#crown of rulership
sw5w · 5 months
Wesa Ready to Do Our-san Part
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:44:08
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asjjohnson · 1 year
When she'd started seeing white hairs, she bought hair dye. Valerie could at least afford that secret little luxury with her part-time job.
It wasn't a big deal. So what if she was only fourteen? It was stress. It'd been a hard several weeks and it was only normal to get a few gray hairs out of the mess.
Her dad had lost his job, they'd lost most of their money because of all the legal stuff, lost their house, most of their stuff had been either sold or broken, she'd lost all her friends, she'd needed to start looking for a job, her grades were slipping and she needed to bring them back up. So of course she'd see a few white hairs.
When she'd stopped falling off her board, no matter the angle, she figured she'd just gotten used to it. It was normal for a tool to begin to feel like an extension of someone's body. That's how things work. And it only made sense it would start feeling natural to be in the air. She was a ghost hunter. And she was good at it. Something was finally starting to go right.
Her eyes had always held a mix of blue and green. The contrast of the red suit just really brought out the green in them.
The suit had a slight glow. It was the power source—had to be. She could even feel the low hum through her body, under her skin. Some little motor somewhere—she didn't know where—that powered the suit. Probably on her back, under the backpack—she felt it strongest through her chest.
She knew there was electricity flowing through the suit. There was a little short in it at first. The very first time she'd put the suit on, she'd hit the 'on' button and got a shock. At least her dad hadn't been home to hear her shriek.
It hadn't been that bad. More surprising than anything. It happened the next two times as well. Just got her a little fried is all. And it'd stopped happening after the third time.
The suit must be hooked up to the Internet or something. Had downloaded a patch or software update that finally got it to stop. She didn't need to push a button at all anymore. It makes sense that it'd be downloading updates. The longer she uses the suit, the more abilities she realizes it has.
How she can materialize any weapon she can think of? The suit. How the suit can form around her with just a thought? Again, the tech of the suit. The endless ammo? The suit. She doesn't know how it all works, but she doesn't have to. And when she'd met Mr. Masters, the advanced tech made sense. He's a multi-billionaire. He can build anything.
Then, when her suit was taken away and a new one just formed out of nowhere? Must've been something from him. Some kind of upgrade. It still felt like her, so— her suit. It still felt like her suit. It still felt like it belonged to her. The same hum throughout her body, the same glow. It just had a new design and some extra power.
The only weird thing is, there's this ring.
Mayor Masters—at the time Mr. Masters—said it was passed down through generations of ghost hunters. (No wonder he was so good at designing a suit—it'd been his family business.)
The ring was so important, that even that Pariah dude had wanted it.
She hadn't thought much of it, though. What good was a ring? It was just a status symbol, right?
But, the thing is, ever since that day... the ring keeps showing up on the side of her bed each morning.
No matter where she puts it, or throws it, or hides it.
It shows back up beside her each time she wakes up.
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evilminji · 3 months
Okay, but... now I'm wondering >.>
@the-witchhunter We talked about Danny being Morningstar's feral, probably engineering oils and ectoplasmic goo covered, mad scientist/himbo hybrid (attack) purse dog. His special lil guy.
I seek your Knowledge(TM).
From second hand accounts? He seems to HATE the hypocrisy. The blaming HIM for humanity's own choices. The rat race and endless song n dance of "Righteous Good VS. Cartoonish Evil". Because it let's humanity paint themselves the helpless victims. Because it's all surface level. Because it is not so easy to escape the ugliness of your Sins, yet they keep trying to scapegoat him.
Fuck um.
He was tired of it.
But? He still has CONSIDERABLE POWER. It's probably written down. And the Ring Of Rage? Is proooobably not the loveliest of artifacts? I imagine, like the Crown, it's NOT leaving Danny alone. One of those "we don't CARE if there is no throne left to sit upon, you WILL wear us, as King" sort of systems.
It genuinely would not and DOES NOT matter, if not a single soul in all the Zone bows to him. Did he defeat the previous holder of their Right To Rulership? Yes or No.
If No, fuck off.
If Yes, new monarch.
Is it hurting him? Not the rings problem. Nor the Crown's. Heavy is the weight, etc etc. But! DANNY would certainly care. He is... is ANGRY all the time now. Has no idea who would even MAKE this bullshit ring. Why JUST Rage? Yeah, it makes ghosts stronger, but at what COST?
He can't even get rid of it!
......by himself.
Luckily, he's still clear headed enough to know that he's NOT in this by himself. And it's amazing what "mom, dad, this ring is trying to drive me insane. Help me" in a terrified and tearful voice, can brush over. No one threatens their baby and all that.
It would honestly be hilarious, seeing the extended Fenton clan decend like LOCUSTS on Pariahs Keep, searching for clues, terrifying the local ghosts, if... if he wasn't so tired.
God he's so tired.
It's Aunt Alecia who... "politely encourages" a passing scholar to lend them the book they need. Took the poor sucker right out of the sky. Guy never stood a chance. RIP.
He learns he has to head..... over? Like... 27 that-ish way, then up. Huh. 27 WHAT?
Realities, apparently. He's in the wrong bundle. Branch? Neighborhood? Eh. Clan Fenton rolls back out, he packs his bags, and hilariously enough? Goes off to the devils night club. Hopes he likes rings. Or hates them.
Thankfully, being "king" means the Zone? Kinda... humors him? Like... it still has RULES(tm). He can... can FEEL that now. But it's willing to bend some for him, if he asks. And anything NOT against the rules? If it's in the right mood? He need only ask. It's weird. Being suddenly so powerful, yet NOT, at the same time.
Cause none of it's his.
All he has is the Zone's attention. The ability to ask pretty please. If you don't mind. And then? The highways between... ALL will just? Shift and change for him. He can see how it went to Pariah's head. The Zone is pretty agreeable. Is by nature Amoral, cause it's not a Being, it's... well, it's the Zone.
And everyone wants him to ask things. Do things. Demand this or that. Use this power.
Maybe he doesn't WANT too! Maybe he didn't WANT to be king! Doesn't he have the right to say NO? To refuse? Why do they think he OWES them service? An eternity of politics and people trying to kill him, for something he never wanted in the FIRST PLACE.
He's so tired.
The nightclub's pretty cool.
So he comes to ask, politely of course, cause the guy's probably busy, if Morningstar could... dunno, fix or destroy it? Want a ring, maybe? Also he heard you MADE the stars. Huge fan of all of that. Can I ask about the process? Or are you in the middle of something?
And? Lucifer? Turns around, from where he's Leaning Seductive Yet Elegantly(tm) to see... scrawny. Tiny corpse child. No... half? Corpse? Alive. Dying. Alive yet dying. Huh. Well, that is different. And here he didn't think he'd get see anything NEW. You, child, are NOT a zombie. What are you?
I have no idea what that is. What do you want?
He gets shown the ugliest, crudest, peice of shit ring imaginable. A genuine foul little curse. Really stinks up the place. He destroys it, obviously. This club has STANDARDS. Hope that wasn't important?
Kid just smiles the biggest fangy lil grin. No. No it was not.
Obvious, lie, but cute lil teeth. He'll allow it.
He gets dragged into talking about the stars. And talking. And talking. Mostly bragging and explaining. Kid hangs off his every word. Follows him around as he makes his rounds. Asks good questions. Completely focused, dispite the booze and barely dressed dancing all around him.
Lucifer can't help notice the crown.
Lovely little thing. Space ice and star dust, glittering like jewels and light catching the mist. If he remembers right... that one iiiiiis..... not Limbo, it's.... Zone! That crown is the Zone, it changes to suit the wearer. He recognizes the vibe. Awfully young, aren't you?
And.... it all burst forth. He didn't even need to press. Use persuasive words and honeyed tones. Like an inflamed, festering wound. The merest brush is enough to spill everything.
Negligence, greed, blood lust. Bigotry and xenophobia. A tyrants endless quest for power. Ah, humans. They truly don't change do they? Realities away, dead or alive. Now they're harrasing a child. He honestly looks miserable. Whereas just a moment before, listening to Lucifer talk about his work on the stars, his soul practically GLOWED with light. A tiny little star unto himself.
