 10 months
i think maybe my streak system is a bitttt op...
#i might have t rework th points.. bc i earned 108.5 in spending money this week lol#i did do very good tho... i met my weekly goal for every single task except for eat well#but tbh eat well is one of the harder and also vaguer ones.. bc its eat something with vegetables Or try a new food and i just donot grt#much opportunity to do either...#but. i will keep it there so that i know my foley#im so proud of myself ive been brushing and flossing twice a day for over a week !!!!#AND i showered alnost every day this week... i didnt yesterday and i didnt todya bc brother i dont have work. and my hair needs a break lol#<- joke my hair feels so nice all da time... Who knew that being clean makes u feel better. this is craaaazy#i dont wanna get toooo far ahead of myself. i dont wanna get 2 big 4 my britches...#a fun fact is that when we were little our dad taught us 2 say britches instead of pants#solely bc my sibling had a hard time pronouncing r's . so when our granny watched us theyd go GRANNY I NEED MY BITCHES!!!!!! and my dad#thought it was the funniest thing ever#mainly bc my granny Didnt want us cussing but also thought it was really funny bc its so funny when kids cuss. so everytime shed be like#your WHAT? trying not to laugh and then shed be like your britches . okay and then shed slap my dad lol. shoutout to my grannyy#idk if u guys heard but she died. very sad. very sad#<- genuinely very sad that sounded sarcastic. ngl controversial i miss my granny im just kinda weird like that like when my family member#dies im sad abt it... im kind of an empath so i just like i can sense the absence of their energy and it causes my energy to recede.. aura#crystals and et cetera.
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babocka · 11 months
Tag drop: General. Some of these may be subject to change, but for now, pretty happy!
#[ ooc. ] i'm gonna go paint the wall. i have to finish fifteen walls today. sigh.#[ ic. ] we tell them “things will be better tomorrow.” everyone knows it's a lie; but it gets them to sleep with some hope.#[ answered: ooc. ] pfft no way; telepathy ain't real! ... wait a minute. you're not actually trying to read my mind; are you?#[ answered: ic. ] that's not the only thing you won't have heard of down here; princess.#[ psa. ] even if you've completely forgotten our promise. then i'll just have to knock you out and bring you back myself!#[ saved. ] unlike you; my memories from when i was little are crystal clear.#[ prompts / memes. ] fine. i'll play along. but it's only because i'm not busy today.#[ crack. ] If any disagreement arises between us. i don't care if we're fighting or arguing. you must come confront me in person.#[ salt. ] arguing through text? isn't that unfulfilling? might as well fight again in person. just quickly clear the air; end the conflict.#[ et cetera. ] hmph. i'm no good at consoling. but i can hit you on the head a few times. no problem.#[ self promotion. ] wear this red scarf; and then we shall share each other's pain. we are family. we are wildfire.#[ promotion. ] nah; i could've taken it on by myself. but still... fighting alongside you two was pretty fun.#[ visage. ] to all those thugs and gangsters in the underworld; i'm like a spectre always haunting them.#[ meta. ] oleg gave me the name. he said that it meant “soul” in ancient belobogian.#[ mini study. ] we may live underground; but we won't be buried by this city.#[ essence. ] she got used to people losing their homes. and she got used to people losing their lives. but crying alone was useless.
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talonabraxas · 20 days
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The Flower Moon Talon Abraxas
Flower Moon Meaning
The Flower Moon’s name isn’t much of a mystery given the time of year it graces the sky. Gardens and landscapes are in full bloom with perennials such as primrose, bleeding heart, bloodroot, iris, violet, hellebore, peony, et cetera; flower trees such as pear, crape myrtle, crabapple, magnolia, redbud, dogwood, and others; and spring bulbs including bluebell, hyacinth, lily of the valley, tulip, daffodil, crocus, and more.
As for the May full moon’s other names, this is the time of year when the tribes and farmers plant corn. The frogs are singing their mating songs, and milk-producing livestock such as sheep, goats, and cows now have lush green pastures to fill their bellies and produce more milk.