.......maybe it's the big ol "I'm you BIGGEST FAN" eyes. The sad wet cat aura. Perhaps the scrawny "could snap you like a twig" teenager, all elbows and knees. The fact he is, in fact, NOT human; for all that he once was. But?? The kid? Is... not terrible company.
He'd even go so far as to say? It's like having a pet intern.
He can sleep on the couch.
Tell you what, you stay here? I'll keep taking about stars and YOU can do the chores I don't feel like doing. I'll take care of you and all that.
And Danny? Honestly was sold at the word "stars" but? This sounds like a phenomenally terrible idea... and he has yet to meet one of THOSE he hasn't made out sloppy still with, so deal! But as a minor, that DOES make you his new gaurdian for the next four-ish years. He's legally obligated to finish schooling.
.....well shit.
(Just? Local stressed 14-15 year old Ghost King does RESPONSIBILE thing and finds Adultier Adult. With more qualified Adult powers. Unfortunately for everyone, the adult is Lucifer Morningstar, night club owner. Even MORE Unfortunately, said ghost kind has pack bonded with the Nice Star Man, who saved him from the Bad Ring, and effectively offered to let him crash on his swanky couchs.
Now Morningstar has to? Somewhat VAGUELY pretend he gives a shit local schooling system, as he puts his charge INTO it. Actively giving waking terrors to the magical community. What evil plot is afoot? Where did he get this tiny minor death god? What is his end goal FOR said child?
No one knooooows~
But Lucifer is just doing this cause he's a Being of his word. He hates the tedious minor chores he'll be foisting off onto Danny. And? Most importantly? Look at that face. *shoujo sparkly eyes of Star Sempai Noticed Me!* it's like having a golden retriever puppy. Ffs he has STANDARDS.)
(It'd be hilarious to watch the hostile 5th dimensional chess DC characters have going on in the background, all while? Danny is like? Man! Isn't this universe GREAT? Everyone here is so CHILL! And nice to me! I'm so relaxed now! Finally, I can finish my education in peace.)
@hdgnj @hypewinter @lolottes @babbling-babull @nerdpoe @mutable-manifestation
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elianaodeleya · 2 years
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“Victory is not an option for the Israelites. It’s the only way our God will have it.” ………………………………. Visit our website here 💻👨🏾‍💻🖥 🔴 https://solo.to/unitedinchrist #Dominion #Christ #Rulership #Throne #Crown #gods #Kings #Priests #IUIC #Israelites https://www.instagram.com/p/CgVLGxJpIr1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vintagerpg · 4 months
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H3: Bloodstone Wars (1987) is the weakest in the series. First indication is the fact that it recycles art. The lone interior illustration originally appeared in H2 and the cover is the same Jeff Easley painting that fronts the Battlesystem box set. Like H2, the Battlesystem usage is optional here, but that fact is also far more puzzling as so much of the module is organized around, well, wars. It’s right there in the title.
It is amidst the battles that the regular adventuring takes place, which is essentially a sortie to remove the assassins that are harrying the good guy officers and hampering the war effort. It’s fine, it just seems like not something the player characters should be handling at this point? Because the underlying theme of the adventure is tied to rulership. The barony is now theirs, the people need their protection and leadership. It seems improbable to have the baron go off to deal with a stronghold of assassins.
The other big problem is the Forgotten Realms logo sneakily stuck on the BACK cover. Where the first two volumes were generic, this one has the additional task of retrofitting Bloodstone to fit into the newly developing campaign setting. Honestly, they do it well enough, but it is still another THING everyone has to CONTEND with. But then, maybe that’s the true lesson of leadership. Heavy is the head that wears the crown and all that.
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growingstories · 11 months
The greatest king
In a distant land far away, ruled King Eustace, beloved by his people and presiding over a prosperous and safe country. The king, once a handsome and muscular man in his youth, had now grown older and his girth had expanded to become a symbol of status. With his seemingly limitless wealth, he indulged in a lavish lifestyle filled with extravagant parties sumpt, rich food, and exquisite wines in his grand castle.
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Having lost his wife during childbirth, King Eustace was left with only one heir, his son Reginald. The crown prince, now a handsome young man of eighteen, had spent his formative years exploring the outskirts of the kingdom, honing his physique and training with the armies. Like his father, Reginald possessed a kind and honest heart, endearing him to both the soldiers and the common folk.
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By the time Reginald reached the age of twenty-five, news reached the castle of an invasion along the borders. A letter from a loyal servant urged the prince to take action, to defend their land against the impending threat. Concern filled the hearts of all, including the king who wished for his son to remain safe within the castle walls. However, heedless of his father's worries, Reginald left for the borders to face the enemy.
Miraculously, Reginald's skills on the battlefield brought about a victorious outcome. The enemy was vanquished, and the kingdom expanded as its borders grew. In order to maintain peace and prevent further conflict, Reginald pursued unconventional methods. He ensured that the soldiers were kept content with lavish parties, decadent foods, and plentiful wine. Reunions with their families were organized, and training was gradually abandoned. The soldiers grew sluggish and lazy, their once lean and agile bodies slowly succumbing to weight gain. Many opted to leave the army behind. They got a som of money if they would never return to the army.
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The defeated king of the infiltrating country approached Reginald with an offer: to marry his daughter and rule alongside her as a united force. King Eustace, mulling over the proposal, ultimately agreed to ally through marriage, unaware of the brewing discontent among certain factions within the kingdom.
Those who opposed the union sought to eliminate the threat posed by the new queen and her influence over King Eustace. Poisoned by these dissenters, the beloved king met his untimely demise. The mantle of rulership fell upon Reginald, who found himself consumed by paranoia.
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Fearful of falling victim to the same fate, he appointed one of his servants as a royal tester. This young man, burdened with the responsibility of ensuring the king's meals were safe, gradually gained from weight the excessive and constant feasting. Week after week, he required new clothes to accommodate his expanding size.
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Reginald himself did not escape the consequences of his sedentary lifestyle. Lacking the time for physical exercise and consumed by the demands of ruling, he too, experienced a steady increase in weight. The court, reveling in the pleasures of extravagant feasts, encouraged this newfound heftiness. Above all, the new queen found solace and delight in the presence of a corpulent king.
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As the years passed, Reginald indulged himself to the point of excess. The people adored him more with each passing day, praising his greatness as he continued to grow in size. His wife, ever attentive to his needs, surrounded him with devoted servants who urged him to consume his meals.
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After years of uninhibited indulgence, Reginald truly became the greatest king the land had ever known, both in stature and in the love he received from his subjects. The kingdom prospered, its people relishing in the reign of a benevolent, albeit obese, ruler.
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huihuiheart · 8 months
Kinktober D13: Three For The Price Of One - Jeonghan, Joshua, DK
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
Seventeen Masterlist
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Pairing:  Elf Prince! Joshua x Human Princess Reader, Fey Prince! Jeonghan x Human Princess Reader, Desert Dweller Prince! DK x Human Princess Reader
Genre: Fluff, Tiny Bit of Angst, Smut
Summary: A week of diplomatic discussions between future rulers leads to life long friendships, and perhaps even more than that between the four kingdoms.
Warnings: Foursome, Somewhat implied virgin reader, oral (f! receiving, nipple play, unprotected sex, bathtub sex, light biting, dirty talk, some cockwarming themes, praise, cursing, alcohol.
Word Count: 5785
(A map to help you further understand)
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Trekking out of the familiar kingdom that you had always called home, the one built into the coastal cliffside was not an easy venture. It was however necessary as the discussions the previous generation had attempted had never ended well they decided to allow their heirs an attempt. At the very least the four would grow acquainted with one another and develop necessary skills for their future rulerships. So your personal guard and your few closest advisors had set out from Steilera to the long established meeting place near the center of the isle Sejan. Meeting the first of the others once you have reached Goshen about a days journey east of the tower. 
His golden hair so light you nearly mistook it for white, the hair looking delicate and soft as it was parting back off his forehead and down over her neck some. A ring of golden ivy around his forehead serves as a crown informing you he was the prince and not any of the other nearly as beautiful men along with him. The point to his ears and his build letting you know that this was the prince of the elves, the only others to the east of the tower. 
Your knees bend in a courtesy as he approaches, head bowing and hiding him from your gaze for a moment, before you’re looking up to smile at him, “Prince Joshua I presume? It is an honor to finally meet you. I have heard many good things.”