Flower Moon Spiritual Meaning
The May full moon embodies the spirit of Beltane and all the energy of new life, passion, fire, and rebirth. It brings creativity, inspiration, and a sense of purpose with it.
The Flower Moon in May is a spiritual reminder that our goals should be manifesting. This is the blooming season, but it’s also the planting season. Tap into the energy for growth and fertility. Take some time to think about your intentions and what needs to be done in order to reach your goals come harvest season. This may mean asking yourself some hard questions and reevaluating your priorities and plans.
Don’t feel overwhelmed if you feel like the goals you set at the beginning of the year are still far away. We can’t magically leap to the top of the staircase in a single jump; the journey happens one step at a time. If you feel like you aren’t progressing, take a moment to focus. What do you need to prioritize? What is the next step forward that needs to be taken? What is holding you back (and therefore needs to be released)?
Let the spiritual energy of the Flower Moon inspire you to continue growing, even though it comes with a reminder that we can’t move forward until we let go of what’s inhibiting our ability to fully blossom.
Flower Moon Altar Tips, Colors, & Crystals
The most common altar colors for the Flower Moon are yellow, red, orange, and green. Freshly cut flowers make a perfect altar decoration.
In fact, you can go even further and find many more ways to incorporate flowers on this special night. Arrange them in vases to decorate your home. Integrate them into your tea and cooking. Add them to your bath. Press blossoms that you can later use in your book of shadows, journal, artwork, or even a thoughtful surprise tucked in a card for a loved one.
Crystals that work well with the Flower Moon include:
Moonstone – new beginnings, fertility, intuition, lunar/feminine energy
Selenite – purification, cleansing, protection, a symbol of light, ties to the moon
Labradorite – connect with the psyche, dreams, creative muses, spiritual awakening
Amethyst – spiritual protection, insight, self-reflection, shadow work
Rose Quartz – love, friendship, romance, self-love
Rhodonite – “stone of love,” passion, fertility, grounding energy, healing emotional scars
Flower Agate – new beginnings, self-growth, restores emotional balance
Moss Agate – restoration, healing, rebirth, a connection with earth and plants
Black Tourmaline – strength, stabilization, grounding, alleviating fear (onyx and obsidian are also good alternatives)
Smoky quartz – grounding, emotional calmness, stress relief
Clear quartz – healing, peace, cleansing the mind and aura, divination
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needlebeetles · 25 days
Ways the Bad Kids Could Get the Rug Dragged Out from Under Them
because a nonstop power trip to the finale is storywise kinda lame
-the rat grinders they killed last session were simulacrum and the real rat grinders are even more pissed than they were before
-one group of teenagers killing a bunch of other teenagers in compassionless rage is one of the ingredients for Porter’s ritual and he’s grown closer to godhood and killing Ankarna because of the bad kid’s actions
-Ankarna comes back to life and she is not on their side. Either because of the fact that Fig wasn’t repping “Justice, the Sun, and Summer” all that well this episode so she’s still corrupted or because the rat grinders got stomped so hard and so ruthlessly that she autobalances
-TBK PvP time? 🥺 TBK PvP time next Wednesday? Okay I know it’s a little out there but imagine the last rat grinder falls and the bad kids somehow get directed against each other and to their surprise (?) start hitting each other. It’s so easy, it’s almost easier than fighting the rat grinders because of how well they know each other. And hey! Fabian has so much fucking money and Riz is so fucking desperate and he hasn’t even offered to help out. Porter loved Fig all year and hated Gorgug until he started doing what Porter wanted and Porter’s evil! What’s up with that, Fig? Adaine was so invested in Oisin, and we knew he was on the bad guy’s side from the start. Why is Kristen such a shit cleric that her goddess was against them until her simulacrum stepped in? Wolves killing their own pack, et cetera, et cetera
-Someone gets rage crystaled
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Tfw you die and lose the heart that your husband from another life gave you but he literally doesn’t even care he’s too busy being gay for you
Also they both have amethyst earrings because I said so (and also because amethyst is used to make spyglasses and end crystals look like amethyst et cetera) (yes they have matching jewellery and also an amethyst and silver engagement ring that you can’t see rn)
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Textless version:
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high-fantasy-sw · 1 month
Worldbuilding Wednesdays
Part One: Jedi Clothing
Welcome to Worldbuilding Wednesdays, the weekly post that expands on an aspect of the AU! This week's edition is focusing on the clothing of the Jedi Order.
Younglings and Young Padawans have the lightest sentence in terms of clothing. That sounds like a bad thing but I have no better way to phrase it. What this means is that they can pretty much wear whatever they want, but there are a few rules that need to be obeyed.
All younglings wear comfortable, loose-fitting tunics and breeches in warm shades, with soft turnstyle shoes made of felt with leather soles (they don’t leave the monastery much, so heavier-duty shoes are not usually needed). They also wear their distinguishing article- their wide-brimmed caps (for boys) or bonnets (for girls); these are based on the helmet-hats seen in Attack of the Clones.
When a Youngling becomes a Padawan, the dress code remains very light: he or she is allowed to wear almost anything of his or her choosing, but it must be modest and not overly distracting- so no eye-searing colors. Boots are preferred but not required, made of soft but sturdy leather, and almost every Padawan wears a belt that matches. Additionally, they each wear a colorful sash that denotes their apprenticeship. Often, these sashes match the color of the young Jedi’s lightsaber, though this is not always the case. (For example, while Obi-Wan’s sash was light blue, and Anakin’s was dark blue, which match the colors of their Kyber Crystals, Ahsoka’s sash was purple while her lightsabers were green.) These sashes can be worn in a variety of fashions, and the style will vary depending on the Padawan’s discretion. (To use the disaster trio for an example again: Obi-Wan’s sash wrapped over his left shoulder and across his chest, Anakin’s draped over both of his shoulders like a vest or stole, and Ahsoka’s wrapped around her waist and hung down the front of her skirt). And, obviously, we can’t talk about Padawans without talking about Padawan hair. All Padawans wear their hair short, but the style can vary based on the Padawan in question. And obviously there’s the Padawan Braid. Head accessories are permitted as long as they aren’t too distracting, and ethnic headgear is allowed and encouraged (Togruta headscarves and horn montrals, Twi’lek lekku headwraps, Mirialan veils, Kel Dor and Cerean helmets, et cetera). 
Senior Padawans are Padawans eighteen years of age or older. When a Padawan becomes a Senior Padawan, he or she begins to be fully integrated into the Order, so at a ceremony called the Rite of Seniority, Padawans actually get to design the habit they will wear, within the ground rules laid out by the Order, as an adult Jedi. Many Jedi wear robes influenced by their birth cultures, and this is a practice both allowed and actively encouraged. As Senior Padawans are still Padawans, however, they continue to wear their colored sashes until their knighting, even if they do begin to wear their adult habit.
During the Clone Wars, Jedi assigned to command troops wear a somewhat standardized uniform instead of their usual habit (however, their individual habit is still worn when at the Temple). This uniform consists of a simple tunic (in various shades of brown), a chainmail undertunic, splint-armor pants, upper-chest plate armor, pauldrons, and some form of boots and gloves. (For a better picture of what this looks like in practice, please reference the Jedi Edition of my Heroforge Series.) However, elements such as color, cut, and of course, cultural aspects like headgear, may be personalized by the individual Jedi.
Thanks for tuning in! If you have any questions, feel free to ask them and I’d be more than happy to answer them! See you next week for part two!