Joshua extends his hand for yours first, kissing the back of your knuckles first, before bowing his head until his forehead presses gently against where he just kissed as is their custom, “The honor truly is all mine princess. The tales regarding you since the joyous occasion of your birth truly do no justice.” 
You fluster, feeling a bit out of place as the simple statement reminds you the lifespan of elves in comparison to your own even if that hadn’t been the point, that and the attentions of the beautiful man before you, “You flatter me too much your highness. I’m certain I do not hold a candle to your or any of the others as I am simply human.” 
“Oh, but you could have fooled any man into believing you were a goddess.” Joshua assures easily, before offering you his arm, “Would you please join me for a bit? We were about to have dinner and I’m certain you could use it as well after a long day of travel. I’m certain we have much to discuss as well with how our parents have established relations between our kingdoms. After all, I'm certain that it is only the start of something great.” 
You nod, agreeing easily with him in regards to that sentiment as you allow him to guide you to a seat underneath a larger tent they have set up, the front pulled open so as to keep your pure image intact while still allowing you both to dine together just the two of you.
“Though I do have one piece of advice to offer you before we arrive princess.” Joshua changes from only praise itself as he reaches for a jar of one of the finest elven wines they have brought along to pour you each a glass as you wait for dinner to be brought. 
You thank him, brows furrowing in concern wondering if by chance you’d already done something to offend him, “What is it?”
“The way you spoke of yourself earlier… as almost distasteful… do not speak of yourself in such a light once we arrive. Remember you belong there no less than any of the rest of us. We are all equals. Though we are less familiar with the other two princes and so if they see a spot of weakness they very well just might try to trample you down. Don’t give them such an opportunity.” He settles back comfortably in his own seat, sipping on his wine as he makes that suggestion. Watching you take a shaky breath before sipping your own, knowing that he had a point even if your personality might make that slightly more of a challenge.
“I will bear that in mind, your highness.” You nod in assurance he smiles.
“Ahh that is enough formality don’t you think? We have a long week of discussions ahead and an even longer journey of kingdom agreements beyond that. We ought to grow comfortable with each other, so please do refer to me by my name. I will not be offended in the least. If anything I’d be offended by you not wanting to be friends.” His last statement is teasing and it makes you laugh, but it certainly does break any remaining tension. Something the gentlemanly elf seems to be rather good at throughout the evening and your dinner together.  You leave with cheeks warm at the mix of Joshua’s actions and the alcohol you both had shared that evening. 
The next morning Joshua is offering his hand out to you as you both decide to take on the final day of traveling together. His grip on you steady as you travel along paths not often seeing civilization and certainly ensuring your safety on more than one instance upon the journey. Arriving as the reddened hues of the setting sun begin to fill the sky. Entering the tower to find that one of the other princes has already arrived. Stepping forward to courtesy to the man. His hair is a more golden blonde than Joshuas and far longer, falling past his shoulders. The man having sat himself down at the head of the dining table with a smirk.
“Ahh Joshua you’ve arrived and I see you’ve brought the princess along.” The man announces as if there was a crowd needing to be informed and you see Joshua roll his eyes, but smile a little, going over to hug the man in greeting.
“Good to see you again too Jeonghan.” Joshua chuckles as they hug one another, “Surprised you made it not only on time, but first.” 
Jeonghan flicks Joshua at the playful teasing, “Oh hush, I figured we’d all be wanting to eat upon arriving so I figured we should get here first. That way I could decide on dinner.”
Then the prince who you’d put together based on name and personality must be the fey prince turning his attention to you again, motioning you forward with his fingers, “Come here princess, let me look at you.”  
You’re shyly walking forward, but move yourself to greet him, “It’s a pleasure Prince Jeonghan. I’ve heard much and have been looking forward to meeting you.”
Jeonghan’s finger is under your chin, lifting your head some to bring eye contact, “Such beauty are you sure you’re not part fey or elven? I’ve never heard of a human being so radiant in appearance so effortlessly.” 
“Yah! Jeonghan!” Joshua scolds, smacking him lightly when you’re too stunned by his words to speak. Though Jeonghan simply laughs.
“Apologies princess, I should have warned you about how I am before coming off as quite so overbearing.” Jeonghan apologizes though his grin says nothing about him is genuinely sorry and you are beginning to tell why people refer to this man as trouble, “Anywho dinner is done and seeing as how there is no sign of our fourth I say we begin.”
Joshua comes around to get the chair for you as Jeonghan begins to pour wine for the three of you, “Jeonghan.”
The man snickers at the warning, “Relax Joshua, I’m not giving her feywine. After all she needs to keep her senses for this week of diplomacy.” 
His statement makes your eyes widen a little, still slightly hesitant due to having picked up at his troublemaking nature. When Joshua takes a sip and seems content however you’re at ease and find it doesn’t take anything else for you to sip the liquid as well. Those who had come with Jeonghan and taken to the cooking that evening brought you each the foods you were accustomed to, though it seemed of such a high quality that it nearly overwhelmed you. Eating until you felt content, settling back into your seat for comfortable conversion and to finish your wine. That is until the door swung open to reveal the final royal diplomate to arrive. 
“My apologies for being late, everyone. There was a sudden dust storm that we hadn’t accounted for along the way.”  The prince apologizes with a bow, before standing to remove the opaque fabric he had wrapped around his head and neck for desert travel. Two large fluffy ears popping up, white on the inside and a light tan with just the faintest tinges of a burnt orange on the back. His tan muscular arms on display, gold bangles wrapped tightly around his biceps. The man rolling his shoulders as he gets settled, the action pulling his shirt open just a tad more as it has an open v, revealing some of his chest as well. He wears a necklace with a pendant that is a beautiful swirl of colors, the way they sway and clash reminding you of waves of the ocean only in a wider variety of colors. “Am I interrupting anything?”
“We’d just finished dinner and were getting acquainted.” You assured him, gesturing to the seat beside you, “Would you like to join us?” 
“I would be honored princess.” He smiles, but shakes his head, “I however think I am going to settle in for the night. We’re quite the mess of dirt and dust currently and I would hate to create a mess of anything. I look forward to truly making everyone’s acquaintance in the morning and may you all have a restful night.” 
His gaze lingers on you only a moment longer, smile remaining before he’s turning to leave for the evening, bushy tail now visible behind him. Something you’re doing not long after, still needing to rest and recover from the journey yourself. That and the other pair seemed as though they had some catching up to do and so you felt you should leave them to it.
After a restful night you put yourself together in a dress of purple and gold, one of your attendants helping to bustle the sides of it so that you can move around more freely despite working to look your absolute best for your interactions with the other princes today. Still you grab some of the skirt to walk down the hall rather quickly to where some of your advisors were staying, knocking and waiting for the door to open before requesting that they prepare the gifts you had brought for each of the princes. Once you were assured everything would be arranged you took a breath and started to make your way to the dining hall to join the others for breakfast. 
Seokmin the only one there upon your arrival, "Good morning princess. I hope I did not offend last night. I truly would have loved to accept your offer, but I didn't want to dirty you after my journey." 
"Don't fret your highness, I wasn't offended in the least. Are you feeling more refreshed now?" You inquire moving to find a seat, though he moves as well to pull it out for you something which you thank him for.
"I do. I feel much better. Eager to speak with everyone and hopefully create lasting friendships with each of you and your nations." He beams much like he had the previous night and then he's taking his seat again.
"Well if we are to be friends then you should use my name." You smile at him before looking over the table before your eyes land on a strange new fruit. A few varieties of colors in them as you're intrigued by them.
"Are you interested in them, princes- Y/N?" He asks moving to pluck one from the bowl with ease despite the thorns on them. 
“They can be eaten then?” You ask and he nods with a chuckle pulling out a knife to skin and slice it onto a plate before handing it over. 
“Different cacti in our desert fruit them, the varieties are slightly different, but we enjoy them all nonetheless. Go ahead and try it and if you like it feel free to have as many as you like this week.” He happily offers, ears twitching as he anticipates your reaction to the first bite. Beaming as you let out a happy hum at the taste and quickly go back for another bite.
“Don’t go spoiling breakfast now.” You hear Joshua’s voice tease with a soft chuckle as he enters the room now as well. “I’m assuming we’re all in agreement of no business at the table this week? We still need a space to enjoy some peace after all.” 