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fiveht · 6 months
five!! 🫶🫶
i’m popping in to let you know that this person in your mentions is wayyyy out of line. i can promise you that what they’re saying is absolutely not how the rest of us are reading the relationships you’re writing. it sounds like they have some personal problems they’re projecting onto you instead of any actual valid comments about your work.
what you’ve written is beautiful, and you should be proud of it! all the care and love and devotion you wanted to portray between these characters is absolutely crystal clear. i’m so so sorry someone felt it was their place to tell you otherwise, but i hope you know that we appreciate you and love your work
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Thank you. To be crystal clear: if there is something I'm doing in a story that is objectively wrong or sub-par -- a consistent grammar or spelling mistake, awkward sentence structure, clunky narrative, et cetera -- by all means, tell me, ask me, whatever. If it's something I can fix or work on that would make me a better writer, I'm A-OK with hearing about that.
But if your problem with my story is just that you… don't like it? I don't need to be made aware. I don't need to read an itemised list of all the things you hate about it based on your own personal preferences for how a relationship like this should go. I don't need to hear about how much of a downgrade this story is from its predecessor. I don't need to hear about how the way I'm writing Remus makes it seem like he doesn't care about Sirius. I definitely do not need to hear about how a scene I wrote was so frustrating to you that you feel compelled to write a better version of it yourself.
Does that make me oversensitive? Maybe! There's a reason I had a ten year fandom hiatus prior to getting involved with Wolfstar, and that is it. I am sensitive. I have a stressful job and I don't need my hobbies to add to that stress. When fandom starts to become stressful, I have to step away, because my mental health is fragile enough without any input from the internet.
I'm here for fun. I'm writing this fic for fun. I'm sharing it because there are people who find it fun to read. If you don't like it, you are well within your rights to say so, but I'd appreciate it if you didn't address me directly on the matter.
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stewblog · 11 months
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny
We don’t allow our heroes to age. James Bond gets recast every couple decades. Comic book heroes rarely get older in any meaningful way. Et cetera. It’s understandable that the characters we’ve immortalized into the modern canon retain an air of (variable) youthfulness, but it also means that they are all but required to have the same sorts of adventures and largely stay the same as a person.
Harrison Ford has no interest in allowing Indiana Jones to achieve immortality, as his fifth and final outing as the character proclaims loud and clear.
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny never hits the highs of any of its predecessors, but I posit that it’s not necessarily trying to. Indy does plenty of Indy things (and lightly stretches audience credulity in the process), but by and large Ford and director James Mangold treat the character like he’s aged into his late 70s, both in action and in thought. This movie isn’t intended to be held up as an equal to its genre-defining predecessors. It’s a coda for an icon and in that respect it’s a fully entertaining and occasionally poignant work.
The film kicks off with an opening sequence that’s as fun and rousing as any of the preceding films. The voice modulation on Ford could have used some tweaking but the de-aging special effects are remarkable and for about 15 minutes or so, it’s easy enough to believe that we’re looking at Indy still in his prime, punching lots of Nazis and performing incredible feats of derring do.
Then we cut to the film’s present day. It’s 1969 and Henry Jones, Jr. is now a man out of time. The world around him has passed him by as men are landing on the moon (put there by Nazi scientists hired by the U.S. government). Socio-political movements are upheaving everyday life. Ironically, while he’s no longer a nigh-absent professor, none of his students have any interest in ancient history. Although even his career is leaving him behind with retirement imminent and Marion is filing for divorce.
The only connection he seemingly has left to a life gone by is his goddaughter, Helena (Phoebe Waller-Bridge). So when Helena shows up out of nowhere, proclaiming she knows how to find a the second half of a dial that can supposedly turn back time, he plunges head-first back into action. The search for Archimedes’ Antikythera nearly drove Helena’s father crazy, but it’s also clear that Indy sees a darker side to Helena’s search and he refuses to let her go down the darker path of seeking artifacts for “fortune and glory” as he nearly did. Throw in some Nazis seeking the dial to rectify Hitler’s megalomaniacal mistakes and you’ve got all the trappings of a classic, globetrotting Indiana Jones adventure.
So why can’t it fully capture the magic of The Man in the Hat’s previous (good) escapades? Well, for one, James Mangold is no Steven Spielberg. No one is. Not even Spielberg, at times (see: Kingdom of the Crystal Skull). There’s simply a magic to the entire affair that is incapable of being replicated in full, try though Mangold does. And to his credit, there are portions of the film that have the spark and kineticism of Spielberg’s Indy films at their best. The World War 2-set opening on a Nazi transport train is simply outstanding and presents a near-perfect mini-adventure for the character. It’s got just about everything you could want from an Indy action setpiece. The car chase through Morocco is also well-staged and full of humor and thrills (even if I couldn’t stop giggling at the idea that little tuk-tuk carts characters drive are somehow capable of traveling at blazing speeds enough to keep pace with full-engine cars). But even once the film is fully rolling, it’s still centered on a character on the cusp of turning 80 years old. And while Indy’s age never fully defies believability, there’s only so much a movie can do if you want to maintain that hold.
Thankfully, the film’s best material leans into the fact that Indiana Jones is in his twilight, and that it’s impossible to defy time and that it is, in fact, essential to embrace it, to understand that some things must pass, that some things are impossible to change. But also, that living in the past (both literally and figuratively) is a fool’s errand.
Dial of Destiny is a reminder that we are more than just the best memories of our lives. Heroes age. Heroes make mistakes. Heroes go beyond what they’ve been immortalized as. That may be a slightly depressing thought, but Mangold and Ford lean into the humanity of it. This is Indiana Jones at his most vulnerable, but it becomes a story about a man finally coming to terms with the good and bad that has weaved in and out of his life as he finally realizes what’s important is what’s in front of you, not behind you.
What makes the Indiana Jones movies so special and different from so many other action adventure movies is that they obliterate cynicism. In Raiders of the Lost Ark, Temple of Doom and Last Crusade, each of those adventures ends with Indy learning more about himself, about the world he knows and the parts of it he can’t explain. He starts each of those stories cynical about something, and ends them with his eyes opened to how he was wrong. That element, that destruction of cynicism is what drives the heart of Dial of Destiny. It may lack the dynamism of Spielberg’s entries at their best, but it retains the beating heart of the character and his evolution. It’s a touching, meaningful ending to an immortalized character who has never felt more human than he does now at the end of his adventures.
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 8 months
Is there a difference between special interests and hyper fixating on something that you like and now become obsessed with? or is hyper fixating the start of special interests?
I'm not sure if I worded this right.
Hi there,
In my experience, a special interest is really intense and can last for your entire lifetime. For example, I’ve been interested in rocks and crystals since I was a kid. And I still have my collection and add to it.
Hyperfixations are also very intense. However, they can be so intense they you can forget to eat and take care of yourself.
I’ll leave an excerpt below that explains both in more detail:
What is a hyperfixation?
Hyperfixations are interests that are usually short-term and highly intense. These are commonly associated with ADHD, but anyone can experience hyperfixations. While they can bring a person a lot of joy, they have the potential to overpower basic needs if they get too intense. There are times when people who are hyperfixating can simply forget to eat, use the restroom, sleep, or otherwise take care of themselves. Typically, these interests appear just one at a time as there’s simply not room for more than one. Hyperfixations can come and go and some have even said that their interests have returned to them years after they initially fixated on them.
What is a Special Interest?
Special interests are quite similar to hyperfixations but are considered much more long-term. The intensity of special interests as well as the number varies depending on the person. According to a study done via an online forum for autistic adults, the average amount of special interests that each person reported having was eight (Grove, et al.) Special interests are commonly associated with autism, but again are not necessarily exclusive. These interests can be a subject, an activity, a certain object, a certain food, et cetera. Special interests are not the same as an obsession in OCD where the person feels anxious if they don’t participate in whatever activity they are fixated on.