You two easily agree though you look around noticing that Jeonghan still hasn’t arrived, making Joshua laugh a little as he notices before speaking up, “Get used to waiting on him. It’ll happen often this week.” 
“I heard that Joshua!” Jeonghan’s voice calls out scoldingly from outside the room before he enters, “I won’t be late… not for food anyways.”
He goes around to greet everyone, stopping with you and bringing your hand to his lips before glancing over you with a hum, “Such a pretty dress on such a beautiful princess. The sleeves look like pretty little flowers, are they truly fabric? Or have you been graced with a dress of petals to make our acquaintance today?” 
“I’m not the fae here your highness, so I would not be adorned in such a way.” You tease just slightly and it makes the man have to hold back a smirk.
“Just Jeonghan is fine.” He simply says though he looks almost proud before going to sit down so that you could all enjoy breakfast together. The three then escort you to the room where most of your diplomatic discussions would take place throughout this week.
You smooth your hands down the front of your dress to settle the nerves you’re feeling in the moment before smiling at the three, “Before we begin. I would like to thank you all for being such gentlemen thus far and for your equal treatment of me being here. I would also like to present something that I have prepared for you all.”
The three look intrigued, but allow you to do this first even if they all have their own items to present to all as well.
You start with Joshua, some basic gifts of gold and sea salt and such, “For you specifically I have brought sea shells. I personally went out and found the most precious of them. I have been told that elves love crafts, but prefer the forest to the sea. So I thought I could collect them for you to use and enjoy.” 
Next you’re to Jeonghan the basics are the same, though with more honey and other food items, “ There are many dried flowers and herbs more unique to our coast in there for whatever you may desire to use them for. I also included a few candles of which I took the time to make and I hope there are to your liking.”
Finally you’re onto Seokmin, who has been eagerly anticipating your attention from the start up until now. “ I have heard that not only does nearly all of the finest glass come from your kingdom, but also that you quite like glass as well. So  I have brought all the seaglass that I could find for you… any colors I noticed that had washed ashore. Along with stones smoothed out by the ocean as I heard there aren’t often many smooth pebbles in the desert.”
They all seem rather pleased and then begin to take their turns presenting gifts to you. Joshua presents you with a wooden bow with golden engravings of ivy woven over it, much like the crown he had worn when you first met. As well as a dagger and a cloak. Though you flustered slightly as you admitted you weren’t a great shooter, something he offered to assist you with that week. Jeonghan gives you a crown of flowers with a matching bracelet which he helps you to put on.
“They will never die and they have protection bound into them. Each day you wear them they will grow even more.” He informs you with a smile as he steps back. 
Seokmin’s cheeks are dusted pink when it is his turn, “My gift is not nearly as extravagant, but I hope you’ll like it all the same.”
He gives you a necklace with pendants of blown glass. The centerpiece has swirling blues to mimic the ocean waves, then foaming as they crash against the tan and gold to mimic sand at the top of the pendant. Telling you that they do in fact love glass and they make different pendants and charms to tell stories that they wear with pride, now offering you one as well. 
“I must admit I have something else, though I wish to exchange it for a treaty of research.” You draw their attention again, “Some of you have already discovered my affinity for fruit. I have been looking into ways to allow them to grow in wider varieties of environments. Where it be more heat resistant or for a damper environment, however I can only mimic so much in my coastal home. Therefore I would like to offer fruits that I have been working with. To hopefully be able to grow in each of your homes based off my research. I simply ask that you inform me about how they do and perhaps of any further help they may need. Then possibly in the future I can come do the same with what is specific to some of your kingdoms as well.” 
To say you are not quite what they had expected would be an understatement. However, none of them had any complaints about that. If anything it only made them more eager to discuss things with you this week. The week progressed far too quickly. Spending much time with the four of you, though you did each spend time to yourselves and one on one with each other establishing friendships and discussing situations between your kingdoms specifically. It proves that the previous generation should have just left this up to the four of you from the start.
Seokmin clears his throat as you all sit around looking over recently shared research, breaking the silence, “Y/N I have been carefully considering and I think in the best interests of our kingdom and in the desires of my heart I would like to ask for your hand. This week has expressed something clear to me and that is that simply being neighbors will not be enough for me and if you would allow me the honor I would like your hand.” 
The question stuns the three of you, all looking at him in utter shock, you and Joshua sharing burning cheeks though the first to react is Jeonghan who bursts out laughing.
“Oh my gods Joshua I can’t believe he beat us both to it.” He nearly falls back out of his chair due to how hard he is laughing. You and Seokmin not looking at him with furrowed brows and confused nearly simultaneously asking what he means. “We had gotten a little heated two days ago because both had told the other we intended to ask for your hand. So we decided that we would both plan and see who got to it first. I can’t believe it was neither of us.” 
You blink, before feeling lightheaded suddenly. Joshua catching on and rushing over to move a chair over, helping ease you into it where you then fanned yourself looking between the three.
“So let me get this straight… All three of you wish to ask for my hand?” When they all confirm you take a shaky breath, your mind is overwhelmed at this. "I… Can you all…"
"Y/N." Joshua calls softly, getting your attention again, "Take a breath. We're in no rush."
At his assurance you take a breath helping your mind slowly begin to wrap around what was going on. Though now Jeonghan was looking at you confused.
"Princess, you're acting as though no one has ever asked for your hand before." He speaks up softly and it flusters you.
"Well they have, but not truly. No one has ever asked me. It is always my father they ask. No one has ever asked for it due to attraction to me, but rather to the position. This is….new." You explain, looking away at the astonishment on each of their faces. "Would it be alright if… if I had some time to consider?"
When they all agree you smile tentatively before walking out to go back to your own sitting room. Though it wasn't long before you were bombarded by your advisors and their man opinions. Being thoroughly reminded that not only was your own fate in your hands, but the entire kingdom's. At which point you had had enough and told everyone to promptly get out. Rubbing at your temples with a sigh and going out to your balcony to find a peaceful place. After some time there you notice how your messenger bird is around and work up a letter to write back home, specifically for your father and send it off. Though knowing you wouldn't get a response until it was nearly time to leave. Still pacing as the time for dinner comes around, the thought of it not even coming to mind until there's a gentle knock on the door. Peeking out to find Joshua and your breath stops for a moment.
"Y/N we'd all like you to come to dinner please. We all agreed not to bring anything about the proposals up, we just would like you to eat and relax. We do not mean for it to weigh this heavy on you, please." Joshua pleas with you softly. You worry your lip between your teeth before nodding and allowing him to guide you to dinner. Where the other two seem to relax some upon seeing you arrive with Joshua. You allow dinner to distract you some for the moment before speaking up.
"I am still overwhelmed and uncertain, but I do not want this to affect our other interactions this week. If this bothers anyone, feel free to withdraw your proposal with no hard feelings."  When none of them respond you nod softly, "When I have come to a decision I will present it to you all."
That's when you head off again hoping a night of sleep would help you settle before the next morning when discussions of kingdom relations would resume. And so it did for the next two days until your response arrived. Looking over the note from your father and sitting down as it made your head swim again.
"... follow your heart my daughter. I know you will make the right decision…."
It stuck with you making your thoughts swirl. What did your heart want? And was it something that you could even have. With a sigh you decided to return to the room where the three men were, drawing their attention when you entered. 
"I have been thinking and have spoken to my father. There are so many opinions of this decision and on what the decision will mean for my kingdom. However, my father simply told me to follow my heart. The problem that lies in that is that my heart cannot make a decision. It has grown fond of all of you and so choosing just one is presenting a challenge." You confess to them, unable to look at any of them. 
"So you're saying that you want all three of us?" Jeonghan inquires, raising a brow. When you nod shyly though he smirks, "Well I'm not one to deny you princess. What about you both?"
When they both agree seemingly as easy as Jeonghan did his smirk only grows while you’re stunned. Watching closely as Jeonghan comes over to tilt your head up to look at him.
“Well princess, what do you think? Would this idea suit you?” He asks as if it were so simple while your brain still continues to overthink things.
“That’ll only create more problems won’t it? Where would I live? In which kingdom? And with whom? Besides, how would any of us get our kingdom’s to agree to such terms? How would we ensure you’re all viewed as my husbands and no one considered an affair?” As you confess what is weighing on you, Jeonghan tsks softly. 
“It will only create problems if you allow it to. Who says we couldn’t just live here? Where we can get to any kingdom? Besides, relations would never be better than in this case, if we all became one. We are the future of the kingdom, what we determine here this week goes. Including wedding arrangements and happenings. As for your last question…we simply consummate the marriage together… all four of us.” He offers you some answers to calm your mind.
“Very well. Let’s plan something simple here for the four of us and prepare messages for back home. After it is already official and cannot be undone we can have a larger ceremony with our families present and honoring each of our customs.” You agree, smiling at them all only for Seokmin to lunge at you unable to hold back any longer as he presses his lips to your before pulling back and giggling shyly at your flustered face. 
“Sorry I just couldn’t wait any longer.” He apologizes, backing away a little to give you space.
“Kisses are fine, just no more until after we’re all married.” You tell them, it still feels foreign to consider being married to any of them, let alone all of them. Though that is all the permission Jeonghan needs to move in and kiss you as well. Joshua, letting them both have that chance before he kisses you next. 
You excuse yourself after going back to those with you and begin discussing arrangements. Getting most things in order in time along with a dress for you. The ladies you brought along helped you into it. The princess skirt settles around your waist, but only the lace overlay, underneath slightly more form fitting. The lace overlay also comes up around your neck, poofing into large sleeves that are fitted from the elbow to your wrists. The ladies help you button the front and sleeves before setting the overlay of lace daisies again. A bow tied around your waist and right under the poof of each sleeve. Your nerves ever present as you walk out to meet the three men that await you. The simple ceremony going off without a hitch. Followed by dinner where the four of you got privacy. Seokmin then took your hand and led you and the others off to the room he had been staying in, not that any room would have felt crowded with the four of you. He helps you sit back on the bed, arms on either side of you as he leans in. Jeonghan is about to impatiently express his discontent, but Joshua stops him, putting a hand out.
“Seokmin did ask for her hand first Jeonghan, it’s only right he’s the first to have what he wants.” Joshua offers though Seokmin is in his own world, working on all the buttons with a focused pout before he gives in.
“It’s taking too long. I can’t wait.” He huffs softly before getting onto his knees, pushing the skirt of your dress out of his way to reveal your panties. All the material nearly covers your face as you fall back when Seokmin pulls your legs closer. He nips at where your thigh meets your core and is most sensitive, then laving over the spot with his tongue. “You smell heavenly.”
He’s then ripping your panties to get to your arousal, quick to lap it up. Jeonghan moves to take over the buttons where Seokmin had left off, wanting to get access to your breasts. Joshua coming behind you to lay your head in his lap.
“What about you?” You ask him softly, noticing how he’s not getting access to any part of you like the other two currently are. He smiles down at you, gently brushing your hair away. 
“Don’t worry, I’m content to put you back together once they shatter you princess.” He says despite smiling so sweetly and you begin to wonder what exactly you’ve gotten yourself into. At least until Seokmin sucks on your clit and makes your brain go blank only moments later. The man hungry in his treatment of your core, eager to get all that he can from you. Pulling away only when you’ve cum, though his eyes are still clouded with hunger. Able to pull your dress off now that Jeonghan has undone all the buttons to be able to toy with your breasts. Before he can push in though Jeonghan stops him.
“I want to know what she tastes like untainted first, don’t you Joshua?” He expresses and when Joshua hums in approval he reaches down to swipe two fingers through your soaked lips. Cleaning you off one with a moan before offering the other to Joshua who you watch as his eyes flutter shut at the taste. “Okay Seokmin go ahead.” 
Seokmin grabs the back of each of your knees and folds you nearly in half, pressing them in closer to your chest before slowly pressing in until he’s all the way in. Letting you feel him so deep now, the feeling making your eyes glaze over as you’re already somewhat dazed at all the feelings. Jeonghan chuckles as he bites a little above your nipple to get your attention onto him for a moment.
“You gonna let the eager fox mate with you?” He teases though it’s not just you but also Seokmin who huffs in response, thrusting in harshly when you go to answer so that all you can do is squeak out a yes. 
“Not a fox, but I will mate you good princess.” Seokmin assures, pushing Jeonghan away from you so he can lean down and press his weight on you as he starts thrusting harder, nippling and licking at your neck as if he truly cannot get enough of you. Jeonghan weaving his hand in between you two to rub at your clit while Joshua gently strokes your hair.
“That’s it, being such a good girl and taking him so well. Are you going to cum for him, princess?” Joshua asks and when you moan out an affirmation while nodding he chuckles, “Hear that Seokmin, she’s gonna make a mess on your dick. Are you going to make a mess of her back?”
“Fuck yes, going to fill her with cum.” Seokmin moans out, keeping true to his word and coming when Jeonghan pinches your clit and makes you cum around him. Pumping every last drop deep inside of you before pulling out and gently easing your thighs down as he moves to the side to catch his breath and let someone else take his spot.
Jeonghan the next one to move in as Joshua stays where he is supporting your head. Jeonghan standing between your legs at the end of the bed and hooking one knee over his elbow while the other is around his hips and pulling him closer. That being all the encouragement he needs to push in. His fingers on your clit nearly immediately as he does.
“You came so fast when I played with your clit while Seokmin was in you. Will you cum that fast for me now too?” He questions though expects no answer as he picks up a brutal pace simply listening to you cry out in pleasure. Watching as you claw at the sheets. Joshua calls Seokmin over to whisper something to him before Seokmin leaves and Joshua has your nipples between his fingers to toy with. Your hypersensitive body is already on edge again. “It’s okay if you do princess, none of us will last long in this messy little cunt of yours, especially not when it’s squeezing us tighter right when you’re about to cum. So go on, give me a reason to fill you filthy fucking pussy.” 
His words are the final nail in the coffin as you’re cumming around him, him helping ride you through it before he’s cumming as well. Leaning down to kiss you softly as he slowly eases out, before him and Joshua are helping you to sit.
“Come with me princess.” Joshua urges, helping you off the bed and to the bathroom where Seokmin had drawn a bath. He gets in first before helping you in and to settle onto his hard cock, leaning against his chest while surrounded by the warm water. “Just relax and let the water ease your muscles.” 
You hum, eyes closing as you lay your head against his shoulder. Not sure how long you both stay like that before his hips start to grind just a little into you. Though you’re kept from sitting up as his arm slips around your waist holding you in place. 
“Easy princess, just keep relaxing while I make you feel good again.” He tells you, pelvic bone grinding against your clit with each small roll of his hips. The water sloshing around you both slightly but neither of you can find it in you to care as the slow sensual feelings make you both feel as though you’re floating. Joshua keeps that up until you’re both cumming. Then he’s gently moving you into a shower instead to wash you both up, helping you to dress before he’s taking your sleepy form to his room where Jeonghan and Seokmin have already cleaned up and settled for the evening. Allowing all four of you to settle into bed after the eventful day. 
There certainly were endless more details to resolve and no doubt challenges that would arise when news of what you four had done arrived home. However the four of you together worked better than anyone in history seemed to and therefore the four of you together had this chance that no one else would. A chance to make the island whole for once. A chance to make each of you whole for once.
If you enjoy my work please keep in mind how much time and effort goes into it and show support through comments and reblogs, or consider buying me a kofi. (Caffeine fuels the chaotic gremlin in me who creates content.)
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Rassam Cylinder, a ten-sided clay cylinder that was created in c. 643 BC, during the reign of King Ashurbanipal (c. 685 BC - 631 BC) who ruled the Neo-Assyrian Empire from 669 - 631 BC.
It was discovered in the ancient Assyrian city of Nineveh, near Mosul, present-day Iraq, by Hormuzd Rassam (3 October 1826 - 16 September 1910) in 1854.
In over 1,300 lines of cuneiform text, the cylinder records nine military campaigns of Ashurbanipal, including his wars with Egypt, Elam and his brother, Shamash-shum-ukin.
It also records his accession to the throne and his restoration of the Palace of Sennacherib.
The cylinder is the most complete chronicle on the life of Ashurbanipal.