I hope this answers your question. Thank you for the inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ♥️
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bidonica · 4 months
DISCLAIMER that I should have put in since the beginning: this series of posts is me documenting my second (but first in the Director's Cut) consecutive Death Stranding playthrough in an unserious way. I try to keep the actual story spoilers on the light side, but the point of these posts is also to allow myself to think out loud about things I didn't catch the first time around, seeing foreshadowing in light of the payoff et cetera, so it's not entirely spoiler free. 
Guess who's back on the road after spending four days with a migraine that locked me out of any screen based entertainment and allocating some of my precious free time to a portrait of New Higgs... One of my biggest "hear me out"s maybe... Gut window sexy..... Kojima retweeted....
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It's insane how much I memory holed this part of the map (the swamp with Homo demens), which according to my calculations I probably played between Christmas and New Years? I wonder if changing the difficulty setting has anything to do with it.
Anyway we're off to what is unironically my favorite part of the map: the snowy mountains! Carrying a bomb that is very fragile on my back! 
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I think ultimately DS is a pretty forgiving game, it's not easy to "die" (think of how avoiding combat by being stealthy or taking a detour is often an option) and even if its physics are more realistic than other games, Sam's bones are pretty much made of steel. Creating a voidout is bad but you can still go forward in the game. However I fell over like an idiot at the beginning of this mission and the catastrophe you set off if you don't carry that bomb like a precious and fragile crystal egg is of such magnitude that, after the scene freezes and crumples and whites out, you just get a load screen that puts a hand on your shoulder saying "now we're going back to the latest save" like a slightly disappointed but still encouraging father figure.
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Anyway. I hate the "Death Stranding is a walking simulator lol" meme with a passion, but it *is* true that it recreates the experience of hiking in a very satisfying and realistic way... This is literally me huffing and puffing in the Dolomites this past October, like, this visual gave me a real life flashback.
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Unsure whether we were supposed to see this grass coming out of the snow at this altitude or if it's a glitch (some people on reddit have found trees spawning in unexpected areas and nobody knows whether it's by design or not).
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Okay, false alarm, the first time you pass by the "graveyard" nothing happens. Totally quiet location, zero danger, absolutely not infested with BTs, absolutely not a spot you'll be forced to go through over and over in the upcoming missions
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I kind of like how antagonistic Lockne is... Never beating the allegations that mountain people are kind of grumpy and insular...
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In some mysterious way the bomb I delivered will fix this black tar and floating boulders situation, how? Fuck me if I know, I love Sam Porter Bridges but I wish he asked some more questions sometimes.
Speaking of someone more loquacious I've been wondering how my friend Peter Englert is doing
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Aaaand there he is. Why does he write like this.
Joking aside, the "it marks another year since the joining of myself and my beloved wife" hints at Higgs meeting Amelie two years ago, right? The timeline is always a bit fuzzy to me.
Anyway as the previous pizza missions were actually pretty doable I took this on today after work to decompress. Reader, I didn't decompress, but that's for another post
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jasper-pagan-witch · 2 years
Things That Apply to My Practice That (Probably!) Won’t Apply to Yours
Circles keep things out; triangles keep things in; squares, diamonds, rectangles, and rhombuses represent the four Elements; pentagons and pentacles represent the five Colors.
There is an energy intake hand (usually the left) and an energy output hand (usually the right). However, there are cases where the two hands are backward (like me).
Crystals have innate magic and energy that is regained by being around others of their type (Obsidian to Obsidian, Jasper to Jasper, Quartz to Quartz, et cetera).
If you ever want to go on a life-changing field trip, just call Cernunnos. He'll help you touch the grass.
Clear Quartz is for cleansing and amplifying, but it has no other innate qualities without focus and programming.
Different elements and similar categories can exist simultaneously.
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autism-swagger · 6 months
Obsessed with using Saw (specifically John and Amanda) as a basis of comparison. Kreese and Johnny/Tory are the John and Amanda of karate. Walter and Jesse are the John and Amanda of crystal meth. Et cetera et cetera.