There are some extracts from the cylinder below:
"I am Ashurbanipal, offspring of Ashur and Bêlit, the oldest prince of the royal harem, whose name Ashur and Sin, the lord of the tiara, have named for the kingship from earliest (lit., distant) days, whom they formed in his mother's womb, for the rulership of Assyria; whom Shamash, Adad and Ishtar, by their unalterable (lit., established) decree, have ordered to exercise sovereignty.
Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who begot me, respected the word of Ashur and Bêlit-ilê (the Lady of the Gods), his tutelary (divinities), when they gave the command that I should exercise sovereignty.
In the month of Airu, in the month of Ea, the lord of mankind, the twelfth day, an auspicious day, the feast day of Gula, at the sublime command which Ashur, Bêlit, Sin, Shamash, Adad, Bêl, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Queen of Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Urta, Nergal, Nusku, uttered, he gathered together the people of Assyria, great and small, from the upper to (lit., and) lower sea.
That they would accept (lit., guard) my crown princeship, and later my kingship, he made them take an oath by the great gods, and so he strengthened the bonds (between them and me)....
By the order of the great gods, whose names I called upon, extolling their glory, who commanded that I should exercise sovereignty, assigned me the task of adorning their sanctuaries, assailed my opponents on my behalf, slew my enemies, the valiant hero, beloved of Ashur and Ishtar, scion of royalty, am I.
Egyptian Campaign:
"In my first campaign I marched against Magan, Meluhha, Taharqa, king of Egypt and Ethiopia, whom Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who begot me, had defeated, and whose land he brought under his sway.
This same Taharqa forgot the might of Ashur, Ishtar and the other great gods, my lords, and put his trust upon his own power.
He turned against the kings and regents whom my own father had appointed in Egypt.
He entered and took residence in Memphis, the city which my own father had conquered and incorporated into Assyrian territory.
A swift courier came to Nineveh and reported to me.
At these deeds, my heart became enraged, my soul cried out. I raised my hands in prayer to Ashur and the Assyrian Ishtar.
I mustered my mighty forces, which Ashur and Ishtar had placed into my hands. Against Egypt and Ethiopia, I directed the march."
Rassam Cylinder records the reign of Ashurbanipal until c. 645 BC.
The latter years of his reign are poorly recorded, probably due to the fact that the Neo-Assyrian Empire was plagued with troubles.
One of Ashurbanipal's last known inscription reads:
"I cannot do away with the strife in my country and the dissensions in my family; disturbing scandals oppress me always.
Illness of mind and flesh bow me down; with cries of woe I bring my days to an end.
On the day of the city god, the day of the festival, I am wretched; death is seizing hold upon me, and bears me down..."
Rassam Cylinder is currently on display in the British Museum.
A truly remarkable, yet biased, insight into the reign of Ashurbanipal and the world in which he lived.
📷: © Anthony Huan
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talonabraxas · 1 month
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Think of it in terms you are the sun and the planets are energy points, energy centers, access points, dimensions, chakras, different bandwidths to access within the same energy. --collectiveconsciousness @conciouscreator
This differs somewhat between Western and Vedic astrology, but the best guideline for the chakra/planet rulership is found in Yoga:
Root Chakra - Mars and Saturn - “I am” Sacral Chakra - Venus, Pluto, Jupiter - “I create/I feel” Solar Plexus Chakra - Sun, Mars - “I do/I relate” Heart Chakra - Moon, Venus - “I love/I connect” Throat Chakra - Mercury - “I speak/I communicate” Third Eye Chakra - Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter - “I see/I perceive” Crown Chakra - Jupiter, Uranus - “I know”
You must activate your chakras by light (visualization). Imagine lighting seven stars in the sky with gold fire. Then we twist (with an Imaginary finger) the third chakra (in the Abdomen) clockwise on our body.
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kaledya · 21 days
Idea: Constantine and Charlie as legal co-rulers instead of Constantine taking the throne by himself.
Like basically, Constantine and Charlie are King and Queen REGENT whilst their spouses are Queen CONSORT; dividing the responsibilities of rulership would allow for more efficiency AND for an easier time wrangling Constantine into going back to sleep instead of, y'know, packing 5 all-nighters in a row.
(Basically I think the boy is gonna need far more help else he'll forget he's still fallible and half-human and he'll collapse in the middle of a public speech or something.)
At first I thought of such a ruling system,
but then I changed my mind.The reason for the change is that Constantine was raised to be king and is both older and wiser than Charlie.And someone in this position needs to harden his heart and act with logic, otherwise there will be seriously bad consequences, and Constantine is the person who has this trait again.
(And plus, Constantine did not take the throne for himself, it was given to him. Frankly, Constantine thought that he could never become king when he was a child and he was happy about it, after all, Lilith and Lucifer would never die. But as fate would have it, after Lilith disappeared and Lucifer wanted to no longer deal with royal affairs, Constantine became the one who took over all the affairs, even if he did not wear the Crown as a king.)
Even though Charlie is educated, she is not fit to be a queen right now.Besides, she is still a very emotional person and she was someone who had been thinking about this hotel idea since she was young. She never had any interest in becoming a queen.
But of course, if Constantine needs help, Charlie will be happy to help him. But such a day probably won't come soon.
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tcfactory · 3 months
I'm pretty certain this is not a new idea, but it's kinda relevant for one of the fics I'm writing, so please consider:
The Northern Demon Kings all have an expiration date, because the ancestral power their clan hoards and covets is poison. Some bear it better and rule for thousands of years before it wears them down. Some are not compatible with this horrid amalgamation of energies and fade quickly. There was the rare occasion when the wannabe king died from trying to assimilate the power and never lived to be officially crowned.
Mobei-jun - not Shang Qinghua's hulky ice demon, but his father - has been slowly, painfully dying since the moment he took on the power of his ancestors.
In canon Linguang-jun tells young Mobei (Qinghua's Mobei, our Mobei) that he should die young like his father. Linguang-jun himself isn't very old, likely no more than 10-20 years older than Mobei, so Mobei-jun probably inherited the throne not long before Mobei was born. Mobei-jun doesn't even rule a full century, in the end. He wastes away from the strain of keeping the ancestral power controlled. He neglects his family. He neglects his kingdom. He withdraws from the public eye except for his appearances at court where he has all the means to keep up the illusion of a strong, if eccentric and lazy king.
The king is dying.
It's a secret that weighs heavily on those who know.
Mobei doesn't know until he has to take over most duties of the fading king and he still doesn't know the cause; he assumes it has to be the result of some poison or assassination attempt. Mobei-jun is too proud to admit what he sees as the consequences of a personal failing to his son, although he does write his thoughts down in a series of journals meant for Mobei to find and read after Mobei-jun has passed.
Linguang-jun knows - how could he not? He was barely a teen when he had to start supporting his brother, picking up the slack in administration and rulership where his brother can't. Him dropping off his young nephew in the human world was an impulsive act of lashing out - a teenager having to do too much for his older brother with too much responsibility, coupled with his very young nephew going through a very clingy/annoying/needy phase made him snap and deal with the stressor he had the ability to deal with: smol Mobei. He regretted it almost immediately, but he couldn't admit that it was because of all the stress he was under (and he couldn't have explained it to his nephew without divulging his brother's state of health, which he swore not to do) so he just doubled down on the assassination attempt angle and then stewed in bitter regret.
Mobei-jun, when he finally becomes king, gets author's favorite blorbo treatment which means he can basically rule until the end of the world if he so pleases, but not without side effects. One cannot hold the cumulated power of a bloodline as ancient and powerful as the Mobei clan without paying the price.
But that's an idea for another day.
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sw5w · 5 months
Jar Jar Bring Uss-en and Da Naboo Together
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:42:53
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“Dead. He’s dead.”
“No.” The eunuch’s voice seemed deeper. “He is here. Aegon has been shaped for rule since before he could walk. He has been trained in arms, as befits a knight to be, but that was not the end of his education. He reads and writes, he speaks several tongues, he has studied history and law and poetry. A septa has instructed him in the mysteries of the Faith since he was old enough to understand them. He has lived with fisherfolk, worked with his hands, swum in rivers and mended nets and learned to wash his own clothes at need. He can fish and cook and bind up a wound, he knows what it is like to be hungry, to be hunted, to be afraid. Tommen has been taught that kingship is his right. Aegon knows that kingship is his duty, that a king must put his people first, and live and rule for them.”