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wouldntyou-liketoknow · 5 months
Garret Wyre
(I’ve already made an information post like this, but said post is pretty long; in fact, it’ll just get longer and more expansive as I develop new characters and stories for [The Future Mob Project]. And I’m worried that the sheer length will make readers lose interest when they click on a link to look for a specific character. So, I’ll be making separate information pages for each character while still maintaining the all-inclusive post. Got it? Good.) 
Who He’s Based Off Of: Mick Lauer 
His Method of Work: If there’s two things to be said about Garret, it’s that he has a pair of big, strong hands, and he knows how to use them. You could argue that “Everyone knows how to use their hands, idiot.” To which I say. . .first of all, chill out. Words can hurt. Second of all, not everyone can make a career out of strangling people. But Garret most certainly has. That being said, he knows when to use other tools  (ropes, scarves, cords, etc.) to get the job done. He knows he can’t realistically rely on his hands for each and every one of his assignments. In any case, the day his grip isn’t firm is the day he’s not Garret.
Red Attire: Scarf (Maroon)
Garret brings a complex vibe to The Pentas Family. His disposition is stern, but he knows to be patient with the other members. Despite this, he’s always a bit. . .fidgety. Restless. He has a hard time sitting still, and an even harder time not giving people the side-eye or glancing over his shoulder. In fact, the only times he seems genuinely calm and self-assured is when he’s choking the life out of his targets. Sure, he still acts aggressively toward said targets, but there’s no denying just how soft and quiet his voice becomes when he taunts them.
His hobbies outside of mob work include sewing and knitting. It just seems to ease his nerves a bit. He even made the very scarf he wears whenever he’s working on Pentas business. This also bleeds into the fact that Garret is on the superstitious side. Half of his sewing/knitting projects involve making voodoo dolls of those who screw around with The Pentas Family. He treats said dolls a lot like stress toys, often patching them up after bashing their stuffing out only to do it all over again sooner or later.
He very much believes in the concept of luck. Quite ironic, considering he was born on a Tuesday The 13th (look it up; apparently those are even worse than Friday The 13ths). He doesn't bother with all the chakra-crystal-incense stuff, but he does keep a glass Evil Eye charm in one pocket, as well a miniature horseshoe in the other. He never goes directly home right after taking care of a target. He avoids the number four like the plague. He makes sure his right foot is leading whenever he enters a room. Et cetera, et cetera. 
One of the few superstitions he doesn’t believe in is black cats being harbingers of doom. In fact, he adores black cats. Particularly Juju, a stray kitten he adopted after a very last-minute, impromptu hit-job.
He’s the manager of Itchy Palms, a popular casino on the edge of The Cove Port Inlet’s uptown area. The building is connected to the abandoned subway tunnels. And Garret knows. His. Business. He knows how to play each and every game, as well as several ways to cheat at each and every game without giving said cheating away. His outlook on fairness is. . .unconventional.
Current Stories: [TBA]
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fidgetbracket · 1 year
Fidget Bracket Hub Post
This bracket is to find out tumblr.com's favorite fidget/stim toy.
Phase 0 (in progress)
Phase 0 will gather contenders and try to popularize the bracket. Please reblog stuff especially in phase 0, so we can get submissions for all the obscure fidgets.
If you want to see a particular fidget/stim toy in the bracket, just submit an ask or post containing the name and a picture of the fidget. If you can include a GIF or video, that's even better. Arguing in favor of your favorite fidgets is encouraged.
I'll also use this phase 0 to do some polls asking how people want this to be run. (e.g., pace of the bracket, seeding method, how much info to include, whether brands should be mentioned, whether expensive fidgets should be included, et cetera)
At the end of phase 0, I might do a poll asking if fidget and stim toys should be split into separate brackets. (Personally, I think they should be in the same bracket.)
Phase 1 (not started)
Phase 1 will be the first round of actual fidget-versus-fidget polls. I'll probably just give byes to the more main-stream fidgets, unless people object to that during phase 0.
Phases >1 (not started)
These will just be the remaining tiers of the bracket. I'll update this post with the results and links to the polls as each phase is completed.
I'm not sure why the indentation isn't showing up. Also, these are in no particular order.
fidget spinner
wobble spinner
magnet slider
fidget cube
infinity cube
worry stone
selenite plate
wire strippers
gyro ball
acupressure ring/bracelet
click/ratchet wheel
bike chain
bike chain + key ring (not sure if this has a more specific name)
MOT capsule / MAG.U
clicky pen
twist pen
flipping pen
spinner ring
mood ring
pocket knife
flip open
spring open
butterfly knife / balisong
other types? (send an ask!)
hour glass
lava lamp
glitter lamp
star projector lamp
vice grips
silicone pop toys
fidget spinner
head scratcher / scalp massager
ambidextrous screw
pop sockets
stress balls
Nee-Doh balls
stretch armstrong
panic pete
silica gel balls
mechanical keyboard switches
chewable necklaces
chewing gum
worm on a string
color shift ball
Rubiks cube
zipper bracelet
spike wheels
electric shock
suction cups
pea pods
nested worm/slug
snap bracelet
hour glass
oil timer
crystal ball
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omnia-rpg · 26 days
Cave Entrance Preview
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I am one of those strange people who think part of a game's story is "told" through the imagery, which is why I (probably) overcomplicate the maps I've been working on. This is the first actual cave the player will be able to enter (it's for the first side-quest) and nope, those crystals are neither used ironically, nor are they magical by any means; they're just topaz, which is meant to hint at part of the demi-human country's economy (which is split between trade with other demi-human towns, hunting, fishing and making and selling goods.)
Without giving too much of the plot away (just yet,) there is a fairly simple puzzle in the cave that the player will need to solve-- and this side quest starts out with dealing with a pair of thieves, which will unlock a secondary small side-quest when the first part is turned in.
Since the cave is not located in a barren or poisoned area (and some plants do grow in caves) I somewhat sparingly used some mushrooms and plants, along with the usual suspects (rocks, different ground types, debris to show it's not just an empty cave, et cetera.) Of course, lighting effects, screen tints and a fog was used here as well =)
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blackestnight · 11 months
I heard that Hanami is a talented goldsmith! What does she enjoy making, and what does she never want to make again? Does she have a favored piece she has made?
hanami is a talented goldsmith!
these days she's actually more into the engineering and design side—she uses her expertise with gems, crystals, and fine conductive materials to design new crystal-powered mechanisms, plus back during the stormblood patches she actually spend some time in kugane studying with the onishishu (the organization that handles aetheryte construction and maintenance in hingashi) so she learned how to build and repair aetherytes. (her onishi robes are one of her prized possessions because of that—the onishishu are seriously prestigious artisans.) her experience with aetherytes meant she was actually tapped by house haillenarte to help repair and redesign the aethernet for the firmament during the restoration project, and she earned her Saint of the Firmament title* by designing and installing in-home water distribution systems that ran off of flarestones.
*yes that title is canon. i worked my ass off for it.
she'd actually probably point to the flarestone water heaters as the piece she's proudest of, although recently she got to help the alchemists at the great work with designing a combat-ready frame for Long Varshahn, which was an absolute blast, because once she figured out varshahn was a mammet she went into hardcore nerd mode. i have all of these headcanons falling out of my pockets. so that's the most fun job she's had in a while!
as for stuff she doesn't want to make again—mammets. she gets called in by the guild to work on orders for mammet servitors occasionally, and they're such a pain in the ass once their personality cores come online. she also doesn't really take commissions for jewelry anymore; she doesn't mind designing and making it (she actually really likes lost wax casting for fine detail work), but so many clients are annoying to work with in the design stage ("i want it to look like this thing but not too much, i know you say that will rip my earlobe in half but you don't know what you're talking about, internationally-certified master goldsmith," et cetera) that she just saves herself the headache.
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