(ADWD Epilogue)
Varys’ words to Kevan Lannister about Prince Aegon are so interesting because of the overarching insinuation that the boy has had a slew of advisors and teachers who have carefully and extensively prepared him for the task of ruling. His listed examples to that point are rather peculiar, however: a knight to train him in arms, a septa to train him in the faith, and various tutors to train him in history and languages.
Now there’s nothing inherently wrong about Aegon’s educators but one has to ask, what do these people even know about actual ruling? What have they seen about the nature of ruling and the nitty gritty of it? What experience do they have? And if they themselves don’t really know what it means to rule, what does that say of their young prince’s education?
It’s an important question to ask when we consider Aegon’s narrative foil: Jon Snow. Jon does not have the expectation of ruling. In fact, as a bastard, he knows that he can never ever get a lordship let alone a crown/throne. Yet Jon has, unlike Aegon, a crew of experienced tutors who have shown him the nitty gritty of ruling. Every single one of his on-page mentors is either a ruler or a leader of men; in addition to the other tutors he had growing up.
So I wanted to take a look at Jon’s mentors and the positions they have held to contrast their experience (and thus the validity of the lessons that they give Jon) as opposed to the lack of experience in Aegon’s crew.
Ned Stark - Jon’s first and (arguably) most impactful mentor. While teaching Jon important lessons about rulership, he was serving as the Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North; thus making him one of the most powerful men in the entire realm. He then went on to serve as Hand of the King - the most powerful official save for the king. The irony is that Ned didn’t teach Jon as a successor. Robb was the one meant to succeed him. Yet Jon absorbed his lessons all the same.
Benjen Stark - we don’t actually see much on-page mentorship from Benjen, yet he still is one of Jon’s many father figures in the series. He is a a man of the Night’s Watch so he is sworn to hold no lands or titles. Yet as First Ranger, he is undoubtedly one for he highest ranking officials in the Watch and potentially a skilled warrior. He takes on the role of the knight or leader of men among Jon’s teachers.
Tyrion Lannister - despite being an ‘outsider’, Tyrion comes to hold considerable power. He is an exceedingly learned and intelligent man and managed to impart important life lessons during his short time with Jon. He rises to become Hand of the King and later Master of Coin. Though he doesn’t actively teach Jon how to rule, he’s still an important part of Jon’s character development.
Maester Aemon - one of the anomalies in this list. Yet his impact on Jon’s life cannot be understated. He is a teacher to Jon; we have various references to Jon going to Aemon for advice on how to lead. Aemon also gives Jon advice meant for kings: “kill the boy and let the man be born”. What makes Aemon an interesting addition is that he is a would-be king. And an interesting contrast between Jon and Aegon is that both parallel Aegon V; Jon more organically, Aegon rather artificially. If we remember, Aegon V was a hidden prince who ultimately became king. This is the very same trope that Jon and Prince Aegon are following. And it’s interesting that Aemon, Aegon V’s brother, gives advice on governance to Jon; the same advice given to the unlikely king. So it’s Jon who is carrying the torch of kingship from Aegon V, not Young Griff.
Jeor Mormont - one of the most direct mentors in Jon’s arc. Not only is he a surrogate father to Jon, he does what Ned never did: he directly grooms Jon to be his heir. Jon gets to watch Jeor actually govern the NW as his steward but it’s interesting that he shadows the LC through servitude. Though Jon is intended to succeed the Old Bear, he has to humble himself; he has to follow before he can lead. It’s a contrast to Aegon who would hold power over most (if not all) of his tutors.
Donal Noye - the other anomaly save for Maester Aemon. He is a humble Blacksmith. Yet he has been in the service of kings (having served the Baratheon boys who would all end up as kings). He plays an important role in bringing Jon’s ego back to earth and helping him sympathize with those less fortunate than himself. Despite his humble origins, he does briefly take command of the Wall during Mance Rayder’s attack and then transfers that command to Jon, purely because he believed in Jon’s ability to lead (and he was right).
Qhorin Halfhand - another who takes on the role of a skilled master at arms for Jon. He is an undoubtably powerful warrior. But he is also a leader of men. He teaches Jon important lessons on leadership during their time together beyond the Wall - e.g., to lead your men you must first know them. And in true ‘fridged mentor’ fashion, Qhorin dies so the young prince can take over and grow as a leader.
Mance Rayder - the King Beyond the Wall and one of the most important leaders in the books despite spending all his time in the North. Mance’s role as a mentor for Jon is doubly important given that he also takes on the role as a Rhaegar proxy. Despite Jon coming to him as an (undercover) enemy, he’s still able to impart powerful lessons on how to command an army and wrangle support from different factions of men. Jon learns a lot about diplomacy from observing and being under the KBTW. Mance is a skilled warrior, commander, and politician. A charismatic and gifted man - the picture perfect king for Jon to emulate.
Tormund Giantsbane - a leader of the freefolk who rises to become an unlikely ally for Jon. A skilled warrior and proven leader (we know that he took charge of a couple of thousand of freefolk), Tormund becomes important when there’s a transfer of power from Mance to Jon as leader of the freefolk.
Stannis Baratheon - by law, he is the rightful king of the seven kingdoms. According to prophecy, as Melisandre says, he is the promised messiah. Despite a less than ideal personality, he’s still an important part of Jon’s political arc in ADWD. Arguably a man of immense administrative potential, Stannis is also one of the most successful military commanders in the series; which is great for Jon since he also learned from Ned, who ran an undefeated streak as a battle commander.
The total count now comes to: two kings, two Hands of the King, a ruling lord, three warriors, one wise maester (who has counseled a king), and one commander. That quite a resume for Jon. All these men have some experience leading men and commanding armies, however big or small. So Jon’s preparation has been quite thorough.
What a stark contrast between the two boys, then. Varys’ words give us a roadmap of a “perfect ruler” (or as perfect as one can be) yet when we actually take the time to examine what we see in the text, Aegon is not at all suited for that role - Jon is. In fact, not a single character in ASOIAF has had the intensive preparation to rule that Jon has.
It’s beautiful irony. The prince, the one promised to rule, is actually quote underprepared for the task of it. Meanwhile the bastard, who is at best promised a life of servitude, is the one with the most preparation (and experience) for rulership. It’s the way Aegon, as a narrative foil to Jon, acts as one who validates Jon’s journey. There are certain things needed of a ruler. Jon has them, Aegon doesn’t.
Winds isn’t out yet so we don’t yet know for certain where these two boys will end up. But I’m almost sure that young Prince Aegon is doomed and though he may hold the throne for a while, he will not be the king at the end of the story. And it just might be his inexperience that ultimately dooms him. So what does that say for Jon then? Aegon can’t hold the throne as he’s unprepared for it, but what about Jon who is?
#jon snow#aegon vi targaryen#young griff#asoiaf#valyrianscrolls#yes I am a Jon will be king at the end of the story believer - that’s the archetype#and so far he’s been following it despite several diversions#he’s the closest character we have to a true to form retelling of King Arthur#Aegon is there to validate Jon’s rise to kingship - he’s not the ruler we should be looking for because Jon is#Aegon is what happens when you make a young boy take on such a terrible task without adequate preparation#he is what happens when your prince in hiding relies almost entirely on blood and his father’s name#which is ironic given varys’ insistence that aegon isn’t entitled - we see that he actually is#Jon is what happens when you actually prepare your king to rule#a prince in hiding who relies on ability and experience - that’s why it’s so important that adwd serves as a training arc for him#and more poignant is the subversion to the trope#unlike most princes in hiding who learn of how special they are quite early in their journeys#jon still knows himself as a bastard - one with no entitlement to anything#Aegon is similar to many fantasy princes because the story starts out with him already knowing who he is#so basically Aragorn#His story has already been written as far as he knows#‘and king Aegon took the throne and ruled wisely for ever and ever’#He knows he’s special and he expects that specialness to carry him to greatness#Jon doesn’t have that so he can only try - try to rule wisely#he can try to rule kindly and equitably#and he’s not perfect - he fails as we see in ADWD - but he tries anyway#remember Aragorn? Perhaps the most famous hidden king in fantasy?#well who do you think answers the question ~what was Aragorns tax policy?~#spoiler alert - it’s not Aegon!#my stuff
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Crown of Horns AU (a funky AU from the discord server)
The Crown Of Fire chose Danny after his victory over Pariha Dark. As the crown burrowed itself deep inside of Danny's core and formed an unbreakable bond with him, it felt that Danny didn't want to be ruler of the infinite realms.
The crown knew that Danny could not refuse the throne so it grew horns of bone and blood all the way to Danny's head as a mark of royalty for the young ruler.
Danny despised the horns. They were growing fast, were sensitive to even his own touch and they were constantly visible, even in his human form.
Danny has tried countless times to rid himself of the horns. Cut them of with a saw, break them off with a hammer, scrape them down to the skin. The pain was agonizing and blood was flowing freely from the broken horns.
But as soon as he was done, they would start to grow back. Not only that, but they grew back longer, sturdier and with more jagged edges then before.
Danny, in his desperation, seeked out Frostbite and his unending knowledge about all things ghostly. The gentle giant was ecstatic! The great one has been judged by the Crown Of Fire and chosen as new king of the infinite realms!
Danny couldn't utter a singel word as Frostbite told him all about the horns.
They are a mark of rulership that was bestowed upon a newly appointed king or queen who feels themselves unfit or unprepared for their duty. The crown itselve lays dormant inside his very core untill Danny excepts the title of king and the throne of the infinite realms.
As long as Danny rejects his rightful fate, he will never be rid of the horns.
Lost for words and utterly hopeless, Danny fleas the Far Frozen. Seeking out the time keeper that is his second most trusted mentor, he makes his way to Clockworks tower.
The ancient ghost was already waiting for him, as he usually does. Gripping his horns in a fearful panic, Danny stumbels over his words. He's begging the time lord to let him go back and fix this.
He couldn't be king! He's only a child! Bearly even a teenager! He couldn't rule a whole nother dimension! He couldn't even keep his room clean! Someone else had to take the crown! Just let him go back and give it to someone else! Please!
But Clockwork has seen it all. Danny is to be king and nothing could change it anymore. They were in the correct timestream and he could not interfere anymore.
It cracked Clockworks core to deny the young ghost boy his last hope. The old ghost knew what would likely happen next and his concern for what it could so to young Daniel was immense. But all was as it's supposed to be. His hands were tied.
Danny couldn't believe it. Even clockwork, in his eternal wisdom, wouldn't see reason.
With his strongest allies turning their backs on him Danny feared there was only one person potentially capable of removing the horns for good.
It was time to visit Vlad.
Danny would get rid of those hellish things growing from his head. He'd have to.
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autumnslance · 7 days
paladin talk derived- what would you have liked to see as ul'dah paladins or knights? aesthetics, oaths, lore, other stuff?
I've said before in my old post comparing various jobs (PLD, DRK) with the Oaths of 5e D&D that as they are, the Sultansworn fit the "Oath of the Crown" due to being primarily focused on their role as the Sultana's guards; they are there to be old school historical knightly guardians of the ruling family and their palace.
Oath of the Crown The Oath of the Crown is sworn to the ideals of civilization, be it the spirit of a nation, fealty to a sovereign, or service to a deity of law and rulership. The paladins who swear this oath dedicate themselves to serving society and, in particular, the laws that hold society together. These paladins are the watchful guardians on the walls, standing against the chaotic tides of barbarism that threaten to tear down all that civilization has built, and are commonly known as guardians, exemplars, or sentinels. Often, paladins who swear this oath are members of an order of knighthood in service to a nation or sovereign, and undergo their oath as part of their admission to the order's ranks.
So if we're sticking to fantasy style paladins with a hint of history nerding from the writers, this sort of thing suits them, really.
And honestly, what lore we get in ARR isn't bad; the quest story around it is boring, but the concepts, tenets, oaths, history? It could still work. Throw out the HW "job stones vying for dominance" nonsense, and again, don't forget they exist past the starting zone, and it'd be fine! The Sultansworn should be more a part of the messy politics of Ul'dah and involved in some of the central events, especially those in and around the palace and dealing with the Sultana. Where does the order fall during all these events? How many are actually loyal to Nanamo and Papashan? How many are swayed by the Syndicate and allow events to happen? We don't know, and that's one of my issues in how the story unfolded.
Cuz the Sultansworn that are locked to their positions like at the doors to the Fragrant Chamber, it's just...business as usual. And some of it is the shorthand, truncated allowance for story in a MMO environment, but a lot of it also feels like an oversight when plotting out events like a full on coup that puts the Sultana's life on the line and her personal guard are nowhere to be seen.
So where's the storyline about dealing with the fallout of ARR, of the Sultansworn picking up the pieces and rooting out traitors...OR, since we had an Ul'dah paladin story in ARR (mediocre as it is), then give us the Ishgardian one in HW to compare/contrast. Then, let them come together in the Stormblood chain (maybe still have it be a tournament), as the two different paladin orders from two different nations duke it out and eventually come to an accord on how they're more similar than they first appeared and want the same things in the end: the safety and security of their peoples and Eorzea as a whole.
As for aesthetics, the short answer: Dhalmekia in FF16 does a better job at invoking the culture and military (with an elite guardian order to boot) of a desert nation in their clothing/armor and weapons.
However, in original and rebuilt FF14 that's now over a decade old...
The armor we get for the AFs are lacking in religious iconography, but still feel very "traditional Fantasy Pan-European Holy Knight via video game physics" you'll find in any other RPG, either video or tabletop. This includes the first set, which is what we get from our Sultansworn trainer, even if the Player is a "Free Paladin". Like the Valor chest piece almost works in its underlying construction, but they throw that style of tabard and the ridic shoulder pads on top, and those gloves and boots. And a crown instead.
Several of the ARR AFs are taken from earlier games for their iconic looks, and I am not certain if I am missing other historical references in those gearsets, or if it's all simply rendering iconic game gear from earlier FFs into something that works in 14.
Part of the trouble to is all of the common outfits in ARR are, for the most part, real generic tunics, robes, and pants for everyone regardless of region. There's very little change in appearance for outfits across the realm regardless of whether one is in South Thanalan, La Noscea, or Coerthas. And looking at what 1.x material there is, it was pretty much the same. We have various turbans in game since ARR, but I'd like something a little less "generic fantasy armor" and acknowledging other forms...that we don't really get to see until we get some Eastern-themed outfits in HW, and then especially in Stormblood. For the most part, it's either full plate or chain. We've also had curved swords (scimitars, sabers) for awhile, why not make something like that, with a round shield, more the uniform of the Sultansworn, instead of a straight blade and kite shield?
I have a Watcher paladin in a D&D game where I ended up looking into Turkish folk styles and Earlier Ottoman armors for her gear. I've also recently (and this is going a little more into the Caucasus) gotten into traditional Georgian clothes, with the chokha worn by their soldiers developed from earlier century kaftans, as they sat at a crossroads of the trade routes.
Here is an unrolled thread about Crusade history (had to auto-translate) with some art and photographic examples of different periods and regions. Even when the historical Faris (from the idea of Furusiyya, which was a knightly code and concept in Arabic medieval times and like chivalry and knights in the West, started with who had horses) wore more metal armor, it was different from traditional European styles. But given the strictures on styles in 1.x and through 2.0, that really wasn't feasible.
For a huge part, I'm just real done with Pan-West-European fantasy, especially when a token effort is made to add varied regions, but it ends being just that: tokenism, and the rest doesn't take into account the actual environment they've created (which is why I say if you're going to make just another Euro-flavored knight order, stick them in the Euro-flavored knight zone). CU3's gotten better about that over time, especially as they've gotten more budget, more people, and better technology. Development marches on, but it really makes the gaps in early game noticeable, and I kinda hope (but don't expect) for some subtle swap outs and revisions to the generic early gear everyone in ARR zones are currently stuck with.
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visenyaism · 6 months
Where do aegons 3 4 and 5 fall on the visenya/aegon/rhaenys chart?
@wafflehousegothic is the owner of the excellent chart not me!!! but obviously they are all aegons. you name a kid aegon and they WILL be king but they will also be completely subsumed body and spirit by the crown and carry with them a void in their soul that they will spend their entire lives trying to fill whether with hedonism or good rulership or self-isolation or trying to get a dragon back but nothing will ever be enough they’re still hollow. and then that spiritual black hole of blood and doom kills them. what will we learn from this experience
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